1 precipitation pattern
* * *
* * *
2 precipitation pattern
Экология: характер атмосферных осадков, характер осадков -
3 runway
runway n1. взлетно-посадочная полоса2. самопроизвольное отклонение active runwayдействующаяalign the aircraft with the runwayустанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВППall-service runwayВПП для эксплуатации любых типов воздушных судовasphaltic runway surfaceасфальтовое покрытие ВППautopilot runwayзаброс руля автопилотомavailable runway lengthрасполагаемая длина ВППbasic runway lengthбазовая длина ВППclear runway statusсостояние готовности ВПП к полетамclear the runwayосвобождать ВППclosed runwayзакрытая для эксплуатации ВППconcrete runwayбетонная ВППconcrete runway surfaceбетонное покрытие ВППcontaminate runwayзагрязненная ВППcross-sloped runwayВПП с поперечным уклономcrushed stone runway surfaceщебеночное покрытие ВППdamp runwayвлажная ВППdelimit the runwayобозначать границы ВППdelineate the runwayочерчивать границы ВППdirt runway surfaceгрунтовое покрытие ВППdisplaced runway thresholdсмещенный порог ВППdownhill runwayпокатая ВППdry runwayсухая ВППdry runway statusсухая ВППduty runwayдействующая ВППend of runwayначало ВППfavourable runway orientationнаиболее благоприятное направление ВППflooded runwayзалитая водой ВППfoam a runwayпокрывать ВПП пенойgrading of runwayнивелирование ВППgrass runway surfaceтравяное покрытие ВППgravel runway surfaceпокрытие ВПП из гравияgrooved runway surfaceрифленое покрытие ВППhard-surface runwayВПП с твердым покрытиемhave the runway in sightчетко видеть ВППhigh intensity runway lightsогни ВПП высокой интенсивностиhumped runwayвыпуклая ВППice-bound runwayобледеневшая ВППidle runwayзакрытая для полетов ВППinstrument runwayВПП, оборудованная для посадки по приборамlanding runwayВПП, открытая только для посадокleave the runwayосвобождать ВППmacadam runway surfaceцементно-щебеночное покрытие ВППmagnetic orientation of runwayориентировка ВПП по магнитному меридиануmain runwayосновная ВППmaintained runwayподготовленная для полетов ВППnoise preferential runwayпредпочтительная по уровню шума ВППnoninstrument runwayВПП, не оборудованная для посадки по приборамnonprecision approach runwayВПП, не оборудованная для точного захода на посадкуoperational runwayоткрытая для полетов ВППoverflying the runwayпролет над ВППoverrun the runwayвыкатываться за пределы ВППpassing over the runwayпролет над ВППpaved runwayВПП с искусственным покрытиемporous runway surfaceпористое покрытие ВППportion of a runwayучасток ВППprecipitation-covered runwayвлажная ВПП(после выпадения атмосферных осадков) precision approach runwayВПП, оборудованная для точного захода на посадкуprimary runwayосновная ВППregular runwayосновная действующая ВППrigid pavement runwayВПП с жестким покрытиемrising runway indicatorуказатель скорости снижения на ВППrun off the runwayвыкатываться за пределы ВППrunway acceptance rateпропускная способность ВППrunway access taxiwayрулежная дорожка у торца ВППrunway alignmentвыравнивание при входе в створ ВППrunway alignment indicatorуказатель входа в створ ВППrunway alignment indicator lightsсигнальные огни входа в створ ВППrunway approach surveillance radarобзорный радиолокатор подхода к ВППrunway arresterтормозная установкаrunway arresting gearтормозное устройство на ВППrunway boundary beaconпограничный маяк ВППrunway capacityпропускная способность ВППrunway categoryкатегория ВППrunway center lineось ВППrunway centerlineосевая линия ВППrunway centerline lightsогни осевой линии ВППrunway centerline markingмаркировка осевой линии ВППrunway classification systemсистема классификации ВППrunway cleanerочистительная машина для ВППrunway clearance lightсветовой сигнал готовности ВППrunway controlledдиспетчер стартаrunway control vanпередвижной диспетчерский пункт в районе ВППrunway designation markingопознавательный знак ВППrunway directionнаправление расположения ВППrunway drainage courseоснование ВППrunway edgeбоковая кромка ВППrunway edge lightsпосадочные огни ВППrunway edge markerмаркер кромки ВППrunway edge markingмаркировка границ ВППrunway elevationпревышение ВППrunway end identifier lightsопознавательные огни торца ВППrunway end lightsограничительные огни ВППrunway end safety areaконцевая зона безопасности ВППrunway end safety area lightsогни концевой зоны безопасности ВППrunway environmentусловия в районе ВППrunway extensionудлинение ВППrunway extremityконцевая часть ВППrunway floodlightпосадочный прожектор ВППrunway flush lightутопленный огонь на поверхности ВППrunway friction characteristicхарактеристика сцепления поверхности ВППrunway gradientуклон ВППrunway guard lightsогни ограждения ВППrunway headingнаправление ВППrunway hidden hazardскрытое препятствие в районе ВППrunway identifier lightsопознавательные огни ВППrunway intersectionпересечение ВППrunway intersection signуказатель пересечения рулежной дорожки и ВППrunway jointing sealantзаполнитель швов покрытия ВППrunway leading edgeпередняя кромка ВППrunway lead-in lighting systemсистема огней подхода к ВППrunway lead-in lightsогни подхода к ВППrunway lengthдлина ВППrunway levelуровень ВППrunway lightingсветосигнальное оборудование ВППrunway lighting systemсветосигнальная система ВППrunway lighting unitкомплект светотехнического оборудования ВППrunway markingмаркировка ВППrunway orientationнаправление ВППrunway patternсхема расположения ВППrunway pattern symbolусловный код ВППrunway performanceхарактеристика ВППrunway presentationиндикация ВППrunway profileпрофиль ВППrunway shoulderбоковая полоса безопасности ВППrunway slopeуклон ВППrunway slope gridшкала уклонаrunway stripлетная полоса(включает ВПП, концевые и боковые полосы безопасности) runway strip patternсхема летного поляrunway subgradeподушка ВППrunway surfaceпокрытие ВППrunway surface condition sensorдатчик состояния поверхности ВППrunway surface evennessгладкость поверхности ВППrunway surface frictionсцепление колес с поверхностью ВППrunway surface markingмаркировка покрытия ВППrunway surface treatmentобработка поверхности ВППrunway sweeperмашина для очистки ВППrunway threshold lightsвходные огни ВППrunway threshold markingмаркировка порога ВППrunway touchdown lightsогни зоны приземления на ВППrunway true bearingистинный пеленгrunway turning bayучасток разворота на ВППrunway usability factorкоэффициент использования ВППrunway usable distanceрабочая часть ВППrunway user chargeсбор за пользование ВППrunway visibilityвидимость на ВППrunway visual lengthдальность видимости на ВППrunway visual rangeдальность видимости на ВППrunway visual range observationнаблюдение за дальностью видимости на ВППrunway wearing courseдренажный слой ВППrunway widthширина ВППsecondary runwayзапасная ВППsimultaneous use of runwaysодновременная эксплуатация нескольких ВППslippery runwayВПП с низким коэффициентом сцепленияslope on runwayуклон ВППsmooth runwayВПП с гладкой поверхностьюsmooth runway surfaceровное покрытие ВППsnow-covered runwayпокрытая снегом ВППsodded runwayВПП с дерновым покрытиемsoft-surface runwayВПП с мягким покрытиемstabilizer runwayуход стабилизатораtakeoff runwayВПП, открытая только для взлетовthe runway is clearВПП свободнаthe runway is not clearВПП занятаturf runwayВПП с травяным покрытиемunpaved runwayгрунтовая ВППwater-covered runwayзалитая водой ВППwet runwayвлажная ВППwet runway statusвлажная ВППwrong runwayВПП, не соответствующая заданию на полетzero runway slopeнулевой уклон ВПП -
4 P
1) Общая лексика: P-образный, имеющий форму буквы P, (управление) L = local хим.оруж. ручное = (control)2) Компьютерная техника: Personalize, Processor3) Геология: Peninsula5) Медицина: прогестерон, коэффициент достоверности различий6) Американизм: Permanent, Plenary, Proposition, Protocol7) Ботаника: Plant8) Спорт: Par, Participation, Player, Playing, Points, Pro, Puzzle, положение согнувшись10) Военный термин: Pacific, Peacetime, Physical, Preparation, Prison, pad, pamphlet, panel, paper, park, pass, patient, patrol, pay, paymaster, percussion, period, photo, pilot, pilotless, pistol, planning, platoon, pointed, poison, police, position, practical, practice, priority, private, probability, proficiency, program, prohibited, project, propulsion, protection, prototype, publication, purchased, отдел ЛС11) Техника: pebble, peta, pico, precipitation treating, propagation constant, proposal, proton, фосфор12) Сельское хозяйство: Pig, parent, pelleted, periodical, plague14) Химия: Plus15) Математика: Parallel, Polynomial, вероятность (probability), периметр (perimeter), точка (point), (E) The Perimeter of E, (J) The Price of J16) Религия: Passover, Peace, Powerful, Presbyterian18) Метеорология: Precipitation19) Юридический термин: Pacific Reporter, Paddy, Pitiful, Preventing, Privilege, Psycho, (2d) Pacific Reporter, Second Series20) Бухгалтерия: Positively, Price, Profit, Profits, Projected21) Фармакология: pharmacy