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  • 41 time

    time [taɪm]
    temps1 (a)-(e), 1 (m), 1 (o) durée1 (e) heure1 (f), 1 (g), 1 (m) moment1 (i), 1 (j) fois1 (k) époque1 (o) fin1 (r) mesure1 (u) chronométrer2 (a) fixer l'heure de2 (b) choisir le moment de2 (c) régler2 (d)
    1 noun
    as time goes by avec le temps;
    the price has gone up over time le prix a augmenté avec le temps;
    it's only a matter or a question of time ce n'est qu'une question de temps;
    these things take time cela ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain;
    to have time on one's hands or time to spare avoir du temps;
    time hangs heavy on his hands le temps lui pèse, il trouve le temps long;
    since the dawn of time depuis la nuit des temps;
    time flies le temps passe vite;
    doesn't time fly! comme le temps passe vite!;
    time heals all wounds le temps guérit tout;
    only time will tell seul l'avenir nous le dira;
    time will prove me right l'avenir me donnera raison;
    it's a race against time c'est une course contre la montre;
    they're working against time to save her ils ne disposent que de très peu de temps pour la sauver;
    time is on our side le temps joue en notre faveur;
    time out of mind de temps immémorial, de toute éternité;
    time is money le temps, c'est de l'argent;
    proverb time and tide wait for no man les événements n'attendent personne
    there's no time to lose il n'y a pas de temps à perdre;
    he lost no time in telling me il s'est empressé de me le dire;
    to make up for lost time rattraper le temps perdu;
    to make good/poor time doing sth mettre peu de temps/longtemps à faire qch;
    I passed the time reading j'ai passé mon temps à lire;
    take your time prenez votre temps;
    take your time over it prenez le temps qu'il faudra;
    it took me all my time just to get here! avec le temps que j'ai mis pour arriver ici!;
    you took your time about it! tu en as mis du temps!;
    she took the time to explain it to us elle a pris le temps de nous l'expliquer;
    she made the time to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport;
    I can always make time for you pour vous, je suis toujours là;
    I spend half/all my time cleaning up je passe la moitié de/tout mon temps à faire le ménage;
    half the time he doesn't know what he's doing la moitié du temps il ne sait pas ce qu'il fait;
    most of the time la plupart du temps;
    he was ill part or some of the time il a été malade une partie du temps;
    it rained part or some of the time il a plu par moments;
    we spend the better part of our time working nous passons le plus clair de notre temps à travailler;
    I start in three weeks' time je commence dans trois semaines;
    they'll have finished the project in three weeks' time ils auront terminé le projet dans trois semaines;
    all in good time! chaque chose en son temps!;
    I'll finish it in my own good time je le finirai quand bon me semblera;
    in no time (at all), in next to no time en un rien de temps, en moins de rien
    I haven't (the) time to do the shopping je n'ai pas le temps de faire les courses;
    I've no time for gossip je n'ai pas de temps à perdre en bavardages;
    I've no time for that sort of attitude je ne supporte pas ce genre de mentalité;
    he has no time for sycophants/for laziness il n'a pas de temps à perdre avec les flatteurs/les paresseux;
    my time is my own mon temps m'appartient;
    my time is not my own je ne suis pas libre de mon temps;
    we've just got time to catch the train on a juste le temps d'attraper le train;
    that doesn't leave them much time to get ready cela ne leur laisse guère de temps pour se préparer;
    you'll have to find the time to see her il faut que tu trouves le temps de la voir;
    you have plenty of time to finish it vous avez largement le temps de le finir;
    we've got plenty of time or all the time in the world nous avons tout le temps
    (d) (while) temps m;
    after a time après un (certain) temps;
    a long time longtemps;
    a long time ago il y a longtemps;
    it's a long time since we've been out for a meal together ça fait longtemps que nous ne sommes pas sortis dîner ensemble;
    she's been dreaming of this for a long time now voilà longtemps qu'elle en rêve;
    he waited for a long time il a attendu longtemps;
    I worked for a long time as a translator j'ai travaillé (pendant) longtemps comme traducteur;
    for a long time he refused to eat meat il a (pendant) longtemps refusé de manger de la viande;
    it'll be a long time before I do that again je ne suis pas près de recommencer, je ne recommencerai pas de si tôt ou de sitôt;
    the car takes a long time to warm up la voiture met longtemps à chauffer;
    you took a long time! tu en as mis du temps!, il t'en a fallu du temps!;
    familiar long time no see! ça faisait longtemps!;
    a short time peu de temps;
    after a short time peu (de temps) après;
    a short time before their wedding peu avant leur mariage;
    she's going to stay with us for a short time elle va rester avec nous pendant quelque temps;
    in the shortest possible time dans les plus brefs délais, le plus vite ou tôt possible;
    after some time au bout de quelque temps, après un certain temps;
    some time after their trip quelque temps après leur voyage;
    some time ago il y a quelque temps;
    for some time past depuis quelque temps;
    for some time (to come) pendant quelque temps;
    it's the best film I've seen for some time c'est le meilleur film que j'aie vu depuis un moment;
    it will take (quite) some time to repair il va falloir pas mal de temps pour le réparer;
    all this time pendant tout ce temps
    the flying time to Madrid is two hours la durée du vol pour Madrid est de deux heures;
    the cooking time is two hours le temps de cuisson est de deux heures;
    the winner's time was under four minutes le gagnant a fait un temps de moins de quatre minutes;
    1 minute 34 seconds is her best/a good time 1 minute 34 secondes, c'est son meilleur temps/un bon temps;
    it takes time cela prend du temps;
    how much time will it take? combien de temps cela prendra-t-il?;
    she finished in half the time it took me to finish elle a mis deux fois moins de temps que moi pour finir
    (f) (by clock) heure f;
    what time is it?, what's the time? quelle heure est-il?;
    what time do you make it? quelle heure avez-vous?;
    do you have the time? vous avez l'heure?;
    have you got the right time on you? avez-vous l'heure juste?;
    the time is twenty past three il est trois heures vingt;
    what time are we leaving? à quelle heure partons-nous?;
    do you know how to tell the time? est-ce que tu sais lire l'heure?;
    could you tell me the time? pourriez-vous me dire l'heure (qu'il est)?;
    have you seen the time? avez-vous vu l'heure?;
    I looked at the time j'ai regardé l'heure;
    this old watch still keeps good time cette vieille montre est toujours à l'heure ou exacte;
    at this time of day à cette heure de la journée;
    we'll have to keep an eye on the time il faudra surveiller l'heure;
    it is almost time to leave/for my bus il est presque l'heure de partir/de mon bus;
    it's time I was going il est temps que je parte;
    it's dinner time, it's time for dinner c'est l'heure de dîner;
    there you are, it's about time! te voilà, ce n'est pas trop tôt!;
    I wouldn't give him the time of day je ne lui dirais même pas bonjour;
    to pass the time of day with sb échanger quelques mots avec qn
    local time heure f locale;
    it's 5 o'clock Tokyo time il est 5 heures, heure de Tokyo
    is the bus running to time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?;
    within the required time dans les délais requis
    at that time I was in Madrid à ce moment-là, j'étais à Madrid ou j'étais alors à Madrid;
    I worked for her at one time à un moment donné j'ai travaillé pour elle;
    at the present time en ce moment, à présent;
    he is president at the present time il est actuellement président;
    at the time of delivery au moment de la livraison;
    at a later time plus tard;
    at a given time à un moment donné;
    at any one time à la fois;
