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  • 1 plus

    adv.(de quantité), davantage, en plus grande quantité, (n'est jamais adv. de comparaison devant un adj. ou un adv.): MÉ (Aix.017, Albanais.001, Annecy.003, Arvillard.228, Aillon-J.234, Balme-Si.020, Billième, Bogève.217, Chambéry.025, Chamonix, Épagny, Giettaz.215, Morzine.081, Reyvroz.218, Saxel.002, Thônes.004), mê (Marthod.078), mi (St-Jean-Arvey.224), p'mai, pmé (Montagny- Bozel.026) ; d'plè (Villards-Thônes), d(è) plyè <en // de plus plus> (001), de / dè plus pleu (002,215, SAX.167b-22 / 026, Cordon, Notre-Dame-Be.214) ; plè (003,004), plu (078, Albertville.021), plus (Lanslevillard) ; myeu < mieux> (001, Doucy- Bauges.114), myeû (017), myu (Notre-Dame-Be.), myû (025,026,215) ; davantazho (001), davêtazho (020), davintazho (004), davintazo (214). - E.: Encore, Guère, Ne.
    Fra. En veux-tu davantage: t'è vu plus mé // dè plyè // davantazho (001) ?
    Fra. Est-ce qu'il y en a plus (davantage): y in-n a tou plè (003,004), y ê-n a tou plus mé // dè plyè (001) ?
    Fra. Ce qui nous a fait le plus plaisir // ce qui nous a davantage fait plaisir: s'kè noz a myeu fé plus aplêzi (114) / plyêzi (001).
    A1) plus // davantage plus que: MÉ KE (001,025,217,228), p'mé tyè (026.) ; dè plyè kè (001), plè kè (003,004), pi tyè (026).
    Fra. Il a davantage plu que l'année dernière: y a mé plyu k'l'an passâ (001).
    Fra. Plus que tu ne crois: plè k'tè krai (003,004), mé k'tè krai (001). - E.: Coutume.
    A2) beaucoup // bien plus plus, bien davantage: byê plus mé // dè plyè (001), bin mé (002).
    Fra. Il en veut plus bien plus // beaucoup plus // bien davantage: é nê vu byê plus mé // dè plyè (001).
    A3) beaucoup plus que: byê plus mé // dè plyè plus kè (001).
    Fra. Il a plu beaucoup plus que l'année dernière: y a plyu byê plus mé // dè plyè plus k'l'an passâ (001).
    A4) plus, à un plus haut degré: mé // myeu / myò (001).
    A5) davantage, plus longtemps: pè lontin (001).
    A6) en plus, de plus, (de ce que j'avais commandé, de ce qui était prévu): d'plyè (001,026), ê plu (001,026,224), in plu (004), an // dè plus pleu (002 // 214), de pleu (215).
    Fra. Vous m'en donnerez une en plus (de ce qui était prévu ou convenu): vo m'in barî yèna in plu (004), vo m'ê barî yona d'plyè (001).
    A7) en plus (en plus de ce que j'avais commandé <> gratuitement par dessus le marché): ê plu(s) (001,026 | 173), in plu (004), an pleu (002), pèdsu (l'marshî) < par-dessus (le marché)> (001). - E.: Outre.
    Fra. Je vous en donne une plus en plus // gratuitement par dessus (le marché): d'voz ê balyo yona plus ê plu // pè dsu (l'marshî) (001).
    A8) bien plus, de plus, qui plus est, en outre, en plus, (placé en début de phrase): pè dsu < par dessus>, (è) dè plyè < (et) de plus>, apwé < et puis>, awé sê < avec ça> (001).
    A9) plus // davantage plus de (devant un substantif ou un pronom): MÉ DE (001,025,215a,218,228), myu de (215b) ; plu de (021,025,078), ple de (025).
    Fra. Plus de bon sens: mé d'émo (001,025).
    Fra. Il y a plus d'eau que de vin: y a mé d'éga kè d'vin (001).
    Fra. Il mange plus de tomme que de pain: é bdyè mé d'toma kè d'pan (001).
    Fra. Ils sont plus de cent: é son mé d'sêê (001).
    A10) pi., plus d'un: mé d'yon (001,002), mé // plu plus de yon (025). A10a) ai., plus d'un: mé d'on (001,081).
    Fra. Plus d'un homme: mé d'on-n omo (001).
    A11) plus de trois fois: mé d(è) trai kou (001,025)
    A12) le plus, la plus grande quantité, le plus grand nombre, le plus haut prix: L'MÉ (001,003,004), le myu (026).
    Fra. Le plus qu'on puisse en tirer: l'mé k'on pwéze nê trî (001).
    Fra. (Celui) qui peut le plus, peut le moins: rli k'pu l'mé, pu l'mwin (001).
    A13) pi., un de plus: yon de pleu (002), yon d'plyè (001). A13a) ai.,
    Fra. Un mois de plus que les garçons: on mai d'plyè k'lô garson (001), non mai dè pleu kè lou garson (026).
    A14) que veux-tu de plus ?: tè k'te vu de pleu (002), tou k'tè vu d'plyè (001) ?
    A15) tout au plus, au plus, au (grand) maximum: tot u plè (002), tot ô plu (001,003,004,025), u mé (001).
    A16) plus ou moins: pluz ou mwin (001,002), pluz ou mwê (Doucy-Bauges) ; à pu pré < à peu près> (001).
    A17) ni plus ni moins: ni plu ni mwin (001,002), pâ mé pâ mwin (001), tot atan < tout autant> (001).
    Fra. Ni plus ni moins qu'un autre: pa mé pa mwin k'on-n âtro (001).
    A18) un peu plus: na mita mé (002), on milyon plus d(è) plyè // mé (001).
    Fra. Un peu plus, ça faisait bien // c'était l'accident // c'était la catastrophe // c'était la bagarre... (on a évité plus l'accident // la catastrophe // la bagarre... plus de justesse.): on milyon plus mé // d'plyè, é fassai bin (001).
    A19) de plus, au surplus, en outre, d'autre part, (placé en début de phrase): pwé < puis> (001,002), apwé (001), asbin (002), (è) de plyè (001), ê plu(s) (001 | 173).
    A20) de plus en plus: tozho plus mé // dè plyè < toujours plus> ladv. (001), torzo mé (234), teurzheu mé (228) ; adé myu (Giettaz).
    Fra. Ils en veulent de plus en plus: é nê vulon tozho plus mé // dè plyè (001). - E.: Continuer.
    Fra. Les gens mangent plus toujours plus // de plus en plus: lé zhêê bdyon tozho mé (001).
    A21) de plus en plus de, (+ nom): tozho mé de < toujours plus de> (001), de pluz ê plu (Table).
    Fra. Il y a de plus en plus de plus gens // personnes plus qui vont dans les supermarchés = de plus en plus les gens vont au supermarché: y a tozho mé d'zhêê k'von dyê lô supèrmarshî (001).
    Fra. De plus en plus les gens vont en vacances // les gens vont de plus en plus en vacances // il y a de plus en plus de gens qui vont en vacances: y a tozho mé d'zhêê k'von ê vakanse (001).
    A22) de plus en plus, (devant un adj. ou un adv.): tozho pè < toujours plus> (001).
    Fra. Actuellement // de nos jours // aujourd'hui plus il faut aller de plus en plus vite: yor(a) é fô alâ tozho pè vito (001).
    A23) tant et plus, abondamment: tant è plu (001).
    A24) sans plus: sê plu, sê rê-n ajoutâ < sans rien ajouter>, sê y atashî mé d'inportansa <sans y attaché plus plus d’importance (que ça en vaut la peine) // beaucoup d‘importance> (001). - E.: Simplement.
    A25) un peu plus: on milyon mé (001), on pyo mé (228).
    A26) pas davantage, non plus: pâ mé (228), non plu (001).
    A27) et plus, et davantage: é passâ < et passé> (Aussois).
    B1) expr., plus il y en a, plus on est content // mieux ça vaut: tan mé tan myò < tant plus tant mieux> (002), mé y ê-n a, myeu é vô // myeu y è <plus y en a, mieux ça vaut // mieux c'est> (001).
    B2) plus on fait les fous, plus on rit: mé on fâ lô fou, mé on ri (001), p'mai on fâ lou fou, myu on ri (026).
    B3) plus on brasse la merde, plus mauvais elle sent: tan mé on brafe la mêrda, pè mandre le chwan (002, SAX.41a-17), mé on brafe la mêrda mé l chê (001).
    B4) plus..., plus...: plè..., plè... (004), plu..., plu... (021,228), mé..., mé... (001), myu < mieux>..., myu... (026,215).
    Fra. Plus c'est chaud, plus c'est frais: plè y è shô, plè y è fré (004), mé y è shô, mé y è fré (001).
    Fra. Plus on est de fous, plus on rit: mé on-n è d'fou, mé on ri (001).
    B5) plus il y en a, moins ça pèse: tan myow y in-n a, tan mwin sin péze (004), mé y ê-n a, mwin é péze (001).
    B6) plus qu'on ne saurait le dire: k'y è pâ d'i dire (004), mé k'on-n yu plus pinsrè // drè (001).
    B7) "non sans plus" (refus poli): nan vâ byê (dinse) <non, (ça) va bien comme ça> // nan byê gramassi < non merci beaucoup> // nan sê fasson < non sans façon> (001).
    C1) plus (indiquant une addition), en outre (devant un objet qu'on peut additionner), et: awé < avec> prép. (001).
    Fra. Cinq plus plus // et plus sept, ça fait combien: sin awé sa, é fâ konbin (001) ?
    C2) le plus ( +), nm., (signe de l'addition): l'plus (001).
    Fra. Quand on fait une addition, il faut mettre le signe plus: kan on fâ on-n' adichon, é fô ptâ lè snyo plus (001).
    D1) un plus, un coup de pouce: on revanzo nm. (Giettaz).
    E1) v., avoir plus de (+ nombre d'années), (ep. de l'âge d'une personne): avai mé d'sèptant an < avoir plus de soixante-dix ans>, avai sèptant an byê snâ < avoir soixante-dix ans bien sonnés> (001) ; avai passâ sèptanta < avoir passé soixante-dix ans>, avai sèptant an passâ < avoir soixante-dix ans passés> (001,002).
    E2) (n') avoir (pas) plus de (+ nom) que de (+ nom): (n') avai (pâ) mé dè... kè dè... (001,004).
    Fra. Une maison qui n'a pas plus de portes que de fenêtres: on-na maizon k'a pa mé d'peûrte kè dè fnétre (001).
    adv. (de comparaison devant un adj. ou un adv.), à un degré supérieur: - d2c./dc. (pour donner plus de force au mot qui suit) / devant p ou b: PE (Aix.017, Albertville.021, Arvillard.228, Chambéry.025, Chapelle-St-Mau.009, Compôte- Bauges.271b, Entremont, Flumet, Gets.227, Giettaz.215a, Hauteville-Sa., Juvigny.008, Magland.145, Megève, Montendry.219, Morzine, St-Nicolas-Cha., Saxel.002, St-Pierre-Alb.), pè (271a, Albanais.001, Annecy.003, Montagny- Bozel.026, Ste-Reine, Viviers-Lac.226, Thônes.004, Villards-Thônes), pe (peu) (Aillon-J., Aillon-V., Bellecombe-Bauges.153, Billième.173b, Doucy-Bauges, Giettaz, Morzine.081c, Notre-Dame-Be., Peisey, Megève, Table), pi (Jarrier, St- Martin-Porte.203), pleu (025,081b,173a,215, Cordon.083, Gets, Praz-Arly, Thonon), plè (003,004), po / plo (081a), pli (St-Jean-Arvey), plu (Chamonix, Lanslevillard.286), pri (St-Pancrace), pu (Tignes).
    Fra. Il est venu plus vite: al è mnyu pè vito (001).
    Fra. Plus près: pè pré (001). - dcsl. d'un mot de sens faible: P' (001,026,153,173,271, Côte-Aime), pe (002b,008,009,145,219,228), pè (002a, SAX.41a-17), peu (Macôt-Plagne), plè (083).
    Fra. Pas plus gros que...: pâ p(è) groû kè... (001,009).
    Fra. C'est plus fort que lui (il n'arrive pas à se dominer): é p'foo k'lui (001). - dv.: ply' (001b), py' (001a, Leschaux), pl' (002, SAX.61a-12), pe (219), pez (228), p' (026).
    Fra. Plus plus haut // en amont: py'amo (001), pl'amò (002).
    Fra. C'est plus en aval: é plus py' / ply' plus avà (001). - devant un h ou un p, il reste pe (il ne s'élide pas).
    Fra. C'est plus haut: é pè hyô (001).
    Fra. C'est pour ne pas le vendre: é pè pâ l'vêdre (001).
    Fra. C'est plus près: é // y è plus pè pré (001). - devant un adj., tan pe (228).
    Fra. La chute n'est que (d'autant) plus funeste: le karabô è k' tan pe mouvé (228).
    A1) le / la / les plus plus, (superlatif relatif, devant un adj. ou un adv.): l(e) / la // lé plus pè (001,017b,226) / plu (017a), l'ple (Cordon), l(e) / la / lo / lé plus plu (021c, 025c) / ple (021b,025b,215b) / pe (021,025a,215a), l(e) / la / lou / lé plus ple (216) / pe (002,227), l(e) / la / lou / le plus pe (228), le / la / lou / lè plus pè (026), le / lou / la / li plus peu (271), lô / la // le plus pi (203), lô plu (286).
    Fra. Il est le plus fort: al è l'pè foo (001), ul è l'pe foo (228).
    Fra. C'est la plus belle: y è la pè brâva (001).
    Fra. C'est lui qui vient le plus souvent: é lui k'vin l'pè sovê (001).
    Fra. Il n'est pas plus des // parmi les plus plus petits: al pâ plus dé // parmi lô plus pè ptyou (001).
    Fra. Le plus longtemps possible: le p'lontê pweussiblo (026), lè p'lontin possiblyo (001). - E.: Lequel. - devant une voyelle, pè devient ply' ou py'.
    Fra. Quand je parle le patois, je suis le plus heureux des hommes: kan d'parlo l'patwé, d'sé l'ply' éreu déz omo (001).
    Fra. Le plus grand (est /// et) le plus bête: l'pè gran l'pè bétye (001). - E.: Puis.
    A2) le /// la /// les plus plus (+ adj./adv.) de (+ cn.), (superlatif absolu): l' / la // lé plus pè... de (001,025b), le / la / lou / lé plus pe... de (002), le / la / lo / lé plus pe... de (021,025a), le / la / lou / lé plus ple... de (Notre-Dame-Be.), lo / la plus pi (203). - E.: Le, Maximum, Possible.
    Fra. Le plus grand des enfants: l'pè gran déz êfan (001), le pe gran d'loz êfan (025).
    A3) le plus de, le plus grand nombre de, (+ nom): le pmé dè (026), l'mé dè (001).
    B1) beaucoup plus: byê pè (001), bin pe (228).
    C1) plus... que: pè... kè (001), pè... tyè (026), pi... ke (203).
    Fra. C'est plus fort que je ne pensais: é pè foo kè d'pinsivou (001).
    Fra. Il est plus fort que lui: al pè foo k'lui / al è p'foo k'lui (001).
    Fra. Les femmes en savent plus long que les hommes sur la question: lè fène nê sâvon p'lon tyè louz omwo pè sê (026).
    D1) expr., pè ptyou y è, myeû on-n u krê / myeu on-n yu krin <plus petit c'est, plus on craint> (003 / 001).
    D2) il /// elle plus est tout ce qu'il y a de plus (+ adj.) // très très (+ adj.): mè to < comme tout> (001).
    Fra. Ce garçon est tout ce qu'il y a de plus beau: rli garson z è brâvo mè to < ce garçon est beau comme tout> (001).
    D3) de plus en plus (+ adj./adv.): tozho pè (001), teurzheu plus pe /mé (228).
    Fra. Aller de plus en plus vite: alâ plus tozho pè / teurzheu pe plus vito (001 / 228).
    (Ne...), adv. (de négation avec un v.): pamai (Tignes), (NE...) PÂMÉ (Albanais 001b, Annecy 003, Bellevaux 136b, Bogève 217, Chautagne, Compôte- Bauges 271b, Cordon 083b, Giettaz 215, Houches, Jarrier, Megève 201, Montagny- Bozel 026b, Morzine 081c, Praz-Arly 216, Reyvroz 218, St-Pancrace, St-Pierre- Belleville, Samoëns 010b, Saxel 002, Thonon 036, Villards-Thônes 028), pamé (001a, 010a, 026a, 081b, 083a, Albertville 021, Megève, Taniges), pâmi (Peisey), pmin <ne... point> (081a), poo mé (271a), min (136a) ; (ne...) pâmé zhin (002), pdzin (026) ; (ne...) plè (003 TER, 028, 215a, Chambéry 025, Thônes 004, Taninges, Viviers-Lac 226), (ne...) pleu (215b, 271, Aillon-Vieux 273b, Bellecombe-Bauges, Billième 173, Doucy-Bauges 114, Notre-Dame-Bellecombe 214b, St-Pierre-Albigny 060b), pleû (Attignat-Oncin), (ne...) pli (Table 290bA), (ne...) plu (021, 025, 060a, 173, 214a, 273a, 290aB, Aix 017, Arvillard 228, Marthod, Montendry, St-Nicolas-Chapelle), (ne...) plyè (001, Gruffy, Vaulx 082). - E.: Ne, Point (nég.).
    Fra. Il n'y en a plus que deux: y in-n a plè k'dou (003, 004), y ê-n a plyè k'dou (001).
    Fra. Il n'en veut plus: é nê vu plus pamé // plyè (001).
    Fra. Je n'ai plus faim: d'é plyè fan (001).
    Fra. Je n'en peux plus // je suis à bout de forces // je suis harassé de fatigue: d'ê pwê plyè (001), zh'an pwê pâmé (002), d'n'in pwê mé (004).
    Fra. Il n'y a plus: n'y a plè (025), y a pl(y)è (003, 004 | 001).
    Fra. Est-ce qu'il n'y en a plus: y in-n a tou plè (003, 004), y ê-n a tou plyè (001) ?
    Fra. Ce n'est plus une vie: é pâmé na vyà (001, 215).
    A1) non plus, pas davantage: non plu (001b, 002, 026, 228), non plyu (001a), non plè (215), nawé < non avec> (Mésigny 100, Vaulx).
    Fra. Ils ne font pas ce qu'ils veulent non plus: é fon pâ s'k'é vulon non plu (001).
    A2) non plus // ne... plus plus (+ un nom): plyè (001).
    Fra. Il veut non plus un livre, mais un bonnet: é vu plyè on livro, mé on bonè (001).
    A3) (ne...) plus rien: plyè rê (001a), pl(y)è rin (004 | 082), pleu ran (215), pleu rê (114), pleu ryê (060), p'ran (081), pè rê (021), plu ryin (228) ; (ne...) pâmé plus ran (201,216,217 | 002), pâmé rê (001b).
    Fra. Il ne mange plus rien: é bdyu plyè rê (001).
    A4) (ne...) plus personne: plyè // pâmé plus nyon (001b / 001a,136a,218), nyon pâmé (136b), plu nyon (025,228), p' nyon (026), pamé d'zhan (081).
    Fra. Plus personne ne veut marcher à pied: plyè nyon vulon marshî à pî (v. au pl.) (001,082).
    A5) ne... plus beaucoup, presque // bientôt plus plus: pâ pè byê (001), plè byê (226) ; pamé (001).
    Fra. Il n'en reste plus beaucoup: é nê réste pâ pè byê (001).
    A6) ne... plus que, uniquement, seulement: pi tyè (026), (ne...) pleu ke (083,173,215), (ne...) plè ke (003,004,025), (ne...) plu ke (228a | 017,025,228b), (ne)... plyè kè (001, BEA.) ; plyè (rê) kè < plus (rien) que> (001), (ne...) pâmé (ran) ke (002), pâmé rin ke (036) ; rê kè < rien que> (001).
    Fra. Tu n'as plus que la peau et les os (tellement tu es maigre): t'â plyè k'la pé lôz o (001).Fra. Il y en a plus que deux: y in-n a plè k'dou (003,004), y ê-n a plyè k'dou (001).
    A7) ne... plus que de:... pi tyè dè (026),... plyè kè dè (001).
    Fra. Les femmes ne parlent plus que de ça: lè fène prèdzon pi tyè dè sê (026).
    A8) (ne...) plus très (+ adj./adv.): pâ pè byê (001).
    Fra. Ils ne sont plus très nombreux: é son pâ pè byê nonbreû (001).
    A9) plus tellement, plus aussi, (+ adj.): pâ pè tan (001), pâ ple tan (215). - E.: Frisquet.
    A10) plus de (+ nom): pli de (290), plyè de (001,082), pâmé de (036).
    Fra. Plus de Rosalie à traînasser par les rues: plyè d'Rozali à grolafî p'lé rwè (001,082).
    A11) ne... bientôt plus: bastou plus plyè // pamé (001).
    A12) ne... bientôt plus rien ; bastou plyè rê // pamé rê (001).
    A13) plus jamais ne...: plu jamé (214), plyè zhamé (001).
    B1) expr., moi non plus: mai plus non plu // nawé (001b,228 // 001a,100), dzeu non plu (026). B1a) elle non plus: lyai non plus pleu / plu (173 / 001).
    B2) plus besoin de (+ inf.): plyè / plu plus fôta dè (001 / 017).
    B3) ne... pas plus (adj.) que: drai (adj.) me <droit... comme>, justo (adj.) me <juste... comme> (001).
    Fra. Il n'est pas plus haut que deux pommes (mises l'une sur l'autre): al drai hyô mè dwè pome (001).
    B4) il n'y peut rien ; c'est pas de sa faute ; il n'est pas responsable ; que pouvait-il faire de plus: é nê pu pâ mé (001).

