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  • 81 time

    1. [taım] n
    1. время

    absolute [relative, objective] time - абсолютное [относительное, объективное] время

    with time, in (the) course of time, in (the) process of time, as time goes - с течением времени; по мере того, как идёт время; в конце концов

    to the end of time - до скончания века, до конца мира

    in the retrospect of time - сквозь призму времени /прошлого/

    in the mists of time - во мраке времени; ≅ канувший в Лету

    the accumulation of prejudices over time - рост предрассудков на протяжении (многих) веков

    time will show - время покажет; ≅ поживём - увидим

    time alone could answer the question - только время могло дать ответ на этот вопрос

    time presses /is short/ - время не терпит

    the unity of time - театр. единство времени

    2. 1) время (мера длительности, система отсчёта)

    Greenwich time - время по Гринвичу, среднеевропейское время

    sidereal [solar] time - звёздное [солнечное] время

    daylight-saving /summer/ time - летнее время

    2) время выполнения (чего-л.)

    countdown time - время обратного счёта (при запуске ракеты и т. п.)

    machine time - вчт. машинное время

    3. 1) период времени

    a long [a short] time - длительное [короткое] время

    he was there a long [a short] time - он пробыл там долго [недолго]

    it took him a long time to do it /in doing it/, he took a long time doing it /over it/ - ему потребовалось /у него ушло/ немало времени, чтобы сделать это; он немало с этим провозился

    what a long time he's taking! - как долго он копается!; сколько же можно копаться?

    I didn't see him at the club for some time - некоторое время я не встречал его в клубе

    all the time, the whole time - всё (это) время, всегда [ср. тж. 5]

    they were with us all the time /the whole time/ - они всё время были с нами

    all the time we were working - в течение всего времени, что мы работали

    he does it all the time - он всегда /постоянно/ это делает

    he's been watching us all the time /the whole time/ - он не переставая /неотрывно/ следил за нами, он ни на секунду не упускал нас из виду

    one time and another - а) одно время; б) время от времени

    running time (of a film) - кино время демонстрации (фильма)

    idle time - а) простой, перерыв в работе; б) свободное время

    time of orbiting - астр. время обращения искусственного спутника

    at the /that/ time - в это /в то/ время [см. тж. 4, 2)]

    at this time of (the) day - в это время дня [ср. тж. ]

    at one time - одно время, когда-то [см. тж. 4, 2)]

    at one time this book was very popular - некогда /было время, когда/ эта книга была очень популярна

    for a time - а) на некоторое время, временно; б) некоторое время

    for the time being - пока, до поры до времени

    in time - со временем [см. тж. 4, 4) и 13, 1)]

    I think that we may win in time - думаю, что со временем нам удастся победить

    in no time, in less than /next to/ no time - очень быстро, мигом, в два счёта

    I'll come back in no time - я моментально вернусь; я обернусь в два счёта

    in the same flash of time - в то же мгновение, в тот же миг

    to give smb. time to do smth. /for smth./ - дать кому-л. время /срок/ сделать что-л. /для чего-л./

    to give smb. time to turn round - дать кому-л. возможность перевести дух, дать кому-л. передышку

    the patient has her good time more often now - теперь больная чаще чувствует себя хорошо [ср. тж. 8, 2)]

    it takes time - это требует времени, это скоро не сделаешь

    2) сезон, пора, время

    sowing time - время /пора/ сева, посевной период, посевная

    autumn is a good time of year to be in the country - в осеннюю пору хорошо пожить за городом

    3) долгое время

    he was gone time before you got there - он ушёл задолго до того, как вы туда явились

    what a time it took you! - долго же вы возились!; неужто нельзя было побыстрее?

    4. 1) час, точное время

    what time, at what time - в какое время, в котором часу; когда

    to fix /to appoint/ a time - назначить время

    to tell time - амер. определять время по часам

    to forget the time of the appointment - забыть время свидания /встречи/

    to keep (good) [bad] time - хорошо [плохо] идти ( о часах) [ср. тж. 11]

    to lose [to gain] time - отставать [спешить] ( о часах)

    what is the time?, what time is it? - сколько времени?, который час?

    what time do you make it? - сколько (времени) на ваших часах?; сколько сейчас, по-вашему /по-твоему/, времени?

    2) момент, мгновение; определённый момент, определённое время

    some time - в какой-то момент, в какое-то время

    I'll drop in some time next month - я (к тебе) загляну как-нибудь в следующем месяце

    some time (or other) - когда-нибудь, рано или поздно

    at times - по временам, время от времени

    at the /that/ time - в тот момент, в то время [см. тж. 3, 1)]

    at one time - одновременно [см. тж. 3, 1)]

    at the same time - в то же самое время, одновременно; в тот же момент [см. тж. ]

    you can't be in two places at the same time - нельзя быть в двух местах одновременно

    at any time you like - в любой момент /в любое время/, когда вам будет удобно

    at the proper time, when the time comes - в своё время, когда придёт время

    we shall do everything at the proper time - мы всё сделаем, когда нужно; ≅ всему своё время

    between times - иногда, временами

    by this [that] time - к этому [тому] времени

    you ought to be ready by this time - к этому времени вы должны быть готовы

    it will be nearly two by the time you get down - вы приедете не раньше двух часов

    the time has come when... - пришло время /наступил момент/, когда... [ср. тж. 4)]

    3) время прибытия или отправления (поезда и т. п.)

    to find out the times of the London trains - узнать расписание лондонских поездов

    4) срок, время

    in time - в срок, вовремя [см. тж. 3, 1) и 13, 1)]

    on time = in time [ср. тж. ]

    to arrive exactly on time - приехать /прибыть/ минута в минуту /точно в назначенный час/

    in due time - в своё время, своевременно

    to be in time for smth. - поспеть точно к чему-л.

    I was just in time to see it - я успел как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть это

    ahead of time, before one's time - раньше срока [ср. тж. 5]

    behind time, out of time - поздно, с опозданием [ср. тж. 5]

    to be ten minutes behind [ahead of] time - опоздать [прийти раньше] на десять минут

    the train was running (half an hour) behind time - поезд опаздывал (на полчаса)

    to make time - амер. прийти вовремя /по расписанию/

    (it is) high time - давно пора, самое время

    it is time to go to bed /you went to bed/ - пора ложиться спать

    time! - время вышло!; ваше время истекло /вышло/

    time is drawing on - времени остаётся мало, срок приближается

    my time has come - мой час пробил; пришло время умирать [ср. тж. 2)]

    the time for feeding is nearing, it's nearing the time for feeding - приближается /подходит/ время /срок/ кормления

    5) подходящий момент, подходящее время

    now is the time to go on strike /for going on strike/ - теперь самое время начать забастовку

    this is no time /not the time/ to reproach /for reproaching/ me - сейчас не время упрекать меня

    5. времена, пора; эпоха, эра

    our time(s) - наше время, наши дни

    hard [troublesome] time(s) - тяжёлые [смутные] времена

    peace [war] time - мирное [военное] время

    the times we live in - наши дни; время, в которое мы живём

    at all times, амер. all the time - всегда, во все времена [ср. тж. 3, 1)]

    a book unusual for its time - книга, необычная для своего /того/ времени

    from time immemorial /out of mind/ - с незапамятных времён, испокон веку /веков/; искони, исстари

    (in) old /ancient, уст. olden/ time(s) - (в) старое время; в древности, в стародавние времена, во время оно

    in happier times - в более счастливые времена, в более счастливую пору

    in times to come - в будущем, в грядущие времена

    abreast of the times - вровень с веком; не отставая от жизни

    to be abreast of the times, to move /to go/ with the times - стоять вровень с веком, не отставать от жизни, шагать в ногу со временем [ср. тж. ]

    ahead of the /one's/ time(s) - опередивший свою эпоху, передовой [ср. тж. 4, 4)]

    behind one's /the/ time(s) - разг. отстающий от жизни, отсталый [ср. тж. 4, 4)]

    to serve the time - приспосабливаться [ср. тж. ]

    other times, other manners - иные времена - иные нравы

    these achievements will outlast our time - эти достижения переживут нас /наше время/

    time was /there was a time/ when... - было время, когда...

    as times go - разг. ≅ по нынешним временам

    the time is out of joint ( Shakespeare) - распалась связь времён

    6. возраст

    at his time of life - в его возрасте, в его годы

    I have now reached a time of life when... - я достиг того возраста, когда...

    7. период жизни, век

    it was before her time - это было до её рождения; она этого уже не застала

    he died before his time - он безвременно умер; ≅ он умер в расцвете сил

    if I had my time over again - если бы можно было прожить жизнь сначала /заново/

    this hat has done /served/ its time - эта шляпка отслужила своё /отжила свой век/

    8. 1) свободное время; досуг

    to have much /plenty of, разг. loads of, разг. heaps of разг. oceans of/ time, to have time on one's hands иметь много /уйму/ (свободного) времени

    to have no time, to be hard pressed for time - совершенно не иметь времени, торопиться

    I have no time for such nonsense - мне недосуг заниматься такой ерундой /чепухой/

    to beguile /to while away/ the time - коротать время

    to waste /to squander, to idle away, to trifle away/ one's time - даром /попусту/ терять время

    to make up for lost time - наверстать упущенное; компенсировать потери времени

    there's no time to lose /to be lost/ - нельзя терять ни минуты

    to play for time см. play II

    to save time - экономить время, не терять попусту времени

    to take one's time - а) не торопиться, выжидать; б) ирон. мешкать, копаться

    I need time to rest - мне нужно время, чтобы отдохнуть

    time enough to attend to that tomorrow - у нас будет время заняться этим завтра

    a lot of time, effort and money has been spent - было потрачено много времени, усилий и денег

    2) время (с точки зрения того, как оно проводится); времяпрепровождение

    to have a good /a fine/ time (of it) - хорошо провести время, повеселиться [ср. тж. 3, 1)]

    to have the time of one's life - а) переживать лучшую пору своей жизни; б) повеселиться на славу; отлично провести время

    to have a high old time = to have the time of one's life б)

    to have a bad /rough/ time (of it) - а) терпеть нужду /лишения/, хлебнуть горя; повидать всякое; he had a rough time (of it) - ему пришлось туго /нелегко/; б) пережить несколько неприятных минут; she had a bad /rough/ time (of it) with her baby - у неё были трудные роды

    to give smb. a rough time - а) заставить кого-л. мучиться; б) заставить кого-л. попотеть, доставить кому-л. несколько неприятных минут

    what a time I had with him! - с ним пришлось немало помучиться; ≅ уж как он изводил меня!

    the patient had a bad time for three hours before the medicine worked - больной три часа мучился, прежде чем подействовало лекарство

    9. 1) рабочее время

    task time - время для выполнения какой-л. работы

    full [part] time - полный [неполный] рабочий день

    to work full [part] time - работать полный [неполный] рабочий день

    to turn to writing full time - образн. полностью посвятить себя писательству

    to work /to be/ on short time - работать сокращённую рабочую неделю, быть частично безработным

    2) плата за работу

    we offer straight time for work up to 40 hours and time and a half for Saturdays - мы платим полную ставку за 40-часовую рабочую неделю и полторы ставки за работу по субботам

    10. (удобный) случай, (благоприятная) возможность

    to watch /to bide/ one's time - ждать благоприятного момента

    now's your time - разг. теперь самое время вам действовать и т. п.

    11. спорт. время

    to keep time with one's stop watch - засекать время с помощью секундомера [ср. тж. 4, 1) и 13, 1)]

    12. 1) интервал между раундами ( бокс)
    2) тайм; период, половина игры ( футбол)
    13. 1) скорость, темп; такт; размер; ритм

    simple time - муз. простой размер

    compound time - муз. сложный размер

    waltz [march] time - ритм вальса [марша]

    in time - а) ритмичный; б) ритмично; [см. тж. 3, 1) и 4, 4)]

    out of time - а) неритмичный; б) неритмично

    to march in quick [in slow] time - идти быстро [медленно]

    to keep /to beat/ time - отбивать такт; выдерживать такт /ритм/ [ср. тж. 11]

    to break into quick time - ускорить шаг, перейти на ускоренный шаг

    to quicken [to slow] the time - убыстрять /ускорять/ [замедлять] темп

    2) стих. мора
    14. библ. год
    1. 1) раз, случай

    a dozen [several] times - много [несколько] раз

    four times running - четыре раза подряд /кряду/

    the first [the second] time - (в) первый [(во) второй] раз

    this is the third time he has come - вот уже третий раз, как он приходит

    the one time I got good cards - единственный раз, когда у меня были хорошие карты

    at a time - разом, сразу, одновременно [см. тж. 2]

    to do one thing at a time - делать по очереди, не браться за всё сразу

    to do two things at a time - делать две вещи одновременно /зараз/

    time after time - повторно; тысячу раз

    times out of /without/ number - бесчисленное количество раз

    time and again, time and time again - снова и снова

    he said it time and again - он не раз говорил это; он не уставал повторять это

    I had to prove it time and time again - мне приходилось доказывать это вновь и вновь /снова и снова, бессчётное количество раз/

    from time to time - время от времени, от случая к случаю

    nine times out of ten - в девяти случаях из десяти; в большинстве случаев

    I've told you so a hundred [a thousand] times - я тебе это говорил сто [тысячу] раз

    2) раз

    three times six is /are/ eighteen - трижды шесть - восемнадцать

    2. каждый раз; каждый случай; каждая штука

    it costs me 3 pounds a time to have my hair done - каждый раз я плачу 3 фунта за укладку волос

    pick any you like at 5 dollars a time - разг. выбирайте любую по 5 долларов штука

    at a time - за (один) раз, за (один) приём [см. тж. 1, 1)]

    to run upstairs two at a time - бежать вверх по лестнице через две ступеньки

    to read a few pages at a time - читать не больше нескольких страниц за раз /за один присест/

    3. раз, крат

    three times as wide [as tall] - в три раза /втрое/ шире [выше]

    three times as much /as many/ - втрое больше

    you'll get two times your clock - я заплачу вам вдвое больше, чем по счётчику ( предложение таксисту)

    the big time - верхушка лестницы, верхушка пирамиды; сливки общества

    to be in the big time, to have made the big time - принадлежать к сливкам общества, входить в элиту

    the time of day - а) положение вещей /дел/; б) последние сведения /данные/

    at this time of day - а) так поздно; б) на данном этапе; после того, что произошло; [ср. тж. I 3, 1)]

    to know the time of day - а) быть настороже; б) быть искушённым (в чём-л.)

    to give smb. the time of day - а) обращать внимание на кого-л. (особ. с отрицанием); б) = to pass the time of day with smb.

    to pass the time of day with smb. - здороваться с кем-л.

    that's the time of day! - такие-то дела!, значит, дело обстоит так!

    against time - а) в пределах установленного времени; to talk against time - стараться соблюсти регламент [см. тж. в)]; to work against time - стараться уложить /кончить работу/ в срок; б) с целью побить рекорд; to run against time - стараться побить ранее установленный рекорд; в) с целью выиграть время; to talk against time - говорить с целью затянуть время ( при обструкции в парламенте) [см. тж. а)]; г) в большой спешке

    at the same time - тем не менее, однако [см. тж. I 4, 2)]

    your statement is not groundless; at the same time it is not wholly true - ваше замечание не лишено основания, однако оно не совсем правильно

    in good time - а) со временем, с течением времени; you'll hear from me in good time - со временем я дам о себе знать; б) своевременно; в) заранее, заблаговременно; to start [to come] in good time - отправиться [прийти] заблаговременно; come in good time! - не опаздывай!; all in good time - всё в своё время

    in bad time - не вовремя; поздно, с опозданием

    on time - амер. в рассрочку [ср. тж. I 4, 4)]

    once upon a time - давным-давно; во время оно; когда-то

    to buy time - а) выигрывать время; б) оттягивать /тянуть/ время, канителить

    to have a thin time см. thin I

    to have a time - а) переживать бурное время; б) испытывать большие трудности

    to have no time for smb. - плохо выносить кого-л.

    to make time - поспешить, поторопиться

    we'll have to make time to catch the train - нам нужно поспешить, чтобы не /если мы не хотим/ опоздать на поезд

    to make good time - быстро преодолеть какое-л. расстояние

    to make a time about /over/ smth. - амер. волноваться, суетиться по поводу чего-л.; шумно реагировать на что-л.

    to mark time - а) шагать на месте; б) оттягивать /тянуть/ время; в) выполнять что-л. чисто формально, работать без души

    to do time - отбывать тюремное заключение, отсиживать свой срок

    to serve /to complete/ one's time - а) отслужить свой срок ( в период ученичества); б) отбыть срок ( в тюрьме); [ср. тж. I 5]

    to sell time - амер. предоставлять за плату возможность выступить по радио или телевидению

    to take /to catch/ time by the forelock - действовать немедленно; воспользоваться случаем, использовать благоприятный момент

    to go with the times - плыть по течению [см. тж. I 5]

    time works wonders - время делает /творит/ чудеса

    it beats my time - амер. это выше моего понимания

    lost time is never found again - посл. потерянного времени не воротишь

    a stitch in time saves nine см. stitch I

    time is money - посл. время - деньги

    2. [taım] a
    1. связанный с временем

    time advantage - спорт. преимущество во времени

    2. снабжённый часовым механизмом
    3. связанный с покупками в кредит или с платежами в рассрочку
    4. подлежащий оплате в определённый срок
    3. [taım] v
    1. выбирать время; рассчитывать (по времени)

    to time oneself well - удачно выбрать время прихода /приезда/

    to time one's blows skilfully - искусно выбирать момент для (нанесения) удара

    to time one's march through the city - выбрать время для марша по улицам города

    the publication of the book was well timed - книга была опубликована в самый подходящий момент

    2. назначать или устанавливать время; приурочивать

    he timed his arrival for six o'clock - он намечал свой приезд на шесть часов

    the train was timed to reach London at 8 a.m. - поезд должен был прибыть в Лондон в 8 часов утра

    3. 1) ставить ( часы)

    to time all the clocks in the office according to the radio - поставить все часы в конторе /в бюро/ по радио

    to time one's watch by the time signal - ставить часы по сигналу точного времени

    the alarm-clock was timed to go off at nine o'clock - будильник был поставлен на девять часов

    2) задавать темп; регулировать (механизм и т. п.)
    4. отмечать по часам; засекать; определять время; хронометрировать

    to time the horse for each half mile - засекать время лошади на каждой полумиле

    to time how long it takes to do it - засечь, сколько времени требуется, чтобы сделать это

    I timed his reading - я следил за его чтением /за скоростью его чтения/ по часам

    5. 1) рассчитывать, устанавливать продолжительность

    clockwork apparatus timed to run for forty-eight hours - часовой механизм, рассчитанный на двое суток работы

    2) выделять время для определённого процесса

    to time one's exposure correctly - фото сделать /поставить/ нужную выдержку

    6. (to, with)
    1) делать в такт
    2) редк. совпадать, биться в унисон
    7. тех. синхронизировать

    НБАРС > time

  • 82 derlei

    Dem. Pron. dergleichen
    * * *
    der|lei ['deːɐ'lai]
    dem pron inv
    1) (adjektivisch) such, like that, that kind of

    dérlei Probleme — problems like that, that kind of problems, such problems

    2) (substantivisch) that sort or kind of thing

    und dérlei (mehr) — and suchlike

    * * *
    pron inv such, that kind of, like that pred
    \derlei Worte sollte man für sich behalten such words should be kept to oneself
    * * *
    indeklinabeles Demonstrativpronomen
    1) attr. such; like that postpos., not pred.
    2) allein stehend that sort of thing; such things pl.; things pl. like that
    * * *
    derlei dem pr dergleichen
    * * *
    indeklinabeles Demonstrativpronomen
    1) attr. such; like that postpos., not pred.
    2) allein stehend that sort of thing; such things pl.; things pl. like that

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > derlei

  • 83 institución

    institution, center, establishment, foundation.
    * * *
    1 (organismo) institution
    2 (creación) establishment, institution; (introducción) introduction
    ser una institución to be an institution
    institución benéfica charitable organization
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=organismo) institution

    institución benéfica, institución de beneficencia — charitable foundation, charitable organization

    institución pública — public institution, public body

    2) (=acción) establishment
    3) pl instituciones [en nación, sociedad] institutions
    * * *
    a) ( organismo) institution

    la siesta es toda una institución aquí — (fam) the siesta is a real institution here

    b) (creación, constitución) establishment
    c) instituciones femenino plural ( de una sociedad) institutions (pl)
    * * *
    = agency, body, corporation, establishment, facility, institution, organisation [organization, -USA], organisational setting, organisation [organization, -USA], work organisation, foundation.
    Ex. It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.
    Ex. Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.
    Ex. The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex. Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex. As he recovers, he overhears a well-intentioned social worker murmuring soothingly about a juvenile facility, and contrives an escape.
    Ex. The distinction between 'societies' and 'institutions' lies at the heart of the code.
    Ex. The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation.
    Ex. Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.
    Ex. This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers' camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.
    Ex. Quality of Work Life (QWL) can be defined as 'the degree to which members of a work organisation are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation'.
    Ex. Often such things need to be funded through foundations or local businesses.
    * avanzar profesionalmente dentro de la institución = rise through + the ranks.
    * biblioteca de institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary library.
    * confinados en instituciones, los = institutionalised, the.
    * cooperación entre instituciones = interagency cooperation.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * entre instituciones = interagency [inter-agency].
    * entre varias instituciones = inter-institutionally [interinstitutionally].
    * estructura de la institución = organisational structure.
    * institución académica = educational institution, educational establishment, academic institution.
    * institución a la que pertenece = host institution.
    * institución a la que se pertenece = home institution.
    * institución anfitriona = host institution.
    * institución benéfica = charity, charitable organisation, charitable institution.
    * institución bibliotecaria = library organisation.
    * Institución Británica para la Normalización (BSI) = British Standard Institution (BSI).
    * institución civil = civic organisation.
    * institución comercial = commercial organisation.
    * institución compuesta de miembros = membership organisation.
    * institución consolidada = established institution.
    * institución consumada = established institution.
    * institución cultural = cultural institution, heritage institution.
    * institución dedicada a la conservación del patrimonio = memory institution.
    * institución de educación pública = public education institution.
    * institución de enseñanza pública = public education institution.
    * institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary institution, institution of higher education.
    * institución de enseñanza superior no universitaria = college of further education, college of higher education.
    * institución de interés histórico = heritage institution.
    * institución de interés histórico y cultural = cultural heritage institution.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * institución de la que depende = parent institution.
    * institución del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * institución del gobierno = government establishment.
    * institución del matrimonio = institution of marriage.
    * institución del patrimonio histórico y cultural = cultural heritage institution.
    * institución del saber = institution of learning.
    * institución donde se estudia = school affiliation.
    * institucion educativa = teaching agency, institution of learning.
    * institución gubernamental = government body.
    * institución miembro = member centre, member institution.
    * institución miembro de una asociación = partner institution.
    * institución normativa = regulatory organisation.
    * institución para el estudio y la conservación del patrimonio cultural = heritage organisation.
    * institución privada = private institution.
    * institución profesional = professional institution.
    * institución pública = public institution, public organisation.
    * institución reconocida = accredit school.
    * institución relacionada con la información = information organisation, information institution.
    * institución religiosa = religious body.
    * institución responsable = governing agency, host institution.
    * institución social = social agency.
    * institución voluntaria = volunteer agency.
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * promovido por la institución = organisation-led.
    * revista editada por la propia institución = house journal.
    * * *
    a) ( organismo) institution

    la siesta es toda una institución aquí — (fam) the siesta is a real institution here

    b) (creación, constitución) establishment
    c) instituciones femenino plural ( de una sociedad) institutions (pl)
    * * *
    = agency, body, corporation, establishment, facility, institution, organisation [organization, -USA], organisational setting, organisation [organization, -USA], work organisation, foundation.

