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со всех языков на английский


  • 1 cock of the roost

    (cock of the roost (тж. cock of the walk))
    1) важная персона; местный заправила (диал. cock of the midden) [walk в выражении cock of the walk означает помещение, где содержится бойцовый петух перед боем]

    The cock of the roost sits aloft like Jupiter on an unshareable seat... (O. Henry, ‘The Four Million’) — Местный заправила держится гордо, как Юпитер, нераздельно правящий миром...

    ‘Well, me [= my] lad... You're gonna [= going to] come out of that beautiful dream and find that You're nowhere near bein' cock of the midden yet.’ (S. Chaplin, ‘The Day of the Sardine’, ch. XI) — Так вот, мой мальчик... Ты пробудишься от своего приятного сна и увидишь, что напрасно считал себя петухом на навозной куче.

    ‘You think You're the cock o'the walk,’ she said, implying: ‘But I'll tame you, you see if I don't.’ (A. Sillitoe, ‘Saturday Night and Sunday Morning’, part II, ch. XV) — - Вы воображаете себя первым кавалером здесь, - сказала Дорин, имея в виду: "Вот увидите, как я вас укрощу"

    Wherever he functioned Nicolas was certainly cock of the walk. (J. Galsworthy, ‘On Forsyte 'Change’, ‘Nicolas-Rex’) — Где бы Николас ни действовал, всюду он был хозяином положения.

    Of course Monsignor Montanelli will give himself airs; he was quiet enough under His Holiness the late Pope, but he's cock of the walk now. (E. L. Voynich, ‘The Gadfly’, part III, ch. IV) — Несомненно, монсиньор Монтанелли покажет еще себя. При его святейшестве покойном папе он держался на заднем плане, а теперь стал самой что ни на есть главной фигурой.

    I'm the cock or the roost around here when it comes to holding this money. (E. Caldwell, ‘Tragic Ground’, ch. XI) — Когда дело в здешних местах доходит до денег, то распоряжаюсь я.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > cock of the roost

  • 2 cock of the roost

    pemimpin partai

    English-Indonesian dictionary > cock of the roost

  • 3 cock and hen

    cock and hen
    sl ele e ela. cock of the walk, cock of the roost manda-chuva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cock and hen

  • 4 cock

    [kok] 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) galo
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) válvula
    3) (a slang word for the penis.) pila
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) arrebitar
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) engatilhar
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) pôr de esguelha
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure
    * * *
    [kɔk] n 1 galo, frango. 2 canto do galo. 3 macho de qualquer ave ou pássaro. 4 torneira, bica, válvula. 5 cão de espingarda. 6 cão (de espingarda) armado. 7 catavento, grimpa. 8 volante de relógio. 9 fiel de balança. 10 bico de chapéu. 11 sl pênis. 12 chefe, líder. • vt armar o cão de espingarda. cock-a-doodle-doo cocorocó, canto do galo. cock and bull impossível, absurdo. cock-and-bull story conto da carochinha. cock and hen sl ele e ela. cock of the walk, cock of the roost manda-chuva. fighting cock galo de briga. old cock! velho amigo! that cock won’t fight fig isto (este plano) não dará certo, não poderá ser realizado. the anchor is a-cock-bill a âncora está pronta para fundear. they live like fighting cock eles vivem com todo luxo (à regalada, à grande). to be cock-a-hoop triunfar, vangloriar-se, ser orgulhoso, inchar-se, empavonar-se.
    [kɔk] n levantamento (os olhos, a aba do chapéu, a cabeça por soberbia), torção, movimento para cima. • vt+vi 1 levantar, erguer (os olhos, a vista). 2 armar (cão de espingarda). 3 estar com a cabeça levantada, empertigar-se, emproar-se, apavonar-se. 4 estar alerta (animais). 5 piscar os olhos. he cocked his eyes at her ele piscou para ela. he cocked his hat ele usou seu chapéu com petulância, posto de lado, em cima da orelha. the dog cocked his ears o cachorro fitou as orelhas. to cock a snook sl fazer sinal de desprezo (pôr o polegar com os dedos abertos na ponta do nariz em sinal de troça). to cock up estragar, arruinar.
    [kɔk] n 1 meda, monte de feno ou palha. 2 sl tolice, estupidez, Brit coll comportamento atrevido. • vt dispor em medas, amontoar feno.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cock

