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  • 61 poēma

        poēma atis (dat. and abl plur. poëmatis, C.), n, ποίημα, a composition in verse, poem: poëmata (opp. oratio), poetry: tenerum, passage: poëma facere: Graecum condere: pangere, H.
    * * *
    poem, composition in verse; poetic piece (even nonmetrical); (pl.) poetry

    Latin-English dictionary > poēma

  • 62 Poenīnus (Pennī-)

        Poenīnus (Pennī-) adj.    [Penninus, from Celtic pen (peak), became Poeninus, as if from Poenus, after Hannibal's passage], Pennine (of the Alps, from the Great St. Bernhard to the St. Gotthard), L.

    Latin-English dictionary > Poenīnus (Pennī-)

  • 63 pōns

        pōns ontis, m    [1 PAT-], a bridge: pars oppidi ponte adiungitur: pontem in Arare faciendum curat, has a bridge built over, Cs.: velut ponte iniecto transitum dedit, L.: Campanus, a bridge on the Appian Way leading into Campania, H.: amnem ponte iunxit, Cu.: ratis religata pontis in modum, L.: interscindere pontem, break down: recidere, Cu.: vellere, V.: partem pontis rescindere, Cs.: nusquam pons? (bridges being the resort of beggars), Iu.— Plur: dies efficiendis pontibus absumpti, a draw-bridge, Ta.: pontīsque et propugnacula iungunt, V.— A bridge, walk, connecting passage, scaffolding, gallery: operae Clodianae pontīs occuparant, i. e. the narrow gallery admitting voters to the saepta at the Comitia: socios de puppibus Pontibus exponit, planks, V.: Turris erat pontibus altis, galleries, i. e. stories, V.: naves pontibus stratae, decks, Ta.
    * * *

    Latin-English dictionary > pōns

  • 64 porta

        porta ae, f    [1 PAR-], a city-gate, gate: ad portam venire, T.: portarum claves, S.: qui urbis portas occuparent: si Hannibal ad portas venisset: egressus portā Capenā: omnibus portis effundi, L.: It portis iuventus, V.: omnibus portis eruptione factā, Cs.: portarum claustra, V.: portas obice firmo claudere, O.: vidi Portas (Carthaginis) non clausas (as in peace), H.: per unam (portam) praesidium inrumpit, L.: per aversam portam excedere, L.— An avenue, entrance, passage, outlet, inlet, door: decumana, Cs.: praetoria, L.: ingens caeli, V.: somni, V.: eburna, H.: portae Ciliciae, passes, N.: portae iecoris.
    * * *
    gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal (soccer)

    Latin-English dictionary > porta

  • 65 rumpō

        rumpō rūpī, ruptus, ere    [RVP-], to break, burst, tear, rend, rive, rupture, break asunder, burst in pieces, force open: vincula: obstantia claustra, H.: pontem, break down, L.: montem aceto, Iu.: arcum, Ph.: plumbum, H.: vestīs, O.: praecordia ferro, pierce, O.: guttura ferro, cut, O.: ruptus turbo, bursting forth, V.: inmensae ruperunt horrea messes, crammed to bursting, V.—Of the body, to break, split, burst, break open, rend, tear: ut me ambulando rumperet, i. e. kill with errands, T.: si quis rumpet occidetve, wounds, L. (old form.): ilia, V.: Rupit Iarbitam Timagenis aemula lingua, Dum, etc., i. e. the effort to shout as loud as, etc., H.: si te ruperis, H.: cantando rumpitur anguis, bursts, V.: quā (licentiā audacium) ante rumpebar, could have burst.—To burst through, break through: media agmina, V.: ruptā mersum caput obruit undā, O.: ordines, L.— To break open, cause to break forth: fontem, O.: ubi inter nubila sese Diversi rumpent radii, burst forth, V.: dum amnes ulli rumpuntur fontibus, V.—Of a way or passage, to force, make by force: ferro rumpenda per hostīs Est via, must be forced, V.: eo cuneo viam, L.—Fig., to break, violate, destroy, annul, make void, interrupt: feodera: imperium, Cu.: sacramenti religionem, L.: ius gentium, L.: edicta, H.: decreta, O.: testamentum ruptum, annulled: nuptias, H.: fata aspera, V.: fati necessitatem humanis consiliis, L.— To break in upon, interrupt, cut short, end: somnum, V.: novissima verba, O.: segnīs Rumpe moras, end delay, V.: tibi reditum, cut off, H.— To break out in, give utterance to: rumpit has imo pectore voces, V.: questūs, V.
    * * *
    rumpere, rupi, ruptus V
    break; destroy

