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со всех языков на английский


  • 41 спотыкаться

    несовер. - спотыкаться;
    совер. - споткнуться возвр.;
    (о ком-л./чем-л.) stumble (over/against) ;
    get stuck (on) перен.
    спотык|аться -, споткнуться
    1. (о вн.) stumble (over), trip (over) ;

    2. разг. (встречать препятствие, затруднение) hesitate, stop short;

    3. разг. (допускать ошибку) go* wrong, trip up;

    4. тк. несов. (идти с трудом) lurch along, stagger along;
    идти ~аясь stumble along.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > спотыкаться

  • 42 walk

    I [wɔːk] n
    1) прогулка, пешая прогулка
    - easy walk
    - leisurely walk
    - nature walk
    - long walk
    - take smb for a walk
    - enjoy a walk

    The bus stop is a five minutes' walk from here. — Автобусная остановка в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда.

    We took a walk from our house to the center of the town. — Мы прошли пешком от нашего дома до центра города.

    It's an easy walk from here to school. — Отсюда легко дойти до школы

    II [wɔːk]
    1) идти, ходить (пешком)

    It's not far to walk. — Тут недалеко пешком.

    - walk much
    - walk all the way
    - walk home
    (1.) See go, v (2.) See come, v WAYS OF DOING THINGS: Глагол to walk в значении "ходить пешком" и в значении "ходить, двигаться, гулять" не уточняет характера и обстоятельств ходьбы. Такую конкретизацию хождения передает ряд других глаголов, таких, как to stroll, to stride, to march, to pace, to amble, to saunter, to trudge, to plod, to hoble, to limp, to shuffle, to stagger, to stumble, to lurch, to tiptoe, to creep, to sneak, to strut, to pick one's way, to edge, to wade и др. To stride - быстро идти большими шагами из-за поспешности или с чувством уверенности: He strode along the beach. Он быстно шагал по берегу. The enterviewer strode confidently towards me and shook my hand. Корреспондент уверенно шагнул ко мне и поздоровался со мной за руку. I saw Max striding angrily away. Я видел, как Макс рассерженно/в гневе зашагал прочь. She strode quickly and purposefully into the room, with her head upright. Она быстро большими шагами целенаправленно вошла в комнату с высоко поднятой головой. To march/to stride - маршировать, быстро и уверенно ходить/двигаться, особенно в гневе или с чувством решимости: Sheila marched into the office to demand apology. Шейла уверенно шагнула в кабинет, чтобы потребовать извинения. "I'll never forgive you for this" she said marching off. "Я тебе этого никогда не прощу", сказала она и зашагала прочь. To pace - ходить взад и вперед в небольшом пространстве, особенно если вы нервничаете, раздражены или сердитесь: She paced back and forth along the corridor, waiting for the doctor to come back. Она ходила взад и вперед по коридору в ожидании возвращения врача. "We are going to be late", he said irritably pacing up a down the room. "Мы опаздываем" - сказал он, раздраженно ходя взад и вперед по комнате. A lion paced up and down the cage growling. Лев бегал по клетке и рычал. Mr. Jacobs would pace the hall at meetings, being too tense to sit down. На заседаниях мистер Джекобс ходил взад и вперед по залу, так как не мог от напряжения сидеть. To stroll - ходить прогуливаясь, ходить медленно, ходить расслабившись: I strolled along the beach with the warm sun on my face. Я гулял по берегу, и солнце светило мне в лицо. The young couple strolled in the park arm-in-arm. Молодая пара под руку прогуливалась по парку. People were strolling unhurriedly along the path. Люди не торопясь, прогуливались по тропинке. To amble - медленно прогуливаться, особенно на небольшие расстояния или без определенной цели: An old man appeared from behind the house and ambled across the courtyard. Из-за дома появился старик, который медленно шел по двору. One of the horses, the white one, slowly ambled towards me. Одна из лошадей - белая, медленно двигалась ко мне. She was ambling along as usual without a care in the orth. Она, как обычно, беззаботно прогуливалась. To saunter - прогуливаться медленно и лениво, часто с гордым выражением лица, которое раздражает остальных людей: I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting. Я медленно и лениво прошла в сад, где несколько друзей о чем-то болтали. As usual he sauntered into class twenty minutes late. Как обычно медленно вошел в класс, на двадцать минут после звонка. To trudge - тащиться, таскаться, идти тяжело и медленно из-за усталости: He trudged the streets the whole day. Он тасклся по улицам целый день. He trudged wearily up the hill. Он устало тащился в гору. Mother walked the four miles to the nearest store, trudging back home with her bags of groceries. Мама прошла четыре мили до ближайшего магазина, и устало и тяжело шла домой с тяжелыми продуктовыми сумками. Trudging through the sand was exausting. Идти по песку было очень изнурительно. To plod - плестись, идти медленно и тяжело по плохой дороге или неся что-либо тяжелое: He ploded wearily home. Он устало плелся домой. The travellers ploded through the deep snow along the railway. Путешественники тяжело