Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 I must gather up my thoughts

    I must gather up my thoughts
    tenho de organizar meus pensamentos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > I must gather up my thoughts

  • 2 inmost thoughts

    in.most thoughts
    ['inmoust θɔ:ts] n pl pensamentos íntimos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inmost thoughts

  • 3 lost in thoughts

    lost in thoughts
    perdido em reflexões.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lost in thoughts

  • 4 on second thoughts

    on second thoughts
    depois de pensar bem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > on second thoughts

  • 5 to allow one’s thoughts to wander

    to allow one’s thoughts to wander
    permitir que os pensamentos voem sem rumo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to allow one’s thoughts to wander

  • 6 vagrant thoughts

    va.grant thoughts
    [veigrənt θ'ɔ:ts] n idéias ou pensamentos fugidios.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > vagrant thoughts

  • 7 second thoughts

    (a change of opinion, decision etc: I'm having second thoughts about selling the piano.) mudança de opinião

    English-Portuguese dictionary > second thoughts

  • 8 second thoughts

    (a change of opinion, decision etc: I'm having second thoughts about selling the piano.) mudança de opinião

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > second thoughts

  • 9 thought

    past tense, past participle; = think
    * * *
    [θɔ:t] n 1 pensamento, conceito, idéia, opinião. we gave a thought to that / pensamos nisto. a penny for his thoughts / eu pagaria para conhecer os pensamentos dele. it never entered his thoughts / nunca lhe passou pela cabeça. 2 mentalidade. 3 meditação, cogitação, contemplação, reflexão. 4 raciocínio. 5 consideração, atenção. 6 intenção, propósito, intento. she had no thought of doing that / ela não teve a intenção de fazer isso. • vt+vi ps e pp de think. a happy thought uma boa idéia. as quick as thought rápido como um raio (pensamento). a thought too dark um pouquinho escuro demais. in thought pensando, refletindo. lost in thoughts perdido em reflexões. modern thought mentalidade moderna. on first thought sem refletir. on second thought depois de pensar bem. upon a thought num instante, com a rapidez de um raio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > thought

  • 10 dream

    1. [dri:m] noun
    1) (thoughts and pictures in the mind that come mostly during sleep: I had a terrible dream last night.) sonho
    2) (a state of being completely occupied by one's own thoughts: Don't sit there in a dream!) sonho
    3) (something perfect or very beautiful: Your house is a dream!) sonho
    4) (an ambition or hope: It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.) sonho
    2. [dremt] verb
    ((sometimes with of) to see visions and pictures in the mind, especially when asleep: For years I dreamed of being a great artist; I dreamt last night that the house had burnt down.) sonhar
    - dreamless
    - dreamy
    - dreamily
    - dreaminess
    - dream up
    * * *
    [dri:m] n 1 sonho. 2 quimera, utopia, fantasia, visão, devaneio. 3 algo notável por sua beleza ou excelência. 4 meta, ideal. • vt+vi (ps, pp dreamt ou dreamed). 1 sonhar. 2 entregar-se a fantasias e devaneios, imaginar, fantasiar. I never dreamt of such a thing / nunca teria imaginado semelhante coisa. a bad dream um pesadelo. a dream come true um sonho que se tornou realidade. day dream devaneio. pipe dream sonho vão, quimera. the dream shattered fig o castelo desabou. to dream of sonhar com. 2 pensar em, julgar possível. to dream away passar o tempo em devaneios. to go like a dream trabalhar, progredir muito bem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dream

  • 11 express

    [ik'spres] 1. verb
    1) (to put into words: He expressed his ideas very clearly.) expressar/exprimir
    2) ((with oneself etc) to put one's own thoughts into words: You haven't expressed yourself clearly.) exprimir-se
    3) (to show (thoughts, feelings etc) by looks, actions etc: She nodded to express her agreement.) demonstrar/manifestar
    4) (to send by fast (postal) delivery: Will you express this letter, please?) mandar expresso/...por...?
    2. adjective
    1) (travelling, carrying goods etc, especially fast: an express train; express delivery.) expresso
    2) (clearly stated: You have disobeyed my express wishes.) explícito
    3. adverb
    (by express train or fast delivery service: Send your letter express.) por expresso
    4. noun
    1) (an express train: the London to Cardiff express.) rápido
    2) (the service provided eg by the post office for carrying goods etc quickly: The parcel was sent by express.) expresso
    - expression
    - expressionless
    - expressive
    - expressiveness
    - expressively
    - expressway
    * * *
    [ikspr'es] n 1 mensagem urgente, carta ou encomenda expressa. 2 serviço postal rápido. 3 Amer empresa de remessas rápidas de dinheiro, valores e encomendas. 4 expresso: trem rápido. • vt despachar como encomenda, enviar por mensageiro, remeter com urgência. • adj expresso, claro, definido, categórico, explícito.
    [ikspr'es] vt 1 expressar, enunciar por palavras ou gestos. 2 simbolizar, representar. 3 manifestar, externar. to express oneself / dar vazão aos seus sentimentos, manifestar sua opinião. 4 espremer, comprimir. to express the juice of grapes / extrair o suco de uvas.
    [ikspr'es] adv por via expressa. I sent the package express / enviei o volume por via expressa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > express

