1 ♦ substance
♦ substance /ˈsʌbstəns/n.1 [uc] sostanza ( anche chim.); materia; contenuto; essenza: Iron is a hard substance, il ferro è una materia dura; illegal substances, sostanze illecite; radioactive substances, sostanze radioattive; to sacrifice substance for appearance, sacrificare la sostanza per l'apparenza; The substance is good, but the style repellent, il contenuto è buono, ma lo stile è repellente; the substance of religion, l'essenza della religione; in substance, in sostanza; in realtà; sostanzialmente; This is the substance of his remarks, questa è la sostanza delle sue osservazioni2 [u] consistenza; solidità; corpo; nerbo: This claim is not lacking in substance, questo reclamo non è privo di consistenza; ( di una diceria, ecc.) to be without substance, essere inconsistente; essere privo di fondamento; to take the shadow for the substance, scambiar l'ombra per il corpo; a style of little substance, uno stile privo di nerbo● (med.) substance abuse, uso di sostanze (psicoattive); abuso di sostanze. -
2 substance
['sʌbstəns]1) (matter) sostanza f.2) (essence) (of argument, talks) essenza f., sostanza f.; (of book) sostanza f.3) (solidity, reality) (of argument) solidità f., consistenza f.; (of claim) fondatezza f.; (of play, book) solidità f.to lend substance to — dare peso a [ claim]
4) form. (significance)5) ant. form. (wealth)* * *1) (a material: Rubber is a tough, stretchy substance obtained from the juice of certain plants.) sostanza2) (as a scientific term, an element, compound or mixture.) sostanza* * *['sʌbstəns]1) (matter) sostanza f.2) (essence) (of argument, talks) essenza f., sostanza f.; (of book) sostanza f.3) (solidity, reality) (of argument) solidità f., consistenza f.; (of claim) fondatezza f.; (of play, book) solidità f.to lend substance to — dare peso a [ claim]
4) form. (significance)5) ant. form. (wealth) -
3 substance *** sub·stance n
['sʌbst(ə)ns](gen) sostanzato lack substance — (argument) essere debole, (accusation) essere privo (-a) di fondamento, (film, book) essere scarso (-a) di contenuto
in substance — sostanzialmente, fondamentalmente
4 substance abuse
5 banned substance n
[ˌbænd'sʌbstəns]Sport sostanza al bando -
6 pliable pli·able ['plaɪəbl]
(substance) pieghevole, flessibile, (fig: person) malleabile -
7 pliant pli·ant ['plaɪənt] adj
(substance) pieghevole, flessibile, (fig: person) malleabile -
8 liquid
['lɪkwɪd] 1.1) [state, substance] liquido2.nome (substance) liquido m.drink plenty of liquids — beva molto, assuma molti liquidi
* * *['likwid] 1. adjective(able to flow; not solid, but not a gas: liquid nitrogen; The ice-cream has become liquid.) liquido2. noun(a substance which flows, like water: a clear liquid.) liquido- liquefy- liquidate
- liquidation
- liquidator
- liquidize
- liquidise
- liquidizer
- liquidiser* * *['lɪkwɪd] 1.1) [state, substance] liquido2.nome (substance) liquido m.drink plenty of liquids — beva molto, assuma molti liquidi
9 wax
I 1. [wæks]1) (for candle, polishing) cera f.; (for sealing) ceralacca f.2) (for skis) sciolina f.3) (in ear) cerume m.2.modificatore [candle, figure] di cera; [ seal] in ceralaccaII [wæks]2) cosmet. fare la ceretta a [ leg]III [wæks]1) astr. [ moon] crescere2) ant.* * *I 1. [wæks] noun1) (the sticky, fatty substance of which bees make their cells; beeswax.)2) (the sticky, yellowish substance formed in the ears.)3) (a manufactured, fatty substance used in polishing, to give a good shine: furniture wax.)4) (( also adjective) (also candle-wax) (of) a substance made from paraffin, used in making candles, models etc, that melts when heated: a wax model.)5) (sealing-wax.)2. verb(to smear, polish or rub with wax.)- waxed- waxen
- waxy
- waxwork