шли по глубокому снегу вдоль железнодорожного полотна. The donkeys were plodding slowly along under their heavy burden. Ослы устало брели под тяжестью ноши. To hoble - ковылять, идти медленно и с трудом; идти неуверенно из-за того, что больно: My knee was stiff and painful, I could onle hoble. Колено у меня болело и не гнулось, я мог только кое-как ковылять. Aunt Lucy was hobling slowly round the room on her crutches. Тетя Люси медленно ходила по комнате на костылях. To limp - хромать, идти хромая: Robert limped painfuly to/over to a chair and sat down. Роберт прохромал к стулу и сел. Though the accident was two years ago, I still limp. Хотя авария произошла два года тому назад, я все еще хромаю. To shuffle - шаркать; идти медленно, не отрывая ног от поверхности, особенно в старости: He shuffled to the window. Он шаркающей походкой пошел к окну. Leaning on Alice's arm, the old woman shuffled towards the door. Опираясь на руку Алсы, старушка шаркающей походкой пошла к двери. To stagger - валиться с ног, идти спотыкаясь, идти неуверенной походкой, идти спотыкаясь и падая из-за того, что вы устали, больны или пьяны: I was hit on the head and just managed to stagger out of the room. Меня ударили по голове, но мне удалось, пошатываясь выбраться из комнаты. My father was stagering under the weigh of a huge parcel. Отец шел, пошатываясь под грузом тяжелого свертка. To stumble - идти спотыкаясь особенно потому, что темно или неровная дорога, либо от усталости или от того, что вы в нетрезвом виде: The room was dark and Bob nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone. В комнате было темно, и Боб, задев за стул, спотыкаясь, подошел к телефону. Having drunk half a bottle of whisky, I stumbled upstairs and into my bed. Выпив половину бутылки виски, я, спотыкаясь, поднялся по лестнице и свалился на кровать. To lurch - шататься, пошатнуться: The lorry lurched to one side. Грузовик накренился. Sally lurched sideways two steps as the boat rolled sudenly. Салли наклонилась вперед, когда лодка накренилась. He lurched towards the bathroom, clutching his stomach in pain. Он, согнувшись, бросился в ванну, хватаясь от боли за живот. To tiptoe - идти на цыпочках: Bobby tiptoed past his daughter's bedroom so as not to wake her. Бобби на цыпочках прошел мимо спальни дочери, чтобы не разбудить ее. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to speak above a whisper. Они тихонько на цыпочках прошли из комнаты в комнату, говоря только шопотом. To creep - идти крадучись и неуверенно босыми ногами или по мягкой поверхности: The cat was creeping along the fence. Кошка кралась вдоль забора. He creept on tiptoe out of the room. Он вышел из комнаты тихонько на цыпочках. She creept up to the window. Она подкралась к окну. To sneak - быстро крадучись идти, прячась от кого-либо, особенно если вы сделали что-либо дурное: He sneaked up from behind. Он подкрался сзади. The thieves sneaked in when the guard had his back turned. Воры прокрались внутрь, когда сторож повернулся к ним спиной. We tried to sneak off from work early. Мы пытались улизнуть с работы пораньше. To swagger - ходить с важным видом, важничать, ходить самоуверенно: He swaggered into the place as if he was the owner of the house. Он вошел в дом с таким важным видом, как-будто дом принадлежал ему. Sally's boy friends came swaggering down the steps with his hands in his pockets. Друг Сэлли, держа руки в карманах, с самоуверенным видом спускался с лестницы. Bob left the room swaggering clearly pleased with himself. Боб, явно довольный собой, важно вышел из комнаты. To strut - шагать/выступать с важным, надменным и напыщенным видом: The actor strutted across the stage in a royal mantel. Актер прошествовал по сцене в королевской мантии. The turkey was strutting about the yard. Индюк с напыщенным видом ходил по двору. Look at him strutting across the office; he thinks he is so important. Посмотри, как он напыщенно ходит по кабинету, он и в правду думает, что он так важен. To pick one's way - осторожно выбирать дорогу, обходить опасные места: She walked slowly picking her way among the puddles. Она шла медленно, осторожно обходя лужи. The boy began to pick his way over the rocks towards the ocean. Мальчик, спускаясь к берегу океана, выбирал дорогу среди камней. Journalists picked their way slowly through the crowded refuge camp. Журналисты медленно пробирались через толпу беженцев. To edge - пробираться, сторониться, особенно если тесно: She edged away from the window. Она бочком отошла/отодвинулась от окна. He edged a chair near the fire. Он подвинул стул ближе к камину. Edwin edged sideways through the front door, which seemed to be stuck. Эдвин боком протиснулся в парадную дверь, которую, казалось, заело. Edging my way through the crowd I eventually managed to get to the door. Протискиваясь через толпу, я, наконец, сумел добраться до двери. To wade - ходить по воде, шлепать по воде: Riescue workers had to wade waist deep in the muddy water. Спасателям пришлось пробираться по пояс в грязной воде. The fisherman got out of the boat and waded to the shoe. Рыбак вылез из лодки и по воде пошел к берегу