only medicine (препарат, подлежащий продаже только в аптеке)22) Лингвистика: предикатор, предлог, причастие23) Автомобильный термин: parking - стоянка25) Грубое выражение: Personal26) Кино: Profanity27) Металлургия: permeance28) Музыка: Piano31) Телекоммуникации: Predicted Pictures (MPEG), Receive Sequence Number of packet (PLP; R), Send Sequence Number of packet (PLP; S)32) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Korea, North), Palubnyi (Shipborne (Russia)), Papa (phonetic alphabet), Paraguay, Paris, Pence, Phenotypic, Protestant, partial loss, partial pay, passenger, pastor, patchy, patent, personnel, phosphoric, phosphorus, pillar, pipeline, plan, plastic, polarity, polypropylene, porosity, power, power plant, president, priest, primary, prince, proportional limit, propose, prostaglandin, purple, parking (надпись на дорожном знаке)33) Театр: Perform34) Текстиль: Pajamas35) Университет: Party, Physics, Professor36) Физика: Predicted, The Propagation, The Proportion, (вязкость) Пз37) Физиология: Pain, Parainfluenza, Paralysis, Pathology, Penetration, Penis, Perception, Pinky, Post, Premature, Progressive38) Электроника: Pentode, Potential, The Positive39) Сленг: любые единицы иностранных валют, начинающиеся на "р"41) Нефть: ( wave) slowness, and ID piping and instrumentation diagram, compressional wave, cumulative produced, dipole movement/volume, mean, packstone, particle, pinched, polarization, pore, pound, production time, proximity log, pseudo, salinity42) Генетика: символ, обозначающий родительское поколение для первого дочернего поколения F1 (родительское поколение по отношению к P обозначается как P1, иногда P обозначается как F0), пролин43) Картография: pebbles, pier, pond, pump, post (and telegraph office), post (office)44) Банковское дело: опцион "пут" (put option)45) Транспорт: Porsche48) Экология: Pollution49) СМИ: Paragraph, Passion, Photomosaic, Presentation, Press, Preview, Prologue, Publishing50) Деловая лексика: Partnership, Perseverance, Preliminary, Probation, Professionalism, страница (page)52) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pleistocene, Procurement, poise (measure of absolute viscosity; 1 P = 1 g per m-sec and cP is 1 g per cm-sec or 0.01 P)53) Образование: Permission, Praise, Prepare54) Инвестиции: put option55) Полимеры: part, partial, pattern, peak, plate, point, polar, power, proceedings, programming57) Автоматика: probe58) Расширение файла: Applause picture Graphics file, OS/2 Notes file, Pascal language source code file, Progress Database source code, Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)59) Нефть и газ: proportional band, proportional term60) Яхтенный спорт: высота подъема грота62) Уровнеметрия: датчик давления P M (Identifies the middle pressure transmitter. This transmitter should be located 8 to 10 feet (2. 4 to 3 meters) above the P B tap)63) Должность: Performance, Professional, Promoter65) НАСА: Phenomena66) Федеральное бюро расследований: Pending68) СМС: Phew69) Базы данных: Parity, Protected, Public70) Обувная промышленность: resistance against penetration (специальное обозначение) -
5 p
1) Общая лексика: P-образный, имеющий форму буквы P, (управление) L = local хим.оруж. ручное = (control)2) Компьютерная техника: Personalize, Processor3) Геология: Peninsula5) Медицина: прогестерон, коэффициент достоверности различий6) Американизм: Permanent, Plenary, Proposition, Protocol7) Ботаника: Plant8) Спорт: Par, Participation, Player, Playing, Points, Pro, Puzzle, положение согнувшись10) Военный термин: Pacific, Peacetime, Physical, Preparation, Prison, pad, pamphlet, panel, paper, park, pass, patient, patrol, pay, paymaster, percussion, period, photo, pilot, pilotless, pistol, planning, platoon, pointed, poison, police, position, practical, practice, priority, private, probability, proficiency, program, prohibited, project, propulsion, protection, prototype, publication, purchased, отдел ЛС11) Техника: pebble, peta, pico, precipitation treating, propagation constant, proposal, proton, фосфор12) Сельское хозяйство: Pig, parent, pelleted, periodical, plague14) Химия: Plus15) Математика: Parallel, Polynomial, вероятность (probability), периметр (perimeter), точка (point), (E) The Perimeter of E, (J) The Price of J16) Религия: Passover, Peace, Powerful, Presbyterian18) Метеорология: Precipitation19) Юридический термин: Pacific Reporter, Paddy, Pitiful, Preventing, Privilege, Psycho, (2d) Pacific Reporter, Second Series20) Бухгалтерия: Positively, Price, Profit, Profits, Projected21) Фармакология: pharmacy only medicine (препарат, подлежащий продаже только в аптеке)22) Лингвистика: предикатор, предлог, причастие23) Автомобильный термин: parking - стоянка25) Грубое выражение: Personal26) Кино: Profanity27) Металлургия: permeance28) Музыка: Piano31) Телекоммуникации: Predicted Pictures (MPEG), Receive Sequence Number of packet (PLP; R), Send Sequence Number of packet (PLP; S)32) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Korea, North), Palubnyi (Shipborne (Russia)), Papa (phonetic alphabet), Paraguay, Paris, Pence, Phenotypic, Protestant, partial loss, partial pay, passenger, pastor, patchy, patent, personnel, phosphoric, phosphorus, pillar, pipeline, plan, plastic, polarity, polypropylene, porosity, power, power plant, president, priest, primary, prince, proportional limit, propose, prostaglandin, purple, parking (надпись на дорожном знаке)33) Театр: Perform34) Текстиль: Pajamas35) Университет: Party, Physics, Professor36) Физика: Predicted, The Propagation, The Proportion, (вязкость) Пз37) Физиология: Pain, Parainfluenza, Paralysis, Pathology, Penetration, Penis, Perception, Pinky, Post, Premature, Progressive38) Электроника: Pentode, Potential, The Positive39) Сленг: любые единицы иностранных валют, начинающиеся на "р"41) Нефть: ( wave) slowness, and ID piping and instrumentation diagram, compressional wave, cumulative produced, dipole movement/volume, mean, packstone, particle, pinched, polarization, pore, pound, production time, proximity log, pseudo, salinity42) Генетика: символ, обозначающий родительское поколение для первого дочернего поколения F1 (родительское поколение по отношению к P обозначается как P1, иногда P обозначается как F0), пролин43) Картография: pebbles, pier, pond, pump, post (and telegraph office), post (office)44) Банковское дело: опцион "пут" (put option)45) Транспорт: Porsche48) Экология: Pollution49) СМИ: Paragraph, Passion, Photomosaic, Presentation, Press, Preview, Prologue, Publishing50) Деловая лексика: Partnership, Perseverance, Preliminary, Probation, Professionalism, страница (page)52) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pleistocene, Procurement, poise (measure of absolute viscosity; 1 P = 1 g per m-sec and cP is 1 g per cm-sec or 0.01 P)53) Образование: Permission, Praise, Prepare54) Инвестиции: put option55) Полимеры: part, partial, pattern, peak, plate, point, polar, power, proceedings, programming57) Автоматика: probe58) Расширение файла: Applause picture Graphics file, OS/2 Notes file, Pascal language source code file, Progress Database source code, Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)59) Нефть и газ: proportional band, proportional term60) Яхтенный спорт: высота подъема грота62) Уровнеметрия: датчик давления P M (Identifies the middle pressure transmitter. This transmitter should be located 8 to 10 feet (2. 4 to 3 meters) above the P B tap)63) Должность: Performance, Professional, Promoter65) НАСА: Phenomena66) Федеральное бюро расследований: Pending68) СМС: Phew69) Базы данных: Parity, Protected, Public70) Обувная промышленность: resistance against penetration (специальное обозначение) -
6 depth
1) глубина; метео горизонт измерения ( в океане)2) высота3) мощность, толщина (пласта; облачности)4) насыщенность ( цвета)•depth of application — гидр. поливная нормаdepth of approach — глубина подводящего руслаdepth of beam — высота( сечения) балкиdepth of bridge floor — строительная высота проезжей части мостаdepth of camber — стрела прогибаdepth of cloud — мощность( толщина) облакаdepth of cut — 1. глубина резания 2. лесн. высота пропилаdepth of drain — глубина осушительного канала; глубина заложения закрытого дренажаdepth of drawbar — сил. глубина погружения лодочкиdepth of guillotine — ширина полосы, отрезаемой на бумагорезальной машинеdepth of impression (of indentation) — глубина отпечатка ( при испытании на твёрдость)depth of modulation — глубина модуляции; коэффициент модуляцииdepth of nitration — глубина азотированного слоя, глубина азотированияdepth of penetration — 1. глубина проникновения 2. глубина заглубления (напр. рыхлителя)depth of runoff — слой стокаdepth of throat — 1. глубина зева ( в станине долбежного станка) 2. полезный вылет ( сварочной машины)-
adjustable recess depth
aileron depth
amidships depth
