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  • 61 хотеть

    1. to want; 2. to wish; 3. to feel like doing smth; 4. wouldn't mind; 5. would not say no; 6. would like; 7. to be willing; 8. to fancy; 9. to take smb's fancy; 10. to be interested; 11. to be keen on/to be keen on doing smth; 12. to be eager to do smth; 13. to be anxious to do smth; 14. would do anything/would give anything; 15. can't wait; 16. to be itching to do smth; 17. to be dying; 18. to set one's heart on; 19. to dream of; 20. to long; 21. to yearn; 22. to crave; 23. to hanker after; 24. to aspire; 25. to need
    Русский глагол хотеть используется для выражения желания любого типа, как того что реально происходит, так и того что может произойти с малой долей вероятности или вообще уже не может произойти. Английские соответствия подчеркивают реальность, нереальность, а также малую вероятность исполнения желания, степень желательности и относятся к разным стилям речи.
    1. to want — хотеть, желать, испытывать желание ( не употребляется в Passive и Continuous): to want smth — желать чего-либо/хотеть чего-либо; to want smb to do smth — хотеть, чтобы кто-либо сделал что-либо; to want to do smth — хотеть что-либо сделать I want to talk with you. — Я хочу поговорить с тобой. I want you to talk with her. — Я хочу, чтобы ты поговорил с ней. The dog wants out. — Собака хочет выйти погулять. Your mother wants you. — Мама тебя зовет. I want some carrots. — Я хочу немного моркови./Мне моркови, пожалуйста. She said she didn't want to get married. — Она сказала, что не хочет выходить замуж. Please, let me pay half, I really want to. — Разрешите и мне заплатить половину, я действительно хочу это сделать. You could go back to bed for a while, if you want to. — Ты можешь еще немного поспать, если хочешь. The doctor wants me to go for another check up in two weeks' time. — Врач хочет, чтобы я прошла контрольное обследование через две недели. We wanted her to go with us, but she could not get the time off work. — Мы хотели, чтобы она поехала с нами, но она не могла уйти с работы. I know you want the party to be a success. — Я знаю, что ты хочешь, чтобы вечер прошел удачно. She wants the room fixed before we go. — Она хочет, чтобы навели порядок в комнате до нашего отъезда. What do you want to be when you grow up? — Кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь? Состояние хотения ассоциируется с желанием еды и питья, а исполнение желания с процессом поедания, что проявляется в явном виде в ряде следующих словосочетаний: They are power-hungry and will stop at nothing. — Они жаждут власти и ни перед чем не остановятся. They are greedy for power. — Они жаждут власти. My grandmother had huge appetite for life. — Моя бабушка очень любила жизнь./Моя бабушка имела вкус к жизни. We are salivating for interesting things to do. — Мы изголодались по интересной работе. I have developed a taste for foreign travel. — Я вошел во вкус путешествий по разным странам. Here's something to whet your appetite. — Вот кое-что, что может возбудить твой аппетит. She hungered to see him again. — Она истомилась желанием увидеть его снова./Оыа жаждала увидеть его снова. They have thirst for knowledge. — У них жажда к знаниям. I devoured every book on the subject thai I could find. — Я с жадностью проглатывал/поглощал все книги по этому вопросу, которые мог найти.
    2. to wish — хотеть, желать (не употребляется в Passive и Continuous; в условных и дополнительных придаточных предложениях имеет значение хотеть того, что может случиться с малой долей вероятности): to wish smb well (ill) — желать кому-либо добра (зла) The chief wishes to see you. — Начальник хочет вас видеть. I wish I could help you. — Если бы только я мог вам помочь. I wish to goodness that music would stop. — Господи, хоть бы эта музыка смолкла. I wished him all the best. — Я пожелал ему всего самого лучшего. I wished him a good trip. — Я пожелал ему доброго пути. They wished me a happy birthday. — Они поздравили меня с днем рождения. What more could one wish her? — Чего еще можно ей пожелать? The weather was everything we could wish. — Погода была как на заказ. Anyone wishes to order the book should send a cheque to the publisher. — Все, кто желают приобрести эту книгу, должны выслать чек на имя издателя. I wish you would shut up! — Если бы ты замолчал!/Хоть бы ты замолчал! Where is that postman? I wish he would hurry up. — Куда девался этот почтальон? Хотелось бы, чтобы он поторопился./Хоть бы он поторопился. I wish the rains would stop. — Когда-нибудь кончатся эти дожди? I wish I had a car like that. — Как бы мне хотелось иметь такую же машину. I've come to wish you a happy New Year. — Я пришел, чтобы пожелать вам счастливого Нового года./Я пришел, чтобы поздравить вас с Новым годом.
    3. to feel like doing smth — быть в настроении что-либо сделать, хотеть что-либо сделать (или иметь, особенно потому, что вам это может доставить удовольствие): to feel like doing smth — хотеть что-либо сделать/быть в состоянии что-либо сделать Do you feel like dancing? — Вам не хочется потанцевать? I feel like saying to him: «Paul, you are the world's biggest idiot». — Мне так и хотелось ему сказать: «Павел, ты самый большой идиот/дурак в мире». It is so hot today, I really feel like an ice-cream. — Сегодня так жарко, что мне очень хочется мороженого.
    4. wouldn't mind — хотеть, не прочь (используется в ситуациях, когда вам хочется иметь что-либо или сделать что-либо, даже в тех случаях, когда вероятность получить мала): I wouldn't mind looking like Elisabeth Taylor when 1 am her age. — Я бы была не против выглядеть как Элизабет Тейлор, когда буду в том же возрасте. I would not mind his job, he is always eating at expensive restaurants and stays at exclusive hotels. — Я бы не возражала иметь такую как у него работу, он питается в дорогих ресторанах и живет в шикарных гостиницах./Я хотела бы иметь такую как у него работу, он питается в дорогих ресторанах и живет в шикарных гостиницах. Would you like another beer? —Yes, I wouldn't mind. — Хотите еще пива? — Да, я бы не прочь.
    5. would not say no — не откажусь (используется в ситуациях, когда вам очень хочется иметь или сделать что-либо): I would not say no to a glass of whisky! — Я бы не отказался от рюмочки виски! How about a night out of town? — I certainly would not say no. — He провести ли нам ночь за городом? — Конечно, я бы не отказался.
    6. would like — хотеть, желать (чтобы кто-либо что-либо сделал, особенно в вежливых просьбах, инструкциях и указаниях): We would like you to record all your conversations. — Мы бы хотели, чтобы вы записали на пленку все эти беседы. I would like you to see her and visit my family in Kiev, when you are there. — Я бы хотел, чтобы вы, когда будете в Киеве, повидались с ней и зашли к моим родителям. Would you like another cup of tea? — Хотите еще чашечку чая?
    7. to be willing — хотеть что-либо сделать, охотно что-либо сделать (используется для выражения готовности сделать что-либо по своей воле, без принуждения): to be willing to do smth — охотно что-либо сделать He is willing to tell the police everything he knows. — Он готов рассказать полиции все, что знает. Have a word with the manager and see if he is willing to reduce the price. — Поговори с управляющим и выясни, хочет ли/готов ли он снизить цену. We needed a new secretary but no one was willing to take the job. — Нам был нужен новый секретарь, но никто не хотел взяться за эту работу.
    8. to fancy — хотеть, нравиться, приходить в голову ( используется в неофициальной речи): I don't fancy this car. — Мне не нравится эта машина./Я бы не хотел иметь такую машину. The patient can eat whatever he fancies. — Больной может есть все, что ему захочется/Больной может есть все, что ему вздумается./Больной может есть все, что ему заблагорассудится. Do you fancy a drink? — Хочешь выпить? I think he has always fancied a house like that. — Мне кажется, ему всегда хотелось иметь такой дом. I really fancy going for a swim. — Мне действительно хочется выкупаться. What do you fancy for dinner? — Что бы ты хотел на обед? I quite fancy the idea of lazing around. — Я совсем не прочь побездельничать. I don't fancy staying in tonight. — Мне не хочется сегодня вечером сидеть дома.
    9. to take smb's fancy — приглянуться, вызвать желание иметь что-либо, захотеть, привлечь чем-либо, захотеть иметь чтолибо, захотеть приобрести что-либо ( используется в обыденных ситуациях): We could go to the movie or go out for a meal — wherever takes your fancy. — Мы можем пойти в кино или куда-нибудь поесть — куда тебе хочется./ Мы можем пойти в кино или куда-нибудь поесть — куда тебе больше нравится. We wandered around the market stopping occasionally at the stalls to buy something that took her fancy. — Мы ходили между разными лотками, останавливаясь время от времени и покупая то, что привлекло ее./Мы ходили по рынку, останавливаясь время от времени у разных лотков, и покупая то, что ей хотелось./Мы ходили между разными лотками, останавливаясь время от времени и покупая то, что ей казалось привлекательным.
    10. to be interested — хотеть, иметь желание (хотеть что-то сделать и быть с кем-либо связанным или иметь к этому отношение, особенно, если вас об этом просили): I don't know if I can tell you much, but I would be very interested in coming to the meeting. — He знаю, смогу ли я много рассказать, но я бы хотел прийти на собрание. Would you be interested in going to the theatre with me on Friday? — Хотите пойти со мной в театр в пятницу? We are going for a walk, are you interested? — Мы идем гулять, а ты не хочешь пойти с нами?
    11. to be keen on/to be keen on doing smth — очень хотеть что-либо сделать (особенно потому, что вы думаете это будет интересно и доставит удовольствие или поможет другим людям): He's really keen to meet you. — Ему правда очень хочется познакомиться с вами. Diana is very keen to prove her worth to our group. — Диане очень хочется доказать, что она полезна нашей группе. The government is keen to avoid further conflicts with the Trade Union. — Правительство стремится к тому, чтобы избежать дальнейших конфликтов с профсоюзами./Правительство очень заинтересовано в том, чтобы избежать дальнейших конфликтов с профсоюзами. We are very keen to encourage more local employers to work with us. — Нам очень хочется, чтобы многие местные предприниматели работали с нами./Мы заинтересованы втом, чтобы больше местных предпринимателей сотрудничало с нами.
    12. to be eager to do smth — хотеть что-либо сделать, стремиться что-либо сделать: I was very eager to get my hand on those rare recordings. — Мне очень хотелось заполучить эти редкие записи/пластинки. Не is so eager to learn that he stayes late every evening. — Он так стремится к знаниям, что сидит (за занятиями) подолгу по вечерам. Some patients are only too eagerto tell you exactly how they feel. — Некоторые пациенты горят желанием подробно рассказать ( врачу) о своих ощущениях./Некоторые пациенты стремятся в подробностях рассказать ( врачу) 0 своих ощущениях.
    13. to be anxious to do smth — стремиться что-либо сделать, очень хотеть что-либо сделать (приложить большие усилия к тому, чтобы произвести хорошее впечатление или успешно справиться с новой работой): Не was anxious to gain approval. — Ему хотелось, чтобы его работа была одобрена./Он старался, чтобы его действия были одобрены./Он старался добиться похвалы. We are anxious to hear from anyone who can help. — Мы стремимся связаться со всеми, кто может оказать помощь. We are anxious that the food should be of the best quality. — Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества./Мы очень хотим, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества,/Мы очень стараемся, чтобы еда здесь была самого лучшего качества.
    14. would do anything/would give anything — хотеть сделать все возможное (используется в ситуациях, когда вам очень хочется сделать что-либо): When she began writing she would have done anything to get her articles printed. — Когда она начала писать, она была готова на все, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны./Когда она начала писать, она очень стремилась к тому, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны./Когда она начала писать, она очень хотела, чтобы ее статьи были напечатаны. She would do anything to marry Ben, but he just won't ask her. — Она отдала бы все, чтобы выйти замуж за Бена, но он не делает ей предложение. 1 would do anything for a cup of coffee. — Я бы все отдал за чашечку кофе.
    15. can't wait — не могу дождаться, мне не терпится (используется в ситуациях, когда вам чего-либо очень хочется, чтобы это произошло как можно скорее, особенно потому, что вы довольны, счастливы от предвкушения и возбуждены): After his trip to the Zoo, Philip could not wait to tell his club fellows about it. — После посещения зоопарка Филиппу не терпелось рассказать обо всем своим товарищам по клубу. She can't wait to get out onto the ski slopes this year. — Ей не терпится и в этом году вновь попасть в горы покататься на лыжах. I can't wait for Christmas it will be great to see the family again. — Я жду не дождусь Рождества, здорово будет повидать всю семью снова. Another two weeks and we will be together — I can't wait. — Еще две недели, и мы будем вместе — я жду не дождусь этого дня./Еще две недели, и мы будем вместе — я вся в нетерпении.
    16. to be itching to do smth — гореть желанием что-либо сделать, не терпится что-либо сделать, руки чешутся сделать что-либо (нетерпеливо ждать чего-либо, чего вы не имели возможности сделать или иметь до сих пор): The guard stood aggressively, gun in hand, they were itching to shoot someone. — Охранники стояли в агрессивной позе, с ружьями наготове, им не терпелось в кого-нибудь выстрелить. She is just itching to tell you about your husband's affair, she doesn't realize you know already! — Она изнывает от желания рассказать вам о любовных интрижках вашего мужа, она не знает, что вы уже об этом знаете./ Ей не терпится рассказать вам о любовных интрижках вашего мужа, она не подозревает, что вы уже об этом знаете.
    17. to be dying — горячо желать чего-либо, до смерти хотеть чего-либо (потому, что вам это действительно очень нужно или потому, что это доставит вам большое удовольствие): I'm dying for a drink. — Let's go to the bar. — Умираю, хочу пить. — Пошли в буфет. I'm dying to go to the toilet — can we walk a bit faster? — Нельзя ли нам идти побыстрее, мне очень надо в туалет. She is dying to find out what happened. — Ей очень хочется выяснить, что случилось. Paul was dying for someone to recognize him after his appearance on TV. — Павлу смерть как хотелось, чтобы его узнавали, после того как он выступил по телевидению.
    18. to set one's heart on — хотеть добиться чего-либо, быть готовым добиваться чего-либо (так сильно хотеть чего-либо, что вы все время об этом думаете и если вы этого не добьетесь, то будете очень огорчены): We have set our hearts on this house in the country. — Мы очень хотели приобрести этот домик за городом./Этот домик за городом запал нам в душу. I've set my heart on becoming a pilot. — Я твердо решил стать пилотом.
    19. to dream of — хотеть, мечтать ( о чем-либо) (хотеть чего-либо, что хотелось иметь давно; хотеть то, что вам хочется иметь, но вы вряд ли сумеете получить): Не dreams of becoming a famous novelist. — Он мечтает стать известным романистом. То think that what I have dreamt of all my life is coming true! — Подумать только, что сбывается то, о чем я мечтала всю жизнь! Не owns the biggest business anyone could dream of. — Он владеет самым большим предприятием, о каком любой могбы только помечтать./ Он владеет самым большим бизнесом, какой любой хотел бы иметь.
    20. to long — горячо желать, сильно хотеть, стремиться, с нетерпением ждать (сильно хотеть или сделать что-либо, особенно, если это уже случалось в прошлом или о том, что может произойти в будущем; предполагает тоску по несбыточному): Не longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect. — Он мечтал о тех прежних временах, когда учителей уважали./Он мечтал о прежних временах, когда учителям оказывали уважение. Не was longing for everyone to live so that he might think in peace about what had happened that day. — Он очень хочет, чтобы наступило такое время, когда каждый сможет спокойно подумать о том, что произошло в тот день. More than anything I long to have someone who loves me for myself. — Я больше всего мечтаю о том, чтобы у меня был кто-то, кто любил бы меня ради меня самой./Я больше всего хочу, чтобы у меня был кто-то, кто любил бы меня ради меня самой. The day I have longed for eventually came. — Наконец наступил тот день, о котором я мечтал.
    21. to yearn — очень сильно хотеть, мечтать, стремиться, жаждать (так сильно хотеть чего-либо, что без этого вы не будете счастливы и довольны; часто желать того, на что мало вероятности рассчитывать): Above all the prisoners yearned for freedom. — Больше всего на свете узникам хотелось свободы. By this time some career women begin to yearn for motherhood. — В наше время некоторые женщины, сделавшие себе карьеру, начинают мечтать о том, чтобы иметь ребенка. I have always yearned to travel. — Я всегда очень хотел путешествовать./Я всегда стремился путешествовать. They were yearning to have a baby. — Им очень хотелось иметь ребенка.
    22. to crave — желать ( чего-либо) (счастья, любви так сильно, что ни чем другом вы не можете думать; часто хотеть так, что трудно себя контролировать): have always craved for love and acceptance. — Я всегда мечтал о том, чтобы меня любили и признавали. Не at last gained a recognition he craved for. — Наконец он получил признание, о котором мечтал. Не craved forthe attention ofthe older boys. — Ему очень хотелось, чтобы старшие ребята обращали на него внимание.
    23. to hanker after — хотеть, мечтать, страстно желать (постоянно думать о чем-либо, что вам хочется иметь и огорчаться по поводу того, что у вас этого нет; обычно используется в разговорном стиле речи): After two months abroad he began to hanker after/about home cooking. — После двухмесячного пребывания за границей, он начал мечтать о домашней еде. I still hanker after a career in politics. — Я все еще мечтаю о политической карьере. She always hankered after thick curly hair. — Ей всегда очень хотелось, чтобы у нее были густые курчавые волосы.
    24. to aspire — хотеть, стремиться, мечтать (стремиться достичь успеха, особенно в карьере): to aspire to fame — стремиться к славе/гнаться за славой Не was a young writer, aspiring to fame. — Он был молодым писателем, стремящимся к славе. Не aspired to artistic perfection in all his painting. — Во всех своих картинах он стремился к художественному совершенству. She aspired to nothing less than the head of the company. — Ей очень хотелось стать во главе компании и не меньше.
    25. to need — хотеть, нуждаться (используется в разговорных ситуациях для выражения желания получить что-либо обычное): I need a drink — I'm off to the bar. — Я хочу пить — я пошел в буфет. Не looks like he badly needs a holiday. — У него такой вид, как будто ему срочно нужен отпуск.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > хотеть

