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  • 1 (to) revive

    (to) revive /rɪˈvaɪv/
    A v. i.
    1 rianimarsi; riprendersi: Withered flowers revive in the rain, i fiori avvizziti si riprendono sotto la pioggia
    2 ravvivarsi; tornare in vita: My hopes revived, le mie speranze si sono ravvivate
    3 ( di usanze e sim.) tornare in auge; tornare in uso
    4 ( sport) riprendersi; ripartire (fig.)
    B v. t.
    1 rianimare ( anche fig.): to revive an unconscious person, rianimare una persona svenuta; to revive the market, rianimare il mercato
    2 far rivivere; riportare in auge: to revive an ancient custom, far rivivere un'antica usanza; This spring's fashion collections have revived floral prints, la moda primavera di quest'anno ha riportato in auge gli stampati a fiori
    4 (teatr.) riprendere, riportare sulle scene ( un vecchio dramma)
    5 rianimare; tirare su: A glass of wine will revive you, un bicchiere di vino ti tirerà su; to revive sb. 's spirits, tirare su il morale a q.

    English-Italian dictionary > (to) revive

  • 2 (to) revive

    (to) revive /rɪˈvaɪv/
    A v. i.
    1 rianimarsi; riprendersi: Withered flowers revive in the rain, i fiori avvizziti si riprendono sotto la pioggia
    2 ravvivarsi; tornare in vita: My hopes revived, le mie speranze si sono ravvivate
    3 ( di usanze e sim.) tornare in auge; tornare in uso
    4 ( sport) riprendersi; ripartire (fig.)
    B v. t.
    1 rianimare ( anche fig.): to revive an unconscious person, rianimare una persona svenuta; to revive the market, rianimare il mercato
    2 far rivivere; riportare in auge: to revive an ancient custom, far rivivere un'antica usanza; This spring's fashion collections have revived floral prints, la moda primavera di quest'anno ha riportato in auge gli stampati a fiori
    4 (teatr.) riprendere, riportare sulle scene ( un vecchio dramma)
    5 rianimare; tirare su: A glass of wine will revive you, un bicchiere di vino ti tirerà su; to revive sb. 's spirits, tirare su il morale a q.

    English-Italian dictionary > (to) revive

  • 3 antiguo

    1 ancient, early, antique, long-standing.
    2 former, olden, one-time, sometime.
    3 outdated, of a bygone era, archaic, outmoded.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: antiguar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) ancient, old; (coche) vintage, old
    2 (en empleo) senior
    3 (pasado) old-fashioned
    4 (anterior) former
    1 the ancients
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way
    de antiguo since ancient times
    * * *
    (f. - antigua)
    1) old
    * * *
    antiguo, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=viejo) [ciudad, costumbre] old; [coche] vintage; [mueble, objeto, libro] antique

    a la antigua (usanza) — in the old-fashioned way

    de o desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    en lo antiguo — in olden days liter, in ancient times

    chapado, música
    2) ( Hist) [civilización, restos] ancient

    el palacio árabe más antiguo — the oldest Arab palace, the most ancient Arab palace

    edad 2)
    3) (=anterior) old, former

    la antigua capilla, ahora sala de exposiciones — the old o former chapel, now an exhibition hall

    un antiguo novio — an old boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend

    mi antiguo jefe — my former boss, my ex-boss

    más antiguo — [cliente, socio] longest-standing; [empleado, prisionero] longest-serving

    el socio más antiguo — the most senior member, the longest-standing member, the oldest member

    4) (=anticuado) [traje, estilo, persona] old-fashioned; [mentalidad] outdated
    2. SM / F
    1) (=anticuado)

    tu madre es una antigua — your mother is really old-fashioned, your mother is a real fuddy-duddy *