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > walk

  • 43 reel

    1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) carrete, bobina
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) baile escocés

    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) tambalear(se)
    - reel off
    reel n bobina / carrete
    1 (stagger) tambalearse
    he's still reeling from the £15,000 fine aún no se ha recuperado de la multa de quince mil libras
    2 (spin round) dar vueltas
    1 (of thread, cotton) carrete nombre masculino; (of camera film) carrete nombre masculino, rollo; (of cine film) bobina; (of wire, tape) rollo
    reel ['ri:l] vt
    to reel in : enrollar, sacar (un pez) del agua
    to reel off : recitar de un tirón
    reel vi
    1) spin, whirl: girar, dar vueltas
    2) stagger: tambalearse
    reel n
    1) : carrete m (de pescar etc.), rollo m (de fotos)
    2) : baile m escocés
    3) stagger: tambaleo m
    argadijo s.m.
    bobina s.f.
    broca s.f.
    canilla s.f.
    carrete s.m.
    carretel s.m.
    devanadera s.f.
    película s.f.
    tambor s.m.
    aspar v.
    bambalear v.
    bambolear v.
    cejar v.
    devanar v.
    tambalear v.
    tartalear v.
    a) (for wire, thread, tape) carrete m
    b) ( of film) rollo m
    c) ( fishing) carrete m, carretel m, reel m (RPl)

    a) ( move unsteadily) tambalearse

    they were still reeling from the last price rise — todavía no se habían recuperado del impacto de la última subida de precios

    2) \<\<room/walls\>\> ( move in circles) dar* vueltas

    vt enrollar
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (for cable, hose) rollo m ; (for tape recorder, in fishing) carrete m ; (for thread) carrete m, bobina f ; (Phot) (for small camera) carrete m, rollo m ; [of cine film] cinta f ; cotton, inertia-reel
    2) (Mus) (=dance) baile escocés
    VT (=wind) [+ thread, fishing line, film, tape] enrollar, devanar
    3. VI
    1) (=sway, stagger) tambalear(se)

    he was reeling about drunkenly — caminaba tambaleándose, caminaba haciendo eses *

    2) (=be shaken)
    3) (=spin) [mind, head, brain] dar vueltas
    * * *
    a) (for wire, thread, tape) carrete m
    b) ( of film) rollo m
    c) ( fishing) carrete m, carretel m, reel m (RPl)

    a) ( move unsteadily) tambalearse

    they were still reeling from the last price rise — todavía no se habían recuperado del impacto de la última subida de precios