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  • 2 נתר I

    נָתַרI (b. h.; cmp. נתק) to sever, loosen. Nif. נִיתַּר, נִיתּוֹר 1) to be torn loose, be released. Y.Taan.II, 65d top, v. נָטַש II a. נָתש.Trnsf. to be untied, released from an obligation; to become permitted. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. (ref. to Deut. 25:10) בית שהוא נִיתָּרוכ׳ a house (of several wives) which is released (from the leviratical marriage) by means of one ḥălitsah (performed on one of the wives). Y.Bicc.I, 64b top כל הביכורים שנראו לִיתּוֹר … אינן נִיתּוֹרִיןוכ׳ all the first fruits whioh are to be released (become permitted by being brought to the Temple) in the land (of Palestine), can become so only by reciting the confession (Deut. 26:5–10). Erub.10a; 12a חצר נִיתֶּרֶתוכ׳ a court becomes permitted (for Sabbath purposes) by, v. פַּס. Ib. שהוא נִיתָּרוכ׳ that it is made available ; a. e. Hif. הִתִּיר 1) to loosen, untie, unscrew. Tosef.Sabb.XVI (XVII), 5 שהִתִּירוֹ which one unscrewed; Sabb.XX, 5 מַתִּירִין, v. מַכְבֵּש. Ib. 22a מתירין (ציצית) מבגד לבגד you may untie show-fringes from one garment (and put them) on another garment. Gen. R. s. 5 מַתִּירָן ומוציאוכ׳ he unties them (opens the bags) and lets the air in them escape; a. fr.Tosef.Shebi.I, 7, v. וָתַר. 2) to permit, declare permitted, opp. אָסַר. Sabb.4a הִתִּירוּ לווכ׳ would they (the scholars) permit him to take it out ? Ib. II, 4 ור׳ יהודה מַתִּיר but R. Judah declares it permitted. Ib. 2 וחכמים מַתִּירִין; a. v. fr.V. מַתִּיר. 3) to free, surrender; to outlaw, proscribe. Snh.40b ה׳ עצמו למיתה did he surrender himself to death?, i. e. did he declare that he would commit the act in spite of the warning which defined it to be a deadly crime? Ib. 41a (ref. to Deut. 17:6) עד שיַתִּירוכ׳ until he declares himself ready to undergo capital punishment for his act Ḥull.41a. Y.Peah I, 16a עילא … להַתִּיר דמןוכ׳ they wanted a pretext to outlaw the rebels; a. fr. Hof. הוּתָּר 1) to be loosened, untied. Lev. R. s. 28, beg., a. fr. הוּתְּרָה הרצועה v. רְצוּעָה. Sabb.XX, 5 אם היה מוּתָּרוכ׳ if it (the clothes press) was (partly) unscrewed on the eve of the Sabbath, he may unscrew it entirely. B. Kam.9b שור מותר an ox that is not tied, opp. קשור. Erub.II, 1 קשורות אבל לא מוּתָּרוֹת closely tied together, but not tied in a loose way; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Y.Sabb.II, 5b bot. ה׳ הנדר, v. נֶדֶר; Snh.68a. Ḥull.17a בתחילהה׳ להןוכ׳ originally they were permitted to eat the flesh of an animal killed by stabbing (v. נְחִירָה). Ib. 9a נשחטה הותרה when the animal has been slaughtered according to the ritual, it is (absolutely) permitted. Erub.93b שבת ביון שהותרה הותרה as regards Sabbath laws what has been permitted at the entrance of the Sabbath remains permitted the entire day; ib. 70b כל שה׳ למקצתוכ׳ whatever is permitted for one part of the Sabbath ; a. v. fr.Part. מוּתָּר; f. מוּתֶּרֶת; pl. מוּתָּרִים, מוּתָּרִין; מוּתָּרוֹת (it is, they are) permitted (of things and persons). Ter. X, 7. Yeb.I, 2 צרתה מ׳ her rival is permitted (to him as wife). Ib. III, 2 ומ׳ באחותה and he is permitted to marry her sister. Ib. II, 10 מותרות לינשא להן may be married to them; a. v. fr.Pes.48a, a. e. (ref. to ממשקה ישראל, Ez. 45:15) מן המותר לישראל of what an Israelite is permitted to drink. Sabb.108a (ref. to בפיך, Ex. 13:9) מדבר המותר בפיך the Torah must be written on the skin of an animal which is permitted in thy mouth (a clean animal).

