1 program
verb - present participle programming (American also programing): past tense, past participle programmed (American also programed) - (to give information, instructions etc to (a machine, especially a computer, so that it can do a particular job).) programovat* * *• program• programový -
2 quiz program
• kvizový pořad -
3 programme
['prəuɡræm]1) ((a booklet or paper giving the details of) the planned events in an entertainment etc: According to the programme, the show begins at 8.00.) program2) (a plan or scheme: a programme of reforms.) program3) ((British and American usually program) a set of data, instructions etc put into a computer.) program•- program- programmer* * *• vysílání• pořad• program -
4 browser
1) (a person who browses.) ten kdo prohlíží2) (a computer program for searching, especially on a worldwide network.) prohlížeč, prohlížecí program* * *• prohlížeč -
5 speller
1) (a computer program that corrects spelling mistakes.) počítačový program kontrolující pravopis2) (someone who is good or bad at spelling: She is a good speller.) kdo (ne)umí pravopis3) ((American) a book for teaching spelling.) cvičebnice pravopisu* * *• pravopisná kniha -
6 agenda
[ə'‹endə](a list of things to be done, especially at a meeting: What's on the agenda this morning?) program, pořad dne* * *• zápisník• pořad jednání• agenda -
7 application
[æpli-]1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) žádost2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) píle, úsilí3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) obklad, přikládaný lék* * *• užití• žádost• přihláška• program• aplikace -
8 bootstrap
• samozaváděcí program• svépomocný• svépomoc -
9 channel
[' ænl] 1. noun1) (the bed of a stream or other way through which liquid can flow: a sewage channel.) stružka, kanál2) (a passage of deeper water in a river, through which ships can sail.) kanál3) (a narrow stretch of water joining two seas: the English Channel.) průliv4) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) cesta5) ((in television, radio etc) a band of frequencies for sending or receiving signals: BBC Television now has two channels.) kanál2. verb1) (to make a channel in.) vykopat kanál2) (to direct into a particular course: He channelled all his energies into the project.) zaměřit se na* * *• program• televizní kanál -
10 computer
[kəm'pju:tə](a usually large electronic machine capable of storing and processing large amounts of information and of performing calculations: The whole process is done by computer; PC means `personal computer'; a computer game; a computer program.) počítač- computerise* * *• počítač -
11 cruncher
• komprimující program -
12 debugged
• odladěný např. program -
13 debugger
• ladící program• debugger -
14 demo
['deməu]plural - demos; noun1) ((usually) a recording sent to radio stations or producers to show the ability of a musician, singer etc or an example of a computer program etc meant to promote sales.) demonahrávka2) (a demonstration.) demonstrace* * *• demo• demoverze -
15 extension
[-ʃən]1) (an added part: He built an extension to his house; a two-day extension to the holiday; He has telephone extensions (= telephones) in every bedroom.) přístavba; prodloužení2) ((a program by which) part of a university located somewhere else offers courses to people who are not fulltime students.) nástavba3) (the process of extending.) zvětšení4) (a telephone that operates on the same line as another: They have a phone in the living-room and an extension in the bedroom.) přípojka* * *• rozšíření• linka -
16 installer
• instalátor• instalační program -
17 interactive
[-iv]adjective (allowing a continuous exchange of information between a computer and the person using it, so that the computer can respond immediately to the user's instructions or questions: an interactive system/program; interactive video games.) interaktivní* * *• interaktivní -
18 linker
• spojovací program• spojovník -
19 loader
• zaváděcí program• zavaděč -
20 one-liner
• jednořádkový např. program
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
program — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. programmie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} założenia, cele i zapowiadana działalność w jakiejś dziedzinie lub jakiejś organizacji : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Program społeczny,… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Program — may refer to:* Program (management) * Program (The Animatrix), a short film in The Animatrix series * PROGRAM Initiative for Art and Architectural Collaborations, a project space in Berlin for art and architecture * Computer program * Program… … Wikipedia
program — prògram m DEFINICIJA 1. a. sadržaj i cilj rada kakve djelatnosti koji treba izvršiti [nastavni program] b. predmet i sadržaj predmeta koji se predaju u školama u okviru nastavnog plana i programa [izvan programa] 2. sadržaj koji želi ostvariti… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Program 33 — Logo de Program 33 Forme juridique société par actions simplifiée Siège social France … Wikipédia en Français
program — [prō′gram΄, prō′grəm] n. [< LL & Fr: Fr programme < LL programma < Gr, edict < prographein, to write in public < pro , before + graphein, to write: see PRO 1 & GRAPHIC] 1. Obs. a) a proclamation b) a prospectus or syllabus … English World dictionary
program — PROGRÁM, programe, s.n. 1. Plan de activitate în care sunt stabilite (în ordinea desfăşurării lor) etapele propuse pentru o perioadă dată; desfăşurare a activităţii (individuale, dintr o instituţie) după un astfel de plan. 2. Expunere (scrisă) a… … Dicționar Român
program — program, schedule, timetable, agenda denote a formulated plan listing things to be done or to take place, especially in their time order. Program is the term of widest application. It may refer to a mental plan or to one that is written or… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
program — program, programme The standard spelling in BrE, except in computer language, is programme, and in AmE it is program. In the context of computing, program is used in both AmE and BrE, and as a verb has inflected forms programmed, programming in… … Modern English usage
program — [n1] agenda, list affairs, appointments, arrangements, bill, bulletin, business, calendar, card, catalog, chores, curriculum, details, docket, happenings, index, lineup, listing, meetings, memoranda, necessary acts*, order of business*, order of… … New thesaurus
program — (Amer.) pro·gram || prəʊgræm n. plan, project,schedule, agenda, written order of events; public presentation; show that is broadcast on television or radio; planned group of activities; prospectus, syllabus; computer program (also programme)… … English contemporary dictionary
Program — Pro gram, n. Same as {Programme}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English