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  • 1 invention

    invention [ɪn'venʃən]
    (a) (discovery, creation) invention f;
    television is a wonderful invention la télévision est une invention merveilleuse;
    she has great powers of invention elle a de grandes facultés d'invention;
    a story of his own invention une histoire de son cru
    (b) (untruth) invention f, fabrication f;
    the whole thing was an invention of the press la presse a inventé ou monté cette histoire de bout en bout;
    it was pure invention ce n'était que pure invention, c'était complètement faux

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > invention

  • 2 invention

    1) изобретение, открытие, создание
    - useful invention
    - great invention
    - ingenious invention
    - Edison's numerous inventions
    - recently-patented invention
    - man of invention
    - invention of the telephone
    - invention of a plot
    - make a welcome invention
    - use the invention
    - put smb's invention into practice
    - back an invention financially
    - find the invention useful
    - promote inventions
    - patent an invention
    - invention created a sensation
    2) выдумка, вымысел, домысел, измышление

    His story was all invention. — Вся его история - вымысел.

    This is pure invention. — Это чистейший вымысел.

    He told me a story of his own invention. — Он рассказал мне выдуманную им самим историю.

    He's known for his inventions of falsehood. — Он известен своими измышлениями.

    Necessity is the mother of invention. — Нужда всему научит. /Голь на выдумки хитра

    - invention of the sensational press
    - newspapers full of inventions

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > invention

  • 3 develop

    [dɪ'veləp] 1.
    1) (acquire) acquisire [ knowledge]; contrarre [ illness]; prendere [ habit]; presentare, manifestare [ symptom]
    2) (evolve) sviluppare, ampliare [plan, project]; sviluppare, mettere a punto [technique, invention]; sviluppare [theory, argument]
    3) comm. ind. creare [ market]; stabilire [ links]
    4) (expand, build up) sviluppare [mind, physique]; comm. sviluppare, ampliare [business, market]
    5) (improve) valorizzare [land, site]; risanare [ city centre]
    6) fot. sviluppare
    1) (evolve) [child, society, country, plot, play] svilupparsi
    2) (come into being) [friendship, difficulty] nascere; [crack, hole] formarsi, prodursi; [ illness] manifestarsi
    3) (progress, advance) [ friendship] svilupparsi; [ difficulty] accrescersi; [crack, fault] accentuarsi; [war, illness] aggravarsi; [game, story] svolgersi
    4) (in size, extent) [town, business] svilupparsi
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - developed; verb
    1) (to (cause to) grow bigger or to a more advanced state: The plan developed slowly in his mind; It has developed into a very large city.) sviluppare, svilupparsi
    2) (to acquire gradually: He developed the habit of getting up early.) acquisire
    3) (to become active, visible etc: Spots developed on her face.) manifestarsi
    4) (to use chemicals to make (a photograph) visible: My brother develops all his own films.) sviluppare
    * * *
    [dɪ'veləp] 1.
    1) (acquire) acquisire [ knowledge]; contrarre [ illness]; prendere [ habit]; presentare, manifestare [ symptom]
    2) (evolve) sviluppare, ampliare [plan, project]; sviluppare, mettere a punto [technique, invention]; sviluppare [theory, argument]
    3) comm. ind. creare [ market]; stabilire [ links]
    4) (expand, build up) sviluppare [mind, physique]; comm. sviluppare, ampliare [business, market]
    5) (improve) valorizzare [land, site]; risanare [ city centre]
    6) fot. sviluppare
    1) (evolve) [child, society, country, plot, play] svilupparsi
    2) (come into being) [friendship, difficulty] nascere; [crack, hole] formarsi, prodursi; [ illness] manifestarsi
    3) (progress, advance) [ friendship] svilupparsi; [ difficulty] accrescersi; [crack, fault] accentuarsi; [war, illness] aggravarsi; [game, story] svolgersi
    4) (in size, extent) [town, business] svilupparsi

    English-Italian dictionary > develop

  • 4 Language

       Philosophy is written in that great book, the universe, which is always open, right before our eyes. But one cannot understand this book without first learning to understand the language and to know the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and the characters are triangles, circles, and other figures. Without these, one cannot understand a single word of it, and just wanders in a dark labyrinth. (Galileo, 1990, p. 232)
       It never happens that it [a nonhuman animal] arranges its speech in various ways in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do. (Descartes, 1970a, p. 116)
       It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same. (Descartes, 1967, p. 116)
       Human beings do not live in the object world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group.... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir, 1921, p. 75)
       It powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and processes.... No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached. (Sapir, 1985, p. 162)
       [A list of language games, not meant to be exhaustive:]
       Giving orders, and obeying them- Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements- Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)Reporting an eventSpeculating about an eventForming and testing a hypothesisPresenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagramsMaking up a story; and reading itPlay actingSinging catchesGuessing riddlesMaking a joke; and telling it
       Solving a problem in practical arithmeticTranslating from one language into another
       LANGUAGE Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, and praying-. (Wittgenstein, 1953, Pt. I, No. 23, pp. 11 e-12 e)
       We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages.... The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 153, 213-214)
       We dissect nature along the lines laid down by our native languages.
       The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... We are thus introduced to a new principle of relativity, which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar or can in some way be calibrated. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 213-214)
       9) The Forms of a Person's Thoughts Are Controlled by Unperceived Patterns of His Own Language
       The forms of a person's thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language-shown readily enough by a candid comparison and contrast with other languages, especially those of a different linguistic family. (Whorf, 1956, p. 252)
       It has come to be commonly held that many utterances which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information about the facts.... Many traditional philosophical perplexities have arisen through a mistake-the mistake of taking as straightforward statements of fact utterances which are either (in interesting non-grammatical ways) nonsensical or else intended as something quite different. (Austin, 1962, pp. 2-3)
       In general, one might define a complex of semantic components connected by logical constants as a concept. The dictionary of a language is then a system of concepts in which a phonological form and certain syntactic and morphological characteristics are assigned to each concept. This system of concepts is structured by several types of relations. It is supplemented, furthermore, by redundancy or implicational rules..., representing general properties of the whole system of concepts.... At least a relevant part of these general rules is not bound to particular languages, but represents presumably universal structures of natural languages. They are not learned, but are rather a part of the human ability to acquire an arbitrary natural language. (Bierwisch, 1970, pp. 171-172)
       In studying the evolution of mind, we cannot guess to what extent there are physically possible alternatives to, say, transformational generative grammar, for an organism meeting certain other physical conditions characteristic of humans. Conceivably, there are none-or very few-in which case talk about evolution of the language capacity is beside the point. (Chomsky, 1972, p. 98)
       [It is] truth value rather than syntactic well-formedness that chiefly governs explicit verbal reinforcement by parents-which renders mildly paradoxical the fact that the usual product of such a training schedule is an adult whose speech is highly grammatical but not notably truthful. (R. O. Brown, 1973, p. 330)
       he conceptual base is responsible for formally representing the concepts underlying an utterance.... A given word in a language may or may not have one or more concepts underlying it.... On the sentential level, the utterances of a given language are encoded within a syntactic structure of that language. The basic construction of the sentential level is the sentence.
       The next highest level... is the conceptual level. We call the basic construction of this level the conceptualization. A conceptualization consists of concepts and certain relations among those concepts. We can consider that both levels exist at the same point in time and that for any unit on one level, some corresponding realizate exists on the other level. This realizate may be null or extremely complex.... Conceptualizations may relate to other conceptualizations by nesting or other specified relationships. (Schank, 1973, pp. 191-192)
       The mathematics of multi-dimensional interactive spaces and lattices, the projection of "computer behavior" on to possible models of cerebral functions, the theoretical and mechanical investigation of artificial intelligence, are producing a stream of sophisticated, often suggestive ideas.
       But it is, I believe, fair to say that nothing put forward until now in either theoretic design or mechanical mimicry comes even remotely in reach of the most rudimentary linguistic realities. (Steiner, 1975, p. 284)
       The step from the simple tool to the master tool, a tool to make tools (what we would now call a machine tool), seems to me indeed to parallel the final step to human language, which I call reconstitution. It expresses in a practical and social context the same understanding of hierarchy, and shows the same analysis by function as a basis for synthesis. (Bronowski, 1977, pp. 127-128)
        t is the language donn eґ in which we conduct our lives.... We have no other. And the danger is that formal linguistic models, in their loosely argued analogy with the axiomatic structure of the mathematical sciences, may block perception.... It is quite conceivable that, in language, continuous induction from simple, elemental units to more complex, realistic forms is not justified. The extent and formal "undecidability" of context-and every linguistic particle above the level of the phoneme is context-bound-may make it impossible, except in the most abstract, meta-linguistic sense, to pass from "pro-verbs," "kernals," or "deep deep structures" to actual speech. (Steiner, 1975, pp. 111-113)
       A higher-level formal language is an abstract machine. (Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 113)
       Jakobson sees metaphor and metonymy as the characteristic modes of binarily opposed polarities which between them underpin the two-fold process of selection and combination by which linguistic signs are formed.... Thus messages are constructed, as Saussure said, by a combination of a "horizontal" movement, which combines words together, and a "vertical" movement, which selects the particular words from the available inventory or "inner storehouse" of the language. The combinative (or syntagmatic) process manifests itself in contiguity (one word being placed next to another) and its mode is metonymic. The selective (or associative) process manifests itself in similarity (one word or concept being "like" another) and its mode is metaphoric. The "opposition" of metaphor and metonymy therefore may be said to represent in effect the essence of the total opposition between the synchronic mode of language (its immediate, coexistent, "vertical" relationships) and its diachronic mode (its sequential, successive, lineal progressive relationships). (Hawkes, 1977, pp. 77-78)
       It is striking that the layered structure that man has given to language constantly reappears in his analyses of nature. (Bronowski, 1977, p. 121)
       First, [an ideal intertheoretic reduction] provides us with a set of rules"correspondence rules" or "bridge laws," as the standard vernacular has it-which effect a mapping of the terms of the old theory (T o) onto a subset of the expressions of the new or reducing theory (T n). These rules guide the application of those selected expressions of T n in the following way: we are free to make singular applications of their correspondencerule doppelgangers in T o....
       Second, and equally important, a successful reduction ideally has the outcome that, under the term mapping effected by the correspondence rules, the central principles of T o (those of semantic and systematic importance) are mapped onto general sentences of T n that are theorems of Tn. (P. Churchland, 1979, p. 81)
       If non-linguistic factors must be included in grammar: beliefs, attitudes, etc. [this would] amount to a rejection of the initial idealization of language as an object of study. A priori such a move cannot be ruled out, but it must be empirically motivated. If it proves to be correct, I would conclude that language is a chaos that is not worth studying.... Note that the question is not whether beliefs or attitudes, and so on, play a role in linguistic behavior and linguistic judgments... [but rather] whether distinct cognitive structures can be identified, which interact in the real use of language and linguistic judgments, the grammatical system being one of these. (Chomsky, 1979, pp. 140, 152-153)
        23) Language Is Inevitably Influenced by Specific Contexts of Human Interaction
       Language cannot be studied in isolation from the investigation of "rationality." It cannot afford to neglect our everyday assumptions concerning the total behavior of a reasonable person.... An integrational linguistics must recognize that human beings inhabit a communicational space which is not neatly compartmentalized into language and nonlanguage.... It renounces in advance the possibility of setting up systems of forms and meanings which will "account for" a central core of linguistic behavior irrespective of the situation and communicational purposes involved. (Harris, 1981, p. 165)
       By innate [linguistic knowledge], Chomsky simply means "genetically programmed." He does not literally think that children are born with language in their heads ready to be spoken. He merely claims that a "blueprint is there, which is brought into use when the child reaches a certain point in her general development. With the help of this blueprint, she analyzes the language she hears around her more readily than she would if she were totally unprepared for the strange gabbling sounds which emerge from human mouths. (Aitchison, 1987, p. 31)
       Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important "programming language." This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language.... One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn't something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Leiber, 1991, p. 8)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Language

