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со словацкого на все языки


  • 1 tic

    (a nervous, involuntary movement or twitch of a muscle, especially of the face: She has a nervous tic below her left eye.) tik
    * * *
    • trhanie(svalov tvár)

    English-Slovak dictionary > tic

  • 2 attic

    (a room at the top of a house under the roof: They store old furniture in the attic.) manzardka
    * * *
    • podkrovná miestnost
    • manzardka
    • manzarda

    English-Slovak dictionary > attic

  • 3 lunatic

    adjective, noun (( abbreviation (usually unkind) loony ['lu:ni] - plural loonies) (a person who is) insane or crazy: Only a lunatic would do such a thing!) šialený; šialenec
    * * *
    • šialený
    • šialenec
    • blázon
    • bláznivý
    • pomätený

    English-Slovak dictionary > lunatic

  • 4 romantic

    1) ((negative unromantic) (of a story) about people who are in love: a romantic novel.) milostný
    2) (causing or feeling love, especially the beautiful love described in a romance: Her husband is very romantic - he brings her flowers every day; romantic music.) romantický
    3) (too concerned with love and excitement: Her head is full of romantic notions.) romantický
    * * *
    • fantastický
    • fantasta
    • blúznivý
    • dobrodružný
    • romantik
    • romantika
    • romantický
    • nerealistický
    • nepraktický

    English-Slovak dictionary > romantic

  • 5 chaotic

    adjective chaotický

    English-Slovak dictionary > chaotic

  • 6 epileptic

    noun, adjective ((a person who is) suffering from epilepsy.) epileptik

    English-Slovak dictionary > epileptic

  • 7 heretic

    noun (a person who holds or teaches such an opinion.) kacír, -ka

    English-Slovak dictionary > heretic

  • 8 tick

    I 1. [tik] noun
    1) (a regular sound, especially that of a watch, clock etc.) tikanie
    2) (a moment: Wait a tick!) okamih
    2. verb
    (to make a sound like this: Your watch ticks very loudly!) tikať
    II 1. [tik] noun
    (a mark () used to show that something is correct, has been noted etc.) odškrtnutie
    2. verb
    ((often with off) to put this mark beside an item or name on a list etc: She ticked everything off on the list.) odškrtnúť
    - tick someone off
    - tick off
    - give someone a ticking off
    - give a ticking off
    - tick someone off
    - tick off
    - tick over
    - ticked off
    III [tik] noun
    (a type of small, blood-sucking insect: Our dog has ticks.) kliešť
    * * *
    • úver
    • tikot
    • tikanie
    • tikat
    • kliešt
    • obliecka (vankúša)

    English-Slovak dictionary > tick

  • 9 aquatic

    (living, growing, or taking place in water: aquatic plants/sports.) vodný
    * * *
    • vodný

    English-Slovak dictionary > aquatic

  • 10 aristocratic

    [-'kræ-, ]( American[) ə,ristə'krætik]
    adjective ((of people, behaviour etc) proud and noble-looking: an aristocratic manner.) aristokratický
    * * *
    • šlachtický

    English-Slovak dictionary > aristocratic

  • 11 arithmetic

    (the art of counting by numbers.) aritmetika
    * * *
    • aritmeticky
    • aritmetický
    • aritmetika
    • pocty

    English-Slovak dictionary > arithmetic

  • 12 democratic

    1) (belonging to, governed by or typical of democracy: a democratic country.) demokratický
    2) (believing in equal rights and privileges for all: The boss is very democratic.) demokratický
    * * *
    • demokratický

    English-Slovak dictionary > democratic

  • 13 diplomatic

    1) (concerning diplomacy: a diplomatic mission.) diplomatický
    2) (tactful: a diplomatic remark.) diplomatický
    * * *
    • diplomatický

    English-Slovak dictionary > diplomatic

  • 14 dramatic

    1) (of or in the form of a drama: a dramatic performance.) divadelný
    2) (vivid or striking: a dramatic improvement; She made a dramatic entrance.) vzrušujúci, neuveriteľný
    3) ((of a person) showing (too) much feeling or emotion: She's very dramatic about everything.) teat-rálny
    * * *
    • dramatický
    • divadelný

    English-Slovak dictionary > dramatic

  • 15 emblematic

    adjective symbolický
    * * *
    • symbolický
    • obrazný

    English-Slovak dictionary > emblematic

  • 16 enigmatic

    adjective (puzzling; mysterious: an enigmatic smile.) záhadný
    * * *
    • záhadný

    English-Slovak dictionary > enigmatic

  • 17 erratic

    (inclined to be irregular; not dependable: His behaviour/work is erratic.) nespoľahlivý
    * * *
    • nepravidelný
    • nestály

    English-Slovak dictionary > erratic

  • 18 fanatic

    (a person who is (too) enthusiastic about something: a religious fanatic.) fanatik
    - fanatical
    - fanatic
    - fanatically
    - fanaticism
    * * *
    • fanatický
    • fanatik
    • blúznivý

    English-Slovak dictionary > fanatic

  • 19 idiomatic

    1) (using an idiom: an idiomatic use of this word.) idiomatický
    2) (using appropriate idioms: We try to teach idiomatic English.) idiomatický
    * * *
    • idiomatický

    English-Slovak dictionary > idiomatic

  • 20 nautical

    (of ships or sailors: nautical language.) námornícky
    * * *
    • plavebný
    • morský
    • námorný
    • námornícky
    • navigacný

    English-Slovak dictionary > nautical

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tikəbənd —   Municipality   …   Wikipedia

  • TiK — is an open source instant messaging client for the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) system, which uses AOL s TOC protocol. It is a GUI client which is written in the Tcl/Tk programming language. Reportedly, the T and the K in TiK s name stands for Tk …   Wikipedia

  • tik — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż IIa, D. u {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} niezależny od woli, powtarzający się okresowo skurcz kilku mięśni, zwykle mięśni mimicznych twarzy : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Mieć tik. Tiki nerwowe. <fr.> {{/stl 10}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Tik — (russisch), Zwillich, Bührenzeug …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • tik- — *tik germ.?, Verb: nhd. zeigen; ne. show (Verb); Etymologie: idg. *deik̑ , Verb, zeigen, weisen, sagen, Pokorny 188; s. ing. *dei (1), *dei̯ə …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • tik — 1 tìk prt. 1. N vien, tiktai (išskyrimui, apribojimui, tikslinimui reikšti): Jis tìk penkis rublius teturi DŽ. Taip jie tik mums daro J.Jabl. Tik truputį paeina NdŽ. Šuo pasikliovęs ant mėsos, kita nieką neėda, tìk mėsą J. Gausi tìk tai, ką… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • tik — 2 tìk conj. 1. KŽ o, bet, tačiau (priešpriešai žymėti): Kloji minkštai, tìk gulėti kieta NdŽ. Visas medžias lygus, tik viena kvaja išsistačius Šlčn. Nieko te nėra [padaryti rezgines], tìk tas išpynimas Skrb. Tìk ką toli gyveni, dažnai pas… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • tík — 1 a m (ȋ) tropsko drevo ali plemenit rumenkasto rjav les tega drevesa: pohištvo iz tika 2 a m (ȋ) kratek, šibek glas pri udarcu, trku ob trdo snov: tik kapljice 3 a m (ȋ) med. nehoteno, ponavljajoče se trzanje navadno obraznih mišic:… …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • tik — ba·tik; geo·po·li·tik; han·tik; kar·tik; ka·tik; macht·po·li·tik; ras·tik; re·al·po·li·tik; tik·ka; tik·ker; tik·kun; tik·o·loshe; welt·po·li·tik; tik·o·losh; …   English syllables

  • tikə — is. 1. Böyük bir şeydən sınmış, qopmuş, ayrılmış və ya kəsilmiş kiçik hissə, parça, qırıq. <Rövşən> salam əleykəssalamdan sonra daşın bir balaca tikəsini ustaya verib dedi. . «Koroğlu». // Yeyilən şeyin bir hissəsi. Pendir tikəsi. –… …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • tik — 3 tìk interj. kartojant 1. Jn, NdŽ, Pg cik (viščiukus šaukiant): Tìk tìk tìk šaukia viščiukus DŽ. 2. NdŽ laikrodžio tiksėjimui žymėti: Tìk tìk tìk tìk tiksi laikrodis DŽ. Tik tik tik ėjo laikrodis rš. 3. širdies plakimui žymėti: O kas… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

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