available depth of reservoir
barking depth
burial depth
case depth
channel depth
coating depth
conjugated depths
constructional depth
controlling depth
convection depth
counterbore depth
crack depth
cutting depth
diffusion depth
digging depth
diver depth
drilling depth
effective depth
etch depth
filling depth
fine-detail modulation depth
fluid bed depth
focal depth
freeboard depth
frost-proof depth
full-supply depth
gap depth
glass metal depth
glass depth
groove depth
hardened case depth
hardening depth
hearth depth
hole depth
hydraulic mean depth
immersion depth
impact depth
junction depth
knockover depth
light penetration depth
lockout depth
melt depth
memory depth
midships depth
mining depth
molded depth
navigation depth
notch depth
Olsen cup depth
operating water depth
overall depth
pattern area depth
pit depth
priming depth
producing depth
recording depth
registered depth
register depth
reservoir depth
scene depth
seam depth
setting depth
skin depth
slag depth
snow depth
standard depths
stockline depth
stripping depth
structural depth
target well depth
thermocline depth
tonnage depth
tread depth
true vertical well depth
truss depth
visual depth
wearing depth
web depth
well contract depth
well total depth
well total vertical depth -
7 detector
1) обнаружитель, устройство обнаружения; индикатор2) детектор; демодулятор3) чувствительный (воспринимающий) элемент; датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь•-
acceleration detector
acoustic emission detector
activation detector
adsorption detector
air check detector
air-to-air detector
amplitude detector
angle-of-attack detector
argon detector
arrival detector
average detector
balanced detector
baseband detector
bearing oil leak detector
beta detector
beta-ray detector
brightness-signal detector
broadband detector
brush arc detector
burnout detector
burst-slug detector
carbon monoxide detector
catalytic combustion detector
cathode luminescence detector
charge detector
chevron detector
chroma detector
coarse detector
coherent detector
combustible gas detector
common luminance-chrominance detector
conductometric detector
continuous wave detector
correlation detector
coulometric titration detector
coulometric detector
course detector
crack detector
cross-correlation detector
crystal detector
destructive detector
difference detector
differential detector
differential leak detector
diffused junction detector
diode detector
directional detector
discharge detector
Doppler detector
dosimetric detector
drip detector
dual-flame detector
dust impact detector
earth detector
edge detector
electromagnetic flaw detector
electron-capture detector
embedded temperature detector
embrittlement detector
envelope detector
error detector
excessive tension detector
false lock detector
fast detector
fast-neutron detector
fault detector
fault-phase selection detector
fine detector
fire detector
firedamp detector
first detector
fission detector
flame detector
flame-emissivity detector
flame-ionization detector
flaw detector
fluorescent radiation detector
flux detector
flux-gate detector
focus detector
fog detector
frequency difference detector
frequency-modulation detector
frost detector
gamma-ray detector
gamma-sensitive detector
gas chromatography detector
gas detector
gas discharge detector
gas-volume detector
glow-discharge detector
ground detector
halide leak detector
heat-of-adsorption detector
helium ionization detector
helium detector
heterodyne detector
holiday detector
hot-metal detector
hot-wheel detector
hot-wire detector
humidity detector
hydrogen sulfide detector
hydrogen-flame ionization detector
hydrogen-flame temperature detector
ice detector
iceberg detector
image detector
imaging photon detector
infrared cloud cover detector
infrared detector
infrared leak detector
in-phase detector
integral detector
interfinger detector
intrusion detector
ion detector
ionization detector
knot detector
leak detector
leakage current detector
level detector
light detector
linear detector
liquid chromatography detector
lithium-drifted detector
locally optimum detector
loop detector
low-visibility detector
luminance detector
magnetic detector
mass spectrometer-type leak detector
mass spectrometer leak detector
maximum-likelihood detector
memoryless detector
metal detector
microchannel detector
missing-pulse detector
moment detector
motion detector
moving-coil detector
moving-target detector
moving-window detector
moving-wire detector
multilinear array detector
narrow-band detector
needle detector
neutron detector
neutron track detector
nitrogen detector
noncontacting IR detector
nondestructive detector
nonlinear detector
no-sheet detector
nuclear magnetic-resonance detector
null detector
optical detector
out-of-lock detector
particle detector
pattern detector
peak-to-peak detector
peak detector
phase detector
phase-frequency detector
phase-lock detector
phase-sensitive detector
photoconductive detector
photo detector
photo-ionization detector
photon detector
photoresist detector
piezoelectric crystal detector
pinhole detector
pitch detector
precipitation detector
primary detector
product detector
proximity detector
pulse detector
pulse-envelope detector
push-pull detector
quadrature detector
radiation detector
radio interference detector
radiometric detector
rail flaw detector
rain detector
ratio detector
recoil detector
regenerative detector
ringing detector
scintillation detector
second detector
seismic detector
selective detector
sequence detector
sheet detector
sign detector
silence detector
single-signal detector
skid detector
slope detector
smoke detector
sonic interface detector
sound detector
sound intermediate-frequency detector
sound velocity detector
spark coil detector
speech detector
spread spectrum detector
square-law detector
strip edge crack detector
stuck point detector
superheterodyne detector
superregenerative detector
supply failure detector
synchronous detector
temperature detector
thermal detector
thermal-conductivity detector
thermal-neutron detector
thermionic detector
thermistor detector
threshold detector
tool breakage detector
torque detector
tracking detector
transition detector
transmitted electrons detector
two-sheet detector
ultrasonic density detector
ultrasonic flaw detector
ultra-violet detector
valve detector
vibration detector
video detector
voice detector
voiced-unvoiced detector
voltage detector
web break detector
wind-shear detector
worn tool detector
X-ray detector
yarn detector
zero-crossing detector -
8 diagram
1) диаграмма; схема; эпюра; график; чертёж || строить диаграмму или график; составлять схему; изображать схематически•to letter space diagram of structure — районировать схему конструкции;-
adiabatic diagram
admittance diagram
aerological diagram
aircraft balance diagram
algorithmic diagram
angle diagram
antenna directivity diagram
aperture illumination diagram
axial force diagram
band diagram
base diagram
basic diagram
bending moment diagram
binary constitutional diagram
binary equilibrium diagram
block diagram
boiler flow diagram
Bonjean diagram
brake diagram
cabling diagram
cardioid diagram
chromaticity diagram
chrominance phasor diagram
circle diagram
circuit diagram
clearance diagram
color-phase diagram
complete circuit diagram
compression stress-strain diagram
connecting diagram
constitutional diagram
construction diagram
continuous cooling transformation diagram
cooling diagram
copolar diagram
correlation diagram
cosecant-squared diagram
coverage diagram
current-voltage diagram
data flow diagram
directional diagram
displacement diagram
distribution diagram
electrical schematic diagram
elementary diagram
energy band diagram
enthalpy diagram
equipment diagram
erection diagram
external force diagram
eye diagram
fiber diagram
film threading diagram
floodable length diagram
flow diagram
flow pattern diagram
force diagram
free-space diagram
freezing diagram
frequency diagram
functional block diagram
functional diagram
fusion diagram
gas-gathering diagram
hookup diagram
indicator diagram
installation diagram
interconnection diagram
iron-carbon diagram
iron-cementite diagram
iron-graphite diagram
isocandela diagram
isolux diagram
key diagram
ladder diagram
line diagram
load diagram
load impedance diagram
loading diagram
loading gage diagram
locus diagram
logical diagram
logic diagram
lubrication diagram
Mac Cabe-Thiele diagram
maintenance diagram
marking diagram
mass diagram
mass-haul diagram
Maxwell diagram
melting diagram
metacentric diagram
mimic diagram
mine ventilation diagram
mnemonic diagram
normal stress distribution diagram
oil-gas gathering diagram
one-line diagram
performance diagram
phase diagram
phasor diagram
piping diagram
plant flow diagram
polar diagram
polar phase diagram
Potier diagram
pressure-volume diagram
process flow diagram
propeller diagram
psychrometric diagram
radiation diagram
