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  • 1 Richmond, Canadá

    Richmond, Canada, Richmond.

    Spanish-English dictionary > Richmond, Canadá

  • 2 de hecho

    in fact
    * * *
    = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter
    Ex. Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.
    Ex. As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.
    Ex. As it happened, the snowfall was moderate and all the rest of us worked all day and got home without difficulty.
    Ex. Will LC, after becoming the de facto national library as a result of the technological innovation of the standard, printed catalog card, be forced to abdicate its role?.
    Ex. Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.
    Ex. In effect, we'd be suggesting to them we don't have the book.
    Ex. However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.
    Ex. Indeed the selection of an indexing approach is crucially dependent upon the way in which the index is to be used.
    Ex. In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.
    Ex. In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.
    Ex. As it happens, the way the Library of Congress automated the ISBD was different from the way we did it in Britain.
    Ex. As it is, Berlin's position - not only in Germany, but in the whole Europe and subsequently the world - is changing daily.
    Ex. A financial survey views the net effect of California's Proposition 13 as effectively lowering financial support of libraries by 25%.
    Ex. In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.
    Ex. To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.
    Ex. A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.
    * * *
    = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter

    Ex: Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.

    Ex: As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.
    Ex: As it happened, the snowfall was moderate and all the rest of us worked all day and got home without difficulty.
    Ex: Will LC, after becoming the de facto national library as a result of the technological innovation of the standard, printed catalog card, be forced to abdicate its role?.
    Ex: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.
    Ex: In effect, we'd be suggesting to them we don't have the book.
    Ex: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.
    Ex: Indeed the selection of an indexing approach is crucially dependent upon the way in which the index is to be used.
    Ex: In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.
    Ex: In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.
    Ex: As it happens, the way the Library of Congress automated the ISBD was different from the way we did it in Britain.
    Ex: As it is, Berlin's position - not only in Germany, but in the whole Europe and subsequently the world - is changing daily.
    Ex: A financial survey views the net effect of California's Proposition 13 as effectively lowering financial support of libraries by 25%.
    Ex: In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.
    Ex: To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.
    Ex: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de hecho

  • 3 destacado

    1 prominent, featured, distinguished, outstanding.
    2 highlighted, marked.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: destacar.
    * * *
    1→ link=destacar destacar
    1 (persona) outstanding, distinguished, prominent, leading; (actuación) outstanding
    * * *
    (f. - destacada)
    outstanding, prominent
    * * *
    1) (=distinguido) [gen] outstanding; [personaje] distinguished; [dato] noteworthy
    2) (Mil) stationed
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <profesional/artista> prominent, distinguished; < actuación> outstanding

    destacadas personalidadesprominent o distinguished figures

    2) [estar] < tropas> stationed

    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en... — the diplomatic staff in...

    * * *
    = leading, outstanding, salient, distinguished, marked, high profile, esteemed, singular, with a difference, prominent, elevated, of note, standout, selected, unique.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex. There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.
    Ex. This is a contribution to a festschrift in honour of Samuel Rothstein, the distinguished Canadian reference librarian.
    Ex. It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.
    Ex. The South African government is under pressure to bring rapid and high profile improvements to its schools = El gobierno de Sudáfrica está siendo presionado para que traiga mejoras rápidas y notorias a sus escuelas.
    Ex. This tremendous outpouring of titles is one reason why British publishing has such a highly esteemed place in the world.
    Ex. The second edition was also well received all over the world, and was accorded the singular honour of translation into Portuguese for use in library schools in Brazil.
    Ex. The article 'Web authoring with a difference' reviews the current authoring tools available for organizations wishing to become involved in the World Wide Web (WWW).
    Ex. Classification is also prominent in the physical arrangement of documents.
    Ex. Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex. Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.
    Ex. Among its standout features is a collection of animated maps that are not terribly detailed but are accompanied by high-quality pictures of many interesting sites.
    Ex. This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex. The basic requirement of a shelf arrangement system is that each document has a unique place in the sequence.
    * elemento destacado = standout.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * miembro destacado = leading member.
    * ocupar un lugar destacado para + Pronombre = stand + high on + Posesivo + list.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <profesional/artista> prominent, distinguished; < actuación> outstanding

    destacadas personalidadesprominent o distinguished figures

    2) [estar] < tropas> stationed

    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en... — the diplomatic staff in...

    * * *
    = leading, outstanding, salient, distinguished, marked, high profile, esteemed, singular, with a difference, prominent, elevated, of note, standout, selected, unique.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.