  • 5 McCormick, Cyrus

    b. 1809 Walnut Grove, Virginia, USA
    d. 1884 USA
    American inventor of the first functionally and commercially successful reaping machine; founder of the McCormick Company, which was to become one of the founding companies of International Harvester.
    Cyrus McCormick's father, a farmer, began to experiment unsuccessfully with a harvesting machine between 1809 and 1816. His son took up the challenge and gave his first public demonstration of his machine in 1831. It cut a 4 ft swathe, but, wanting to perfect the machine, he waited until 1834 before patenting it, by which time he felt that his invention was threatened by others of similar design. In the same year he entered an article in the Mechanics Magazine, warning competitors off his design. His main rival was Obed Hussey who contested McCormick's claim to the originality of the idea, having patented his own machine six months before McCormick.
    A competition between the two machines was held in 1843, the judges favouring McCormick's, even after additional trials were conducted after objections of unfairness from Hussey. The rivalry continued over a number of years, being avidly reported in the agricultural press. The publicity did no harm to reaper sales, and McCormick sold twenty-nine machines in 1843 and fifty the following year.
    As the westward settlement movement progressed, so the demand for McCormick's machine grew. In order to be more central to his markets, McCormick established himself in Chicago. In partnership with C.M.Gray he established a factory to produce 500 harvesters for the 1848 season. By means of advertising and offers of credit terms, as well as production-line assembly, McCormick was able to establish himself as sole owner and also control all production, under the one roof. By the end of the decade he dominated reaper production but other developments were to threaten this position; however, foreign markets were appearing at the same time, not least the opportunities of European sales stimulated by the Great Exhibition in 1851. In the trials arranged by the Royal Agricultural Society of England the McCormick machine significantly outperformed that of Hussey's, and as a result McCormick arranged for 500 to be made under licence in England.
    In 1874 McCormick bought a half interest in the patent for a wire binder from Charles Withington, a watchmaker from Janesville, Wisconsin, and by 1885 a total of 50,000 wire binders had been built in Chicago. By 1881 McCormick was producing twine binders using Appleby's twine knotter under a licence agreement, and by 1885 the company was producing only twine binders. The McCormick Company was one of the co-founders of the International Harvester Company in 1901.
    1972, The Century of the Reaper, Johnson Reprint (the original is in the New York State Library).
    Further Reading
    Graeme Quick and Wesley Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (deals in detail with McCormick's developments).
    G.H.Wendell, 1981, 150 Years of International Harvester, Crestlink (though more concerned with the machinery produced by International Harvester, it gives an account of its originating companies).
    T.W.Hutchinson, 1930, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Seedtime 1809–1856; ——1935, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Harvest 1856–1884 (both attempt to unravel the many claims surrounding the reaper story).
    Herbert N.Casson, 1908, The Romance of the Reaper, Doubleday Page (deals with McCormick, Deering and the formation of International Harvester).