- waxworks II [wæks] verb1) ((of the moon) to appear to grow in size as more of it becomes visible.)2) (an old word for to grow or increase.)* * *I [wæks]1. ncera, (for skis) sciolina, (in ear) cerume m2. adj3. vt(furniture, car) dare la cera a, (skis) sciolinareII [wæks] vi(moon) crescere* * *wax (1) /wæks/n. [u]6 (antiq.) incisione; disco● wax chandler, fabbricante (o venditore) di candele di cera □ ( arti grafiche) wax-coating machine, macchina paraffinatrice □ wax doll, bambola di cera; (fig.) bambola, donna che ha un viso bello ma inespressivo □ wax light, candela ( di cera); cera; lumino □ wax match, cerino □ (bot.) wax palm, ( Ceroxylon andicola) palma delle Ande; ( Copernicia cerifera) palma da cera □ wax paper, carta paraffinata □ wax polish, cera da mobili.wax (2) /wæks/n. [uc]( slang) accesso d'ira; stizza● to get into a wax, stizzirsi □ to be in a wax, essere in collera; essere stizzito.(to) wax (1) /wæks/v. t.3 ( cosmesi) fare la ceretta: to wax one's legs, farsi la ceretta alle gambe; to get one's legs waxed, farsi fare la ceretta alle gambe(to) wax (2) /wæks/v. i.2 (lett. o scherz.) diventare; farsi: to wax eloquent, diventare loquace; to wax indignant, indignarsi; to wax lyrical, diventare lirico; to wax sentimental, diventare sentimentale; lasciarsi prendere dal sentimentalismo● to wax and wane, ( della luna) crescere e calare; (fig.) crescere e calare, aumentare e diminuire, avere alti e bassi.* * *I 1. [wæks]1) (for candle, polishing) cera f.; (for sealing) ceralacca f.2) (for skis) sciolina f.3) (in ear) cerume m.2.modificatore [candle, figure] di cera; [ seal] in ceralaccaII [wæks]2) cosmet. fare la ceretta a [ leg]III [wæks]1) astr. [ moon] crescere2) ant. -
10 solid
['sɒlɪd] 1.1) (not liquid or gaseous) solido2) (of one substance) [gold, steel] massiccio3) (dense) [crowd, earth] compatto4) (unbroken) [line, expanse] continuofive solid days five days solid cinque interi giorni; for three solid hours — per tre ore filate
to be on solid ground — fig. avere argomenti concreti
7) (reliable) [ information] fondato; [ advice] valido; [ investment] sicuro; [ worker] affidabile, serio9) (respectable) [ citizen] modello2.nome chim. mat. solido m.3. 4.* * *['solid] 1. adjective1) (not easily changing shape; not in the form of liquid or gas: Water becomes solid when it freezes; solid substances.) solido2) (not hollow: The tyres of the earliest cars were solid.) pieno3) (firm and strongly made (and therefore sound and reliable): That's a solid piece of furniture; His argument is based on good solid facts/reasoning.) solido4) (completely made of one substance: This bracelet is made of solid gold; We dug till we reached solid rock.) solido, massiccio5) (without breaks, gaps or flaws: The policemen formed themselves into a solid line; They are solid in their determination to strike.) uniforme, unito, unanime6) (having height, breadth and width: A cube is a solid figure.) solido7) (consecutive; without a pause: I've been working for six solid hours.) ininterrotto, di fila2. adverb(without interruption; continuously: She was working for six hours solid.) ininterrottamente3. noun1) (a substance that is solid: Butter is a solid but milk is a liquid.) sostanza solida2) (a shape that has length, breadth and height.) solido•- solidify
- solidification
- solidity
- solidness
- solidly
- solid fuel* * *['sɒlɪd] 1.1) (not liquid or gaseous) solido2) (of one substance) [gold, steel] massiccio3) (dense) [crowd, earth] compatto4) (unbroken) [line, expanse] continuofive solid days five days solid cinque interi giorni; for three solid hours — per tre ore filate
to be on solid ground — fig. avere argomenti concreti
7) (reliable) [ information] fondato; [ advice] valido; [ investment] sicuro; [ worker] affidabile, serio9) (respectable) [ citizen] modello2.nome chim. mat. solido m.3. 4. -
11 bony
['bəʊnɪ]1) [person, hand] ossuto; [ face] angoloso2) [ fish] liscoso, pieno di spine3) [ substance] osseo* * *1) (like bone: a bony substance.) osseo, ossuto2) (full of bones: This fish is very bony.) pieno di lische3) (thin: bony fingers.) ossuto* * *bony /ˈbəʊnɪ/a.1 osseo; tutt'ossa3 ossuto; magro* * *['bəʊnɪ]1) [person, hand] ossuto; [ face] angoloso2) [ fish] liscoso, pieno di spine3) [ substance] osseo -
12 Cork
