1 emphatic
[ɪm'fætɪk]aggettivo [statement, denial] categorico; [voice, manner] energico; [tone, style] vigoroso, enfatico; [ victory] netto* * *[-'fæ-]adjective ((negative unemphatic) expressed with emphasis; firm and definite: an emphatic denial; He was most emphatic about the importance of arriving on time.) risoluto, netto* * *emphatic /ɪmˈfætɪk/a.1 energico; categorico; risoluto; reciso: an emphatic no, un no categorico; She was emphatic that she didn't wish to see him, ha dichiarato recisamente che non voleva vederlo; in an emphatic fashion, con enfasi; con forza* * *[ɪm'fætɪk] -
2 emphatic em·phat·ic adj
[ɪm'fætɪk](tone, manner, person) energico (-a), vigoroso (-a), (speech) enfatico (-a), (condemnation, denial) categorico (-a), netto (-a) -
3 all
I [ɔːl]1) (everything) tutto m.it's not all (that) it should be — [performance, efficiency] lascia a desiderare, non è un granché
2) (the only thing) tutto m.that's all we need! — iron. ci mancava solo questo!
3) (everyone) tutti m. (-e)thank you, one and all — grazie a tutti (quanti)
"all welcome" — "siete tutti benvenuti" o "accorrete numerosi"
all of us want... — tutti noi vogliamo...
not all of the time — non sempre o non (per) tutto il tempo
6) and allthey moved furniture, books and all — hanno spostato mobili, libri e tutto
7) at allnot at all! — (acknowledging thanks) prego! (answering query) niente affatto! per niente!
is it at all likely that...? — c'è la pur minima possibilità che...?
for all that — nonostante tutto, ciononostante, con tutto ciò; (in as much as)
first, last of all — prima di tutto, in conclusione; (emphatic)
••it's all go here! — BE colloq. qui si lavora sempre!
II [ɔːl]that's all very well o that's all well and good va tutto bene; it's all very well for them to talk fanno presto a parlare; all's well that ends well — tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene
1) (each one of) tutti2) (the whole of) tutto3) (total)4) (any)III [ɔːl]to deny all knowledge of sth. — negare di essere al corrente di qcs
1) (emphatic: completely) tuttoto be all for sth. — essere molto favorevole a qcs. o essere entusiasta di qcs.
it's all about... — si tratta di...
2) (emphatic: nothing but)to be all smiles — (happy) sprizzare gioia da tutti i pori; (two-faced) essere tutto sorrisi
all-female — [ group] interamente femminile
5) all alongthey knew it all along — lo sapevano fin dall'inizio, l'han sempre saputo
6) all but quasi, praticamente7) all of8) all that9) all the tantoall the more — [difficult, effective] tanto più
10) all too [accurate, easy, widespread] fin troppo••IV [ɔːl]he's not all there — colloq. non ci sta tanto con la testa o ha qualche rotella fuori posto
to give one's all — dare anima e corpo; sacrificarsi ( for per; to do per fare)
* * *[o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) tutto2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) tutti2. adverb1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) del tutto, completamente2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) tanto più•- all-out
- all-round
- all-rounder
- all-terrain vehicle
- all along
- all at once
- all in
- all in all
- all over
- all right
- in all* * *I [ɔːl]1) (everything) tutto m.it's not all (that) it should be — [performance, efficiency] lascia a desiderare, non è un granché
2) (the only thing) tutto m.that's all we need! — iron. ci mancava solo questo!
3) (everyone) tutti m. (-e)thank you, one and all — grazie a tutti (quanti)
"all welcome" — "siete tutti benvenuti" o "accorrete numerosi"
all of us want... — tutti noi vogliamo...
not all of the time — non sempre o non (per) tutto il tempo
6) and allthey moved furniture, books and all — hanno spostato mobili, libri e tutto
7) at allnot at all! — (acknowledging thanks) prego! (answering query) niente affatto! per niente!
is it at all likely that...? — c'è la pur minima possibilità che...?
for all that — nonostante tutto, ciononostante, con tutto ciò; (in as much as)
first, last of all — prima di tutto, in conclusione; (emphatic)
••it's all go here! — BE colloq. qui si lavora sempre!
II [ɔːl]that's all very well o that's all well and good va tutto bene; it's all very well for them to talk fanno presto a parlare; all's well that ends well — tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene
1) (each one of) tutti2) (the whole of) tutto3) (total)4) (any)III [ɔːl]to deny all knowledge of sth. — negare di essere al corrente di qcs
1) (emphatic: completely) tuttoto be all for sth. — essere molto favorevole a qcs. o essere entusiasta di qcs.
it's all about... — si tratta di...
2) (emphatic: nothing but)to be all smiles — (happy) sprizzare gioia da tutti i pori; (two-faced) essere tutto sorrisi
all-female — [ group] interamente femminile
5) all alongthey knew it all along — lo sapevano fin dall'inizio, l'han sempre saputo
6) all but quasi, praticamente7) all of8) all that9) all the tantoall the more — [difficult, effective] tanto più
10) all too [accurate, easy, widespread] fin troppo••IV [ɔːl]he's not all there — colloq. non ci sta tanto con la testa o ha qualche rotella fuori posto
to give one's all — dare anima e corpo; sacrificarsi ( for per; to do per fare)
4 nothing
I 1. ['nʌθɪŋ]1) (no item, event, idea) niente, nullashe's just a friend, nothing more or less — è un'amica e nient'altro
to have nothing to do with — (no connection) non avere (a) che vedere con; (no dealings, involvement) non avere niente (a) che fare con
to have nothing on — (no clothes) essere nudo, non avere nulla addosso; (no engagements, plans) essere libero, non avere impegni
you've got nothing on me! — colloq. (to incriminate) non avete prove contro di me!
he's got nothing on you! — colloq. non è niente o non vale niente in confronto a te!
