<-[s]>[ˈbeɪsɪk]* * *nur sing. (Computersprache) n. -
BASIC (Abk. für: beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code) ELEK BASIC (eine Programmiersprache) -
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > BASIC
abbr ↑ Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code PROG [Programmiersprache] BASIC ( Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) -
6 Basic
n[Programmiersprache]BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) -
7 basic endurance
■ Resistance to fatigue developing even during prolonged aerobic exercise.■ Ermüdungswiderstandsfähigkeit bei langandauernden Belastungen. -
8 basic equipment
■ Zwingend vorgeschriebene Bekleidung eines Spielers, bestehend aus Hemd, Hose, Stutzen, Schienbeinschützern und Fußbekleidung. -
9 basic gross income
■ Income before taxes, deductions and allowances have been subtracted, excluding any type of benefits, premiums, bonuses or privileges to which a player might be entitled, and on the basis of which the players' agent's remuneration is calculated.■ Vom Spieler oder Spielervermittler ausgehandeltes Einkommen eines Spielers ohne Berücksichtigung etwaiger zusätzlicher Leistungen wie Punkte- und Erfolgsprämien, nach dessen Höhe sich die Entschädigung des Spielervermittlers bemisst. -
10 basic motor properties
Englisch-deutsch wörterbuch fußball > basic motor properties
11 basic formation
Startelf f -
12 Basic Input-Output System
n (BIOS) < edv> ■ Basic Input-Output System (BIOS)German-english technical dictionary > Basic Input-Output System
13 Power BASIC
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > Power BASIC
14 Ein- / Ausgabe-System
basic input / output system (BIOS) -
15 Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany [constitution]Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
16 Last im Grundzustand
17 basisch
CHEM.* * *basic* * *ba|sisch ['baːzɪʃ] (CHEM)1. adjbasic2. adv* * *ba·sisch[ˈba:zɪʃ]* * *1.(Chemie) Adjektiv basic2.* * *basisch CHEMA. adj basic;basisch machen make basicB. adv:basisch reagieren react as a base, show a basic reaction* * *1.(Chemie) Adjektiv basic2. -
18 Grundgesetz
n1. basic law* * *das Grundgesetzbasic law* * *The "Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany" is the German Constitution, which came into force in 1949. It was actually intended as a temporary measure until Germany could be re-united, but upon re-unification in 1990 the Grundgesetz was retained, since it enjoyed a high level of trust. For changes to be made to the Grundgesetz a two-thirds majority is needed both in the Bundestag and in the Bundesrat. If citizens consider that their basic rights, as laid down in the Grundgesetz, have been violated by the state authorities, they can ask for independent arbitration from the Bundesverfassungsgericht, which is binding on all parties. See: → Bundesrat, Bundestag* * *Grund·ge·setznt1. (Grundprinzip) basic [or fundamental] lawphysikalische/chemische \Grundgesetze the fundamental laws of physics/chemistry2. (deutsche Verfassung) Basic Law* * *1) (Verfassung) Basic Law2) (wichtiges Gesetz) fundamental or basic law•• Cultural note:The written German constitution which came into force in May 1949. It lays down the basic rights of German citizens, the relationship between Bund and Länder (Land), and the legal framework of the German state* * *1. basic law2. POL:das Grundgesetz (abk GG) the (German) constitution* * *1) (Verfassung) Basic Law2) (wichtiges Gesetz) fundamental or basic law•• Cultural note:The written German constitution which came into force in May 1949. It lays down the basic rights of German citizens, the relationship between Bund and Länder (Land), and the legal framework of the German state* * *n.German constitutional law n. -
19 Grundstoff