rectangular stress diagram
remote track diagram
RGB chromaticity diagram
rock-support interaction diagram
Sankey diagram
scatter diagram
schematic diagram
sensitivity diagram
shear diagram
shearing stress distribution diagram
shutter cycle diagram
shutter diagram
signal-flow diagram
skeleton diagram
Smith diagram
S-N diagram
space diagram of structure
spoid diagram
stability diagram
state-transition diagram
state diagram
strain diagram
stress distribution diagram
stress diagram
stress-cycle diagram
stress-strain diagram
structural diagram
switch layout diagram
temperature diagram
temperature-entropy diagram
tensile stress-strain diagram
test diagram
thermodynamic diagram
time diagram
time-temperature-precipitation diagram
time-temperature-transformation diagram
timing diagram
tower track diagram
track diagram
track occupation diagram
traffic diagram
train diagram
transformation diagram
triangular stressdiagram
true stress-true strain diagram
truth diagram
TTP diagram
TTT diagram
twisting moment diagram
unloading stress diagram
valve opening diagram
vector diagram
volt-amps diagram
water consumption diagram
water piping diagram
Williot diagram
winding diagram
wiring diagram
work diagram -
9 formation
1) образование, формирование2) формование, формовка5) пласт6) строит. поверхность грунта ( после окончания земляных работ)7) ж.-д. земляное полотно8) формирование, составление ( поездов)9) отлив; формование ( бумаги)•to break down ( to fracture) formation — вызывать( гидравлический) разрыв пласта;to shut off water-bearing formation — изолировать водоносный пласт:to water off formation — загрязнять пласт водойformation of floating ice — начало осеннего ледохода-
aerodynamic web formation
air-assist vacuum formation
arc formation
arch formation
avalanche formation
body formation
carbon formation
cell formation
cloud formation
coal formation
coat formation
coke formation
crack formation
cream formation
crooked-hole formations
cyclone formation
deltaic formation
delta formation
deposit formation
dislocation formation
dots formation
dust formation
eddy formation
electrochemical formation
feather formation
filament formation
fissure formation
fixed train formation
flaw formation
foam formation
frost formation
froth formation
gel formation
glass formation
ice formation
image formation
interconnection formation
jog formation
lacquer formation
mosaic formation
oil-producing formation
oxide formation
ozone formation
pattern formation
pore formation
producing formation
resin formation
ring formation
roof-carbon formation
scale formation
sediment formation
skull formation
slag formation
sludge formation
soot formation
spark formation
steam formation
streamflow formation
structure formation
subgrain formation
tail formation
tar formation
thief formation
trail formation
transient formation
twin formation
vacancy formation
vapor formation
varnish formation
vigorous-bubble formation
voids formation
void formation
zone formation -
10 index
1) индекс; показатель; коэффициент || индексировать, помечать индексами, снабжать индексами; вчт. (с)формировать индекс3) указатель, стрелка ( измерительного прибора) || показывать5) (алфавитный или предметный) указатель, индекс || составлять( алфавитный или предметный) указатель6) полигр. (вырубленные) уступы ( на обрезе справочного издания)•-
acidity index
acoustoelectric index
adiabatic index
aggregate index
air pollution index
air quality index
amplitude modulation index
antecedent precipitation index
aridity index
array index
articulation index
asphalt penetration index
beam index
bell-position index
branching index
breaking index
burning index
caking index
capability utilization index
carbonization index of oil
catalog index
circulation index
citation index
cladding index of refraction
clayiness index
coke-quality index
coke-strength index
color index
cone index
consistency index
constraint index
core index of refraction
correction index
corrosion index
crown-area index
current index
current-noise index
curve index
cycle index
cylinder index
decontamination index
dense index
density index
deterioration index
diaphragm index
dielectric index
dielectric loss index
diesel index
dilatometer test index
directivity index
double bond index
drillability index
driving index
drum index
ductility index
dust index
ear height index
ecological sensitivity index
embrittlement index
emission index
environment quality index
extraordinary refraction index
extraordinary index
extreme values index
face shifting index
fine index
flow-behavior index
fractional index
fracture toughness index
free fluid index
go/no-go index
graded index
gravity index
grindability index
gross index
group refraction index
group index
gum inhibiting index
hardness index
hash index
hazard index
hydraulic index
hydrogen index
impurity index
index of absorption
index of cograduation
index of cooperation
index of correlation
index of dispersion
index of extinction
index of goodness
index of irrigation need
index of lens
index of moisture conditions
index of plasticity
index of refraction
index of root
index of thunderstorm activity
index of turbulence
index of wetness
infiltration index
injectivity index
inverted index
knock-limited density index
limiting viscosity index
loss index
machinability index
magnetic loss index
main index
mixing index
mode index
modified viscosity index
modulation index
moldability index
molding index
nondense index
oiliness index
optical index
ordinary refraction index
ordinary index
overall index
oversampling index
oxygen index
pattern correspondence index
perceived environmental quality index
performance index
permanganate index
permeability index
plasticity index
pluvial index
pollutional index
pollution index
porosity index
privacy index
probe index
processability index
producible oil index
productivity index
quality index
rainfall index
range index
reactivity index
reflection index
refraction index
reliability index
resistivity index
reversed index
reverse index
riding properties index
Roga index
roof quality index
salt index
scintillation index
secondary index
selection index
sharpness index
slagging index
snow accumulation index
stand density index
staple index
static reserve index
stepped index
step index
summation index
survival index
swelling index
throwing index
track index
traffic noise index
viscosity index
viscosity-temperature index
viscosity-zone index
volatility index
voltage index
vorticity area index
water pollution index
water quality index
wet grip index
winter severity index
word index
work-hardening index -
11 noise
acoustic noise
added noise
additive noise
aerodynamic noise
aircraft noise
aliasing noise
alias noise
ambient noise
amplifier noise
amplitude noise
angle noise
antenna noise
atmosphere noise
atmospheric noise
audible noise
audio-frequency noise
auroral noise
avalanche noise
aviation noise
avoidable noise
background noise
band-limited noise
Barkhausen noise
basic noise
beam noise
beat noise
bias noise
broadband noise
burst noise
carrier noise
carrier residual modulation noise
chaff noise
chaotic noise
circuit noise
click noise
C-message weighted noise
collector noise
combustion noise
community noise
contact noise
contact-resistance noise
control motion noise
corona-induced acoustic noise
cosmic noise
crackling noise
crosstalk noise
current noise
dark-current noise
delta noise
dial noise
diffuse noise
diffusion noise
discharge-caused audible noise
discharge audible noise
distribution noise
dither noise
electrical discharge-caused noise
electrical discharge noise
electrical noise
electromagnetic noise
environmental aircraft noise
environmental noise
excess noise
external noise
extraneous noise
extraterrestrial noise
feed-line noise
film-grain noise
filtered noise
fixed-pattern noise
flat noise
flicker noise
flow noise
fluctuation noise
flutter noise
flying noise
forward noise
friction-induced noise
front-end noise
frying noise
full shot noise
galactic noise
gated noise
Gaussian noise
generation-recombination noise
generator noise
granularity noise
granular noise
ground noise
high-frequency noise
high-intensity noise
hissing noise
hum noise
idle-channel noise
ignition noise
impulse noise
impulsive noise
in-band noise
induced noise
industrial noise
inherent noise
in-phase noise
in-plant noise
intermodulation noise
internal noise
intrinsic noise
jitter noise
Johnson noise
junction noise
lightning storm noise
lightning noise
line noise
local oscillator noise
low-frequency noise
man-made noise
Markovian noise
microphone noise
microphonic noise
modal noise
mode-partition noise
modulation noise
multiplicative noise
narrow-band noise
natural noise
neighborhood noise
neutron noise
nongaussian noise
nonwhite noise
normal noise
occupational noise
optical noise
oscillator noise
out-of-band noise
overload noise
partition noise
peak-to-peak noise
perturbation noise
phase noise
phosphor noise
photocurrent noise
photographic noise
photon noise
pinging noise
pink noise
power-line noise
power-supply noise
precipitation noise
pseudorandom noise
psophometric noise
pumping noise
pump noise
pure noise
quantization noise
quantum noise
quasi-Gaussian noise
quiescent noise
quiet-sun noise
radio-frequency noise
radio noise
random noise
reactor noise
receiver noise
recording noise
reference noise
reflection noise
repeater noise
repeat noise
resistance noise
retransmission noise
ripple noise
rotational noise
rubbing noise
sampling noise
Schottky noise
seismic noise
separation noise
set noise
shot noise
signal-independent noise
site noise
sky noise
solar noise
solar-flare noise
sonar noise
spark noise
speckle noise
speech-off noise
speech-on noise
spontaneous emission noise
spontaneous noise
stationary noise
statistical noise
switching noise
target noise
terrestrial noise
thermal noise
thrust reverse noise
traffic noise
transient noise
transmitter noise
tropospheric noise
true random noise
tube noise
ungated noise
urban noise
virgin noise
visible noise
white noise
wide-band noise
windage noise
wind-dependent noise
zero noise -
1) Компьютерная техника: Central Analysis Program Ecstasy2) Американизм: Customs Automated Processing Of Entries3) Военный термин: capability and proficiency evaluation, communications automatic processing equipment4) Техника: computer-aided pattern evaluation5) Химия: Connective Available Potential Energy6) Метеорология: Convective Available Potential Energy8) Университет: Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations, Computer Adaptive Placement Exams, Consortium For Advanced Placement Education9) Вычислительная техника: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)10) Фирменный знак: Capitol Area Power Exchange, Consultancy For Agriculture Productivity Enhancement11) Деловая лексика: Capture Analyze Plan And Execute, Computer Aided Process Engineering12) Образование: Camp Attracting Prospective Educators, Community Alliance To Promote Education, Community Alliances To Promote Education, Computer Adaptive Placement Exam13) Автоматика: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, computer-aided production engineering14) Океанография: Convective and Precipitation/ Electrification15) Расширение файла: Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment16) Общественная организация: Council Of American Private Education -
13 Cape
1) Компьютерная техника: Central Analysis Program Ecstasy2) Американизм: Customs Automated Processing Of Entries3) Военный термин: capability and proficiency evaluation, communications automatic processing equipment4) Техника: computer-aided pattern evaluation5) Химия: Connective Available Potential Energy6) Метеорология: Convective Available Potential Energy8) Университет: Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations, Computer Adaptive Placement Exams, Consortium For Advanced Placement Education9) Вычислительная техника: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)10) Фирменный знак: Capitol Area Power Exchange, Consultancy For Agriculture Productivity Enhancement11) Деловая лексика: Capture Analyze Plan And Execute, Computer Aided Process Engineering12) Образование: Camp Attracting Prospective Educators, Community Alliance To Promote Education, Community Alliances To Promote Education, Computer Adaptive Placement Exam13) Автоматика: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, computer-aided production engineering14) Океанография: Convective and Precipitation/ Electrification15) Расширение файла: Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment16) Общественная организация: Council Of American Private Education -
14 GPI
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Genetics and Public Issues Program, Google Price Index2) Медицина: glycosilated phosphatidylinositol3) Военный термин: ground point of impact4) Техника: general purpose inverter, gimbal position indicator5) Математика: Generic Pattern Implementation6) Страхование: валовой доход от страховых взносов (gross premium income)7) Сокращение: Glide Path Indicator, Graphics Programming Interface, Ground Position Indicator8) Вычислительная техника: General-Purpose Interface Bus, графический программный интерфейс, интерфейс графических программ9) Биохимия: Glucose Phosphate Isomerase10) Фирменный знак: Global Perspectives, Inc., Gran Prix International, Greenwood Partnership Initiative, Guilford Pharmaceuticals, Inc.11) Экология: Green Planet International12) Деловая лексика: Genuine Progress Index, Genuine Progress Indicator, Gross Profit Item13) Образование: Genuine Progress Indicators14) Сетевые технологии: General Purpose Interface, general protection interrupt, graphic program interface15) Океанография: GOES Precipitation Index16) NYSE. Group 1 Automotive, Inc.17) НАСА: Guidance Positioning Instrument -
15 MAP
1) Общая лексика: белки, а (группа белков, обеспечивающих поступательное движение за счёт толкательного усилия (динеин, кинезин, синколин), а также связывание и стабильность комплексов микротрубочек (белки -МАР, МАР2), - например, в составе веретена деления)2) Медицина: microtubules associated proteins, mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях), среднее артериальное давление, (method of activated particles) МАЧ (метод активированных частиц), mitral annuloplasty, malignant atrophic papulosis3) Военный термин: Master Attack Plan, Materiel Acquisition Process, Ministry of Aircraft Production, management analysis program, management assessment program, manpower allocation procedure, mechanical ambush patrol, medical aid post, military aid program, military aptitude predictor, military audit project, military automatic pistol, missile and package tester, modular avionics packaging, multiple aim point, munitions acquisition plan, mutual aid program, mutual assistance pact, mutual assistance plan, mutual assistance program, Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR)4) Техника: Military Assistance Program, maintenance action plan, maintenance assessment package, maximum posteriori, memory allocation and protection, memory allocation and protection unit, message administration procedures, methodology assessment program, mitigation action plan, multiassociative processor, multiple-access processing, упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (modified atmosphere packaging)5) Сельское хозяйство: Monoammonium Phosphate, mean aortic pressure6) Химия: моноаммонийфосфат9) Страхование: market assistance plan10) Автомобильный термин: manifold absolute pressure - датчик давления во впускном коллекторе, manifold absolute pressure sensor, maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil), manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil)11) Оптика: measurement assurance program12) Телекоммуникации: Maintenance Administration Panel, Management Application Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GM)13) Сокращение: MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Military Aid Program (USA), Military Assistance Program (USA), Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia), Missed Approach Point, Mission Area Plan, Modular Acoustic Processor, Multiple Aim Point (USAF), Mutual Assistance Programme, Macroassembly Program, NATO Membership Action Plan, Linker Map (File Name Extension), MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Performance Service Plans) (Best Buy), Machinist Apprentice Program, Macro Arithmetic Processor, Macro Assembly Program, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Madagascar Action Plan, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure, Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars), Main Audio Program, Mainframe Acquisition Project, Maintenance Activation Plan, Maintenance Activity Pirmasens, Maintenance Analysis Procedures, Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel), Major Accounts Processing, Major Sync Point (ITU-T), Making Action Plans, Management Achievement Plan, Management Action Plan, Management Assistance Program, Management Process, Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe(s), Manifold Absolute Pressure, Manpower Analysis Paper, Manufacturing Application Protocol, Manufacturing Assembly Procedure, Manufacturing Automated Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Profile, Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor), Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Marine Advisory Program, Marine Animal Productions, Maritime Airborne Patrol, Market Access Program, Market Analysis Portfolio, Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF), Market Area Planning, Marketing Association of Pakistan, Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory), Mass Air