I [kɔːk]1) (substance) sughero m.2) (of bottle) turacciolo m., tappo m., sughero m.II [kɔːk]verbo transitivo turare, tappare [ bottle]* * *[ko:k] 1. noun1) (the outer bark of the cork tree (an oak of South Europe, North Africa etc): Cork floats well; ( also adjective) cork floor-tiles.) sughero; di sughero2) (a stopper for a bottle etc made of cork: Put the cork back in the wine-bottle.) tappo di sughero2. verb(to put a cork or stopper in: He corked the bottle.) tappare* * *[kɔːk]1. n(substance) sughero, (of bottle) tappo (di sughero), turacciolo2. vt(bottle), (also: cork up) tappare3. adj* * *(Place names) Cork /kɔ:k/* * *I [kɔːk]1) (substance) sughero m.2) (of bottle) turacciolo m., tappo m., sughero m.II [kɔːk]verbo transitivo turare, tappare [ bottle] -
13 cork
I [kɔːk]1) (substance) sughero m.2) (of bottle) turacciolo m., tappo m., sughero m.II [kɔːk]verbo transitivo turare, tappare [ bottle]* * *[ko:k] 1. noun1) (the outer bark of the cork tree (an oak of South Europe, North Africa etc): Cork floats well; ( also adjective) cork floor-tiles.) sughero; di sughero2) (a stopper for a bottle etc made of cork: Put the cork back in the wine-bottle.) tappo di sughero2. verb(to put a cork or stopper in: He corked the bottle.) tappare* * *[kɔːk]1. n(substance) sughero, (of bottle) tappo (di sughero), turacciolo2. vt(bottle), (also: cork up) tappare3. adj* * *cork /kɔ:k/n.● (bot.) cork cambium, cambio del sughero; fellogeno □ (naut.) cork jacket, giubbotto di salvataggio □ a cork mat, uno stuoino di sughero □ (bot.) cork oak (o cork tree) ( Quercus suber), sughera; quercia da sughero □ cork puller, cavaturaccioli □ cork tip, filtro ( di sigaretta) □ ( di sigaretta) cork-tipped, con il filtro □ ( slang USA) to blow (o to pop) one's cork, esplodere; perdere le staffe □ ( di persona) to be like a cork, stare (o tornare) sempre a galla (fig.).(to) cork /kɔ:k/v. t.* * *I [kɔːk]1) (substance) sughero m.2) (of bottle) turacciolo m., tappo m., sughero m.II [kɔːk]verbo transitivo turare, tappare [ bottle] -
14 fluid
['fluːɪd] 1.1) liquido2) chim. tecn. fluido3) (flexible) [arrangement, situation] fluido, instabile; [opinions, ideas] mutevole4) (graceful) [movement, style, lines] fluido, sciolto2.1) liquido m. (anche biol.)2) chim. tecn. fluido m.* * *['fluid] 1. noun1) (a substance (liquid or gas) whose particles can move about freely.) fluido2) (any liquid substance: cleaning fluid.) fluido2. adjective1) (able to flow like a liquid: a fluid substance.) fluido2) (smooth and graceful: fluid movements.) fluido3) ((of arrangements, plans etc) able to be changed easily: My holiday plans are fluid.) variabile•- fluidity* * *fluid /ˈflu:ɪd/A a.3 mutevole; fluido; variabile; instabile; incerto: fluid opinions, opinioni mutevoli; The situation is still very fluid, la situazione è ancora molto fluidaB n.1 liquido: DIALOGO → - Feeling ill- Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and keep warm, cerca di bere molti liquidi e stai al caldo; body fluids, liquidi corporei (o dell'organismo); (fisiol.) amniotic fluid, liquido amniotico; correction fluid, correttore liquido; fluid retention, ritenzione dei liquidi● (autom.) fluid check, controllo del livello dei liquidi □ (med.) fluid diet, dieta liquida □ (fis.) fluid dynamics, fluidodinamica; dinamica dei fluidi □ (mecc.) fluid drive, giunto idraulico; trasmissione idrodinamica □ (mecc.) fluid gear, cambio idraulico □ fluid ounce, oncia liquida ( misura per liquidi, pari a decilitri 0,47 in GB e a decilitri 0,39 in USA) □ (fis.) fluid statics, fluidostatica.* * *['fluːɪd] 1.1) liquido2) chim. tecn. fluido3) (flexible) [arrangement, situation] fluido, instabile; [opinions, ideas] mutevole4) (graceful) [movement, style, lines] fluido, sciolto2.1) liquido m. (anche biol.)2) chim. tecn. fluido m. -
15 mineral
['mɪnərəl] 1.aggettivo minerale2.1) miner. (substance, class) minerale m.2) min. (for extraction) minerale m.3) BE (drink) bevanda f. gassata* * *['minərəl](a substance (metals, gems, coal, salt etc) found naturally in the earth and mined: What minerals are mined in that country?; ( also adjective) mineral ores.) minerale* * *mineral /ˈmɪnərəl/A a.B n.1 (geol.) minerale2 (pl.) (fam.) acque minerali; bevande gassate● mineral jelly, gelatina minerale □ mineral pitch, asfalto □ mineral spring, sorgente d'acqua minerale □ mineral wax, ozocerite □ mineral wool, lana minerale.* * *['mɪnərəl] 1.aggettivo minerale2.1) miner. (substance, class) minerale m.2) min. (for extraction) minerale m.3) BE (drink) bevanda f. gassata -
