1 ship in
2 ship
3 ship
1. nounSchiff, das2. transitive verb,- pp- (take on board) einschiffen, an Bord bringen [Vorräte, Ladung, Passagiere]; (transport by sea) verschiffen [Auto, Truppen]; (send by train, road, or air) verschicken, versenden [Waren]Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/91503/ship_out">ship out* * *[ʃip] 1. noun1) (a large boat: The ship sank and all the passengers and crew were drowned.) das Schiff2) (any of certain types of transport that fly: a spaceship.) das Schiff2. verb(to send or transport by ship: The books were shipped to Australia.) verschiffen- shipment- shipper
- shipping
- ship-broker
- shipbuilder
- shipbuilding
- shipowner
- shipshape
- shipwreck 3. verbWe were shipwrecked off the coast of Africa.) Schiffbruch erleiden- shipyard- ship water* * *[ʃɪp]I. n Schiff nt\ship's papers Schiffspapiere plpassenger \ship Passagierschiff ntmerchant \ship Handelsschiff ntnaval \ship Schiff nt der Marinesailing \ship Segelschiff ntto board a \ship an Bord eines Schiffes gehento jump \ship ohne Erlaubnis abheuern▶ when my \ship comes in wenn ich das große Los zieheII. vt<- pp->▪ to \ship sth1. (send by boat) etw verschiffen, etw per Schiff versendento \ship freight [or merchandise] Frachtgut [o Waren] verschiffen2. (transport) etw transportieren [o befördern]* * *[ʃɪp]1. n1) Schiff ntthe good ship Venus — die gute Venus
on board ship — an Bord
2. vt3. vi(= take employment) anheuern* * *ship [ʃıp]A s1. allg Schiff n:ship’s biscuit Br Schiffszwieback m;ship’s company Besatzung f;ship’s husband Mitreeder m;ship’s papers Schiffspapiere;ship’s stores pl Schiffsbedarf m;ship of state fig Staatsschiff;about ship! klar zum Wenden!;2. SCHIFF Vollschiff n (Segelschiff mit 3 oder mehr Masten mit Rahsegeln)3. Boot n4. a) Luftschiff nb) Flugzeug nc) Raumschiff nB v/t1. SCHIFFa) an Bord bringen oder nehmen, verladenb) Passagiere an Bord nehmen2. SCHIFF verschiffen, (mit dem Schiff) transportieren3. WIRTSCHa) verladenc) Ware (zur Verladung) abladen4. SCHIFF übernehmen:ship a sea eine See übernehmen5. SCHIFFa) die Ruder einlegenb) einen Mast einsetzenC v/i SCHIFF1. sich einschiffen2. sich anheuern lassen* * *1. nounSchiff, das2. transitive verb,run a tight ship — (fig.) ein strenges Regiment führen
- pp- (take on board) einschiffen, an Bord bringen [Vorräte, Ladung, Passagiere]; (transport by sea) verschiffen [Auto, Truppen]; (send by train, road, or air) verschicken, versenden [Waren]Phrasal Verbs:- ship out* * *n.Schiff -e n. v.abfertigen v.verschicken v.verschiffen v. -
4 ship
[ʃɪp] nSchiff nt;\ship's papers Schiffspapiere ntpl;passenger \ship Passagierschiff nt;merchant \ship Handelsschiff nt;naval \ship Schiff nt der Marine;sailing \ship Segelschiff nt;to board a \ship an Bord eines Schiffes gehen;by \ship mit dem Schiff;to \ship sth1) ( send by boat) etw verschiffen, etw per Schiff versenden;2) ( transport) etw transportieren -
5 ship
6 ship in
vtto \ship in sth <-> in etw einschiffen, etw per Schiff einführen -
7 ship (N.)
germ. baita-; baita-; brantinga-?; flauja-; nau-; skipa-; skðtjæ-------------------------------------water {(N.)} of a ship's bottomgerm. þurruka- -
8 ship
9 ship
10 ship
11 ship
12 ship off
◆ ship offvt1. (send by ship)▪ to \ship off off ⇆ sb/sth jdn/etw verschiffento \ship off off goods Waren per Schiff verschicken▪ to \ship off off ⇆ sb jdn wegschickenthe children had already been \ship offped off to stay with their grandparents die Kinder hatte man bereits zu den Großeltern geschickt* * *vt sepversenden; coal, grain etc verfrachten; (esp by ship) verschiffen -
13 ship-to-shore
adj inv\ship-to-shore attack Beschießung f der Küste von See aus\ship-to-shore radio Seefunk m* * * -
14 ship-to-ship
15 ship-to-shore
\ship-to-shore attack Beschießung f der Küste von See aus;\ship-to-shore radio Seefunk m -
16 ship-to-ship communication
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ship-to-ship communication
17 ship canal
18 ship chandler
ˈship chan·dlern* * * -
19 ship's log
20 ship canal lift
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > ship canal lift
См. также в других словарях:
ship — ship·en·tine; ship·less; ship·man; ship·ment; ship·pa·ble; ship·page; ship·pen; ship·per; ship·pon; show·man·ship; sib·ship; sis·ter·ship; siz·ar·ship; skip·per·ship; sol·dier·ship; so·lic·i·tor·ship; son·ship; space·ship; speak·er·ship;… … English syllables
Ship — Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster] Like… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship — [ʆɪp] noun PROPERTY ORGANIZATIONS Safe Home Income Plans association; an official organization in Britain that represents and controls companies who provide Hip S: • the Ship code of practice * * * Ⅰ … Financial and business terms
ship — [ship] n. [ME < OE scip, akin to Ger schiff, ON skip < IE * skeib < * skei , to cut, separate (> L scindere, to cut), extension of base * sek , to cut (> SAW1): basic sense “hollowed out tree trunk”] 1. any water vehicle of… … English World dictionary
Ship — (englisch Schiff ) steht für CAM Ship, britisches Handelsschiff im 2. Weltkrieg Cleanest Ship Projekt der Energiegesellschaft BP E Ship Frachtschiff Federal German Ship (Schiff der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ) FGS Schiffe der Deutschen Marine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ship — Ship, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shipped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shipping}.] 1. To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water. [1913 Webster] The timber was . . . shipped in the bay of Attalia, from whence it was by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ship — ► NOUN 1) a large seagoing boat. 2) a sailing vessel with a bowsprit and three or more square rigged masts. 3) a spaceship. 4) N. Amer. an aircraft. ► VERB (shipped, shipping) 1) transport on … English terms dictionary
Ship — (в переводе с англ. корабль ) многозначный термин: The Ship компьютерная игра в жанре FPS Ship Simulator 2006 игра симулятор гражданских кораблей Freedom Ship корабль, называемый городом на море Delivered Ex Ship условие договора… … Википедия
Ship — Ship, v. i. 1. To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man of war. [1913 Webster] 2. To embark on a ship. Wyclif (Acts xxviii. 11) [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship — Ship, n. [AS. scipe.] Pay; reward. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] In withholding or abridging of the ship or the hire or the wages of servants. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-ship — [OE. schipe, AS. scipe; akin to OFries. skipe, OLG. skepi, D. schap, OHG. scaf, G. schaft. Cf. {Shape}, n., and {Landscape}.] A suffix denoting state, office, dignity, profession, or art; as in lordship, friendship, chancellorship, stewardship,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English