    Biographical history of technology > McCormick, Cyrus

  • 6 make

    1. I
    the ebb was making начинался отлив; the tide making we weighed anchor во время прилива мы бросили якорь
    2. II
    1) make in some manner this toy makes easily эту игрушку легко сделать: hay ought to make well [in this drying breeze] [на таком сухом ветерке] сено должно хорошо просушиться /сохнуть/
    2) make somewhere make upstream (downstream) идти /плыть/ вверх (вниз) по течению
    3) make in some manner the tide is making fast вода быстро прибывает; winter is making earnestly наступает настоящая зима
    4) make in some manner make well (poorly, etc.) хорошо и т. д. зарабатывать; he always makes pretty handsomely он всегда недурно зарабатывает
    3. III
    1) make smth. make machines (tools, paper, chairs, hats, etc.) делать /производить/ машины и т. д., make bricks делать /обжигать/ кирпичи; make a boat (a bridge, a house, a road, etc.) (подстроить лодку и т. д.: make a dress (a coat, a blouse, etc.) делать /шить/ платье и т. д.; make a film снимать фильм: make lunch (jelly, a good supper, etc.) делать /готовить/ завтрак и т. д., make coffee варить кофе; make tea заварить чай; make bread (ис-)печь хлеб; make a garden (a park, flower-beds, etc.) разбивать сад и т. д.; make hay косить траву: make a path делать /прокладывать/ дорожку: where will they make a camp? где они раскинут /разобьют/ лагерь?; make beds стелить /заправлять/ постели; make a fire разжигать камин или раскладывать костер; make nests вить гнезда; beavers make their holes бобры роют норы
    2) make smth. make one's reputation (one's name) создать себе репутацию (имя); make smb.'s character формировать чей-л. характер; make one's own life строить свой собственную жизнь, самостоятельно строить свой жизнь; make haste торопиться; make progress делать успехи; make preparations делать приготовления; make plans разрабатывать / вынашивать/ планы; he is making plans to go away он собирается /намеревается/ уехать; who made this ridiculous rule? кто придумал это глупое правило?; make war вести войну, воевать; are they willing to make peace? a) они согласны заключить мир?; б) они готовы примириться? || make a stand занимать принципиальную позицию: make love а) ухаживать; говорить ласковые слова; б) ласкать, заниматься любовью
    3) make smb., smth. one big deal made the young man молодой человек добился успеха благодаря лишь всего одной крупной сделке; hard work made him он добился успеха упорным трудом; wars made and unmade this country эта страна возвеличилась благодаря войнам, и они же привели ее к гибели; industry has made Manchester Манчестер превратился в важный центр благодаря развитию промышленности
    4) make smth. make trouble (a fuss, a mess, etc.) создавать неприятности и т. д.; he made a terrible to-do он устроил ужасный скандал; don't make noise не делай шума, не шуми; make a change (a disturbance, a panic, etc.) вызывать изменение и т. д., make mischief а) наносить вред; б) шалить, безобразничать; this makes a great difference это совсем другое дело; it makes no difference это ничего не меняет. это все равно; make a great hit coll. иметь огромный успех
    5) make smth. make eighty miles (five kilometres, etc.) сделать / пройти/ восемьдесят миль и т. д.; make twenty knots идти со скоростью двадцать узлов; make good time а) идти /двигаться/ с хорошей скоростью; б) sport. показать хорошее время
    6) make smth. соll. make port (harbour, home, land, one's destination, etc.) добираться до /достигать/ порта и т. д., he's tired out, he'll never make the summit он уже выдохся, ему ни за что не добраться до вершины; make the tram (the bus, the next flight, etc.) успевать на /поймать/ трамвай и т. д.; I had hoped to get to the meeting but I found at the last minute that I couldn't make it я надеялся попасть на собрание, но в последнюю минуту понял, что не успею
    7) make smth. make good grades получать хорошие отметки, хорошо учиться; make the highest score получить больше всего очков; who made the score? кто выиграл /победил/?; I doubt whether he will make much сомневаюсь, чтобы он мог многого добиться, вряд ли он мог многого добиться, вряд ли он многого добьется; those plants will not make much, the soil is too poor эти растения не пойдут /не будут хорошо расти/, здесь плохая почва; do you think a table this wide can make the doorway? вы думаете такой ширины стол пройдет в дверь?; make the team (the best-seller list, the first ten, etc.) попасть в команду и т. д.; this news made the front page это известие поместили на первой полосе [газеты] || make it добиться успеха; make one's point доказать свою течку зрения; has he made his point? понятно, что он хотел сказать?
    8) make smth. make a good salary (three pounds a week, a profit, etc.) получать хорошее жалованье и т. д.; make a living зарабатывать на жизнь; make money а) зарабатывать деньги; б) разбогатеть; make a fortune приобрести состояние; make a loss потерпеть /понести/ убыток; make smb. make friends приобрести /завеете/ друзей; make enemies нажить врагов
    9) make smth. one hundred pence make a pound сто пенсов составляют фунт; twelve inches make one foot в одном футе двенадцать дюймов; that makes 40 cents you owe me итак, ты мне должен сорок центов; this made his tenth novel это был уже его десятый роман; how many people make a quorum? сколько человек требуется /необходимо/ для кворума?; how many players make а, football team? сколько человек в футбольной команде?; will you make one of the party? не составите ли вы нам компанию?, не присоединитесь ли вы к нам?; "mouse" makes "mice" in the plural множественное число от "mouse" - "mice"
    10) make smth. make a will (a deal of transfer, a promissory note, a bill of exchange, etc.) составлять завещание и т. д.; make a list составлять список; make a report написать отчет, подготовить доклад; make a contract (a bargain, an agreement, etc.) заключать /подписывать/ контракт и т. д.
    11) semiaux make smth. make a stop остановиться, сделать остановку; make a landing сделать посадку; make a pause сделать паузу; make a move а) стронуться с места, двинуться; it's ten o'clock, it's time we made a move уже десять часов, нам пора двигаться / отправляться/; don't make a move! ни с места!, не двигаться!; б) сделать ход; make a start начать; make a good start положить хорошее начало; make an early start рано отправиться в путь; make a jump прыгнуть; make a sign сделать /подать/ знак; make a bow поклониться; make a curtsey сделать книксен; make a call а) нанести короткий визит; I have to make a few calls мне надо забежать в несколько мест: б) позвонить по телефону; let me make a call first разрешите мне сначала позвонить по телефону; make a trip совершать /предпринимать/ поездку; make a speech произнести речь, выступить с речью; make an offer proposition/ внести предложение, предложить; make a proposal сделать предложение, предложить выйти замуж; make an answer reply/ дать ответ, ответить; make a denial отклонять; опровергать, помещать опровержение; make a joke отпустить шутку; make a complaint (по)жаловаться; make a vow дать клятву, поклясться; make a choice выбирать, делать выбор; make a mistake сделать /допустить/ ошибку, ошибиться; make inquiries наводить справки; make a sacrifice приносить жертву, жертвовать; make room /place/ подвинуться, освободить место; make way освободить дорогу /путь/, отойти в сторону; make a face скорчить рожу, гримасничать
    12) aux make smb. make a lawyer (a good teacher, a bad farmer, a waiter, an excellent husband, etc.) быть хорошим юристом и т. д., he makes a good carpenter он хороший плотник: he made a very poor musician из него получился очень плохой музыкант; one good verse doesn't make a poet одно хорошее стихотворение еще не дает права называться поэтом; he and his cousin would make a handsome couple он и его кузина составляют прекрасную пару; make smth. cold tea makes an excellent drink холодный чай make прекрасный напиток; dry wood makes a good fire сухое дерево хорошо горит; that makes a good answer! вот хороший ответ!; this makes no sense в этом нет никакого смысла; это бессмысленно; these plays (their letters to each other, etc.) make pleasant reading эти пьесы и т. д. приятно читать; his adventures make all exciting story рассказ о его приключениях слушаешь с волнением
    4. IV
    1) make smth. in some manner make smth. quickly (eventually, inevitably, unhesitatingly, etc.) делать что-л. быстро и т. д.; make smth. lawfully (scientifically. delicately, persistently, etc.) делать /осуществлять/ что-л. на законных основаниях и т. д.
    2) make some distance in some time make 200 miles an hour (ten miles a day, etc.) делать двести миль в час и т. д.; we made only three miles that day в тот день мы прошли /проделали/ только три мили; some airplanes can make over 500 miles an hour скорость некоторых самолетов превышает пятьсот миль в час
    3) make smth. at some time he will never make much он никогда не добьется успеха
    4) make sonic money in some time make L 2000 a year зарабатывать /получать/ две тысячи фунтов в год; how much money do you make a week (a month, a year, etc.)? сколько [денег] вы получаете /зарабатываете/ в неделю и т. д.?
    5. V
    1) make smb. smth. make him a new toy (her a dress, the children a swing in the garden, etc.) сделать ему /для него/ новую игрушку и т. д., make her a cup of tea приготовь /подай/ ей чашку чаю
    2) make smth. smth. make it a rule взять [что-л.] за правило; he made it a rule to get up early он взял себе за правило рано вставать; make it one's business считать это своим делом; don't make cheating a practice не привыкай обманывать; he made a certificate his object он поставил себе целью получить диплом
    3) make smb. smb. make smb. one's heir (him king, a page knight, him a teacher, etc.) сделать кого-л. своим наследником и т. д., make a priest a bishop возвести священника в сан епископа; make smb. a judge (one's spokesman, one's special envoy, etc.) назначать кого-л. судьей и т. д., they made him chairman его выбрали председателем; make a colonel general присвоить /дать/ полковнику звание генерала; произвести полковника в генералы; make smb. a duke (a peer, etc.) дать /пожаловать/ кому-л. титул герцога и т. д., he intended to make his son a barrister (a soldier, a carpenter, etc.) он хотел, чтобы его сын стал адвокатом и т. д.; he made her his wife он сделал ее своей женой, он женился на ней; make smb. prisoner взять кого-л. в плен; make oneself a martyr сделать из себя мученика, пойти на муки; make this character an important person (Hamlet a figure of tragic indecision, Shylock a tragic figure, her a figure of fun, etc.) делать из этого персонажа значительную личность и т. д.
    4) make smth. smth. add one more egg and make it a round dozen прибавь еще одно яйцо, и будет /получится/ дюжина
    5) make it smth. shall we make it Tuesday? договоримся на вторник?; can you come at six? - make it half past вы можете прийти в шесть? - Лучше условимся на половину седьмого; I shall make it tomorrow я договорись на завтра
    6) make smth. smth. make the distance about 70 miles полагать /считать/, что расстояние равно примерно семидесяти милям; I make the total about L 50 по-моему, общая сумма составит фунтов пятьдесят; how large do you make the crowd? как вы думаете, сколько в этой толпе человек?; what do you make the time? сколько, по-вашему, сейчас времени?; what time do you make it? - I make it half past four сколько сейчас времени, по-вашему? - Мне кажется, что сейчас примерно половина пятого
    7) semiaux make smb. smth. make smb. an offer (one or two attractive proposals, a bid for the antique table, etc.) сделать кому-л. какое-л. предложение и т. д.; I made her a present of the vase я подарил ей эту вазу; he made me a sign он сделал /подал/ мне знак; she made him a face она скорчила ему рожу
    8) 0 make smb. smb. she will make him a good wife (a good mother, a loyal friend, etc.) она будет ему хорошей женой и т. д.; make smb. smth. this cloth will make me a good suit из этого отреза мне выйдет хороший костюм
    6. VI
    1) make smb., smth. be of some nudity his upbringing made him selfish воспитание сделало его эгоистом; her eyes made her beautiful глаза делали ее прекрасной; he was trying to make himself agreeable он старался быть приятным; we shall try to make your stay here agreeable мы постараемся [сделать так], чтобы ваш визит сюда доставил вам удовольствие; make oneself responsible взять на себя ответственность; make children immune against this disease создать /выработать/ у детей иммунитет против /к/ этой болезни; this portrait makes him too old на портрете он выглядит гораздо старше [, чем он есть на самом деле]; this opera made him immortal эта опера принесла ему бессмертие; make his novels (the song, this new theory, the actress, etc.) popular (famous) сделать его романы и т. д. популярными, создать /принести/ популярность (славу) его романам и т. д.; don't stand about doing nothing - make yourself useful не стойте без дела, помогите [нам]; you've made my nose too big вы нарисовали мне слишком большей нос; make smb., smth. be in some state make smb. happy (rich, poor, etc.) сделать кого-л. счастливым и т. д., make the prisoners free освободить заключенных; make oneself comfortable удобно устроиться; they are coming, make yourselves ready они приближаются, будьте готовы; she is seeing it for the first time, we must make her ready такое она увидит впервые, надо ее подготовить; make smb. angry рассердить кого-л.; her answers made him furious ее ответы взбесили его: make smb. sick a) вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; what made you sick? отчего вам стало плохо?; б) coll. раздражать кого-л.: your questions make me sick мне надоели ваши вопросы, меня тошнит от ваших вопросов; hot weather makes some people sleepy в жару некоторых людей клонит ко сну; it will make you ridiculous in their eyes это выставит вас в смешном свете в их глазах; make it flat сплющить что-л. || make it worth smb.'s while компенсировать кому-л. что-л.; if you help me with this job I'll make it worth your while если вы поможете мне в этом [деле], я в долгу не останусь / вы не будете внакладе/: make oneself (one's point) clear ясно излагать свои мысли (аргументы)
    2) make smb. be in some state what makes you so late? что вас так задержало?, отчего вы так опоздали?; it made her more careful после этого она стала осторожнее
    7. VII
    1) make smb., smth. do smth. make smb. stop (go, laugh, cry, sign a statement, repeat a story, fall asleep, etc.) заставить кого-л. остановиться и т. д.: they made me feel ashamed они меня смутили; make smb. understand а) заставить кого-л. понять; б) дать кому-л. понять; don't make me do it не вынуждай меня это делать / к этому/; I can make him believe anything I choose я могу убедить его в чем угодно; it makes me think you are right это убеждает меня в вашей правоте; I can't make anyone hear не могу достучаться или дозваться, дозвониться к кому-л.; make an engine start завести мотор; make the kettle boil вскипятить чайник; make water boil довести воду до кипения; I can't make the fire burn никак не могу разжечь костер или развести огонь; what makes the grass grow so quickly? отчего трава растет так быстро?; the wind made the bells ring колокольчики звенели на ветру: onions make our eyes smart от лука [у нас] щиплет глаза; his account made our hair stand on end от его рассказа у нас волосы встали дыбом || make smth. do обходиться чем-л.: there is not much money but I'll make it do денег немного, но я постараюсь, чтобы их хватило; I shall have to make this coat do for a bit longer придется еще немного походить в старом пальто id make both ends meet сводить концы с концами
    2) make smb. do smth. most of the chronicles make the king die in 1026 согласно большинству хроник король умер в тысяча двадцать шестом году; some scholars make Homer come from one city, others from another ученые спорят о месте рождения Гомера
    8. IX
    make smth., smb. done make the results (the news, his arrival, the invention, etc.) known обнародовать результаты и т. д., сообщить о результатах и т. д., make smth. felt сделать что-л. ощутимым; make oneself known а) назвать себя; б) заставить о себе говорить, заявить о себе, добиться известности; make him known to my father познакомить его с моим отцом, представить его моему отцу; make oneself understood ясно изъясняться; сан you make yourself understood in English? вас понимают, когда вы говорите по-английски?; he couldn't make himself /his voice/ heard above the noise of the traffic он не мог перекричать уличный шум, его не было слышно из-за уличного шума; we must make him respected необходимо вызвать к нему уважение /заставить людей уважать его/
    9. XI
    1) be made somewhere be made in England (in France, etc.) производиться /выпускаться/ в Англии и т. д. ; made in USSR сделано в СССР; be made in a factory производиться /делаться/ на фабрике; be made of (with, from, into) smth. be made of wood (of silk, of plastic, etc.) быть [сделанным] из дерева и т. д., this cloth is made of cotton эта ткань делается из хлопка; what is this made of? из чего это сделано?; а bow is made of stick and string лук делается из палки и бечевки; cheese is made from milk (cereal is made from grain, rubber is made from sap, etc.) сыр делают из молока и т. д., gas is made from coal газ производят из каменного угля; wool is made into cloth из шерсти делают /ткут/ ткань; grapes are made into raisins из винограда сушат изюм; the skin of the walrus is made into leather из шкуры моржа выделывают кожу; their food is always made with garlic в пищу они всегда добавляют чеснок; I like my coffee made with milk я люблю кофе [приготовленный] с молоком; be made for smb., smth. these houses are made for our workers эти дома построены для наших рабочих; this hat was made for you эту шляпку сделали [специально] для вас; this car is made for speed эти автомашины производятся специально для скоростной езды; be made with /by/ smth. this can be made with a knife это можно сделать ножом; this tool is made by a very intricate process изготовление этого инструмента сопряжено с большими сложностями; this thing is made by hand (by machinery) эту вещь делают вручную (на машине); be made by smb., smth. this was made by my friend это сделал (построил, создал и т. п.) мой друг; these experiments are made by robots эти опыты выполняют роботы; this grotto was not made by nature, it was made by man это не естественный грот, он создан человеком || be made to order (to measure) быть сделанным /сшитым/ на заказ; all his clothes are made to order он шьет все свои вещи [у портного], он делает все свои вещи на заказ id be made of different stuff быть совсем другим человеком, make быть сделанным из другого теста; let them all see what you are made of пусть все видят, что ты за человек /чего ты стоишь/; а first-class job was made of his house его дом прекрасно отремонтировали
