Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 41 remission

    1) (a lessening in the severity of an illness etc.) atenuação
    2) (a shortening of a person's prison sentence.) perdão
    3) (the act of remitting.) remissão
    * * *
    [rim'iʃən] n 1 remissão, perdão, absolvição, indulto. 2 moderação, diminuição, redução. 3 alívio, relaxação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > remission

  • 42 scale

    I [skeil] noun
    1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) escala
    2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) escala
    3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) escala
    4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) escala
    5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) escala
    II [skeil] verb
    (to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) escalar
    III [skeil] noun
    (any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) escama
    * * *
    [skeil] n 1 escama. 2 camada fina, crosta. 3 Ent cochonilha. • vi 1 escamar, remover escamas. 2 descascar. to scale off esfoliar.
    [skeil] n 1 prato de balança. • vt pesar. the calf scales 125 pounds / o vitelo pesa 125 libras.
    [skeil] n 1 escala, seqüência, série de graus. 2 graduação, régua, metro, instrumento de medida. 3 escala: proporção de tamanho. 4 extensão, tamanho. 5 Mus escala. • vi 1 reduzir, baixar em certa proporção. 2 representar em escala. 3 escalar, subir, ascender. on a large scale em larga escala. plain scale tamanho natural (desenho). reduced ( enlarged) scale escala reduzida (aumentada). to scale down reduzir proporcionalmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scale

  • 43 security

    noun (the state of being, or making safe, secure, free from danger etc: the security of a happy home; This alarm system will give the factory some security; There has to be tight security at a prison; ( also adjective) the security forces; a security guard.) segurança
    * * *
    [sikj'uəriti] n 1 segurança, seguridade, despreocupação. 2 certeza. 3 proteção, defesa. 4 garantia, fiança. 5 fiador. to give security dar fiança.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > security

  • 44 serve

    [sə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to work for a person etc eg as a servant: He served his master for forty years.) servir
    2) (to distribute food etc or supply goods: She served the soup to the guests; Which shop assistant served you (with these goods)?) servir
    3) (to be suitable for a purpose: This upturned bucket will serve as a seat.) servir
    4) (to perform duties, eg as a member of the armed forces: He served (his country) as a soldier for twenty years; I served on the committee for five years.) servir
    5) (to undergo (a prison sentence): He served (a sentence of) six years for armed robbery.) cumprir
    6) (in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc and hitting it: He served the ball into the net; Is it your turn to serve?) servir
    2. noun
    (act of serving (a ball).) serviço
    - serving
    - it serves you right
    - serve an apprenticeship
    - serve out
    - serve up
    * * *
    [sə:v] n Sport saque no jogo de tênis, serviço. • vt 1 servir, trabalhar para. 2 trabalhar como criado, trabalhar. 3 servir à mesa. 4 fazer serviço militar, servir o exército. 5 suprir, fornecer. a summons was served upon him / ele foi citado perante o juiz. 6 ajudar, secundar. I’ll be glad to serve you / terei prazer em servi-lo. 7 ser útil, ser apropriado, servir de. this serves no purpose / isto não serve para nada. 8 cumprir, preencher. 9 satisfazer, ser suficiente. 10 tratar. 11 passar, gastar. 12 entregar, enviar, presentear. 13 dar o lance inicial, Tennis dar o saque, servir. 14 manejar. 15 Naut enrolar, reforçar, proteger (cabo ou corda fina). 16 cobrir, copular. that serves him right bem-feito para ele. to serve a sentence cumprir uma pena. he serves his sentence / ele cumpre sua pena. to serve out dividir, distribuir, pagar na mesma moeda. to serve the ball Tennis dar o saque. to serve up servir à mesa. to serve with trabalhar com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > serve

  • 45 subsequently

    adverb (afterwards: He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.) subsequentemente
    * * *
    [s'∧bsikwəntli] adv subseqüentemente. subsequently to logo após.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > subsequently

  • 46 system

    1) (an arrangement of many parts that work together: a railway system; the solar system; the digestive system.) sistema
    2) (a person's body: Take a walk every day - it's good for the system!) organismo
    3) (a way of organizing something according to certain ideas, principles etc: a system of government/education.) sistema
    4) (a plan or method: What is your system for washing the dishes?) sistema
    5) (the quality of being efficient and methodical: Your work lacks system.) método
    - systematically
    * * *
    [s'istim] n 1 sistema, conjunto de partes. 2 grupo de fatos, crenças ou princípios. 3 forma de governo, coordenação de métodos. 4 plano, esquema, método de classificação. 5 organização. 6 organismo. 7 sistema solar. 8 mundo, universo. 9 Geol formação. digestive system aparelho, trato digestivo. planetary system sistema planetário. prison system sistema carcerário. system of pulleys moitão. system of roads rede rodoviária.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > system