  • 62 hard

    hard [hɑ:d]
    dur1 (a)-(c), 2 (a) difficile1 (b) froid1 (c) rude1 (c) concret1 (d) fort2 (a) difficilement2 (b) durement2 (c)
    (a) (not soft → substance, light, colour) dur;
    to get or to become hard durcir;
    rock hard, (as) hard as rock dur comme la pierre;
    his muscles are rock hard or (as) hard as rock ses muscles sont durs comme le fer, il a des muscles d'acier;
    she is (as) hard as nails (emotionally) elle est dure, elle n'a pas de cœur; (physically) c'est une dure à cuire
    (b) (difficult → question, problem etc) difficile, dur;
    the laws make it hard to leave the country à cause des lois, il est difficile de quitter le pays;
    to have a hard fight or struggle on one's hands avoir une lourde tâche devant soi;
    it's hard to explain c'est difficile ou dur à expliquer;
    I find it hard to understand/believe that... je n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi/croire que...;
    it's hard to say c'est difficile à dire;
    he's hard to get on with il n'est pas facile à vivre;
    she is hard to please (never satisfied) elle est difficile; (difficult to buy gifts for etc) c'est difficile de lui faire plaisir;
    it's hard to beat on trouve difficilement mieux;
    it's hard to beat a good Bordeaux il n'y a rien de meilleur qu'un bon bordeaux;
    the hardest part of the job is done le plus dur est fait;
    life is hard c'est dur, la vie;
    times are hard les temps sont durs ou difficiles;
    these are hard times for all of us c'est une période difficile pour tout le monde;
    to fall on hard times (financially) connaître des temps difficiles ou une période de vaches maigres; (have difficult times) connaître des temps difficiles, en voir de dures;
    to give sb a hard time en faire voir de dures à qn;
    the boss has just been giving me a hard time le patron vient de me faire passer un mauvais quart d'heure;
    come on, don't give me a hard time! allez, laisse-moi tranquille!;
    you'll have a hard time (of it) persuading him to do that tu vas avoir du mal à le convaincre de faire cela;
    she had a hard time of it after her mother's death elle a traversé une période difficile après la mort de sa mère;
    she had a hard time of it when she was a child la vie n'était pas drôle pour elle quand elle était enfant;
    she had a hard time of it (in childbirth, operation) elle a souffert;
    to learn sth the hard way (involving personal loss, suffering etc) apprendre qch à ses dépens; (in a difficult way) faire le rude apprentissage de qch;
    I learnt the hard way not to be underinsured j'ai appris à mes dépens qu'il ne faut pas être sous-assuré;
    I learnt skiing the hard way j'ai appris à skier à la dure;
    I learnt my seamanship the hard way j'ai fait le rude apprentissage du métier de marin;
    some people always have to do things the hard way il y a des gens qui choisissent toujours la difficulté;
    to play hard to get (flirt) jouer les insaisissables;
    humorous their financial expert is playing hard to get leur expert financier semble jouer à cache-cache;
    the hard of hearing les malentendants mpl;
    to be hard of hearing être dur d'oreille;
    a glass of wine, or would you prefer a drop of the hard stuff? un verre de vin, ou bien préféreriez-vous une goutte de quelque chose de plus fort?;
    keep off the hard stuff évitez les boissons fortes
    (c) (severe → voice, face, eyes) dur, froid; (→ climate, winter) rigoureux, rude; (→ frost) fort, rude;
    he's hard (tough) c'est un dur;
    to be hard on sb être dur avec qn;
    children are hard on their shoes les enfants font subir de mauvais traitements à leurs chaussures;
    it's hard on the nerves c'est dur pour les nerfs;
    it was hard on the others ça a été dur pour les autres;
    it's hardest on the children le plus dur, c'est pour les enfants;
    to be a hard taskmaster être dur à la tâche;
    to take a long hard look at sth examiner qch de près;
    you should take a long hard look at yourself tu devrais bien te regarder;
    it's a hard blow for him c'est un coup terrible pour lui;
    no hard feelings? tu ne m'en veux pas?;
    familiar hard luck!, British hard cheese!, hard lines! pas de chance!, pas de veine!, pas de bol!;
    it will be hard luck if he doesn't get the job ça ne sera pas de veine ou de bol s'il n'obtient pas le travail;
    don't give me any of your hard luck stories ne me raconte pas tes malheurs;
    he gave me some hard luck story about having lost his investments il a essayé de m'apitoyer en me racontant qu'il avait perdu l'argent qu'il avait investi;
    familiar a hard nut or man un dur
    (d) (concrete → facts) concret(ète), tangible; (→ evidence) tangible;
    the hard fact is that there isn't enough money la vérité, c'est qu'il n'y a pas assez d'argent;
    the argument was not backed up by any hard fact l'argument ne s'appuyait sur rien de concret
    it's been a long hard day la journée a été longue;
    it's hard work c'est dur;
    it was hard work to convince him j'ai eu fort à faire pour le convaincre;
    she's hard work (difficult to get on with) elle n'est pas facile à vivre; (difficult to make conversation with) elle n'est pas causante;
    she's not afraid of hard work le travail ne lui fait pas peur;
    the climb was hard going la montée était rude;
    it's hard going making conversation with him c'est difficile de discuter avec lui
    she's a hard worker c'est un bourreau de travail;
    he's a hard drinker c'est un gros buveur, il boit beaucoup;
    he's a hard charger c'est un fonceur;
    give it a good hard shove pousse-le un bon coup, pousse-le fort
    (g) Finance (stock, rates) soutenu, ferme
    (a) (strenuously → pull, push, hit, breathe) fort; (→ work) dur; (→ run) à toutes jambes; (→ listen) attentivement;
    to work hard at sth beaucoup travailler qch;
    to work hard at improving one's service/French beaucoup travailler pour améliorer son service/français;
    to work sb hard faire travailler qn dur;
    he works hard and plays hard il se dépense beaucoup dans son travail et dans ses loisirs;
    you'll have to try harder il faudra que tu fasses plus d'efforts;
    to try hard to do sth essayer de son mieux de faire qch;
    try hard! fais de ton mieux!;
    to think hard beaucoup réfléchir;
    think hard! réfléchis bien!;
    think harder! réfléchis un peu plus!;
    we can't find it - well, look harder! nous ne le trouvons pas - et bien cherchez mieux!;
    you didn't look very hard! tu n'as pas bien cherché;
    to look hard at sb regarder qn bien en face;
    to look hard at sth examiner qch;
    as hard as possible, as hard as one can (work, try) le plus qu'on peut; (push, hit, squeeze) de toutes ses forces;
    Nautical hard astern! arrière, toute!;
    Cars she hauled the wheel hard over elle a braqué à fond;
    Cars to turn hard to the left braquer à gauche, faire un virage très sec vers la gauche;
    to swim hard for the shore nager de toutes ses forces vers le rivage;
    British they're hard at it (working) ils sont plongés dans leur travail
    (b) (with difficulty) difficilement;
    to be hard put or pushed or pressed to do sth avoir du mal à faire qch;
    you'll be hard put to find a shop open at this time tu vas avoir du mal à trouver une boutique ouverte à cette heure-ci;
    old habits die hard les vieilles habitudes ont la vie dure
    (c) (harshly, severely → treat someone) durement, sévèrement; (→ rain) à verse; (→ freeze, snow) fort;
    he's feeling hard done by il a l'impression d'avoir été injustement traité;
    to be hard hit by sth être durement touché par qch;
    she took the news/his death pretty hard la nouvelle/sa mort l'a beaucoup éprouvée;
    old-fashioned it'll go hard with him if he keeps telling lies ça va aller mal pour lui s'il continue à raconter des mensonges
    the ground was frozen hard le gel avait complètement durci la terre;
    to set hard (concrete, mortar) prendre
    to follow hard on the heels of sb être sur les talons de qn;
    to follow or to come hard on the heels of sth suivre qch de très près
    hard up (short of money) fauché, à sec;
    to be hard up for ideas manquer d'idées, être à court d'idées ;
    to be hard up for volunteers manquer de volontaires ;
    figurative you must be hard up if you're going out with him! il faut vraiment que tu n'aies rien à te mettre sous la dent pour sortir avec lui!
    3 noun
    to try one's hardest faire de son mieux
    old-fashioned tout près de
    ►► Typography & Computing hard carriage return retour m chariot obligatoire;
    familiar hard case (person) dur(e) m,f à cuire;
    hard cash (argent m) liquide m;
    American hard cider cidre m;
    hard coal anthracite m;
    Finance hard commodities minerais mpl;
    Linguistics hard consonant consonne f dure;
    Computing hard copy copie f sur papier, sortie f papier;
    hard core (nucleus) noyau m dur; Building industry empierrement m; Music hard rock m inv, hard m inv; (pornography) porno m hard;
    British Sport hard court (for tennis) court m en ciment;
    hard currency monnaie f ou devise f forte;
    a hard currency shop un magasin où on paye en devises;
    Computing hard disk disque m dur;
    Computing hard disk drive, hard drive unité f de disque dur;
    hard drug drogue f dure;
    Horseriding hard gallop galop m soutenu;
    hard hat (of construction worker) casque m; American familiar (construction worker) ouvrier(ère) m,f du bâtiment;
    hard hat area = zone où le port du casque est obligatoire;
    hard hat area (sign) port du casque obligatoire;
    Typography & Computing hard hyphen césure f imposée, trait m d'union imposé;
    hard labour (UNCOUNT) travaux mpl forcés;
    hard landing (by spacecraft) atterrissage m avec impact; figurative (during economic crisis) atterrissage m brutal;
    Metallurgy hard lead plomb m aigre;
    Politics the hard left l'extrême gauche;
    hard line ligne f de conduite dure;
    to take a hard line on sb/sth adopter une ligne de conduite dure avec qn/sur qch;
    hard liquor spiritueux mpl;
    Finance hard loan prêt m aux conditions du marché;
    Press hard news nouvelles fpl sûres ou vérifiées;
    Veterinary medicine hard pad coussinet m dur;
    Typography & Computing hard page break fin f de page obligatoire;
    Anatomy hard palate voûte f du palais, palais m dur;
    hard porn porno m hard, hard m inv;
    Computing hard reset réinitialisation f totale de la machine;
    Typography & Computing hard return saut m de ligne manuel;
    Politics the hard right l'extrême droit;
    Music hard rock hard rock m inv, hard m inv; esp American Cookery hard sauce = sauce au beurre, au sucre et au brandy ou au rhum servie avec le pudding;
    hard science science f dure;
    hard sell vente f agressive;
    to give sth the hard sell promouvoir qch de façon agressive;
    the salesman gave us the hard sell le vendeur a essayé de nous forcer la main;
    hard sell approach, hard sell tactics méthode f de vente agressive;
    Cars hard shoulder bande f d'arrêt d'urgence;
    hard space espace m insécable;
    hard water eau f calcaire ou dure
    ✾ Book 'Hard Times' Dickens 'Les Temps difficiles'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > hard

  • 63 yüz

    "1. face (of a person or animal). 2. face (the front, exposed, finished, dressed, or otherwise specially prepared surface of something): kumaşın yüzü the face of the cloth. dağın kuzey yüzü the north face of the mountain. binanın yüzü the building´s façade. paltonun yüzü the outer side of the coat. 3. surface: suyun yüzü the surface of the water. 4. cloth which encloses the stuffing of a cushion or pillow, case; mattress ticking; cloth used to cover a chair or sofa, upholstery, upholstering. 5. sense of shame, shame: Sende hiç yüz yok mu? Have you no shame? Ne yüzle ondan böyle bir şey isteyebilirsin? How can you have the gall to ask her for such a thing? 6. side: ırmağın öte yüzünde on the other side of the river. problemin bu yüzü this aspect of the problem. 7. cutting edge, face (of a knife blade or other sharp tool). -ü açılmak for (a thing´s) beauty to become evident or apparent, begin to shine forth. -ünü ağartmak /ın/ to give (someone, oneself) just cause for pride, do something that (someone, one) can take pride in. -ü ak (someone) who has no cause to be ashamed, who has nothing to be ashamed of. -ü ak olsun! Bless him! (said to express gratitude). -ünün akıyla çıkmak /dan/ 1. to manage to finish (a job) with one´s honor unsullied. 2. to succeed in doing (a job) as it should be done. -ünden akmak /ın/ (for something) to be evident from the look on (someone´s) face; (for something) to be evident from the way (someone) looks, be written all over (someone). -ü asılmak for a sour look or frown to come over (someone´s) face. -üne atmak /ı/ to return, refuse, or reject (something) insultingly. -üne bağırmak /ın/ to shout at (someone) angrily and rudely. -üne bakılacak gibi/-üne bakılır not bad looking, of middling looks. -üne bakılmaz very ugly (person). -üne bakmamak /ın/ 1. not to pay attention to (someone). 2. not to speak to (someone) (because one is angry with him/her). -üne bakmaya kıyılmaz very beautiful. - bulmak to get presumptuous, insolent, or uppity (after having been treated kindly or indulged). - bulunca/verince astar ister. colloq. If you give him an inch he´ll take a mile. -ünü buruşturmak to get a sour look on one´s face. - çevirmek /dan/ to break off relations with, have nothing more to do with (someone). -e çıkmak 1. to come to the surface. 2. to get presumptuous, insolent, or uppity. -ünün derisi kalın thick-skinned and brazen, brazenfaced, shameless. -ünden düşen bin parça olmak to wear a very sour face. -ünü ekşitmek to get a sour look on one´s face. - geri etmek to turn back; to retreat; to retrace one´s steps. (...) -ü görmek to experience, have: İki yıldır rahat yüzü görmedim. I haven´t had a moment´s peace for two years now. O çocuk hayatında dert yüzü görmedi. That kid´s never had a worry in his life. - göstermek to happen, occur, take place. - göz (someone´s) whole or entire face. -ü gözü açılmak 1. to be informed about sex, learn about the birds and the bees, be clued in on what sex is all about. 2. to begin to understand what the world is really like. -ünü gözünü açmak /ın/ 1. to inform (someone) about sex, teach (someone) about the birds and the bees, clue (someone) in on what sex is all about. 2. to cause (someone) to begin to understand what the world is really like. -üne gözüne bulaştırmak /ı/ to make a complete mess of (something), ball (something) up completely. - göz olmak /la/ to get to be on overly familiar terms with (someone). -ünü güldürmek /ın/ to make (someone) happy; to please (someone). -ü gülmek to be happy; to be pleased. -üne gülmek /ın/ to smile at (someone) hypocritically, make an essentially false display of friendship towards (someone). - kalıbı plaster mask of a person´s face. -ü kalmamak/-e karşı/ not to have the nerve/gall to ask (someone) for something. -ünden kan damlamak to be very healthy and rosy-cheeked, be in the pink of health. -üne kan gelmek to recover one´s health and color. -ü kara (someone) who has something to b

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yüz

  • 64 durchhalten

    (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    I v/i hold out, stick it out, persevere umg.; Patient: hold on, make it; du musst durchhalten auch you mustn’t give up, bes. Am. hang in there umg.
    II v/t
    1. (durchstehen) (Belastung, Tempo etc.) stand; (Zeit, Kampf etc.) survive; (Streik) see through; (Diät) stick ( oder keep) to, stay on; (Rennen) stay (the course)
    2. (beibehalten) (Lebensweise, Tempo etc.) keep s.th. up
    * * *
    to stand out; to hold out; to persevere
    * * *
    dụrch|hal|ten sep
    1. vt
    (= durchstehen) Zeit, Ehe, Kampf etc to survive; Streik to hold out till the end of, to see through; Belastung to (with)stand; (SPORT ) Strecke to stay; Tempo (= beibehalten) to keep up; (= aushalten) to stand
    2. vi
    to hold out, to stick it out (inf); (= beharren) to persevere, to stick it out (inf); (bei Rennen) to stay the course
    * * *
    1) (to remain firm; to last: You must endure to the end; The memory of her great acting has endured.) endure
    2) (to continue to survive etc until help arrives: The rescue team hoped the men in the boat could hold out till they arrived.) hold out
    3) (to give support to (a person, plan etc) until the end is reached: I'd like to see the job through.) see through
    4) (to keep going despite difficulties etc: There have been several power-cuts in the office, but we are trying to soldier on ( despite them).) soldier on
    5) (to persevere with (work etc): He must learn to stick at his job.) stick at
    * * *
    I. vt
    etw \durchhalten
    1. (ertragen) to stand sth
    2. (weiterhin durchführen) to keep sth going
    3. (beibehalten) to keep up sth sep
    das Tempo \durchhalten to be able to stand [or BRIT last] the pace
    4. (aushalten) to [with]stand sth
    II. vi
    1. (standhalten) to hold out, to stick it out fam
    2. (funktionieren) Maschine to last
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb (bei einem Kampf) hold out; (bei einer schwierigen Aufgabe) see it through; (beim Rennen) stay the course
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb stand
    * * *
    durchhalten (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    A. v/i hold out, stick it out, persevere umg; Patient: hold on, make it;
    du musst durchhalten auch you mustn’t give up, besonders US hang in there umg
    B. v/t
    1. (durchstehen) (Belastung, Tempo etc) stand; (Zeit, Kampf etc) survive; (Streik) see through; (Diät) stick ( oder keep) to, stay on; (Rennen) stay (the course)
    2. (beibehalten) (Lebensweise, Tempo etc) keep sth up
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb (bei einem Kampf) hold out; (bei einer schwierigen Aufgabe) see it through; (beim Rennen) stay the course
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb stand
    * * *
    to keep a stiff upper lip expr.
    to keep up v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > durchhalten

  • 65 want

    I [wɒnt]
    1) (need) bisogno m., esigenza f.
    2) lett. (deprivation) indigenza f., povertà f.
    3) (lack) mancanza f., insufficienza f.

    for want ofin o per mancanza di, per insufficienza di

    II 1. [wɒnt]
    1) (desire) volere

    I want (as general statement) io voglio; (would like) io vorrei

    what o how much do you want for this chair? quanto vuole per questa sedia? I want the job finished vorrei che il lavoro fosse finito; I don't want to non ne ho voglia; to want sb. to do volere che qcn. faccia; they just don't want to know — non ne vogliono proprio sapere

    2) colloq. (need)

    several jobs want doingBE ci sono diversi lavori da fare

    "cook wanted" — "cercasi cuoco"

    I know when I'm not wantedscherz. capisco quando sono di troppo


    to want for — mancare di, avere bisogno di

    * * *
    [wont] 1. verb
    1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) volere
    2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) (avere bisogno di)
    3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) occorrere; (vivere in miseria)
    2. noun
    1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) desiderio
    2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) miseria
    3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) mancanza
    - want ad
    - want for
    * * *
    want /wɒnt/
    1 [uc] mancanza; deficienza; scarsità: want of raw materials, scarsità di materie prime
    2 bisogno; necessità; esigenza; desiderio: (econ.) the satisfaction of human wants, il soddisfacimento dei bisogni umani; freedom from want, la libertà dal bisogno
    3 [u] indigenza; miseria; ristrettezze: They live in the direst want, vivono nella più squallida miseria
    ● ( USA) want ad, annuncio economico ( offerta o richiesta di lavoro, ecc.) □ (leg.) want of evidence, mancanza di prove □ (leg.) want of jurisdiction, difetto di giurisdizione □ to be in want of, aver bisogno di; necessitare di: The house was in want of repair, la casa aveva bisogno di un restauro.
    ♦ (to) want /wɒnt/
    A v. t.
    1 aver bisogno di; abbisognare di: What do you want?, di che cosa hai bisogno?; che cosa ti serve?; The car wants washing, l'automobile ha bisogno di una lavata; You're wanted in the kitchen, c'è bisogno di te (o ti vogliono) in cucina
    2 volere; desiderare molto: He wants to stay, vuole rimanere; I don't want him to come, non voglio che venga; He wants me to stay here, vuole che io resti qui; DIALOGO → - Considering an evening course- I've always wanted to learn French, ho sempre voluto imparare il francese; I want it done at once, voglio che lo si faccia subito; If you want anything done, ask him, se vuoi che qualcosa si faccia, chiedilo a lui; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 3- Do you want peas or carrots with that?, come contorno vuole i piselli o le carote?; DIALOGO → - Dinner 2- What do you want to drink?, che vuoi da bere?; He wants some coffee, desidera del caffè NOTA D'USO: - volere-
    3 (fam.) dovere (spec. al condiz.); bisognare, occorrere (impers.): You want to be more careful, dovresti stare più attento; You don't want to work so hard, non dovresti lavorare così; It wants to be done with the utmost care, bisogna farlo con la massima cura
    4 (generalm. al passivo) ( della polizia, ecc.) ricercare: He is wanted for questioning, lo ricercano per interrogarlo; He is wanted for murder, è ricercato per omicidio
    B v. i.
    1 mancare; volerci: It wants ten minutes to midnight, mancano dieci minuti a mezzanotte
    2 (form.) mancare del necessario; vivere in miseria (o nell'indigenza)
    ● (fam.) to want it both ways, volere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca □ (fam.) to want some doing, volerci del bello e del buono □ not to want to know, non volerne sapere, disinteressarsene, infischiarsene.
    NOTA D'USO: - to want to do o to want doing?-
    * * *
    I [wɒnt]
    1) (need) bisogno m., esigenza f.
    2) lett. (deprivation) indigenza f., povertà f.
    3) (lack) mancanza f., insufficienza f.

    for want ofin o per mancanza di, per insufficienza di

    II 1. [wɒnt]
    1) (desire) volere

    I want (as general statement) io voglio; (would like) io vorrei

    what o how much do you want for this chair? quanto vuole per questa sedia? I want the job finished vorrei che il lavoro fosse finito; I don't want to non ne ho voglia; to want sb. to do volere che qcn. faccia; they just don't want to know — non ne vogliono proprio sapere

    2) colloq. (need)

    several jobs want doingBE ci sono diversi lavori da fare

    "cook wanted" — "cercasi cuoco"

