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  • 1 sneer

    sneer [snɪər]
    2. noun
    ( = act) ricanement m ; ( = remark) sarcasme m
    ... he said with a sneer... dit-il d'un air méprisant
    * * *
    [snɪə(r)] 1.
    noun ( expression) sourire m méprisant
    intransitive verb ( smile) sourire avec mépris; ( speak) railler

    English-French dictionary > sneer

  • 2 sneer

    sneer [snɪə(r)]
    ricaner, sourire avec mépris ou d'un air méprisant;
    don't sneer ne sois pas si méprisant;
    to sneer at sb/sth se moquer de qn/qch
    2 noun
    (facial expression) ricanement m, rictus m; (remark) raillerie f, sarcasme m;
    "who do you think you are?", he said with a sneer "pour qui est-ce que tu te prends?", dit-il en ricanant ou ricana-t-il

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > sneer

  • 3 sneer

    A n
    1 ( expression) sourire m méprisant ; to say sth with a sneer dire qch avec un sourire méprisant ;
    2 ( remark) raillerie f.
    B vi
    1 ( smile) sourire avec mépris ;
    2 ( speak) railler ; to sneer at sb railler qn.

    Big English-French dictionary > sneer

  • 4 sneer

    sneer [snɪə]
    1. n
    1) презри́тельная усме́шка
    2) насме́шка; глумле́ние
    2. v
    1) насме́шливо улыба́ться; усмеха́ться
    2) насмеха́ться, глуми́ться (atнад)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sneer

  • 5 sneer

    Персональный Сократ > sneer

  • 6 sneer

    1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) sonreír burlonamente/con socarronería
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) desdeñar, despreciar, burlarse
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) decir con desprecio

    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) sonrisa burlona/socarrona/sarcástica
    sneer vb hacer una mueca de desprecio
    1 (look) cara de desprecio; (smile) sonrisa burlona, sonrisa socarrona
    2 (remark) comentario desdeñoso, comentario despreciativo
    1 (mock) burlarse (at, de), mofarse (at, de); (scorn) desdeñar, despreciar
    sneer ['snɪr] vi
    : sonreír con desprecio
    : sonrisa f de desprecio
    expresión de burla y desprecio s.f.
    rictus s.m.
    chufletear v.
    hacer un gesto de burla y desprecio v.

    I snɪr, snɪə(r)
    intransitive verb adoptar un aire despectivo

    to sneer AT somebody/something: he sneered at his challengers miró desdeñosamente a sus contrincantes; she sneered at my attempts — se burló de mis intentos

    a) ( expression) expresión f desdeñosa
    b) ( remark) comentario m desdeñoso or despectivo, burla f
    N (=expression) cara f de desprecio; (=remark) comentario m desdeñoso

    the book is full of sneers about... — el libro se mofa constantemente de...

    VI hablar con desprecio, hablar con desdén

    to sneer at sb/sth — (=laugh) mofarse de algn/algo; (=scorn) despreciar a algn/algo

    * * *

    I [snɪr, snɪə(r)]
    intransitive verb adoptar un aire despectivo

    to sneer AT somebody/something: he sneered at his challengers miró desdeñosamente a sus contrincantes; she sneered at my attempts — se burló de mis intentos

    a) ( expression) expresión f desdeñosa
    b) ( remark) comentario m desdeñoso or despectivo, burla f

    English-spanish dictionary > sneer

  • 7 sneer

    I [snɪə(r)]
    1) (expression) ghigno m., sogghigno m.
    2) (remark) sarcasmo m., osservazione f. beffarda
    II [snɪə(r)]
    1) (smile) sogghignare

    to sneer at sb. — deridere qcn

    * * *
    [sniə] 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) ghignare, sogghignare
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) deridere, schernire
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) deridere, schernire
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) sogghigno, sarcasmo
    * * *
    1. n
    (expression) sogghigno, ghigno, (remark) commento sarcastico
    2. vi

    to sneer at sb/sth — farsi beffe di qn/qc

    you may sneer, but... — puoi ridere, ma...

