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  • 1 coepi

    began, started, undertook, initiated (pres. incipio).

    Latin-English dictionary of medieval > coepi

  • 2 D

    D, d (n. indecl., sometimes f. sc. littera), the flat dental mute, corresponding in character and sound to the English d and the Greek D, was the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet, and was called de: Ter. Maur. p. 2385 P., Auson. Idyll. 12, de Litt. Monos. 14. But at the end of a syllable, or after another consonant, its sound was sharpened, so that the grammarians often discuss the question whether d or t should be written, especially in conjunctions and prepositions. Illa quoque servata est a multis differentia, ut ad cum esset praepositio, d litteram, cum autem conjunctio, t acciperet (Quint. 1, 7, 5; cf. id. 1, 4, 16). Hence we may infer that some disputed this distinction, and that the sounds of ad and at must at least have been very similar (cf. also Terent. Scaur. p. 2250, Vel. Long. p. 2230 sq., Cassiod. p. 2287, 2291). Thus also aput, it, quit, quot, aliut, set, haut are found for apud, id, quid, quod, aliud, sed, haud. It would appear from the remarks of these authors that the last two words in particular, having a proclitic character, while they distinctly retained the d sound before an initial vowel in the following word, were pronounced before a consonant almost as set, haut (Mar. Vict. p. 2462 P., Vel. Long. l. l. v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.). The use of t for d in the middle of a word, as Alexenter for Alexander, atnato for adnato, is very rare (cf. Wordsworth, Fragm. p. 486 sq.). On the other hand, the use of d for t, which sometimes appears in MSS. and inscrr., as ed, capud, essed, inquid (all of which occur in the Cod. palimps. of Cic. Rep.), adque, quodannis, sicud, etc., fecid, reliquid, etc. (all in inscriptions after the Augustan period), is to be ascribed to a later phonetic softening (cf. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.).
    As an initial, the letter d, in pure Latin words, suffers only a vowel after it; the single consonantal compound dr being found only in borrowed words, such as drama, Drusus, Druidae, etc., and in the two onomatopees drenso and drindio. Accordingly, the d of the initial dv, from du, was rejected, and the remaining v either retained unaltered (as in v iginti for du iginti; cf. triginta) or changed into b (as in b ellum, b is, b onus, for du ellum, du is, du onus; v. those words and the letter B). So too in and after the 4th century A.D., di before vowels was pronounced like j (cf. J ovis for Dj ovis, and J anus for Di anus); and hence, as the Greek di ( di) passed into dz, i. e. z (as in z a for d ia, and z eta for di aeta), we sometimes find the same name written in two or three ways, as Diabolenus, Jabolenus, Zabolenus; Jadera, Diadora, Zara. In many Greek words, however, which originally began with a y sound, d was prefixed by an instinctive effort to avoid a disagreeable utterance, just as in English the initial j has regularly assumed the sound of dj: thus Gr. zugon, i. e. diugon = L. jugum; and in such cases the d sound has been prefixed in Greek, not lost in Latin and other languages (v. Curt. Griech. Etym. p. 608 sq.).b. As a medial, d before most consonants undergoes assimilation; v. ad, no. II.; assum, init., and cf. iccirco, quippiam, quicquam, for idcirco, quidpiam, quidquam; and in contractions like cette from cedite, pelluviae from pediluviae, sella from sedela. In contractions, however, the d is sometimes dropped and a compensation effected by lengthening the preceding vowel, as scāla for scand-la. D before endings which begin with s was suppressed, as pes from ped-s, lapis from lapid-s, frons from frond-s, rasi from radsi, risi from rid-si, lusi from lud-si, clausi from claud-si; but in the second and third roots of cedo, and in the third roots of some other verbs, d is assimilated, as cessi, cessum, fossum, etc. D is also omitted before s in composition when another consonant follows the s, as ascendo, aspicio, asto, astringo, and so also before the nasal gn in agnatus, agnitus, and agnosco, from gnatus, etc.: but in other combinations it is assimilated, as assentio, acclamo, accresco; affligo, affrico; agglomero, aggrego; applico, approbo, etc. In tentum, from tendo, d is dropped to avoid the combination ndt or ntt, since euphony forbids a consonant to be doubled after another.g. Final d stood only in ad, apud, sed, and in the neuter pronouns quid, quod, illud, istud, and aliud, anciently alid. Otherwise, the ending d was considered barbarous, Prisc. p. 686 P.
    The letter d represents regularly an original Indo-Germanic d, in Greek d, but which in German becomes z, in Gothic t, and in Anglo-Saxon t: cf. Gr. hêdomai, Sanscr. svad, Germ. süss, Angl.-Sax. svēte (sweet), with Lat. suadeo; domare with Gr. damaô, Germ. zähmen, Eng. tame; domus with demô, timber, O. H. Germ. zimber; duo with duô, zwei, two. But it is also interchanged with other sounds, and thus sometimes represents—
    An original t: mendax from mentior; quadraginta, quadra, etc., from quatuor.—
    An original r: ar and ad; apur or apor and apud; meridies and medidies, audio and auris; cf. arbiter, from ad-beto; arcesso for ad-cesso.—
    An original l: adeps, Gr. aleipha; dacrima and lacrima, dingua and lingua; cf. on the contrary, olere for odere, consilium and considere, Ulixes from Odusseus (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 223).—
    An original s: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus, medius and misos; and, on the contrary, rosa and rhodon. —
    A Greek th: fides, pistis; gaudere, gêtheô; vad-i-monium (from va-d-s, vadis), aethlon.
    In the oldest period of the language d was the ending of the ablat. sing. and of the adverbs which were originally ablatives (cf. Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excur. I.; Brix ad Plaut. Trin. Prol. 10): pu CNANDO, MARID, DICTATORED, IN ALTOD MARID, NAVALED PRAEDAD on the Col. Rostr.; DE SENATVOS SENTENTIAD (thrice) IN OQVOLTOD, IN POPLICOD, IN PREIVATOD, IN COVENTIONID, and the adverbs SVPRAD SCRIPTVM EST (thrice), EXSTRAD QVAM SEI, and even EXSTRAD VRBEM, in S. C. de Bacch. So intra-d, ultra-d, citra-d, contra-d, infra-d, supra-d; contro-d, intro-d, etc.; and probably interea-d, postea-d. Here too belongs, no doubt, the adverb FACILVMED, found in the last-mentioned inscription. But this use of the d became antiquated during the 3d century B.C., and is not found at all in any inscription after 186 B. C. Plautus seems to have used or omitted it at will (Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excurs. p. 18: Corss. Ausspr. 1, 197; 2, 1008).
    D final was also anciently found—
    In the accus. sing. of the personal pronouns med, ted, sed: INTER SED CONIOVRASE and INTER SED DEDISE, for inter se conjuravisse and inter se dedisse, in the S. C. de Bacch. This usage was retained, at least as a license of verse, when the next word began with a vowel, even in the time of Plautus. But in the classic period this d no longer appears. —
    In the imperative mood;