    I know when I'm not wantedscherz. capisco quando sono di troppo


    to want for — mancare di, avere bisogno di

    English-Italian dictionary > want

  • 66 bł|ąd

    m (G błędu) 1. (pomyłka) mistake, error
    - błąd ortograficzny/interpunkcyjny a spelling/punctuation mistake
    - błąd rachunkowy a. w obliczeniach a miscalculation
    - błąd wymowy a. w wymowie a pronunciation error, an error in pronunciation
    - zrobić/popełnić błąd to make a mistake a. an error
    - poprawić błąd to correct a. rectify a mistake
    - list roił się od błędów the letter was full of mistakes
    - czeski błąd transposition of characters
    - błąd zecerski a typo pot.
    2. (złe postępowanie) mistake
    - błędy wychowawcze mistakes in upbringing
    - błędy młodości the sins of youth
    - błąd w sztuce a professional error, professional incompetence
    - błąd polityczny a political mistake a. error
    - zrobić/popełnić błąd to make a mistake
    - popełnił fatalny błąd, rezygnując z pracy he made a fatal mistake leaving his job
    - naprawić błąd to rectify a mistake
    - pozwól mi naprawić moje błędy just let me make up for my mistakes
    - przyznać się do błędu to admit to having made a mistake
    - po wielu latach wreszcie przyznał się do błędu many years later he admitted the error of his ways
    - wyznać komuś swoje błędy to confess one’s mistakes to sb
    - wybaczyć komuś błędy to forgive sb’s mistakes a. sb for their mistakes
    - uczyć się na błędach to learn by a. from one’s (own) mistakes
    - uczyć się na cudzych błędach to learn from the mistakes of others
    - powtarzać stare błędy to repeat a. to make the same (old) mistakes
    - przyczyną wypadku był błąd człowieka the accident was caused by human error
    3. (fałszywe przekonanie) misconception, misapprehension
    - być w błędzie to be mistaken
    - wykorzenić błędy to eradicate mistakes a. misconceptions
    - trwać w błędzie to be (labouring) under a misapprehension
    - lepiej nie wyprowadzać ich z błędu I don’t think it’s worth putting them right a. enlightening them iron.
    4. (zły wynik, złe wskazanie) error
    - błąd statystyczny a statistical error
    - błąd metody a methodological error
    - błąd odczytu a misreading
    - błąd aparatury a mechanical error
    - margines błędu a margin of error

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > bł|ąd

  • 67 переучивать

    несовер. - переучивать;
    совер. - переучить( кого-л./что-л.)
    1) (кого-л.) teach again
    2) (что-л.) learn again, relearn
    , переучить
    1. (что-л.;
    учить снова) learn* (smth.) all over again;

    2. (кого-л.;
    обучать заново) teach* (smb.) all over again, retrain( smb.) ;
    ~ся, переучиться learn* the job/subject all over again, retrain oneself.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > переучивать

  • 68 esperienza

    f experience
    per esperienza from experience
    * * *
    1 experience (anche fil.): la nostra ditta vanta in questo campo 50 anni di esperienza, our firm prides itself on 50 years of experience in this field; acquistare esperienza in qlco., to gain experience in sthg.; essere senza esperienza in qlco., to be unexperienced in sthg.; non ho esperienza di insegnamento, I have no teaching experience; devi ancora fare esperienza in quel lavoro, you must gain more experience in this job; fare esperienze interessanti, to have interesting experiences; un uomo di grande esperienza, a man of great experience (o a very experienced man); imparare qlco. per esperienza personale, to learn sthg. by personal experience (o fam. to learn sthg. the hard way); parlare per esperienza, to speak from experience; sapere per esperienza, to know by experience
    2 ( esperimento) experiment, trial.
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile

    fare, acquisire esperienza — to gain, acquire experience

    sapere, parlare per esperienza — to know, speak from experience

    fare esperienza diretta di qcs. — to experience sth. personally o at first hand

    (non) avere esperienza in qcs. — to be (in)experienced in sth

    fare una nuova esperienzato have o go through a new experience

    3) (avventura amorosa) affair, relationship
    4) (esperimento) experiment
    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 experience; fare, acquisire esperienza to gain, acquire experience; secondo la mia esperienza in my experience; sapere, parlare per esperienza to know, speak from experience; fare esperienza diretta di qcs. to experience sth. personally o at first hand; (non) avere esperienza in qcs. to be (in)experienced in sth.
     2 (avvenimento) fare una nuova esperienza to have o go through a new experience
     3 (avventura amorosa) affair, relationship
     4 (esperimento) experiment.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > esperienza

  • 69 to

    [before vowel tʊ, before consonant tə, stressed tuː] preposition
    1) (in the direction of and reaching) zu; (with name of place) nach

    go to work/to the theatre — zur Arbeit/ins Theater gehen

    to Paris/France — nach Paris/Frankreich

    2) (towards a condition or quality) zu
    3) (as far as) bis zu

    from London to Edinburgh — von London [bis] nach Edinburgh

    increase from 10 % to 20 % — von 10 % auf 20 % steigen

    with one's back to the wallmit dem Rücken zur Wand

    [compared] to — verglichen mit; im Vergleich zu

    it's ten to one he does somethingdie Chancen stehen zehn zu eins, dass er etwas tut

    to somebody/something — jemandem/einer Sache (Dat.)

    lend/explain etc. something to somebody — jemandem etwas leihen/erklären usw.

    to me(in my opinion) meiner Meinung nach

    what's that to you?was geht das dich an?

    7) (until) bis

    to the endbis zum Ende

    five [minutes] to eight — fünf [Minuten] vor acht

    8) with infinitive of a verb zu; expressing purpose, or after academic.ru/75540/too">too um [...] zu

    too young to marry — zu jung, um zu heiraten; zu jung zum Heiraten

    to rebel is pointlesses ist sinnlos zu rebellieren

    he would have phoned but forgot to — er hätte angerufen, aber er vergaß es

    she didn't want to go there, but she had to — sie wollte nicht hingehen, aber sie musste

    [tuː] adverb
    1) (just not shut)

    be to[Tür, Fenster:] angelehnt sein

    * * *
    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) zu, auf
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) bis
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) bis
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) zu, mit
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) zu, für
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) in
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) gegenüber, zu
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) zu
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) zu, um zu
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.) zu
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) zu
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) zu sich, dran
    * * *
    [tu:, tu, tə]
    1. (moving towards) in + akk
    , nach + dat
    , zu + dat
    she walked over \to the window sie ging [hinüber] zum Fenster [o ans Fenster]
    we're going \to town wir gehen/fahren in die Stadt
    they go \to work on the bus sie fahren mit dem Bus zur Arbeit
    I'm going \to a party/concert ich gehe auf eine Party/ein Konzert
    she has to go \to a meeting now sie muss jetzt zu einem Meeting [gehen]
    we moved \to Germany last year wir sind letztes Jahr nach Deutschland gezogen
    he flew \to the US er flog in die USA
    she's never been \to Mexico before sie ist noch nie [zuvor] in Mexiko gewesen
    my first visit \to Africa mein erster Aufenthalt in Afrika
    this is a road \to nowhere! diese Straße führt nirgendwohin!
    parallel \to the x axis parallel zur x-Achse
    from here \to the station von hier [bis] zum Bahnhof
    on the way \to the mountains/the sea/the town centre auf dem Weg in die Berge/zum Meer/ins [o zum] Stadtzentrum
    \to the north/south nördlich/südlich
    twenty miles \to the north of the city zwanzig Meilen nördlich der Stadt
    the suburbs are \to the west of the city die Vororte liegen im Westen der Stadt
    from place \to place von Ort zu Ort
    \to the right/left nach rechts/links
    there \to the right dort rechts
    he's standing \to the left of Adrian er steht links neben Adrian
    2. (attending regularly) zu + dat
    , in + dat
    she goes \to kindergarten sie geht in den Kindergarten
    he goes \to university er geht auf die Universität
    do you go \to church? gehst du in die Kirche?
    I go \to the gym twice a week ich gehe zweimal wöchentlich zum Fitness
    3. (inviting to) zu + dat
    an invitation \to a wedding eine Einladung zu einer Hochzeit
    I've asked them \to dinner ich habe sie zum Essen eingeladen
    she took me out \to lunch yesterday sie hat mich gestern zum Mittagessen ausgeführt [o eingeladen
    she pointed \to a distant spot on the horizon sie zeigte auf einen fernen Punkt am Horizont
    to have one's back \to sth/sb etw/jdm den Rücken zudrehen
    back \to front verkehrt herum
    5. (in contact with) an + dat
    they were dancing cheek \to cheek sie tanzten Wange an Wange
    she put her hand \to his breast sie legte die Hand auf seine Brust
    she clasped the letter \to her bosom sie drückte den Brief an ihre Brust
    6. (attached to) an + akk
    tie the lead \to the fence mach die Leine am Zaun fest
    they fixed the bookshelves \to the wall sie brachten die Bücherregale an der Wand an
    stick the ads \to some paper klebe die Anzeigen auf ein Blatt Papier
    7. (with indirect object)
    \to sb/sth jdm/etw dat
    I lent my bike \to my brother ich habe meinem Bruder mein Fahrrad geliehen
    give that gun \to me gib mir das Gewehr
    children are often cruel \to each other Kinder sind oft grausam zueinander
    who's the letter addressed \to? an wen ist der Brief adressiert?
    what have they done \to you? was haben sie dir [an]getan?
    her knowledge proved useful \to him ihr Wissen erwies sich als hilfreich für ihn
    they made a complaint \to the manager sie reichten beim Geschäftsleiter eine Beschwerde ein
    a threat \to world peace eine Bedrohung des Weltfriedens [o für den Weltfrieden]
    to be grateful \to sb jdm dankbar sein
    to be married \to sb mit jdm verheiratet sein
    to tell/show sth \to sb jdm etw erzählen/zeigen
    and what did you say \to that? und was hast du dazu gesagt?
    he finally confessed \to the crime er gestand schließlich das Verbrechen
    this is essential \to our strategy dies ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Strategie
    9. (in response) auf + akk
    a reference \to Psalm 22:18 ein Verweis auf Psalm 22:18
    her reply \to the question ihre Antwort auf die Frage
    and what was her response \to that? und wie lautete ihr Antwort darauf?
    10. (belonging to) zu + dat
    the keys \to his car seine Autoschlüssel
    the top \to this pen die Kappe, die auf diesen Stift gehört
    she has a mean side \to her sie kann auch sehr gemein sein
    there is a very moral tone \to this book dieses Buch hat einen sehr moralischen Unterton
    there's a funny side \to everything alles hat auch seine komische Seite
    11. (compared to) mit + dat
    I prefer beef \to seafood ich ziehe Rindfleisch Meeresfrüchten vor
    she looked about thirty \to his sixty neben ihm mit seinen sechzig Jahren wirkte sie wie dreißig
    to be comparable \to sth mit etw dat vergleichbar sein
    [to be] nothing \to sth nichts im Vergleich zu etw dat [sein]
    her wage is nothing \to what she could earn ihr Einkommen steht in keinem Vergleich zu dem, was sie verdienen könnte
    to be superior \to sb jdm übergeordnet sein, höher stehen als jd
    12. (in scores) zu + dat
    Paul beat me by three games \to two Paul hat im Spiel drei zu zwei gegen mich gewonnen
    Manchester won three \to one Manchester hat drei zu eins gewonnen
    13. (until) bis + dat
    , zu + dat
    I read up \to page 100 ich habe bis Seite 100 gelesen
    unemployment has risen \to almost 8 million die Arbeitslosigkeit ist auf fast 8 Millionen angestiegen
    count \to 20 zähle bis 20
    it's about fifty miles \to New York es sind [noch] etwa fünfzig Meilen bis New York
    14. (expressing change of state) zu + dat
    he converted \to Islam er ist zum Islam übergetreten
    his expression changed from amazement \to joy sein Ausdruck wechselte von Erstaunen zu Freude
    the change \to the metric system der Wechsel zum metrischen System
    her promotion \to department manager ihre Beförderung zur Abteilungsleiterin
    the meat was cooked \to perfection das Fleisch war bestens zubereitet
    he drank himself \to death er trank sich zu Tode
    she nursed me back \to health sie hat mich [wieder] gesund gepflegt
    smashed \to pieces in tausend Stücke geschlagen
    she was close \to tears sie war den Tränen nahe
    he was thrilled \to bits er freute sich wahnsinnig
    15. (to point in time) bis + dat
    the shop is open \to 8.00 p.m. der Laden hat bis 20 Uhr geöffnet
    we're in this \to the end wir führen dies bis zum Ende
    and \to this day... und bis auf den heutigen Tag...
    it's only two weeks \to your birthday! es sind nur noch zwei Wochen bis zu deinem Geburtstag!
    16. (including)
    from... \to... von... bis...
    from beginning \to end von Anfang bis Ende
    from morning \to night von morgens bis abends
    front \to back von vorne bis hinten, von allen Seiten
    I read the document front \to back ich habe das Dokument von vorne bis hinten gelesen
    he's done everything from snowboarding \to windsurfing er hat von Snowboarden bis Windsurfen alles [mal] gemacht
    from simple theft \to cold-blooded murder vom einfachen Diebstahl bis zum kaltblütigen Mord
    17. BRIT (in clock times) vor, bis SÜDD
    it's twenty \to six es ist zwanzig vor sechs
    18. (causing) zu + dat
    \to my relief/horror/astonishment zu meiner Erleichterung/meinem Entsetzen/meinem Erstaunen
    much \to her surprise zu ihrer großen Überraschung
    19. (according to) für + akk
    \to me, it sounds like she's ending the relationship für mich hört sich das an, als ob sie die Beziehung beenden wollte
    that outfit looks good \to me das Outfit gefällt mir gut
    if it's acceptable \to you wenn Sie einverstanden sind
    this would be \to your advantage das wäre zu deinem Vorteil, das wäre für dich von Vorteil
    does this make any sense \to you? findest du das auf irgendeine Weise einleuchtend?
    fifty pounds is nothing \to him fünfzig Pfund sind nichts für ihn
    what's it \to you? ( fam) was geht dich das an?
    20. (serving) für + akk
    he works as a personal trainer \to the rich and famous er arbeitet als Personal Trainer für die Reichen und Berühmten
    they are hat makers \to Her Majesty the Queen sie sind Hutmacher Ihrer Majestät, der Königin
    economic adviser \to the president Wirtschaftsberater des Präsidenten
    21. FILM (next to)
    she was Ophelia \to Olivier's Hamlet in der Verfilmung von Olivier spielte sie neben Hamlet die Ophelia
    22. (in honour of) auf + akk
    here's \to you! auf dein/Ihr Wohl!
    \to the cook! auf den Koch/die Köchin!
    the record is dedicated \to her mother die Schallplatte ist ihrer Mutter gewidmet
    I propose a toast \to the bride and groom ich bringe einen Toast auf die Braut und den Bräutigam aus
    a memorial \to all the soldiers who died in Vietnam ein Denkmal für alle im Vietnamkrieg gefallenen Soldaten
    23. (per)
    the car gets 25 miles \to the gallon das Auto verbraucht eine Gallone auf 25 Meilen
    three parts oil \to one part vinegar drei Teile Öl auf einen Teil Essig
    the odds are 2 \to 1 that you'll lose die Chancen stehen 2 zu 1, dass du verlierst
    she awoke \to the sound of screaming sie wurden durch laute Schreie wach
    I like exercising \to music ich trainiere gerne mit Musik
    I can't dance \to this sort of music ich kann zu dieser Art Musik nicht tanzen
    the band walked on stage \to rapturous applause die Band zog unter tosendem Applaus auf die Bühne
    25. (roughly) bis + dat
    thirty \to thirty-five people dreißig bis fünfunddreißig Leute
    26. MATH (defining exponent) hoch
    ten \to the power of three zehn hoch drei
    that's all there is \to it das ist schon alles
    there's not much [or nothing] \to it das ist nichts Besonderes, da ist nichts Besonderes dabei
    1. (expressing future intention) zu
    she agreed \to help sie erklärte sich bereit zu helfen
    I'll have \to tell him ich werde es ihm sagen müssen
    I don't expect \to be finished any later than seven ich denke, dass ich spätestens um sieben fertig sein werde
    he lived \to see his first grandchild er durfte erleben, dass sein erstes Enkelkind geboren wurde
    I have \to go on a business trip ich muss auf eine Geschäftsreise
    the company is \to pay over £500,000 die Firma muss über 500.000 Pfund bezahlen
    he's going \to write his memoirs er wird seine Memoiren schreiben
    I have some things \to be fixed ich habe einige Dinge zu reparieren
    Blair \to meet with Bush Blair trifft Bush
    to be about \to do sth gerade etw tun wollen, im Begriff sein, etw zu tun
    2. (forming requests) zu
    she was told \to have the report finished by Friday sie wurde gebeten, den Bericht bis Freitag fertigzustellen
    he told me \to wait er sagte mir, ich solle warten
    I asked her \to give me a call ich bat sie, mich anzurufen
    we asked her \to explain wir baten sie, es uns zu erklären
    you've not \to do that du sollst das nicht tun
    that man is not \to come here again der Mann darf dieses Haus nicht mehr betreten
    young man, you're \to go to your room right now junger Mann, du gehst jetzt auf dein Zimmer
    3. (expressing wish) zu
    I need \to eat something first ich muss zuerst etwas essen
    I'd love \to live in New York ich würde nur zu gern in New York leben
    would you like \to dance? möchten Sie tanzen?
    that child ought \to be in bed das Kind sollte [schon] im Bett sein
    I want \to go now ich möchte jetzt gehen
    I need \to go to the bathroom ich muss mal auf die Toilette
    do you want \to come with us? willst du [mit uns] mitkommen?
    I'd love \to go to France this summer ich würde diesen Sommer gern nach Frankreich fahren
    4. (omitting verb)
    are you going tonight?I'm certainly hoping \to gehst du heute Abend? — das hoffe ich sehr
    would you like to go and see the Russian clowns?yes, I'd love \to möchtest du gern die russischen Clowns sehen? — ja, sehr gern
    can you drive?yes I'm able \to but I prefer not \to kannst du Auto fahren? — ja, das kann ich, aber ich fahre nicht gern
    5. after adj (to complete meaning)
    it's not likely \to happen es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass das geschieht, das wird wohl kaum geschehen
    I was afraid \to tell her ich hatte Angst, es ihr zu sagen
    he's able \to speak four languages er spricht vier Sprachen
    she's due \to have her baby sie bekommt bald ihr Baby
    I'm afraid \to fly ich habe Angst vorm Fliegen
    she's happy \to see you back sie ist froh, dass du wieder zurück bist
    I'm sorry \to hear that es tut mir leid, das zu hören
    easy \to use leicht zu bedienen
    languages are fun \to learn Sprachenlernen macht Spaß
    it is interesting \to know that es ist interessant, das zu wissen
    three months is too long \to wait drei Monate zu warten ist zu lang
    I'm too nervous \to talk right now ich bin zu nervös, um jetzt zu sprechen
    I'm going there \to see my sister ich gehe dort hin, um meine Schwester zu treffen
    she's gone \to pick Jean up sie ist Jean abholen gegangen
    my second attempt \to make flaky pastry mein zweiter Versuch, einen Blätterteig zu machen
    they have no reason \to lie sie haben keinerlei Grund zu lügen
    I have the chance \to buy a house cheaply ich habe die Gelegenheit, billig ein Haus zu kaufen
    something \to eat etwas zu essen
    the first person \to arrive die erste Person, die ankam [o eintraf]
    Armstrong was the first man \to walk on the moon Armstrong war der erste Mann, der den Mond betrat
    7. (expressing intent)
    we tried \to help wir versuchten zu helfen
    \to make this cake, you'll need... für diesen Kuchen braucht man...
    he managed \to escape es gelang ihm zu entkommen
    I don't know what \to do ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll
    I don't know where \to begin ich weiß nicht, wo ich anfangen soll
    she was wondering whether \to ask David about it sie fragte sich, ob sie David deswegen fragen sollte
    can you tell me how \to get there? könne Sie mir sagen, wie ich dort hinkomme?
    9. (introducing clause)
    \to tell the truth [or \to be truthful] um die Wahrheit zu sagen
    \to be quite truthful with you, Dave, I never really liked the man ich muss dir ehrlich sagen, Dave, ich konnte diesen Mann noch nie leiden
    \to be honest um ehrlich zu sein
    10. (in consecutive acts) um zu
    he looked up \to greet his guests er blickte auf, um seine Gäste zu begrüßen
    she reached out \to take his hand sie griff nach seiner Hand
    they turned around \to find their car gone sie drehten sich um und bemerkten, dass ihr Auto verschwunden war
    inv zu
    to push [or pull] the door \to die Tür zuschlagen
    to come \to zu sich dat kommen
    to set \to sich akk daranmachen fam
    they set \to with a will, determined to finish the job sie machten sich mit Nachdruck daran, entschlossen, die Arbeit zu Ende zu bringen
    * * *
    1) = in direction of, towards zu

    to go to the doctor( 's)/greengrocer's etc — zum Arzt/Gemüsehändler etc gehen

    to go to the opera/concert etc — in die Oper/ins Konzert etc gehen

    to go to France/London — nach Frankreich/London fahren

    to go to Switzerland —

    he came up to where I was standing —

    to turn a picture/one's face to the wall — ein Bild/sich mit dem Gesicht zur Wand drehen

    2) = as far as, until bis

    to count (up) to 20 —

    3) = in in (+dat)

    I have never been to Brussels/India — ich war noch nie in Brüssel/Indien


    = secure to he nailed it to the wall/floor etc — er nagelte es an die Wand/auf den Boden etc

    they tied him to the tree —


    with indirect object to give sth to sb — jdm etw geben

    a present from me to you —

    I said to myself... — ich habe mir gesagt...

    he was muttering/singing to himself — er murmelte/sang vor sich hin

    "To... " (on envelope etc) to pray to God — "An (+acc)..." zu Gott beten

    6) in toasts auf (+acc)

    = next to with position bumper to bumper — Stoßstange an Stoßstange

    close to sb/sth — nahe bei jdm/etw

    at right angles to the wall —

    to the west (of)/the left (of) — westlich/links (von)

    20 ( minutes) to 2 — 20 (Minuten) vor 2

    at (a) quarter to 2 — um Viertel vor 2

    it was five to when we arrived — es war fünf vor, als wir ankamen

    9) = in relation to zu

    A is to B as C is to D —

    they won by 4 goals to 2 — sie haben mit 4:2 (spoken: vier zu zwei) Toren gewonnen

    10) = per pro; (in recipes, when mixing) auf (+acc)
    11) MATH

    3 to the 4th, 3 to the power of 4 — 3 hoch 4


    = concerning what do you say to the idea? — was hältst du von der Idee?

    to repairing television £30 (Comm) — (für) Reparatur eines Fernsehers £ 30


    = according to to the best of my knowledge — nach bestem Wissen


    = accompanied by to sing to the guitar —

    to sing sth to the tune of... — etw nach der Melodie von... singen

    to dance to a tune/a band — zu einer Melodie/den Klängen or der Musik eines Orchesters tanzen


    = of ambassador to America/the King of France — Botschafter in Amerika/am Hofe des Königs von Frankreich


    = producing to everyone's surprise — zu jedermanns Überraschung


    infinitive to begin to do sth — anfangen, etw zu tun

    I want him to do it — ich will, dass er es tut


    conditional use of infinitive to see him now, one would never think... — wenn man ihn jetzt sieht, würde man nicht glauben,...


    infinitive expressing purpose, result to eat/work to live —

    I did it to help youich tat es, um dir zu helfen

    to get to the point,... — um zur Sache zu kommen,...

    well, not to exaggerate... — ohne zu übertreiben,...

    I arrived to find she had gone — als ich ankam, war sie weg


    omitting verb I don't want to — ich will nicht

    we didn't want to but we were forced to — wir wollten nicht, aber wir waren dazu gezwungen

    I intended to (do it), but I forgot (to) — ich wollte es tun, aber ich habe es vergessen

    buy it, it would be silly not to — kaufe es, es wäre dumm, es nicht zu tun

    he often does things one doesn't expect him to — er macht oft Dinge, die man nicht von ihm erwartet


    set structures __diams; noun/pronoun + to + infinitive he is not the sort to do that — er ist nicht der Typ, der das täte, er ist nicht der Typ dazu

    I have done nothing to deserve this — ich habe nichts getan, womit ich das verdient hätte

    who is he to order you around? — wer ist er denn, dass er dich so herumkommandiert?

    he was the first to arrive — er kam als Erster an, er war der Erste, der ankam

    who was the last to see her? —

    what is there to do here? —

    now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die (beste) Zeit, es zu tun

    you are foolish to try it — du bist dumm, das überhaupt zu versuchen

    is it good to eat? —

    he's too old to be still in short trouserser ist schon so alt und trägt noch kurze Hosen

    door (= ajar) angelehnt; (= shut) zu
    3. ADVERB

    to and fro — hin und her; walk auf und ab

    * * *
    A präp [tuː; tʊ; tə]
    2. (Richtung und Ziel, räumlich) zu, nach, an (akk), in (akk), auf (akk):
    go to London nach London fahren;
    from east to west von Osten nach Westen;
    throw sth to the ground etwas auf den oder zu Boden werfen
    3. in (dat):
    have you ever been to London?
    4. (Richtung, Ziel, Zweck) zu, auf (akk), an (akk), in (akk), für, gegen:
    play to a large audience vor einem großen Publikum spielen; duty A 1 a, invite A 1, pray B 2, etc
    5. (Zugehörigkeit) zu, in (akk), für, auf (akk):
    a cap with a tassel to it eine Mütze mit einer Troddel (daran);
    a key to the case ein Schlüssel für den oder zum Koffer;
    a room to myself ein Zimmer für mich (allein); assistant B 1, end C 7, moral B 1, secretary 1, etc
    6. (Übereinstimmung, Gemäßheit) nach, für, gemäß: astonishment, etc
    7. (im Verhältnis oder Vergleich) zu, gegen, gegenüber, auf (akk), mit:
    the score is three to one (3-1) das Spiel oder es steht drei zu eins (3:1);
    two is to four as four is to eight zwei verhält sich zu vier wie vier zu acht
    8. (Ausmaß, Grenze, Grad) bis, (bis) zu, (bis) an (akk), auf (akk), in (dat):
    to the clouds bis an die Wolken;
    ten feet to the ground zehn Fuß bis zum Boden; craziness
    9. (zeitliche Ausdehnung oder Grenze) bis, bis zu, bis gegen, auf (akk), vor (dat):
    from three to four von drei bis vier (Uhr);
    it’s ten to five es ist zehn vor fünf
    10. (Begleitung) zu, nach:
    sing to a guitar zu einer Gitarre singen;
    they danced to a tune sie tanzten nach einer Melodie; dance A 1
    a) betont:
    he gave the book to me, not to you! er gab das Buch mir, nicht Ihnen!
    she was a good mother to him sie war ihm eine gute Mutter
    B partikel [tʊ; tə]
    to go gehen;
    easy to understand leicht zu verstehen;
    she was heard to cry man hörte sie weinen
    2. (Zweck, Absicht) um zu, zu:
    he only does it to earn money er tut es nur, um Geld zu verdienen
    I weep to think of it ich weine, wenn ich daran denke;
    he was the first to arrive er kam als Erster;
    to hear him talk wenn man ihn (so) reden hört; honest A 1 b
    why blame you me to love you? obs oder poet was tadelst du mich, weil ich dich liebe?
    5. zur Andeutung eines aus dem Vorhergehenden zu ergänzenden Infinitivs:
    I don’t go because I don’t want to ich gehe nicht, weil ich nicht (gehen) will
    C adv [tuː]
    1. a) zu, geschlossen:
    pull the door to die Türe zuziehen
    b) angelehnt:
    2. (wieder) zu Bewusstsein oder zu sich: bring to A 1, come to 1
    3. SCHIFF nahe am Wind:
    keep her to!
    a) hin und her,
    b) auf und ab
    * * *
    [before vowel tʊ, before consonant tə, stressed tuː] preposition

    go to work/to the theatre — zur Arbeit/ins Theater gehen

    to Paris/France — nach Paris/Frankreich

    3) (as far as) bis zu

    from London to Edinburgh — von London [bis] nach Edinburgh

    increase from 10 % to 20 % — von 10 % auf 20 % steigen

    4) (next to, facing)
    5) (implying comparison, ratio, etc.)

    [compared] to — verglichen mit; im Vergleich zu

    it's ten to one he does something — die Chancen stehen zehn zu eins, dass er etwas tut

    to somebody/something — jemandem/einer Sache (Dat.)

    lend/explain etc. something to somebody — jemandem etwas leihen/erklären usw.

    to me (in my opinion) meiner Meinung nach

    7) (until) bis

    five [minutes] to eight — fünf [Minuten] vor acht

    8) with infinitive of a verb zu; expressing purpose, or after too um [...] zu

    do something to annoy somebody — etwas tun, um jemanden zu ärgern

    too young to marry — zu jung, um zu heiraten; zu jung zum Heiraten

    he would have phoned but forgot to — er hätte angerufen, aber er vergaß es

    she didn't want to go there, but she had to — sie wollte nicht hingehen, aber sie musste

    [tuː] adverb

    be to[Tür, Fenster:] angelehnt sein


    English-german dictionary > to

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    [tu:, tu, tə] prep
    1) ( moving towards) in +akk, nach +dat, zu +dat;
    she walked over \to the window sie ging [hinüber] zum Fenster [o ans Fenster];
    \to the right/ left nach rechts/links;
    there \to the right dort rechts;
    he's standing \to the left of Adrian er steht links neben Adrian;
    \to the north/ south nördlich/südlich;
    twenty miles \to the north of the city zwanzig Meilen nördlich der Stadt;
    the suburbs are \to the west of the city die Vororte liegen im Westen der Stadt;
    parallel \to the x axis parallel zur x-Achse;
    we're going \to town wir gehen/fahren in die Stadt;
    \to the mountains in die Berge;
    \to the sea ans Meer;
    \to the park in den Park;
    from here \to the station von hier [bis] zum Bahnhof;
    the way \to the town centre der Weg ins Stadtzentrum;
    they go \to work on the bus sie fahren mit dem Bus zur Arbeit;
    I'm going \to a party/ concert ich gehe auf eine Party/ein Konzert;
    she has to go \to a meeting now sie muss jetzt zu einem Meeting [gehen];
    we moved \to Germany last year wir sind letztes Jahr nach Deutschland gezogen;
    he flew \to the US er flog in die USA;
    she's never been \to Mexico before sie ist noch nie [zuvor] in Mexiko gewesen;
    my first visit \to Africa mein erster Aufenthalt in Afrika;
    this is a road \to nowhere! diese Straße führt nirgendwohin!
    2) ( attending regularly) zu +dat, in +dat;
    she goes \to kindergarten sie geht in den Kindergarten;
    he goes \to college er geht zur Hochschule [o studiert an der Hochschule];
    do you go \to church? gehst du in die Kirche?;
    I go \to the gym twice a week ich gehe zweimal wöchentlich in die Turnhalle
    3) ( inviting to) zu +dat;
    an invitation \to a wedding eine Einladung zu einer Hochzeit;
    I've asked them \to dinner ich habe sie zum Essen eingeladen;
    she took me out \to lunch yesterday sie hat mich gestern zum Abendessen ausgeführt [o eingeladen];
    4) ( in direction of) auf +akk;
    she pointed \to a distant spot on the horizon sie zeigte auf einen fernen Punkt am Horizont;
    to have one's back \to sth/sb etw/jdm den Rücken zudrehen;
    back \to front verkehrt herum
    5) ( in contact with) an +dat;
    they were dancing cheek \to cheek sie tanzten Wange an Wange;
    she put her hand \to his breast sie legte die Hand auf seine Brust;
    she clasped the letter \to her bosom sie drückte den Brief an ihren Busen
    6) ( attached to) an +akk;
    tie the lead \to the fence mache die Leine am Zaun fest;
    they fixed the bookshelves \to the wall sie brachten die Bücherregale an der Wand an;
    stick the ads \to some paper klebe die Anzeigen auf ein Blatt Papier
    7) ( with indirect object) mit +dat;
    I lent my bike \to my brother ich habe meinem Bruder mein Fahrrad geliehen;
    give that gun \to me gib mir das Gewehr;
    he is married \to his cousin Emma er ist mit seiner Kusine Emma verheiratet;
    I told that \to Glyn ich habe das Glyn erzählt;
    you should show that rash \to the doctor du solltest den Ausschlag dem Arzt zeigen;
    what have they done \to you? was haben sie dir [an]getan?;
    children are often cruel \to each other Kinder sind oft grausam zueinander;
    who's the letter addressed \to? an wen ist der Brief gerichtet [o adressiert] ?;
    her knowledge proved useful \to him ihr Wissen erwies sich als hilfreich für ihn;
    I am deeply grateful \to my parents ich bin meinen Eltern zutiefst dankbar;
    a threat \to world peace eine Bedrohung des Weltfriedens [o für den Weltfrieden];
    they made a complaint \to the manager sie reichten beim Geschäftsleiter eine Beschwerde ein
    8) ( with respect to) zu +dat;
    and what did you say \to that? und was hast du dazu gesagt?;
    he finally confessed \to the crime er gestand schließlich das Verbrechen;
    this is essential \to our strategy dies ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Strategie;
    ( in response) auf +akk;
    a reference \to Psalm 22:18 ein Verweis auf Psalm 22:18;
    her reply \to the question ihre Antwort auf die Frage;
    and what was her response \to that? und wie lautete ihr Antwort darauf?
    9) ( belonging to) zu +dat;
    the keys \to his car seine Autoschlüssel;
    the top \to this pen die Kappe zu diesem Stift;
    she has a mean side \to her sie kann auch sehr gemein sein;
    there is a very moral tone \to this book dieses Buch hat einen sehr moralischer Ton;
    there's a funny side \to everything alles hat auch seine komische Seite
    10) ( compared to) mit +dat;
    I prefer beef \to seafood ich ziehe Rindfleisch Meeresfrüchten vor;
    frogs' legs are comparable \to chicken Froschschenkel sind mit Hühnerfleisch vergleichbar;
    a colonel is superior \to a sergeant ein Oberst ist ein höherer Dienstgrad als ein Unteroffizier;
    she looked about thirty \to his sixty gegenüber seinen sechzig Jahren wirkte sie wie dreißig;
    [to be] nothing \to sth nichts im Vergleich zu etw dat [sein];
    her wage is nothing \to what she could earn ihr Einkommen steht in keinem Vergleich zu dem, was sie verdienen könnte
    11) ( in scores) zu +dat;
    Paul beat me by three games \to two Paul hat im Spiel drei zu zwei gegen mich gewonnen;
    Manchester won three \to to one Manchester hat drei zu eins gewonnen
    12) ( until) bis +dat, zu +dat;
    I read up \to page 100 ich habe bis Seite 100 gelesen;
    unemployment has risen \to almost 8 million die Arbeitslosigkeit ist auf fast 8 Millionen angestiegen;
    count \to 20 bis 20 zählen;
    it's about fifty miles \to New York es sind [noch] etwa fünfzig Meilen bis New York
    he converted \to Islam er ist zum Islam übergetreten;
    his expression changed from amazement \to joy sein Ausdruck wechselte von Erstaunen zu Freude;
    the change \to the metric system der Wechsel zum metrischen System;
    her promotion \to department manager ihre Beförderung zur Abteilungsleiterin;
    the meat was cooked \to perfection das Fleisch war perfekt zubereitet [worden];
    he drank himself \to death er trank sich zu Tode;
    she nursed me back \to health sie hat mich [wieder] gesund gepflegt;
    smashed \to pieces in tausend Stücke geschlagen;
    she was close \to tears sie war den Tränen nahe;
    he was thrilled \to bits er freute sich wahnsinnig
    14) ( to point in time) bis +dat;
    the shop is open \to 8.00 p.m. der Laden hat bis 20 Uhr geöffnet;
    we're in this \to the end wir führen dies bis zum Ende;
    and \to this day... und bis auf den heutigen Tag...;
    it's only two weeks \to your birthday! es sind nur noch zwei Wochen bis zu deinem Geburtstag!
    from... \to... von... bis...;
    from beginning \to end von Anfang bis Ende;
    from morning \to night von Kopf bis Fuß;
    front \to back von vorne bis hinten, von allen Seiten;
    I read the document front \to back ich habe das Dokument von vorne bis hinten gelesen;
    he's done everything from snowboarding \to windsurfing er hat von Snowboarden bis Windsurfen alles [mal] gemacht;
    from simple theft \to cold-blooded murder vom einfachen Diebstahl bis zum kaltblütigen Mord
    16) ( Brit) ( in clock times) vor +dat in Southern Germany bis +dat;
    it's twenty \to six es ist zwanzig vor sechs
    17) ( causing) zu +dat;
    \to my relief/ horror/ astonishment zu meiner Erleichterung/meinem Entsetzen/meinem Erstaunen;
    much \to her surprise zu ihrer großen Überraschung
    18) ( according to) für +akk;
    \to me, it sounds like he's ending the relationship für mich hört sich das an, als ob er die Beziehung beenden wollte;
    that outfit looks good \to me das Outfit gefällt mir gut;
    if it's acceptable \to you wenn Sie einverstanden sind;
    this would be \to your advantage das wäre zu deinem Vorteil, das wäre für dich von Vorteil;
    does this make any sense \to you? findest du das auf irgendeine Weise einleuchtend?;
    fifty pounds is nothing \to him fünfzig Pfund bedeuten ihm nichts;
    what's it \to you? ( fam) was geht dich das an?
    19) ( serving) für +akk;
    as a personal trainer \to the rich and famous als persönlicher Trainer der Reichen und Berühmten;
    they are hat makers \to Her Majesty the Queen sie sind Hutmacher Ihrer Majestät, der Königin;
    economic adviser \to the president Wirtschaftsberater des Präsidenten; film ( next to)
    she was Ophelia \to Olivier's Hamlet sie spielte die Ophelia neben Oliviers Hamlet
    20) ( in honour of) auf +akk;
    here's \to you! auf dein/Ihr Wohl!;
    \to the cook! auf den Koch/die Köchin!;
    the record is dedicated \to her mother die Schallplatte ist ihrer Mutter gewidmet;
    I propose a toast \to the bride and groom ich bringe einen Toast auf die Braut und den Bräutigam aus;
    a memorial \to all the soldiers who died in Vietnam ein Denkmal für alle im Vietnamkrieg gefallenen Soldaten
    21) ( per)
    the car gets 25 miles \to the gallon das Auto verbraucht eine Gallone auf 25 Meilen;
    three parts oil \to one part vinegar drei Teile Öl auf einen Teil Essig;
    the odds are 2 \to 1 that you'll lose die Chancen stehen 2 zu 1, dass du verlierst
    22) ( as a result of) von +dat;
    she awoke \to the sound of screaming sie erwachte von lautem Geschrei;
    he left the stage \to the sound of booing er ging unter den Buhrufen von der Bühne;
    I like exercising \to music ich trainiere gern zu [o mit] Musik;
    I can't dance \to this sort of music ich kann zu dieser Art Musik nicht tanzen;
    the band walked on stage \to rapturous applause die Band zog unter tosendem Applaus auf die Bühne
    23) ( roughly) bis +dat;
    thirty \to thirty-five people dreißig bis fünfunddreißig Leute
    ten \to the power of three zehn hoch drei
    that's all there is \to it das ist schon alles;
    there's not much [or nothing] \to it das ist nichts Besonderes, da ist nichts Besonderes dabei in forming infinitives
    she agreed \to help sie erklärte sich bereit zu helfen;
    I'll have \to tell him ich werde es ihm sagen müssen;
    I don't expect \to be finished any later than seven ich denke, dass ich spätestens um sieben fertig sein werde;
    sadly she didn't live \to see her grandchildren leider war es ihr nicht vergönnt, ihre Enkel noch zu erleben;
    I have \to go on a business trip ich muss auf eine Geschäftsreise;
    the company is \to pay over £500,000 die Firma muss über £500.000 bezahlen;
    he's going \to write his memoirs er wird seine Memoiren schreiben;
    I have some things \to be fixed ich habe einige Dinge zu reparieren;
    Blair \to meet with Putin Blair trifft Putin;
    be about \to do sth gerade etw tun wollen, im Begriff sein etw zu tun
    she was told \to have the report finished by Friday sie wurde gebeten, den Bericht bis Freitag fertig zu stellen;
    he told me \to wait er sagte mir, ich solle warten;
    I asked her \to give me a call ich bat sie, mich anzurufen;
    we asked her \to explain wir baten sie, es uns zu erklären;
    you've not \to do that du sollst das nicht tun;
    that man is not \to come here again der Mann darf dieses Haus nicht mehr betreten;
    young man, you're \to go to your room right now junger Mann, du gehst jetzt auf dein Zimmer
    3) ( expressing wish) zu;
    I need \to eat something first ich muss zuerst etwas essen;
    I'd love \to live in New York ich würde liebend [o nur zu] gern in New York leben;
    would you like \to dance? möchten Sie tanzen?;
    that child ought \to be in bed das Kind sollte [schon] im Bett sein;
    I want \to go now ich möchte jetzt gehen;
    I need \to go to the bathroom ich muss noch einmal zur [o auf die] Toilette;
    do you want \to come with us? willst du [mit uns] mitkommen?;
    I'd love \to go to France this summer ich würde diesen Sommer gern nach Frankreich fahren
    are you going tonight? - I'm certainly hoping \to gehst du heute Abend? - das hoffe ich sehr;
    would you like to go and see the Russian clowns? - yes, I'd love \to möchtest du gern die russischen Clowns sehen? - ja, sehr gern;
    can you drive? - yes I'm able \to but I prefer not \to kannst du Auto fahren? - ja, das kann ich, aber ich fahre nicht gern
    it's not likely \to happen es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass das geschieht, das wird wohl kaum geschehen;
    I was afraid \to tell her ich hatte Angst, es ihr zu sagen;
    he's able \to speak four languages er spricht vier Sprachen;
    she's due \to have her baby sie soll bald ihr Baby bekommen;
    I'm afraid \to fly ich habe Angst vorm Fliegen;
    she's happy \to see you back sie ist froh, dass du wieder zurück bist;
    I'm sorry \to hear that es ist tut mir leid, das zu hören;
    easy \to use leicht zu bedienen;
    languages are fun \to learn Sprachenlernen macht Spaß;
    it is interesting \to know that es ist interessant, das zu wissen;
    three months is too long \to wait drei Monate zu warten ist zu lang;
    I'm too nervous \to talk right now ich bin zu nervös, um jetzt zu sprechen
    I'm going there \to see my sister ich gehe dort hin, um meine Schwester zu treffen;
    she's gone \to pick Jean up sie ist Jean abholen gegangen;
    my second attempt \to make flaky pastry mein zweiter Versuch, einen Blätterteig zu machen;
    they have no reason \to lie sie haben keinerlei Grund zu lügen;
    I have the chance \to buy a house cheaply ich habe die Gelegenheit, billig ein Haus zu kaufen;
    something \to eat etwas zu essen;
    the first person \to arrive die erste Person, die ankam [o eintraf];
    Armstrong was the first man \to walk on the moon Armstrong war der erste Mann, der je den Mond betrat
    we tried \to help wir versuchten zu helfen;
    \to make this cake, you'll need... für diesen Kuchen braucht man...;
    he managed \to escape es gelang ihm zu entkommen
    I don't know what \to do ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll;
    I don't know where \to begin ich weiß nicht, wo ich anfangen soll;
    she was wondering whether \to ask David about it sie fragte sich, ob sie David deswegen fragen sollte;
    can you tell me how \to get there? könne Sie mir sagen, wie ich dort hinkomme?
    \to tell the truth [or \to be truthful] um die Wahrheit zu sagen;
    \to be quite truthful with you, Dave, I never really liked the man ich muss dir ehrlich sagen, Dave, ich konnte diesen Mann noch nie leiden;
    \to be honest um ehrlich zu sein
    he looked up \to greet his guests er blickte auf, um seine Gäste zu begrüßen;
    she reached out \to take his hand sie griff nach seiner Hand;
    they turned around \to find their car gone sie drehten sich um und bemerkten, dass ihr Auto verschwunden war adv
    inv zu;
    to push [or pull] the door \to die Tür zuschlagen;
    to come \to zu sich dat kommen;
    to set \to sich akk daranmachen ( fam)
    they set \to with a will, determined to finish the job sie machten sich mit Nachdruck daran, entschlossen, die Arbeit zu Ende zu bringen

    English-German students dictionary > to

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    1. I
    1) coming! иду!; come and have supper with us (and hear her, etc.) приходите к нам поужинать и т. д.', people come and go люди приходят и уходят; let' em all come! пусть они все приезжают!; has anybody come? кто-нибудь приходил?; the саг has come машина пришла
    2) I waited for the books to come я ждал, когда придут /прибудут, доставят/ книги; dinner came принесли обед
    3) help (money, your order, etc.) came пришла /подоспела/ помощь и т. д.
    4) day (the holiday, Christmas, his turn, etc.) came день и т. д. наступил; old age came подошла старость; when the time came когда пришло /подошло/ время; crisis came наступил кризис; after many years had come and gone no прошествии многих лет; in days (years, etc.) to come в будущем, в грядущие годы; in the life to come в дальнейшей жизни; he will stay here for some.time (for some months, etc.) to come он пробудет здесь еще некоторое время и т. д.', his troubles are yet to come неприятности у него еще впереди, ему еще предстоят неприятности; be ready for whatever comes будьте готовы ко всему, что может случиться
    5) his teeth begin to come у него начинают появляться /прорезаться/ зубы; his colour came and went он то краснел, то бледнел; the pain comes and goes боль то появляется, то исчезает; the light comes and goes свет то загорается, то гаснет
    2. II
    1) come in some manner come reluctantly (briskly, swiftly, constantly, silently, hesitatingly, jauntily, drunkenly, etc.) неохотно и т. д. приходить /подходить/; come он foot прийти пешком; they came one by one (one after another) они шли (приходили) по одному и т. д.; come at some time comeevery day (tomorrow, soon, etc.) приходить каждый день и т. д., you go on, I'm just coming вы идите, я сейчас приду; he has not come yet? он еще не пришел /не приехал/?; who is coming today? кто сегодня приезжает?; come and see me tomorrow приходите ко мне завтра [повидаться]; come somewhere come home (here, there, etc.) приходить домой и т. д.; are you coming my way? вам со мной по пути?; come in! войдите!; come out выходить; come up подняться [наверх]; I'm still in bed, can you come up? я еще [лежу] в постели, вы не могли бы подняться ко мне?; come down сойти /спуститься/ [вниз]; come back прийти назад /обратно/, вернуться; this fashion has come back эта мода и т. д. вернулась [снова]; come away отходить [прочь]; you're too near the stove, come away ты стоишь слишком близко к плите, отойди подальше: come nearer подойдите поближе; come forward выступать вперед; several members of our group came forward a) несколько членов нашей группы выступили /вышли/ вперед; б) из нашей группы вызвалось несколько добровольцев; come by /past/ проходить мимо; did you see anyone come by? тут никто не проходил?
    2) come at some time post comes every day (twice a day, etc.) почта приходит /почту приносят, привозят, доставляют/ каждый день и т. д.; dinner came at last обед наконец принесли
    3) come at some time inspiration ( love, sleep, etc.) never came вдохновение и т. д. так и не пришло; help came at last (soon enough, etc.) наконец и т. д. подоспела помощь; summer came early (late) лето наступило /пришло/ рано (поздно), лето было раннее (позднее); this holiday comes once a year этот праздник бывает один раз в году
    4) come at lame time buds come every spring почки появляются каждую весну; this flower comes once a year этот цветок цветет раз в год
    5) come in some manner the job is coning nicely (badly, etc..) работа идет хорошо и т.д., the garden is coming well в моем саду все хорошо растет
    3. III
    1) come some distance come a long way (three miles, etc.) пройти большой /длинный/ путь и т. д.
    2) come smb. coll. come the grand dame (the swell, the stern parent, the great man, etc.) напускать на себя вид светской дамы и т. д.
    4. X
    1) come to be in some state he came [back] refreshed in mind and body (changed, etc.) он вернулся отдохнувшим душой и телом и т. д.
    2) 0 come undone /untied/ развязаться; come unstitched / unsown/ распороться, разойтись по шву; come unstuck отклеиться
    5. XIII
    1) come to do smth. come to borrow a dictionary (to paint the house, to work, to clean the windows, to get this book. to see him, etc.) прийти [, чтобы] взять на время словарь и т. д.
    2) come to do smth. I came to believe that (to use it, to understand it, to see that I was mistaken, etc.) я стал /начал/ верить этому и т. д.; he came to see the problem in a new light он теперь видит эту проблему в новом свете; now I came to know him better... теперь, когда я узнал его лучше...; when I come to die... когда настанет мой смертный час...; how did you come to hear of it (to know this, to learn where she is living, to do that, to think of this, etc.)? как случилось, что вы узнали об этом и т. д.?; now that I come to think of it he is right подумав об этом еще раз /обдумав этот вопрос/, я понял, что он прав; come to be done the streets have come to be used as motor parks
    come to be smb. he came to be a famous man (a good violinist, etc.) он стал знаменитым и т. д.; come to be in some state how does the door come to be open? почему открыта дверь?
    6. XIV
    come doing smth. he came running он прибежал /примчался/; she came laughing она пришла или вошла смеясь /со смехом/; the sunshine came streaming in through the windows солнечные лучи, проникавшие через окно, заливали комнату; the rain came pouring down дождь лил как из ведра; the train came puffing into the station поезд пыхтя подошел к станции
    7. XV
    come first (third, etc.) приходить первым и т. д.
    come to be in some state come loose ослабнуть, расшататься; come apart /asunder/ развалиться на части, распасться; things will come right coll. все будет в порядке; come true сбываться; come alive оживать; good clothes come high /expensive/ хорошие вещи стоят дорого; it comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk если покупать оптом, выходит дешевле; rising early comes easy with practice если привык рано вставать, то это совсем нетрудно; it comes natural to some people у некоторых людей это получается без всякого труда; come clean sl. "расколоться", все рассказать
    8. XVI
    1) come into (out of, to, from, along, across, etc.) some place come Into a room войти в комнату: come into the garden выйти в сад; the train came into the station поезд подошел к станции; come out of a room (out of a place, out of a house, etc.) выходить из комнаты и т. д., come to a river (to a bridge, to a village, to a station, etc.) подходить /приходить/ к реке и т. д.', come from another country (from London. etc.) приехать из другой страны и т. д.', come down from a tree спуститься с дерева; come down to this level (to the 5 ft level, etc.) опуститься до этого уровня и т. д.; come by the house (round the church, across the Alps, etc.) пройти /проехать/ мимо дома и т. д.; come through his clothes (through the wood, through the wall, etc.) проникать сквозь /через/ одежду и т. д.; come with smb. I'm coming with you я иду с вами; come with me a little way пройдемте немного со мной; will you come with me to India? вы поедете со мной в Индию?; come after smb. come after his sister идти /приходить/ вслед за его сестрой; come for /after/ smth., smb. come for one's book (for their ladder, for his present, for you, etc.) приходить за своей книгой и т. д.; they came after my passport они пришли за моим паспортом; come in smth. come in groups (in swarms. in twoes, etc.) приходить (идти) группами и т. д.: come by smth. come by саг (by train, by air, by boat, etc.) приезжать машиной /на машине/ и т. д.; come (at some time come on the tenth (before midnight, after lunch, in the evening, etc.) приходить /приезжать/ десятого и т.д.; she won't come till late она не придет допоздна; come off smth. come oft a bicycle (off a horse, off a ship, etc.) сойти с велосипеда и т. д.
    2) come on smth. there came a knock on the door послышался стук в дверь, в дверь постучали
    3) come for smth. come for advice (for an explanation, for an answer, etc.) приходить /обращаться/ за советом и т. д.; come to smb. why didn't you come to me? почему вы не пришли /не обратились/ ко мне?; you came to the wrong person вы пришли / обратились/ не к тому человеку; come before smb., smth. come before a judge (before a conciliation court, before the United Nations Assembly, etc.) представать перед судьей и т. д.; the matter came before the international court (the League of Nations, etc.) это дело разбиралось в международном арбитраже и т. д.
    4) come to smb. love (inspiration, etc.) came to him к нему пришла /его посетила/ любовь и т. д.; everything comes to him who waits все приходит к тому, кто умеет ждать; come upon smb. a disaster (a misfortune, a calamity, bad luck, etc.) came upon them у них произошло /их постигло/ несчастье и т. д., fear came upon me меня охватил страх; come over smb. what has come over him? что на него нашло?; а fit of dizziness came over me мне стало нехорошо, у меня закружилась голова; а change has come over him он изменился; come into (across) smth. an idea (a thought, a plan, etc.) came into my head /into my mind, across my mind/ мне в голову пришла идея и т. д.; come upon (to) smb. it came upon me that... я вдруг понял /подумал/, что...; the answer came to him вдруг он понял, как надо ответить
    5) come after (before, on, etc.) smth., smb. spring comes after winter (May comes after April, New Year comes after Christmas, etc.) после зимы приходит /наступает/ весна и т.д.; historians (painters, etc.) that came after him историки и т. д., жившие после него; generations (civilizations, etc.) that came before him предшествующие поколения и т. д.; come in (on) smth. that poem comes on the next page это стихотворение дано на следующей странице; her aria comes in the 3d act ее ария будет в третьем акте; snow comes in winter снег выпадает зимой; new leaves came in spring весной появились свежие листочки; come into (to, in) smth. a look of perplexity came into his face выражение недоумения появилось у него на лице; а smile came to his lips он улыбнулся; tears came in her eyes на.ее глаза навернулись слезы; come to the surface всплывать, подниматься на поверхность; come into sight появиться в поле зрения; come into the world появиться на свет; come between smb. he (his money, her sister, etc.) came between them он и т. д. встал между ними; а misunderstanding came between them между ними возникло недоразумение; enmity came between them они стали врагами
    6) come to smth. come to this question (to the next item on the agenda, to the section on health, etc.) перейти к этому вопросу и т.д., come near smth. come near perfection приближаться к совершенству; I cannot come near that painter я не могу сравниться с этим художником, мне до этого художника очень далеко
    7) come to smth. come to one's knees
    (to her ankles, to the ground, to her waist, etc.) доходить до колен и т. д., the forest comes right to the lake лес подходит к самому озеру
    8) semiaux come into smth. come into blossom /into flower/ зацвести; come into leaf одеться листвой; trees came into bud на деревьях набухли почки
    9) come to smth. come to an understanding (to a decision, to an agreement, to terms with him, etc.) достигнуть понимания и т. д.; come to an end закончиться; come to the end of one's money /of one's resources/ исчерпать свои ресурсы; our talks came to a standstill наши переговоры зашли в тупик; the boys came to blows у мальчишек дело дошло до драки
    10) semiaux come to smth. come to L 6 (to a nice lot of money, to L 1000 a year, etc.) равняться шести фунтам и т. д.; исчисляться шестью фунтами и т.д; how much does it come to? a) сколько это будет стоить?; б) чему это равняется?; duty comes to more than this thing is worth пошлина превышает стоимость самой вещи; what he knows does not come to much его знания /сведения/ немногого стоят; come to the same thing сводиться к тому же самому; all his efforts (his plans, etc.) came to naught /to nothing/ из его стараний и т. д. ничего не вышло; if it comes to that если дело дойдет до этого; what are things coming to? к чему все идет?
    11) come to (into) smth. this law will soon come into force /into effect/ этот закон вскоре вступит в силу; come to the throne занять престол; come (in)to power прийти к власти; come into fashion (into use) входить в моду (в употребление); these two tendencies came into conflict эти две тенденции вступили в противоречие; he came to life он пришел в себя /ожил/ the conflict came to a boil конфликт назрел; when all the facts came to light когда стали известны /выяснились/ все факты; it came to my notice /to my ears, to my knowledge мне стало известно об этом; they will come to no harm с ними ничего не случится; he will come to a bad end /to no good, to grief/ он плохо кончит; come of age достичь совершеннолетия
    12) come of /from, out of/ smth. this comes of carelessness (of your indiscretion, of disobedience, etc.) вот что получается в результате небрежности и т. д., вот к чему приводит небрежность и т. д.', what came of it? что из этого вышло?; nothing came of the matter ничего из этого дела не получилось; nothing came out of all this talk эти разговоры ничего не дали; success often comes from hard work успех нередко достигается упорным трудом
    13) come through smth. come. through trials (through sufferings, through a serious illness, etc.) пройти через испытания и т.д., come through two world wars пережить две мировые войны
    14) come upon /across/ smb., smth. come upon /across/ one's friend (these people, etc.) случайно встретить друга и т. д, I have just come upon him (across the postman, upon your brother, etc.) я только что [случайно] столкнулся с ним и т. д.; come upon the right answer (upon a secret, upon a jar full of ancient coins, etc.) натолкнуться на /случайно найти/ правильный ответ и т. д, I came across this in a curio shop (across this magazine, across an envelope with her note in it, etc.) мне случайно попалась эта вещь в антикварном магазине и т. д.; wandering through these valleys you will come across rare minerals, plants and butterflies бродя по этим долинам, можно отыскать /найти/ редкие минералы, растения и бабочек
    15) come at smb. he came at these people (at me, at the intruder, at the boys with a heavy stick, etc.) он бросился на этих людей и т. д; just let me come at you! дай мне только добраться до тебя!
    16) come into smth. come into a property (into an inheritance, into a fortune, into an estate, into money, into a nice income, into business, etc.) получить /приобрести/ собственность и т. д.', come into favour войти в милость, заслужить благосклонность
    17) come under smth. come under another heading (under the penalty of the law, etc.) подходить под другую рубрику и т. д, what regulations does this come under? в каких правилах это предусмотрено?; come within smth. come within my duties (within my lot, etc.) входить в мои обязанности и т. д.', come before smth. counts (barons) come before baronets титул графа и барона выше титула баронета
    18) come in smth. come in several sizes (in different colours, etc.) быть разных размеров и т. д.; these things come in tubes (in boxes, etc.) такие товары продаются в тюбиках и т. д.
    19) come from /of/ smb., smth. he comes from a good family (of noble parents, of peasant stock, etc.) он [происходит] из хорошей семьи и т. д., he comes from my native place (from Kent, from Florida, etc.) он [родом] из наших мест и т. д., where do you come from? откуда вы родом?; this word comes from Latin это слово латинского происхождения /пришло из латыни/; this quotation comes from Pushkin это цитата из Пушкина; the money came to him from his father (from his wife, from a rich uncle, etc.) он получил деньги от отца и т. д.; wine comes from grapes вино делают из винограда; coffee comes from Brazil кофе импортируют из Бразилии; much of the Iamb eaten in England comes from New Zealand большая часть баранины, потребляемой в Англии, ввозится из Новой Зеландии
    20) come from smth., smb. a sob came from her throat у нее вырвалось рыдание; no word came from him он никак не давал о себе знать; everything that comes from him is evil от него исходит только дурное
    9. XVII
    1) come to doing smth. when (if) it comes to making a decision (to buying a house, etc.) если придется решать и т. д.; he came near to leaving her (to dying, to killing himself, etc.) он чуть было не бросил ее и т. д.
    2) come of doing smth. this is what comes of losing hope (of grumbling, of trying to help people, of judging by the eye, etc.) вот что получается, когда человек теряет надежду и т. д; what came of all your careful planning? что вышло из всех ваших точных расчетов?; come of being in some state it comes of being careless (of being in a hurry, of being tired, etc.) это происходит из-за небрежности и т. д.', come of being of some quality this comes of being so shy (of being miserly, of being illiterate, etc.) это является результатом робости и т. д.
    10. XXI1
    come smth. over smb. coll. he likes to come the heavy father over me он любит проявлять свой отцовскую власть надо мной
    11. XXV
    1) come when... time will come when... настанет время, когда... || come what may будь, что будет
    2) come that... how does it come that you quarreled ( that there are only two, that you didn't get here in time, etc.)? как случилось, что вы поссорились и т. д.?
    12. XXVII2
    come into (to) smth. that... (why..., etc.) it came into my head that мне пришло в голову, что...; it came to my hearing that... до меня дошло, что...; if it comes to that why don't you tell him yourself? раз такие дело или если на то пошло, почему ты сам ему не скажешь?

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > come

  • 72 see

    see [si:]
    (pt saw [sɔ:], pp seen [si:n])
    can you see me? est-ce que tu me vois?;
    I can't see a thing je ne vois rien;
    she could see a light in the distance elle voyait une lumière au loin;
    I could see she'd been crying je voyais qu'elle avait pleuré;
    he saw her talk or talking to the policeman il l'a vue parler ou qui parlait au policier;
    did anyone see you take it? est-ce que quelqu'un t'a vu le prendre?;
    did you see what happened? avez-vous vu ce qui s'est passé?;
    let me see your hands fais-moi voir ou montre-moi tes mains;
    now see what you've done! regarde ce que tu as fait!;
    can I see your newspaper a minute? puis-je voir votre journal ou jeter un coup d'œil sur votre journal un instant?;
    I see her around a lot je la croise assez souvent;
    I don't want to be seen with him je ne veux pas être vu ou qu'on me voie avec lui;
    there wasn't a car to be seen il n'y avait pas une seule voiture en vue;
    the cathedral can be seen from a long way off on voit la cathédrale de très loin;
    nothing more was ever seen of her on ne l'a plus jamais revue;
    it has to be seen to be believed il faut le voir pour le croire;
    she began to see spies everywhere elle s'est mise à voir des espions partout;
    there's nothing there, you're seeing things! il n'y a rien, tu as des hallucinations!;
    I could see what was going to happen (a mile off) je le voyais venir (gros comme une maison);
    familiar they saw you coming (a mile off) ils t'ont vu arriver de loin;
    could you see your way (clear) to lending me £20? est-ce que vous pourriez me prêter 20 livres?;
    to see the back or last of sth en avoir fini avec qch;
    I'll be glad to see the back or last of her je serai content d'être débarrassé d'elle
    (b) (watch → movie, play, programme) voir;
    I saw it on the news je l'ai vu au journal télévisé;
    did you see the match last night? as-tu vu le match hier soir?
    (c) (refer to → page, chapter) voir;
    see page 317 voir page 317;
    see above voir plus haut;
    see (on) the back voir au verso
    (d) (consult → doctor, lawyer) consulter, voir;
    you should see a doctor tu devrais voir ou consulter un médecin;
    I'll be seeing my lawyer about this je vais consulter mon avocat à ce sujet;
    I'll be seeing the candidates next week je verrai les candidats la semaine prochaine;
    I want to see the manager je veux voir le directeur;
    can I see you for a minute in my office? je peux vous voir un instant dans mon bureau?;
    I'd like to see you on business je voudrais vous parler affaires
    (e) (meet by chance) voir, rencontrer;
    guess who I saw at the supermarket! devine qui j'ai vu ou qui j'ai rencontré au supermarché!
    (f) (visit → person, place) voir;
    come round and see me some time passe me voir un de ces jours;
    they came to see me in hospital ils sont venus me voir à l'hôpital;
    I've always wanted to see China j'ai toujours voulu voir la Chine
    (g) (receive a visit from) recevoir, voir;
    he's too ill to see anyone il est trop malade pour voir qui que ce soit;
    she can't see you right now, she's busy elle ne peut pas vous recevoir ou voir maintenant, elle est trop occupée
    do you still see the Browns? est-ce que vous voyez toujours les Brown?;
    we've seen quite a lot of them recently nous les avons beaucoup vus dernièrement;
    we see less of them these days nous les voyons moins en ce moment;
    is he seeing anyone at the moment? (going out with) est-ce qu'il a quelqu'un en ce moment?
    see you!, (I'll) be seeing you! salut!;
    see you later! à tout à l'heure!;
    see you around! à un de ces jours!;
    see you tomorrow! à demain!;
    see you in London! on se verra à Londres!
    (j) (understand) voir, comprendre;
    I see what you mean je vois ou comprends ce que vous voulez dire;
    I don't see what's so funny! je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a de si drôle!;
    he can't see the joke il ne comprend pas la plaisanterie;
    I could see his point je voyais ce qu'il voulait dire;
    I don't see any point in going back now je ne vois pas du tout l'intérêt qu'il y aurait à y retourner maintenant;
    I can see why you were worried je vois pourquoi vous étiez inquiet;
    I can't see that it matters je ne vois pas quelle importance ça a
    (k) (consider, view) voir;
    try to see things from my point of view essayez de voir les choses de mon point de vue;
    we see things differently nous ne voyons pas les choses de la même façon;
    you'll see things differently in the morning demain tu verras les choses d'un autre œil;
    that's how I see it c'est comme ça que je vois les choses;
    he doesn't see his drinking as a problem il ne se considère pas comme un alcoolique;
    how do you see the current situation? que pensez-vous de la situation actuelle?;
    as I see it, it's the parents who are to blame à mon avis, ce sont les parents qui sont responsables
    (l) (envisage, picture) voir, s'imaginer;
    I can't see him getting married je ne le vois pas ou je ne me l'imagine pas se mariant;
    I can't see them accepting this je ne peux pas croire qu'ils vont accepter cela;
    I can't see you as a boxer je ne te vois pas en boxeur;
    she just couldn't see herself as a wife and mother elle ne s'imaginait pas se mariant et ayant des enfants;
    I can't see it myself je n'y crois pas trop;
    they say this will be more efficient but I don't see it ils disent que cela sera plus efficace, mais je n'y crois pas;
    I don't see any chance of that à mon avis c'est peu probable;
    can I borrow the car? - I don't see why not est-ce que je peux prendre la voiture? - je n'y vois pas d'inconvénients;
    will you finish in time? - I don't see why not vous aurez fini à temps? - il n'y a pas de raison;
    what do you see happening next? d'après vous, qu'est-ce qui va se passer ensuite?;
    how do you see things developing? comment est-ce que vous envisagez l'avenir?
    I'll see if I can fix it je vais voir si je peux le réparer;
    I'll see what I can do je vais voir ce que je peux faire;
    go and see if he's still asleep va voir s'il dort encore;
    she called by to see what had happened elle est venue pour savoir ce qui s'était passé
    (n) (perceive) voir;
    I can't see any improvement je ne vois pas d'amélioration;
    to see oneself in one's children se reconnaître dans ses enfants;
    what can she possibly see in him? qu'est-qu'elle peut bien lui trouver?;
    they must have seen how worried I was ils ont dû voir combien j'étais inquiet
    (o) (discover, learn) voir;
    I'm pleased to see you're enjoying life je suis heureux de voir que tu profites de la vie;
    I'll be interested to see how he gets on je serais curieux de voir comment il se débrouillera;
    I see (that) he's getting married j'ai appris qu'il allait se marier;
    I saw it in the paper this morning je l'ai vu ou lu ce matin dans le journal;
    as we shall see in a later chapter comme nous le verrons dans un chapitre ultérieur;
    I see she's in the new Scorsese movie je vois qu'elle est dans le nouveau film de Scorsese
    (p) (make sure) s'assurer, veiller à;
    see that all the lights are out before you leave assurez-vous que ou veillez à ce que toutes les lumières soient éteintes avant de partir;
    see that everything's ready for when they arrive veillez à ce que tout soit prêt pour leur arrivée;
    I shall see that he comes je me charge de le faire venir;
    familiar she'll see you right elle veillera à ce que tu ne manques de rien, elle prendra bien soin de toi
    (q) (inspect → file, passport, ticket) voir;
    can I see your ticket, sir? puis-je voir votre ticket, Monsieur?
    (r) (experience) voir, connaître;
    he thinks he's seen it all il croit tout savoir;
    most recruits never see active service la plupart des recrues ne voient jamais la guerre de près;
    our car has seen better days notre voiture a connu des jours meilleurs;
    the city hasn't seen such crowds in decades la ville n'a pas connu une foule pareille depuis des dizaines d'années;
    the country saw many changes le pays a connu de grands changements
    (s) (witness) voir;
    they have seen their purchasing power halved ils ont vu leur pouvoir d'achat diminuer de moitié;
    last year saw an increase in profits l'année dernière a vu une augmentation des bénéfices;
    the next decade will see enormous changes la prochaine décennie verra se produire des changements considérables;
    I never thought I'd see the day when he'd admit he was wrong je n'aurais jamais cru qu'un jour il admettrait avoir tort;
    you don't see athletes like her any more! il n'y a plus beaucoup d'athlètes comme elle!
    (t) (accompany) accompagner;
    I'll see you to the bus stop je t'accompagne à ou jusqu'à l'arrêt du bus;
    I'll see you home je te raccompagne chez toi;
    see Mr Smith to the door, please veuillez raccompagner M. Smith jusqu'à la porte;
    he saw her into a taxi/onto the train il l'a mise dans un taxi/le train;
    to see sb across the road aider qn à traverser la rue
    (u) (in poker) voir;
    I'll see you je vous vois;
    I'll see your $10 and raise you 20 je vous suis à 10 dollars et je relance de 20
    I can't see without (my) glasses je ne vois rien sans mes lunettes;
    he may never see again il se peut qu'il ne voie plus jamais;
    on a clear day you can see as far as the coast par temps clair on voit jusqu'à la mer;
    you can see for miles around la vue s'étend sur des kilomètres;
    cats can see in the dark les chats voient dans l'obscurité;
    I haven't quite finished - so I see je n'ai pas tout à fait terminé - c'est ce que je vois;
    to see into the future voir ou lire dans l'avenir;
    she can't see any further than the end of her nose elle ne voit pas plus loin que le bout de son nez;
    for all to see au vu et au su de tous
    (b) (look) voir;
    can I see? je peux voir?;
    let me see!, let's see! fais voir!;
    see for yourself voyez par vous-même;
    familiar see! I told you he wouldn't let us down tu vois! je t'avais dit qu'il ne nous laisserait pas tomber
    (c) (find out) voir;
    is that the baby crying? - I'll go and see c'est le bébé qu'on entend pleurer? - je vais voir;
    you'll see! tu verras!;
    we shall see nous verrons (bien);
    we'll soon see on le saura vite;
    we'll soon see if… on saura vite si…
    (d) (understand) voir, comprendre;
    it makes no difference as far as I can see autant que je puisse en juger, ça ne change rien;
    you see, there's something else you should know tu vois, il y a quelque chose d'autre que tu devrais savoir;
    I was tired, you see, and… j'étais fatigué, voyez-vous, et…;
    I see je vois;
    familiar I don't want any trouble, see? je ne veux pas d'histoires, OK?;
    familiar old-fashioned now see here, young man! écoutez-moi, jeune homme!
    let me or let's see voyons voir;
    it was, let me see, in 1938 c'était, voyons (voir), en 1938;
    Mum said you'd take us to the fair - we'll see Maman a dit que tu nous amènerais à la foire - on verra (ça)
    3 noun
    Religion (of bishop) siège m épiscopal, évêché m; (of archbishop) archevêché m
    (a) (deal with) s'occuper de;
    I'll see about making the reservations je m'occuperai des réservations;
    they're sending someone to see about the gas ils envoient quelqu'un pour vérifier le gaz
    (b) (consider) voir;
    I'll see about it je verrai ça;
    we'll have to see about getting a new car il va falloir songer à acheter une nouvelle voiture;
    familiar they won't let us in - we'll (soon) see about that! ils ne veulent pas nous laisser entrer - c'est ce qu'on va voir!
    see in
    (a) (escort) faire entrer
    to see in the New Year fêter le Nouvel An
    voir à l'intérieur;
    the curtains were drawn, so we couldn't see in les rideaux étaient tirés, nous ne pouvions pas voir à l'intérieur
    (a) (say goodbye to) dire au revoir à;
    she came to see me off at the station elle est venue à la gare me dire au revoir
    (b) (chase away) chasser;
    see him off! (to dog) chasse-le!
    (c) (repel → attack) repousser
    (a) (accompany to the door) reconduire ou raccompagner à la porte;
    can you see yourself out? pouvez-vous trouver la sortie tout seul?;
    goodbye, I'll see myself out au revoir, ce n'est pas la peine de me raccompagner
    I'll see another year out here then go home je vais passer une autre année ici puis je rentrerai;
    we've got enough food to see the week out nous avons assez à manger pour tenir jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;
    I don't think these boots will see the winter out je ne crois pas que ces bottes feront l'hiver;
    he isn't expected to see out the week il y a peu de chances qu'il survive jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;
    he'll see us all out! (will survive us) il nous enterrera tous!
    to see out the Old Year fêter le Nouvel An
    they came to see round the house ils sont venus pour visiter la maison
    (a) (window, fabric) voir à travers
    (b) (be wise to → person) percer à jour, voir dans le jeu de; (→ trick, scheme, behaviour) ne pas se laisser tromper par;
    I saw through him je l'ai percé à jour, j'ai vu dans son jeu;
    she saw through his apparent cheerfulness elle ne s'est pas laissée tromper par ou elle n'a pas été dupe de son apparente bonne humeur;
    I saw through their little game j'ai vite compris leur petit jeu
    (a) (bring to a successful end) mener à bonne fin;
    we can count on her to see the job through on peut compter sur elle pour mener l'affaire à bien
    to see a show/film through assister à un spectacle/regarder un film jusqu'au bout
    (c) (support, sustain)
    I've got enough money to see me through the week j'ai assez d'argent pour tenir jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;
    £20 should see me through (to Monday) 20 livres devraient me suffire (jusqu'à lundi);
    their love has seen them through many a crisis leur amour les a aidés à surmonter de nombreuses crises;
    her good humour will always see her through any difficulties sa bonne humeur lui permettra toujours de traverser les moments difficiles
    (a) (look after) s'occuper de;
    I'll see to the dinner je m'occuperai du dîner;
    I'll see to it je vais m'en occuper, je m'en charge;
    see to it that everything's ready by 5 p.m. veillez à ce que tout soit prêt pour 17 heures;
    she saw to it that our picnic was ruined elle a fait en sorte de gâcher notre pique-nique
    (b) (repair) réparer;
    you should get the brakes seen to tu devrais faire réparer les freins

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > see

  • 73 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 74 Cybernetics

       1) The Parallel Nature of Feedback in Living Individuals and Communication Machines
       It is my thesis that the physical functioning of the living individual and the operation of some of the newer communication machines are precisely parallel in their analogous attempts to control entropy through feedback. Both of them have sensory receptors as one stage of their cycle of operation: that is, in both of them there exists a special apparatus for collecting information from the outer world at low energy levels, and for making it available in the operation of the individual or of the machine.
       In both cases these external messages are not taken neat, but through the internal transforming powers of the apparatus, whether it be alive or dead. The information is then turned into a new form available for the further stages of performance. In both the animal and the machine this performance is made to be effective on the outer world. In both of them, their performed action on the outer world, and not merely their intended action, is reported back to the central regulatory apparatus. (Wiener, 1954, pp. 26-27)
       [The job of the cyberneticist] is the study of information transfer: the converting of information from one form to another-the human voice into radio waves and back into sound once more, or a complex mathematical equation into a set of punched holes on a tape, to be fed into a computer and then into a set of traces on reels of magnetic tape in the computer's "memory store."... To him, protein synthesis is just such another case. The mechanism for ensuring the exact replication of a protein chain by a new cell is that of transferring the information about the protein structure from the parent to the daughter cell. (Rose, 1970, p. 162)
       The theme of all these tales [("Fisherman and the Jinni" in the Thousand Nights and a Night; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; and "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs)] is the danger of magic. This seems to lie in the fact that the operation of magic is singularly literal-minded, and that if it grants you anything at all it grants what you ask for, not what you should have asked for or what you intend....
       The magic of automation, and in particular the magic of an automatization in which the devices learn, may be expected to be similarly literal-minded. If you are playing a game according to certain rules and set the playing-machine to play for victory, you will get victory if you get anything at all, and the machine will not pay the slightest attention to any consideration except victory according to the rules. If you are playing a war game with a certain conventional interpretation of victory, victory will be the goal at any cost, even that of the extermination of your own side, unless this condition of survival is explicitly contained in the definition of victory according to which you program the machine. (Wiener, 1964, pp. 59-60)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Cybernetics

  • 75 will

    ̈ɪwɪl I
    1. сущ.
    1) воля;
    сила воли indomitable will inflexible will iron will strong will will to live
    2) воля;
    желание to implement the will of the majorityосуществлять желание большинства to impose one's will (on) ≈ навязывать свое мнение кому-л. to show good will ≈ продемонстрировать благосклонность по отношению к кому-л. against smb.s will ≈ против чьей-л. воли to work with the will to succeedработать с желанием добиться успеха at will
    3) энергия, энтузиазм Syn: enthusiasm
    4) завещание to break a will, to overturn a will ≈ нарушить условия завещания to challenge a will, to contest a willоспаривать завещание to change a will ≈ изменить завещание to draw up, make, make out a will ≈ составить завещание to execute a will ≈ выполнять завещание to probate a will, to validate a will ≈ утверждать/заверять завещание deathbed will ≈ предсмертная воля ∙ a clash of strong willsбитва титанов
    2. гл.
    1) проявлять волю;
    желать, хотеть
    2) велеть, внушать, заставлять Syn: order, tell
    3) завещать, отказывать, отписывать He willed his entire estate to her. ≈ он завещал ей все свое состояние Syn: bequeath, leave II гл.
    1) вспомогательный глагол;
    служит для образования будущего времени во 2 и 3 л. ед. и мн. ч.
    2) выражает привычное действие или состояние The door will not open. ≈ Дверь никак не открывается.
    3) выражает намерение, обещание Iwill do it. ≈ Я сделаю это
    4) выражает предположение, вероятность This will our bus. ≈ Это наверное наш автобус.
    5) выражает просьбу, приказание will you tell me the time? ≈Не подскажете ли, который час?
    6) выражает возможность, способность The seat will hold two children. ≈ На сидении могут поместиться два ребенка.
    7) выражает неизбежность Accidents will happen. ≈ Всегда бывают несчастные случаи.
    8) выражает решимость I will read it. ≈ Я обязательно прочитаю это. воля;
    сила воли - strong * сильная воля - lack of * безволие - a * of one's own своеволие, своеправие;
    упрямство - by force of * силой воли желание, воля - God's * воля божия - the * be done (библеизм) да будет воля твоя - * to live воля к жизни - * to win /to victory/ воля к победе - at * по усмотрению, по желанию - tenant at * арендатор, который может быть выселен в любое время /без предупреждения/ - he may come and go at * он может приходить и уходить, когда захочет - at one's own sweet * когда вздумается /заблагорассудится/ - to do smth. of one's own free * сделать что-л. по собственному желанию - against one's * против чьей-л. воли - to work /to have/ one's * делать по-своему - to work one's * upon smb. навязать кому-л. свою волю - to be at smb.'s * быть в чьем-л. распоряжении /в чьих-л. руках/ - with the best * (in the world) как бы нам этого ни хотелось - such is our * and pleasure (возвышенно) такова наша воля и приказание (устаревшее) просьба;
    приказ энергия, энтузиазм;
    интерес - they set to work with a * они горячо принялись за дело завещание, последняя воля (тж. (юридическое) last * and testament) - to make /to draw up/ a * составить завещание > at *! (военное) одиночный огонь! (команда) > to take the * for the deed быть благодарным за одно только желание помочь;
    довольствоваться чьими-л. обещаниями /посулами/ > where there's a *, there's a way (пословица) где хотение, там и умение( книжное) (возвышенно) проявлять волю, желание;
    хотеть, желать - whatever he *s he may accomplish что бы он ни задумал, он все может сделать - he who *s success is half-way to it воля к победе - залог успеха - God has *ed it so на то была воля божья - fate *ed it that he should die young ему было на роду написано умереть молодым заставлять;
    внушать - to * oneself to fall asleep заставить себя заснуть - to * smb. to do /into doing/ smth. заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. завещать - to * one's money to charities завещать деньги благотворительным учреждениям - to * away from smb. лишать законного наследника наследства выражает желание, стремление, намерение, склонность: - I * do it я (охотно) сделаю это - I * not /won't/ do it я не намерен /не хочу, не желаю/ этого делать - we * not put up with your refusal this time на этот раз мы ваш отказ не примем - he can find no one who * take the job ему не удается найти человека, который взялся бы за это дело - come whenever you * приходите, когда хотите /пожелаете/ - call it what you * назовите это как хотите - do as you * делай как знаешь - they have to obey, whether they * or not им приходится повиноваться, хотят они этого или нет выражает решимость: - I can and I * learn it я могу выучить это и обязательно /непременно/ выучу - I have made up my mind to go and go I * я решил пойти, и ничто меня не остановит - I * be obeyed я заставлю делать по-моему выражает просьбу, приглашение или предложение( в вежливой форме): - * you have a cup of tea? не хотите ли чашку чая? - * you tell me the time? скажите, пожалуйста, который час? - won't you sit down? садитесь, пожалуйста - * you come in? входите, пожалуйста выражает распоряжение или приказание: - * you remember that you have to be here at three не забудь, что в три ты должен быть здесь - just wait a moment, * you? подождите минуточку, пожалуйста - you * do what I say at once ты сейчас же сделаешь, что тебе велят - * you post the letter without delay? (пожалуйста) отправьте письмо без задержки - you * report to the colonel доложите полковнику - shut the door, * you? закрой дверь, (пожалуйста) выражает возможность, способность: - the back seat * hold three passengers на заднем сиденье поместятся /могут сидеть/ три человека - three metres of cloth * make a skirt and jacket из трех метров ткани выйдет юбка и жакет выражает предположение: - this'll be our train это, наверно, наш поезд - this * be your cousin это, по-видимому, ваш двоюродный брат - you * remember... как вы помните... - you * have read that article вы, наверное, читали эту статью выражает неизбежность: - accident * happen несчастный случай может произойти с каждым - what * be, * be чему быть, того не миновать - truth * out истины не утаишь - boys * be boys мальчики всегда остаются мальчиками, мальчики есть мальчики выражает часто повторяющееся действие или привычное состояние: - there he'll /he */ sit hour after hour он сидит /просиживает/ там часами - he * have his little joke, the doctor( эмоционально-усилительно) и любит же он пошутить, этот доктор! - the drawer * not open ящик стола никак не открывается - the engine won't start мотор не заводится вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования формы будущего времени во 2 и 3 л.: - I shall tell you everything and you * give me your opinion я вам все расскажу, а вы мне выскажете свое мнение - when * it be ready? когда это будет готово? > if you * с вашего позволения > come what * будь что будет > I'll be hanged if... провалиться мне на этом месте, если... (диалектизм) блуждающий огонек( диалектизм) заблудившийся, сбившийся с пути( диалектизм) растерянный, запутавшийся ~ воля, твердое намерение;
    against one's will против воли;
    at will по желанию, как угодно;
    what is your will? каково ваше желание? annul a ~ аннулировать завещание ~ воля, твердое намерение;
    against one's will против воли;
    at will по желанию, как угодно;
    what is your will? каково ваше желание? beneficiary under ~ наследник по завещанию boys ~ be boys мальчики - всегда мальчики;
    accidents will happen всегда бывают несчастные случаи contest a ~ оспаривать завещание draw up a ~ составлять завещание drawing up of ~ оформление завещания drawing up of ~ составление завещания emergency ~ завещание на случай чрезвычайных обстоятельств executor under ~ судебный исполнитель по завещаниям fictitious ~ фиктивное завещание forged ~ поддельное завещание free ~ свобода воли;
    of one's own free will добровольно free ~ свобода воли gift under ~ дар по завещанию to have one's ~ добиться своего;
    a will of one's own своеволие;
    of one's own free will добровольно, по собственному желанию ~ (willed) проявлять волю;
    хотеть, желать;
    let him do what he will пусть он делает, что хочет;
    he who wills success is half-way to it воля к успеху есть залог успеха will (would) вспомогательный глагол;
    служит для образования будущего времени во 2 и 3 л. ед. и мн. ч.: he will come at two o'clock он придет в два часа he ~ smoke his pipe after dinner после обеда он обыкновенно курит трубку holographic ~ собственноручно написанное завещание holographic ~ юр. собственноручно написанное завещание ~ модальный глагол выражает намерение, решимость, обещание (особ. в 1 л. ед. и мн. ч.): I will let you know я непременно извещу вас joint ~ совместное завещание last ~ завещание ~ (willed) проявлять волю;
    хотеть, желать;
    let him do what he will пусть он делает, что хочет;
    he who wills success is half-way to it воля к успеху есть залог успеха make a ~ составлять завещание ~ завещание;
    to make (или to draw up) one's will сделать завещание;
    one's last will and testament последняя воля (юридическая формула в завещании) mutual ~ совместное завещание nuncupative ~ устное завещание free ~ свобода воли;
    of one's own free will добровольно to have one's ~ добиться своего;
    a will of one's own своеволие;
    of one's own free will добровольно, по собственному желанию ~ завещание;
    to make (или to draw up) one's will сделать завещание;
    one's last will and testament последняя воля (юридическая формула в завещании) partnership at ~ партнерство по желанию popular ~ народная воля propound a ~ представлять завещание на утверждение prove a ~ утверждать завещание sincere ~ подлинное завещание where there is a ~ there is a way = где хотение, там и умение;
    было бы желание, а возможность найдется;
    to take the will for the deed довольствоваться обещаниями tenancy at ~ бессрочная аренда terminable at ~ of прекращаемый по усмотрению upset a ~ опротестовывать завещание ~ воля, твердое намерение;
    against one's will против воли;
    at will по желанию, как угодно;
    what is your will? каково ваше желание? where there is a ~ there is a way = где хотение, там и умение;
    было бы желание, а возможность найдется;
    to take the will for the deed довольствоваться обещаниями will (would) вспомогательный глагол;
    служит для образования будущего времени во 2 и 3 л. ед. и мн. ч.: he will come at two o'clock он придет в два часа ~ в сочетании с другими глаголами выражает привычное действие;
    часто не переводится ~ воля, твердое намерение;
    against one's will против воли;
    at will по желанию, как угодно;
    what is your will? каково ваше желание? ~ воля;
    сила воли;
    the will to live воля к жизни;
    will can conquer habit дурную привычку можно преодолеть силой воли ~ воля ~ завещание;
    to make (или to draw up) one's will сделать завещание;
    one's last will and testament последняя воля (юридическая формула в завещании) ~ завещание ~ завещать ~ заставлять, велеть, внушать;
    to will oneself to fall asleep заставить себя заснуть ~ модальный глагол выражает намерение, решимость, обещание (особ. в 1 л. ед. и мн. ч.): I will let you know я непременно извещу вас ~ модальный глагол выражает предположение, вероятность: you will be Mrs. Smith? вы, вероятно, миссис Смит? ~ (willed) проявлять волю;
    хотеть, желать;
    let him do what he will пусть он делает, что хочет;
    he who wills success is half-way to it воля к успеху есть залог успеха ~ энергия, энтузиазм;
    to work with a will работать с энтузиазмом wilt: wilt уст. 2- е л. ед. ч. настоящего времени гл. will ~ воля;
    сила воли;
    the will to live воля к жизни;
    will can conquer habit дурную привычку можно преодолеть силой воли to have one's ~ добиться своего;
    a will of one's own своеволие;
    of one's own free will добровольно, по собственному желанию ~ заставлять, велеть, внушать;
    to will oneself to fall asleep заставить себя заснуть ~ воля;
    сила воли;
    the will to live воля к жизни;
    will can conquer habit дурную привычку можно преодолеть силой воли ~ энергия, энтузиазм;
    to work with a will работать с энтузиазмом ~ модальный глагол выражает предположение, вероятность: you will be Mrs. Smith? вы, вероятно, миссис Смит?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > will

  • 76 walk

    (to walk, stand etc on the toes: He stood on tiptoe(s) to reach the shelf.) gå/stå på tærne
    subst. \/wɔːk\/
    1) gåtur, spasertur, fottur, gåing
    2) gangsti, gangvei, vandrerute
    3) allé
    4) runde, rute
    do you know the postman's walk?
    5) skogsdistrikt, skogvokterdistrikt
    6) livsstilling, samfunnsklasse, samfunnslag
    7) yrke(sområde)
    8) hønsegård
    9) ( sport) kappgang
    did she finish the 20 km. walk?
    10) gange, gåstil
    11) skrittgang, sakte gange
    12) ( overført) område, spesialitet, (spesiell) del
    13) (gammeldags, spesielt for sau) beitemark
    14) ( gammeldags) livsførsel, levnet
    15) ( baseball) forklaring: fremrykking til første base
    16) ( spesielt britisk) forklaring: farm der jakthundevalper blir sendt til dressur
    at a walk i skrittgange, gående
    go (out) for a walk ta seg en spasertur
    in a walk ( overført) lekende lett, med letthet
    take a walk ta seg en spasertur
    take a walk! stikk av!
    walk of life livsstilling, samfunnsklasse, samfunnslag
    win in a walk (amer.) vinne med letthet
    verb \/wɔːk\/
    1) gå (til fots), spasere, promenere, flanere
    2) ( hverdagslig) følge, ledsage, gå med
    3) hjelpe med å gå, lede, ta med på en gåtur
    4) (amer., hverdagslig) forsvinne, trekke seg
    5) ( om hest) gå i skritt, skritte, mosjonere
    6) ( om rytter) ri i skritt
    7) ( om spøkelse e.l.) gå igjen, spøke
    8) ( basketball) begå skrittfeil
    9) ( om slagmann i baseball) gå til første base (etter fire ugyldige kast fra kasteren)
    10) (bibelsk, overført) vandre, leve
    11) (amer., hverdagslig) gå fri, bli frikjent
    12) ( slang) krepere
    13) tvinge (til å gå) med, slepe, trekke, manøvrere, styre
    14) ( om hundevalper) oppfostre, dressere
    15) ( om ting) forsvinne, bli borte (vanligvis for å antyde at noe er stjålet)
    learn to walk before one can run man må lære å krype før man kan lære å gå
    take a walk stikk av!
    walk about gå omkring (i), spasere
    walk away gå sin vei, forsvinne ( overført) dra av sted
    walk away from distansere seg fra
    walk away with something\/somebody ( hverdagslig) dra av sted med noe\/noen, kvarte, hjemføre
    walk down gå for fort, gjøre (noen) trett
    walk free gå fri, bli frikjent
    walk in gå inn, stige på
    walk in on somebody komme inn uanmeldt til noen, komme inn til noen uten å banke på
    walk into gå inn i ( hverdagslig) havne i
    ( hverdagslig) gå løs på, skjelle ut
    ( hverdagslig) gjøre innhugg i, kaste seg over
    walk it ( hverdagslig) gå (til fots), traske (og gå)
    ( slang) vinne lett
    walk Matilda (austr., hverdagslig) gå på loffen
    walk off gå sin vei, forsvinne gå av seg
    føre bort, lede bort, dra med seg
    (amer.) skritte opp
    did you walk off the distance?
    walk off with dra av sted med
    walk on gå på, gå videre, fremover ( teater) spille en statistrolle, opptre som statist
    walk on air være i den syvende himmel
    walk on eggshells være svært forsiktig med hva en sier eller gjør
    walk one's chalks ( slang) fordufte, stikke av
    walk one's legs off gå seg i senk
    you are walking me off my legs\/feet
    walk one's talk (spesielt amer.) gjøre som en sier, følge opp ord med handling
    walk out gå ut, gå ut og spasere ta med seg ut (på en spasertur) gå i streik trekke seg fra (i protest), reise fra (plutselig)
    ( ved beiling) gå tur
    walk out (together) ( hverdagslig) holde sammen, omgås
    walk out on ( hverdagslig) reise fra, forlate, svikte
    walk out with (gammeldags, spesielt dialekt) omgås, gå ut med
    walk (all) over gå over (hverdagslig, overført) trampe på, overkjøre
    ( sport) vinne på walkover, vinne lett
    walk over the course vinne en lett seier
    walk round ( hverdagslig) gå rundt, unngå
    walk tall ( hverdagslig) være stolt, gå med hevet hode
    walk the boards stå på scenen, være ved teateret, være skuespiller
    walk the chalk balansere på en krittstrek (som prøve på at man er edru) gjøre som man blir fortalt, holde seg på matten
    walk the dog gå tur med hunden
    walk the earth vandre (her) på jorden
    walk the hospitals ( hverdagslig) ha sykehustjeneste studere medisin
    walk the narrow way gå den smale veien
    walk the plank (sjøfart, historisk) gå planken
    walk the round gå runden
    walk the streets gå omkring i gatene ( om prostituert) trekke på gaten
    walk the waves gå på vannet
    walk up gå opp(over) gå frem, gå bort stige på føre oppover
    walk up to gå frem til
    walk with gå med, følge med
    walk with God ( bibelsk) gå med Gud, leve i gudfryktighet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > walk

  • 77 høre

    1) слу́шать

    hǿre på nógen — слу́шать кого́-л.

    2) слы́шать

    hǿre op — прекраща́ть

    hǿre til — име́ть отноше́ние, относи́ться

    * * *
    catch, hear
    * * *
    * hear ( fx I don't hear well; I heard him speak; I hear from England every week);
    ( lytte) listen,
    ( lytte til) listen to ( fx the music, the radio, his speech),
    ( bønhøre) hear ( fx hear my prayer);
    ( erfare) hear, learn;
    ( i skole: eksaminere) examine;
    ( forhøre sig) enquire;
    ( rådspørge) consult;
    [ hør!]
    (dvs hør engang) look here!
    ( bifaldsråb = det er hørt!) hear, hear!
    (dvs hør efter) listen!
    [ lade en noget høre] throw something in somebody's teeth;
    [ de har ikke noget at lade hinanden høre] there is nothing to choose between them;
    ( ofte =) it is the pot calling the kettle black;
    T that's something like;
    [ man havde aldrig hørt ham le] he had never been heard to laugh; nobody had ever heard him laugh;
    [ høre tale om], se I. tale;
    [ med præp og adv:]
    [ høre ad] enquire;
    [ nu skal jeg høre ad] I will enquire;
    [ jeg har hørt det af min søster] I (have) heard it from my sister;
    [ høre dårligt] be hard of hearing ( med højre øre in the right ear);
    [ høre ` efter] listen, pay attention;
    [ høre efter hvad der bliver sagt] listen to what is said;
    [ høre efter telefonen (, døren)] answer the telephone (, the door);
    [ høre sig for] enquire;
    [ høre fra en] hear from somebody;
    [ hvor hører disse ting hen?] where do these things belong?
    (etc) test somebody in history (etc);
    [ høre ind under] come within, fall under;
    [ det hører med til bestillingen] it is all part of the job; it is all in the (el. a) day's work;
    [ nu har jeg hørt det med!] well, I never!
    [ høre om] hear about ( fx I have heard a lot about you);
    ( erfare at noget eksisterer) hear of ( fx have you ever heard of Clive? have you heard of their new house? I first heard of it a week ago);
    [ høre op] stop, leave off;
    [ høre op med at] stop (el. leave off) -ing;
    [ høre på] listen to;
    (med.) auscultate;
    [ jeg kan høre på dig at] I can tell by your voice (, by what you say) that;
    [ høre sammen] belong together;
    ( være en ( del) af, høre ind under) belong to ( fx this belongs to a different category, to my favourite reading),
    ( være en af) be among ( fx this question is among the most
    important problems of today); be one of ( fx this cup is one of
    a new tea set; the lion is one of the carnivores);
    ( høre om) hear of ( fx I haven't heard anything of that),
    ( høre fra) hear from;
    ( spørge til) ask (, F: enquire) after;
    [ høre ` til] belong ( fx where does it belong?);
    [ der hører meget mod (, tålmodighed) til at] it takes (, F: requires) a lot of courage (, patience) to;
    [ det hører sig til] it is always done; it is customary;
    T it is the done thing;
    [ høre tilfældigt] happen to hear, overhear;
    [ høre ( ind) under] belong under ( fx another Ministry); fall under (
    fx this falls under the next item on the agenda).

    Danish-English dictionary > høre

  • 78 incapacidad

    1 inability.
    2 incompetence.
    3 incapacity (law).
    incapacidad laboral industrial disability o disablement (British)
    4 handicap, disability, disablement.
    5 sick leave.
    * * *
    1 (gen) incapacity, inability
    2 (insuficiencia) disability
    3 DERECHO incapacity
    incapacidad física physical disability
    incapacidad laboral transitoria temporary disability
    incapacidad parcial partial disability
    incapacidad psíquica mental handicap
    incapacidad total total disability
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=falta de capacidad) [para una actividad] inability; [para una profesión] incompetence

    incapacidad de o para hacer algo — inability to do sth

    incapacidad laboral transitoria, incapacidad temporal — temporary disability

    2) (=discapacidad) [física] physical handicap, disability; [mental] mental handicap
    3) (Jur) (tb: incapacidad legal) legal incapacity
    * * *
    a) ( física) disability, physical handicap; ( mental) mental handicap
    b) (Der) incapacity
    2) ( ineptitud) incompetence; ( falta de capacidad) inability
    3) (Col) ( baja) sick leave
    * * *
    = disability, inability, inadequacy, ineptitude, ineptness, incapacity.
    Ex. All these influences are at work before a child goes to school, yet until quite recently we have behaved as though good teaching in good schools was enough to compensate for the disabilities of verbally impoverished children.
    Ex. The catalog user is perhaps not quite so amused by his/her inability to divine why it's not GALERIE MIKRO BERLIN, but BERLIN, MUSEUM FUR VOLKERKUNDE (WEST BERLIN).
    Ex. Inadequacies in the specific A/Z subject index entry made for a subject can also occur if the indexer bases his analysis solely on the class number for that subject.
    Ex. Our ineptitude in getting at the record is largely caused by the artificiality of systems of indexing.
    Ex. Denigrating the ideas of others is just one step away from a personal attack and reflects the speaker's ineptness.
    Ex. Also under this Act, maternity leaves must be treated as temporary leave comparable to disability due to injury, surgery, or other incapacity.
    * incapacidad física = physical disability.
    * incapacidad laboral = work disability, work incapacity.
    * pensión por incapacidad = disability pension.
    * seguro de incapacidad = disability insurance.
    * * *
    a) ( física) disability, physical handicap; ( mental) mental handicap
    b) (Der) incapacity
    2) ( ineptitud) incompetence; ( falta de capacidad) inability
    3) (Col) ( baja) sick leave
    * * *
    = disability, inability, inadequacy, ineptitude, ineptness, incapacity.

    Ex: All these influences are at work before a child goes to school, yet until quite recently we have behaved as though good teaching in good schools was enough to compensate for the disabilities of verbally impoverished children.

    Ex: The catalog user is perhaps not quite so amused by his/her inability to divine why it's not GALERIE MIKRO BERLIN, but BERLIN, MUSEUM FUR VOLKERKUNDE (WEST BERLIN).
    Ex: Inadequacies in the specific A/Z subject index entry made for a subject can also occur if the indexer bases his analysis solely on the class number for that subject.
    Ex: Our ineptitude in getting at the record is largely caused by the artificiality of systems of indexing.
    Ex: Denigrating the ideas of others is just one step away from a personal attack and reflects the speaker's ineptness.
    Ex: Also under this Act, maternity leaves must be treated as temporary leave comparable to disability due to injury, surgery, or other incapacity.
    * incapacidad física = physical disability.
    * incapacidad laboral = work disability, work incapacity.
    * pensión por incapacidad = disability pension.
    * seguro de incapacidad = disability insurance.

    * * *
    1 (física) disability, physical handicap; (mental) mental handicap
    2 ( Der) incapacity
    temporary disability
    legal incapacity
    1 (ineptitud) incompetence
    su incapacidad de or para organizarse their inability to organize themselves
    C (Col, Méx) (baja) sick leave
    * * *

    incapacidad sustantivo femenino
    1 ( física) disability, physical handicap;
    ( mental) mental handicap;
    (Der) incapacity;

    2 ( ineptitud) incompetence;
    ( falta de capacidad) inability
    3 (Col) ( baja) sick leave
    incapacidad sustantivo femenino
    1 incapacity, inability
    incapacidad física, physical disability
    2 (incompetencia) incompetence: su incapacidad para aprender idiomas es llamativa, her inability to learn a language is striking
    ' incapacidad' also found in these entries:
    - inability
    - incapability
    - incapacity
    * * *
    1. [imposibilidad] inability
    2. [falta de aptitud]
    su incapacidad para organizar fiestas es manifiesta he's clearly no good at o useless at organizing parties;
    tengo incapacidad para los idiomas I'm no good at o useless at languages
    3. Der incapacity
    incapacidad laboral industrial disability o Br disablement;
    incapacidad laboral transitoria temporary disability;
    incapacidad legal legal incapacity;
    incapacidad temporal temporary disability
    * * *
    1 disability
    2 ( falta de capacidad) inability;
    incapacidad mental mental incapacity
    3 ( ineptitud) incompetence
    * * *
    1) : inability, incapacity
    2) : disability, handicap
    * * *
    incapacidad n inability