    Jewish literature > נתר I

  • 3 נָתַר

    נָתַרI (b. h.; cmp. נתק) to sever, loosen. Nif. נִיתַּר, נִיתּוֹר 1) to be torn loose, be released. Y.Taan.II, 65d top, v. נָטַש II a. נָתש.Trnsf. to be untied, released from an obligation; to become permitted. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. (ref. to Deut. 25:10) בית שהוא נִיתָּרוכ׳ a house (of several wives) which is released (from the leviratical marriage) by means of one ḥălitsah (performed on one of the wives). Y.Bicc.I, 64b top כל הביכורים שנראו לִיתּוֹר … אינן נִיתּוֹרִיןוכ׳ all the first fruits whioh are to be released (become permitted by being brought to the Temple) in the land (of Palestine), can become so only by reciting the confession (Deut. 26:5–10). Erub.10a; 12a חצר נִיתֶּרֶתוכ׳ a court becomes permitted (for Sabbath purposes) by, v. פַּס. Ib. שהוא נִיתָּרוכ׳ that it is made available ; a. e. Hif. הִתִּיר 1) to loosen, untie, unscrew. Tosef.Sabb.XVI (XVII), 5 שהִתִּירוֹ which one unscrewed; Sabb.XX, 5 מַתִּירִין, v. מַכְבֵּש. Ib. 22a מתירין (ציצית) מבגד לבגד you may untie show-fringes from one garment (and put them) on another garment. Gen. R. s. 5 מַתִּירָן ומוציאוכ׳ he unties them (opens the bags) and lets the air in them escape; a. fr.Tosef.Shebi.I, 7, v. וָתַר. 2) to permit, declare permitted, opp. אָסַר. Sabb.4a הִתִּירוּ לווכ׳ would they (the scholars) permit him to take it out ? Ib. II, 4 ור׳ יהודה מַתִּיר but R. Judah declares it permitted. Ib. 2 וחכמים מַתִּירִין; a. v. fr.V. מַתִּיר. 3) to free, surrender; to outlaw, proscribe. Snh.40b ה׳ עצמו למיתה did he surrender himself to death?, i. e. did he declare that he would commit the act in spite of the warning which defined it to be a deadly crime? Ib. 41a (ref. to Deut. 17:6) עד שיַתִּירוכ׳ until he declares himself ready to undergo capital punishment for his act Ḥull.41a. Y.Peah I, 16a עילא … להַתִּיר דמןוכ׳ they wanted a pretext to outlaw the rebels; a. fr. Hof. הוּתָּר 1) to be loosened, untied. Lev. R. s. 28, beg., a. fr. הוּתְּרָה הרצועה v. רְצוּעָה. Sabb.XX, 5 אם היה מוּתָּרוכ׳ if it (the clothes press) was (partly) unscrewed on the eve of the Sabbath, he may unscrew it entirely. B. Kam.9b שור מותר an ox that is not tied, opp. קשור. Erub.II, 1 קשורות אבל לא מוּתָּרוֹת closely tied together, but not tied in a loose way; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Y.Sabb.II, 5b bot. ה׳ הנדר, v. נֶדֶר; Snh.68a. Ḥull.17a בתחילהה׳ להןוכ׳ originally they were permitted to eat the flesh of an animal killed by stabbing (v. נְחִירָה). Ib. 9a נשחטה הותרה when the animal has been slaughtered according to the ritual, it is (absolutely) permitted. Erub.93b שבת ביון שהותרה הותרה as regards Sabbath laws what has been permitted at the entrance of the Sabbath remains permitted the entire day; ib. 70b כל שה׳ למקצתוכ׳ whatever is permitted for one part of the Sabbath ; a. v. fr.Part. מוּתָּר; f. מוּתֶּרֶת; pl. מוּתָּרִים, מוּתָּרִין; מוּתָּרוֹת (it is, they are) permitted (of things and persons). Ter. X, 7. Yeb.I, 2 צרתה מ׳ her rival is permitted (to him as wife). Ib. III, 2 ומ׳ באחותה and he is permitted to marry her sister. Ib. II, 10 מותרות לינשא להן may be married to them; a. v. fr.Pes.48a, a. e. (ref. to ממשקה ישראל, Ez. 45:15) מן המותר לישראל of what an Israelite is permitted to drink. Sabb.108a (ref. to בפיך, Ex. 13:9) מדבר המותר בפיך the Torah must be written on the skin of an animal which is permitted in thy mouth (a clean animal).

    Jewish literature > נָתַר

  • 4 עני

    עני, עָנָהII (b. h.; cmp. אָנָה) to press, be pressed; to be detained. Pi. עִינָּה 1) to detain, postpone, esp. ע׳ דין to delay execution of capital judgment (which should take place on the day of sentence). Snh.XI, 4 (89a) אין מְעַנִּין את דינו שלוכ׳ we must not put off his execution (opp. to the opinion משמרין אותו). Ib. 35a וליגמריה … נמצא אתה מְעַנֶּה את דינו shall we pass sentence on Friday and put him to death on Sunday? In such a case you would postpone his execution (against the law); v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to cause privation; to cause to fast. Yoma 77b (ref. to ויענה, Gen. 34:2) התם שעִינָּהּ מביאותוכ׳ this may be interpreted, that he deprived her of other connections. Ib. 8:4 התינוקות אין מענין אותןוכ׳ we must not let children fast on the Day of Atonement, v. חָנַךְ; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה fasting. Tosef.Taan.II, 7; Erub.41a כדי שלא יכנס לשבת כשהוא מע׳ that he may not begin the Sabbath fasting; Tanḥ. Bresh. 2. 3) to afflict, oppress, wrong. Mekh. Mishp., s. 18 (ref. to Ex. 22:22) עד שיְעַנֶּה וישנה until he practices oppression repeatedly; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה; pl. מְעוּנִּין. Yeb.48b מפני מה גרים בזמן הזה מע׳וכ׳ why are the proselytes of our days afflicted and subject to suffering? 4) to violate, outrage. Num. R. s. 9 (ref. to Mic. 2:9) שהיו מְעַנִּים נשיוכ׳ they violated married women and caused them to be forbidden to their husbands. Lev. R. s. 19; a. fr.Mekh. l. c.; Yalk. Ex. 349 אם כשלא תְעַנּוּן את הדיןוכ׳ if your wives will be spared from widowhood and your children from bereavement, because you do not violate justice, how much more, when you execute justice. Nif. נַעֲנֶה 1) to be afflicted, oppressed. Mekh. l. c. אלמנה … שדרכן לֵעָנוֹת בהןוכ׳ widows and orphans who are liable to be oppressed,of them the text speaks (Ex. 22:21); Yalk. l. c. שדרכן לֵיעָנוֹת (not שדרכו). 2) to humble ones self; to submit to a persons discretion, beg pardon. Ber.28a נַעֲנֵיתִי לך מחול לי I submit myself to thee, forgive me. Pesik. R. s. 38 נעניתי לו I beg his pardon. Yoma 22b נעניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ I beg your pardon, bones of Saul!; Yalk. Sam. 117 נעניתי לך שאולוכ׳. Keth.67b נעניתי לך קום אכול I beg of thee, get up and eat. Tosef.Ohol.V, 12 נמניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. נמתי, read נעניתי) I beg your pardon, bones of Hithpa. הִתְעַנֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַנֶּה 1) to be afflicted, suffer. Sifré Deut. 130 שנִתְעַנּוּ, v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to afflict ones self, to fast. Ber.8b (ref. to Lev. 23:32) וכי בתשעה מִתְעַנִּין do men fast on the ninth (of Tishri)? R. Hash. 18b אין גזרת … רצו מתענין when there is no political persecution, but no peace, those who wish may fast Erub.41a והִתְעַנִּינוּ בו ולאוכ׳ we fasted, but not to the end of the day; a. fr. Hif. הֶעֱנִי (denom. of עָנִי) to become poor. Keth.VI, 6. Ber.33a חזרו והֶעֱנוּ when they (the Jews) became poor again. Meïl. 17a מי שיש לו אויב יַעֲנִי או יעשיר if one has an enemy, does one wish him to be poor or rich?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > עני

  • 5 ענה II

    עני, עָנָהII (b. h.; cmp. אָנָה) to press, be pressed; to be detained. Pi. עִינָּה 1) to detain, postpone, esp. ע׳ דין to delay execution of capital judgment (which should take place on the day of sentence). Snh.XI, 4 (89a) אין מְעַנִּין את דינו שלוכ׳ we must not put off his execution (opp. to the opinion משמרין אותו). Ib. 35a וליגמריה … נמצא אתה מְעַנֶּה את דינו shall we pass sentence on Friday and put him to death on Sunday? In such a case you would postpone his execution (against the law); v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to cause privation; to cause to fast. Yoma 77b (ref. to ויענה, Gen. 34:2) התם שעִינָּהּ מביאותוכ׳ this may be interpreted, that he deprived her of other connections. Ib. 8:4 התינוקות אין מענין אותןוכ׳ we must not let children fast on the Day of Atonement, v. חָנַךְ; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה fasting. Tosef.Taan.II, 7; Erub.41a כדי שלא יכנס לשבת כשהוא מע׳ that he may not begin the Sabbath fasting; Tanḥ. Bresh. 2. 3) to afflict, oppress, wrong. Mekh. Mishp., s. 18 (ref. to Ex. 22:22) עד שיְעַנֶּה וישנה until he practices oppression repeatedly; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה; pl. מְעוּנִּין. Yeb.48b מפני מה גרים בזמן הזה מע׳וכ׳ why are the proselytes of our days afflicted and subject to suffering? 4) to violate, outrage. Num. R. s. 9 (ref. to Mic. 2:9) שהיו מְעַנִּים נשיוכ׳ they violated married women and caused them to be forbidden to their husbands. Lev. R. s. 19; a. fr.Mekh. l. c.; Yalk. Ex. 349 אם כשלא תְעַנּוּן את הדיןוכ׳ if your wives will be spared from widowhood and your children from bereavement, because you do not violate justice, how much more, when you execute justice. Nif. נַעֲנֶה 1) to be afflicted, oppressed. Mekh. l. c. אלמנה … שדרכן לֵעָנוֹת בהןוכ׳ widows and orphans who are liable to be oppressed,of them the text speaks (Ex. 22:21); Yalk. l. c. שדרכן לֵיעָנוֹת (not שדרכו). 2) to humble ones self; to submit to a persons discretion, beg pardon. Ber.28a נַעֲנֵיתִי לך מחול לי I submit myself to thee, forgive me. Pesik. R. s. 38 נעניתי לו I beg his pardon. Yoma 22b נעניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ I beg your pardon, bones of Saul!; Yalk. Sam. 117 נעניתי לך שאולוכ׳. Keth.67b נעניתי לך קום אכול I beg of thee, get up and eat. Tosef.Ohol.V, 12 נמניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. נמתי, read נעניתי) I beg your pardon, bones of Hithpa. הִתְעַנֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַנֶּה 1) to be afflicted, suffer. Sifré Deut. 130 שנִתְעַנּוּ, v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to afflict ones self, to fast. Ber.8b (ref. to Lev. 23:32) וכי בתשעה מִתְעַנִּין do men fast on the ninth (of Tishri)? R. Hash. 18b אין גזרת … רצו מתענין when there is no political persecution, but no peace, those who wish may fast Erub.41a והִתְעַנִּינוּ בו ולאוכ׳ we fasted, but not to the end of the day; a. fr. Hif. הֶעֱנִי (denom. of עָנִי) to become poor. Keth.VI, 6. Ber.33a חזרו והֶעֱנוּ when they (the Jews) became poor again. Meïl. 17a מי שיש לו אויב יַעֲנִי או יעשיר if one has an enemy, does one wish him to be poor or rich?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > ענה II

  • 6 עָנָה

    עני, עָנָהII (b. h.; cmp. אָנָה) to press, be pressed; to be detained. Pi. עִינָּה 1) to detain, postpone, esp. ע׳ דין to delay execution of capital judgment (which should take place on the day of sentence). Snh.XI, 4 (89a) אין מְעַנִּין את דינו שלוכ׳ we must not put off his execution (opp. to the opinion משמרין אותו). Ib. 35a וליגמריה … נמצא אתה מְעַנֶּה את דינו shall we pass sentence on Friday and put him to death on Sunday? In such a case you would postpone his execution (against the law); v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to cause privation; to cause to fast. Yoma 77b (ref. to ויענה, Gen. 34:2) התם שעִינָּהּ מביאותוכ׳ this may be interpreted, that he deprived her of other connections. Ib. 8:4 התינוקות אין מענין אותןוכ׳ we must not let children fast on the Day of Atonement, v. חָנַךְ; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה fasting. Tosef.Taan.II, 7; Erub.41a כדי שלא יכנס לשבת כשהוא מע׳ that he may not begin the Sabbath fasting; Tanḥ. Bresh. 2. 3) to afflict, oppress, wrong. Mekh. Mishp., s. 18 (ref. to Ex. 22:22) עד שיְעַנֶּה וישנה until he practices oppression repeatedly; a. e.Part. pass. מְעוּנֶּה; pl. מְעוּנִּין. Yeb.48b מפני מה גרים בזמן הזה מע׳וכ׳ why are the proselytes of our days afflicted and subject to suffering? 4) to violate, outrage. Num. R. s. 9 (ref. to Mic. 2:9) שהיו מְעַנִּים נשיוכ׳ they violated married women and caused them to be forbidden to their husbands. Lev. R. s. 19; a. fr.Mekh. l. c.; Yalk. Ex. 349 אם כשלא תְעַנּוּן את הדיןוכ׳ if your wives will be spared from widowhood and your children from bereavement, because you do not violate justice, how much more, when you execute justice. Nif. נַעֲנֶה 1) to be afflicted, oppressed. Mekh. l. c. אלמנה … שדרכן לֵעָנוֹת בהןוכ׳ widows and orphans who are liable to be oppressed,of them the text speaks (Ex. 22:21); Yalk. l. c. שדרכן לֵיעָנוֹת (not שדרכו). 2) to humble ones self; to submit to a persons discretion, beg pardon. Ber.28a נַעֲנֵיתִי לך מחול לי I submit myself to thee, forgive me. Pesik. R. s. 38 נעניתי לו I beg his pardon. Yoma 22b נעניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ I beg your pardon, bones of Saul!; Yalk. Sam. 117 נעניתי לך שאולוכ׳. Keth.67b נעניתי לך קום אכול I beg of thee, get up and eat. Tosef.Ohol.V, 12 נמניתי לכם עצמותוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. נמתי, read נעניתי) I beg your pardon, bones of Hithpa. הִתְעַנֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַנֶּה 1) to be afflicted, suffer. Sifré Deut. 130 שנִתְעַנּוּ, v. עִינּוּי II. 2) to afflict ones self, to fast. Ber.8b (ref. to Lev. 23:32) וכי בתשעה מִתְעַנִּין do men fast on the ninth (of Tishri)? R. Hash. 18b אין גזרת … רצו מתענין when there is no political persecution, but no peace, those who wish may fast Erub.41a והִתְעַנִּינוּ בו ולאוכ׳ we fasted, but not to the end of the day; a. fr. Hif. הֶעֱנִי (denom. of עָנִי) to become poor. Keth.VI, 6. Ber.33a חזרו והֶעֱנוּ when they (the Jews) became poor again. Meïl. 17a מי שיש לו אויב יַעֲנִי או יעשיר if one has an enemy, does one wish him to be poor or rich?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > עָנָה

  • 7 קדש

    קָדַש(b. h.) (to be cut off, separated, v. Ges. Hebr. Dict.12> s. v.; cmp. פָּרַש, to be, become pure, sacred, holy. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot.; ib. IV, end, 7a ק׳ עליו היום the day became holy upon him, i. e. the Sabbath commenced while he was engaged in doing something. Meil.II, 8 (10a) קָרְשוּ בכלים (Talm. ed. קדשן) after they have become sacred by being put in a sacred vessel (v. infra); Shebu.11a (Ms. F. קירשן). Bekh.4b קדשו בכורותוכ׳ the firstborn in the desert were consecrated; a. fr. Pi. קִרֵּש, קִי׳ 1) to sanctify, esp. ק׳ שם שמים, or ק׳ את השם to sanctify the name of the Lord, to manifest fidelity to religion by noble deeds, by martyrdom Sot.10b; 36b יוסף שק׳ שםוכ׳ Joseph who sanctified the name … in secret (when he resisted temptation); יהודה שק׳וכ׳ Judah who sanctified … in public (when he admitted his guilt, Gen. 38:26); a. fr. 2) to sanctify, consecrate; to purify, keep pure. Ber.17a טהר וקַדֵּש עצמך מכלוכ׳ keep thyself clean and pure (aloof) from every guilt Yoma 39a (ref. to Lev. 11:44) אדם מְקַדֵּש … מְקַדְּשִׁין אותו הרבה if a man sanctifies himself a little (trains himself to self-restraint), they (the divine agencies) will help him much to sanctify him; מלמטה מקדשין אותו מלמעלה if he (sanctifies himself) below, they will sanctify him from above; בעולם הזה מקדשיןוכ׳ he in this world, they will declare him holy in the hereafter. Yeb.20a, a. e. קדש עצמך במותר לך sanctify thyself by self-restraint from what is permitted to thee. Ḥag.3b, a. e. קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה, v. קְדוּשָּׁה. Sebu. 15a כל הכלים … מְקַדַּשְׁתָּן is as regards all vessels that Moses made, the ointing of them gave them their sacred character; Snh.16b מקדשן (corr. acc.). Men.95b תנור מְקַדֵּש the oven (the baking of the showbread) gives it its sacred character. Ib. 100a כלי שרת מְקַרְּשִׁין the vessels of the service consecrate (the things put into them); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדָּש; f. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשִׁים Sabb.55a (ref. to Ez. 9:6) א״ת מקדשי אלא מְקוּדָּשַׁיוכ׳ and not miḳdashi (my sanctuary) but mḳuddashai (my sanctified ones), that means those who fulfilled the whole Law ; Ab. Zar.4a. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36 מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ) read מִמְּקוּדָּשֶׁיךָוכ׳ ‘from thy sanctified ones, when the Lord passes judgment on his holy servants ; a. fr. 3) (with, or sub., ידיו ורגליו) to wash hands and feet prior to a sacred act. Yoma III, 6. Ib. IV, 5. Ib. 22a; a. fr. 4) to prepare the water of lustration (Num. 19). Par. VI, 1 המקדש ונפל הקִדּוּש על ידו if he prepares the lustration, and some of the consecrated water falls upon his hand. Ib. 2 נוטל נמקדש he may take (of the ashes) and prepare the water with them. Ib. 3 המקדש כשוקתוכ׳ he who puts ashes into a large vessel of water; a. fr. 5) (of seasons) to proclaim the sanctity of esp., a) (ק׳ החדש) to proclaim in court that the new month had begun (v. infra). R. Hash. II, 7 אם לא … אין מקדשין אותו שכבד קִדְּשוּשוּהוּ שמים unless the new moon is seen in its due time (on the evening of the twenty-ninth day), no announcement is made, for the heavens have already proclaimed it (and the new month begins with the thirty-first day). Ib. 24a בין כך … שנים אתה מקדשוכ׳ in neither case is the ceremony of announcement required, for we read (Lev. 25:10), ‘ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year, years thou must ‘sanctify Ex. R. s. 15 אני ואתם נְקַדֵּש את החדש I and you, let us (as a court) proclaim the month (of Nisan); a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. R. Hash. II, 7 ראשב״ד אומר מק׳וכ׳ the president of the court says, ‘(the new month is) proclaimed, and all the people say after him, ‘proclaimed, proclaimed. Ib. III, 1 נחקרו … ולא הספיקו לומר מק׳וכ׳ when the witnesses were examined, and the court had no time to say mḳuddash before night set in; a. e.b) ק׳ השבת, היום to pronounce the sanctity of the Sabbath, the Holy Day, to recite the Sabbath or the festive benediction (over wine), to say Ḳiddush. Pes.105a מי שלא ק׳ בע״ש מקדשוכ׳ he who fails to bless the Sabbath on the Sabbath eve, may do so during the entire day. Ib. 106b טעם אינו מקדש if a man tasted something without Ḳiddush, he must not bless the Sabbath; Ib. 107a טעם מקדש even if he has tasted something, he must bless the Sabbath. Ib. כגין זה ראוי לקַדֵּש עליו a beverage like this is fit for Ḳiddush; a. fr. 6) ק׳ אשה ( to consecrate a woman, a) to betroth (expl. Kidd.2b לישנא דרבנן דאסר לה … בהקדש the rabbinical term, in place of the Biblical קנה,because he makes her forbidden to others like a consecrated object, v. הֶקְרֵּש). Kidd.II, 1 האיש מקדש בווכ׳ a man may betroth a woman either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיְקַדֵּש … עדוכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth a woman to himself, before he has seen her. ib. II, 4 האומר … צא וקַיֵּש … והלך וקִרְּשָׁהּוכ׳ if a man said to his deputy, go and betroth to me that certain woman in that certain place, and he went and betrothed her in a different place, she is not betrothed (the betrothal is invalid); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשוֹת. Ib. הרי זו מק׳ in such a case the betrothal is binding. Ib. 7; a. fr.b) (of the father of a minor נַעֲרָה) to accept a betrothal in behalf of ones daughter. Ib. 1 האיש מקדש את בתווכ׳ a man may accept his daughters betrothal, if she is a naʿărah, either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיקדש את בתו יכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth his daughter as a child, (but must wait,) until she is grown up and says, I like this man; a. fr.7) to cause a thing to be prohibited, esp. (by ref. to Deut. 22:9) by planting seeds in a vineyard, or vines among seeds; to cause condemnation. Kil. IV, 5 הזורע … ק׳ שורה אחת if a person sows within four cubits of a vineyard, he has caused the condemnation of one row of vines. Ib. V, 5 הרי זה מקדש ארבעיםוכ׳ he has made forty-five vines forbidden. Ib. VII, 2 גפן … ואינה מְקַרֶּשֶׁת to plant seeds near a dried-up vine is forbidden, but it (the vine) does not cause the condemnation of the seeds. Ib. אלו אוסרין ולא מְקַדְּשִׁין the following plants make the planting of seeds in their neighborhood forbidden, but do not cause condemnation of the seeds, if planted, or their own condemnation. Ib. 5 אין אדם מקדש דברוכ׳ no man can cause condemnation of a thing not his own. Ib. הרי זה ק׳וכ׳ he has caused the condemnation of his neighbors seeds and must pay damages; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַדֵּש, Nithpa. נִתְקַדֵּש 1) to be sanctified, glorified as holy. Yeb.79a מוטב … ויִתְקַדֵּש שםוכ׳ let a letter of the Law be uprooted (disregarded), but let the name of God be sanctified in public. Tanḥ. Shmini 1 מִתְקַדֵּש אני שם במכבדי: there (at the dedication of the Tabernacle) I shall be sanctified by (the death of) those that honor me. Lev. R. s. 12; a. fr. 2) to be consecrated, dedicated; (of the New Moon) to be proclaimed. R. Hash. 21b יכול … עד שיִתְקַדְּשוּוכ׳ you may have thought, as well as the Sabbath is to be disregarded (by the witnesses travelling to the seat of the court), until they (the months) are proclaimed, it may also be disregarded (by the messengers carrying the announcement), until they are established. Ex. R. s. 15 היה הכהן … והבלי מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁת the priest received in it some sacred object, by which the vessel was consecrated; וכלי חול מִתְקַדֵּש and a profane vessel became sacred. Shebu.15a אין העזרה מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁתוכ׳ the Temple hall was not consecrated, until the priests ate therein the remnants of the meal-offering. Ib. 16a תחתונה נִתְקַדְּשָׁה בכל אלו the lower reservoir became consecrated through all these (ceremonies mentioned); a. fr. 3) (of mixed seeds) to be condemnable, condemned. Kil. VII, 7 מאימתי … מתקרשת from what time are seeds of grain (planted among vines) to be condemned? Ib. אין מִתְקַרְּשוֹת are not to be condemned; a. fr. 4) to be betrothed. Kidd.II, 1 האשה מתקדשת בהוכ׳ a woman may be betrothed in person or through her deputy, Ib. האומר הִתְקַדְּשִׁי ליוכ׳ … if a man says to a woman, be betrothed to me with this fig. Ib. 45b נִתְקַדְּשָׁה לדעת אביה וניסתוכ׳ if she (the minor) was betrothed with her fathers consent, but was married without it; a. fr. 5) to sanctify ones self. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., ch. II, Par. 2 מי שהוא עתיד להִתְקַדֵּש he that is ready to sanctify himself (by vowing a sacrifice). Nif. נִקְדַּש 1) to be sanctified; to become consecrated. Tem.14a כאן לִיקָּדֵש כאן ליקרב in the one case it refers to being consecrated (by being put in a sacred vessel), in the other to being offered. Bekh.4b הוזהרו … ליקדש they were admonished concerning the firatborn, that they be consecrated; a. e. 2) to be betrothed. Kidd.48a if she says, עשה לי … ואֶקָּדֵשוכ׳ make for me chains, and I shall be betrothed unto thee. Hif. הִקְדִּיש 1) to cause sanctification. Zeb.115b לא מתו … להַקְדִּיש שמווכ׳ thy (Aarons) sons died only in order to give thee an opportunity to sanctify the name of the Lord. 2) to sanctify, dedicate an object as Temple property (Lev. 27:14–24). Arakh.VI, 2 המַקְדִּיש נכסיווכ׳ if a person dedicates his property to the Temple, but owes his (divorced) wife her kthubah (כְּתוּבָּה) Ib. VII, 1 אין מַקְדִּישִׁין לפני היובלוכ׳ you cannot dedicate landed property within less than two or three years before the jubilee. Ib. 3 הִקְדִּישָׁהּ וגאלה if he dedicated and then redeemed it. Ib. 5 אין אדם מַקְדִּיש דברוכ׳ nobody can dedicate a thing not belonging to him. B. Kam.VII, 2; a. v. fr. Hof. הוּקְדַּש to be dedicated, consecrated. Meil.II, 8 המנחות … משהוּקְדָּשוּ the law concerning misappropriation of sacred things applies to meal-offerings as soon as they have been dedicated. Ib. 1 משהוּקְדָּשָׁה as soon as it has been designated for a sin-offering; a. fr.Part. מוּקְדָּש; f. מוּקְדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מוּקְדָּשִׁים Ned.V, 6 (48a) אם … הרי הם מוק׳ לשמים if they are mine, be they dedicated to the Lord. Ib. כל מתנה … מקודשת אינה מתנה (read: מוקדשת) a gift which is not made so that if the recipient dedicates it to sacred use, it is dedicated, is no gift. Bekh.V, 1 כל פסולי המוק׳ all dedicated sacrifices which became unfit for the altar; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קדש

