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  • 41 ANDA

    * * *
    (að), v. to breathe, live (meðan þeir megu anda);
    refl. andast, to breathe one’s last, die.
    * * *
    að, [Ulf. has us-anan = ἐκπνειν; cp. Gr. ανεμος, wind, and Lat. animus, anima, spirit, breath: the Germans say geist, spirit, and athmen, spirare: Ulf. translates πνευμα by ahma, νους by aha; Hel. spiritus by gêst and athom, whence Germ. athmen: cp. Swed. ånd, ånde, spiritus, spirare.]
    I. act. to breathe, and of the wind, to waft; meðan þeir megu anda ok upp standa, Bs. i. 224, Karl. 95; Þórðr andar nú handan, Sturl. i. 21 (in a verse).
    II. dep. andast, to breathe one’s last, expire; Mörðr Gígja tók sótt ok andaðist, Fiddle Mord ‘took sick’ and breathed his last, Nj. 29; en ef svá ferr at ek öndumk, but if it fares so that I die. Eg. 127; þar hefir andast faðir minn, Fas. iii. 619. Part. andaðr, dead; hón var þá onduð, had breathed her last, Ld. 16; jarlinn vai þá a., Fms. i. 149.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ANDA

  • 42 ASKR

    (-s, -ar), m.
    1) ash, ash-tree;
    2) ash-spear;
    3) small ship (þeir sigla burt á einum aski);
    4) wooden vessel or dish (stórir askar fullir af skyri);
    5) a Norse measure for liquids equal to four bowls (bollar), or sixteen ‘justur’.
    * * *
    s, m. [A. S. äsc, whence many Engl. local names; Germ. esche]
    1. an ash, fraxinus, Edda (Gl.); a. ygdrasils, Edda 10, 11, Pr. 431.
    2. anything made of ash:
    α. a spear, prop. ashen spear shaft (cp. δόρυ μείλινον, εϋμμελίης), Þiðr. 304, Edda (Gl.)
    β. a small ship, a bark (built of ash, cp. δόρυ, abies); en þeir sigla burt á einum aski, Fas. ii. 206, i. 421: it appears only two or three times in Icel. prose writers; hence may be explained the name of ascmanni, viking, pirate, in Adam Brem. ch. 212 [A. S. äscmen], cp. askmaðr.
    γ. a small vessel of wood (freq. in Icel., and used instead of deep plates, often with a cover (asklok) in carved work); stórir askar fullir af skyri, Eg. 549, 550; cp. kyrnu-askr, skyr-askr.
    δ. a Norse measure for liquids, equal to four bowls, or sixteen justur, Gþl. 525, N. G. L. i. 328, H. E. i. 396, Fms. vii. 203.
    COMPDS: askasmiðr, askaspillir.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ASKR

  • 43 auð-lagðr

    adj. part. wealthy, whence auðlegð, Lex. Poët.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > auð-lagðr

  • 44 auð-sveipr

    (and now also auðsveipinn, whence auðsveipni, f.), adj. pliable, yielding, now esp. used of good, obedient children, Bs.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > auð-sveipr

  • 45 AULANDI

    an indecl. adj., qs. al-landi, an απ. λεγ. in the proverb Nj. 10, illt er þeim er au. er alinn. [The root is prob. al- (Lat. alius), land, cp. A. S. ellend or elland (Hel. elilendi), alienus, peregrinus; Old Engl. alyant; O. H. G. alilanta (whence N. H. G. elend, miser): there is in Icel. also a form erlendr, prob. a corruption for ellendr. This root is quite lost in the Scandin. idioms with the single exception of the proverb mentioned above, and the altered form er-.] The MSS. of the Nj. l. c. differ; some of them have á úlandi in two words, in terra malâ; Johnsonius has not made out the meaning: the proper sense seems to be exul ubique infelix. In olden times peregrinus and miser were synonymous, the first in a proper, the last in a metaphorical sense: so the Lat. hostis (= hospes) passed into the sense of enemy. The spelling with ö (ölandi) ought perhaps to be preferred, although the change of vowel cannot be easily accounted for.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AULANDI

  • 46 ár-óss

    m. the ‘oyce’ or mouth of a river, Eg. 99, 129, 229; whence the corrupt local name of the Danish town Aarhuus, Fms. xi. 208.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ár-óss

  • 47 BAND

    * * *
    fig., lausn ok band allra vandamála, the decision in all difficult cases;
    2) band, cord (mjótt band);
    3) in pl.:
    a) bonds, fetters (hafa e-n í böndum);
    b) bond, confederacy (ganga í bönd ok eið);
    c) poet., the gods, cf. höpt;
    blóta bönd, to worship the gods;
    * * *
    n. pl. bönd, [binda; Ulf. bandi, f. δεσμός; O. H. G. pfand, whence the mod. Dan. pant; N. H. G. band; Engl. band and bond; Dan. baand.]
    I. prop. in sing. any kind of band; mjótt band, a thin cord, Edda 20, Grág. ii. 119.
    β. a yarn of wool, v. bandvetlingar.
    γ. metaph. a bond, obligation; lausn ok b. allra vandamála, Fms. v. 248, Bs. i. 689.
    II. in pl. also,
    1. bonds, fetters, Lat. vincula; í böndum, in vinculis, Bs. i. 190, Fms. ii. 87, 625. 95: theol., synda bönd, 656 A; líkams bönd, Blas. 40.
    2. a bond, confederacy; ganga í bönd ok eið, to enter into a bond and oath, Band. 22; cp. hjónaband, marriage; handaband, a shaking of hands, etc.
    3. poët. the gods, cp. hapt; of providence ruling and uniting the world, Hkm. 10; banda vé, the temples, Hkr. i. 204; at mun banda, at the will of the gods, 210; vera manu bönd í landi, the gods (i. e. lares tutelares) are present in the land, Bs. i. 10; gram reki bönd af löndum, Eg. (in a verse); blóta bönd, to worship the gods; vinr banda, the friend of the gods; bönd ollu því, the gods ruled it, Haustl.; vide Lex. Poët., all the instances being taken from heathen poems. Egilsson suggests a reference to the imprisoning of the three gods, Odin, Hænir, and Loki, mentioned Edda 72; but bönd is that which binds, not is bound; (band means vinculum not vinctus.)
    4. metric. a kind of intricate intercalary burden (klofastef). This seems to be the meaning in the word Banda-drápa, where the burden consists of five intercalary lines occurring in sets of three verses | Dregr land at mun banda || Eiríkr und sik geira | veðrmildr ok semr hildi || gunnblíðr ok réð síðan | jarl goðvörðu hjarli; but as this metrical term is nowhere else recorded, the name of the poem may have come from the word ‘banda’ (gen. pl. deorum), Hkr. i. 210 sqq.
    COMPDS: bandadagr, bandamenn, bandaríki, bandaþing.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BAND

  • 48 bastarðr

    * * *
    m. bastard, appears for the first time as the cognom. of William the Conqueror. The etymon is dubious; Grimm suggests a Scandinavian origin; but this is very doubtful; the word never occurs in Scandinavian writers before the time of William, sounds very like a foreign word, is rarely used, and hardly understood by common people in Icel.; neither does it occur in A. S. nor O. H. G.; so that Adam of Bremen says, iste Willelmus quem Franci bastardum vocant; whence the word seems to come from some southern source; cp. the Játv. S. (Ed. 1852), and Fl. iii. 463 sqq.; the MS. Holm, spells bastarðr, the Fb. basthardr.
    2. name of a sword, Fms. vii. 297, referring to A. D. 1163.
    3. a kind of cloth, in deeds of the 14th and 15th centuries, Vm. 46, 136, D. N. ii. 165; cp. the remarks on bæsingr, p. 92, col. 1 at bottom.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > bastarðr