    there's room for 15 people at any one time il y a de la place pour 15 personnes à la fois;
    an inconvenient time un moment inopportun;
    you called at a most inconvenient time vous avez appelé à un très mauvais moment;
    there are times when I could scream il y a des moments où j'ai envie de hurler;
    at the best of times même quand tout va bien;
    even at the best of times he is not that patient même dans ses bons moments il n'est pas particulièrement patient;
    at no time did I agree to that je n'ai jamais donné mon accord pour cela;
    by the time you get this… le temps que tu reçoives ceci…, quand tu auras reçu ceci…;
    by that time it will be too late à ce moment-là il sera trop tard;
    by that time we'll all be dead d'ici là nous serons tous morts;
    by this time next week d'ici une semaine, dans une semaine;
    this time next week la semaine prochaine à cette heure-ci;
    this time last week il y a exactement une semaine;
    from that time on we had nothing to do with them à partir de ce moment-là, nous avons refusé d'avoir affaire à eux;
    in between times entre-temps;
    some time or other un jour ou l'autre;
    some time next month dans le courant du mois prochain;
    until such time as I hear from them jusqu'à ce que ou en attendant que j'aie de leurs nouvelles
    she chose her time badly elle a mal choisi son moment;
    this is no time for you to leave ce n'est pas le moment de partir;
    now's our time to tell her c'est maintenant que nous devrions ou voici venu le moment de le lui dire;
    now is the time to invest c'est maintenant qu'il faut investir;
    when the time comes le moment venu, quand le moment sera venu;
    we'll talk about that when the time comes nous en parlerons en temps utile;
    the time has come to make a stand c'est le moment d'avoir le courage de ses opinions;
    the time for talking is past ce n'est plus le moment de parler;
    it's about time we taught her a lesson il est grand temps que nous lui donnions une bonne leçon;
    there's a time and a place for everything il y a un temps et un lieu pour ou à tout
    (k) (occasion, instance) fois f;
    I'll forgive you this time je vous pardonne cette fois-ci ou pour cette fois;
    each or every time chaque fois;
    she succeeds every time elle réussit à chaque fois;
    the last time he came la dernière fois qu'il est venu;
    the time before la fois précédente ou d'avant;
    another or some other time une autre fois;
    I called her three times je l'ai appelée trois fois;
    many times bien des fois, très souvent;
    many a time I've wondered… je me suis demandé plus d'une ou bien des fois…;
    several times plusieurs fois;
    several times in the past plusieurs fois déjà;
    he asked me several times if… il m'a demandé plusieurs fois si…;
    it costs 15 cents a time ça coûte 15 cents à chaque fois;
    the one time I'm winning, he wants to stop playing pour une fois que je gagne, il veut arrêter de jouer;
    nine times out of ten the machine doesn't work neuf fois sur dix la machine ne marche pas;
    we'll have to decide some time or other tôt ou tard ou un jour ou l'autre il va falloir nous décider;
    do you remember that time we went to Germany? tu te rappelles la fois où nous sommes allés en Allemagne?;
    there's always a first time il y a un début à tout;
    I've told you a hundred times! je te l'ai dit vingt ou cent fois!;
    give me a good detective story every time! rien ne vaut un bon roman policier!
    to have a good time bien s'amuser;
    she's had a terrible time of it elle a beaucoup souffert;
    I had the time of my life jamais je ne me suis si bien ou autant amusé;
    we had an awful time at the picnic nous nous sommes ennuyés à mourir au pique-nique;
    it was a difficult time for all of us c'était une période difficile pour nous tous;
    she had a hard time bringing up five children alone ça a été difficile pour elle d'élever cinq enfants seule;
    to give sb a hard or rough or tough time en faire voir de dures à qn, en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à qn;
    what a time I had with him! (fun) qu'est-ce que j'ai pu m'amuser avec lui!; (trouble) qu'est-ce qu'il m'en a fait voir!
    to put in time faire des heures (de travail);
    to work part/full time travailler à temps partiel/à plein temps;
    British in company time, American on company time pendant les heures de travail;
    British in your own time, American on your own time pendant votre temps libre, en dehors des heures de travail
    we pay time and a half on weekends nous payons les heures du week-end une fois et demie le tarif normal;
    overtime is paid at double time les heures supplémentaires sont payées ou comptées double
    (o) (usu plural) (era) époque f, temps m;
    in Victorian times à l'époque victorienne;
    in the time of Henry IV à l'époque d'Henri IV, du temps d'Henri IV;
    in times past, in former times autrefois, jadis;
    in times to come à l'avenir;
    at one time, things were different autrefois ou dans le temps les choses étaient différentes;
    the house has seen better times la maison a connu des jours meilleurs;
    in happier times en un ou des temps plus heureux;
    in time or times of need/war en temps de pénurie/de guerre;
    time was when doctors made house calls il fut un temps où les médecins faisaient des visites à domicile;
    those were happy times! c'était le bon (vieux) temps!;
    times are hard les temps sont durs;
    in our time de nos jours;
    the times we live in l'époque f où nous vivons;
    in my time children didn't talk back de mon temps, les enfants ne répondaient pas;
    she was probably a good singer in her time en son temps, c'était sûrement une bonne chanteuse;
    it was a very popular car in its time c'était une voiture très populaire à l'époque (où elle est sortie);
    very advanced for its time très en avance sur son temps ou sur l'époque;
    to be ahead of or before one's time être en avance sur son époque ou sur son temps;
    to be behind the times être en retard sur son époque ou sur son temps;
    to keep up with the times vivre avec son temps;
    to move with the times évoluer avec son temps;
    times have changed autres temps, autres mœurs
    I've heard some odd things in my time! j'en ai entendu, des choses, dans ma vie!;
    it won't happen in our time nous ne serons pas là pour voir ça;
    if I had my time over again si j'avais à recommencer (ma vie);
    at my time of life à mon âge;
    that was before your time (birth) vous n'étiez pas encore né; (arrival) vous n'étiez pas encore là;
    her time has come (childbirth) elle arrive à son terme; (death) son heure est venue ou a sonné; (success) son heure est venue;
    he died before his time il est mort avant l'âge
    it's hot for the time of year il fait chaud pour la saison
    time's up (on exam, visit) c'est l'heure; (on meter, telephone) le temps est écoulé;
    British time (gentlemen), please! (in pub) on ferme!;
    Sport the referee called time l'arbitre a sifflé la fin du match
    to buy sth on time acheter qch à tempérament ou à terme ou à crédit
    to do time faire de la taule;
    he's serving time for murder il est en taule pour meurtre
    (u) Music (tempo) mesure f; (note value) valeur f (d'une note);
    to keep time, to be in time être en mesure;
    he beat time with his foot il battait ou marquait la mesure du pied;
    in triple or three-part time à trois temps
    (v) Radio & Television espace m;
    to buy/to sell time on television acheter/vendre de l'espace publicitaire à la télévision
    to make time with sb (pursue) draguer qn; (be with) être avec qn (en couple) ; (have sex with) s'envoyer en l'air avec qn
    (a) (on clock → runner, worker, race) chronométrer;
    they timed her at four minutes a mile ils l'ont chronométrée ou ils ont chronométré son temps à quatre minutes au mille;
    time how long she takes to finish regardez combien de temps elle met pour finir;
    he timed his speech to last twenty minutes il a fait en sorte que son discours dure vingt minutes;
    to time an egg minuter le temps de cuisson d'un œuf
    (b) (schedule) fixer ou prévoir (l'heure de); Photography (exposure) calculer;
    they timed the attack for 6 o'clock l'attaque était prévue pour 6 heures
