1 chronological sequence
1) Военный термин: хронологический порядок2) Психология: хронологический порядок (последовательность)3) Авиационная медицина: хронологическая последовательность4) Психоанализ: хронологический последовательностьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > chronological sequence
2 chronological sequence of
Макаров: (smth.) хронологический порядок (чего-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > chronological sequence of
3 chronological sequence
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > chronological sequence
4 chronological sequence
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > chronological sequence
5 chronological sequence
хронологическая последовательностьEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > chronological sequence
6 chronological sequence
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > chronological sequence
7 chronological sequence of (smth.)
Макаров: хронологический порядок (чего-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > chronological sequence of (smth.)
8 regardless of chronological sequence
Юридический термин: вне зависимости от хронологической последовательностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > regardless of chronological sequence
9 sequence
ˈsi:kwəns сущ.
1) а) последовательность;
следование sequence of moves ≈ последовательность движений in sequence Syn: progression, series, succession б) очередность, порядок( следования) in chronological sequence ≈ в хронологическом порядке
2) последствие, итог, результат natural sequence ≈ естественный результат
3) муз. секвенция
4) а) серия, ряд;
цикл б) кино последовательный ряд кинокадров, эпизод ∙ Syn: series последовательность;
порядок следования - chronological * of smth. хронологический порядок чего-л. - * of the seasons смена времен года - there is little * in his arguments в его аргументах не хватает последовательности - his story lacks * его рассказ бессвязен - in rapid * of smth. быстро следуя за чем-л. - in * подряд, один за другим - * of events ход событий - * of tenses (грамматика) последовательность времен последствие, результат - a * to smth. результат /последствие/ чего-л. - a natural * to folly естественный результат безрассудства - a * of crime is punishment преступление неизбежно влечет за собой наказание( музыкальное) секвенция (кинематографический) (американизм) тж. (театроведение) несколько сцен, составляющих эпизод последовательный ряд кинокадров (карточное) три или более карты одной масти по старшинству серия;
цикл - * of sonnets цикл сонетов calling ~ вчт. соглашения о связях collating ~ вчт. сортирующая последовательность convergent ~ вчт. сходящаяся последовательность derivation ~ вчт. цепочка вывода escape ~ вчт. управляющая последовательнь flag ~ вчт. разделитель кадров in historical ~ в исторической (или хронологической) последовательности ~ of tenses грам. последовательность времен;
in sequence один за другим operational ~ последовательность рабочих операций production ~ последовательность производственных операций sequence порядок ~ порядок следования ~ последовательность;
порядок (следования) ;
sequence of events ход событий ~ последовательность ~ кино последовательный ряд кинокадров, эпизод ~ последствие ~ результат ~ ряд ~ муз. секвенция ~ (по) следствие, результат ~ упорядочивать ~ устанавливать последовательность ~ of amortization последовательность амортизации ~ последовательность;
порядок (следования) ;
sequence of events ход событий ~ of events вчт. последовательность событий ~ of events последовательность событий ~ of tenses грам. последовательность времен;
in sequence один за другимБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sequence
10 sequence
['siːkwən(t)s]сущ.1) последовательность; ряд; очерёдность, порядок (следования)in sequence — один за другим; последовательно
Syn:Gram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Sequence of tenses[/ref][ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Rules for using sequence of tenses[/ref]2) последствие, итог, результат3) муз. секвенция4)а) серия, ряд; циклб) кино эпизод; последовательный ряд кинокадров•Syn: -
11 sequence
nпоследовательность, порядок следования -
12 sequence
[ʹsi:kwəns] n1. последовательность; ряд; порядок следованияchronological [natural, usual] sequence of smth. - хронологический [естественный, обычный] порядок чего-л.
there is little sequence in his arguments - в его аргументах не хватает последовательности
in rapid [in slow, in regular] sequence of smth. - быстро [медленно, регулярно] следуя за чем-л.
in sequence - подряд, один за другим
sequence of tenses - грам. последовательность времён
2. последствие, результатa sequence to smth. - результат /последствие/ чего-л.
a sequence of a crime is punishment - преступление неизбежно влечёт за собой наказание
3. муз. секвенция2) последовательный ряд кинокадров5. карт. три или более карты одной масти по старшинству6. серия; цикл -
13 chronological
Синонимический ряд:1. consecutive (adj.) consecutive; dated; progressive; sequential; successive2. in order of time elapsed (adj.) according to chronology; archival; historical; in order of time elapsed; in sequence; in time; narrative; tabulated; temporalАнтонимический ряд: -
14 in sequence
Синонимический ряд:in order of time elapsed (adj.) according to chronology; archival; chronological; historical; in order of time elapsed; in time; sequential; tabulated; temporal -
15 consecution
ˌkɔnsɪˈkju:ʃən сущ.