  • 49 bauta-steinn

    Eg. 94.; Snorri (Hkr.) constantly uses the pl. form, but bautaðarsteinn, Fagrsk. 19, and bautarsteinn, Hm. 72; m. the stone monuments of the olden age, esp. in Sweden and Denmark; the Hávamál l. c. (sjaldan bautarsteinar standa brautu nær, nema reisi niðr at nið) tells us that these stones used to be placed along the high roads, like the sepulchral monuments of old Rome; cp. the standing phrase on the Swedish-Runic stones—hér skal standa steinn ‘nær brautu;’ or, má eigi ‘brautar-kuml’ ( a road monument) betra verða; the high roads of old Sweden seem to have been lined with these monumental stones; even at the present time, after the destruction of many centuries, the Swedish-Runic stones (of the nth and 12th centuries) are counted by thousands. A great collection was made and drawings executed during the 17th century (Buræus, etc.), but only published A. D. 1750, under the name of Bautil. The etymology of this word is much contested; some render it by ‘stones of the slain’ (bauta, to slay), but this is contradicted by the passage in Hm. l. c. and by the inscriptions themselves. The bauta stones were simply monuments erected by the piety of kindred and friends without any respect to sex or manner of death, either in war, on sea, or through sickness; some were even erected to the memory of living persons. They were usually tombstones; but many of them are memorial stones for men that died in foreign lands, Greece, Russia, the British Islands, etc. Neither is Snorri right in saying (Hkr. pref.) that the bautasteinar belonged to the old burning age (brunaöld), and were replaced by the cairns (haugar) in the subsequent cairn age (haugaöld)—þá skyldi brenna alla dauða menn ok reisa eptir bautasteina, en síðan er Freyr hafði heygðr verit at Uppsölum þá görðu margir höfðingjar eigi síðr hauga en bautasteina. Svíar tóku lík hans ok var hann brendr við á þá er Skúta heitir, þar vóru settir bautasteinar hans, Hkr. Yngl. ch. 17—the passage in Hávamál and the monuments refute this statement. The great bulk of the Scandinavian bauta stones seem to be of the nth and even 12th century. In Icel. no stones of that time are on record: var hann þá her heygðr skamt frá bsenum, ok settir upp bautasteinar, þeir er enn standa her, Hkr. i. 269; hávir bautasteinar standa hjá haugi Egils ullserks, 153,—where Fagrsk. reads, í þau skip var lagðr í valrinn, ok orpnir þar haugar utan at; þar stendr ok bautaðarsteinn (= bautarsteinn in Hm.?) hár sem Egill féll, p. 19;—en eptir alla þá menn er nokkut mannsmót var at, skyldi reisa bautasteina, ok hélzt sa siðr lengi síðan, Hkr. Yngl. ch. 8. It is worth remarking that the word ‘bautasteinn’ never occurs out of Icel. literature, and there only in the above passages, viz. once in the old Hm., once in the Fagrsk., four times in the Hkr., whence it has passed over to modern writers. The word is most probably only a corruption from brautarsteinar, lapides viae, (by dropping the r); cp. the analogous Swedish word, brautarkuml, monumentum viae, which occurs in the inscriptions themselves.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > bauta-steinn

  • 50 BEIN

    * * *
    1) bone; láta með beini ganga, to deal blows to the very bone, give no quarter; hafa bein í hendi, to be well off;
    2) leg, = fótleggr;
    3) pl. mortal remains; bera bein or beinin, to be buried (hér mun ek bein bera á Íslandi).
    * * *
    n. a word common to the Teut. idioms and peculiar to them; [the Goth. word is not on record, as Luke xxiv. 39 and John xix. 36 are lost in Ulf.; A. S. bân; Engl. bone; Germ. bein; Swed.-Dan. ben (been). Sansk., Gr., Lat., and the Slav. languages agree in a totally different root; Sansk. asthi; Gr. οστέον; Lat. os; the Slav. branch all with an initial c, cp. the Lat. costa. Vide Grimm (s. v.), who suggests a relation to Gr. βαίνω; but the native Icel. words beinn, rectus, and beina, promovere, are more likely roots; the original sense might thus be crus, Gr. σκέλος, but Lat. os the secondary one]:— a bone.
    I. spec. the leg from the knee to the foot; freq. in Swed. and Dan., but very rare and nearly obsolete in Icel., where leggr is the common word; hosa strengd at beini, Eg. 602, Fms. x. 331; kálfar á beinum fram, N. G. L. i. 339.
    II. gener. = Lat. os, a bone, but originally the bones with marrow (Germ. knochen), as may be inferred from the passages, þá er mergund ef b. er í sundr til mergjar, þat er mergr er í, Grág. ii. 11, i. 442, Fms. vii. 118, Vápn. 21, Fas. i. 66, Vígl. 20; stór bein í andliti, with a strongly-marked, high-boned face, Band. 7, whence stórbeinóttr, q. v.; viðbeina, a collar-bone; höfuðbein, pl. head-bones, the scull around the temples and the forehead; er gamlir grísir skyldu halda mér at höfuðbeinum, Grett. (in a verse); strjúka höfuðbeinin; málbein, os loquendi, a small bone in the head; hence the phrase, láta málbeinið ganga, of one talking incessantly and foolishly: metaph. in phrases, láta ganga með beini, to deal blows to the very marrow, deal severely, Ld. 230; hafa bein í hendi (the Danes say, have been i næsen), to have a boned hand, i. e. strength and power, Hrafn. 10, Al. 29.
    2. pl. relics, remains (ashes); the phrase, bera bein, to repose, rest, be buried; far þú út til Íslands, þar mun þér auðit verða beinin at bera, Grett. 148, Nj. 201; ok iðrast nú að aptr hvarf að bera b. blá við hrjóstr, Bjarni, 57:—of the relics of saints, Bs. 468, 469; hence beina-færsla, u, f. removal of bones (translatio); in the Catholic age, when churches were removed, the churchyard was dug up and the bones removed also, vide Eb. (in fine), Bjarn. 19, K. Þ. K. 40, Eg. (in fine).
    COMPDS: beinavatn, beinagrind, beináta, beinbrot, beinkröm, beinkveisa, beinsullr, beinverkir.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BEIN

  • 51 beina

    * * *
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to stretch out, put into motion;
    beina skrið sinn, to creep, of a serpent;
    beina raustina, to raise the voice, speak aloud;
    2) to further, promote;
    beina för (ferð) e-s, to help one forwards;
    beina at or til með e-m, to lend one help, to assist one;
    beina e-u til e-s, to contribute to a thing;
    beina at e-u, to lend a hand to;
    beina fyrir e-m, to support, entertain.
    * * *
    I. to stretch out, to put into motion; b. flug, of birds, to stretch the wings for flight, Edda 13, Orkn. 28; b. skrið, of a serpent, Stj. 98; b. raust, to lift up the voice, speak loud, Gísl. 57.
    II. metaph. to promote, forward; b. for (ferð) e-s, to help one forwards, Fms. vi. 63, Grág. i. 343, Bret. 38; b. til með e-m, to lend one help; ek vil b. til með þér bænum mínum, I will assist thee in my prayers, Bs. i. 472; b. e-u til e-s, to contribute to a thing; þessu vil ek b. til brennu þinnar, Fb. i. 355; b. at með e-m, to help, assist one; hlauptú hér út, ok mun ek b. at með þér, Nj. 201; b. at e-u, to lend a hand to, Bjarn. 64; b. fyrir e-m, to entertain, of alms or hospitable treatment (whence beini); b. fyrir fátækum, Post. 656

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > beina

  • 52 BJARKEY-

    in the word bjarkeyjar-réttr, m. town-law, used as opposed to landslög or landsréttr, county-law, Sks. 22; sökin veit til landslaga en eigi til bjarkeyjarréttar, Fms. vii. 130; vide N. G. L. i. 303–336. It is an illustration of this curious word, that the Danes at present call a justice ‘birkedommer,’ and the district ‘birk;’ cp. local names, as in Sweden,—in Birchâ civitate regiâ, Johann. Magnus 542 (Ed. 1554); civitas Birchensis, 556; in Birchâ civitate tum maxima, 541; in Norway, Bjarkey is one of the northern islands, whence the famous Norse family Bjarkeyingar took their name; v. Munch, the pref. to Norge’s Beskrivelse. Etym. uncertain; hedged in with birch (?).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BJARKEY-