    2) \<\<room/walls\>\> ( move in circles) dar* vueltas

    vt enrollar
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > reel

  • 44 reel

    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) trisse; spole
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) slingre; blive ør
    - reel off
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) trisse; spole
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) slingre; blive ør
    - reel off

    English-Danish dictionary > reel

  • 45 totter

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > totter

  • 46 totter

    ˈtɔtə гл.
    1) идти неверной, дрожащей походкой, ковылять Syn: lurch, reel, stagger, wobble
    2) трястись;
    угрожать падением Syn: reel, stagger, teeter,
    3) гибнуть, погибать, разрушаться Syn: perish неверная, шатающаяся походка - with a * нетвердой походкой шатание, колебание (обычно across, along, down, into, to и т. п.) идти неверной или нетвердой походкой;
    ковылять - to * into the shop шатаясь, войти в магазин - one after another they *ed to the gate один за другим они проковыляли к калитке - the baby *ed across the room ребенок неуверенно проковылял по комнате трястись, шататься;
    угрожать падением - the tall chimney *ed and fell высокая труба покачнулась и упала разрушаться, гибнуть - the great empire was *ing to its fall великая империя приходила в упадок totter гибнуть, разрушаться ~ идти неверной, дрожащей походкой, ковылять ~ трястись;
    угрожать падением

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > totter

  • 47 reel

    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) tuljava, kolut
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) živahen ples
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) opotekati se
    - reel off
    * * *
    I [ri:l]
    tuljava, motek, vretence; motovilo; zvitek, zmotek, rola filma
    off the reel figuratively hitro eden za drugim, brez prekinitve
    to recite right off the reel — oddrdrati, od začetka do konca hitro in gladko (od)govoriti, recitirati;
    transitive verb
    namotati, naviti na tuljavo, na vretence, na motek; (iz)vleči z namotavanjem; intransitive verb (o kobilicah) oddajati drdrav zvok (kot vrteča se tuljava)
    to reel a fish in — izvleči, potegniti ribo (iz vode) z namotavanjem vrvice (na ribiški pripravi)
    II [ri:l]
    (hitro) obračanje, vrtenje; opotekanje; figuratively vrvenje
    without a reel or a stagger — brez omahovanja;
    intransitive verb
    (o glavi, očeh) vrteti se; imeti vrtoglavico; opotekati se; transitive verb hitro vrteti ( one's partner in a dance — partnerico pri plesu, soplesalko)
    III [ri:l]
    živahen (zlasti škotski) ples; glasba za ta ples;
    intransitive verb
    plesati ta ples

    English-Slovenian dictionary > reel

  • 48 stumble

    I ['stʌmbl]
    nome passo m. incerto, malfermo; fig. passo m. falso
    II ['stʌmbl]
    1) (trip) inciampare, incespicare ( against contro; on, over in)

    to stumble in, out — entrare, uscire con passo malfermo

    3) (in speech) esitare, impaperarsi

    to stumble over — incespicare in [phrase, word]

    * * *
    1) (to strike the foot against something and lose one's balance, or nearly fall: He stumbled over the edge of the carpet.) inciampare
    2) (to walk unsteadily: He stumbled along the track in the dark.) incespicare
    3) (to make mistakes, or hesitate in speaking, reading aloud etc: He stumbles over his words when speaking in public.) incespicare, esitare
    - stumble across/on
    * * *
    stumble /ˈstʌmbl/
    1 inciampata; passo falso
    2 (fig.) errore; passo falso; sbaglio.
    (to) stumble /ˈstʌmbl/
    v. i.
    1 inciampare; incespicare; dare un'inciampata: to stumble on a stone, inciampare in un sasso
    2 (fig.) fare un passo falso; errare; sbagliare
    3 (lett.) cadere: to stumble into sin, cadere nel peccato
    ● (fig.) to stumble at st., esitare (o titubare) di fronte a qc.; avere degli scrupoli davanti a qc. to stumble in one's speech, impappinarsi.
    * * *
    I ['stʌmbl]
    nome passo m. incerto, malfermo; fig. passo m. falso
    II ['stʌmbl]
    1) (trip) inciampare, incespicare ( against contro; on, over in)

    to stumble in, out — entrare, uscire con passo malfermo

    3) (in speech) esitare, impaperarsi

    to stumble over — incespicare in [phrase, word]

