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  • 81 glut

    (Commerc.)noun Überangebot, das (of an, von + Dat.)
    2. transitive verb,
    - tt- überschwemmen
    * * *
    (too great a supply: There has been a glut of apples this year.) die Fülle
    * * *
    I. n Überangebot nt
    \glut of graduates Akademikerschwemme f fam
    a \glut on the market eine Marktschwemme
    an oil \glut eine Ölschwemme
    II. vt
    <- tt->
    to \glut sth [with sth] etw [mit etw dat] überschwemmen
    2. (overeat)
    to \glut oneself on sth sich akk an etw dat satt essen; (gorge) sich akk mit etw dat vollstopfen
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (COMM) market ( manufacturer etc) überschwemmen
    2. n
    Schwemme f; (of manufactured goods also) Überangebot nt (of an +dat)
    * * *
    glut [ɡlʌt]
    A v/t
    1. den Appetit stillen, befriedigen
    2. übersättigen (auch fig):
    glut o.s. with ( oder on) sich überessen mit oder an (dat)
    3. WIRTSCH den Markt überschwemmen
    4. verstopfen
    B s
    1. Übersättigung f (auch fig)
    2. WIRTSCH (of) Überangebot n (an dat), Schwemme f (von):
    glut in the market Überangebot auf dem Markt, Marktschwemme;
    glut of money Geldüberhang m, -schwemme;
    glut of goals SPORT Torflut f, -schwemme
    * * *
    (Commerc.)noun Überangebot, das (of an, von + Dat.)
    2. transitive verb,
    - tt- überschwemmen
    * * *
    überfüllen v.

    English-german dictionary > glut

  • 82 go out

    intransitive verb
    1) (from home) ausgehen

    go out to work/for a meal — ar- beiten/essen gehen

    out you go!hinaus od. (ugs.) raus mit dir!

    go out with somebody(regularly) mit jemandem gehen (ugs.)

    2) (be extinguished) [Feuer, Licht, Zigarre usw.:] ausgehen

    go out like a light(fig. coll.): (fall asleep) sofort weg sein (ugs.) od. einschlafen

    3) (ebb) [Ebbe, Wasser:] ablaufen, zurückgehen
    4) (be issued) verteilt werden; (Radio, Telev.): (be transmitted) ausgestrahlt werden
    * * *
    1) (to become extinguished: The light has gone out.) ausgehen
    2) (to go to parties, concerts, meetings etc: We don't go out as much as we did when we were younger.) ausgehen
    3) (to be frequently in the company of (a person, usually of the opposite sex): I've been going out with her for months.) ausgehen
    * * *
    go out
    1. (leave) [hinaus]gehen
    he went out to pick up some copies er holt gerade ein paar Kopien ab
    the company sent representatives to colleges to \go out out and recruit graduates die Firma schickte Vertreter an die Hochschulen, um dort Absolventen zu werben
    to \go out out for a breath of fresh air frische Luft schnappen gehen
    to \go out out to work arbeiten gehen
    to \go out out jogging/shopping joggen/einkaufen gehen
    to \go out out riding ausreiten
    2. (depart)
    they went out to Australia sie gingen nach Australien; (emigrate) auswandern
    3. (enjoy social life) ausgehen
    to \go out out for a meal essen gehen
    4. (date)
    to \go out out with sb mit jdm gehen fam
    5. (be extinguished) fire ausgehen; light also ausfallen
    the fire's gone out das Feuer ist erloschen
    to \go out out like a light ( fig) sofort einschlafen
    6. (be sent out) verschickt werden; MEDIA ausgestrahlt werden; (be issued) verteilt werden
    the letters went out on Thursday die Briefe sind am Donnerstag verschickt worden
    word has gone out that... es wurde bekannt, dass...
    our thoughts \go out out to all the people who... unsere Gedanken sind bei all denen, die...
    my heart \go outes out to him ich fühle mit ihm
    8. (recede) water zurückgehen
    when the tide \go outes out... bei Ebbe...
    9. esp AM (be spent) ausgegeben werden
    our money \go outes out before we've even got it unser Geld ist schon weg, bevor wir es überhaupt zu Gesicht bekommen fam
    10. (become unfashionable) unmodern werden, aus der Mode kommen; custom aussterben
    11. (strike) streiken
    to \go out out on strike in den Ausstand treten
    to \go out out [to sb] [gegen jdn] ausscheiden
    13. (in golf)
    he went out in 36 für die Hinrunde benötigte er 36 Schläge
    14. CARDS ablegen
    15. (end) month, year zu Ende gehen
    16. POL government abgelöst werden
    17. (lose consciousness) das Bewusstsein verlieren
    to \go out all out sich akk ins Zeug legen fam
    * * *
    go out v/i
    1. hinausgehen
    2. ausgehen:
    a) spazieren gehen
    b) zu Veranstaltungen oder in Gesellschaft gehen
    3. go out with mit jemandem gehen umg
    4. (mit ger) sich aufmachen zu:
    go out fishing fischen oder zum Fischen gehen
    5. eine Stellung (außer Haus) annehmen:
    go out cleaning putzen gehen
    6. ausgehen, erlöschen (Licht, Feuer)
    7. zu Ende gehen
    8. academic.ru/31791/go_off">go off 10
    9. sterben
    10. in den Streik treten, streiken
    11. aus der Mode kommen
    12. a) veröffentlicht werden
    b) RADIO, TV ausgestrahlt werden
    c) rausgehen (Einladungen etc)
    13. POL abgelöst werden
    14. SPORT ausscheiden (of aus; to gegen)
    15. zurückgehen (Flut)
    16. go out to sich jemandem zuwenden (Sympathie), entgegenschlagen (Herz)
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    1) (from home) ausgehen

