21 work out
1) (exercise) esercitarsi, allenarsi2) (go according to plan) [plan, marriage] funzionare, andare bene3) (add up)to work out at — BE o
to — AE [total, share] ammontare a [ amount]; work out [sth.], work [sth.] out
4) (calculate) calcolare [ amount]* * *1) (to solve or calculate correctly: I can't work out how many should be left.) risolvere; calcolare2) (to come to a satisfactory end: Don't worry - it will all work out (in the end).) risolversi3) (to perform physical exercises.) allenarsi* * *1. vi + adv1) (problem) risolversi2)the cost worked out at £50 — il costo ammontava a 50 sterlineit works out at £100 — fa 100 sterline
3) (succeed: plan, marriage) riuscire, funzionare4) Sport allenarsi2. vt + adv1) (problem, calculation) risolvere2) (devise: plan, details) mettere a punto3) (understand: behaviour) capire4) (exhaust: resources) esaurire* * *1) (exercise) esercitarsi, allenarsi2) (go according to plan) [plan, marriage] funzionare, andare bene3) (add up)to work out at — BE o
to — AE [total, share] ammontare a [ amount]; work out [sth.], work [sth.] out
4) (calculate) calcolare [ amount] -
22 work
A n1 ( physical or mental activity) travail m (on sur) ; to be at work on sth être en train de travailler à qch ; to watch sb at work regarder qn (en train de) travailler ; to go to ou set to ou get to work se mettre au travail ; to go to ou set to ou get to work on sth se mettre à travailler à or faire qch ; to set to work doing se mettre à faire ; to put a lot of work into travailler [essay, speech] ; passer beaucoup de temps sur [meal, preparations] ; to put a lot of work into doing passer beaucoup de temps à faire ; to put ou set sb to work faire travailler qn ; we put him to work doing nous lui avons donné pour tâche de faire ; it was hard work doing ça a été dur de faire ; to be hard at work travailler consciencieusement ; your essay needs more work tu dois travailler davantage ta rédaction ; there's still a lot of work to be done il reste encore beaucoup à faire ; I've got work to do j'ai du travail à faire ; to make short ou light work of sth expédier qch ; to make short work of sb envoyer promener qn ; it's all in a day's work c'est une question d'habitude ; ‘good ou nice work’ ( on written work) ‘bon travail’ ; ( orally) ‘c'est bien!’ ; it's hot/thirsty work ça donne chaud/soif ;2 ( occupation) travail m ; to be in work avoir du travail or un emploi ; to look for work chercher du travail ; day/night work travail de jour/nuit ; place of work lieu m de travail ; to start ou begin work ( daily) commencer le travail ; ( for the first time) commencer à travailler ; to stop work ( at the end of the day) terminer son travail ; ( on retirement) cesser de travailler ; to be off work ( on vacation) être en congé ; to be off work with flu être en arrêt de travail parce qu'on a la grippe ; to be out of work être au chômage ; nice work if you can get it ○ ! c'est une bonne planque ○ ! ;3 ( place of employment) ( office) bureau m ; ( factory) usine f ; to go to work aller au travail ; don't phone me at work ne me téléphone pas à mon travail ; there's a canteen at work il y a une cantine à mon travail ;4 (building, construction) travaux mpl (on sur) ;5 ( papers) to take one's work home lit emporter du travail chez soi ; fig ramener ses soucis professionnels à sa famille ; spread your work out on the table étale tes papiers sur la table ;6 (achievement, product) (essay, report) travail m ; (artwork, novel, sculpture) œuvre f (by de) ; ( study) ouvrage m (by de ; on sur) ; an exhibition of work by young artists une exposition d'œuvres de jeunes artistes ; he sells his work to tourists il vend ses créations aux touristes ; is this all your own work? est-ce que vous l'avez fait tout seul? ; to mark students' work noter les devoirs des étudiants ; his work isn't up to standard son travail n'a pas le niveau requis ; the research was the work of a team la recherche était l'œuvre d'une équipe ; a work of genius une œuvre de génie ; a work of fiction une œuvre de fiction ; a work of reference un ouvrage de référence ; this attack is the work of professionals l'attaque est l'œuvre de professionnels ; I hope you're pleased with your work! iron j'espère que tu es fier de ton œuvre! iron ; the works of Shakespeare/Flaubert l'œuvre m de Shakespeare/Flaubert ;7 Phys travail m ;8 ( research) recherches fpl (on sur) ; there is still a lot of work to be done on the virus il y a encore beaucoup de recherches à faire sur le virus ;9 ( effect) to go to work [drug, detergent] agir ; the weedkiller has done its work l'herbicide a été efficace.3 ○ ( everything) the (full ou whole) works toute la panoplie ○.D vtr1 ( drive) to work sb hard surmener qn ;2 ( labour) to work shifts travailler en équipes (de travail posté) ; to work days/nights travailler de jour/de nuit ; to work one's passage Naut travailler pour payer son voyage ; to work one's way through university travailler pour payer ses études ; to work one's way through a book/document lire un livre/document ; to work a 40 hour week faire la semaine de 40 heures ;3 ( operate) se servir de [computer, equipment, lathe] ;4 ( exploit commercially) exploiter [oil-field, land, mine, seam] ;5 ( have as one's territory) [representative] couvrir [region] ; beggars/prostitutes work the streets around the station les mendiants/prostituées occupent les rues autour de la gare ;6 ( consume) to work one's way through ( use) utiliser [amount, quantity] ; to work one's way through two whole cakes manger deux gâteaux entiers ;7 ( bring about) to work wonders/miracles lit, fig faire des merveilles/miracles ; the landscape started to work its magic on me la magie du paysage a commencé à faire effet ;8 ( use to one's advantage) to work the system profiter du système ; can you work it for me to get tickets? peux-tu t'arranger pour m'avoir des billets? ; how did you manage to work it? comment as-tu pu arranger ça? ; I've worked things so that… j'ai arrangé les choses de sorte que… (+ subj) ;9 ( fashion) travailler [clay, dough, gold, iron] ; to work sth to a soft consistency travailler qch pour le rendre malléable ; to work gold into jewellery travailler l'or pour en faire des bijoux ;11 ( manoeuvre) to work sth into introduire qch dans [slot, hole] ; to work a lever up and down actionner un levier ;12 ( exercise) faire travailler [muscles, biceps] ;13 ( move) to work one's way through se frayer un passage à travers [crowd] ; to work one's way along avancer le long de [ledge, sill] ; to work one's hands free se libérer les mains ; to work the rope loose desserrer la corde ; it worked its way loose, it worked itself loose il s'est desserré peu à peu ; to work its way into passer dans [bloodstream, system, food, chain] ; start at the top and work your way down commencez par le haut et continuez jusqu'en bas.E vi1 ( engage in activity) travailler (doing à faire) ; to work at the hospital/the factory travailler à l'hôpital/l'usine ; to work at home travailler à domicile ; to work as a midwife/teacher travailler comme sage-femme/professeur ; to work for sb travailler pour qn ; to work for Grant and Company travailler pour la Société Grant ; to work in advertising/publishing travailler dans la publicité/l'édition ; to work with young people travailler avec les jeunes ; to work for a living gagner sa vie ; to work in oils/watercolours [artist] travailler à l'huile/l'aquarelle ;2 ( strive) lutter (against contre ; for pour ; to do pour faire) ; to work against corruption lutter contre la corruption ; to work towards se diriger vers [solution] ; s'acheminer vers [compromise] ; négocier [agreement] ;3 ( function) [equipment, machine] fonctionner, marcher ; [institution, system, heart, brain] fonctionner ; to work on electricity/on gas marcher or fonctionner à l'électricité/au gaz ; to work off the mains marcher sur le secteur ; the washing machine isn't working la machine à laver est en panne or ne marche pas ;4 (act, operate) it doesn't ou things don't work like that ça ne marche pas comme ça ; to work on the assumption that présumer que ; to work in sb's favour, to work to sb's advantage tourner à l'avantage de qn ; to work against sb, to work to sb's disadvantage jouer en la défaveur de qn ;5 ( be successful) [treatment] avoir de l'effet ; [detergent, drug] agir (against contre ; on sur) ; [spell] agir ; [plan, plot] réussir ; [argument, hypothesis] tenir debout ; flattery won't work with me la flatterie ne marche pas avec moi ; the adaptation really works l'adaptation est vraiment réussie ; I didn't think the novel would work as a film je ne pensais pas qu'on pouvait tirer un bon film de ce roman ;6 ( move) [face, features] se contracter.F v refl2 ( rouse) to work oneself into a rage se mettre en colère ; to work oneself into a frenzy ( with anger) se mettre en rage ; ( with hysteria) devenir hystérique.to work one's way up gravir tous les échelons ; to work one's way up the company faire son chemin dans l'entreprise.■ work around:▶ work around to [sth] aborder [subject] ; it took him ages to work around to what he wanted to say il lui a fallu un temps fou pour exprimer ce qu'il avait à dire ; to work the conversation around to sth faire tourner la conversation autour de qch ; to work around to telling sb sth parvenir à dire qch à qn.■ work in:▶ work in [sth], work [sth] in2 Culin incorporer [ingredient].■ work off:▶ work [sth] off, work off [sth]2 ( repay) travailler pour rembourser [loan, debt] ;3 ( get rid of) se débarrasser de [excess weight] ; dépenser [excess energy] ; passer [anger, frustration].■ work on:▶ work on continuer à travailler ;▶ work on [sb] travailler ○ ;▶ work on [sth] travailler à [book, report] ; travailler sur [project] ; s'occuper de [case, problem] ; chercher [cure, solution] ; examiner [idea, theory] ; I'm working on a way of doing je cherche une façon de faire ; ‘have you found a solution?’-‘I'm working on it’ ‘as-tu trouvé une solution?’-‘j'y réfléchis’ ; he's working on his French il travaille son français ; we've got no clues to work on nous n'avons aucun indice.■ work out:▶ work out1 ( exercise) s'entraîner ;2 ( go according to plan) [plan, marriage] marcher ; I hope things work out for them j'espère que ça marchera pour eux ;▶ work out [sth], work [sth] out1 ( calculate) calculer [answer, average, total] ;2 ( solve) trouver [answer, reason, culprit] ; résoudre [riddle, problem] ; comprendre [clue] ; to work out why/when/where comprendre pourquoi/quand/où ; to work out what sth means comprendre qch ;4 Admin to work out one's notice faire son mois de préavis ;5 ( exhaust) épuiser [mine, soil] ;▶ work [sb] out comprendre ; I can't work her out je ne la comprendrai jamais.■ work over ○:▶ work [sb] over passer [qn] à tabac ○.■ work to:▶ work to [sth] s'astreindre à [budget] ; to work to deadlines travailler avec des objectifs ; to work to tight deadlines avoir des délais très serrés.■ work up:▶ work up [sth] développer [interest] ; accroître [support] ; to work up the courage to do trouver le courage de faire ; to work up some enthusiasm for s'enthousiasmer pour ; to work up an appetite s'ouvrir l'appétit ;▶ work up to [sth] se préparer à [announcement, confession, confrontation] ; the music is working up to a climax la musique va crescendo pour finir en apothéose ;▶ work up [sb], work [sb] up1 ( excite) exciter [child, crowd] ; to work sb up into a frenzy rendre qn énervé ; to work sb up into a rage mettre qn en colère ;2 ( annoy) énerver ; to get worked up s'énerver ; to work oneself up s'énerver ; to work oneself up into a state se mettre dans tous ses états ; to get oneself all worked up over ou about se mettre dans tous ses états au sujet de. -
23 work
work [wɜ:k]travail ⇒ 1 (a)-(e), 1 (g) œuvre ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (f) besogne ⇒ 1 (b) emploi ⇒ 1 (c) ouvrage ⇒ 1 (f) recherches ⇒ 1 (g) travailler ⇒ 2A (a)-(e), 3A (b), 3A (c), 3A (e), 3C (a) fonctionner ⇒ 2B (a) marcher ⇒ 2B (a), 2B (b) réussir ⇒ 2B (b) agir ⇒ 2B (c), 2B (d) faire travailler ⇒ 3A (a) faire marcher ⇒ 3B (a) façonner ⇒ 3C (a) mécanisme ⇒ 4 1 (a) travaux ⇒ 4 1 (b) usine ⇒ 4 2 (a)1 noun(a) (effort, activity) travail m, œuvre f;∎ computers take some of the work out of filing les ordinateurs facilitent le classement;∎ this report needs more work il y a encore du travail à faire sur ce rapport, ce rapport demande plus de travail;∎ she's done a lot of work for charity elle a beaucoup travaillé pour des associations caritatives;∎ it will take a lot of work to make a team out of them ça va être un drôle de travail de faire d'eux une équipe;∎ keep up the good work! continuez comme ça!;∎ nice or good work! c'est du bon travail!, bravo!;∎ that's fine work or a fine piece of work c'est du beau travail;∎ your work has been useful vous avez fait du travail utile;∎ work on the tunnel is to start in March (existing tunnel) les travaux sur le tunnel doivent commencer en mars; (new tunnel) la construction du tunnel doit commencer en mars;∎ work in progress Administration travail en cours; Accountancy travaux mpl en cours, inventaire m de production; (sign) travaux en cours;∎ she put a lot of work into that book elle a beaucoup travaillé sur ce livre;∎ to make work for sb compliquer la vie à qn;∎ to start work, to set to work se mettre au travail;∎ she set or she went to work on the contract elle a commencé à travailler sur le contrat;∎ he set to work undermining their confidence il a entrepris de saper leur confiance;∎ I set him to work (on) painting the kitchen je lui ai donné la cuisine à peindre;∎ they put him to work in the kitchen ils l'ont mis au travail dans la cuisine;∎ let's get (down) to work! (mettons-nous) au travail!;∎ proverb all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy beaucoup de travail et peu de loisirs ne réussissent à personne(b) (duty, task) travail m, besogne f;∎ I've got loads of work to do j'ai énormément de travail à faire;∎ she gave us too much work elle nous a donné trop de travail;∎ he's trying to get some work done il essaie de travailler un peu;∎ they do their work well ils travaillent bien, ils font du bon travail;∎ it's hard work c'est du travail, ce n'est pas facile;∎ it's thirsty work ça donne soif;∎ to make short or light work of sth expédier qch;∎ figurative to make short work of sb ne faire qu'une bouchée de qn;∎ familiar it's nice work if you can get it! c'est une bonne planque, encore faut-il la trouver!(c) (paid employment) travail m, emploi m;∎ what (kind of) work do you do? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?, quel travail faites-vous?;∎ I do translation work je suis traducteur, je fais des traductions;∎ to find work trouver du travail;∎ to look for work chercher du travail ou un emploi;∎ to be in work travailler, avoir un emploi;∎ to be out of work être au chômage ou sans travail ou sans emploi;∎ he had a week off work (holiday) il a pris une semaine de vacances; (illness) il n'est pas allé au travail pendant une semaine;∎ to take time off work prendre des congés;∎ she's off work today elle ne travaille pas aujourd'hui;∎ to do a full day's work faire une journée entière de travail;∎ I go to work by bus je vais au travail en bus;∎ I'm late for work je suis en retard pour le travail;∎ he's a friend from work c'est un collègue;∎ where is your (place of) work? où travaillez-vous?, quel est votre lieu de travail?;∎ on her way home from work en rentrant du travail(e) (papers, material etc being worked on) travail m;∎ to take work home prendre du travail à la maison;∎ her work was all over the table son travail était étalé sur la table∎ it's all my own work j'ai tout fait moi-même;∎ it's an interesting piece of work (gen) c'est un travail intéressant; Art, Literature & Music c'est une œuvre intéressante;∎ very detailed/delicate work (embroidery, carving etc) ouvrage très détaillé/délicat;∎ these formations are the work of the wind ces formations sont l'œuvre du vent;∎ the silversmith sells much of his work to hotels l'orfèvre vend une grande partie de ce qu'il fait ou de son travail à des hôtels;∎ the complete works of Shakespeare les œuvres complètes ou l'œuvre de Shakespeare;∎ a new work on Portugal un nouvel ouvrage sur le Portugal;∎ a work of art une œuvre d'art;∎ works of fiction des ouvrages de fiction(g) (research) travail m, recherches fpl;∎ there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject peu de travail a été fait ou peu de recherches ont été faites sur le sujet∎ good works bonnes œuvres fpl;∎ each man will be judged by his works chaque homme sera jugé selon ses œuvres;∎ charitable works actes mpl de charité, actes mpl charitables;∎ the murder is the work of a madman le meurtre est l'œuvre d'un fou∎ wait until the medicine has done its work attendez que le médicament ait agi ou ait produit son effetA.(a) (exert effort on a specific task, activity etc) travailler;∎ we worked for hours cleaning the house nous avons passé des heures à faire le ménage;∎ they worked in the garden ils ont fait du jardinage;∎ we work hard nous travaillons dur;∎ she's working on a novel just now elle travaille à un roman en ce moment;∎ a detective is working on this case un détective est sur cette affaire;∎ he works at or on keeping himself fit il fait de l'exercice pour garder la forme;∎ we have to work to a deadline nous devons respecter des délais dans notre travail;∎ we have to work to a budget nous devons travailler avec un certain budget;∎ I've worked with the handicapped before j'ai déjà travaillé avec les handicapés;∎ I work with the Spanish on that project je travaille (en collaboration) avec les Espagnols sur ce projet(b) (be employed) travailler;∎ he works as a teacher il a un poste d'enseignant;∎ I work in advertising je travaille dans la publicité;∎ who do you work for? chez qui est-ce que vous travaillez?;∎ she works in or for a bank elle travaille dans ou pour une banque;∎ I work a forty-hour week je travaille quarante heures par semaine, je fais une semaine de quarante heures;∎ to work for a living travailler pour gagner sa vie;∎ Industry to work to rule faire la grève du zèle∎ to work for a good cause travailler pour une bonne cause;∎ they're working for better international relations ils s'efforcent d'améliorer les relations internationales∎ you're going to have to work if you want to pass the exam il va falloir que tu travailles ou que tu étudies si tu veux avoir ton examen(e) (use a specified substance) travailler;∎ this sculptor works in or with copper ce sculpteur travaille avec le cuivre;∎ she has always worked in or with watercolours elle a toujours travaillé avec de la peinture à l'eauB.(a) (function, operate → machine, brain, system) fonctionner, marcher;∎ the lift doesn't work at night l'ascenseur ne marche pas la nuit;∎ the lift never works l'ascenseur est toujours en panne;∎ the radio works off batteries la radio fonctionne avec des piles;∎ a pump worked by hand une pompe actionnée à la main ou manuellement;∎ they soon got or had it working ils sont vite parvenus à le faire fonctionner;∎ she sat still, her brain or her mind working furiously elle était assise immobile, le cerveau en ébullition;∎ figurative everything worked smoothly tout s'est déroulé comme prévu;∎ your idea just won't work ton idée ne peut pas marcher;∎ this relationship isn't working cette relation ne marche pas;∎ that argument works both ways ce raisonnement est à double tranchant;∎ how does the law work exactly? comment la loi fonctionne-t-elle exactement?(b) (produce results, succeed) marcher, réussir;∎ it worked brilliantly ça a très bien marché;∎ their scheme didn't work leur complot a échoué;∎ that/flattery won't work with me ça/la flatterie ne prend pas avec moi(c) (drug, medicine) agir, produire ou faire son effet∎ the acid works as a catalyst l'acide agit comme ou sert de catalyseur;∎ events have worked against us/in our favour les événements ont agi contre nous/en notre faveur;∎ I'm working on the assumption that they'll sign the contract je pars du principe qu'ils signeront le contratC.∎ to work loose se desserrer;∎ to work free se libérer;∎ the nail worked through the sole of my shoe le clou est passé à travers la semelle de ma chaussure(b) (face, mouth) se contracter, se crisperA.(a) (worker, employee, horse) faire travailler;∎ the boss works his staff hard le patron exige beaucoup de travail de ses employés;∎ you work yourself too hard tu te surmènes;∎ to work oneself to death se tuer à la tâche;∎ to work one's fingers to the bone s'user au travail∎ they worked their passage to India ils ont payé leur passage en Inde en travaillant;∎ I worked my way through college j'ai travaillé pour payer mes études à l'université∎ he works the southern sales area il travaille pour le service commercial de la région sud;∎ the pollster worked both sides of the street le sondeur a enquêté des deux côtés de la rue;∎ figurative the candidate worked the crowd le candidat s'efforçait de soulever l'enthousiasme de la foule;∎ a real-estate agent who works the phones un agent immobilier qui fait de la prospection par téléphone;∎ she works the bars (prostitute) elle travaille dans les bars(d) (achieve, accomplish)∎ the new policy will work major changes la nouvelle politique opérera ou entraînera des changements importants;∎ the story worked its magic or its charm on the public l'histoire a enchanté le public;∎ to work a spell on sb jeter un sort à qn;∎ to work miracles faire ou accomplir des miracles;∎ to work wonders faire merveille;∎ she has worked wonders with the children elle a fait des merveilles avec les enfantsB.∎ this switch works the furnace ce bouton actionne ou commande la chaudière;∎ he knows how to work the drill il sait se servir de la perceuse∎ I worked the handle up and down j'ai remué la poignée de haut en bas;∎ to work one's hands free parvenir à dégager ses mains;∎ she worked the ropes loose elle a réussi à desserrer les cordes petit à petit∎ I worked my way along the ledge j'ai longé la saillie avec précaution;∎ he worked his way down/up the cliff il a descendu/monté la falaise lentement;∎ the beggar worked his way towards us le mendiant s'est approché de nous;∎ they worked their way through the list ils ont traité chaque élément de la liste tour à tour;∎ he's worked his way through the whole grant il a épuisé toute la subvention;∎ a band of rain working its way across the country un front de pluie qui traverse le pays;∎ they have worked themselves into a corner ils se sont mis dans une impasse∎ she managed to work a few days off elle s'est arrangée ou s'est débrouillée pour avoir quelques jours de congé;∎ I worked it or worked things so that she's never alone j'ai fait en sorte qu'elle ou je me suis arrangé pour qu'elle ne soit jamais seuleC.(a) (shape → leather, metal, stone) travailler, façonner; (→ clay, dough) travailler, pétrir; (→ object, sculpture) façonner; Sewing (design, initials) broder;∎ she worked the silver into earrings elle a travaillé l'argent pour en faire des boucles d'oreilles;∎ she worked a figure out of the wood elle a sculpté une silhouette dans le bois;∎ the flowers are worked in silk les fleurs sont brodées en soie;∎ work the putty into the right consistency travaillez le mastic pour lui donner la consistance voulue∎ gently work the cream into your hands massez-vous les mains pour faire pénétrer la crème;∎ work the dye into the surface of the leather faites pénétrer la teinture dans le cuir(c) (excite, provoke)∎ the orator worked the audience into a frenzy l'orateur a enflammé ou a galvanisé le public;∎ she worked herself into a rage elle s'est mise dans une colère noire4 works∎ familiar to foul up or to gum up the works tout foutre en l'air∎ road works travaux mpl; (sign) travaux;∎ Minister/Ministry of Works ministre m/ministère m des Travaux publics2 noun∎ a printing works une imprimerie;∎ a gas works une usine à gaz;∎ price ex works prix m sortie usine∎ the (whole) works tout le bataclan ou le tralala;∎ they had eggs, bacon, toast, the works ils mangeaient des œufs, du bacon, du pain grillé, tout, quoi!;∎ American to shoot the works jouer le grand jeu;∎ American we shot the works on the project nous avons mis le paquet sur le projet;∎ to give sb the works (special treatment) dérouler le tapis rouge pour qn; (beating) passer qn à tabac5 at work∎ to be at work on sth/(on) doing sth travailler (à) qch/à faire qch;∎ he's at work on a new book il travaille à un nouveau livre;∎ they're hard at work painting the house ils sont en plein travail, ils repeignent la maison∎ there are several factors at work here il y a plusieurs facteurs qui entrent en jeu ou qui jouent ici;∎ there are evil forces at work des forces mauvaises sont en action2 adverb∎ she's at work (gen) elle est au travail; (office) elle est au bureau; (factory) elle est à l'usine;∎ I'll phone you at work je t'appellerai au travail;∎ we met at work on s'est connus au travailworks band fanfare m (d'une entreprise);American work coat blouse f;works committee, works council comité m d'entreprise;work ethic = exaltation des valeurs liées au travail;work experience stage m (en entreprise);∎ the course includes two months' work experience le programme comprend un stage en entreprise de deux mois;American work farm = camp de travail forcé où les détenus travaillent la terre;Computing work file fichier m de travail;work flow déroulement m des opérations;work group groupe m de travail;works manager directeur(trice) m,f d'usine;work permit permis m de travail;Computing work sheet feuille f de travail;∎ I need more work space j'ai besoin de plus d'espace pour travailler;work surface surface f de travail;American work week semaine f de travailtravailler;∎ while he worked away at fixing the furnace tandis qu'il travaillait à réparer la chaudière;∎ we worked away all evening nous avons passé la soirée à travaillerglisser;∎ her socks had worked down around her ankles ses chaussettes étaient tombées sur ses chevilles(a) (incorporate) incorporer;∎ work the ointment in thoroughly faites bien pénétrer la pommade;∎ Cookery work the butter into the flour incorporez le beurre à la farine∎ he worked in a few sly remarks about the boss il a réussi à glisser quelques réflexions sournoises sur le patron;∎ I'll try and work the translation in some time this week (into schedule) j'essayerai de (trouver le temps de) faire la traduction dans le courant de la semaine(a) (dispose of → fat, weight) se débarrasser de, éliminer; (→ anxiety, frustration) passer, assouvir;∎ I worked off my excess energy chopping wood j'ai dépensé mon trop-plein d'énergie en cassant du bois;∎ he worked off his tensions by running il s'est défoulé en faisant du jogging;∎ to work off one's anger on sb passer sa colère sur qn(b) (debt, obligation)∎ it took him three months to work off his debt il a dû travailler trois mois pour rembourser son emprunt➲ work on∎ we've been working on him but he still won't go nous avons essayé de le persuader mais il ne veut toujours pas y aller;∎ I'll work on her je vais m'occuper d'elle(b) (task, problem)∎ the police are working on who stole the jewels la police s'efforce de retrouver celui qui a volé les bijoux;∎ he's been working on his breaststroke/emotional problems il a travaillé sa brasse/essayé de résoudre ses problèmes sentimentaux;∎ have you got any ideas? - I'm working on it as-tu des idées? - je cherche∎ have you any data to work on? avez-vous des données sur lesquelles vous fonder?(continue to work) continuer à travailler➲ work out(a) (discharge fully) acquitter en travaillant;∎ to work out one's notice faire son préavis∎ I work it out at £22 d'après mes calculs, ça fait 22 livres∎ have they worked out their differences? est-ce qu'ils ont réglé ou résolu leurs différends?;∎ I'm sure we can work this thing out (your problem) je suis sûr que nous pouvons arranger ça; (our argument) je suis sûr que nous finirons par nous mettre d'accord;∎ things will work themselves out les choses s'arrangeront toutes seules ou d'elles-mêmes∎ to work out a solution trouver une solution;∎ have you worked out yet when it's due to start? est-ce que tu sais quand ça doit commencer?;∎ she had it all worked out elle avait tout planifié;∎ we worked out an easier route nous avons trouvé un itinéraire plus facile(e) (figure out) arriver à comprendre;∎ I finally worked out why he was acting so strangely j'ai enfin découvert ou compris pourquoi il se comportait si bizarrement;∎ the dog had worked out how to open the door le chien avait compris comment ouvrir la porte;∎ I can't work her out je n'arrive pas à la comprendre;∎ I can't work their relationship out leurs rapports me dépassent(f) (mine, well) épuiser∎ it depends on how things work out ça dépend de la façon dont les choses se passent;∎ the trip worked out as planned le voyage s'est déroulé comme prévu;∎ I wonder how it will all work out je me demande comment tout cela va s'arranger;∎ it all worked out for the best tout a fini par s'arranger pour le mieux;∎ but it didn't work out that way mais il en a été tout autrement;∎ it worked out badly for them les choses ont mal tourné pour eux∎ she worked out fine as personnel director elle s'est bien débrouillée comme directeur du personnel;∎ are things working out for you OK? est-ce que ça se passe bien pour toi?;∎ did the new job work out? ça a marché pour le nouveau boulot?;∎ it didn't work out between them les choses ont plutôt mal tourné entre eux;∎ their project didn't work out leur projet est tombé à l'eau∎ how much does it all work out at? ça fait combien en tout?;∎ the average price for an apartment works out to or at $5,000 per square metre le prix moyen d'un appartement s'élève ou revient à 5000 dollars le mètre carré;∎ that works out at three hours a week ça fait trois heures par semaine;∎ electric heating works out expensive le chauffage électrique revient cher∎ the wind worked round to the north le vent a tourné au nord petit à petit∎ he finally worked round to the subject of housing il a fini par aborder le sujet du logement;∎ what's she working round to? où veut-elle en venir?∎ (bring round) I worked the conversation round to my salary j'ai amené la conversation sur la question de mon salaire∎ we worked our way through the crowd nous nous sommes frayé un chemin à travers la foule;∎ he worked his way through the book il a lu le livre du début à la fin;∎ figurative I worked the problem through j'ai étudié le problème sous tous ses aspects∎ she worked through lunch elle a travaillé pendant l'heure du déjeuner∎ he worked through his emotional problems il a réussi à assumer ses problèmes affectifs➲ work up(a) (stir up, rouse) exciter, provoquer;∎ he worked up the crowd il a excité la foule;∎ he worked the crowd up into a frenzy il a rendu la foule frénétique;∎ he works himself up or he gets himself worked up over nothing il s'énerve pour rien;∎ she had worked herself up into a dreadful rage elle s'était mise dans une rage terrible∎ I want to work these ideas up into an article je veux développer ces idées pour en faire un article;∎ to work up an appetite se mettre en appétit;∎ we worked up a sweat/a thirst playing tennis jouer au tennis nous a donné chaud/soif;∎ I can't work up any enthusiasm for this work je n'arrive pas à avoir le moindre enthousiasme pour ce travail;∎ he tried to work up an interest in the cause il a essayé de s'intéresser à la cause∎ to work one's way up faire son chemin;∎ she worked her way up from secretary to managing director elle a commencé comme secrétaire et elle a fait son chemin jusqu'au poste de P-DG;∎ I worked my way up from nothing je suis parti de rien(a) (clothing) remonter∎ the film was working up to a climax le film approchait de son point culminant;∎ things were working up to a crisis une crise se préparait, on était au bord d'une crise;∎ she's working up to what she wanted to ask elle en vient à ce qu'elle voulait demander;∎ what are you working up to? où veux-tu en venir? -
24 work out
1) ( exercise) s'entraîner2) ( go according to plan) marcher3) ( add up)to work out at GB ou to US — s'élever à
work out [something], work [something] out4) ( calculate) calculer [amount]5) ( solve) trouver [answer, reason, culprit]; résoudre [problem]; comprendre [clue]6) ( devise) concevoir [plan, scheme]; trouver [route]work [somebody] out comprendre [person] -
25 ♦ work
♦ work /wɜ:k/n.1 [u] lavoro ( anche econ.); opera ( anche letteraria, ecc.); attività: DIALOGO → - Signing on with an agency- What sort of work are you looking for?, che genere di lavoro sta cercando?; Can you do this work alone?, puoi fare questo lavoro da solo?; a day's work, il lavoro d'una giornata; DIALOGO → - Computer problems- I've lost all this morning's work, ho perso tutto il lavoro di stamattina; to find (o to get) work, trovar lavoro; trovare da lavorare; A teacher does his work mainly at school, l'insegnante svolge la sua attività soprattutto a scuola; to go to work, andare al lavoro: I go to work by bus, vado al lavoro in autobus; My father is at work now, mio padre è al lavoro; ( USA) to be in work, essere in lavorazione; DIALOGO → - Dental fees- Are you in work?, ha un impiego?; to be looking for work, essere in cerca di lavoro; to be out of work, essere disoccupato; to finish work at 2 p.m., smettere di lavorare alle 14; to start work, cominciare a lavorare; to leave work early, uscire prima dal lavoro; to return to work, riprendere il lavoro; a piece of work, un lavoro; un oggetto lavorato: What a wonderful piece of work!, che magnifico lavoro!; to go (o to set) about one's work, mettersi a lavorare; intraprendere il proprio lavoro; to set sb. to work, mettere q. al lavoro; far lavorare q.; dirty work, lavoro pesante; ( anche) attività illegale; hard work, duro lavoro; seasonal work, lavoro stagionale2 ( arte, letter., mus., ecc.) opera ( anche in senso morale): a fine work of art, una bella opera d'arte; Shakespeare's complete (o collected) works, le opere complete di Shakespeare; works of mercy, opere di bene; atti di carità3 (pl.) (di solito col verbo al sing.) fabbrica; officina; opificio; stabilimento: The biggest works is outside the town, lo stabilimento più grande è fuori della città; a gas works, un'officina del gas4 (pl.) meccanismo; ingranaggio; congegno; movimento: The works need to be repaired, bisogna riparare il congegno; the works of a clock ( of a watch), il movimento di un orologio5 (pl.) opere, lavori (d'ingegneria); (mil.) fortificazioni: public works, opere di pubblica utilità; lavori pubblici; defensive works, opere di difesa; DIALOGO → - Being late- There are road works on the M1 and it's reduced to one lane, ci sono dei lavori sulla M1 e la strada è ridotta a una corsia8 (pl.) (fam.; = the full works, the whole work) tutto quanto; armi e bagagli; ogni cosa; ( di cibo) un po' di tutto; il menu completo● work area, zona lavoro □ (econ.) work by the day, lavoro a giornata; lavoro in economia □ (org. az.) works committee, commissione mista □ (ind.) work cycle, ciclo di lavorazione □ (econ.) work experience, esperienza di lavoro; esperienza professionale □ ( anche comput.) work group, gruppo di lavoro □ work-horse ► workhorse □ (org. az.) work hour, ora lavorativa □ work in hand (o in progress), lavoro in corso □ (sociol.) work-life balance, equilibrio tra lavoro e vita privata; equilibrio vita-lavoro □ (org. az.) work order, ordine (o buono) di lavorazione; commessa □ (leg.) work permit, permesso di lavoro □ work rate, quantità di lavoro; ( sport) mole di gioco svolto □ (econ.) work relief, sostegno all'occupazione □ work sheet, ► worksheet □ (cronot.) work standard, norma □ work station ► workstation □ (econ.) work stoppage, interruzione del lavoro □ (ind.) work study, studio dell'organizzazione del lavoro □ ( USA) work-study scholarship, borsa di studio con lavoro part-time □ work ticket = work order ► sopra □ all in the day's work, tutto regolare; roba d'ordinaria amministrazione □ at work, al lavoro, sul lavoro: safety at work, la sicurezza sul lavoro □ to be at the works, essere in fabbrica; essere in officina □ to be at work upon st., lavorare a qc.; essere occupato a fare qc. □ to have a hand in the work, avere le mani in pasta □ (fam.) to have one's work cut out, avere a mano un lavoro difficile; avere un bel da fare □ Keep up the good work!, bravo! continua così! □ to make short (o quick) work of, sbrigarsi a; sbarazzarsi di, far piazza pulita di: You have made short work of cleaning up the garden, ti sei sbrigato a pulire il giardino; I have made short work of him, mi sono sbarazzato di lui □ to set (o to get) to work, mettersi al lavoro; mettersi all'opera □ sexual discrimination at work, discriminazione sul lavoro in base al sesso; diversità di trattamento fra lavoratori e lavoratrici □ I have done a good day's work, ho fatto un bel po' di lavoro, oggi □ My work is in civil engineering (o as a civil engineer), faccio (di professione) l'ingegnere (civile) □ (prov.) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, il troppo lavoro rende noiosi.NOTA D'USO: - work o job?- ♦ (to) work /wɜ:k/A v. i.1 lavorare; operare; fare un lavoro: I've been working all day, è tutto il giorno che lavoro; He isn't working at present, non sta lavorando ora; ( anche) al momento è senza lavoro (o è disoccupato); to work hard, lavorar sodo; to work alongside sb., lavorare a fianco di q.; The new cook works well, il nuovo cuoco fa bene il suo lavoro; He was given the Nobel Prize because he had worked so hard for peace, ha ricevuto il premio Nobel per aver tanto operato per la pace; DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 1- Where do you work?, dove lavori?2 funzionare ( anche fig.); fare effetto; essere efficace; andare: to work on electricity, funzionare (o andare) con la corrente (elettrica); DIALOGO → - Power cut- The fridge has stopped working, il frigo ha smesso di funzionare; I don't think your idea will work, non credo che la tua idea funzionerà; The remedy didn't work, il rimedio non ha funzionato; The plan worked very well, il piano ha avuto un buon esito3 penetrare (con difficoltà): The worm worked ( its way) into the wood, il tarlo è penetrato nel legno4 lavorarsi, manipolarsi ( bene, male, ecc.): This clay works easily, quest'argilla si manipola bene5 (fig.) maturare; fermentare: Let the idea work in your mind, lascia che l'idea ti fermenti in testa6 contrarsi; distorcersi: Mr Hyde's features began to work in an awful manner, i lineamenti di Mr Hyde cominciarono a distorcersi in modo orrendo7 (naut.) manovrare a fatica8 (mecc., naut.) allentarsi; allascarsi; avere gioco11 (naut.) bordeggiare; navigare controventoB v. t.1 lavorare; foggiare; plasmare; manipolare: to work the soil, lavorare la terra; ( cucina) to work butter [dough] well, lavorar bene il burro [la pasta]; to work clay, manipolare l'argilla; to work iron, foggiare il ferro2 far lavorare: He works his players hard [non stop], fa lavorare sodo [senza tregua] i suoi giocatori3 far funzionare; azionare; manovrare; condurre: to work a machine, far funzionare una macchina; to be worked by electricity, essere azionato dall'elettricità; andare con la corrente (elettrica); to work an engine, manovrare una locomotiva; He worked the train from London to Liverpool, condusse il treno (fece da macchinista sul treno) da Londra a Liverpool4 (tecn.) comandare: This gadget works the whole burglar-alarm, questo aggeggio comanda l'intero antifurto5 operare; causare; produrre; provocare; compiere; esercitare; fare: Automation has worked ( o wrought) many changes in the car industry, l'automazione ha operato molti cambiamenti nell'industria automobilistica; The storm worked great ruin, la tempesta ha causato gravi danni; to work mischief, provocare (o fare) danni6 (org. az.) dirigere; essere a capo di8 (econ.) sfruttare, coltivare ( una miniera): to work a coal mine, sfruttare una miniera di carbone9 operare, ricamare; fare ( cucendo o ricamando): to work one's initials on the linen, ricamare le proprie iniziali sulla biancheria10 esercitare un influsso su (q.); convincere; indurre; persuadere: You should work him to your way of thinking, dovresti indurlo a condividere il tuo modo di vedere11 (fam.) sistemare; arrangiare (fam.); fare in modo: I'll work it so that you can come as well, farò in modo che anche tu possa venire; How did she work it?, come c'è riuscita?12 ( USA) fare ( un'operazione aritmetica); risolvere ( un problema); trovare, calcolare ( un risultato)15 (fam.) lavorarsi, manipolare, sfruttare (q.)● (comput.) to work at a distance, lavorare a distanza □ ( di un oratore, ecc.) to work the audience into enthusiasm, sollevare l'entusiasmo del pubblico □ ( di un principio, ecc.) to work both ways, valere nei due sensi (o per tutti e due) □ to work closely with sb., lavorare in stretta collaborazione con q. □ (comm.: di un commesso viaggiatore) to work a district, lavorare in una zona, fare una zona □ to work double tides, fare in un giorno il lavoro di due □ ( sport) to work the edges, agire sugli spigoli ( degli sci); spigolare □ to work free, (riuscire a) liberare, sciogliere: to work one's hands free, liberarsi le mani □ (econ.) to work full-time, lavorare a tempo pieno □ to work like a beaver, lavorare come un mulo; lavorare per dieci □ to work like a dog, lavorare come un mulo □ (mecc.) to work loose, allentare; allentarsi: The nut of the bolt has worked loose, s'è allentato il dado del bullone □ to work nights, fare il turno di notte □ to work overtime, fare lavoro straordinario; fare lo straordinario □ to work part-time, lavorare a tempo parziale (o ridotto) □ to work one's passage ( on a ship), pagarsi la traversata (su una nave) lavorando a bordo □ (leg.) to work a patent, sfruttare un brevetto □ to work in shifts, lavorare a turni □ to work a typewriter, scrivere a macchina; fare il dattilografo □ to work one's way through the crowd, farsi largo a fatica tra la folla □ to work wonders, fare miracoli □ (autom.) «Men working» ( cartello), «lavori in corso» □ It worked like a charm, la cosa andò (o tutto filò) a meraviglia; funzionò come d'incanto.NOTA D'USO: - to work for o to work at?- -
26 work
work [wɜ:k]1. n1) рабо́та; труд; заня́тие; де́ло;at work upon smth. быть за́нятым чем-л.
;in work име́ющий рабо́ту
;out of work безрабо́тный
;to set smb. to work дать рабо́ту, засади́ть за рабо́ту
;to set ( или to get) to work приня́ться за де́ло
;to have one's work cut out for one име́ть мно́го дел, забо́т, рабо́ты
;I've had my work cut out for me у меня́ дел по го́рло
2) произведе́ние, сочине́ние, труд;a work of art произведе́ние иску́сства
3) де́йствие, посту́пок;wild work ди́кий посту́пок
4) pl обще́ственные рабо́ты (тж. public works)5) обрабо́тка6) рукоде́лие, шитьё, вышива́ние7) pl механи́зм (особ. часов);there is something wrong with the works механи́зм не в поря́дке
8) pl техни́ческие сооруже́ния; строи́тельные рабо́ты9) pl библ. дела́, дея́ния10) (обыкн. pl) фортификацио́нные сооруже́ния, укрепле́ния11) броже́ние12) физ. рабо́та;unit of work едини́ца рабо́ты
13) attr. рабо́чий;work station ( или position) рабо́чее ме́сто ( у конвейера)
;work horse рабо́чая ло́шадь
◊all in the day's work в поря́дке веще́й; норма́льный
;to make hard work of smth. преувели́чивать тру́дности ( мероприятия и т.п.)
;it was the work of a moment to call him вы́звать его́ бы́ло де́лом одно́й мину́ты
;to make short work of smth., smb. (бы́стро) разде́латься с чем-л., распра́виться с кем-л.
;work to rule стро́гое выполне́ние усло́вий трудово́го соглаше́ния (коллекти́вного догово́ра и т.п.)
;to make sure work with smth. обеспе́чить свой контро́ль над чем-л.
;to get the works амер. ≅ попа́сть в переплёт
;to give smb. the works
а) разг. всё отда́ть или рассказа́ть кому́-л.;б) разг. взять кого́-л. в рабо́ту, гру́бо обраща́ться;в) сл. пусти́ть кого́-л. в оборо́т, уби́ть2. v ( в некоторых значениях past и p. p. wrought)1) рабо́тать, занима́ться (at — чем-л.);to work like a horse ( или a navvy, a nigger, a slave) рабо́тать как вол
;to work side by side with smb. те́сно сотру́дничать с кем-л.
;to work towards smth. спосо́бствовать чему́-л.
2) рабо́тать, быть специали́стом, рабо́тать в како́й-л. о́бласти3) стреми́ться (к чему-л.; for);to work for peace боро́ться за мир
5) заставля́ть рабо́тать;he worked them long hours он заставля́л их до́лго рабо́тать
6) (past и p. p. обыкн. wrought) обраба́тывать; отде́лывать; разраба́тывать;to work the soil обраба́тывать по́чву
;to work a vein разраба́тывать жи́лу
7) (past и p. p. тж. wrought) причиня́ть, вызыва́ть;to work changes вызыва́ть или производи́ть измене́ния
;to work miracles де́лать чудеса́
9) де́йствовать, быть или находи́ться в де́йствии;the pump will not work насо́с не рабо́тает
10) быть в движе́нии;his face worked with emotion его́ лицо́ подёргивалось от волне́ния
11) распу́тать, вы́простать (из чего-л.; обыкн. work loose, work free of)12) (past и p. p. часто wrought) (иску́сственно) приводи́ть себя́ в како́е-л. состоя́ние (тж. work up; into);to work oneself into a rage довести́ себя́ до исступле́ния
to work one's passage отрабо́тать свой прое́зд на парохо́де
15) занима́ться рукоде́лием, вышива́ть16) разг. испо́льзовать в свои́х це́лях17) де́йствовать, ока́зывать де́йствие; возыме́ть де́йствие (on, upon — на);the medicine did not work лека́рство не помогло́
19) пробива́ться, проника́ть, прокла́дывать себе́ доро́гу (тж. work in, work out, work through и др.);the dye works its way in кра́ска впи́тывается
;to work one's way прокла́дывать себе́ доро́гу; пробива́ться
20) разг. добива́ться (чего-л.) обма́нным путёмwork against де́йствовать про́тив;work away продолжа́ть рабо́тать;а) проника́ть, прокла́дывать себе́ доро́гу;б) вставля́ть, вводи́ть;he worked in a few jokes in his speech он вста́вил не́сколько шу́ток в свою́ речь
;в) соотве́тствовать;his plans do not work in with ours его́ пла́ны расхо́дятся с на́шими
;а) освободи́ться, отде́латься от чего-л.;to work off one's excess weight ≅ сбро́сить ли́шний вес, похуде́ть
;б) вымеща́ть;to work off one's bad temper on smb. срыва́ть своё плохо́е настрое́ние на ком-л.
;в) распрода́ть;а) реша́ть ( задачу);б) составля́ть, выража́ться ( в такой-то цифре);the costs work out at £50 изде́ржки составля́ют 50 фу́нтов сте́рлингов
;в) сраба́тывать; быть успе́шным, реа́льным;the plan worked out план оказа́лся реа́льным
;д) с трудо́м доби́ться;е) истоща́ть;ж) уст. отрабо́тать ( долг и т.п.);а) перераба́тывать;to work over a letter переде́лывать письмо́
;б) разг. изби́ть;а) обраба́тывать; отде́лывать, придава́ть зако́нченный вид;б) добива́ться, завоёвывать;to work up a reputation завоева́ть репута́цию
;в) возбужда́ть, вызыва́ть;to work up an appetite нагуля́ть себе́ аппети́т
;to work up a rebellion подстрека́ть к бу́нту
;г) сме́шивать ( составные части);д) собира́ть све́дения (по какому-л. вопросу);е) де́йствовать на кого-л.;work upon влия́ть (на что-л.);to work upon smb.'s conscience поде́йствовать на чью-л. со́весть
◊to work one's will уст. поступа́ть как взду́мается; де́лать по-сво́ему
;to work one's will upon smb. заставля́ть кого́-л. де́лать по-сво́ему
;to work against time стара́ться ко́нчить к определённому сро́ку
;to work it дости́гнуть це́ли
;it won't work ≅ э́тот но́мер не пройдёт; э́то не вы́йдет
;to work up to the curtain театр. игра́ть под за́навес
27 ■ work out
■ work outA v. t. + avv.2 calcolare; elaborare; risolvere: to work out a problem, risolvere un problema; to work out a scheme, elaborare un progetto; to work out the interest on a loan, calcolare l'interesse su un mutuo4 escogitare; inventare: to work out a new way of cutting expenditure, escogitare un modo nuovo di ridurre la spesa8 (fam.) capire, comprendere ( con qualche sforzo): to work out the meaning of a difficult passage, capire il significato di un brano difficile; DIALOGO → - New phone- I haven't quite worked out how to use all its functions yet, non ho ancora capito molto bene come si usano tutte le funzioniB v. i. + avv.1 ( di un oggetto incastrato) venire fuori ( a stento); uscire ( a fatica): In the end the thorn worked out of my finger, alla fine la spina mi è uscita dal dito3 (fam.: di un piano, ecc.) funzionare; andare ( bene, ecc.); andare a finire: Did his plan work out?, ha funzionato il suo piano?; Everything will work out for the best, tutto andrà a finire nel migliore dei modi5 ( di un atleta, un pugile, ecc.) allenarsi □ to work out one's fate, essere l'artefice del proprio destino □ (mat.) to work out a sum, fare una somma □ I'll work things out, metto a posto le cose io; ci penso io; sistemo tutto io □ Things are working out well for him, la faccenda (o l'affare) si mette bene per lui. -
28 work creation plan
29 work creation plan
work cre'a·tion plan n, work cre'a·tion scheme n( esp Brit) Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme[n] f[pl] -
30 plan of work
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > plan of work
31 work creation scheme
32 work cre'ation scheme
work cre'a·tion plan n, work cre'a·tion scheme n( esp Brit) Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme[n] f[pl] -
33 work plan
plan rada -
34 work schedule
35 work-sequence schedule
English-german engineering dictionary > work-sequence schedule
36 work surface
Dictionary of Engineering, architecture and construction > work surface
37 work flow schedule
plan m de travail -
38 work plane
English-French architecture and construction dictionary > work plane
39 work design
plan de trabajoEnglish-Spanish dictionary of labour protection > work design
40 work
1. noun1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) trabajo2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) trabajo3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) trabajo4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) obra5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) trabajo6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) trabajo
2. verb1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) trabajar2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) trabajar, tener empleo3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) funcionar4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) funcionar, dar resultados5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) progresar, desarrollar6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) volverse7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) trabajar, fabricar•- - work- workable
- worker
- works
3. noun plural1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.)2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) mecanismo•- work-box
- workbook
- workforce
- working class
- working day
- work-day
- working hours
- working-party
- work-party
- working week
- workman
- workmanlike
- workmanship
- workmate
- workout
- workshop
- at work
- get/set to work
- go to work on
- have one's work cut out
- in working order
- out of work
- work of art
- work off
- work out
- work up
- work up to
- work wonders
work1 n1. trabajo2. obrain work con trabajo / que tiene trabajoout of work sin trabajo / paradoto get to work / to set to work ponerse a trabajarwork2 vb1. trabajar2. funcionarhow do you work this machine? ¿cómo funciona esta máquina?tr[wɜːk]1 (gen) trabajohe put a lot of hard work into that project trabajó mucho en ese proyecto, puso mucho esfuerzo en ese proyecto2 (employment) empleo, trabajowhat sort of work do you do? ¿qué clase de trabajo haces?, ¿a qué te dedicas?what time do you leave work? ¿a qué hora sales del trabajo?3 (building work, roadworks) obras nombre femenino plural4 (product, results) trabajo, obra5 (literary etc) obra1 (person) hacer trabajar2 (machine) manejar; (mechanism) accionardo you know how to work the video? ¿sabes cómo hacer funcionar el vídeo?3 (mine, oil well) explotar; (land, fields) trabajar, cultivar4 (produce) hacer5 (wood, metal, clay) trabajar; (dough) amasar6 (make by work or effort) trabajar1 (gen) trabajarshe works hard at her homework trabaja mucho en sus deberes, pone mucho esfuerzo en sus deberes2 (machine, system) funcionarhow does this machine work? ¿cómo funciona esta máquina?3 (medicine, cleaner) surtir efecto, tener efecto; (plan) tener éxito, salir bien, funcionar, resultar4 (move)1 familiar (everything) todo, todo el tinglado\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLit's all in a/the day's work todo forma parte del trabajo, es el pan nuestro de cada díaall work and no play makes Jack a dull boy hay que divertirse de vez en cuandoit works both ways es una arma de doble filokeep up the good work! ¡que siga así!the forces at work los elementos en juegoto be in work tener trabajo, tener un empleoto be out of work estar en el paro, estar sin trabajo, estar parado,-ato get down/set to work ponerse a trabajar, poner manos a la obrato get worked up exaltarse, excitarse, ponerse nervioso,-ato give somebody the (full) works tratar a alguien a lo grandeto have one's work cut out to do something costarle a uno mucho trabajo hacer algoto make light/short work of something despachar algo deprisato work like a Trojan trabajar como un negroto work loose soltarse, aflojarseto work one's fingers to the bone dejarse los codos trabajandoto work oneself to death matarse trabajandoto work to rule hacer huelga de celopublic works obras nombre femenino plural públicaswork basket costurero, cesto de laborwork camp campamento de trabajowork experience experiencia laboralwork of art obra de artework permit permiso de trabajowork station SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL estación nombre femenino de trabajo, terminal nombre masculino de trabajowork surface encimera1) operate: trabajar, operarto work a machine: operar una máquina2) : lograr, conseguir (algo) con esfuerzoto work one's way up: lograr subir por sus propios esfuerzos3) effect: efectuar, llevar a cabo, obrar (milagros)4) make, shape: elaborar, fabricar, formara beautifully wrought vase: un florero bellamente elaborado5)to work up : estimular, excitardon't get worked up: no te agiteswork vi1) labor: trabajarto work full-time: trabajar a tiempo completo2) function: funcionar, servirwork adj: laboralwork n1) labor: trabajo m, labor f2) employment: trabajo m, empleo m3) task: tarea f, faena f4) deed: obra f, labor fworks of charity: obras de caridad5) : obra f (de arte o literatura)6) workmanship7) works nplfactory: fábrica f8) works nplmechanism: mecanismo mv.• andar v.• elaborar v.• funcionar v.• hacer funcionar v.• hacer trabajar v.• laborear v.• labrar v.• marchar v.• obrar v.• trabajar v.adj.• laborable adj.n.• chamba s.f.• fábrica s.f.• labor s.f.• mecanismo s.m.• obra s.f.• sobrehueso s.m.• trabajar s.m.• trabajo s.m.wɜːrk, wɜːk
1) u (labor, tasks) trabajo mthe house needs a lot of work done o (BrE) doing to it — la casa necesita muchos arreglos
she put a lot of work into it — puso mucho esfuerzo or empeño en ello
to set to work — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra
keep up the good work — sigue (or sigan etc) así!
it's all in a day's work — es el pan nuestro de cada día
to have one's work cut out: she's going to have her work cut out to get the job done in time le va a costar terminar el trabajo a tiempo; to make short work of something: Pete made short work of the ironing Pete planchó todo rapidísimo; you made short work of that pizza! te has despachado pronto la pizza!; all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy — hay que dejar tiempo para el esparcimiento
2) u ( employment) trabajo mto look for/find work — buscar*/encontrar* trabajo
to go to work — ir* a trabajar or al trabajo
they both go out to work — (BrE) los dos trabajan (afuera)
I start/finish work at seven — entro a trabajar or al trabajo/salgo del trabajo a las siete
3) (in phrases)at work: he's at work está en el trabajo, está en la oficina (or la fábrica etc); they were hard at work estaban muy ocupados trabajando; other forces were at work intervenían otros factores, había otros factores en juego; men at work obras, hombres trabajando; in work (BrE): those in work quienes tienen trabajo; off work: she was off work for a month after the accident después del accidente estuvo un mes sin trabajar; he took a day off work se tomó un día libre; out of work: the closures will put 1,200 people out of work los cierres dejarán en la calle a 1.200 personas; to be out of work estar* sin trabajo or desocupado or desempleado or (Chi tb) cesante, estar* parado or en el paro (Esp); (before n) out-of-work — desocupado, desempleado, parado (Esp), cesante (Chi)
4)a) c (product, single item) obra fb) u ( output) trabajo mit was the work of a professional — era obra de un profesional; see also works
1) \<\<person\>\> trabajarto get working — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra
to work hard — trabajar mucho or duro
to work AT something: you have to work at your service tiene que practicar el servicio; a relationship is something you have to work at una relación de pareja requiere cierto esfuerzo; she was working away at her accounts estaba ocupada con su contabilidad; to work FOR somebody trabajar para alguien; to work for oneself trabajar por cuenta propia; to work FOR something: fame didn't just come to me: I had to work for it la fama no me llegó del cielo, tuve que trabajar para conseguirla; he's working for his finals está estudiando or está preparándose para los exámenes finales; to work IN something: to work in marble trabajar el mármol or con mármol; to work in oils pintar al óleo, trabajar con óleos; to work ON something: he's working on his car está arreglando el coche; scientists are working on a cure los científicos están intentando encontrar una cura; she hasn't been fired yet, but she's working on it (hum) todavía no la han echado, pero parece empeñada en que lo hagan; we're working on the assumption that... partimos del supuesto de que...; the police had very little to work on la policía tenía muy pocas pistas; to work UNDER somebody — trabajar bajo la dirección de alguien
2)a) (operate, function) \<\<machine/system\>\> funcionar; \<\<drug/person\>\> actuar*to work against/in favor of somebody/something — obrar en contra/a favor de alguien/algo
it works both ways: you have to make an effort too, you know: it works both ways — tú también tienes que hacer el esfuerzo, ¿sabes? funciona igual or (esp AmL) parejo para los dos
b) ( have required effect) \<\<drug/plan/method\>\> surtir efectotry it, it might work — pruébalo, quizás resulte
these colors just don't work together — estos colores no pegan or no combinan
3) (slip, travel) (+ adv compl)his socks had worked down to his ankles — se le habían caído los calcetines; see also free I 1) c), loose I 1) b)
vt1)a) ( force to work) hacer* trabajarb) ( exploit) \<\<land/soil\>\> trabajar, labrar; \<\<mine\>\> explotarc) \<\<nightclubs/casinos\>\> trabajar end) ( pay for by working)2) ( cause to operate)do you know how to work the machine? — ¿sabes manejar la máquina?
3)a) (move gradually, manipulate) (+ adv compl)to work one's way: we worked our way toward the exit nos abrimos camino hacia la salida; I worked my way through volume three logré terminar el tercer volumen; she worked her way to the top of her profession — trabajó hasta llegar a la cima de su profesión
b) (shape, fashion) \<\<clay/metal\>\> trabajar; \<\<dough\>\> sobar, amasar4)a) (past & past p worked or wrought) ( bring about) \<\<miracle\>\> hacer*; see also wrought Ib) (manage, arrange) (colloq) arreglarshe worked it so that I didn't have to pay — se las arregló or se las ingenió para que yo no tuviera que pagar
•Phrasal Verbs:- work off- work out- work up[wɜːk]1. N1) (=activity) trabajo m; (=effort) esfuerzo m•
to be at work on sth — estar trabajando sobre algo•
work has begun on the new dam — se han comenzado las obras del nuevo embalse•
it's all in a day's work — es pan de cada día•
to do one's work — hacer su trabajo•
to get some work done — hacer algo (de trabajo)•
to get on with one's work — seguir trabajando•
it's hard work — es mucho trabajo, cuesta (trabajo)•
a piece of work — un trabajo•
she's put a lot of work into it — le ha puesto grandes esfuerzos•
to make quick work of sth/sb — despachar algo/a algn con rapidez•
to set to work — ponerse a trabajar•
to make short work of sth/sb — despachar algo/a algn con rapidez•
to start work — ponerse a trabajarnasty 1., 4)to have one's work cut out —
2) (=employment, place of employment) trabajo m"work wanted" — (US) "demandas de empleo"
to be at work — estar trabajandoaccidents at work — accidentes mpl laborales
to go to work — ir a trabajar•
to be in work — tener trabajo•
she's looking for work — está buscando trabajo•
it's nice work if you can get it — es muy agradable para los que tienen esa suerte•
I'm off work for a week — tengo una semana de permiso•
to be out of work — estar desempleado or parado or en paro•
to put sb out of work — dejar a algn sin trabajo•
on her way to work — camino del trabajo3) (=product, deed) obra f; (=efforts) trabajothis is the work of a professional/madman — esto es trabajo de un profesional/loco
what do you think of his work? — ¿qué te parece su trabajo?
his life's work — el trabajo al que ha dedicado su vida4) (Art, Literat etc) obra f•
a literary work — una obra literaria5) works [of machine, clock etc] mecanismo msing- bung or gum up the worksspannerMinistry of Works — Ministerio m de Obras Públicas
2. VI1) (gen) trabajar; (=be in a job) tener trabajo•
he is working at his German — está dándole al alemán•
she works in a bakery — trabaja en una panaderíahe works in education/publishing — trabaja en la enseñanza/el campo editorial
he prefers to work in wood/oils — prefiere trabajar la madera/con óleos
to work to rule — (Ind) estar en huelga de celo•
to work towards sth — trabajar or realizar esfuerzos para conseguir algo- work like a slave or Trojan etc2) (=function) [machine, car] funcionarmy brain doesn't seem to be working today — hum mi cerebro no funciona hoy como es debido
it may work against us — podría sernos desfavorable•
this can work both ways — esto puede ser un arma de doble filo•
to get sth working — hacer funcionar algo•
it works off the mains — funciona con la electricidad de la red3) (=be effective) [plan] salir, marchar; [drug, medicine, spell] surtir efecto, ser eficaz; [yeast] fermentarhow long does it take to work? — ¿cuánto tiempo hace falta para que empiece a surtir efecto?
the scheme won't work — el proyecto no es práctico, esto no será factible
it won't work, I tell you! — ¡te digo que no se puede (hacer)!
4) [mouth, face, jaws] moverse, torcerse5) (=move gradually)•
to work round to a question — preparar el terreno para preguntar algowhat are you working round to? — ¿adónde va a parar todo esto?, ¿qué propósito tiene todo esto?
3. VT1) (=make work) hacer trabajarto work o.s. to death — matarse trabajando
2) (=operate)can you work it? — ¿sabes manejarlo?
3) (=achieve) [+ change] producir, motivar; [+ cure] hacer, efectuar; [+ miracle] hacerwonder 1., 2)4) (Sew) coser; (Knitting) [+ row] hacer5) (=shape) [+ dough, clay] trabajar; [+ stone, marble] tallar, grabarworked flint — piedra f tallada
6) (=exploit) [+ mine] explotar; [+ land] cultivar7) (=manoeuvre)•
to work o.s. into a rage — ponerse furioso, enfurecerse•
to work one's way along — ir avanzando poco a pocoto work one's way up a cliff — escalar poco a poco or a duras penas un precipicio
to work one's way up to the top of a company — llegar a la dirección de una compañía por sus propios esfuerzos
8) (=finance)•
to work one's passage on a ship — costearse un viaje trabajando•
to work one's way through college — costearse los estudios universitarios trabajando4.CPDwork camp N — campamento m laboral
work ethic N — ética f del trabajo
work experience N — experiencia f laboral
work force N — (=labourers) mano f de obra; (=personnel) plantilla f
work in progress N — trabajo m en proceso
work permit N — permiso m de trabajo
work prospects NPL — [of student] perspectivas fpl de trabajo
work study N — práctica f estudiantil
work surface N — = worktop
work therapy N — laborterapia f, terapia f laboral
work week N — (US) semana f laboral
- work in- work off- work on- work out- work up* * *[wɜːrk, wɜːk]
1) u (labor, tasks) trabajo mthe house needs a lot of work done o (BrE) doing to it — la casa necesita muchos arreglos
she put a lot of work into it — puso mucho esfuerzo or empeño en ello
to set to work — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra
keep up the good work — sigue (or sigan etc) así!
it's all in a day's work — es el pan nuestro de cada día
to have one's work cut out: she's going to have her work cut out to get the job done in time le va a costar terminar el trabajo a tiempo; to make short work of something: Pete made short work of the ironing Pete planchó todo rapidísimo; you made short work of that pizza! te has despachado pronto la pizza!; all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy — hay que dejar tiempo para el esparcimiento
2) u ( employment) trabajo mto look for/find work — buscar*/encontrar* trabajo
to go to work — ir* a trabajar or al trabajo
they both go out to work — (BrE) los dos trabajan (afuera)
I start/finish work at seven — entro a trabajar or al trabajo/salgo del trabajo a las siete
3) (in phrases)at work: he's at work está en el trabajo, está en la oficina (or la fábrica etc); they were hard at work estaban muy ocupados trabajando; other forces were at work intervenían otros factores, había otros factores en juego; men at work obras, hombres trabajando; in work (BrE): those in work quienes tienen trabajo; off work: she was off work for a month after the accident después del accidente estuvo un mes sin trabajar; he took a day off work se tomó un día libre; out of work: the closures will put 1,200 people out of work los cierres dejarán en la calle a 1.200 personas; to be out of work estar* sin trabajo or desocupado or desempleado or (Chi tb) cesante, estar* parado or en el paro (Esp); (before n) out-of-work — desocupado, desempleado, parado (Esp), cesante (Chi)
4)a) c (product, single item) obra fb) u ( output) trabajo mit was the work of a professional — era obra de un profesional; see also works
1) \<\<person\>\> trabajarto get working — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra
to work hard — trabajar mucho or duro
to work AT something: you have to work at your service tiene que practicar el servicio; a relationship is something you have to work at una relación de pareja requiere cierto esfuerzo; she was working away at her accounts estaba ocupada con su contabilidad; to work FOR somebody trabajar para alguien; to work for oneself trabajar por cuenta propia; to work FOR something: fame didn't just come to me: I had to work for it la fama no me llegó del cielo, tuve que trabajar para conseguirla; he's working for his finals está estudiando or está preparándose para los exámenes finales; to work IN something: to work in marble trabajar el mármol or con mármol; to work in oils pintar al óleo, trabajar con óleos; to work ON something: he's working on his car está arreglando el coche; scientists are working on a cure los científicos están intentando encontrar una cura; she hasn't been fired yet, but she's working on it (hum) todavía no la han echado, pero parece empeñada en que lo hagan; we're working on the assumption that... partimos del supuesto de que...; the police had very little to work on la policía tenía muy pocas pistas; to work UNDER somebody — trabajar bajo la dirección de alguien
2)a) (operate, function) \<\<machine/system\>\> funcionar; \<\<drug/person\>\> actuar*to work against/in favor of somebody/something — obrar en contra/a favor de alguien/algo
it works both ways: you have to make an effort too, you know: it works both ways — tú también tienes que hacer el esfuerzo, ¿sabes? funciona igual or (esp AmL) parejo para los dos
b) ( have required effect) \<\<drug/plan/method\>\> surtir efectotry it, it might work — pruébalo, quizás resulte
these colors just don't work together — estos colores no pegan or no combinan
3) (slip, travel) (+ adv compl)his socks had worked down to his ankles — se le habían caído los calcetines; see also free I 1) c), loose I 1) b)
vt1)a) ( force to work) hacer* trabajarb) ( exploit) \<\<land/soil\>\> trabajar, labrar; \<\<mine\>\> explotarc) \<\<nightclubs/casinos\>\> trabajar end) ( pay for by working)2) ( cause to operate)do you know how to work the machine? — ¿sabes manejar la máquina?
3)a) (move gradually, manipulate) (+ adv compl)to work one's way: we worked our way toward the exit nos abrimos camino hacia la salida; I worked my way through volume three logré terminar el tercer volumen; she worked her way to the top of her profession — trabajó hasta llegar a la cima de su profesión
b) (shape, fashion) \<\<clay/metal\>\> trabajar; \<\<dough\>\> sobar, amasar4)a) (past & past p worked or wrought) ( bring about) \<\<miracle\>\> hacer*; see also wrought Ib) (manage, arrange) (colloq) arreglarshe worked it so that I didn't have to pay — se las arregló or se las ingenió para que yo no tuviera que pagar
•Phrasal Verbs:- work off- work out- work up
См. также в других словарях:
work out a plan — form a program of events … English contemporary dictionary
Plan Z — was the name given to the planned re equipment and expansion of the Nazi German Navy (Kriegsmarine) ordered by Adolf Hitler on January 27, 1939. [Overy, p. 50] The plan called for a Kriegsmarine of 10 battleships, 4 aircraft carriers, 3 battle… … Wikipedia
work-around — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: from the phrase work around : a plan or method to circumvent a problem (as in computer software) without eliminating it … Useful english dictionary
Plan of a Novel — Plan d un roman, selon de petits conseils reçus de diverses sources Portait du Prince Régent, à qui est dédicacé Emma. Par Sir Thomas Lawrence, en 1816. Plan of a Novel according to Hints from Various Quarters (littéralement « Plan d un… … Wikipédia en Français
plan# — plan n Plan, design, plot, scheme, project, as nouns, denote a proposed method of doing or making something or of achieving a given end, and as verbs, to devise such a method. Plan, in its widest sense, regularly implies mental formulation of the … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Plan USA — is an international charity, part of Plan International. [Cite web| title=Our Story | url = http://www.planusa.org/who/ourstory.php | accessdate = 2007 09 13] Founded in 1937, Plan is one of the oldest and largest international development… … Wikipedia
Plan W — (sometimes referred to as the W Plan Fact|date=March 2007), during the Second World War, was a plan of joint military operations between Ireland and the United Kingdom devised between 1940–1942, to be executed in the event of a an invasion of… … Wikipedia
work out — {v. phr.} 1. To find an answer to. * /John worked out his math problems all by himself./ * /Mary had trouble getting along with her roommate, but they worked it out./ Compare: FIGURE OUT. 2. To plan; develop. * /Mary worked out a beautiful design … Dictionary of American idioms
work out — {v. phr.} 1. To find an answer to. * /John worked out his math problems all by himself./ * /Mary had trouble getting along with her roommate, but they worked it out./ Compare: FIGURE OUT. 2. To plan; develop. * /Mary worked out a beautiful design … Dictionary of American idioms
Plan Kathleen — Plan Kathleen, sometimes referred to as Artus Plan, was a military plan for the invasion of Northern Ireland sanctioned by Stephen Hayes, Acting Irish Republican Army (IRA) Chief of Staff, in 1940.[1] Plan Kathleen is frequently confused with… … Wikipedia
Plan 1919 — was a military strategy drawn up by J.F.C. Fuller in 1918 during World War I. His plan criticised the practice of physically destroying the enemy, and instead suggested a lightning thrust toward the command center of the German army. His plan… … Wikipedia