    * * *
    sneer /snɪə(r)/
    1 ghigno; sogghigno; riso di scherno
    3 [uc] dileggio; espressione beffarda; parola derisoria; sarcasmo.
    (to) sneer /snɪə(r)/
    v. i.
    ghignare; sogghignare; sghignazzare
    to sneer at, deridere; dileggiare; schernire □ to sneer one's contempt, manifestare con un ghigno il proprio disprezzo □ The proposal was sneered down, la proposta fu respinta fra lo scherno generale.
    * * *
    I [snɪə(r)]
    1) (expression) ghigno m., sogghigno m.
    2) (remark) sarcasmo m., osservazione f. beffarda
    II [snɪə(r)]
    1) (smile) sogghignare

    to sneer at sb. — deridere qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > sneer

  • 8 sneer

    intransitive verb
    1) (smile scornfully) spöttisch od. höhnisch lächeln/grinsen; hohnlächeln
    2) (speak scornfully) höhnen (geh.); spotten
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/120809/sneer_at">sneer at
    * * *
    [sniə] 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) höhnisch grinsen
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) höhnen
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) höhnen
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) der Hohn
    * * *
    [snɪəʳ, AM snɪr]
    I. vi
    1. (smile derisively) spöttisch grinsen
    2. (express disdain) spotten
    to \sneer at sth/sb etw/jdn verhöhnen [o verspotten], über etw/jdn spotten
    II. n spöttisches Lächeln
    * * *
    1. n
    (= expression) spöttisches or höhnisches Lächeln; (= remark) spöttische or höhnische Bemerkung
    2. vi
    spotten; (= look sneering) spöttisch or höhnisch grinsen

    to sneer at sb — jdn verhöhnen; (facially also) jdn auslachen

    * * *
    sneer [snıə(r)]
    A v/i
    1. höhnisch grinsen, feixen umg ( beide:
    at über akk)
    2. höhnen, spötteln, spotten ( alle:
    at über akk)
    B v/t etwas höhnen oder höhnisch äußern
    C s
    1. höhnische Grimasse
    2. a) Hohn m, Spott m
    b) höhnische Bemerkung
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    1) (smile scornfully) spöttisch od. höhnisch lächeln/grinsen; hohnlächeln
    2) (speak scornfully) höhnen (geh.); spotten
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Spott nur sing. m. v.
    grinsen v.
    spötteln v.

    English-german dictionary > sneer

  • 9 sneer

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sneer

  • 10 sneer

    1. [snıə] n
    1. презрительная усмешка, ухмылка
    2. насмешка, глумление, издевательство
    2. [snıə] v
    1. насмешливо улыбаться, ухмыляться, усмехаться
    2. говорить, произносить (что-л.) насмешливо
    3. (обыкн. at) насмехаться, глумиться

    to sneer smb. out of countenance - смутить кого-л. насмешками

    to sneer smb. out of existence - уничтожить /убить/ кого-л. насмешкой

    to sneer at patriotism [at learning] - глумиться над патриотизмом [учёностью]

    it is very discouraging to be sneered at all the time - трудно жить, когда над тобой всё время насмехаются

    the proposal was sneered down - предложение было высмеяно и отвергнуто /отвергнуто как смехотворное/

    НБАРС > sneer

  • 11 sneer

    sneer насмехаться, глумиться (at - над) sneer насмешка; глумление sneer насмешливо улыбаться; усмехаться sneer презрительная усмешка

    English-Russian short dictionary > sneer

  • 12 sneer

    /sniə/ * danh từ - cười khinh bỉ, cười chế nhạo - chế nhạo, nói những lời châm chọc =to sneer at someone+ chế nhạo ai =to sneer at riches+ coi khinh tiền bạc - nhạo báng làm tổn thương (danh dự) =to sneer away someone's reputation+ nhạo báng làm mất thanh danh ai

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > sneer

  • 13 sneer

    [sniə] 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) posmehovati se
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) rogati se
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) porogati se
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) roganje
    * * *
    porogljiv (posmehljiv, prezirljiv) pogled ali opazka, posmeh(ovanje), roganje, smešenje; sarkazem, persiflaža;
    intransitive verb
    rogati se, posmehovati se; porogljivo se smejati (at čemu); vihati nos (at nad); transitive verb porogljivo kaj reči; z roganjem (posmehovanjem) spraviti (koga) ( into v neko stanje); zasmehovati
    to sneer down — zasramovati, zasmehovati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sneer

  • 14 sneer

    [snɪə] 1. сущ.
    1) высмеивание, осмеяние
    2) насмешка, колкость; презрительная усмешка
    gibe 1.
    2. гл.
    1) презрительно или насмешливо улыбаться; усмехаться
    2) говорить, выражаться презрительно или насмешливо
    3) ( sneer at) насмехаться, глумиться над (кем-л.)

    A typical shop boy will sneer at your enquiries. — Продавец скорее всего ответит на ваши вопросы презрительной ухмылкой.

    scoff I 1.
    4) диал. фыркать, храпеть ( о лошади)
    snort I 2.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > sneer

  • 15 sneer

    1. n презрительная усмешка, ухмылка
    2. n насмешка, глумление, издевательство
    3. v насмешливо улыбаться, ухмыляться, усмехаться
    4. v говорить, произносить насмешливо
    5. v насмехаться, глумиться
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. disdain (noun) derision; disdain; gibe; jeer; scoff; taunt
    2. snicker (noun) snicker
    3. criticize (verb) criticise; criticize; deride; lampoon; mock; ridicule; taunt
    4. scoff (verb) fleer; flout; gibe; gird; jeer; jest; leer; quip at; scoff; scout at; smirk
    5. scorn (verb) abhor; contemn; despise; disdain; scorn
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > sneer

  • 16 sneer

    1. сущ.
    1) презрительная усмешка
    2) насмешка;
    глумление Syn: mockery, gibe
    2. гл.
    1) насмешливо улыбаться;
    2) насмехаться, глумиться( at - над) The opposition sneered at the government's plan but were unable to defeat it. ≈ Оппозиция посмеялась над планом правительства, но оказалась неполномочна отменить его. Syn: scoff презрительная усмешка, ухмылка насмешка, глумление, издевательство - veiled * замаскированное издевательство насмешливо улыбаться, ухмыляться, усмехаться говорить, произносить (что-либо) насмешливо (обыкновенно at) насмехаться, глумиться - to * smb. out countenance смутить кого-либо насмешками - to * smb. out of existence уничтожить (убить) кого-либо насмешкой - to * at patriotism( at learning) глумиться над патриотизмом (ученостью) - it is very discouraging to be *ed at all the time трудно жить, когда над тобой все время насмехаются - the proposal was *ed down предложение было высмеяно и отвергнуто (отвергнуто как смехотворное) sneer насмехаться, глумиться (at - над) ~ насмешка;
    глумление ~ насмешливо улыбаться;
    усмехаться ~ презрительная усмешка

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sneer

  • 17 sneer

    sniə 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) le hånlig, hånflire
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) snakke hånlig om, spotte
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) si hånlig/spottende
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) hånflir; spott
    subst. \/snɪə\/
    1) hånflir, hånlig smil, spottende uttrykk, hånlatter
    2) hånlig bemerkning, hån, spott
    verb \/snɪə\/
    1) hånle, flire hånlig
    2) håne, spotte, ironisere
    sneer at håne, spotte, ironisere over, snakke hånlig om, hånle av

    English-Norwegian dictionary > sneer

  • 18 sneer

    gúnyos mosoly to sneer: fitymál, gúnyosan mosolyog
    * * *
    [sniə] 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) gúnyosan mosolyog
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) fitymál (vmit)
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) gúnyosan megjegyez
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) gúnyos mosoly

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sneer

  • 19 sneer

    [sniə] 1. verb
    1) (to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn: What are you sneering for?) sorrir com desdém
    2) ((with at) to show contempt for (something) by such an expression or by scornful words etc: He sneered at our attempts to improve the situation.) escarnecer
    3) (to say with contempt: `You haven't a chance of getting that job,' he sneered.) escarnecer
    2. noun
    (a scornful expression, words etc that express contempt.) zombaria
    * * *
    [sniə] n olhar ou riso de escárnio, zombaria, sarcasmo. • vt+vi 1 olhar com desprezo, sorrir desdenhosamente. 2 zombar, escarnecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sneer

  • 20 sneer

    I. 1. подигравам се, подсмивам се, надсмивам се (at на), осмивам, подигравам, усмихвам се подигравателно/презрително
    2. презирам (at)
    II. 1. подигравателна/презрителна усмивка
    2. подигравка, насмешка, сарказъм, саркастична забележка
    * * *
    {sniъ} v 1. подигравам се, подсмивам се, надсмивам се (at на); (2) {sniъ} n 1. подигравателна/презрителна усмивка; 2. подиграв
    * * *
    усмивка; сарказъм; надсмивам се; намек; насмешка;
    * * *
    1. i. подигравам се, подсмивам се, надсмивам се (at на), осмивам, подигравам, усмихвам се подигравателно/презрително 2. ii. подигравателна/презрителна усмивка 3. подигравка, насмешка, сарказъм, саркастична забележка 4. презирам (at)
    * * *
    sneer[sniə] I. n 1. подигравателна усмивка; 2. подигравка, насмешка; подмятане, намек, алюзия; сарказъм; II. v 1. подигравам (се), подсмивам се, надсмивам се (at); 2. мразя, презирам (at).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > sneer

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sneer — Sneer, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sneered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sneering}.] [OE. sneren, Dan. sn?rre to snarl or grin (like a dog); cf. Prov. E. sneer to grin, sner to snort, snert to sneer at. See {Snore}, v. i.] 1. To show contempt by turning up the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sneer — sneer·er; sneer·ful; sneer·ing·ly; sneer·less; sneer; …   English syllables

  • Sneer — Sneer, v. t. 1. To utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to utter with a sneer; to say sneeringly; as, to sneer fulsome lies at a person. Congreve. [1913 Webster] A ship of fools, he sneered. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. To treat with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sneer´er — sneer «snihr», verb, noun. –v.i. to show scorn or contempt by looks or words: »The mean girls sneered at the poor girl s cheap clothes. Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And without sneering teach the rest to sneer (Alexander Pope) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sneer — Sneer, n. 1. The act of sneering. [1913 Webster] 2. A smile, grin, or contortion of the face, indicative of contempt; an indirect expression or insinuation of contempt. Who can refute a sneer? Raley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sneer — [snir] vi. [ME sneren, akin to Fris sneere, to scorn, Dan snaere, to grin like a dog: see SNARL1] 1. to smile derisively; show scorn or contempt as by curling the upper lip 2. to express derision, scorn, or contempt in speech or writing vt. 1. to …   English World dictionary

  • sneer — index disdain, disparage, disrespect, flout, humiliate, jeer, mock (deride), ridicule …   Law dictionary

  • sneer at — index denigrate, derogate, discommend, disdain, minimize, misprize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sneer — vb *scoff, jeer, gird, flout, gibe, fleer Analogous words: deride, taunt, mock, *ridicule: scout, *despise, scorn, disdain …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sneer — [v] mock, condemn affront, belittle, burlesque, caricature, crack, curl one’s lip at*, decry, deride, detract, disdain, disparage, dump, fleer, flout, gibe, gird, give Bronx cheer, grin, hold in contempt*, hold up to ridicule*, insult, jeer, jest …   New thesaurus

  • sneer — ► NOUN ▪ a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone. ► VERB ▪ smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner. ORIGIN probably imitative …   English terms dictionary

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