1 ♦ iron
♦ iron /ˈaɪən/A n.1 [u] ( anche fig.) ferro: Iron is heavier than aluminium, il ferro è più pesante dell'alluminio; wrought iron, ferro battuto; as hard as iron, duro come il ferro; a man of iron, un uomo di ferro (o inflessibile)2 strumento di ferro; ferro da stiro: Don't leave the iron on the table, non lasciare il ferro (da stiro) sul tavolo!3 (pl.) ferri; catene; ceppi: to be put in irons, esser messo ai ferri (o in catene); to clap sb. in irons, sbattere q. in catene5 [u] (med.) ricostituente a base di ferroB a. attr.1 di ferro ( anche fig.); ferreo; forte; duro; tenace; spietato: an iron ring, un anello di ferro; iron gates, cancelli di ferro; an iron crown, una corona ferrea; an iron constitution, una salute di ferro2 color ferro; ferrigno● the Iron Age, l'età del ferro □ iron-and-steel industry, industria siderurgica □ (bot.) iron-bark, tipo di eucalipto australiano che fornisce legname da costruzione □ iron-bound, cerchiato di ferro; ( di costa) chiusa da scogli; (fig.) inflessibile, rigoroso, severo □ (fig., stor.) the iron curtain, la cortina di ferro □ (fig.) the iron fist (o hand) in the velvet glove, pugno di ferro in guanto di velluto □ iron foundry, fonderia di ghisa □ iron grey, (color) grigio ferro □ iron-handed, inflessibile; rigoroso; severo □ iron-hearted, crudele; spietato □ ( slang ingl., spreg.) iron hoof, finocchio; frocio □ (fig. fam. arc.) iron horse, cavallo d'acciaio; bicicletta; locomotiva a vapore □ (fam. USA) iron house, carcere; prigione □ (stor.) the Iron Lady, la Signora di Ferro ( Margaret Thatcher) □ iron-like, simile al ferro □ (med.) iron lung, polmone d'acciaio □ (stor.) iron maiden, vergine di Norimberga ( strumento di tortura) □ iron man, (fam.) tipo instancabile; automa, robot; ( slang USA) dollaro (spec. d'argento) □ iron metallurgy, siderurgia □ iron mould, macchia di ruggine □ iron ore, minerale di ferro □ ( slang USA) iron pumper, sollevatore di pesi; pesista □ (mil.: un tempo) iron rations, razioni d'emergenza; viveri di riserva □ (ind. costr.) iron rod, ferro tondo; tondino □ iron will, volontà di ferro □ iron wire, fil di ferro □ (ind.) iron worker, (operaio) siderurgico □ iron working, siderurgia □ (fig.) to have too many (o several) irons in the fire, avere troppa carne al fuoco (fig.) □ to rule with a rod of iron (o with an iron hand), governare con mano (o con pugno) di ferro □ (prov.) to strike while the iron is hot, battere il ferro finché è caldo.(to) iron /ˈaɪən/A v. t.2 munire di ferro; rivestire di ferroB v. i.● to iron out, togliere, eliminare col ferro ( da stiro: pieghe, ecc.); (fig.) eliminare, appianare ( divergenze, ecc.); ( slang USA) stendere (fig. fam.), ammazzare ( con un'arma da fuoco): to iron out difficulties, appianare (o eliminare) le difficoltà. -
2 iron
iron ['aɪən](a) (made of, containing iron) de fer, en fer∎ iron discipline une discipline de fer;∎ an iron hand or fist in a velvet glove une main de fer dans un gant de velours(laundry) repasser(laundry) se repasser4 noun∎ made of iron de ou en fer;∎ she has a will of iron elle a une volonté de fer;∎ the iron and steel industry la sidérurgie;∎ (as) hard as iron dur comme ou aussi dur que le fer∎ spinach has a high iron content les épinards contiennent beaucoup de fer(c) (for laundry) fer m (à repasser);∎ your shirt needs an iron ta chemise a besoin d'un coup de fer ou d'être repassée(d) (tool, appliance) fer m;∎ to have many irons in the fire avoir plusieurs fers au feu∎ a five iron un fer cinq(chains) fers mpl;∎ clap them in irons! mettez-les aux fers!►► the Iron Age l'âge m du fer;∎ an Iron Age tool un outil de l'âge du fer;iron bar barre f de fer;iron bridge pont m en fer;History Iron Chancellor chancelier m de fer;the Iron Curtain le rideau de fer;∎ the Iron Curtain countries les pays mpl de l'Est;Medicine iron deficiency carence f en fer;familiar Technology iron fairy grue□ f;iron filings limaille f de fer;iron foundry fonderie f (de fonte);an iron grating une grille en fer;Medicine iron lung poumon m d'acier;iron maiden = instrument de torture consistant en un coffre à l'intérieur parsemé de pointes, dans lequel on place la victime;Mineralogy iron ore minerai m de fer;Mineralogy iron oxide oxyde m de fer;iron pyrites Mineralogy pyrite f (de fer);Golf iron shot coup m de fer;Industry Iron and Steel Trades Confederation = syndicat britannique des ouvriers de la sidérurgie;Medicine iron tablet comprimé m de fer;an iron will une volonté de fer∎ have you ironed out your differences? est-ce que vous avez résolu vos différends? -
3 iron
- iron
- nжелезо
- angle iron
- back iron
- band iron
- bending iron
- break iron
- cap iron
- cast iron
- caulking iron
- corbeling iron
- corrugated iron
- cover iron
- cutting iron
- dog iron
- galvanized iron
- grey cast iron
- malleable cast iron
- manhole step iron
- plane iron
- slick iron
- soldering iron
- step iron
- wall iron
- white cast iron
- wrought iron
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 iron
iron [ˈaɪən]1. nouna. ( = metal) fer m• scrap iron ferraille f4. compounds[tool, bridge] en fer ; [determination] de fer* * *['aɪən], US ['aɪərn] 1.1) ( metal) fer mold ou scrap iron — ferraille f
iron and steel works — usine f sidérurgique
a will of iron — fig une volonté de fer
2) ( for clothes) fer m (à repasser)3) ( golf) fer m4) ( splint) attelle f2.irons plural noun fers mpl3.4. 5.iron sheet — tôle f
transitive verb repasser [clothes]Phrasal Verbs:- iron out•• -
5 iron
iron, US [transcription]["aI\@rn"]A n1 ( metal) fer m ; old ou scrap iron ferraille f ; iron and steel works/industry usine/industrie f sidérurgique ; a man/will of iron fig un homme/une volonté de fer ;2 ( for clothes) fer m (à repasser) ; electric iron fer m électrique ; with a hot/cool iron à fer chaud/doux ; to run the iron over sth, to give sth an iron donner un coup de fer à qch ;4 ( splint) attelle f ;5 Med fer m.E vtr repasser [clothes] ; do not iron ( on label) ne pas repasser ; to iron sth under a damp cloth repasser qch à la pattemouille.F vi [person] repasser ; [garment, fabric] se repasser.to have a lot of irons in the fire avoir beaucoup d'affaires en train ; the iron had entered his soul littér il avait la mort dans l'âme ; to strike while the iron is hot battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud.■ iron out:▶ iron out [sth], iron [sth] out1 lit faire partir [qch] au fer [creases] ; -
6 iron
iron [ˊa(ɪ)ən]1. n1) хим. желе́зо ( элемент)2) чёрный мета́лл, напр., желе́зо, сталь, чугу́н;as hard as iron твёрдый как сталь (тж. перен.)
3) желе́зное изде́лие4) утю́г5) клю́шка с желе́зной голо́вкой ( для гольфа)6) pl око́вы, кандалы́;in irons в кандала́х
7) (обыкн. pl) стре́мя8) мед. препара́т желе́заа) занима́ться мно́гими дела́ми одновре́ме́нно;б) пусти́ть в ход разли́чные сре́дства ( для достижения цели)2. a1) желе́зный; сде́ланный из желе́за2) си́льный, кре́пкий, твёрдый3) суро́вый; жесто́кий;a man of iron желе́зный челове́к, челове́к желе́зной во́ли
◊iron man амер. сл. сере́бряный до́ллар
;iron rations воен. неприкоснове́нный запа́с ( продовольствия)
;а) желе́зный век;б) жесто́кий век;iron curtain желе́зный за́навес
;an iron fist in a velvet glove ≅ мя́гко сте́лет, да жёстко спать
3. v1) утю́жить, гла́дить2) покрыва́ть желе́зомiron out сгла́живать, ула́живать -
7 iron
• of iron eisern (aus Eisen) -
8 iron
9 iron
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > iron
10 iron
iron v (mit Eisen) beschlagenEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > iron
11 iron
- iron out -
12 iron
13 iron
14 iron-on
15 iron
1) железо, Fe3) чугун5) мн. ч. железные изделия7) паяльник8) утюг9) струг; скобель11) аппарат для термосклеивания, аппарат для термосваривания ( плёночных упаковок)•-
acid-Bessemer pig iron
acid-resistant cast iron
alloyed cast iron
alloy cast iron
alpha iron
annealed sheet iron
armco iron
back iron
backing iron
band iron
bar iron
bark iron
basic Bessemer pig iron
basic pig iron
bearing cast iron
Bessemer pig iron
beta-iron iron
black iron
black sheet iron
black-heart malleable iron
blast-broken iron
bloomery iron
blowing iron
box iron
branding iron
break iron
bundle iron
bunting iron
calker's iron
carbonyl iron
case-hardened cast iron
cast iron
charcoal pig iron
chilled cast iron
cinder-dump iron
climbing irons
coke iron
coke pig iron
cold pig iron
cold-short iron
commercial iron
commercially pure iron
compacted vermicular graphite cast iron
corbeling iron
corrugated iron
cupola malleable iron
cutting iron
delta iron
dog iron
double-T iron
dressing iron
drop-broken iron
dry iron
electric iron
electric soldering iron
electrical pig iron
electrolytic iron
enameling iron
equal-angle iron
eutectic cast iron
ferric iron
ferritic malleable iron
flake graphite iron
flakish graphite cast iron
flat iron
flattening iron
foundry pig iron
foundry iron
galvanized iron
gamma iron
gathering iron
grab iron
gray cast iron
grooving iron
grozing iron
gun iron
hack iron
hatchet iron
heat-resistant cast iron
high-duty cast iron
hip iron
hoop iron
hydrogen-purified iron
hypereutectic cast iron
hypoeutectic cast iron
ingot iron
inoculated cast iron
ladle-button irons
ladle-treated iron
laminated sheet iron
lightly mottled gray pig iron
lightly mottled pig iron
low-expansion cast iron
low-manganese iron
low-phosphorus iron
malleable cast iron
manganese iron
metallic iron
mirror iron
muck iron
natural alloy iron
Ni-resist cast iron
Ni-tensile iron
open-grained cast iron
open-hearth pig iron
pearlitic malleable iron
phosphoric iron
pig iron
planting iron
press iron
reclaimed iron
rig irons
roll-foundry iron
roofing iron
scrap iron
scribing iron
sheet iron
short-cycle malleable iron
shot iron
silicon iron
slag iron
sluggish iron
soldering iron
sow iron
spherulitic iron
spiegel iron
sponge iron
steely iron
sticking-up iron
synthetic iron
tapping iron
Thomas pig iron
Thomas iron
transformer iron
tree iron
ungraded iron
waste iron
wedge-shaped iron
white pig iron
white iron
zone-purified iron -
16 iron
1) железо2) чугун3) pl железные изделия4) прочность; твёрдость•to iron down — рихтовать; править; выглаживать
- abrasion-resistant ironto iron out — выравнивать, сглаживать
- acicular iron
- acid-bessemer pig iron
- acid-resistant cast iron
- acid-resistant iron
- alloyed cast iron
- alloyed iron
- alpha iron
- American malleable cast iron
- American malleable iron
- angle iron
- annealed sheet iron
- armco iron
- as-cast iron
- austenitic cast iron
- austenitic iron
- bar iron
- basic Bessemer pig iron
- basic pig iron
- bead iron
- beak iron
- bearing cast iron
- Bessemer pig iron
- beta iron
- black sheet iron
- black-cored malleable cast iron
- black-cored malleable iron
- black-heart malleable cast iron
- black-heart malleable iron
- blast-broken iron
- blow-lamp soldering iron
- box iron
- brittle iron
- broken iron
- bulb iron
- bundle iron
- bushelled iron
- carbonyl iron
- case-hardened cast iron
- case-hardened iron
- cast iron
- cerium-treated cast iron
- cerium-treated iron
- charcoal hearth iron
- charcoal pig iron
- chilled cast iron
- cinder pig iron
- clamp iron
- close-grain cast iron
- close-grained cast iron
- coarse-grain cast iron
- coarse-grained cast iron
- cobalt-nickel cast iron
- cobalt-nickel iron
- coke iron
- coke pig iron
- cold blown pig iron
- cold pig iron
- cold-blast pig iron
- cold-short iron
- commercial iron
- conversion pig iron
- converter iron
- convex iron
- core iron
- corrosion-resistant cast iron
- corrosion-resistant iron
- corrugated iron
- corrugated sheet iron
- cramp iron
- cupola iron
- delta iron
- dephosphorized iron
- desulfurized iron
- double-T iron
- dry iron
- ductile iron
- electric soldering iron
- electrolytic iron
- enameled iron
- engineering cast iron
- equal angle iron
- European malleable iron
- fagoted iron
- fashioned iron
- ferric iron
- ferritic cast iron
- ferritic modular cast iron
- ferritic modular iron
- ferrous iron
- figured iron
- fine-grained iron
- finished iron
- flake graphite iron
- flat iron
- forge iron
- foundry iron
- foundry pig iron
- free-running iron
- g iron
- galvanized iron
- gamma iron
- grab iron
- grain-oriented silicon iron
- granulated iron
- graphitic pig iron
- gray cast iron
- gray pig iron
- H iron
- hack iron
- half-round iron
- hammered iron
- hammer-headed soldering iron
- heat-resistant cast iron
- heavily alloyed iron
- hematite pig iron
- high-alloy iron
- high-carbon iron
- high-chromium cast iron
- high-chromium iron
- high-duty cast iron
- high-grade cast iron
- high-grade iron
- high-phosphorus iron
- high-quality iron
- high-silicon iron
- high-strength cast iron
- high-strength iron
- high-tensile cast iron
- high-tensile iron
- high-test cast iron
- high-test iron
- hot-blast pig iron
- hot-blown pig iron
- hot-short iron
- ingot iron
- inoculated cast iron
- L iron
- ladle-treated iron
- laminated sheet iron
- lightly mottled gray cast iron
- lightly mottled gray iron
- liquid iron
- little-beak iron
- loaded iron
- low-carbon iron
- low-expansion cast iron
- low-expansion iron
- low-manganese iron
- low-phosphorus iron
- low-silicon iron
- low-slag iron
- low-sulphur iron
- magnesium-treated cast iron
- magnet iron
- magnetic iron
- magnetic metallic iron
- malleable cast iron
- malleable iron
- manganese iron
- manganese white cast iron
- manganese white iron
- manganiferous white cast iron
- manganiferous white iron
- martensitic iron
- mechanite cast iron
- medium-phosphorus iron
- merchant bar iron
- modified heat-resistant iron
- modified iron
- molten iron
- molten pig iron
- mottled iron
- mottled pig iron
- natural alloy iron
- nodular cast iron
- nonmagnetic cast iron
- nonmagnetic iron
- off-analysis iron
- offgrade iron
- off-sulphur iron
- open-grained cast iron
- open-hearth pig iron
- ordinary quality gray iron
- oriented silicon iron
- pasty iron
- pearlitic cast iron
- phosphoric iron
- pig iron
- plate iron
- porcelain enameling iron
- porous cast iron
- powdered iron
- profile iron
- profiled iron
- puddling pig iron
- pure iron
- rapping iron
- reduced metallic iron
- refined bar iron
- refined cast iron
- refined pig iron
- remelted iron
- riffled iron
- rivet iron
- rolled iron
- roll-foundry iron
- round iron
- scrapped iron
- second-melt iron
- section iron
- sectional iron
- set iron
- sheet iron
- short-cycle malleable iron
- side irons
- silicious iron
- silicon iron
- silicon-treated gray cast iron
- slag iron
- sluggish iron
- soft iron
- soldering iron
- sow iron
- specular iron
- spherical graphite iron
- spheroidal graphite cast iron
- spheroidal graphite iron
- spherulitic iron
- spiegel iron
- sponge iron
- stainless iron
- standard Bessemer iron
- static-cast iron
- steel-making iron
- steely iron
- strap iron
- strip iron
- synthetic iron
- tamping iron
- tapping iron
- T-bulb iron
- tee iron
- telluric iron
- Thomas iron
- tilted iron
- tramp iron
- two-beak iron
- ultrasonic soldering iron
- ungraded iron
- very-open-grained pig iron
- waste iron
- wear-resistant cast iron
- weld iron
- welding iron
- white iron
- whiteheart malleable iron
- wrenching iron
- wrought iron
- young iron
- zone-purified ironEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > iron
17 iron
1) железо; чугун2) сердечник (электромагнита, трансформатора)•- annealed cast iron - band iron - bar iron - bent iron - Bessemer iron - boiler iron - box iron - bulb iron - bundle iron - carburetted iron - cast iron - casting iron - channel iron - checkered iron - chilled iron - chilled cast iron - chrome iron - clamp irons - climbing irons - close-grained iron - coarse-grained iron - constructional iron - corner iron - corrugated iron - corrugated sheet iron - cramp iron - D iron - dissolved iron - dog iron - double iron - ductile iron - edge iron - fashioned iron - ferric iron - ferrous iron - fine-grained iron - flange angle iron - flat iron - flat bar iron - galvanized iron - girder iron - goffered iron - grab iron - granite iron - grey cast iron - grid iron - grip iron - H-iron - hack iron - hoop iron - I-iron - knee iron - L-iron - making iron - malleable iron - malleable cast iron - malleable wrought iron - pig iron - plate iron - profiled iron - profiled sheet iron - rail iron - ribbon iron - rifled sheet iron - rivet iron - rod iron - rolled iron - rolled sheet iron - roofing iron - round iron - round bar iron - rustless iron - scrap iron - screw iron - section iron - shaped iron - sheet iron - short iron - silicon iron - slab iron - soft iron - soldering iron - special iron - stainless iron - strap iron - strip iron - structural iron - T-iron - T-bulb iron - tinned sheet iron - tungsten iron - U-iron - undulated sheet iron - vanadium iron - white iron - white cast iron - Z-ironto iron out — заглаживать, устранять
* * *железо- angle iron
- back iron
- band iron
- bending iron
- break iron
- cap iron
- cast iron
- caulking iron
- corbeling iron
- corrugated iron
- cover iron
- cutting iron
- dog iron
- galvanized iron
- grey cast iron
- malleable cast iron
- manhole step iron
- plane iron
- slick iron
- soldering iron
- step iron
- wall iron
- white cast iron
- wrought iron -
18 iron