    as estod,

    Fest. p. 230. The Oscan language retained this ending (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 206).—
    In the preposition se-, originally identical with the conjunction sed (it is retained in the compound seditio); also in red-, prod-, antid-, postid-, etc. ( redire, prodire, etc.); and in these words, too, it is a remnant of the ancient characteristic of the ablative (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 200 sq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 49).
    As an abbreviation, D usually stands for the praenomen Decimus; also for Deus, Divus, Dominus, Decurio, etc.; over epitaphs, D. M. = Diis Manibus; over temple inscriptions, D. O. M. = Deo Optimo Maxumo; in the titles of the later emperors, D. N. = Dominus Noster, and DD. NN. = Domini Nostri. Before dates of letters, D signified dabam, and also dies; hence, a. d. = ante diem; in offerings to the gods, D. D. = dono or donum dedit; D. D. D. = dat, dicat, dedicat, etc. Cf. Orell. Inscr. II. p. 457 sq.
    The Romans denoted the number 500 by D; but the character was then regarded, not as a letter, but as half of the original Tuscan numeral (or CI[C ]) for 1000.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > D

  • 3 d

    D, d (n. indecl., sometimes f. sc. littera), the flat dental mute, corresponding in character and sound to the English d and the Greek D, was the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet, and was called de: Ter. Maur. p. 2385 P., Auson. Idyll. 12, de Litt. Monos. 14. But at the end of a syllable, or after another consonant, its sound was sharpened, so that the grammarians often discuss the question whether d or t should be written, especially in conjunctions and prepositions. Illa quoque servata est a multis differentia, ut ad cum esset praepositio, d litteram, cum autem conjunctio, t acciperet (Quint. 1, 7, 5; cf. id. 1, 4, 16). Hence we may infer that some disputed this distinction, and that the sounds of ad and at must at least have been very similar (cf. also Terent. Scaur. p. 2250, Vel. Long. p. 2230 sq., Cassiod. p. 2287, 2291). Thus also aput, it, quit, quot, aliut, set, haut are found for apud, id, quid, quod, aliud, sed, haud. It would appear from the remarks of these authors that the last two words in particular, having a proclitic character, while they distinctly retained the d sound before an initial vowel in the following word, were pronounced before a consonant almost as set, haut (Mar. Vict. p. 2462 P., Vel. Long. l. l. v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.). The use of t for d in the middle of a word, as Alexenter for Alexander, atnato for adnato, is very rare (cf. Wordsworth, Fragm. p. 486 sq.). On the other hand, the use of d for t, which sometimes appears in MSS. and inscrr., as ed, capud, essed, inquid (all of which occur in the Cod. palimps. of Cic. Rep.), adque, quodannis, sicud, etc., fecid, reliquid, etc. (all in inscriptions after the Augustan period), is to be ascribed to a later phonetic softening (cf. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.).
    As an initial, the letter d, in pure Latin words, suffers only a vowel after it; the single consonantal compound dr being found only in borrowed words, such as drama, Drusus, Druidae, etc., and in the two onomatopees drenso and drindio. Accordingly, the d of the initial dv, from du, was rejected, and the remaining v either retained unaltered (as in v iginti for du iginti; cf. triginta) or changed into b (as in b ellum, b is, b onus, for du ellum, du is, du onus; v. those words and the letter B). So too in and after the 4th century A.D., di before vowels was pronounced like j (cf. J ovis for Dj ovis, and J anus for Di anus); and hence, as the Greek di ( di) passed into dz, i. e. z (as in z a for d ia, and z eta for di aeta), we sometimes find the same name written in two or three ways, as Diabolenus, Jabolenus, Zabolenus; Jadera, Diadora, Zara. In many Greek words, however, which originally began with a y sound, d was prefixed by an instinctive effort to avoid a disagreeable utterance, just as in English the initial j has regularly assumed the sound of dj: thus Gr. zugon, i. e. diugon = L. jugum; and in such cases the d sound has been prefixed in Greek, not lost in Latin and other languages (v. Curt. Griech. Etym. p. 608 sq.).b. As a medial, d before most consonants undergoes assimilation; v. ad, no. II.; assum, init., and cf. iccirco, quippiam, quicquam, for idcirco, quidpiam, quidquam; and in contractions like cette from cedite, pelluviae from pediluviae, sella from sedela. In contractions, however, the d is sometimes dropped and a compensation effected by lengthening the preceding vowel, as scāla for scand-la. D before endings which begin with s was suppressed, as pes from ped-s, lapis from lapid-s, frons from frond-s, rasi from radsi, risi from rid-si, lusi from lud-si, clausi from claud-si; but in the second and third roots of cedo, and in the third roots of some other verbs, d is assimilated, as cessi, cessum, fossum, etc. D is also omitted before s in composition when another consonant follows the s, as ascendo, aspicio, asto, astringo, and so also before the nasal gn in agnatus, agnitus, and agnosco, from gnatus, etc.: but in other combinations it is assimilated, as assentio, acclamo, accresco; affligo, affrico; agglomero, aggrego; applico, approbo, etc. In tentum, from tendo, d is dropped to avoid the combination ndt or ntt, since euphony forbids a consonant to be doubled after another.g. Final d stood only in ad, apud, sed, and in the neuter pronouns quid, quod, illud, istud, and aliud, anciently alid. Otherwise, the ending d was considered barbarous, Prisc. p. 686 P.
