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  • 101 zas

    bang, whack.
    * * *
    1 (ruido) bang!, crash!, smack!; (al caer al agua) splash!; (de repente) suddenly, all of a sudden Table 1 NOTA See also zis/Table 1
    * * *
    EXCL bang!, crash!

    le pegó un porrazo... ¡zas!... que... — he gave him a swipe... bang!... which...

    apenas habíamos puesto la radio y... ¡zas!... se cortó la corriente — we had only just switched on the radio when "click!" and off went the current

    cayó ¡zas! al agua — she fell into the water with a big splash

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    2 (en un relato) lo and behold!
    * * *

    zas exclamación bang!
    ' zas' also found in these entries:
    - poof
    - zap
    * * *
    zas interj
    1. [onomatopeya] wham!, bang!
    2. [indica sorpresa]
    en cuanto se de la vuelta, ¡zas!, salimos corriendo as soon as she turns round we run for it, right?
    * * *
    int splash!; con la mano thwack!

    Spanish-English dictionary > zas

  • 102

    * * *
    adv. yea, yes; já, já! yes, yes!.
    (jái, jáða, jáðr), v. to say yes, assent to, with dat. (hann jáði því); já e-m e-u, to confess a thing to one; j. e-u upp, undan sér, to yield up.
    * * *
    adv. [Ulf. jâi and jâ; O. H. G., Germ., Dutch, Swed., and Dan. jâ; Old Engl. and North. E. aye; A. S. gea; Old Engl. yea: the Saxons and Germans however prefer a compd; thus the A. S. ge-se, from gea = yea, and the subj. se (= Lat. sit), whence Engl. yes (qs. ye-s = yea be it); the Germans say ja wohl! ja freilich! in preference to ja singly; as also Dan. ja-vist; analogous is the A. S. ne-se = no (Grimm’s Gramm. iii. 764); as also jaur above]:—yea, yes; já, sagði Kári, Nj. 263, passim: even, höfðingja, minni menn, já, hverja herkerlingu, Sturl. i. 36: as subst., já sem já er, nei sem nei er, K. Á. 200: fá já e-s, to get a person’s ‘yes,’ his assent, N. G. L. i. 33; með jám (dat. pl.) ok handsölum, D. N. ii. 101.
    II. as interj., aye! yes! já, segir hann (hón), Ísl. ii. 144, 348, 353, Band. passim, esp. in Cod. Reg.: doubled, aye, aye! yes, yes! já, já! segir Hermundr, Band. 33 new Ed., Trist. 12; já, já? vel, vel! Bs. i. 421; já, já! sagði hann, kaupmaðr víst, O. H. L. 16.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók >

  • 103 Ach

    1. ach [ax] interj
    1) (jammernd, ärgerlich) oh no!;
    \Ach, das sollte doch schon lange erledigt sein! oh no! that was supposed to have been done ages ago!;
    \Ach je! oh dear [me]!;
    \Ach, rutsch mir doch den Buckel runter! oh, go [and] take a running jump!;
    \Ach nein, du schon wieder? oh no! not you again?;
    \Ach und weh schreien (veraltend) ( geh) to scream blue murder
    2) ( also) oh!;
    \Ach, so ist das also... oh, so that's how it is...
    3) ( aha) [oh,] I see!;
    \Ach ne [o nein] ! ( fam) I say!;
    \Ach so, ich verstehe! oh, I see!;
    \Ach wirklich? really?;
    \Ach so! na, dann versuchen wir es eben noch mal! well, all right then, let's try it one more time!
    \Ach was [o wo] ! come on!
    adv ( geh);
    sie glaubt von sich, sie sei \Ach wie schön she thinks she's oh so beautiful
    2. Ach <-s, -[s]> [ax] nt
    ( Ächzen) groan
    mit \Ach und Krach ( fam) by the skin of one's teeth;
    er bestand die Prüfung nur mit \Ach und Krach he only [just] scraped through the exam [or passed the exam by the skin of his teeth];
    mit \Ach und Weh ( fam) with great lamentations;
    mit \Ach und Weh stimmte sie zu she agreed through gritted teeth

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Ach

  • 104 ach

    1. ach [ax] interj
    1) (jammernd, ärgerlich) oh no!;
    \ach, das sollte doch schon lange erledigt sein! oh no! that was supposed to have been done ages ago!;
    \ach je! oh dear [me]!;
    \ach, rutsch mir doch den Buckel runter! oh, go [and] take a running jump!;
    \ach nein, du schon wieder? oh no! not you again?;
    \ach und weh schreien (veraltend) ( geh) to scream blue murder
    2) ( also) oh!;
    \ach, so ist das also... oh, so that's how it is...
    3) ( aha) [oh,] I see!;
    \ach ne [o nein] ! ( fam) I say!;
    \ach so, ich verstehe! oh, I see!;
    \ach wirklich? really?;
    \ach so! na, dann versuchen wir es eben noch mal! well, all right then, let's try it one more time!
    \ach was [o wo] ! come on!
    adv ( geh);
    sie glaubt von sich, sie sei \ach wie schön she thinks she's oh so beautiful
    2. Ach <-s, -[s]> [ax] nt
    ( Ächzen) groan
    mit \ach und Krach ( fam) by the skin of one's teeth;
    er bestand die Prüfung nur mit \ach und Krach he only [just] scraped through the exam [or passed the exam by the skin of his teeth];
    mit \ach und Weh ( fam) with great lamentations;
    mit \ach und Weh stimmte sie zu she agreed through gritted teeth