    go out to work/for a meal — ar- beiten/essen gehen

    out you go!hinaus od. (ugs.) raus mit dir!

    go out with somebody (regularly) mit jemandem gehen (ugs.)

    2) (be extinguished) [Feuer, Licht, Zigarre usw.:] ausgehen

    go out like a light(fig. coll.): (fall asleep) sofort weg sein (ugs.) od. einschlafen

    3) (ebb) [Ebbe, Wasser:] ablaufen, zurückgehen
    4) (be issued) verteilt werden; (Radio, Telev.): (be transmitted) ausgestrahlt werden
    * * *
    ausgehen v.
    erlöschen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: erlosch, erloschen)
    hinausgehen v.

    English-german dictionary > go out

  • 83 graduate

    1. noun
    Graduierte, der/die; (who has left university) Akademiker, der/Akademikerin, die

    university graduate — Hochschulabsolvent, der/-absolventin, die

    2. intransitive verb
    1) einen akademischen Grad/Titel erwerben
    2) (Amer. Sch.) die [Schul]abschlussprüfung bestehen ( from an + Dat.)
    3. transitive verb
    (mark) mit Gradeinteilung versehen; graduieren (bes. Technik) [Thermometer]
    •• Cultural note:
    Das Seminar einer Universität in den USA, das Kurse und Betreuung für graduierte Studierende organisiert, die ihr Studium und/oder ihre Forschung nach dem ersten Examen (nach ungefähr 3-4 Jahren Universitätsstudium) fortsetzen wollen
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to receive a degree, diploma etc: He graduated in German and French.) promovieren
    2) (to mark out with regular divisions: A thermometer is graduated in degrees.) abstufen
    2. [-ət] noun
    (a person who has been awarded a degree or diploma: a graduate in French.) der/die Graduierte, der/die Absolvent(in)
    - academic.ru/31968/graduation">graduation
    * * *
    I. n
    1. UNIV Absolvent(in) m(f)
    he is a \graduate in physics [or a physics \graduate] er hat einen [Universitäts]abschluss in Physik
    university \graduate Hochschulabsolvent(in) m(f)
    2. AM SCH Schulabgänger(in) m(f)
    II. adj
    attr, inv
    1. (relating to people with college degrees) Graduierten-, Akademiker- ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ
    \graduate unemployment Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit f
    2. (postgraduate) weiterführend, SCHWEIZ a. Nachdiplom-
    \graduate course Kurs m im höheren Fachsemester
    \graduate student Student(in) m(f) mit Universitätsabschluss
    III. vi
    1. UNIV einen akademischen Grad [o Universitätsabschluss] erwerben
    she \graduated from the University of London sie hat an der Universität von London ihren Abschluss gemacht
    to \graduate with honours seinen Abschluss mit Auszeichnung machen
    to \graduate [magna/summa] cum laude AM [magna/summa] cum laude abschließen
    2. AM SCH die Abschlussprüfung bestehen
    to \graduate from high school das Abitur [o ÖSTERR Matura] [o SCHWEIZ die Matur] machen
    3. (move up) aufsteigen
    she \graduated from being a secretary to running her own department sie ist von einer Sekretärin zur Leiterin ihrer eigenen Abteilung aufgestiegen
    to \graduate on to sth AM zu etw dat übergehen
    IV. vt
    to \graduate sth thermometer etw einteilen [o in Grade unterteilen
    2. FIN etw staffeln
    3. AM (award degree)
    to \graduate sb jdn graduieren
    the college \graduates hundreds of students each year an dieser Hochschule machen jedes Jahr Hunderte ihren Abschluss
    * * *
    I ['grdjʊɪt]
    n (Brit UNIV)
    (Hochschul)absolvent(in) m(f); (= person with degree) Akademiker(in) m(f); (US SCH) Schulabgänger(in) m(f)

