1 tongs
- tongs
- nклещи; захват
- chain tongs
- concreter's tongs
- lifting tongs
- pipe tongs
- pipe lifting tongs
- rail tongs
- self-closing lifting tongs
- timber tongs
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 tongs
tongs [tɒŋz] n pl (обыкн. a pair of tongs)щипцы́;sugar tongs щи́пчики для са́хара
;coal ( или fire) tongs ками́нные щипцы́
◊I wouldn't touch him with a pair of tongs ≅ я не хочу́ име́ть с ним никако́го де́ла
3 tongs
tongs [tɒŋz]∎ (pair of) tongs pinces fpl; (for hair) fer m à friser;∎ fire tongs pincettes fpl;∎ (sugar) tongs pince f (à sucre) -
4 tongs
tongs npl ( for coal) pincettes fpl ; ( in laboratory) pince f ; ( for hair) fer m à friser ; ( for salad) pinces fpl à salade ; ( for sugar) pince f (à sucre) ; a pair of (coal) tongs des pincettes.to go at it hammer and tongs se disputer violemment. -
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6 tongs
tongs [tɒŋz]* * *[tɒŋz]••to go at it hammer and tongs — ( quarrel) se disputer violemment; ( work) travailler avec acharnement
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > tongs
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10 tongs
1. трубный ключ2. клещи; щипцы; плоскогубцы; захваты
* * *
* * *
трубный ключ; клещи; щипцы, плоскогубцы
* * *
2) клещи; плоскогубцы; щипцы; захваты•to push tongs — свинчивать ( трубопровод) ключами;
- adjustable sucker rod tongstongs with automatic catch — трубный ключ с автоматическим захватом;
- air tongs
- automatic tongs
- backup tongs
- backup chain tongs
- breakout tongs
- Brown tongs
- casing tongs
- chain pipe tongs
- circular tongs
- core tongs
- dressing bit tongs
- drill pipe tongs
- drilling power tongs
- Dunn casing tongs
- eccentric tongs
- extension tongs
- Griffin casing tongs
- hand tongs
- Hardison chain casing tongs
- hoisting tongs
- hydraulic tongs
- hydraulic power tongs
- Kellerman chain casing tongs
- lay tongs
- lazy tongs
- lead tongs
- lowering tongs
- machine tongs
- makeup tongs
- multijaw power tongs
- pipe tongs
- pipe-carrying tongs
- pneumatic power tongs
- power tongs
- power sucker rod tongs
- power tubing tongs
- power tubing tongs with rollover feature
- reversible chain tongs
- rotary tongs
- scissor tongs
- slide tongs
- sucker-rod tongs
- sucker-rod and tubing tongs
- suspended tongs
- suspended sucker rod tongs
- tubing tongs
- Zalkin circular tongs* * *• захваты• ключ -
11 tongs
клещи; захваты; щипцы; ключи для обсадных труб; плоскогубцы; кусачки- blacksmith's tongs - builder's tongs - casing tongs - chain tongs - curved roofing tongs - dog tongs - draw tongs - excentric tongs - fishing tongs - fixing tongs - gas tongs - gripping tongs - lay tongs - lever tongs - lifting tongs - pinching tongs - pipe tongs - pneumatic power tongs - power tongs - riveting tongs - roofing tongs - rotary tongs - special tongs - spot welding tongs - stone tongs - universal tongs - welding tongs - wire tongs* * *клещи; захват- chain tongs
- concreter's tongs
- lifting tongs
- pipe tongs
- pipe lifting tongs
- rail tongs
- self-closing lifting tongs
- timber tongs -
12 tongs
1) клещи; щипцы; плоскогубцы2) нефт. ключ для труб3) клещевое захватное устройство, клещевой захват•to buck the tongs — работать с резьбовыми соединениями ( на прокладке трубопровода);to push tongs — свинчивать ( трубопровод) ключами-
backup tongs
casing tongs
chain tongs
coil tongs
discharging tongs
double pickup tongs
draw tongs
drill pipe tongs
drum tongs
electrical stunning tongs
fuse tongs
gripping tongs
hydraulic power tongs
ingot tongs
insulated tongs
lay tongs
lead tongs
pipe tongs
pneumatic power tongs
power tongs
roll tongs
scrap-handling tongs
smith's tongs
stripping tongs
sucker rod tongs
suspended tongs
tubing tongs
wire tongs -
13 tongs
1) клещи
2) клещевой
3) цанга
4) цанговый
5) щипцы
6) захват
– chain tongs
– crucible tongs
– draw tongs
– fishing tongs
– folding tongs
– forge tongs
– gas tongs
– ice tongs
– insulated tongs
– lever tongs
– lifting tongs
– pipe tongs
– rail tongs
– shingling tongs
– sleeper tongs
– smith's tongs
– soldering tongs
– stripping tongs -
14 tongs
15 tongs
1. n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. щипцы2. n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. тех. клещи, схваты3. n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. воен. разг. «клещи» -
16 tongs
tɔŋz сущ.;
мн. (обыкн. a pair of tongs) щипцы coal, fire tongs ≈ каминные щипцы curling tongs ≈ щипцы для завивки волос ice tongs ≈ щипцы для льда I wouldn't touch him with a pair of tongs. ≈ Я не хочу иметь с ним никакого дела. употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: щипцы - coal /fire/ * каминные щипцы (техническое) клещи, схваты ( военное) (разговорное) "клещи" > I wouldn't touch him with a pair of * я не хочу иметь с ним никакого дела tongs щипцы;