1) (логическая) последовательность;
цепь рассуждений Syn: logical sequence, inference, a train of reasoning
2) следование( событий, явлений) ;
ход событий;
порядок следования;
очередность chronological consecution ≈ хронологическая цепь событий consecution of action ≈ последовательность действий
3) грам. а) порядок слов в предложении б) согласование времен в сложном предложении (логическая) последовательность следование, течение( событий) consecution последовательность ~ следование (событий и т. п.)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > consecution
16 annals
['æn(ə)lz]1) Общая лексика: анналы, ежегодник (научное периодическое издание), исторические хроники, летописи, летопись, хроника, аналы (a record of events, esp. a yearly record, usually in chronological order.), скрижали3) Религия: хроники, (Historical records, chronicles; a record of events arranged in yearly sequence) анналы -
17 order
1. n1) порядок, последовательность2) исправность, хорошее состояние4) приказ, распоряжение; предписание5) ордер; разрешение6) заказ; требование (заявка)
- additional order
- adjudication order
- administration order
- administrative order
- advance order
- advertising order
- all-or-none order
- alternative order
- back order
- backlog order
- banker's order
- banker's standing order
- bank money order
- bank payment order
- big order
- blanket order
- board order
- buy order
- buying order
- cable order
- cash order
- cease-and-desist order
- chartering order
- circular order
- collection order
- collective order
- combination order
- company order
- company work orders
- completed collection order
- conditional order
- confiscation order
- construction order
- contingent order
- covering order
- credit order
- cyclic order
- day order
- delivery order
- departmental order
- depositor's order
- disclosure order
- discretionary order
- dispatch order
- economic order
- either-or order
- established order
- export order
- express order
- express money order
- factory order
- fill-or-kill order
- firm order
- follow-up orders
- foreign order
- forwarding order
- formal order
- fresh order
- garnishee order
- general order
- global economic order
- good this month order
- good till cancelled order
- good working order
- government order
- heavy order
- import order
- incoming orders
- individual order
- initial order
- insolvency order
- interim order
- international money order
- job order
- large order
- limit order
- limit price order
- loading order
- mail order
- market order
- market-if-touched order
- market-on-close order
- matched orders
- minimum order
- money order
- month order
- mortgage registry order
- negotiable order of withdrawals
- new orders
- New International Economic Order
- no-limit order
- nonrepeat order
- nontransferable order
- normal order
- numerical order
- odd-lot order
- off-floor order
- official order
- offshore orders
- omnibus order
- on-floor order
- open order
- original order
- outstanding order
- payment order
- perpetual order
- pilot order
- placed order
- positive orders
- postal order
- postal money order
- preliminary order
- pressing order
- priority order
- production order
- proforma order
- publicity order
- purchase order
- purchasing order
- rated order
- repair order
- receiving order
- regular order
- remittance order
- repair order
- replenishment order
- repeat order
- resting order
- reverse order
- revocable order
- round-lot order
- rush order
- sample order
- sampling order
- scale order
- schedule order
- second order
- selling order
- sell-stop order
- sequence order
- service order
- shipping order
- shop order
- single order
- single-component order
- special order
- split order
- spread order
- standard order
- standing order
- state order
- stock order
- stock exchange order
- stop order
- stop limit order
- stop loss order
- stop payment order
- strict order
- substantial order
- supplementary order
- supporting order
- suspended market order
- swap order
- tall order
- tentative order
- time order
- transfer order
- transhipment delivery order
- transportation order
- trial order
- unfilled order
- unfulfilled order
- unlimited order
- urgent order
- valuable order
- vesting order
- warehouse order
- warehouse-keeper's order
- week order
- withdrawal order
- work order
- working order
- written order
- order for account
- order for collection
- order for designing
- order for development
- order for equipment
- order for goods
- order for payment
- order for remittance
- order for sample
- order for samples
- order for settlement
- order for transfer
- order for work
- order from abroad
- order of appeal
- order of attachment
- order of consideration
- order of the court
- order of day
- order of distribution
- order of events
- order of examination
- order of payments
- order of priority
- order of proceedings
- order of registration
- order of succession
- order of transfer
- order of utilization of funds
- order of work
- order on a competition basis
- orders on hand
- order on sample
- order to buy
- order to deliver
- order to pay
- order to purchase
- order to sell
- according to order
- against order
- by order
- in order
- in order of priority
- in chronological order
- in consecutive order
- in good order and condition