    (c) (choose right moment for) choisir ou calculer le moment de;
    she timed her entrance well elle a bien choisi le moment pour faire son entrée;
    he timed the blow perfectly il a frappé au bon moment;
    your remark was perfectly/badly timed votre observation est venue au bon/au mauvais moment
    (d) (synchronize) régler, ajuster;
    she tried to time her steps to the music elle essayait de régler ses pas sur la musique
    she's ten times cleverer than or as clever as he is elle est dix fois plus intelligente que lui;
    he ate four times as much cake as I did il a mangé quatre fois plus de gâteau que moi
    Mathematics 3 times 2 is 6 3 fois 2 font ou égalent 6;
    1 times 6 is 6 une fois six fait ou égale six
    en avance;
    I'm ten minutes ahead of time j'ai dix minutes d'avance
    he talked all the time we were at lunch il a parlé pendant tout le déjeuner;
    he's been watching us all the time il n'a pas cessé de nous regarder;
    I knew it all the time je le savais depuis le début
    n'importe quand;
    come over any time venez quand vous voulez;
    you're welcome any time vous serez toujours le bienvenu;
    thanks for all your help - any time merci de votre aide - de rien
    for days at a time pendant des journées entières, des journées durant;
    to do two things at a time faire deux choses à la fois;
    take one book at a time prenez les livres un par un ou un (seul) livre à la fois;
    she ran up the stairs two at a time elle a monté les marches quatre à quatre
    à tous moments
    à toute heure;
    hot meals at any time repas chauds à toute heure;
    at any time of day or night à n'importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit;
    at any time during office hours n'importe quand pendant les heures de bureau;
    he could die at any time il peut mourir d'un moment à l'autre;
    if at any time… si à l'occasion…
    (a) (simultaneously) en même temps;
    they all spoke at the same time ils se sont mis à parler tous en même temps;
    they arrived at the same time (as) he did ils sont arrivés en même temps que lui
    (b) (yet) en même temps;
    she was pleased but at the same time a bit concerned elle était contente mais en même temps un peu inquiète
    (c) (nevertheless) pourtant, cependant;
    at the same time, we must not forget… pourtant ou cependant, il ne faut pas oublier…
    at the time of their wedding au moment de leur mariage;
    I didn't pay much attention at the time sur le moment, je n'ai pas fait vraiment attention
    parfois, par moments
    en retard;
    we're a bit behind time nous sommes légèrement en retard;
    the project was running behind time le projet avait du retard
    pendant un (certain) temps;
    for a time, he was unable to walk pendant un certain temps, il n'a pas pu marcher
    pour toujours
    pour le moment
    de temps en temps, de temps à autre
    she'll come to her senses in time elle finira par revenir à la raison;
    he'll forget about it in (the course of) time il finira par l'oublier (avec le temps)
    let me know in (good) time prévenez-moi (bien) à l'avance;
    she arrived in time for the play elle est arrivée à l'heure pour la pièce;
    you're just in time to greet our guests tu arrives juste à temps pour accueillir nos invités;
    I'll be back in time for the film je serai de retour à temps pour le film
    (c) Music en mesure;
    to be or keep in time (with the music) être en mesure (avec la musique)
    en un rien de temps
    de tous les temps
    why now of all times? pourquoi faut-il que ce soit juste maintenant?
    à l'heure;
    to run on time (trains etc) être à l'heure;
    she arrived right on time elle est arrivée juste à l'heure;
    is the bus on time? est-ce que le bus est à l'heure?
    Music he got out of time il a perdu la mesure
    maintes et maintes fois
    temps m libre;
    what do you do in your time off? qu'est-ce que vous faites de votre temps libre?
    (a) Sport temps m mort; (in chess match) temps m de repos;
    Sport to take time out faire un temps mort
    I took time out to travel (from work) je me suis mis en congé pour voyager; (from studies) j'ai interrompu mes études pour voyager;
    she took time out to read the report elle a pris le temps de lire le rapport
    ►► time of arrival heure f d'arrivée;
    Stock Exchange time bargain marché m à terme;
    Finance time bill traite f à terme; also figurative time bomb bombe f à retardement;
    figurative a demographic time bomb une situation démographique qui menace d'exploser;
    the situation is like a time bomb ticking away la situation est explosive;
    figurative they're sitting on a time bomb ils sont assis sur un volcan;
    time capsule capsule f témoin (qui doit servir de témoignage historique aux générations futures);
    Industry time card carte f ou fiche f de pointage;
    time chart (showing time zones) carte f des fuseaux horaires; (showing events) table f d'événements historiques; (showing planning) calendrier m, planning m;
    time check (on radio) rappel m de l'heure; (in cycling, skiing, motor racing) contrôle m du temps intermédiaire;
    Grammar time clause proposition f temporelle;
    Industry time clock pointeuse f;
    time code code m temporel;
    time of departure heure f de départ;
    American Finance time deposit dépôt m à terme;
    time difference décalage m horaire;
    Finance time draft traite f à terme;
    time exposure (of film) (temps m de) pose f; (photograph) photo f prise en pose;
    time frame délai m;
    what's our time frame? de combien de temps disposons-nous?;
    time fuse détonateur m ou fusée f à retardement;
    time lag (delay) décalage m dans le temps; (in time zones) décalage m horaire;
    time lapse intervalle m, laps m de temps;
    time limit (gen) délai m, date f limite; Law délai m de forclusion;
    there is a strict time limit for applications il y a un délai impératif ou de rigueur pour la remise des dossiers de candidature;
    we'll have to set ourselves a time limit for the work il va falloir nous imposer un délai pour finir ce travail;
    the work must be completed within the time limit le travail doit être terminé avant la date limite;
    Finance time loan emprunt m à terme;
    time machine machine f à voyager dans le temps;
    time management gestion f du temps de travail;
    Marketing time pricing fixation f des prix en fonction du moment;
    time sheet feuille f de présence;
    Radio time signal signal m ou top m horaire;
    Music time signature indication f de la mesure;
    Computing time slice tranche f de temps;
    Computing time slicing temps m partagé;
    time slot créneau m ou tranche f horaire;
    time switch (for oven, heating) minuteur m; (for lighting) minuterie f;
    time travel voyage m dans le temps;
    time traveller personne f qui voyage dans le temps;
    Sport time trial course f contre la montre, contre-la-montre m inv;
    Telecommunications time unit unité f;
    time value Music valeur f (d'une note); Finance valeur f temporelle;
    time warp (in science fiction) faille f spatio-temporelle;
    it's like living in a time warp c'est comme si on vivait hors du temps;
    the country seems to have entered a time warp le temps semble s'être arrêté dans le pays;
    the house/company seems to be caught in a 19th century time warp la maison/la société semble ne pas avoir changé depuis le XIXème siècle;
    time zone fuseau m horaire
    ✾ Book 'The Time Machine' Wells 'La Machine à explorer le temps'
    I may be some time Ce sont les mots ("je risque d'en avoir pour un certain temps") qu'aurait prononcés le capitaine Oates lorsqu'il sortit de la tente qu'il occupait avec le capitaine Scott au cours de leur expédition de 1912 au pôle sud. Oates souffrait de gelures multiples et afin de ne pas ralentir la progression de ses camarades, il décida de se sacrifier en disparaissant dans la tourmente. Cet épisode est censé symboliser les qualités d'héroïsme et d'abnégation associées au caractère britannique. Aujourd'hui, on emploie cette formule par allusion à Oates sur le mode humoristique lorsque l'on sort d'une pièce ou bien lorsqu'on va aux toilettes.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > time