  • 53 BJOÐA

    (býð; bauð, buðum; boðinn), v.
    þeir höfðu boðit honum laun, they had offered him rewards;
    Þ. bauð at gefa (offered to give) Gunnlaugi hestinn;
    bjóða grið, to offer pardon;
    bjóða e-t til lífs sér, as a ransom for one’s life;
    bjóða e-t fram, to proffer, produce (bjóða fram vitni);
    bjóða e-t upp, af hendi, to give up, leave off;
    þá býðr hann upp hornit, gives up the horn, will not drink more;
    bjóða e-t undan e-m, to offer to take a thing off one’s hands (er þá kostr at bjóða undan þeim manni varðveizluna fjárins);
    bjóða e-t við, to make a bid;
    bjóða við tvenn verð, to bid double;
    refl., bjóðast, to offer oneself, volunteer one’s service;
    Þóroddr bauzt (offered himself) til þeirrar farar;
    2) to do a thing to one, in a bad sense;
    bjóða e-m ógn, to wage war against one;
    bjóða e-m ójöfnuð, ofriki, to treat unfairly, oppress;
    bjóða e-m ógn, to affright, terrify;
    bjóða e-m rangt, to treat one unjustly;
    3) to bid, invite (bjóða e-m til sín or heim);
    bjóða mönnum til boðs, to bid guests to a banquet, wedding;
    4) to bid, order;
    sem lög buðu, as the law prescribed;
    bjóða e-m erendi, to commit a thing to one’s charge;
    bjóða e-m varnað á e-u, to forbid;
    bjóða e-m af landi, to order one out of the land;
    bjóða e-m af embætti, to depose one;
    bjóða út liði, skipum, to levy, troops, ships;
    bjóða e-m um, to delegate to one, to commit to one’s charge (þeim manni er biskup hefir um boðit at nefna vátta);
    5) to proclaim, announce;
    bjóða trú (kristni), to proclaim, preach a religion (the Christitian faith);
    bjóða messudag, to proclaim a holy day;
    6) of a mental state, to have presentiment of;
    e-m býðr e-t í hug (skap), one has a fore boding, presentiment of;
    mér býðr e-t fyrir, I forebode;
    mér býðr hugr við e-u, I abhor, dislike;
    impers., mér býðr ávallt hita (acc.), er ek kem í þeirra flokk, I feel uneasy whenever …;
    mér bauð ótta, I felt a fear;
    bauð þeim mikla þekt (they felt much pleasure), er þeir sá líkit;
    ef yðr býðr svá við at horfa, when you are in such a frame of mind;
    7) býðr e-m, it beseems, becomes one;
    sem konungsbarni býðr, as befits a princess;
    eptir þat fór vígsla fram eptir því sem býðr, as it is due, or proper.
    * * *
    bauð, buðu, boðit; pres. byð; pret. subj. byða; pret. sing. with the suffixed negative, bauðat, Edda 90 (in a verse); the obsolete middle form buðumk, mibi obtulit, nobis obtulerunt, occurs in Egil Höfuðl. 2; [Ulf. biudan; A. S. biodan; Engl. bid; Germ. bieten; Swed. biuda; Dan. byde]:—Lat. offerre, proferre, with dat. of the person, acc. of the thing:
    I. to bid, offer; þeir höfðu boðit honum laun, they had offered him rewards, Fms. i. 12; Þorsteinn bauð at gefa Gunnlaugi hestinn, Ísl. ii. 213; b. grið, to offer pardon, Fms. i. 181; þeir buðu at gefa upp borgina, ix. 41; bauð hann þeim, at göra alla bændr óðalborna, i. 20; býðr, at hann muni görast hans maðr, xi. 232; en ek býð þér þó, at synir mínir ríði með þér, Nj. 93; Írar buðu sik undir hans vald, Fms. x. 131.
    2. reflex, to offer oneself, volunteer one’s service; buðusk honum þar menn til fylgðar, Fms. ix. 4; mun ek nú til þess bjóðask í sumar á þingi, Ld. 104, Sks. 510; þeim er þá býðsk, Grág. i. 284; Þóroddr bauðsk til þeirrar farar, Hkr. ii. 247; ef þú býðsk í því, Fms. xi. 121.
    3. metaph., b. ófrið, ójöfnuð, rangindi, liðsmun, of ill usage, Ld. 148, Rb. 418; b. e-m rangt, to treat one unjustly, Hom. 155: with an adverb, b. e-m sæmiliga, to treat one in seemly sort, Ld. 66; b. á boð e-s, to outbid one, N. G. L. iii. no. 49.
    II. to bid, invite, cp. boð, a banquet; prob. ellipt., hospitality or the like being understood; Özurr bauð þeim inn í búðina at drekka, Nj. 4; heim vil ek b. þér í sumar, 93; honum var boðit til boðs, 50; hann bauð þá þegar þar at vera Gizuri Hallssyni, Bs. i. 128; gékk Bárðr móti honum ok fagnaði honum, ok bauð honum þar at vera, Eg. 23; b. mönnum til boðs, to bid guests to a banquet, wedding, or the like, Ld. 104.
    III. to bid, order, Lat. imperare, cp. boð, bidding; sem lög buðu, as the law prescribed, Fms. i. 81; svá bauð oss Guð, Post. 645. 88; b. af landi, to order one out of the land, make him an outlaw, Fms. vii. 20; b. af embætti, to depose, Sturl. ii. 119; b. út, a Norse milit. term, to call out, levy, cp. útboð, a levy; b. út leiðangri, b. út liði, skipum, to levy troops, ships, Fms. i. 12, 61, vi. 219, 251, 400, x. 118, Eg. 31, cp. N. G. L. i. ii; b. e-m crendi, to commit a thing to one’s charge, Fms. vii. 103; b. varnað á e-u, or b. til varnanar, to forbid, xi. 94, Edda 59: with prepp., b. e-m um (cp. umboð, charge), to delegate to one, commit to one’s charge; þeim manni er biskup hefir um boðit, at nefna vátta, K. Þ. K. 64; þess manns er biskup bauð um at taka við fé því, K. Á. 96, Sks. 460 B; hann keypti til handa Þorkatli þá hluti er hann hafði um boðit, the things that he had given charge about, Grett. 102 A; Hermundr bauð nú um Vermundi, at vera fyrir sína hönd, Rd. 251.
    2. eccl. to proclaim, announce, esp. as rendering of mid. Lat. praedicare; b. sið, trú, Kristni, to proclaim, preach a new religion, Nj. 156, 158, Fms. i. 32; b. messudag, sunnudag, to proclaim a holy day, N. G. L. i. 348.
    IV. of a mental state, to bode, forebode; e-m býðr hugr (cp. hugboð, foreboding), one’s heart bodes, Fms. v. 38, 24, Eg. 21; mér býðr þat eitt í skap ( my heart bodes), at þú verðir meira stýrandi en nú ertu, Bs. i. 468; mér byðr þat fyrir, which makes me forbode, Fms. ii. 193; e-m býðr hugr við (whence viðbjóðr, dislike), to abhor, dislike; er honum hafði lengi hugr við boðit, Bs. i. 128.
    2. impers., mér býðr ávallt hita (acc.) er ek kem í þeirra flokk, a boding comes over me, i. e. I feel uneasy, whenever …, Fms. iii. 189; mér bauð ótta (acc.), I felt a thrilling, Bs. i. 410; b. úþekt, to loathe, Grett. 111 A; b. þekt, to feel pleasure; bauð þeim mikla þekt er þeir sá líkit, Bs. i. 208: the phrase, e-m býðr við at horfa, of a frame of mind, to be so and so minded; miklir eru þér frændr borði, ef yðr býðr svá við at horfa, Band. 7 (MS. 2845).
    β. the phrase, þat býðr, it beseems, becomes; eptir þat fer veizla fram, eptir því sem býðr, as is due, Fms. x. 15, Fb. l. c. has byrjaði; sem býðr um svá ágætan höfðingja, Fms. x. 149.
    V. with prepp.; b. fram, Lat. proferre, to produce; b. fram vitni, to produce a witness, Eg. 472; með fram boðnum fégjöfum, Sturl. iii. 232; b. upp, b. af hendi, to give up, leave off; þá býðr hann upp hornit, gives up the horn, will not drink more, Edda 32; b. undan, a law term, to lay claim to; er þá kostr at b. undan þeim manni varðveizluna fjárins, Grág. i. 196; eigi skal undan manni b., áðr undir mann kemr féit, id.; cp. the following chapter, which treats ‘um undan-boð fjár;’ nú eru þeir menn svá þrír, at eigi býðr undan fjárvarðveizluna, viz. who are privileged guardians of the property of a minor, viz. father, brother, mother, and who cannot be outbidden, 192; b. við, a trade term, to make a bid; b. við tvenn verð, to bid double, Ld. 146; ek býð þér jafnmörg stóðhross við, id.; at þú byðir Rúti bróður þínum sæmiliga, 66; kaupa svá jörð sem aðrir menn b. við, N. G. L. i. 95: b. fyrir is now more usual.
    VI. part. pass. boðinn used as an adj., esp. in the alliterative phrase, vera boðinn ok búinn til e-s, to be ready and willing to do a thing, to be at one’s service; skulu vér bræðr vera búnir ok boðnir til þess sem þér vilit okkr til nýta, Eg. 50; til þess skal ek boðinn ok búinn at ganga at þeim málum fyrir þina hönd, Ld. 792.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BJOÐA

  • 54 BRINGA

    1) chest (hárit tók ofan á bringuna);
    e-m skýtr (or slær) skelk í bringu, one gets frightened;
    2) brisket (of an animal).
    * * *
    u, f., Lat. sternum, the chest (brjóst, pectus), Nj. 24, Eb. 182, Eg. 719: the phrase, e-m skýtr skelk í bringu, one gets frightened, Eg. 49, Fb. i. 418.
    β. the breast-piece, brisket, Stj. 310. Exod. xxx. 27, = bringu-kollr.
    γ. metaph. a soft grassy slope, hence Gull-bringur, the golden slopes, whence Gullbringu sýsla in Icel.
    COMPDS: bringubein, bringubreiðr, bringukollr, bringusár, bringuteinar.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BRINGA

  • 55 byrla

    (að), v. to pour out; byrlar hann í hornin he fills out the cups; with dat., to serve (a cup) to one (Snjófrið byriaði ker mjaðar fullt konungi).
    * * *
    að, [A. S. byreljan and byrljan; whence the word is probably borrowed]:—to wait upon, with dat., esp. to hand the ale at a banquet, (answering to bera öl, Fs. 121); stóð þar upp Snjófrið dóttir Svása, ok byrlaði ker mjaðar fullt konungi, Fms. x. 379, Hkr. i. 102; hann setti annan mann til at b. sér, Post. 656 C. 32: metaph., hann byrlar optliga eitr sinnar slægðar mannkyninu, Fms. ii. 137: to fill the cup, síðan byrlar hann í hornin, Fas. ii. 550: in mod. use, to mix a beverage, esp. in bad sense, by putting poison in it.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > byrla