    2) be made the decision is made решение вынесено; be made at some time unless a move is made very soon, it will be too late если в ближайшее время что-либо не сделают, будет слишком поздно; be made by smb. the first move was made by my brother первый шаг сделал мой брат; be made of smth. effective use was made of this money эти деньги были потрачены с пользой; be made for smth. these rules were made for a special purpose эти правила были составлены с особой целью; be made to do smth. the regulations were made to protect children эти правила созданы /выработаны/ для защиты детей || note should be made следует обратить внимание; а careful note should be made of what he says нужно внимательно отнестись /прислушаться/ к тому, что он говорит
    3) be made smb. he was made commander-in-chief (general manager, president of the club, a judge, etc.) его назначили главнокомандующим и т. д., he was made an officer его произвели в офицеры; he was made a knight он был посвящен в рыцари; he was made prisoner его взяли в плен; be made by smb., smth. the recommendation was made by the committee эта рекомендация была предложена комиссией; the writer was made by his first book с первой же книги его признали настоящим писателем; be made for smb. they are made for each other они созданы друг для друга
    4) be made to be of some state be made known придать гласность; the results are to be made known on application результаты сообщают, если подано соответствующее заявление; the full story was never made public все подробности этой истории так и не стали достоянием общественности; be made about smth., smb. much fuss has been made about it (about the affair, about her, etc.) вокруг этого и т. д. была поднята большая шумиха; be made to do smth. the pupil was made to write his biography (to speak up, to stay after lessons, etc.) ученика заставили написать свою биографию и т. д.; the crowd was made to disperse толпу разогнали; these two statements cannot be made to agree эти два заявления противоречат друг другу
    5) be made on (out of, by, etc.) smth. how much will be made on the business? какой доход будет получен от этого предприятия /даст это предприятие/?; а good deal of capital will be made out of this это принесет солидный капитал: I have по desire for money that has been made by dishonest means я не хочу брать деньги, заработанные нечестным путем
    6) be made of smth. nothing could be made of the scribble in his note books (of her note, of his mumbling, etc,) ничего нельзя было понять из каракулей в его тетради и т. д.
    7) be made with smb. a treaty has been made with other countries был заключен договор с другими странами
    10. XII
    have smth. made for smth. I must have a coat made for the winter мне нужно отдать сшить зимнее пальто
    11. XIII
    1) || make believe делать вид; he made believe to work hard (to throw a ball, not to know anything, etc.) он делал вид, что он усердно работает и т. д., make believe to be a scholar воображать себя ученым
    2) semiaux make to do smth. he made to go он хотел было уйти; he made to stop me он попытался было остановить меня; he made to snatch her bag он рванулся вперед, чтобы вы хватить у нее сумку
    3) · make do with (without, on) smth. I will have to make do with cold meat for dinner (with a very short holiday, with an old wireless set, etc.) мне придется довольствоваться холодным мясом вместо обеда и т. д.; I shall have to make do without a coat придется мне обойтись без пальто; I don't know how she makes do on so small an income не знаю, как она сводит концы с концами при таком небольшом заработке; I shall make do on biscuits and cheese сыра и галет мне будет достаточно
    12. XV
    1) || make good coll. добиться успеха; I never believed that he would make good я никогда не верил, что он чего-нибудь добьется; talent and education are necessary to make good in this field чтобы добиться успеха в этой области, необходимы талант и образование
    2) || make good smth. оправдывать что-л.; he made good his promise он выполнил /сдержал/ свое обещание; she made good her claims она доказала справедливость или законность своих притязаний: you will have to make good your boast тебе придется доказать, что это не пустое хвастовство; make good its title tic) be ranked as an independent science обосновать /доказать/ свое право считаться самостоятельной наукой; make good the damage (the shortage, the loss, etc.) возмещать убытки и т. д. ; any money that you cannot account for you will have to make good тебе придется возместить /вернуть/ все деньги, за которые ты не сумеешь отчитаться
    3) 0 || make sure /certain/ быть уверенным или удостовериться; have you made sure of the facts (of the timetable, of the results, etc.)? вы проверили факты и т. д.?, вы убеждены в правильности фактов и т. д.?; if you want to make sure of a seat you had better book in advance если вы хотите наверняка иметь билет, закажите его заранее / заблаговременно/; first they made sure of him сначала они [проверили его и] убедились в его надежности; I want to make sure of catching her (of getting there in time, of having a good seat, of his answering the letter, etc.) я хочу быть уверенным, что застану ее и т. д.,make sure that the letter was delivered (that the doors are locked, that there is no one here, etc.) убедиться, что письмо доставлено и т. д.; will you please make sure that they are all here? проверьте, пожалуйста, все ли она пришли; I made certain that he would do so я был уверен, что он так и поступит; make bold осмеливаться; make bold to ask a favour (to call on you, to express my opinion, etc.) осмелиться просить об одолжении и т. д.; I make bold to say that he knows nothing about it осмелюсь утверждать, что он ничего об этом не знает; make light of smth. не придавать чему-л. особого значения; she made light of her troubles (of this accident, of a situation, of other people's illness, etc.) она легко относится к своим неприятностям и т. д., она особенно не переживает из-за своих неприятностей и т. д.; make ready подготовиться; make merry веселиться; make merry over his victory радоваться /веселиться/ по случаю его победы; make free with smth. пользоваться чем-л., не стесняясь
    13. XVI
    1) make after smb. make after the fox (after the rabbit, after the escaped convict, etc.) броситься /пуститься/ преследовать лису и т. д., she made after him like a mad woman она как безумная бросилась за ним; in the morning we made after them утром мы пустились за ними вслед; make at smb. he gave a shout and made at me он издал крик и (на)бросился на меня; the dog made at the postman собака накинулась на почтальона; the angry woman made at me with her umbrella рассерженная женщина (накинулась на меня с зонтиком; make for /toward/ smb., smth. make for the crowd (for the sea, for the nearest town, toward a distant hill, for home, etc.) двигаться по направлению /направляться/ к толпе и т. д., he quickly made for /toward/ the door он бросился к двери; she made for the sound of guns она пошла туда, откуда раздавались выстрелы; the dog made for the robber собака бросилась за грабителем; make for the open sea направиться в открытое море
    2) make on smth. coll. make on this business (on shares, on oil, etc.) заработать на этом деле и т. д., he made pretty handsomely on that bargain он неплохо заработал /нажился/ на этой сделке
    3) 0 make for smth. make for better understanding between countries ( for the happiness of all, for a friendly atmosphere in the club, for peace, for stability of marriage, etc.) способствовать лучшему взаимопониманию между странами и т. д.; does early rising make for good health? полезно ли для здоровья рано вставать?; that weather makes for optimism в такую погоду и настроение хорошее; new facts made for the prisoner's acquittal новые факты ускорили вынесение /помогли вынесению/ оправдательного приговора заключенному; make against smth. experience makes against this assertion опыт опровергает это утверждение; your behaviour makes against your chance of success ваше поведение не способствует /мешает/ вашему успеху
    14. XXI1
    1) make smth. out of /from, of, with/ smth. make bottles out of glass (bricks of clay, flour from wheat, a box out of a bit of mahogany, etc.) делать бутылки из стекла и т. д., make wreaths of daisies плести венки из маргариток; make a megaphone of one's hands сложить руки рупором; the cake was spoilt as she made it with a bad egg торт был испорчен, так как она положила в тесто несвежее яйцо; what do you make with flour (with the eggs, with these things, etc.)? что вы делаете из муки и т. д.?; what will you make with all these flowers? что вы будете делать с таким количеством цветов?; what can you make out of this stuff? что ты можешь сделать / сшить/ из этого материала?; make smth. in smth. make a hole in the ground выкопать яму в земле; make a gap in the hedge проделать лаз /дыру/ в изгороди; it made a hole dent/ in my savings (in my reserves, in smb.'s finances, etc.) от этого пострадали мои сбережения и т. д., make smth. for smth. make an opening for the wires сделать входное отверстие для проводов; make a hole for a tree выкопать яму под дерево; he made a bookcase for his apartment он сам сделал в своей квартире книжный шкаф; make smth. into smth. make milk into cheese and butter (hide into leather, wood into pulp, etc.) перерабатывать молоко на масло и сыр и т. д.; make these huts into temporary houses (it into a stock company, the desert into a garden, etc.) превращать эти хижины во временное жилье и т. д., make these books into bundles связать книги в пачки; make a story into a play переделать повесть в пьесу
    2) make smth. of smb. make an example of smb. ставить кого-л. в пример; make fun of smb. подшучивать или издеваться над кем-л.; make a laughing-stock of smb. сделать кого-л. посмешищем, выставлять кого-л. в смешном виде; make a fool /an ass/ of him (of her husband, etc.) делать из него и т. д. дурака; make a fool (a beast, a pig, etc.) of oneself вести себя как дурак и т. д., make a nuisance of oneself надоедать /докучать, досаждать/ кому-л.; make an exhibition spectacle, a show/ of oneself привлекать к себе внимание; make smth. of smth. make a profession of smth. сделать что-л. своей профессией; make a business of politics заниматься политикой профессионально; make a parade / a show/ of one's talents щеголять /кичиться/ своими талантами; make a boast of smth. хвастаться / хвалиться/ чем-л.; make a secret of smth. делать из чего-л. тайну /секрет/; he was asked to help but he made a hash /a muddle, a mess/ of everything его просили помочь, а он все испортил; make hell of smb.'s life превратить чью-л. жизнь в ад; make a note of his telephone number записать номер его телефона; make notes of a lecture записать лекцию; you must make a mental note of what he is saying вы должны запомнить /взять на заметку/, что он говорят; don't make a habit of it смотри, чтобы это не превратилось в привычку; make the most of smth. максимально использовать что-л.; make the best of one's delay (of this scanty information, of his absence, etc.) наилучшим образом /наиболее эффективно/ использовать задержку и т. д.; make a good thing of it извлечь из этого пользу; make good use of this opportunity воспользоваться предоставившейся возможностью; make a good (a bad) job of smth. хорошо (плохо) справиться с чем-л.; make smth. for smb., smth. make a name for oneself стать известным; make a reputation for oneself создать себе репутацию; make allowance (s) for circumstances (for smb.'s inexperience, for her age, etc.) делать скидку на обстоятельства и т. д.; make arrangements for a meeting (for a party, for a dance, for their departure, etc.) подготовить собрание и т. д., make much for the peace of the world много сделать для сохранения мира; make smb., smth. with smb. make friends with smb. подружиться с кем-л., наладить с кем-л. дружеские отношения; а quarrel with smb. поссориться с кем-л.; make peace with smb. помириться с кем-л.; make smth. in (on, etc.) smth., smb. make a name in the world снискать мировую славу, приобрести известность во всем мире; make an impression on smb. производить на кого-л. впечатление; make war upon smb., smth. a) идти войной на кого-л., что-л.; б) вести войну с кем-л., чем-л. || make love to smb. а) ласкать кого-л., заниматься любовью с кем-л., б) ухаживать за кем-л.; говорить кому-л. ласковые слова
    3) make smb. of smb. his parents want to make a doctor (a lawyer, a soldier, an actor, etc.) of their son родители хотят, чтобы их сын стал врачом и т. д., make a man of him сделать из него человека; make a friend of her children подружиться с ее детьми; make a friend of an enemy превратить врага в друга; make smb. into smb. make them into slaves (him into a bully, her into a sophisticated hostess, etc.) превратить их в /сделать из них/ рабов и т. д.
    4) make smth. over smth. make a fuss (a row, a scandal, etc.) over smth. поднимать шум и т. д. по какому-л. поводу; make a to-do over a trifle поднимать шумиху из-за пустяка
    5) make smth. for smth. make a dash for the open window (a bolt for the door, a bee-line for the gates, etc.) броситься к открытому окну и т. д., make smth. to smth. make one's way to the station (to the river, to the house, back to the tower, etc.) пойти /направиться/ к станции и т. д., make smth. by smth. make the crossing by ferry переправиться на пароме; make smth. at smb. make a grab at him попытаться схватить его || it's time we were making tracks for home нам уже пора повернуть к дому
    6) make some distance in some time we made the whole distance in ten days мы прошли весь путь /покрыли все расстояние/ за десять дней; we've made 80 miles since noon с полудня мы проделали восемьдесят миль
    7) make smth. in some time the train will make Moscow in five hours поезд будет в Москве через пять часов
    8) make smth. at /in/ smth. make good grades at school получать [в школе] хорошие отметки, хорошо учиться; make the highest score in the match получать в этом матче больше всех очков /самый лучший результат/; make one's way in the world преуспеть, добиться успеха || coll. he'll make it through college ему удастся окончить колледж; he made six towns on this trip во время этой поездки он посетил шесть городов /побывал в шести городах/
    9) make smth. by (out of, from, in, etc.) smth. make a good deal by it хорошо на этом заработать; make much profit out of this undertaking извлекать большую выгоду из этого предприятия; he made a great fortune out of tea он составил большое состояние на торговле чаем; make a great deal of money in oil много заработать на нефти; make a living from literary work зарабатывать [на жизнь] литературным трудом; make a loss on the transaction потерпеть /понести/ убытки на этой сделке
    10) make smth. of smth., smb. read this letter and tell me what you make of it прочтите это письмо и скажите, как вы его расцениваете; what do you make of the new assistant? какое у тебя впечатление /что ты думаешь/ о новом помощнике?; make much of this article ( of her work, of this man, etc.) быть высокого мнения об этой статье и т. д., newspapers made much of his achievements газеты превозносили его успехи; she makes too much of the boy уж слишком она носится с этим мальчиком; make little of smth., smb. относиться пренебрежительно к чему-л., кому-л., не считаться с чем-л., кем-л.; he made little of his feat он принижал значение своего героического поступка
    11) make smth. of smth. I could make nothing of his words (of all this scribble, of her letter, etc.) я ничего не мог понять из его слов и т. д., его слова были мне совершенно непонятны и т. д., you will make more of it than I вы в этом лучше разберетесь [, чем я]; I can make no sense of what he says я не вижу никакого смысла в том, что он говорит; what are we to make of his behaviour? как нам следует /нам прикажете/ понимать его поведение?
    12) make smth. with smb. they made a bargain with him они заключили с ним сделку || make a settlement on smb. распорядиться имуществом в пользу кого-л.
    13) semiaux make smth. for smb. make room for smb. [подвинуться и] дать кому-л. место; can you make room for one more man? найдется место еще для одного человека?; make way for others посторониться, дать дорогу другим; make smth. at smb. he made a face at them он состроил им рожу; don't make eyes at him не строй ему глазки
    14) 0 make smth. in some time he will make a sergeant in six months через шесть месяцев он станет сержантом
    15. XXII
    1) make smth. of doing smth. make a practice of working in his garden in the morning (of helping others, of doing his exercises in front of an open window, etc.) взять за правило по утрам работать в его саду и т. д.; he makes a practice of cheating он всегда обманывает; make a point of being on time у него принцип make не опаздывать /быть пунктуальным/; she made it a point of being very patient with these children она особенно старалась быть терпеливой с этими детьми
    2) make smth. by doing smth. make one's living by giving piano lessons (by writing books for children, by selling flowers, etc.) зарабатывать на жизнь уроками игры на фортепиано и т. д.; she makes money by nursing она зарабатывает деньги, ухаживая за больными; she made her name by writing memoirs она прославилась своими мемуарами
    16. XXIV1
    || make it as smb. coll. добиться успеха, будучи кем-л.; I wanted to make it as a writer мне хотелось добиться успеха на писательском поприще
    17. XXVI
    make smth. [that]... this makes the fifth time you've failed this examination ты уже [в] пятый раз проваливаешься на этом экзамене

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > make

  • 7 Ridley, John

    b. 1806 West Boldon, Co. Durham, England
    d. 1887 Malvern, England
    English developer of the stripper harvester which led to a machine suited to the conditions of Australia and South America.
    John Ridley was a preacher in his youth, and then became a mill owner before migrating to Australia with his wife and daughters in 1839. Intending to continue his business in the new colony, he took with him a "Grasshopper" overbeam steam-engine made by James Watt, together with milling equipment. Cereal acreages were insufficient for the steam power he had available, and he expanded into saw milling as well as farming 300 acres. Aware of the Adelaide trials of reaping machines, he eventually built a prototype using the same principles as those developed by Wrathall Bull. After a successful trial in 1843 Ridley began the patent procedure in England, although he never completed the project. The agricultural press was highly enthusiastic about his machine, but when trials took place in 1855 the award went to a rival. The development of the stripper enabled a spectacular increase in the cereal acreage planted over the next decade. Ridley left Australia in 1853 and returned to England. He built a number of machines to his design in Leeds; however, these failed to perform in the much damper English climate. All of the machines were exported to South America, anticipating a substantial market to be exploited by Australian manufacturers.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    In 1913 a Ridley scholarship was established by the faculty of Agriculture at Adelaide University.
    Further Reading
    G.Quick and W.Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (includes a chapter devoted to the Australian developments).
    A.E.Ridley, 1904, A Backward Glance (describes Ridley's own story).
    G.L.Sutton, 1937, The Invention of the Stripper (a review of the disputed claims between Ridley and Bull).
    L.J.Jones, 1980, "John Ridley and the South Australian stripper", The History of
    Technology, pp. 55–103 (a more detailed study).
    ——1979, "The early history of mechanical harvesting", The History of Technology, pp. 4,101–48 (discusses the various claims to the first invention of a machine for mechanical harvesting).

    Biographical history of technology > Ridley, John

  • 8 work

    wə:k 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) arbeid
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) arbeid, jobb
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) arbeid
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) verk
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) arbeid, verk
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) arbeidsplass, jobb
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) arbeide, jobbe; drive, la arbeide
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) ha arbeid/jobb
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) virke, fungere
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) virke, holde stikk, lykkes
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) arbeide seg møysommelig framover/oppover
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) løsne, skru seg løs
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) forme, bearbeide
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) (ur)verk
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) gode gjerninger, veldedighet
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders
    subst. \/wɜːk\/
    1) arbeid, jobb
    2) virke, gjerning
    3) innsats
    4) gjøremål, oppgave
    5) verk, arbeid, produkt
    at work på arbeid, på jobb i aktivitet, i virksomhet, i arbeid
    be thrown out of work bli gjort arbeidsløs
    do the work of fungere som
    fall\/go to work skride til verket
    give someone the works fortelle noen hele historien gi noen en overhaling drepe noen
    go about one's work skjøtte sitt arbeid
    have one's work cut out ha sin fulle hyre med
    intellectual work åndsarbeid
    in work i arbeid
    make light work of winning vinne med letthet
    make short\/quick work of gjøre kort prosess med, gjøre raskt unna, bli fort ferdig med
    make work for gi arbeid til
    many hands make light work jo flere, desto bedre
    off work ikke i arbeid, fri
    out of work uten arbeid, arbeidsløs
    put\/set somebody to work sette noen i arbeid
    quick work fort gjort
    set\/go about one's work sette i gang med arbeidet, skride til verket
    set at work sette i arbeid, sette i gang
    set\/get to work (at\/on something) sette i gang med noe \/ med å gjøre noe
    shirk work snike seg unna, sluntre unna, skulke
    shoot the works sladre gi alt man har, gjøre sitt ytterste
    sit down to one's work konsentrere seg om arbeidet sitt
    stop work (av)slutte arbeidet, legge ned arbeidet
    strike work legge ned arbeidet, streike
    take up work gå tilbake til arbeidet
    throw out of work gjøre arbeidsløs
    warm work ( hverdagslig) hardt arbeid
    the work done det utførte arbeidet, arbeidsprestasjonen
    the work of a moment et øyeblikks arbeid
    a work of art et kunstverk
    works gjerninger
    (slang, om narkotika) brukerutstyr ( militærvesen) (be)festningsverk verk, mekanisme
    the works rubbel og bit, hele sulamitten
    verb \/wɜːk\/
    1) ( om sysselsetting) arbeide, jobbe
    2) ( om deig eller leire) bearbeide, kna, elte
    3) ( om plan eller metode) virke, fungere, holde (om teori)
    4) påvirke, bearbeide, øve innflytelse på, godsnakke med
    5) ( om jord) dyrke
    6) ( om maskineri) gå, drive(s), funksjonere, virke, være i drift, være i funksjon
    7) ( om selger) reise i, ha (som salgsområde)
    8) ( om fisker) fiske i
    9) ( om gjær) arbeide, gjære, få til å gjære
    10) ( om organ) fungere, gå, arbeide, slå (om hjerte eller puls)
    11) ( om kraftanstrengelse) arbeide (seg frem), trenge (seg frem)
    12) flytte, dytte, lirke, skyve
    13) ( om tanker e.l.) arbeide, gjære, kverne
    14) ( om håndarbeide) lage, brodere, sy, strikke
    15) ( om mekanikk) betjene, passe, skjøtte, styre
    16) bevege (seg), røre (på), røre seg, gestikulere (om hender)
    can you work your arm backwards?
    17) ( om ledelse) styre, holde styr på, kontrollere, få til å jobbe, få til å arbeide, drive
    18) ( om konsekvens) forårsake, utrette, anrette, volde, utføre, bevirke
    time had worked\/wrought great changes
    the war worked\/wrought great damages
    19) ( om mål) oppnå, oppfylle, realisere, virkeliggjøre, ordne (hverdagslig), fikse (hverdagslig)
    how did you work it?
    20) ( om kull) bryte
    21) ( om bruk) anvende, bruke, utnytte, drive, bearbeide, være i drift (om fabrikk e.l.)
    can you work the invention at this factory?
    22) ( om materiale) arbeide i, arbeide med, forme, utforme, foredle
    23) ( sjøfart) arbeide, rulle, stampe, slingre
    24) (amer.) lure, bedra, ta ved nesen
    25) ( om bølger) gå i dønninger
    26) ( om ansikt) fortrekke seg
    work against ( om motstand) motarbeide, motsette
    work at arbeide på, arbeide med, jobbe på, jobbe med
    work away arbeide (ufortrødent) videre, jobbe i vei
    work back (austr.) arbeide overtid, jobbe overtid
    work for arbeide for, jobbe for
    work in\/into arbeide seg inn i, trenge (seg) inn i
    flette inn, finne plass til
    ( om materiale) arbeide i, arbeide med, jobbe i, jobbe med
    work in with passe inn i, stemme med
    work itself right komme i gjenge igjen
    work late arbeide sent
    work off slite(s) bort, gå bort
    arbeide av seg, bli kvitt, kvitte seg med, gå av seg
    ( om gjeld) nedbetale, få ned
    få unna(gjort), få gjort
    ( om handel) få avsetning på, få solgt utgi for å være
    ( om overtid) arbeide inn, opparbeide (seg)
    ( typografi) trykke ferdig
    work off one's anger\/rage on someone la sinnet sitt gå ut over noen
    work on arbeide (ufortrødent) videre arbeide med, arbeide på, jobbe med, jobbe på
    bearbeide, påvirke, bite på
    virke gjennom
    work one's ass\/butt off ( slang) arbeide seg ihjel
    work oneself free slite seg løs
    work oneself up hisse seg opp
    work one's passage arbeide seg over (som mannskap på skip)
    work one's way through university arbeide ved siden av studiene
    work one's will (up)on få viljen sin med
    work out utarbeide, utforme, utvikle, arbeide frem, komme frem til
    (om plan, mål e.l.) virkeliggjøre, realisere, oppnå, gjennomføre, iverksette, sette ut i livet beregne, regne ut
    løse, finne ut av, tyde
    hun er en ekspert i å tyde de kodete meldingene gå opp, stemme, la seg regne ut
    ( om ressurs e.l.) tømme, utpine
    falle ut, ordne seg, lykkes, utvikle seg
    ( sport og spill e.l.) trene, øve trenge seg frem, arbeide seg frem, arbeide seg ut
    work out at\/to beløpe seg til, komme opp i, komme på
    the total works out at\/to £10
    work out of jobbe fra, ha som base
    work over gjennomgå, bearbeide, revidere, gjennomarbeide
    overtale, få over på sin side ( slang) ta under behandling, bearbeide, gi en overhaling
    work round slå om, gå over
    work someone out bli klok på noen
    work something out ordne opp i noe, finne ut av noe, finne på noe
    work through arbeide seg gjennom
    bore gjennom, grave (seg) gjennom
    work to holde seg til, følge
    work towards arbeide for, arbeide mot
    work up øke, drive opp, forsterke
    bygge opp, etablere, opparbeide (seg)
    bearbeide, kna, elte, foredle (om råmateriale) røre sammen, røre til
    vekke, skape, fremkalle
    ( om følelser) egge (opp), hisse (opp), anspore, drive ( musikk) arbeide seg opp mot
    ( om klær e.l.) krype oppover, skli opp, gli opp ( om vær) tilta, øke i styrke
    (sjøfart, om straff) sette i hardt arbeid, holde i hardt arbeid
    work up into omarbeide, gjøre om til, (videre)utvikle til, forvandle til
    work up to stige til, nærme seg, dra seg mot
    worked up eller wrought up opphisset, opprørt, oppjaget, opprevet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > work