    Ex: The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex: There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.
    Ex: This is a contribution to a festschrift in honour of Samuel Rothstein, the distinguished Canadian reference librarian.
    Ex: It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.
    Ex: The South African government is under pressure to bring rapid and high profile improvements to its schools = El gobierno de Sudáfrica está siendo presionado para que traiga mejoras rápidas y notorias a sus escuelas.
    Ex: This tremendous outpouring of titles is one reason why British publishing has such a highly esteemed place in the world.
    Ex: The second edition was also well received all over the world, and was accorded the singular honour of translation into Portuguese for use in library schools in Brazil.
    Ex: The article 'Web authoring with a difference' reviews the current authoring tools available for organizations wishing to become involved in the World Wide Web (WWW).
    Ex: Classification is also prominent in the physical arrangement of documents.
    Ex: Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex: Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.
    Ex: Among its standout features is a collection of animated maps that are not terribly detailed but are accompanied by high-quality pictures of many interesting sites.
    Ex: This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex: The basic requirement of a shelf arrangement system is that each document has a unique place in the sequence.
    * elemento destacado = standout.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * miembro destacado = leading member.
    * ocupar un lugar destacado para + Pronombre = stand + high on + Posesivo + list.
    * persona destacada = standout.

    * * *
    A ‹profesional/artista› prominent, distinguished; ‹actuación› outstanding
    la nota más destacada del día the highlight of the day
    en presencia de destacadas personalidades in the presence of prominent o distinguished figures
    B [ ESTAR] ‹tropas› stationed
    las fuerzas destacadas en las zonas montañosas the forces stationed in the mountain areas
    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en Addis-Abeba the diplomatic staff in Addis Ababa o assigned to Addis Ababa
    * * *


    Del verbo destacar: ( conjugate destacar)

    destacado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1profesional/artista prominent, distinguished;
    actuación outstanding
    2 [estar] ‹ tropas stationed
    destacar ( conjugate destacar) verbo transitivo
    1 (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2 ( realzar) ‹belleza/figura to enhance;
    color/plano to bring out
    a) (Mil) ‹ tropas to post

    b)periodista/fotógrafo to send

    verbo intransitivo
    to stand out;
    destacado en algo to excel at o in sth
    destacado,-a adjetivo outstanding
    destacar vtr fig to emphasize, stress
    destacar(se) verbo intransitivo & verbo reflexivo to stand out
    ' destacado' also found in these entries:
    - maestra
    - maestro
    - señera
    - señero
    - sobresaliente
    - figure
    - foremost
    - highlight
    - leading
    - outstanding
    - prominent
    - striking
    - towering
    - distinction
    - out
    - prominently
    - top
    * * *
    destacado, -a adj
    1. [persona] distinguished, prominent;
    [acto] outstanding;
    era uno de nuestros alumnos más destacados he was one of our most outstanding pupils;
    tuvo una destacada actuación her performance was outstanding
    2. [tropas] stationed;
    [corresponsales] assigned, sent;
    las tropas destacadas en Bosnia the troops stationed in Bosnia;
    conectamos con nuestra unidad móvil destacada en la zona we're going over to our mobile unit in the area itself
    * * *
    adj outstanding
    * * *
    destacado, -da adj
    1) : outstanding, prominent
    2) : stationed, posted
    * * *
    1. (en general) outstanding
    2. (persona) prominent / leading

    Spanish-English dictionary > destacado

  • 4 en realidad

    actually, in fact
    * * *
    = actually, as a matter of fact, in fact, in reality, in truth, to all intents and purposes, in point of fact, in actuality, in a very real sense, in actual practice, in actual fact, for all intents and purposes, for that matter, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in all reality
    Ex. Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.
    Ex. As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.
    Ex. However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.
    Ex. In reality the extent of integration for catalogue entries for different media depends on administrative considerations, such as which section of the library is responsible for the compilation of catalogues for the various media.
    Ex. But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?.
    Ex. To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.
    Ex. In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.
    Ex. In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.
    Ex. In a very real sense, library administration is only an extension of public administration.
    Ex. The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.
    Ex. Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.
    Ex. In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.
    Ex. A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.
    Ex. If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.
    Ex. If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.
    Ex. In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.
    Ex. In all reality, the power now lies with serious buyers who know they have more room to negotiate when making offers.
    * * *
    = actually, as a matter of fact, in fact, in reality, in truth, to all intents and purposes, in point of fact, in actuality, in a very real sense, in actual practice, in actual fact, for all intents and purposes, for that matter, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in all reality

    Ex: Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.

    Ex: As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.
    Ex: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.
    Ex: In reality the extent of integration for catalogue entries for different media depends on administrative considerations, such as which section of the library is responsible for the compilation of catalogues for the various media.
    Ex: But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?.
    Ex: To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.
    Ex: In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.
    Ex: In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.
    Ex: In a very real sense, library administration is only an extension of public administration.
    Ex: The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.
    Ex: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.
    Ex: In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.
    Ex: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.
    Ex: If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.
    Ex: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.
    Ex: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.
    Ex: In all reality, the power now lies with serious buyers who know they have more room to negotiate when making offers.