  • 5 cock

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > cock

  • 6 cock

    I. 1. петел
    2. в съчет. с името на друга птица птица мъжкар
    COCK of the wood тетрев, глухар, ам. вид кълвач
    COCK of the north ярко оцветена сипка (Fringilla montifringilla)
    COCK of the rock оранжева юж. ам. птица (Rupicola rupicola)
    3. канела, клапан, кран, чеп (на тръба, бъчва и пр.)
    4. ветропоказател
    5. ударник, петле, чакмак (на пушка), at half COCK воен. със спуснат ударник, прен. само наполовина готов
    to go off at half COCK гръмвам случайно (за пушка), прен. започвам преждевременно, действувам необмислено/прибързано
    at full COCK воен. със запънат ударник
    6. вулг. пенис
    7. водач, главатaр, инициатор, наперен/оперен/самомнителен човек
    the COCK of the school най-големият побойник в училището
    COCK of the walk доминираща/влиятрлна личност
    8. (old) COCK вулг. обръщение към мъж
    9. si. глупости
    10. накривяване, килване, вирнатост
    to give one's hat a COCK килвам си шапката
    COCK of the loft/roost важна личност (в малък кръг), господар на положението, пръв кавалер
    that COCK won't light разг. този номер няма да мине
    COCK-and-bnil story/tale невероятна история, небивалица
    II. 1. изправям (се), вдигам (се), щръквам, вирвам, навирвам (нос)
    наострям (уши), to COCK one's eye at someone поглеждам някого многозначително, повдигам вежда, смигвам някому
    2. свивам под ъгъл (коляно, китка и пр.), обръщам/повдигам нагоре (периферия на шапка и пр.)
    3. килвам, накривявам (шапка и пр.)
    4. запъвам (ударник на пушка и пр.)
    5. si. правя бъркотия/каша, обърквам (плачове и пр.) (и с пр)
    6. приготвям (затвора на фотоапарат) за снимка
    III. n купчина, купа (сено и пр.), куп (тор и пр.)
    IV. 1. трупам на купчини
    2. пластя/събирам (сено) на купа
    * * *
    {kak} n 1. петел; 2. в сьчет. с името на друга птица птица мъжка(2) v 1. изправям (се), вдигам (се), щръквам; вирвам, навирва{3} n купчина; купа (сено и пр.), куп (тор и пр.).{4} v 1. трупам на купчини; 2. пластя/сьбирам (сено) на купа.
    * * *
    тартор; ударник; петел; пенис; глух; изкривеност; изправям; килвам; кран; накривявам; наострям; навирвам;
    * * *
    1. (old) cock вулг. обръщение към мъж 2. at full cock воен. със запънат ударник 3. cock of the loft/roost важна личност (в малък кръг), господар на положението, пръв кавалер 4. cock of the north ярко оцветена сипка (fringilla montifringilla) 5. cock of the rock оранжева юж. ам. птица (rupicola rupicola) 6. cock of the walk доминираща/влиятрлна личност 7. cock of the wood тетрев, глухар, ам. вид кълвач 8. cock-and-bnil story/tale невероятна история, небивалица 9. i. петел 10. ii. изправям (се), вдигам (се), щръквам, вирвам, навирвам (нос) 11. iii. n купчина, купа (сено и пр.), куп (тор и пр.) 12. iv. трупам на купчини 13. si. глупости 14. si. правя бъркотия/каша, обърквам (плачове и пр.) (и с пр) 15. that cock