    Spanish-English dictionary > incapacidad

  • 79 ♦ second

    ♦ second /ˈsɛkənd/
    A a.
    1 secondo; altro; nuovo; novello; aggiuntivo; supplementare: the second house in the row, la seconda casa della fila; the second day of the week, il secondo giorno della settimana; This is the second longest river in the world, questo è il secondo fiume più lungo al mondo; I took a second helping, presi un'altra porzione; There has been no second Shakespeare, il mondo non ha avuto un altro Shakespeare; He thinks he is a second Solomon, crede d'essere un novello Salomone
    2 secondo; secondario; inferiore; di seconda qualità; subordinato: second cause, causa secondaria; He was second to none as a novelist, non fu secondo (o inferiore) a nessuno come romanziere
    B n.
    1 secondo ( in un elenco, classifica ecc.): You're the second to apply for the job, sei il secondo che ha chiesto il posto; My horse came in second, il mio cavallo arrivò secondo; She is ranked second in the world, è seconda nella classifica mondiale
    2 secondo (un 60В° di minuto): (fig.) Wait a second, aspetta un secondo!; aspetta un momento!
    3 ( nelle date): March 2nd, il 2 marzo
    4 (in GB) votazione buona, di secondo livello ( di una tesi di laurea)
    5 (mus.) seconda; intervallo di seconda
    6 [u] (autom., mecc.) seconda: He changed into second on the bend, ha messo la seconda in curva
    7 ( nelle corse) secondo posto: to take second, piazzarsi al secondo posto
    8 ( boxe) secondo: Seconds out!, fuori i secondi!
    9 (pl.) (fam., = factory seconds) merci di seconda scelta; articoli con piccoli difetti, venduti sottoprezzo
    10 (pl.) (fam.) un'altra porzione ( di cibo): to have seconds, fare il bis
    C avv.
    2 (seguito da un superl.) secondo; di riserva: the second-largest city in the world, la seconda città del mondo ( per grandezza); my second best pair of shoes, il mio paio di scarpe di riserva
    ● (polit.) second ballot, ballottaggio □ ( slang USA) second banana, spalla ( di un comico); (fig.) tirapiedi □ ( baseball) second base, seconda base ( la posizione) □ ( baseball) second baseman, seconda base ( il giocatore) □ second best, (sost.) seconda cosa ( in una scala di valori); soluzione (o sistemazione) di ripiego; (agg.) di seconda qualità (o categoria); ( d'indumento) di riserva: second best goods, merce di seconda qualità; to come off second-best, doversi accontentare del secondo posto □ (fin.) second bill of exchange, seconda di cambio □ (leg.) second-born child, secondo nato □ second-born daughter, secondogenita □ second-born son, secondogenito □ (leg., fin.) second call, seconda convocazione ( di un'assemblea, ecc.) □ (polit.) second chamber, Camera alta □ second childhood, la seconda infanzia; infantilismo senile; la senilità □ second class, (sost.) seconda classe ( di treno, ecc.); (in GB) servizio postale ordinario; (in USA) posta per le stampe; (avv.) in seconda classe, (in GB, rif. a posta) come plico ordinario; (in USA) come stampe: We travelled second class, abbiamo viaggiato in seconda (classe) □ second-class, (agg.) di seconda classe; di seconda categoria; inferiore; scadente; (in GB, rif. a posta) di posta ordinaria, ordinario: a second-class ticket, un biglietto di seconda classe; a second-class citizen, un cittadino di seconda classe; a second-class stamp, un francobollo di posta ordinaria □ (relig.) Second Coming, secondo avvento (di Cristo) □ second cousin, secondo cugino; cugino di secondo grado □ second cover, seconda di copertina ( di un libro, ecc.) □ second city, seconda città (per importanza, in uno stato o in una regione) □ (naut.) second deck, ponte di coperta □ second-degree, di secondo grado: (med.) second-degree burns, ustioni di secondo grado □ ( in un paesaggio, un quadro) second distance, secondo piano □ ( calcio, in GB) second division, seconda divisione; ( pressappoco) serie C □ (edil.) second floor, (in GB) secondo piano; (in USA) primo piano ( sopra il piano terreno) □ (autom.) second gear, seconda (marcia) □ ( calcio, ecc.) second goal, gol del raddoppio; raddoppio □ second-guesser, chi giudica col senno di poi □ ( calcio, ecc.) second half, secondo tempo, ripresa ( di una partita) □ the second hand, la lancetta dei secondi ( di un orologio) □ second-hand, di seconda mano, usato; che tratta articoli di seconda mano; di seconda mano, non originale: a second-hand car, un'auto di seconda mano; the market of second-hand goods, il mercato dell'usato; second-hand books, libri usati; second-hand opinions, opinioni non originali; I bought it second-hand, l'ho comprato di seconda mano; a second-hand shop, un negozio dell'usato; I got this information second-hand, ho avuto questa informazione di seconda mano □ (med.) second-hand smoke, fumo passivo □ second-in command, (mil.) comandante in seconda, vicecomandante; (naut.) secondo □ second-leg tie, partita eliminatoria di ritorno □ second lieutenant, (mil., in GB e in USA) sottotenente; (aeron. mil., in USA) sottotenente (cfr. ingl. Pilot Officer, sotto pilot) □ ( su un orologio) the second mark, il segno dei secondi □ (leg.) second mortgage, ipoteca di secondo grado □ second name, cognome; secondo nome □ second nature, seconda natura; abitudine inveterata (o radicata) □ (fin.) second of exchange, seconda di cambio □ (fam. USA) second off, in secondo luogo; inoltre □ (ind. tess.) second pieces, pezze di seconda scelta □ second-rate, di seconda qualità; mediocre, scadente: a second-rate novel, un romanzo scadente □ (fam.) second-rater, individuo mediocre; schiappa, mezza cartuccia (fam.) □ ( pallavolo) second referee, secondo arbitro □ ( rugby) second row, seconda linea □ ( rugby) second row forward, seconda linea ( il giocatore) □ ( basket) seconds rule infraction, infrazione della regola dei secondi □ ( tennis) second service (o serve), secondo servizio; seconda di servizio □ second shift, turno pomeridiano ( del personale) □ second sight, seconda vista; preveggenza □ ( USA) second-story man, ladro acrobata; gatto (fig. fam.) □ ( sport) second-string player, (giocatore di) riserva, seconda linea □ ( calcio) second-string striker, seconda punta □ second teeth, denti permanenti □ (fig.) second wind, forza ritrovata, nuova energia, novello vigore: He's got his second wind, ha ritrovato le forze □ to come in (o to finish) second, arrivare secondo ( in una gara) □ to come in a good second, arrivare buon secondo; arrivare a spalla (o a ruota) □ every second day [year], ogni due giorni [ogni due anni] □ in the second place, in secondo luogo □ to learn st. second-hand, venire a sapere in modo indiretto □ my second self, un altro me stesso; il mio alter ego □ on second thoughts ( USA on second thought), ripensandoci; dopo matura riflessione □ to play second fiddle, (mus.) fare da secondo violino; (fig.) avere una parte di secondaria importanza, essere in secondo piano □ ( sport e fig.) to run sb. a close second, seguire a ruota q.; essere di poco inferiore a q.
    (to) second (/ˈsɛkənd/, def. 4 /sɪˈkɒnd/)
    v. t.
    1 far da secondo (o da padrino) a (q., in un duello, ecc.); assistere
    2 assecondare; secondare; aiutare; appoggiare; sostenere: to second a motion [a resolution], appoggiare una mozione [una risoluzione]; Will you second me if I ask him?, mi sosterrai se glielo chiedo?
    3 essere secondo a; seguire ( nell'ordine)
    4 ( anche mil.) comandare; distaccare: He was seconded to headquarters, è stato distaccato presso il quartier generale

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ second

  • 80 some

    1. adjective
    1) (one or other) [irgend]ein

    some shop/book or other — irgendein Laden/Buch

    some person or other — irgendjemand; irgendwer

    2) (a considerable quantity of) einig...; etlich... (ugs. verstärkend)

    speak at some length/wait for some time — ziemlich lang[e] sprechen/warten

    some time/weeks/days/years ago — vor einiger Zeit/vor einigen Wochen/Tagen/Jahren

    some time soonbald [einmal]

    3) (a small quantity of) ein bisschen

    would you like some wine? — möchten Sie [etwas] Wein?

    do some shopping/reading — einkaufen/lesen

    4) (to a certain extent)

    that is some proof — das ist [doch] gewissermaßen ein Beweis


    this is some war/poem/car! — (coll.) das ist vielleicht ein Krieg/Gedicht/Wagen! (ugs.)

    6) (approximately) etwa; ungefähr
    2. pronoun

    she only ate some of itsie hat es nur teilweise aufgegessen

    some say... — manche sagen...

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...; die einen..., andere...

    ... and then some — und noch einige/einiges mehr

    3. adverb
    (coll.): (in some degree) ein bisschen; etwas
    * * *
    1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (an indefinite amount or number (of): I can see some people walking across the field; You'll need some money if you're going shopping; Some of the ink was spilt on the desk.)
    2) ((said with emphasis) a certain, or small, amount or number (of): `Has she any experience of the work?' `Yes, she has some.'; Some people like the idea and some don't.) einige
    3) ((said with emphasis) at least one / a few / a bit (of): Surely there are some people who agree with me?; I don't need much rest from work, but I must have some.) einige
    4) (certain: He's quite kind in some ways.) gewisse
    2. adjective
    1) (a large, considerable or impressive (amount or number of): I spent some time trying to convince her; I'll have some problem sorting out these papers!) beachtlich
    2) (an unidentified or unnamed (thing, person etc): She was hunting for some book that she's lost.) einige
    3) ((used with numbers) about; at a rough estimate: There were some thirty people at the reception.) ungefähr
    3. adverb
    ((American) somewhat; to a certain extent: I think we've progressed some.) etwas
    - academic.ru/68805/somebody">somebody
    - someday
    - somehow
    - someone
    - something
    - sometime
    - sometimes
    - somewhat
    - somewhere
    - mean something
    - or something
    - something like
    - something tells me
    * * *
    [sʌm, səm]
    I. adj inv, attr
    1. + pl n (unknown amount) einige, ein paar; + sing n etwas
    he played \some records for me er spielte mir ein paar Platten vor
    here's \some news you might be interested in ich habe Neuigkeiten, die dich interessieren könnten
    there's \some cake in the kitchen es ist noch Kuchen in der Küche
    I made \some money running errands ich habe mit Gelegenheitsjobs etwas Geld verdient
    I've got to do \some more work ich muss noch etwas arbeiten
    2. + pl n (certain) gewisse
    \some people actually believed it gewisse Leute haben es tatsächlich geglaubt
    there are \some questions you should ask yourself es gibt [da] gewisse Fragen, die du dir stellen solltest
    3. (general, unknown) irgendein(e)
    clearly the treatment has had \some effect irgendeine Wirkung hat die Behandlung sicher gehabt
    there must be \some mistake da muss ein Fehler vorliegen
    he's in \some kind of trouble er steckt in irgendwelchen Schwierigkeiten
    could you give me \some idea of when you'll finish? können Sie mir ungefähr sagen, wann sie fertig sind?
    it must have been \some teacher/pupils das muss irgendein Lehrer/müssen irgendwelche Schüler gewesen sein
    \some idiot's locked the door irgend so ein Idiot hat die Tür verschlossen fam
    \some day or another irgendwann
    4. (noticeable) gewiss
    to \some extent bis zu einem gewissen Grad
    there's still \some hope es besteht noch eine gewisse Hoffnung
    5. (slight, small amount) etwas
    there is \some hope that he will get the job es besteht noch etwas Hoffnung, dass er die Stelle bekommt
    6. (considerable amount, number) beträchtlich; ( fam: intensifies noun) ziemlich
    it was \some years later when they next met sie trafen sich erst viele Jahre später wieder
    we discussed the problem at \some length wir diskutierten das Problem ausgiebig
    I've known you for \some years now ich kenne dich nun schon seit geraumer Zeit
    that took \some courage! das war ziemlich mutig!
    he went to \some trouble er gab sich beträchtliche [o ziemliche] Mühe
    that was \some argument/meal! das war vielleicht ein Streit/Essen!
    \some mother she turned out to be sie ist eine richtige Rabenmutter
    \some hotel that turned out to be! das war vielleicht ein Hotel!
    \some chance! we have about one chance in a hundred of getting away ( iron) tolle Aussichten! die Chancen stehen eins zu hundert, dass wir davonkommen iron
    perhaps there'll be \some left for us — \some hopes! ( iron) vielleicht bleibt was für uns übrig — [das ist] sehr unwahrscheinlich!
    II. pron
    1. (unspecified number of persons or things) welche
    have you got any drawing pins?if you wait a moment, I'll get you \some haben Sie Reißnägel? — wenn Sie kurz warten, hole ich [Ihnen] welche
    do you have children?if I had \some I wouldn't be here! haben Sie Kinder? — wenn ich welche hätte, wäre ich wohl kaum hier!
    2. (unspecified amount of sth) welche(r, s)
    if you want whisky I'll give you \some wenn du Whisky möchtest, gebe ich dir welchen
    if you need more paper then just take \some wenn du mehr Papier brauchst, nimm es dir einfach [o nimm dir einfach welches]
    if you need money, I can lend you \some wenn du Geld brauchst, kann ich dir gerne was [o welches] leihen
    3. (at least a small number) einige, manche
    surely \some have noticed einige [o manche] haben es aber sicher bemerkt
    4. + pl vb (proportionate number) einige, ein paar
    no, I don't want all the green beans, \some are enough nein, ich möchte nicht alle grünen Bohnen, ein paar genügen
    I've already wrapped \some of the presents ich habe einige [o ein paar] der Geschenke schon eingepackt
    \some of you have already met Imran einige von euch kennen Imran bereits
    5. (certain people) gewisse Leute
    \some just never learn! gewisse Leute lernen es einfach nie!
    6. + sing vb (proportionate number) ein bisschen
    no, I don't want all the mashed potatoes, \some is enough nein, ich möchte nicht das ganze Püree, ein bisschen genügt
    have \some of this champagne, it's very good trink ein wenig Champagner, er ist sehr gut
    \some of the prettiest landscape in Germany is found nearby eine der schönsten Landschaften Deutschlands liegt ganz in der Nähe
    and then \some ( fam) und [noch] mehr
    we got our money's worth and then \some wir bekamen mehr als unser Geld wert war
    III. adv inv
    1. (roughly) ungefähr, in etwa
    \some twenty or thirty metres deep/high ungefähr zwanzig oder dreißig Meter tief/hoch
    \some thirty different languages are spoken in this country in diesem Land werden etwa dreißig verschiedene Sprachen gesprochen
    2. AM ( fam: a little) etwas, ein bisschen
    I'm feeling \some better mir geht es [schon] etwas [o ein bisschen] besser
    could you turn the heat down \some? könntest du bitte die Heizung etwas herunterstellen?
    3. AM ( fam: a lot) viel
    he sure does talk \some, your brother dein Bruder spricht wirklich viel
    he needs feeding up \some er muss ganz schön aufgepäppelt werden fam
    we were really going \some on the highway wir hatten auf der Autobahn ganz schön was drauf fam
    \some few einige, ein paar
    \some little ziemlich
    we are going to be working together for \some little time yet wir werden noch ziemlich lange zusammenarbeiten müssen
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (with plural nouns) einige; (= a few, emph) ein paar; (= any in "if" clauses, questions) meist nicht übersetzt

    did you bring some records?hast du Schallplatten mitgebracht?

    some suggestions, please! — Vorschläge bitte!

    2) (with singular nouns) etwas, meist nicht übersetzt (= a little, emph) etwas, ein bisschen

    some more ( tea)? — noch etwas (Tee)?

    leave some cake for melass mir ein bisschen or etwas Kuchen übrig

    did she give you some money/sugar? — hat sie Ihnen Geld/Zucker gegeben?

    3) (= certain, in contrast) manche(r, s)

    some people say... — manche Leute sagen...

    some people just don't care —

    there are some things you just don't say some questions were really difficult — es gibt (gewisse or manche) Dinge, die man einfach nicht sagt manche (der) Fragen waren wirklich schwierig

    4) (vague, indeterminate) irgendein

    some book/man or other — irgendein Buch/Mann

    some woman rang upda hat eine Frau angerufen

    some woman, whose name I forget... — eine Frau, ich habe ihren Namen vergessen,...

    some idiot of a driverirgend so ein Idiot von (einem) Autofahrer

    in some way or another —

    or some suchoder so etwas Ähnliches

    (at) some time last week — irgendwann letzte Woche

    5) (intensifier) ziemlich; (in exclamations) vielleicht ein (inf)

    it took some couragedazu brauchte man schon (einigen) or ziemlichen Mut

    (that was) some argument/party! — das war vielleicht ein Streit/eine Party!

    6) (iro) vielleicht ein (inf)

    some help you are/this is — du bist/das ist mir vielleicht eine Hilfe (inf)

    2. pron
    1) (= some people) einige; (= certain people) manche; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...

    there are still some who will never understand — es gibt immer noch Leute, die das nicht begreifen werden

    2) (referring to plural nouns = a few) einige; (= certain ones) manche; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche

    they're lovely, try some — die schmecken gut, probieren Sie mal

    I've still got some —

    tell me if you see some —

    3) (referring to singular nouns = a little) etwas; (= a certain amount, in contrast) manches; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche(r, s)

    here is the milk, if you feel thirsty drink some — hier ist die Milch, wenn du Durst hast, trinke etwas

    I drank some of the milk —

    I drank some of the milk but not all — ich habe etwas von der Milch getrunken, aber nicht alles

    have some!nehmen Sie sich (dat), bedienen Sie sich

    it's lovely cake, would you like some? — das ist ein sehr guter Kuchen, möchten Sie welchen?

    would you like some money/tea? – no, I've got some — möchten Sie Geld/Tee? – nein, ich habe Geld/ich habe noch

    have you got money? – no, but he has some — haben Sie Geld? – nein, aber er hat welches

    he only believed/read some of it — er hat es nur teilweise geglaubt/gelesen

    some of his work is good — manches, was er macht, ist gut


    this is some of the oldest rock in the worlddies gehört zum ältesten Gestein der Welt

    3. adv
    1) ungefähr, etwa, circa
    2) (US inf) (= a little) etwas, ein bisschen; (= a lot) viel
    * * *
    some [sʌm; unbetont səm, sm]
    A adj
    1. (vor Substantiven) (irgend)ein:
    some day eines Tages;
    some day you’ll pay for this dafür wirst du noch einmal bezahlen;
    some other time ein andermal;
    some person irgendeiner, (irgend)jemand
    2. (vor pl) einige, ein paar: few A 1
    3. manche:
    4. ziemlich (viel)
    5. gewiss(er, e, es):
    some extent in gewissem Maße, einigermaßen
    6. etwas, ein wenig, ein bisschen:
    take some more nimm noch etwas
    7. ungefähr, gegen, etwa:
    8. umg ‚toll:
    some player! ein klasse Spieler!;
    that was some race! das war vielleicht ein Rennen!
    B adv
    1. besonders US etwas, ziemlich
    2. umg enorm, toll
    C pron
    1. (irgend)ein(er, e, es):
    some of these days dieser Tage, demnächst
    2. etwas:
    some of it etwas davon;
    some of these people einige dieser Leute;
    will you have some? möchtest du welche oder davon haben?;
    and then some umg und noch einige(s) mehr
    3. besonders US sl darüber hinaus, noch mehr
    4. some …, some … die einen …, die anderen …
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (one or other) [irgend]ein

    some shop/book or other — irgendein Laden/Buch

    some person or other — irgendjemand; irgendwer

    2) (a considerable quantity of) einig...; etlich... (ugs. verstärkend)

    speak at some length/wait for some time — ziemlich lang[e] sprechen/warten

    some time/weeks/days/years ago — vor einiger Zeit/vor einigen Wochen/Tagen/Jahren

    some time soon — bald [einmal]

    3) (a small quantity of) ein bisschen

    would you like some wine? — möchten Sie [etwas] Wein?

    do some shopping/reading — einkaufen/lesen

    that is some proof — das ist [doch] gewissermaßen ein Beweis


    this is some war/poem/car! — (coll.) das ist vielleicht ein Krieg/Gedicht/Wagen! (ugs.)

    6) (approximately) etwa; ungefähr
    2. pronoun

    some say... — manche sagen...

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...; die einen..., andere...

    ... and then some — und noch einige/einiges mehr

    3. adverb
    (coll.): (in some degree) ein bisschen; etwas
    * * *
    einig adj.
    irgendein adj.
    irgendetwas adj.
    manch adj.

    English-german dictionary > some

См. также в других словарях:

  • lie down on the job — {v. phr.}, {informal} To purposely fail to do your job; neglect a task; loaf. * /Bill isn t trying to learn his lessons. He is lying down on the job./ * /If you lie down on your job, you will lose it./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lie down on the job — {v. phr.}, {informal} To purposely fail to do your job; neglect a task; loaf. * /Bill isn t trying to learn his lessons. He is lying down on the job./ * /If you lie down on your job, you will lose it./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lie\ down\ on\ the\ job — v. phr. informal To purposely fail to do your job; neglect a task; loaf. Bill isn t trying to learn his lessons. He is lying down on the job. If you lie down on your job, you will lose it …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Dentist on the Job — Directed by C.M. Pennington Richards Produced by Bertram Ostrer Written by Bob Monkhouse …   Wikipedia

  • on the job — 1) working at a particular job Jenkins was put on the job at the last minute. 2) while you are working Trainee journalists soon learn the importance of deadlines, on the job. on the job training: young diplomats getting on the job training 3)… …   English dictionary

  • The Holcroft Covenant — Infobox Book | name = The Holcroft Covenant title orig = translator = image caption = The Holcroft Covenant first edition cover. author = Robert Ludlum illustrator = cover artist = John Knights country = United Kingdom language = English series …   Wikipedia

  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

  • The Sims 3 — Developer(s) The Sims Studio Publisher(s) Electronic Arts …   Wikipedia

  • JOB, BOOK OF — (named for its hero (Heb. אִיּוֹב), ancient South Arabian and Thamudic yʾb; Old Babylonian Ayyābum, Tell el Amarna tablet, no. 256, line 6, A ia ab; either from yʾb, to bear ill will or compounded of ay where? and ʾab (divine) father ), one of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • The Academy (TV series) — The Academy is a reality television series that provides a behind the scenes look at police recruits of the Los Angeles County Sheriff s Academy as they go through an 18 week training course to become deputies of the Los Angeles County Sheriff s… …   Wikipedia

  • learn — [ lɜrn ] (past tense and past participle learned [ lɜrnt ] ) verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to gain knowledge or experience of something, for example by being taught: a bright girl who is already learning the alphabet research into how… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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