    English-Italian dictionary > stumble

  • 49 hobble

    1. n прихрамывание, ковыляние; припадание на одну ногу

    to walk with a hobble — хромать при ходьбе; идти прихрамывая

    2. n запинающаяся речь; запинка, заминка; заикание
    3. n конские путы
    4. n путы, помеха; препятствие
    5. n диал. арх. разг. затруднительное положение; неловкость
    6. v хромать, прихрамывать; ковылять
    7. v мешать ходьбе; заставлять хромать
    8. v запинаться; спотыкаться
    9. v треножить
    10. v затруднять, путать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. hamper (verb) bind the legs; clog; curb; entrammel; fetter; hamper; hamper the legs; handcuff; hinder; hog-tie; impede leg movement; leash; manacle; restrain; shackle; tie; tie down; tie up; trammel
    2. limp (verb) dodder; falter; halt; hitch; hop; limp; stagger; stumble; totter; walk on crutches; walk with a hitch

    English-Russian base dictionary > hobble

  • 50 покачивать

    (кого-л./что-л.) rock (slightly)
    покачив|ать - несов.
    1. (вн., тв.) rock slightly;

    2. безл.: ~ает it`s rather rough;
    ~аться несов. rock;
    (пошатываться) stagger, totter, be* unsteady on one`s legs;
    ~аться на волнах rock on the waves;
    ~аться в кресле rock oneself (in one`s chair) ;
    идти покачиваясь walk unsteadily, roll/stump along.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > покачивать

  • 51 reel

    ri:l 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) spole, rull, snelle
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) rave, sjangle; bli ør i hodet
    - reel off
    subst. \/riːl\/
    1) rull, spole, (tråd)snelle
    2) ( på fiskestang) snelle
    3) slingring, raving, tumling
    4) ( EDB) båndspole
    5) (garn)vinde, hespe
    6) ( skotsk dans) reel
    off the reel ( overført) i et kjør, uten stans
    reel of cotton trådsnelle
    reel of film ( også) (film)rull
    verb \/riːl\/
    1) haspe, vinde, spole, rulle, sveive
    2) virre, tumle, rave, sjangle
    3) virvle, snurre, spinne
    4) vakle, slingre, gynge
    reel back at the sight of rygge tilbake ved synet av
    reel in sveive inn, snelle inn
    reel off ( overført) lire av seg
    reel up snelle opp, snelle inn, sveive opp, sveive inn

    English-Norwegian dictionary > reel

  • 52 reel

    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) spóla, rúlla, hjól
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) ræll
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) skjögra; snarsnúast
    - reel off

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reel

  • 53 reel

    cséve, henger, orsó, tekercselődob, tekercs to reel: teker, gombolyít, tántorog, tekercsel
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) tekercs
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) (gyors skót tánc)
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) tántorog
    - reel off

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reel

  • 54 reel

    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) rolo
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) quadrilha
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) cambalear
    - reel off
    * * *
    [ri:l] n 1 carretel, sarilho, bobina. 2 molinete (de linha de pescar). 3 tambor. 4 torniquete. 5 dobadoura. • vt 1 bobinar, enrolar em carretel ou bobina. 2 dobar. 3 filmar. off the reel Amer coll continuamente, sem interrupção. reel of the log Naut carretel da barquilha. reel-to-reel de carretel, que é enrolado de um carretel para outro. to reel in enrolar. to reel off a) desenrolar. b) repetir de memória, falar ou escrever fluentemente. to reel up a fish pescar com vara de carretel.
    [ri:l] n movimento vacilante ou cambaleante. • vt+vi 1 vacilar, cambalear. 2 andar de modo cambaleante, vacilante. 3 oscilar, balançar.
    [ri:l] n 1 dança escocesa (Scotch reel) ou americana (Virginia reel). 2 a respectiva música. • vt dançar o reel.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reel