won't light разг. този номер няма да мине 16. the cock of the school най-големият побойник в училището 17. to give one's hat a cock килвам си шапката 18. to go off at half cock гръмвам случайно (за пушка), прен. започвам преждевременно, действувам необмислено/прибързано 19. в съчет. с името на друга птица птица мъжкар 20. ветропоказател 21. водач, главатaр, инициатор, наперен/оперен/самомнителен човек 22. вулг. пенис 23. запъвам (ударник на пушка и пр.) 24. канела, клапан, кран, чеп (на тръба, бъчва и пр.) 25. килвам, накривявам (шапка и пр.) 26. накривяване, килване, вирнатост 27. наострям (уши), to cock one's eye at someone поглеждам някого многозначително, повдигам вежда, смигвам някому 28. пластя/събирам (сено) на купа 29. приготвям (затвора на фотоапарат) за снимка 30. свивам под ъгъл (коляно, китка и пр.), обръщам/повдигам нагоре (периферия на шапка и пр.) 31. ударник, петле, чакмак (на пушка), at half cock воен. със спуснат ударник, прен. само наполовина готов
    * * *
    cock[kɔk] I. n 1. петел; птица мъжкар; a \cock pheasant мъжки фазан; \cock lobster мъжки омар; \cock-of-the-north сипка ( птица); \cock of the rock яркочервена южноамериканска птица; 2. кукуригане, "петли" (първи, втори); прен. разсъмване, зазоряване; we sat till the second \cock стояхме до втори петли; 3. кран; затвор; blast \cock кран за изпускане на пара. 4. ветропоказател (и weather \cock); 5. ударник, курок, петле, чакмак; at full \cock със запънат ударник; to go off at half \cock, to go off half-\cocked 1) гръмвам случайно (за пушка); 2) действам (говоря) необмислено и прибързано; започвам преди завършване на приготовленията; 3) провалям се позорно; 6. англ. разг. приятел, пич, мъжки; 7. мор. най-долната палуба (етаж) на кораб; 8. ав. седалка на летеца (в самолет); 9. грубо пенис; 10. лидер, водач, инициатор, "тартор"; the \cock of the school най-големият побойник в училището; 11. вирнатост, изкривеност; to give o.'s hat a \cock накривявам си шапката; 12. sl глупости; he is talking \cock! той говори глупости! a \cock and bull story ( tale) невероятна (неправдоподобна) история, измислица; the \cock of the walk ( loft, roost) 1) важна личност (в малък кръг); 2) господар на положението; 3) пръв кавалер; fighting ( game) \cock боен петел (за състезания); that \cock won't fight това няма да мине, тези номера не минават; II. v 1. изправям, навирвам, вдигам; наострям ( уши); вирвам ( нос); to \cock o.'s eyes слушам, гледам внимателно; the horse \cocked up its ears at the noise конят наостри уши при шума; to \cock a snook at изразявам презрение, несъгласие; държа се предизвикателно; to \cock s.th. up развалям, провалям поради некомпетентност; trust him to \cock things up бъди сигурен, че ще оплеска работата; 2. килвам, накривявам ( шапка); the bird \cocked its head to one side птицата изви глава настрани; III. n купа ( сено); VI. v пластя, събирам ( сено) на копа.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > cock