Pressure (sensor), Master Action Plan, Master Amino Acid Pattern, Master of Applied Politics, Materiel Acquisition Plan, Maximum A Posteriori Probability, Maximum A Posteriori estimate, Mazda Advancement Plan, Mean Airway Pressure, Mean Annual Precipitation, Measure of Academic Progress, Measurement Adoption Process, Media Accelerated Processor, Media Access Procedure, Media Access Project, Media Awareness Project, Medical Advantage Plan (AARP), Medical Aid for Palestinians, Medical Assessment Process, Medical Assistance Plan, Medical Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program International, Medicare Advocacy Project, Medication Access Program (Georgia), Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Membrane Associated Protein, Memory Address Print, Memory Algorithm Processor, Memory Alliance Program, Memory Allocation Map, Merchant Account Provider, Merit Award Program (education), Mesh Access Point, Message Access Protocol, Message Application Part (Sprint), Message Application Programming, Messaging Application Protocol, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Metropolitan Area Program, Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket), Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan), Michigan Advocacy Project, Michigan Airglow Payload, Microprocessor Applications Project, Microtubule-Associated Protein, Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA), Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants), Midrange Alliance Program, Military Advisory Panel, Military Aeronautical Pentathlon, Military Assistance Program (US), Milstar Advanced Processor, Miniature Array Package, Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian), Minimum Advertised Price, Minimum-Advertised Pricing, Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada), Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation), Minnesota AIDS Project, Mission Area Plan/Planning, Mission Assurance Plan, Mission Automation Plan, Missouri Assessment Program, Mitigation Action Plans, Mitogen-Activated Protein, Mitsubishi Assistance Package, Mixed Activation Products, Mobile Access Platform, Mobile Access Protocol, Mobile Agp Packet, Mobile Anchor Point, Mobile Antenna Platform, Mobile Application Part (GSM), Mobile Assistance Patrol, Mobility Anchor Point, Modern Aids to Planning, Modernization of Administrative Processes, Modified American Plan (hospitality industry), Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Modular Architecture Platform, Modular Avionics Package, Moisture, Ash and Protein, Mold Array Package, Monitored Asynchronous Protocol, Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey), Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA), Monoammonium Phosphate (agrochemistry), Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology), Montana Advocacy Program, Montreal Action Plan, Morbidity and Performance Assessment, Morning After Pill, Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM), Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material), Morton Area Players, Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University), Motorist Assistance Patrol, Motorist Assurance Program, Mouse Antibody Production, Mouse Atlas Project, Move Assistance Program, Movement And Position (tracking system), Multi Access Portal, Multi Agent Planning, Multi-Agency Profiler, Multi-Agency Project, Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank), Multicultural Achievers Program, Multidimensional Assignment Problem, Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape), Multiple Access Protocol, Multiple Aim Point System, Multiplexed Access Point, Multiplexer Access Point, Multiservice Access Platform, Municipal Airport, Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project), Mutualized Access Point, Mutually Agreed Positions, Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis, missed approach procedure (US DoD)14) Вычислительная техника: Manageability, Availability, Performance, Microprocessor Analysis Package, Mobile Application Part, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors), Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM), Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модульный акустический процессор15) Нефть: maximum allowable pressure16) Генетика: microtubule-associated proteins17) Космонавтика: Mediterranean Action Plan, Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)18) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Audible Pressure19) Упаковка: (modified atmosphere packaging) упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (МГС)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Approvals Plan22) Сетевые технологии: мэйнфрейм, протокол автоматизации производства, центральная ЭВМ23) Полимеры: manifold air pressure24) Авиационная медицина: mean arterial pressure25) Расширение файла: Manufacturing Automation Protocol, Message Acceptance Pulse, Map file (usually created by compilers)26) Логистика: ПДЧ (Membership Action Plan - NATO)27) Карачаганак: Management Action Plan (План управленческих мероприятий) (отчёт по аудиту, мероприятия которые нужно провести по его результатам) -
16 Map
1) Общая лексика: белки, а (группа белков, обеспечивающих поступательное движение за счёт толкательного усилия (динеин, кинезин, синколин), а также связывание и стабильность комплексов микротрубочек (белки -МАР, МАР2), - например, в составе веретена деления)2) Медицина: microtubules associated proteins, mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях), среднее артериальное давление, (method of activated particles) МАЧ (метод активированных частиц), mitral annuloplasty, malignant atrophic papulosis3) Военный термин: Master Attack Plan, Materiel Acquisition Process, Ministry of Aircraft Production, management analysis program, management assessment program, manpower allocation procedure, mechanical ambush patrol, medical aid post, military aid program, military aptitude predictor, military audit project, military automatic pistol, missile and package tester, modular avionics packaging, multiple aim point, munitions acquisition plan, mutual aid program, mutual assistance pact, mutual assistance plan, mutual assistance program, Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR)4) Техника: Military Assistance Program, maintenance action plan, maintenance assessment package, maximum posteriori, memory allocation and protection, memory allocation and protection unit, message administration procedures, methodology assessment program, mitigation action plan, multiassociative processor, multiple-access processing, упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (modified atmosphere packaging)5) Сельское хозяйство: Monoammonium Phosphate, mean aortic pressure6) Химия: моноаммонийфосфат9) Страхование: market assistance plan10) Автомобильный термин: manifold absolute pressure - датчик давления во впускном коллекторе, manifold absolute pressure sensor, maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil), manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil)11) Оптика: measurement assurance program12) Телекоммуникации: Maintenance Administration Panel, Management Application Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GM)13) Сокращение: MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Military Aid Program (USA), Military Assistance Program (USA), Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia), Missed Approach Point, Mission Area Plan, Modular Acoustic Processor, Multiple Aim Point (USAF), Mutual Assistance Programme, Macroassembly Program, NATO Membership Action Plan, Linker Map (File Name Extension), MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Performance Service Plans) (Best Buy), Machinist Apprentice Program, Macro Arithmetic Processor, Macro Assembly Program, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Madagascar Action Plan, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure, Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars), Main Audio Program, Mainframe Acquisition Project, Maintenance Activation Plan, Maintenance Activity Pirmasens, Maintenance Analysis Procedures, Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel), Major Accounts Processing, Major Sync Point (ITU-T), Making Action Plans, Management Achievement Plan, Management Action Plan, Management Assistance Program, Management Process, Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe(s), Manifold Absolute Pressure, Manpower Analysis Paper, Manufacturing Application Protocol, Manufacturing Assembly Procedure, Manufacturing Automated Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Profile, Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor), Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Marine Advisory Program, Marine Animal Productions, Maritime Airborne Patrol, Market Access Program, Market Analysis Portfolio, Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF), Market Area Planning, Marketing Association of Pakistan, Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory), Mass Air Pressure (sensor), Master Action Plan, Master Amino Acid Pattern, Master of Applied Politics, Materiel Acquisition Plan, Maximum A Posteriori Probability, Maximum A Posteriori estimate, Mazda Advancement Plan, Mean Airway Pressure, Mean Annual Precipitation, Measure of Academic Progress, Measurement Adoption Process, Media Accelerated Processor, Media Access Procedure, Media Access Project, Media Awareness Project, Medical Advantage Plan (AARP), Medical Aid for Palestinians, Medical Assessment Process, Medical Assistance Plan, Medical Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program International, Medicare Advocacy Project, Medication Access Program (Georgia), Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Membrane Associated Protein, Memory Address Print, Memory Algorithm Processor, Memory Alliance Program, Memory Allocation Map, Merchant Account Provider, Merit Award Program (education), Mesh Access Point, Message Access Protocol, Message Application Part (Sprint), Message Application Programming, Messaging Application Protocol, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Metropolitan Area Program, Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket), Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan), Michigan Advocacy Project, Michigan Airglow Payload, Microprocessor Applications Project, Microtubule-Associated Protein, Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA), Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants), Midrange Alliance Program, Military Advisory Panel, Military Aeronautical Pentathlon, Military Assistance Program (US), Milstar Advanced Processor, Miniature Array Package, Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian), Minimum Advertised Price, Minimum-Advertised Pricing, Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada), Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation), Minnesota AIDS Project, Mission Area Plan/Planning, Mission Assurance Plan, Mission Automation Plan, Missouri Assessment Program, Mitigation Action Plans, Mitogen-Activated Protein, Mitsubishi Assistance Package, Mixed Activation Products, Mobile Access Platform, Mobile Access Protocol, Mobile Agp Packet, Mobile Anchor Point, Mobile Antenna Platform, Mobile Application Part (GSM), Mobile Assistance Patrol, Mobility Anchor Point, Modern Aids to Planning, Modernization of Administrative Processes, Modified American Plan (hospitality industry), Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Modular Architecture Platform, Modular Avionics Package, Moisture, Ash and Protein, Mold Array Package, Monitored Asynchronous Protocol, Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey), Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA), Monoammonium Phosphate (agrochemistry), Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology), Montana Advocacy Program, Montreal Action Plan, Morbidity and Performance Assessment, Morning After Pill, Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM), Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material), Morton Area Players, Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University), Motorist Assistance Patrol, Motorist Assurance Program, Mouse Antibody Production, Mouse Atlas Project, Move Assistance Program, Movement And Position (tracking system), Multi Access Portal, Multi Agent Planning, Multi-Agency Profiler, Multi-Agency Project, Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank), Multicultural Achievers Program, Multidimensional Assignment Problem, Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape), Multiple Access Protocol, Multiple Aim Point System, Multiplexed Access Point, Multiplexer Access Point, Multiservice Access Platform, Municipal Airport, Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project), Mutualized Access Point, Mutually Agreed Positions, Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis, missed approach procedure (US DoD)14) Вычислительная техника: Manageability, Availability, Performance, Microprocessor Analysis Package, Mobile Application Part, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors), Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM), Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модульный акустический процессор15) Нефть: maximum allowable pressure16) Генетика: microtubule-associated proteins17) Космонавтика: Mediterranean Action Plan, Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)18) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Audible Pressure19) Упаковка: (modified atmosphere packaging) упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (МГС)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Approvals Plan22) Сетевые технологии: мэйнфрейм, протокол автоматизации производства, центральная ЭВМ23) Полимеры: manifold air pressure24) Авиационная медицина: mean arterial pressure25) Расширение файла: Manufacturing Automation Protocol, Message Acceptance Pulse, Map file (usually created by compilers)26) Логистика: ПДЧ (Membership Action Plan - NATO)27) Карачаганак: Management Action Plan (План управленческих мероприятий) (отчёт по аудиту, мероприятия которые нужно провести по его результатам) -
17 PEP
1) Биология: phosphoenole pyruvate2) Медицина: phosphoenolpyruvate, preejection period (период изоволюмического сокращения), Public Education Program, постконтактная (химио)профилактика (post-exposure (chemo)prophylaxis)3) Американизм: Peace, Economy, Prosperity4) Военный термин: Photographic Exploitation Products, Post Event Plan, Power Entry Panel, Production Engineering and Planning, Productivity Enhancement Program, performance evaluation and prediction, performance evaluation program, personnel exchange program, physical education program, plant equipment package, platform electronic package, platform evaluation program, point expanding projectile, power evaluation program, power extension plant, proficiency examination program, program element plan, program evaluation procedure, program evaluation process, promotion evaluation pattern5) Техника: pentaethylphenol, performance enhancement program, peripheral entry panel, positron, electron, proton, power extension package, producibility engineering planning, productivity enhancement package, programmable entry panel, prosphoenole pyruvate, proton-electron-positron storage ring, prototyping, evaluation and programming system6) Сельское хозяйство: Poultry & Egg Promotion, Poultry Expansion Program7) Шутливое выражение: Python Enhancement Proposal8) Химия: Physical Equivalent Practice9) Строительство: Promotion of European Passive Houses10) Бухгалтерия: Productivity Efficiency And Profits11) Финансы: модель привязки валютных курсов стран-экспортеров к стоимости экспортируемого товара (Peg the Exprot Price, предложена в начале 2000-х годов Джеффри Франкелем (http://ksghome.harvard.edu/\PEPjfrankel/PEP%20Index-JPM.pdf)), политически значимое лицо (politically exposed person)12) Телекоммуникации: Partitioned Emulation Program, Policy Enforcement Point13) Сокращение: Peak Envelope Power, Political and Economic Planning, Post Exposure Prophylaxis (antibiotic treatment after exposure to biohazard), Productivity Enhancement Program (USA), Productivity Enhancement Project, productibility, engineering, planning, planar epitaxial passivated (transistor), Paternalistic, Economic, Participative (The three main motivational styles found in organizations and management.), Politically Exposed Person14) Университет: Personal Elective Project, Personalized Education Plan, Pharmacology Education Partnership, Pre Engineering Program, Professional Experience Program, Project Exploration Program, Publications, Education, And Presentations15) Физика: Pauli Exclusion Principle16) Физиология: Positive Expiratory Pressure, Post Exposure Prophylaxis17) Электроника: Parent And Educator Partnership, Providing For Exceptional Potential18) Вычислительная техника: Polymer Electronic Printing, методика оценки программ, Personal Employee Portal (IBM), Personal Exam Prep (MS, ATEC), Python Enhancement Proposal (Python), Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit)19) Биохимия: Primate Equilibrium Platform20) Банковское дело: программа льготной продажи акций служащим компании (personal equity plan)21) Воздухоплавание: Propulsion and Energetics Panel22) Фирменный знак: Precision Engine Parts, Professional Event Photography23) Экология: Precipitation Enhancement Project, phosphorus elimination plant25) Деловая лексика: Profit Enhancement Process, программа продажи акций служащим компании (personal equity plan)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Performance Enhancement Plan27) Образование: Parent Educator Partnership, Parents Educating Parents, Parents Educators And Publishers, Personal Education Plan, Personal Enrichment Program, Potentially English Proficient, Primary Enrichment Program, Public Education Partnership, Pupil Esteem Program28) Инвестиции: personal equity plan29) Сетевые технологии: Packet Encoding Protocol, протокол пакетного кодирования30) ЕБРР: private equity plan31) Автоматика: Precision Engineering Program32) Контроль качества: product excellence program33) Сахалин Р: Project Execution Plan34) Расширение файла: Packet Exchange Protocol, Programme Evaluation Procedure35) Эволюция: ПЭП, популярная эволюционная психология, popular evolutionary psychology36) Электротехника: pulse effective power37) Высокочастотная электроника: primary entry point38) Должность: Personal Education Partner, Personal Efficiency Program, Positive Enhanced Performance, Professional Employer Panel39) Чат: People Enjoying People, Pester Every Person40) NYSE. Pepsico, Inc.41) НАСА: Propellant Equilibrium Program42) Клинические исследования: primary endpoint (основная конечная точка) -