  • 8 קָדַש

    קָדַש(b. h.) (to be cut off, separated, v. Ges. Hebr. Dict.12> s. v.; cmp. פָּרַש, to be, become pure, sacred, holy. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot.; ib. IV, end, 7a ק׳ עליו היום the day became holy upon him, i. e. the Sabbath commenced while he was engaged in doing something. Meil.II, 8 (10a) קָרְשוּ בכלים (Talm. ed. קדשן) after they have become sacred by being put in a sacred vessel (v. infra); Shebu.11a (Ms. F. קירשן). Bekh.4b קדשו בכורותוכ׳ the firstborn in the desert were consecrated; a. fr. Pi. קִרֵּש, קִי׳ 1) to sanctify, esp. ק׳ שם שמים, or ק׳ את השם to sanctify the name of the Lord, to manifest fidelity to religion by noble deeds, by martyrdom Sot.10b; 36b יוסף שק׳ שםוכ׳ Joseph who sanctified the name … in secret (when he resisted temptation); יהודה שק׳וכ׳ Judah who sanctified … in public (when he admitted his guilt, Gen. 38:26); a. fr. 2) to sanctify, consecrate; to purify, keep pure. Ber.17a טהר וקַדֵּש עצמך מכלוכ׳ keep thyself clean and pure (aloof) from every guilt Yoma 39a (ref. to Lev. 11:44) אדם מְקַדֵּש … מְקַדְּשִׁין אותו הרבה if a man sanctifies himself a little (trains himself to self-restraint), they (the divine agencies) will help him much to sanctify him; מלמטה מקדשין אותו מלמעלה if he (sanctifies himself) below, they will sanctify him from above; בעולם הזה מקדשיןוכ׳ he in this world, they will declare him holy in the hereafter. Yeb.20a, a. e. קדש עצמך במותר לך sanctify thyself by self-restraint from what is permitted to thee. Ḥag.3b, a. e. קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה, v. קְדוּשָּׁה. Sebu. 15a כל הכלים … מְקַדַּשְׁתָּן is as regards all vessels that Moses made, the ointing of them gave them their sacred character; Snh.16b מקדשן (corr. acc.). Men.95b תנור מְקַדֵּש the oven (the baking of the showbread) gives it its sacred character. Ib. 100a כלי שרת מְקַרְּשִׁין the vessels of the service consecrate (the things put into them); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדָּש; f. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשִׁים Sabb.55a (ref. to Ez. 9:6) א״ת מקדשי אלא מְקוּדָּשַׁיוכ׳ and not miḳdashi (my sanctuary) but mḳuddashai (my sanctified ones), that means those who fulfilled the whole Law ; Ab. Zar.4a. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36 מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ) read מִמְּקוּדָּשֶׁיךָוכ׳ ‘from thy sanctified ones, when the Lord passes judgment on his holy servants ; a. fr. 3) (with, or sub., ידיו ורגליו) to wash hands and feet prior to a sacred act. Yoma III, 6. Ib. IV, 5. Ib. 22a; a. fr. 4) to prepare the water of lustration (Num. 19). Par. VI, 1 המקדש ונפל הקִדּוּש על ידו if he prepares the lustration, and some of the consecrated water falls upon his hand. Ib. 2 נוטל נמקדש he may take (of the ashes) and prepare the water with them. Ib. 3 המקדש כשוקתוכ׳ he who puts ashes into a large vessel of water; a. fr. 5) (of seasons) to proclaim the sanctity of esp., a) (ק׳ החדש) to proclaim in court that the new month had begun (v. infra). R. Hash. II, 7 אם לא … אין מקדשין אותו שכבד קִדְּשוּשוּהוּ שמים unless the new moon is seen in its due time (on the evening of the twenty-ninth day), no announcement is made, for the heavens have already proclaimed it (and the new month begins with the thirty-first day). Ib. 24a בין כך … שנים אתה מקדשוכ׳ in neither case is the ceremony of announcement required, for we read (Lev. 25:10), ‘ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year, years thou must ‘sanctify Ex. R. s. 15 אני ואתם נְקַדֵּש את החדש I and you, let us (as a court) proclaim the month (of Nisan); a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. R. Hash. II, 7 ראשב״ד אומר מק׳וכ׳ the president of the court says, ‘(the new month is) proclaimed, and all the people say after him, ‘proclaimed, proclaimed. Ib. III, 1 נחקרו … ולא הספיקו לומר מק׳וכ׳ when the witnesses were examined, and the court had no time to say mḳuddash before night set in; a. e.b) ק׳ השבת, היום to pronounce the sanctity of the Sabbath, the Holy Day, to recite the Sabbath or the festive benediction (over wine), to say Ḳiddush. Pes.105a מי שלא ק׳ בע״ש מקדשוכ׳ he who fails to bless the Sabbath on the Sabbath eve, may do so during the entire day. Ib. 106b טעם אינו מקדש if a man tasted something without Ḳiddush, he must not bless the Sabbath; Ib. 107a טעם מקדש even if he has tasted something, he must bless the Sabbath. Ib. כגין זה ראוי לקַדֵּש עליו a beverage like this is fit for Ḳiddush; a. fr. 6) ק׳ אשה ( to consecrate a woman, a) to betroth (expl. Kidd.2b לישנא דרבנן דאסר לה … בהקדש the rabbinical term, in place of the Biblical קנה,because he makes her forbidden to others like a consecrated object, v. הֶקְרֵּש). Kidd.II, 1 האיש מקדש בווכ׳ a man may betroth a woman either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיְקַדֵּש … עדוכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth a woman to himself, before he has seen her. ib. II, 4 האומר … צא וקַיֵּש … והלך וקִרְּשָׁהּוכ׳ if a man said to his deputy, go and betroth to me that certain woman in that certain place, and he went and betrothed her in a different place, she is not betrothed (the betrothal is invalid); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשוֹת. Ib. הרי זו מק׳ in such a case the betrothal is binding. Ib. 7; a. fr.b) (of the father of a minor נַעֲרָה) to accept a betrothal in behalf of ones daughter. Ib. 1 האיש מקדש את בתווכ׳ a man may accept his daughters betrothal, if she is a naʿărah, either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיקדש את בתו יכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth his daughter as a child, (but must wait,) until she is grown up and says, I like this man; a. fr.7) to cause a thing to be prohibited, esp. (by ref. to Deut. 22:9) by planting seeds in a vineyard, or vines among seeds; to cause condemnation. Kil. IV, 5 הזורע … ק׳ שורה אחת if a person sows within four cubits of a vineyard, he has caused the condemnation of one row of vines. Ib. V, 5 הרי זה מקדש ארבעיםוכ׳ he has made forty-five vines forbidden. Ib. VII, 2 גפן … ואינה מְקַרֶּשֶׁת to plant seeds near a dried-up vine is forbidden, but it (the vine) does not cause the condemnation of the seeds. Ib. אלו אוסרין ולא מְקַדְּשִׁין the following plants make the planting of seeds in their neighborhood forbidden, but do not cause condemnation of the seeds, if planted, or their own condemnation. Ib. 5 אין אדם מקדש דברוכ׳ no man can cause condemnation of a thing not his own. Ib. הרי זה ק׳וכ׳ he has caused the condemnation of his neighbors seeds and must pay damages; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַדֵּש, Nithpa. נִתְקַדֵּש 1) to be sanctified, glorified as holy. Yeb.79a מוטב … ויִתְקַדֵּש שםוכ׳ let a letter of the Law be uprooted (disregarded), but let the name of God be sanctified in public. Tanḥ. Shmini 1 מִתְקַדֵּש אני שם במכבדי: there (at the dedication of the Tabernacle) I shall be sanctified by (the death of) those that honor me. Lev. R. s. 12; a. fr. 2) to be consecrated, dedicated; (of the New Moon) to be proclaimed. R. Hash. 21b יכול … עד שיִתְקַדְּשוּוכ׳ you may have thought, as well as the Sabbath is to be disregarded (by the witnesses travelling to the seat of the court), until they (the months) are proclaimed, it may also be disregarded (by the messengers carrying the announcement), until they are established. Ex. R. s. 15 היה הכהן … והבלי מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁת the priest received in it some sacred object, by which the vessel was consecrated; וכלי חול מִתְקַדֵּש and a profane vessel became sacred. Shebu.15a אין העזרה מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁתוכ׳ the Temple hall was not consecrated, until the priests ate therein the remnants of the meal-offering. Ib. 16a תחתונה נִתְקַדְּשָׁה בכל אלו the lower reservoir became consecrated through all these (ceremonies mentioned); a. fr. 3) (of mixed seeds) to be condemnable, condemned. Kil. VII, 7 מאימתי … מתקרשת from what time are seeds of grain (planted among vines) to be condemned? Ib. אין מִתְקַרְּשוֹת are not to be condemned; a. fr. 4) to be betrothed. Kidd.II, 1 האשה מתקדשת בהוכ׳ a woman may be betrothed in person or through her deputy, Ib. האומר הִתְקַדְּשִׁי ליוכ׳ … if a man says to a woman, be betrothed to me with this fig. Ib. 45b נִתְקַדְּשָׁה לדעת אביה וניסתוכ׳ if she (the minor) was betrothed with her fathers consent, but was married without it; a. fr. 5) to sanctify ones self. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., ch. II, Par. 2 מי שהוא עתיד להִתְקַדֵּש he that is ready to sanctify himself (by vowing a sacrifice). Nif. נִקְדַּש 1) to be sanctified; to become consecrated. Tem.14a כאן לִיקָּדֵש כאן ליקרב in the one case it refers to being consecrated (by being put in a sacred vessel), in the other to being offered. Bekh.4b הוזהרו … ליקדש they were admonished concerning the firatborn, that they be consecrated; a. e. 2) to be betrothed. Kidd.48a if she says, עשה לי … ואֶקָּדֵשוכ׳ make for me chains, and I shall be betrothed unto thee. Hif. הִקְדִּיש 1) to cause sanctification. Zeb.115b לא מתו … להַקְדִּיש שמווכ׳ thy (Aarons) sons died only in order to give thee an opportunity to sanctify the name of the Lord. 2) to sanctify, dedicate an object as Temple property (Lev. 27:14–24). Arakh.VI, 2 המַקְדִּיש נכסיווכ׳ if a person dedicates his property to the Temple, but owes his (divorced) wife her kthubah (כְּתוּבָּה) Ib. VII, 1 אין מַקְדִּישִׁין לפני היובלוכ׳ you cannot dedicate landed property within less than two or three years before the jubilee. Ib. 3 הִקְדִּישָׁהּ וגאלה if he dedicated and then redeemed it. Ib. 5 אין אדם מַקְדִּיש דברוכ׳ nobody can dedicate a thing not belonging to him. B. Kam.VII, 2; a. v. fr. Hof. הוּקְדַּש to be dedicated, consecrated. Meil.II, 8 המנחות … משהוּקְדָּשוּ the law concerning misappropriation of sacred things applies to meal-offerings as soon as they have been dedicated. Ib. 1 משהוּקְדָּשָׁה as soon as it has been designated for a sin-offering; a. fr.Part. מוּקְדָּש; f. מוּקְדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מוּקְדָּשִׁים Ned.V, 6 (48a) אם … הרי הם מוק׳ לשמים if they are mine, be they dedicated to the Lord. Ib. כל מתנה … מקודשת אינה מתנה (read: מוקדשת) a gift which is not made so that if the recipient dedicates it to sacred use, it is dedicated, is no gift. Bekh.V, 1 כל פסולי המוק׳ all dedicated sacrifices which became unfit for the altar; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קָדַש