  • 7 cock

    1. noun
    1) (bird, lobster, crab, salmon) Männchen, das; (domestic fowl) Hahn, der
    2) (spout, tap, etc.) Hahn, der
    3) (coarse): (penis) Schwanz, der (salopp)
    2. transitive verb
    1) aufstellen, (fig.) spitzen [Ohren]

    a cocked hatein Hut mit hoher Krempe; (triangular hat) ein Dreispitz

    knock somebody/something into a cocked hat — (fig.): (surpass) jemanden/etwas weit übertreffen; jemanden/etwas in den Sack stecken (fig. ugs.)


    cock a/the gun — den Hahn spannen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/85470/cock_up">cock up
    * * *
    [kok] 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) der Hahn
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) der Hahn
    3) (a slang word for the penis.) der Schwanz
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) aufrichten
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) den Gewehrhahn spannen
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) den Hut schief aufsetzen
    - cockerel
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure
    * * *
    [kɒk, AM kɑ:k]
    I. n
    1. (male chicken) Hahn m
    2. ( vulg: penis) Schwanz m vulg
    3. no pl BRIT ( vulg: nonsense) Scheiß m vulg
    II. n modifier ORN männlich
    \cock pheasant/sparrow Fasanen-/Sperlingmännchen nt
    III. vt
    1. (turn)
    to \cock one's ear seine Ohren spitzen
    to \cock one's hat seinen Hut schief aufsetzen
    to \cock one's head den Kopf auf die Seite legen
    2. (ready gun)
    to \cock a gun den Hahn spannen
    3. (express disrespect)
    to \cock a snook at sth über etw akk lästern
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= rooster) Hahn m; (= weathercock) Wetterhahn m

    (the) cock of the walk or roost — der Größte (inf)

    2) (= male bird) Männchen nt
    3) (= tap) (Wasser)hahn m
    4) (of rifle) Hahn m
    5) (of hat) schiefer Sitz
    6) (Brit inf = mate) Kumpel m (inf)
    7) (sl: penis) Schwanz m (sl)
    2. vt
    2) ears spitzen

    to cock a snook at sb (Brit) (lit) — jdm eine lange Nase machen; (fig) zeigen, dass man auf jdn pfeift

    * * *
    cock1 [kɒk; US kɑk]
    A s
    1. ORN Hahn m:
    cock of the north Bergfink m;
    cock of the wood Schopfspecht m;
    old cock! Br umg alter Knabe!
    2. Männchen n, Hahn m (von Vögeln)
    3. a) Hahnenschrei m
    b) Zeit f des ersten Hahnenschreis
    4. (Turm-, Wetter) Hahn m
    5. umg (An)Führer m:
    cock of the walk oft pej der Größte
    6. TECH (Absperr-, Wasser-, Gas) Hahn m
    7. a) (Gewehr-, Pistolen) Hahn m
    b) Hahnstellung f:
    at full cock mit gespanntem Hahn;
    at half cock mit Hahn in Ruh; half cock
    8. a) (viel sagendes oder verächtliches) (Augen)Zwinkern
    b) Hochtragen n (des Kopfes, der Nase)
    c) keckes Schiefsetzen (des Hutes):
    give one’s hat a saucy cock seinen Hut keck aufs Ohr setzen
    d) Spitzen n (der Ohren)
    e) Aufrichten n (des Schweifs)
    9. aufgebogene Hutkrempe
    10. TECH Unruhscheibe f (der Uhr)
    11. vulg Schwanz m (Penis)
    12. Br umg Quatsch m, Blödsinn m: I’ve never heard such a load of cock so einen Quatsch
    B v/t
    1. eine Waffe entsichern
    2. aufrichten, schief stellen:
    cock (up) one’s head herausfordernd den Kopf heben;
    cock one’s ears die Ohren spitzen;
    cock one’s eye at sb jemanden schräg ansehen;
    cock one’s hat den Hut schief aufsetzen; snook
    3. seine Hutkrempe aufstülpen
    4. cock up Br umg versauen, verpfuschen
    C v/i obs einherstolzieren, großspurig auftreten
    D adj
    1. meist ORN männlich:
    cock canary Kanarienhähnchen n;
    cock lobster männlicher Hummer
    2. umg Ober…, Haupt…
    cock2 [kɒk; US kɑk]
    A s kleiner Heu-, Getreide-, Dünger-, Torfhaufen
    B v/t Heu etc in Haufen setzen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (bird, lobster, crab, salmon) Männchen, das; (domestic fowl) Hahn, der
    2) (spout, tap, etc.) Hahn, der
    3) (coarse): (penis) Schwanz, der (salopp)
    2. transitive verb
    1) aufstellen, (fig.) spitzen [Ohren]

    a cocked hat — ein Hut mit hoher Krempe; (triangular hat) ein Dreispitz

    knock somebody/something into a cocked hat — (fig.): (surpass) jemanden/etwas weit übertreffen; jemanden/etwas in den Sack stecken (fig. ugs.)


    cock a/the gun — den Hahn spannen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (poultry) n.
    Hahn ¨-e m.

    English-german dictionary > cock

  • 8 cock

    kok 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) hane
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) kran, hane
    3) (a slang word for the penis.) kukk, penis
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) løfte, stikke i været, spisse
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) spenne hanen på
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) sette på skrå
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure
    subst. \/kɒk\/
    1) hane
    2) hann (av forskjellige fugler)
    3) høysåte, liten høystakk
    4) anfører, leder
    5) hane, kran, tupp
    6) hane (på gevær)
    7) (på solur, vekt) viser
    8) ( om øyebryn) heving, løfting
    9) ( slang) sludder, tullprat, vås, vrøvl
    10) ( vulgært) kukk, pikk
    at full cock med hanen spent
    at half cock med hanen i halvspenn
    be the cock of the walk\/roost være eneste hane i kurven
    cock and bull ( hverdagslig) pissprat, tullprat, vrøvl
    cock of the eye plirring, skotting
    the cock of the school skolens stjerne (i idrett e.l.)
    fight cocks la haner kjempe mot hverandre
    go off at half cock gå av for tidlig, bli startet for tidlig
    hallo, old cock! står til gamle gutt\/venn\/kompis!
    a load of old cock tullprat, pissprat
    that cock won't fight! ( slang) den går ikke!
    verb \/kɒk\/
    1) sette på skrå
    2) bøye tilbake (hattebremmen e.l.)
    3) spenne hanen på
    4) være stor på det
    5) dreie, vende (i en bestemt retning)
    cock a snook\/snoot peke nese (av noen)
    cock one's eyebrow heve øyebrynet
    cock one's eyes (at) blunke (til)
    cock one's hat sette hatten på (en) snei\/snurr brette opp hattebremmen
    cock one's head legge hodet på skakke
    cock one's leg lette på benet (om hund e.l.)
    cock up ( slang) forkludre noe, gjøre en dårlig jobb (med noe)
    cock (up) one's ears spisse ørene

    English-Norwegian dictionary > cock

  • 9 cock

    [kok] 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) petelin
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) pipa
    3) (a slang word for the penis.) klinec
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) pokonci (se) postaviti
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) napeti
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) na stran pomakniti
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure
    * * *
    I [kɔk]
    petelin, (tudi na puški); petelinje petje; figuratively vodja; pipa, vetrnica; poševna lega klobuka na glavi; jeziček (na tehtnici); kazalec (na sončni uri); nautical medkrov; pilotov sedež; bahač, kolovodja; vulgar spolni ud
    that cock won't fight — tukaj nekaj ni v redu, to ne bo držalo
    the cock of the walk ( —ali roost) — glavna oseba, samozavestnež
    familiarly old cock — ljubi moj, človek božji
    II [kɔk]
    transitive verb
    (up) pokonci postaviti; (klobuk) na stran pomakniti; napeti petelina na puški;
    intransitive verb
    šopiriti se
    to cock one's ears — z ušesi striči, prisluhniti
    to cock one's eye at s.o.namigniti komu
    American colloquially to go off half cockedprenagliti se
    knocked into a cocked hat — onemel, osupel; popolnoma premagan
    III [kɔk]
    kopica sena;
    transitive verb
    spravljati v kopice

    English-Slovenian dictionary > cock

  • 10 roost

    1. noun
    Schlafplatz, der; (perch) [Sitz]stange, die

    come home to roost(fig.) jemandem heimgezahlt werden; see also academic.ru/63430/rule">rule 2. 2)

    2. intransitive verb
    [Vogel:] sich [zum Schlafen] niederlassen
    * * *
    [ru:st] 1. noun
    (a branch etc on which a bird rests at night.) die Ruhestange
    2. verb
    ((of birds) to sit or sleep on a roost.) auf der Stange sitzen,schlafen
    - rooster
    - rule the roost
    * * *
    I. n Rastplatz m; (for sleep) Schlafplatz m
    II. vi rasten
    to come back [or home] to \roost sich akk rächen fig
    * * *
    1. n
    (= pole) Stange f; (= henhouse) Hühnerhaus nt or -stall m

    to come home to roost (fig)auf den Urheber zurückfallen

    cock, rule
    2. vi
    (= settle) sich niederlassen; (= sleep) auf der Stange schlafen
    * * *
    roost [ruːst]
    A s
    1. a) Schlafplatz m, -sitz m (von Vögeln)
    b) Hühnerstange f
    c) Hühnerstall m:
    at roost auf der Stange;
    come home to roost fig auf den Urheber zurückfallen; rule B 1
    2. fig Ruheplätzchen n, Unterkunft f
    B v/i
    1. a) auf der Stange sitzen
    b) sich zum Schlafen niederhocken (Vögel)
    2. fig ( besonders vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen
    * * *
    1. noun
    Schlafplatz, der; (perch) [Sitz]stange, die

    come home to roost(fig.) jemandem heimgezahlt werden; see also rule 2. 2)

    2. intransitive verb
    [Vogel:] sich [zum Schlafen] niederlassen
    * * *
    schlafen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: schlief, geschlafen)

    English-german dictionary > roost

  • 11 chicken

    ' ikin
    1) (a young bird, especially a young hen: She keeps chickens.)
    2) (its flesh used as food: a plate of fried chicken.)
    3) ((slang.) a coward.)
    - chicken-pox
    - chicken out

    1. gallina
    2. pollo
    1 (hen) gallina; (food) pollo
    1 familiar gallina
    to be no (spring) chicken no ser ninguna niña
    chicken feed una miseria
    chicken stock caldo de gallina
    chicken wire alambrera
    chicken ['ʧɪkən] n
    1) fowl: pollo m
    2) coward: cobarde mf
    gallina s.f.
    pollo s.m.

    I 'tʃɪkən, 'tʃɪkɪn
    a) c ( hen) gallina f; ( as generic term) pollo m

    to play chicken — jugar* a ver quién es más gallito

    don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)no cantes victoria antes de tiempo

    b) u ( Culin) pollo m; ( hen) gallina f
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adjective (colloq) (pred) gallina (fam)
    N (=hen) gallina f; (=cock) pollo m; (as food) pollo; (=coward) * gallina mf

    roast chickenpollo m asado

    - be chicken
    - play chicken
    spring 4.

    chicken breast Npechuga f de pollo

    chicken drumstick Nmuslo m de pollo

    chicken feed N — (lit) pienso m para gallinas

    chicken liver Nhígado m de pollo

    chicken nuggets NPLnuggets mpl de pollo

    chicken wing Nalita f de pollo

    chicken wire Ntela f metálica, alambrada f

    * * *

    I ['tʃɪkən, 'tʃɪkɪn]
    a) c ( hen) gallina f; ( as generic term) pollo m

    to play chicken — jugar* a ver quién es más gallito

    don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)no cantes victoria antes de tiempo

    b) u ( Culin) pollo m; ( hen) gallina f
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adjective (colloq) (pred) gallina (fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > chicken

  • 12 mando

    Del verbo mandar: ( conjugate mandar) \ \
    mando es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    mandó es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
    Multiple Entries: mandar     mando
    mandar ( conjugate mandar) verbo transitivo 1
    a) ( ordenar):
    haz lo que te mandan do as you're told; la mandó callar he told o ordered her to be quiet; mandó que sirvieran la comida she ordered lunch to be served 2 ( enviar) to send; 3 (AmL) ( tratándose de encargos): mandó decir que … she sent a message to say that …; mando algo a arreglar to get o have sth mended 4 (AmL fam) (arrojar, lanzar):
    mandó la pelota fuera de la cancha he kicked/sent/hit the ball out of play
    verbo intransitivo ( ser el jefe) to be in charge, be the boss (colloq);
    ¿mande? (Méx) (I'm) sorry?, pardon?;
    ¡María! — ¿mande? (Méx) María!yes?
    mando sustantivo masculino 1 ( en general) command; dotes de mando leadership qualities; estar al mando (de algo) to be in charge (of sth) 2 (Auto, Elec) control;
    mandar verbo transitivo
    1 (dar órdenes) to order: me mandó barrer el suelo, she told me to sweep the floor
    2 (remitir) to send: le mandaré unas flores, I'll send him some flowers
    te manda saludos, she sends you her regards
    mándalo por correo, send it by post
    nos mandaron a por unos huevos, they sent us for some eggs
    3 (capitanear, dirigir) to lead, be in charge o command of Mil to command
    mando sustantivo masculino
    1 (autoridad) command, control: ahora es él quien tiene el mando, now he's the one in charge
    es una decisión de los altos mandos, the decision comes from the top
    2 Téc (control) controls pl: los mandos no responden, the controls don't respond Auto cuadro o tablero de mandos, dashboard
    mando a distancia, remote control ' mando' also found in these entries: Spanish: dirigir - dote - gobierno - mandar - puente - puesta - puesto - timón - alto - comandante - comando - cuadro - don - mismo - palanca - recado English: assume - blow - bridge - busywork - charge - command - command post - control - joystick - limber up - remote control - roost - take over - under - cock - commanding - dual - flight - follow - joy - lead - leadership - pack - posse - remote

    English-spanish dictionary > mando

См. также в других словарях:

  • cock of the roost — cock of the walk/roost/rock/informal phrase a man who thinks he is stronger, cleverer, or more successful than the rest of his group Thesaurus: people who are confident, boastful or arrogantsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock of the walk — phrasal : one that dominates a group or situation especially overbearingly a rather boastful gentleman in a high collar and red suspenders appeared to be cock of the walk R.H.Schauffler * * * the leader in a group, esp. one with a conceited,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock of the rock — noun 1. bird of the Andes similar to Rupicola rupicola • Syn: ↑Rupicola peruviana • Hypernyms: ↑cotinga, ↑chatterer 2. tropical bird of northern South America the male having brilliant red or orange plumage and an erectile disklike crest • Syn: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • roost — /rust / (say roohst) noun 1. a perch upon which domestic fowls rest at night. 2. a house or place for fowls or birds to roost in. 3. a place for sitting, resting, or staying. –verb (i) 4. to sit or rest on a roost, perch, etc. 5. to settle or… …  

  • cock — I UK [kɒk] / US [kɑk] noun [countable] Word forms cock : singular cock plural cocks 1) a) an adult male chicken. The noise that a cock makes is called crowing. The usual American word is rooster. b) an adult male bird of any kind a cock pheasant… …   English dictionary

  • cock — cock1 [ kak ] noun count 1. ) MAINLY BRITISH a ROOSTER a ) an adult male bird of any kind: a cock pheasant 2. ) IMPOLITE a man s PENIS cock of the walk/roost/rock INFORMAL a man who thinks he is stronger, more intelligent, or more successful than …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • roost|er — «ROOS tuhr», noun. 1. the male of the common domestic bird kept for its eggs and meat; male chicken; cock. SYNONYM(S): chanticleer. 2. Figurative. a cocky man or boy. ╂[apparently < roost + er1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • roost·er — /ˈruːstɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] chiefly US : an adult male chicken We heard the crow of a rooster. called also cock compare ↑hen …   Useful english dictionary

  • Master — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Master >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 master master padrone Sgm: N 1 lord lord lord paramount Sgm: N 1 commander commander commandant Sgm: N 1 captain captain Sgm: N 1 chief …   English dictionary for students

  • Rida Johnson Young — (February 28 1869 [The year of birth is given as 1869 by IMDB and IBDB. [http://nfo.net/cal/ty2.html Pfeffer s index of composers and lyricists] explicitly says 1875 (Not 1869) , but doesn t elaborate, and contains an attribution error for When… …   Wikipedia

  • Elisabeth Risdon — En 1920, à Broadway (Garrick Theatre, New York), interprétant Ellie Dunn dans la pièce de George Bernard Shaw La Maison des cœurs brisés (Heartbreak House …   Wikipédia en Français

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