  • 56 DÁLKR

    1) a pin (to fasten a cloak with);
    2) dagger.
    * * *
    m. [cp. mod. Germ. dolch, which word docs not appear in Germ. till the 16th century (Grimm); Bohem. and Pol. tulich; mod. Dan. dolk]:— the pin in the cloaks (feldr) of the ancients, whence also called feldar-dálkr, Glúm. ch. 8, Korm. ch. 25, Fms. i. 180, Gísl. 55, Hkr. Hák. S. Góða ch. 18; cp. also the verse l. c., where the poet calls it feldar-stingr, cloak-pin, cp. Tac. Germ. ch. 17.
    2. the vertebrae of a fish’s tail: it is a child’s game iu Icel. to hold it up and ask, hvað eru margar árar á borði undir sporði? whilst the other has to guess how many joints there are, cp. the Ital. game morra, Lat. ‘micare digitis.’
    β. a column in a book.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DÁLKR

  • 57 DRAGA

    * * *
    (dreg; dró, drógum; dreginn), v.
    1) to draw, drag, pull;
    draga heim viðinn, to drag the logs home;
    draga árar, to pull the oars;
    absol., drógu þeir skjótt eptir, they soon pulled up to them;
    draga boga, to draw the bow;
    draga segl, to hoist sails (= draga upp segl);
    draga fisk, to catch, pull up fish with a line;
    draga kvernstein, to turn the millstone, to grind;
    2) to draw, inhale (draga úþefjan með nösum);
    draga nasir af e-u, to smell a thing;
    draga öndina, to breathe, live;
    3) to procure, earn, gain (þegar hann hafði fé dregit sem hann vildi);
    draga e-m e-t, to procure (or get) one a thing (eigi sögðust þeir vita, at hann drœgi Haraldi ríki);
    4) to employ as a measure (draga kvarða við viðmál);
    5) to prolong protract (dvalir þessar drógu tímann);
    6) to delay, put off, defer;
    vil ek þessi svör ekki láta draga fyrir mér lengi, I will not wait long for these answers;
    hann dró um þat engan hlut, he made no subterfuge;
    7) to delineate, draw a picture (var dregit á skjöldinn leo með gulli);
    í þann tíma sem hann dregr klæðaföllin (the folds);
    8) to trim or line garments (treyjan var dregin útan ok innan við rauða silki);
    with dat., hjálmr hans var dreginn leiri (overlaid with clay), er áðr var (dreginn) gulli;
    9) intrans to move, draw;
    drógu þeir þeim svá nær (came so near to them), at;
    10) with preps.:
    draga föt, skóklædi af e-m, to pull off one’s clothes, shoes;
    draga hring af hendi sér, to take off a ring from one’s hand;
    dró hann þá grunninu, he pulled them off the shallow;
    draga e-t af e-u, to draw, derive from a source;
    draga e-t af, to take off (Þ. hafði látit af draga brúna);
    draga e-t af við e-n, to keep back, withhold, from one;
    man héðan af eigi af dregit við oss, henceforth we shall no be neglected, stinted;
    Egill dró at sér skipit, E. pulled the ship close up to himself;
    draga vél at e-m, to draw wiles around one;
    draga spott, skaup, at e-u, to hold a thing up to ridicule;
    draga at lið, föng, to collect troops, stores;
    dró at honum sóttin, the illness drew closer to him, he grew worse;
    impers., dró at mætti hans, dró at um matt hans, his strength declined (fell off);
    til þess er dró at degi, till the day drew near;
    þá er dregr at jólum, when Yule drew near;
    dró at því (the time drew near). at hann væri banvænn;
    tók þá at draga fast at heyjum hans, his stock of hay was rapidly diminishing;
    svá dregr at mér af elli, svengd, þorsta, I am so overcome by old age, hunger, thirst;
    nú þykki mér sem fast dragi at þér, that thou art sinking fast;
    draga hring á hönd sér, to put a ring on one’s hand;
    draga (grun) á e-t, to suspect;
    draga á vetr, to rear through the winter (Hrafnkell dró á vetr kálf ok kið);
    impers., dregr á tunglit, the moon is obscured (= dregr myrkr á tunglit);
    dimmu þykkir draga á ráðit Odds, it looks as if a cloud was drawing over Odds’ affairs;
    dregr á gleði biskups, the bishop’s gladness was obscured;
    draga eptir e-m, to gain on one (Þórarinn sótti ákaft róðrinn ok hans menn, ok drógu skjótt eptir þeim Steinólfi ok Kjallaki);
    draga eptir e-m um e-t, to approach one, to be nearly equal to one, in a thing;
    um margar íþróttir (in many accomplishments) dró hann fast eptir Ólafi konungi;
    draga e-t fram, to produce, bring forward (draga fram athugasamlig dœmi); to further, promote (draga fram hlut e-s);
    draga fram kaupeyri sinn, to make money;
    draga fram skip, to launch a ship;
    impers., dregr frá, (cloud darkness) is drawn off;
    hratt stundum fyrir, en stundum dró frá, (clouds) drew sometimes over, sometimes off;
    dregr fyrir sól, tungl, the sun, moon is obscured by clouds or eclipse (tunglskin var ljóst, en stundum dró fyrir);
    ok er í tók at draga skúrirnar, when showers began to gather;
    draga e-ð saman, to collect, gather (draga lið, her, skip saman);
    impers., saman dró kaupmála með þeim, they struck a bargain;
    saman dró hugi þeirra, their hearts were drawn together;
    dregr þá saman or dregr saman með þeim, the distance between them grows less;
    draga e-t í sundr, to draw asunder, disjoin (vil ek eigi draga í sundr sættir yðrar);
    impers., dregr þá í sundr or dregr í sundr með þeim, the distance between them increases;
    draga e-n til e-s, to move, prompt, induce;
    engi ofkæti dregr mik til þessarar ferðar, it is not from wantonness that I undertake this journey;
    slíkt dregr hann til vinsældar, this furthers his popularity;
    ef hann drógi ekki til, if he was not concerned;
    draga e-t til dœmis um e-t, to adduce as a proof of;
    hann hét at draga allt til sætta (to do everything in his power for reconciliation) með þeim Skota konungi;
    impers., nema til verra dragi, unless matters turn out for the worse;
    with dat., þat samband þeirra, er þeim dregr báðum til bana, which will prove fatal to both of them;
    at hér mundi til mikillar úgiptu draga um kaup þessi, that much mischief would arise from this bargain;
    dró þá enn til sundrþykkju með þeim Svíum, the old feud with the Swedes began all over again;
    svá er þat, segir R., ef ekki dregr til, unless some unforesceen thing happens;
    draga e-t undan e-m, to seek to deprive one of a thing (þeir hafa bundizt í því at draga bœndr undan þér);
    draga e-t undan, to delay (drógu Skotar undan sættina);
    hví dregr þú undan at bjóða mér til þín? why dost thou put off inviting me to come?;
    draga rót undan (tölu), to extract the root;
    draga undan e-m, to escape from one (nú lægir seglin þeirra ok draga þeir undan oss);
    impers., hann (acc.) dró undan sem nauðuligast, he had a narrow escape;
    draga e-t undir sik, to apropriate or take fraudulently to oneself (hafði dregit undir sik finnskattinn);
    impers., dró yðr (acc.) undir hrakningina, en oss (acc.) undan, you came in for hard uasge but we escaped;
    draga upp skip, to drag a ship ashore;
    draga upp segl, to hoist a sail (sails);
    impers., þoku dregr upp, fog is coming on;
    11) refl., dragast.
    f. only in pl. ‘drögur’,
    2) metric term, repetition, anadiplosis (when a stanza begins with the last word of the preceding one).
    * * *
    pret. dró, pl. drógu; part. dreginn; pres. dreg: pret. subj. drægi: [Lat. trahere; Ulf. dragan, but only once or twice, = επισωρεύειν in 2 Tim. iv. 3; Hel. dragan = portare, ferre (freq.); A. S. dragan; Germ. tragen; the Engl. distinguishes between to drag and draw, whence the derived words to draggle, trail, drawl; Swed. draga; the Danes have drage, but nearly obliterated except in the special sense to travel,—otherwise they have trække, formed from the mod. Germ. tragen]:—to draw, drag, carry, pull.
    A. ACT., with acc.
    I. to drag, carry, pull; hann dró þau öll út, Nj. 131; djöfla þá er yðr munu d. til eilífra kvala, 273; d. heim við, to drag the logs home, 53; d. sauði, to pick sheep out of a fold, Bs. i. 646, Eb. 106; d. skip fram, to launch a ship; d. upp, to draw her up, drag her ashore, Grág. ii. 433; dró Þorgils eptir sér fiskinn, Fs. 129; Egill dró at sér skipit, E. pulled the ship close up to himself, Eg. 221, 306; dró hann þá af grunninu, Fms. vii. 264; hann hafði dregit ( pulled) hött síðan yfir hjálm, Eg. 375, cp. Ad. 3; d. föt, skóklæði af e-m, to draw off clothes, shoes; þá var dregin af ( stripped off) hosa líkinu, Fms. viii. 265; dró hann hana á hönd ser, he pulled it on his hand, Eg. 378; d. hring á hönd sér, to put a ring on one’s hand, 306; (hann) tók gullhring, ok dró ( pulled) á blóðrefilinn, id.: phrases, er við ramman reip at d., ’tis to pull a rope against the strong man, i. e. to cope with the mighty, Fms. ii. 107, Nj. 10,—the metaphor from a game; d. árar, to pull the oars, Fms. ii. 180, Grett. 125 A: absol. to pull, ok drógu skjótt eptir, they soon pulled up to them, Gullþ. 24, Krók. 52: metaph., um margar íþróttir dró hann fast eptir Ólafi, in many accomplishments he pressed hard upon Olave, Fms. iii. 17: d. boga, to draw the bow, x. 362, but more freq. benda ( bend) boga: d., or d. upp segl, to hoist the sails, Eg. 93, Fms. ix. 21, x. 349, Orkn. 260: d. fiska, or simply draga (Luke v. 7), to fish with a hook, to pull up fish with a line (hence fisk-dráttr, dráttr, fishing), Fms. iv. 89, Hým. 21, 23, Fs. 129, Landn. 36, Fas. ii. 31: d. drátt, Luke v. 4; d. net, to fish with a drag-net; also absol., draga á (on or in) á ( a river), to drag a river; hence the metaphor, d. langa nót at e-u, = Lat. longae ambages, Nj. 139: d. steina, to grind in a hand-mill, Sl. 58, Gs. 15: d. bust ór nefi e-m, vide bust: d. anda, to draw breath; d. öndina um barkann, id., (andar-dráttr, drawing breath); d. tönn, to draw a tooth.
    2. phrases mostly metaph.; d. seim, prop. to draw wire, metaph. to read or talk with a drawling tone; d. nasir af e-u, to smell a thing, Ísl. ii. 136; d. dám af e-u, to draw flavour from; draga dæmi af e-u, or d. e-t til dæmis, to draw an example from a thing, Stj. 13, cp. Nj. 65; d. þýðu eðr samræði til e-s, to draw towards, feel sympathy for, Sks. 358; d. grun á e-t, to suspect, Sturl.; d. spott, skaup, gys, etc. at e-u, to hold a thing up to ridicule, Bs. i. 647; d. á sik dul ok dramb, to assume the air of…, 655 xi. 3; d. á sik ofbeldi ok dramb, Fms. vii. 20; d. e-n á talar, to deceive one, metaphor from leading into a trap, 2 Cor. xii. 17; d. vél at e-m, to deceive one, draw a person into wiles, Nj. 280, Skv. i. 33; d. á vetr, to get one’s sheep and cattle through the winter; Hrafnkell dró á vetr kálf ok kið hin firstu misseri, Hrafn. 22, cp. Germ. anbinden, and in mod. Icel. usage setja á vetr; d. nafn af e-m, to draw, derive the name from, Eb. 126 (App.) new Ed.; the phrase, (hann skyldi ekki) fleiri ár yfir höfuð d., more years should not pass over his head, he must die, Þórð.