16 rubber
I 1. ['rʌbə(r)]1) (substance) gomma f.2) BE (eraser) gomma f. (da cancellare)3) (for cleaning) cancellino m.4) AE colloq. (condom) goldone m.2.modificatore [ball, sole] di gommaII ['rʌbə(r)]* * *1) (( also adjective) (of) a strong elastic substance made from the juice of certain plants (especially the rubber tree), or an artificial substitute for this: Tyres are made of rubber; rubber boots.) gomma; di gomma2) ((also eraser) a piece of rubber used to rub out pencil etc marks: a pencil, a ruler and a rubber.) gomma3) ((slang) a condom.) preservativo4) (a rubber band.) elastico•- rubbery- rubber band
- rubber stamp* * *rubber (1) /ˈrʌbə(r)/A n.1 [u] gomma; caucciù: Tyres are made from rubber, i pneumatici sono fatti di gomma; a rubber stopper, un tappo di gomma ( per bottiglie); artificial rubber, gomma artificiale; rubber plantation, piantagione di gommaB a. attr.● rubber band, elastico □ rubber boat, battellino di gomma □ rubber bullet, proiettile di gomma □ ( USA) rubber cement, adesivo rapido, a base di gomma □ (fam.) rubber cheque, assegno scoperto (o a vuoto) □ (fam. fig. USA) rubber-chicken circuit, giro di pranzi o cene ( offerto da un candidato in campagna elettorale) □ ( sport) rubber cleat, tacchetto di gomma ( sotto le scarpe) □ rubber-coated fabric, tessuto gommato □ (naut.) rubber dinghy, canotto di gomma; gommone □ rubber ferrule, puntale di gomma ( di un bastone) □ ( nuoto) rubber fin, pinna di gomma □ rubber heel, tacco di gomma □ rubber hose, manichetta di gomma □ (bot.) rubber plant ( Ficus elastica), ficus □ (mecc.) rubber seal, guarnizione di gomma □ rubber sheath, preservativo □ rubber solution, mastice ( per riparare pneumatici) □ (tecn.) rubber sponge, gomma espansa □ rubber stamp, timbro a inchiostro; stampiglia; (fig.) chi (o ente che) approva a occhi chiusi (o si limita a mettere il timbro) □ (bot.) rubber tree ( Hevea brasiliensis), albero della gomma □ (autom.) rubber tyre, pneumatico; gomma (fam.) □ (mecc.) rubber wheel, mola con impasto di gomma □ (autom., USA) to burn (o to lay, to peel) rubber, sgommare; partire sgommando.rubber (2) /ˈrʌbə(r)/n.1 partita di tre (talora cinque) giochi a carte ( vinta da chi ne vince due su tre o tre su cinque); ( bridge) rubber● Game and rubber!, abbiamo vinto la bella!* * *I 1. ['rʌbə(r)]1) (substance) gomma f.2) BE (eraser) gomma f. (da cancellare)3) (for cleaning) cancellino m.4) AE colloq. (condom) goldone m.2.modificatore [ball, sole] di gommaII ['rʌbə(r)] -
17 synthetic
[sɪn'θetɪk] 1.aggettivo sintetico2.* * *[sin'Ɵetik]noun, adjective ((a substance) produced artificially by a chemical process: nylon and other synthetic materials / synthetics.) sintetico* * *synthetic /sɪnˈɵɛtɪk/, synthetical /sɪnˈɵɛtɪkl/A a.2 (chim.) sintetico: (tess.) synthetic fleece, pile; synthetic resin, resina sintetica; synthetic rubber, gomma sintetica; synthetic wool, lana sintetica3 (ling.) sintetico4 (spreg.) artificiale; privo di originalità (o di schiettezza): synthetic enthusiasm, entusiasmo artificiale; synthetic style, stile privo di originalitàB n.(ind.) prodotto sintetico● synthetic biology, biologia sinteticasynthetically avv. FALSI AMICI: synthetic non significa sintetico nel senso di conciso.* * *[sɪn'θetɪk] 1.aggettivo sintetico2. -
18 whitening
['waɪtnɪŋ] [AE 'hwaɪt-]1) (process) imbiancamento m.2) (substance) sbiancante m.* * *noun (a substance used to make certain things (eg tennis shoes) white again.) bianco* * *whitening /ˈwaɪtnɪŋ/n. [u]1 imbiancamento; candeggiamento2 il diventar bianco; lo sbiancarsi; l'impallidire3 (fotogr.) sbiancamento* * *['waɪtnɪŋ] [AE 'hwaɪt-]1) (process) imbiancamento m.2) (substance) sbiancante m. -
19 grind down
grind down [sth.], grind [sth.] down (crush) tritare, triturare; (pulverize) polverizzare [ substance]; grind [sb.] down opprimere, vessare [ person]* * *(to crush: She was ground down by poverty.) opprimere* * *vt + adv(substance) levigare, (fig: oppress) schiacciare, opprimere* * *grind down [sth.], grind [sth.] down (crush) tritare, triturare; (pulverize) polverizzare [ substance]; grind [sb.] down opprimere, vessare [ person] -