2) (emphasizing insignificance) niente, nullahe means o is nothing to me lui non significa niente per me; it meant nothing to him non gli importava ( that, whether che); the names meant nothing to him i nomi non gli dicevano nulla; to think nothing of doing (consider normal) trovare normale fare; (not baulk at) non esitare a fare; think nothing of it! non è nulla! si figuri! there's really nothing to it! — è veramente facile!
for nothing — (for free) gratuitamente, gratis; (pointlessly) per niente
4) (indicating absence of trait, quality)nothing interesting o of any interest niente di interessante; it seems easy but it's nothing of the kind sembra facile ma non è così; you'll do nothing of the sort! — non farai una cosa del genere!
5) (emphatic: setting up comparisons)6) (no truth, value, use)there's nothing in it — (in gossip, rumour) non c'è niente di vero; (in magazine, booklet) non c'è niente di interessante
7) nothing but2. 3.they've done nothing but moan — colloq. non hanno fatto altro che lamentarsi
1) (nothingness) niente m., nulla m.••nothing doing! — colloq. niente da fare! non se ne parla nemmeno!
II ['nʌθɪŋ]there's nothing for it! — BE non c'è altro da fare!
1) (in no way)2) (emphatic: totally, only)3) (emphatic: decidedly)* * *1. pronoun(no thing; not anything: There was nothing in the cupboard; I have nothing new to say.) niente2. noun(the number 0; nought: The final score was five - nothing (= 5 - 0).)3. adverb(not at all: He's nothing like his father.) per nulla/niente, non affatto- come to nothing
- for nothing
- have nothing to do with
- make nothing of
- mean nothing to
- next to nothing
- nothing but
- nothing doing!
- there is nothing to it
- think nothing of
- to say nothing of* * *I 1. ['nʌθɪŋ]1) (no item, event, idea) niente, nullashe's just a friend, nothing more or less — è un'amica e nient'altro
to have nothing to do with — (no connection) non avere (a) che vedere con; (no dealings, involvement) non avere niente (a) che fare con
to have nothing on — (no clothes) essere nudo, non avere nulla addosso; (no engagements, plans) essere libero, non avere impegni
you've got nothing on me! — colloq. (to incriminate) non avete prove contro di me!
he's got nothing on you! — colloq. non è niente o non vale niente in confronto a te!
2) (emphasizing insignificance) niente, nullahe means o is nothing to me lui non significa niente per me; it meant nothing to him non gli importava ( that, whether che); the names meant nothing to him i nomi non gli dicevano nulla; to think nothing of doing (consider normal) trovare normale fare; (not baulk at) non esitare a fare; think nothing of it! non è nulla! si figuri! there's really nothing to it! — è veramente facile!
for nothing — (for free) gratuitamente, gratis; (pointlessly) per niente
4) (indicating absence of trait, quality)nothing interesting o of any interest niente di interessante; it seems easy but it's nothing of the kind sembra facile ma non è così; you'll do nothing of the sort! — non farai una cosa del genere!
5) (emphatic: setting up comparisons)6) (no truth, value, use)there's nothing in it — (in gossip, rumour) non c'è niente di vero; (in magazine, booklet) non c'è niente di interessante
7) nothing but2. 3.they've done nothing but moan — colloq. non hanno fatto altro che lamentarsi
1) (nothingness) niente m., nulla m.••nothing doing! — colloq. niente da fare! non se ne parla nemmeno!
II ['nʌθɪŋ]there's nothing for it! — BE non c'è altro da fare!
1) (in no way)2) (emphatic: totally, only)3) (emphatic: decidedly) -
5 herself
[hə'self]1) (reflexive) si, sé, se stessa; (after preposition) sé, se stessaKathy was pleased with herself — Kathy era soddisfatta di sé o di se stessa
2) (emphatic) (lei) stessa; (after preposition) lei (stessa)she, Sheila herself said that... — lei stessa, Sheila stessa ha detto che...
(all) by herself — (tutto) da sola o da sé
••she's not herself today — oggi non è lei o non è in sé
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, herself is generally translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: she's enjoying herself = si sta divertendo; she's cut herself = si è tagliata. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is lei stessa or anche lei: she herself did not know = lei stessa non lo sapeva; she's a stranger here herself = anche lei è forestiera da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, herself is translated by sé or se stessa: she can be proud of herself = può essere fiera di sé / se stessa. - (All) by herself is translated by da sola, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when a female person or animal is the object of an action she performs: The cat licked herself; She looked at herself in the mirror.) si, se stessa2) (used to emphasize she, her, or the name of a female person or animal: She herself played no part in this; Mary answered the letter herself.) stessa, in persona, proprio3) (without help etc: She did it all by herself.) lei stessa* * *[hə'self]1) (reflexive) si, sé, se stessa; (after preposition) sé, se stessaKathy was pleased with herself — Kathy era soddisfatta di sé o di se stessa
2) (emphatic) (lei) stessa; (after preposition) lei (stessa)she, Sheila herself said that... — lei stessa, Sheila stessa ha detto che...
(all) by herself — (tutto) da sola o da sé
••she's not herself today — oggi non è lei o non è in sé
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, herself is generally translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: she's enjoying herself = si sta divertendo; she's cut herself = si è tagliata. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is lei stessa or anche lei: she herself did not know = lei stessa non lo sapeva; she's a stranger here herself = anche lei è forestiera da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, herself is translated by sé or se stessa: she can be proud of herself = può essere fiera di sé / se stessa. - (All) by herself is translated by da sola, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
6 himself
[hɪm'self]1) (reflexive) si, sé, se stesso; (after preposition) sé, se stessoTony was pleased with himself — Tony era soddisfatto di sé o di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (lui) stesso; (after preposition) lui (stesso)he, Mark himself said that... — lui stesso, Mark stesso disse che...
(all) by himself — (tutto) da solo o da sé
••he's not himself today — oggi non è lui o non è in sé
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, himself is generally translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: he's enjoying himself = si sta divertendo; he's cut himself = si è tagliato. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is lui stesso or anche lui: he himself did not know = lui stesso non lo sapeva; he's a stranger here himself = anche lui è forestiero da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, himself is translated by sé or se stesso: he can be proud of himself = può essere fiero di sé / se stesso. - (All) by himself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when a male person or animal is the object of an action he performs: He kicked himself; He looked at himself in the mirror.) se stesso, si2) (used to emphasize he, him or the name of a male person or animal: John himself played no part in this.) stesso, in persona, proprio3) (without help etc: He did it himself.) lui stesso* * *[hɪm'self]1) (reflexive) si, sé, se stesso; (after preposition) sé, se stessoTony was pleased with himself — Tony era soddisfatto di sé o di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (lui) stesso; (after preposition) lui (stesso)he, Mark himself said that... — lui stesso, Mark stesso disse che...
(all) by himself — (tutto) da solo o da sé
••he's not himself today — oggi non è lui o non è in sé
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, himself is generally translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: he's enjoying himself = si sta divertendo; he's cut himself = si è tagliato. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is lui stesso or anche lui: he himself did not know = lui stesso non lo sapeva; he's a stranger here himself = anche lui è forestiero da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, himself is translated by sé or se stesso: he can be proud of himself = può essere fiero di sé / se stesso. - (All) by himself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
7 itself
[ɪt'self]1) (reflexive) si, se stesso m. (-a)2) (emphatic) stesso••the library is not in the university itself — la biblioteca non si trova all'interno dell'università
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, itself is translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: the cat hurt itself = il gatto si è fatto male; a problem presented itself = si è posto un problema. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding noun, the translation is stesso for a masculine noun and stessa for a feminine noun: the preface itself makes good reading = la prefazione stessa è bella da leggere. - When used after a preposition, itself is translated by sé or se stesso / se stessa: the machine in itself is easy to use = la macchina di per di sé / se stessa è facile da usare. - (All) by itself is translated by da solo / da sola, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when an object, animal etc is the object of an action it performs: The cat looked at itself in the mirror; The cat stretched itself by the fire.) lui stesso, lei stessa, se stesso, se stessa, si2) (used to emphasize it or the name of an object, animal etc: The house itself is quite small, but the garden is big.) stesso, stessa3) (without help etc: `How did the dog get in?' `Oh, it can open the gate itself.') da solo, da sola* * *[ɪt'self]1) (reflexive) si, se stesso m. (-a)2) (emphatic) stesso••the library is not in the university itself — la biblioteca non si trova all'interno dell'università
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, itself is translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: the cat hurt itself = il gatto si è fatto male; a problem presented itself = si è posto un problema. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding noun, the translation is stesso for a masculine noun and stessa for a feminine noun: the preface itself makes good reading = la prefazione stessa è bella da leggere. - When used after a preposition, itself is translated by sé or se stesso / se stessa: the machine in itself is easy to use = la macchina di per di sé / se stessa è facile da usare. - (All) by itself is translated by da solo / da sola, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
8 myself
[maɪ'self, mə'self]1) (reflexive) mi, me, me stesso (-a); (after preposition) me, me stesso (-a)2) (emphatic) io stesso (-a), me stesso (-a)(all) by myself — (tutto) da solo, da me
I'm not much of a dog-lover myself — personalmente, non amo molto i cani
••I'm not myself today — oggi non sono io o non sono in me
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, myself is translated by mi which is always placed before the verb: I've hurt myself = mi sono fatto male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is io stesso or anch'io: I did it myself = l'ho fatto io stesso; I'm a stranger here myself = anch'io sono forestiero da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, myself is translated by me or me stesso: I did it for myself = l'ho fatto per me / me stesso. - Note that the difference between me and myself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at me = lei mi sta guardando and I'm looking at myself in the mirror = mi sto guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for me = Jane lavora per me and I work for myself = io lavoro per me / me stesso. - (All) by myself is translated by da solo, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when the speaker or writer is the object of an action he or she performs: I cut myself while shaving; I looked at myself in the mirror.) mi, me stesso2) (used to emphasize I, me or the name of the speaker or writer: I myself can't tell you, but my friend will; I don't intend to go myself.) io stesso, proprio io, in persona* * *[maɪ'self, mə'self]1) (reflexive) mi, me, me stesso (-a); (after preposition) me, me stesso (-a)2) (emphatic) io stesso (-a), me stesso (-a)(all) by myself — (tutto) da solo, da me
I'm not much of a dog-lover myself — personalmente, non amo molto i cani
••I'm not myself today — oggi non sono io o non sono in me
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, myself is translated by mi which is always placed before the verb: I've hurt myself = mi sono fatto male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is io stesso or anch'io: I did it myself = l'ho fatto io stesso; I'm a stranger here myself = anch'io sono forestiero da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, myself is translated by me or me stesso: I did it for myself = l'ho fatto per me / me stesso. - Note that the difference between me and myself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at me = lei mi sta guardando and I'm looking at myself in the mirror = mi sto guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for me = Jane lavora per me and I work for myself = io lavoro per me / me stesso. - (All) by myself is translated by da solo, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see below -
9 ourselves
[aʊə'selvz, ɑː-]1) (reflexive) ci; (after preposition) noi, noi stessi, noi stesse2) (emphatic) noi stessi, noi stesse••Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, ourselves is translated by ci which is always placed before the verb: we've hurt ourselves = ci siamo fatti male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is noi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / noi stesse (feminine gender) or anche noi: we did it ourselves = l'abbiamo fatto noi stessi; we're strangers here ourselves = anche noi siamo forestieri da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, ourselves is translated by noi or noi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / noi stesse (feminine gender): we did it for ourselves = l'abbiamo fatto per noi stessi. - Note that the difference between us and ourselves is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at us = lei ci sta guardando and we're looking at ourselves in the mirror = ci stiamo guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for us = Jane lavora per noi and we work for ourselves = noi lavoriamo per noi / noi stessi. - (All) by ourselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see the entry below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb when the person speaking and other people are the object of an action etc they perform: We saw ourselves in the mirror.) ci2) (used to emphasize we, us or the names of the speaker and other people performing an action etc: We ourselves played no part in this.) noi stessi/e3) (without help etc: We'll just have to finish the job ourselves.) da noi* * *[aʊə'selvz, ɑː-]1) (reflexive) ci; (after preposition) noi, noi stessi, noi stesse2) (emphatic) noi stessi, noi stesse••Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, ourselves is translated by ci which is always placed before the verb: we've hurt ourselves = ci siamo fatti male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is noi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / noi stesse (feminine gender) or anche noi: we did it ourselves = l'abbiamo fatto noi stessi; we're strangers here ourselves = anche noi siamo forestieri da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, ourselves is translated by noi or noi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / noi stesse (feminine gender): we did it for ourselves = l'abbiamo fatto per noi stessi. - Note that the difference between us and ourselves is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at us = lei ci sta guardando and we're looking at ourselves in the mirror = ci stiamo guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for us = Jane lavora per noi and we work for ourselves = noi lavoriamo per noi / noi stessi. - (All) by ourselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see the entry below -
10 themselves
[ðəm'selvz]1) (reflexive) si; (after preposition) sé, se stessi, se stessethey were pleased with themselves — erano soddisfatti di sé o di se stessi
2) (emphatic) essi stessi, esse stesse••for themselves — per sé o per se stessi
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, themselves is translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: they are enjoying themselves = si stanno divertendo; they have hurt themselves = si sono fatti male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is loro stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / loro stesse (feminine gender) or anche loro: they did it themselves = l'hanno fatto loro stessi; they are strangers here themselves = anche loro sono forestieri da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, themselves is translated by sé or se stessi / se stesse: they can be proud of themselves = possono essere fieri di sé / se stessi. - (All) by themselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when people, animals etc are the object of actions they perform: They hurt themselves; They looked at themselves in the mirror.) se stessi, se stesse, si2) (used to emphasize they, them or the names of people, animals etc: They themselves did nothing wrong.) (essi) stessi, esse (stesse)3) (without help etc: They decided to do it themselves.) da sé* * *[ðəm'selvz]1) (reflexive) si; (after preposition) sé, se stessi, se stessethey were pleased with themselves — erano soddisfatti di sé o di se stessi
2) (emphatic) essi stessi, esse stesse••for themselves — per sé o per se stessi
Note:When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, themselves is translated by si, which is always placed before the verb: they are enjoying themselves = si stanno divertendo; they have hurt themselves = si sono fatti male. - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is loro stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / loro stesse (feminine gender) or anche loro: they did it themselves = l'hanno fatto loro stessi; they are strangers here themselves = anche loro sono forestieri da queste parti. - When used after a preposition, themselves is translated by sé or se stessi / se stesse: they can be proud of themselves = possono essere fieri di sé / se stessi. - (All) by themselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and / or without help. - For particular usages see below -
11 whole
I 1. [həʊl]1) (entire) intero; (more emphatic) tutto (intero)her whole attention — la sua completa o tutta la sua attenzione
3) (intact) integro, intatto2.to make sb. whole — guarire qcn
II [həʊl]to swallow a story whole — bersi tutta una storia, bersela tutta
1) (total unit) insieme m., totale m.as a whole — (not in separate parts) globalmente; (overall) complessivamente
2) the whole of (all) tutto3) on the whole nel complesso, nell'insieme* * *[həul] 1. adjective1) (including everything and/or everyone; complete: The whole staff collected the money for your present; a whole pineapple.) intero2) (not broken; in one piece: She swallowed the biscuit whole.) intero2. noun1) (a single unit: The different parts were joined to form a whole.) tutto2) (the entire thing: We spent the whole of one week sunbathing on the beach.) (il complesso), (il totale)•- wholly
- wholehearted
- wholemeal
- on the whole* * *I 1. [həʊl]1) (entire) intero; (more emphatic) tutto (intero)her whole attention — la sua completa o tutta la sua attenzione
3) (intact) integro, intatto2.to make sb. whole — guarire qcn
II [həʊl]to swallow a story whole — bersi tutta una storia, bersela tutta
1) (total unit) insieme m., totale m.as a whole — (not in separate parts) globalmente; (overall) complessivamente
2) the whole of (all) tutto3) on the whole nel complesso, nell'insieme -
12 yourself
[jɔː'self, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) (informal) ti, te, te stesso (-a); (polite) si, sé, se stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) sé, se stesso (-a)have you hurt yourself? — ti sei, si è fatto male?
you were pleased with yourself — eri soddisfatto di te (stesso), era soddisfatto di sé, di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (informal) tu stesso (-a), te stesso (-a); (polite) lei stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) lei, lei stesso (-a)you yourself said that... — tu stesso hai detto, lei stesso ha detto che...
for yourself — per te (stesso), per lei (stesso)
(all) by yourself — tutto da solo, da te, da lei
••you're not yourself today — oggi non sei (in) te, non è lei, non è in sé
Note:Like the other you forms, yourself may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to anyone you do not know very well; therefore, yourself should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by ti or Si (polite form), which are always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourself? = ti sei fatto male? Si è fatto male? - In imperatives, however, ti is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourself! = serviti! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si serva! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is tu / Lei stesso or anche tu / Lei: you said so yourself = l'hai detto tu stesso, l'ha detto Lei stesso; you're a stranger here yourself, aren't you? = anche tu sei / Lei è forestiero da queste parti, non è vero? - When used after a preposition, yourself is translated by te / Lei or te / Lei stesso: you can be proud of yourself = puoi essere orgoglioso di te / te stesso, può essere orgoglioso di Lei / di Lei stesso. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei ti sta guardando and you're looking at yourself in the mirror = ti stai guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per te and you work for yourself = tu lavori per te / te stesso. - (All) by yourself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *[jɔː'self, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) (informal) ti, te, te stesso (-a); (polite) si, sé, se stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) sé, se stesso (-a)have you hurt yourself? — ti sei, si è fatto male?
you were pleased with yourself — eri soddisfatto di te (stesso), era soddisfatto di sé, di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (informal) tu stesso (-a), te stesso (-a); (polite) lei stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) lei, lei stesso (-a)you yourself said that... — tu stesso hai detto, lei stesso ha detto che...
for yourself — per te (stesso), per lei (stesso)
(all) by yourself — tutto da solo, da te, da lei
••you're not yourself today — oggi non sei (in) te, non è lei, non è in sé
Note:Like the other you forms, yourself may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to anyone you do not know very well; therefore, yourself should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by ti or Si (polite form), which are always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourself? = ti sei fatto male? Si è fatto male? - In imperatives, however, ti is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourself! = serviti! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si serva! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is tu / Lei stesso or anche tu / Lei: you said so yourself = l'hai detto tu stesso, l'ha detto Lei stesso; you're a stranger here yourself, aren't you? = anche tu sei / Lei è forestiero da queste parti, non è vero? - When used after a preposition, yourself is translated by te / Lei or te / Lei stesso: you can be proud of yourself = puoi essere orgoglioso di te / te stesso, può essere orgoglioso di Lei / di Lei stesso. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei ti sta guardando and you're looking at yourself in the mirror = ti stai guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per te and you work for yourself = tu lavori per te / te stesso. - (All) by yourself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
13 yourselves
[jɔː'selvz, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) vi; (after preposition) voi, voi stessi, voi stesse2) (emphatic) voi stessi, voi stesse••you yourselves said that... — voi stessi avete detto che...
Note:Like the other you forms, yourselves may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to more than one person you do not know very well; therefore, yourselves should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourselves is translated by vi or Si (polite form), which is always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourselves? = vi siete fatti male? / Si sono fatti male? - In imperatives, however, vi is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourselves! = servitevi! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si servano! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is voi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / voi stesse (feminine gender) or anche voi: you said so yourselves = l'avete detto voi stessi; you're strangers here yourselves, aren't you? = anche voi siete forestieri da queste parti, non è vero? The equivalent polite forms with Loro - l'hanno detto Loro stessi, anche Loro sono forestieri da queste parti, non è vero? - are very rarely used in modern Italian. - When used after a preposition, yourselves is translated by voi or voi stessi / voi stesse or Loro / Loro stessi: you can be proud of yourselves = potete essere orgogliosi di voi / voi stessi, possono essere orgogliosi di Loro stessi. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourselves is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei vi sta guardando and you're looking at yourselves in the mirror = vi state guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per voi and you work for yourselves = voi lavorate per voi / voi stessi. - (All) by yourselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *[jɔː'selvz, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) vi; (after preposition) voi, voi stessi, voi stesse2) (emphatic) voi stessi, voi stesse••you yourselves said that... — voi stessi avete detto che...
Note:Like the other you forms, yourselves may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to more than one person you do not know very well; therefore, yourselves should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourselves is translated by vi or Si (polite form), which is always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourselves? = vi siete fatti male? / Si sono fatti male? - In imperatives, however, vi is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourselves! = servitevi! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si servano! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is voi stessi (masculine or mixed gender) / voi stesse (feminine gender) or anche voi: you said so yourselves = l'avete detto voi stessi; you're strangers here yourselves, aren't you? = anche voi siete forestieri da queste parti, non è vero? The equivalent polite forms with Loro - l'hanno detto Loro stessi, anche Loro sono forestieri da queste parti, non è vero? - are very rarely used in modern Italian. - When used after a preposition, yourselves is translated by voi or voi stessi / voi stesse or Loro / Loro stessi: you can be proud of yourselves = potete essere orgogliosi di voi / voi stessi, possono essere orgogliosi di Loro stessi. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourselves is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei vi sta guardando and you're looking at yourselves in the mirror = vi state guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per voi and you work for yourselves = voi lavorate per voi / voi stessi. - (All) by yourselves is translated by da soli / da sole, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
14 beautifully
['bjuːtɪfəlɪ]1) (perfectly) [play, write, function] meravigliosamente, benissimo; [written, designed] benissimothat will do beautifully — sarà perfetto, andrà a meraviglia
2) (attractively) [displayed, furnished, dressed] magnificamente3) (emphatic) [empty, quiet, soft, warm, accurate] incredibilmente* * *adverb mirabilmente* * *beautifully* * *['bjuːtɪfəlɪ]1) (perfectly) [play, write, function] meravigliosamente, benissimo; [written, designed] benissimothat will do beautifully — sarà perfetto, andrà a meraviglia
2) (attractively) [displayed, furnished, dressed] magnificamente3) (emphatic) [empty, quiet, soft, warm, accurate] incredibilmente -
15 fit
I 1. [fɪt]2) (suitable)to be fit company for — essere una buona o la giusta compagnia per
to be fit for — (worthy of) essere degno di [person, king]; (capable of) essere idoneo o adatto a [ job]
2.to see o think fit to do ritenere giusto o opportuno fare; do as you see o think fit faccia come crede; to be in no fit state to do — non essere in condizione o in grado di fare
II [fɪt] III 1. [fɪt]to cry fit to burst o to break your heart piangere come una vite tagliata o da spezzare il cuore; to be fit to drop — cascare dalla fatica
1) (be the right size) [garment, shoe] andare bene a [ person]; [ object] andare bene con, su [ surface]; andare (bene) in [envelope, space]the key fits this lock, this box — la chiave entra nella serratura, apre questa scatola
"one size fits all" — "taglia unica"
to fit sth. in o into — trovare il posto per qcs. in [room, car]
3) (install) montare, installare [door, kitchen]to fit A to B to fit A and B together incastrare, fare combaciare A con B; to fit sth. with — fornire qcs. di [attachment, lock]
4)to fit sb. for — prendere le misure a qcn. per, provare a qcn. [ garment]
to fit sb. with — dotare qcn. di [hearing aid, prosthesis]
5) (be compatible with) corrispondere a [description, requirements]; adattarsi a [ decor]2.to fit sb. for, to do — [experience, qualifications] rendere qcn. idoneo o adatto per, a fare
1) (be the right size) [garment, shoes] andare bene; [lid, sheet] andare bene, essere adattothis key doesn't fit — questa chiave non va (bene) o non entra
to fit into place — [part, handle] andare a posto; [cupboard, brick] entrare o stare perfettamente
to fit with — corrispondere a, combaciare con [statement, story, facts]
to fit into — adattarsi a, accordarsi con [ideology, colour scheme]
•- fit in- fit outIV [fɪt]1) med. attacco m., accesso m., crisi f.to have a fit — (unspecified) avere un attacco o una crisi; (epileptic) avere una crisi epilettica
2) (of rage) scatto m.; (of jealousy, panic) crisi f.; (of passion) impeto m.••to have sb. in fits — colloq. fare ridere qcn. a crepapelle
to have o throw a fit colloq. uscire dai gangheri; by o in fits and starts — a sbalzi, a scatti
* * *I 1. [fit] adjective1) (in good health: I am feeling very fit.)2) (suitable; correct for a particular purpose or person: a dinner fit for a king.)2. noun(the right size or shape for a particular person, purpose etc: Your dress is a very good fit.)3. verbpast tense, past participle fitted -)1) (to be the right size or shape (for someone or something): The coat fits (you) very well.)2) (to be suitable for: Her speech fitted the occasion.)3) (to put (something) in position: You must fit a new lock on the door.)4) (to supply with; to equip with: She fitted the cupboard with shelves.)•- fitness- fitter
- fitting 4. noun1) (something, eg a piece of furniture, which is fixed, especially in a house etc: kitchen fittings.) montaggio2) (the trying-on of a dress etc and altering to make it fit: I am having a fitting for my wedding-dress tomorrow.) prova•- fit in- fit out
- see/think fit II [fit] noun1) (a sudden attack of illness, especially epilepsy: She suffers from fits.)2) (something which happens as suddenly as this: a fit of laughter/coughing.)•* * *fit (1) /fɪt/a.1 adatto; atto; appropriato; idoneo; conveniente; opportuno; giusto; degno: He is not fit for that job, non è idoneo a quel lavoro; It isn't fit that you should still be dependent on your parents, non è giusto che tu sia ancora a carico dei tuoi genitori; a fit title for a book, un titolo appropriato per un libro; I'm not fit for marriage, non sono fatto per il matrimonio; fit to eat, commestibile; mangiabile; fit for nothing, buono a nulla2 in forma; in buona salute: to keep [to feel] fit, tenersi [sentirsi] in forma; fighting fit, in gran forma3 in condizione (di); in grado (di); pronto (a, per): to be fit for work [travel], essere in condizione di lavorare [in grado di viaggiare]; He's not fit to drive, non è in condizione di guidare; not fit to be seen, in condizioni non presentabili (malconcio, sporco, ecc.)● (fam.) fit as a fiddle (o as a flea), in ottima salute; sano come un pesce □ fit for a king, degno di un re; da re □ as you think fit, come meglio credi □ to be fit to drop, crollare dalla stanchezza □ to laugh fit to burst, crepare dal ridere.fit (2) /fɪt/n.2 (mecc.) accoppiamento; aggiustaggio3 ( sartoria) misura; taglia; a slightly tight fit, una misura (o taglia) un po' stretta; to be a perfect fit, andare a pennello.fit (3) /fɪt/n.1 accesso; attacco; parossismo; convulso: a fainting fit, uno svenimento; a fit of coughing (o a coughing fit) un accesso di tosse; a fit of laughter, un convulso di riso; fits of depression, attacchi di depressione2 (med.) convulsione; attacco (di convulsioni): epileptic fit, convulsione epilettica; attacco epilettico; to fall down in a fit, avere un attacco di convulsioni3 scatto; scoppio; slancio; impeto; accesso: a fit of anger, uno scatto d'ira; a fit of generosity, uno slancio di generosità● by (o in) fits and starts, a sbalzi; a scatti; a singhiozzo; in modo irregolare □ (fam.) to give sb. a fit (o the fits), far venire un colpo (o un accidente) a q. (fam.) □ (fam.) to have (o to throw) a fit, infuriarsi; fare una scenata; dar fuori di matto (fam.): He'll have a fit when he finds out, farà una scenata quando se ne accorge! □ (fam.) to have sb. in fits, far morire dal ridere q. □ (fam.) to throw a fit = to have a fit ► sopraFALSI AMICI: fit non significa fitta AVVISO: Per la condizione medica oggi si preferisce seizure. ♦ (to) fit /fɪt/A v. t.1 essere della misura (o della forma) giusta per; andare bene con; andare bene a (q.); adattarsi a; entrare in: This key doesn't fit the lock, questa chiave non va bene con la serratura; This dress fits me, but I don't like the colour, questo vestito come misura mi va bene, ma non mi piace il colore; It fits the hole exactly, entra perfettamente nel foro; to fit badly, non andare bene; non essere della misura giusta2 rendere idoneo (o adatto): That experience fitted him for the mission, quell'esperienza lo aveva reso adatto per la missione3 accordarsi con; concordare con; collimare con; corrispondere a: His story doesn't fit the facts, il suo racconto non concorda con i fatti; DIALOGO → - Enquiring about lost property- I'm sorry but nothing fitting that description has been handed in here, mi dispiace ma non hanno riportato niente che corrisponde alla sua descrizione4 fornire; dotare; munire; provvedere5 ( anche mecc.) montare; installare; mettere; adattare: to fit a new lock, mettere una serratura nuovaB v. i.1 ( di indumento) essere della taglia giusta; andare bene: DIALOGO → - Clothes 3- How do they fit?, vanno bene?2 ( di scarpa) essere del numero giusto; andare bene; calzare: These shoes fit like a glove, queste scarpe calzano come un guanto (o mi vanno a pennello)3 inserirsi; entrare; stare: The dishwasher fits under the sink, la lavapiatti si inserisce sotto il lavandino; See if this box fits into that drawer, vedi se questa scatola ci sta in quel cassetto● (fam.) to fit the bill, andar bene; essere quello che ci vuole; fare al caso di q. □ to make st. fit, adattare, adeguare qc.: to make the punishment fit the crime, adeguare la pena al reato □ (fam.) His face doesn't fit, non è adatto al posto; ci stona □ (prov.) If the cap fits, wear it, a buon intenditor poche parole.* * *I 1. [fɪt]2) (suitable)to be fit company for — essere una buona o la giusta compagnia per
to be fit for — (worthy of) essere degno di [person, king]; (capable of) essere idoneo o adatto a [ job]
2.to see o think fit to do ritenere giusto o opportuno fare; do as you see o think fit faccia come crede; to be in no fit state to do — non essere in condizione o in grado di fare
II [fɪt] III 1. [fɪt]to cry fit to burst o to break your heart piangere come una vite tagliata o da spezzare il cuore; to be fit to drop — cascare dalla fatica
1) (be the right size) [garment, shoe] andare bene a [ person]; [ object] andare bene con, su [ surface]; andare (bene) in [envelope, space]the key fits this lock, this box — la chiave entra nella serratura, apre questa scatola
"one size fits all" — "taglia unica"
to fit sth. in o into — trovare il posto per qcs. in [room, car]
3) (install) montare, installare [door, kitchen]to fit A to B to fit A and B together incastrare, fare combaciare A con B; to fit sth. with — fornire qcs. di [attachment, lock]
4)to fit sb. for — prendere le misure a qcn. per, provare a qcn. [ garment]
to fit sb. with — dotare qcn. di [hearing aid, prosthesis]
5) (be compatible with) corrispondere a [description, requirements]; adattarsi a [ decor]2.to fit sb. for, to do — [experience, qualifications] rendere qcn. idoneo o adatto per, a fare
1) (be the right size) [garment, shoes] andare bene; [lid, sheet] andare bene, essere adattothis key doesn't fit — questa chiave non va (bene) o non entra
to fit into place — [part, handle] andare a posto; [cupboard, brick] entrare o stare perfettamente
to fit with — corrispondere a, combaciare con [statement, story, facts]
to fit into — adattarsi a, accordarsi con [ideology, colour scheme]
•- fit in- fit outIV [fɪt]1) med. attacco m., accesso m., crisi f.to have a fit — (unspecified) avere un attacco o una crisi; (epileptic) avere una crisi epilettica
2) (of rage) scatto m.; (of jealousy, panic) crisi f.; (of passion) impeto m.••to have sb. in fits — colloq. fare ridere qcn. a crepapelle
to have o throw a fit colloq. uscire dai gangheri; by o in fits and starts — a sbalzi, a scatti
16 flaming
['fleɪmɪŋ]1) [vehicle, building] in fiamme; [ torch] acceso, fiammeggiante3) [ row] violentoflaming idiot! — dannato o maledetto idiota!
* * *adjective fiammeggiante* * *flaming /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/A a.1 ( anche fig.) in fiamme; che brucia; che divampa; fiammeggiante: a pool of flaming petrol, una chiazza di benzina in fiamme; flaming stars, astri fiammeggianti; flaming cheeks, guance in fiamme5 ( di colore) acceso; fiammeggiante; sgargiante: flaming hair, capelli rosso fiamma; flaming red, rosso acceso6 ( slang) maledetto; dannato ( oppure come rafforzativo generico): You flaming idiot!, maledetto idiota!B n. [u]1 (tecn.) sterilizzazione alla fiamma; flambaggio* * *['fleɪmɪŋ]1) [vehicle, building] in fiamme; [ torch] acceso, fiammeggiante3) [ row] violentoflaming idiot! — dannato o maledetto idiota!
17 flourish
['flʌrɪʃ] I1) (gesture) gesto m. platealeto do sth. with a flourish — fare qcs. con ostentazione
2) (detail, touch)with an emphatic flourish — con uno stile enfatico; (in a piece of music)
3) (in style) ghirigoro m., svolazzo m.II 1. 2.verbo intransitivo [ plant] crescere rigoglioso, prosperare; [ bacteria] proliferare; [ child] crescere (sano e robusto); [firm, democracy] fiorire, prosperare* * *1. verb1) (to be healthy; to grow well; to thrive: My plants are flourishing.) essere fiorente; fiorire2) (to be successful or active: His business is flourishing.) prosperare3) (to hold or wave something as a show, threat etc: He flourished his sword.) brandire2. noun1) (an ornamental stroke of the pen in writing: His writing was full of flourishes.) ghirigoro2) (an impressive, sweeping movement (with the hand or something held in it): He bowed and made a flourish with his hat.) gesto3) (an ornamental passage of music: There was a flourish on the trumpets.) fioritura, fanfara•* * *flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/n.1 gesto enfatico: He offered me the book with a flourish, mi ha offerto il libro con un ampio gesto del braccio5 abbellimento retorico; infiorettatura; espressione fiorita6 (mus.) fioritura; fiorettatura(to) flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/A v. i.2 (bot.) attecchire; prosperare: Palm trees don't flourish in cold countries, le palme non prosperano nei paesi freddi3 (di movimento, scuola, ecc.) fiorire; svilupparsi; diffondersi; essere fiorente4 (di affari, impresa, ecc.) prosperare; essere fiorente; andare a gonfie veleB v. t.1 agitare; sventolare; brandire; scuotere: He flourished a credit card, ha sventolato una carta di credito; to flourish one's sword, brandire la spada2 mettere in mostra; ostentare.* * *['flʌrɪʃ] I1) (gesture) gesto m. platealeto do sth. with a flourish — fare qcs. con ostentazione
2) (detail, touch)with an emphatic flourish — con uno stile enfatico; (in a piece of music)
3) (in style) ghirigoro m., svolazzo m.II 1. 2.verbo intransitivo [ plant] crescere rigoglioso, prosperare; [ bacteria] proliferare; [ child] crescere (sano e robusto); [firm, democracy] fiorire, prosperare -
18 hugely
['hjuːdʒlɪ]1) (emphatic) [enjoyable, expensive] estremamente2) [increase, vary, enjoy] enormemente* * ** * *hugely /ˈhju:dʒlɪ/avv.enormemente; immensamente: hugely rich, immensamente ricco; to be hugely successful, avere un enorme successo.* * *['hjuːdʒlɪ]1) (emphatic) [enjoyable, expensive] estremamente2) [increase, vary, enjoy] enormemente -
19 jolly
I 1. ['dʒɒlɪ]1) (cheerful) [ person] allegro, giocondo; [ tune] allegro2."I'm not going" - "you jolly well are!" — "non ci vado" - "ci vai eccome!"