    The letter d represents regularly an original Indo-Germanic d, in Greek d, but which in German becomes z, in Gothic t, and in Anglo-Saxon t: cf. Gr. hêdomai, Sanscr. svad, Germ. süss, Angl.-Sax. svēte (sweet), with Lat. suadeo; domare with Gr. damaô, Germ. zähmen, Eng. tame; domus with demô, timber, O. H. Germ. zimber; duo with duô, zwei, two. But it is also interchanged with other sounds, and thus sometimes represents—
    An original t: mendax from mentior; quadraginta, quadra, etc., from quatuor.—
    An original r: ar and ad; apur or apor and apud; meridies and medidies, audio and auris; cf. arbiter, from ad-beto; arcesso for ad-cesso.—
    An original l: adeps, Gr. aleipha; dacrima and lacrima, dingua and lingua; cf. on the contrary, olere for odere, consilium and considere, Ulixes from Odusseus (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 223).—
    An original s: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus, medius and misos; and, on the contrary, rosa and rhodon. —
    A Greek th: fides, pistis; gaudere, gêtheô; vad-i-monium (from va-d-s, vadis), aethlon.
    In the oldest period of the language d was the ending of the ablat. sing. and of the adverbs which were originally ablatives (cf. Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excur. I.; Brix ad Plaut. Trin. Prol. 10): pu CNANDO, MARID, DICTATORED, IN ALTOD MARID, NAVALED PRAEDAD on the Col. Rostr.; DE SENATVOS SENTENTIAD (thrice) IN OQVOLTOD, IN POPLICOD, IN PREIVATOD, IN COVENTIONID, and the adverbs SVPRAD SCRIPTVM EST (thrice), EXSTRAD QVAM SEI, and even EXSTRAD VRBEM, in S. C. de Bacch. So intra-d, ultra-d, citra-d, contra-d, infra-d, supra-d; contro-d, intro-d, etc.; and probably interea-d, postea-d. Here too belongs, no doubt, the adverb FACILVMED, found in the last-mentioned inscription. But this use of the d became antiquated during the 3d century B.C., and is not found at all in any inscription after 186 B. C. Plautus seems to have used or omitted it at will (Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excurs. p. 18: Corss. Ausspr. 1, 197; 2, 1008).
    D final was also anciently found—
    In the accus. sing. of the personal pronouns med, ted, sed: INTER SED CONIOVRASE and INTER SED DEDISE, for inter se conjuravisse and inter se dedisse, in the S. C. de Bacch. This usage was retained, at least as a license of verse, when the next word began with a vowel, even in the time of Plautus. But in the classic period this d no longer appears. —
    In the imperative mood;

    as estod,

    Fest. p. 230. The Oscan language retained this ending (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 206).—
    In the preposition se-, originally identical with the conjunction sed (it is retained in the compound seditio); also in red-, prod-, antid-, postid-, etc. ( redire, prodire, etc.); and in these words, too, it is a remnant of the ancient characteristic of the ablative (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 200 sq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 49).
    As an abbreviation, D usually stands for the praenomen Decimus; also for Deus, Divus, Dominus, Decurio, etc.; over epitaphs, D. M. = Diis Manibus; over temple inscriptions, D. O. M. = Deo Optimo Maxumo; in the titles of the later emperors, D. N. = Dominus Noster, and DD. NN. = Domini Nostri. Before dates of letters, D signified dabam, and also dies; hence, a. d. = ante diem; in offerings to the gods, D. D. = dono or donum dedit; D. D. D. = dat, dicat, dedicat, etc. Cf. Orell. Inscr. II. p. 457 sq.
    The Romans denoted the number 500 by D; but the character was then regarded, not as a letter, but as half of the original Tuscan numeral (or CI[C ]) for 1000.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > d

  • 4 bellicum

        bellicum ī, n    [bellicus], the war - trumpet, war-signal; only with canere, to call to arms, signal for the onset: motus novus bellicum canere coepit: bellicum me cecinisse dicunt, began hostilities.—Of style: canere quodam modo bellicum, sounds like a trumpet.
    * * *
    signal (on trumpet) for march/attack/etc. (w/canere); military trumpet call

    Latin-English dictionary > bellicum

  • 5 cicātrīx

        cicātrīx īcis, f    a scar, cicatrice: cicatricīs suas Ostentat, T.: plagam accepit, ut declarat cicatrix: adversae, wounds in front: ostentare cicatrices advorso pectore, S.: ubi primum ducta cicatrix, when the wound began to heal over, L. — In plants, a mark of incision, V.—In a shoe, the seam of a patch, Iu.—Fig.: refricare obductam iam rei p. cicatricem, to open the wound afresh.
    * * *
    scar/cicatrice; wound/bruise; emotional scar; prune mark on plant/tool on work