  • 9 credit

    1. noun
    1) (time allowed for payment of goods etc after they have been received: We don't give credit at this shop.) crédito
    2) (money loaned (by a bank).) crédito
    3) (trustworthiness regarding ability to pay for goods etc: Your credit is good.) solvencia
    4) ((an entry on) the side of an account on which payments received are entered: Our credits are greater than our debits.) haber
    5) (the sum of money which someone has in an account at a bank: Your credit amounts to 2,014 dollars.) saldo
    6) (belief or trust: This theory is gaining credit.) crédito, credibilidad
    7) ((American) a certificate to show that a student has completed a course which counts towards his degree.) crédito

    2. verb
    1) (to enter (a sum of money) on the credit side (of an account): This cheque was credited to your account last month.) abonar, ingresar
    2) ((with with) to think of (a person or thing) as having: He was credited with magical powers.) atribuir
    3) (to believe (something) to be possible: Well, would you credit that!) creer
    - creditably
    - creditor
    - credits
    - credit card
    - be a credit to someone
    - be a credit to
    - do someone credit
    - do credit
    - give someone credit for something
    - give credit for something
    - give someone credit
    - give credit
    - on credit
    - take the credit for something
    - take credit for something
    - take the credit
    - take credit

    1. mérito
    2. crédito
    1 (praise, approval) mérito, reconocimiento
    3 (belief, trust, confidence) crédito
    4 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL (gen) crédito; (in accountancy) haber nombre masculino; (on statement) saldo acreedor
    1 (believe) creer, dar crédito a
    2 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL abonar, acreditar
    1 (of film, programme) ficha técnica
    credit where credit's due reconocimiento al mérito
    'No credit given' "No se fía"
    on credit a crédito
    to be a credit to somebody/something hacer honor a alguien/algo
    your son is a credit to you puede estar orgulloso de su hijo, su hijo le hace honor
    to be in credit tener saldo positivo
    to buy something on credit comprar algo a crédito
    to give somebody credit for something reconocer a alguien el mérito por algo
    to have something to one's credit tener algo a sus espaldas
    to somebody's credit dicho sea en honor de alguien
    to take credit for something atribuirse el mérito de algo
    credit account cuenta a crédito
    credit balance saldo positivo
    credit card tarjeta de crédito
    credit note vale nombre masculino de devolución
    credit squeeze restricciones nombre femenino plural al crédito
    interest-free credit crédito sin intereses
    credit ['krɛdɪt] vt
    1) believe: creer, dar crédito a
    2) : ingresar, abonar
    to credit $100 to an account: ingresar $100 en (una) cuenta
    3) attribute: atribuir
    they credit the invention to him: a él se le atribuye el invento
    1) : saldo m positivo, saldo m a favor (de una cuenta)
    2) : crédito m
    to buy on credit: comprar a crédito
    credit card: tarjeta de crédito
    3) credence: crédito m
    I gave credit to everything he said: di crédito a todo lo que dijo
    4) recognition: reconocimiento m
    5) : orgullo m, honor m
    she's a credit to the school: ella es el orgullo de la escuela
    crediticio, -a adj.
    crédito s.m.
    haber s.m.
    mérito s.m.
    precio s.m.
    abonar v.
    acreditar v.
    creer v.
    datar v.

    I 'kredət, 'kredɪt
    1) ( Fin)
    a) u ( in store) crédito m

    on credit — a crédito; (before n)

    credit account — (BrE) credicuenta f, cuenta f de or a crédito

    b) u ( in banking)

    if your account is in credit... — si está en números negros..., si tiene fondos en su cuenta...

    to keep one's account in credit — mantener* un saldo positivo; (before n)

    credit balancesaldo m positivo

    credit limitlímite m de crédito

    credit memorandum o (BrE) note — ( given by store) vale m de devolución

    credit ratingcalificación f crediticia

    c) c ( on balance sheet) saldo m acreedor or a favor
    2) u (honor, recognition) mérito m

    to her credit, she's very modest — dicho sea en su honor, es muy modesta

    credit where it's due, she's a good cook — en honor a la verdad, hay que reconocer que cocina muy bien

    3) c ( Educ)
    b) ( grade) ≈notable m
    4) credits pl (Cin, TV, Video) créditos mpl, rótulos mpl (de crédito)

    1) \<\<sum/funds\>\>

    to credit something TO somethingabonar or ingresar algo en algo


    to credit somebody WITH something/-ING: I'd credited you with more common sense te creía con más sentido común; please, credit me with some intelligence reconóceme algo de inteligencia, por favor; they are credited with having invented the game — se les atribuye la invención del juego

    b) ( believe) creer*, dar* crédito a

    can you credit it? — ¿te lo puedes creer?, ¿no te parece increíble?

    1. N
    1) (Econ)
    a) (in account) (=positive balance)

    his account is in credit — su cuenta tiene saldo positivo or está en números negros

    as long as you stay in credit or keep your account in credit — mientras pueda mantener un saldo positivo

    you have £10 to your credit — tiene 10 libras en el haber, tiene un saldo a favor de 10 libras

    letter 1., 2)
    b) (for purchases) crédito m

    is his credit good? — ¿se le puede dar crédito sin riesgo?

    to give sb credit — conceder un crédito a algn

    interest-free credit — crédito m sin intereses

    to buy sth on credit — comprar algo a crédito or a plazos

    credit terms available — se vende a plazos, facilidades de pago

    c) (Accounting) saldo m acreedor, saldo m positivo

    on the credit side — (lit) en el haber; (fig) entre los aspectos positivos

    2) (=honour) honor m

    he's a credit to his family — es un orgullo para su familia, honra a su familia

    it does you credit — dice mucho a tu favor, te honra

    to his credit, I must point out that... — debo decir en su favor que...

    3) (=recognition) mérito m

    they deserve credit for not giving up — merecen que se les reconozca el mérito de no haberse rendido

    credit where it's or credit's duea cada uno según sus méritos

    to get the credit (for sth) — llevarse el mérito (de algo)

    to give sb credit for (doing) sth — reconocer a algn el mérito de (haber hecho) algo

    to take the credit for (doing) sth — llevarse el mérito de (haber hecho) algo

    4) (=credence)

    he's a lot better than people give him credit fores bastante mejor que lo que la gente cree

    I have to give some credit to his story — tengo que reconocer que su historia tiene algo de verdad

    5) credits (Cine, TV) (=titles) títulos mpl de crédito, créditos mpl ; (=achievements) logros mpl
    6) (esp US) (Univ) (=award) crédito m, unidad f de valor académico
    2. VT
    1) (=believe) creer

    it's hard to credit that such things went on — es difícil de creer que pasaran cosas semejantes

    would you credit it! — ¡parece mentira!

    2) (=attribute)

    I credited him with more sense — le creía más sensato

    credit me with some sense! — ¡no me tomes por idiota!