sugar tongs щипчики для сахара;
coal (или fire) tongs каминные щипцы I wouldn't touch him with a pair of ~ = я не хочу иметь с ним никакого дела tongs щипцы;
sugar tongs щипчики для сахара;
coal (или fire) tongs каминные щипцы tongs щипцы;
sugar tongs щипчики для сахара;
coal (или fire) tongs каминные щипцы -
17 tongs
plural noun[pair of] tongs — Zange, die
* * *[toŋz](an instrument for holding and lifting objects: sugar-tongs; a pair of tongs.) die Zange* * *[tɒŋz, AM tɑ:ŋz]n pl Zange ffire \tongs Feuerzange fa pair of \tongs eine Zange* * *[tɒŋz]plZange f; (= curling tongs, HIST) Brennschere f; (electric) Lockenstab m* * *a) das würde ich nicht einmal mit einer Zange anfassen,b) fig mit der Sache möchte ich nichts zu tun haben* * *plural noun[pair of] tongs — Zange, die
* * *n.pl.Zange -n f. -
18 tongs
[tɒŋz]nome plurale (for coal) molle f.; (in laboratory) pinza f.sing.; (for sugar) mollette f. (per lo zucchero)••to go at it hammer and tongs — battersi con impeto o violentemente
* * *[toŋz](an instrument for holding and lifting objects: sugar-tongs; a pair of tongs.) molle, pinze* * *tongs /tɒŋz/n. pl.1 molle; mollette: fire tongs, molle (da cucina, per il fuoco); sugar tongs, mollette per lo zucchero2 (mecc.) pinze; tenaglie; tenaglia: (elettr.) fuse tongs, pinze per fusibili; wire tongs, tenaglie per filo metallico; blacksmith's tongs, tenaglia da fabbro* * *[tɒŋz]nome plurale (for coal) molle f.; (in laboratory) pinza f.sing.; (for sugar) mollette f. (per lo zucchero)••to go at it hammer and tongs — battersi con impeto o violentemente
19 tongs
toŋz(an instrument for holding and lifting objects: sugar-tongs; a pair of tongs.) pinzastongs npl tenazastr[tɒŋz]1 tenacillas nombre femenino plural, pinzas nombre femenino pluraltongs ['tɑŋz, 'tɔŋz] npl: tenazas fpln.pl.• tenacillas s.f.pl.• tenazas s.f.pl.tɑːŋz, tɔːŋz, tɒŋzplural noun tenacillas fpl, pinza(s) f(pl)a pair of tongs — unas tenacillas, una(s) pinza(s)
[tɒŋz]NPL (for coal etc) tenazas fpl ; (=curling tongs) tenacillas fpla pair of tongs — unas tenazas, unas tenacillas
* * *[tɑːŋz, tɔːŋz, tɒŋz]plural noun tenacillas fpl, pinza(s) f(pl)a pair of tongs — unas tenacillas, una(s) pinza(s)
20 tongs
щипцы; клещи- crookbit tongs
- flat bit tongs
- forge tongs
- guided tongs
- hammer tongs
- hoop tongs
- pincer tongs
- smith's tongs
- soldering tongsEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tongs
См. также в других словарях:
Tongs — are and lifting tools, of which there are many forms adapted to their specific use. Some are merely large pincers or nippers, but the greatest number fall into three classes: # Tongs which have long arms terminating in small flat circular ends of … Wikipedia
Tongs — Tongs, n. pl. [OE. tonge, tange, AS. tange; akin to D. tang, G. zanga, OHG. zanga, Don. tang, Sw. t[*a]ng, Icel. t[ o]ng, Gr. da knein to bite, Skr. da[ n]i[,c], da[,c]. [root]59. Cf. {Tang} a strong taste, anything projecting.] An instrument,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tongs — (n.) O.E. tange, tang tongs, from P.Gmc. *tango (Cf. O.S. tanga, O.N. töng, Swed. tông, O.Fris. tange, M.Du. tanghe, Du. tang, O.H.G. zanga, Ger. Zange), lit. that which bites, from PIE root *dank … Etymology dictionary
tongs — [ tɔŋz ] noun plural 1. ) a metal or plastic object that consists of two connected arms that you push together in order to pick something up: a pair of sugar tongs 2. ) BRITISH a CURLING IRON … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tongs — tongs; tongs·man; … English syllables
tongs — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) a tool with two movable arms that are joined at one end, used for picking up and holding things. 2) curling tongs. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
tongs — [tôŋz, täŋz] pl.n. [ME tongys, pl. of tonge < OE tange, akin to Ger zange < IE base * denk̑ , to bite: basic sense “those that bite together”] [sometimes with sing. v.] a device for seizing or lifting objects, having two long arms pivoted… … English World dictionary
tongs — (tongs) an instrument for grasping and holding, consisting of two arms joined by a hinge or pivot … Medical dictionary
tongs — [tɔŋz US ta:ŋz, to:ŋz] n [plural] [: Old English; Origin: tang (singular)] a tool that you use to lift up small objects. It has two bars joined at one end, that you press together to lift objects … Dictionary of contemporary English
-tongs — tongs, etc noun Garden implements of varying forms for getting rid of weeds ● weed … Useful english dictionary
Tongs — Tong Pour l’article homophone, voir Thongue. Une paire de tongs … Wikipédia en Français