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  • 61 aeromantia

    aeromancy, divination from the state of the air

    Latin-English dictionary > aeromantia

  • 62 aeromantia

    āĕrŏmantīa, ae, f., = aeromanteia, divination from the state of the air, aëromancy, Isid. Orig. 8, 9.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > aeromantia

  • 63 coctura

    coctūra, ae, f. [id.], a cooking; a melting; a manner or style of cooking, Col. 11, 3, 23, p. 453 Bip.:


    Plin. 19, 8, 41, § 143; 34, 8, 20, § 96; Apic. 6, 2 al.; Pall. Nov. 1, 3.—
    A. B.
    (Abstr. pro concr.) A boiling liquid, Col. 12, 20, 4; 12, 18, 7.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > coctura

  • 64 frequentia

    frĕquentĭa, ae, f. [frequens, II.], an assembling in great numbers, a numerous attendance, concourse; and more freq. concr., a numerous assembly, multitude, crowd, throng (class.; a favorite expression of Cicero).
    With gen.:

    testis est hujusce Q. Mucii janua et vestibulum, quod maxima cottidie frequentia civium ac summorum hominum splendore celebratur,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 45 fin.:

    quotidiana amicorum assiduitas et frequentia,

    Q. Cic. Petit. Cons. 1, 3:

    summa hominum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 77, § 189; so,


    id. Lael. 23, 87:


    Sall. J. 47, 2:


    Quint. 10, 7, 16:


    id. 1, 2, 1:


    Nep. Att. 22:


    Cic. Att. 4, 16, 1:

    magna sepulcrorum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 23, 65:


    Plin. 27, 12, 91, § 113:


    i. e. the density of the air, Vitr. 9, 9:

    Thucydides ita creber est rerum frequentiā, ut verborum prope numerum sententiarum numero consequatur,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 13, 56:


    id. Part. Or. 12, 41.—

    domum reduci e campo cum maxima frequentia ac multitudine,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 7, 18:

    frequentia et plausus,

    id. Att. 4, 1, 5:

    non usitata frequentia stipati sumus,

    id. Mil. 1, 1:

    efferri magna frequentia,

    id. Fl. 17, 41:

    solidam et robustam et assiduam frequentiam praebere,

    id. Planc. 8 fin.:

    frequentiam atque officium suum alicui praestare,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 50, 3:

    qua ex frequentia (preceded by magna multitudo),

    Caes. B. C. 3, 19, 5.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > frequentia

  • 65 insono

    in-sŏno, ŭi, 1, v. n., to make a noise in or on, to sound, sound loudly, resound (mostly poet.):

    Boreae cum spiritus alto Insonat Aegaeo,

    roars on the Ægean Sea, Verg. A. 12, 366:

    insonuere cavernae,

    id. ib. 2, 53:

    caeli delapsa per auras Insonuit,

    resounded flying through the air, id. ib. 11, 596; cf.


    Ov. M. 13, 608:


    to play upon, id. ib. 11, 161:

    insonuitque flagello,

    cracked his whip, Verg. A. 5, 579; cf. poet. with acc.:

    verbera insonuit,

    id. ib. 7, 451: quasi faucibus aliquid obstiterit, insonare, to clear one ' s throat, to hawk, Quint. 11, 3, 121.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > insono

  • 66 phaenomena

    phaenŏmĕnon, i, n., = phainomenon, an appearance.
    In gen. (post-class.), Theod. Prisc. 2, 7.—
    In partic.
    phaenŏmĕna, ōrum, n. plur., = phainomena, appearances in the air or sky, Lact. 2, 5, 11.—
    Phaenomena, the title of a poem by Aratus.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > phaenomena

  • 67 phaenomenon

    phaenŏmĕnon, i, n., = phainomenon, an appearance.
    In gen. (post-class.), Theod. Prisc. 2, 7.—
    In partic.
    phaenŏmĕna, ōrum, n. plur., = phainomena, appearances in the air or sky, Lact. 2, 5, 11.—
    Phaenomena, the title of a poem by Aratus.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > phaenomenon

  • 68 Porus

    pŏrus, i, m., = poros, a passage, channel in the body: cordis sui, Ambros. Hexaëm. 3, 9, 39; of the air passages, Isid. 11, 1, 80; cf.:

    pori meatus,

    Plin. 20, 21, 84, § 228 (al. permeatus).
    pōrus, i, m., = pôros, tufa, Plin. 36, 17, 28, § 132; 36, 6, 9, § 53.
    Pōrus, i, m., = Pôros, a king of India, Curt. 8, 13 sq.; Claud. IV. Cons. Honor. 375; id. Laud. Stil. 1, 258; Sid. Carm. 2, 446.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Porus

  • 69 porus

    pŏrus, i, m., = poros, a passage, channel in the body: cordis sui, Ambros. Hexaëm. 3, 9, 39; of the air passages, Isid. 11, 1, 80; cf.:

    pori meatus,

    Plin. 20, 21, 84, § 228 (al. permeatus).
    pōrus, i, m., = pôros, tufa, Plin. 36, 17, 28, § 132; 36, 6, 9, § 53.
    Pōrus, i, m., = Pôros, a king of India, Curt. 8, 13 sq.; Claud. IV. Cons. Honor. 375; id. Laud. Stil. 1, 258; Sid. Carm. 2, 446.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > porus

  • 70 vigilo

    vĭgĭlo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and a. [vigil].
    Neutr., to watch, i. e. to be or keep awake at night, not to sleep, be wakeful (class.; syn. excubo).

    ad multam noctem vigilare,

    Cic. Rep. 6, 10, 10:

    de nocte,

    id. Q. Fr. 2, 15, 2:

    proximā nocte,

    id. Cat. 3, 3, 6:

    usque ad lucem,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 46: ad ipsum Mane, Hor. S. 1, 3, 17.—With a homogeneous object: in lectitando... vigilias vigilare, Gell. N. A. praef. § 19.— Impers.:

    redeo si vigilatur et hic,

    Mart. 12, 68, 6.— Transf.:

    vigilat Troicus ignis,

    burns continually, Stat. S. 1, 1, 35; so,


    Flor. 1, 2, 3:

    lumina (of a light-house),

    Ov. H. 18, 31.—Prov.
    Hic vigilans somniat, i. e. builds castles in the air, Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 68; cf.:

    num ille somniat Ea, quae vigilans voluit?

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 8.—
    Qui imperata effecta reddat, non qui vigilans dormiat, who dreams with his eyes open, goes to sleep over a thing, Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 152; cf.:

    et vigilans stertis,

    Lucr. 3, 1048:

    vigilanti stertere naso,

    Juv. 1, 57.— Impers. pass.:

    redeo, si vigilatur et hic,

    Mart. 12, 68, 6.—
    In gen., to be watchful, vigilant:

    vigilantes curae,

    Cic. Div. 1, 43, 96:

    oculi vigilantes,

    Verg. A. 5, 438.—
    In partic., to keep watch over any thing, to be watchful or vigilant: vigilandum est semper: multae insidiae sunt bonis, Att. ap. Cic. Planc. 24, 59 (Trag. Rel. p. 138 Rib.):

    excubabo vigilaboque pro vobis,

    Cic. Phil. 6, 7, 18:

    vigila, Chrysippe, ne tuam causam deseras,

    id. Fat. 6, 12:

    ut vivas, vigila,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 152:

    studiis vigilare severis,

    to engage in, Prop. 2, 3, 7:

    janitor ad dantes vigilet,

    id. 4 (5), 5, 47: Mars, vigila, an invocation to Mars at the breaking out of a war, acc. to Serv. ad Verg. A. 8, 3.—
    Act., to watch through, spend in watching, to do or make while watching ( poet.):

    noctes vigilantur amarae,

    Ov. H. 12, 169; so,

    vigilata nox,

    id. F. 4, 167:

    ubi jam breviorque dies et mollior aetas, Quae vigilanda viris,

    Verg. G. 1, 313:

    carmen vigilatum,

    Ov. F. 4, 109:

    vigilati labores,

    id. Tr. 2, 11:

    magia occulta noctibus vigilata,

    pursued by night, App. Mag. p. 304, 28.—Hence,
    vĭgĭlans, antis, P. a. (acc. to I. B. 2.), watchful, anxious, careful, vigilant:

    vigilantes et boni et fortes et misericordes,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 139:

    vigilans et acutus tribunus plebis,

    id. Agr. 1, 1, 3:

    vigilans et industrius homo,

    id. Att. 8, 11, B, 1:

    sentiet in hac urbe esse consules vigilantis,

    id. Cat. 2, 12, 27.— Comp.:

    nemo paratior, vigilantior, compositior,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 11, 32.— Sup.:

    dux (Hannibal),

    Val. Max. 9, 1, ext. 1.— Adv.: vĭgĭlanter, watchfully, carefully, vigilantly, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 64, § 144.— Comp.:


    Cic. Rep. 6, 24, 26.— Sup.:


    Cic. Mur. 15, 32.—
    * B.
    vĭ-gĭlātē, adv., for vigilanter, watchfully, vigilantly, Gell. 3, 14, 12.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > vigilo

  • 71 appārēns

        appārēns ntis, adj.    [P. of appareo], visible, manifest: tympana, O.
    * * *
    (gen.), apparentis ADJ
    exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent

    Latin-English dictionary > appārēns

  • 72 arduus

        arduus adj.    [AL-, ARDH-], steep: ascensus, Cs.: via.—Poet., high, elevated, lofty: aether, O.: cervix equi: sese arduus infert, i. e. on his steed, V.: Arduus arma tenens, high in the air, V.— Fig., difficult, arduous, hard: nihil arduum sibi esse, Cs.: factu, L.: victoria, O.: virtutis via arduae, H.: arduum videtur, res gestas scribere, S.: res, hardships: rebus in arduis, H.
    * * *
    ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um ADJ
    steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult

    Latin-English dictionary > arduus

  • 73 cibus

        cibus ī, m    food, victuals, nutriment, fodder: Cibum capiet cum eā, T.: advorsus famem, non lubidini erat, S.: suavitatem cibi sentire: sumere, N.: tantum cibi et potionis adhibendum: facillimus ad concoquendum: se cibo iuvare, Cs.: animalis, nourishment in the air: celare cibis fallacibus hamos, bait, O.: dediti somno ciboque, Ta.: cibus omnis in illo Causa cibi est, causes hunger, O.—Prov.: E flammā petere cibum, i. e. to snatch victuals from a funeral pyre, T.—Fig., food, nourishment, sustenance: humanitatis: flammae, O.
    * * *
    food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait

    Latin-English dictionary > cibus

  • 74 liquidus

        liquidus adj. with comp. and sup.    [LIQV-], flowing, fluid, liquid: venenum, O.: odores, liquid unguents, H.: sorores, fountain-nymphs, O.: iter, a voyage, Pr.—As subst n.: liquidi urna, water, H.: Cum liquido mixtā polentā, O.— Clear, bright, transparent, limpid, pure: fontes, V.: Falernum, H.: aër, V.: liquidior lux, Cu.: ros, O.: liquidissimus amnis, O.: nox, V.: iter, serene way (through the air), V.—Of sounds, clear, pure: voces, V.: vox, H.—Fig., flowing, continuing without interruption: genus sermonis.— Unmixed, unadulterated: alqd purum liquidumque haurire: voluptas.
    * * *
    liquida -um, liquidior -or -us, liquidissimus -a -um ADJ
    clear, limpid, pure, unmixed; liquid; flowing, without interruption; smooth

    Latin-English dictionary > liquidus

  • 75 sublīmē

        sublīmē adv. with comp.    [sublimis], aloft, loftily, on high: Theodori nihil interest, humine an sublime putescat: elati, L.: sublimius altum Attollat caput, O.
    * * *
    high into the air, on high, up aloft; in a lofty position

    Latin-English dictionary > sublīmē

  • 76 adparens

    (gen.), adparentis ADJ
    exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent

    Latin-English dictionary > adparens

  • 77 aerophobus

    Latin-English dictionary > aerophobus

  • 78 arteriace

    medicine for the air passages/windpipe

    Latin-English dictionary > arteriace

  • 79 arteriacos

    arteriace, arteriacon ADJ
    of/affecting the air passages/windpipe

    Latin-English dictionary > arteriacos

  • 80 arteriacus

    arteriaca, arteriacum ADJ
    of/affecting the air passages/windpipe

    Latin-English dictionary > arteriacus

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