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  • 1 book in

    We have booked in at the Royal Hotel.

    يُسَجِّل اسمَه عند دخولِهِ إلى الفُنْدُق

    Arabic-English dictionary > book in

  • 2 enter

    [ˈentə] verb
    1) to go or come in:

    Enter by this door.

    2) to come or go into (a place):

    He entered the room.


    I entered my pupils for the examination.

    يَشْتَرِك في مُسابَقَه

    Did you enter your name in the visitors' book?

    يُدْرِجُ إسْمَهُ
    5) to start in:

    She entered his employment last week.


    Arabic-English dictionary > enter

  • 3 plate

    [pleɪt] noun

    china plates.

    صَحْن مُسَطَّح من خَزَف الصّيني

    The ship was built of steel plates.

    صَفيحَة مَعدَنِيَّه
    3) articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver:

    a collection of gold plate.

    أدوات من الفِضَّة أو الذَّهَب
    4) a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.
    أداة مَعْدَنِيَّة لِحَفْر الأسْماء
    5) an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper:

    The book has ten full-colour plates.

    صورَة تَوضيحِيَّة على صَفْحَةٍ كتاب
    6) ( also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.
    طَقْم أسْنان إصْطِناعِيَّه
    7) a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.
    لَوْح زُجاجي يُسْتَعْمَل في التَّصْوير

    Arabic-English dictionary > plate

  • 4 print

    1. noun
    1) a mark made by pressure:

    a fingerprint.

    2) printed lettering:

    I can't read the print in this book.

    الأحْرُف المَطْبوعَه، طِباعَه
    3) a photograph made from a negative:

    I entered three prints for the photographic competition.

    صورَة فوتوغْرافِيَّه
    4) a printed reproduction of a painting or drawing.
    نُسْخَة لَوْحَة أو صورَه
    2. verb

    The invitations will be printed on white paper.

    2) to publish (a book, article etc) in printed form:

    His new novel will be printed next month.

    يَنْشُر كِتابا
    3) to produce (a photographic image) on paper:

    He develops and prints his own photographs.

    يَطْبَع صورَة فوتوغرافِيَّه

    When the cloth has been woven, it is dyed and printed.

    يَطْبَع على القِماش
    5) to write, using capital letters:

    Please print your name and address.

    يَكْتُب إسْمَه بِحُروف كَبيرَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > print

  • 5 أعاد

    أَعَادَ \ bring back: to (cause to) return: This old photograph brings back happy memories. redo: to do again: This bad work must be redone. renew: to start again; repeat: They renewed their attack. repeat: to say again; do again: He repeated his question. Don’t repeat your mistake. replace: to put (sth.) back in its place: Please replace these books on the right shelves. restore: to bring back; give back: The teacher stopped the fight and restored order. The doctor restored her health (or restored her to health). The police restored the stolen car to its owner. return: to give back; put back; send back: She returned the book that I lent her. He showed me the picture and returned it to his pocket. \ See Also أرجع (أَرْجَعَ)، ذكر (ذَكَّرَ)، كرر (كَرَّر)، رد (رَدَّ)، بدل (بَدَّل)‏ \ أَعَادَ الأشياء إلى أماكنها \ pack up: to put things (articles of equipment etc.) together after use; stop working: You can pack (your tools) up and go home. \ أَعَادَ إلى حالتِه الأصلية \ restore: to repair (a ruined building, a damaged work of art, etc.). \ أَعَادَ تسمية \ rename: to change the name of: The Gold Coast was renamed Ghana when it became an independent country. \ أَعَادَ تَشكِيل \ re-form: to form again: The music club, which had gone out of action, was re-formed with different members. \ أَعَاد سَمّاعة الهاتف إلى مكانها (أنْهى مُكالَمة هاتفيّة)‏ \ ring off: to put down a telephone so as to end the call. \ أَعَادَ صياغة \ reword: to express in other words: This sentence needs rewording more politely. \ أَعَادَ القَوْل \ retell: to tell again, often differently: old stories, retold in modern English. \ أَعَادَ كتابة \ rewrite: to write again: You must rewrite this page more neatly. The book was rewritten in simpler English. \ أَعَادَ لَعِب \ replay: to play again (a match that had no result). \ أَعَادَ مَلء \ refill: to fill again. \ أَعَادَ النّظر في \ review: to examine again and reconsider (plans, facts, etc.); examine and report on (books, plays, films, music, art, etc.) for a newspaper. \ See Also راجع (رَاجَعَ)‏ \ أَعَادَ النظر فيه \ think better of it: to change one’s plan; decide not to do sth.: I planned to leave my job, but then I thought better of it.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أعاد