20 glass
[glɑːs] [AE glæs] 1.1) (substance) vetro m.a piece of glass — un pezzo di vetro; (tiny) un frammento di vetro
2) (drinking vessel) bicchiere m.3) U (anche glassware) cristalleria f.4) ant. (mirror) specchio m.5) (barometer) barometro m.2.modificatore [bottle, ornament, shelf] di vetro3.1) (spectacles) occhiali m.2) (binoculars) binocolo m.sing.* * *1) (a hard usually breakable transparent substance: The bottle is made of glass; ( also adjective) a glass bottle.) vetro; di vetro2) (a usually tall hollow object made of glass, used for drinking: There are six glasses on the tray; sherry-glasses.) bicchiere3) ((also looking-glass) a mirror.) specchio4) (a barometer, or the atmospheric pressure shown by one: The glass is falling.) barometro•- glasses- glassful
- glassy
- glassiness* * *[glɑːs] [AE glæs] 1.1) (substance) vetro m.a piece of glass — un pezzo di vetro; (tiny) un frammento di vetro
2) (drinking vessel) bicchiere m.3) U (anche glassware) cristalleria f.4) ant. (mirror) specchio m.5) (barometer) barometro m.2.modificatore [bottle, ornament, shelf] di vetro3.1) (spectacles) occhiali m.2) (binoculars) binocolo m.sing.
См. также в других словарях:
SUBSTANCE — Une idée reçue particulièrement tenace occupe le devant de la scène philosophique depuis l’époque du positivisme d’Auguste Comte, c’est à dire depuis plus d’un siècle: l’idée selon laquelle la métaphysique serait morte avec Kant, à la fin du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Substance — • A genus supremum, cannot strictly be defined by an analysis into genus and specific difference; yet a survey of the universe at large will enable us to form without difficulty an accurate idea of substance Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight.… … Catholic encyclopedia
substance — Substance. s. f. Terme de Philosophie, Estre qui subsiste par luy mesme, à la difference de l accident qui ne subsiste qu estant adherant à un sujet. Substance spirituelle. substance corporelle. dans le mystere de l Eucharistie la substance du… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Substance P — Structure et représentation tridimensionnelle de la Substance P … Wikipédia en Français
Substance — Sub stance, n. [F., fr. L. substantia, fr. substare to be under or present, to stand firm; sub under + stare to stand. See {Stand}.] 1. That which underlies all outward manifestations; substratum; the permanent subject or cause of phenomena,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
substance — 1 Substance, purport, gist, burden, core, pith can denote the inner significance or central meaning of something written or said. Substance implies the essence of what has been said or written devoid of details and elaborations; the term is used… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
substance — sub·stance n 1: substantive law was a question of substance and not process compare procedure 2: something (as language) essential esp. to establishing a valid right, claim, or charge a t … Law dictionary
substance — ► NOUN 1) a particular kind of matter with uniform properties. 2) the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists. 3) solid basis in reality or fact: the claim has no substance. 4) the quality of being important, valid, or… … English terms dictionary
substance — [n1] entity, element actuality, animal, being, body, bulk, concreteness, core, corpus, fabric, force, hunk, individual, item, mass, material, matter, object, person, phenomenon, reality, something, staple, stuff, texture, thing; concepts… … New thesaurus
substance — [sub′stəns] n. [OFr < L substantia < substare, to be present < sub , under + stare, to STAND] 1. the real or essential part or element of anything; essence, reality, or basic matter 2. a) the physical matter of which a thing consists;… … English World dictionary
Substance — Sub stance, v. t. To furnish or endow with substance; to supply property to; to make rich. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English