    II. to draw a picture; kross let hann d. í enni á öllum hjálmum með bleiku, Fms. iv. 96; þá dró Tjörvi líkneski þeirra á kamarsvegg, Landn. 247; var dregit á skjöldinn leo með gulli, Ld. 78, Pr. 428; í þann tíma sem hann dregr ( draws) klæða-föllin (the folds), Mar. (Fr.): d. til stafs (mod.), to draw the letters, of children first trying to write; d. fjöðr yfir e-t, a metaph. phrase, to draw a pen over or through, to hide, cloak a thing: gramm. to mark a vowel with a stroke,—a long vowel opp. to a short one is thus called ‘dreginn;’ hljóðstafir hafa tvenna grein, at þeir sé styttir ( short) eða dregnir (drawn, marked with a stroke), ok er því betr dregit yfir þann staf er seint skal at kveða, e. g. ári Ari, ér er-, mínu minni, Skálda 171: to measure, in the phrases, draga kvarða við vaðmál, Grág. i. 497, 498; draga lérept, N. G. L. i. 323.
    III. to line clothes, etc.; treyja var dregin utan ok innan við rauðu silki, Flov. 19.
    IV. metaph. to delay; dró hann svá sitt mál, at…, Sturl. iii. 13; hann dró um þat engan hlut, he made no subterfuge, Hkr. ii. 157; Halldórr dró þá heldr fyrir þeim, H. then delayed the time, Ld. 322; vil ek ekki lengr d. þetta fyrir þér, 284; vil ek þessi svör eigi láta d. fyrir mér lengr, Eb. 130.
    V. with prepp. af, at, á, fram, frá, saman, sundr, etc., answering to the Lat. attrahere, abstrahere, protrahere, detrahere, distrahere, contrahere, etc.; d. at lið, to collect troops; d. saman her, id., Eg. 172, 269, Nj. 127; d. at föng, to collect stores, 208, 259: metaph., þá dró at honum sóttin, the sickness drew nearer to him, he grew worse, Grett. 119; d. af e-m, to take off, to disparage a person, Fms. vi. 287; d. af við e-n, ok mun héðan af ekki af dregit við oss, we shall not be neglected, stinted, Bjarn. 54: mathem. term, to subtract, Rb. 118: d. fram, to bring forward, promote; d. fram þræla, Fms. x. 421, ix. 254, Eg. 354; skil ek þat, at þat man mína kosti hér fram d. (it will be my greatest help here), at þú átt ekki vald á mér; d. fram kaupeyri, to make money, Fms. vi. 8; d. saman, to draw together, collect, join, Bs. ii. 18, Nj. 65, 76; d. sundr, to draw asunder, disjoin; d. e-t á, to intimate, (á-dráttr) drag eigi á þat, Sturl. iii. 110; d. undan, to escape; kómu segli við ok drógu undan, Fms. iv. 201; nú lægir segl þeirra ok d. þeir nú undan oss, v. 11: metaph. to delay, Uspakr dró þó undan allt til nætr, Nj. 272; hirðin sá þetta at svá mjök var undan dregit, Fms. ix. 251 (undan-dráttr, delay); hví dregr þú undan at bjóða mér til þín, Glúm. 326, Fms. ix. 251, Pass. 16. 13: mathem., d. rót undan, to extract a root, Alg. 366; d. upp, to draw a picture (upp-dráttr, a drawing), to pull up, Edda I; to pull out of the snow, Eg. 546; d. út, to extract, draw out, 655 xxxii. 2; d. undir sik, to draw under oneself, to embezzle, Eg. 61, Fms. vii. 128; d. upp akkeri, to weigh anchor, Jb. 403; d. upp segl, to hoist sail, vide above; ljós brann í stofunni ok var dregit upp, Sturl. i. 142; þar brann ljós ok var dregit upp, en myrkt hit neðra, ii. 230; ok er mönnum var í sæti skipat vóru log upp dregin í stofunni, iii. 182; herbergis sveinarnir drógu upp skriðljósin, Fas. iii. 530, cp. Gísl. 29, 113,—in the old halls the lamps (torches) were hoisted up and down, in order to make the light fainter or stronger; d. e-n til e-s, to draw one towards a thing; mikit dregr mik til þess, Fs. 9; engi ofkæti dregr mik til þessarar ferðar, i. e. it is not by my own choice that I undertake this journey, Fms. ix. 352; slíkt dró hann til vinsældar, this furthered him in popularity, vii. 175, Sks. 443 B; mun hann slíkt til d., it will move, influence him, Nj. 210; ef hann drægi ekki til, if he was not concerned, 224.
    2. draga til is used absol. or ellipt., denoting the course of fate, and many of the following phrases are almost impers.; nema til verra dragi, unless matters turn out worse, Nj. 175; búð, dragi til þess sem vera vill, Lat. fata evenient, 185; ef honum vill þetta til dauða d., if this draw to his death, prove fatal to him, 103, Grett. 114; þat samband þeirra er þeim dregr báðum til bana, which will be fatal to both of them, Nj. 135; enda varð þat fram at koma sem til dró, Ísl. ii. 263; sagði Kveldúlfr at þá ( then) mundi þar til draga sem honum hafði fyrir boðat, Eg. 75; dró til vanda með þeim Rúti ok Unni, it was the old story over again, Nj. 12; dró til vanda um tal þeirra, 129; at hér mundi til mikillar úgiptu draga um kaup þessi, that mickle mischief would arise from this bargain, 30; dró þá enn til sundrþykkju með þeim Svíum, the old feud with the Swedes began over again, Fms. x. 161; ok er úvíst til hvers um dregr, Fs. 6; svá er þat, segir Runólfr, ef ekki dregr til, unless some unforeseen things happen, Nj. 75; hón kvað eigi úlíkligt at til mikils drægi um, Ísl. ii. 19; þá dró nú til hvárttveggja. Bret.; hence til-drög. n. pl. cause.
    B. IMPERS.
    1. of clouds, shade, darkness, to be drawn before a thing as a veil; dimmu (acc.) þykir á draga ráðit Odds, it looked as if gloom were drawing over Odd’s affairs, Band. 10; ok er í tók at draga skúrirnar (acc.), it began to draw into showers, i. e. clouds began to gather, Fms. iii. 206: often ellipt., hratt stundum fyrir en stundum dró frá, [ clouds] drew sometimes over, sometimes off, of the moon wading through them, Grett. 114; dregr fyrir sól, [ a veil] draws over the sun, he is hid in clouds; ský vónarleysu döpur drjúgum dró fyrir mína gleði-sól, Bb. 2. 9; dregr á gleði biskups, [ clouds] drew over the bishop’s gladness, it was eclipsed, Bs. ii. 79; eclipsis heitir er fyrir dregr sól eðr tungl, it is called an eclipse when [ a veil] draws over the sun or moon, 1812. 4; tunglskin var ljóst, en stundum dró fyrir, the moonshine was clear, and in turn [ a veil] drew over it, Nj. 118; þá sá lítið af tungli ljóst ok dró ymist til eðr frá, Ísl. ii. 463; þat gerðisk, at á dregr tunglit, ok verðr eclipsis, Al. 54.
    2. in various connections; dró yðr (acc.) undir hrakningina, en oss (acc.) undan, you were drawn into a thrashing (i. e. got one), but we escaped, Nj. 141; hann (acc.) dró undan sem nauðuligast, he had a narrow escape, Fms. ix. 392: absol., a noun or personal pronoun in acc. being understood, lítt dró enn undan við þik, there was little power of drawing out of thy reach, i. e. thy blow did its work right well. Nj. 199, 155; hvárki dró sundr né saman með þeim, of two running a dead heat: metaph. phrases, mun annarsstaðar meira slóða (acc.) draga, there will be elsewhere a greater trial left, i. e. the consequences will be still worse elsewhere, 54; saman dró hugi þeirra, their hearts were drawn together, of a loving pair, Bárð. 271; saman dró kaupmála með þeim, they struck a bargain, literally the bargain was drawn tight, Nj. 49; hann hreinsar þat skjótt þóat nokkut im (acc.) hafi á oss dregit af samneyti ( although we have been a little infected by the contact with) annarlegs siðferðis, Fms. ii. 261; allt slafr (acc.) dró af Hafri, i. e. H. became quite mute, Grett. (in a verse): in a temp. sense, til þess er dró at degi, till the day drew nigh, Fms. x. 138; þá er dró at miðri nótt, Grett. 140; þá er dregr at Jólum, Yule drew nigh, Fbr. 138; dregr at hjaldri, the battle-hour draws nigh, Fms. vi. (in a verse); dró at því (the time drew nigh), at hann var banvænn, Eg. 126: of sickness, hunger, or the like, to sink, be overcome by, svá dregr at mér af elli, svengd ok þorsta, at…, Fms. iii. 96; nú þykki mér sem fast dragi at þér, thou art sinking fast, Fas. ii. 221; ok er lokið var kvæðinu dregr at Oddi fast, O. was sinking fast, 321: of other things, tók þá at d. fast at heyjum hans, his stock was very low, Fms. iii. 208; þoku dregr upp, a fog draws on, rises, 97 (in a verse), but ok taki sú poka (nom.) fyrir at d. norðrljósit, Sks. an (better þá þoku, acc.)
    C. REFLEX, to draw oneself, move; ef menn dragask til föruneytis þeirra ( join them) úbeðit, Grág. ii. 270; Sigvaldi dregsk út frá flotanum, S. draws away from the fleet, Fms. xi. 140; ofmjök dragask lendir menn fram, i. e. the barons drew far too forward, vii. 22; hyski drósk á flótta, they drew away to flight, Fms. vi. (in a verse); skeiðr drógusk at vígi, the ships drew on to battle, iii. 4 (in a verse); dragask undir = draga undir sik, to take a thing to oneself, Grág. ii. 150; dragask á hendr e-m, drógusk opt þeir menn á hendr honum er úskilamenn voru, Sturl. i. 136; dragask e-n á hendr, hann kvað þess enga ván, at hann drægisk þá á hendr, ii. 120; dragask aptr á leið, to remain behind, Rb. 108; dragask út, to recede, of the tide, 438; dragask saman, to draw back, draw together, be collected, Fms. i. 25, Bs. i. 134; e-m dragask penningar, Fms. vi. 9; d. undan, to be delayed, x. 251; the phrase, herr, lið dregsk e-m, the troops draw together, of a levy, i. 94, vii. 176, Eg. 277; dragask á legg, to grow up, Hkr. iii. 108; sem aldr hans ok vitsmunir drógusk fram, increased, Fms. vi. 7; þegar honum drósk aldr, when he grew up, Fs. 9; dragask á legg, to grow into a man; dragask við e-t, to become discouraged, Fms. viii. 65; d. vel, illa, to do well, ill, Fs. 146: to be worn out, exhausted, drósk þá liðit mjök af kulda, Sturl. iii. 20; drósk hestr hans, ii. 75: part. dreginn, drawn, pinched, starved, hestar mjök dregnir, Fms. ix. 276; görðisk fénaðr dreginn mjök, drawn, thin, iii. 208; stóð þar í heykleggi einn ok dregit at öllu megin, a tapering hayrick, Háv. 53: of sickness, Herra Andrés lagðisk sjúkr, ok er hann var dreginn mjök, Fms. ix. 276.
    β. recipr., þau drógusk um einn gullhring, they fought, pulled. Fas. iii. 387. From the reflex. probably originates, by dropping the reflex. suffix, the mod. Swed. and Dan. at draga = to go, esp. of troops or a body of men; in old writers the active form hardly ever occurs in this sense (the reading drógu in the verse Fms. iii. 4 is no doubt false); and in mod. usage it is equally unknown in Icel., except maybe in allit. phrases as, e. g. út á djúpið hann Oddr dró, Snot 229 new Ed.; to Icel. ears draga in this sense sounds strange; even the reflex. form is seldom used in a dignified sense; vide the references above.

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    u, f. a heroic, laudatory poem; this word is probably derived from drepa, to strike, i. e. to strike the chords of an instrument, vide drepa A. I, as poems were at early times accompanied by instrumental music: the drápas were usually composed in the so-called ‘drótt-kvætt’ metre, q. v., and were much in fashion from the 10th to the 12th or even to the 13th century, but esp. flourished at the end of the 10th and during the 11th; the earliest poems of this kind on record are of the end of the 9th century: even poems in honour of gods, Christ, the holy cross, saints, etc. are called drápur if composed in the proper metre; but most of them are in honour of kings, earls, princes, or eminent men, vide Skáldatal. A drápa usually consisted of three parts, upp-haf introduction, stef or stefjamál the burden or middle part interpolated with artificial burdens, whence the name stefja-drápa, and lastly slæmr or peroration; according to the length, a drápa is tvítug or a poem of twenty stanzas, sextug or sixty stanzas, and so on; it is called erfi-drápa if in praise of a deceased man, mansöngs-drápa (Germ. minne-sang) if addressed to a lady-love, etc.; as to metre, we have tog-drápa, hrynhend drápa, etc.; drápa is sometimes distinguished from flokkr, a less laudatory and shorter poem without burdens, Fms. vi. 391; hví ortir þú flokk um konunginn, eðr þótti þér hann ekki drápunnar verðr, Ísl. ii. 237, and the classical passage Knytl. S. ch. 19. Passages in the Sagas referring to the delivery of these poems are very numerous, e. g. Gunnl. S. ch. 7–9, Eg. ch. 62, 63 (Höfuð-lausn), 80 (Sonatorek and Arinbjarnar-d.), 81 (Beru-drápa), Ld. ch. 29 (Hús-drápa), Hallfr. S. ch. 6, II, Bjarn. 6, 39, Fms. iii. 65, v. 173–175, Knytl. S. l. c., O. H. L. ch. 60, 61, Har. S. Harð. (Fms. vi.) ch. 24, 66, 110 (the interesting story of Stuf the Blind), Skáldat. 252, 268, Fb. iii. 241, 242, Hkr. i. 185, 186; the last on record is Sturl. iii. 303–306, referring to A. D. 1263, cp. also Sturl. ii. 56; most of these poems derive their name from the king or person in whose honour they were composed, e. g. Ólafs-d., Knúts-d. (king Canute), Eiríks-d., etc., vide Fms. xii, s. v. kvæði, or Jómsvíkinga-d., Íslendinga-d., the name of a laudatory poem addressed to the Icelandic people; or referring to other subjects, as Vell-ekla (want of gold), Hafgerðinga-d., Landn. 106, or Kross-d., Róða-d. ( the Holy Rood), etc. Mythical drápas are, e. g. Ragnars-d., Haustlöng, Hús-d.
    COMPDS: drápumál, drápustúfr.