    Spanish-English dictionary > en realidad

  • 5 evaluador

    reviewer, tester, valuator, evaluator.
    * * *
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 assessor
    * * *
    evaluador, -a
    SM / F assessor
    * * *
    = referee, reviewer, evaluator, rater, awards administrator, publication referee, assessor.
    Ex. The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. Usefulness depends on the values and motives of the index users or evaluators, and is not inherent in the index alone.
    Ex. Sometimes it is wise for the rater to base judgment on written notes or a diary kept over a period of time.
    Ex. The two cases perhaps indicate the beginning of attitudinal changes in awards administrators which will give parity of esteem to information-driven programmes.
    Ex. This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.
    Ex. This article examines the role of the external assessor in the process of reviewing academic libraries.
    * * *
    = referee, reviewer, evaluator, rater, awards administrator, publication referee, assessor.

    Ex: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: Usefulness depends on the values and motives of the index users or evaluators, and is not inherent in the index alone.
    Ex: Sometimes it is wise for the rater to base judgment on written notes or a diary kept over a period of time.
    Ex: The two cases perhaps indicate the beginning of attitudinal changes in awards administrators which will give parity of esteem to information-driven programmes.
    Ex: This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.
    Ex: This article examines the role of the external assessor in the process of reviewing academic libraries.

    * * *
    masculine, feminine
    ( Educ) assessor
    * * *
    evaluador, -ora adj
    evaluating, evaluative

    Spanish-English dictionary > evaluador

  • 6 líder

    1 leader, guide, honcho.
    2 front man.
    * * *
    1 leader
    * * *
    1. noun mf. 2. adj.
    * * *
    ADJ INV top, leading, foremost

    marca líder — leading brand, brand leader

    SMF (Pol) leader; (Dep) leader, league leader, top club
    * * *
    masculino y femenino
    a) (Dep, Pol) leader
    b) (Com) leader
    2) (como adj) <equipo/marca/empresa> leading (before n)
    lideresa masculino, femenino (Méx) (Dep, Pol) leader
    * * *
    = leading, leader, lead, pacemaker, pacesetter [pace-setter], leading figure, front runner, torchbearer [torch bearer], leading edge, kingpin, rainmaker, number one, opinion-maker, driver, bellwether.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. The proud mother, as a result, had been a leader in the fight to establish a program for the 'gifted and talented' in the public school system.
    Ex. The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex. The first computerized cataloguing network, the pacemaker for those that were to follow, was OCLC.
    Ex. This article traces the history of collection development from the 1870s, noting the early influence of pacesetter libraries.
    Ex. The history of this map collection began with donations by members of the Academy and other leading figures in the country.
    Ex. As such this is one of the front runners of the next generation of library management systems.
    Ex. The mission of college libraries in India is to shoulder the responsibilities of a torch bearer.
    Ex. The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
    Ex. Adam Urbanski is kingpin of a new breed of union leaders who want to be partners, not adversaries, in the school improvement crusade.
    Ex. Rather than rainmakers, the electorate increasingly views politicians as scapegoats for economic consequences.
    Ex. Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex. Peers and adults who are admired, for whatever reasons, tend to be copied and followed, and a wise teacher will try to draw in to the book environment those adults and children who are opinion-makers and trend-setters.
    Ex. The realization that knowledge and information provide the fundamental drivers of economic growth is beginning to permeate economic and management thinking.
    Ex. Scientists have long suspected amphibians are good bellwethers for impending alterations in biodiversity during rapid climate change.
    * líder actual, el = defending champion.
    * líder civil = civilian leader.
    * líder de la comunidad = community leader.
    * líder del mercado = market leader.
    * líder del pensamiento = leader of thought.
    * líder de opinión = opinion leader.
    * líder espiritual = spiritual leader.
    * líder militar = military leader, military leader.
    * líder mundial = world leader.
    * líder político = political leader.
    * líder religioso = religious leader.
    * líder sindicalista = union leader.
    * líder social = community leader.
    * mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * ser líder en = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * * *
    masculino y femenino
    a) (Dep, Pol) leader
    b) (Com) leader
    2) (como adj) <equipo/marca/empresa> leading (before n)
    lideresa masculino, femenino (Méx) (Dep, Pol) leader
    * * *
    = leading, leader, lead, pacemaker, pacesetter [pace-setter], leading figure, front runner, torchbearer [torch bearer], leading edge, kingpin, rainmaker, number one, opinion-maker, driver, bellwether.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.

    Ex: The proud mother, as a result, had been a leader in the fight to establish a program for the 'gifted and talented' in the public school system.
    Ex: The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex: The first computerized cataloguing network, the pacemaker for those that were to follow, was OCLC.
    Ex: This article traces the history of collection development from the 1870s, noting the early influence of pacesetter libraries.
    Ex: The history of this map collection began with donations by members of the Academy and other leading figures in the country.
    Ex: As such this is one of the front runners of the next generation of library management systems.
    Ex: The mission of college libraries in India is to shoulder the responsibilities of a torch bearer.
    Ex: The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
    Ex: Adam Urbanski is kingpin of a new breed of union leaders who want to be partners, not adversaries, in the school improvement crusade.
    Ex: Rather than rainmakers, the electorate increasingly views politicians as scapegoats for economic consequences.
    Ex: Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex: Peers and adults who are admired, for whatever reasons, tend to be copied and followed, and a wise teacher will try to draw in to the book environment those adults and children who are opinion-makers and trend-setters.
    Ex: The realization that knowledge and information provide the fundamental drivers of economic growth is beginning to permeate economic and management thinking.
    Ex: Scientists have long suspected amphibians are good bellwethers for impending alterations in biodiversity during rapid climate change.
    * líder actual, el = defending champion.
    * líder civil = civilian leader.
    * líder de la comunidad = community leader.
    * líder del mercado = market leader.
    * líder del pensamiento = leader of thought.
    * líder de opinión = opinion leader.
    * líder espiritual = spiritual leader.
    * líder militar = military leader, military leader.
    * líder mundial = world leader.
    * líder político = political leader.
    * líder religioso = religious leader.
    * líder sindicalista = union leader.
    * líder social = community leader.
    * mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * ser líder en = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * sin líder = leaderless.

    * * *
    1 (de un partido, país) leader
    el Valencia es líder con 48 puntos Valencia leads the division with 48 points, Valencia is the leader with 48 points
    3 ( Com) leader
    leader of the opposition
    labor* leader ( AmE), trade union leader ( BrE)
    B ( como adj) ‹equipo/marca/empresa› leading ( before n)
    masculine, feminine
    ( Méx) ( Dep, Pol) leader
    * * *


    líder 1 sustantivo masculino y femenino
    a) (Com, Dep, Pol) leader

    b) ( como adj) ‹equipo/marca/empresa leading ( before n)

    líder 2
    lideresa sustantivo masculino, femenino (Méx) (Dep, Pol) leader

    I mf leader: es el líder de la oposición, he's the opposition leader
    II adjetivo leading, top: el equipo líder es el Estudiantes, Estudiantes is the top team

    ' líder' also found in these entries:
    - acéfalo
    - cabeza
    - comecocos
    - imán
    - interpelar
    - jefa
    - jefe
    - nata
    - nato
    - caudillo
    - destronar
    - indiscutible
    - ethical
    - lead
    - leader
    - natural
    - pacemaker
    - stand down
    - chief
    - leading
    - pace
    - then
    * * *
    el equipo líder the leading team;
    la empresa es líder en el sector it is the leading company in the industry
    1. [de partido político, país] leader;
    un líder sindical a union boss o leader
    Pol el líder de la oposición the leader of the opposition
    2. [de clasificación, mercado] leader;
    el Deportivo es el líder de la liga Deportivo are top of the league o are the current league leaders
    * * *
    I m/f leader
    II adj leading
    * * *
    líder adj
    : leading, foremost
    líder nmf
    : leader
    * * *
    líder n leader

    Spanish-English dictionary > líder

  • 7 principal

    1 main, principal.
    lo principal es… the main thing is…
    puerta principal front door
    2 chief, big-league, blue-chip, boss.
    first floor (British), second floor (United States) (plant).
    * * *
    1 main, chief
    1 (piso) first floor, US second floor
    * * *
    2) main
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=más importante) [gen] principal, main; [crítico, adversario] foremost; [piso] first, second (EEUU)
    2) [persona, autoridad] illustrious
    2. SM
    1) (=persona) head, chief, principal
    2) (Econ) principal, capital
    3) (Teat) dress circle
    4) (=piso) first floor, second floor (EEUU)
    * * *
    adjetivo <entrada/carretera/calle> main

    el papel principalthe main part o leading role

    lo principal es que... — the main thing is that...

    a) (Fin) principal, capital
    b) (en teatro, cine) dress circle, mezzanine (AmE)
    * * *
    = capital, chief, dominant, essential, foremost, leading, main, major, primary, principal, top, key, lead, premier, overriding, prime, staple, number one, top-of-mind, cardinal, master.
    Ex. Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.
    Ex. This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.
    Ex. English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.
    Ex. The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.
    Ex. Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.
    Ex. This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
    Ex. The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
    Ex. If responsibility is shared between mor than three persons or corporate bodies (and no principal author is indicated), then entry is made under the title.
    Ex. ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex. This meeting brought together representatives of the key organizations in the community.
    Ex. The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex. It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.
    Ex. Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex. For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.
    Ex. UK libraries and the BBC Continuing Education have the same staple customer group.
    Ex. Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex. Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.
    Ex. To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.
    Ex. The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.
    * actividad principal = core activity.
    * actor principal = lead character, leading man.
    * actor principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * administrador principal = top administrator.
    * apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.
    * asesor principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * calle principal, la = high street, the, main street, the.
    * carretera principal = major road.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * consejero principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * director principal = senior director.
    * dormitorio principal = master bedroom, master suite.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * en la corriente principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en la tendencia principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * fuente principal de información = chief source of information.
    * guía principal = guiding principle.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * motivo principal = prime cause.
    * papel principal = title role.
    * parte principal del texto = meat of the text.
    * personaje principal = lead character.
    * personaje principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * plato principal = entrée, main entrée.
    * ponencia principal = keynote presentation.
    * primero y principal = first and foremost.
    * principal razón = prime cause.
    * principal sospechoso = leading suspect.
    * principal sostén de la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * protagonista principal = centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], lead character.
    * protagonista principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * recurso principal = primary resource.
    * semiprincipal = semi-main.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * * *
    adjetivo <entrada/carretera/calle> main

    el papel principalthe main part o leading role

    lo principal es que... — the main thing is that...

    a) (Fin) principal, capital
    b) (en teatro, cine) dress circle, mezzanine (AmE)
    * * *
    = capital, chief, dominant, essential, foremost, leading, main, major, primary, principal, top, key, lead, premier, overriding, prime, staple, number one, top-of-mind, cardinal, master.

    Ex: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.

    Ex: This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.
    Ex: English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.
    Ex: The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.
    Ex: Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.
    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.
    Ex: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
    Ex: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
    Ex: If responsibility is shared between mor than three persons or corporate bodies (and no principal author is indicated), then entry is made under the title.
    Ex: ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex: This meeting brought together representatives of the key organizations in the community.
    Ex: The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex: It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.
    Ex: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex: For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.
    Ex: UK libraries and the BBC Continuing Education have the same staple customer group.
    Ex: Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex: Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.
    Ex: To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.
    Ex: The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.
    * actividad principal = core activity.
    * actor principal = lead character, leading man.
    * actor principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * administrador principal = top administrator.
    * apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.
    * asesor principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * calle principal, la = high street, the, main street, the.
    * carretera principal = major road.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * consejero principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * director principal = senior director.
    * dormitorio principal = master bedroom, master suite.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * en la corriente principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en la tendencia principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * fuente principal de información = chief source of information.
    * guía principal = guiding principle.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * motivo principal = prime cause.
    * papel principal = title role.
    * parte principal del texto = meat of the text.
    * personaje principal = lead character.
    * personaje principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * plato principal = entrée, main entrée.
    * ponencia principal = keynote presentation.
    * primero y principal = first and foremost.
    * principal razón = prime cause.
    * principal sospechoso = leading suspect.
    * principal sostén de la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * protagonista principal = centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], lead character.
    * protagonista principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * recurso principal = primary resource.
    * semiprincipal = semi-main.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.

    * * *
    ‹entrada› main; ‹carretera/calle› main
    el papel principal lo hacía Azucena Romero the main part o leading role was played by Azucena Romero
    el personaje principal se suicida al final the main character commits suicide at the end
    lo principal es que no se hizo daño the main thing is that he didn't hurt himself
    lo principal es la salud there's nothing more important than your health
    1 ( Fin) principal, capital
    2 (en un teatro, cine) upper balcony ( AmE), upper circle ( BrE)
    * * *


    principal adjetivo
    papel leading ( before n);
    lo principal es que… the main thing is that…

    principal adjetivo main, principal

    ' principal' also found in these entries:
    - constreñir
    - dirección
    - director
    - directora
    - eclipsar
    - maestra
    - maestro
    - mayor
    - nudo
    - puerta
    - requerir
    - sita
    - sito
    - soler
    - subdirector
    - subdirectora
    - mayordomo
    - mayoritario
    - plato
    - portón
    - protagonista
    - anchor
    - attraction
    - averse
    - bed
    - body
    - bomb
    - bread-and-butter
    - by
    - central
    - chief
    - dash
    - deputy
    - dinner
    - do
    - enjoy
    - flagship
    - foremost
    - head
    - high
    - high road
    - imagine
    - irony
    - lead
    - lead off from
    - lead story
    - leading
    - leading lady
    - leading man
    - main
    - mainland
    - mainstay
    - master
    - mind
    - objective
    - on
    - opposed
    - premier
    - primary
    - prime
    - principal
    - road
    - runaway
    - title role
    - trunk road
    - upstage
    - course
    - limb
    - major
    - rat
    * * *
    1. [más importante] main, principal;
    me han dado el papel principal de la obra de teatro I've been given the leading o lead role in the play;
    puerta principal front door;
    lo principal the main thing
    2. [oración] main
    1. [piso] Br first floor, US second floor
    2. Fin principal
    * * *
    I adj main, principal;
    lo principal the main o most important thing
    II m second floor, Br
    first floor
    * * *
    1) : main, principal
    2) : foremost, leading
    : capital, principal
    * * *
    principal1 adj main
    principal2 n first floor

    Spanish-English dictionary > principal

  • 8 puntero

    pointer, indicator, arrow.
    * * *
    1 leading
    1 (para señalar) pointer
    1 (para señalar) pointer
    * * *
    ADJ (=primero) top, leading; (=moderno) up-to-date

    más puntero(=sobresaliente) outstanding, furthest ahead; (=último) latest

    tecnología puntera — the latest technology, state-of-the-art technology

    2. SM
    1) [para señalar] pointer
    2) (=cincel) stonecutter's chisel
    3) (=persona que destaca) outstanding individual; (=líder) leader, top man
    4) LAm (=equipo) leading team; [de rebaño] leading animal; [de desfile] leader
    5) LAm [de reloj] hand
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo <empresa/sector/país> leading (before n)
    1) ( para señalar) pointer; ( de reloj) (Andes) hand
    2) (Dep)
    a) ( equipo) leader, leaders (pl)
    b) (Col, CS) ( en fútbol) winger
    * * *
    = leading, pointer, tracing, front-line [front line], developed, state-of-the-art, leading edge, cutting edge.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. Note also, that the subdivided heading MUSIC -- AUSTRIA consists only of two pointers.
    Ex. The word tracing is used to denote the identification within an authority entry of all variant and related headings from which references have been made to the authority heading itself.
    Ex. Any front-line information and advice agency needs the backing of information gathering and collating services to provide really up-to-date and relevant information.
    Ex. Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.
    Ex. With a staff of 10 it provides a full information service using state-of-the-art resources and methods.
    Ex. The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
    Ex. The article ' Cutting edge' describes current developments in microcomputer hardware which are likely to become commonplace adjuncts to library microcomputers in the next decade.
    * referencia de puntero = pointer reference.
    * WIMP (Ventanas, Iconos, Ratones y Punteros) = WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mice, and Pointers).
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo <empresa/sector/país> leading (before n)
    1) ( para señalar) pointer; ( de reloj) (Andes) hand
    2) (Dep)
    a) ( equipo) leader, leaders (pl)
    b) (Col, CS) ( en fútbol) winger
    * * *
    = leading, pointer, tracing, front-line [front line], developed, state-of-the-art, leading edge, cutting edge.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.

    Ex: Note also, that the subdivided heading MUSIC -- AUSTRIA consists only of two pointers.
    Ex: The word tracing is used to denote the identification within an authority entry of all variant and related headings from which references have been made to the authority heading itself.
    Ex: Any front-line information and advice agency needs the backing of information gathering and collating services to provide really up-to-date and relevant information.
    Ex: Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.
    Ex: With a staff of 10 it provides a full information service using state-of-the-art resources and methods.
    Ex: The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
    Ex: The article ' Cutting edge' describes current developments in microcomputer hardware which are likely to become commonplace adjuncts to library microcomputers in the next decade.
    * referencia de puntero = pointer reference.
    * WIMP (Ventanas, Iconos, Ratones y Punteros) = WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mice, and Pointers).

    * * *
    puntero1 -ra
    1 ‹empresa/sector/país› leading ( before n)
    la empresa tiene una situación puntera en el mercado de electrodomésticos the company leads the market in electrical appliances
    el país puntero en la minería del cobre the leading copper-producing country
    el ciclista puntero the leading cyclist
    van punteros en la división they are at the top of the division, they are the division leaders
    2 ( Esp) (estupendo) great ( colloq)
    1 (para señalar) pointer
    B ( Dep)
    1 (equipo) leader, leaders (pl)
    2 (Col, CS) (en fútbol) winger
    * * *

    puntero sustantivo masculino
    1 ( para señalar) pointer;
    (Inf) cursor;
    ( de reloj) (Andes) hand
    2 (Dep)
    a) ( equipo) leader, leaders (pl)

    b) (Andes, RPl) ( en fútbol) winger

    I adjetivo leading: es un país puntero en investigación sobre el cáncer, it's a leading country in cancer research
    II sustantivo masculino pointer
    ' puntero' also found in these entries:
    - hand
    * * *
    puntero, -a
    una de las empresas punteras en el sector one of the leading companies in the industry;
    un país puntero en agricultura biológica a world leader in organic farming
    1. [para señalar] pointer
    2. Informát pointer
    3. Andes, RP, Méx [persona] leader;
    [animal] leading animal
    4. Andes [de reloj] hand
    CSur Dep winger;
    puntero izquierdo/derecho left/right winger
    * * *
    I adj leading
    II m pointer
    * * *
    1) : pointer
    2) : leader

    Spanish-English dictionary > puntero

  • 9 que invita a la reflexión

    Ex. First I want to thank Dr Richmond for what I thought was a very informative, thought-provoking, and stimulating presentation.
    * * *

    Ex: First I want to thank Dr Richmond for what I thought was a very informative, thought-provoking, and stimulating presentation.

    Spanish-English dictionary > que invita a la reflexión

  • 10 relevante

    1 outstanding, important.
    2 relevant, pertinent.
    * * *
    1 (significativo) relevant
    2 (importante) excellent, outstanding
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=destacado) outstanding
    2) (=pertinente) relevant
    * * *
    adjetivo notable, outstanding
    * * *
    = convenient, leading, pertinent, relevant, fit for purpose, selected, outstanding, important.
    Ex. The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. An organisation engaged in the preparation of abstracts for some information tool cannot realistically hope to compile an abstract for every document that is pertinent to the topic that aims to cover.
    Ex. Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.
    Ex. Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex. This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex. The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser relevante = commend + Reflexivo + for + situation, be to the point.
    * ser relevante para = have + bearing on.
    * * *
    adjetivo notable, outstanding
    * * *
    = convenient, leading, pertinent, relevant, fit for purpose, selected, outstanding, important.

    Ex: The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: An organisation engaged in the preparation of abstracts for some information tool cannot realistically hope to compile an abstract for every document that is pertinent to the topic that aims to cover.
    Ex: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.
    Ex: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex: This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex: The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser relevante = commend + Reflexivo + for + situation, be to the point.
    * ser relevante para = have + bearing on.

    * * *
    notable, outstanding
    es el rasgo más relevante de su personalidad it is the most notable o outstanding feature of her personality
    ocupa un cargo relevante en la empresa she has one of the top jobs o an important job in the company
    * * *


    relevante adjetivo
    notable, outstanding
    relevante adjetivo
    1 (una persona) prominent
    2 (un asunto, trabajo) important, outstanding: considera y valora únicamente los datos relevantes, only take the most important details into account
    no es un dato relevante para nuestra investigación, the resulting information is not important for our investigation
    ' relevante' also found in these entries:
    - señalada
    - señalado
    come into
    - scan
    - relevant
    * * *
    outstanding, important
    * * *
    adj relevant
    * * *
    : outstanding, important

    Spanish-English dictionary > relevante

  • 11 revisor

    revising, supervising, revisory.
    1 reviewer, checker, reviser.
    2 conductor, ticket collector, ticket inspector.
    * * *
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 ticket inspector
    * * *
    revisor, -a
    1. SM / F
    1) (Ferro) ticket collector, inspector
    2) (Cine, TV)
    3) (Econ)

    revisor ortográfico — spellchecker, spelling checker

    * * *
    - sora masculino, femenino (Esp) ticket inspector
    * * *
    = reviewer, reviser [revisor], finisher, ticket inspector.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. Revisers in a catalog department may have end responsibility, while the catalogers whose work is revised have no end responsibility.
    Ex. There are the further complications that individual finishers might be anachronistic in style = Existen las complicaciones añadidas de que los revisores pudieran tener un estilo anacrónico.
    Ex. It all happened when he was jerking off in the train washroom and the ticket inspector knocked at the door.
    * revisor de la catalogación = cataloguing revisor.
    * * *
    - sora masculino, femenino (Esp) ticket inspector
    * * *
    = reviewer, reviser [revisor], finisher, ticket inspector.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.

    Ex: Revisers in a catalog department may have end responsibility, while the catalogers whose work is revised have no end responsibility.
    Ex: There are the further complications that individual finishers might be anachronistic in style = Existen las complicaciones añadidas de que los revisores pudieran tener un estilo anacrónico.
    Ex: It all happened when he was jerking off in the train washroom and the ticket inspector knocked at the door.
    * revisor de la catalogación = cataloguing revisor.

    * * *
    masculine, feminine
    ( Esp)
    ticket inspector
    * * *

    ◊ - sora sustantivo masculino, femenino (Esp) ticket inspector

    revisor,-ora sustantivo masculino y femenino inspector
    (de transporte público) ticket inspector, US conductor

    ' revisor' also found in these entries:
    - conductor
    - inspector
    - ticket collector
    - ticket
    * * *
    revisor, -ora nm,f
    [en tren, autobús] Br (ticket) inspector, US conductor revisor de cuentas auditor
    * * *
    m, revisora f FERR (ticket) inspector
    * * *
    1) : inspector
    2) : conductor (on a train)
    * * *
    revisor n ticket inspector

    Spanish-English dictionary > revisor

  • 12 crítico1

    1 = critic, reviewer, whistle-blower.
    Ex. Other critics have turned attention to the order of the main classes in DC.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. Whistle-blowers are natural allies to the extent that they provide material that makes corrections and provides new ideas that the authorities overlooked or tried to suppress.
    * crítico de arte = art critic.
    * crítico de baile = dance critic.
    * crítico de cine = film critic.
    * crítico de música = music critic.
    * crítico literario = literary critic, book reviewer.
    * críticos + no estar de acuerdo = critics + be divided.
    * haber división de opiniones entre los críticos = critics + be divided.

    Spanish-English dictionary > crítico1

  • 13 crítico

    1 critical, significant, decisive, consequential.
    2 critical, censorious.
    3 critical, discerning, discriminating.
    4 criterial.
    5 breakeven, break-even.
    1 critic, judge, reviewer.
    2 critic, criticizer, aristarch, carper.
    * * *
    1 critical
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 critic
    * * *
    1. noun mf. 2. (f. - crítica)
    * * *
    crítico, -a

    encontrarse en un estado crítico — (Med) to be in a critical condition

    SM / F critic

    crítico/a cinematográfico/a — film critic

    crítico/a de arte — art critic

    crítico/a de cine — film critic

    crítico/a literario/a — literary critic

    crítico/a musical — music critic

    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    1) <análisis/estudio> critical
    2) (decisivo, crucial) critical

    está en la edad crítica — ( en la adolescencia) she's at that difficult age; ( en la menopausia) (fam & euf) she's going through the change (colloq & euph)

    - ca masculino, femenino critic
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    1) <análisis/estudio> critical
    2) (decisivo, crucial) critical

    está en la edad crítica — ( en la adolescencia) she's at that difficult age; ( en la menopausia) (fam & euf) she's going through the change (colloq & euph)

    - ca masculino, femenino critic
    * * *
    1 = critic, reviewer, whistle-blower.

    Ex: Other critics have turned attention to the order of the main classes in DC.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: Whistle-blowers are natural allies to the extent that they provide material that makes corrections and provides new ideas that the authorities overlooked or tried to suppress.
    * crítico de arte = art critic.
    * crítico de baile = dance critic.
    * crítico de cine = film critic.
    * crítico de música = music critic.
    * crítico literario = literary critic, book reviewer.
    * críticos + no estar de acuerdo = critics + be divided.
    * haber división de opiniones entre los críticos = critics + be divided.

    2 = critical, censorial, censorious, discerning, discriminating.

    Ex: A study then of the underlying features of the classification process and the components of a classification scheme is a preparation for the more critical and informed application of classification schemes.

    Ex: As chairman he objected to reduction of library budgets and to censorial interference in library work.
    Ex: Some librarians are concerned that the censorious climate is affecting the acquisition of school library materials.
    Ex: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.
    Ex: Previous work has suggested that the most discriminating terms are those with medium frequencies of occurrence.
    * actitud crítica = critical eye.
    * adoptar una postura crítica sobre = take + a critical view of.
    * alcanzar masa crítica = reach + critical mass, achieve + critical mass.
    * análisis crítico = critical analysis, critical eye.
    * bibliografía crítica = critical bibliography.
    * capacidad crítica = critical awareness, critical faculty, critical skills.
    * comentario crítico = critical comment, critical commentary.
    * desde un punto de vista crítico = judgmentally [judgementally], critically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * edición crítica = critical edition.
    * espíritu critico = critical spirit.
    * estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión = review, review.
    * evaluación crítica = critical evaluation.
    * examen crítico = critical examination.
    * falto de sentido crítico = uncritical.
    * juicio crítico = critical judgement.
    * masa crítica = critical mass.
    * muy crítico = highly critical.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * pensamiento crítico = critical thinking.
    * reseña crítica = critical review, critical survey.
    * resumen crítico = critical abstract.
    * situación crítica = critical situation.

    3 = critical, life threatening.

    Ex: Needless to say, this technique is relatively slow but can be valuable if retrieval speed is not critical.

    Ex: The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.
    * alcanzar el punto crítico = come to + a head.
    * cuestión crítica = critical issue.
    * material crítico = critical matter.
    * punto crítico = turning point, Posesivo + road to Damascus.

    * * *
    crítico1 -ca
    A ‹análisis/estudio› critical
    para desarrollar el sentido crítico en el alumno to develop the student's critical awareness
    ser crítico de algo to be critical of sth
    B (decisivo, crucial) critical
    se encuentra en estado crítico she is in a critical condition
    el reactor se encuentra en estado crítico the reactor is in a critical state
    (en la menopausia) ( fam euf) she's going through the change ( colloq euph); (en la adolescencia) she's at that difficult age
    crítico2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    crítico literario/de arte literary/art critic
    crítico de cine or cinematográfico movie critic, film critic
    * * *


    Del verbo criticar: ( conjugate criticar)

    critico es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    criticó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    criticar ( conjugate criticar) verbo transitivo

    b) (Art, Espec, Lit) ‹libro/película to review

    verbo intransitivo
    to gossip, backbite
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    I verbo transitivo to criticize
    II verbo intransitivo (murmurar) to gossip
    I adjetivo critical
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino critic

    ' crítico' also found in these entries:
    - censora
    - crítica
    - grave
    - implacable
    - critical
    - head
    - judgemental
    - judgmental
    - muzzle
    - reflection
    - reviewer
    - uncritical
    - vital
    - critically
    - damning
    - discriminate
    - remain
    - single
    * * *
    crítico, -a
    1. [estudio, análisis, actitud] critical;
    es un informe muy crítico con la policía the report is very critical of the police
    2. [decisivo] critical;
    el enfermo está en estado crítico the patient is in a critical condition;
    está en una edad crítica he is at a critical age
    [persona] critic crítico de arte art critic;
    crítico de cine movie o Br film critic;
    crítico cinematográfico movie o Br film critic;
    crítico literario literary critic;
    crítico teatral theatre critic;
    crítico de teatro theatre critic
    * * *
    I adj critical
    II m, crítica f critic
    * * *
    crítico, -ca adj
    : critical
    crítico, -ca n
    : critic
    * * *
    crítico1 adj critical
    crítico2 n critic

    Spanish-English dictionary > crítico

См. также в других словарях:

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