  • 42 Brennan, Louis

    b. 28 January 1852 Castlebar, Ireland
    d. 17 January 1932 Montreux, Switzerland
    Irish inventor of the Brennan dirigible torpedo, and of a gyroscopically balanced monorail system.
    The Brennan family, including Louis, emigrated to Australia in 1861. He was an inventive genius from childhood, and while at Melbourne invented his torpedo. Within it were two drums, each with several miles of steel wire coiled upon it and mounted on one of two concentric propeller shafts. The propellers revolved in opposite directions. Wires were led out of the torpedo to winding drums on land, driven by high-speed steam engines: the faster the drums on shore were driven, the quicker the wires were withdrawn from the drums within the torpedo and the quicker the propellers turned. A steering device was operated by altering the speeds of the wires relative to one another. As finally developed, Brennan torpedoes were accurate over a range of 1 1/2 miles (2.4 km), in contrast to contemporary self-propelled torpedoes, which were unreliable at ranges over 400 yards (366 in).
    Brennan moved to England in 1880 and sold the rights to his torpedo to the British Government for a total of £110,000, probably the highest payment ever made by it to an individual inventor. Brennan torpedoes became part of the defences of many vital naval ports, but never saw active service: improvement of other means of defence meant they were withdrawn in 1906. By then Brennan was deeply involved in the development of his monorail. The need for a simple and cheap form of railway had been apparent to him when in Australia and he considered it could be met by a ground-level monorail upon which vehicles would be balanced by gyroscopes. After overcoming many manufacturing difficulties, he demonstrated first a one-eighth scale version and then a full-size, electrically driven vehicle, which ran on its single rail throughout the summer of 1910 in London, carrying up to fifty passengers at a time. Development had been supported financially by, successively, the War Office, the India Office and the Government of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, which had no rail access; despite all this, however, no further financial support, government or commercial, was forthcoming.
    Brennan made many other inventions, worked on the early development of helicopters and in 1929 built a gyroscopically balanced, two-wheeled motor car which, however, never went into production.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Companion of the Bath 1892.
    1878, British patent no. 3359 (torpedo) 1903, British patent no. 27212 (stability mechanisms).
    Further Reading
    R.E.Wilkes, 1973, Louis Brennan CB, 2 parts, Gillingham (Kent) Public Library. J.R.Day and B.C.Wilson, 1957, Unusual Railways, London: F.Muller.

    Biographical history of technology > Brennan, Louis

  • 43 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

  • 44 Evans, Oliver

    b. 13 September 1755 Newport, Delaware, USA
    d. 15 April 1819 New York, USA
    American millwright and inventor of the first automatic corn mill.
    He was the fifth child of Charles and Ann Stalcrop Evans, and by the age of 15 he had four sisters and seven brothers. Nothing is known of his schooling, but at the age of 17 he was apprenticed to a Newport wheelwright and wagon-maker. At 19 he was enrolled in a Delaware Militia Company in the Revolutionary War but did not see active service. About this time he invented a machine for bending and cutting off the wires in textile carding combs. In July 1782, with his younger brother, Joseph, he moved to Tuckahoe on the eastern shore of the Delaware River, where he had the basic idea of the automatic flour mill. In July 1782, with his elder brothers John and Theophilus, he bought part of his father's Newport farm, on Red Clay Creek, and planned to build a mill there. In 1793 he married Sarah Tomlinson, daughter of a Delaware farmer, and joined his brothers at Red Clay Creek. He worked there for some seven years on his automatic mill, from about 1783 to 1790.
    His system for the automatic flour mill consisted of bucket elevators to raise the grain, a horizontal screw conveyor, other conveying devices and a "hopper boy" to cool and dry the meal before gathering it into a hopper feeding the bolting cylinder. Together these components formed the automatic process, from incoming wheat to outgoing flour packed in barrels. At that time the idea of such automation had not been applied to any manufacturing process in America. The mill opened, on a non-automatic cycle, in 1785. In January 1786 Evans applied to the Delaware legislature for a twenty-five-year patent, which was granted on 30 January 1787 although there was much opposition from the Quaker millers of Wilmington and elsewhere. He also applied for patents in Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Hampshire. In May 1789 he went to see the mill of the four Ellicot brothers, near Baltimore, where he was impressed by the design of a horizontal screw conveyor by Jonathan Ellicot and exchanged the rights to his own elevator for those of this machine. After six years' work on his automatic mill, it was completed in 1790. In the autumn of that year a miller in Brandywine ordered a set of Evans's machinery, which set the trend toward its general adoption. A model of it was shown in the Market Street shop window of Robert Leslie, a watch-and clockmaker in Philadelphia, who also took it to England but was unsuccessful in selling the idea there.
    In 1790 the Federal Plant Laws were passed; Evans's patent was the third to come within the new legislation. A detailed description with a plate was published in a Philadelphia newspaper in January 1791, the first of a proposed series, but the paper closed and the series came to nothing. His brother Joseph went on a series of sales trips, with the result that some machinery of Evans's design was adopted. By 1792 over one hundred mills had been equipped with Evans's machinery, the millers paying a royalty of $40 for each pair of millstones in use. The series of articles that had been cut short formed the basis of Evans's The Young Millwright and Miller's Guide, published first in 1795 after Evans had moved to Philadelphia to set up a store selling milling supplies; it was 440 pages long and ran to fifteen editions between 1795 and 1860.
    Evans was fairly successful as a merchant. He patented a method of making millstones as well as a means of packing flour in barrels, the latter having a disc pressed down by a toggle-joint arrangement. In 1801 he started to build a steam carriage. He rejected the idea of a steam wheel and of a low-pressure or atmospheric engine. By 1803 his first engine was running at his store, driving a screw-mill working on plaster of Paris for making millstones. The engine had a 6 in. (15 cm) diameter cylinder with a stroke of 18 in. (45 cm) and also drove twelve saws mounted in a frame and cutting marble slabs at a rate of 100 ft (30 m) in twelve hours. He was granted a patent in the spring of 1804. He became involved in a number of lawsuits following the extension of his patent, particularly as he increased the licence fee, sometimes as much as sixfold. The case of Evans v. Samuel Robinson, which Evans won, became famous and was one of these. Patent Right Oppression Exposed, or Knavery Detected, a 200-page book with poems and prose included, was published soon after this case and was probably written by Oliver Evans. The steam engine patent was also extended for a further seven years, but in this case the licence fee was to remain at a fixed level. Evans anticipated Edison in his proposal for an "Experimental Company" or "Mechanical Bureau" with a capital of thirty shares of $100 each. It came to nothing, however, as there were no takers. His first wife, Sarah, died in 1816 and he remarried, to Hetty Ward, the daughter of a New York innkeeper. He was buried in the Bowery, on Lower Manhattan; the church was sold in 1854 and again in 1890, and when no relative claimed his body he was reburied in an unmarked grave in Trinity Cemetery, 57th Street, Broadway.
    Further Reading
    E.S.Ferguson, 1980, Oliver Evans: Inventive Genius of the American Industrial Revolution, Hagley Museum.
    G.Bathe and D.Bathe, 1935, Oliver Evans: Chronicle of Early American Engineering, Philadelphia, Pa.

    Biographical history of technology > Evans, Oliver

  • 45 Pasley, General Sir Charles William

    SUBJECT AREA: Civil engineering
    b. 8 September 1780 Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
    d. 19 April 1861 London, England
    Scottish Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers.
    At first he was educated by Andrew Little of Lan-gholm. At the age of 14 he was sent to school at Selkirk, where he stayed for two years until joining the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich in August 1796. He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery and transferred to the Royal Engineers on 1 April 1798. He served at Minorca, Malta, Naples, Sicily, Calabria and in the siege of Copenhagen and in other campaigns. He was promoted First Captain in 1807, and was on the staff of Sir John Moore at the battle of Coruna. He was wounded at the siege of Flushing in 1809 and was invalided for a year, employing his time in learning German.
    In November 1810 he published his Essay on Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire, which ran through four editions. In 1811 he was in command of a company of Royal Military Artificers at Plymouth and there he devised a method of education by which the NCOs and troops could teach themselves without "mathematical masters". His system was a great success and was adopted at Chatham and throughout the corps. In 1812 he was appointed Director of the School of Military Engineering at Chatham. He remained at Chatham until 1841, when he was appointed Inspector-General of Railways. During this period he organized improved systems of sapping, mining, telegraphing, pontooning and exploding gunpowder on land or under water, and prepared pamphlets and courses of instruction in these and other subjects. In May 1836 he started what is probably the most important work for which he is remembered. This, was a book on Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortar, Stuccos and Concretes. The general adoption of Joseph Aspdin's Portland Cement was largely due to Pasley's recommendation of the material.
    He was married twice: first in 1814 at Chatham to Harriet Cooper; and then on 30 March 1819 at Rochester to Martha Matilda Roberts, with whom he had six children— she died in 1881.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    KGB 1846. FRS 1816. Honorary DCL, Oxford University 1844.
    1810, Essay on Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire. Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortar, Stuccos and Concretes.
    Further Reading
    Porter, History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. DNB. Proceedings of the Royal Society.

    Biographical history of technology > Pasley, General Sir Charles William

  • 46 من

    مِن \ by: (showing how sth. is done): We hold things by the handle. We know people by name. We learn by experience. We earn money by working. from: showing the time that sth. started: I waited from six o’clock till eight, showing where sth. began or was obtained Are men descended from monkeys? He read aloud from the newspaper, showing cause He suffered from stomach pains, showing the lower limit of costs, numbers, etc. New bicycles cost from $60 to $90 each, showing a change The price rose from 20 pence to 25 pence, showing difference I don’t know one from the other, showing the place that one has left He arrived from Glasgow. of: (after a noun) showing contents, amount, kind, etc.: a cup of coffee (a cup that contains coffee); a cupful of coffee (enough coffee to fill a cup); a pound of sugar (sugar that weighs a pound); a piece of bread (not a whole loaf), (after an adj. or verb) concerning; about: I’m sure of it. She’s afraid of mice, (after a verb) showing a cause He died of hunger, (after an adj.) showing who did sth. and how he did it It was kind of your father to invite me (Your father was kind...), (after a participle) showing how sth. is formed a dress made of silk. than: used in comparing two objects; here the second subject and verb are always left out: I like you better than him (I like you better than I like him), used in comparing two subjects; it is better to put in the second verb, although some writers leave it out He is taller than I (am). He runs faster than I (do). \ مِن أَجْل \ because of: as a result of: Because of his illness, he could not travel. for: because of: He jumped for joy. She was sent to prison for stealing. for sb. to do sth.: that sb. should do sth.: I’m anxious for him to pass his exams. sake, for the sake of, for sb.’s sake: for the desire of: Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?, for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake. towards: as a help to: He gave me $5 towards the cost of my bicycle. \ مِن أَجْل ذلك \ hence: (often with no verb) for this reason: My car broke down; hence my late arrival. \ مِن أحدث طِراز \ up to date: up to the present moment; modern; knowing or showing the latest facts: Give me an up-to-date report on political events in South America. \ مِن أَصْل \ out: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ preferably: if possible: Any day suits me, but preferably not Sunday. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ had better: would be wise to: You had better try again tomorrow. \ See Also الأَجْدى لِـ \ مِن الآن \ hence: from now: A week hence I shall be in Rome. \ مِن... إلى \ from... to...: (without a or the) showing passage of time, distance in space, or repeated action: He visits me from time to time. He went from house to house in search of work. \ مِن آن إلى آخر \ every now and again, every now and then: again and again, but with no regular space between. \ مِن الآن فَصَاعِدًا \ henceforth, henceforward: from now on; in future. on: onwards: From now on I shall be more careful. \ مِن البداية إلى النهاية \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن بَعْدُ \ since: after; during the period after: I saw him on Tuesday, but I haven’t seen him since. I’ve been thinking about him ever since. \ مِن بَعيد \ from afar: from a great distance. \ مِن بَين \ out of: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن ثَمَّ \ subsequently: afterwards: He became ill in the winter, and subsequently died. \ مِن جَانِبٍ إِلَى آخر \ across: form one side to the other: Run across before a car comes. The river is half a mile across. over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ مِن جَديد \ afresh: again; making a new beginning: Tear up this page and start afresh. \ مِن جَمِيع الجهَات \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن جَمِيع الوُجوه تقريبًا \ to all intents and purposes: in regard to all that matters: To all intents and purposes, the work is finished (though a few unimportant points remain to be dealt with). \ مِن جِهة \ in respect of, with respect to, respecting: concerning: a bill in respect of car repairs. on the part of: in the case of; so far as sb. is concerned: There was no mistake on her part (If there was a mistake, it was not hers). \ مِن جهة ومِن الجهة الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن الحديد \ iron: made of iron; as strong as iron: an iron bar; an iron will. \ مِن حُسن التوفيق \ happily: fortunately: Happily, he was not hurt in the accident. a good job: a fortunate thing: It’s a good job that you crossed before the bridge fell. fortunately: adv. as the result of good fortune: He fell down but fortunately did not hurt himself. \ See Also لحسن الحظ (لِحُسْنِ الحَظّ)‏ \ مِن حَوْل \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن حَيْثُ شَخْصُهُ \ personally: as a person (in regard to character); socially: I like him personally, but I dislike his political ideas. \ مِن حِين لآخَر \ occasional: happening sometimes, but not regularly: We had an occasional quarrel. now and again, now and then: sometimes. \ مِن خِلال \ through: from one side to the other; from one end to the other: He drove a nail through (the board). A river ran through (the town). Water runs through pipes. I looked through the window, but I couldn’t see far through the mist. I read through my notes. \ مِن الدرجة الأولى \ first-class, first-rate: of the best quality: He is a first-class photographer. \ مِن سُخْرِية الأقدار \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِنَ الشرق \ eastern: belonging to the east. \ مِن صُنْعِ اليَد \ hand-made: made by hand, not by a machine: Hand-made shoes. \ مِن الضروريّ أن كما \ must: (p.t.. had to, neg.. needn’t, don’t/didn’t need to; don’t/didn’t have to) need to: You must go now, mustn’t you? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t go yet. \ مِن الطبيعيّ \ it goes without saying (that): naturally; of course: The invitation was sent to me; but it goes without saying that my wife is included. \ مِن الطراز القديم \ old-fashioned: (of people) holding on to old ideas and customs; (of things) not modern; no longer used. \ مِن طَرَف لآخر \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن عَجيب التَّقادِير \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِن عَلى ظهر السفينة \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن غَيْر \ without: not with; not having: Without doubt, this is the best. I did it without his help. He took my bicycle without asking me. \ مِن غَيْر حَرَج \ freely: readily: They freely accepted my advice. \ مِنَ الفراء \ fur: animal skin, with the fur on it, used as clothing: a coat with a collar of fur; a fur hat. \ مِنَ الفِراش \ up: out of bed: I get up at 6.30 every morning. We stayed up very late last night. \ مِن فَضْلِك \ kindly: please!: kindly close the door!. please: (when asking) giving a polite order: Please stop that noise. A cup of coffee, please, asking for a favour or for permission Will you help me, please? Please, may I use your pen?. \ مِن فَوْق \ over: across, from one side of sth. to the other: He jumped over the fence. The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ مِن فَوق سَطْح المَرْكَب \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن قَبْل \ ago: before the present time: 100 years ago; a short while ago. already: before this time: She’s already married. before: at an earlier time (than): I have been here before. beforehand: before; early; in readiness: If you want your dinner early, warn the cook beforehand. \ مِن قِبَل \ by: (showing who or what did sth.): He was bitten by a dog. \ مِن قَلْبٍ مُخْلص \ heartily: thoroughly: I heartily agree with you. \ مِنَ المُؤسِف \ pity: (with a) an unfortunate fact or happening: It’s a pity that you can’t go with us to the cinema. \ مِنَ المُحَتَّم \ bound, (bind, bound) to: certain to: He’s bound to win. \ See Also المُؤَكَّد أَنّ \ مِنَ المُحْتَمَل \ likely: (usu. with very, most, more or quite) probably: She’s very likely right. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired. \ مِن مُدّةٍ قريبة \ the other day: a few days ago: I met your son the other day. \ مِن المَرْتَبَة أو الدَّرَجة الثّانِية \ second-class: of the next level below that of top quality: The less comfortable second-class seats were much cheaper than the first-class ones. \ مِن المَفْروض أنّ \ be supposed to: to have a duty to; be expected to: You’re supposed to be working now, not playing. You’re not supposed to be here (You ought not be here). \ مِن مَكانٍ لآخَر \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. \ مِن المُمْكِن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (with an if clause, showing a possibility that depends on sth. else) would be able to: She could buy it if you lent her the money. possibly: perhaps: Possibly you can help. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired.. \ مِنَ المُمْكِن أن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (showing a simple possibility): You could telephone her (if you wanted to). might: expressing a weak possibility (future, present or past): She might do that tomorrow; she might be doing it at this moment; she might even have done it already (but I doubt that she has done it or ever will do it). \ مِنْ ناحية... مِنَ الناحية الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن النّاحية النظريّة \ in theory: as an idea; according to ideas: Your plan may work in theory, but it will not work in practice. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ earl: the title of a British nobleman. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ noble: of high rank: a woman of noble birth. \ See Also الأشراف \ مِنْ نِتاج الوَطَن \ home-grown: (of food) grown in one’s own country, not in another country: home-grown vegetables. \ مِنْ نُسْخَتَين \ in duplicate: on two separate copies: Please complete this list in duplicate. \ مِنْ نَسْل \ descendant: sb. who is descended from a person: a descendant of Queen Victoria. \ See Also ذرية (ذُرِّيَّة)‏ \ مِنْ نَفْس البَلَد \ countryman, countrymen: (usu. fellow countryman) a person of the same nation as another. \ مِنْ نوع راق \ classical: of proved and lasting value: classical music. \ مَنْ هُم أَعْلَى مقَامًا \ betters, one’s betters: those who have more experience or higher rank than onself: Treat your betters with more respect. \ See Also أَرْفَع شَأنًا مِن \ مِن هُنَا \ away: (with verbs of movement) to a distance: Go away! We drove the dog away. by: past: Please let me (get) by. He smiled as he went by. \ مَن هو أَعْلَى دَرَجَةً \ superior: sb. of higher rank: You must obey your superiors. \ مِن واجبه أن \ up to: the duty of: It’s up to his father to punish him. \ مِن وَاحِد إلى آخَر \ over: across, from one person to another: She handed over the keys to a friend. \ مِن الواضح \ much: (in comparison; before most, etc.) without doubt; clearly: He is much the most experienced player in the team. \ مِن وَراءِ ظَهْرِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ مِن وَقْت لاِخَر \ now and again: sometimes. off and on, on and off: not continuously; at one time and another: It has been raining off and on the whole day. sometimes: at certain times but not always: Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t. England sometimes has a hot summer, but not often.

    Arabic-English dictionary > من

  • 47 χωρέω

    χωρέω fut. χωρήσω; 1 aor. ἐχώρησα; pf. κεχώρηκα (Just., Tat., Ath.) (Hom.+)
    to make movement from one place or position to another, go, go out/away, reach (Trag. et al.; pap)
    lit. (Just., A I, 19, 5 εἰς ἐκεῖνο χωρεῖν ἕκαστον ἐξ οὗπερ ἐγένετο) of food εἰς τὴν κοιλίαν χωρεῖ Mt 15:17 (=εἰσπορεύεται Mk 7:19.—Aristot., Probl. 1, 55 the drink εἰς τὰς σάρκας χωρεῖ). τοιαύτη διὰ τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἔκρυσις ἐχώρησεν so strong was the discharge from his (Judas’s) body that it affected an entire region Papias (3:3). Of pers. εἰς τὸν ἴδιον τόπον μέλλει χωρεῖν IMg 5:1; cp. IEph 16:2. οὗ μέλλουσι χωρήσειν, τοῦτο that, to which they are destined to go Dg 8:2. εἴς τινα to someone (Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 95 §395 χ. ἐς τὸν ἀδελφόν; 5, 29 §114) of Christ, who has gone to the Father IMg 7:2. ἔτι κάτω χώρει go down still farther Mt 20:28 D. Of the head of a tall figure χωροῦσα μέχρι τοῦ οὐρανοῦ it reached up to the sky GPt 10:40 (like Eris: Il. 4, 443).
    fig., of a report (Pla., Ep. 7, 333a; 338b λόγος ἐχώρει) εἰς ἡμᾶς ἐχώρησεν it has reached us 1 Cl 47:7. εἰς μετάνοιαν χωρεῖν come to repentance 2 Pt 3:9 (cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 30 §115 ἐς ἀπόστασιν χ.=turned to revolt). εἴς τι ἀγαθὸν χωρεῖν lead to some good B 21:7 (Soph., El. 615 εἰς ἔργον; Aristoph., Ran. 641 ἐς τὸ δίκαιον).
    to make an advance in movement, be in motion, go forward, make progress (Pla., Cratyl. 19, 402a the saying of Heraclitus πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει; Hdt. 3, 42; 5, 89; 7, 10; 8, 68; Aristoph., Pax 472; 509, Nub. 907; Polyb. 10, 35, 4; 28, 15, 12; Dionys. Hal. 1, 64, 4; Plut., Galba 1057 [10, 1]; TestIss 1:11 v.l.; Jos., Ant. 12, 242; PTebt 27, 81 ἕκαστα χωρῆσαι κατὰ τὴν ἡμετέραν πρόθεσιν) ὁ λόγος ὁ ἐμὸς οὐ χωρεῖ ἐν ὑμῖν my word makes no headway among you J 8:37 (Moffatt; cp. Weymouth. Eunap., Vi. Soph. p. 103 χωρεῖ λόγος). Or perh. (as in 1b above) there is no place in you for my word (NRSV; cp. Goodsp. and 20th Cent.; Field, Notes 94f, w. ref. to Alciphron, Ep. 3, 7; Bultmann; DTabachovitz, Till betydelsen av χωρεῖν Joh. 8:37: Eranos 31, ’33, 71f.—Perh. also=χώραν ἔχειν Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 70 §289 ὀλίγην ἐν αὐτοῖς χώραν ἔχειν; Alex. Aphr., Fat. 6 p. 169, 31 Br. χώραν ἐν αὐτοῖς ἔχει τὸ παρὰ φύσιν ‘even that which is contrary to nature has room [to be practiced] among them’; Ath., R. 20 p. 73, 18 οὐδʼ οὕτως ἕξει χώραν ἡ κατʼ αὐτῆς κρίσις not even so would any judgment of [the soul] take place).
    to have room for, hold, contain
    lit., of vessels that hold a certain quantity (Hdt. et al.; Diod S 13, 83, 3 of stone πίθοι: χ. ἀμφορεῖς χιλίους; 3 Km 7:24; 2 Ch 4:5 χ. μετρητάς; EpArist 76 χωροῦντες ὑπὲρ δύο μετρητάς; TestNapht 2:2) J 2:6; cp. Hs 9, 2, 1. In a hyperbolic expr. οὐδʼ αὐτὸν τὸν κόσμον χωρῆσαι (v.l. χωρήσειν) τὰ γραφόμενα βιβλία J 21:25 (Philo, Ebr. 32 οὐδὲ τῶν δωρεῶν ἱκανὸς οὐδεὶς χωρῆσαι τὸ ἄφθονον πλῆθος, ἴσως δὲ οὐδʼ ὁ κόσμος ‘no one, probably not even the world, is capable of containing the inexhaustible multitude of their gifts’. On this subj. cp. Pind., O. 2, 98–100, N. 4, 71f; s. also ELucius, Die Anfänge des Heiligenkults 1904, 200, 1; OWeinreich, Antike Heilungswunder 1909, 199–201). Of a space that holds people (Thu. 2, 17, 3; Diod S 13, 61, 6 μὴ δυναμένων χωρῆσαι τῶν τριήρων τὸν ὄχλον=be able to hold the crowd; Plut., Mor. 804b; of theater capacity PSI 186, 4 χωρήσει τὸ θέαδρον [sic]; Gen 13:6; Jos., Bell, 6, 131) without an obj. (cp. οὐ χάρτης χωρεῖ in late pap = the sheet of paper is not large enough) ὥστε μηκέτι χωρεῖν μηδὲ τὰ πρὸς τὴν θύραν so that there was no longer any room, even around the door Mk 2:2. Cp. Hm 5, 2, 5. Of God πάντα χωρῶν, μόνος δὲ ἀχώρητος ὤν containing everything, but the only one uncontained Hm 1:1; quite sim. PtK 2 p. 13, 24 (Mel., P. 5, 38 Χριστός, ὸ̔ς κεχώρηκεν τὰ πάντα).
    α. of open-heartedness, having a ‘big heart’ χωρήσατε ἡμᾶς make room for us in your hearts 2 Cor 7:2 (cp. 6:12; Field, Notes 184; PDuff, Apostolic Suffering and the Language of Procession in 2 Cor 4:7–10: BTB 21, ’91, 158–65).
    β. grasp in the mental sense, accept, comprehend, understand (Περὶ ὕψους 9, 9 τὴν τοῦ θεοῦ δύναμιν; Plut., Cato Min. 791 [64, 5] τὸ Κάτωνος φρόνημα χωρεῖν; Synes., Kingship 29 p. 31d φιλοσοφία has her abode παρὰ τῷ θεῷ … καὶ ὅταν αὐτὴν μὴ χωρῇ κατιοῦσαν ὁ χθόνιος χῶρος, μένει παρὰ τῷ πατρί=and if she comes down and the region of the earth cannot contain her, she remains with the Father; SIG 814, 11 [67 A.D.]; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 238, 8; PGM 4, 729; Ps.-Phocyl. 89; Philo; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 225) τὸν λόγον Mt 19:11. Pass. Dg 12:7. W. acc. to be supplied Mt 19:12ab=ISm 6:1; cp. ITr 5:1.
    γ. of a native condition permit, allow for ἃ οὐ χωρεῖ ἡ φύσις αὐτῆς=(Mary has had a child) something that her present native (virginal) condition does not allow for GJs 19:3 (s. φύσις 2). DELG s.v. χώρα. M-M. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > χωρέω

  • 48 ἀπολαμβάνω

    ἀπολαμβάνω fut. ἀπολή(μ)ψομαι; 2 aor. ἀπέλαβον; pf. ptc. ἀπειληφότες 4 Macc 18:23. Mid.: 2 aor. ptc. ἀπολαβόμενος; pf. ptc. ἀπειλημμένων Is. 5:17 (s. λαμβάνω; Eur., Hdt.+).
    to obtain someth. from a source, receive τὶ: τ. υἱοθεσίαν adoption Gal 4:5. τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν B 15:7; pl. Hv 2, 2, 6, cp. 5:7. πάντα Hm 9:4. τ. ἐκκλησίαν 2 Cl 14:3. τ. αἰώνιον ζωήν 8:6.—As commercial t.t. (s. ἀπέχω) receive (UPZ 162 VIII, 28 [117 B.C.] τ. τιμὴν ἀπολαβεῖν) τὰ ἀγαθά σου you have already received your good things Lk 16:25 (difft. KBornhäuser, NKZ 39, 1928, 838f); cp. 2 Cl 11:4. Esp. of wages (since Hdt. 8, 137 μισθόν; Sb 7438, 13 [VI A.D.]; GrBar 15:3 μισθόν) ἀ. πολλαπλασίονα receive many times more Lk 18:30; ἄξια ἀ. 23:41; τ. μισθόν 2 Cl 9:5; Hs 5, 6, 7; μισθὸν πλήρη 2J 8; ἀντιμισθίαν ἀ. Ro 1:27; ἀπὸ κυρίου ἀ. τ. ἀνταπόδοσιν Col 3:24; τ. κλῆρον ἀ. obtain one’s lot IRo 1:2; τ. μέλλοντα αἰῶνα the future age (w. its glory) Pol 5:2; τ. τῆς ἀφθαρσίας στέφανον MPol 19:2 (cp. τὴν δόξαν TestJob 43:15). It appears to be used abs. οὐ γὰρ | ἐν τοῖς ζωοῖς μόνοις ἀπολαμβάνουσιν οἱ κακοῦργοι τῶν ἀν(θρώπ)ων ἀλλὰ [κ]αὶ| κόλασιν ὑπομένουσιν καὶ πολ[λ]ὴν| βάσανον Ox 840, 4–7, but the primary obj. is probably κόλασις which does duty for the two clauses, w. β. being an additional feature in the endtime: not only among the living do human evildoers receive punishment, but they also await it and much torment as well.—EPreuschen, ZNW 9, 1908, 4.
    to receive back someth. that one previously possessed, recover, get back (Jos., Ant. 5, 19; Just., A I, 18, 6 τὰ … ἑαυτῶν σώματα) τὰ ἴσα the same amount Lk 6:34 (a commercial term as Sb 7516, 24 [II A.D.] τὰ ὀφειλόμενα). ὑγιαίνοντα αὐτὸν ἀπέλαβεν he has gotten him back safe and sound 15:27. Fig. τ. λαὸν καθαρόν take his people back pure Hs 9, 18, 4. τὸ ἴδιον μέγεθος ISm 11:2.
    to lead or take away from a particular point, take away of persons (so since Hdt. 1, 209; Aristoph., Ran. 78 αὐτὸν μόνον; PLond I, 42, 13 p. 30; Witkowski 32, 13 p. 62; sim. 36, 10f p. 65 for confinement; Jos., Bell. 2, 109 ἀπολαβόμενος αὐτὸν κατʼ ἰδίαν; 2 Macc 6:21) mid. ἀπολαβόμενος αὐτὸν ἀπὸ τ. ὄχλου κατʼ ἰδίαν he took him aside, away fr. the crowd, by himself Mk 7:33.
    to accept someone’s presence with friendliness, welcome (PLips 110, 6; PIand 13, 17f ἵνα μετὰ χαρᾶς σε ἀπολάβωμεν) 3J 8 v.l.; τὴν πολυπληθίαν ὑμῶν your entire congregation IEph 1:3. ὸ̔ν ἐξεμπλάριον τ. ἀφʼ ὑμῶν ἀγάπης ἀπέλαβον whom I have welcomed as a living example of your love 2:1.—M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἀπολαμβάνω

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