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    (drep; drap, drápum; drepinn), v.
    I. with acc. or absol.;
    1) to stike, beat, knock;
    drepa e-n vendi, to strike one with a rod;
    hann tók hörpu sína ok drap strengi (struck the strings) til sláttar; drepa járn, to hammer iron;
    drepa or drepa högg á dyrr, to knock at the door;
    drepa botn úr keraldi, to knock the bottom out of a tub;
    at eigi drepir þú mik í dúp, that you knock me not into the deep;
    drepa í hel, í dauða, til heljar, to smite to death;
    2) to kill, slay (skulu vér nú fara at honum ok drepa hann);
    3) in a game of chess, to take a piece (þá drap jarl af honum riddara);
    drepa eld, to strike, fire (= drepa upp eld);
    drepa slóð, to make a trail (drápu kyrtlarnir döggslóðina);
    5) with prep., drepa af, to kill, slaughter (cattle);
    drepa niðr, to kill off (þótt hirðmenn þínir sé drepnir niðr sem svn);
    drepa sik ór dróma, to get rid of (throw off) a fetter;
    drepa til e-s, to strike, hit, at one;
    drepa e-t undir sik, to knock or drag down (skaltu standa hiá, er fjándi sá drepr mik undir sik);
    drepa upp eld = drepa eld;
    drepa e-t út, to divulge a thing;
    drepa yfir e-t, to hide, suppress;
    drap hann brátt yfir (he soon mastered) harm sinn;
    6) refl., drepast, to perish, die, esp. of cattle (fé hans drapst aldri af drephríðum);
    recipr. to put one another to death (þá diepast menn fyrir ágirni sakir);
    drepa menn fyrir, to kill one another’s men;
    7) impers., drepr honuin aldregi ský (acc.) í augu, his eyes never get clouded;
    ofrkappit (acc.) drepr fyrir þeim (their high spirits break down), þegar haminjan brestr; drap þó heldr í fyrir honum, he rather grew worse, his eyes grew weaker;
    nú drepr ór hljóð (acc.) fyrst ór konunginum, the king became silent at once;
    þá drap stall ór hjarta hans, his heart failed;
    ofan drap flaugina, the vane was knocked down;
    regn (acc.) drepr í gegnum et, the rain beats through (the thatch);
    II. with dat.;
    1) to put, thrust;
    hendi drap á kampa, he put his hand to his beard;
    drepa fœti (fótum) í eð, to strike (knock) one’s foot against, stumble over (drap fótunum í þrøskuldinn ok lá fallinn);
    drepa höfði, to droop (with) the head (Egill drap höfðin niðr í feld sinn);
    drepa fingri í munn sér, to put the finger into the mouth;
    drepa hendi til es, við em, to give one a slap with the hand;
    drepa hendi við e-u, to wave away with the hand to refuse a kind offer (drepa hendi við boðnu gulli);
    2) to tuck up the sleeves or skirts of a garment (hann hafði drepit upp skautunum);
    drepa hári undir belti sér, to tuck the hair under the belt (of a lady);
    3) to dip, immerse;
    drepa skeggi (the beard) í Breiðafjörð, to be drowned in B. drepa barni I vatn, to baptize a child;
    4) drepa orði, dómi á et, to talk, judge of;
    drepa huldu á et, to hide, keep secret;
    drepa e-u á dreif, see dreif; fig., drepa í egg e-u, to turn a deaf ear to;
    5) spoil (drepa gleði, teiti es);
    drepa kosti es, to destroy one’s happiness;
    impers. drap þá skjótt kosti, the cheer was soon gone;
    6) drepa niðr e-u, to suppress (drepa niðr konungs rétti, illu orði);
    drepa niðr sœmd es, to drag down one’s reputation, to disparage one;
    drepa niðr máli, to quash a lawsuit.
    * * *
    pret. drap, 2nd pers. drapt, mod. drapst, pl. drápu; pret. subj. dræpi; part. drepit; pres. drep; with the suff. neg. pret. drap-a. Orkn.: [A. S. drepan; Dan. dræbe; Swed. drapa; O. H. G. trefan; mod. Germ. treffen, whence the mod. Dan. treffe, in the sense to hit; Ulf. uses slahan and stautjan, but never dripan; in Engl. the word is lost.]
    A. WITH ACC., OR ABSOL. högg ( a blow) or the like being understood, to strike, beat:
    I. act. of music, to strike the chords, (cp. phrases such as, slá danz, to strike up for a dance; slagr is battle and poem, Trolla-slagr and Gýgjar-slagr are names of poems); hann tók hörpu sína ok drap strengi ( struck the strings) til slags, Stj. 458 (hence drápa, a song); d. e-n vendi, to strike with a rod, Skm. 26: to knock, d. á dyrr, or d. högg á dyrr, to knock at a door, Nj. 150; síðan gengu þau heim bæði ok drápu á dyrr, 153; drápu þar á dyrr, Sturl. iii. 154: metaph., d. á e-t, to touch slightly on a matter; d. botn ór keraldi, to knock the bottom out of a jar, Fms. xi. 34; d. járn, to beat iron (a blacksmith’s term) with a sledge-hammer, Grett. 129, cp. drep-sleggja.
    2. esp. with the sense of violence, to knock, strike; áfallit hafði drepit hann inn í bátinn, Bs. i. 422; at eigi drepir þú mik í djúp, that thou knockest me not into the deep, Post. 656 B. 9; herða klett drep ek þér hálsi af, Ls. 57.
    β. as a law term, to smite, strike; ef maðr drepr ( smites) mann, ok varðar þat skóggang, Grág. ii. 116; eigu menn eigi at standa fyrir þeim manni er drepit hefir annan, id.; ef maðr drepr mann svá at bein brotna, 14; nú vænisk sá maðr því er drap, at…, 15; þat er drep ef bein brotna, ok verðr sá úæll till dóms er drepit hefir, 16; nú vænisk hinn því, at hann hafi drepit hann, 19.
    γ. the phrases, d. e-n til heljar, Grág. ii. 161, or d. til dauðs, to smite to death; Josúa drap til dauða alla þjóð Anakim, Stj. 456; d. í hel, id., Hbl. 27; hence
    3. metaph. or ellipt. to kill, put to death, cp. Lat. caedere, Engl. smite; eigi er manni skylt at d. skógarmann, þótt…, Grág. ii. 162; skulu vér nú fara at honum ok d. hann, Nj. 205; þar varð illa með þeim því at Ásgrímr drap Gaut, 39; til þess at d. Grim, Eg. 114; tóku þeir af eignum jarla konungs en drápu suma, Fms. i. 6; er drepit hafði fóstra hans …, eigi hæfir at d. svá fríðan svein …, d. skyldi hvern mann er mann údæmðan vá, 80; konung drápum fyrstan, Am. 97; drap hann ( smote with the hammer) hina öldnu jötna systur, Þkv. 32; d. mátti Freyr hann með hendi sinni, Edda 23.
    β. in a game (of chess), to take a piece; þá drap jarl af honum riddara, Fms. iv. 366; taflsins er hann hafði drepit, vi. 29; Hvítserkr hélt töfl einni er hann hafði drepit, Fas. i. 285.
    γ. adding prepp. af, niðr, to slaughter, kill off; þótt hirðmenn þínir sé drepnir niðr sem svín, Fms. vii. 243: d. af, to slaughter (cattle); yxni fimm, ok d. af, Ísl. ii. 330; láttu mik d. af þenna lýð, Post. 656 B. 9.
    4. metaph. phrases; d. e-m skúta, to taunt, charge one with; áfelli þat er konungr drap oss skúta um, Fms. iv. 310; hjarta drepr stall, the heart knocks as it were against a block of stone from fear, Hkr. ii. 360, Orkn., Fbr. 36 (hence stall-dræpt hjarta, a ‘block-beating’ faint heart): d. upp eld, to strike fire, Fms. iv. 338: d. sik ór dróma, to throw off the fetter, Edda 19: d. e-t undir sik, to knock or drag down, skaltú standa hjá er fjandi sá drepr mik undir sik, Grett. 126, 101 A: d. slóð, to make a slot or sleuth (trail); d. kyrtlarnir slóðina, the cloaks trailed along the ground so as to leave a track, Gísl. 154: to trail or make a track of droves or deer, Lex. Poët.: d. e-t út, to divulge a thing (in a bad sense), Fms. vi. 208; d. yfir e-t, to hide, suppress, drap hann brátt yfir ( he soon mastered) harm sinn, Bs. i. 140 (hence yfir-drep, hypocrisy, i. e. cloaking).
    II. reflex., drepask, to perish, die, esp. of beasts; fé hans drapsk aldrei af megrð ok drephríðum, Eb. 150; drapsk allt hans fólk, Fms. v. 250.
    2. recipr. to put one another to death; þá drepask bræðr fyrir ágirni sakar, Edda 40; nú drepask menn (smite one another), eðr særask eðr vegask, Grág. ii. 92; ef menn d. um nætr, Fms. vii. 296; er sjálfir bárusk vápn á ok drápusk, viii. 53; en er bændr fundu at þeir drápusk sjálfir, 68; drepask niðr á leið fram, Ld. 238; drepask menn fyrir, to kill one another’s men, Fms. vii. 177; görðisk af því fjandskapr með þeim Steinólfi svá at þeir drápusk þar (menn?) fyrir, Gullþ. 14.
    III. impers., drepr honum aldregi ský (acc.) í augu, his eyes never get clouded, of the eagle flying in the face of the sun, Hom. 47; ofrkappit (acc.) drepr fyrir þeim ( their high spirits break down) þegar hamingjan brestr, Fms. vi. 155; drap þó heldr í fyrir honum, he rather grew worse, i. e. his eyes grew weaker, Bjarn. 59; nú drepr ór hljóð (acc.) fyrst ór konunginum, the king became silent at once, Fms. xi. 115; stall drepr ór hjarta e-s, Fbr. 36 (vide above, I. 4); ofan drap flaugina (acc.), the flaug was knocked down, Bs. 1. 422; regn drepr í gögnum e-t, the rain beats through the thatch or cover, Fagrsk. 123 (in a verse).
    β. in mod. usage, drepa is even used in the sense to drip (= drjupa), e. g. þak, hús drepr, the thatch, house lets water through.
    B. WITH DAT.:
    I. denoting gentle movement; in many cases the dat. seems to be only instrumental:
    1. of the limbs; hendi drap á kampa, be put his hand to his beard, Hom. 21; d. fæti (fótum), to stumble, prop. to strike with the foot, Nj. 112, Fas. ii. 558, Bs. i. 742, Hom. 110, Grett. 120; d. fæti í e-t, to stumble against, 103; d. fæti við e-t, id., Fas. ii. 558; d. höfði, to droop, nod with the head; drap í gras höfði, (the horse) drooped with the head, let it fall, Gkv. 2. 5; d. niðr höfði, id., Nj. 32; Egill sat svá opt, at hann drap höfðinu niðr í feld sinn (from sorrow), Eg. 322, O. H. L. 45 (for shame); d. fingri í munn sér, to put the finger into the mouth, Edda 74; fingri drap í munninn sinn (of a child), the words of a ditty; d. hendi til e-s, or við e-m, to give one a slap with the hand (inst. dat.), Nj. 27; hence metaph., d. hendi við e-u, to wave away with the hand, to refuse a kind offer, Bs. i. 636; d. hendi við boðnu gulli, Al. 75: the phrase, d. hendi við sóma sínum, cp. Al. 162.
    2. to tuck up the sleeves or skirts of a garment; d. skautum (upp), Fms. vii. 297; hann hafði drepit upp skautunum, Lv. 85; hann hafði drepit upp fyrir blöðunum undir beltið, Eb. 226: Sigurðr drap blöðunum undir belti sér, Orkn. 474; d. hári undir belti sér, to tuck the hair under the belt (of a lady), hárit tók ofan á bringuna ok drap hón (viz. því) undir belti sér, Nj. 24; hafði hár svá mikit, at hann drap undir belti sér, 272.
    II. to dip; d. skeggi í Breiðafjörð niðr, to dip the beard in the Breidafiord, i. e. to be drowned, Ld. 316; d. hendi, or fingri í vatn, to dip the hand, finger into water (vide above); d. barni í vatn, to dip a baby into water, i. e. to baptize, K. Þ. K. 10: the phrase, d. fleski í kál, to dip bacon into kale broth, Fas. iii. 381; nú taka þeir hafrstökur tvær, ok d. þeim í sýrukerin, Gísl. 7.
    β. the phrase, d. e-u, of wax, lime, butter, or the like, to daub, plaster, fill up with; þú skalt taka vax ok d. því í eyru förunauta þinna, Od. xii. 77; síðan drap eg því í eyru á öllum skipverjum, 177; vaxið er eg hafði drepið í eyru þeim, 200; d. smjöri í ílát, to fill a box with butter.
    γ. metaph. phrases; d. dul á e-t, to throw a veil over, Hkr. ii. 140, in mod. usage, draga dulur á e-t: the phrase, d. í skörðin (the tongue understood), to talk indistinctly, from loss of teeth; d. orði, dómi á e-t, to talk, reason, judge of a thing, Fms. ix. 500; d. huldu á, to hide, cloak, keep secret, xi. 106: d. e-u á dreif, prop. tothrow adrift,’ throw aside, i. e. think little of a thing, þessu var á dreif drepit, it was hushed up, Orkn. 248; áðr hafði mjök verit á dreif drepit um mál Bjarnar ( there had been much mystery about Björn), hvárt hann var lífs eðr eigi, sagði annarr þat logit, en annarr sagði satt, i. e. no one knew anything for certain, Bjarn. 20; en eigi varð vísan á dreif drepin ( the song was not thrown aside or kept secret) ok kom til eyrna Birni, 32; drápu öllu á dreif um þessa fyrirætlan, hushed it all up, Eg. 49: d. í egg e-u, prop. to bate the edge of a thing, to turn a deaf ear to, Orkn. 188, metaphor from blunting the edge of a weapon.
    δ. d. e-u niðr, to suppress a thing (unjustly); d. niðr konungs rétti, N. G. L. i. 7 5; d. niðr sæmd e-s, to pull down a person’s reputation, Boll. 346; d. niðr illu orði, to keep down a bad report, suppress it, Nj. 21; d. niðr máli, to quash a lawsuit, 33; drepit svá niðr herörinni, Fms. iv. 207.
    ε. d. glaumi, gleði, teiti e-s, to spoil one’s joy, Lex. Poët.; d. kosti e-s, to destroy one’s happiness, Am. 69: impers., drap þú brátt kosti, the cheer was soon gone, Rm. 98.