    3) (Comm) [+ money, interest] abonar, ingresar

    the money was credited to his account — el dinero se abonó or se ingresó en su cuenta

    we credit you with the interest monthly — le abonamos or ingresamos el interés mensualmente


    credit account Ncuenta f de crédito

    credit agency Nagencia f de créditos

    credit balance Nsaldo m acreedor, saldo m positivo

    credit bureau N(US) oficina f de crédito

    credit card Ntarjeta f de crédito

    credit control Ncontrol m del crédito

    credit crunch Nrestricciones fpl al crédito

    credit entry Nanotación f en el haber

    credit facilities NPLfacilidades fpl de crédito

    credit history N[of person] historial m crediticio, informe m de solvencia

    credit hour N(US) hora f de crédito

    credit limit Nlímite m de crédito

    credit line Nlínea f de crédito

    credit note Nnota f de crédito

    credit rating Nclasificación f crediticia; (fig) credibilidad f

    credit reference Ninforme m de crédito

    to be a (bad)credit risk — presentar riesgo crediticio

    to be a good credit risk — no presentar riesgo crediticio

    credit slip (US) Ncomprobante m del crédito

    credit squeeze Nrestricciones fpl de crédito

    credit union Ncooperativa f de crédito

    * * *

    I ['kredət, 'kredɪt]
    1) ( Fin)
    a) u ( in store) crédito m

    on credit — a crédito; (before n)

    credit account — (BrE) credicuenta f, cuenta f de or a crédito

    b) u ( in banking)

    if your account is in credit... — si está en números negros..., si tiene fondos en su cuenta...

    to keep one's account in credit — mantener* un saldo positivo; (before n)

    credit balancesaldo m positivo

    credit limitlímite m de crédito

    credit memorandum o (BrE) note — ( given by store) vale m de devolución

    credit ratingcalificación f crediticia

    c) c ( on balance sheet) saldo m acreedor or a favor
    2) u (honor, recognition) mérito m

    to her credit, she's very modest — dicho sea en su honor, es muy modesta

    credit where it's due, she's a good cook — en honor a la verdad, hay que reconocer que cocina muy bien

    3) c ( Educ)
    b) ( grade) ≈notable m
    4) credits pl (Cin, TV, Video) créditos mpl, rótulos mpl (de crédito)

    1) \<\<sum/funds\>\>

    to credit something TO somethingabonar or ingresar algo en algo


    to credit somebody WITH something/-ING: I'd credited you with more common sense te creía con más sentido común; please, credit me with some intelligence reconóceme algo de inteligencia, por favor; they are credited with having invented the game — se les atribuye la invención del juego

    b) ( believe) creer*, dar* crédito a

    can you credit it? — ¿te lo puedes creer?, ¿no te parece increíble?

    English-spanish dictionary > credit

  • 10 come

    I 1. [kʌm] гл.; прош. вр. came; прич. прош. вр. come
    1) приходить, подходить; идти

    to come back — вернуться, возвратиться

    to come forward — выходить вперёд, выступать

    I think it's time to come back to the most important question: who is to pay for the new building? — Я думаю, пора вернуться к самому важному вопросу - кто оплатит строительство нового здания?

    We'd like to come back next year. — На следующий год мы бы хотели снова приехать сюда.

    He'll never come back to her. — Он никогда к ней не вернётся.

    Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home. — Мимо как раз проезжал автобус, мы сели и доехали до дома.

    Move aside, please, the firemen want to come by. — Расступитесь, пожалуйста, пожарным нужно пройти.

    Godfather, come and see your boy. — Крёстный отец, подойдите же и посмотрите на своего мальчика.

    Mary came down the stairs. — Мэри спустилась по лестнице.

    The plane came down safely in spite of the mist. — Самолёт благополучно приземлился, несмотря на туман.

    Leave them alone and they'll come home, bringing their tails behind them. — Оставь их в покое и они вернутся с поджатыми хвостами.

    She comes and goes at her will. — Она приходит и уходит, когда ей заблагорассудится.

    A tall man came out from behind the screen. — Из-за перегородки вышел высокий мужчина.

    The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding. — На серебряную свадьбу родителей должна собраться вся семья.

    go 1., leave II
    а) приезжать, прибывать

    We have come many miles by train. — Мы приехали на поезде издалека.

    б) = come in / through прибывать (о поезде, пароходе)
    leave II
    3) ( come into) = come in входить

    The door opened and the children came into the room. — Открылась дверь, и в комнату вошли дети.

    "Come in!" called the director when he heard the knock at his door. — "Войдите!" - сказал директор, услышав стук в дверь.

    4) = come in поступать ( об информации)

    News of the death of the famous actress began coming in just as we were starting the broadcast. — К началу передачи пришло известие о смерти знаменитой актрисы.

    I haven't a lot of money coming in just now. — У меня сейчас не очень большие доходы.

    а) доходить, доставать, достигать

    The window came down to the ground. — Окно доходило до земли.

    б) доходить, долетать, доноситься

    A message came down to the boys that they were to be ready. — Мальчикам передали, чтобы они приготовились.

    The wind came off the ocean. — С океана дул ветер.

    A pleasant female voice came over the phone. — В трубке послышался приятный женский голос.

    reach I 2.
    6) = come out at равняться, составлять; простираться (до какого-л. предела, границы)

    The bill comes to 357 pounds. — Счёт составляет 357 фунтов.

    Overall costs come out at 5,709 dollars. — Общие издержки составят 5709 долларов.

    7) ( come to) = come down to сводиться (к чему-л.)

    His speech comes to this: the country is deeply in debt. — Вся его речь сводится к одному: страна увязла в долгах.

    When it all comes down, there isn't much in his story. — По большому счёту, в его истории нет ничего особенного.

    The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors. — Всё сводится к противостоянию профсоюза и совета директоров.

    8) приходить в соприкосновение с (чем-л.), вступать в связь с (чем-л.)

    to come into contact with smth. — дотрагиваться до чего-л.

    The carbines will come into play. — В игру вступят карабины.

    The boat came into collision with a steamer. — Лодка столкнулась с пароходом.

    9) переходить в другое состояние, фазу

    to come into blossom / flower — распускаться, раскрываться ( о цветке); зацвести ( о дереве)

    10) ( come to) приступать к (какому-л. делу), обращаться к (какому-л. вопросу)

    Now I come to the question which you asked. — Теперь я перехожу к вопросу, который вы задали.

    11) = come about / along случаться, происходить (с кем-л. / чем-л.)

    come what may — будь, что будет

    to have it coming to one — заслуживать того, что с ним случается ( о человеке)

    I'm sorry he got caught by the police, but after all, he had it coming (to him), didn't he? — Мне очень жаль, что его арестовали, но ведь он сам во всём виноват, не так ли?

    Don't know what will come of the boy if he keeps failing his examinations. — Не знаю, что станет с этим парнем, если он и дальше будет проваливаться на экзаменах.

    Peace can only come about if each side agrees to yield to the other. — Мир настанет только тогда, когда обе стороны пойдут на уступки.

    How did it come about that the man was dismissed? — Как так случилось, что его уволили?

    Trouble comes along when you least expect it. — Неприятности происходят именно тогда, когда их меньше всего ждёшь.

    Take every chance that comes along. — Пользуйся любой предоставляющейся возможностью.

    12) ( come to)
    а) приходить (в какое-л. состояние); достигать (каких-л. результатов)

    A compromise was come to. — Был достигнут компромисс.

    The boy has no character, he will never come to much. — У этого парня слабый характер, он ничего особенного не добьётся в жизни.

    I'm disappointed that my efforts have come to so little. — Я разочарован, что мои усилия принесли так мало результатов.

    б) = come down to опуститься (до чего-л.), докатиться

    He came down to selling matches on street corners. — Он докатился до того, что торгует спичками на улицах.

    13) делаться, становиться

    a dream that came true — мечта, ставшая явью

    14) предстоять, ожидаться

    (which is) to come — грядущий; будущий

    15) появляться, встречаться

    This word comes on page 200. — Это слово встречается на странице 200.

    16) = come up прорастать, всходить

    He sowed turnips, but none of them came. — Он посеял репу, но она не взошла.

    17) груб.; = come off кончить ( испытать оргазм)
    18) получаться, выходить

    He repainted the figure, but it wouldn't come well. — Он заново нарисовал фигуру, но она всё равно не получилась.

    No good could come of it. — Из этого не могло получиться ничего хорошего.

    19) = come in поставляться ( о товарах); поступать в продажу

    The car comes with or without the rear wing. — Машина поставляется в двух модификациях - с задним крылом и без заднего крыла.

    These shoes come with a 30 day guarantee. — Эти туфли продаются с гарантией на один месяц.

    The new crop of tobacco will be coming in soon. — Скоро в продаже появится новый урожай табака.

    As soon as the fresh vegetables come in, we put them on sale. — Как только к нам поступают свежие овощи, мы сразу выставляем их на продажу.

    20) разг.; = come along / on
    а) давай, двигай вперёд

    Come along, children, or we'll be late! — Поторапливайтесь, дети, а то опоздаем!

    Come along, Jane, you can do better than that. — Давай, Джейн, постарайся, ты же можешь сделать лучше.

    б) ври дальше; мели, Емеля, твоя неделя

    Oh, come along! I know better than that! — Кому вы рассказываете! Я лучше знаю.

    в) стой, погоди
    21) come + прич. наст. вр. (начать) делать что-л. ( указанное причастием)

    The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole. (Ch. Dickens, Christmas Carol, 1843) — Туман заползал в каждую щель, просачивался в каждую замочную скважину. (пер. Т. Озерской)

    22) come + инф. прийти к чему-л.; дойти до того, чтобы сделать что-л.

    to come to know smb. better — лучше узнать кого-л.

    to come to find out — случайно обнаружить, узнать

    23) = come next / on идти, следовать за (кем-л. / чем-л.)

    I can never remember which king came after which. — Никогда не мог запомнить, какой король шёл за каким.

    Mrs Brown was the first to arrive, and her daughter came next. — Первой приехала миссис Браун, затем - её дочь.

    I'll go ahead, and you come on later. — Сначала пойду я, потом ты.

    The military government refused to allow the people their right to vote, what came next was violence. — Военное правительство отказало людям в праве голосовать, и в результате начались беспорядки.

    My family comes first, and my work comes next. — На первом месте для меня семья, на втором - работа.

    24) ( come after) преследовать кого-л., гнаться за кем-л., искать кого-л., домогаться кого-л.

    I saw a big dog coming after me. — Я увидел, что за мной гонится огромная собака.

    25) ( come at) нападать, набрасываться на кого-л.

    He allegedly came at Jim with a knife. — Как утверждают, он напал на Джима с ножом.

    26) ( come at) получить доступ к чему-л., добраться до кого-л. / чего-л.; найти, обнаружить, установить (правду, причины, факты)

    Put the food where the cat can't come at it. — Положи еду туда, где её не достанет кошка.

    I wanted to reply to your letter in detail, but I can't come at it anywhere. — Я хотел подробно ответить на ваше письмо, но нигде не могу его найти.

    It is always difficult to come at the truth. — Всегда трудно докопаться до истины.

    27) ( come before) предшествовать чему-л.