    Latin-English dictionary > cicātrīx

  • 6 com - mittō (conm-)

        com - mittō (conm-) mīsī, missus, ere.    I. To bring together, join, combine, put together, connect, unite: commissis operibus, L.: fidibusque commissa Moenia, O.: domus plumbo commissa, patched, In.: commissa inter se munimenta, L.: viam a Placentiā Flaminiae, L.: quā naris fronti committitur, is joined, O.: manum Teucris, to attack, V.: commissa in unum crura, O. — To bring together in fight, match, set together, set on: Aenean Rutulumque, make them fight, i. e. describe their contest, Iu.: eunucho Bromium, Iu.—To join, commit, enter on, fight, engage in, begin: proelii committendi signum dare, Cs.: proelium statim, N.: pugnam caestu, V.: ut proelium committi posset, S.: commisso proelio, when the fighting began, Cs.: cum equitatu proelium, Cs.: rixae committendae causā, L. — Of contests in the games: nondum commisso spectaculo, L.: quo die ludi committebantur: ludos, V.—Of a criminal trial: iudicium inter sicarios hoc primum committitur.—To fight, carry on, wage: pugnam navalem: proelia per quatriduum, L. —    II. To deliver, intrust, consign, place, commit, yield, resign, trust, expose, abandon: me tuae fide (dat.), T.: suos alcui liberos, T.: honor creditus ac commissus: alcui calceandos pedes, Ph.: quibus tota commissa est res p.: quia commissi sunt eis magistratūs: imperium alicui, N.: caput tonsori, H.: sulcis semina, V.: verba tabellis, O.: se theatro: se pugnae, L.: pelago ratem, H.: se mortis periculo: se civilibus fluctibus, N.: tergum meum Tuam in fidem, T.: se in id conclave: rem in casum, L.: cum senatus ei commiserit, ut videret, ne, etc.: de existimatione suā alcui: ei commisi et credidi, T.: universo populo neque ipse committit neque, etc.: venti, quibus necessario committendum existimabat, Cs.— Prov.: ovem lupo commisti, T. — To practise, commit, perpetrate, do, be guilty of: qui nihil commiserint: quod mox mutare laboret, H.: facinus: delictum, Cs.: nil nefandum, O.: nefarias res: fraudem, H.: multa in deos impie: quidquid contra leges: aliquid adversus populum, L.: quasi committeret contra legem, offend: cum veri simile erit aliquem commississe.—With ut (rarely cur or quā re), to be in fault, give occasion, be guilty, incur (usu. with neg.): non committet hodie iterum ut vapulet, T.: civem committere, ut morte multandus sit, incur: committendum non putabat, ut dici posset, etc., that he ought not to incur the reproach, etc., Cs.: negare se commissurum, cur sibi quisquam imperium finiret, L.: neque commissum a se, quā re timeret, Cs.—Poet., with inf: infelix committit saepe repelli, incurs repulse, O. — To incur, become liable to: multam: devotionem capitis, incurred.—Hence, commissus, forfeited, confiscated (as a penalty): hereditas Veneri Erycinae commissa: civitas obligata sponsione commissā, a broken covenant, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > com - mittō (conm-)

  • 7 dē-scendō

        dē-scendō dī, sus, ere,    to climb down, come down, descend, fall, sink: ex equo, to alight: monte, S.: de palatio: caelo, H.: e caelo, Iu.: vertice montis ab alto, V.: ab Alpibus, L.: arce Monoeci, V.: per clivum, O.: in campum: in ventrem, to be eaten, H.: caelo in undas, V.: ad naviculas: Ad mare, H.: Sacrā viā, H.: sciscitatum deos descendunt, L.: Iuppiter laeto descendet imbri, V.: O testa... Descende (i. e. ex apothecā), H.—To go down, go, come (to business, etc.): in forum ante lucem: ad forum, L.: fuge, quo descendere gestis, H.: de palatio: hodie non descendit Antonius: quod non descenderet tribunus, L.: in causam, to engage.—Of troops, to march down: ex superioribus locis in planitiem, Cs.: quā (sc. de monte), S.: inde (sc. de arce), L.: in aequum, L.: omnibus copiis in campum descensum est, L.: ad laevam, S.: praedatum in agros Romanos, L.: descensum in aciem est, the battle began, L.: in certamen: Ad pugnam rhetoricā ab umbrā, Iu.—To sink down, penetrate: ferrum alte in corpus, L.: toto in ilia ferro, O.: toto corpore pestis, V.: in iudicis aurīs, H.—Fig., to go down, descend, sink, penetrate: verbum in pectus altius, S.: cura in animos patrum, L.: descendere ad ipsum Ordine perpetuo, follow the line of descent, O.—To lower oneself, descend, stoop, yield, agree to: senes ad ludum adulescentium descendant: ad calamitatum societates: ad eius modi consilium, Cs.: ad ultimum rei p. auxilium, L.: preces in omnīs, V.: videte, quo descendam.