    high-school graduate (US) — ≈ Abiturient(in) m(f)

    II ['grdjʊeɪt]
    1. vt
    1) (= mark) einteilen, graduieren (form)
    2) (US SCH, UNIV) als Absolventen haben
    2. vi
    1) (UNIV) graduieren; (US SCH) die Abschlussprüfung bestehen (from an +dat)
    2) (= change by degrees) allmählich übergehen
    * * *
    graduate [ˈɡrædʒʊət; US ˈɡrædʒwət; -dʒəˌweıt]
    A s
    1. UNIV
    a) Hochschulabsolvent(in), Akademiker(in)
    b) Graduierte(r) m/f(m) (besonders Inhaber[in] des niedrigsten akademischen Grades; bachelor 2)
    c) US Student(in) an einer graduate school
    2. SCHULE US Schulabgänger(in):
    3. US Messgefäß n
    B adj
    1. UNIV
    a) Akademiker…:
    b) graduiert:
    graduate student A 1 c
    c) US für Graduierte:
    graduate course (Fach)Kurs m an einer graduate school
    2. US Diplom…, (staatlich) geprüft:
    3. graduated 1
    C v/t [ˈɡrædjʊeıt; -dʒʊ-; US -dʒəˌweıt]
    1. UNIV graduieren, jemandem einen (besonders den niedrigsten) akademischen Grad verleihen
    2. SCHULE US
    a) als Absolventen haben:
    our high school graduated 50 students this year (etwa) bei uns haben dieses Jahr 50 Schüler das Abitur gemacht
    b) die Abschlussprüfung bestehen an (dat), absolvieren:
    graduate high school (etwa) das Abitur machen
    c) versetzen ( from von; to in akk):
    3. TECH mit einer Maßeinteilung versehen, graduieren, in Grade einteilen
    4. abstufen, staffeln
    5. CHEM, TECH gradieren
    D v/i [ˈɡrædjʊeıt; -dʒʊ-; US -dʒəˌweıt]
    1. UNIV graduieren, einen (besonders den niedrigsten) akademischen Grad erwerben ( from an dat)
    2. SCHULE US die Abschlussprüfung bestehen:
    graduate from C 2 b
    3. sich entwickeln, aufsteigen ( into zu)
    4. sich staffeln, sich abstufen
    5. allmählich übergehen ( into in akk)
    * * *
    1. noun
    Graduierte, der/die; (who has left university) Akademiker, der/Akademikerin, die

    university graduate — Hochschulabsolvent, der/-absolventin, die

    2. intransitive verb
    1) einen akademischen Grad/Titel erwerben
    2) (Amer. Sch.) die [Schul]abschlussprüfung bestehen ( from an + Dat.)
    3. transitive verb
    (mark) mit Gradeinteilung versehen; graduieren (bes. Technik) [Thermometer]
    •• Cultural note:
    Das Seminar einer Universität in den USA, das Kurse und Betreuung für graduierte Studierende organisiert, die ihr Studium und/oder ihre Forschung nach dem ersten Examen (nach ungefähr 3-4 Jahren Universitätsstudium) fortsetzen wollen
    * * *
    (university) n.
    Absolvent m. v.
    abstufen v.
    einteilen v.