    Ex: It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.

    Ex: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.
    Ex: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex: As he recovers, he overhears a well-intentioned social worker murmuring soothingly about a juvenile facility, and contrives an escape.
    Ex: The distinction between 'societies' and 'institutions' lies at the heart of the code.
    Ex: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation.
    Ex: Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.
    Ex: This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers' camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.
    Ex: Quality of Work Life (QWL) can be defined as 'the degree to which members of a work organisation are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation'.
    Ex: Often such things need to be funded through foundations or local businesses.
    * avanzar profesionalmente dentro de la institución = rise through + the ranks.
    * biblioteca de institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary library.
    * confinados en instituciones, los = institutionalised, the.
    * cooperación entre instituciones = interagency cooperation.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * entre instituciones = interagency [inter-agency].
    * entre varias instituciones = inter-institutionally [interinstitutionally].
    * estructura de la institución = organisational structure.
    * institución académica = educational institution, educational establishment, academic institution.
    * institución a la que pertenece = host institution.
    * institución a la que se pertenece = home institution.
    * institución anfitriona = host institution.
    * institución benéfica = charity, charitable organisation, charitable institution.
    * institución bibliotecaria = library organisation.
    * Institución Británica para la Normalización (BSI) = British Standard Institution (BSI).
    * institución civil = civic organisation.
    * institución comercial = commercial organisation.
    * institución compuesta de miembros = membership organisation.
    * institución consolidada = established institution.
    * institución consumada = established institution.
    * institución cultural = cultural institution, heritage institution.
    * institución dedicada a la conservación del patrimonio = memory institution.
    * institución de educación pública = public education institution.
    * institución de enseñanza pública = public education institution.
    * institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary institution, institution of higher education.
    * institución de enseñanza superior no universitaria = college of further education, college of higher education.
    * institución de interés histórico = heritage institution.
    * institución de interés histórico y cultural = cultural heritage institution.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * institución de la que depende = parent institution.
    * institución del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * institución del gobierno = government establishment.
    * institución del matrimonio = institution of marriage.
    * institución del patrimonio histórico y cultural = cultural heritage institution.
    * institución del saber = institution of learning.
    * institución donde se estudia = school affiliation.
    * institucion educativa = teaching agency, institution of learning.
    * institución gubernamental = government body.
    * institución miembro = member centre, member institution.
    * institución miembro de una asociación = partner institution.
    * institución normativa = regulatory organisation.
    * institución para el estudio y la conservación del patrimonio cultural = heritage organisation.
    * institución privada = private institution.
    * institución profesional = professional institution.
    * institución pública = public institution, public organisation.
    * institución reconocida = accredit school.
    * institución relacionada con la información = information organisation, information institution.
    * institución religiosa = religious body.
    * institución responsable = governing agency, host institution.
    * institución social = social agency.
    * institución voluntaria = volunteer agency.
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * promovido por la institución = organisation-led.
    * revista editada por la propia institución = house journal.

    * * *
    A (organismo) institution
    instituciones financieras financial institutions
    ser una institución ( fam); to be an institution
    la siesta es toda una institución en España ( fam); the siesta is a real institution in Spain
    el viejo Marcos es toda una institución aquí old Mr Marcos is quite an institution around here
    B (creación, constitución) establishment
    la institución de un fondo de pensiones the establishment o setting up of a pension fund
    C instituciones fpl (de una sociedad) institutions (pl)
    * * *

    institución sustantivo femenino
    institución sustantivo femenino institution
    ' institución' also found in these entries:
    - centro
    - fundar
    - instituto
    - matrimonio
    - organismo
    - representar
    - salud
    - universidad
    - arca
    - autoridad
    - biblioteca
    - calumnia
    - carabinero
    - corona
    - crear
    - departamento
    - dotar
    - ente
    - entidad
    - expulsar
    - fundación
    - habilitar
    - lonja
    - trayectoria
    - charter
    - foundation
    - institution
    * * *
    1. [organización] institution;
    la institución monárquica the institution of the monarchy;
    ser una institución [persona, establecimiento] to be an institution
    institución benéfica charitable organization;
    institución pública public institution
    2. [de ley, sistema] introduction;
    [de organismo, premio] establishment, setting up
    instituciones [del Estado] institutions
    * * *
    f institution
    * * *
    institución nf, pl - ciones : institution
    * * *
    institución n institution

    Spanish-English dictionary > institución

  • 84 уча

    уча за study to be
    учил е в София he went to school in Sofia
    така ли ви учат в училище? is that what they teach you at school?
    докога ще те уча? how many times do I have to tell you? I've told you time and again
    уча се learn, study
    уча ce ( добре) do well at school
    уча се на занаят при някого be apprenticed to s.o.
    уча се да чета и пр. learn how to read etc.
    уча се от собствените си грешки profit/learn by o.'s own mistakes
    уча се на лоши неща get into bad ways
    да не се уча т така they shouldn't get used to such things
    човек се учи, докато е жьв live and learn
    * * *
    гл., мин. св. деят. прич. у̀чил learn; study; ( обучавам) teach; докога ще те \уча? how many times do I have to tell you? I’ve told you time and again; \уча за study to be;
    \уча се learn, study; да не се учат така they shouldn’t get used to such things; \уча се (добре) do well at school; \уча се да чета (и пр.) learn how to read etc.; \уча се на занаят при някого be apprenticed to s.o.; \уча се на лоши неща get into bad ways; \уча се от собствените си грешки profit/learn by o.’s own mistakes; човек се учи, докато е жив live and learn.
    * * *
    learn: уча a foreign language - уча чужд език; study: уча in a university - уча в университет; memorize (наизуст); read ; (уча някого): teach: She учаes him how to play chess. - Тя го учи да играе шах.; instruct ; cram {krEm} (зубря)
    * * *
    1. (обучавам) leach 2. learn 3. УЧА ce (добре) do well at school 4. УЧА ce learn, study 5. УЧА за study to be 6. УЧА се на занаят при някого be apprenticed to s.o. 7. УЧА се на лоши неща get into bad ways 8. УЧА се от собствените си грешки profit/learn by o.'s own mistakes 9. да не се УЧА т така they shouldn't get used to such things 10. докога ще те уча? how many times do I have to tell you?I've told you time and again 11. така ли ви учат в училище? is that what they teach you at school? 12. уча се да чета и пр. learn how to read etc. 13. учил е в София he went to school in Sofia 14. човек се учи, докато е жьв live and learn,

    Български-английски речник > уча

  • 85 clasificación

    1 classification, bracket, sorting, categorization.
    2 classified results.
    3 league table, placing in league rank, placing.
    4 classification, break-down, grading.
    * * *
    1 (gen) classification
    2 (distribución) sorting, filing
    3 DEPORTE league, table
    4 (de discos) top twenty, hit parade
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=categorización) classification
    2) (=ordenación) [de documentos] classification; (Inform, Correos) sorting
    3) (Náut) rating
    4) [en torneo] qualification
    5) (=lista) table, league
    * * *
    1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting
    2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)

    ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?

    3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification
    4) (Dep)
    a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualification
    b) ( tabla) placings (pl); ( puesto) position, place
    * * *
    = classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.
    Ex. Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.
    Ex. A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
    Ex. Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
    Ex. Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.
    Ex. Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
    Ex. This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.
    Ex. This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.
    Ex. In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.
    Ex. The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.
    Ex. Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex. After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex. It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.
    Ex. Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.
    * clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.
    * clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.
    * clasificación automática = automatic classification.
    * clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.
    * Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).
    * clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.
    * Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).
    * Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.
    * Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
    * clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.
    * clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.
    * clasificación del correo = mail sorting.
    * clasificación del suelo = zoning.
    * Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.
    * clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.
    * clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.
    * clasificación facetada = faceted classification.
    * clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.
    * Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).
    * clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.
    * clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.
    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
    * de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.
    * dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.
    * ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.
    * paquete de clasificación = sort package.
    * sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.
    * sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.
    * tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.
    * * *
    1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting
    2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)

    ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?

    3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification
    4) (Dep)
    a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualification
    b) ( tabla) placings (pl); ( puesto) position, place
    * * *
    = classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.

    Ex: Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.

    Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
    Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
    Ex: Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.
    Ex: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
    Ex: This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.
    Ex: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.
    Ex: In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.
    Ex: The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.
    Ex: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.
    Ex: Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.
    * clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.
    * clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.
    * clasificación automática = automatic classification.
    * clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.
    * Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).
    * clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.
    * Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).
    * Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.
    * Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
    * clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.
    * clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.
    * clasificación del correo = mail sorting.
    * clasificación del suelo = zoning.
    * Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.
    * clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.
    * clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.
    * clasificación facetada = faceted classification.
    * clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.
    * Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).
    * clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.
    * clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.
    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
    * de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.
    * dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.
    * ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.
    * paquete de clasificación = sort package.
    * sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.
    * sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.
    * tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.

    * * *
    A (de documentos, libros) classification; (de cartas) sorting
    el ordenador que hace la clasificación del correo the computer that sorts the mail
    B (de una películaacción) classification
    (— certificado): ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? what certificate has it got?
    C (de un elemento, una planta) classification
    D ( Dep)
    peligra nuestra clasificación para la final we are in danger of not making o of not qualifying for the final
    esta victoria le supone la clasificación para la fase final this victory means that he will go through to o has qualified for the finals
    2 (tabla) placings (pl); (puesto) position, place
    quinto en la clasificación final del rally fifth in the final placings for the rally
    * * *

    clasificación sustantivo femenino
    1 (de documentos, animales, plantas) classification;
    ( de cartas) sorting
    2 ( de película) certificate

    b) ( tabla) placings (pl);

    ( puesto) position, place;

    clasificación sustantivo femenino
    1 classification
    2 Dep (lista) table: es el tercero en la clasificación mundial, he's ranked third in the world
    (acción) qualification: la atleta española no ha conseguido su clasificación, the Spanish athlete has not qualified
    ' clasificación' also found in these entries:
    - escala
    - juvenil
    - cabeza
    - descender
    - escalar
    - fase
    - frente
    - ocupar
    - prueba
    - puesto
    - filing
    - rating
    - table
    - preliminary
    - qualification
    * * *
    1. [ordenación] classification
    Econ clasificación de solvencia credit rating
    2. [de animal, planta] classification
    3. [de película] classification
    4. Dep [lista] [en liga] (league) Br table o US standings;
    [en carrera, torneo] classification;
    encabezar la clasificación [en liga] to be at the top of the league;
    [en carrera, torneo] to lead the classification clasificación combinada combined event;
    clasificación por equipos team classification;
    clasificación general (general) classification;
    clasificación de la regularidad points classification
    5. Dep [para competición] qualification;
    no consiguieron lograr la clasificación para las semifinales they didn't manage to qualify for the semifinals
    * * *
    1 DEP en competición qualification
    2 de liga league table
    * * *
    1) : classification, sorting out
    2) : rating
    3) calificación: qualification (in competitions)
    * * *
    1. (en general) classification
    2. (en deporte acción) qualifying
    ¿quién es el líder de la clasificación de primera? who is top of the first division?

    Spanish-English dictionary > clasificación

  • 86 EPTIR

    prep with dat. and acc.;
    I. with dat.
    1) with verbs of motion, after (ríða, róa, fara, ganga, senda e-m);
    2) denoting the aim and object of many verbs;
    leita, spyrja, frétta, eptir e-u, to search, ask, inquire after;
    líta eptir e-u, to look afler, attend to;
    bíða eptir e-u, to wait for;
    vaka eptir e-m, to sit up waiting for one;
    segja eptir e-m, to report behind one’s back;
    3) following the course of a track, road, etc., along;
    niðr eptir hálsinum, down the hill;
    eptir endilongu, from one end to the other;
    eptir miðju, along the middle;
    4) after, according to, in accordance with (eptir sið þeirra ok lögum);
    hann leiddist eptir fortölum hennar, he was led by her persuasion;
    gekk allt eptir því sem H. hafði sagt, according as H. had said;
    5) denoting proportion, comparison;
    fátt manna eptir því sem hann var vanr, few men in comparison to what he was want to have;
    6) with verbs denoting imitation, indulgence, longing after;
    láta eptir e-m, to indulge one;
    breyta eptir e-m, to imitate;
    7) behind (hann leiddi eptir sér hestinn);
    fundust eptir þeim írskar bœkr, which they had left behind;
    II. with acc.
    1) of time, after, in succession to (vár kom eptir vetr);
    hvern dag eptir annan, one day after the other;
    ár eptir ár, dag eptir dag, year by year, day by day;
    eptir þat, after that, thereafter;
    2) denoting succession, inheritance;
    taka e-t í arf eptir e-n, to inherit from one;
    hann tók konungdóm eptir föður sinn, after his father;
    vita þá skömm eptir sik, to leave such a bad report;
    skaði mikill er eptir menn slíka, there is a great loss in such men;
    III. as adv.
    1) after;
    annat sumar eptir, the second summer after;
    um daginn eptir, the day after;
    eptir um várit, later during the spring;
    eptir koma úsvinnum ráð, the fool is wise when too late;
    2) behind;
    bíða sitja eptir, to wait, stay behind;
    vera, standa eptir, to remain behind, be left;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    skammt get ek eptir þinnar æfi, I guess that little is left of thy life;
    3) before the rel. part., eptir er = eptir þat er, after (ef maðr, andast á þingi eptir er menn eru á braut farnir);
    4) eptir á, afterwards, later on;
    * * *
    better spelt eftir, in common pronunciation ettir, a prep. with dat. and acc. and also used as adv. or ellipt. without a case: an older form ept or eft only occurs in poetry, Skm. 39, 41, Ýt. 2, Edda 91 (in a verse); ept víg, Hkr. i. 349 (in a verse), iii. 50 (Arnór); [cp. Goth. afar; Runic stone in Tune, after; A. S. æft; Engl. after, aft; Swed.-Dan. efter]:—after.
    A. WITH DAT., LOC.; with verbs denoting following, pursuing, or the like; hann reið e. þeim, Eg. 149; hann bar merkit eptir honum, he bore the standard after him, 297; róa e. þeim, to pull after them, Ld. 118; þegar e. Kara, on the heels of Kari, Nj. 202; varð ekki e. honum gengit, none went after him, 270.
    β. with the notion to fetch; senda e. e-m, to send after one, Eb. 22, Nj. 78, Fms. i. 2; ríða í Hornafjörð e. fé yðru, ride to H. after your things, Nj. 63.
    γ. ellipt., viljum vér eigi e. fara, we will not follow after them. Eb. 242; ek mun hlaupa þegar e., Nj. 202.
    2. metaph.,
    α. with verbs denoting to look, stara, líta, sjá, gá, horfa, mæna, etc. e. e-u, to stare, look after a thing while departing, Ísl. ii. 261: leita, spyrja, frétta etc. e. e-u, to ask, ‘speer,’ seek after a thing, Nj. 75, Eg. 155, 686, Fms. i. 71, x. 148, etc.
    β. segja e. e-m, to tell tales, report behind one’s back in a bad sense, 623. 62; þó at ek segða eigi óhapp eptir tengda-mönnum mínum, Sturl. i. 66; sjá e. e-u, to look after, miss a thing, Nj. 75; leggja hug e. e-u, to mind a thing, Ísl. ii. 426; taka e., to mind, mark a thing; ganga e. e-u, to retain a thing, Fms. x. 5.
    γ. verbs denoting to expect; bíða, vænta e. e-u, to expect, wait for a thing; vaka e. e-m, to sit up waiting for one, but vaka yfir e-m, to sit up nursing or watching one, cp. Fas. ii. 535.
    II. denoting along, in the direction of a track, road, or the like; niðr e. hálsinum, down the hill, Fms. iii. 192; út e. firði, stood out along the firth, i. 37; innar e. höllinni, Nj. 270; upp e. dal, Eb. 232; ofan e. dalnum, Nj. 34; ofan e. eyrunum, 143; upp e. eyrunum, 85; innar e. búðinni, 165; út e. þvertrénu, 202; ofan e. reykinum, Eb. 230; inn e. Skeiðum, 224; inn e. Álptafirði, id.; innar e. ísum, 236; inn e. ísum, 316; út e. ísnum, 236; út e. Hafsbotnum, Orkn. 1; e. endilöngu, from one end to another, Fms. x. 16; e. miðju, along the middle, vii. 89.
    2. metaph. after, according to; e. því sem vera ætti, Ld. 66; e. sið þeirra ok lögum, Fms. i. 81; e. þínum fortölum, ii. 32; hann leiddisk e. fortölum hennar, he was led by her persuasion, v. 30; gékk allt e. því sem Hallr hafði sagt, Nj. 256; gékk allt e. því sem honum hafði vitrað verit, all turned out as he had dreamed, Fms. ii. 231; e. minni vísan, i. 71.
    β. denoting proportion, comparison; þó eigi e. því sem faðir hans var, yet not like his father, Eg. 702; fátt manna e. því sem hann var vanr, few men in comparison to what he used to have, Sturl. ii. 253; þat var orð á, at þar færi aðrar e., people said that the rest was of one piece, Ld. 168.
    γ. with verbs denoting imitation, indulgence, longing after, etc.; lifa e. holdi sínu, to live after the flesh, Hom. 25; lifa e. Guði, 73; lifit e. mér, follow after me, Blas. 45; láta e. e-m, to indulge one; mæla e. e-m, to take one’s part, Nj. 26: breyta e. e-m, to imitate; dæma e. e-m, to give a sentence for one, 150; fylgja e. e-m, to follow after one, N. T.; herma e. e-m, to mimic one’s voice and gesture, as a juggler; mun ek þar e. gera sem þér gerit fyrir, I will do after just as you do before, Nj. 90; hann mælti e. ( he repeated the words) ok stefndi rangt, 35; leika e. e-m, to follow one’s lead; telja e., to grudge; langa e., to long after, Luke xxii. 15.
    δ. kalla, heita e. e-m, to name a child after one; kallaði Hákon eptir föður sínum Hákoni, Fms. i. 14; kallaðr e. Mýrkjartani móður-föður sínum, Ld. 108: lcel. now make a distinction, heita í höfuðit á e-m, of a living person, and heita e. e-m, of one deceased.
    III. denoting behind; fundusk e. þeim Írskar bækr, Irish books were found which they had left behind, Landn. (pref.), Fms. xi. 410; draga þik blindan e. sér, vi. 323; bera e-t e. sér, to drag behind one; hann leiddi e. sér hestinn, he led the horse after him, Eg. 766.
    β. as an adv., þá er eigi hins verra e. ván er slíkt ferr fyrir, what worse can come after, when such things went before? Nj. 34.
    2. but chiefly ellipt. or adverb.; láta e., to leave behind, Sturl. i. 60; sitja e., to sit, stay behind, Fms. i. 66; bíða e., to stay behind; vera e., Grett. 36 new Ed., Bs. i. 21; standa e., to stay behind, remain, be left, Fms. ii. 231, vi. 248; dveljask e., to delay, stop, Sturl. ii. 253; leggja e., to lay behind, but liggja e., to lie behind, i. e. be left, Karl. 439; eiga e., to have to do, Nj. 56; ef ekki verðr e., if naught remain behind, Rb. 126; skammt get ek e., þinnar æfi, I guess that little is left of thy life, Nj. 182; þau bjoggu þar e., they remained, stayed there. 25.
    B. WITH ACC., TEMP, after; vetri e. fall Ólafs, Eb. (fine); sextán vetrum e. dráp Eadmundar konungs …, vetrum e. andlát Gregorii, … e. burð Christi, Íb. 18; e. fall jarls, Eg. 297; e. verk þessi, Nj. 85: esp. immediately after, var kom e. vetr, spring came after winter, Eg. 260; hvern dag e. annan, one day after another, Hom. 158; ár e. ár, year after year, Rb. 292; dag e. dag, day after day, Fms. ii. 231; e. þat, or e. þetta, after that, Lat. deinde, deinceps, Nj. 151, Eb. 58, Bs. i. 5, etc. etc.; e. þingit, after the meeting, Eb. 108; e. sætt Eyrbyggja, 252.
    2. denoting succession, inheritance, remembrance, etc.; eptir in this sense is frequent on the Runic stones, to the memory of, after; hón á arf allan e. mik, Nj. 3; tekit í arf e. föður þinn, inherited after thy father, Fms. i. 256; ef skapbætendr eru eigi til e. bauga, i. e. to receive the weregild, Grág. ii. 184; þeir er sektar-fé eiga at taka e. þik, Nj. 230; tók konungdóm e. föður sinn, took the kingdom after his father, Fms. i. 2; Þorkell tók lögsögu e. Þórarinn, Thorkel took the speakership after Thorarin, Íb. ch. 5, cp. ch. 8, 10: metaph., vita þá skömm e. sik, to know that shame [ will be] after one, i. e. leave such a bad report, Ld. 222; skaði mikill er e. menn slíka, there is a great loss in such men, Eg. 93; hann fastaði karföstu e. son sinn, he fasted the lenten fast after his son’s death, Sturl. ii. 231; sonr … e. genginn guma, a son to succeed his deceased father, Hm. 71; mæla e. en, or eiga vígsmál (eptir-mál) e. e-n, to conduct the suit after one if slain, Nj. 254 (freq.), hence eptir-mál; eptir víg Arnkels vóru konur til erfðar ok aðildar, Eb. 194; í hefnd e. e-n, to revenge one’s death, Nj. 118; heimta gjöld e. menn sína, to claim weregild, Fms. viii. 199.
    β. the phrase, vera e. sig, to be weary after great exertion.
    II. used as adv. after; síðan e. á öðrum degi, on the second day thereafter, Hom. 116: síðan e., Lat. deinceps, Fms. x. 210; um várit e., the spring after, Eb. 125 new Ed.; annat sumar e., the second summer after, Nj. 14; annat haust e., Eb. 184; annan dag e., the second day after, Nj. 3; um daginn e., the day after, Fms. vii. 153, Bs. i. 21; næsta mánuð e., Rb. 126.
    β. by placing the adverb. prep. at the beginning the sense becomes different, later; e. um várit, later during the spring, Eb. 98.
    III. used adverb. with the relat. particles er, at; e. er, Lat. postquam, Grág. i. 10; e. at, id., K. Þ. K. 32.
    β. eptir á, afterward; the proverb, eptir (mod. eptir á) koma ósvinnum ráð í hug, the fool is wise too late, Vápn. 17, Fas. i. 98; eptir á, kvað hinn …, ‘ after a bit,’ quoth the …, (a proverb.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EPTIR