    Latin-English dictionary > dē-scendō

  • 8 ingredior

        ingredior essus, ī, dep.    [1 in+gradior], to advance, go forward, march, proceed: si stas, ingredere; si ingrederis, curre: Ingredere, o ductor, V.: pedes per nives et glaciem ingredi coepit, Cu.: tardius: quācumque, O.: solo, L.: vestigiis patris: per titulos tuos, O.—To go into, enter: in templum: in castra, L.: mare, T.: Numidiam, S.: iter pedibus: curiam, L.: lucum, V.: intra finem eius loci: castris ingressus Etruscis, V.—Fig., to enter upon, engage in, begin, undertake, apply oneself to: in vitam tamquam in viam: in sermonem, Cs.: viam vivendi: disputationem mecum: magistratum, S.: vestigia patris, follow, L.: ad discendum: ad ea quae voltis: eas res mandare monumentis: aliquid describere: versare dolos, V.: Sic contra est ingressa Venus, began (to speak), V.: tibi res antiquae laudis Ingredior, V.
    * * *
    ingredi, ingressus sum V DEP
    advance, walk; enter, step/go into; undertake, begin

    Latin-English dictionary > ingredior

  • 9 Mārs

        Mārs Mārtis, m    [3 MAR-], Mars, father of Romulus and god of war, with whose month, Martius, the Roman year began, O., Cs.: durus, V.: cruentus, H.: ferox O.: stella Martis, the planet Mars.—War, batt<*>e, conflict, engagement: Martem accendere cantu, incite to battle, V.: apertus, in the open field, O.: equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare, i. e. both on horseback and on foot, L.: Mars forensis, a legal contest, O.: si patrii quid Martis habes, martial spirit, V.—In the phrase, suo Marte, independently, by his own efforts: rex ipse suo Marte res suas recuperavit: cum vos vestro Marte his rebus omnibus abundetis.— The issue of battle, fortune of war: omnis belli Mars communis: communis adhuc Mars belli erat, L.: aequo Marte, indecisively, Cs.: verso Marte (i. e. versā fortunā), L.
    * * *
    Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms

    Latin-English dictionary > Mārs

  • 10 ōrdior

        ōrdior ōrsus, īrī, dep.    [1 OL-], to begin a web, lay the warp, begin, commence, make a beginning, set about, undertake: unde est orsa, in eodem terminetur oratio: Veneris contra sic filius orsus, thus began, V.: a principio: a facillimis: reliquos, describe, N.: querellae ab initio tantae ordiendae rei absint, L.: bellum Troianum, H.: paulo altius de re: de alquā re disputare: cum sic orsa loqui vates, V.: Dicere, O.: sed ab initio est ordiendus (Themistocles), i. e. must begin with him, N.: ab eo nobis causa ordienda est.
    * * *
    ordiri, orsus sum V DEP

    Latin-English dictionary > ōrdior

  • 11 prō-lūdō

        prō-lūdō sī, —, ere,    to play beforehand, prelude, practise: ad pugnam, V.: Sic ubi prolusit, O. —Fig.: sententiae quibus proluserint, which began the speech: Iurgia proludunt, wrangling comes first, Iu.

    Latin-English dictionary > prō-lūdō

  • 12 Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet

    As loyal as she began, so she remains

    Latin Quotes (Latin to English) > Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet

  • 13 accumbo

    ac-cumbo ( adc.), cŭbui, cŭbĭtum, 3, v. n., to lay one's self down at a place; and hence, to lie somewhere.
    In gen. (so very rare):

    in via,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 4, 13;

    of one swimming: summis in undis,

    Manil. 5, 429.—
    In part.
    To recline at table, in the manner in which the Romans (and finally even the Roman women, Val. Max. 2, 1, 2) reclined, after luxury and effeminacy had become prevalent. While they extended the lower part of the body upon the couch (triclinium, lectus triclinaris), they supported the upper part by the left arm upon a cushion (or upon the bosom of the one nearest;

    hence, in sinu accumbere,

    Liv. 39, 43; cf. anakeisthai = einai en tôi kolpôi tinos, Ev. Ioh. 13, 23), the right hand only being used in taking food:

    hoc age, adcumbe,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 15; so id. Most. 1, 3, 150, etc.; Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 31; id. Mur. 35; Liv. 28, 18; c. acc.: mensam, Att. ap. Non. 415, 26; Lucil. Sat. 13; ib. 511, 16:

    cotidianis epulis in robore,

    Cic. Mur. 74:

    in convivio,

    id. Verr. 1, 66:

    in epulo,

    Cic. Vatin. 12:


    Verg. A. 1, 79;


    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 75; absol., Cic. Deiot. 17.—Since three persons usually reclined upon such a couch (cf. Cic. Pis. 27), these expressions arose: in summo (or superiorem, also supra), medium and imum (or infra) adcumbere; and the series began on the left side, since they lay supported by the left arm. The whole arrangement is explained by the following figure: Among the three lecti, the lectus medius was the most honorable; and on each lectus, the locus medius was more honorable than the summus; and this had the preference to the imus or ultimus. The consul or other magistrate usually sat as imus of the lectus medius (fig. no. 6), in order that, by his position at the corner, he might be able, without trouble, to attend to any official business that might occur. The place no. 7 seems, for a similar reason, to have been taken by the host. See on this subject Salmas. Sol. p. 886; Smith's Antiq.; Becker's Gall. 3, p. 206 sq. (2d ed.); and Orell. excurs. ad Hor. S. 2, 8, 20. This statement explains the passages in Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 14; id. Most. 1, 1, 42; id. Stich. 3, 2, 37, etc.; Cic. Att. 1, 9; id. Fam. 9, 26; Sall. Fragm. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 702; Hor. S. 2, 8, 20.—
    In mal. part. (rarely), Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 73; Men. 3, 2, 11; 5, 9, 82.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > accumbo