  • 6 غلاف

    غِلاف \ cover: sth. that covers for protection; the loose top of a container: the covers of a book; a cover on a pot. envelope: a covering for a letter, on which the name and address are written. shell: the hard covering of an egg or nut. \ See Also مُغَلَّفٌ \ الغِلافُ الجَوّي \ atmosphere: the air round the earth. \ غِلافٌ وَرَقِيّ لِكِتَاب \ jacket: the loose paper cover of a book.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غلاف

  • 7 قريب

    قَرِيب \ related: joined by family: We have the same name, but we’re not related. I’m not related to him. \ See Also نسيب (نَسِيب)‏ \ أَقارِب \ family: all one’s relation. \ See Also أسرة (أُسْرَة)‏ \ أَقارِب (بِحُكم الزَّوَاج)‏ \ in-laws: the father and mother (and other relations) of the person sb. has married: I have to visit my in-laws today. \ قَرِيب (مِن)‏ \ adjacent: next (to); lying near: His house is adjacent to mine. at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. close: near in time, relationship or space: Midnight is getting close; a close friend; a close view of the picture. near: close in position or relationship: Where is the nearest doctor? He’s a near relative. neighbouring: near: We trade with neighbouring countries. relation: sb. who is joined by family: My wife’s family are my relations by marriage. My brother’s children are my blood relations. relative: sb. who is joined by family: is he a relative of yours? Yes, he’s my uncle. \ قَرِيب (العَهْد)‏ \ recent: of or happening a short time ago; modern: a recent book; a recent event. \ See Also حديث (حَدِيث)‏ \ قَرِيب التَّناوُل \ handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ قَرِيب الظُّهُور \ forthcoming: (of events) coming soon.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قريب

  • 8 كتب

    كَتَبَ \ inscribe: to write, esp. by cutting letters in stone or metal or wood. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write (wrote): to draw signs that make words: She writes neatly. I wrote his name down (I made a note of it). Write this out three times (Make three full copies of it). \ See Also سجل (سَجَّلَ)، نقش (نَقَشَ)‏ \ كَتَبَ (مقالة أو كتابًا، إلخ)‏ \ write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, article, etc. esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏ \ كَتَبَ \ pencil: to write or draw with a pencil: She pencilled a quick note. \ See Also رَسَمَ بقلم الرَّصاص \ كَتَبَ التاريخ على \ date: to put a date on sth.: This letter is not dated. \ كَتَبَ ثانِيَةً \ rewrite: to write again: You must rewrite this page more neatly. The book was rewritten in simpler English.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كتب