    English-german dictionary > graduate

  • 84 hood

    1) Kapuze, die
    2) (of vehicle) (Brit.): (waterproof top) Verdeck, das; (Amer.): (bonnet) [Motor]haube, die
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) die Kapuze
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) das Verdeck
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) die Motorhaube
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) die Kapuze
    - academic.ru/35491/hooded">hooded
    * * *
    1. (cap) Kapuze f
    sweatshirt with a \hood Kapuzensweatshirt nt
    2. (mask) Maske f
    3. (shield) Haube f
    cooker \hood Abzugshaube f
    pram [or AM stroller] \hood Kinderwagenschutzdach nt
    4. AM AUTO (bonnet) [Motor]haube f
    5. BRIT AUTO (folding top) Verdeck nt
    n esp AM
    1. (gangster) Kriminelle(r) f(m), Ganove m veraltend
    2. (thug) Rowdy m
    [AM hʊd]
    n AM (sl) Nachbarschaft f
    ... although he wasn't from the \hood..., obwohl er nicht aus unserem Viertel kam
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Kapuze f; (thief's) Maske f; (hawk's) Kappe f
    2) (AUT) (= roof) Verdeck nt; (US = bonnet) (Motor)haube f; (on fireplace etc) Abzug m; (on cooker) Abzugshaube f
    3) (of cobra) Brillenzeichnung f
    4) (esp US inf) (= gangster) Gangster m (inf), Ganove m (inf); (= young ruffian) Rowdy m, Rüpel m
    5) (esp US inf = neighbourhood) Gegend f, Viertel nt
    6) (esp US sl = ghetto) G(h)etto nt
    2. vt
    eine Kapuze aufsetzen (+dat); hawk eine Kappe aufsetzen (+dat)
    * * *
    hood1 [hʊd]
    A s
    1. Kapuze f
    2. a) Mönchskapuze f
    b) UNIV kapuzenartiger Überwurf (am Talar als Abzeichen der akademischen Würde)
    3. BOT Helm m
    4. AUTO
    a) Br Verdeck n
    b) US (Motor)Haube f
    5. TECH
    a) (Schutz)Haube f (auch für Arbeiter), Kappe f
    b) (Rauch-, Gas) Abzug m, Abzugshaube f
    6. ORN Haube f, Schopf m
    7. ZOOL Brillenzeichnung f (der Kobra)
    B v/t
    1. jemandem eine Kapuze aufsetzen
    2. ver-, zudecken:
    hood one’s eyes die Augen zusammenkneifen
    hood2 [hʊd; huːd] hoodlum
    * * *
    1) Kapuze, die
    2) (of vehicle) (Brit.): (waterproof top) Verdeck, das; (Amer.): (bonnet) [Motor]haube, die
    * * *
    (UK) n.
    Verdeck -e n. (US) (car) n.
    Haube -n f. (automobile) (US) n.
    Motorhaube f. (clothing) n.
    Haube -n f. n.
    Kapuze -n f.

    English-german dictionary > hood

  • 85 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) hette, kutte
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) kalesje
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) panser
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) pyntehette som viser grad og universitet
    subst. \/hʊd\/
    1) hette
    2) kutte
    3) krage (som henger løst på akademisk embetsdrakt med farger som angir grad, fakultet og universitet)
    4) ( på kabriolet) kalesje
    5) (amer., på bil) panser
    6) ( over peis) røykfang
    7) ( over ovn) kappe
    8) ( teknikk) damphette
    9) ( arkitektur) baldakin, utspring
    10) ( zoologi) hette, forklaring: hetteaktig form eller merke på dyrehode eller fuglehode
    11) ( zoologi) topp (på fuglehode)
    12) ( for jaktfalk) falkehette
    13) ( sjøfart) lukekappe, kappe
    14) ( teknikk) avtrekkshette, avtrekksskap
    subst. \/hʊd\/
    ( slang) sehoodlum
    subst. \/hʊd\/
    amer., slang, forkortelse for neighbourhood)
    nabolag (for ungdomsgjeng), territorium
    verb \/hʊd\/
    1) sette hette på, utstyre med hette
    2) dekke til, skjule