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > ach

  • 105 SO

    1. so [zo:] adv
    \SO viel as much;
    \SO viel wie as much as;
    \SO viel wie nötig as much as is necessary;
    \SO viel wie etw sein to be tantamount [or to amount] to sth;
    \SO weit ( fam) on the whole, as far as it goes;
    das ist \SO weit richtig, aber... on the whole that is right, but..., that is right as far as it goes, but...;
    \SO weit sein ( fam) to be ready [or all set];
    das Essen ist gleich \SO weit dinner will soon be ready [or served];
    \SO weit das Auge reicht as far as the eye can see;
    es war \SO kalt/spät, dass... it was so cold/late that...;
    du bist \SO alt/ groß wie ich you are as old/big as me [or I am];
    \SO wenig wie möglich as little as possible;
    es ist \SO, wie du sagst it is [just] as you say;
    mach es \SO, wie ich es dir sage [just] do what I tell you;
    dass es \SO lange regnen würde,... that it could rain for so long...; s. a. halb, doppelt
    sie hat sich darauf so gefreut she was so [very] looking forward to it;
    es hat so geregnet, dass... it rained so heavily that...;
    ich habe mich \SO über ihn geärgert! I was so angry with him;
    \SO sehr, dass... to such a degree [or an extent] that...
    3) ( auf diese Weise) [just] like this/that, this/that way, thus ( form)
    \SO musst du es machen this is how you must do it [or how to do it];
    es ist [vielleicht] besser \SO [perhaps] it's better that way;
    das war sehr klug \SO that was very clever of you/him/her etc.;
    \SO ist das eben [o nun mal] ( fam) that's [or you'll just have to accept] the way things are;
    \SO ist das [also]! so that's your/his/her etc. game[, is it]!;
    ist das \SO? is that so?;
    \SO ist es that's right;
    \SO, als ob... as if...;
    mir ist \SO, als ob... I think [or feel] [that]...;
    \SO oder \SO either way, in the end;
    und \SO weiter [und \SO fort] et cetera[, et cetera], and so on and so forth;
    ..., \SO der Bundeskanzler in seiner Rede according to the Federal Chancellor in his speech,...;
    \SO genannt so-called; s. a. doch, gut, nur
    4) ( solch)
    \SO ein(e)... such a/an...;
    \SO eine blöde Gans! what a silly goose!;
    \SO etwas Dummes/Peinliches, ich habe es vergessen how stupid of/embarrassing for me, I've forgotten it;
    \SO etwas Dummes habe ich noch nie gehört! I've never heard of such a stupid thing;
    \SO etwas such a thing;
    \SO etwas sagt man nicht you shouldn't say such things [or such a thing];
    [na] \SO [et]was! ( fam) well I never!; (als Erwiderung a.) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), really? (a. iron)
    \SO manche(r) a number of [or quite a few] people
    5) (fam: etwa)
    wir treffen uns \SO gegen 7 Uhr we'll meet at about 7 o'clock [or at 7 o'clock or so [or thereabouts] ];
    6) ( fam);
    und/oder \SO or so;
    wir gehen was trinken und \SO we'll go and have a drink or something;
    ich fahre um 5 oder \SO I'm away at 5 or so
    7) ( wirklich)
    ich habe solche Kopfschmerzen - \SO? I have such a headache - have you [or really] ?;
    er kommt bestimmt! - \SO, meinst du? he must be coming! - you think so?
    8) (fam: umsonst) for nothing konj
    \SO dass;
    sodass ( ÖSTERR) so that;
    er versetzte ihm einen schweren Schlag, \SO dass er taumelte he dealt him a heavy blow, causing him to stagger
    2) ( obwohl)
    \SO leid es mir auch tut as sorry as I am;
    \SO peinlich ihr das auch war,... as embarrassing as it was to her,...
    1) ( also) so, right;
    \SO, jetzt gehen wir... right [or well], let's go and...
    2) ( siehst du) [well] there we/you have it
    3) ( ätsch) so there!
    4) \SO, \SO! ( fam) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), is that a fact? ( iron) s. a. ach part
    \SO komm doch endlich! do get a move on[, will you]!
    was machst du \SO den ganzen Tag? so what are you doing all day?

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > SO

  • 106 so

    1. so [zo:] adv
    \so viel as much;
    \so viel wie as much as;
    \so viel wie nötig as much as is necessary;
    \so viel wie etw sein to be tantamount [or to amount] to sth;
    \so weit ( fam) on the whole, as far as it goes;
    das ist \so weit richtig, aber... on the whole that is right, but..., that is right as far as it goes, but...;
    \so weit sein ( fam) to be ready [or all set];
    das Essen ist gleich \so weit dinner will soon be ready [or served];
    \so weit das Auge reicht as far as the eye can see;
    es war \so kalt/spät, dass... it was so cold/late that...;
    du bist \so alt/ groß wie ich you are as old/big as me [or I am];
    \so wenig wie möglich as little as possible;
    es ist \so, wie du sagst it is [just] as you say;
    mach es \so, wie ich es dir sage [just] do what I tell you;
    dass es \so lange regnen würde,... that it could rain for so long...; s. a. halb, doppelt
    sie hat sich darauf so gefreut she was so [very] looking forward to it;
    es hat so geregnet, dass... it rained so heavily that...;
    ich habe mich \so über ihn geärgert! I was so angry with him;
    \so sehr, dass... to such a degree [or an extent] that...
    3) ( auf diese Weise) [just] like this/that, this/that way, thus ( form)
    \so musst du es machen this is how you must do it [or how to do it];
    es ist [vielleicht] besser \so [perhaps] it's better that way;
    das war sehr klug \so that was very clever of you/him/her etc.;
    \so ist das eben [o nun mal] ( fam) that's [or you'll just have to accept] the way things are;
    \so ist das [also]! so that's your/his/her etc. game[, is it]!;
    ist das \so? is that so?;
    \so ist es that's right;
    \so, als ob... as if...;
    mir ist \so, als ob... I think [or feel] [that]...;
    \so oder \so either way, in the end;
    und \so weiter [und \so fort] et cetera[, et cetera], and so on and so forth;
    ..., \so der Bundeskanzler in seiner Rede according to the Federal Chancellor in his speech,...;
    \so genannt so-called; s. a. doch, gut, nur
    4) ( solch)
    \so ein(e)... such a/an...;
    \so eine blöde Gans! what a silly goose!;
    \so etwas Dummes/Peinliches, ich habe es vergessen how stupid of/embarrassing for me, I've forgotten it;
    \so etwas Dummes habe ich noch nie gehört! I've never heard of such a stupid thing;
    \so etwas such a thing;
    \so etwas sagt man nicht you shouldn't say such things [or such a thing];
    [na] \so [et]was! ( fam) well I never!; (als Erwiderung a.) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), really? (a. iron)
    \so manche(r) a number of [or quite a few] people
    5) (fam: etwa)
    wir treffen uns \so gegen 7 Uhr we'll meet at about 7 o'clock [or at 7 o'clock or so [or thereabouts] ];
    6) ( fam);
    und/oder \so or so;
    wir gehen was trinken und \so we'll go and have a drink or something;
    ich fahre um 5 oder \so I'm away at 5 or so
    7) ( wirklich)
    ich habe solche Kopfschmerzen - \so? I have such a headache - have you [or really] ?;
    er kommt bestimmt! - \so, meinst du? he must be coming! - you think so?
    8) (fam: umsonst) for nothing konj
    \so dass;
    sodass ( ÖSTERR) so that;
    er versetzte ihm einen schweren Schlag, \so dass er taumelte he dealt him a heavy blow, causing him to stagger
    2) ( obwohl)
    \so leid es mir auch tut as sorry as I am;
    \so peinlich ihr das auch war,... as embarrassing as it was to her,...
    1) ( also) so, right;
    \so, jetzt gehen wir... right [or well], let's go and...
    2) ( siehst du) [well] there we/you have it
    3) ( ätsch) so there!
    4) \so, \so! ( fam) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), is that a fact? ( iron) s. a. ach part
    \so komm doch endlich! do get a move on[, will you]!
    was machst du \so den ganzen Tag? so what are you doing all day?

