1 ♦ person
♦ person /ˈpɜ:sn/1 (bur., iron. o spreg.) persona; individuo; figura (umana); corpo: He's a very odd person, è una persona assai stravagante; I cannot stand importunate people, non sopporto le persone moleste; (leg.) legal person, persona giuridica; a disabled person, un disabile; un portatore di handicap; The girl had a fine person, la ragazza era ben fatta; la ragazza aveva una bella figura; (relig.) the three persons of the Godhead, le tre Persone della Trinità; (gramm.) to speak in the first person, parlare in prima persona4 (pl.) ► people● (leg.) the person charged, l'imputato □ (leg.) the person entitled, l'avente diritto □ the person in charge, il responsabile □ (telef.) a person-to-person call, una chiamata a persona specifica □ (leg.) natural person, persona fisica □ to act in one's own person, agire di persona (o personalmente, per conto proprio) □ (rif. a italofono, francofono, ecc.) to address sb. in the second person singular, dare del tu a q. □ (stat.) per person, a persona; a testa □ I'll be present in person, ci andrò di persona.NOTA D'USO: - persons o people?- -
2 person
['pɜːsn]1) (human being) (pl. people, persons form.) persona f., individuo m.to do sth. in person — fare qcs. di persona
2) (type)I didn't know he was a horsey person! — colloq. non sapevo che andasse matto per i cavalli!
I'm not a wine person myself — non amo molto il vino, io
3) (body)to have sth. about one's person — avere qcs. su di sé o addosso
offences against the person — dir. delitti contro la persona
her person was pleasing — ant. aveva un bel personale
4) ling. persona f.* * *['pə:sn]plural - people; noun1) (a human being: There's a person outside who wants to speak to you.) persona2) (a person's body: He never carried money on his person (= with him; in his pockets etc).) sé, persona•- personal- personality
- personally
- personal computer
- personal pronoun
- personal stereo
- personal watercraft
- in person* * *['pɜːsn]1) (human being) (pl. people, persons form.) persona f., individuo m.to do sth. in person — fare qcs. di persona
2) (type)I didn't know he was a horsey person! — colloq. non sapevo che andasse matto per i cavalli!
I'm not a wine person myself — non amo molto il vino, io
3) (body)to have sth. about one's person — avere qcs. su di sé o addosso
offences against the person — dir. delitti contro la persona
her person was pleasing — ant. aveva un bel personale
4) ling. persona f. -
3 person ***** per·son n
['pɜːsn]pl2) persons, Gram, Law persona3) (body, physical presence) figura, personale m, (appearance) aspetto -
4 person-to-person
[ˌpɜːsəntə'pɜːsən]* * *[ˌpɜːsəntə'pɜːsən] -
5 the last person
(a person who is very unlikely or unwilling to do a particular thing, or to whom it would be unwise or dangerous to do a particular thing: I'm the last person to make a fuss, but you should have told me all the same; He's the last person you should offend.) l'ultima persona -
6 second person
n -
7 in person
(personally; one's self, not represented by someone else: The Queen was there in person; I'd like to thank him in person.) in/di persona -
8 no less a person etc than
as great a person etc as: I had tea with no less a person than the Prime Minister) (nientemeno che) -
9 non-person
non-person /ˈnɒnpɜ:sn/n. -
10 first person
11 first person plural
12 at (a person's) own risk
(with the person agreeing to accept any loss, damage etc involved: Cars may be parked here at their owner's risk.) (a proprio rischio e pericolo) -
13 at (a person's) own risk
(with the person agreeing to accept any loss, damage etc involved: Cars may be parked here at their owner's risk.) (a proprio rischio e pericolo) -
14 displaced person
15 under (a person's) (very) nose
(right in front of (a person): The book was right under my very nose; He stole the money from under my very nose.) sotto il naso, (davanti agli occhi) -
16 under (a person's) (very) nose
(right in front of (a person): The book was right under my very nose; He stole the money from under my very nose.) sotto il naso, (davanti agli occhi) -
17 under (a person's) (very) nose
(right in front of (a person): The book was right under my very nose; He stole the money from under my very nose.) sotto il naso, (davanti agli occhi) -
18 under (a person's) (very) nose
(right in front of (a person): The book was right under my very nose; He stole the money from under my very nose.) sotto il naso, (davanti agli occhi) -
19 chairperson chair·person n
['tʃɛəˌpɜːsn] -
20 displaced person dis·placed per·son n
[dɪs'pleɪsd'pɜːsn]Pol profugo (-a)English-Italian dictionary > displaced person dis·placed per·son n
См. также в других словарях:
person — per·son n 1: natural person 2: the body of a human being; also: the body and clothing of a human being had drugs on his person 3: one (as a human being or corporation) that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties see also … Law dictionary
Person — • Discusses (1) the definition of person , especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and (2) the use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… … Catholic encyclopedia
Person — Per son, n. [OE. persone, persoun, person, parson, OF. persone, F. personne, L. persona a mask (used by actors), a personage, part, a person, fr. personare to sound through; per + sonare to sound. See {Per }, and cf. {Parson}.] 1. A character or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
person — per‧son [ˈpɜːsn ǁ ˈpɜːr ] also ˌlegal ˈperson noun persons PLURALFORM [countable] LAW a person or group of people who have certain rights and duties: • In Scotland, a firm is a legal person distinct from the partners of the firm. ˌartificial… … Financial and business terms
person — ► NOUN (pl. people or persons) 1) a human being regarded as an individual. 2) an individual s body: concealed on his person. 3) Grammar a category used in the classification of pronouns, verb forms, etc. according to whether they indicate the… … English terms dictionary
Person L — is a band fronted by Kenny Vasoli, formerly of pop punk band The Starting Line (currently on hiatus). Kenny Vasoli is the band s lead singer and guitarist. Person L was formed in the winter of 2006 as an outlet for Vasoli to explore other musical … Wikipedia
Person — Person: Das seit dem 13. Jh. bezeugte Wort (mhd. persōn‹e›) ist entlehnt aus lat. persona »Maske des Schauspielers; Rolle, die durch diese Maske dargestellt wird; Charakterrolle; Charakter; Mensch, Person«, das selbst wohl aus dem Etrusk. stammt … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
person — [pʉr′sən] n. [ME persone < OFr < L persona, lit., actor s face mask, hence a character, person, prob. < Etr phersu, mask] 1. a human being, esp. as distinguished from a thing or lower animal; individual man, woman, or child: now usually… … English World dictionary
Person — (de) Person (langsame) Zömmelöm (der) Person (magere) Rebbegespens (et) Person (raffgierige) Raafalles (der) Person (schwatzhafte) Schnadder (de) Person (vorwitzige) Vürwetznas (de) … Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon
person — Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (41) The term person includes individual, partnership, and corporation, but does not include governmental unit, except that a governmental unit that (A) acquires an asset from a person (i) as a result of the… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Person — Sf std. (12. Jh.), mhd. persōn[e] Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. persōna (auch: Charakter, Rolle , eigentlich Maske [des Schauspielers] ), dessen Herkunft umstritten ist. Adjektive: personal, personell, persönlich. Ebenso nndl. persoon, ne.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache