1 ♦ domestic
♦ domestic /dəˈmɛstɪk/A a.1 domestico: domestic happiness, la felicità domestica; domestic violence, violenza tra le mura domestiche; Cats and dogs are domestic animals, i gatti e i cani sono animali domestici2 nazionale; interno: to buy domestic goods, comprare prodotti nazionali; domestic trade, commercio interno; ( in un giornale) domestic news, notizie dall'interno; domestic wines, vini nazionali; (econ.) domestic demand, la domanda interna3 casalingo; amante della casaB n.1 domestico; servitore2 (fam. ingl.) violenta lite familiare● (leg.) domestic abuse (o violence), violenza domestica □ domestic appliance, elettrodomestico □ (fin.) domestic bill, cambiale pagabile all'interno ( di un paese) □ (econ.) domestic cars, le auto di fabbricazione nazionale □ (econ.) the domestic economy, l'economia nazionale □ domestic help, colf □ ( banca) domestic lending, impieghi interni □ domestic life, vita domestica (o familiare) □ domestic partner, convivente □ domestic satellite ► domsat □ (antiq.) domestic science, economia domestica ( materia di studio) □ domestic staff, personale di servizio □ domestic worker, addetto ai servizi domestici. -
2 domestic
[də'mestɪk]1) pol. (home) [market, affairs, flight, price] interno, nazionale; [ consumer] nazionale; [crisis, issue] di politica interna2) (of house) [activity, animal] domestico* * *[də'mestik]1) (of or in the house or home: a domestic servant; domestic utensils.) domestico, casalingo2) (concerning one's private life or family: domestic problems.) domestico3) ((of animals) tame and living with or used by people.) domestico4) (not foreign: the Government's domestic policy.) nazionale, interno•- domestication
- domesticity
- domestic help* * *[də'mestɪk]1) pol. (home) [market, affairs, flight, price] interno, nazionale; [ consumer] nazionale; [crisis, issue] di politica interna2) (of house) [activity, animal] domestico -
3 domestic **** do·mes·tic
4 domestic science
5 domestic violence
6 domestic help
7 domestic appliance
8 gross domestic product
nome abbr. gross domestic product prodotto interno lordo PIL m.* * *GDPsigla( gross domestic product) prodotto interno lordo (PIL).* * *nome abbr. gross domestic product prodotto interno lordo PIL m. -
10 grinder
['graɪndə(r)]1) (industrial) frantoio m., frantumatore m.; (domestic) tritatutto m.; (for meat) tritacarne m.2) tecn. (for sharpening) affilatrice f., molatrice f.3) (person) affilatore m. (-trice), molatore m. (-trice); (of cutlery) arrotino m.4) AE (sandwich) = grosso panino farcito* * *noun (a person or machine that grinds: a coffee-grinder.) macina, macinino* * *grinder /ˈgraɪndə(r)/n.1 macinatore; molitore; affilatore4 (anat.) (dente) molare8 (mecc.) affilatrice; molatrice; rettificatrice; smerigliatrice10 (fam.) insegnante privato; ripetitore* * *['graɪndə(r)]1) (industrial) frantoio m., frantumatore m.; (domestic) tritatutto m.; (for meat) tritacarne m.2) tecn. (for sharpening) affilatrice f., molatrice f.3) (person) affilatore m. (-trice), molatore m. (-trice); (of cutlery) arrotino m.4) AE (sandwich) = grosso panino farcito -
11 hen
[hen] 1.1) (domestic fowl) gallina f.2) (female bird) femmina f.2.modificatore [sparrow, pheasant] femmina* * *[hen]1) (the female farmyard fowl: Hens lay eggs.) gallina2) (the female of any bird: The hen is sitting on the nest; ( also adjective) a hen blackbird.) femmina (di volatili)•- henpecked* * *hen /hɛn/n.1 gallina; chioccia2 (nei composti) femmina ( di volatili e d'altri animali, per es.:) pea-hen, femmina del pavone; pavona; pavonessa; hen-crab, granchio femmina4 (fam.) vecchia pettegola; comare● (zool.) hen bird, uccello femmina □ hen-coop, stia; ( USA) pollaio □ hen-cote, pollaio □ (zool.) hen harrier ( Circus cyaneus), albanella reale □ hen-hearted, pusillanime; vile □ hen-house, pollaio □ (fam. scherz.) hen night (o hen party), festa per sole donne; addio al nubilato □ hen-roost, posatoio; pollaio □ hen-sparrow, passera.* * *[hen] 1.1) (domestic fowl) gallina f.2) (female bird) femmina f.2.modificatore [sparrow, pheasant] femmina -
12 housewife
['haʊswaɪf]* * *plural - housewives; noun (a woman who looks after her house, her husband and her family, and who usually does not have a job outside the home.) casalinga* * *housewife (def. 1 /ˈhaʊswaɪf/, def. 2 /ˈhʌzɪf/)n. (pl. housewives)1 casalinga; donna di casa; massaiahousewifelya.di (o da) massaia; casalingo; domesticohousewiferyn. [u]governo della casa; amministrazione domestica; gestione della casa.* * *['haʊswaɪf] -
13 incinerator
[ɪn'sɪnəreɪtə(r)]nome (industrial, domestic) inceneritore m.; (in crematorium) forno m. crematorio* * *noun (a furnace or other container for burning rubbish etc.) inceneritore* * *incinerator► to incinerate* * *[ɪn'sɪnəreɪtə(r)]nome (industrial, domestic) inceneritore m.; (in crematorium) forno m. crematorio -
14 inland
I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd]* * *1. ['inlənd] adjective1) (not beside the sea: inland areas.) interno2) (done etc inside a country: inland trade.) interno2. adverb(in, or towards, the parts of the land away from the sea: These flowers grow better inland.) nell'entroterra* * *inland (1) /ˈɪnlənd/A n.interno del paese; retroterra; entroterraB a.1 situato nel retroterra; dell'entroterra; racchiuso fra terre emerse; (dell') interno: an inland district, una regione dell'entroterra; an inland sea, un mare interno2 (econ., comm.) interno: inland trade, commercio interno; inland consumption, consumo interno; (fisc.) inland duty, dazio interno; inland navigation, navigazione interna ( fluviale o per idrovie)● (fin.) inland bill, cambiale interna; cambiale pagabile all'interno □ (fisc.) inland revenue, imposte e dazi interni; gettito fiscale; erario, fisco □ inland-revenue stamp, bollo fiscale □ inland waterways, canali navigabili; idrovie interne.inland (2) /ɪnˈlænd/avv.all'interno; verso l'interno; nell'entroterra: to go inland, andare verso l'interno ( d'un paese); to live inland, abitare nell'entroterra.* * *I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd] -
15 front
I [frʌnt]1) (forward facing area) (of house, shop) facciata f.; (of cupboard, box, car) davanti m., parte f. anteriore; (of sweater) davanti m.; (of book) copertina f.; (of card) faccia f.; (of coin, banknote) recto m.; (of fabric) diritto m.2) (furthest forward part) (of train, queue) testa f.; (of building) davanti m.; (of auditorium) prima fila f.at the front of — in testa a [ line]; sul davanti di [ house]
3) mil. pol. fronte m.4) (stomach)to spill sth. down one's front — rovesciarsi qcs. addosso
5) BE (promenade) passeggiata f.6) meteor. fronte m.7) (area of activity) fronte m.changes on the domestic o home front — pol. cambiamenti di politica interna
8) fig. (outer appearance) facciata f.11) in front of (before) davanti aII [frʌnt]aggettivo attrib.1) (facing street) [entrance, garden, window] davanti; [ bedroom] sul davanti della casa2) (furthest from rear) [wheel, paw, leg] anteriore, davanti; [ seat] (in cinema) in prima fila; (in vehicle) davanti; [ tooth] davanti; [ carriage] di testafront panel — (in car radio) frontalino
3) (first) [ page] primo; [ racing car] in testaIII 1. [frʌnt]2) colloq. (lead) essere a capo di, capeggiare [band, party]3) telev. presentare [ TV show]2.1) (face)to front onto — BE o
* * *1) (the part of anything (intended to be) nearest the person who sees it; usually the most important part of anything: the front of the house; the front of the picture; ( also adjective) the front page.) davanti, parte anteriore, facciata2) (the foremost part of anything in the direction in which it moves: the front of the ship; ( also adjective) the front seat of the bus.) davanti, parte anteriore3) (the part of a city or town that faces the sea: We walked along the (sea) front.) lungomare4) ((in war) the line of soliers nearest the enemy: They are sending more soldiers to the front.) fronte5) (a boundary separating two masses of air of different temperatures: A cold front is approaching from the Atlantic.) fronte6) (an outward appearance: He put on a brave front.) facciata7) (a name sometimes given to a political movement: the Popular Front for Liberation.) fronte•- frontage- frontal
- at the front of
- in front of
- in front* * *I [frʌnt]1) (forward facing area) (of house, shop) facciata f.; (of cupboard, box, car) davanti m., parte f. anteriore; (of sweater) davanti m.; (of book) copertina f.; (of card) faccia f.; (of coin, banknote) recto m.; (of fabric) diritto m.2) (furthest forward part) (of train, queue) testa f.; (of building) davanti m.; (of auditorium) prima fila f.at the front of — in testa a [ line]; sul davanti di [ house]
3) mil. pol. fronte m.4) (stomach)to spill sth. down one's front — rovesciarsi qcs. addosso
5) BE (promenade) passeggiata f.6) meteor. fronte m.7) (area of activity) fronte m.changes on the domestic o home front — pol. cambiamenti di politica interna
8) fig. (outer appearance) facciata f.11) in front of (before) davanti aII [frʌnt]aggettivo attrib.1) (facing street) [entrance, garden, window] davanti; [ bedroom] sul davanti della casa2) (furthest from rear) [wheel, paw, leg] anteriore, davanti; [ seat] (in cinema) in prima fila; (in vehicle) davanti; [ tooth] davanti; [ carriage] di testafront panel — (in car radio) frontalino
3) (first) [ page] primo; [ racing car] in testaIII 1. [frʌnt]2) colloq. (lead) essere a capo di, capeggiare [band, party]3) telev. presentare [ TV show]2.1) (face)to front onto — BE o
16 mess
I [mes]1) (untidy state) confusione f., disordine m., casino m. colloq.to make a mess — [ person] mettere in disordine
to tidy o clear up the mess mettere in ordine o a posto; this report is a mess! questa relazione è un disastro! my hair is a mess ho i capelli tutti spettinati o in disordine; you look a mess! BE you look like a mess! — AE sei proprio malmesso o conciato male!
2) fig. (muddled state)my life is a mess — la mia vita è un casino colloq.
to be in a terrible mess — [ economy] essere allo sbando
to make a mess of the job — combinare un pasticcio, un casino colloq.
3) colloq. (pitiful state)his face was a mess — il suo viso era devastato o deturpato
he's a mess — (psychologically) è molto confuso, è incasinato colloq.
4) (excrement) (of domestic animal) cacca f.5) (stain)6) mil. mensa f.officers' mess — (in the army) mensa ufficiali; (in the navy) quadrato ufficiali
7) AE colloq. piatto m., porzione f.II [mes]verbo intransitivo colloq. (meddle)- mess up* * *[mes] 1. noun(a state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle: This room is in a terrible mess!; She looked a mess; The spilt food made a mess on the carpet.) confusione, disordine2. verb((with with) to meddle, or to have something to do with: She's always messing with the television set.) trafficare- messy- messily
- messiness
- mess-up
- make a mess of
- mess about/around
- mess up* * *I [mes]1) (untidy state) confusione f., disordine m., casino m. colloq.to make a mess — [ person] mettere in disordine
to tidy o clear up the mess mettere in ordine o a posto; this report is a mess! questa relazione è un disastro! my hair is a mess ho i capelli tutti spettinati o in disordine; you look a mess! BE you look like a mess! — AE sei proprio malmesso o conciato male!
2) fig. (muddled state)my life is a mess — la mia vita è un casino colloq.
to be in a terrible mess — [ economy] essere allo sbando
to make a mess of the job — combinare un pasticcio, un casino colloq.
3) colloq. (pitiful state)his face was a mess — il suo viso era devastato o deturpato
he's a mess — (psychologically) è molto confuso, è incasinato colloq.
4) (excrement) (of domestic animal) cacca f.5) (stain)6) mil. mensa f.officers' mess — (in the army) mensa ufficiali; (in the navy) quadrato ufficiali
7) AE colloq. piatto m., porzione f.II [mes]verbo intransitivo colloq. (meddle)- mess up -
17 painting
['peɪntɪŋ]1) U (activity, art form) pittura f.2) (work of art) dipinto m., quadro m.; (unframed) tela f.; (of person) ritratto m.3) U (domestic decorating) verniciatura f., tinteggiatura f.* * *1) (the act or art of using paint: Painting is very relaxing.) pittura2) (a painted picture: There were four paintings (hanging) on the wall.) dipinto* * *['peɪntɪŋ]1) U (activity, art form) pittura f.2) (work of art) dipinto m., quadro m.; (unframed) tela f.; (of person) ritratto m.3) U (domestic decorating) verniciatura f., tinteggiatura f. -
18 route
I [ruːt]2) (in transport) rotta f., tratta f.Route 66 — AE la statale 66
3) (official itinerary) percorso m.4) fig. (to power etc.) strada f. (to di, che porta a)5) AE [raʊt]II [ruːt]verbo transitivo spedire, inoltrare [ goods]* * *1. noun(a way of getting somewhere; a road: Our route took us through the mountains.) percorso, itinerario2. verb(to arrange a route for: Heavy traffic was routed round the outside of the town.) instradare, far passare* * *I [ruːt]2) (in transport) rotta f., tratta f.Route 66 — AE la statale 66
3) (official itinerary) percorso m.4) fig. (to power etc.) strada f. (to di, che porta a)5) AE [raʊt]II [ruːt]verbo transitivo spedire, inoltrare [ goods] -
19 rubbish
I ['rʌbɪʃ]nome U1) (refuse) rifiuti m.pl.; (domestic) spazzatura f., immondizia f.; (on site) calcinacci m.pl., macerie f.pl.2) (inferior goods) robaccia f.; (discarded objects) scarto m.3) (nonsense)II ['rʌbɪʃ]this book is rubbish! — colloq. questo libro fa schifo!
verbo transitivo BE criticare duramente, fare a pezzi [person, work]* * *1) (waste material; things that have been or are to be thrown away: Our rubbish is taken away twice a week; ( also adjective) a rubbish bin/bag.) spazzatura; della spazzatura2) (nonsense: Don't talk rubbish!) sciocchezze* * *I ['rʌbɪʃ]nome U1) (refuse) rifiuti m.pl.; (domestic) spazzatura f., immondizia f.; (on site) calcinacci m.pl., macerie f.pl.2) (inferior goods) robaccia f.; (discarded objects) scarto m.3) (nonsense)II ['rʌbɪʃ]this book is rubbish! — colloq. questo libro fa schifo!
verbo transitivo BE criticare duramente, fare a pezzi [person, work] -
20 stock
I 1. [stɒk]1) U (in shop, warehouse) stock m., scorta f., provvista f.to have sth. in stock — (in shop) avere qcs. in magazzino; (in warehouse) essere provvisto di qcs.
to be out of stock — [product, model] essere esaurito; [shop, warehouse] avere esaurito le scorte
2) (supply, store) (on large scale) stock m.; (on domestic scale) provviste f.pl.to get in o lay in a stock of provisions fare provviste; while stocks last — fino a esaurimento scorte
3) econ. (capital) capitale m. azionario, capitale m. sociale4) (descent) famiglia f., etnia f., stirpe f.5) (standing) credito m., stima f.his stock has risen since... — la considerazione per lui è aumentata da quando
6) gastr. brodo m. ristretto7) (of gun) calcio m.8) bot. violacciocca f.9) sart. (cravat) lavallière f.11) bot. + verbo pl. portainnesto m.2.1) stor. dir.the stocks — la gogna, la berlina
2) econ. azioni f., titoli m., obbligazioni f.stocks closed higher, lower — la borsa ha chiuso in rialzo, in ribasso
3.stocks and shares — valori mobiliari, titoli
••II [stɒk]to take stock — fare il punto (of di)
1) comm. (sell) avere, vendereI'm sorry, we don't stock it — mi dispiace, non lo abbiamo
2) (fill with supplies) fornire, riempire [larder, fridge]; rifornire, riempire [ shelves]; rifornire, approvvigionare [ shop]•- stock up* * *[stok] 1. noun1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) stock, merce2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) provvista, scorta3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) bestiame4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) azione; titolo5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) brodo6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) manico; calcio2. adjective(common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) comune, standard3. verb1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) tenere, avere2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) rifornire, provvedere•- stockist- stocks
- stockbroker
- stock exchange
- stock market
- stockpile 4. verb(to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) (accumulare riserve di)- stock-taking
- stock up
- take stock* * *I 1. [stɒk]1) U (in shop, warehouse) stock m., scorta f., provvista f.to have sth. in stock — (in shop) avere qcs. in magazzino; (in warehouse) essere provvisto di qcs.
to be out of stock — [product, model] essere esaurito; [shop, warehouse] avere esaurito le scorte
2) (supply, store) (on large scale) stock m.; (on domestic scale) provviste f.pl.to get in o lay in a stock of provisions fare provviste; while stocks last — fino a esaurimento scorte
3) econ. (capital) capitale m. azionario, capitale m. sociale4) (descent) famiglia f., etnia f., stirpe f.5) (standing) credito m., stima f.his stock has risen since... — la considerazione per lui è aumentata da quando
6) gastr. brodo m. ristretto7) (of gun) calcio m.8) bot. violacciocca f.9) sart. (cravat) lavallière f.11) bot. + verbo pl. portainnesto m.2.1) stor. dir.the stocks — la gogna, la berlina
2) econ. azioni f., titoli m., obbligazioni f.stocks closed higher, lower — la borsa ha chiuso in rialzo, in ribasso
3.stocks and shares — valori mobiliari, titoli
••II [stɒk]to take stock — fare il punto (of di)
1) comm. (sell) avere, vendereI'm sorry, we don't stock it — mi dispiace, non lo abbiamo
2) (fill with supplies) fornire, riempire [larder, fridge]; rifornire, riempire [ shelves]; rifornire, approvvigionare [ shop]•- stock up
См. также в других словарях:
domestic — do·mes·tic /də mes tik/ adj 1: of or relating to the household or family a domestic servant domestic relations see also family court 2: of, relating to, or originating within … Law dictionary
domestic — do‧mes‧tic [dəˈmestɪk] adjective [only before a noun] 1. relating to the home or the family: • dramatic rises planned on domestic fuel bills 2. relating to the country you live in, rather than abroad: • The government hoped to halt the overall… … Financial and business terms
domestic — DOMÉSTIC, Ă, domestici, ce, adj. 1. (Despre animale) Care trăieşte pe lângă casă, fiind folosit în anumite scopuri. 2. Care este legat de casă, de gospodărie, de familie, specific vieţii gospodăreşti; p. ext. intim, privat. – Din fr. domestique,… … Dicționar Român
Domestic — Do*mes tic, a. [L. domesticus, fr. domus use: cf. F. domestique. See 1st {Dome}.] 1. Of or pertaining to one s house or home, or one s household or family; relating to home life; as, domestic concerns, life, duties, cares, happiness, worship,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Domestic — or domestique can refer to: A cycling domestique A domestic worker Domestic airport Domestic violence Domestic (band), a group with Trust in Trance Records Domestikos (English: the Domestic), a Byzantine title Domestic of the Schools, commander… … Wikipedia
domestic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to a home or family affairs or relations. 2) of or for use in the home. 3) fond of family life and running a home. 4) (of an animal) tame and kept by humans. 5) existing or occurring within a country; not foreign. ► NOUN… … English terms dictionary
domestic — [dō mes′tik, dəmes′tik] adj. [ME < OFr domestique < L domesticus < domus: see DOME] 1. having to do with the home or housekeeping; of the house or family [domestic joys] 2. of one s own country or the country referred to 3. made or… … English World dictionary
Domestic — Do*mes tic, n. 1. One who lives in the family of an other, as hired household assistant; a house servant. [1913 Webster] The master labors and leads an anxious life, to secure plenty and ease to the domestic. V. Knox. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. (Com.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
domestic — (adj.) early 15c., from M.Fr. domestique (14c.) and directly from L. domesticus belonging to the household, from domus house, from PIE *domo /*domu house, household (Cf. Skt. damah house; Avestan demana house; Gk. domos house, despotes … Etymology dictionary
domestic — [adj1] household calm, devoted, domiciliary, family, home, homelike, homeloving, homely, indoor, pet, private, sedentary, settled, stay at home, subdued, submissive, tame, trained, tranquil; concept 542 Ant. business, industrial, office domestic… … New thesaurus
Domestic — Domestic, grobfadiger, baumwollener Hemdenstoff, mit Leinwandbindung und 27 Ketten und 25 Schußfäden auf 1 cm … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon