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См. также в других словарях:

  • emphaticem*phat ic, emphatical em*phat ic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. emphatique. See {Emphasis}.] 1. Uttered with emphasis; made prominent and impressive by a peculiar stress of voice; laying stress; deserving of stress or emphasis; forcible; impressive;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • emphatic ADJECTIVE 1) showing or giving emphasis. 2) definite and clear: an emphatic win. DERIVATIVES emphatically adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • emphatic — [em fatik, imfatik] adj. [Gr emphatikos] 1. expressed, felt, or done with emphasis 2. using emphasis in speaking, expressing, etc. 3. very striking; forcible; definite [an emphatic defeat] 4. Gram. designating or of a present tense or past… …   English World dictionary

  • emphaticI adjective absolute, categorical, clear, compelling, decided, dogmatic, energetic, explicit, express, forceful, forcible, graphic, insistent, overt, positive, reiterative, resounding, strong, telling, vehement, vivid II index categorical, clear… …   Law dictionary

  • emphatic1708, from Gk. emphatikos, variant of emphantikos, from emphainein (see EMPHASIS (Cf. emphasis)). Emphatical is earlier (1550s). Related: Emphatically …   Etymology dictionary

  • emphatic — [adj] insistent, unequivocal absolute, accented, assertive, assured, categorical, certain, cogent, confident, decided, definite, definitive, determined, direct, distinct, dogmatic, dynamic, earnest, energetic, explicit, express, flat, for a face* …   New thesaurus

  • emphatic — [[t]ɪmfæ̱tɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED An emphatic response or statement is one made in a forceful way, because the speaker feels very strongly about what they are saying. His response was immediate and emphatic... I answered both questions with an… …   English dictionary

  • emphaticem|phat|ic [ımˈfætık] adj 1.) expressing an opinion, idea etc in a clear, strong way to show its importance an emphatic denial emphatic that Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead. emphatic about He was pretty emphatic about me… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • emphaticem|phat|ic [ em fætık ] adjective 1. ) said or shown in a very strong, clear way: He refused my offer with an emphatic shake of the head. a ) making your meaning very clear because you have very strong feelings about a situation or subject:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • emphaticUK [ɪmˈfætɪk] / US [emˈfætɪk] adjective 1) a) said or shown in a very strong clear way He refused my offer with an emphatic shake of the head. b) making your meaning very clear because you have very strong feelings about a situation or subject… …   English dictionary

  • emphaticemphatically, adv. emphaticalness, n. /em fat ik/, adj. 1. uttered, or to be uttered, with emphasis; strongly expressive. 2. using emphasis in speech or action. 3. forceful; insistent: a big, emphatic man; I must be emphatic about this particular …   Universalium

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