  • 14 adcumbo

    ac-cumbo ( adc.), cŭbui, cŭbĭtum, 3, v. n., to lay one's self down at a place; and hence, to lie somewhere.
    In gen. (so very rare):

    in via,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 4, 13;

    of one swimming: summis in undis,

    Manil. 5, 429.—
    In part.
    To recline at table, in the manner in which the Romans (and finally even the Roman women, Val. Max. 2, 1, 2) reclined, after luxury and effeminacy had become prevalent. While they extended the lower part of the body upon the couch (triclinium, lectus triclinaris), they supported the upper part by the left arm upon a cushion (or upon the bosom of the one nearest;

    hence, in sinu accumbere,

    Liv. 39, 43; cf. anakeisthai = einai en tôi kolpôi tinos, Ev. Ioh. 13, 23), the right hand only being used in taking food:

    hoc age, adcumbe,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 15; so id. Most. 1, 3, 150, etc.; Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 31; id. Mur. 35; Liv. 28, 18; c. acc.: mensam, Att. ap. Non. 415, 26; Lucil. Sat. 13; ib. 511, 16:

    cotidianis epulis in robore,

    Cic. Mur. 74:

    in convivio,

    id. Verr. 1, 66:

    in epulo,

    Cic. Vatin. 12:


    Verg. A. 1, 79;


    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 75; absol., Cic. Deiot. 17.—Since three persons usually reclined upon such a couch (cf. Cic. Pis. 27), these expressions arose: in summo (or superiorem, also supra), medium and imum (or infra) adcumbere; and the series began on the left side, since they lay supported by the left arm. The whole arrangement is explained by the following figure: Among the three lecti, the lectus medius was the most honorable; and on each lectus, the locus medius was more honorable than the summus; and this had the preference to the imus or ultimus. The consul or other magistrate usually sat as imus of the lectus medius (fig. no. 6), in order that, by his position at the corner, he might be able, without trouble, to attend to any official business that might occur. The place no. 7 seems, for a similar reason, to have been taken by the host. See on this subject Salmas. Sol. p. 886; Smith's Antiq.; Becker's Gall. 3, p. 206 sq. (2d ed.); and Orell. excurs. ad Hor. S. 2, 8, 20. This statement explains the passages in Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 14; id. Most. 1, 1, 42; id. Stich. 3, 2, 37, etc.; Cic. Att. 1, 9; id. Fam. 9, 26; Sall. Fragm. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 702; Hor. S. 2, 8, 20.—
    In mal. part. (rarely), Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 73; Men. 3, 2, 11; 5, 9, 82.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > adcumbo

  • 15 Aemilia

    Aemĭlĭus, a, um, adj. [aemulor], the name of a Roman gens, greatly distinguished for the illustrious men whom it furnished. The most celebrated of them was L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror of Perseus, and the father of Corn. Scipio Africanus Minor:


    Manil. 1, 794:


    Cic. Att. 2, 14; Liv. 38, 36.— Aemĭlĭa Vĭa, the name of three several public roads.
    One, constructed by M. Aemilius Lepidus, as consul, A. U. C. 567, began at Placentia, and passed [p. 55] through Parma, Regium, Mutina, Bononia, Forum Cornelii, Faventia, Forum Livii, and Caesena to Ariminum, where it joined the Via Flaminia, Liv. 39.—
    One, constructed A. U. C. 645, by M. Aemilius Scaurus, as censor, led from Bononia, through Pisa and Luna, to Dertona, Strab. 1, 5.—
    One extending from Ariminum to Aquileia (some, however, consider this as the same with the first), Mart. 3, 4.—Sometimes absol., Aemĭlĭa, instead of Via Aemilia: in ipsā Aemiliā diu pugnatum est, Galba ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 30.—From the public way, Martial calls the region between Ariminum and Placentia (commonly Gallia Cispadana) regio Aemilia, Mart. 6, 85.—Aemilius pons, so called after its builder, M. Aemilius Scaurus, Juv. 6, 32 Rupert.— Poet.:

    Aemilia ratis,

    the ship on which the booty acquired by L. Æmilius Paulus, in the war with Perseus, was conveyed to Rome, Prop. 4, 2, 8.—Aemilius ludus, a gladiatorial exhibition introduced by P. Æmilius Lepidus, Hor. A. P. 32.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Aemilia

  • 16 Aemilia Via

    Aemĭlĭus, a, um, adj. [aemulor], the name of a Roman gens, greatly distinguished for the illustrious men whom it furnished. The most celebrated of them was L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror of Perseus, and the father of Corn. Scipio Africanus Minor:


    Manil. 1, 794:


    Cic. Att. 2, 14; Liv. 38, 36.— Aemĭlĭa Vĭa, the name of three several public roads.
    One, constructed by M. Aemilius Lepidus, as consul, A. U. C. 567, began at Placentia, and passed [p. 55] through Parma, Regium, Mutina, Bononia, Forum Cornelii, Faventia, Forum Livii, and Caesena to Ariminum, where it joined the Via Flaminia, Liv. 39.—
    One, constructed A. U. C. 645, by M. Aemilius Scaurus, as censor, led from Bononia, through Pisa and Luna, to Dertona, Strab. 1, 5.—
    One extending from Ariminum to Aquileia (some, however, consider this as the same with the first), Mart. 3, 4.—Sometimes absol., Aemĭlĭa, instead of Via Aemilia: in ipsā Aemiliā diu pugnatum est, Galba ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 30.—From the public way, Martial calls the region between Ariminum and Placentia (commonly Gallia Cispadana) regio Aemilia, Mart. 6, 85.—Aemilius pons, so called after its builder, M. Aemilius Scaurus, Juv. 6, 32 Rupert.— Poet.:

    Aemilia ratis,

    the ship on which the booty acquired by L. Æmilius Paulus, in the war with Perseus, was conveyed to Rome, Prop. 4, 2, 8.—Aemilius ludus, a gladiatorial exhibition introduced by P. Æmilius Lepidus, Hor. A. P. 32.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Aemilia Via

  • 17 Aemilius

    Aemĭlĭus, a, um, adj. [aemulor], the name of a Roman gens, greatly distinguished for the illustrious men whom it furnished. The most celebrated of them was L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror of Perseus, and the father of Corn. Scipio Africanus Minor:


    Manil. 1, 794:


    Cic. Att. 2, 14; Liv. 38, 36.— Aemĭlĭa Vĭa, the name of three several public roads.
    One, constructed by M. Aemilius Lepidus, as consul, A. U. C. 567, began at Placentia, and passed [p. 55] through Parma, Regium, Mutina, Bononia, Forum Cornelii, Faventia, Forum Livii, and Caesena to Ariminum, where it joined the Via Flaminia, Liv. 39.—
    One, constructed A. U. C. 645, by M. Aemilius Scaurus, as censor, led from Bononia, through Pisa and Luna, to Dertona, Strab. 1, 5.—
    One extending from Ariminum to Aquileia (some, however, consider this as the same with the first), Mart. 3, 4.—Sometimes absol., Aemĭlĭa, instead of Via Aemilia: in ipsā Aemiliā diu pugnatum est, Galba ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 30.—From the public way, Martial calls the region between Ariminum and Placentia (commonly Gallia Cispadana) regio Aemilia, Mart. 6, 85.—Aemilius pons, so called after its builder, M. Aemilius Scaurus, Juv. 6, 32 Rupert.— Poet.:

    Aemilia ratis,

    the ship on which the booty acquired by L. Æmilius Paulus, in the war with Perseus, was conveyed to Rome, Prop. 4, 2, 8.—Aemilius ludus, a gladiatorial exhibition introduced by P. Æmilius Lepidus, Hor. A. P. 32.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Aemilius

  • 18 Anio

    Ănĭo, ēnis, m., = Aniôn, Strab., Aniês, Plut. (the orig. form was Ănĭen: non minus quam XV. milia Anien abest, Cato ap. Prisc. p. 684 P.; also in Stat.: praeceps Anien, S. 1, 5, 25; 1, 3, 20. Still Enn., acc. to Serv. ad Verg. A. 7, 683, used the form Anio, ōnis, analogous to the Gr. Aniôn; cf. also Anionis in Front. Aquaed. § 92;

    and, ANIONIS,

    Inscr. Orell. 3203; and thus, during the whole class. per., Anio remained the principal form of the nom., while the remaining cases of Anien were retained; only Aug. and post-Aug. poets, e. g. Prop. 5, 7, 86; Stat. S. 1, 3, 70, have as an access. form. Ănĭēnus, i; cf. Mart. Cap. 8, 72; Prisc. p. 684 P; Phoc. Ars, p. 1691 P.; Schneid. Gram. II. 148; Rudd. I. p. 60; Neue, Formenl. I. pp. 163, 187), the classic tributary stream of the Tiber, which, taking its rise in the Apennines, passes along the southern Sabine country, separating it from Latium; and at Tibur, beside its cataract (hence, praeceps Anio, * Hor. C. 1, 7, 13), it presents the most charming natural beauties; now Teverone, Cic. Corn. Fragm. ap. Prisc. p. 684 P.:

    Anio spumifer,

    Prop. 5, 7, 81; Ov. M. 14, 329; Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 109 al. The waters of the upper Anio are very pure, and in ancient times aqueducts conveyed them to Rome. The first, called Anio Vetus, was constructed B. C. 271, by M'. Curius Dentatus and Fulvius Flaccus; it began twenty miles from Rome, but wound about for fortythree miles. The second, built by the emperor Claudius, and known as Anio Novus, took up the stream forty-two miles from Rome, and was about sixty miles in length, preserving the highest level of all the aqueducts of Rome, cf. Front. Aquaed. §§ 6, 13, 15; Nibby, Dintorni, I. pp. 156-160; cf. Mann. Ital. 1, 517; Müll. Roms Camp. 1, 157; 1, 229; 1, 241; 1, 306 al.

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  • 19 Appius

    Appĭus, ii, m., and Appĭa, ae, f. (abbrev. App.).
    A Roman prœnomen, esp. of persons of the gens Claudia; hence,
    Appĭus, a, um, adj., Appian.
    Appia via, the Appian Way, a well-known high - road, begun by the censor Appius Claudius Cœcus (about 442 A. U. C.), which began in Rome at the Porta Capena, and passed in a direct line to the Albanian Mountains, and thence through the Pontine Marshes to Capua; later it was continued to Brundisium, perh. by Trajan (the stones were large polygons of basaltic lava;

    parts here and there are yet in existence),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 18, 55; id. Mil. 6, 15; id. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 6; id. Phil. 7, 1, 1; Liv. 9, 29, 6; Front. Aquaed. 5; Inscr. Orell. 131; cf.

    Müll. Roms Camp. 2, 230.—Called also Appī via,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 26;

    and simply Appia,

    id. Epod. 4, 14, al.; Cic. Att. 2, 12.—
    Appia aqua, the aqueduct which this same Appius constructed; Front. Aquaed. 5; cf. Liv. 9, 29. —
    Appii Forum, a small market-town in Latium, founded by the same Appius, on the left side of the Via Appia, in the midst of the Pontine Marshes, now Foro Appio, Hor. S. 1, 5, 3; Vulg. Act. 28, 15; cf. Mann. Ital. I. 637 and 638.