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > so

  • 107 flûte

    n. f.
    1. Small French loaf (also: ficelle).
    2. 'Prick', 'cock', penis.
    3. (pl.): 'Sticks', 'gambs', legs. Se manier les flûtes: To 'skedaddle', to 'scram', to run away (also: jouer des flûtes).
    4. Ne pas être du bois dont on fait les flûtes: To 'have a mind of one's own', to be strong-willed. Je ne suis pas du bois dont onfait les flûtes, moi! You won't get round me that easily!
    interj. Bother! — Dash! — Darnation! Flûte, alors! Strewth! (The French and English are equally twee.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > flûte

  • 108 pouèt-pouèt

    n. m. (also: pouette-pouette):
    1. (interj.): Honk! Honk! (Onomatopoeic transcription of the honking of a motor car horn, more the vintage type than the modern saloon.)
    2. Faire pouèt-pouèt ( à quelqu'un): To 'sweet-talk' someone, to make up to someone with amorous intentions. (The popularity of this expression can be traced to a pre-1940s song where the lyrics went: 'Je lui fais pouèt-pouèt, elle me fait pouèt-pouèt, on se fait pouèt-pouèt'¼, etc.—hardly highbrow stuff!)
    adj. inv. & adv. (also: pouettepouette): 'So-so', not very reliable. Les affaires vont pouèt-pouèt: Business is just about chugging along.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > pouèt-pouèt

  • 109 apage

    ăpăgĕ, the Greek imp. apage, used as interj., away with thee! away! begone! avaunt! etc.; or also, away with it! away! not surely! constr. with acc. (like o, ah, en, etc.) or absol., also with sis (= si vis) (only in the comic poets or in epist. style; never used by Cic.).
    With acc.:

    apage te a me,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 32; id. Cas. 2, 8, 23; Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 65; Auct. ad Her. 4, 51, 64; Vatin. ap. Cic. Fam. 5, 10:

    apage istas a me sorores,

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 1, 5; id. Merc. 1, 2, 33.—

    Apage, non placet me etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 154:

    apage, haud nos id deceat,

    id. Capt. 2, 1, 17.—
    With sis:

    apage, sis,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 15, and Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 18:

    apage, sis, Amor,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 30:

    apage me, sis,

    id. ib. 4, 1, 19. Cf. Hand, Turs. I. p. 403 sq.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > apage

  • 110 pro

    prō (archaic collat. form, posi in posimerium; cf. pono, from posino; cf. Gr. poti and pot with pros), adv. and prep. [root in Sanscr. prep. pra-, before, as in prathamas, first; Gr. pro; cf.: proteros, prôtos, etc.; Lat.: prae, prior, priscus, etc.; perh. old abl. form, of which prae is the loc. ], before, in front of; and, transf., for, with the idea of protection, substitution, or proportion.
    Adv., found only in the transf. comp. signif. (v. infra, II. B. 3.) in connection with quam and ut: pro quam and pro ut (the latter usually written in one word, prout), like prae quam and prae ut.
    * A.
    Pro quam, in proportion as, just as:

    nec satis est, pro quam largos exaestuat aestus,

    Lucr. 2, 1137. —
    Pro ut or prout, according as, in proportion, accordingly, proportionably as, just as, as (class.):

    compararat argenti bene facti, prout Thermitani hominis facultates ferebant, satis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 34, § 83:

    tuas litteras, prout res postulat, exspecto,

    id. Att. 11, 6 fin.:

    id, prout cujusque ingenium erat, interpretabantur,

    Liv. 38, 50:

    prout locus iniquus aequusve his aut illis, prout animus pugnantium est, prout numerus, varia pugnae fortuna est,

    id. 38, 40 fin. —With a corresp. ita:

    ejusque rationem ita haberi, prout haberi lege liceret,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 17, 46:

    prout sedes ipsa est, ita varia genera morborum sunt,

    Cels. 4, 4, 5:

    prout nives satiaverint, ita Nilum increscere,

    Plin. 5, 9, 10, § 51.—
    Prep. with abl. (late Lat. with acc.:


    Inscr. Grut. 4, 12; 46, 9; Inscr. Orell. 2360), before, in front of.
    Lit., of place:

    sedens pro aede Castoris,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 11, 27:

    praesidia, quae pro templis cernitis,

    id. Mil. 1, 2:

    ii qui pro portis castrorum in statione erant,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 32:

    pro castris copias habere,

    id. ib. 7, 66:

    pro castris dimicare,

    id. ib. 5, 16:

    pro oppido,

    id. ib. 7, 71:

    pro opere consistere,

    Sall. J. 92, 9:

    castra pro moenibus locata,

    Liv. 2, 53; 4, 17:

    pro muro,

    id. 30, 10:

    pro castris explicare aciem,

    id. 6, 23:

    pro vallo,

    Plin. 2, 37, 37, § 101; Vell. 2, 19, 1.—With verbs of motion:

    Caesar pro castris suas copias produxit,

    before the camp, Caes. B. G. 1, 48:

    hasce tabulas hic ibidem pro pedibus tuis obicito,

    before your feet, App. Mag. p. 337, 36; id. M. 4, p. 155, 2.—
    In partic., with the accessory idea of presence on the front part, on the edge or brink of a place, on or in the front of, often to be translated by a simple on or in:

    pro censu classis iuniorum, Serv. Tullius cum dixit, accipi debet in censu, ut ait M. Varro, sicuti pro aede Castoris, pro tribunali, pro testimonio,