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hood

  • 86 slot

    slot 1. noun
    1) (a small narrow opening, especially one to receive coins: I put the correct money in the slot, but the machine didn't start.) sprekk, spalte
    2) (a (usually regular) position (in eg the schedule of television/radio programmes): The early-evening comedy slot.) programpost, sendingstid
    2. verb
    ((with in or into) to fit (something) into a small space: He slotted the last piece of the puzzle into place; I managed to slot in my tea-break between two jobs.) passe inn
    subst. \/slɒt\/
    1) sprekk, innsmett, åpning, sliss, spalte
    2) spor, renne
    3) myntinnkast
    4) brevsprekk, (brev)innkast
    5) ( EDB) diskettåpning
    6) ( hverdagslig) plass, luke
    subst. \/slɒt\/
    ( vanligvis slots) dyrespor
    verb \/slɒt\/
    1) lage spalte i, lage spor i, lage sprekk i
    2) føre gjennom en sprekk, føre gjennom en spalte
    3) plassere
    did they slot a recital into the radio programme?
    they slot 5,000 graduates a year into jobs
    4) (britisk, hverdagslig, fotball) score mål med et presist skudd

    English-Norwegian dictionary > slot

  • 87 hornada

    hornada sustantivo femenino (de pan, pasteles) batch
    hornada sustantivo femenino
    1 (de pan, ladrillos) batch
    2 (promoción) crop, batch: las primeras hornadas de ese colegio acabaron marchando a la guerra, the first batch of graduates ended up going to war ' hornada' also found in these entries: English: batch

    English-spanish dictionary > hornada

  • 88 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) hetta
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) hlíf, hetta; þekja
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) húdd, vélarhlíf
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) síð heiðurshetta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hood

  • 89 hood

    fejkötő, motorháztető, kapucni, csuklya, kámzsa
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) csuklya
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) tető
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) motorháztető
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) csuklya

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hood

  • 90 element

    1. तत्व
    The play "Hamlet" has an element of pathos.
    An element like lead pollutes the atmosphere.
    2. अवयव
    The congress party has radical elements.
    3. किसी\elementवस्तु\elementका\elementप्रमुख\elementभाग
    Periodic table has more than 100 elements.
    4. चार\elementतत्व\{पृथ्वी\elementवायु\elementजल\elementएवं\elementअग्नि\}
    The ancient philosophers in India considered that the world is made up of 5 elements.
    5. प्राकृतिक\elementस्वभाव
    During the cyclone people experienced the fury of the elements.
    6. अंश
    The graduates are taught the elements of psychology.

    English-Hindi dictionary > element

  • 91 jobcentre

    1. रोजगार\jobcentreकेन्द्र
    Many graduates have submitted their bio-data in the jobcentre.

    English-Hindi dictionary > jobcentre

  • 92 opening

    1. खुली\openingजगह/छिद्र
    There was a small opening between the trees
    2. उदघाटन
    The opening received good critical reviews
    3. स्थान
    There are few openings in publishing for new graduates

    English-Hindi dictionary > opening

  • 93 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) capuz
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) cobertura
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) capô QUERY
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) capelo
    * * *
    [hud] n 1 capuz. 2 capelo, borla. 3 tampa sobre o motor de automóvel, capota. 4 capela (de laboratório). 5 toldo, coberta. • vt 1 cobrir, vedar, encobrir. 2 colocar capuz.
    [hud] n Brit coll abbr neighbourhood (vizinhança).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hood