  • 87 FARA

    * * *
    (fer; fór, fórum; farinn), v.
    1) to move, pass along, go;
    gekk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went;
    fara heim (heiman), to go home (from home);
    fara á fund e-s to visit one;
    fjöld ek fór, I travelled much;
    hann sagði, hversu orð fóru með þeim, what words passed between them;
    absol., to go begging (ómagar, er þar eigu at fara í því þingi);
    2) with ‘ferð, leið’ or the like added in acc., gen., or dat.;
    fara leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, proceed on one’s journey (= fara ferðar sinnar or ferða sinna, fara ferð sina, fara för sina, förum sínum);
    fara þessa ferð, to make this journey;
    fara fullum dagleiðum, to travel a full days journeys;
    fara stefnuför, to go a-summoning;
    fara bónorðsför, to go a-wooing;
    fara sigrför, to go on the path of victory, to triumph;
    fara góða för, to make a lucky journey;
    fig., fara ósigr, to be defeated;
    fara mikinn skaða, to suffer great damage;
    fara hneykju, skömm, to incur disgrace;
    fara erendleysu, to fail in one’s errand;
    with the road in acc. (fara fjöll ok dala);
    3) fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode;
    fara eldi ok arni, to move one’s hearth and fire;
    4) fara einn saman, to go alone;
    fara eigi ein saman, to go with child (= fara með barni);
    5) with infin.;
    fara sofa, to go to sleep (allir menn vóru sofa farnir);
    fara vega, to go to fight;
    fara leita, to go seeking (var leita farit);
    6) with an a., etc.;
    fara villr, to go astray;
    fara haltr, to walk lame;
    fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind;
    fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of;
    fara andvígr e-m, to give battle;
    fara leyniliga (leynt), to be kept secret;
    eigi má þetta svá fara, this cannot go on in that way;
    fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means;
    fór þat fjarri, at ek vilda, I was far from desiring it;
    7) to turn out, end;
    fór þat sem líkligt var, it turned out as was likely (viz. ended ill);
    svá fór, at, the end was, that;
    ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess;
    á sómu leið fór um aðra sendimenn, it went the same way with the other messengers;
    8) to fare well, ill;
    biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell;
    9) to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair (ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn; hárit fór vel);
    impers., fór illa á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse;
    10) impers., e-m ferr vel, illa, one behaves or acts well, ill;
    honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter;
    e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way;
    11) fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of a healing touch, = fara höndum um e-t (bið hann fara höndum meinit);
    fara land herskildi, brandi, to visit a land with ‘warshield’, with fire, to ravage or devastate it (gekk síðan á land upp með liði sínu ok fór alit herskildi);
    12) to overtake (Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok gat farit sveininn);
    tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun;
    áðr hana Fenrir fari, before F. overtakes her;
    13) to ill-treat, treat cruelly;
    menn sá ek þá, er mjök höfðu hungri farit hörund, that had chastened their flesh with much fasting;
    14) to put an end to, destroy;
    fara sér (sjálfr), to kill oneself;
    fara lífi (fjörvi) e-s, to deprive one of life;
    þú hefir sigr vegit ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, killed F.;
    15) to forfeit (fara löndum ok lausafé);
    16) refl., farast;
    17) with preps. and advs.:
    fara af klæðum, to take off one’s clothes;
    fara at e-m, to make an attack upon, to assault (eigi mundi í annat sinn vænna at fara at jarlinum);
    fara at e-u, to mind, pay heed to;
    ekki fer ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár (it does not matter to me, I do not care, though);
    to deal with a thing, proceed in a certain way;
    fara at lögum, úlögum, to proceed lawfully, unlawfully;
    fara mjúkliga at, to proceed gently;
    hér skulu við fara at með ráðum, act with, deliberation;
    impers. with dat., to do, behave;
    illa hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly; to go in pusuit (search) of (víkingar nökkurir þeir sem fóru at féföngum);
    fara at fuglaveiðum, to go a-fowling;
    fara at fé, to tend sheep;
    fara á e-n, to come upon one;
    sigu saman augu, þá er dauðinn fór á, when death seized him;
    fara á hæl or hæli, to step back, retreat;
    fara eptir e-m, to follow one;
    fara eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (Snorri goði fór eptir líkinu; fara eptir vatni); to accommodate oneself to, conform to (engi vildi eptir öðrum fara);
    þau orð er eptir fara, the following words;
    fara fram, to go on, take place;
    ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place;
    veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well;
    spyrr, hvat þar fœri fram, he asked, what was going on there;
    fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice;
    allt mun þat sínu fram fara, it will take its own course;
    kváðu þat engu gegna ok fóru sínu fram, took their own way;
    segir honum, hversu þeir fóru fram, how they acted;
    fara e-t fram, to do., perform a thing;
    spyrr hann, hvat nú sé fram faranda, what is to be done;
    fara fyrir e-t, to pass for, be taken for (fari sá fyrir níðing, er);
    fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself;
    fara í e-t, to go into (fara í tunnu);
    fara í sæng, rekkju, to go to bed;
    fara í sess sinn, sæti sitt, to take one’s seat;
    fara í klæði, to put on clothes, dress;
    fara í vápn, brynju, to put on armour;
    fara í lag, to go right or straight again (þá fóru brýnn hans í lag);
    fara í vöxt, to increase;
    fara í þurð, to wane;
    fara í hernað, víking, to go a-freebooting;
    nú ferr í úvænt efni, now matters look hopeless;
    to happen, occur (alit þat, er í hafði farit um nóttina);
    fara með e-t, to wield handle, manage;
    fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded (the spear) Gungnir;
    fara með goðorð, to hold a goðorð;
    fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit;
    to practice, deal in;
    fara með rán, to deal in robbery;
    fara með spott ok háð, to go scoffing and mocking;
    fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, to practice sorcery;
    to deal with, treat, handle (þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara);
    fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret;
    fara með e-m, to go with one, follow one (ek skal með yðr fara með allan minn styrk);
    fara með e-u, to do (so and so) with a thing, to deal with, manage;
    hvernig þeir skyldu fara með vápnum sínum, what they were to do with their weapons;
    sá maðr, er með arfinum ferr, who manages the inheritance;
    fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case;
    fara vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well;
    undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, these monks behave strangely;
    fara með barni, to go with child;
    impers., ferr með þeim heldr fáliga, they are on indifferent terms;
    fara ór landi, to leave the country;
    fara ór klæðum, fötum, to take off one’s clothes, undress;
    fara saman, to go together; to shake, shudder;
    fór en forna fold öll saman, shivered all through;
    to concur, agree (hversu má þat saman f);
    fara til svefns, to go to sleep (= fara at sofa);
    fara um e-t, to travel over (fara um fjall);
    fara höndum um e-n, to stroke or touch one with the hands (hann fór höndum um þá, er sjúkir vóru);
    fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject;
    fara myrkt um e-t, to keep a matter dark;
    fara undan, to excuse oneself (from doing a thing), to decline, refuse (hvat berr til, at þú ferr undan at gera mér veizluna);
    borð fara upp, the tables are removed;
    fara út, to go from Norway to Iceland; to come to a close, run out (fóru svá út þessir fimm vetr);
    fara útan, to go abroad (from Iceland);
    fara við e-n, to treat one, deal with one in a certain way;
    margs á, ek minnast, hve við mik fóruð, I have many things to remember of your dealings with me;
    fara yfir e-t, to go through;
    nú er yfir farit um landnám, now an account of the settlements has been given;
    skjótt yfir at fara, to be brief.
    * * *
    pret. fóra, 2nd pers. fórt, mod. fórst, pl. fóru; pres. ferr, 2nd pers. ferr, in mod. pronunciation ferð; pret. subj. færa; imperat. far and farðu (= far þú); sup. farit; part. farinn; with the suffixed neg. fór-a, Am. 45; farið-a ( depart not), Hkr. i. 115 MS. (in a verse). [In the Icel. scarcely any other verb is in so freq. use as fara, as it denotes any motion; not so in other Teut. idioms; in Ulf. faran is only used once, viz. Luke x. 7; Goth. farjan means to sail, and this seems to be the original sense of fara (vide far); A. S. faran; the Germ. fahren and Engl. fare are used in a limited sense; in the Engl. Bible this word never occurs (Cruden); Swed. fara; Dan. fare.]
    A. NEUT. to go, fare, travel, in the widest sense; gékk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went, Hkr. i. 100; né ek flý þó ek ferr, I fly not though I fare, Edda (in a verse); létt er lauss at fara (a proverb), Sl. 37: the saying, verðr hverr með sjálfum sér lengst at fara, Gísl. 25; cp. ‘dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann’ (Göthe’s Tasso), or the Lat. ‘patriae quis exul se quoque fugit?’ usually in the sense to go, to depart, heill þú farir, heill þú aptr komir, Vþm. 4; but also to come, far þú hingat til mín, come here, Nj. 2.
    2. to travel, go forth or through, pass, or the like; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ, Nj. 74; fara ór landi, to fare forth from one’s country, Fms. v. 24; kjóll ferr austan, Vsp. 51; Surtr ferr sunnan, 52; snjór var mikill, ok íllt at fara, and ill to pass, Fms. ix. 491; fóru þeir út eptir ánni, Eg. 81; siðan fór Egill fram með skóginum, 531; þeim sem hann vildi at færi … Njáll hét at fara, Nj. 49; fara munu vér, Eg. 579; Egill fór til þess er hann kom til Álfs. 577, Fms. xi. 122; fara þeir nú af melinum á sléttuna. Eg. 747; fara heiman, to fare forth from one’s home, K. Þ. K. 6; alls mik fara tíðir, Vþm. 1; fjölð ek fór, far I fared, i. e. travelled far, 3: the phrase, fara utan, to fare outwards, go abroad (from Iceland), passim; fara vestr um haf, to fare westward over the sea, i. e. to the British Isles, Hkr. i. 101; fara á fund e-s, to visit one, Ld. 62; fara at heimboði, to go to a feast, id.; fara fæti, to fare a-foot, go walking, Hkr.; absol. fara, to travel, beg, hence föru-maðr, a vagrant, beggar; in olden times the poor went their rounds from house to house within a certain district, cp. Grág. i. 85; ómagar er þar eigu at fara í því þingi eðr um þau þing, id.; ómagar skolu fara, 119; omegð þá er þar ferr, 296: in mod. usage, fara um and um-ferð, begging, going round.
    β. with prep.: fara at e-m, to make an inroad upon one, Nj. 93, 94, 102 (cp. at-för); fara á e-n, to mount, e. g. fara á bak, to mount on horseback; metaph., dauðinn fór á, death seized him, Fms. xi. 150; f. saman, to go together, Edda 121, Grág. ii. 256; f. saman also means to shudder. Germ. zusammenfahren, Hým. 24: metaph. to concur, agree, hversu má þat saman f., Nj. 192; þeim þótti þat mjök saman f., Fms. iv. 382; fara á hæl, or á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. step back. retreat, xi. 278, Eg. 296; fara undan, metaph. to excuse oneself, refuse (v. undan), Nj. 23, Fms. x. 227; fara fyrir, to proceed; fara eptir, to follow.
    3. with ferð, leið or the like added, in acc. or gen. to go one’s way; fara leiðar sinnar, to proceed on one’s journey, Eg. 81, 477, Fms. i. 10, Grág. ii. 119; fara ferðar sinnar, or ferða sinna, id.. Eg. 180, Fms. iv. 125; fara derð sina, id.. Eg. 568; fara förum sínum, or för sinní, id., K. Þ. K. 80, 90; fara dagfari ok náttfari, to travel day and night, Fms. i. 203; fara fullum dagleiðum, to go full days-journeys, Grág. i. 91; or in a more special sense, fara þessa ferð, to make this journey, Fas. ii. 117; f. stefnu-för, to go a-summoning; f. bónorðs-för, to go a-courting, Nj. 148; f. sigr-för, to go on the way of victory, to triumph, Eg. 21; fara sendi-för, to go on a message, 540.
    β. in a metaph. sense; fara hneykju-för, to be shamefully beaten, Hrafn. 19 (MS.); fara ósigr, to be defeated, Eg. 287; fara mikinn skaða, to ‘fare’ (i. e. suffer) great damage, Karl. 43; fara því verrum förum, fara skömm, hneykju, erendleysu, úsæmð, to get the worst of it, Fms. viii. 125.
    4. with the road in acc.; hann fór Vánar-skarð, Landn. 226; f. sjó-veg, land-veg, K. Þ. K. 24; fór mörg lönd ok stórar merkr, Fas. ii. 540; fara sömu leið, Fms. i. 70; f. sama veg, Luke x. 31; f. fjöll ok dala, Barl. 104; fara út-leið, þjóð-leið, Fms. iv. 260; also, fara um veg, fara um fjall, to cross a fell, Hm. 3; fara liði, to march, Fms. i. 110.
    II. in a more indefinite sense, to go; fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode, Ld. 56, Hkr. ii. 177, Nj. 151, Vigl. 30; fara búferla, to more one’s household, Grág. ii. 409; fara vöflunarförum, to go a-begging, i. 163, 294, ii. 482.
    2. the phrases, fara eldi ok arni, a law term, to move one’s hearth and fire. Grág. ii. 253; fara eldi um land, a heathen rite for taking possession of land, defined in Landn. 276. cp. Eb. 8, Landn. 189, 284.
    3. fara einn-saman, to be alone. Grág. ii. 9; the phrase, f. eigi einn-saman, to be not alone, i. e. with child, Fms. iii. 109; or, fór hón með svein þann, Bs. i. 437; cp. ganga með barni.
    4. adding an adj., to denote gait, pace, or the like; fara snúðigt, to stride haughtily, Nj. 100; fara mikinn, to rush on, 143; fara flatt, to fall flat, tumble, Bárð. 177; fara hægt, to walk slowly.
    β. fara til svefns, to go to sleep, Nj. 35; f. í sæti sitt, to go to one’s seat, 129; f. í sess, Vþm. 9; f. á bekk, 19; fara á sæng, to go to bed, N. G. L. i. 30; fara í rúmið, id. (mod.); fara í mannjöfnuð, Ísl. ii. 214; fara í lag, to be put straight, Eg. 306; fara í vöxt, to wax, increase, Fms. ix. 430, Al. 141; fara í þurð, to wane, Ld. 122, l. 1 (MS.); fara í úefni, to go to the wrong side, Sturl. iii. 210; fara at skakka, to be odd ( not even). Sturl. ii. 258; fara at sölum, to be put out for sale, Grág. ii. 204.
    5. fara at fuglum, to go a-fowling, Orkn. (in a verse); fara at fugla-veiðum, id., Bb. 3. 36; fara í hernað, í víking, to go a-freebooting, Fms. i. 33, Landn. 31; fara at fé, to watch sheep, Ld. 240; fara at fé-föngum, to go a-fetching booty, Fms. vii. 78.
    β. with infin., denoting one’s ‘doing’ or ‘being;’ fara sofa, to go to sleep, Eg. 377; fara vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 54, Gm. 23; fara at róa, Vígl. 22; fara leita, to go seeking, Fms. x. 240; fara að búa, to set up a household, Bb. 2. 6; fara að hátta, to go to bed.
    γ. akin to this is the mod. use of fara with an infin. following in the sense to begin, as in the East Angl. counties of Engl. it ‘fares’ to …, i. e. it begins, is likely to be or to do so and so; það fer að birta, það er farit að dimma, it ‘fares’ to grow dark; það fer að hvessa, it ‘fares’ to blow; fer að rigna, it ‘fares’ to rain. etc.:—no instance of this usage is recorded in old Icel., but the Engl. usage shews that it must be old.
    δ. with an adj. etc.; fara villr, to go astray, Sks. 565; fara haltr, to go lame, Fms. x. 420; fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind, 264; fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself, Eb. 270; fara apr, to feel chilly, Fms. vi. 237 (in a verse); fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of, Skálda 187 (in a verse); fara andvígr e-m, to give battle, Stor. 8; fara leyniliga, to go secretly, be kept hidden, Nj. 49.
    6. to pass; fór sú skipan til Íslands, Fms. x. 23; fara þessi mál til þings, Nj. 100; hversu orð fóru með þeim, how words passed between them, 90; fóru þau orð um, the runner went abroad, Fms. i. 12; ferr orð er um munn líðr (a saying), iv. 279; þá fór ferligt úorðan, a bad report went abroad, Hom. 115.
    7. fara fram, to go on, take place; ferr þetta fram, Ld. 258; ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place, K. Þ. K. 64; ferr svá fram, and so things went on without a break, Nj. 11, Eg. 711; veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well, Nj. 11, 51; spyrr hvat þar færi fram, he asked what there was going on. Band. 17; fór allt á sömu leið sem fyrr, it went on all the same as before, Fms. iv. 112; fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice, Nj. 5, 66, Fms. vii. 318; allt mun þat sínu fram f., it will take its own course, Nj. 259; nú er því ferr fram um hríð, it went on so for a while, Fms. xi. 108; a law term, to be produced, gögn fara fram til varnar, Grág. i. 65; dómar fara út, the court is set (vide dómr), Grág., Nj., passim.
    8. borð fara upp brott, the tables are removed (vide borð), Eg. 247, 551; eigi má þetta svá f., this cannot go on in that way, Nj. 87; fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means, 134; fór þat fjarri at ek vilda, Ld. 12; fór þat ok svá til, and so if came to pass, Fms. x. 212.
    9. to turn out, end; hversu ætlar þú fara hesta-atið, Nj. 90; fór þat sem likligt var, it turned out as was likely (i. e. ended ill). Eg. 46; svá fór, at …, the end was, that …, Grett. 81 new Ed.; ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess, Dropl. 30, Vígl. 21; ef svá ferr sem mín orð horfa til, Fms. v. 24; ef svá ferr sem mik varir, if it comes to pass as it seems to me, vi. 350; svá fór um sjóferð þá, Bjarni 202; á sömu leið fór um aðra sendi-menn, Eg. 537; to depart, die, þar fór nýtr maðr, Fs. 39; fara danða-yrði, to pass the death-weird, to die, Ýt. 8.
    10. to fare well, ill, in addressing; fari þér vel, fare ye well, Nj. 7; biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell, Eg. 22, Ld. 62; far heill ok sæll, Fms. vii. 197: in a bad sense, far þú nú þar, ill betide thee! Hbl. 60; far (impers.) manna armastr, Eg. 553; Jökull bað hann fara bræla armastan, Finnb. 306; fari þér í svá gramendr allir, Dropl. 23.
    11. fara í fat, í brynju (acc.), etc., to dress, undress; but fara ór fötum (dat.), to undress, Fms. x. 16, xi. 132, vii. 202, Nj. 143, Gh. 16, etc.
    III. metaph.,
    1. to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair, or the like; ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn, Fas. ii. 343; hárið fór vel, Nj. 30; jarpr á hár ok fór vel hárit, Fms. ii. 7; gult hár sem silki ok fór fagrliga, vi. 438, Fs. 88; klæði sem bezt farandi, Eb. 256; var sú konan bezt f., the most graceful, lady-like, Ísl. ii. 438; fór ílla á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse, Bs. i. 712.
    2. impers. it goes so and so with one, i. e. one behaves so and so: e-m ferr vel, ílla, etc., one behaves well, ill, etc.; honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter, Nj. 210; bezta ferr þér, Fms. vii. 33; vel mun þér fara, Nj. 55; at honum fari vel, 64; þer hefir vel farit til mín, Finnb. 238; e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way, Nj. 217; ferr þér þá bezt jafnan ok höfðinglegast er mest liggr við, 228; mun honum nokkurn veg vel f., Hrafn. 10; údrengiliga hefir þér farit til vár, Ld. 48; ferr þér illa, Nj. 57; hversu Gunnari fór, how ( well) G. behaved, 119.
    3. fara at e-u, to deal with a thing (i. e. proceed) so and so; svá skal at sókn fara, thus is the pleading to be proceeded with, Grág. i. 323; svá skal at því f. at beiða …, 7; fara at lögum, or úlögum at e-u, to proceed lawfully or unlawfully, 126; hversu at skyldi f., how they were to proceed, Nj. 114; fara mjúklega at, to proceed gently, Fms. vii. 18; hér skulu vér f. at með ráðum, to act with deliberation, Eg. 582; Flosi fór at öngu óðara ( took matters calmly), en hann væri heima, Nj. 220.
    β. impers. with dat., to do, behave; ílla hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly, Hrafn. 8; veit Guð hversu hverjum manni mun at f., Fms. x. 212: in mod. phrases, to become, ironically, þér ferr það, or þér ferst það, it becomes thee, i. e. ‘tis too bad of thee.
    γ. hví ferr konungrinn nú svá (viz. at), Fms. i. 35; er slíkt úsæmiliga farit, so shamefully done, Nj. 82; hér ferr vænt at, here things go merrily, 232; karlmannliga er farit, manfully done, 144.
    δ. to mind, care about; ekki ferr ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár, it does not matter to me, I do not care, though …, Nj. 18; ekki munu vit at því fara ( never mind that), segir Helgi, 133.
    ε. fara eptir, to be in proportion; hér eptir fór vöxtr ok afl, his strength and stature were in proportion, Clar.
    4. fara með e-t, to wield, handle, manage; fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded Gungni ( the spear), Kormak; f. með Gríðar-völ, to wield the staff G., Þd. 9: as a law term, to wield, possess; fara með goðorð, to keep a goðorð, esp. during the session of parliament, Dropl. 8, Grág. and Nj. passim; fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit, Grág., Nj.; or, fara við sök, id., Nj. 86.
    β. metaph. to practise, deal in; fara með rán, to deal in robbing, Nj. 73; fara með spott ok háð, to go sporting and mocking, 66; f. með fals ok dár, Pass. 16. 5; fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, K. Þ. K. 76; f. með hindr-vitni, Grett. 111; cp. the phrase, farðu ekki með það, don’t talk such nonsense.
    γ. to deal with, treat, handle; þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara, thou wilt deal with him most kindly and most gently, Nj. 219; fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret, id.; Ingimundr fór vel með sögum (better than sögur, acc.), Ing. dealt well with stories, was a good historian. Sturl. i. 9.
    δ. with dat.; fara með e-u, to do so and so with a thing, manage it; hversu þeir skyldi fara með vápnum sínum, how they were to do with their weapons, Fms. ix. 509; sá maðr er með arfinum ferr, who manages the arfr, Grág. i. 217; ef þeir fara annan veg með því fé, 216; fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case, 46; meðan hann ferr svá með sem mælt er, 93; Gunnarr fór með öllu ( acted in all) sem honum var ráð til kennt, Nj. 100; ef svá er með farit, Ld. 152; f. vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well, behave well, Eg. 65; Hrafn fór með sér vel, H. bore himself well, Fms. vi. 109; undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, they behave strangely, 188; við förum kynlega með okkrum málum, Nj. 130; vant þyki mér með slíku at fara, difficult matters to have to do with, 75; f. málum á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one, Ld. 138; fara sókn ( to proceed) sem at þingadómi, Grág. i. 463; fara svá öllu máli um sem …, 40, ii. 348; fara með hlátri ok gapi, to go laughing and scoffing, Nj. 220; cp. β above.
    IV. fara um, yfir e-t, to pass over slightly; nú er yfir farit um landnám, shortly told, touched upon, Landn. 320; skjótt yfir at f., to be brief, 656 A. 12; fara myrkt um e-t, to mystify a thing, Ld. 322; fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject, Fbr. 124, Nj. 248, Fms. ix. 264.
    β. in the phrase, fara höndum um e-t, to go with the hands about a thing, to touch it, Germ. befühlen, esp. medic. of a healing touch; jafnan fengu menn heilsubót af handlögum hans, af því er hann fór höndum um þá er sjúkir vóru, Játv. 24; ok pá fór hann höndum um hann, Bs. i. 644; þá lét Arnoddr fara aðra höndina um hann, ok fann at hann var berfættr ok í línklæðum. Dropl. 30; cp. fóru hendr hvítar hennar um þessar görvar, Fas. i. 248 (in a verse): note the curious mod. phrase, það fer að fara um mig, I began to feel uneasy, as from a cold touch or the like.
    γ. impers. with dat.; eigi ferr þér nær Gunnari, en Merði mundi við þik, thou camest not nearer to G. than Mord would to thee, i. e. thou art just as far from being a match for G. as Mord is to thee, Nj. 37; þá ferr honum sem öðrum, it came to pass with him as with others, 172; þá mun mér first um fara, I shall fall much short of that, Fms. vi. 362; því betr er þeim ferr öllum verr at, the worse they fare the better I am pleased, Nj. 217.
    V. reflex., esp. of a journey, to fare well; fórsk þeim vel, they fared well, Eg. 392, Fms. xi. 22; honum fersk vel vegrinn, he proceeded well on his journey, ii. 81; hafði allt farizt vel at, all had fared well, they had had a prosperous journey, Íb. 10; fórsk þeim þá seint um daginn, they proceeded slowly, Eg. 544; mönnum fórsk eigi vel um fenit, Fms. vii. 149; hversu þeim hafði farizk, Nj. 90; at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343, 208, v. l.: the phrase, hamri fórsk í hægri hönd, he grasped the hammer in his right hand, Bragi; farask lönd undir, to subdue lands, Hkr. i. 134, v. l. (in a verse).
    2. recipr., farask hjá, to go beside one another, miss one another, pass without meeting, Nj. 9; farask á mis, id., farask í móti, to march against one another, of two hosts; þat bar svá til at hvárigir vissu til annarra ok fórusk þó í móti, Fms. viii. 63, x. 46, Fas. ii. 515.
    VI. part.,
    1. act., koma farandi, to come of a sudden or by chance; þá kómu hjarðsveinar þar at farandi, some shepherds just came, Eg. 380; Moses kom farandi til fólksins, Sks. 574; koma inn farandi, 369, Fbr. 25.
    2. pass. farinn, in the phrase, á förnum vegi, on ‘wayfaring,’ i. e. in travelling, passing by; finna e-n á förnum vegi, Nj. 258, K. Þ. K. 6; kveðja fjárins á förnum vegi, Grág. i. 403; also, fara um farinn veg, to pass on one’s journey; of the sun. sól var skamt farin, the sun was little advanced, i. e. early in the morning, Fms. xi. 267, viii. 146; þá var dagr alljós ok sól farin, broad day and sun high in the sky, Eg. 219; also impers., sól (dat.) var skamt farit, Úlf. 4. 10: the phrase, aldri farinn, stricken in years, Sturl. i. 212; vel farinn í andliti, well-favoured, Ld. 274; vel at orði farinn, well spoken, eloquent, Fms. xi. 193; mod., vel orði, máli farinn, and so Ld. 122; gone, þar eru baugar farnir, Grág. ii. 172; þó fætrnir sé farnir, Fas. iii. 308.
    β. impers. in the phrase, e-m er þannig farit, one is so and so; veðri var þannig farit, at …, the winter was such, that …, Fms. xi. 34; veðri var svá farit at myrkt var um at litask, i. e. the weather was gloomy, Grett. 111; hversu landinu er farit, what is the condition of the country, Sks. 181; henni er þannig farit, at hón er mikil ey, löng …, ( the island) is so shapen, that it is large and long, Hkr. ii. 188; er eigi einn veg farit úgæfu okkari, our ill-luck is not of one piece, Nj. 183: metaph. of state, disposition, character, er hánum vel farit, he is a well-favoured man, 15; undarliga er yðr farit, ye are strange men, 154; honum var svá farit, at hann var vesal-menni, Boll. 352: adding the prepp. at, til, þeim var úlíkt farit at í mörgu, they were at variance in many respects, Hkr. iii. 97; nú er annan veg til farit, now matters are altered, Nj. 226; nú er svá til farit, at ek vil …, now the case is, that I wish …, Eg. 714; hér er þannig til farit, … at leiðin, 582; þar var þannig til farit, Fms. xi. 34. ☞ Hence comes the mod. form varið (v instead of f), which also occurs in MSS. of the 15th century—veðri var svá varit, Sd. 181; ér honum vel varið, Lv. 80, Ld. 266, v. l.; svá er til varið, Sks. 223, 224,—all of them paper MSS. The phrase, e-m er nær farit, one is pressed; svá var honum nær farit af öllu samt, vökum ok föstu, he was nearly overcome from want of sleep and fasting.
    B. TRANS.
    I. with acc.:
    1. to visit; fara land herskildi, brandi, etc., to visit a land with ‘war-shield,’ fire, etc., i. e. devastate it; gékk siðan á land upp með liði sínu, ok fór allt herskildi, Fms. i. 131; land þetta mundi herskildi farit, ok leggjask undir útlenda höfðingja, iv. 357; (hann) lét Halland farit brandi, vii. 4 (in a verse); hann fór lvist eldi, 41 (in a verse); hann hefir farit öll eylönd brandi, 46 (in a verse); fara hungri hörund, to emaciate the body, of an ascetic, Sl. 71.
    2. to overtake, with acc.; hann gat ekki farit hann, he could not overtake ( catch) him, 623. 17; tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun, Rb. 116; áðr hana Fenrir fari, before Fenrir overtakes her, Vþm. 46, 47; knegut oss fálur fara, ye witches cannot take us, Hkv. Hjörv. 13; hann gat farit fjóra menn af liði Steinólfs, ok drap þá alla, … hann gat farit þá hjá Steinólfsdal, Gullþ. 29; hann reið eptir þeim, ok gat farit þá út hjá Svelgsá, milli ok Hóla, Eb. 180; Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok getr farit sveininn, Ld. 242; viku þeir þá enn undan sem skjótast svá at Danir gátu eigi farit þá, Fms. (Knytl. S.) xi. 377 (MS., in the Ed. wrongly altered to náð þeim); hérinn hljóp undan, ok gátu hundarnir ekki farit hann (Ed. fráit wrongly), Fas. iii. 374; ok renna allir eptir þeim manni er víg vakti, … ok verðr hann farinn, Gþl. 146: cp. the phrase, vera farinn, to dwell, live, to be found here and there; þótt hann sé firr um farinn, Hm. 33.
    II. with dat. to destroy, make to perish; f. sér, to make away with oneself; kona hans fór sér í dísar-sal, she killed herself, Fas. i. 527; hón varð stygg ok vildi fara sér, Landn. (Hb.) 55; ef þér gangit fyrir hamra ofan ok farit yðr sjálfir, Fms. viii. 53; hví ætla menn at hann mundi vilja f. sér sjálfr, iii. 59; fara lífi, fjörvi, öndu, id.; skal hann heldr eta, en fara öndu sinni, than starve oneself to death, K. Þ. K. 130; ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi um farit, Lv. 57, Ýt. 20, Fas. i. 426 (in a verse), cp. Hkv. Hjörv. 13; mínu fjörvi at fara, Fm. 5; þú hefir sigr vegit, ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, 23; farit hafði hann allri ætt Geirmímis, Hkv. 1. 14; ok létu hans fjörvi farit, Sól. 22; hann hafði farit mörgum manni, O. H. L. 11.
    β. to forfeit; fara sýknu sinni, Grág. i. 98; fara löndum ok lausafé, ii. 167.
    2. reflex. to perish (but esp. freq. in the sense to be drowned, perish in the sea); farask af sulti, to die of hunger, Fms. ii. 226; fellr fjöldi manns í díkit ok farask þar, v. 281; fórusk sex hundruð Vinda skipa, xi. 369; alls fórusk níu menn, Ísl. ii. 385; mun heimr farask, Eluc. 43; þá er himin ok jörð hefir farisk, Edda 12; farask af hita, mæði, Fms. ix. 47; fórsk þar byrðingrinn, 307; hvar þess er menn farask, Grág. i. 219; heldr enn at fólk Guðs farisk af mínum völdum, Sks. 732: of cattle, ef fé hins hefir troðisk eðr farisk á þá lund sem nú var tínt, Grág. ii. 286.
    β. metaph., fersk nú vinátta ykkur, your friendship is done with, Band. 12.
    γ. the phrase, farask fyrir, to come to naught, Nj. 131; at síðr mun fyrir farask nokkut stórræði, Ísl. ii. 340; en fyrir fórusk málagjöldin af konungi, the payment never took place, Fms. v. 278; lét ek þetta verk fyrir farask, vii. 158; þá mun þat fyrir farask, Fs. 20; en fyrir fórsk þat þó þau misseri, Sd. 150: in mod. usage (N. T.), to perish.
    δ. in act. rarely, and perhaps only a misspelling: frá því er féit fór (fórsk better), K. Þ. K. 132; fóru (better fórusk, were drowned) margir Íslenzkir menn, Bs. i. 436.
    3. part. farinn, as adj. gone, undone; nú eru vér farnir, nema …, Lv. 83; hans tafl var mjök svá farit, his game was almost lost, Fas. i. 523; þá er farnir vóru forstöðumenn Tróju, when the defenders of Troy were dead and gone, Ver. 36; tungl farit, a ‘dead moon,’ i. e. new moon, Rb. 34; farinn af sulti ok mæði, Fms. viii. 53; farinn at e-u, ruined in a thing, having lost it; farnir at hamingju, luckless, iv. 73; f. at vistum, xi. 33; f. at lausa-fé;. iii. 117: in some cases uncertain whether the participle does not belong to A.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FARA

  • 88 SO

    1. so [zo:] adv
    \SO viel as much;
    \SO viel wie as much as;
    \SO viel wie nötig as much as is necessary;
    \SO viel wie etw sein to be tantamount [or to amount] to sth;
    \SO weit ( fam) on the whole, as far as it goes;
    das ist \SO weit richtig, aber... on the whole that is right, but..., that is right as far as it goes, but...;
    \SO weit sein ( fam) to be ready [or all set];
    das Essen ist gleich \SO weit dinner will soon be ready [or served];
    \SO weit das Auge reicht as far as the eye can see;
    es war \SO kalt/spät, dass... it was so cold/late that...;
    du bist \SO alt/ groß wie ich you are as old/big as me [or I am];
    \SO wenig wie möglich as little as possible;
    es ist \SO, wie du sagst it is [just] as you say;
    mach es \SO, wie ich es dir sage [just] do what I tell you;
    dass es \SO lange regnen würde,... that it could rain for so long...; s. a. halb, doppelt
    sie hat sich darauf so gefreut she was so [very] looking forward to it;
    es hat so geregnet, dass... it rained so heavily that...;
    ich habe mich \SO über ihn geärgert! I was so angry with him;
    \SO sehr, dass... to such a degree [or an extent] that...
    3) ( auf diese Weise) [just] like this/that, this/that way, thus ( form)
    \SO musst du es machen this is how you must do it [or how to do it];
    es ist [vielleicht] besser \SO [perhaps] it's better that way;
    das war sehr klug \SO that was very clever of you/him/her etc.;
    \SO ist das eben [o nun mal] ( fam) that's [or you'll just have to accept] the way things are;
    \SO ist das [also]! so that's your/his/her etc. game[, is it]!;
    ist das \SO? is that so?;
    \SO ist es that's right;
    \SO, als ob... as if...;
    mir ist \SO, als ob... I think [or feel] [that]...;
    \SO oder \SO either way, in the end;
    und \SO weiter [und \SO fort] et cetera[, et cetera], and so on and so forth;
    ..., \SO der Bundeskanzler in seiner Rede according to the Federal Chancellor in his speech,...;
    \SO genannt so-called; s. a. doch, gut, nur
    4) ( solch)
    \SO ein(e)... such a/an...;
    \SO eine blöde Gans! what a silly goose!;
    \SO etwas Dummes/Peinliches, ich habe es vergessen how stupid of/embarrassing for me, I've forgotten it;
    \SO etwas Dummes habe ich noch nie gehört! I've never heard of such a stupid thing;
    \SO etwas such a thing;
    \SO etwas sagt man nicht you shouldn't say such things [or such a thing];
    [na] \SO [et]was! ( fam) well I never!; (als Erwiderung a.) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), really? (a. iron)
    \SO manche(r) a number of [or quite a few] people
    5) (fam: etwa)
    wir treffen uns \SO gegen 7 Uhr we'll meet at about 7 o'clock [or at 7 o'clock or so [or thereabouts] ];
    6) ( fam);
    und/oder \SO or so;
    wir gehen was trinken und \SO we'll go and have a drink or something;
    ich fahre um 5 oder \SO I'm away at 5 or so
    7) ( wirklich)
    ich habe solche Kopfschmerzen - \SO? I have such a headache - have you [or really] ?;
    er kommt bestimmt! - \SO, meinst du? he must be coming! - you think so?
    8) (fam: umsonst) for nothing konj
    \SO dass;
    sodass ( ÖSTERR) so that;
    er versetzte ihm einen schweren Schlag, \SO dass er taumelte he dealt him a heavy blow, causing him to stagger
    2) ( obwohl)
    \SO leid es mir auch tut as sorry as I am;
    \SO peinlich ihr das auch war,... as embarrassing as it was to her,...
    1) ( also) so, right;
    \SO, jetzt gehen wir... right [or well], let's go and...
    2) ( siehst du) [well] there we/you have it
    3) ( ätsch) so there!
    4) \SO, \SO! ( fam) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), is that a fact? ( iron) s. a. ach part
    \SO komm doch endlich! do get a move on[, will you]!
    was machst du \SO den ganzen Tag? so what are you doing all day?

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > SO

  • 89 so

    1. so [zo:] adv
    \so viel as much;
    \so viel wie as much as;
    \so viel wie nötig as much as is necessary;
    \so viel wie etw sein to be tantamount [or to amount] to sth;
    \so weit ( fam) on the whole, as far as it goes;
    das ist \so weit richtig, aber... on the whole that is right, but..., that is right as far as it goes, but...;
    \so weit sein ( fam) to be ready [or all set];
    das Essen ist gleich \so weit dinner will soon be ready [or served];
    \so weit das Auge reicht as far as the eye can see;
    es war \so kalt/spät, dass... it was so cold/late that...;
    du bist \so alt/ groß wie ich you are as old/big as me [or I am];
    \so wenig wie möglich as little as possible;
    es ist \so, wie du sagst it is [just] as you say;
    mach es \so, wie ich es dir sage [just] do what I tell you;
    dass es \so lange regnen würde,... that it could rain for so long...; s. a. halb, doppelt
    sie hat sich darauf so gefreut she was so [very] looking forward to it;
    es hat so geregnet, dass... it rained so heavily that...;
    ich habe mich \so über ihn geärgert! I was so angry with him;
    \so sehr, dass... to such a degree [or an extent] that...
    3) ( auf diese Weise) [just] like this/that, this/that way, thus ( form)
    \so musst du es machen this is how you must do it [or how to do it];
    es ist [vielleicht] besser \so [perhaps] it's better that way;
    das war sehr klug \so that was very clever of you/him/her etc.;
    \so ist das eben [o nun mal] ( fam) that's [or you'll just have to accept] the way things are;
    \so ist das [also]! so that's your/his/her etc. game[, is it]!;
    ist das \so? is that so?;
    \so ist es that's right;
    \so, als ob... as if...;
    mir ist \so, als ob... I think [or feel] [that]...;
    \so oder \so either way, in the end;
    und \so weiter [und \so fort] et cetera[, et cetera], and so on and so forth;
    ..., \so der Bundeskanzler in seiner Rede according to the Federal Chancellor in his speech,...;
    \so genannt so-called; s. a. doch, gut, nur
    4) ( solch)
    \so ein(e)... such a/an...;
    \so eine blöde Gans! what a silly goose!;
    \so etwas Dummes/Peinliches, ich habe es vergessen how stupid of/embarrassing for me, I've forgotten it;
    \so etwas Dummes habe ich noch nie gehört! I've never heard of such a stupid thing;
    \so etwas such a thing;
    \so etwas sagt man nicht you shouldn't say such things [or such a thing];
    [na] \so [et]was! ( fam) well I never!; (als Erwiderung a.) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), really? (a. iron)
    \so manche(r) a number of [or quite a few] people
    5) (fam: etwa)
    wir treffen uns \so gegen 7 Uhr we'll meet at about 7 o'clock [or at 7 o'clock or so [or thereabouts] ];
    6) ( fam);
    und/oder \so or so;
    wir gehen was trinken und \so we'll go and have a drink or something;
    ich fahre um 5 oder \so I'm away at 5 or so
    7) ( wirklich)
    ich habe solche Kopfschmerzen - \so? I have such a headache - have you [or really] ?;
    er kommt bestimmt! - \so, meinst du? he must be coming! - you think so?
    8) (fam: umsonst) for nothing konj
    \so dass;
    sodass ( ÖSTERR) so that;
    er versetzte ihm einen schweren Schlag, \so dass er taumelte he dealt him a heavy blow, causing him to stagger
    2) ( obwohl)
    \so leid es mir auch tut as sorry as I am;
    \so peinlich ihr das auch war,... as embarrassing as it was to her,...
    1) ( also) so, right;
    \so, jetzt gehen wir... right [or well], let's go and...
    2) ( siehst du) [well] there we/you have it
    3) ( ätsch) so there!
    4) \so, \so! ( fam) [what] you don't say! (a. iron), is that a fact? ( iron) s. a. ach part
    \so komm doch endlich! do get a move on[, will you]!
    was machst du \so den ganzen Tag? so what are you doing all day?

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > so

  • 90 εἰμί

    εἰμί (Hom.+) impv. ἴσθι, ἔσο IPol 4:1, ἔστω—also colloq. ἤτω (BGU 276, 24; 419, 13; POxy 533, 9; Ps 103:31; 1 Macc 10:31) 1 Cor 16:22; Js 5:12; 1 Cl 48:5; Hv 3, 3, 4;—3 pers. pl. ἔστωσαν (ins since 200 B.C. Meisterhans3-Schw. 191; PPetr III, 2, 22 [237 B.C.]) Lk 12:35; 1 Ti 3:12; GJs 7:2. Inf. εἶναι. Impf. 1 pers. only mid. ἤμην (Jos., Bell. 1, 389; 631; s. further below); ἦν only Ac 20:18 D, 2 pers. ἦσθα (Jos., Ant. 6, 104) Mt 26:69; Mk 14:67 and ἦς (Lobeck, Phryn. 149 ‘say ἦσθα’; Jos., Ant. 17, 110 al.; Sb 6262, 16 [III A.D.]) Mt 25:21, 23 al., 3 sg. ἦν, 1 pl. ἦμεν. Beside this the mid. form ἤμην (pap since III B.C.; Job 29:16; Tob 12:13 BA), s. above, gives the pl. ἤμεθα (pap since III B.C.; Bar 1:19) Mt 23:30; Ac 27:37; Eph 2:3. Both forms in succession Gal. 4:3. Fut. ἔσομαι, ptc. ἐσόμενος. The mss. vary in choice of act. or mid., but like the edd. lean toward the mid. (W-S. §14, 1; Mlt-H. 201–3; Rob. index; B-D-F §98; Rdm.2 99; 101f; Helbing 108f; Reinhold 86f). Also s. ἔνι.
    be, exist, be on hand a pred. use (for other pred. use s. 3a, 4, 5, 6, 7): of God (Epicurus in Diog. L. 10, 123 θεοί εἰσιν; Zaleucus in Diod S 12, 20, 2 θεοὺς εἶναι; Wsd 12:13; Just., D. 128, 4 angels) ἔστιν ὁ θεός God exists Hb 11:6; cp. 1 Cor 8:5. ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν the one who is and who was (cp. SibOr 3, 16; as amulet PMich 155, 3 [II A.D.] ὁ ὢν θεὸς ὁ Ἰάω κύριος παντοκράτωρ=the god … who exists.) Rv 11:17; 16:5. ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος, in this and the two preceding passages ἦν is treated as a ptc. (for the unusual use of ἦν cp. Simonides 74 D.: ἦν ἑκατὸν φιάλαι) 1:4; 4:8 (cp. Ex 3:14; Wsd 13:1; Paus. 10, 12, 10 Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζ. ἔστι, Ζ. ἔσσεται; cp. Theosophien 18. S. OWeinreich, ARW 19, 1919, 178f). οὐδʼ εἶναι θεὸν παντοκράτορα AcPlCor 1:11. ἐγώ εἰμι (ins in the Athena-Isis temple of Saïs in Plut., Is. et Os. 9, 354c: ἐγώ εἰμι πᾶν τὸ γεγονὸς κ. ὸ̓ν κ. ἐσόμενον. On the role of Isis in Gk. rel. s. IBergman, Ich bin Isis ’68; RMerkelbach, Isis Regina—Zeus Sarapis ’95; for further lit. s. MGustafson in: Prayer fr. Alexander to Constantine, ed. MKiley et al. ’97, 158.) Rv 1:8 (s. ἐγώ beg.). ὁ ὤν, … θεός Ro 9:5 is classed here and taken to mean Christ by JWordsworth ad loc. and HWarner, JTS 48, ’47, 203f. Of the λόγος: ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λ. J 1:1 (for ἦν cp. Herm. Wr. 1, 4; 3, 1b ἦν σκότος, Fgm. IX 1 p. 422, 23 Sc. γέγονεν ἡ ὕλη καὶ ἦν).—Of Christ πρὶν Ἀβραὰμ γενέσθαι, ἐγὼ εἰμί before Abraham was born, I am 8:58 (on the pres. εἰμί cp. Parmenides 8, 5: of the Eternal we cannot say ἦν οὐδʼ ἔσται, only ἔστιν; Ammonius Hermiae [Comm. in Aristotl. IV 5 ed. ABusse 1897] 6 p. 172: in Timaeus we read that we must not say of the gods τὸ ἦν ἢ τὸ ἔσται μεταβολῆς τινος ὄντα σημαντικά, μόνον δὲ τὸ ἔστι=‘was’ or ‘will be’, suggesting change, but only ‘is’; Ps 89:2; DBall, ‘I Am’ in John’s Gospel [JSNT Suppl. 124] ’96).—Of the world πρὸ τοῦ τὸν κόσμον εἶναι before the world existed 17:5. Satirically, of the beast, who parodies the Lamb, ἦν καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν Rv 17:8. Of God’s temple: ἔστιν B 16:6f it exists. τὸ μὴ ὄν that which does not exist, the unreal (Sallust. 17 p. 32, 7 and 9; Philo, Aet. M. 5; 82) Hm 1:1. τὰ ὄντα that which exists contrasted w. τὰ μὴ ὄντα Ro 4:17; cp. 1 Cor 1:28; 2 Cl 1:8. Of God κτίσας ἐκ τοῦ μὴ ὄντος τὰ ὄντα what is out of what is not Hv 1, 1, 6 (on the contrast τὰ ὄντα and τὰ μὴ ὄντα cp. Ps.-Arist. on Xenophanes: Fgm. 21, 28; Artem. 1, 51 p. 49, 19 τὰ μὴ ὄντα ὡς ὄντα; Ocellus Luc. 12; Sallust. 17, 5 p. 30, 28–32, 12; Philo, Op. M. 81; PGM 4, 3077f ποιήσαντα τὰ πάντα ἐξ ὧν οὐκ ὄντων εἰς τὸ εἶναι; 13, 272f τὸν ἐκ μὴ ὄντων εἶναι ποιήσαντα καὶ ἐξ ὄντων μὴ εἶναι; Theoph. Ant. 1, 4 [p. 64, 21] τὰ πάντα ὁ θεὸς ἐποίησεν ἐξ οὐκ ὄντων εἰς τὸ εἶναι).—Of existing in the sense be present, available, provided πολλοῦ ὄχλου ὄντος since a large crowd was present Mk 8:1. ὄντων τῶν προσφερόντων those are provided who offer Hb 8:4. οὔπω ἦν πνεῦμα the Spirit had not yet come J 7:39. ἀκούσας ὄντα σιτία when he heard that grain was available Ac 7:12.—Freq. used to introduce parables and stories (once) there was: ἄνθρωπός τις ἦν πλούσιος there was (once) a rich man Lk 16:1, 19. ἦν ἄνθρωπος ἐκ τ. Φαρισαίων there was a man among the Pharisees J 3:1.There is, there are ὥσπερ εἰσὶν θεοὶ πολλοί as there are many gods 1 Cor 8:5. διαιρέσεις χαρισμάτων εἰσίν there are various kinds of spiritual gifts 12:4ff; 1J 5:16 al. Neg. οὐκ ἔστι there is (are) not, no (Ps 52:2; Simplicius in Epict. p. 95, 42 as a quot. from ‘tragedy’ οὐκ εἰσὶν θεοί) δίκαιος there is no righteous man Ro 3:10 (Eccl 7:20). ἀνάστασις νεκρῶν οὐκ ἔστιν there is no resurr. of the dead 1 Cor 15:12; οὐδʼ εἶναι ἀνάστασιν AcPlCor 1:12; 2:24; cp. Mt 22:23; Ac 23:8 (cp. 2 Macc 7:14). εἰσὶν οἵ, or οἵτινες there are people who (Hom. et al.; LXX; Just., D. 47, 2 εἰ μήτι εἰσὶν οἱ λέγοντες ὅτι etc.—W. sing. and pl. combined: Arrian, Ind. 24, 9 ἔστι δὲ οἳ διέφυγον=but there are some who escaped) Mt 16:28; 19:12; Mk 9:1; Lk 9:27; J 6:64; Ac 11:20. Neg. οὐδείς ἐστιν ὅς there is no one who Mk 9:39; 10:29; Lk 1:61; 18:29. As a question τίς ἐστιν ὅς; who is there that? Mt 12:11—In an unusual (perh. bureaucratic terminology) participial construction Ac 13:1 ἡ οὖσα ἐκκλησία the congregation there (cp. Ps.-Pla., Eryx. 6, 394c οἱ ὄντες ἄνθρωποι=the people with whom he has to deal; PLond III 1168, 5 p. 136 [18 A.D.] ἐπὶ ταῖς οὔσαις γειτνίαις=on the adjoining areas there; PGen 49; PSI 229, 11 τοῦ ὄντος μηνός of the current month); cp. 14:13.—αἱ οὖσαι (sc. ἐξουσίαι) those that exist Ro 13:1 (cp. UPZ 180a I, 4 [113 B.C.] ἐφʼ ἱερέων καὶ ἱερειῶν τῶν ὄντων καὶ οὐσῶν).
    to be in close connection (with), is, freq. in statements of identity or equation, as a copula, the equative function, uniting subject and predicate. On absence of the copula, Mlt-Turner 294–310.
    gener. πραΰς εἰμι I am gentle Mt 11:29. ἐγώ εἰμι Γαβριήλ Lk 1:19. σὺ εἶ ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ Mk 3:11; J 1:49 and very oft. ἵνα … ὁ πονηρὸς … ἐλεγχθῇ [το? s. app. in Bodm.] μὴ ὢν θεός AcPlCor 2:15 (Just., D. 3, 3 φιλολόγος οὖν τις εἶ σύ).—The pred. can be supplied fr. the context: καὶ ἐσμέν and we are (really God’s children) 1J 3:1 (Eur., Ion 309 τ. θεοῦ καλοῦμαι δοῦλος εἰμί τε. Dio Chrys. 14 [31], 58 θεοφιλεῖς οἱ χρηστοὶ λέγονται καὶ εἰσίν; Epict. 2, 16, 44 Ἡρακλῆς ἐπιστεύθη Διὸς υἱὸς εἶναι καὶ ἦν.—The ptc. ὤν, οὖσα, ὄν used w. a noun or adj.and serving as an if-, since-, or although-clause sim. functions as a copula πονηροὶ ὄντες Mt 7:11; 12:34.—Lk 20:36; J 3:4; 4:9; Ac 16:21; Ro 5:10; 1 Cor 8:7; Gal 2:3 al.).—W. adv. of quality: οὕτως εἶναι be so preceded by ὥσπερ, καθώς or followed by ὡς, ὥσπερ Mt 13:40; 24:27, 37, 39; Mk 4:26; Lk 17:26. W. dat. of pers. οὕτως ἔσται ὁ υἱὸς τ. ἀ. τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ so the Human One (Son of Man) will be for this generation 11:30. εἰμὶ ὡσ/ὥσπερ I am like Mt 6:5; Lk 18:11. W. dat. ἔστω σοι ὥσπερ τελώνης he shall be to you as a tax-collector Mt 18:17. εἰμὶ ὥς τις I am like someone of outward and inward similarity 28:3; Lk 6:40; 11:44; 22:27 al. καθώς εἰμι as I am Ac 22:3; 1J 3:2, 7; 4:17.—W. demonstr. pron. (Just., A I, 16, 1 ἃ ἔφη, ταῦτά ἐστι: foll. by a quotation; sim. 48, 5 ἔστι δὲ ταῦτα; and oft.) τὰ ὀνόματά ἐστιν ταῦτα Mt 10:2. αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ μαρτυρία J 1:19. W. inf. foll. θρησκεία αὕτη ἐστίν, ἐπισκέπτεσθαι Js 1:27. W. ὅτι foll. αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ κρίσις, ὅτι τὸ φῶς ἐλήλυθεν J 3:19; cp. 21:24; 1J 1:5; 3:11; 5:11. W. ἵνα foll. τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ ἔργον, ἵνα πιστεύητε J 6:29; cp. vs. 39f; 15:12; 17:3; 1J 3:11, 23; 5:3. W. τηλικοῦτος: τὰ πλοῖα, τηλικαῦτα ὄντα though they are so large Js 3:4. W. τοσοῦτος: τοσοῦτων ὄντων although there were so many J 21:11. W. τοιοῦτος: τοιοῦτος ὤν Phlm 9 (cp. Just., A I, 18, 4 ὅσα ἄλλα τοιαῦτά ἐστι).—W. interrog. pron. ὑμεῖς τίνα με λέγετε εἶναι; who do you say I am? Mt 16:15; cp. 21:10; Mk 1:24; 4:41; 8:27, 29; Lk 4:34 al.; σὺ τίς εἶ; J 1:19; 8:25; 21:12 al. (cp. JosAs 14:6 τίς εἶ συ tell me ‘who you are’). σὺ τίς εἶ ὁ κρίνων; (Pla., Gorg. 452b; Strabo 6, 2, 4 σὺ τίς εἶ ὁ τὸν Ὅμηρον ψέγων ὡς μυθογράφον;) Ro 14:4; ἐγὼ τίς ἤμην; (cp. Ex 3:11) Ac 11:17; τίς εἰμι ἐγὼ ὅτι who am I, that GJs 12:2 (Ex 3:11). W. πόσος: πόσος χρόνος ἐστίν; how long a time? Mk 9:21. W. ποταπός of what sort Lk 1:29.—W. relative pron. οἷος 2 Cor 10:11; ὁποῖος Ac 26:29; 1 Cor 3:13; Gal 2:6; ὅς Rv 1:19; ὅστις Gal 5:10, 19.—W. numerals ἦσαν οἱ φαγόντες πεντακισχίλιοι ἄνδρες 6:44 (cp. Polyaenus 7, 25 ἦσαν οἱ πεσόντες ἀνδρῶν μυριάδες δέκα); cp. Ac 19:7; 23:13. Λάζαρος εἷς ἦν ἐκ τῶν ἀνακειμένων L. was one of those at the table J 12:2; cp. Gal 3:20; Js 2:19. τῶν πιστευσάντων ἦν καρδία καὶ ψυχὴ μία Ac 4:32. εἷς εἶναι be one and the same Gal 3:28. ἓν εἶναι be one J 10:30; 17:11, 21ff; 1 Cor 3:8.—οὐδʼ εἶναι τὴν πλάσιν τὴν τῶν ἀνθρώπων τοῦ θεοῦ (that) the creation of humankind is not God’s doing AcPlCor 1:13.—To establish identity the formula ἐγώ εἰμι is oft. used in the gospels (corresp. to Hebr. אֲנִי הוּא Dt 32:39; Is 43:10), in such a way that the predicate must be understood fr. the context: Mt 14:27; Mk 6:50; 13:6; 14:62; Lk 22:70; J 4:26; 6:20; 8:24, 28; 13:19; 18:5f and oft.; s. on ἐγώ.—In a question μήτι ἐγώ εἰμι; surely it is not I? Mt 26:22, 25.
    to describe a special connection betw. the subject and a predicate noun ἡμεῖς ναὸς θεοῦ ἐσμεν ζῶντος we are a temple of the living God 2 Cor 6:16. ἡ ἐπιστολὴ ὑμεῖς ἐστε you are our letter (of recommendation) 3:2. σφραγίς μου τῆς ἀποστολῆς ὑμεῖς ἐστε you are the seal of my apostleship 1 Cor 9:2 and oft.
    in explanations:
    α. to show how someth. is to be understood is a representation of, is the equivalent of; εἰμί here, too, serves as copula; we usually translate mean, so in the formula τοῦτʼ ἔστιν this or that means, that is to say (Epict., Ench. 33, 10; Arrian, Tact. 29, 3; SIG 880, 50; PFlor 157, 4; PSI 298, 9; PMert 91, 9; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 16; ApcMos 19; Just., D. 56, 23; 78, 3 al.) Mk 7:2; Ac 19:4; Ro 7:18; 9:8; 10:6, 8; Phlm 12; Hb 7:5 al.; in the sense that is (when translated) (Polyaenus 8, 14, 1 Μάξιμος ἀνηγορεύθη• τοῦτο δʼ ἄν εἴη Μέγιστον) Mt 27:46; Ac 1:19. So also w. relative pron.: ὅ ἐστιν Mk 3:17; 7:11, 34; Hb 7:2. After verbs of asking, recognizing, knowing and not knowing (Antiphanes Com. 231, 1f τὸ ζῆν τί ἐστι;) μάθετε τί ἐστιν learn what (this) means Mt 9:13. εἰ ἐγνώκειτε τί ἐστιν 12:7; cp. Mk 1:27; 9:10; Lk 20:17; J 16:17f; Eph 4:9. W. an indir. question (Stephan. Byz. s.v. Ἀγύλλα: τὶς ἠρώτα τί ἂν εἴη τὸ ὄνομα) τί ἂν εἴη ταῦτα Lk 15:26; τί εἴη τοῦτο 18:36. τίνα θέλει ταῦτα εἶναι what this means Ac 17:20; cp. 2:12, where the question is not about the mng. of terms but the significance of what is happening.—Esp. in interpr. of the parables (Artem. 1, 51 p. 48, 26 ἄρουρα οὐδὲν ἄλλο ἐστὶν ἢ γυνή=field means nothing else than woman) ὁ ἀγρός ἐστιν ὁ κόσμος the field means the world Mt 13:38; cp. vss. 19f, 22f; Mk 4:15f, 18, 20; Lk 8:11ff (cp. Gen 41:26f; Ezk 37:11; Ath. 22, 4 [Stoic interpr. of myths]). On τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ σῶμά μου Mt 26:26; Mk 14:22; Lk 22:19 and its various interpretations, see lit. s.v. εὐχαριστία. Cp. Hipponax (VI B.C.) 45 Diehl αὕτη γάρ ἐστι συμφορή=this means misfortune.
    β. to be of relative significance, be of moment or importance, amount to someth. w. indef. pron. εἰδωλόθυτόν τί ἐστιν meat offered to idols means anything 1 Cor 10:19. Esp. εἰμί τι I mean someth. of pers. 1 Cor 3:7; Gal 2:6; 6:3; and of things vs. 15. εἰμί τις Ac 5:36.—Of no account ἐμοὶ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν (telescoped fr. ἐλάχ. ἐστιν and εἰς ἐλάχ. γίνεται, of which there are many exx. in Schmid, I 398; II 161, 237; III 281; IV 455) it is of little or no importance to me 1 Cor 4:3.
    be in reference to location, persons, condition, or time, be
    of various relations or positions involving a place or thing: w. ἀπό: εἶναι ἀπό τινος be or come from a certain place (X., An. 2, 4, 13) J 1:44.—W. ἐν: ἐν τοῖς τ. πατρός μου in my father’s house Lk 2:49 (cp. Jos., Ant. 16, 302 καταγωγὴ ἐν τοῖς Ἀντιπάτρου). ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ on the way Mk 10:32. ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ Mt 24:26. ἐν ἀγρῷ Lk 15:25. ἐν δεξιᾷ τ. θεοῦ at God’s right hand Ro 8:34; in heaven Eph 6:9.—W. εἰς: τὴν κοίτην Lk 11:7; τὸν κόλπον J1:18.—W. ἐπὶ w. gen. be on someth. of place, roof Lk 17:31; head J 20:7 (cp. 1 Macc 1:59); also fig., of one who is over someone (1 Macc 10:69; Jdth 14:13 ὁ ὢν ἐπὶ πάντων τῶν αὐτοῦ) Ro 9:5 (of the angel of death Mel., P. 20, 142 ἐπὶ τῶν πρωτοτόκων); also ἐπάνω τινός J 3:31.—W. dat. be at someth. the door Mt 24:33; Mk 13:29.—W. acc. be on someone: grace Lk 2:40; Ac 4:33; spirit (Is 61:1) Lk 2:25; εἶναι ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό be in the same place, together (Gen 29:2 v.l.) Ac 1:15; 2:1, 44; 1 Cor 7:5.—W. κατά w. acc. εἶναι κατὰ τὴν Ἰουδαίαν be in Judea Ac 11:1; εἶναι ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ κατὰ τὴν οὖσαν ἐκκλησίαν were at Antioch in the congregation there 13:1.—W. ὑπό w. acc. τι or τινα of place be under someth. J 1:48; 1 Cor 10:1.—W. παρά w. acc. παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν by the sea- (i.e. lake-) shore Mk 5:21; Ac 10:6.—W. πρός τι be close to, facing someth. Mk 4:1.—W. adv. of place ἐγγύς τινι near someth. Ac 9:38; 27:8. μακρὰν (ἀπό) Mk 12:34; J 21:8; Eph 2:13; also πόρρω Lk 14:32. χωρίς τινος without someth. Hb 12:8. ἐνθάδε Ac 16:28. ἔσω J 20:26. ἀπέναντί τινος Ro 3:18 (Ps 35:2). ἐκτός τινος 1 Cor 6:18; ἀντίπερά τινος Lk 8:26; ὁμοῦ J 21:2; οὗ Mt 2:9; ὅπου Mk 2:4; 5:40. ὧδε Mt 17:4; Mk 9:5; Lk 9:33. Also w. fut. mng. (ESchwartz, GGN 1908, 161 n.; on the fut. use of the pres. cp. POxy 531, 22 [II A.D.] ἔστι δὲ τοῦ Τῦβι μηνὸς σοὶ ὸ̔ θέλεις) ὅπου εἰμί J 7:34, 36; 12:26; 14:3; 17:24. As pred., to denote a relatively long stay at a place, stay, reside ἴσθι ἐκεῖ stay there Mt 2:13, cp. vs. 15; ἐπʼ ἐρήμοις τόποις in lonely places Mk 1:45; ἦν παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν he stayed by the lakeside 5:21.
    involving humans or transcendent beings: w. adv. ἔμπροσθέν τινος Lk 14:2. ἔναντί τινος Ac 8:21; ἐνώπιόν τινος Lk 14:10; Ac 4:19; 1 Pt 3:4; Rv 7:15; ἐντός τινος Lk 17:21; ἐγγύς τινος J 11:18; 19:20; Ro 10:8 (Dt 30:14).—W. prep. ἐν τινί equiv. to ἔκ τινος εἶναι be among Mt 27:56; cp. Mk 15:40; Ro 1:6. Of God, who is among his people 1 Cor 14:25 (Is 45:14; Jer 14:9); of the Spirit J 14:17. Of persons under Christ’s direction: ἐν θεῷ 1J 2:5; 5:20 (s. Norden, Agn. Th. 23, 1). ἔν τινι rest upon, arise from someth. (Aristot., Pol. 7, 1, 3 [1323b, 1] ἐν ἀρετῇ; Sir 9:16) Ac 4:12; 1 Cor 2:5; Eph 5:18.—εἴς τινα be directed, inclined toward Ac 23:30; 2 Cor 7:15; 1 Pt 1:21.—κατά w. gen. be against someone (Sir 6:12) Mt 12:30; Mk 9:40 and Lk 9:50 (both opp. ὑπέρ); Gal 5:23.—σύν τινι be with someone (Jos., Ant. 7, 181) Lk 22:56; 24:44; Ac 13:7; accompany, associate w. someone Lk 8:38; Ac 4:13; 22:9; take sides with someone (X., Cyr. 5, 4, 37; 7, 5, 77; Jos., Ant. 11, 259 [of God]) Ac 14:4.—πρός τινα be with someone Mt 13:56; Mk 6:3; J 1:1f. I am to be compared w. IMg 12.—μετά and gen. be with someone (Judg 14:11) Mt 17:17; Mk 3:14; 5:18; J 3:26; 12:17; ἔστω μεθʼ ὑμῶν εἰρήνη AcPlCor 2:40; of God, who is with someone (Gen 21:20; Judg 6:13 al.; Philo, Det. Pot. Ins. 4; Jos., Ant. 6, 181; 15, 138) Lk 1:66; J 3:2; 8:29; Ac 10:38 al.; also be with in the sense be favorable to, in league with (Ex 23:2) Mt 12:30; Lk 11:23; of punishment attending a pers. τὸ πῦρ ἐστι μετʼ αὐτοῦ AcPlCor 2:37.—παρά and gen. come from someone (X., An. 2, 4, 15; Just., D. 8, 4 ἔλεος παρὰ θεοῦ) fr. God J 6:46; 7:29; w. dat. be with, among persons Mt 22:25; Ac 10:6. W. neg. be strange to someone, there is no … in someone Ro 2:11; 9:14; Eph 6:9.—ὑπέρ w. gen. be on one’s side Mk 9:4 and Lk 9:50 (both opp. κατά); w. acc. be superior to (Sir 25:10; 30:16) Lk 6:40.
    of condition or circumstance: κατά w. acc. live in accordance with (Sir 28:10; 43:8; 2 Macc 9:20) κατὰ σάκρα, πνεῦμα Ro 8:5. οὐκ ἔστιν κατὰ ἄνθρωπον not human (in origin) Gal 1:11.—Fig. ὑπό w. acc. be under (the power of) someth. Ro 3:9; 6:14f; Gal 3:10, 25.—W. ἐν of existing ἐν τῷ θεῷ εἶναι of humankind: have its basis of existence in God Ac 17:28. Of states of being: ἐν δόξῃ 2 Cor 3:8; ἐν εἰρήνῃ Lk 11:21; ἐν ἔχθρᾳ at enmity 23:12; ἐν κρίματι under condemnation vs. 40. ἐν ῥύσει αἵματος suffer from hemorrhages Mk 5:25; Lk 8:43 (cp. Soph., Aj. 271 ἦν ἐν τῇ νόσῳ; cp. TestJob 35:1 ἐν πληγαῖς πολλαῖς). Periphrastically for an adj. ἐν ἐξουσίᾳ authoritative Lk 4:32. ἐν βάρει important 1 Th 2:7. ἐν τῇ πίστει true believers, believing 2 Cor 13:5. Be involved in someth. ἐν ἑορτῇ be at the festival=take part in it J 2:23. ἐν τούτοις ἴσθι devote yourself to these things 1 Ti 4:15 (cp. X., Hell. 4, 8, 7 ἐν τοιούτοις ὄντες=occupied w. such things; Jos., Ant. 2, 346 ἐν ὕμνοις ἦσαν=they occupied themselves w. the singing of hymns).—Fig., live in the light 1J 2:9; cp. vs. 11; 1 Th 5:4; in the flesh Ro 7:5; 8:8; AcPlCor 1:6. ἐν οἷς εἰμι in the situation in which I find myself Phil 4:11 (X., Hell. 4, 2, 1; Diod S 12, 63, 5; 12, 66, 4; Appian, Hann. 55 §228 ἐν τούτοις ἦν=he was in this situation; Jos., Ant. 7, 232 ἐν τούτοις ἦσαν=found themselves in this sit.; TestJob 35:6 ἐν τίνι ἐστίν; s. ZPE VIII 170). ἐν πολλοῖς ὢν ἀστοχήμασι AcPlCor 2:1. Of characteristics, emotions, etc. ἔν τινί ἐστιν, e.g. ἀδικία J 7:18; ἄγνοια Eph 4:18; ἀλήθεια J 8:44; 2 Cor 11:10 (cp. 1 Macc 7:18); ἁμαρτία 1J 3:5.
    of time ἐγγύς of καιρός be near Mt 26:18; Mk 13:28. πρὸς ἑσπέραν ἐστίν it is toward evening Lk 24:29 (Just., D. 137, 4 πρὸς δυσμὰς … ὁ ἥλιός ἐστι).
    to be alive in a period of time, live, denoting temporal existence (Hom., Trag., Thu. et al.; Sir 42:21; En 102:5 Philo, De Jos. 17; Jos., Ant. 7, 254) εἰ ἤμεθα ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις τῶν πατέρων ἡμῶν if we had lived in the days of our fathers Mt 23:30. ὅτι οὐκ εἰσὶν because they were no more 2:18 (Jer 38:15). ἦσαν ἐπὶ χρόνον ἱκανόν (those who were healed and raised by Christ) remained alive for quite some time Qua.
    to be the time at which someth. takes place w. indications of specific moments or occasions, be (X., Hell. 4, 5, 1, An. 4, 3, 8; Sus 13 Theod.; 1 Macc 6:49; 2 Macc 8:26; Jos., Ant. 6, 235 νουμηνία δʼ ἦν; 11, 251): ἦν ὥρα ἕκτη it was the sixth hour (=noon acc. to Jewish reckoning) Lk 23:44; J 4:6; 19:14.—Mk 15:25; J 1:39. ἦν ἑσπέρα ἤδη it was already evening Ac 4:3. πρωί̈ J 18:28. ἦν παρασκευή Mk 15:42. ἦν ἑορτὴ τῶν Ἰουδαίων J 5:1. σάββατόν ἐστιν vs. 10 et al. Short clauses (as Polyaenus 4, 9, 2 νὺξ ἦν; 7, 44, 2 πόλεμος ἦν; exc. 36, 8 ἦν ἀρίστου ὥρα; Jos., Ant. 19, 248 ἔτι δὲ νὺξ ἦν) χειμὼν ἦν J 10:22; ἦν δὲ νύξ (sim. Jos., Bell. 4, 64) 13:30; ψύχος it was cold 18:18; καύσων ἔσται it will be hot Lk 12:55.
    to take place as a phenomenon or event, take place, occur, become, be, be in (Hom., Thu. et al.; LXX; En 104:5; 106:6.—Cp. Just., D. 82, 2 of Christ’s predictions ὅπερ καὶ ἔστι ‘which is in fact the case’.) ἔσται θόρυβος τοῦ λαοῦ a popular uprising Mk 14:2. γογγυσμὸς ἦν there was (much) muttering J 7:12. σχίσμα there was a division 9:16; 1 Cor 1:10; 12:25. ἔριδες … εἰσίν quarrels are going on 1:11. δεῖ αἱρέσεις εἶναι 11:19. θάνατος, πένθος, κραυγή, πόνος ἔσται Rv 21:4. ἔσονται λιμοὶ κ. σεισμοί Mt 24:7. Hence τὸ ἐσόμενον what was going to happen (Sir 48:25) Lk 22:49. πότε ταῦτα ἔσται; when will this happen? Mt 24:3. πῶς ἔσται τοῦτο; how can this be? Lk 1:34. Hebraistically (הָיָה; s. KBeyer, Semitische Syntax im NT, ’62, 63–65) καὶ ἔσται w. fut. of another verb foll. and it will come about that Ac 2:17 (Jo 3:1); 3:23 (w. δέ); Ro 9:26 (Hos 2:1).—W. dat. ἐστί τινι happen, be granted, come, to someone (X., An. 2, 1, 10; Jos., Ant. 11, 255; Just., D. 8, 4 σοὶ … ἔλεος ἔσται παρὰ θεοῦ) Mt 16:22; Mk 11:24; Lk 2:10; GJs 1:1; 4:3; 8:3; τί ἐστίν σοι τοῦτο, ὅτι what is the matter with you, that GJs 17:2.—Of becoming or turning into someth. become someth. εἰς χολὴν πικρίας εἶναι become bitter gall Ac 8:23. εἰς σάρκα μίαν Mt 19:5; Mk 10:8; 1 Cor 6:16; Eph 5:31 (all Gen 2:24. Cp. Syntipas p. 42, 24 οὐκ ἔτι ἔσομαι μετὰ σοῦ εἰς γυναῖκα); τὰ σκολιὰ εἰς εὐθείας Lk 3:5 (Is 40:4); εἰς πατέρα 2 Cor 6:18; Hb 1:5 (2 Km 7:14; 1 Ch 22:10; 28:6); εἰς τὸ ἕν 1J 5:8. Serve as someth. (IPriene 50, 39 [c. II B.C.] εἶναι εἰς φυλακὴν τ. πόλεως; Aesop., Fab. 28 H.=18 P.; 26 Ch.; 18 H-H. εἰς ὠφέλειαν; Gen 9:13; s. also εἰς 4d) 1 Cor 14:22; Col 2:22; Js 5:3.—Of something being ἀνεκτότερον ἔσται it will be more tolerable τινί for someone Lk 10:12, 14.
    to exist as possibility ἔστιν w. inf. foll. it is possible, one can (Περὶ ὕψους 6; Diog. L. 1, 110 ἔστιν εὑρεῖν=one can find; Just., A I, 59, 10 ἔστι ταῦτα ἀκοῦσαι καὶ μαθεῖν; D. 42, 3 ἰδεῖν al.; Mel., P. 19, 127); neg. οὐκ ἔστιν νῦν λέγειν it is not possible to speak at this time Hb 9:5. οὐκ ἔστιν φαγεῖν it is impossible to eat 1 Cor 11:20 (so Hom. et al.; UPZ 70, 23 [152/151 B.C.] οὐκ ἔστι ἀνακύψαι με πώποτε … ὑπὸ τῆς αἰσχύνης; 4 Macc 13:5; Wsd 5:10; Sir 14:16; 18:6; EpJer 49 al.; EpArist 163; Jos., Ant. 2, 335; Ath. 22, 3 ἔστιν εἰπεῖν).
    to have a point of derivation or origin, be,/come from somewhere ἐκ τῆς ἐξουσίας Ἡρῴδου from Herod’s jurisdiction Lk 23:7; ἐκ Ναζαρέτ (as an insignificant place) J 1:46; ἐκ τῆς γῆς 3:31; ἐκ γυναικός 1 Cor 11:8 al. ἐξ οὐρανοῦ, ἐξ ἀνθρώπων be of heavenly (divine), human descent Mt 21:25; Mk 11:30; Lk 20:4. Be generated by (cp. Sb 8141, 21f [ins I B.C.] οὐδʼ ἐκ βροτοῦ ἤεν ἄνακτος, ἀλλὰ θεοῦ μεγάλου ἔκγονος; En 106:6) Mt 1:20. Esp. in Johannine usage ἐκ τοῦ διαβόλου εἶναι originate from the devil J 8:44; 1J 3:8. ἐκ τοῦ πονηροῦ 3:12; ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου J 15:19; 17:14, 16; 1J 4:5. ἐκ τῆς ἀληθείας εἶναι 2:21; J 18:37 etc. Cp. 9 end.
    to belong to someone or someth. through association or genetic affiliation, be, belong w. simple gen. (X., Hell. 2, 4, 36; Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 33, 230 τῶν Πυθαγορείων) οἱ τῆς ὁδοῦ ὄντες those who belong to the Way Ac 9:2. εἰμὶ Παύλου I belong to Paul 1 Cor 1:12; 3:4; cp. Ro 8:9; 2 Cor 10:7; 1 Ti 1:20; Ac 23:6. ἡμέρας εἶναι belong to the day 1 Th 5:8, cp. vs. 5. W. ἔκ τινος 1 Cor 12:15f; Mt 26:73; Mk 14:69f; Lk 22:58 al. (cp. X., Mem. 3, 6, 17; oft LXX). ἐκ τοῦ ἀριθμοῦ τῶν δώδεκα belong to the twelve 22:3. ὅς ἐστιν ἐξ ὑμῶν who is a fellow-countryman of yours Col 4:9.—To belong through origin 2 Cor 4:7. Of Mary: ἦν τῆς φυλῆς τοῦ Δαυίδ was of David’s line GJs 10:1. Cp. 8 above.
    to have someth. to do with someth. or someone, be. To denote a close relationship ἐξ ἔργων νόμου εἶναι rely on legal performance Gal 3:10. ὁ νόμος οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ πίστεως the law has nothing to do with faith vs. 12.—To denote a possessor Mt 5:3, 10; l9:14; Mk 12:7; Lk 18:16; 1 Cor 6:19. Esp. of God who owns the Christian Ac 27:23; 1 Cor 3:23; 2 Ti 2:19 (Num 16:5). οὐδʼ εἶναι τὸν κόσμον θεοῦ, ἀλλὰ ἀγγέλων AcPlCor 1:15 (cp. Just., A II, 13, 4 ὅσα … καλῶς εἴρηται, ἡμῶν τῶν χριστιανῶν ἐστι).—W. possess. pron. ὑμετέρα ἐστὶν ἡ βασιλεία Lk 6:20. οὐκ ἔστιν ἐμὸν δοῦναι Mk 10:40 (cp. Just., A I, 4, 2 ὑμέτερον ἀγωνιᾶσαί ἐστι ‘it is a matter for your concern’).—To denote function (X., An. 2, 1, 4) οὐχ ὑμῶν ἐστιν it is no concern of yours Ac 1:7—Of quality παιδεία οὐ δοκεῖ χαρᾶς εἶναι discipline does not seem to be (partake of) joy Hb 12:11.—10:39.
    as an auxiliary: very commonly the simple tense forms are replaced by the periphrasis εἶναι and the ptc. (B-D-F §352–55; Mlt. 225–27, 249; Mlt-H. 451f; Rdm.2 102, 105, 205; Kühner-G. I 38ff; Rob. 374–76, 1119f; CTurner, Marcan Usage: JTS 28, 1927 349–51; GKilpatrick, BT 7, ’56, 7f; very oft. LXX).
    (as in Hom et al.) w. the pf. ptc. to express the pf., plpf. and fut. pf. act. and pass. (s. Mayser 329; 377) ἦσαν ἐληλυθότες they had come Lk 5:17. ἦν αὐτῶν ἡ καρδία πεπωρωμένη their hearts were hardened Mk 6:52. ἠλπικότες ἐσμέν we have set our hope 1 Cor 15:19. ὁ καιρὸς συνεσταλμένος ἐστίν the time has become short 7:29. ἦν ἑστώς (En 12:3) he was standing (more exactly he took his stand) Lk 5:1.
    w. pres. ptc. (B-D-F §353).
    α. to express the pres. ἐστὶν προσαναπληροῦσα τὰ ὑστερήματα supplies the wants 2 Cor 9:12 (Just., A I, 26, 5 Μαρκίων … καὶ νῦν ἔτι ἐστὶ διδάσκων; Mel., P. 61, 441 ἐστὶν … κηρυσσόμενον).
    β. impf. or aor. ἦν καθεύδων he was sleeping Mk 4:38. ἦσαν ἀναβαίνοντες … ἦν προάγων 10:32; cp. Lk 1:22; 5:17; 11:14 al. (JosAs 1:3 ἦν συνάγων τὸν σίτον; Mel., P. 80, 580 ἦσθα εὐφραινόμενος). ἦν τὸ φῶς τὸ ἀλήθινόν … ἐρχόμενον εἰς τὸν κόσμον the true light entered the world J 1:9, w. ἦν introducing a statement in dramatic contrast to the initial phrase of vs. 8.—To denote age (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 2 al. Jac.; POxy 275, 9 [66 A.D.] οὐδέπω ὄντα τῶν ἐτῶν; Tob 14:11) Mk 5:42; Lk 3:23; Ac 4:22; GJs 12:3.—Mussies 304–6.
    γ. fut. ἔσῃ σιωπῶν you will be silent Lk 1:20; cp. 5:10; Mt 24:9; Mk 13:13; Lk 21:17, 24 al.; 2 Cl 17:7 Bihlm. (the child) shall serve him (God).
    w. aor. ptc. as plpf. (Aelian, NA 7, 11; Hippiatr. 34, 14, vol. I p. 185, 3 ἦν σκευάσας; ISyriaW 2070b ἦν κτίσας; AcThom 16; 27 [Aa II/2 p. 123, 2f; p. 142, 10]; B-D-F §355 m.—JVogeser, Z. Sprache d. griech. Heiligenlegenden, diss. Munich 1907, 14; JWittmann, Sprachl. Untersuchungen zu Cosmas Indicopleustes, diss. Munich 1913, 20; SPsaltes, Gramm. d. byzant. Chroniken 1913, 230; Björck [διδάσκω end] 75; B-D-F §355). ἦν βληθείς had been thrown Lk 23:19; J 18:30 v.l.—GPt 6:23; 12:51. (Cp. Just., A II, 10, 2 διʼ εὑρέσεως … ἐστὶ πονηθέντα αὐτοῖς ‘they achieved through investigation’).
    Notice esp. the impersonals δέον ἐστίν it is necessary (Pla. et al.; POxy 727, 19; Sir praef. ln. 3; 1 Macc 12:11 δέον ἐστὶν καὶ πρέπον) Ac 19:36; εἰ δέον ἐστίν if it must be 1 Pt 1:6 (s. δεῖ 2a); 1 Cl 34:2; πρέπον ἐστίν it is appropriate (Pla. et al.; POxy 120, 24; 3 Macc 7:13) Mt 3:15; 1 Cor 11:13.
    In many cases the usage w. the ptc. serves to emphasize the duration of an action or condition (BGU 183, 25 ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν χρόνον ζῶσα ᾖ Σαταβούς); JosAs 2:1 ἦν … ἐξουθενοῦσα καὶ καταπτύουσα πάντα ἄνδρα). ἦν διδάσκων he customarily taught Mk 1:22; Lk 4:31; 19:47. ἦν θέλων he cherished the wish 23:8. ἦσαν νηστεύοντες they were keeping the fast Mk 2:18. ἦσαν συλλαλοῦντες they were conversing for a while 9:4. ἦν προσδεχόμενος he was waiting for (the kgdm.) 15:43. ἦν συγκύπτουσα she was bent over Lk 13:11.
    to emphasize the adjectival idea inherent in the ptc. rather than the concept of action expressed by the finite verb ζῶν εἰμι I am alive Rv 1:18. ἦν ὑποτασσόμενος he was obedient Lk 2:51. ἦν ἔχων κτήματα πολλά he was very rich Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22. ἴσθι ἐξουσίαν ἔχων you shall have authority Lk 19:17 (Lucian, Tim. 35 ἴσθι εὐδαιμονῶν). ἦν καταλλάσσων (God) was reconciling 2 Cor 5:19 (cp. Mel., P. 83, 622 οὗτος ἦν ὁ ἐκλεξάμενός σε; Ath. 15, 2 οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ … καρπούμενος).—LMcGaughy, Toward a Descriptive Analysis of ΕΙΝΑΙ as a Linking Verb in the Gk. NT, diss. Vanderbilt, ’70 (s. esp. critique of treatment of εἰμί in previous edd. of this lexicon pp. 12–15).—Mlt. 228. B. 635. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > εἰμί

  • 91 electrodomésticos

    = appliances, electrical appliances, kitchen appliances, domestic appliances.
    Ex. In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
    Ex. Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.
    Ex. The author discusses the image of the US projected by the American Pavilion through its fashion shows, home furnishings and kitchen appliances exhibits and food.
    Ex. The usefulness of interlinking domestic appliances in this way is yet to be proved.
    * * *
    = appliances, electrical appliances, kitchen appliances, domestic appliances.

    Ex: In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.

    Ex: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.
    Ex: The author discusses the image of the US projected by the American Pavilion through its fashion shows, home furnishings and kitchen appliances exhibits and food.
    Ex: The usefulness of interlinking domestic appliances in this way is yet to be proved.

    Spanish-English dictionary > electrodomésticos

  • 92 errar

    1 to choose wrongly.
    2 to wander.
    3 to make a mistake.
    María erró en sus cálculos Mary made a mistake in her calculations.
    4 to miss.
    5 to mistake, to miss, to fail, to miscalculate.
    María erró sus cálculos Mary mistook her calculations.
    6 to go astray, to err from the path of righteousness.
    El huérfano erró The orphan went astray.
    7 to roam around, to ramble, to roam about.
    * * *
    (e changes to ye in stressed syllables)
    Present Indicative
    yerro/ yerras/ yerra, erramos, erráis, yerran.
    Present Subjunctive
    yerre, yerres, yerre, erremos, erréis, yerren.
    yerra (tú), yerre (él/Vd.), erremos (nos.), errad (vos.), yerren (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=equivocar) [+ tiro] to miss with, aim badly; [+ blanco] to miss; [+ vocación] to miss, mistake
    2) [en obligación] to fail ( in one's duty to)
    2. VI
    1) (=vagar) to wander, rove
    2) (=equivocarse) to be mistaken

    errar es cosa humana, de los hombres es errar — to err is human

    * * *
    verbo transitivo <tiro/golpe> to miss

    erró su vocación — she chose the wrong vocation/career

    errar vi
    1) ( fallar)

    (le) erré otra vezmissed again! (colloq), I've missed again

    le erraste feo — (RPl fam) you were way out o off the mark (colloq)

    2) (liter) persona ( vagar) to wander, roam; mirada/imaginación to wander
    * * *
    = miss + the mark, ramble, err, roam (about/around), mistake, range, rove, miss + the point.
    Ex. Such considerations suggest that exhortations directed at SLIS to transform their curricula in unspecified radical fashion miss the mark.
    Ex. Because by now comparative librarianship has a well-developed methodology, he does not have to waste his effort by rambling.
    Ex. Wherein had she erred? Try as she might she could think of nothing.
    Ex. Unless children are given time to roam about unhindered among books of many kinds, left alone to choose for themselves, and to do what any avid adult reader does, then maybe we labor in vain.
    Ex. A flat 'no' to a question such as 'Is this book recommended for Professor Shaw's course?' leaves uncertainty as to whether one was mistaken in the professor or in the suggestion that it was for a course.
    Ex. We will be bringing scholars from all over the world both to range widely in our multiform collections and put things together rather than just take them apart.
    Ex. The production is extremely lively: Wandering musicians rove the tiny stage and aisles, competing with birdsong and baroque concertos over the tannoy.
    Ex. Even those states who are pushing for legalized sports betting are missing the point when it comes to making a profit through sports betting.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <tiro/golpe> to miss

    erró su vocación — she chose the wrong vocation/career

    errar vi
    1) ( fallar)

    (le) erré otra vezmissed again! (colloq), I've missed again

    le erraste feo — (RPl fam) you were way out o off the mark (colloq)

    2) (liter) persona ( vagar) to wander, roam; mirada/imaginación to wander
    * * *
    = miss + the mark, ramble, err, roam (about/around), mistake, range, rove, miss + the point.

    Ex: Such considerations suggest that exhortations directed at SLIS to transform their curricula in unspecified radical fashion miss the mark.

    Ex: Because by now comparative librarianship has a well-developed methodology, he does not have to waste his effort by rambling.
    Ex: Wherein had she erred? Try as she might she could think of nothing.
    Ex: Unless children are given time to roam about unhindered among books of many kinds, left alone to choose for themselves, and to do what any avid adult reader does, then maybe we labor in vain.
    Ex: A flat 'no' to a question such as 'Is this book recommended for Professor Shaw's course?' leaves uncertainty as to whether one was mistaken in the professor or in the suggestion that it was for a course.
    Ex: We will be bringing scholars from all over the world both to range widely in our multiform collections and put things together rather than just take them apart.
    Ex: The production is extremely lively: Wandering musicians rove the tiny stage and aisles, competing with birdsong and baroque concertos over the tannoy.
    Ex: Even those states who are pushing for legalized sports betting are missing the point when it comes to making a profit through sports betting.

    * * *
    errar [ A26 ]
    ‹tiro/golpe› to miss
    erró el remate he missed the shot, he shot wide/high
    erró su vocación she chose the wrong vocation/career
    ■ errar
    (fallar): (le) erré otra vez missed again! ( colloq), I've missed again
    erró en su decisión he was mistaken in his decision, he made the wrong decision
    le erraste feo ( RPl fam); you were way out o way off the mark ( colloq), you were miles out ( colloq)
    errar es humano to err is human
    B ( liter); «persona» (vagar) to wander, roam, rove ( liter); «mirada» to wander
    su imaginación erraba por lugares lejanos his thoughts wandered o drifted o strayed to far-off places
    * * *

    errar ( conjugate errar) verbo transitivotiro/golpe to miss;
    erró su vocación she chose the wrong vocation/career

    verbo intransitivo [ tirador] to miss;
    erró en su decisión he made the wrong decision
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (un tiro, golpe) to miss
    2 (una elección) to get wrong
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (vagar) to wander
    2 (cometer fallos) to make a mistake

    ' errar' also found in these entries:
    - engañar
    - fallar
    - tiro
    - yerra
    - err
    - miss
    - muff
    - roam
    * * *
    1. [tiro, golpe] to miss
    2. [no acertar en]
    errar el cálculo/la respuesta to get the figures/answer wrong;
    errar el rumbo to choose the wrong course;
    errar la vocación to mistake one's vocation;
    le erraron con el diagnóstico he was misdiagnosed;
    RP Fam
    errar el biscochazo to be wide of the mark
    1. [vagar] [persona, imaginación, mirada] to wander;
    erró de pueblo en pueblo she wandered from town to town
    2. [equivocarse] to make a mistake;
    erró en la elección de carrera he chose the wrong course;
    errarle to make a mistake;
    le erré en las cuentas I made a mistake in the accounts;
    le erró, no le tendría que haber dicho nada he made a mistake, he shouldn't have told him anything
    3. [al tirar] to miss
    * * *
    I v/t miss;
    errar el tiro/golpe miss;
    errar el cálculo miscalculate, make a mistake in one’s figures
    II v/i miss;
    errar es humano to err is human
    * * *
    errar {32} vt
    fallar: to miss
    errar vi
    1) desacertar: to be wrong, to be mistaken
    2) vagar: to wander
    * * *
    errar vb
    1. (fallar) to miss
    2. (equivocarse) to be wrong
    3. (vagar) to wander

    Spanish-English dictionary > errar

  • 93 that

    1. [ðæt (полная форма); ðət,ðt (редуцированные формы)] pron (pl those)
    1. 1) это

    what is that? - что это такое?

    who is that? - кто это?

    is that you, John?, разг. that you, John? - это ты, Джон?

    are those your children? - это ваши дети?

    is that all the luggage you are taking? - это весь ваш багаж?

    those are my orders - таковы /вот/ мои распоряжения

    2) это, этого и т. д.; вот что

    that's just like her - это так на неё похоже, в этом она вся

    that is what he told me - вот что он мне сказал; это то, что он мне сказал

    they all think that - они все так /это/ думают

    have things come to that? - неужели до этого дошло?

    and so that is settled - итак, это решено

    that's where he lives - вот где он живёт, он живёт здесь

    3) эмоц.-усил. разг. вот

    good stuff that! - вот это правильно /здорово/!; ≅ вот это да!, вот это я понимаю!

    this is new and that is old - это новое, а то старое

    2. употр. вместо другого слова или словосочетания, упомянутых выше, во избежание повторения

    the climate there is like that of France - климат там похож на климат Франции

    her eyes were those of a frightened child - у неё были глаза испуганного ребёнка

    a house like that is described here - дом, подобный этому, описан здесь

    I have only two pairs of shoes and those are old - у меня только две пары ботинок, да и те поношенные

    they must be very curious creatures. - They are that - это, должно быть, очень странные создания. - Так оно и есть

    it was necessary to act and that promptly - нужно было действовать и (действовать) быстро

    they are fine chaps. - They are that [That they are not] - славные это ребята. - Да, правда /действительно/ [Вот уж нет]

    he studied Greek and Latin when he was young, and that at Oxford - он учил греческий и латынь, когда он был молодым, и учил их он в Оксфорде

    will you help me? - That I will! - ты мне поможешь? - Всенепременно! /А как же!/

    those that I saw - те, кого я видел

    Fine Art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart go together - искусство - это такая область, где руки, мысли и душа едины

    there was that in her which commanded respect - в ней было нечто такое, что вызывало невольное уважение

    those who wish to go may do so - кто хочет, может уйти

    2) эллипт. тот который

    work and play are both necessary to health; this gives us rest and that gives us energy - и труд и развлечение необходимы для здоровья - одно /первое/ развивает энергию, другое /последнее/ даёт отдых

    Б rel
    1. 1) который, которая, которые (обыкн. следует непосредственно за определяемым словом; часто может быть опущено)

    this is about all that he has to say - это в основном всё, что он может сказать

    the letter that came yesterday - то письмо, которое пришло вчера

    this is the house that Jack built - вот дом, который построил Джек

    the man (that) you were looking for has come - (тот) человек, которого вы искали, пришёл

    during the years (that) he had spent abroad - в течение (тех) лет, что он провёл за границей

    the envelope (that) I put it in - (тот) конверт, в который я это положил

    the man (that) we are speaking about - (тот) человек, о котором мы говорим

    this is he that brought the news - книжн. вот тот, кто принёс это известие

    2) в сочетании со словами, обозначающими время когда

    the night (that) we went to the theatre - в тот вечер, когда мы ходили в театр

    it was the year that we went to England - это случилось в тот год /это был тот год/, когда мы поехали в Англию

    3) поэт., уст. то что, всё что, тот кто, всякий кто ( определяемое слово подразумевается)

    I earn that I eat, get that I wear - я сам зарабатываю то, что я ем и что ношу, я сам добываю себе пищу и одежду

    2. 1) во вводных предложениях как ни, хоть и

    wicked man that he was he would not consent to it - как ни был он низок /хоть и дурной человек он был/, он не соглашался на это

    wretch that I am! - о я несчастный!, несчастный я!

    fool that he is! - ну и дурак же он!, дурак он несчастный!

    В в грам. знач. прил.
    1. 1) этот, эта, это; тот, та, то

    everybody is agreed on that point - по тому /этому/ вопросу разногласий нет

    since that time [moment, day, year] - с того /с этого/ времени [момента, дня, года]

    who are those people? - кто эти люди?

    I only saw him that once - я его только один раз /тогда/ и видел

    that man will get on! - этот человек своего добьётся!

    2) в противопоставлении this тот, та, то

    this book is interesting and that one is not - эта книга интересна(я), а та нет

    3) в сочетании с here, there прост. вон
    2. эмоц.-усил. разг.

    when you will have done thumping that piano? - когда ты кончишь барабанить на этом (твоём) рояле?

    he has that confidence in his theory - он непоколебимо уверен в правильности своей теории

    what is it about that Mrs. Bellew? I never liked her - что там с этой миссис Белью? Она никогда мне не нравилась

    that fool of a porter! - этот дурак носильщик!

    how is that leg of yours? - ну, как ваша нога?

    2) (вм. those) прост. эти
    3. уст. такой, в такой степени

    he blushed to that degree that I felt ill at ease - он так /до такой степени/ покраснел, что мне стало неловко

    Г в грам. знач. нареч.
    1) разг. так, до такой степени

    he was that angry he couldn't say a word - он был до того рассержен, что слова не мог вымолвить

    2) диал., амер. столько, так

    he talks that much! - он столько говорит!

    he was that tall! - он был такого огромного роста /такой высокий/!

    Д в грам. знач. определённого артикля
    1. тот, та, то; этот, эта, это

    he lives in that house across the street - он живёт в (том) доме через дорогу

    what was that noise? - что это был за шум?

    2. в коррелятивных местоимённых сочетаниях тот (который), та (которая), то (которое)

    that part which concerns us - (та) часть, которая нас касается

    that man we are speaking of has come - (тот) человек, о котором мы говорим, уже здесь /уже пришёл/

    (and) that's that - а) так-то вот; такие-то дела; ничего не поделаешь; так вот, значит; б) дело с концом; на этом точка

    all that - всё это, всё такое

    and all that - и всё (такое) прочее; и так далее

    after that - после того, что; после того, как

    at that - а) после этого; затем; б) амер. при всём при том; к тому же; сверх того; it is only a snapshot and a poor one at that - это всего лишь любительский снимок, да ещё и плохой к тому же; в) на этом; and usually I leave it at that - и на этом я обычно прекращаю разговор

    by that - а) к тому времени; б) (под) этим

    what do you mean by that? - что вы этим хотите сказать?, что вы подразумеваете под этим?

    upon /with/ that - а) когда; как (только); после этого, б) при этом; в) с этими словами; with that she took out her handkerchief - с этими словами она вынула носовой платок

    that's it - это как раз то, что нам надо; вот именно, правильно

    that's right! - правильно!

    that's more like it - это другой разговор, это другое дело

    that's that - всё, решено

    well that's that; at least I know where I am going - ну что ж, решено; по крайней мере, я знаю, куда еду

    that'll do - довольно, хватит; этого будет достаточно

    that's done it - это решило дело; это переполнило чашу

    that's a good boy!, that's a dear! - вот и хорошо!, правильно!, молодец!, умник!

    like that - так; таким /подобным/ образом

    why are you crying like that? - чего ты так плачешь?

    o that!, would that! - о если бы!, хотелось бы мне, чтобы

    come out of that! - сл. убирайся!, выметайся!

    take that! - на, получай!, вот тебе! ( при ударе)

    this and that см. this

    2. [ðæt (полная форма); ðət (редуцированная форма)]cj
    1. вводит сказуемые, дополнительные и аппозитивные придаточные предложения (то) что

    that they were brothers was clear - то, что они братья, было ясно

    it seems that you have forgotten me - вы, кажется, забыли меня

    I know [say] that it is unjust - я знаю [говорю], что это несправедливо

    I fear that I cannot come - боюсь, что не смогу прийти

    he made it clear that he did not agree - он дал понять, что не согласен

    there is no doubt that we were wrong from the start - несомненно, мы были не правы с самого начала

    the fact that I am here - тот факт, что я здесь

    the thought that he would be late oppressed him - мысль, что он опоздает, угнетала его

    2. вводит придаточные дополнительные предложения и сказуемые с причинным оттенком значения что, так как; потому что

    I'm sorry that this has happened - мне очень жаль, что так случилось

    if I complain it is that I want you to do better in future - если я и жалуюсь, то потому, что хочу, чтобы вы поступали лучше в будущем

    3. вводит придаточные цели ( часто so that, in order that) так (чтобы)

    let's finish now (so) that we can rest tomorrow - давайте закончим сейчас, (так) чтобы завтра можно было отдохнуть

    come nearer that I may see you - подойдите поближе, чтобы я мог увидеть вас

    put it there so that it won't be forgotten - положи это туда, чтобы не забыть

    they kept quiet so that he might sleep - они сидели тихо, чтобы дать ему поспать

    study that you may learn - ≅ учись, а то знать ничего не будешь

    I am so tired that I can hardly stand - я так устал, что еле стою

    the light was so bright that it hurt our eyes - свет был такой яркий, что было больно смотреть

    2) основания (обыкн. после вопросительного или отрицательного главного предложения) что

    who is he that everybody supports him? - кто он такой, что все поддерживают его?

    you have well done that you have come - вы хорошо сделали, что пришли

    4) необходимого следствия или сопровождения (обыкн. после отрицательного главного предложения) (без того) чтобы

    never a month goes by that he does not write to us - не проходит и месяца, чтобы он не написал нам

    I can't speak but that you try to interrupt me - как только я начинаю говорить, вы перебиваете меня

    it was because he didn't work that he failed - он потерпел неудачу, потому что не работал

    6. вводит восклицательные предложения, выражающие удивление, негодование, сильное желание и т. п. чтобы, что

    that he should behave like that! - чтобы он себя так вёл!

    oh that I might see you once more! - о если бы я мог ещё раз увидеть вас!

    to think that I knew nothing about it! - подумать только, (что) я ничего об этом не знал!

    that I should live to see such things! - дожил, нечего сказать!

    that one so fair should be so false! - такая красивая, и такая лгунья!

    7. уст. вводит придаточное предложение, параллельное предшествующему придаточному, употреблённому с другим союзом; переводится как союз первого придаточного

    although the rear was attacked and that fifty men were captured - несмотря на то, что нападение было произведено с тыла и несмотря на то, что пятьдесят солдат были захвачены в плен

    8. уст. следует за рядом союзов, не изменяя их значения:

    because that - так как, потому что

    not that - а) не то чтобы; б) насколько; wonder what happened, not that I care - ≅ хоть мне и всё равно, а всё-таки интересно, что там случилось; not that it matters, but the letter has not been sent yet - я не хочу сказать, что это так уж важно, но письмо всё ещё не отправлено

    in that - тем что; поскольку; так как

    some of his books have become classics in that they are read by most students interested in anthropology - некоторые из его книг стали классическими, их читают почти все студенты, интересующиеся антропологией

    but that - а) если бы не; I would have gone with you but that I am so busy - я бы пошёл с вами, если бы я не был так занят; б) чтобы не; he is not such a fool but that he can see it - он не так глуп, чтобы не видеть этого; в) после отрицательных предложений что; I don't deny [doubt] but that he is right - я не отрицаю [сомневаюсь], что он прав; г) не то чтобы; not but that he believed it himself - не то чтобы он верил этому сам

    except that - кроме того, что; не считая того, что

    it is right except that the accents are omitted - это правильно, если не считать того, что пропущены ударения

    save that - уст. = except that [см. except II 2]

    notwithstanding that - уст. хотя, несмотря на то, что

    НБАРС > that

  • 94 der

    I best. Art.
    1. m; (Nom. Sg.) the; der eine ist fleißig, der andere faul (the) one is hard-working, the other one is lazy; der Tod death; der Mensch (alle Menschen) man(kind), humankind; der große Goethe the famous Goethe; der arme Peter poor Peter; der Peter, den ich kenne the Peter (who oder that) I know; der Hyde Park Hyde Park
    2. (Gen Sg. von die) of the; die Mauern der Stadt auch the city walls
    3. (Dat Sg. von die) to the; den Schlüssel habe ich der Nachbarin gegeben I gave the key to the neighbo(u)r
    4. (Gen Pl. von der, die, das) of the; die Ankunft der Kinder auch the children’s arrival
    II Dem. Pron.
    1. m; (Nom. Sg.) that (one), this (one); (er) he, it; der Mann hier this man; der mit dem Bart the one with the beard; nur der kann das verstehen, der... only he ( oder that man) who... can understand it; der und baden gehen? you won’t catch him going swimming; der und ehrlich? Dass ich nicht lache! him? honest? Pull the other one! ( oder Give me a break!)
    2. (Dat Sg. von die) zu der und der Zeit umg. at such and such a time
    III Rel. Pron.
    1. m; (Nom. Sg.) bei Personen: who, that; bei Sachen: which, that; der Bezirk, der einen Teil von X bildet the district forming part of X; der erste Stein, der geworfen wurde the first stone that was thrown; er war der Erste, der es erfuhr he was the first to know; jeder, der... anyone who...; ich, der ich selbst dabei war I, who was there myself
    2. (Dat Sg. von die) bei Personen: who(m), who... to, to whom förm.; bei Sachen: that, which; die Freundin, der ich meine Sorgen erzählte the friend (whom) I told about my problems ( oder to whom I told my problems)
    * * *
    which one (Pron.); that (Pron.); which (Pron.); who (Pron.); the ( Artikel)
    * * *
    I [deːɐ]
    1. def art
    1) gen sing, pl von die of the

    das Miauen dér Katze — the miaowing of the cat, the cat's miaowing

    2) dat sing von die to the; (mit Präposition) the
    2. dem pron dat sing von die
    1) (adjektivisch) to that; (mit Präpositionen) that
    2) (substantivisch) to her; her
    3. rel pron dat sing
    to whom, that or who(m)... to; (mit Präposition) who(m); (von Sachen) to which, which... to; which II [deːɐ] pl die
    1. def art gen des, der, des, pl der dat dem, der, dem, pl den acc den, die, das, pl die

    dér/die Arme! — the poor man/woman or girl

    dér Engländer (dated inf: = die Engländer)the Englishman

    dér Faust — Faust

    dér Hans (inf)Hans

    dér kleine Hans — little Hans

    dér Rhein — the Rhine

    dér Michigansee — Lake Michigan

    die "Bismarck" — the "Bismarck"

    dér Lehrer/die Frau (im Allgemeinen)teachers pl/women pl

    dér Tod/die Liebe/das Leben — death/love/life

    dér Tod des Sokrates — the death of Socrates

    in dem England, das ich kannte — in the England (that or which) I knew

    er liebt den Jazz/die Oper/das Kino — he likes jazz/(the) opera/the cinema

    das Herstellen von Waffen ist... — manufacturing weapons is..., the manufacturing of weapons is...

    dér spätere Wittgenstein — the later Wittgenstein

    er war nicht mehr dér Hans, dér... — he was no longer the Hans who...

    ein Euro das Stückone euro apiece or each

    20 Euro die Stunde20 euros an or per hour

    dér und dér Wissenschaftler — such and such a scientist

    2. dem pron gen dessen or (old) des, deren, dessen,
    pl deren dat dem, der, dem, pl denen acc den, die, das, pl die
    1) (attr) (= jener, dieser) that; (pl) those, them (inf)

    zu dér und dér Zeit — at such and such a time

    an dem und dem Ortat such and such a place

    2) (substantivisch) he/she/it; (pl) those, them (inf)

    dér/die war es — it was him/her

    dér/die mit dér großen Nase — the one or him/her (inf) with the big nose

    mit den roten Haarenthose or them (inf) with red hair

    deine Schwester, die war nicht da (inf) — your sister, she wasn't there

    dér und schwimmen? — him, swimming?, swimming, (what) him?

    dér/die hier (von Menschen) — he/she, this man/woman etc; (von Gegenständen) this (one); (von mehreren) this one

    dér/die da (von Menschen) — he/she, that man/woman etc; (von Gegenständen) that (one); (von mehreren) that one

    die hier/da pl — they, these/those men/women etc, these/those, them (inf)

    dér, den ich meine — the one I mean

    dér und dér/die und die — so-and-so

    3. rel pron decl as dem pron
    (Mensch) who, that; (Gegenstand, Tier) which, that
    4. rel + dem pron decl as dem pron

    dér/die dafür verantwortlich war,... — the man/woman who was responsible for it

    die so etwas tun,... — those or people who do that sort of thing...

    * * *
    I. art def, nom sing m
    1. (allgemein) the
    \der Hund/Mann/Tisch the dog/man/table
    \der Mai [the month of] May
    \der Angeber! that show-off!
    2. (bei Körperteilen)
    mir tut \der Hals weh my throat hurts
    \der Hunger/Irrsinn/Tod hunger/madness/death
    \der Tod des Ikaros the death of Icarus
    \der Stahl wird auch mit anderen Elementen legiert steel is also alloyed with other elements; (bei spezifischen Stoffen) the
    \der Sauerstoff in der Luft the oxygen in the air
    \der Mann des Tages the man of the moment
    das ist \der Augenblick, auf den wir gewartet haben that's [just] the moment we've been waiting for
    \der Irak/Iran Iraq/Iran
    \der Sudan The Sudan
    \der Kongo vor der Kolonialzeit pre-colonial Congo
    \der kleine Peter little Peter
    \der spätere Dickens the later Dickens
    er war nicht mehr \der Uli, der... he was no longer the Uli who...
    das ist \der Klaus that's Klaus
    \der Papa sagt,... [my] dad says...
    \der Mensch heute man today
    \der Franzose isst gern gut the French like to eat well
    9. (nach Angaben)
    5 Euro \der Liter €5 a [or per] litre
    10. (vor Angaben)
    \der 14. August 2003 14[th] August 2003, August 14[th], 2003; (gesprochen) the fourteenth of August 2003
    Heinrich \der Achte Henry the Eighth
    \der Kleine the little boy/one
    \der Älteste the oldest [one]
    II. pron dem, nom sing m
    1. attr, betont
    \der Mann war es! it was that man!
    \der Hut gefällt mir am besten I like that/this hat [or that/this hat I like] the most
    \der Stift da that pen [there]
    \der Stift hier this pen [here]
    \der und \der Experte such and such an expert
    \der war es! it was him!
    \der hat es getan! it was him that [or who] did it!
    \der sagte mir,... he told me...
    welcher Stift? \der da? oder \der hier? which pen? that one [there]? or this one [here]?
    wer ist denn \der? (fam) who on earth is he [or that]?
    \der und joggen? him, jogging?
    \der und \der such and such
    \der mit der Brille the one [or fam him] with the glasses
    welcher Ball? — \der mit den Punkten which ball? — the/this/that one with the spots
    ach \der! (pej) oh him!
    der Chef? \der ist nicht da the boss? he's not there
    dein Vater, \der ist nicht gekommen your father, he didn't come
    mein Schuh! \der ist weg! my shoe! it's gone!
    der Scheißkerl, \der! the bastard!
    der Grund ist \der, dass... the reason is that [or because]...
    \der, den ich meinte the one I meant
    wo ist dein Bruder? — \der ist oben where's your brother? — he's upstairs
    das ist ein neuer Drucker! warum druckt \der nicht? that's a new printer! why isn't it working?
    beißt \der? does it/he/she bite?
    III. pron rel, nom sing m
    1. that; (Person a.) who/whom form; (Gegenstand, Tier a.) which
    ich hörte/sah einen Wagen, \der um die Ecke fuhr I heard/saw a car driving around the corner
    ein Film, \der gut ankommt a much-acclaimed film
    ein Roman, \der von Millionen gelesen wurde a novel [that has been] read by millions
    der König, \der vierzig Jahre herrschte,... (einschränkend) the king who [or that] reigned for forty years...; (nicht einschränkend) the king, who reigned for forty years,...
    der Mantel, \der zum Trocknen aufgehängt war,... (einschränkend) the coat that [or which] was hung up to dry...; (nicht einschränkend) the coat, which was hung up to dry,...
    der Mörder, \der von der Polizei gesucht wird,... (einschränkend) the murderer [who [or that]] the police are searching for..., the murderer for whom the police are searching... form; (nicht einschränkend) the murderer, who the police are searching for,..., the murderer, for whom the police are searching,... form
    der Fall, \der von den Ermittlern untersucht werden soll,... (einschränkend) the case [that [or which]] the investigators have to look into..., the case into which the investigators have to look... form; (nicht einschränkend) the case, which the investigators have to look into,..., the case, into which the investigators have to look,... form
    \der mir jetzt hilft, wird belohnt anyone helping [or form he who helps] me now will be rewarded
    \der diesen Brief geschrieben hat, kann gut Deutsch the person/man who wrote this letter knows good German
    \der zu so etwas fähig ist,... people who are capable of such things...; s.a. das, die
    art def, gen sing f
    der Hund \der alten Frau the old woman's dog
    die Hitze \der Sonne the heat of the sun, the sun's heat
    das Schnurren \der fetten Katze the fat cat's purring, the purring of the fat cat
    die Lösung \der Formel hier the solution to this formula, this formula's solution
    der Einspruch \der Frau da that woman's objection, the objection from that woman
    die Farbe \der Zunge deutete auf seine Krankheit the colour of his tongue indicated his illness
    ein Opfer \der Liebe a victim of love
    ein Zeichen \der Hoffnung a sign of hope
    das Kämmen \der Wolle the combing of wool
    die Berge \der Schweiz the mountains of Switzerland
    die Puppe \der kleinen Sabine little Sabine's doll
    ich ruf an wegen \der Anna I'm calling to talk to you about Anna
    die Arien \der Callas Callas' arias
    8. (form: vor Namen)
    ein Antrag \der Ute Kley a petition from Ute Kley
    die Rolle \der Frau in Management women's role [or the role of women] in management
    die Trinkfestigkeit \der Engländerin the ability of the Englishwoman to hold her drink
    10. (geh: nach Angaben)
    10 Meter \der kostbarsten Seide 10 metres of the most precious silk
    das Spielzeug \der Kleinen the little one's [or girl's] toys
    die Weisheit \der Ältesten the wisdom of the eldest [woman]; s.a. das, die
    I. art def, dat sing f
    1. siehe auch vb (allgemein)
    sie redeten mit/von \der Nachbarin they were talking with/about the neighbour
    ich klopfte an \der Tür I knocked at the door
    das Bild hängt an \der Wand the picture is hanging on the wall
    sie folgte \der Frau/Menge she followed the woman/crowd
    er gab \der Großmutter den Brief he gave his grandmother the letter, he gave the letter to his grandmother
    es gehört \der Frau da it belongs to that woman
    es entspricht \der Textstelle hier it corresponds to this passage in the text
    er schlug den Tisch mit \der Faust he thumped the table with his fist
    er widmete \der Liebe ein Gedicht he dedicated a poem to love
    mit \der Hoffnung eines Verzweifelten with the hope of a desperate man
    \der Bronze wird auch Phosphor beigemischt phosphorus is also added to bronze; (bei spezifischen Stoffen)
    mit \der Wolle dieses Schafs with the wool from this sheep, with this sheep's wool
    wir segelten mit \der ‚Nordwind‘ we sailed on the [yacht] ‘Nordwind’
    in \der Schweiz [der Zwischenkriegsjahre] in [interwar] Switzerland
    \der kleinen Jenny geht's nicht gut little Jenny isn't feeling well
    sie ist bei \der Kati she's at Kati's place
    er hat \der Callas mal die Hand geküsst he once kissed Callas' hand
    von \der Frau in der Industrie of women in industry
    als das Pferd \der Maschine wich when the horse gave way to the engine
    mit 20 Flaschen \der Kiste with 20 bottles a [or per] crate
    gib \der Kleinen einen Kuss give the little one a kiss
    wir gingen zu \der Ältesten we went to the elder
    II. pron dem, dat sing f
    1. attr, betont
    \der Pflanze muss man Dünger geben that plant must be given fertilizer
    \der Frau hast du es erzählt? you told it to that woman?
    zu \der und \der Zeit at such and such a time
    glaub \der bloß nicht! don't believe her [of all people]!
    III. pron rel, dat sing f, siehe auch vb
    meine Kollegin, \der die Aufgabe zugeteilt wurde,... (einschränkend) my colleague who [or that] was assigned the task...; (nicht einschränkend) my colleague, who was assigned the task,...
    die Lösung, \der der Alkohol entzogen war,... (einschränkend) the solution that [or which] had its alcohol extracted...; (nicht einschränkend) the solution, which had its alcohol extracted,...
    die Abgeordnete, \der ich oft schrieb,... (einschränkend) the MP [who [or that]] I often wrote to..., the MP to whom I often wrote... form; (nicht einschränkend) the MP, who I often wrote to,..., the MP, to whom I often wrote,... form
    die Grippe, unter \der sie leiden,... (einschränkend) the flu [that [or which]] they're suffering from..., the flu from which they're suffering... form; (nicht einschränkend) the flu, which they're suffering from,..., the flu, from which they're suffering,... form; s.a. das, die
    art def, gen pl
    1. siehe auch n (allgemein)
    die Anstrengungen \der Schüler the pupils' efforts, the efforts of the pupils
    die Zeichnungen \der beiden Schwestern the two sisters' drawings, the drawings by the two sisters
    das Gezwitscher \der Vögel the twittering of the birds
    das Gewicht \der Platten the weight of the slabs
    die Wohnung \der Eltern my/his/her etc. parents' flat
    die Lösungen \der Formeln hier the solutions to these formulae
    der Einspruch \der Frauen da those women's objection, the objection from those women
    die Farbe \der Haare gefiel ihr nicht she didn't like the colour of her hair
    die Sprachen \der Niederlande the languages of [or spoken in] the Netherlands
    das Haus \der Müllers the Millers' house
    4. (form: vor Namen)
    ein Antrag \der Heinz und Ute Kley a petition from Heinz and Ute Kley
    die Rolle \der Pflanzen in der Medizin the role of plants in medicine
    6. (geh: nach Angaben)
    10 Kisten \der feinsten Äpfel 10 crates of the finest apples
    das Spielzeug \der Kleinen the little ones' toys
    die Weisheit \der Ältesten the wisdom of the elders; s.a. das, die
    * * *
    I 1.
    bestimmter Artikel Nom. the

    der April/Winter — April/winter

    der ‘Faust’ — ‘Faust’

    der Dieter(ugs.) Dieter

    der Kapitalismus/Islam — capitalism/Islam

    der Bodensee/Mount Everest — Lake Constance/Mount Everest

    1) attr. that

    der und arbeiten!(ugs.) [what,] him work! (coll.)

    der [da] — (Mann) that man; (Gegenstand, Tier) that one

    der [hier] — (Mann) this man; (Gegenstand, Tier) this one

    Relativpronomen (Mensch) who/that; (Sache) which/that

    der Mann, der da drüben entlanggeht — the man walking along over there

    Relativ- und Demonstrativpronomen the one who
    II 1.
    bestimmter Artikel
    1) Gen. Sg. v. die I 1.
    2) Dat. Sg. v. die I 1.: to the; (nach Präp.) the
    3) Gen. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.

    das Haus der Freunde — our/their etc. friends' house

    1) Gen. Sg. v. die I 2. 1): of the; of that
    2) Dat. Sg. v. die I 2. attr

    der Frau [da/hier] gehört es — it belongs to that woman there/this woman here; allein stehend

    gib es der da!(ugs.) give it to 'her

    3) Gen. Pl. v. der I 2. 1), die I 2. 1), das 2. 1): of those
    Relativpronomen; Dat. Sg. v. die I 3. (Person) whom

    die Frau, der ich es gegeben habe — the woman to whom 1 gave it; the woman 1 gave it to; (Sache) that/which

    die Katze, der er einen Tritt gab — the cat [that] he kicked

    * * *
    A. best art
    1. m; (nom sg) the;
    der eine ist fleißig, der andere faul (the) one is hard-working, the other one is lazy;
    der Tod death;
    der Mensch (alle Menschen) man(kind), humankind;
    der große Goethe the famous Goethe;
    der arme Peter poor Peter;
    der Peter, den ich kenne the Peter (who oder that) I know;
    der Hyde Park Hyde Park
    2. (gen sg von die) of the;
    die Mauern der Stadt auch the city walls
    3. (dat sg von die) to the;
    den Schlüssel habe ich der Nachbarin gegeben I gave the key to the neighbo(u)r
    4. (gen pl von der, die, das) of the;
    die Ankunft der Kinder auch the children’s arrival
    B. dem pr
    1. m; (nom sg) that (one), this (one); (er) he, it;
    der Mann hier this man;
    der mit dem Bart the one with the beard;
    nur der kann das verstehen, der … only he ( oder that man) who … can understand it;
    der und baden gehen? you won’t catch him going swimming;
    der und ehrlich? Dass ich nicht lache! him? honest? Pull the other one! ( oder Give me a break!)
    2. (dat sg von die)
    zu der und der Zeit umg at such and such a time
    C. rel pr
    1. m; (nom sg) bei Personen: who, that; bei Sachen: which, that;
    der Bezirk, der einen Teil von X bildet the district forming part of X;
    der erste Stein, der geworfen wurde the first stone that was thrown;
    er war der Erste, der es erfuhr he was the first to know;
    jeder, der … anyone who …;
    ich, der ich selbst dabei war I, who was there myself
    2. (dat sg von die) bei Personen: who(m), who … to, to whom form; bei Sachen: that, which;
    die Freundin, der ich meine Sorgen erzählte the friend (whom) I told about my problems ( oder to whom I told my problems)
    * * *
    I 1.
    bestimmter Artikel Nom. the

    der April/Winter — April/winter

    der ‘Faust’ — ‘Faust’

    der Dieter(ugs.) Dieter

    der Kapitalismus/Islam — capitalism/Islam

    der Bodensee/Mount Everest — Lake Constance/Mount Everest

    1) attr. that

    der und arbeiten!(ugs.) [what,] him work! (coll.)

    der [da] — (Mann) that man; (Gegenstand, Tier) that one

    der [hier] — (Mann) this man; (Gegenstand, Tier) this one

    Relativpronomen (Mensch) who/that; (Sache) which/that

    der Mann, der da drüben entlanggeht — the man walking along over there

    Relativ- und Demonstrativpronomen the one who
    II 1.
    bestimmter Artikel
    1) Gen. Sg. v. die I 1.
    2) Dat. Sg. v. die I 1.: to the; (nach Präp.) the
    3) Gen. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.

    das Haus der Freunde — our/their etc. friends' house

    1) Gen. Sg. v. die I 2. 1): of the; of that
    2) Dat. Sg. v. die I 2. attr

    der Frau [da/hier] gehört es — it belongs to that woman there/this woman here; allein stehend

    gib es der da!(ugs.) give it to 'her

    3) Gen. Pl. v. der I 2. 1), die I 2. 1), das 2. 1): of those
    Relativpronomen; Dat. Sg. v. die I 3. (Person) whom

    die Frau, der ich es gegeben habe — the woman to whom 1 gave it; the woman 1 gave it to; (Sache) that/which

    die Katze, der er einen Tritt gab — the cat [that] he kicked

    * * *
    (neueste) Stand der Technik m.
    the state of the art n. art.m.
    the art. pron.
    which pron.
    who pron.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > der

  • 95 selten

    I Adj. rare; (knapp, spärlich) scarce; (außergewöhnlich) rare, exceptional; ein seltener Gast an infrequent visitor; so etwas geht in den seltensten Fällen gut such things very rarely turn out well; etwas / nichts Seltenes a / no rarity; seltener Vogel umg. odd character, queer fish; seltene Sorte umg. rare breed
    II Adv. rarely, seldom; selten findet man... auch you don’t often find...; höchst selten extremely rarely, once in a blue moon; es kommt selten vor, dass er... he rarely...; solche Menschen trifft man selten auch people like that are few and far between, there aren’t many of that sort around; selten habe ich so einen schönen Teppich gesehen rarely have I seen ( oder I can’t remember the last time I saw) such a beautiful carpet; wie selten einer nach Subst. such as is only too rare; der Wein ist so bekömmlich wie selten einer such a wholesome wine is only too rare; ein selten schönes Exemplar an exceptionally beautiful specimen, a specimen of rare beauty; eine selten dumme Frage umg. a particularly stupid question; das war selten blöd umg. that was exceptionally stupid; selten so gelacht! umg. I haven’t laughed so much in a long time
    * * *
    seldom (Adv.); rarely (Adv.);
    (knapp) scarce (Adj.);
    (nicht häufig) rare (Adj.);
    (ungewöhnlich) unusual (Adj.)
    * * *
    sẹl|ten ['zɛltn]
    1. adj
    rare; (= kaum vorkommend auch) scarce
    → Erde, Vogel
    2. adv
    (= nicht oft) rarely, seldom; (= besonders) exceptionally

    nur/höchst selten — very/extremely rarely or seldom

    * * *
    1) (not often: I rarely go to bed before midnight.) rarely
    2) (not done, found, seen etc very often; uncommon: a rare flower; a rare occurrence.) rare
    3) (rarely; not often: I've seldom experienced such rudeness.) seldom
    * * *
    1. (kaum vorkommend, nicht häufig) rare
    ein \seltenes Schauspiel a rare event
    höchst \selten very [or extremely] rare
    \selten so gelacht! (iron fam) very funny, I don't think! iron
    2. (besonders) exceptional
    ein \selten schönes Exemplar an exceptionally beautiful specimen; s.a. Gast
    * * *
    Adjektiv rare; infrequent <visit, visitor>

    wir sehen uns nur noch seltenwe seldom or hardly ever see each other now

    2) (sehr) exceptionally; uncommonly
    * * *
    A. adj rare; (knapp, spärlich) scarce; (außergewöhnlich) rare, exceptional;
    ein seltener Gast an infrequent visitor;
    so etwas geht in den seltensten Fällen gut such things very rarely turn out well;
    etwas/nichts Seltenes a/no rarity;
    seltener Vogel umg odd character, queer fish;
    seltene Sorte umg rare breed
    B. adv rarely, seldom;
    selten findet man … auch you don’t often find …;
    höchst selten extremely rarely, once in a blue moon;
    es kommt selten vor, dass er … he rarely …;
    solche Menschen trifft man selten auch people like that are few and far between, there aren’t many of that sort around;
    selten habe ich so einen schönen Teppich gesehen rarely have I seen ( oder I can’t remember the last time I saw) such a beautiful carpet;
    wie selten einer nach subst such as is only too rare;
    der Wein ist so bekömmlich wie selten einer such a wholesome wine is only too rare;
    ein selten schönes Exemplar an exceptionally beautiful specimen, a specimen of rare beauty;
    eine selten dumme Frage umg a particularly stupid question;
    das war selten blöd umg that was exceptionally stupid;
    selten so gelacht! umg I haven’t laughed so much in a long time
    * * *
    Adjektiv rare; infrequent <visit, visitor>

    wir sehen uns nur noch seltenwe seldom or hardly ever see each other now

    2) (sehr) exceptionally; uncommonly
    * * *
    scarce adj. adv.
    rarely adv.
    seldom adv. ausdr.
    once in a blue moon expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > selten

  • 96 aparatos eléctricos

    electric appliances, electric fixtures.
    * * *
    (n.) = electrical equipment, electrical appliances, appliances, household appliances
    Ex. As with electrical equipment, liquids should be kept well away.
    Ex. Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.
    Ex. In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
    Ex. Personal computers are becoming an everyday household appliance in USA homes, although they have not spread so far in Europe.
    * * *
    (n.) = electrical equipment, electrical appliances, appliances, household appliances

    Ex: As with electrical equipment, liquids should be kept well away.

    Ex: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.
    Ex: In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
    Ex: Personal computers are becoming an everyday household appliance in USA homes, although they have not spread so far in Europe.

    Spanish-English dictionary > aparatos eléctricos

  • 97 puntuación

    1 punctuation.
    2 score, average.
    * * *
    1 (en ortografía) punctuation
    3 EDUCACIÓN (acción) marking; (nota) mark
    * * *
    1) (Ling, Tip) punctuation
    2) (=puntos) mark, marks pl ; (=grado) class, grade; (Dep) score
    3) (=acto) (Escol) marking, grading (EEUU); (Dep) scoring
    * * *
    1) (Impr, Ling) punctuation
    a) ( acción) (Educ) grading (AmE), marking (BrE); (Dep) scoring
    b) (esp Esp) ( puntos obtenidos) (Educ) grade (AmE), mark (BrE); (Dep) score
    * * *
    = punctuation, score, rating, evaluation rating, scoreboard, scorecard, mark.
    Ex. Punctuation must be established and be adopted consistently.
    Ex. As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
    Ex. But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
    Ex. In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.
    Ex. Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex. After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex. The author assesses six Web sites giving marks out of ten for ease of use and navigation.
    * método de puntuación = scoring technique.
    * puntuación con estrellas = star rating.
    * puntuación de la ISBD = ISBD punctuation.
    * puntuación de un test = test score.
    * puntuación media = mean score.
    * puntuación probable = expectancy score.
    * signo de puntuación = punctuation symbol, mark of punctuation, punctuation mark.
    * sistema de puntuación = point system.
    * * *
    1) (Impr, Ling) punctuation
    a) ( acción) (Educ) grading (AmE), marking (BrE); (Dep) scoring
    b) (esp Esp) ( puntos obtenidos) (Educ) grade (AmE), mark (BrE); (Dep) score
    * * *
    = punctuation, score, rating, evaluation rating, scoreboard, scorecard, mark.

    Ex: Punctuation must be established and be adopted consistently.

    Ex: As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
    Ex: But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
    Ex: In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.
    Ex: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex: The author assesses six Web sites giving marks out of ten for ease of use and navigation.
    * método de puntuación = scoring technique.
    * puntuación con estrellas = star rating.
    * puntuación de la ISBD = ISBD punctuation.
    * puntuación de un test = test score.
    * puntuación media = mean score.
    * puntuación probable = expectancy score.
    * signo de puntuación = punctuation symbol, mark of punctuation, punctuation mark.
    * sistema de puntuación = point system.

    * * *
    A ( Impr, Ling) punctuation signo
    1 (acción) ( Educ) grading ( AmE), marking ( BrE); ( Dep) scoring
    2 ( esp Esp) (puntos obtenidos) ( Educ) grade ( AmE), mark ( BrE); ( Dep) score
    la canción mexicana consiguió la máxima puntuación the Mexican song got the highest score
    * * *


    puntuación sustantivo femenino
    1 (Impr, Ling) punctuation
    a) ( acción) (Educ) grading (AmE), marking (BrE);

    (Dep) scoring
    b) (esp Esp) (Educ) grade (AmE), mark (BrE);

    (Dep) score
    puntuación sustantivo femenino
    1 (de un escrito) punctuation
    signo de puntuación, punctuation mark
    2 Educ (acción) marking
    (nota) mark
    3 (en deportes) score
    ' puntuación' also found in these entries:
    - negativo
    - barra
    - punto
    - signo
    mark down
    - punctuation
    - punctuation mark
    - score
    * * *
    1. [calificación] mark;
    [en concursos, competiciones] score
    2. [ortográfica] punctuation
    * * *
    f punctuation; DEP score; EDU grade, mark
    * * *
    1) : punctuation
    2) : scoring, score, grade
    * * *
    1. (en escritura) punctuation
    2. (en deporte) marks / score
    3. (en examen) mark

    Spanish-English dictionary > puntuación

  • 98 utensilios eléctricos

    (n.) = electrical appliances, appliances
    Ex. Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.
    Ex. In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
    * * *
    (n.) = electrical appliances, appliances

    Ex: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.

    Ex: In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.

    Spanish-English dictionary > utensilios eléctricos

  • 99 нрав

    character, temperament, nature, disposition, temper
    странен по нрав of a strange disposition
    с буен нрав hot-tempered, of a hot temper
    с мек нрав mild-tempered
    с лош нрав ill-tempered, cranky
    с добър нрав good-natured, of gentle disposition
    това не е по нрава ми I don't like such things
    не е по нрава ми да it is not in my nature to (c inf.), it is not like me to (c inf.)
    нрави customs, morals, manners
    нрави и обичаи manners and customs
    други времена, други нрави other times other ways
    о времена, о нрави! о tempora, o mores!
    * * *
    м., -и character, temperament, nature, disposition, temper; други времена, други \нрави other times other ways; не е по \нрава ми да it is not in my nature to (с inf.); it is not like me to (c inf.); само мн. \нрави customs, morals, manners; \нрави и обичаи manners and customs; с буен \нрав hot-tempered, of a hot temper; с добър \нрав good-natured, of gentle disposition; с лош \нрав ill-tempered, cranky; с мек \нрав mild-tempered; странен по \нрав of a strange disposition; това не е по \нрава ми I don’t like such things; • о времена, о \нрави! o tempora, o mores!
    * * *
    mettle; mind; disposition: of a strange нрав - със странен нрав; make- up; temper{`tempx }; vice (лош на кон)
    * * *
    1. character, temperament, nature, disposition, temper 2. НРАВи и обичаи manners and customs 3. други времена, други НРАВи other times other ways 4. не е по НРАВа ми да it is not in my nature to (c inf.), it is not like me to (c inf.) 5. нрави customs, morals, manners 6. о времена, о НРАВи! о tempora, o mores! 7. с буен НРАВ hot-tempered, of a hot temper 8. с добър НРАВ good-natured, of gentle disposition 9. с лош НРАВ ill-tempered, cranky 10. с мек НРАВ mild-tempered 11. странен по НРАВ of a strange disposition 12. това не е по НРАВа ми I don't like such things

    Български-английски речник > нрав

  • 100 П-251

    И ТОМУ ПОДОБНОЕ, may be abbreviated in writing to и т. п. lit NP sing only fixed WO
    (used at the end of a list to indicate that more objects or phenomena could be included) and other similar things
    and so on
    and so forth (and so on) and the (such) like et cetera etc. and things of that sort and more of the same and more to that effect.
    Колотилось сердце, и набегали всякие слова, злые, справедливые, которые не были сказаны. А почему Милютина, которая в театре без году неделя?.. - и так далее и тому подобное (Трифонов 1). Her heart was pounding, and all of the just and nasty things that she had left unsaid came rushing to mind. And why should Milyutina, who was completely new in the theater?...-and so forth and so on (1a).
    Все чиновники говорили о ненадежности войск, о неверности удачи, об осторожности и тому подобном (Пушкин 2). All the officials spoke about the unreliability of our troops, the uncertainty of success, the need for caution, and the like (2a).
    Народ не может жить без святынь, - рассуждал Джамхух, - вера в главную святыню порождает множество малых святынь, необходимых для повседневной жизни: святыню материнства, святыню уважения к старшим... и тому подобное» (Искандер 5). "A people cannot live without holding some things sacred," Jamkhoukh argued. "Faith in a great thing engenders the many lesser ones necessary for daily life: the sacredness of motherhood, the sacredness of respect for elders, and things of that sort" (5a).
    (Надзиратель! ушёл, пришел с дежурным офицером: «Выходи! Почему безобразничаешь? Карцера захотел? На этап не отправим», - и тому подобное (Марченко 2). Не (the guard) went away and came back with the duty officer. "Come on out! What are you cuttin up for? You want the punishment cell? We won't ship you out of here..." And more to that effect (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-251

См. также в других словарях:

  • There Are Such Things — Infobox Standard title = There Are Such Things english title = comment = image size = caption = writer = Stanley Adams Abel Baer George W. Meyer composer = lyricist = published = 1942 written = language = English form = original artist = Frank… …   Wikipedia

  • I Saw Such Things in My Sleep EP — Infobox Album | Name = I Saw Such Things in My Sleep EP Artist =Guillemots Type = EP Released = September 5, 2005 Genre = Indie rock Length = 24:30 Label = Fantastic Plastic Records Recorded = Reviews = * Drowned in Sound (6/10)… …   Wikipedia

  • and all that —  And all such things …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • and such — and similar things he had activities like the scouts and Sunday school and such * * * and such : and things of that kind Pens, pencils, markers, and such are in this drawer. • • • Main Entry: ↑such …   Useful english dictionary

  • and — /and/; unstressed /euhnd, euhn/, or, esp. after a homorganic consonant, /n/, conj. 1. (used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover: pens and… …   Universalium

  • … and such — idiom and similar things or people • The centre offers activities like canoeing and sailing and such. Main entry: ↑suchidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • things real — Such things as are permanent, fixed, and immovable, which cannot be carried out of their place, as lands and tenements. Transcontinental Oil Co. v Emmerson, 298 Ill 394, 131 NE 645, 16 ALR 507, 512 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • and such — and similar things. → such …   English new terms dictionary

  • such — adj. & pron. adj. 1 (often foll. by as) of the kind or degree in question or under consideration (such a person; such people; people such as these). 2 (usu. foll. by as to + infin. or that + clause) so great; in such high degree (not such a fool… …   Useful english dictionary

  • such — [[t]sʌ̱tʃ[/t]] ♦ (When such is used as a predeterminer, it is followed by a and a count noun in the singular. When it is used as a determiner, it is followed by a count noun in the plural or by an uncount noun.) 1) DET: DET n, DET n as pron You… …   English dictionary

  • things — The objects of dominion or property as contradistinguished from persons. Gayer v. Whelan, 59 Cal.App.2d 255,138 P.2d 763, 768. The object of a right; Le., whatever is treated by the law as the object over which one person exercises a right, and… …   Black's law dictionary

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