  • 47 throw

    [Ɵrəu] 1. past tense - threw; verb
    1) (to send through the air with force; to hurl or fling: He threw the ball to her / threw her the ball.) atirar
    2) ((of a horse) to make its rider fall off: My horse threw me.) atirar ao chão
    3) (to puzzle or confuse: He was completely thrown by her question.) confundir
    4) ((in wrestling, judo etc) to wrestle (one's opponent) to the ground.) derrubar
    2. noun
    (an act of throwing: That was a good throw!) arremesso
    - throw doubt on
    - throw in
    - throw light on
    - throw oneself into
    - throw off
    - throw open
    - throw out
    - throw a party
    - throw up
    - throw one's voice
    - throwaway
    * * *
    [θrou] n 1 lance, arremesso. 2 distância à qual um objeto é atirado. 3 faixa de luz. 4 Mech curso. 5 Mech comprimento do braço. 6 Geol deslocamento. • vt+vi (ps threw, pp thrown) 1 atirar, arremessar, lançar, jogar. he threw stones at me / ele atirou pedras em mim. he threw this remark in my face / ele me jogou esta observação na cara. he was thrown into prison / ele foi preso. 2 derrubar, jogar ao chão, prostrar. 3 pôr, mandar, construir rapidamente. 4 virar, dirigir, mover (rapidamente). 5 virar, acionar (chave ou alavanca). 6 despejar (líquido), descarregar. 7 dar cria. 8 torcer, fiar (seda). 9 moldar, tornear no torno de oleiro. 10 Amer perder propositadamente um jogo esportivo, deixar o adversário ganhar por dinheiro. an opportunity thrown away uma oportunidade não aproveitada. he hastily threw it into English ele traduziu-o rapidamente para o inglês. she threw her friend overboard fig ela abandonou seu amigo. to be thrown into rapture ficar entusiasmado. to be thrown upon oneself depender de si mesmo. to throw about Naut mudar de curso repentinamente. to throw a party Amer dar uma festa. to throw away a) jogar fora. b) desperdiçar. to throw back a) repelir, recusar. b) forçar alguém a depender de alguma coisa. he was thrown back upon his own ability / ele dependeu de sua própria habilidade. to throw down derrubar, tombar, jogar ao chão, demolir. to throw in a) intercalar, lançar para dentro, juntar, adicionar. b) incluir como bônus ou bonificação. to throw in one’s hand desistir de um trabalho. to throw off a) lançar fora, livrar-se, desfazer-se de. I could not throw off my cold / não consegui me livrar do meu resfriado. b) despir-se. c) Typogr tirar prova. d) desconcertar, embaraçar. to throw on vestir(-se) rapidamente. he threw on the coat / ele vestiu rapidamente a capa. to throw oneself into dedicar-se, empenhar-se de corpo e alma. I threw my soul into this idea / dediquei-me completamente a esta idéia. to throw oneself on/ upon atacar, assaltar. to throw open abrir (porta), inaugurar. to throw out a) expulsar, mandar embora, demitir. b) enviar (tropas), colocar (guardas). to throw over a) abandonar, descartar. we threw the plan over / abandonamos o plano. b) encobrir. we shall throw a veil over that / encobriremos isto. to throw remarks at someone lançar observações contra alguém. to throw together encontrar-se por acaso. to throw up a) jogar para cima, elevar, erigir, levantar. he threw up his hands / ele levantou as mãos. b) coll vomitar. to throw up the game renunciar ao jogo. to throw up the sponge Amer desistir da corrida.
    adj fiado, torcido (seda).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > throw

  • 48 to break out

    to break out
    a) tirar quebrando. b) desobstruir, livrar. c) irromper problemas na pele. he broke out into hives/sua pele ficou cheia de urticária. d) desabafar-se, expandir-se. he broke out into lamentations/ele rompeu em lamúrias. e) fugir, escapar. he broke out of prison/ele fugiu da cadeia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to break out

  • 49 tunnel

    1. noun
    (a (usually man-made) underground passage, especially one cut through a hill or under a river: The road goes through a tunnel under the river.) túnel
    2. verb
    (to make a tunnel: They escaped from prison by tunnelling under the walls.) fazer um túnel
    * * *
    [t'∧nəl] n 1 túnel, passagem subterrânea. 2 Min galeria. • vt+vi escavar um túnel, construir um túnel. the light at the end of the tunnel a luz no fim do túnel, a esperança.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tunnel

  • 50 warden

    1) (the person in charge of an old people's home, a student residence etc: The warden has reported that two students are missing from the hostel.) director
    2) ((also traffic warden) a person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area: If the (traffic) warden finds your car parked there you will be fined.) polícia de trânsito
    3) ((American) the person in charge of a prison.) guarda civil
    4) ((also game warden) a person who guards a game reserve.) guarda florestal
    * * *
    [w'ɔ:dən] n 1 diretor (de colégio, escola). 2 administrador ou diretor (de um presídio). 3 Hist governador. 4 mordomo (de igreja). 5 encarregado (de certas missões). 6 guarda, guardião, sentinela. 7 porteiro, guarda-portão. 8 administrador (de porta).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > warden

  • 51 a clean slate

    (a fresh start: After being in prison he started his new job with a clean slate.) ficha limpa

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a clean slate

  • 52 break out

    1) (to appear or happen suddenly: War has broken out.) rebentar
    2) (to escape (from prison, restrictions etc): A prisoner has broken out (noun breakout).) escapar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break out

  • 53 have nothing to do with

    1) (to avoid completely: After he came out of prison, many of his friends would have nothing to do with him.) não querer saber de
    2) ((also be nothing to do with) to be something that a person ought not to be interested in: This letter has/is nothing to do with you.) não ter nada a ver com

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have nothing to do with

  • 54 keep quiet about

    (to say nothing about; to keep secret: I'd like you to keep quiet about the child's father being in prison.) guardar segredo

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep quiet about

  • 55 make an example of

    (to punish as a warning to others: The judge decided to make an example of the young thief and sent him to prison for five years.) tornar um exemplo/fazer exemplo em, castigar exemplarmente

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make an example of

  • 56 roll-call

    noun (an act of calling names from a list, to find out if anyone is missing eg in a prison or school class.) chamada

    English-Portuguese dictionary > roll-call

  • 57 suspended sentence

    noun (a prison sentence that will take effect only if the criminal commits a (similar) crime again.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > suspended sentence

  • 58 a clean slate

    (a fresh start: After being in prison he started his new job with a clean slate.) ficha limpa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > a clean slate

  • 59 acquittal

    noun He was released from prison following his acquittal.) absolvição

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > acquittal

  • 60 agitate

    1) (to make (someone) excited and anxious: The news agitated her.) agitar
    2) (to try to arouse public feeling and action: That group is agitating for prison reform.) fazer campanha
    3) (to shake: The tree was agitated by the wind.) agitar
    - agitation - agitator

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > agitate

См. также в других словарях:

  • prison — [ prizɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe; prisun, prisum « prise, capture » 1080; lat. pop. °prensio, onis, class. prehensio, onis, de prehendere I ♦ Lieu de détention. 1 ♦ Établissement clos aménagé pour recevoir des délinquants condamnés à une peine privative… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Prison — de la Santé 14e arrondissement, Paris Une prison, centre de détention ou pénitencier[note 1] est un lieu d emprisonnement ; par extension, le terme pri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • prison — Prison, De Prensus, syncopé de Prehensus vient de Prins, ou Pris. De Pris vient Prison, le lieu où lon met ceux qui sont Pris, et de Prison, Prisonnier, Carcer, Ergastulum, Custodia, Phylaca, Plaut. Prisons où sont liez les malfaicteurs, Vincula… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • prison — pris·on n: an institution usu. under state control for confinement of persons serving sentences for serious crimes compare house of correction, house of detention, jail, lockup …   Law dictionary

  • Prison — Pris on (?; 277), n. [F., fr. L. prehensio, prensio, a seizing, arresting, fr. prehendre, prendere, to lay hold of, to seize. See {Prehensile}, and cf. {Prize}, n., {Misprision}.] 1. A place where persons are confined, or restrained of personal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prison — Разработчик Reaktor Дата выпуска 2007 Жанр 3D шутер, головоломка Платформы PC …   Википедия

  • prison — Prison. s. f. Lieu où l on enferme les criminels, les debiteurs, &c. par l ordre de la justice. Mettre en prison. tirer de prison. tenir en prison. sortir de prison. rompre les prisons. garder la prison. on luy a donné la ville pour prison. On… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Prison 59 — (in Persian: بازداشتگاه ۵۹) is an unofficial detention centre on Vali e Asr Avenue in Tehran, Iran, under the administration of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. Like other covert detention centres such as Towhid Prison and Amaken,… …   Wikipedia

  • Prison 59 — est un centre non officiel de détention pénitentiaire du gouvernement iranien qui se situe dans l avenue Vali e Asr à Téhéran, en Iran. Ce centre est administré par le corps de la Garde Révolutionnaire Islamique Comme plusieurs autres centres de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prison — Pris on, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Prisoned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Prisoning}.] 1. To imprison; to shut up in, or as in, a prison; to confine; to restrain from liberty. [1913 Webster] The prisoned eagle dies for rage. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] His true …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prison — early 12c., from O.Fr. prisoun prison, imprisonment (11c.), altered (by influence of pris taken; see PRIZE (Cf. prize) (2)) from earlier preson, from L. prensionem (nom. prensio), shortening of prehensionem (nom. *prehensio) a taking, noun of… …   Etymology dictionary

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