  • 9 مجموعة

    مَجْمُوعَة \ body: a group of people, united in some way: a small body of helpers.. bunch: a group of things of the same kind, growing or placed together: a bunch of keys. category: a group or division in which each member is like the rest in a certain way; a kind or sort: Fishing may be placed in the category of sport, or in that of earning a living, according to its purpose. cluster: a group of people gathered close together. collection: things collected: His friend has a collection of ancient coins. crew: a group of people working together, doing certain jobs: a repair crew. group: a number of people or things, gathered together or considered together: They stood in a group under the tree. He controls a group of companies. set: a group of things that look like one another or are used together: a coffee set (coffee pot and cups, etc., of the same pattern); a set of rules. \ See Also جمهور (جُمهور)، طقم (طَقْم)‏ \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء مُخْتَلِطة \ jumble: a confused mixture: a jumble of sounds. \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء من صِنف واحِد \ line: a kind or class of goods: We sell a cheap line in brushes. \ مَجْمُوعَة الأَغاني \ repertoire: all the songs or pieces of music that a singer or musician can perform. \ See Also القِطَع المُوسيقيّة \ مَجْمُوعَة أوراق اللَّعب ذات النَّقْش الوَاحِد \ suit: one of the four patterns in a set of playing cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades). \ مَجْمُوعَة دَرَج \ flight: a set of stairs: His room was up three flights of stairs. step: pl. usu. outside a building, compared with stairs in a building) a set of these: He ran down the steps into the street. \ مَجْمُوعَة رموز سِرّيّة \ code: a special way of using words, letters, numbers, etc. instead of writing, to keep messages secret. \ مَجْمُوعَة سَكَنِيّة متكامِلة \ housing estate: a large group of houses that are built together at one time, often with their own shops, like a small new town. \ مَجْمُوعَة قوانين \ code: a special collection of laws, rules, or customs: an established code of behaviour; Christianity’s moral code. \ مَجْمُوعَة كاملة من وَرَق اللّعب \ pack: a set of playing cards. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسَة \ colony: a group of people or animals of the same kind, living together: a colony of artists; a colony of ants; a colony of Americans in Rome. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسة من الطّلاب يدرسون مَعًا (في المدارس)‏ \ stream: (in schools) a division of children of the same age according to their ability. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُتَرابِطَة \ complex: sth. (esp. a building) made up of many different but related parts: a factory complex. \ مَجْمُوعَة المُفردات ومعانِيها (في آخر كتاب)‏ \ vocabulary: a list of words with their meanings (at the end of a school book; in a student’s notebook). \ مَجْمُوعَة مَقالات \ omnibus: a large book that contains various works of one writer (or of several writers, on related subjects): an omnibus of murder stories. \ مَجْمُوعَة من ورق الرسائِل \ pad: a block of writing-paper, in which the sheets are stuck together at one end. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُنَوّعَة \ assortment: an assorted collection: Our new shop has a large assortment of kitchen goods. choice: a variety from which to choose: The shop had a good choice of shoes. range: a variety (between limits that may not be stated): a wide range of colours (from light yellow to dark brown). \ مَجْمُوعَة نجوم ثابِتَة \ constellation: a group of fixed stars, often with a name, such as the Great Bear.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجموعة

  • 10 nameless

    1) not having a name:

    a nameless fear.

    2) not spoken of by name:

    The author of the book shall be nameless.

    مَجْهول الإسْم

    Arabic-English dictionary > nameless

  • 11 register

    1. noun
    (a book containing) a written list, record etc:

    a register of births, marriages and deaths.

    2. verb
    1) to write or cause to be written in a register:

    to register the birth of a baby.

    2) to write one's name, or have one's name written, in a register etc:

    They arrived on Friday and registered at the Hilton Hotel.

    3) to insure (a parcel, letter etc) against loss in the post.
    يُسَجِّل الرِّسالَه البَريديَّه
    4) (of an instrument, dial etc) to show (a figure, amount etc):

    The thermometer registered 25°C.

    يُشير الى دَرْجَة الحَرارَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > register

  • 12 title

    [ˈtaɪtl] noun
    1) the name of a book, play, painting, piece of music etc:

    The title of the painting is "A Winter Evening".

    2) a word put before a person's name to show rank, honour, occupation etc:

    Sir John

    Lord Henry

    Captain Smith

    Professor Brown

    Dr (Doctor) Peter Jones.


    Arabic-English dictionary > title

  • 13 أدرج

    أَدْرَجَ \ insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. \ أَدْرَجَ في قائمة أو جَدْوَل \ list: to put (a name, etc.) on a list; put (a lot of names, etc.) into the form of a list: The price of the book is listed as 80 pence. Don’t rent your house to a stranger without first listing its contents.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أدرج