Grundstoff m 1. BÖRSE primary commodity; 2. GEN primary product; 3. WIWI basic commodity, basic material, primary commodity, primary product* * *m 1. < Börse> primary commodity; 2. < Geschäft> primary product; 3. <Vw> basic commodity, basic material, primary commodity, primary product* * *Grundstoff
basic (raw) material, primary product, base commodity;
• Grundstoffe primary commodities, basic goods;
• gewerbliche Grundstoffe industrial basic materials;
• Grundstoffbereich basic industry sector;
• Grundstoffindustrie primary (basic [goods], commodity) industry;
• Grundstoffmarkt primary commodities market;
• Grundstoffpreis basic-materials price;
• im Grundstoffsektor in the basic sector. -
20 grundlegend
* * *elementary; ruling; thoroughgoing; basic; fundamental; basal* * *grụnd|le|gend1. adjfundamental, basic (für to); Werk, Textbuch standard2. advfundamentallysich zu etw grundlegend äußern — to make a statement of fundamental importance on sth
* * *1) (restricted to a fundamental level, elementary: a basic knowledge of French.) basic2) (very simple; not advanced: elementary mathematics.) elementary3) (of great importance; essential; basic: Respect for law and order is fundamental to a peaceful society.) fundamental* * *grund·le·gendI. adj1. (wesentlich) fundamental, basic2. (die Grundlage bildend) standardII. adv fundamentallydas hat sich \grundlegend geändert that has fundamentally changed* * *1. 2.adverbial fundamentally* * *B. adv fundamentally;grundlegend verändern auch radically change, change the whole face of* * *1. 2.adverbial fundamentally* * *adj.basal adj.basic adj.fundamental adj.vital adj. adv.basically adv.
См. также в других словарях:
basic — basic … Dictionnaire des rimes
BASIC — Información general Paradigma estructurado imperativo Apareció en 1964 Diseñado por John George Kemeny; Thomas Eugene Kurtz … Wikipedia Español
BASIC — Класс языка: алгоритмическое, процедурное, объектное программирование Появился в: 1963 г. Расширение файлов: .bas Типизация данных: нестрогая Бейсик (от BASIC, сокращение от англ. … Википедия
Basic AG — Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 1997 Sitz Mü … Deutsch Wikipedia
BASIC 8 — (or BASIC 8.0) mdash; The Enhanced Graphics System For The C128 mdash; developed by Walrusoft of Gainesville, Florida and published in 1986 by Patech Software of Somerset, New Jersey, USA, was an extension of Commodore s BASIC 7.0 for the C128… … Wikipedia
basic — [ bazik ] n. m. • 1965; sigle angl. de Beginner s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code « code symbolique universel à l usage des débutants », avec infl. de basic « fondamental » ♦ Inform. Langage évolué, interprété, parfois compilé, bien adapté… … Encyclopédie Universelle
BASIC A+ — ist ein von der Firma Optimized Software Systems (OSS) entwickelter BASIC Interpreter für Atari 8 Bit Heimcomputer. OSS hatte von Shepardson Microsystems, Inc., den Entwicklern des Atari BASIC, die Rechte des BASIC Interpreters erworben und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
BASIC A + — BASIC A+ ist ein von der Firma Optimized Software Systems (OSS) entwickelter BASIC Interpreter für Atari 8 Bit Heimcomputer. OSS hatte von Shepardson Microsystems, Inc., den Entwicklern des Atari BASIC, die Rechte des BASIC Interpreters erworben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
BaSIC — Role Playing Cet article fait partie de la série Jeu de rôle Jeux : Liste par genre • Catégories par genre • Liste alphabétique • Autres : Éditeurs • Magazines … Wikipédia en Français
Basic — may be: *BASIC, a computer programming language *Basic (cigarette), a brand of cigarettes manufactured by the Altria Group (Philip Morris Company) *Basic (dance move), the dance move that defines the character of a particular dance *Basic (film) … Wikipedia
BASIC A+ — was developed by Optimized Systems Software of Cupertino, California, USA, to provide the Atari 8 bit family with an extended BASIC compatible with, but faster than, the simpler ROM based Atari BASIC.While Atari BASIC came on an 8 KB ROM… … Wikipedia