    Fest. p. 246 Müll.; cf.: pro significat in, ut pro rostris, pro aede, pro tribunali, Paul. ex Fest. p. 228 Müll.; and:

    pro sententia ac si dicatur in sententiā, ut pro rostris id est in rostris,

    id. p. 226 Müll.: hac re pro suggestu pronunciata, qs. standing on the front part of the tribune, or, as we would say, on the tribune, Caes. B. G. 6, 3: pro tribunali cum aliquid ageretur, was transacted before or at my tribunal, Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 21; so,

    pro tribunali,

    id. Pis. 5, 11; id. Sest. 15, 34: pro contione, before the assembled army; and, in gen., before the assembly:

    laudatus pro contione Jugurtha,

    Sall. J. 8, 2; cf. Curt. 9, 1, 1:

    pro contione laudibus legati militumque tollere animos,

    Liv. 7, 7:

    fortes viros pro contione donantis,

    Curt. 10, 5, 10:

    pro contione litteras recitare,

    id. 4, 10, 16; Liv. 38, 23 fin.:

    pro contione palam utrumque temptavit,

    Suet. Vesp. 7; Tac. A. 3, 9; Front. Strat. 1, 11, 3: [p. 1448] 4, 5, 11; cf.:

    pro comitio,

    Suet. Aug. 43:

    uti pro consilio imperatum erat,

    in the council, Sall. J. 29, 6; cf.:

    supplicatio in triduum pro collegio decemvirūm imperata fuit,

    Liv. 38, 36:

    pontifices pro collegio decrevisse,

    Gell. 11, 3, 2:

    pro collegio pronuntiare,

    Liv. 4, 26, 9:

    suas simultates pro magistratu exercere,

    id. 39, 5:

    pro munimentis castelli manipulos explicat,

    before, on the fortifications, Tac. A. 2, 80; 12, 33: stabat pro litore diversa acies, in front of or upon the shore, id. ib. 14, 30:

    legionem pro ripā componere,

    id. ib. 12, 29:

    velamenta et infulas pro muris ostentant,

    in front of, from the walls, Tac. H. 3, 31; so,

    pro muris,

    id. A. 2, 81:

    ad hoc mulieres puerique pro tectis aedificiorum saxa et alia, quae locus praebebat, certatim mittere,

    standing on the edge of the roofs, from the roofs, Sall. J. 67, 1 Kritz.—
    To signify a standing before or in front of, for defence or protection; hence an acting for, in behalf of, in favor of, for the benefit of, on the side of (opp. contra, adversum):

    veri inveniendi causā contra omnia dici oportere et pro omnibus,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 18, 60; cf.:

    hoc non modo non pro me, sed contra me est potius,

    id. de Or. 3, 20, 75:

    partim nihil contra Habitum valere, partim etiam pro hoc esse,

    id. Clu. 32, 88:

    difficillimum videtur quod dixi, pro ipsis esse quibus eveniunt ista, quae horremus ac tremimus,

    Sen. Prov. 3, 2:

    haec cum contra legem proque lege dicta essent,

    Liv. 34, 8: pro Romano populo armis certare, Enn. ap. Non. 150, 6 (Ann. v. 215 Vahl.); cf.: pro vostrā vitā morti occumbant, id. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 2, 62 (Trag. v. 176 Vahl.): quae ego pro re publica fecissem, Cato ap. Front. p. 149:

    nihil ab eo praetermissum est, quod aut pro re publicā conquerendum fuit, aut pro eā disputandum,

    Cic. Sest. 2, 3:

    omnia me semper pro amicorum periculis, nihil umquam pro me ipso deprecatum,

    id. de Or. 2, 49, 201:

    convenit dimicare pro legibus, pro libertate, pro patriā,

    id. Tusc. 4, 19, 43:

    dulce et decorum est pro patriā mori,

    Hor. C. 3, 2, 13; cf. id. ib. 3, 19, 2:

    pro sollicitis non tacitus reis,

    id. ib. 4, 1, 14:

    spondere levi pro paupere,

    id. A. P. 423:

    urbes, quae viris aut loco pro hostibus et advorsum se opportunissumae erant,

    Sall. J. 88, 4:

    nec aliud adversus validissimas gentes pro nobis utilius, quam, etc.,

    Tac. Agr. 12:

    et locus pro vobis et nox erit, Liv 9, 24, 8: et loca sua et genus pugnae pro hoste fuere,

    id. 39, 30, 3:

    pro Corbulone aetas, patrius mos... erant: contra, etc.,

    Tac. A. 3, 31; id. H. 4, 78; Curt. 4, 14, 16.—
    With the notion of replacement or substitution, in the place of, instead of, for.
    In gen.: numquam ego argentum pro vino congiario... disdidi, Cato ap. Front. p. 149:

    ego ibo pro te, si tibi non libet,

    Plaut. Most. 5, 2, 10:

    ego pro te molam,

    Ter. And. 1, 2, 29; Cic. Leg. 2, 5, 13:

    mutata (ea dico), in quibus pro verbo proprio subicitur aliud... ut cum minutum dicimus animum pro parvo, etc.,

    id. Or. 27, 92 sq.; cf.:

    libenter etiam copulando verba jungebant, ut sodes pro si audes, sis pro si vis... ain' pro aisne, nequire pro non quire, malle pro magis velle, nolle pro non velle. Dein etiam saepe et exin pro deinde et exinde dicimus,

    id. ib. 45, 154:

    pro vitulā statuis dulcem Aulide natam, Hor S. 2, 3, 199: pro bene sano Ac non incauto fictum astutumque vocamus,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 61; cf. Suet. Caes. 70:

    pro ope ferendā sociis pergit ipse ire, etc.,

    Liv. 23, 28, 11 Weissenb. ad loc.; Zumpt, Gram. § 667; cf.:

    pro eo, ut ipsi ex alieno agro raperent, suas terras, etc.,

    Liv. 22, 1, 2.—
    Esp. freq. in connection with the title of any officer, to denote his substitute' pro consule, pro praetore, pro quaestore, pro magistro, etc. (afterwards joined into one word, as proconsul, propraetor, proquaestor, promagister, etc.), proconsul, proprœtor, proquœstor, vice-director:

    cum pro consule in Ciliciam proficiscens Athenas venissem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 18, 82; cf.:

    cum L. Philippus pro consulibus eum se mittere dixit, non pro consule,

    instead of the consuls, not as proconsul, id. Phil. 11, 8, 18:

    nec pro praetore, Caesarem (vocat),

    id. ib. 13, 10, 22; Liv. 35, 1. cum Alexandriae pro quaestore essem, Cic. Ac. 2, 4, 11' cf.:

    litteris Q. Caepionis Bruti pro consule... Q. Hortensii pro consule opera, etc.,

    id. Phil. 10, 11, 26: P. Terentius operas in portu et scripturā Asiae pro magistro dedit, id. Att. 11, 10, 1; cf. id. Verr. 2, 2, 70, § 169; id. Fam. 13, 65, 1; see also the words proconsul, promagister, propraetor, proquaestor, etc.—
    So of price, penalty, etc., in exchange, in return for:

    tres minas pro istis duobus dedi,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 138; id. Aul. 3, 3, 8:

    pro hujus peccatis ego supplicium sufferam,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 17:

    dimidium ejus quod pactus esset, pro carmine daturum,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 86, 351:

    pro vitā hominis nisi hominis vita reddatur, non posse deorum inmortalium numen placari,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 16:

    id pro immolatis in foro Tarquiniensium Romanis poenae hostibus redditum,

    Liv. 7, 19, 3:

    vos, pro paternis sceleribus, poenas date,

    Sen. Med. 925; Lact. 2, 7, 21:

    pro crimine poenas,

    Ov. Ib. 621.—
    Pro is also frequently used to denote the viewing, judging, considering, representing of a thing as something, for, the same as, just as, as:

    pro sano loqueris, quom me appellas nomine,

    Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 24:

    sese ducit pro adulescentulo,

    id. Stich. 3, 1, 65; id. Cist. 1, 3, 24:

    hunc Eduxi a parvulo, habui, amavi pro meo,

    as my own, Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 23:

    Cato ille noster qui mihi unus est pro centum milibus,

    whose voice I regard as equal to that of thousands, Cic. Att. 2, 5, 1:

    Siciliam nobis non pro penariā cellā, sed pro aerario fuisse,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 2, § 5:

    P. Sestio pro occiso relictus est,

    id. Sest. 38, 81; Caes. B. G. 3, 109:

    cum pro damnato mortuoque esset,

    as good as condemned and dead, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 15, § 33:

    summa ratio, quae sapientibus pro necessitate est,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 12, 3:

    negotia pro solatiis accipiens,

    Tac. A. 4, 13:

    consuli pro hostibus esse,

    Liv. 43, 5, 4:

    adeo incredibilis visa res, ut non pro vano modo, sed vix pro sano nuncius audiretur,

    as a boaster, Liv. 39, 49: quoniam de adventu Caesaris pro certo habebamus, to consider as certain, Mat. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 15, 6 et saep.; v. certus.—
    Esp. in certain phrases: pro eo, for the same thing, as just the same:

    ut si a Caesare, quod speramus, impetrarimus, tuo beneficio nos id consecutos esse judicemus: sin minus, pro eo tantum id habeamus, cum a te data sit opera, ut impetraremus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 7, 5.—With the particles of comparison: atque ( ac), ac si, quasi, just the same as, even as, as though: pro eo ac debui, just as was my duty, Sulp. ap. Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 1:

    pro eo ac si concessum sit,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 32, 54:

    pro eo est atque si adhibitus non esset,

    Dig. 28, 1, 22:

    pro eo erit quasi ne legatum quidem sit,

    ib. 30, 1, 38: pro eo quod, for the reason that, because:

    pro eo quod ejus nomen erat magnā apud omnes gloriā,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 18, 75: pro eo quod pluribus verbis vos quam volui fatigavi, veniam a vobis petitam velim, Liv 38, 49 fin.
    On account of, for the sake of:

    dolor pro patriā,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 24:

    tumultus pro recuperandā re publicā,

    id. Brut. 90, 311 dub. (B. and K. omit pro):

    dedit pro corpore nummos, i. e. to rescue his person,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 43:

    aliquem amare pro ejus eximiā suavitate,

    Cic. de Or 1, 55, 234:

    pro quibus meritis quanto opere dilectus sit,

    Suet. Aug. 57:

    cum pro incolumitate principis vota susceperunt,

    Tac. A. 4, 17:

    pro bono (= bene),

    Sall. J. 22, 4.—
    Pro is used in its most general sense in stating the relation between two objects or actions, in proportion, in comparison with, according to or as, conformably to, by virtue of, for, etc.:

    meus pater nunc pro hujus verbis recte et sapienter facit,

    according to his story, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 133:

    tu pro oratione nec vir nec mulier mihi's,

    id. Rud. 4, 4, 71: pro viribus tacere ac fabulari, according to one's ability, Enn. ap. Non. 475, 4 (Trag. v. 181 Vahl.):

    facere certum'st pro copiā ac sapientiā,

    Plaut. Merc. 3, 1, 8:

    agere pro viribus,

    Cic. Sen. 9, 27:

    aliquem pro dignitate laudare,

    id. Rosc. Am. 12, 33:

    proelium atrocius quam pro numero pugnantium fuit,

    Liv. 21, 29: pro imperio, by virtue of his office or authority:

    quia pro imperio palam interfici non poterat,

    Liv. 1, 51, 2; hence, imperatively, dictatorially, summarily:

    nec illum ipsum submovere pro imperio posse more majorum,

    id. 2, 56, 12 ' hem! satis pro imperio, quisquis es, Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 18:

    pro tuā prudentiā,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 10, 2; 11, 12, 2:

    cum in eam rationem pro suo quisque sensu ac dolore loqueretur,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 27, § 69:

    quibus aliquid opis fortasse ego pro meā, tu pro tuā, pro suā quisque parte ferre potuisset,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3: pro virili parte, according to one's ability, id. Sest. 66, 138; Liv. praef. 2; Ov. Tr. 5, 11, 23. —Esp. freq.: pro ratā parte and pro ratā, in proportion, proportionably; v. ratus:

    pro se quisque,

    each according to his ability, each one for himself, Cic. Off. 3, 14, 58; Caes. B. G. 2, 25; Verg. A. 12, 552 et saep.:

    pro tempore et pro re,

    according to time and circumstances, Caes. B. G. 5, 8:

    pro facultatibus,

    Nep. Epam. 3, 5.—Pro eo, quantum, or ut, in proportion to, as, according to, according as:

    eāque pro eo, quantum in quoque sit ponderis, esse aestimanda,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 21, 58:

    equidem pro eo, quanti te facio, quicquid feceris, approbabo,

    id. Fam. 3, 3, 2: tamen pro eo ut temporis difficultas tulit, etc., L. Metell. ap. Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 54, § 126.
    In composition the o is long in some words, in others short (through the influence of the Gr.
    pro-): prōdeo, prŏfiteor; and even in words borrowed from the Greek, as prōlogus.—Its signification has reference either to place, before, forwards; or to protection, for; procedo, procurro, profanus; procuro, propugno, prosum, protego.
    prō (less correctly prōh), interj., an exclamation of wonder or lamentation, O! Ah! Alas! (class.).
    With nom.:

    proh! bonae frugi hominem te jam pridem esse arbitror,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 4, 4: pro Juppiter! Enn. ap. Varr L. L. 7, § 12 Müll. (Trag. v 225 Vahl.); Ter. And. 4, 3, 17; id. Eun. 3, 5, 2; id. Ad. 1, 2, 31; cf.:

    pro supreme Juppiter,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 42:

    pro Juppiter, Hominis stultitiam!

    id. ib. 3, 3, 12:

    pro di immortales,

    id. ib. 3, 4, 1; cf.: pro, dii immortales: Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 33:

    pro curia inversique mores!

    Hor. C. 3, 5, 7:

    pro scelus,

    Mart. 2, 46, 8.—

    pro, quanta potentia regni Est, Venus alma, tui,

    Ov. M. 13, 758:

    et mea, pro! nullo pondere verba cadunt,

    id. H. 3, 98:

    tantum, pro! degeneramus a patribus,

    Liv. 22, 14, 6; Curt. 4, 16, 10.—
    With acc.: pro divom fidem! Enn. ap. Don. ad. Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 25 (Sat. v. 30 Vahl.); Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 28; cf.:

    pro deum atque hominum fidem!

    id. And. 1, 5, 2; 11; id. Heaut. 1, 1, 9; Cic. Tusc. 5, 16, 48;

    instead of which, ellipt.: pro deum immortalium!

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 4:

    pro deum atque hominum,

    id. Hec. 2, 1, 1:

    pro fidem deum! facinus foedum,

    id. Eun. 5, 4, 21.—
    With gen.: pro malae tractationis! Tert. Poen. fin.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > pro

  • 111 δή

    Grammatical information: interj.
    Meaning: `even, indeed, right', emphasizing particle (Il.), like δέ mostly in the second position of the sentence; also in more or less fest connections like ἤ-δη, ἐπει-δή, δῆ-θεν, δῆτα etc.; see Schwyzer-Debrunner 562f.
    Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [181] *de demonstr. pronoun
    Etymology: Perhaps a case form (instrumental?) of a demonstrative; it would be identical with Lat. , OIr. `away from'. See W.-Hofmann s. . - From δή through weakening δέ. S. also δαί. - Pisani ( Glotta 44, 1967, 134) connects Myc. eke-qe as -qʷē = δη.
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    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > δή

  • 112 πάταγος

    Grammatical information: m.
    Meaning: `noise, roar, cracking produced by clashing, breaking etc.' (Il.).
    Derivatives: Beside it 1. παταγ-έω, also m. ἀντι-, ὑπο- a.o., `to make noise, to plash, to roar' (Alc. [ πατάγεσκε]), -ή f. (D. P., Longos), - ημα n. (Men.) = πάταγος. 2. πατάσσω, aor. πατάξαι, also m. ἐκ-, συν- a.o., `to knock, to beat, to hurt' (Il.; in Att. mostly aor. a. fut. act. to pres. τύπτω; Bloch Suppl. Verba 83ff.). 3. πατάξ interj. (Ar. Av. 1258; cf. on εὑράξ). 4. καπατᾳ̃ κατακόψεις. Πάφιοι H.
    Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably]
    Etymology: With πάταγ-ος: - έω several words are to be compared: κτύπ-ος: - έω, ἄραβ-ος: - έω, κέλαδ-ος: - έω, ῥοῖβδ-ος: - έω etc.; s. vv. w. lit. It cannot always be distinguished, whether the subst. or the verb is primary or the other way round. The γ-suffix as in the close λαλαγή, σμαραγέω ( Σμάραγος), οἰμωγή a.o. With πατάσσω agrees synonymous ἀράσσω; similar σπαράσσω, τινάσσω etc. (Schwyzer 733). Details on the formation in Porzig Satzinhalte 25. -- The onomatop. character of the expressive words is clear; connections outside Greek (Lat. quatiō a.o.; s. Bq and W.-Hofmann s.v.) do not convince. - Furnée 279 compares σπαταγγίζειν ταράσσειν H.; the word then may be Pre-Greek.
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    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > πάταγος

  • 113 К-10

    ВОТ КАК coll Invar fixed WO
    Interj (an exclamation or question)) used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation
    is that so (right, it)?
    really! I see! so that's how it is (whatfs going on etc)! well now! dear me! upon my word! how about that!
    (Вера:) У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. (Беляев:) Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). (V.:) At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. (B.:) Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
    (Репников:) Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчете, что ты ему поможешь? (Таня:) Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). (R.:) Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? (T.:) Oh, is that it? (3b).
    Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. -Не из таких». - «Не их таких? Вот как!» (Абрамов 1). "No-Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
    «Свидетели показывают, что у „Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой „Волги", которую мы преследовали»... - «Кому принадлежит „Волга"?» - «Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе». - «Вот как!..» - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga-the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
    ...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была». -«Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?» - «В каком смысле?» -«А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была» (Абрамов 1). "...There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
    «Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс». - «Вот как!» (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. - нужен, надоел и т. п. Also: ВО КАК substand ( adv (intensif) or modif) (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat)
    like you wouldn't believe
    awfully terribly really (in refer, to annoyance etc) s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.)
    sth. is more than one can take (handle). "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?» (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
    (Кудимов:) Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). (К) Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
    Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла...» (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-10

  • 114 К-124

    НАШЕ ВАМ С КИСТОЧКОЙ substand, humor Interj Invar fixed WO
    СОРОК ОДНО С КИСТОЧКОЙ all substand, humor a salutation used in greeting
    howdy (do)
    2. a parting wish that things go well for s.o.: (good-bye and) good luck
    so long and best wishes.
    «Так, Лашков, так, Вася, - отчеканила она. - Так. Выходит, о шкуре своей печешься? А я как?.. Как я? Поматросил и бросил. Наше вам, мол, с кисточкой? Спасибо, Вася, только временить и ждать тебя я не собираюсь...» (Максимов 3). "АН right, Lashkov, all right, Vasilii," she said slowly and distinctly. "Right. So you're worried about your own skin, are you? And what about me?... What about me? You've had your fun, and now it's good-bye and good luck? Thanks, Vasilii, but I won't be hanging around to wait for you..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-124

  • 115 М-10

    РАЗЛЮЛЙ МАЛИНА substand, approv NP subj-compl with бытье ( subj: usu. житьё, жизнь) or adv also used as Interj fixed WO
    ( sth. is) very good, wonderful, ( sth. is going, is done etc) very well, wonderfully
    super(-duper) terrific.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-10

  • 116 П-461

    МОЁ ПОЧТЕНИЕ2 obsoles NP Invar
    1. approv ( usu. subj-compl with быть« ( subj: any common noun)) sth. is absolutely amazing, unbelievable
    X - моё почтение = X is really something!
    X is (really) something else! X is like nothing you've ever seen (tasted etc) before (in limited contexts) I take off my hat to X.
    "...Признаюсь, не люблю я также винтовок черкесских они как-то нашему брату неприличны, - приклад маленький, того и гляди нос обожжёт... Зато уж шашки у них - просто мое почтение!..» (Лермонтов 1). UI must say, I also do not like Circassian rifles. Somehow, they don't seem to be suitable for the likes of us: the butt is so small you have to be careful not to get your nose burnt...But then, those swords they have-ah, they're really something!" (1a). UI must admit I don't like the Cherkess rifles either
    they are a bit inconvenient for the likes of us
    the butt is so small that unless you watch out you may get your nose scorched....Their sabres now are a different matter-1 take my hat off to them!" (1b).
    2. obsoles, iron
    Interj or subj-compl with бытье ( subj: usu. infin) pres only) (used to express one's refusal to do sth., usu. sth. unpleasant, that is proposed, suggested, or requested by another) I absolutely will not do it
    thanks, but no thanks!
    no way!
    Ехать в такой ливень на другой конец города? Нет уж, мое почтение! Go all the way across town in a downpour like this? Thanks, but no thanks!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-461

  • 117 С-244

    СЛАВА БОГУ coll NP Invar fixed WO
    1. ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: any common noun, often все), adv, or indep. sent used in response to «Как дела?» etc) sth. is (things are) going well, without problems
    all right
    (just) fine pretty good well and good (when used as indep. sent in response to «Как дела?») very well, thank you.
    У нас все слава Богу, жаловаться не на что. Things are going just fine with us-no complaints
    (Ислаев (...оборачивается ко входящему Беляеву):) А... это вы! Ну... ну, как можете? (Беляев:) Слава богу, Аркадий Сергеич (Тургенев 1). (I. (...turns to Beliayev, who has just entered)) Oh, its you...well, how goes it? (B.:) Very well, thank you, Arkady Sergeyich (Id)
    2. (sent adv (parenth)) fortunately
    thank God (goodness, heaven, the Lord).
    Мой старик презирает этого Карамана, а все-таки едет на его оплакивание... Но, слава богу, дом этого Карамана оказался недалеко (Искандер 3). My old man scorns this Kara-man, but still he goes to his wake...But, thank God, this Karamans house turned out to be nearby (3a).
    Меня лечил полковой цирюльник, ибо в крепости другого лекаря не было, и, слава богу, не умничал (Пушкин 2). The regimental barber-there was no other doctor in the fortress—treated my wound, and thank heaven, he did not try to be too clever (2b).
    Сообщаю вам, что наш Гришка чудок не отдал богу душу, а сейчас, слава богу, находится живой и здоровый...» (Шолохов 2). "...I have to inform you that our Grisha nearly gave up the ghost, but that now, thank the Lord, he's alive and well..." (2a).
    3. Also: СЛАВА ТЕБЕ (ТЕ substand) ГОСПОДИЫ/
    Interj) used to express happiness, relief, or satisfaction on the occasion of sth.: thank God (heavens, goodness) I'm happy (glad) (to hear it).
    Иван Николаевич покосился недоверчиво (на врача), но все же пробурчал: «Слава те господи! Нашелся наконец один нормальный среди идиотов...» (Булгаков 9). Ivan Nikolayevich looked at him (the doctor) distrustfully out of the corner of his eye, nevertheless he muttered. "Thank God! At last there is one normal man among all those idiots (9a).
    «Аппетит у меня хороший, -сказала Женя, -...волнения на нем не отражаются». - «Ну, и слава Богу», - сказала Людмила Николаевна и поцеловала сестру (Гроссман 2). "Yes, I've got a good appetite. Nothing affects that...." Tm glad to hear it," said Lyudmila, giving her sister a kiss (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-244

  • 118 Х-7

    ЭТОГО ЕЩЁ (ТОЛЬКО) HE ХВАТАЛО (НЕДОСТАВАЛО)! ТОЛЬКО ЭТОГО (И) НЕ ХВАТАЛО (НЕДОСТАВАЛО)! ЕЩЁ ЧЕГО НЕ ХВАТАЛО! all coll Interj these forms only the verb is usu. in the final position) (used to express one's dissatisfaction with, indignation at, disapprov al of etc some action, event, or circumstance also used to express one's sharp and rather rude refusal to do what another has suggested) this is intolerable, unacceptable: that's all I (we) need! this is (that's) the limit! that is (that's) going too far! this is (really) too much! that's the last straw!
    «Слов, конечно, они (немки) не понимали, но всё ясно было и без слов: я выгнал майора... „Майор гестапо?" - спрашивает у меня Катя. „Наин, найн," - говорю. Этого ещё не хватало» (Искандер 5). "They (the German girls) hadn't understood the words, of course, but all was clear even without words: I'd thrown out the major....'Major-GestapoT Katya asked me. *Nein, nein," I said. That's all we needed!" (5a).
    «Господин сотник, что это за чёрт? Приведите свой взвод в порядок, этого ещё недоставало!» (Шолохов 2). "What the devil are you doing, Lieutenant! Put your troop in order! This is the limit..." (2a).
    Гладышев вдруг заметил, что на переднем копыте мерина нет подковы. «Этого ещё не хватало», - пробормотал он... (Войнович 2). Suddenly Gladishev noticed that there was no shoe on the gelding's front hoof. "That's the limit," he muttered (2a).
    «Ты должна знать, моя милая, были ли написаны завещание и письмо и уничтожены ли они. И ежели почему-нибудь они забыты, то ты должна знать, где они, и найти их, потому что...» - «Этого только недоставало!» - перебила его княжна... (Толстой 4). "You, my dear, ought to know whether the will and letter were written, and whether or not they have been destroyed. And if they have somehow been overlooked, then you must know where they are and must find them, because-" "That is going too far!" the Princess interrupted... (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-7

  • 119 Ч-90

    ЧЁРТ ЗНАЕТ кто, что, как, какой, где, куда, откуда, почему, сколько highly coll VP subj. Invar fixed WO
    1. no one knows or it is impossible to know (who, what, how etc): the devil (only) knows (who (what, how etc))
    goodness (God, heaven) (only) knows (who etc) (I'll be) damned if I know (who etc)
    (Почтмейстер:) В том-то и штука, что он и не уполномоченный и не особа! (Городничий:) Что ж он, по-вашему, такое? (Почтмейстер:)...Чёрт знает что такое (Гоголь 4). (Р.:) Well, you see, that's just the point: he's not a personage and not in a position of authority. (Mayor:) What is he then in your opinion? (P:)...Goodness only knows what he really is (4c).
    «Эта девушка мне нравится. Черт знает почему, но нравится» (Евтушенко 1). "I like this girl. God knows why, but I do..." (1a).
    Да, вот так быть за председателя колхоза, когда ты в то же время и главный подвозчик дров, и сена, и черт знает ещё чего. Каждый, кому не лень, глотку на тебя дерет (Абрамов 1). Yes, that's what it was like to be acting kolkhoz Chairman when you were also the chief source of firewood and hay and heaven knows what else. Anyone who felt like it would give you a bawling out (1a).
    Interj) used to express anger, indignation, a negative attitude toward sth., or admiration, reaction to an unexpected development etc
    the devil (only) knows (who (what etc))!
    dammit! good Lord!
    (Кочкарев:) Будто у них (женщин) только что ручки!.. У них, брат... У них, брат, просто чёрт знает чего нет (Гоголь 1). (К.:) As though they (women) only had nice little hands....They've got....The Devil only knows what they haven't got (1 a).
    (Кочкарев:) Ты рассмотри только глаза её: ведь это чёрт знает, что за глаза: говорят, дышат (Гоголь 1). (К.:) Look at her eyes. Dammit, what eyes! They speak, they breathe (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-90

  • 120 Ч-93

    ЧЁРТ ЗНАЕТ (ЧЁРТ-ТЕ) ЧТО coll, disapprov NP
    1. \Ч-93 творится, начинается и т. п. говорить, городить и т. п. \Ч-93 ( usu. subj or obj) something incredible, outrageous that evokes surprise or indignation, exceeds the speaker's expectations, or is hard to believe (is going on, is beginning etc)
    (to say prattle etc) something incredible, outrageous etc
    the devil (God) knows what
    the oddest (damnedest) thing(s) something unimaginable (in refer, to sth. spoken, written etc only) some damned nonsense all sorts of rubbish.
    (Маша:) Вам шестьдесят лет, а вы, как мальчишка, всегда городите чёрт знает что (Чехов 5). (М.:) You are sixty years old, and you are like a little boy, always prattling the devil knows what (5c). (M.:) You are sixty years old, but you're like a little boy, always prattling some damned nonsense (5a).
    «Это, наверное, ужасно глупо, что я вас пригласила, да? Вы думаете обо мне чёрт знает что». - «Точно». - «А какая разница, в конце концов?» (Семёнов 1). "It's stupid of me, I suppose, to invite you round, eh? You must be thinking God knows what about me." "That's right." "But what's the difference, when all's said and done?" (1a).
    Об исчезнувших (жильцах) и о проклятой квартире долго в доме рассказывали всякие легенды... Квартира простояла пустой... только неделю, а затем в неё вселились - покойный Берлиоз с супругой и этот самый Стёпа тоже с супругой. Совершенно естественно, что, как только они попали в окаянную квартиру, и у них началось чёрт знает что (Булгаков 9). Legends of all kinds about the mysterious apartment and its vanishing lodgers circulated in the building for some time....The flat only remained empty for a week before Berlioz and his wife and Stepa and his wife moved into it. Naturally as soon as they took possession of the haunted apartment the oddest things started happening to them too (9b).
    В кабинете учёного началось чёрт знает что: головастики расползались из кабинета по всему институту, в террариях и просто на полу, во всех закоулках завывали зычные хоры, как на болоте (Булгаков 10). The scientist's office became the scene of something unimaginable: the tadpoles crawled off everywhere throughout the Institute. From the terraria, from the floor, from every nook and cranny came loud choruses as from a bog (10a).
    .(Местная газета «Большевистские темпы») печатала чёрт-те чего, а о пропавшем Учреждении - ни гугу (Войнович 2).... (The local newspaper Bolshevik Tempos) was printing all sorts of rubbish, but that the Institution had vanished, not one peep (2a).
    2. (это) \Ч-93 ! Also: ($TO) ЧЁРТ ЗНАЕТ ЧТО ТАКОЕ!
    Interj) used to express aggravation, indignation, perplexity etc with regard to sth.: the devil (only) knows what's going on (what it means etc)! ift the devil knows what! what the devil (the hell)! what in heU (in blazes)!
    Персиков бушевал. «Это чёрт знает что такое, - скулил он, разгуливая по кабинету и потирая руки в перчатках, - это неслыханное издевательство надо мной и над зоологией» (Булгаков 10). Persikov was raging. "The devil only knows what's going on," he whimpered, pacing the office and rubbing his gloved hands. "It's unprecedented mockery of me and of zoology" (10b).
    «Они не верят. Сидят в Париже и думают, что здесь самая обыкновенная, мирная война! Здесь не война, здесь чёрт знает что такое!» (Эренбург 2). "They won't believe me. They sit in Paris and think that this is an ordinary war. It isn't a war, it's the devil knows what" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-93

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