  • 14 على

    عَلَى \ against: touching (usually sth. upright): The rain beat against the window. He pressed his nose against the glass. on: showing where sb. or sth. is placed: He lay on his back on the bed. The picture hung on a nail on the wall. Your name is on the list. He hit me on the nose. The boat is on the river (in the water). The house is on the river (beside the water), as in the previous meaning, but with movement (often with to) He jumped on (to) his horse. The book fell on (to) the floor. onto: on to: He sprang onto the table. over: lying across; resting on; covering: A cloud was over the sun. She spread a cloth over the table, across the surface of Ships sail over the sea, above (in rank, etc.) He rules over a proud people, about; concerning They quarrelled over the resutl of the race. You need not hurry over your dinner. upon: on. \ عَلَى \ on shore, ashore: on dry land; not on the sea; on or to the shore: Sailors are unhappy ashore. We swam ashore from the boat. \ See Also نَحْوَ البَرّ، اليابسة (اليَابِسَة)‏ \ عَلَى \ ashore: on or to the shore: Sailors are unhappy ashore. We swam ashore from the boat. on shore, ashore: on dry land; not on the sea. \ See Also نَحْوَ الشّاطِئ \ عَلَى اتِّصَال (عكس مُنْقَطع عن)‏ \ in touch: (the opposite is out of touch) giving or receiving news: I’ve been in touch with my brother by telephone. The radio keeps us in touch with world events. \ عَلَى أتَمّ ما يكُون من التَّرتيب والهِنْدام \ spick and span: (as a predic. phrase) neat, clean and bright: Sailors usually keep their boats spick and span. \ عَلَى الأَثير \ on the air: being sent out on the radio or television. \ عَلَى أَحْسَن وَجْه \ best, well, better: in the best way: Peter played best last week. \ عَلَى أرْبَع \ on all fours: on hands and knees: She went down on all fours to look for the needle. \ عَلَى الأرض \ over: from an upright (or straight) position to a flat (or bent) position: I fell over. He knocked me over. She bent over to pick it up. \ عَلَى استعداد \ content: willing: I’m content to wait for my turn. \ عَلَى أشُدِّه \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ عَلَى الإطلاق \ little: (coming just before the verb) not at all: I little knew (or Little did I know) that next day he would be dead. not in the least: not at all: It doesn’t matter in the least. whatever: at all: I have no money whatever. whatsoever: a strong form of whatever; at all: Tell him nothing whatsoever!. \ عَلَى الأَغْلَب \ for the most part: mostly: He is old and for the most part he stays at home. \ عَلَى أَقْصَى ما تستطيع رؤيتَه \ in the distance: far away (from the point where one is): In the distance he could see the mountains. \ عَلَى الأَقَلّ \ a good: (with numbers) at least: He lives a good 3 miles away. at least: (showing that sth. is true, necessary, etc., even if sth. else is not) in spite of what has just been said or is just going to be said: He may be lazy but at least he’s honest. You can at least be polite even if you don’t like him, not less than It cost at least $100. quite: at least; not less than: The journey took quite three hours. \ عَلَى الأَكثَر \ largely: mostly: The accident was largely his own fault. mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ عَلَى انفِراد \ private: (only in the phrase in private) privately; where nobody can hear except those concerned: May I speak to you in private. \ عَلَى أُهْبَة الاستعداد \ stand by: to be ready, in case one may be needed: The soldiers were told to stand by. \ عَلَى أَيّ حال \ anyhow: in any case: I don’t really need this; anyhow, it costs too much. anyway: in any case: I may be late; anyway, don’t wait for me, in any case I don’t really need this; anyhow, it costs too much. at all events, in any event: in any case; whatever may happen or has happened: He didn’t win but, at all events, he did try hard. at any rate: at least; in any case: He wasn’t there; at any rate, I don’t think he was. I may not succeed; but I’ll try, at any rate. in any case: no matter what else may be considered, anyhow: It costs too much. In any case, I don’t really need it. \ عَلَى أيَّة حال \ all the same, at the same time: (only at the start of a sentence; comparing points that are for and against) in spite of this: He’s not clever; all the same, he does try hard. however: all the same; in spite of what has just been said: I’m very tired; however, I’ll come and help you. \ عَلَى بُعد \ away: at a distance: Brighton is 60 miles away. Keep away from the wet paint. beyond: further; on or to the farther side: I looked across the river to the hills beyond. \ عَلَى التَّخْصِيص \ in particular: especially: I enjoyed his first song in particular. \ عَلَى التَّوَالي \ respectively: separately, in that order: Boys and girls will be examined on Monday and Tuesday respectively (the boys on Monday, the girls on Tuesday). \ عَلَى جَانِب \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ عَلَى الجميع \ round: to everyone: He handed the coffee round. There were not enough cups to go round. \ عَلَى حَدٍّ \ as far as, so far as: (showing a limit): As far as I know, he’s not here. \ عَلَى حَدٍّ سَواء \ alike: in the same way: He treats us all alike. \ عَلَى حَدِّ عِلْمي \ to the best knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, he is honest (I have no reason to doubt his honesty). \ عَلَى حِدَة \ private: (only in the phrase in private) privately; where nobody can hear except those concerned: May I speak to you in private?. separate: not joined or shared; apart: Keep the new milk separate from the old. \ عَلَى حَقّ (مُحِقّ)‏ \ be in the right: not be at fault: Although they said she’d made a mistake, they discovered she was in the right. \ عَلَى حِين غِرَّة \ all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly. \ عَلَى خَطَأ \ in the wrong: mistaken (in one’s judgement, behaviour etc.). \ عَلَى الدَّوام \ always: at all times. \ عَلَى رؤوس الأصابِع \ on tiptoe: on the tips of one’s toes: I can reach that if I stand on tiptoe. \ عَلَى الرّاجح \ likely: (usu. with very, most, more or quite) probably: She’s very likely right. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم مِن \ despite: in spite of: Despite his age, the old man walks several miles every day. for all: in spite of: For all his strength, he could not lift it. much as: although: Much as I admire him, I could not work with him. spite, in spite of: (of sth. that fails) even with: In spite of his efforts, he could not save her life, without regard to; not caring about (a difficulty) In spite of his illness, he attended the ceremony. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم مِنْ أَنَّ \ although: in spite of the fact that; (without a verb) in spite of being: Although (he was) ill, he went to work. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم من ذلك \ even so: in spite of that: He may be foolish; even so, you should help him. just the same: (showing one thing that is not the natural result of another) in spite of this: He’s a thief, but I like him just the same. nevertheless: in spite of that: I told him it would be dangerous, but nevertheless he did it. still: in spite of that: We rarely win; but still, we enjoy playing. \ عَلَى سَبيل المِثال \ for instance: as an example: He’s often late. Yesterday, for instance, he came home after midnight. \ عَلَى السَّطح كلِّه \ over: (esp. with all) across a surface: The table was wet all over. He rubbed it over with a dry cloth. \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة \ level: equal in height or position: His eyes were level with my shoulder. I soon drew level with the leading runner. \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة \ flush: exactly on a level with; not sticking out from; meeting exactly at the edges: The door is flush with the wall when it is closed. \ See Also مستوى (مُسْتَوًى)‏ \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة واحدة \ even: equal: The table legs were not of even length. He shared the money evenly among them. \ عَلَى شاكِلَة \ like: the same as: What is he like (in appearance and character)? He’s just like his father., What does it feel (or look or taste or smell or sound) like?. in the same way as:: He swims like a fish. \ عَلَى شَرْط \ provide (that), also providing (that): if; on condition that: I’ll go, provided (that) you’ll go too. \ عَلَى شَفَا \ on the brink of: close to (sth. dangerous or exciting): on the brink of war. on the point of doing sth.: starting to do sth.: I was on the point of telephoning you, when I got your letter. on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. on the verge of: close to: She was on the verge of tears. \ See Also شفير (الموت أو الإفلاس، إلخ)، عَلى وَشْك \ عَلَى صَهْوَةِ الجَوَاد \ on horseback: on a horse: He travelled on horseback. \ عَلَى ضِغْن \ grudgingly: unwillingly. \ See Also على غير رَغْبَة \ عَلَى طُولِ \ along: following the line of: He ran along the road. down: along (without regard to level): We raced down the street. My friend lives just down the road. \ عَلَى ظَهْر \ on deck: on an uncovered deck, in the open air. \ See Also سَطْح السفينة \ عَلَى ظَهْر الحِصان \ on horseback: on a horse: He travelled on horseback. \ عَلَى ظَهْر السَّفينة \ on board: on (or on to) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ عَلَى ظَهْر الصَّفْحَة \ overleaf: on the back of the page: Please fill in this paper, and sign your name overleaf. \ عَلَى عَرْض \ across: over; from one side to the other of: He ran across the street. There is a bridge across the stream. \ عَلَى العَكْس \ on the contrary: (expressing disagreement) the opposite is true: It’s not worn out - on the contrary, it’s quite new. \ عَلَى عِلْم بِـ \ familiar with: knowing; accustomed to: I’m not familiar with English law. \ عَلَى عُلُوّ \ high: (in compounds) to the height of: The grass was waist-high. \ عَلَى الغالِب \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ عَلَى غَيْر انتظار \ surprisingly: unexpectedly: a surprisingly good result. \ عَلَى غَيْر رَغْبَة \ grudgingly: unwillingly. \ عَلَى غَيْر هُدًى \ adrift: (of boats) loose; floating about with no control: Our ship was wrecked and we were left adrift in a small boat on the ocean. \ عَلَى فَتَرات مُنْتَظِمة \ periodically: from time to time. \ عَلَى فَرض أنّ \ (conj.) supposing: if: Supposing he’s late, shall we wait for him? Even supposing the lorry comes, it will still be too late. \ عَلَى الفِطْرة \ na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. \ عَلَى فِكْرَة \ by the way: used to show that the speaker is about to change the subject: Thank you for your help. By the way, would you like to come to our party next week?. \ عَلَى الفَوْر \ directly: at once: He arrived directly after me. instantly: at once. off-hand: without thought or