    2) (=veterano)
    3) ( Hist)
    * * *
    - gua adjetivo
    a) ( viejo) <ciudad/libro> old; <ruinas/civilización> ancient; <mueble/lámpara> antique, old; < coche> vintage, old; <costumbre/tradición> old
    b) ( veterano) old, long-standing

    de or desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    2) (delante del n) ( de antes) old (before n), former (before n)
    3) ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    * * *
    = ancient, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], former, old [older -comp., oldest -sup.], long-standing, age-old, sometime + Nombre, erstwhile, overaged, olde, retrospective, timeworn, antique.
    Ex. But this traditional stance conceals an ancient feud between cataloguers and reference librarians over the true function of the library catalogue.
    Ex. Microforms are easy to use, although there were early reservations concerning the fact that users need to become familiar with any specific kind of microform and its reader.
    Ex. This person acted as the liaison with the former UNIMARC Working Group.
    Ex. These circumvent many of the problems that must be tackled in subject indexing such as the emergence of new terms and new meanings for old words.
    Ex. The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
    Ex. The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.
    Ex. One of the most successful is the system devised by Dyson, sometime editor of CA.
    Ex. This article relates the professional experiences of an erstwhile academic librarian.
    Ex. Bielefeld University is replacing its overaged mainframe data processing systems in the library.
    Ex. The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    Ex. It seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.
    Ex. But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.
    Ex. A small cranberry tree surrounded by holly sits on an antique marble-top table.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * antigua esposa = ex-wife.
    * antigua gloria = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antigua grandeza = Posesivo + former glory.
    * Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece.
    * antigua novia = ex-girlfriend.
    * antigua Roma = ancient Rome.
    * antiguo alumno = alumnus [alumni, -pl.], alum.
    * antiguo esplendor = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antiguo periodista = ex-journalist.
    * antiguo régimen, el = ancient regime, the.
    * antiguos egipcios, los = ancient Egyptians, the.
    * antiguo soldado = ex-soldier.
    * Antiguo Testamento, el = Old Testament (O.T.), the.
    * asociación de antiguos alumnos = alumni association.
    * casco antiguo = old town.
    * casco antiguo de la ciudad, el = oldest part of the city, the.
    * chapado a la antigua = fuddy-duddy.
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * impreso antiguo = old print.
    * ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material anti = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * ley antigua = ancient law.
    * libro antiguo = old book, rare book.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * obra antigua = ancient work.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antigua grandeza = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo esplendor = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo gloria = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * red de antiguos compañeros = old boy network.
    * restituir Algo a su antigua grandeza = restore + Nombre + to + Posesivo + former glory.
    * reunión de antiguos alumnos = class reunion.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * vestido a la antigua = frumpy [frumpier -comp., frumpiest -sup.], frumpish.
    * * *
    - gua adjetivo
    a) ( viejo) <ciudad/libro> old; <ruinas/civilización> ancient; <mueble/lámpara> antique, old; < coche> vintage, old; <costumbre/tradición> old
    b) ( veterano) old, long-standing

    de or desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    2) (delante del n) ( de antes) old (before n), former (before n)
    3) ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    * * *
    = ancient, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], former, old [older -comp., oldest -sup.], long-standing, age-old, sometime + Nombre, erstwhile, overaged, olde, retrospective, timeworn, antique.

    Ex: But this traditional stance conceals an ancient feud between cataloguers and reference librarians over the true function of the library catalogue.

    Ex: Microforms are easy to use, although there were early reservations concerning the fact that users need to become familiar with any specific kind of microform and its reader.
    Ex: This person acted as the liaison with the former UNIMARC Working Group.
    Ex: These circumvent many of the problems that must be tackled in subject indexing such as the emergence of new terms and new meanings for old words.
    Ex: The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
    Ex: The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.
    Ex: One of the most successful is the system devised by Dyson, sometime editor of CA.
    Ex: This article relates the professional experiences of an erstwhile academic librarian.
    Ex: Bielefeld University is replacing its overaged mainframe data processing systems in the library.
    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    Ex: It seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.
    Ex: But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.
    Ex: A small cranberry tree surrounded by holly sits on an antique marble-top table.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * antigua esposa = ex-wife.
    * antigua gloria = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antigua grandeza = Posesivo + former glory.
    * Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece.
    * antigua novia = ex-girlfriend.
    * antigua Roma = ancient Rome.
    * antiguo alumno = alumnus [alumni, -pl.], alum.
    * antiguo esplendor = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antiguo periodista = ex-journalist.
    * antiguo régimen, el = ancient regime, the.
    * antiguos egipcios, los = ancient Egyptians, the.
    * antiguo soldado = ex-soldier.
    * Antiguo Testamento, el = Old Testament (O.T.), the.
    * asociación de antiguos alumnos = alumni association.
    * casco antiguo = old town.
    * casco antiguo de la ciudad, el = oldest part of the city, the.
    * chapado a la antigua = fuddy-duddy.
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * impreso antiguo = old print.
    * ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material anti = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * ley antigua = ancient law.
    * libro antiguo = old book, rare book.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * obra antigua = ancient work.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antigua grandeza = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo esplendor = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo gloria = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * red de antiguos compañeros = old boy network.
    * restituir Algo a su antigua grandeza = restore + Nombre + to + Posesivo + former glory.
    * reunión de antiguos alumnos = class reunion.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * vestido a la antigua = frumpy [frumpier -comp., frumpiest -sup.], frumpish.

