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Personal pronouns

См. также в других словарях:

  • English personal pronouns — For further archaic forms, and information on the evolution of the personal pronouns of English, see Old English pronouns. English grammar series English grammar Contraction Disputes in English grammar English compound English honorifics English… …   Wikipedia

  • Portuguese personal pronouns — The Portuguese personal pronouns and possessives display a higher degree of inflection than other parts of speech. Personal pronouns have distinct forms according to whether they stand for a subject (nominative), a direct object (accusative), an… …   Wikipedia

  • French personal pronouns — The French personal pronouns (analogous to English I , me , you , and so on) reflect the person and number of their referent, and in the case of the third person, its gender as well (much like English s distinction between him and her , except… …   Wikipedia

  • Catalan personal pronouns — This article discusses the forms and functions of the personal pronouns in Catalan grammar. Contents 1 Strong pronouns 2 Weak pronouns 2.1 Forms 2.2 Uses …   Wikipedia

  • Middle English personal pronouns — Below is a list of Middle English personal pronouns. Personal pronouns in Middle English Singular Plural Subject Object Possessive Subject Object Possessive First ik / ich / I me my(n) we us oure Second …   Wikipedia

  • personal pronoun — ► NOUN ▪ each of the pronouns in English (I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, and them) that show contrasts of person, gender, number, and case. USAGE I, we, they, he, and she are subjective personal pr …   English terms dictionary

  • personal pronoun — n. any of a group of pronouns referring to the speaker(s), the person(s) spoken to, or any other person(s) or thing(s): the English personal pronouns, nominative case form, are: I2, YOU, HE1, SHE, IT1, WE, THEY …   English World dictionary

  • personal — [pʉr′sə nəl] adj. [OFr < L personalis] 1. of or peculiar to a certain person; private; individual 2. done in person or by oneself without the use of another person or outside agency [a personal interview] 3. involving persons or human beings… …   English World dictionary

  • personal pronoun — personal pronouns N COUNT A personal pronoun is a pronoun such as I , you , she , or they which is used to refer to the speaker or the person spoken to, or to a person or thing whose identity is clear, usually because they have already been… …   English dictionary

  • Personal pronoun — ExamplesSidebar|35% *He shook her hand. *Why do you always rely on me to do your homework for you? *They tried to run away from the hunter, but he set his dogs after them.Personal pronouns are pronouns used as substitutes for proper or common… …   Wikipedia

  • Pronouns — ◊ GRAMMAR Pronouns are words such as it , this , and nobody which are used in a sentence like noun groups containing a noun. Some pronouns are used in order to avoid repeating nouns. For example, you would not say My mother said my mother would… …   Useful english dictionary

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