  • 9 רחם

    רְחֵם, רְחֵיםch. sam(רחם to love), 1) to love (h. אהב). Targ. Gen. 22:2. Ib. 37:3. Targ. O. Deut. 6:5. Targ. Prov. 4:6 (ed. Wil. רָחֲמָהּ Pa.); a. fr.Midr. Till., to Ps. 18:2 (expl. ארחמך, ib.) רַחֲמִית יתךוכ׳ I love thee (ref. to Targ. Deut. l. c.); Yalk. ib. 671 רַחְמָאִי יתך. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. (R. Akiba speaking to his pupils before his death) רְחִתֵּיה בכל לבי ורחמתיה וכ׳ I loved him with all my heart, and I loved him with all I possessed, but how to love him with all my soul (life) I could not understand, and now Sabb.23b דרָחֵים רבנןוכ׳ he who loves scholars shall have children that are scholars. Y. ib. XIV, 14d bot. חד בר נשר׳ אתתאוכ׳ a man fell in love with a woman … and grew dangerously ill; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 40d bot. Lev. R. s. 25 שמעית דמלכא רַחְמָאוכ׳ I heard that the king loves figs; Koh. R. to II, 20 רחים; ib. רחימא; ib. רחמיה (corr. acc.). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a bot. דהוות רַחְמָא מצוותא who loved to be charitable; Y.Ter.VIII, 45c bot. הוו רחמנאוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Keth.105b אם מִרְחַם כולהו רַחְמוּ ליוכ׳ if there is love (among them), they all love me, v. סְנֵי. Snh.89b תרוייהו רַחֲמִינִי להו I love both of them (Isaac und Ishmael); a. fr. 2) (with על) to have compassion on, pity. Targ. Ps. 103:13. Targ. Prov. 28:13; a. fr. Pa. רַחֵם 1) to love. Targ. Gen. 29:32 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Targ. Y. Deut. 6:5; a. e.Keth. l. c. האי … דמְרַחְמִין ליהוכ׳ if the people of a place love a teacher, it is not because he is a good man, but because he does not reprove them on heavenly matters (for neglect of religious duties). Y.Ter.VIII, 45c אילולי דאתון מרחמין שמועתאוכ׳ but for your loving traditions (you would not ask such questions); is it not a Mishnah?; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a רחמין; a. e.Trnsf. to give suck (v. preced.). Bekh.24a or shall we say, דידה מְרַחְמָא דלאוכ׳ a dam gives suck to her own young, but not to a stranger. Ib. דילמא רַחוּמֵי רחים perhaps this is a case when one gives suck to a stranger (although having a child of her own); v. שְׁבַק. 2) (with על) to compassionate, pity. Targ. Jer. 31:9. Targ. O. Num. 6:25 וירחם עלך ed. Lisb. (oth. ed. ויר׳ יתך; in ed. Berl. untranslated). Targ. Deut. 7:2; a. fr.Macc.23b מדהא מְרַחֵמְתָּא והא לא מרחמתא (Solomon found out which was the true mother of the living child,) because the one showed compassion, and the other did not. Y.Taan.II, 65b אמרין … מִתְרַחֵם עלינן לינן מְרַחְמִיןוכ׳ the men of Niniveh said, if thou wilt have no mercy on us, we shall have no mercy on them (the beasts and the children); a. fr. Ithpa. אִתְרחֵם, Ithpe. אִתְרְחֵם 1) to be loved, beloved. Targ. Prov. 15:9. 2) (with על) to be pitied, be shown mercy. Targ. Y. Ex. 33:19. Targ. Gen. 43:29. Targ. Hos. 14:4; a. e. 3) to be moved to mercy, have pity. Targ. Jer. 31:18 (19) מתרחם ed. Lag. (oth. ed. מתנחם; h. text נחמתי).Y. Taan. l. c., v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רחם

  • 10 רחים

    רְחֵם, רְחֵיםch. sam(רחם to love), 1) to love (h. אהב). Targ. Gen. 22:2. Ib. 37:3. Targ. O. Deut. 6:5. Targ. Prov. 4:6 (ed. Wil. רָחֲמָהּ Pa.); a. fr.Midr. Till., to Ps. 18:2 (expl. ארחמך, ib.) רַחֲמִית יתךוכ׳ I love thee (ref. to Targ. Deut. l. c.); Yalk. ib. 671 רַחְמָאִי יתך. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. (R. Akiba speaking to his pupils before his death) רְחִתֵּיה בכל לבי ורחמתיה וכ׳ I loved him with all my heart, and I loved him with all I possessed, but how to love him with all my soul (life) I could not understand, and now Sabb.23b דרָחֵים רבנןוכ׳ he who loves scholars shall have children that are scholars. Y. ib. XIV, 14d bot. חד בר נשר׳ אתתאוכ׳ a man fell in love with a woman … and grew dangerously ill; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 40d bot. Lev. R. s. 25 שמעית דמלכא רַחְמָאוכ׳ I heard that the king loves figs; Koh. R. to II, 20 רחים; ib. רחימא; ib. רחמיה (corr. acc.). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a bot. דהוות רַחְמָא מצוותא who loved to be charitable; Y.Ter.VIII, 45c bot. הוו רחמנאוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Keth.105b אם מִרְחַם כולהו רַחְמוּ ליוכ׳ if there is love (among them), they all love me, v. סְנֵי. Snh.89b תרוייהו רַחֲמִינִי להו I love both of them (Isaac und Ishmael); a. fr. 2) (with על) to have compassion on, pity. Targ. Ps. 103:13. Targ. Prov. 28:13; a. fr. Pa. רַחֵם 1) to love. Targ. Gen. 29:32 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Targ. Y. Deut. 6:5; a. e.Keth. l. c. האי … דמְרַחְמִין ליהוכ׳ if the people of a place love a teacher, it is not because he is a good man, but because he does not reprove them on heavenly matters (for neglect of religious duties). Y.Ter.VIII, 45c אילולי דאתון מרחמין שמועתאוכ׳ but for your loving traditions (you would not ask such questions); is it not a Mishnah?; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a רחמין; a. e.Trnsf. to give suck (v. preced.). Bekh.24a or shall we say, דידה מְרַחְמָא דלאוכ׳ a dam gives suck to her own young, but not to a stranger. Ib. דילמא רַחוּמֵי רחים perhaps this is a case when one gives suck to a stranger (although having a child of her own); v. שְׁבַק. 2) (with על) to compassionate, pity. Targ. Jer. 31:9. Targ. O. Num. 6:25 וירחם עלך ed. Lisb. (oth. ed. ויר׳ יתך; in ed. Berl. untranslated). Targ. Deut. 7:2; a. fr.Macc.23b מדהא מְרַחֵמְתָּא והא לא מרחמתא (Solomon found out which was the true mother of the living child,) because the one showed compassion, and the other did not. Y.Taan.II, 65b אמרין … מִתְרַחֵם עלינן לינן מְרַחְמִיןוכ׳ the men of Niniveh said, if thou wilt have no mercy on us, we shall have no mercy on them (the beasts and the children); a. fr. Ithpa. אִתְרחֵם, Ithpe. אִתְרְחֵם 1) to be loved, beloved. Targ. Prov. 15:9. 2) (with על) to be pitied, be shown mercy. Targ. Y. Ex. 33:19. Targ. Gen. 43:29. Targ. Hos. 14:4; a. e. 3) to be moved to mercy, have pity. Targ. Jer. 31:18 (19) מתרחם ed. Lag. (oth. ed. מתנחם; h. text נחמתי).Y. Taan. l. c., v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רחים

  • 11 רְחֵם

    רְחֵם, רְחֵיםch. sam(רחם to love), 1) to love (h. אהב). Targ. Gen. 22:2. Ib. 37:3. Targ. O. Deut. 6:5. Targ. Prov. 4:6 (ed. Wil. רָחֲמָהּ Pa.); a. fr.Midr. Till., to Ps. 18:2 (expl. ארחמך, ib.) רַחֲמִית יתךוכ׳ I love thee (ref. to Targ. Deut. l. c.); Yalk. ib. 671 רַחְמָאִי יתך. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. (R. Akiba speaking to his pupils before his death) רְחִתֵּיה בכל לבי ורחמתיה וכ׳ I loved him with all my heart, and I loved him with all I possessed, but how to love him with all my soul (life) I could not understand, and now Sabb.23b דרָחֵים רבנןוכ׳ he who loves scholars shall have children that are scholars. Y. ib. XIV, 14d bot. חד בר נשר׳ אתתאוכ׳ a man fell in love with a woman … and grew dangerously ill; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 40d bot. Lev. R. s. 25 שמעית דמלכא רַחְמָאוכ׳ I heard that the king loves figs; Koh. R. to II, 20 רחים; ib. רחימא; ib. רחמיה (corr. acc.). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a bot. דהוות רַחְמָא מצוותא who loved to be charitable; Y.Ter.VIII, 45c bot. הוו רחמנאוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Keth.105b אם מִרְחַם כולהו רַחְמוּ ליוכ׳ if there is love (among them), they all love me, v. סְנֵי. Snh.89b תרוייהו רַחֲמִינִי להו I love both of them (Isaac und Ishmael); a. fr. 2) (with על) to have compassion on, pity. Targ. Ps. 103:13. Targ. Prov. 28:13; a. fr. Pa. רַחֵם 1) to love. Targ. Gen. 29:32 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Targ. Y. Deut. 6:5; a. e.Keth. l. c. האי … דמְרַחְמִין ליהוכ׳ if the people of a place love a teacher, it is not because he is a good man, but because he does not reprove them on heavenly matters (for neglect of religious duties). Y.Ter.VIII, 45c אילולי דאתון מרחמין שמועתאוכ׳ but for your loving traditions (you would not ask such questions); is it not a Mishnah?; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a רחמין; a. e.Trnsf. to give suck (v. preced.). Bekh.24a or shall we say, דידה מְרַחְמָא דלאוכ׳ a dam gives suck to her own young, but not to a stranger. Ib. דילמא רַחוּמֵי רחים perhaps this is a case when one gives suck to a stranger (although having a child of her own); v. שְׁבַק. 2) (with על) to compassionate, pity. Targ. Jer. 31:9. Targ. O. Num. 6:25 וירחם עלך ed. Lisb. (oth. ed. ויר׳ יתך; in ed. Berl. untranslated). Targ. Deut. 7:2; a. fr.Macc.23b מדהא מְרַחֵמְתָּא והא לא מרחמתא (Solomon found out which was the true mother of the living child,) because the one showed compassion, and the other did not. Y.Taan.II, 65b אמרין … מִתְרַחֵם עלינן לינן מְרַחְמִיןוכ׳ the men of Niniveh said, if thou wilt have no mercy on us, we shall have no mercy on them (the beasts and the children); a. fr. Ithpa. אִתְרחֵם, Ithpe. אִתְרְחֵם 1) to be loved, beloved. Targ. Prov. 15:9. 2) (with על) to be pitied, be shown mercy. Targ. Y. Ex. 33:19. Targ. Gen. 43:29. Targ. Hos. 14:4; a. e. 3) to be moved to mercy, have pity. Targ. Jer. 31:18 (19) מתרחם ed. Lag. (oth. ed. מתנחם; h. text נחמתי).Y. Taan. l. c., v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רְחֵם