    Did the invention of the telephone come before the end of the 19th century? — Телефон изобрели ещё до конца девятнадцатого века?

    28) ( come before) превосходить кого-л. рангом; быть более важным, чем что-л.

    Consideration of a fellow worker's health must come before my own professional pride. — Я должен прежде думать о здоровье коллеги и лишь потом о собственной профессиональной гордости.

    29) ( come before) представать (перед судом или какой-л. официальной организацией); рассматриваться ( в суде)

    When you come before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. — Когда ты говоришь в суде, ты должен говорить чистую правду.

    The witness of the accident did not come before the court. — Свидетель этого происшествия не предстал перед судом.

    Your suggestion came before the board of directors yesterday, but I haven't heard the result of their meeting. — Ваше предложение было рассмотрено советом директоров вчера, но я не знаю, каков был результат.

    30) ( come between) вмешиваться в чьи-л. дела, вставать между кем-л.; вызывать отчуждение, разделять

    Never come between husband and wife. — Никогда не вставай между мужем и женой.

    Ten years of separation have come between them. — Их разделяли десять лет разлуки.

    31) ( come between) мешать кому-л. в чём-л.

    I don't like people who come between me and my work. — Я не люблю людей, которые мешают мне работать.

    32) ( come by) доставать, приобретать, находить

    It is not easy to come by a high paying job. — Не так-то просто найти высокооплачиваемую работу.

    33) ( come by) (случайно) получать (царапину, травму)
    34) ( come for) заходить за кем-л. / чем-л.

    I've come for my parcel. — Я пришёл за своей посылкой.

    I'll come for you at 8 o'clock. — Я зайду за тобой в 8 часов.

    35) ( come for) бросаться на кого-л.

    The guard dog came for me. — Сторожевая собака бросилась ко мне.

    36) (come from / of) происходить, иметь происхождение

    These words come from Latin. — Эти слова латинского происхождения.

    I came from a race of fishers. — Я из рыбацкого рода.

    He comes from a long line of singers. — Он происходит из старинного рода певцов.

    A butterfly comes from a chrysalis. — Бабочка появляется из куколки.

    She comes of a good family. — Она происходит из хорошей семьи.

    37) (come from / of) = come out from, come out of проистекать из чего-л., получаться в результате чего-л.; появляться (откуда-л.)

    Danger comes from unexpected places. — Опасность появляется оттуда, откуда не ожидаешь.

    I don't know what will come of your actions. — Не знаю, к чему приведут ваши действия.

    38) = come in
    а) прибывать (на работу, в учреждение), поступать ( в больницу)
    б) ( come into) вступать ( в должность), приступать ( к новым обязанностям)
    а) ( come to) = come down доставаться, переходить по наследству

    This painting belongs to us. It came through my mother. — Эта картина принадлежит нам. Она досталась мне от матери.

    The house came to me after my father's death. — Этот дом перешёл ко мне после смерти отца.

    This ring has come down in my family for two centuries. — Это кольцо передаётся в нашей семье по наследству уже два века.

    б) ( come into) получать в наследство, наследовать

    Charles came into a fortune when his father died. — Когда отец умер, Чарлз получил состояние.

    40) ( come into) присоединяться, вступать ( в организацию)

    Several new members have come into the club since Christmas. — С Рождества в клуб приняли несколько новых членов.

    41) ( come near) разг. быть на грани чего-л.; чуть не сделать что-л.

    The boy came near (to) falling off the high wall. — Мальчик едва не свалился с высокой стены.

    42) ( come on) снять трубку, ответить ( по телефону)

    One of the most powerful men in France came on the line. — В трубке раздался голос одного из самых влиятельных людей во Франции.

    43) (come over / (up)on) охватывать (кого-л.)

    Fear came upon him as he entered the empty house. — Когда он зашёл в пустой дом, его охватил страх.

    44) ( come through) проникать, просачиваться; пролезать, просовываться

    The first light came through the open window. — Первые лучи солнца проникли через открытое окно.

    45) ( come through) перенести, пережить (что-л. неприятное или тяжёлое); пройти через что-л.

    Bill came through his operation as cheerful as ever. — Билл перенёс операцию как обычно бодро.

    All my family came through the war. — Вся моя семья пережила войну.

    46) ( come through) = come out появляться (из-за туч; о солнце, луне, лучах)

    The sun came through the clouds for a while. — Солнце ненадолго выглянуло из-за туч.

    There was a wisp of sun coming through the mist. — Сквозь туман пробивался солнечный луч.

    47) (come across / to) приходить на ум; становиться известным (кому-л.)

    to come to smb.'s attention / notice — доходить до кого-л., становиться известным кому-л.

    It came to my knowledge that... — Я узнал, что…

    After ruminating about it for a period of time, suddenly it came to me how it could be done. — После долгих размышлений меня осенило, как можно это сделать.

    The thought came across my mind that I had met him before. — Тут мне показалось, что я видел его раньше.

    48) ( come under) подчиняться, находиться в ведении (какой-л. организации)

    This area comes under the powers of the local court. — Эта сфера подпадает под юрисдикцию местного суда.

    49) (come under / within) относиться (к чему-л.), попадать (в какой-л. раздел, категорию)

    all the paperwork that comes under the general heading of insurance — вся канцелярская работа, связанная со страхованием

    50) ( come under) подвергаться (нападению, критике, давлению)

    The town came under attack again last night. — Прошлой ночью на город снова напали.

    He came unber biting criticism at the last meeting. — На последнем собрании он подвергся жестокой критике.

    51) (come across / upon) натолкнуться на (что-л.), неожиданно найти (что-л.), случайно встретить (кого-л.)

    I came across this old photograph in the back of the drawer. — Я случайно обнаружил эту старую фотографию на дне секретера.

    A very interesting book has come across my desk. — На моём столе случайно оказалась очень интересная книга.

    а) нападать, атаковать

    The enemy came upon the town by night. — Враг атаковал город ночью.

    б) налетать, обрушиваться (на кого-л. / что-л.)

    The wind with lightening and thunder came on them. — На них налетел ветер с громом и молнией.


    light come light go — что досталось легко, быстро исчезает

    Come again?разг. Что ты сказал?

    to come into being / existence — возникать

    to come into season — созревать, появляться в продаже

    to come into service / use — входить в употребление

    to come into sight / view — появляться, показываться

    to come to oneself — прийти в себя; взять себя в руки

    to come to a dead endразг. зайти в тупик

    to come to one's feet — вскочить, подняться

    not to know whether / if one is coming or going — растеряться, чувствовать себя потерянным; не знать, на каком ты свете

    I'm so upset I don't know whether I'm coming or going. — Я так расстроен, что уж и не знаю, что делать.

    - come close
    - come easy
    - come natural
    - come it too strong
    - come of age
    - come one's ways
    - come one's way
    - come clean
    - come short of smth.
    - come home
    - come to a head
    - come to hand
    - come day go day
    2. [kʌm] предл.; разг.
    с наступлением, с приходом ( момента)

    ... but come summer, the beaches would be lined with rows of tents. —... но когда наступит лето, на пляжах появится множество навесов.

    II [kʌm] = cum II

    Англо-русский современный словарь > come

  • 11 Poniatoff, Alexander Mathew

    b. 25 March 1892 Kazan District, Russia
    d. 24 October 1980
    Russian (naturalized American in 1932) electrical engineer responsible for the development of the professional tape recorder and the first commercially-successful video tape recorder (VTR).
    Poniatoff was educated at the University of Kazan, the Imperial College in Moscow, and the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe, gaining degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering. He was in Germany when the First World War broke out, but he managed to escape back to Russia, where he served as an Air Force pilot with the Imperial Russian Navy. During the Russian Revolution he was a pilot with the White Russian Forces, and escaped into China in 1920; there he found work as an assistant engineer in the Shanghai Power Company. In 1927 he immigrated to the USA, becoming a US citizen in 1932. He obtained a post in the research and development department of the General Electric Company in Schenectady, New York, and later at Dalmo Victor, San Carlos, California. During the Second World War he was involved in the development of airborne radar for the US Navy.
    In 1944, taking his initials to form the title, Poniatoff founded the AMPEX Corporation to manufacture components for the airborne radar developed at General Electric, but in 1946 he turned to the production of audio tape recorders developed from the German wartime Telefunken Magnetophon machine (the first tape recorder in the truest sense). In this he was supported by the entertainer Bing Crosby, who needed high-quality replay facilities for broadcasting purposes, and in 1947 he was able to offer a professional-quality product and the business prospered.
    With the rapid post-war boom in television broadcasting in the USA, a need soon arose for a video recorder to provide "time-shifting" of live TV programmes between the different US time zones. Many companies therefore endeavoured to produce a video tape recorder (VTR) using the same single-track, fixed-head, longitudinal-scan system used for audio, but the very much higher bandwidth required involved an unacceptably high tape-speed. AMPEX attempted to solve the problem by using twelve parallel tracks and a machine was demonstrated in 1952, but it proved unsatisfactory.
    The development team, which included Charles Ginsburg and Ray Dolby, then devised a four-head transverse-scan system in which a quadruplex head rotating at 14,400 rpm was made to scan across the width of a 2 in. (5 cm) tape with a tape-to-head speed of the order of 160 ft/sec (about 110 mph; 49 m/sec or 176 km/h) but with a longitudinal tape speed of only 15 in./sec (0.38 m/sec). In this way, acceptable picture quality was obtained with an acceptable tape consumption. Following a public demonstration on 14 April 1956, commercial produc-tion of studio-quality machines began to revolutionize the production and distribution of TV programmes, and the perfecting of time-base correctors which could stabilize the signal timing to a few nanoseconds made colour VTRs a practical proposition. However, AMPEX did not rest on its laurels and in the face of emerging competition from helical scan machines, where the tracks are laid diagonally on the tape, the company was able to demonstrate its own helical machine in 1957. Another development was the Videofile system, in which 250,000 pages of facsimile could be recorded on a single tape, offering a new means of archiving information. By 1986, quadruplex VTRs were obsolete, but Poniatoff's role in making television recording possible deserves a place in history.
    Poniatoff was President of AMPEX Corporation until 1955 and then became Chairman of the Board, a position he held until 1970.
    Further Reading
    A.Abrahamson, 1953, "A short history of television recording", Part I, JSMPTE 64:73; 1973, Part II, Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 82:188 (provides a fuller background).
    Audio Biographies, 1961, ed. G.A.Briggs, Wharfedale Wireless Works, pp. 255–61 (contains a few personal details about Poniatoff's escape from Germany to join the Russian Navy).
    E.Larsen, 1971, A History of Invention.
    Charles Ginsburg, 1981, "The horse or the cowboy. Getting television on tape", Journal of the Royal Television Society 18:11 (a brief account of the AMPEX VTR story).
    KF / GB-N

    Biographical history of technology > Poniatoff, Alexander Mathew

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