железо; чугун; чёрный металл; сталь; утюг; паяльник; pl. скобяные изделия- iron-base bushing - iron-cased - iron casting - iron-clad - iron down - iron-nickel - iron oxide treatment - iron pavement - iron-plating - iron scale - iron sulphide film - iron-tyred - iron weights - aluminium iron - angle iron - armco iron- bar iron- barking iron - best-best plate iron - best plate iron - black sheet iron - branding iron - brittle iron - bulb iron - bundle iron - butane gas soldering iron with ignition from Piezo system - C-iron - cast iron - chafing iron - cramp iron - dog iron - double plane iron - ductile iron - enamelled iron - fagot iron - figured bar iron- H-iron- hammered iron - heat-resisting iron - hexagon iron - hoop iron - hot-short iron - ingot iron - L-iron - malleable cast iron - manganese iron - meteoric iron - mild iron - native iron - natural iron - ni-resist cast iron - pen-type soldering iron with long-life tip - pig iron - puddle iron - refined iron - rivet iron - rolled iron - round iron - sheet iron - short iron - silicious iron - slab iron - slaggy iron - specular cast iron - spongy iron - square bar iron - T-iron - tee-iron - titanium iron - vanadium iron - waste iron - weld iron - white pig iron - wrenching iron - Z-iron -
19 iron
1) железо
2) железный
3) серный
4) утюг
5) утюжить
6) утюжный
7) чугунный
– Armco iron
– ball iron
– bit of soldering iron
– bulb iron
– carbon iron
– carbonyl iron
– direct-reduced iron
– dust iron
– electric iron
– fagotted iron
– ferric iron
– ferrous iron
– forge iron
– galvanized iron
– grab iron
– grappling iron
– hoop iron
– iron alloy
– iron alum
– iron bromide
– iron charge
– iron foundry
– iron loss
– iron meteorite
– iron minium
– iron mould
– iron nitride
– iron notch
– iron pyrite
– iron runner
– iron shot
– iron vitriol
– native iron
– natural iron
– off-grade iron
– oriented-grain iron
– Pallas iron
– plane iron
– powdered iron
– puddling iron
– red iron ore
– red-short iron
– rivet iron
– roofing iron
– scrap iron
– slaggy iron
– soldering iron
– sponge iron
– spongy iron
– tapping iron
– tramp iron
– welding iron
– wrought iron
ammonium iron alum — <chem.> квасцы аммиачножелезные
20 iron
1. noun1) ((also adjective) (of) an element that is the most common metal, is very hard, and is widely used for making tools etc: Steel is made from iron; The ground is as hard as iron; iron railings; iron determination (= very strong determination).) hierro2) (a flat-bottomed instrument that is heated up and used for smoothing clothes etc: I've burnt a hole in my dress with the iron.) plancha3) (a type of golf-club.) palo de hierro
2. verb(to smooth (clothes etc) with an iron: This dress needs to be ironed; I've been ironing all afternoon.) planchar- ironing- irons
- ironing-board
- ironmonger
- ironmongery
- have several
- too many irons in the fire
- iron out
- strike while the iron is hot
iron1 adj de hierroiron2 n1. hierro2. planchairon3 vb planchartr['aɪən]1 (metal) hierro2 (appliance) plancha3 (for golf) hierro, palo de hierro1 de hierro1 (clothes) planchar1 planchar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto have an iron constitution ser de hierro, tener una salud de hierroto have a will of iron / have an iron will tener una voluntad de hierroto have many irons in the fire tener muchas cosas entre manosto put/clap somebody in irons encadenar a alguiento strike while the iron is hot lo mejor es actuar de inmediatoIron Age Edad de HierroIron Cross cruz nombre femenino de hierroIron Curtain telón nombre masculino de aceroiron foundry fundición nombre femenino (de hierro)iron grey gris oscuroiron lung pulmón nombre masculino de aceroiron maiden dama de hierroiron ore mineral nombre masculino de hierroiron ['aɪərn] v: planchariron n1) : hierro m, fierro ma will of iron: una voluntad de hierro, una voluntad férrea2) : plancha f (para planchar la ropa)adj.• de hierro adj.• férreo, -a adj.n.• hierro s.m.• plancha s.f.n.m.• hierro (Química) s.m.v.• herrar v.• planchar v.