  • 94 cream

    I. 1. каймак, сметана
    2. крем (за ядене, за лице, за обувки и пр.)
    3. прен. цвят, каймак, най-хубавото, най-интересното
    the CREAM of the joke noaнтaта на анекдота
    to skim the CREAM прен. обирам каймака
    4. (кон с) кремав цвят
    5. ам. съд за сервиране на крем
    6. attr каймачен, сметанов, с крем, кремав
    II. 1. обирам каймака от (мляко)
    2. образувам каймак, пеня се
    3. разбивам на крем
    4. намазвам с крем
    5. слагам каймак в (кафе и пр.)
    6. прен. обирам каймака/най-хубавото
    to CREAM the market ам. реализирам големи печалби (напр. с някакъв нов продукт)
    exporters CREAMed consumer goods from the market износителите обраха най-хубавите стоки от пазара
    7. ам. разг. справям ее отлично (с)
    * * *
    {kri:m} n 1. каймак, сметана; 2. крем (за ядене, за лице, за об(2) {kri:m} v 1. обирам каймака от (мляко); 2. образувам каймак
    * * *
    сметана; пени се; каймак; каймачен; кремав; крем;
    * * *
    1. (кон с) кремав цвят 2. attr каймачен, сметанов, с крем, кремав 3. exporters creamed consumer goods from the market износителите обраха най-хубавите стоки от пазара 4. i. каймак, сметана 5. ii. обирам каймака от (мляко) 6. the cream of the joke noaнтaта на анекдота 7. to cream the market ам. реализирам големи печалби (напр. с някакъв нов продукт) 8. to skim the cream прен. обирам каймака 9. ам. разг. справям ее отлично (с) 10. ам. съд за сервиране на крем 11. крем (за ядене, за лице, за обувки и пр.) 12. намазвам с крем 13. образувам каймак, пеня се 14. прен. обирам каймака/най-хубавото 15. прен. цвят, каймак, най-хубавото, най-интересното 16. разбивам на крем 17. слагам каймак в (кафе и пр.)
    * * *
    cream [kri:m] I. n 1. каймак, сметана; 2. прен. цвят, каймак, най-хубавото, най-доброто, най-интересното; the \cream of this year's graduates каймакът на завършилите тази година студенти; to skim the \cream прен. обирам каймака; 3. крем; ice \cream сладолед; face \cream крем за лице; 4. кремав цвят; кон с кремав цвят; 5. attr каймачен; кремав; II. v 1. обирам каймака от ( мляко); 2. образувам каймак; 3. пени се (за бира и пр.); 4. слагам каймак в (кафе и пр.); 5. разбивам на крем; 6. намазвам с крем; cream away вземам, отвличам;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > cream

  • 95 hood

    n. kukuleta, kapüşon, başlık, sorguç, tepelik, örtü, körüklü örtü, katlanır araba üstü, dedantör, motor kapağı
    suff. luk, lik, lık
    v. kukuleta giydirmek, örtmek, üstünü kapatmak
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) başlık, kukuleta, kapşon
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) körük
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) motor kapağı
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) kep

    English-Turkish dictionary > hood

  • 96 Hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) kapuca
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) ponjava
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) pokrov motorja
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) doktorski klobuk, lenta
    * * *
    proper name
    druž. ime

    English-Slovenian dictionary > Hood

  • 97 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) kapuca
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) ponjava
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) pokrov motorja
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) doktorski klobuk, lenta
    * * *
    I [hud]
    kapuca, oglavnica; ponjava (pri otroškem vozičku); doktorski klobuk; posebna halja za različne akademske poklice; varovalni okrov, motorni zakrov, pokrov
    to receive the hood — dobiti doktorski naziv, postati doktor
    II [hud]
    transitive verb
    pokriti s kapuco, streho

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hood

  • 98 hood

    • höyrykupu
    • hilkka
    • hattu
    • huppukaulus
    • huppu
    • viitta
    • vaippa
    • katto
    • kansi
    • kauhtana
    • liesituuletin
    • kaapu
    • mantteli
    • suojakansi
    • kuomu
    • kupu
    • konepelti
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) huppu
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) kuomu
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) konepelti
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) huppukaulus