  • 55 reel

    n. makara, bobin, makaraya sarılmış şey, çiftlerin oynadığı bir iskoç dansı
    v. makaraya sarmak, sarmak, dolamak, dönmek, fırıl fırıl dönmek, sersemlemek, sendelemek
    * * *
    1. düzensiz hareket et (v.) 2. makaraya sar (v.) 3. makara (n.)
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) makara, bobin
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) oynak bir iskoçya dansı, riyıl
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) sendelemek, yalpa yaparak gitmek; bocalamak
    - reel off

    English-Turkish dictionary > reel

  • 56 reel

    • rulla
    • rullata
    • toikkaroida
    • horjahdella
    • hoiperrella
    • hoippua
    • horjua
    • hoippuroida
    • vyyhtiä
    • vyyhdinpuut
    • vyyhti
    • puola
    • puolata
    • tela
    • kerinpuut
    • kelata
    • kela
    • lieriö
    * * *
    ri:l 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) kela
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) huojua
    - reel off

    English-Finnish dictionary > reel

  • 57 reel

    I [riːl]
    nome (for cable, film, tape) bobina f.; (of thread) rocchetto m.; pesc. mulinello m.

    reel-to-reel — [ tape recorder] a bobine


    off the reelAE senza posa, tutto d'un fiato

    II 1. [riːl] 2.
    verbo intransitivo (sway) [ person] vacillare, barcollare
    III [riːl]
    nome = danza popolare scozzese
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) bobina
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) barcollare; girare
    - reel off
    * * *
    I [riːl]
    nome (for cable, film, tape) bobina f.; (of thread) rocchetto m.; pesc. mulinello m.

    reel-to-reel — [ tape recorder] a bobine


    off the reelAE senza posa, tutto d'un fiato

    II 1. [riːl] 2.
    verbo intransitivo (sway) [ person] vacillare, barcollare
    III [riːl]
    nome = danza popolare scozzese

    English-Italian dictionary > reel

  • 58 reel

    1. noun
    1) (roller, cylinder) [Papier-, Schlauch-, Garn-, Angel]rolle, die; [Film-, Tonband-, Garn]spule, die
    2) (quantity) Rolle, die
    3) (dance, music) Reel, der
    2. transitive verb

    reel [up] — (wind on) aufspulen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (be in a whirl) sich drehen

    his head was reelingin seinem Kopf drehte sich alles

    2) (sway) torkeln; (fig.): (be shaken) taumeln
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/90820/reel_in">reel in
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) die Rolle
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) der Reel
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) wanken, wirbeln
    - reel in
    - reel off
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (device) Rolle f; (for film, yarn, tape) Spule f; (for fishing line) Angelrolle f
    \reel-to- \reel tape [station] Magnetbandgerät nt mit zwei Rollen
    2. (unit)
    \reel of film Filmrolle f
    \reel of thread Fadenspule f
    \reel of yarn BRIT Garnrolle f
    II. vt
    to \reel thread Faden m aufspulen
    I. n
    1. (dance) Reel m
    2. MUS Reel m
    II. vi
    1. (sway) person torkeln, taumeln; ground sich akk drehen
    to send sb \reeling jdn taumeln lassen
    the next punch sent the boxer \reeling against the ropes der nächste Schlag ließ den Boxer gegen die Seile taumeln
    2. (be shaken) schaudern
    they are still \reeling with shock sie sind noch benommen von dem Schock; (be in a whirl) sich akk drehen
    my mind is \reeling in meinem Kopf dreht sich alles
    3. (dance) [einen] Reel tanzen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (of thread, wire etc) Rolle f, Spule f; (of film, magnetic tape) Spule f; (FISHING) (Angel)rolle f
    2) (= dance) Reel m
    2. vt (TECH)
    thread aufspulen
    3. vi
    (person) taumeln; (drunk also) torkeln, schwanken