    * * *
    1 (viejo) ‹casa/ciudad› old; ‹ruinas/civilización› ancient; ‹mueble/lámpara› antique, old; ‹libro› old; ‹coche› vintage, old
    la parte antigua de la ciudad the old part of the city
    la antigua Roma ancient Rome
    una costumbre muy antigua an ancient o a very old custom
    es mejor no reavivar antiguas rencillas it's best not to revive old quarrels
    2 (veterano) old, long-standing
    es uno de nuestros más antiguos clientes he's one of our oldest customers
    3 ( en locs):
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way
    se viste a la antigua she dresses in an old-fashioned way o style
    chapado a la antigua old-fashioned
    de or desde antiguo from time immemorial
    una tradición que viene de antiguo a tradition which dates from time immemorial
    masculine ancien régime
    masculine Old Testament
    B ( delante del n) (de antes) old ( before n), former ( before n)
    un antiguo novio an ex-boyfriend o old boyfriend
    visitamos mi antiguo colegio we visited my old school
    Río, antigua capital del Brasil Rio, the former capital of Brazil
    C (anticuado) ‹persona/estilo› old-fashioned
    tiene una cara muy antigua she has a very old-fashioned kind of face, her face seems to belong to another era
    * * *


    ◊ - gua adjetivo

    a) ( viejo) ‹ciudad/libro old;

    ruinas/civilización ancient;
    mueble/lámpara antique, old;
    coche vintage, old;
    costumbre/tradición old;

    c) ( en locs)

    chapado a la antigua old-fashioned;
    de or desde antiguo from time immemorial
    2 ( delante del n) ( de antes) old ( before n), former ( before n);

    3 ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    antiguo,-a adjetivo
    1 old, ancient: Antiguo Testamento, Old Testament
    2 (pasado de moda) old-fashioned
    3 (empleado, cargo) senior
    4 (anterior) former
    ' antiguo' also found in these entries:
    - casco
    - decana
    - decano
    - entre
    - restituir
    - sellar
    - testamento
    - ver
    - combatiente
    - viejo
    - ancient
    - antique
    - become
    - dissociate
    - encounter
    - ex-
    - flame
    - former
    - gramophone
    - imperial mile
    - long-standing
    - old
    - old-style
    - one
    - paper
    - take over
    - testament
    - erstwhile
    - further
    - long
    - past
    - sometime
    - veteran
    - vintage car
    * * *
    antiguo, -a
    1. [viejo] old;
    [inmemorial] ancient;
    un antiguo amigo/enemigo an old friend/enemy
    antiguo alumno [de colegio] ex-pupil, former pupil, US alumnus;
    el antiguo continente [Europa] Europe;
    la antigua Roma Ancient Rome;
    el Antiguo Testamento the Old Testament
    2. [anterior, previo] former;
    la antigua Unión Soviética the former Soviet Union
    el antiguo régimen the former regime; Hist the ancien régime
    3. [veterano]
    los miembros/empleados más antiguos tienen preferencia preference is given to the longest-serving members/employees;
    los vecinos más antiguos the neighbours who've been here longest
    4. [pasado de moda] old-fashioned;
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way;
    chapado a la antigua stuck in the past, old-fashioned
    1. [persona] old-fashioned person;
    su tío es un antiguo her uncle is very old-fashioned
    los antiguos [de la Antigüedad] the ancients
    * * *
    adj old; del pasado remoto ancient;
    su antiguo novio her old o former boyfriend;
    a la antigua in the old-fashioned way;
    edad antigua ancient times pl
    * * *
    antiguo, - gua adj
    1) : ancient, old
    2) : former
    3) : old-fashioned
    a la antigua: in the old-fashioned way
    * * *
    antiguo adj
    1. (mueble, cuadro, etc) antique
    2. (casa, coche) old
    3. (idioma, cultura) ancient
    4. (anterior) former
    5. (en el trabajo) senior
    6. (anticuado) old fashioned
    ¡qué ideas más antiguas tienes! what old fashioned ideas you've got!