    Latin-English dictionary > rumpō

  • 66 saltus

        saltus ūs, m    a forest, woodland, untilled mountain land, forest-pasture, woodland-pasture, thicket, jungle: de saltu detruditur: quas (familias) in saltibus habent: latebris aut saltibus se eripere, Cs.: fugā silvas saltūsque peragrat, V.: in silvestrem saltum, Cu.: coëmptis saltibus, H.: saltūs venatibus apti, O.—A narrow pass, ravine, mountain-valley, glen: saltūs duo montibus circa perpetuis inter se iuncti, L.: omnia vada ac saltūs eius paludis obtinebat, Cs.: angustiae saltibus crebris inclusae, L.: ante saltum Thermopylarum, L.: nemorum iam claudite saltūs, V.
    * * *
    narrow passage (forest/mountain); defile, pass; woodland with glades (pl.)
    leap, spring, jump; stage, step

    Latin-English dictionary > saltus

  • 67 spīrāculum

        spīrāculum ī, n    [spiro], a breathing-hole, vent, spiracle: spiracula Ditis, i. e. of the lower world, V.
    * * *
    air-hole, vent; B:breathing passage (in lung); opening/outlet; window (Cal)

    Latin-English dictionary > spīrāculum

  • 68 trāductiō

        trāductiō ōnis, f    [traduco], a removal, transfer: ad plebem furibundi hominis.—Of time, a passage, lapse, course: temporis.—In rhet., a transfer of meaning, metonymy: in verbo.
    * * *
    conducting/leading around (triumph), transfer; public exposure/disgrace/reproof

    Latin-English dictionary > trāductiō

  • 69 trāiectiō

        trāiectiō ōnis, f    [trans+IA-], a crossing over, passing over, passage: honestior existimatur traiectio: traiectiones motūsque stellarum, i. e. shooting-stars.—Fig., of language, a transposition: verborum.— Exaggeration, hyperbole: veritatis.— A putting off: in alium.

    Latin-English dictionary > trāiectiō

  • 70 trāiectus (trānsie-)

        trāiectus (trānsie-) ūs, m    [trans+IA-], a crossing over, passing over, passage: in Britanniam, Cs.: in traiectu Albulae amnis submersus, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > trāiectus (trānsie-)

  • 71 trānsgressiō

        trānsgressiō ōnis, f    [trans+GRAD-], a going across, going over, passing over, passage: Gallorum.—Fig., in rhet., a transposition: verborum.
    * * *
    transposition (words/phrases), inversion; transition (subjects); going across; transgression; violation

    Latin-English dictionary > trānsgressiō

  • 72 trānsgressus

        trānsgressus ūs, m    [trans+GRAD-], a passing over, passage, crossing auspicium prosperi transgressūs, Ta.: in transgressu amoris, Ta.
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    Latin-English dictionary > trānsgressus

  • 73 trānsitus

        trānsitus    P. of transeo.
    * * *
    passage; crossing

    Latin-English dictionary > trānsitus

  • 74 trānsmissus

        trānsmissus    P. of transmitto.
    * * *
    transmissa, transmissum ADJ
    crossing, passage

    Latin-English dictionary > trānsmissus

  • 75 verbum

        verbum ī, n    [cf. ρ)ῆμα; Eng. word], a word: pro his facit verba, speaks, Cs.: quod ego in senatu Graeco verba fecissem, had spoken: libenter verbo utor Catonis (i. e. origines): usitatius hoc verbum et tritius: si pudor, si modestia, si uno verbo temperantia, in a word: verba rebus impressit, i. e. names: contumelia verborum, abusive language, Cs.: verborum delectus, choice of language: multis verbis ultro citroque habitis, much talk on both sides: accusare verbis tribus, in three words: (dies) per quem tria verba silentur, i. e. the praetor's voice (in the official words do, dico, addico), O.—Prov.: verba flunt mortuo, i. e. that is idle talk, T.— Abl sing. adverb., briefly, in one word, by a word: postquam Caesar dicendi finem fecit, ceteri verbo alius alii varie adsentiebantur, S.: verbo de sententiā destitisti, at one word from me.—Orally, by speech: aut verbo adsentiebatur, aut pedibus in sententiam ibat, L.— Abl plur. with poss. pron., or gen, in the name of, in behalf of, for: si uxori tuae meis verbis eris gratulatus, for me: denuntiatum Fabio senatūs verbis, ne, etc., L.—In the phrase, uno verbo, in one word, in a word, briefly: Quin tu uno verbo dic, quid, etc., T.: praetores, praetorios, tribunos plebis... unoque verbo rem p., etc.—In phrases to express exact correspondence, verbum e verbo, precisely, exactly, literally: quae Graeci pa/thh appellant, ego poteram morbos, et id verbum esset e verbo.—Of a passage or work, translated or copied, ad verbum, verbum de verbo, verbum pro verbo, or verbum verbo, literally, word for word: fabellae Latinae ad verbum de Graecis expressae: verbum de verbo expressum extulit, T.: verbum pro verbo reddere: verbum verbo reddere, H.—In the phrase, verbi causā or verbi gratiā, for the sake of example, for example, for instance: si quis, verbi causā, oriente Caniculā natus est: quo die verbi causā esse oporteret Idūs.—A saying, expression, phrase, sentence: vetus verbum hoc quidemst, etc., an old saying, T.: quod verbum in pectus Iugurthae altius descendit, S.—Mere talk, mere words: dolor est malum, existimatio, dedecus, infamia verba atque ineptiae, empty words: verborum sonitus inanis.— Abl adv., verbally, in words, nominally: Ut beneficium verbis initum nunc re comprobes, T.: in quibus (civitatibus) verbo sunt liberi omnes, in name.—Hence, the phrase, verba dare, to give mere words, deceive, cheat: Quoi verba dare difficile est, T.: vel verba mihi dari facile patior in hoc: curis dare verba, i. e. to beguile, O.—In grammar, a verb.
    * * *
    word; proverb