    he went reeling down the streeter torkelte or schwankte die Straße hinunter

    * * *
    reel1 [riːl]
    A s
    1. Haspel f, (Garnetc) Winde f:
    a) in einem Zug, hintereinander weg,
    b) aus dem Handgelenk, sofort
    2. (Garn-, Kabel-, Papier-, Schlauch- etc) Rolle f, (Bandmaß-, Farbband-, Film-, Garn-, Tonband- etc) Spule f:
    reel seat belt AUTO Automatikgurt m
    3. Rolle f (zum Aufwinden der Angelschnur)
    4. FILM
    a) Film(streifen) m
    b) (Film)Akt m
    B v/t
    1. reel up aufspulen, -wickeln, -rollen, auf eine Spule oder Rolle wickeln
    2. meist reel in ( oder up) einen Fisch einholen
    a) abhaspeln, abspulen,
    b) fig eine Geschichte etc herunterrasseln umg
    reel2 [riːl]
    A v/i
    1. sich (schnell) drehen, wirbeln:
    my head reels mir dreht sich alles, mir ist schwindlig;
    the room reeled before his eyes das Zimmer drehte sich vor seinen Augen
    2. wanken, taumeln:
    reel back zurücktaumeln
    3. ins Wanken geraten (Truppen etc)
    B v/t schnell (herum)wirbeln
    C s
    1. Wirbel(n) m(n), Drehen n
    2. Taumeln n, Wanken n
    3. fig Taumel m, Wirbel m
    reel3 [riːl]
    A s Reel m (schottischer Volkstanz)
    B v/i (einen) Reel tanzen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (roller, cylinder) [Papier-, Schlauch-, Garn-, Angel]rolle, die; [Film-, Tonband-, Garn]spule, die
    2) (quantity) Rolle, die
    3) (dance, music) Reel, der
    2. transitive verb

    reel [up] — (wind on) aufspulen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (be in a whirl) sich drehen
    2) (sway) torkeln; (fig.): (be shaken) taumeln
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Band ¨-er n.
    Bandrolle f.
    Bandspule f.
    Haspel -n f.

    English-german dictionary > reel

  • 59 stumble

    intransitive verb
    1) stolpern ( over über + Akk.)
    2) (falter) stocken

    stumble over something/through life — über etwas (Akk.) /durchs Leben stolpern


    stumble across or [up]on somebody/something — (find by chance) über jemanden stolpern (fig. ugs.) /auf etwas (Akk.) stoßen

    * * *
    1) (to strike the foot against something and lose one's balance, or nearly fall: He stumbled over the edge of the carpet.) stolpern
    2) (to walk unsteadily: He stumbled along the track in the dark.) stolpern
    3) (to make mistakes, or hesitate in speaking, reading aloud etc: He stumbles over his words when speaking in public.) stottern
    - academic.ru/118672/stumbling-block">stumbling-block
    - stumble across/on
    * * *
    1. (trip) stolpern, straucheln
    to \stumble on sth über etw akk stolpern
    2. ( fig)
    the judges noticed the violinist \stumble die Schiedsrichter bemerkten, dass die Violinistin einen Fehler machte
    to \stumble from one mistake to another ( fig) vom einen Fehler zum nächsten stolpern
    to \stumble over the rhythm aus dem Rhythmus kommen
    3. (stagger)
    to \stumble about [or around] herumtappen
    4. (falter when talking) stocken, holpern
    to \stumble over sth über etw akk stolpern
    the poet \stumbled over a line in the poem der Dichter stolperte über eine Zeile in dem Gedicht
    to \stumble across [or [up]on] sb/sth über jdn/etw stolpern fam, [zufällig] auf jdn/etw stoßen
    * * *
    1. n
    Stolpern nt no pl, no indef art; (in speech etc) Stocken nt no pl, no indef art
    2. vi (lit, fig)
    stolpern; (in speech) stocken

    to stumble on sth (lit)über etw (acc) stolpern; (fig) auf etw (acc) stoßen

    he stumbled through a waltz/his speech — stockend or holperig spielte er einen Walzer/hielt er seine Rede

    * * *
    stumble [ˈstʌmbl]
    A v/i
    1. auch fig stolpern, straucheln ( beide:
    at, over über akk):
    stumble in(to) fig in eine Sache (hinein)stolpern oder (-)schlittern;
    a) zufällig stoßen auf (akk),
    b) jemandem zufällig über den Weg laufen
    2. stolpern, taumeln, wanken
    3. fig
    a) einen Fehltritt tun, straucheln, sündigen
    b) einen Fehler machen, stolpern
    4. stottern, sich verhaspeln:
    stumble through a speech eine Rede herunterstottern
    5. sich stoßen, Anstoß nehmen ( beide:
    at an dat)
    B s
    1. Stolpern n, Straucheln n, fig auch Fehltritt m
    2. Fehler m
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    1) stolpern ( over über + Akk.)
    2) (falter) stocken

    stumble over something/through life — über etwas (Akk.) /durchs Leben stolpern


    stumble across or [up]on somebody/something — (find by chance) über jemanden stolpern (fig. ugs.) /auf etwas (Akk.) stoßen

    * * *
    stolpern v.

