1 Circa
Religion: c. ("approximately", used with dates) -
2 circa
Religion: c. ("approximately", used with dates) -
3 Circa About
Business: CA -
4 около
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > около
5 приблизительно
( circa) ca лат.Русско-английский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам > приблизительно
6 около
1) General subject: about (about nightfall - к вечеру), alongside, around, at, beside, by (a house by the river - дом у реки), by the side of (smth., smb.) (чего-л., кого-л.), c, ca, close on, close to, close upon, for-by, for-bye, forby, forbye, hard, in the neighbourhood of, in the vicinity of (he is in the vicinity of fifty - ему около пятидесяти), near (по месту или времени), nearby, nearly, next, pushing, rising (о возрасте), round about, some, someplace, something, something like, somewhere, toward, towards, upward, upwards of, ard (сокр.), about to appear, is about2) American: along3) Poetical language: nigh4) Latin: circa5) Mathematics: in the neighborhood, in the order of6) Religion: Circa ("approximately", used with dates, сокр. c.), anent7) Architecture: circa (в значении "приблизительно"), round8) Abbreviation: o/a9) Business: approximately11) Makarov: a matter of, circa (особ. о датах), in the neighbourhood, in vicinity of, matter of, on, short of, something like (перед цифрами), toward (указывает на приближение к какому-л. числу), toward (указывает на приближение к определённому моменту времени), towards (указывает на приближение к какому-л. числу), towards (указывает на приближение к определённому моменту времени), upwards13) Gold mining: at nearby -
7 примерно
1) General subject: CA, about, at a guess, by estimate, by guess, exemplarily, give or take, in round numbers, in the neighbourhood of, just about, let us say, more or less, much, roughly speaking, round about, rudely, say, some, something, as many as, about to appear,... or so (примерно 2 года = 2 years or so)2) American: along (о времени)3) Engineering: approximately, around4) Bookish: circa5) Mathematics: be something like, by way of example, roughly6) Religion: Circa ("approximately", used with dates, сокр. c.)7) Economy: of the order of8) Abbreviation: o/a (on or about( про даты))10) Makarov: circa (особ. о датах), in the neighbourhood, in vicinity of, loosely11) Non-profit-making organization: in ball park figure -
8 приблизительно
1) General subject: - ish (АБ), about, approximately, around, at a guess, by guess, c, close on, close upon, give or take, his plans are in the rough, in a rough way, in the ballpark of (our DCF model values the company in the ballpark of US$160 mn), in the neighbourhood of, in the rough, in the vicinity of, much (much of a size (a height, etc.) - почти того же размера (той же высоты и т. п.)), nearly, presumably, proximately, roughly, roughly speaking, roundly, say, smatter, so, some, someplace, something, something like, somewhere, there or thereabout, there or thereabouts, thereabout, thereabouts, upward, upwards of, or so, fairly, loosely, at a rough estimate, ard2) American: along4) Mathematics: be something like, broadly, in a rotundity way, in rough way, in the neighborhood, in the neighborhood of, provisionally, rough, tentatively5) Religion: Circa ("approximately", used with dates, сокр. c.)6) Railway term: approximate, off hand7) Abbreviation: o/a8) Oil: ca.9) Astronautics: low fidelity10) Business: more or less11) General subject: gross12) Makarov: by guess-work, close, in the neighbourhood, in vicinity of, practically, rudely, some (перед цифрами), upwards -
9 приблизительно
10 Center For Instructional And Research Computing Activities
University: CIRCAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Center For Instructional And Research Computing Activities
11 Chain Home
Abbreviation: CH (British radar network circa 1939) -
12 Chain Home Extra Low
Abbreviation: CHEL (part of British radar network circa 1939)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Chain Home Extra Low
13 Chain Home Low
1) Abbreviation: CHL (part of British radar network circa 1939)2) Aeronautics: CHL -
14 Communication And Information Resource Centre Administrator
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Communication And Information Resource Centre Administrator
15 Communication Information Resource Centre Administrator
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Communication Information Resource Centre Administrator
16 Conceptual Information Retrieval And Communication Architecture
Computers: CIRCAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Conceptual Information Retrieval And Communication Architecture
17 Joint Advanced Strike Technology
1) Military: JAST2) Abbreviation: JAST (Program circa 1994), JAST (USA)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Joint Advanced Strike Technology
18 Администратор Центра Коммуникаций и Информационных Ресурсов
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Администратор Центра Коммуникаций и Информационных Ресурсов
19 Магомет родился около 570 года н. э.
Makarov: Mohammed was born circa 570 A.D.Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Магомет родился около 570 года н. э.
20 книга, изданная примерно в 1808 году
Makarov: book published circa 1808Универсальный русско-английский словарь > книга, изданная примерно в 1808 году
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
circa — CÍRCA adv. Cam, aproximativ. – Din lat. circa. Trimis de RACAI, 30.09.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 CÍRCA adv. v. aproximativ. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime círca adv.; abr. cca … Dicționar Român
Circa 89 — [1] Studio album by The Gufs Released 1993 … Wikipedia
circă — CÍRCĂ s.f. (fam.) Circumscripţie (de miliţie, financiară etc.). – Abreviere din circumscripţie. Trimis de hai, 06.12.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 CÍRCĂ s. v. circumscripţie. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime círcă s. f. Trimis de siveco,… … Dicționar Român
circa — (Del lat. circa, alrededor de). prep. hacia (ǁ alrededor de). Circa 1700 … Diccionario de la lengua española
circa — Adv. (Mittelstufe) schätzungsweise, nicht genau angegeben, berechnet, ungefähr Synonyme: etwa, rund, gegen, zirka Beispiele: Der Film dauert circa zwei Stunden. Er verdient circa 2000 Euro pro Monat … Extremes Deutsch
CIRCA — apud Recentiores vigiliae, excubiae, Ital. Cerchia Gallis la Ronde: Cuiusmodi Circas etiam fecisse in Monasteriis Monathos, horis illis, quibus vacare lectioni Fratres consuevêre, dicitur in Regula. S. Benedicti. Hinc qui circas Faciebat Monachus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
circa — [dal lat. circa intorno a ]. ■ prep. [per introdurre un compl. d argomento: c. il resto, ne riparleremo ] ▶◀ a proposito di, intorno a, per quanto riguarda, relativamente a, quanto a, riguardo a, su. ■ avv. [nelle indicazioni di quantità, per… … Enciclopedia Italiana
circa — 1861, from L. circa around, round about, near, about the time of, alternative form of circum round about (see CIRCUM (Cf. circum )) … Etymology dictionary
circa — Von Mainz nach Frankfurt sind es circa 50 Kilometer … Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer
circa — [sʉr′kə] prep. [L] [also in italics] about: used before an approximate date or figure [circa 1650] … English World dictionary
Circa: — Circa: Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) AOR, (Progressive) Rock Gründung 2006 Website … Deutsch Wikipedia