- in running order
- in short order
- in the inverse order
- in working order
- in order of priority
- of the order of
- on order
- out of order
- order
- order of the buyer
- order of the seller
- own order
- under order
- until further orders
- with order
- made to order
- accept an order
- acknowledge an order
- alter an order
- attend to an order
- award an order
- be in order
- book an order
- call off an order
- cancel an order
- carry out an order
- collect orders
- complete an order
- confirm an order
- countermand an order
- discharge an order
- dispatch an order
- draw up an order
- establish order
- execute an order
- file an order
- fill an order
- fulfil an order
- get an order
- give an order
- handle large orders
- have an order
- have smth on order
- honour with an order
- issue an order
- keep order
- lag behind incoming orders
- lose an order
- maintain order
- maintain in good order
- make out an order
- make to order
- meet orders
- observe the established order
- obtain an order
- pass on an order
- pay by banker's order
- pay for an order
- pay to the order of
- place an order
- place orders electronically
- pool orders
- procure an order
- put in order
- receive an order
- reconsider an order
- relay an order
- renew an order
- repeat an order
- revise an order
- revoke an order
- rush an order
- secure an order
- send an order
- solicit orders
- stick to the order
- subcontract an order
- suspend an order
- take an order
- transmit an order
- withdraw an order2. v1) приказывать; распоряжаться2) заказывать -
18 archival
1. a архивныйarchival depository — хранилище архивных материалов, архив
2. a отражённый в документах или летописяхСинонимический ряд:in order of time elapsed (adj.) according to chronology; chronological; historical; in order of time elapsed; in sequence; in time; sequential; tabulated; temporal -
19 in time
во-время; со временемСинонимический ряд:1. in order of time elapsed (adj.) according to chronology; archival; chronological; historical; in order of time elapsed; in sequence; sequential; tabulated; temporal2. eventually (other) eventually; in due time; in the fullness of time; one of these days; someday; sometime; sometime or other; sooner or later -
20 tabulated
1. a сведённый в таблицы, табличный, табулированный2. a имеющий плоскую поверхность; плоский3. a слоистый, плитчатый, пластинчатыйСинонимический ряд:in order of time elapsed (adj.) according to chronology; archival; chronological; historical; in order of time elapsed; in sequence; in time; sequential; temporal
См. также в других словарях:
chronological sequence — noun a following of one thing after another in time the doctor saw a sequence of patients • Syn: ↑sequence, ↑succession, ↑successiveness, ↑chronological succession • Derivationally related forms: ↑successive ( … Useful english dictionary
sequence — noun 1 set of actions, etc.; order of appearance ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, entire, whole ▪ continuous, unbroken ▪ complex ▪ long … Collocations dictionary
chronological succession — noun a following of one thing after another in time the doctor saw a sequence of patients • Syn: ↑sequence, ↑chronological sequence, ↑succession, ↑successiveness • Derivationally related forms: ↑successive ( … Useful english dictionary
sequence — [[t]si͟ːkwəns[/t]] sequences 1) N COUNT: oft N of n A sequence of events or things is a number of events or things that come one after another in a particular order. ...the sequence of events which led to the murder. ...a dazzling sequence of… … English dictionary
sequence — [sē′kwəns, sē′kwens΄] n. [MFr < LL, a following < L sequens: see SEQUENT] 1. a) the following of one thing after another in chronological, causal, or logical order; succession or continuity b) the order in which this occurs 2. a continuous… … English World dictionary
chronological — [adj] in consecutive time order archival, chronographic, chronologic, chronometric, chronometrical, chronoscopic, classified, dated, historical, horological, horometrical, in due course, in due time, in order, in sequence, junctural, ordered,… … New thesaurus
sequence — n. 1) a chronological; natural sequence 2) in sequence * * * [ siːkwəns] natural sequence a chronological in sequence … Combinatory dictionary
sequence */*/*/ — UK [ˈsiːkwəns] / US [ˈsɪkwəns] noun Word forms sequence : singular sequence plural sequences 1) [countable/uncountable] a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order A computer can store and repeat sequences of… … English dictionary
Sequence (geology) — A sequence in geology refers to a sequence of geological events, processes, or rocks, arranged in chronological order.A rock stratigraphical sequence is a geographical, or lithostratigraphic, discrete unit greater than a group or supergroup rank … Wikipedia
chronological — adj. VERBS ▪ be ADVERB ▪ strictly ▪ a strictly chronological account of the events ▪ broadly, roughly … Collocations dictionary
sequence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Order of succession Nouns 1. sequence, coming after; going after, following, consecutiveness, succession, extension, continuation, order of succession, successiveness; flow chart; continuity. See rear,… … English dictionary for students