preparation: I can’t say off-hand what it cost, but it was over $1000. \ عَلَى قافية واحدة \ rhyme: (of word endings) to have the same sound: ‘Consideration’ rhymes with ‘nation’, ‘Port’ rhymes with ‘thought’. ‘Pleasure’ rhymes with ‘measure’ but not with ‘pressure’. \ عَلَى قَدْر \ according to: in the proper way for; depending on: Each man was paid according to his skill. \ عَلَى قَدَم وَسَاق \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ عَلَى قَيْد الحَيَاة \ alive: living: He was buried alive when part of a cliff fell on him. \ عَلَى كُلّ حال \ at any rate: at least; in any case: He wasn’t there; at any rate, I don’t think he was. I may not succeed; but I’ll try, at any rate. \ عَلَى مَا يَبْدُو \ apparently: it seems (from what people say): I thought she was 15, but apparently is older. \ عَلَى ما يَصِل إليه عِلْمي \ to the best of my knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, my son has never met her. \ See Also على مَبْلَغ علمي \ عَلَى المَدَى الطَّويل \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ عَلَى مسؤوليَّته الشخصيّة \ at one’s own risk: agreeing that any troube will be one’s own fault: The bridge is unsafe but you can cross it at your own risk. \ عَلَى مسافة قريبة مِن \ off: a short distance from: an island off the English coast. \ عَلَى مُسْتَوًى \ level: equal in height or position: His eyes were level with my shoulder. \ عَلَى مِصْرَاعَيْه (فَتَحَ الباب)‏ \ wide: (with open) fully: open the door wide. Leave it wide open. \ عَلَى نَحْو مماثِل \ similarly: in the same way: They were similarly dressed. \ عَلَى نَسَق \ on the lines of: in the general form of: We’re planning some sports on the lines of the Olympic Games, but for schoolboys only. \ عَلَى نَفْس الوَتيرة \ even: (of movement) regular; steady: Her heart was not beating evenly. \ عَلَى نَوبات \ fits and starts: in short bursts; starting and stopping: The engine only goes in fits and starts. \ See Also فترات \ عَلَى هذا المُعَدَّل \ at that rate: if those conditions continue: He keeps stopping for a rest; at that rate, he won’t finish the job today. \ عَلَى هذا النَّحْو \ so: in this way; in that way: Don’t shout so!. thus: in this way. \ عَلَى الهَوَاء \ on the air: being sent out on the radio or television. \ عَلَى وَتِيرَة واحدة \ monotonous: (of a voice, a job, a way of life, etc.) dull, never changing and therefore uninteresting. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ \ unusually: (with an adj.) very; strangely: It is unusually cold in here today. \ See Also بشكل غير عاديّ \ عَلَى وَجْهِ التَّقْريب \ roughly: (with numbers and amounts) not exactly; about: roughly 50 trees; roughly a mile away. \ عَلَى وَجْهِ الخُصُوص \ particularly: especially: a particularly nasty smell. \ عَلَى الوَجهِ الصحيح \ duly: properly; as expected: The bill was duly paid. The train duly arrived. \ عَلَى وَجْهِ العُمُوم \ in general: in most cases: Men in general are taller than women. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ ما \ somehow: in some way or other, by some means or other: I’ll pay for it somehow, even if I have to ask someone to lend me the money. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ مُسْتَهْجَن \ oddly: strangely: She behaved very oddly last night. \ عَلَى مِقْدار عِلْمي \ for all I know: as far as I know: For all I know, you may have stolen this. \ عَلَى مَقْرُبةٍ \ near: close to, in position: His house is near my own. \ عَلَى مَقرُبة مِن \ about: around; near There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ عَلَى مَهْل \ leisurely: without haste: He likes a leisurely walk in the evening. \ عَلَى نَحْو أسوأ \ worse: more bad; more badly: Murder is worse than stealing. It is a worse crime. You write even worse than I do. \ عَلَى نَحْوٍ أَفْضَل \ better, well, best: in a better way: He drives better than I do. \ عَلَى نَحْو تامّ \ strictly: exactly: Strictly speaking (If I tell you the exact truth) this ticket is out of date; but I’ll let you travel with it. \ See Also كامل (كامِل)‏ \ عَلَى نَحْو خَطير \ badly: seriously: He was badly wounded. \ عَلَى نَحْو رَخْو \ loosely: in a loose way: a loosely tied knot. \ See Also غير مُحْكَم \ عَلَى نَحْو رَدِيء \ badly: in a bad manner: badly dressed; badly made. \ عَلَى نَحْو صارم \ strictly: very firmly: Smoking in this cinema is strictly forbidden. \ See Also دَقيق \ عَلَى نَحْو صَحيح \ right: correctly: You guessed right. \ عَلَى نَحْو صَحيح \ rightly: justly; correctly: You acted rightly. \ See Also ملائم (مُلائم)‏ \ عَلَى نَحْوٍ كَامِل \ absolutely: without conditions: You must agree absolutely and not to try to change matters later. \ عَلَى نَحو مألوف \ ordinarily: usually. \ عَلَى نَحْو مُرْضٍ \ well: (the adv. form of the adj. good; see better, best) in a good and pleasing way: Well done! You played very well. \ عَلَى نَحْو مُلحّ \ badly: (with need, want) very much: They need money badly. \ عَلَى وَشْك \ on the point of doing sth.: starting to do sth.: I was on the point of telephoning you, when I got your letter. \ عَلَى وَشْك أَنْ \ be about to do sth.: to be ready to do it; be just going to do it: I was about to go when he arrived. on the verge of: close to: She was on the verge of tears. \ عَلَى يَد (مِن قِبَل)‏ \ by: (showing who or what did sth.): He was bitten by a dog. \ عَلَى اليدين والرِّجلين \ on all fours: on hands and knees: She went down on all fours to look for the needle.