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    adj. (-kvæði, n.), in the heroic metre, the metre used in the drápas (q. v.) or poems which were recited before a king and the king’s men (drótt), whence the name probably comes; dróttkvæðr is opp. to kviðu-háttr, the epic, narrative metre, and ljóða-háttr, the metre of didactic poems or poems in the form of dialogues, Edda (Ht.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > drótt-kvæðr

См. также в других словарях:

  • Whence — Whence, adv. [OE. whennes, whens (with adverbial s, properly a genitive ending; see { wards}), also whenne, whanene, AS. hwanan, hwanon, hwonan, hwanone; akin to D. when. See {When}, and cf. {Hence}, {Thence}.] [1913 Webster] 1. From what place;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whence — (also from whence) ► ADVERB formal or archaic 1) from what place or source? 2) from which; from where. 3) to the place from which. 4) as a consequence of which. USAGE Whence means ‘from what place’, as in who are you and whence come you? Strictly …   English terms dictionary

  • whence — [hwens, wens] adv. [ME whennes (< whenne, WHEN + adv. gen. s), replacing OE hwanan] from what place, source, or cause?; from where? [whence does he find his strength?] conj. 1. from what place, source, or cause [I know whence he comes] 2. from …   English World dictionary

  • whence — [ wens, hwens ] adverb, conjunction 1. ) LITERARY used for introducing the result of a fact that has just been stated: The work is slow and dangerous, whence the high costs. 2. ) an old or literary word meaning from where : He arrived at the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • whence — whence, whither Both words have centuries of history behind them and were once routine in their respective meanings ‘from which place’ and ‘to which place’, but in current use they are regarded as archaic or at least highly formal, although they… …   Modern English usage

  • whence — [wens] adv, pron [Date: 1200 1300; : Old English; Origin: whanon from which place ] old use from where ▪ I walked to Rainbagh, whence I could complete the journey by car. →↑whither …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whence — c.1300, whennes, with adverbial genitive s, from O.E. hwanone, related to hwænne (see WHEN (Cf. when)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • whence|so|ev|er — «HWEHNS soh EHV uhr», conjunction, adverb. from whatever place, source, or cause …   Useful english dictionary

  • whence — [[t](h)we̱ns[/t]] PRON REL Whence means from where. [LITERARY or OLD FASHIONED] We looked down to the river whence we d climbed, and nobody complained of the effort as I had anticipated... He was educated at Quakers Yard Grammar School, whence he …   English dictionary

  • whence — /hwens, wens/ adv. 1. from what place?: Whence comest thou? 2. from what source, origin, or cause?: Whence has he wisdom? conj. 3. from what place, source, cause, etc.: He told whence he came. [1250 1300; ME whennes, whannes, equiv. to whanne (by …   Universalium

  • whence — [[t](h)wɛns, wɛns[/t]] adv. 1) from what place?: Whence comest thou?[/ex] 2) from what source, origin, or cause?: Whence has he wisdom?[/ex] 3) from what place, source, cause, etc.: He told whence he came[/ex] • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME whennes,… …   From formal English to slang

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