  • 12 רְחֵים

    רְחֵם, רְחֵיםch. sam(רחם to love), 1) to love (h. אהב). Targ. Gen. 22:2. Ib. 37:3. Targ. O. Deut. 6:5. Targ. Prov. 4:6 (ed. Wil. רָחֲמָהּ Pa.); a. fr.Midr. Till., to Ps. 18:2 (expl. ארחמך, ib.) רַחֲמִית יתךוכ׳ I love thee (ref. to Targ. Deut. l. c.); Yalk. ib. 671 רַחְמָאִי יתך. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. (R. Akiba speaking to his pupils before his death) רְחִתֵּיה בכל לבי ורחמתיה וכ׳ I loved him with all my heart, and I loved him with all I possessed, but how to love him with all my soul (life) I could not understand, and now Sabb.23b דרָחֵים רבנןוכ׳ he who loves scholars shall have children that are scholars. Y. ib. XIV, 14d bot. חד בר נשר׳ אתתאוכ׳ a man fell in love with a woman … and grew dangerously ill; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 40d bot. Lev. R. s. 25 שמעית דמלכא רַחְמָאוכ׳ I heard that the king loves figs; Koh. R. to II, 20 רחים; ib. רחימא; ib. רחמיה (corr. acc.). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a bot. דהוות רַחְמָא מצוותא who loved to be charitable; Y.Ter.VIII, 45c bot. הוו רחמנאוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Keth.105b אם מִרְחַם כולהו רַחְמוּ ליוכ׳ if there is love (among them), they all love me, v. סְנֵי. Snh.89b תרוייהו רַחֲמִינִי להו I love both of them (Isaac und Ishmael); a. fr. 2) (with על) to have compassion on, pity. Targ. Ps. 103:13. Targ. Prov. 28:13; a. fr. Pa. רַחֵם 1) to love. Targ. Gen. 29:32 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Targ. Y. Deut. 6:5; a. e.Keth. l. c. האי … דמְרַחְמִין ליהוכ׳ if the people of a place love a teacher, it is not because he is a good man, but because he does not reprove them on heavenly matters (for neglect of religious duties). Y.Ter.VIII, 45c אילולי דאתון מרחמין שמועתאוכ׳ but for your loving traditions (you would not ask such questions); is it not a Mishnah?; Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a רחמין; a. e.Trnsf. to give suck (v. preced.). Bekh.24a or shall we say, דידה מְרַחְמָא דלאוכ׳ a dam gives suck to her own young, but not to a stranger. Ib. דילמא רַחוּמֵי רחים perhaps this is a case when one gives suck to a stranger (although having a child of her own); v. שְׁבַק. 2) (with על) to compassionate, pity. Targ. Jer. 31:9. Targ. O. Num. 6:25 וירחם עלך ed. Lisb. (oth. ed. ויר׳ יתך; in ed. Berl. untranslated). Targ. Deut. 7:2; a. fr.Macc.23b מדהא מְרַחֵמְתָּא והא לא מרחמתא (Solomon found out which was the true mother of the living child,) because the one showed compassion, and the other did not. Y.Taan.II, 65b אמרין … מִתְרַחֵם עלינן לינן מְרַחְמִיןוכ׳ the men of Niniveh said, if thou wilt have no mercy on us, we shall have no mercy on them (the beasts and the children); a. fr. Ithpa. אִתְרחֵם, Ithpe. אִתְרְחֵם 1) to be loved, beloved. Targ. Prov. 15:9. 2) (with על) to be pitied, be shown mercy. Targ. Y. Ex. 33:19. Targ. Gen. 43:29. Targ. Hos. 14:4; a. e. 3) to be moved to mercy, have pity. Targ. Jer. 31:18 (19) מתרחם ed. Lag. (oth. ed. מתנחם; h. text נחמתי).Y. Taan. l. c., v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רְחֵים

  • 13 vaticinius

    vāticinius, a, um (vates), weissagend, Weissage-, vaticinii libri, Liv. 25, 1, 12; 39, 16, 8 H. (wo H. Müller u. Madv. vaticini). – subst. vāticinium, iī, n., die Prophezeiung, Weissagung, Sing. Not. Tir. 73, 41a: Plur., Plin. 7, 178. Gell. 16, 17, 1.

    lateinisch-deutsches > vaticinius

  • 14 vaticinius

    vāticinius, a, um (vates), weissagend, Weissage-, vaticinii libri, Liv. 25, 1, 12; 39, 16, 8 H. (wo H. Müller u. Madv. vaticini). – subst. vāticinium, iī, n., die Prophezeiung, Weissagung, Sing. Not. Tir. 73, 41a: Plur., Plin. 7, 178. Gell. 16, 17, 1.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > vaticinius


    *\ITZTAPALTOTEC titre divin, divinité apparentée à Xipe Totec.
    Anne Marie Wohrer I 131 qui renvoie à Codex Vaticano-Rios 36v. et Codex Telleriano-Remensis pl. XXXII et aux Pl. A 6b, 8b, 9b, 17i, 20g,h, 21a,c, 22d, 41a, 45, 49b, 50d.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > ITZTAPALTOTEC

  • 16 ἀψευδής

    1 true, of truth

    ἀψευδεῖ δὲ πρὸς ἄκμονι χάλκευε γλῶσσαν P. 1.86

    ] ἀψευδ[ P. Oxy. fr. 2442. fr. 41A.

    Lexicon to Pindar > ἀψευδής

  • 17 ἐφέπω

    ἐφέπω (ἐφέπεις; -έπων: impf. ἔφεπεν): aor. med. ἐπέσποντο.)
    a act.
    I embrace met.,

    αἰὼν δ' ἔφεπε μόρσιμος O. 2.10

    νῦν γε μὰν τὰν Φιλοκτήταο δίκαν ἐφέπων ἐστρατεύθη P. 1.50

    II busy oneself with, devote onself to

    Ζεῦ ὃς τοῦτ' ἐφέπεις ὄρος P. 1.30

    ὁ δ' ἔφεπεν κραταιὸν ἔγχος wielded P. 6.33

    συμποσίας ἐφέπων θυμὸν ἐκδόσθαι πρὸς ἥβαν πολλάκις P. 4.294

    b follow, give support

    οἱ δ' ἐπέσποντ P. 4.133

    c frag. ] εφεπετ[ P. Oxy. 2442, fr. 41A. 2. ] ντι κέλευθον ἐπισπησει[ P. Oxy. 2672, fr. 1. 9 ad ?fr. 346.

    Lexicon to Pindar > ἐφέπω

  • 18 γάρ

    γάρ ([etym.] γε, ἄρα), causal Conj., used alone or with other Particles.
    I introducing the reason or cause of what precedes, for,

    τῷ γὰρ ἐπὶ φρεσὶ θῆκε θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη· κήδετο γ. Δαναῶν Il.1.56

    , etc.; but freq. in expl. of that wh. is implied in the preceding clause,

    πολλάων πολίων κατέλυσε κάρηνα.. τοῦ γὰρ κράτος ἐστὶ μέγιστον 2.118

    , etc.: hence,
    b in simple explanations, esp. after a Pronoun or demonstr. Adj.,

    ἀλλὰ τόδ' αἰνὸν ἄχος κραδίην καὶ θυμὸν ἱκάνει· Ἕκτωρ γ. ποτε φήσει 8.148

    , cf. Od.2.163; ὃ δὲ δεινότατον.. ὁ Ζεὺς γ. .. Ar.Av. 514;

    ὃ δὲ πάντων ἀδικώτατον ἔδοξε· τῶν γὰρ προγε γραμμένων ἠτίμωσε καὶ υἱούς Plu.Sull.31

    ; freq. in introducing proofs or examples, μαρτύριον δέ· Δήλου γ. καθαιρομένης .. Th.1.8; τεκμήριον δέ· οὔτε γ. Λακεδαιμόνιοι .. Id.2.39, cf. D.20.10, etc.; in full, τεκμήριον δὲ τούτου τόδε· αἱ μὲν γ. .. Hdt.2.58; παράδειγμα τόδε τοῦ λόγου· ἐκ γ. .. Th.1.2; δηλοῖ δέ μοι τόδε· πρὸ γ. .. ib.3.
    c to introduce a detailed description or narration already alluded to, ὅμως δὲ λεκτέα ἃ γιγνώσκω· ἔχει γ. [ἡ χώρα] πεδία κάλλιστα .. X.An.5.6.6, etc.
    d in answers to questions or statements challenging assent or denial, yes,.., no,.., οὔκουν.. ἀνάγκη ἐστί;—ἀνάγκη γ. οὖν, ἔφη, ay doubtless it is necessary, X.Cyr.2.1.7, cf. § 4 and 13; indicating assent,

    ἔχει γ. Pl.Phdr. 268a

    ; ἱκανὸς γ., ἔφη, συμβαίνει γ., ἔφη, Id.R. 502b, 502c,cf. Ap. 41a, etc.; οὔκουν δὴ τό γ' εἰκός.—οὐ γ.: Id.Phdr. 276c.
    2 by inversion, preceding the fact explained, since, as,

    Ἀτρεΐδη, πολλοὶ γ. τεθνᾶσιν Ἀχαιοί.. τῷ σε χρὴ πόλεμον παῦσαι Il.7.328

    ; χρόνου δὲ οὐ πολλοῦ διελθόντος ([etym.] χρῆν γ. Κανδαύλῃ γενέσθαι κακῶς) ἔλεγε πρὸς τὸν Γύγην τοιάδε, Γύγη, οὐ γ. σε δοκέω πείθεσθαι.. ([etym.] ὦτα γ. τυγχάνει κτλ.) , ποίει ὅκως .. Hdt.1.8. cf. 6.102, al.; εἶεν, σὺ γ. τούτων ἐπιστήμων, τί χρὴ ποιεῖν; Pl.Phd. 117a; the principal proposition is sts.
    b blended with the causal one, τῇ δὲ κακῶς γ. ἔδεε γενέσθαι εἶπε, i.e. ἡ δέ ([etym.] κακῶς γ. οἱ ἔδεε γενέσθαι)

    εἶπε Hdt. 9.109

    , cf. 1.24, 4.149, 200, Th.1.72, 8.30.
    c attached to the hypothet. Particle instead of being joined to the apodosis, οὐδ' εἰ γ. ἦν τὸ πρᾶγμα μὴ θεήλατον, ἀκάθαρτον ὑμᾶς εἰκὸς ἦν οὕτως ἐᾶν, i.e. οὐδὲ γ. εἰ ἦν .., S.OT 255.
    d repeated, οὐ γ. οὖν σιγήσομαι· ἔτικτε γ. .. Id.OC 980, cf. Ant. 659 sq., 1255.
    3 in elliptical phrases, where that of which γάρ gives the reason is omitted, and must be supplied,
    a freq. in Trag. dialogue and Pl., when yes or no may be supplied from the context, καὶ δῆτ' ἐτόλμας τούσδ' ὑπερβαίνειν νόμους;—οὐ γ. τί μοι Ζεὺς ἦν ὁ κηρύξας τάδε [yes], for it was not Zeus, etc., S.Ant. 450, cf. OT 102, etc.;

    καλῶς γὰρ αὐτὸς ἠγάνισαι Pl. Smp. 194a

    ; freq. in phrase ἔστι γ. οὕτω [yes], for so it is, i. e. yes certainly: λέγεταί τι καινόν; γένοιτο γ. ἄν τι καινότερον ἢ .. ; [why,] could there be.. ? D.4.10; with negs., Ar.Ra. 262 τούτῳ γ. οὐ νικήσετε [do so], yet shall ye never prevail by this means: for ἀλλὰ γ., v. infr.11.1.
    b to confirm or strengthen something said, οἵδ' οὐκέτ' εἰσί· τοῦτο γάρ σε δήξεται [I say this], for it will sting thee, E. Med. 1370: after an Exclamation,

    ὦ πόποι· ἀνάριθμα γ. φέρω πήματα S.OT 168

    (lyr.), cf. E.Hel. 857.
    c in conditional propositions, where the condition is omitted, else, οὐ γ. ἄν με ἔπεμπον πάλιν (sc. εἰ μὴ ἐπίστευον) X.An.7.6.33; γίνεται γ. ἡ κοινωνία συμμαχία for in that case, Arist.Pol. 1280b8.
    4 in abrupt questions, why, what, τίς γ. σε θεῶν ἐμοὶ ἄγγελον ἧκεν; why who hath sent thee? Il.18.182; πῶς γ. νῦν.. εὕδουσι; 10.424; πατροκτονοῦσα γ. ξυνοικήσεις ἐμοί; what, wilt thou.. ? A.Ch. 909: generally, after interrog. Particles, ἦ γ. .. ; what, was it.. ? S.OT 1000, 1039, etc.; τί γ.; quid enim? i. e. it must be so, Id.OC 539, 542, 547, etc.; τί γ. δή ποτε; D.21.44; also πῶς γ.; πῶς γ. οὔ;, v. πῶς.
    5 to strengthen a wish, c. opt., κακῶς γ. ἐξόλοιο O that you might perish ! E.Cyc. 261; cf. αἴ, εἰ, εἴθε, πῶς.
    II joined with other Particles:
    1 ἀλλὰ γ. where γάρ gives the reason of a clause to be supplied between ἀλλά and itself, as ἀλλ' ἐν γὰρ Τρώων πεδίῳ .. but [far otherwise], for.., Il.15.739; ἀλλὰ γὰρ ἥκουσ' αἵδ' ἐπὶ πρᾶγος πικρόν but [hush], for.., A.Th. 861; ἀλλ' οὐ γ. σ' ἐθέλω .. but [look out] for.., Il.7.242; in full,

    ἀλλ' οὐ γάρ σφιν ἐφαίνετο κέρδιον εἶναι μαίεσθαι προτ έρω, τοὶ μὲν πάλιν αὖτις ἔβαινον Od.14.355


    ἀλλ', οὐ γ. ἔπειθε, διδοῖ τὸ φᾶρος Hdt.9.109

    2 γ. ἄρα for indeed, Pl.Prt. 315d, Smp. 205b.
    3 γ. δή for of course, for you know, Il.2.301,23.607, Hdt.1.34, 114, etc.; φάμεν γ. δή yes certainly we say so, Pl.Tht. 187e, cf. 164d;

    οὐ γ. δή S.Ant.46

    , etc.