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  • 20 C

    C, c, n. indecl., or f., the third letter of the Latin alphabet; corresponded originally in sound to the Greek G (which in inscrr., esp. in the Doric, was frequently written like the Latin C; v. O. Müll. Etrusk. 2, p. 295); hence the old orthography: LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, [pu]CNANDOD, PVC[nad], CARTACINIENSI, upon the Columna rostrata, for legiones, magistratos, effugiunt, pugnando, pugnā, Carthaginiensi; and the prænomina Gaius and Gnaeus, even to the latest times, were designated by C. and Cn., while Caeso or Kaeso was written with K; cf. the letter G. Still, even as early as the time of the kings, whether through the influence of the Tuscans, among whom G sounded like K, or of the. Sabines, whose language was kindred with that of the Tuscans, the C seems to have been substituted for K; hence even Consul was designated by Cos., and K remained in use only before a, as in Kalendae; k. k. for calumniae causā, INTERKAL for intercalaris, MERK for mercatus, and in a few other republican inscrr., because by this vowel K was distinguished from Q, as in Gr. Kappa from Koppa, and in Phœnician Caph from Cuph, while C was employed like other consonants with e. Q was used at the beginning of words only when u, pronounced like v, followed, as Quirites from Cures, Tanaquil from Thanchufil, Thanchfil, ThankWil; accordingly, C everywhere took the place of Q, when that accompanying labial sound was lost, or u was used as a vowel; so in the gentile name of Maecenas Cilnius, from the Etrusk. Cvelne or Cfelne (O. Müll. Etrusk. 1, p. 414 sq.); so in coctus, cocus, alicubi, sicubi; in relicŭŭs (four syl.) for reliquus (trisyl.): AECETIA = AEQITIA, i. q. aequitas (V. AECETIA), etc., and as in the Golden Age cujus was written for quojus, and cui for quoi (corresponding to cum for quom); thus, even in the most ancient period, quor or cur was used together with [p. 257] quare, cura with quaero, curia with Quiris, as inversely inquilinus with incola, and in S. C. Bacch. OQVOLTOD = occulto. Hence, at the end of words que, as well as ce in hic, sic, istic, illic, was changed to c, as in ac for atque, nec for neque, nunc, tunc, donec for numque, tumque, dumque; and in the middle of words it might also pass into g. as in negotium and neglego, cf. necopinus. Since C thus gradually took the place of K and Q, with the single exception that our kw was throughout designated by qu, it was strange that under the emperors grammarians began again to write k instead of c before a, though even Quint. 1, 7, 10, expressed his displeasure at this; and they afterwards wrote q before u, even when no labial sound followed, as in pequnia, or merely peqnia, for pecunia; cf. the letters Q and U. About the beginning of the sixth century of the city the modified form G was introduced for the flat guttural sound, and C thenceforth regularly represented the hard sound = our K. The use of aspirates was unknown to the Romans during the first six centuries, hence the letter C also represents the Gr. X, as BACA and BACANALIBVS, for Baccha and Bacchanalibus (the single C instead of the double, as regularly in the most ancient times); cf. also schizô with scindo, and poluchroos with pulcer. But even in the time of Cicero scheda came into use for scida, and pulcher for pulcer; so also the name of the Gracchi was aspirated, as were the name Cethegus and the word triumphus, which, however, in the song of the Arval brothers, is TRIVMPVS; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 160, and the letter P. About this time the use of aspirates became so common, in imitation of Greek, that Catullus wrote upon it an epigram (84), which begins with the words: Cho mmoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet; and in Monum. Ancyr. inchoo is used for the orig. incoho, acc. to which the ancient Romans also employed cohors for chors (v. cohors).On account of the near relationship of c and g, as given above, they are very often interchanged, esp. when connected with liquids: Cygnus, Progne, Gnidus, Gnossus, from kuknos, Proknê, Knidos, Knôssos (even when n was separated from c by a vowel, as in Saguntum for Zakunthos, or absorbed by an s, as in vigesimus and trigesimus for vicensimus and tricensimus); mulgeo for mulceo, segmen from seco, gummi for commi (kommi); gurgulio for curculio, grabatus for krabatos, so that amurca was also written for amurga, from amorgê, as inversely conger for gonger, from gongros; but also with other letters; cf. mastruca and mastruga, misceo and misgô, mugio and mukaomai, gobius and kôbios, gubernator and kubernêtês. Not less freq. is the interchange of c and t, which is noticed by Quint. Inst. 1, 11, 5, and in accordance with which, in composition, d or t before qu, except with que, became c, as acquiro, nequicquam, iccirco for idcirco, ecquis for etquis, etc. Hence is explained the rejection of c before t, as in Lutatius for Luctatius, and the arbitrariness with which many names were written with cc or tt for ct, as Vettones for Vectones; Nacca or Natta for Nacta (from the Gr. gnaptô). It would be erroneouś to infer, from the varied orthography of the names' Accius, Attius, and Actius, or Peccius, Pettius, and Pectius, a hissing pronunciation of them; for as the Romans interchange the terminations icius and itius, and the orthography fetialis and fecialis, indutiae and induciae, with one another, they also wrote Basculi or Bastuli, anclare or antlare, etc. Ci for ti does not appear till an African inscr. of the third century after Christ, and not often before Gallic inscrr. and documents of the seventh century; ti for ci is not certainly found before the end of the fourth century; and ci before a vowel does not appear to have been pronounced as sh, except provincially, before the sixth or seventh century; cf. Roby, Gr. bk. 1, ch. 7; and so in gen., Corss. Ausspr. I. p. 33 sqq. C is sometimes interchanged with p: columba, palumbes; coquus, popa, popina (cf. in Gr. koteros; Sanscr. katara; poteros; Lat. uter). C is sometimes dropped in the middle of a word: luna for luc-na, lumen for luc-men; so also at the beginning of a word: uter for cuter; Sanscr. katara, v. supra.As an abbreviation, C designates Gaius, and reversed, O, Gaia; cf. Quint. 1, 7, 28. As a numeral, C = centum, and upon voting tablets = condemno, Ascon. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; cf. the letter A fin.;

    hence it is called littera tristis (opp. A = absolvo, which is called littera salutaris),

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15 Moeb.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > C

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