    verba dare alicui -- cheat/deceive someone

    Latin-English dictionary > verbum

  • 76 via

        via ae (old viāī, Enn. ap. C.), f    [VAG-], a way, highway, road, path, street: Roma, non optimis viis: ire in viā, T.: omnibus viis notis essedarios emittebat, Cs.: via, quā Assoro itur Hennam: viā ire, by the highway, L.: tres ergo viae, a supero mari Flaminia, ab infero Aurelia, media Cassia: Via Sacra, H.: castra angustiis viarum contrahit, etc., i. e. of the passages (between the tents), Cs. —Prov.: qui sibi semitam non sapiunt alteri monstrant viam, Enn. ap. C.: totā errare viā, T.— A way, passage, channel, pipe, entrance: omnes eius (sanguinis) viae, i. e. veins: a medio intestino usque ad portas iecoris ductae viae, ducts: Spirandi viae, the windpipe, O.: Finditur in solidum cuneis via, a cleft, V.: harundo Signavit viam flammis, its path, V.—A way, march, journey: in viam se dare: tridui, a three days' journey, Cs.: longitudo viae, L.: Flecte viam velis, V.: lassus maris et viarum, H.: inter vias, on the road, T. —Fig., a way, method, mode, manner, fashion, course: ut rectā viā rem narret, i. e. directly, T.: vitae via conversa, H.: rectam vitae viam sequi: haec una via omnibus ad salutem visa est, L.: gloriae: (di) non... nullas dant vias nobis ad significationum scientiam.— Abl, by the right way, in the proper manner, correctly, unerringly, properly: in omnibus quae ratione docentur et viā, primum, etc.: ipsus secum eam rem reputavit viā, T.: viā et arte dicere.
    * * *
    way, road, street; journey

    Latin-English dictionary > via

  • 77 acceptator

    one who accepts/approves; avenue/access/passage for admittance of the people

    Latin-English dictionary > acceptator

  • 78 aevum

    time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time

    Latin-English dictionary > aevum

  • 79 aevus

    time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time

    Latin-English dictionary > aevus

  • 80 anapaestum

    anapaestic line/passage (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long)

    Latin-English dictionary > anapaestum

См. также в других словарях:

  • Passage — (de) …   Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon

  • Passage — Passage …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • passage — [ pasaʒ ] n. m. • 1160; sens II 1080; de passer I ♦ Action, fait de passer. 1 ♦ (En traversant un lieu, en passant par un endroit). Lieu, voie de passage. Passage interdit. Passage protégé, lorsque la voie principale est prioritaire au croisement …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Passage — Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a bird;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • passage — Passage, m. penac. Signifie tantost l allée et le voyage d un lieu à autre, Profectio. Le passage de l armée est dangereux, Plena periculi res est, exercitus praefectio. Prendre un Faulcon au passage, Accipitrem in ipsa migratione intercipere. Et …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • passage — Passage. s. m. v. Action de passer. Durant le passage de l armée. je ne veux point de maison sur ce chemin là, elle est trop sujette au passage des gens de guerre. durant le passage des ramiers. des hirondelles, des cailles. On appelle, Oyseaux… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Passage — may refer to:In music: * Section (music), a complete musical idea * Period (music), about 8 measures * Phrase (music), about 4 to 8 measures * Passage ( Carpenters album), an album by American brother/sister duo The Carpenters * Passage (Samael… …   Wikipedia

  • passage — pas‧sage [ˈpæsɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] LAW the progress of a law, bill etc through parliament before it takes effect: • A month after its passage, Italy s insider trading law is continuing to stir debate. passage of • One result of the oil crisis… …   Financial and business terms

  • Passage — (französisch für „Durchgang“) steht für einen Seeweg Passagierbeförderung im Luftverkehr, siehe Flugreise eine Landenge (z. B. die Philadelphi Passage) die Passage Insel, eine der australischen Bellevue Inseln eine astronomischen Erscheinung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Passage — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cuarto disco de estudio de la banda suiza Samael. Nuevamente bajo la producción de Waldemar Sorychta, Samael consolidó el nuevo sonido en que se había embarcado desde Ceremony of Opposites, aunque ahora bastante más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • passage — / passageway [n1] path for travel access, alley, alleyway, avenue, channel, corridor, course, doorway, entrance, entrance hall, exit, gap, hall, hallway, lane, line, lobby, opening, pathway, road, route, shaft, subway, thoroughfare, tunnel,… …   New thesaurus

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