    English-german dictionary > stumble

  • 60 reel

    [riːl] 1. n
    ( of thread) szpulka f; (of film, tape) szpula f; ( PHOT) rolka f; ( on fishing-rod) kołowrotek m; ( dance) skoczny taniec szkocki lub irlandzki
    2. vi
    person zataczać się (zatoczyć się perf)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [ri:l] 1. noun
    1) (a round wheel-shaped or cylindrical object of wood, metal etc on which thread, film, fishing-lines etc can be wound: a reel of sewing-cotton; He changed the reel in the projector.) szpulka
    2) ((the music for) a type of lively Scottish, Irish or American dance: The fiddler played a reel; to dance a reel.) (rodzaj tańca)
    2. verb
    (to stagger; to sway; to move in an unsteady way: The drunk man reeled along the road; My brain was reeling with all the information that he gave me.) zataczać się, (za)wirować
    - reel off

    English-Polish dictionary > reel

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stagger (aviation) — Stagger Positive wing stagger of a de Havilland Tiger Moth …   Wikipedia

  • Stagger Lee — Lee Shelton (also known as Stagger Lee, Stagolee, Stackerlee, Stack O Lee, Stack a Lee and by several other spelling variants) was a black cab driver and a pimp [ [http://www.riverfronttimes.com/2007 06 27/news/the story of stagger lee/ The Story …   Wikipedia

  • stagger — staggerer, n. /stag euhr/, v.i. 1. to walk, move, or stand unsteadily. 2. to falter or begin to give way, as in an argument or fight. 3. to waver or begin to doubt, as in purpose or opinion; hesitate: After staggering momentarily, he recognized… …   Universalium

  • stagger — Synonyms and related words: affright, agitate, alarm, alternate, amaze, amble, amplitude, arrhythmia, astonish, astound, awe, awestrike, back and fill, barge, be drunk, be incredible, be intoxicated, be unbelievable, bedaze, bedazzle, bewilder,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • go along — Synonyms and related words: abide, advance, be getting along, be so, be such, bide, buzz off, carry on, cease not, come along, come away, come on, come out, come through, commute, continue, contrive, course, cover ground, depart, drag on, endure …   Moby Thesaurus

  • get along — Synonyms and related words: accord, advance, age, agree, agree with, ameliorate, amend, be getting along, be so, be such, buzz off, cheat the undertaker, chime in with, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come away, come on, come out, come… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • toddle along — Synonyms and related words: amble, be getting along, buzz off, claudicate, come away, crawl, creep, depart, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag out, exit, gang along, get along, get away, get off, get on, get under way, go, go along, go away, go dead …   Moby Thesaurus

  • go on — Synonyms and related words: abide, acquit, act, advance, assault, attack, babble, barbarize, batter, be getting along, be livid, be pissed, be so, be such, bear, behave, bide, blab, blabber, blather, blether, bluster, boil, browned off, brutalize …   Moby Thesaurus

  • go — Synonyms and related words: Olympic games, Olympics, abstain from, accompany, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accord, achievement, act, act on, act upon, acta, action, admire, adopt, advance, adventure, adventuresomeness, adventurousness,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • totter — Synonyms and related words: age, alternate, amble, back and fill, barge, blunder, bowl along, break down, bundle, capsize, careen, career, cave in, change, cheat the undertaker, claudicate, clump, collapse, come a cropper, cower, crawl, creep,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • amble — Synonyms and related words: airing, barge, bowl along, bundle, canter, caracole, claudicate, clump, constitutional, crawl, creep, curvet, dally, dillydally, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag out, drift, droop, flounce, foot, footslog, forced march …   Moby Thesaurus

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