    γ. νυ Od.14.359

    5 γ. οὖν for indeed, to confirm or explain, Il.15.232, Hdt.5.34, S.Ant. 489, 771, etc.; φησὶ γ. οὖν yes of course he says so, Pl.Tht. 170a;

    γ. οὖν δή Id.Prm. 148c

    , etc.; οὐ γ. οὖν ib. 134b; cf. τοιγαροῦν.
    6 γ. που for I suppose, esp. with negs., Id.R. 381c, Phd. 62d, etc.;

    οὐ γ. δήπου Id.Prt. 309c

    7 γ. ῥα, = γὰρ ἄρα, Il.1.113, al.
    8 γ. τε, 23.156; also

    τε γ. D.19.159

    , Arist.Pol. 1333a2, al.
    9 γ. τοι for surely.., E.Hel.93, Supp. 564, etc.;

    οὐ γ. τοι Od.21.172

    , etc.; cf. τοιγάρτοι.
    B POSITION: γάρ prop. stands after the first word in a clause, but in Pocts it freq. stands third or fourth, when the preceding words are closely connected, as ὁ μὲν γὰρ .. S.Aj. 764; χἠ ναῦς γὰρ .. Id.Ph. 527; τό τ' εἰκαθεῖν γὰρ .. Id.Ant. 1096; τὸ μὴ θέμις γὰρ .. A.Ch. 641, cf. 753: also in Prose, τὸ κατ' ἀξίαν γὰρ .. Arist. EN 1163b11: sts. for metrical reasons, where there is no such connexion, as third (A.Ag.222.729, S.Ph. 219 (all lyr.)), fourth (Ar.Av. 1545); in later Com. fifth (Men.462.2); sixth (Antiph.26.22); seventh (Men.Epit. 531, Pk. 170, Athenio 1.5); once sixth in S.,

    καιρὸς καὶ πλοῦς ὅδ' ἐπείγει γὰρ κατὰ πρύμναν Ph. 1451

    2 inserted before the demonstr. , as νυνγαρί for νυνὶ γάρ; cf. νυνί.
    C QUANTITY: γάρ is sts. long in Hom. metri gr.,

    θήσειν γὰρ ἔτ' ἔμελλεν Il.2.39


    φωνῆς γὰρ ἤκουσα h.Cer.57

    .—In [dialect] Att. always short: Ar.Eq. 366, V. 217, Lys.20 are corrupt.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > γάρ

  • 19 δέχομαι

    δέχομαι, [dialect] Ion., [dialect] Aeol., Cret. [full] δέκομαι, Hdt.9.91, Sapph.1.22, Pi.O.2.69, [tense] impf.

    ἐδεκόμην Hdt.3.135

    : [tense] fut. δέξομαι, [dialect] Ep. also

    δεδέξομαι Il.5.238

    , also in AP5.8 (Rufin.), Aristid.Or.28(49).24;

    δεξοῦμαι SIG 360.29

    ([place name] Chersonesus); δεχθήσομαι (in pass. sense) LXXLe.22.25: [tense] aor.

    ἐδεξάμην Il.18.238

    , etc.,

    δεξάμην Pi.P.4.70

    ; also ἐδέχθην ([etym.] ὑπ-) E.Heracl. 757(lyr., δεχθείς in pass.sense), J.AJ18.6.4, ([etym.] εἰς-) D.40.14 ([voice] Pass.): [tense] pf.

    δέδεγμαι Il.4.107

    , Pi.P.1.100, etc.; imper. δεδεξο Il.5.228, pl.

    δέδεχθε h.Ap. 538

    ; [dialect] Ion. [ per.] 3pl.

    ἀπο-δεδέχαται Hdt.2.43

    , al.:— Hom. also has [dialect] Ep. [tense] impf.

    ἐδέγμην Od.9.513

    , [ per.] 3sg.

    δέκτο Il.15.88

    , al., later

    ἔδεκτο Pi.O.2.54

    , Simon.184; imper.

    δέξο Il.19.10

    , pl.

    δέχθε A.R.4.1554

    ; inf.

    δέχθαι E.Rh. 525

    ; part.

    δέγμενος Il.18.524


    δέχμενος Hsch.

    ); also a [ per.] 3pl. [tense] pres.

    δέχαται Il.12.147

    ; cf. προτίδεγμαι, and v. δεδοκημένος:—
    I of things as the object, take, accept, receive, etc.,

    ἄποινα 1.20

    , etc.;

    μισθὸν τῆς φυλακῆς Pl.R. 416e


    φόρον Th.1.90


    δ. τι χείρεσσι Od.19.355


    τὸ διδόμενον παρά τινος Pl.Grg. 499c


    τι ἐν παρακαταθήκῃ παρά τινος Plb.33.6.2

    , etc.; δ. τί τινι receive something at the hand of another,

    δέξατό οἱ σκῆπτρον πατρώϊον Il.2.186

    , cf. IG12(3).1075(Melos, vi B. C.), etc.; accept as legal tender,

    ὀδελός GDI5011

    ([place name] Gortyn);

    τι παρά τινος Il.24.429


    τι ἔκ τινος S. OT 1107


    τί τινος Il.1.596

    , 24.305, S.OT 1163; also δ. τί τινος receive in exchange for..,

    χρυσὸν φίλου ἀνδρὸς ἐδέξατο Od.11.327

    ; choose,

    τι δ. πρό τινος Pl.Lg. 729d


    μᾶλλον δ. τι ἀντί τινος Id.Grg. 475d

    : c. inf., prefer,

    δεξαίμην ἂν πάσας τὰς ἀσπίδας ἐρριφέναι ἢ.. Lys. 10.21

    , cf. Pl.Phlb. 63b;

    δ. μᾶλλον.. X.HG5.1.14

    , Smp.4.12;

    οὐδεὶς ἂν δέξαιτο φεύγειν Th.1.143


    Ὀρφεῖ συγγενέσθαι ἐπὶ πόσῳ ἄν τις δέξαιτ' ἂν ὑμῶν; Pl.Ap. 41a


    οὐκ ἂν δεξαίμην τι ἔχειν And.1.5

    b catch, as in a vessel,

    ὀπὸν.. κάδοις δ. S.Fr.534.3

    2 of mental reception, take, accept without complaint,

    χαλεπόν περ ἐόντα δεχώμεθα μῦθον Od.20.271


    κῆρα δ' ἐγὼ τότε δέξομαι Il.18.115

    b accept graciously,

    τοῦτο δ' ἐγὼ πρόφρων δ. 23.647

    ; of the gods,

    ἀλλ' ὅ γε δέκτο μὲν ἱρά 2.420

    ; προσφιλῶς γέρα δ., of one dead, S.El. 443;

    τὰ σφάγια δ. Ar.Lys. 204

    , cf. Pi.P.5.86; τὸ χρησθέν, τὸν οἰωνὸν δ., accept, hail the oracle, the omen, Hdt.1.63, 9.91;

    δέχου τὸν ἄνδρα καὶ τὸν ὄρνιν Ar.Pl.63


    δ. τὰ ἀγαθά IG22.410


    ἐδεξάμην τὸ ῥηθέν S.El. 668

    : abs.,

    δεχομένοις λέγεις θανεῖν σε A.Ag. 1653

    , cf. X.An.1.8.17; accept, approve, τὸν λόγον, ξυμμαχίαν, Hdt.9.5, Th.1.37; τοὺς λόγους ib.95; διδόναι καὶ δέχεσθαι τὰ δίκαια ib.37, cf. h.Merc. 312; δέχεσθαι ὅρκον, v. ὅρκος; accept a confession, and so forgive,

    ἀδικίαν LXX Ge.50.17

    c simply, give ear to, hear,

    ὠσὶν ἠχήν E.Ba. 1086


    δ. ὀμφάν Id.Med. 175


    τὰ παραγγελλόμενα ὀξέως δ. Th.2.11

    e cap verses,

    σκόλια δ. Ar.V. 1222

    3 take upon oneself,

    τὴν δαπάνην Plb.31.28.5

    : c. inf., undertake, SIG245.34.
    II of persons as the object, welcome,

    κόλπῳ Il.6.483


    ἀγαθῷ νόῳ Hdt.1.60

    ; ἐν μεγάροισι, ἐν δόμοισιν, Il.18.331, Od.17.110;

    δόμοις δ. τινά S.OT 818

    ; στέγαις, πυρὶ δ. τινά, E.Or.47;

    δ. χώρᾳ Id.Med. 713

    ; τῇ τόλει δ. to admit into the city, Th.4.103; ἀγορᾷ, ἄστει δ., Id.6.44; ἔσω ibid.;

    εἰς τὸ τεῖχος X.An.5.5.6

    ; δ. τινὰ ξύμμαχον accept or admit as an ally, Th.1.43, etc.; accept as security, PGrenf.1.33.4, etc.: metaph. of places,

    τόποι τοὺς κατοικιζομένους ἵλεῳ δεχόμενοι Pl.Lg. 747e

    ; entertain,

    δείπνοις Anaxandr.41.2


    δωρήμασιν S.OC4

    2 receive as an enemy, await the attack of,

    ἐπιόντα δ. δουρί Il.5.238

    , cf. 15.745; of a hunter waiting for game, 4.107; of a wild boar waiting for the hunters, 12.147; of troops,

    εἰς χεῖρας δ. X.An.4.3.31


    τοὺς Λακεδαιμονίους δ. Hdt.3.54

    , cf. 8.28, Th.4.43;

    ἐπιόντας δ. Id.7.77


    δ. τὴν πρώτην ἔφοδον Id.4.126


    ἐδέξατο πόλις πόνον E.Supp. 393

    3 expect, wait, c. acc. et [tense] fut. inf.,

    ἀλλ' αἰεί τινα φῶτα.. ἐδέγμην ἐνθάδ' ἐλεύσεσθαι Od.9.513

    , cf. 12.230; also

    δέγμενος Αἰακίδην, ὁπότε λήξειεν Il.9.191


    δεδεγμένος εἰσόκεν ἔλθῃς 10.62

    .—In these two last senses, Hom. always uses [tense] fut. δεδέξομαι, [tense] pf. δέδεγμαι, and δεδεγμένος, cf.

    δεδεγμένος ὁππόθ' ἵκοιτο Theoc.25.228

    ; δέγμενος is used in sense 3 only, exc. in h.Cer.29, Merc.477: inf. δειδέχθαι as imper., expect, c. gen.,

    βορέω Arat.795

    , cf. 907, 928.
    III rarely with a thing as the subject, occupy, engage one, τίς ἀρχὰ δέξατο ναυτιλίας [αὐτούς]; Pi.P.4.70.
    3 admit of,

    ψεῦδος οὐδὲν δ. ἁ τῶ ἀριθμῶ φύσις Philol.11


    τὸ μᾶλλον Arist.Top. 146a3

    , cf.D.H.Isoc.2.
    4 Geom., contain, circum-scribe,

    γωνίας ἴσας Euc.3


    πεντάγωνον Papp.422.34

    IV intr., succeed, come next,

    ὥς μοι δέχεται κακὸν ἐκ κακοῦ αἰεί Il.19.290


    ἄλλος γ' ἐξ ἄλλου δέχεται χαλεπώτερος ἆθλος Hes.Th. 800


    ἄλλος ἐξ ἄλλου δ. Emp.115.12

    ; of places,

    ἐκ τοῦ στεινοῦ τὸ Ἀρτεμίσιον δέκεται Hdt.7.176

    . ( δέκομαι is prob. the original form, cf. Slav. desiti, dositi 'find'.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > δέχομαι

  • 20 θαυμαστικός

    A inclined to wonder or admire, Arist.EN 1125a2, Stoic.2.62, Plu.2.41a; τινος Str.2.3.4.
    II expressing astonishment, [ ἐπιρρήματα] D.T.642.8. Adv.

    -κῶς, εἰπεῖν Ph.1.648

    ; ἔχειν, διακεῖσθαι, Id.2.95, J.AJ8.6.5, cf. Phld.Mus.p.36 K.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > θαυμαστικός

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