II ['dʒɒlɪ]jolly good! — colloq. fantastico!
to jolly sb. along — rabbonire o blandire qcn
* * *['‹oli] 1. adjective(merry and cheerful: He's in quite a jolly mood today.) allegro2. adverb(very: Taste this - it's jolly good!) molto- jollity* * *jolly (1) /ˈdʒɒlɪ/A a.1 allegro; gaio; giocondo: a fat, jolly lady, una signora grassa e allegra2 (fam. antiq.) divertente; festoso: We had a jolly time, ci siamo proprio divertiti; How jolly!, che bello!; che piacere!3 (fam.) alticcio; brillo; su di giri (fam.)B avv.(fam. antiq., GB) molto; proprio; veramente: jolly good, proprio buono; ottimo: to have a jolly good time, divertirsi un mondo; spassarsela; Jolly clever of you!, sei stato proprio in gamba!; jolly boring, noiosissimo; una gran noiaC inter.benissimo!; eccellente, magnifico, splendido!D n.1 (fam.) festa; bevuta; baldoria2 (fam.) divertimento; botta di vita3 (al pl.) divertimento (sing.); godimento (sing.); spasso (sing.): to get one's jollies, divertirsi; godere● a jolly good fellow, un giovialone, un cordialone □ (fam. scherz., GB, di donna) jolly hockey-sticks, sportiva ed entusiasta □ (fam.) jolly well, benissimo; (davanti a un verbo) eccome, altroché, sicuro: I jolly well told him!, gliel'ho detto eccome!; I should jolly well hope so!, lo spero bene!; He can jolly well wait!, che aspetti pure!FALSI AMICI: jolly non significa jolly nel senso italiano di matta, oppure chi è in grado di svolgere diverse funzioni. jolly (2) /ˈdʒɒlɪ/► jolly boat.(to) jolly /ˈdʒɒlɪ/v. t. (fam.)2 convincere con incoraggiamenti o blandizie: I tried to jolly him into some enthusiasm, ho cercato di risvegliare in lui un po' di entusiasmo; to jolly sb. into doing st., convincere con belle parole q. a fare qc.* * *I 1. ['dʒɒlɪ]1) (cheerful) [ person] allegro, giocondo; [ tune] allegro2."I'm not going" - "you jolly well are!" — "non ci vado" - "ci vai eccome!"
II ['dʒɒlɪ]jolly good! — colloq. fantastico!
to jolly sb. along — rabbonire o blandire qcn
20 mighty
['maɪtɪ] 1.2.the mighty — + verbo pl. i potenti
1) (powerful) potente, forte2) (large) imponente, massiccio, grande3) colloq. (huge, terrific) enorme, grandissimo3.••how are the mighty fallen! — lett. come sono caduti in basso i potenti!
high and mighty — prepotente, arrogante
* * ** * *['maɪtɪ]2. advfam molto* * *mighty /ˈmaɪtɪ/A a.1 forte; possente; potente; poderoso; vigorosoB avv.● a mighty wind, un forte vento; un ventaccio □ (fam.) That's mighty easy, è facilissimo; potrebbe farlo un bambino!* * *['maɪtɪ] 1.2.the mighty — + verbo pl. i potenti
1) (powerful) potente, forte2) (large) imponente, massiccio, grande3) colloq. (huge, terrific) enorme, grandissimo3.••how are the mighty fallen! — lett. come sono caduti in basso i potenti!
high and mighty — prepotente, arrogante
См. также в других словарях:
emphatic — em*phat ic, emphatical em*phat ic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. emphatique. See {Emphasis}.] 1. Uttered with emphasis; made prominent and impressive by a peculiar stress of voice; laying stress; deserving of stress or emphasis; forcible; impressive;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emphatic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) showing or giving emphasis. 2) definite and clear: an emphatic win. DERIVATIVES emphatically adverb … English terms dictionary
emphatic — [em fat′ik, imfat′ik] adj. [Gr emphatikos] 1. expressed, felt, or done with emphasis 2. using emphasis in speaking, expressing, etc. 3. very striking; forcible; definite [an emphatic defeat] 4. Gram. designating or of a present tense or past… … English World dictionary
emphatic — I adjective absolute, categorical, clear, compelling, decided, dogmatic, energetic, explicit, express, forceful, forcible, graphic, insistent, overt, positive, reiterative, resounding, strong, telling, vehement, vivid II index categorical, clear… … Law dictionary
emphatic — 1708, from Gk. emphatikos, variant of emphantikos, from emphainein (see EMPHASIS (Cf. emphasis)). Emphatical is earlier (1550s). Related: Emphatically … Etymology dictionary
emphatic — [adj] insistent, unequivocal absolute, accented, assertive, assured, categorical, certain, cogent, confident, decided, definite, definitive, determined, direct, distinct, dogmatic, dynamic, earnest, energetic, explicit, express, flat, for a face* … New thesaurus
emphatic — [[t]ɪmfæ̱tɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED An emphatic response or statement is one made in a forceful way, because the speaker feels very strongly about what they are saying. His response was immediate and emphatic... I answered both questions with an… … English dictionary
emphatic — em|phat|ic [ımˈfætık] adj 1.) expressing an opinion, idea etc in a clear, strong way to show its importance ▪ an emphatic denial emphatic that ▪ Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead. emphatic about ▪ He was pretty emphatic about me… … Dictionary of contemporary English
emphatic — em|phat|ic [ em fætık ] adjective 1. ) said or shown in a very strong, clear way: He refused my offer with an emphatic shake of the head. a ) making your meaning very clear because you have very strong feelings about a situation or subject:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
emphatic — UK [ɪmˈfætɪk] / US [emˈfætɪk] adjective 1) a) said or shown in a very strong clear way He refused my offer with an emphatic shake of the head. b) making your meaning very clear because you have very strong feelings about a situation or subject… … English dictionary
emphatic — emphatically, adv. emphaticalness, n. /em fat ik/, adj. 1. uttered, or to be uttered, with emphasis; strongly expressive. 2. using emphasis in speech or action. 3. forceful; insistent: a big, emphatic man; I must be emphatic about this particular … Universalium