    Spanish-English dictionary > antiguo

  • 4 К-327

    ПЕРЕМЫВАТЬ (МЫТЬ)/ПЕРЕМЫТЬ КОСТОЧКИ (КОСТИ) (кому, чьи)со11(\?\ subj: human, pi more often impfv) to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o. 's behavior in detail: Х-ы перемывают косточки Y-y - Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces Xs are gossiping about Y Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
    «Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки...» (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
    Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, i.e., the bones («косточки»), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-327

  • 5 мыть кости

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > мыть кости

  • 6 мыть косточки

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > мыть косточки

  • 7 перемывать кости

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перемывать кости

  • 8 перемывать косточки

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перемывать косточки

  • 9 перемыть кости

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перемыть кости

  • 10 перемыть косточки

    [VP; subj: human, pi; more often impfv]
    to talk unkindly about s.o. behind his back, discuss and criticize s.o.'s behavior in detail:
    - X-ы перемывают косточки Y-y Xs are picking (tearing) Y to pieces;
    - Xs are dishing the dirt about Y.
         ♦ "Слыхал, наверно, что тут про меня плели?.. Ну про фронтовика моего? Слыхал. Был тут у нас в войну один человек... Ну дак от него письмо. Сюда собирается... То-то опять начнут перемывать косточки..." (Абрамов 1). "I'm sure you've heard the gossip about me, haven't you?... You know-about my soldier. You heard. About the man who was here during the war....Well, the letter's from him. He's planning on coming here, so they'll start tearing me to pieces again soon" (1a).
         ♦ Женщины оживают, встряхиваются, их освеженный мозг вспоминает совершенно неожиданного человека, чьи косточки они, оказывается, забыли перемыть (Искандер 3). The women would revive and rouse themselves, their refreshed minds would suddenly recall that there was someone they had completely forgotten to gossip about (3a).
    ← The phrase originates in the ancient custom of giving a deceased person a second burial. While performing the customary ritual of washing the exhumed remains, 1.e., the bones (" косточки"), in preparation for reburial, people recalled and spoke of the deceased.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перемыть косточки

См. также в других словарях:

  • ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …   Universalium

  • custom — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accepted, age old, ancient, established, old, traditional ▪ quaint, strange ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Religion in ancient Rome — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter …   Wikipedia

  • Persecution of religion in ancient Rome — As the Roman Republic, and later the Roman empire, expanded, it came to include people from a variety of cultures, and religions. The worship of an ever increasing number of deities was tolerated and accepted. The government, and the Romans in… …   Wikipedia

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • Bathsua Makin — Bathsua Reginald Makin (c. 1600 c. 1675) was a proto feminist, middle class Englishwoman who contributed to the emerging criticism of woman’s position in domestic and public spheres in seventeenth century England. Herself a highly educated woman …   Wikipedia

  • philosophy, Western — Introduction       history of Western philosophy from its development among the ancient Greeks to the present.       This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate… …   Universalium

  • Constantine the Great — • Information on the Roman emperor Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Constantine the Great     Constantine the Great     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… …   Universalium

  • Parliament of the United Kingdom — of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Type Type Bicameral …   Wikipedia

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