  • 12 second

    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) segundo
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) segundo
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) segundo
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) segundo
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) segundo
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) auxiliar
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) apoiar
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.) escola secundária
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) segundo
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) instante
    * * *
    [s'ekənd] adj 1 segundo, segunda. she was born on the second of may / ela nasceu no dia 2 de maio. 2 inferior, secundário. 3 subordinado. 4 outro, diferente. • adv secundariamente, em segundo lugar. on second thoughts depois de pensar bem. to become second nature tornar-se uma segunda natureza. to be second cousins ser primos em segundo grau. to be/ to stand second to none equiparar-se aos melhores. to play the second fiddle fig ter um papel de segunda ordem. to try a second time tentar novamente.
    [s'ekənd] n 1 segundo, 1/60 de um minuto, de tempo ou de ângulo. 2 instante, momento. 3 Mus segunda: intervalo de tempo entre duas notas. I’ll join you in a second / estarei aí num instante.
    [s'ekənd] n 1 padrinho no duelo. 2 ajudante, auxiliar. • vt 1 secundar, assistir, auxiliar, suportar. 2 apoiar, aprovar. 3 agir como ajudante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > second

  • 13 dream

    1. [dri:m] noun
    1) (thoughts and pictures in the mind that come mostly during sleep: I had a terrible dream last night.) sonho
    2) (a state of being completely occupied by one's own thoughts: Don't sit there in a dream!) sonho
    3) (something perfect or very beautiful: Your house is a dream!) sonho
    4) (an ambition or hope: It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.) sonho
    2. [dremt] verb
    ((sometimes with of) to see visions and pictures in the mind, especially when asleep: For years I dreamed of being a great artist; I dreamt last night that the house had burnt down.) sonhar
    - dreamless - dreamy - dreamily - dreaminess - dream up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dream

  • 14 express

    [ik'spres] 1. verb
    1) (to put into words: He expressed his ideas very clearly.) expressar
    2) ((with oneself etc) to put one's own thoughts into words: You haven't expressed yourself clearly.) exprimir(-se)
    3) (to show (thoughts, feelings etc) by looks, actions etc: She nodded to express her agreement.) expressar
    4) (to send by fast (postal) delivery: Will you express this letter, please?) enviar por correio expresso
    2. adjective
    1) (travelling, carrying goods etc, especially fast: an express train; express delivery.) expresso
    2) (clearly stated: You have disobeyed my express wishes.) expresso
    3. adverb
    (by express train or fast delivery service: Send your letter express.) por expresso
    4. noun
    1) (an express train: the London to Cardiff express.) expresso
    2) (the service provided eg by the post office for carrying goods etc quickly: The parcel was sent by express.) por expresso
    - expression - expressionless - expressive - expressiveness - expressively - expressway

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > express

  • 15 articulate

    1. verb
    (to speak or pronounce: The teacher articulated (his words) very carefully.) articular
    2. [-lət] adjective
    (able to express one's thoughts clearly: He's unusually articulate for a three-year-old child.) claro
    - articulateness
    - articulation
    * * *
    [a:t'ikjuleit] vt 1 articular, pronunciar nitidamente, enunciar, proferir sons articulados. 2 unir por articulações, rejuntar. 3 ensamblar, encaixar. 4 articular-se, enunciar-se. • adj [a:t'ikjulit] 1 articulado, bem pronunciado, enunciado. 2 capaz de falar. 3 distinto, nítido, feito de partes isoladas, composto. 4 encaixado, rejuntado. 5 segmentado, secionado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > articulate

  • 16 collect

    [kə'lekt] 1. verb
    1) (to bring or come together; to gather: People are collecting in front of the house; I collect stamps; I'm collecting (money) for cancer research; He's trying to collect his thoughts.) reunir
    2) (to call for and take away: She collects the children from school each day.) buscar
    - collection
    - collective
    2. noun
    (a farm or organization run by a group of workers for the good of all of them.) cooperativa
    - collector
    * * *
    [k'ɔlekt] n coleta: oração que na missa precede a Epístola. the collect for Easter Sunday / a coleta para domingo de Páscoa. • vt+vi [kəl'ekt] 1 colecionar, juntar, coletar, coligir. the postman collects the letters / o carteiro faz a coleta das cartas. 2 reunir(-se). 3 cobrar, receber contas. 4 recobrar, recuperar(-se), restabelecer(-se). 5 arrecadar, recolher, angariar. 6 buscar. 7 inferir, deduzir, concluir. • adj [kal'ekt] pagável pelo recebedor. • adv a cobrar, a pagar. a collect call uma ligação (telefônica) a cobrar. to collect oneself recompor-se, controlar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > collect

  • 17 communion

    (the sharing of thoughts and feelings; fellowship.) comunhão
    - Communion
    * * *
    [kəmj'u:niən] n comunhão: 1 participação, co-participação. 2 intercâmbio espiritual, companheirismo. 3 relações espirituais, participação em comum em crenças ou idéias. 4 comunidade religiosa. 5 Communion comunhão: sacramento da eucaristia. Holy Communion Santa Comunhão. this Church is in communion with Rome este templo pertence à Igreja Católica Romana.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > communion

  • 18 confide

    (to tell one's private thoughts to someone: He confided in his brother; He confided his fears to his brother.) confiar
    - confident
    - confidential
    - confidentiality
    - confidentially
    - confiding
    - confidingly
    - in confidence
    * * *
    [kənf'aid] vt+vi 1 confiar: a) entregar em confiança. b) fiar(-se) em, ter confiança em. you can confide in him / pode confiar nele. 2 contar como segredo, segredar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > confide

  • 19 dreamer

    noun (a person who is often occupied with his thoughts: I'm afraid my son is a bit of a dreamer and not very practical.) sonhador
    * * *
    [dr'i:mə] n sonhador, devaneador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dreamer

  • 20 eloquence

    (the power of expressing feelings or thoughts in words that impress or move other people: a speaker of great eloquence.) eloquência
    - eloquently
    * * *
    ['el2kw2ns] n eloqüência, retórica. a burst of eloquence / um arroubo de eloqüência, de verbosidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > eloquence

См. также в других словарях:

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