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  • Beer die — is a drinking game. Standard rules call for four players, a die, table, four cups, and beer. Unlike most beer based games, drinking and scoring are unrelated.OriginsThere is no consensus on where the sport originated as numerous colleges and… …   Wikipedia

  • Beer in New Zealand — Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in New Zealand, accounting for 63% of available alcohol for sale.[1] New Zealand is ranked 19th in beer consumption per capita, at around 75.5 litres per person per annum. The vast majority of beer… …   Wikipedia

  • BEER, PETER — (Perez; pen name: Theophil Nikodem; 1758 (or 1764)–1838), Austrian educator and author, representative of radical haskalah in the Habsburg Empire. Beer, who had a traditional Jewish education, also learned Latin and German. He attended the Prague …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Beer — Beer, n. [OE. beor, ber, AS. be[ o]r; akin to Fries. biar, Icel. bj?rr, OHG. bior, D. & G. bier, and possibly E. brew. [root]93, See {Brew}.] 1. A fermented liquor made from any malted grain, but commonly from barley malt, with hops or some other …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beer parlor — or beer parlour noun (Can) A public room in a hotel, etc, where beer is served • • • Main Entry: ↑beer …   Useful english dictionary

  • beer parlour — beer parlor or beer parlour noun (Can) A public room in a hotel, etc, where beer is served • • • Main Entry: ↑beer …   Useful english dictionary

  • beer-mat — beerˈ mat noun A small, usu cardboard table mat for a beer glass, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑beer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Beer — Beer, 1) Wilhelm, Selenograph, Bruder des Komponisten Meyerbeer (Jakob B.), geb. 4. Jan. 1797 in Berlin, gest. daselbst 27. März 1850, untersuchte auf seiner kleinen Privatsternwarte in Berlin mit Mädler den Mars und machte umfangreiche Aufnahmen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beer [2] — Beer, 1) Peter, geb. 1758 zu Neubidschow in Böhmen, war jüdischer Abkunft, wurde Lehrer der israelitischen Schule zu Mattersdorf, 1785 an der zu Neubidschow u. 1811 an der Prager Hauptschule, wo er 1838 st. Er trug nebst Ahron Chorin am meisten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Beer [2] — Beer, Michael, dramat. Dichter, Bruder von Jak. Meyer B. (s. Meyerbeer), geb. 19. Aug. 1800 zu Berlin, gest. 22. März 1833 zu München. Hauptwerke: »Klytämnestra«, »Die Bräute von Aragonien«, »Der Paria« (1823), »Struensee« (1829) etc …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beer in Bulgaria — A bottle of Bulgarian beer in a traditional restaurant The modern history of beer in Bulgaria (Bulgarian: пиво, pivo or бира, bira) dates back to the 19th century, when it was introduced to the country by foreigners (from Austria Hungary, France… …   Wikipedia

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