    Arabic-English dictionary > على

  • 15 catalogue

    (American) catalog [ˈkætəlɔg]
    1. noun
    (a book containing) an ordered list of names, goods, books etc:

    a library catalogue.

    قائِمَه، فِهْرسْت، كاتالوج
    2. verb
    to put in an ordered list:

    She catalogued the books in alphabetical order of author's name.

    يُسَجِّلُ في قائِمَه، يُفَهْرِس

    Arabic-English dictionary > catalogue

  • 16 entitle

    [ɪnˈtaɪtl] verb
    1) to give (a person) a right (to, or to do, something):

    He was not entitled to borrow money from the cash box.

    يُعْطي حَقّا، يُخَوِّلُ
    2) to give to (a book etc) as a title or name:

    a story entitled "The White Horse".

    يُعْطي عُنْوانا

    Arabic-English dictionary > entitle

  • 17 here

    1. adverb
    1) (at, in or to) this place:

    Here is / Here's your lost book.

    2) at this time; at this point in an argument:

    Here is where I disagree with you.

    في هذا الوقْت، هنا، في هذه النُّقْطه
    3) beside one:

    My colleague here will deal with the matter.

    إلى جانبي
    2. interjection
    1) a shout of surprise, disapproval etc:

    Here! what do you think you're doing?

    صَيْحَة تَعَجُّب أو عَدم اسْتِحْسان
    2) a shout used to show that one is present:

    Shout "Here!" when I call your name.

    صَيْحَةٌ تُستَعمَل لتُظْهِر أن الشخص موجود

    Arabic-English dictionary > here

  • 18 inscribe

    [ɪnˈskraɪb] verb
    to carve or write:

    He carefully inscribed his name in his new book.


    Arabic-English dictionary > inscribe

  • 19 page

    I [peɪdʒ] noun
    one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine etc:

    a three-page letter.

    صَفْحَه II [peɪdʒ]
    1. noun
    1) (in hotels) a boy who takes messages, carries luggage etc.
    خادِم الفُنْدُق
    2) ( also ˈpage boy) a boy servant.
    الوَلَد الخادِم
    2. verb
    to try to find someone in a public place by calling out his name (often through a loud-speaker system):

    I could not see my friend in the hotel, so I had him paged.

    يُنادي عَلى شَخْص بين الجُمْهور

    Arabic-English dictionary > page

  • 20 piracy

    the act(s) of a pirate:

    Publishing that book under his own name was piracy.


    Arabic-English dictionary > piracy

См. также в других словарях:

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