I 'aɪərn, 'aɪən1) ua) ( metal) hierro m, fierro m (AmL)as hard as iron — (duro) como el acero
the ground will be as hard as iron after all this frost — la tierra va a estar como piedra después de esta helada
to strike while the iron is hot: there's nothing like striking while the iron's hot lo mejor es actuar de inmediato; (before n) the Iron Age — la Edad de Hierro
b) ( in food) hierro m2) ( for clothes) plancha f3)a) ( branding iron) hierro m de marcarto have several/too many irons in the fire — tener* varias/demasiadas cosas entre manos
b) ( golf club) hierro mc) ( gun) (AmE sl) pistola f, pusca f (Esp arg)
a) ( made of iron) de hierrob) ( strong) (before n) < constitution> de hierro, fuerte como un roble; <will/resolve> férreo, de hierro
transitive/intransitive verb plancharPhrasal Verbs:- iron out['aɪǝn]1. N1) (=metal) hierro m, fierro m (LAm)corrugated iron — chapa f ondulada
with an iron hand or fist — con mano de hierro
a will of iron — una voluntad férrea or de hierro
- have a lot of/too many irons in the fire- strike while the iron is hotto put or clap sb in irons — poner grilletes or grillos a algn, aherrojar a algn
3) (Golf) hierro m4) (for ironing clothes) plancha f5) (for branding) hierro m candente6) * (=gun) pistola f2.VT [+ clothes] planchar3.VI [person] planchar4.CPD [bridge, bar, tool] de hierro, de fierro (LAm); (fig) [will, determination] férreoIron Cross N — cruz f de hierro
the Iron Curtain N — (Hist) (Pol) el telón de acero, la cortina de hierro (LAm)
iron foundry N — fundición f, fundidora f (LAm)
the Iron Lady N — (Brit) (Pol) la Dama de Hierro
iron lung N — (Med) pulmón m de acero
iron oxide N — óxido m de hierro
iron pyrites N — pirita f ferruginosa
iron rations NPL — ración f or víveres mpl de reserva
- iron out* * *
I ['aɪərn, 'aɪən]1) ua) ( metal) hierro m, fierro m (AmL)as hard as iron — (duro) como el acero
the ground will be as hard as iron after all this frost — la tierra va a estar como piedra después de esta helada
to strike while the iron is hot: there's nothing like striking while the iron's hot lo mejor es actuar de inmediato; (before n) the Iron Age — la Edad de Hierro
b) ( in food) hierro m2) ( for clothes) plancha f3)a) ( branding iron) hierro m de marcarto have several/too many irons in the fire — tener* varias/demasiadas cosas entre manos
b) ( golf club) hierro mc) ( gun) (AmE sl) pistola f, pusca f (Esp arg)
a) ( made of iron) de hierrob) ( strong) (before n) < constitution> de hierro, fuerte como un roble; <will/resolve> férreo, de hierro
transitive/intransitive verb plancharPhrasal Verbs:- iron out
См. также в других словарях:
iron(II) — iron(II) … English syllables
Iron — I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), a. [AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen. See {Iron}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar, dust. [1913 Webster] 2. Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness. [1913 Webster] 3. Like iron in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Iron — I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen, [=i]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [=i]sarn, OHG. [=i]sarn, [=i]san, G. eisen, Icel. [=i]sarn, j[=a]rn, Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.] [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
iron — [ī′ərn] n. [ME iren < OE (chiefly poetic & prob. dissimilated), var. of isern, isen akin to Goth eisarn) < Gmc * īsarna, akin to early Celt * isarno, prob. via Illyrian * eisarno < IE base * eis , to move vigorously; strong, holy (>… … English World dictionary
Iron — bezeichnet eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Aisne, siehe: Iron (Aisne) einen Fluss in Frankreich, Nebenfluss des Noirrieu, siehe: Iron (Fluss) ein Album der finnischen Band Ensiferum, siehe: Iron (Album) SRWare Iron, einen Webbrowser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
IRON — Iron ore deposits occur in Anatolia and northwest Iran. The metalwas probably first worked as a by product of coppersmelting, and rare small iron objects have been found in Mesopotamian graves since the fourth millennium B.C. Iron was worked… … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
iron — ► NOUN 1) a strong, hard magnetic silvery grey metal, used in construction and manufacturing. 2) a tool or implement made of iron. 3) a hand held implement with a flat heated steel base, used to smooth clothes and linen. 4) a golf club used for… … English terms dictionary
Iron — I ron, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ironed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ironing}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially, to smooth, as cloth, with a heated flatiron; sometimes used with out. [1913 Webster] 2. To shackle with irons; to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Iron-on — Iron ons are images that can be imprinted on fabric. They are frequently used to print onto T shirts.On one side is paper, and on the other is the image that will be transferred in reverse. After placing it on the fabric and either running over… … Wikipedia
iron-on — (adj.) 1959, from IRON (Cf. iron) (v.) + ON (Cf. on) … Etymology dictionary
iron — [adj] hard, tough; inflexible adamant, adamantine, cruel, dense, ferric, ferrous, firm, heavy, immovable, implacable, indomitable, inexorable, insensible, obdurate, relentless, rigid, robust, steel, steely, strong, stubborn, thick, unbending,… … New thesaurus