    English-Finnish dictionary > hood

  • 99 ♦ graduate

    ♦ graduate /ˈgrædʒʊət/
    A n.
    1 laureato, laureata: Oxford graduates, laureati dell'Università di Oxford
    2 ( USA) diplomato, diplomata: a high-school graduate, un diplomato di scuola secondaria superiore
    B a. attr.
    2 ( USA) diplomato: a graduate nurse, un'infermiera diplomata; un infermiere diplomato
    3 che concede un titolo di specializzazione successivo alla laurea (un «M.A.», «M.S.», o «Ph.D.»): graduate school, facoltà universitaria che concede tale titolo; graduate student, studente che frequenta tale facoltà
    graduate course, corso di perfezionamento (o di specializzazione) □ graduate recruitment, assunzione di neolaureati
    FALSI AMICI: graduate non significa graduato. (to) graduate /ˈgrædʒʊeɪt/
    A v. t.
    1 laureare; conferire la laurea a: The school of medicine graduated 500 students last year, la facoltà di medicina ha conferito la laurea a 500 studenti l'anno scorso
    2 ( USA) diplomare; rilasciare un diploma a
    4 graduare; dividere (o distinguere) in gradi: to graduate taxes, graduare le imposte
    B v. i.
    1 laurearsi; conseguire la laurea: He graduated from Harvard [at Cambridge], si è laureato a Harvard [a Cambridge]
    4 ( anche fig.) essere promosso; passare di grado.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ graduate

  • 100 Hood

    1) (head gear) cappuccio m.; (balaclava) passamontagna m.
    2) (for falcon) cappuccio m.
    4) BE (on car) capote f., cap(p)otta f.; (on pram) soffietto m., mantice m.
    5) AE aut. (bonnet) cofano m.
    6) univ. (ceremonial) cappuccio m. di toga universitaria
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) cappuccio
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) cappotta; soffietto
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) cofano
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) cappuccio (della toga)
    * * *
    (Surnames) Hood /hʊd/
    * * *
    1) (head gear) cappuccio m.; (balaclava) passamontagna m.
    2) (for falcon) cappuccio m.
    4) BE (on car) capote f., cap(p)otta f.; (on pram) soffietto m., mantice m.
    5) AE aut. (bonnet) cofano m.
    6) univ. (ceremonial) cappuccio m. di toga universitaria

    English-Italian dictionary > Hood

См. также в других словарях:

  • Graduates Song Goodbye — is a song written by F.Rico, relating to the future of students graduating from the school. It is the main school song of Vajiravudh College, and is sung by the graduating students in the graduation ceremony. The Words:Chorus: VAJIRAVUDH, GOOD… …   Wikipedia

  • Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy — This article is a list of notable graduates of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.Military* Gen. Michael P.C. Carns, Class of 1959: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force * Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, Class of 1959:… …   Wikipedia

  • Graduates' Memorial Building — in 1892. Its construction was largely financed by subscriptions from graduates, and was finished in 1904.The building is divided into three houses: House 28, House 29 and House 30. Houses 28 and 30 are student residences. House 29, in the centre… …   Wikipedia

  • Graduates — ➡ higher education * * * …   Universalium

  • graduates — ➡ higher education * * * …   Universalium

  • graduates — grad·u·ate || grædÊ’ÊŠÉ™t n. one who has completed a course of study and received a degree or diploma (i.e. at a university or college); glass vessel for measuring liquids v. complete a course of study and receive a degree or diploma (as from… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • List of graduates of the Japanese Imperial Military Academies — Graduates from Japanese Imperial Military Academies (1891 1934)Graduates from the Imperial Japanese Army Academy (Military Academy)1891 Class*Kazushige Ugaki: graduated from Military Academy, 18911897 Class*Sadao Araki: graduated from Military… …   Wikipedia

  • graduates gathering — meeting of alumni, meeting of people who have completed their studies together at the same institution …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates — Through its program of certification, the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) assesses the readiness of international medical graduates to enter residency or fellowship programs in the United States that are accredited by …   Wikipedia

  • Simultaneous recruiting of new graduates — or periodic recruiting of new graduates (新卒一括採用, Shinsotsu Ikkatsu Saiyō?) is the custom that companies hire new graduates all at once and employ them; this custom is unique to Japan and South Korea. The Japanese post war economic miracle spread… …   Wikipedia

  • List of United States Military Academy alumni (non-graduates) — Logo of the Military Academy The United States Military Academy (USMA) is an undergraduate college in West Point, New York with the mission of educating and commissioning officers for the United States Army. The Academy was founded in 1802 and… …   Wikipedia

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