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  • 1 returned to its former state

    חזר ליושנו, חזר למצבו הקודם
    * * *
    םדוקה ובצמל רזח,ונשויל רזח

    English-Hebrew dictionary > returned to its former state

  • 2 returned to its former state

    kwam terug naar vorige staat

    English-Dutch dictionary > returned to its former state

  • 3 returned to its former state

    återtog sin skepnad, blev som vanligt igen

    English-Swedish dictionary > returned to its former state

  • 4 former

    A n
    1 the former ( the first of two) le premier/la première m/f, celui-là/celle-là m/f ; the former is simple, the latter is complex celui-là est simple, celui-ci est complexe, le premier est simple, le dernier est complexe ;
    2 Aerosp couple m.
    B adj
    1 ( earlier) [era, life] antérieur ; [size, state] initial, original ; to restore sth to its former glory rendre sa beauté première à qch ; of former days ou times d'autrefois ; in former times autrefois ; he's a shadow of his former self il n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-même ;
    2 ( no longer) [leader, employer, husband, champion] ancien/-ienne (before n) ;
    3 ( first of two) [proposal, course, method] premier/-ière (before n).
    C - former (dans composés) GB Sch fourth-former élève mf de troisième.

    Big English-French dictionary > former

  • 5 former

    I 1. ['fɔːmə(r)]
    1) (earlier) [era, life, size, state] precedente

    to restore sth. to its former glory — restituire a qcs. il suo splendore originale

    of former days o times di una volta, d'altri tempi; he's a shadow of his former self — non è più lo stesso o quello di prima

    3) (first of two) [proposal, course, method] primo, precedente
    2. II ['fɔːmə(r)]
    * * *
    (of an earlier time: In former times people did not travel so much.) precedente, passato
    - the former
    * * *
    former (1) /ˈfɔ:mə(r)/
    1 persona che forma qc.; formatore
    2 (tecn.) attrezzo per dare una forma; stampo
    3 ( nei composti) (GB) studente ( di un dato anno): a fifth-former, uno studente del quinto anno ( delle secondarie).
    ♦ former (2) /ˈfɔ:mə(r)/
    A a.
    1 precedente; passato; andato: on a former occasion, in un'occasione precedente; in former times, nei tempi andati (o passati); DIALOGO → - Signing on with an agency- Can I have the name and address of two former employers?, può darmi il nome e l'indirizzo di due precedenti datori di lavoro?
    2 ex; di un tempo: his former wife, la sua ex moglie; my former students, i miei ex alunni; a former colleague of mine, un mio ex collega; He's a former chairman of the company, è un ex presidente (o è stato presidente) della società
    B pron.
    the former, il primo ( di due); (correl. di latter:) questo; l'uno: Of the two pictures, I prefer the former, dei due quadri preferisco il primo; the former…, the latter, il primo… il secondo; quello… questo; l'uno… l'altro
    She is once again her former self, è tornata quella di prima; è di nuovo lei
    tempo addietro; un tempo; una volta; in passato; precedentemente; già.
    * * *
    I 1. ['fɔːmə(r)]
    1) (earlier) [era, life, size, state] precedente

    to restore sth. to its former glory — restituire a qcs. il suo splendore originale

    of former days o times di una volta, d'altri tempi; he's a shadow of his former self — non è più lo stesso o quello di prima

    3) (first of two) [proposal, course, method] primo, precedente
    2. II ['fɔːmə(r)]

    English-Italian dictionary > former

  • 6 rogue state

    •• rogue, rogue state

    •• Rogue 1. a criminally dishonest person. 2. a playfully mischievous person (The Random House Dictionary).
    •• Даже самые современные словари ограничиваются в описании этого слова такими значениями, как жулик, мошенник, негодяй, проказник, плюс несколько технических значений. Приводится также словосочетание rogue elephant (слон-отшельник), а также довольно известный полицейский термин rogue’s gallery (архив фотографий преступников). А теперь несколько примеров актуального употребления этого слова. Газета International Herald Tribune цитирует высказывание премьер-министра Малайзии: We still believe there are sincere investors out there. But there are still quite a few rogues who can cause an avalanche forcing others to run for cover. Американские дипломаты нередко называют такие страны, как Ливия, Ирак, Иран, rogue states. Думаю, что ни в первом, ни особенно во втором случае слова мошенник или негодяй не подойдут. Тем более в следующем примере из статьи бывшего прокурора Трибунала ООН по военным преступлениям: The likelihood that a rogue prosecutor would be appointed, let alone the idea that a diverse panel of independent judges would permit the indictment of anyone for political motives, is negligible. Что такое rogue prosecutor? В статье вполне достаточно подсказок. США, пишет автор, опасаются, что its soldiers might one day face frivolous prosecutions by the permanent international court (т.е. что американские военнослужащие будут подвергнуты необоснованному судебному преследованию). Но, пишет он далее, the careful procedures and demanding qualification for the selection of the prosecutor and judges... serve as an effective check against irresponsible behavior. Именно в слове irresponsible и содержится разгадка. Итак, a rogue prosecutor это безответственный прокурор (способный без достаточных оснований возбудить судебное дело). Соответственно a rogue state – «безответственное» государство, государство, не признающее международных норм, государство-изгой. Я встречал также в русских текстах словосочетание экстремистские государства. А в высказывании премьер-министра Малайзии rogues скорее все-таки безответственные лица, чем негодяи или мошенники.
    •• * Когда перевод закрепился в прессе, изменить существующую практику фактически невозможно. Едва ли не все предлагавшиеся варианты соответствий rogue states – экстремистские/ безответственные/ опасные и даже опальные государства – лучше, чем государства-изгои, но ничего уже не поделаешь (в разговоре с французскими коллегами в ООН выяснилось, что им закрепившийся в печати перевод états-voyous тоже не нравится). Но, конечно, слово rogue употребляется не только в этом сочетании. Оно высокочастотно и имеет множество оттенков значений. В этом можно убедиться, заглянув в словари, но и они не передают всего богатства возможных вариантов перевода.
    •• Вот цитата из New York Times:
    •• At a critical turn in the crisis over the sexual abuse of children by rogue priests, the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops tried to show their commitment to reform last year by naming a review board of prominent laypeople led by former Gov. Frank Keating of Oklahoma.
    •• Можно говорить о значении, примерно описываемом так: дискредитировавший себя, запятнавший свою репутацию неподобающим поведением и т.п. Вообще элемент безответственности, незаконности, неправильного поведения – общий в словосочетаниях rogue state и rogue priest. В более широком смысле общим является элемент опасности: rogue elephants опасны для жителей соседних деревень, rogue priests – для семей верующих и для общества в целом, rogue states – для международного сообщества. В приведенной выше фразе возможен, конечно, контекстуальный перевод, основанный на знании ситуации (священники, виновные в развращении несовершеннолетних).
    •• В статье Энн Эплбаум в New York Review of Books читаем:
    •• A few years ago, a series of bombs went off around Moscow and elsewhere in Russia. President Putin blamed the Chechens <...> Others blamed rogue elementsin the Russian security services, and even offered evidence.
    •• Здесь rogue elements можно, по-моему, перевести и как преступные элементы, и даже как темные силы, но точнее всего – вышедшие из-под контроля сотрудники спецслужб. Элемент вышедший из-под контроля имплицитно присутствует и в rogue elephant, и в какой-то мере в rogue state. Но вообще-то это довольно близко к пресловутым оборотням в погонах. Конечно, нередко встречающийся в англоязычной печати «перевод» werewolves wearing police epaulets крайне неудачен. Сказочно-мифический персонаж здесь совсем неуместен, да и «погоны» не надо понимать буквально. Police/ security service turncoats (или просто turncoats) вполне приемлемо.
    •• Несмотря на установленное «самой жизнью» соответствие rogue policemen или police turncoats и «оборотней в погонах», американские корреспонденты в Москве продолжают настаивать на werewolves. David Filipow (Boston Globe) – he should know better! – пишет:
    •• Russians call them werewolves in uniform- police officers who abuse their power to extort and rob the citizens they are supposed to safeguard.
    •• Конечно, журналистам хочется добавить немного местного колорита, отсюда Russians call them (что тоже в общем неверно: выражение запущено в оборот бывшим министром Грызловым, оно неприятно напоминает «убийц в белых халатах» и в речи обычных Russians встречается редко).
    •• Вообще, надо сказать, атрибутивное rogue – богатейшее слово, причем, как выясняется, англичане любят его не меньше, чем американцы.
    •• Все следующие примеры с сайта www.bbc.co.uk:
    •• Researchers may have uncovered why the « rogue» prion protein which causes BSE and CJD is such an efficient destroyer of brain cells. Scientists at two US research centres have discovered that the presence of the protein in one particular part of the brain cell is enough to poison it. CJD is the best-known type of disease thought to be caused by rogueprions. These are misshapenversions of a normal cell protein, which stop behaving in the normal way and cannot be disposed of by the cell.
    •• Rogue white blood cells may hold the secret to how and why some life-threatening diseases develop, US scientists believe.
    •• It could lead to rogue GM crop plants that are harder to control, warns the government agency, which champions wildlife conservation in Britain.
    •• Scientists have discovered that a rogue wave pattern helped cause one of the UK’s biggest maritime disasters.
    •• The United Nations has warned that about 30% of pesticides marketed in the developing world contain toxic substances which pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. The rogue pesticides contained chemicals either banned or severely restricted elsewhere in the world, or concentrations of chemicals which exceeded international limits.
    •• A space mission to knock a potential rogue asteroid off course is undergoing feasibility studies with money from the European Space Agency.
    •• Investigators suspect that a rogue scientist may have obtained access to samples of the bacteria.
    •• В первых нескольких примерах стержневым для переводчика смысловым элементом является аномальность (клеток крови, белка, генетически модифицированных растений, волн). В случае с астероидом подойдет перевод опасный. Rogue scientist – что-то вроде «преступника в белом халате». А может быть, ученый-оборотень? Языковая мода – оружие огромной силы.
    •• Еще примеры. Из статьи Энн Коултер (эта дама – «правее всех правых»):
    •• Liberals waged a vicious campaign of vilification against Bork, saying he would bring back segregated lunch counters, government censorship and “rogue police” engaging in midnight raids.
    •• Здесь rogue police, конечно, не оборотни в погонах, а скорее полиция, сорвавшаяся с тормозов. А может быть – в этом контексте – просто обнаглевшие полисмены.
    •• С сайта BBC:
    •• According to CNN political analyst Bill Schneider, the American people, by 2-to-1, think that he [Rumsfeld] should be allowed to stay on the job. It is not because they are not outraged and disgusted by the prisoner abuse scandal but because they believe that these were “rogue acts of criminality.”
    •• В данном случае, пожалуй, лучше всего просто преступный произвол. Но можно перевести (слегка «русифицируя») и как преступные действия горстки отщепенцев.
    •• Из «Известий»:
    •• Главный врач столичной скорой помощи рассказал «Известиям» об «оборотнях» в белых халатах.
    •• Напрашивается: rogue doctors/first aid workers.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > rogue state

  • 7 पूर्व _pūrva

    पूर्व a. (Declined like a pronoun when it implies relative position in time or space, but optionally so in nom. pl.; and abl. and loc. sing.)
    1 Being in front of, first, foremost.
    -2 Eastern, easterly, to the east of; ग्रामात् पर्वतः पूर्वः Sk.; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku.1.1.
    -3 Previous to, earlier than; ब्राह्मणे साहसः पूर्वः Ms.8.276.
    -4 Old, ancient; पूर्वसूरिभिः R.1.4; इदं कविभ्यः पूर्वेभ्यो नमोवाकं प्रशास्महे U.1.1.
    -5 Former, previous, anterior, prior, antecedent (opp. उत्तर); in this sense often at the end of comp. and translated by 'formerly.' or 'before'; श्रुतपूर्व &c.; व्यतीता या निशा पूर्वा पौराणां हर्षवर्धिनी Rām.7.37.1.
    -6 Aforesaid, before-mentioned.
    -7 Initial.
    -8 Established, customary, of long standing
    -9 Early, prime, पूर्वे वयसि Pt.1.165 'in early age or prime of life.
    -1 Elder (ज्येष्ठ); रामः पूर्वो हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति महीपतिः Rām.2.79.8.
    -11 (At the end of comp.) Preceded by, accompanied by, attended with; संबन्धमा भाषणपूर्वमाहुः R.2.58; पुण्यः शब्दो मुनिरिति मुहुः केवलं राजपूर्वः Ś2.17; तान् स्मितपूर्वमाह Ku.7.47; बहुमानपूर्वया 5.31; दशपूर्वरथं यमाख्यया दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29; so मतिपूर्वम् Ms.11.147 'intentionally', 'knowingly'; 12.89; अबोधपूर्वम् 'unconsciously', Ś.5.2. &c.
    -र्वः An ancestor, a forefather; पूर्वैः किलायं परिवर्धितो नः R.13.3; पयः पूर्वैः सनिश्वासैः कवोष्णमुपभुज्यते 1.67;5.14; अनुकारिणि पूर्वेषां युक्तरूपमिदं त्वयि Ś.2.17.
    -र्वम् The fore- part; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूरपूर्वम् (गात्रम्) Ś.2.4.
    -र्वा 1 The east
    -2 N. of a country to the east of Madhya- deśa.
    -र्वम् ind.
    1 Before (with abl.); मासात् पूर्वम्.
    -2 Formerly, previously, at first, antecedently, before- hand; तं पूर्वमभिवादयेत् Ms.2.117;3.94;8.25;; R. 12.35; प्रणिपातपूर्वम् K; भूतपूर्वखरालयम् U.2.17 'which formerly was the abode', &c.; समयपूर्वम् Ś.5. 'after a formal agreement.'
    -3 Immemorially. (पूर्वेण 'in front', 'before', 'to the east of', with gen. or acc.; अद्य पूर्वम् 'till-now', 'hitherto';
    पूर्वः -ततः -पश्चात् -उपरि 'first- then, first-afterwards', 'previously, subsequently',
    पूर्वम् -अधुना or
    -अद्य 'formerly-now.'
    -Comp. -अग्निः the sacred fire kept in the house (आवसथ्य).
    -अङ्गः the first day in the civil month.
    -अचलः, -अद्रिः the eastern mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to rise.
    -अधिकारिन् m. the first occu- pant, a prior owner.
    -अन्तः the end of a preceding word.
    1 eastern and western; कतमो$यं पूर्वापर- समुद्रावगाढः सानुमानालोक्यते Ś.7; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku. 1.1.
    -2 first and last.
    -3 prior and subsequent, pre- ceding and following.
    -4 connected with another.
    (-रम्) 1 what is before and behind.
    -2 connection; न च पूर्वापरं विद्यात् Ms.8.56.
    -3 the proof and the thing to be proved. ˚विरोधः inconsistency, incongruity.
    -अभि- मुख a. turned towards or facing the east.
    -अभ्यासः former practice or experience.
    -अम्बुधिः the eastern ocean.
    -अर्जित a. attained by former works. (
    -तम्) ancestral property.
    -अर्धः, -र्धम् 1 the first half; दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् Bh.2.6; समाप्तं पूर्वार्धम् &c.
    -2 the upper part (of the body); शकुन्तला पूर्वार्धेन शयनादुत्थाय Ś.3; R.16.6.
    -3 the first half of a hemistich.
    -अवसायिन् a. what occurs first or earlier; पूर्वावसायिनश्च बलीयांसो जघन्यावसायिभ्यः ŚB. on MS.12.2.34.
    -अह्णः the earlier part of the day, forenoon; Ms.4. 96,152. श्वः कार्यमद्य कुर्वीत पूर्वाह्णे चापराह्णिकम् (पूर्वाह्णतन, पूर्वा- ह्णिकः, पूर्वाह्णेतन a. relating to the forenoon).
    -आवेदकः a plaintiff.
    -आषाढा N. of the 2th lunar mansion con- sisting of two stars.
    - इतर a. western.
    -उक्त, -उदित a. beforementioned, aforesaid,
    -उत्तर a. north-eastern. (
    -रा) the north-east. (
    -रे dual) the preceding and following, antecedent and subsequent.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 a former act or work.
    -2 the first thing to be done, a prior work.
    -3 actions done in a former life.
    -4 preparations, preliminary arrangements.
    -कल्पः former times.
    -कायः 1 the fore-part of the body of animals; पश्चार्धेन प्रविष्टः शरपतनभयाद् भूयसा पूर्वकायम् Ś.1.7.
    -2 the upper part of the body of men; स्पृशन् करेणानतपूर्वकायम् R.5.32; पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्वकायम् Ku.3.45.
    -काल a. belonging to ancient times. (
    -लः) former or ancient times.
    -कालिक, -कालीन a. ancient.
    -काष्ठा the east, eastern quarter.
    -कृत a. previously done. (
    -तम्) an act done in a former life.
    -कोटिः f. the starting point of a debate, the first statement or पूर्वपक्ष q. v.
    -क्रिया preparation.
    -गा N. of the river Godāvarī.
    -गङ्गा N. of the river Narmadā; रेवेन्दुजा पूर्वगङ्गा नर्मदा मेकलीद्रिजा Abh. Chin.183.
    -चोदित a.
    1 aforesaid, above-men- tioned.
    -2 previously stated or advanced (as an objec- tion.
    - a.
    1 born or produced before or formerly, first-produced, first-born; यमयोः पूर्वजः पार्थः Mb.3.141. 11.
    -2 ancient, old.
    -3 eastern.
    (-जः) 1 an elder brother; अपहाय महीशमार्चिचत् सदसि त्वां ननु भामपूर्वजः; Śi. 16.44; R.15.36.
    -2 the son of the elder wife.
    -3 an ancestor, a forefather; स पूर्वजानां कपिलेन रोषात् R.16.34.
    -4 (pl.) the progenitors of mankind.
    -5 the manes living in the world of the moon. (
    -जा) an elder sister.
    -जन्मन् n. a former birth. (-m.) an elder brother; स लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजन्मा (विलोक्य) R.14.44.;15.95.
    -जातिः f. a former birth.
    -ज्ञानम् knowledge of a former life.
    -तापनीयम् N. of the first half of नृसिंहतापनीयोपनिषद्.
    -दक्षिण a. south-eastern. (
    -णा) the south-east.
    -दिक्पतिः Indra, the regent of the east.
    -दिनम् the forenoon.
    -दिश् f. the east.
    -दिश्य a. situated towards the east, eastern.
    -दिष्टम् the award of destiny.
    -दृष्ट a.
    1 primæval.
    -2 declared by the ancients; यथा ब्राह्मण- चाण्डालः पूर्वदृष्टस्तथैव सः Ms.9.87.
    -देवः 1 an ancient deity.
    -2 a demon or Asura; भूमिदेवनरदेवसंगमे पूर्वदेवरिपुरर्हणां हरिः Śi.14.58.
    -3 a progenitor (पितृ).
    -4 (du.) an epithet of Nara-Nārāyaṇa; सव्यसाचिन् महाबाहो पूर्वदेव सनातन Mb.3. 41.35. (com. पूर्वदेव नरनारायणसख).
    -देवता a progenitor (पितृ) of gods or of men; अक्रोधनाः शौचपराः सततं ब्रह्म- चारिणः । न्यस्तशस्त्रा महाभागाः पितरः पूर्वदेवताः ॥ Ms.3.192.
    -देशः the eastern country, or the eastern part of India.
    -द्वार a. favourable in the eastern region.
    -निपातः the irregular priority of a word in a compound; cf. परनिपात.
    -निमित्त an omen.
    -निविष्ट a. made formerly, in past; यस्तु पूर्वनिविष्टस्य तडागस्योदकं हरेत् Ms.9.281.
    -पक्षः 1 the fore-part or side.
    -2 the first half of a lunar month; सर्वं पूर्वपक्षापरपक्षाभ्यामभिपन्नम् Bṛi. Up.3.1.5.
    -3 the first part of an argument, the prima facie argument or view of a question; विषयो विशयश्चैव पूर्वपक्षस्तथोत्तरम्.
    -4 the first objection to an argument.
    -5 the statement of the plaintiff.
    -6 a suit at law.
    -7 an assertion, a proposi- tion. ˚पादः the plaint, the first stage of a legal proceeding.
    -पदम् the first member of a compound or sentence.
    -पर्वतः the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise.
    -पश्चात्, -पश्चिम ind. from the east to the west.
    -पाञ्चालक a. belonging to the eastern Pañch- ālas.
    -पाणिनीयाः m. (pl.) the disciples of Pāṇini living in the east.
    -पालिन् m. an epithet of Indra.
    -पितामहः a forefather, an ancestor; अब्रवीद् हि स मां क्रुद्धस्तव पूर्वपितामहः । मूत्रश्लेष्माशनः पाप निरयं प्रतिपत्स्यसे ॥ Mb.12.3.21.
    -पीठिका introduction.
    -पुरुषः 1 an epithet of Brahmā.
    -2 anyone of the first three ancestors, beginning with the father (पितृ, पितामह, and प्रपितामह); Pt.1.89.
    -3 an ancestor in general.
    -पूर्व a. each preceding one. (
    -र्वाः) m. (pl.) forefathers.
    -प्रोष्ठपदा = पूर्वभाद्रपदा; Mb.13.89.13.
    -फल्गुनी the eleventh lunar mansion containing two stars. ˚भवः an epithet of the planet Jupiter.
    -बन्धुः first or best friend; Mk.
    -भवः a former life.
    -भागः 1 the forepart.
    -2 the upper part.
    -भा(भ)द्रपदा the twentyfifth lunar mansion containing two stars.
    -भावः 1 priority.
    -2 prior or antecedent existence; येन सहैव यस्य यं प्रति पूर्वभावो$वगम्यते Tarka K.
    -3 (Rhet.) disclosing an intention.
    -भाषिन् a. willing to speak first; hence polite, courteous.
    -भुक्तिः f. prior occupation or possession; Ms.8.252.
    -भूत a. preceding, previous.
    -मध्याह्नः the forenoon.
    -मारिन् a. dying before; एवंवृत्तां सवर्णां स्त्रीं द्विजातिः पूर्वमारिणीम् (दाहयेत्) Ms.5.167.
    -मीमांसा 'the prior or first Mīmāṁsā', an inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda, as opposed to the उत्तरमीमांसा or वेदान्त; see मीमांसा.
    -मुख a. having the face turned towards the east.
    -याम्य a. south-eastern.
    -रङ्गः the commencement or prelude of a drama, the prologue; यन्नाठ्यवस्तुनः पूर्वं रङ्गविघ्नोपशान्तये । कुशीलवाः प्रकुर्वन्ति पूर्वरङ्गः स उच्यते ॥ D. R; पूर्वरङ्गं विधायैव सूत्रधारो निवर्तते S. D.283; पूर्वरङ्गः प्रसंगाय नाटकीयस्य वस्तुनः Śi.2.8. (see Malli. there- on).
    -रागः the dawning or incipient love, love between two persons which springs (from some previous cause) before their meeting; श्रवणाद् दर्शनाद् वापि मिथः संरूढरागयोः । दशाविशेषोयो$प्राप्तौ पूर्वरागः स उच्यते ॥ S. D.214.
    -रात्रः the first part of the night (from dusk to midnight).
    -रूपम् 1 indication of an approaching change; an omen.
    -2 a symptom of occuring disease.
    -3 the first of two con- current vowels or consonants that is retained.
    -4 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech which consists in describing anything as suddenly resuming its former state.
    -लक्षणम् a symptom of coming sickness.
    -वयस् a. young. (-n.) youth.
    -वर्तिन् a. existing before, prior, previous.
    -वाक्यम् (in dram.) an allusion to former utterance.
    -वादः the first plea or commencement of an action at law; पूर्ववादं परित्यज्य यो$न्यमालम्बते पुनः । पदसंक्रमणाद् ज्ञेयो हीनवादी स वै नरः ॥ Mitā.
    -वादिन् m. the complainant or plaintiff.
    -विद् a. knowing the events of the past; historian; पृथोरपीमां पृथिवीं भार्यां पूर्वविदो विदुः Ms.9.44.
    -विप्रतिषेधः the conflict of two statements contrary to each other.
    -विहित a. deposited before.
    -वृत्तम् 1 a former event; पूर्ववृत्तकथितैः पुराविदः सानुजः पितृ- सखस्य राघवः (अह्यमानः) R.11.1.
    -2 previous conduct.
    -वैरिन् a. one who first commences hostilities, an ag- gressor.
    -शारद a. relating to the first half of autumn.
    -शैलः see पूर्वपर्वत.
    -सक्थम् the upper part of the thigh. P. V.4.98.
    -संचित a. gathered before (as in former birth); त्यजेदाश्वयुजे मासि मुन्यन्नं पूर्वसंचितम् Ms.6.15.
    -सन्ध्या daybreak, dawn; रजनिमचिरजाता पूर्वसंध्या सुतैव (अनुपतति) Si.11.4.
    -सर a. going in front.
    -सागरः the eastern ocean; स सेनां महतीं कर्षन् पूर्वसागरगामिनीम् R.4.32.
    -साहसः the first of the three fines; स दाप्यः पूर्वसाहसम् Ms.9.281.
    -स्थितिः f. former or first state.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पूर्व _pūrva

  • 8 repair

    تَجْدِيد \ repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings. \ See Also إصلاح (إِصْلاح)‏ \ تَرْمِيم \ repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings.

    Arabic-English glossary > repair

  • 9 restoration

    تَجْدِيد \ repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings. \ See Also إصلاح (إِصْلاح)‏ \ تَرْمِيم \ repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings.

    Arabic-English glossary > restoration

  • 10 ♦ (to) restore

    ♦ (to) restore /rɪˈstɔ:(r)/
    v. t.
    1 ristabilire; ripristinare: Service will be restored shortly, il servizio verrà rispristinato entro breve; The government sent troops to restore order in the country, il governo ha mandato delle truppe per ristabilire l'ordine nel paese; to restore democracy, restaurare la democrazia; Drastic action is needed to restore confidence among consumers, è necessario un intervento drastico per restituire fiducia ai consumatori; to restore sb. 's sight, ridare la vista a q.
    2 reintrodurre ( una legge, ecc.): to restore capital punishment, reintrodurre la pena di morte
    3 riportare: to restore st. ( to its former state), riportare qc. allo stato originale; The theatre will be restored to its former glory, il teatro sarà restituito all'antico splendore; It will take months to restore the bridge, ci vorranno mesi per ripristinare il ponte
    4 reintegrare: to restore sb. to a position [to an office], reintegrare q. in un posto [in una carica]; After the coup, the President was restored to power, dopo il colpo di stato, il presidente è tornato al potere; to restore a king ( to the throne), rimettere un re sul trono; to restore sb. to his rights, reintegrare q. nei suoi diritti
    5 restaurare: to restore a church [a painting], restaurare una chiesa [un dipinto]
    6 (form.) restituire; rendere: to restore property to its rightful owner, restituire dei beni ai legittimi proprietari
    7 (comput.) ripristinare
    to restore sb. to health, rimettere q. in salute □ ( sport) to restore one's team's lead, riportare in vantaggio la propria squadra.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ (to) restore

  • 11 ♦ (to) restore

    ♦ (to) restore /rɪˈstɔ:(r)/
    v. t.
    1 ristabilire; ripristinare: Service will be restored shortly, il servizio verrà rispristinato entro breve; The government sent troops to restore order in the country, il governo ha mandato delle truppe per ristabilire l'ordine nel paese; to restore democracy, restaurare la democrazia; Drastic action is needed to restore confidence among consumers, è necessario un intervento drastico per restituire fiducia ai consumatori; to restore sb. 's sight, ridare la vista a q.
    2 reintrodurre ( una legge, ecc.): to restore capital punishment, reintrodurre la pena di morte
    3 riportare: to restore st. ( to its former state), riportare qc. allo stato originale; The theatre will be restored to its former glory, il teatro sarà restituito all'antico splendore; It will take months to restore the bridge, ci vorranno mesi per ripristinare il ponte
    4 reintegrare: to restore sb. to a position [to an office], reintegrare q. in un posto [in una carica]; After the coup, the President was restored to power, dopo il colpo di stato, il presidente è tornato al potere; to restore a king ( to the throne), rimettere un re sul trono; to restore sb. to his rights, reintegrare q. nei suoi diritti
    5 restaurare: to restore a church [a painting], restaurare una chiesa [un dipinto]
    6 (form.) restituire; rendere: to restore property to its rightful owner, restituire dei beni ai legittimi proprietari
    7 (comput.) ripristinare
    to restore sb. to health, rimettere q. in salute □ ( sport) to restore one's team's lead, riportare in vantaggio la propria squadra.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ (to) restore

  • 12 restore

    painting, building odrestaurowywać (odrestaurować perf); order, health, faith przywracać (przywrócić perf); land, stolen property zwracać (zwrócić perf)
    * * *
    1) (to repair (a building, a painting, a piece of furniture etc) so that it looks as it used to or ought to.) odnowić
    2) (to bring back to a normal or healthy state: The patient was soon restored to health.) przywrócić
    3) (to bring or give back: to restore law and order; The police restored the stolen cars to their owners.) przywrócić, zwrócić
    4) (to bring or put (a person) back to a position, rank etc he once had: He was asked to resign but was later restored to his former job as manager.) przywrócić
    - restorer

    English-Polish dictionary > restore

  • 13 pristino

    pristino agg. (letter.) pristine, former; original // rimettere qlco. in pristino, to restore sthg. to its former state.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > pristino

  • 14 החזיר את הדבר ליושנו

    returned it to its former state, reinstated

    Hebrew-English dictionary > החזיר את הדבר ליושנו

  • 15 חזר הדבר ליושנו

    returned to its former state

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חזר הדבר ליושנו

  • 16 पूर्वरूप

    n. indication of something approaching, an omen AV. ;

    something prior orᅠ antecedent to, (esp.) the symptom of occurring disease Car. Suṡr. ;
    the first of two concurrent vowels orᅠ consonants (- f.) TUp. Prāt. etc.;
    (in rhet.) a figure of speech which describes the unexpected return of anything to its former state Kuval.;
    mf (ā)n. having the previous form orᅠ shape, being as before Dhūrtas.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पूर्वरूप

  • 17 recorporatio

    rĕcorpŏrātĭo, ōnis, f. [recorporo], a furnishing again with a body or flesh; the restoration of the body to its former state (post-class.), Tert. Res. Carn. 30; Cael. Aur. Tard. 1 prooem.; 1, 4, 112.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > recorporatio

  • 18 sedes

    sēdes, is ( gen. plur. sedum, Cic. Sest. 20, acc. to Prisc. p. 771 P.:

    sedium, from form sedis,

    Liv. 5, 42 Drak. N. cr.; Vell. 2, 109, 3), f. [sedeo, q. v.], a seat (freq. and class.).
    I. A.
    In gen.:

    in iis sedibus, quae erant sub platano,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 7, 29:

    haec sedes honoris, sella curulis,

    id. Cat. 4, 1, 2:

    sedes honoris sui,

    Liv. 9, 46, 9; cf.:

    ceteros (senatores) in sedibus suis trucidatos,

    id. 5, 41 fin.: in sedes collocat se regias, Liv. Andron. ap. Non. 127, 31; so,


    Liv. 1, 47:

    positis sedibus consederunt,

    id. 42, 39 fin.:

    bis sex caelestes, medio Jove, sedibus altis sedent,

    Ov. M. 6, 72; cf.:

    media inter deos sedes,

    Plin. Pan. 52, 1:

    in saxo frigida sedi, Quamque lapis sedes, tam lapis ipsa fui,

    Ov. H. 10, 50.—In the plur. also of the seat of a single person:

    tibi concedo meas sedes,

    Cic. Div. 1, 46, 104 (cf. infra, II. b).— Poet.: non si priores Maeonius tenet Sedes Homerus, the foremost seat, the first rank (the fig. borrowed from the rows of seats in the theatre), Hor. C. 4, 9, 6.—
    In partic., in the elder Pliny, the seat, fundament, Plin. 22, 21, 29, § 61; 22, 25, 70, § 143; 23, 3, 37, § 75; 23, 4, 41, § 83; 26, 8, 58, § 90; 32, 9, 33, § 104.—
    Transf., in gen., of a place where one stays, a seat, dwelling-place, residence, habitation, abode, temple, etc. (the prevailing signif.; syn.: domicilium, locus, habitatio).
    Sing. (used alike of the residence of one or more persons):

    hi coetus (hominum) hac, de quā exposui, causā instituti sedem primum certo loco domiciliorum causā constituerunt, quam cum locis manuque sepsissent, ejusmodi conjunctionem tectorum oppidum vel urbem appellaverunt,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 26, 41:

    sentio te sedem etiam nunc hominum ac domum contemplari (i. e. terram),

    id. ib. 6, 19, 20; so,

    hanc sedem et aeternam domum contueri,

    id. ib. 6, 23, 25:

    in hanc sedem et domum suam,

    id. ib. 6, 25, 29; id. Par. 3, 2, 25; cf.:

    eam sibi domum sedemque delegit, in quā, etc.,

    id. Clu. 66, 188:

    haec domus, haec sedes, haec sunt penetralia magni Amnis (sc. Penei),

    Ov. M. 1, 574:

    in omni sede ac loco ferrum flammamque metuemus,

    Cic. Mur. 39, 85; so (with locus) id. Agr. 2, 17, 46:

    nec veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent,

    Verg. A. 11, 112:

    illum actum esse praecipitem in sceleratorum sedem atque regionem,

    Cic. Clu. 61, 171:

    in Italiā bellum gerimus, in sede ac solo nostro,

    Liv. 22, 39:

    ea res Trojanis spem adfirmat tandem stabili certāque sede finiendi erroris,

    id. 1, 1, 10:

    crematā patriā domo profugos sedem quaerere,

    id. 1, 1, 8; 10, 10, 10; 38, 16, 13; 39, 54, 5;

    40, 38, 4: Orestis liberi sedem cepere circa Lesbum insulam,

    Vell. 1, 3, 1:

    ultra hos Chatti initium sedis ab Hercynio saltu incohant,

    Tac. G. 30; id. A. 3, 73; 13, 54; Curt. 9, 4, 2; Plin. 2, 107, 111, § 246:

    modo Graecis ultro bellum inferebamus: nunc in sedibus nostris propulsamus illatum,

    Curt. 4, 14, 21:

    non motam Termini sedem (just before: in Termini fano),

    Liv. 1, 55; cf.:

    quod Juppiter O. M. suam sedem atque arcem populi Romani in re trepidā tutatus esset,

    id. 5, 50:

    statim regis praetorium petunt, in ipsius potissimum sede morituri,

    Just. 2, 11, 15:

    (ulmus) nota quae sedes fuerat columbis,

    Hor. C. 1, 2, 10 et saep.— Poet.:

    sedes scelerata, for sceleratorum,

    i. e. the infernal regions, Ov. M. 4, 456; cf.:

    Tibur Sit meae sedes utinam senectae,

    Hor. C. 2, 6, 6:

    talia diversa nequicquam sede locuti,

    place, spot, Ov. M. 4, 78.—
    Plur. (in good prose usually only of the dwellings of several):

    qui incolunt eas urbes non haerent in suis sedibus,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 4, 7:

    eorum domicilia, sedes, etc.,

    id. Fam. 13, 4, 3; cf.:

    ut (Galli) aliud domicilium, alias sedes petant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31:

    sedes habere in Galliā,

    id. ib. 1, 44:

    reverti se in suas sedes regionesque simulaverunt,

    id. ib. 4, 4:

    quae gens ad hoc tempus iis sedibus se continet,

    id. ib. 6, 24; cf. id. ib. 4, 4 fin.:

    novas ipsi sedes ab se auctae multitudini addiderunt,

    Liv. 2, 1:

    qui profugi sedibus incertis vagabantur,

    Sall. C. 6, 1; cf. id. J. 18, 2:

    (deūm) sedes nostris sedibus esse Dissimiles debent,

    Lucr. 5, 153; so,

    divum, deum sedes,

    id. 3, 18; 5, 146; 5, 1188; Hor. C. 3, 3, 34; cf.:

    sedes sanctae penatium deorumque larumque familiarium,

    Cic. Rep. 5, 5, 7:

    deos ipsos convulsos ex sedibus suis,

    Liv. 38, 43:

    discretae piorum,

    Hor. C. 2, 13, 23:


    Ov. M. 15, 772:

    animalia ad assuetas sibi sedes revertuntur,

    Quint. 11, 2, 6.—Of the dwelling of a single person (cf. supra, I. A.): cur (Juppiter) suas Discutit infesto praeclaras fulmine sedes, Lucr. 6, 418:

    (Demaratus) in eā civitate domicilium et sedes collocavit,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 19, 34:

    immissum esse ab eo C. Cornelium, qui me in sedibus meis trucidaret,

    id. Sull. 6, 18; id. Div. in Caecil. 5, 19:

    patrias age desere sedes, i. e. patriam,

    Ov. M. 15, 22; cf.:

    Aeneam in Siciliam quaerentem sedes delatum,

    Liv. 1, 1, 4.—
    Of the abode of the dead, a burial-place:

    ita Augustum in foro potius quam in Campo Martis sede destinatā cremari vellent,

    Tac. A. 1, 10:

    sedibus ut saltem placidis in morte quiescam,

    Verg. A. 6, 371; 6, 152.—
    Of the home of the soul, i. e. the body:


    Ov. M. 15, 159:

    anima de sede volens Exire,

    id. ib. 11, 788. —
    In relation to inanimate subjects, that upon which any thing sits fast or rests, a seat, place, spot, base, ground, foundation, bottom, etc.

    hanc urbem (Romam) sedem aliquando et domum summo esse imperio praebituram,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 5, 10; cf. id. Prov. Cons. 14, 34:

    rupes caeduntur sedemque trabibus cavatae praebere coguntur,

    Plin. 33, 4, 21, § 74; 2, 38, 38, § 102:

    superbia in superciliis sedem habet,

    id. 11, 37, 51, § 138:

    num montes moliri sede suā paramus?

    to push from their place, Liv. 9, 3:

    Athon Pindumve revulsos Sede suā,

    Ov. M. 11, 555:

    patriam pulsam sede suā,

    Liv. 27, 34; cf.:

    voluptas mentem e suā sede et statu demovet,

    Cic. Par. 1, 3, 15 (v. also in the foll. b): ita mihi salvam ac sospitem rempublicam sistere in suā sede liceat, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 28; cf.:

    deus haec fortasse benigna Reducet in sedem vice,

    to its former state, Hor. Epod. 13, 8: Veios an Fidenas sedem belli caperent, the seat or scene of war, Liv. 4, 31; so,

    belli (bello),

    id. 28, 44, 15; Vell. 2, 74, 3; Tac. H. 1, 65; 3, 32; 3, 8; 2, 19; Suet. Galb. 10 al.:

    hilaritatis sedes,

    Plin. 11, 37, 77, § 198:

    neque verba sedem habere possunt, si rem subtraxeris,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 5, 19:

    affectus quibusdam videntur in prooemio atque in epilogo sedem habere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 51 (cf. in the foll. b):

    haec est sedes orationis, etc.,

    id. 9, 4, 62:

    non ut de sede secundā Cederet aut quartā (iambus),

    Hor. A. P. 257:

    ut sola ponatur in summi boni sede (voluptas),

    Cic. Fin. 2, 12, 37:

    nec mens mihi nec color Certā sede manent,

    Hor. C. 1, 13, 6.—Of the site on which a city formerly stood:

    vetustissima sedes Assyriae,

    Tac. A. 12, 13; cf.:

    in eā sede, quam Palaetyron ipsi vocant,

    Curt. 4, 2, 4.—

    coloni Capuae in sedibus luxuriosis collocati,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 35, 97:

    nonnumquam fracta ossa in suis sedibus remanent, etc.... fragmenta in suas sedes reponenda sunt,

    Cels. 8, 10:

    rursus in antiquas redeunt primordia sedes Ignis,

    Lucr. 6, 871; 4, 1041:

    dum solidis etiamnum sedibus astas,

    on firm ground, Ov. M. 2, 147:

    cum mihi ipsa Roma prope convulsa sedibus suis visa est,

    Cic. Pis. 22, 52:

    turrim convellimus altis Sedibus,

    Verg. A. 2, 465:

    totamque a sedibus urbem Eruit,

    id. ib. 2, 611:

    monstrabantur urbium sedes, Lyrnessi et Thebes,

    Curt. 3, 4, 10:

    haec tot gentium excita sedibus suis moles,

    id. 3, 2, 12; cf.:

    totum (mare) a sedibus imis Eurusque Notusque ruunt,

    Verg. A. 1, 84; Quint. 8, 6, 63; so,


    id. 5, 10, 20 (corresp. to loci); 5, 12, 17.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > sedes

  • 19 إصلاح

    إِصْلاح \ reform: a change for the better: Their political party promised many reforms if they were elected. reformation: changing and improving; esp. (the Reformation of about 1500-1550 in European history) the changing of the Christian churches, when England and other northern states broke free form the rule of Rome. remedy: sth. that will put an end to trouble or disease: Medicines are remedies. Courts provide a remedy for injustice. repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings. \ See Also ترميم (تَرْميم)، تجديد (تَجْدِيد)‏ \ الإِصْلاح الدّينيّ (حَرَكَة)‏ \ reformation: changing and improving; esp. (the Reformation of about 1500-1550 in European history) the changing of the Christian churches, when England and other northern states broke free form the rule of Rome. \ إِصْلاح ذات البَيْن \ reconciliation: a return to friendship after a quarrel.

    Arabic-English dictionary > إصلاح

  • 20 تجديد

    تَجْدِيد \ repair: repairing or being repaired: The road is under repair (is being repaired). I must do some repairs to my fence. restoration: the act of repairing or bringing sth. back to its former state: restoration of old paintings. \ See Also إصلاح (إِصْلاح)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > تجديد

См. также в других словарях:

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  • State Duma of the Russian Empire — was a legislative assembly in the late Russian Empire. It was convened four times.Under the pressure of the Russian Revolution of 1905, on August 6, 1905, Sergei Witte, appointed by Tsar Nicholas II to manage peace negotiations with Japan, issued …   Wikipedia

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