18 cape
1) Компьютерная техника: Central Analysis Program Ecstasy2) Американизм: Customs Automated Processing Of Entries3) Военный термин: capability and proficiency evaluation, communications automatic processing equipment4) Техника: computer-aided pattern evaluation5) Химия: Connective Available Potential Energy6) Метеорология: Convective Available Potential Energy8) Университет: Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations, Computer Adaptive Placement Exams, Consortium For Advanced Placement Education9) Вычислительная техника: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)10) Фирменный знак: Capitol Area Power Exchange, Consultancy For Agriculture Productivity Enhancement11) Деловая лексика: Capture Analyze Plan And Execute, Computer Aided Process Engineering12) Образование: Camp Attracting Prospective Educators, Community Alliance To Promote Education, Community Alliances To Promote Education, Computer Adaptive Placement Exam13) Автоматика: Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, computer-aided production engineering14) Океанография: Convective and Precipitation/ Electrification15) Расширение файла: Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment16) Общественная организация: Council Of American Private Education -
19 map
1) Общая лексика: белки, а (группа белков, обеспечивающих поступательное движение за счёт толкательного усилия (динеин, кинезин, синколин), а также связывание и стабильность комплексов микротрубочек (белки -МАР, МАР2), - например, в составе веретена деления)2) Медицина: microtubules associated proteins, mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях), среднее артериальное давление, (method of activated particles) МАЧ (метод активированных частиц), mitral annuloplasty, malignant atrophic papulosis3) Военный термин: Master Attack Plan, Materiel Acquisition Process, Ministry of Aircraft Production, management analysis program, management assessment program, manpower allocation procedure, mechanical ambush patrol, medical aid post, military aid program, military aptitude predictor, military audit project, military automatic pistol, missile and package tester, modular avionics packaging, multiple aim point, munitions acquisition plan, mutual aid program, mutual assistance pact, mutual assistance plan, mutual assistance program, Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR)4) Техника: Military Assistance Program, maintenance action plan, maintenance assessment package, maximum posteriori, memory allocation and protection, memory allocation and protection unit, message administration procedures, methodology assessment program, mitigation action plan, multiassociative processor, multiple-access processing, упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (modified atmosphere packaging)5) Сельское хозяйство: Monoammonium Phosphate, mean aortic pressure6) Химия: моноаммонийфосфат9) Страхование: market assistance plan10) Автомобильный термин: manifold absolute pressure - датчик давления во впускном коллекторе, manifold absolute pressure sensor, maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil), manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil)11) Оптика: measurement assurance program12) Телекоммуникации: Maintenance Administration Panel, Management Application Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GM)13) Сокращение: MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Military Aid Program (USA), Military Assistance Program (USA), Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia), Missed Approach Point, Mission Area Plan, Modular Acoustic Processor, Multiple Aim Point (USAF), Mutual Assistance Programme, Macroassembly Program, NATO Membership Action Plan, Linker Map (File Name Extension), MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Performance Service Plans) (Best Buy), Machinist Apprentice Program, Macro Arithmetic Processor, Macro Assembly Program, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Madagascar Action Plan, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure, Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars), Main Audio Program, Mainframe Acquisition Project, Maintenance Activation Plan, Maintenance Activity Pirmasens, Maintenance Analysis Procedures, Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel), Major Accounts Processing, Major Sync Point (ITU-T), Making Action Plans, Management Achievement Plan, Management Action Plan, Management Assistance Program, Management Process, Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe(s), Manifold Absolute Pressure, Manpower Analysis Paper, Manufacturing Application Protocol, Manufacturing Assembly Procedure, Manufacturing Automated Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Profile, Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor), Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Marine Advisory Program, Marine Animal Productions, Maritime Airborne Patrol, Market Access Program, Market Analysis Portfolio, Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF), Market Area Planning, Marketing Association of Pakistan, Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory), Mass Air Pressure (sensor), Master Action Plan, Master Amino Acid Pattern, Master of Applied Politics, Materiel Acquisition Plan, Maximum A Posteriori Probability, Maximum A Posteriori estimate, Mazda Advancement Plan, Mean Airway Pressure, Mean Annual Precipitation, Measure of Academic Progress, Measurement Adoption Process, Media Accelerated Processor, Media Access Procedure, Media Access Project, Media Awareness Project, Medical Advantage Plan (AARP), Medical Aid for Palestinians, Medical Assessment Process, Medical Assistance Plan, Medical Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program International, Medicare Advocacy Project, Medication Access Program (Georgia), Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Membrane Associated Protein, Memory Address Print, Memory Algorithm Processor, Memory Alliance Program, Memory Allocation Map, Merchant Account Provider, Merit Award Program (education), Mesh Access Point, Message Access Protocol, Message Application Part (Sprint), Message Application Programming, Messaging Application Protocol, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Metropolitan Area Program, Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket), Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan), Michigan Advocacy Project, Michigan Airglow Payload, Microprocessor Applications Project, Microtubule-Associated Protein, Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA), Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants), Midrange Alliance Program, Military Advisory Panel, Military Aeronautical Pentathlon, Military Assistance Program (US), Milstar Advanced Processor, Miniature Array Package, Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian), Minimum Advertised Price, Minimum-Advertised Pricing, Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada), Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation), Minnesota AIDS Project, Mission Area Plan/Planning, Mission Assurance Plan, Mission Automation Plan, Missouri Assessment Program, Mitigation Action Plans, Mitogen-Activated Protein, Mitsubishi Assistance Package, Mixed Activation Products, Mobile Access Platform, Mobile Access Protocol, Mobile Agp Packet, Mobile Anchor Point, Mobile Antenna Platform, Mobile Application Part (GSM), Mobile Assistance Patrol, Mobility Anchor Point, Modern Aids to Planning, Modernization of Administrative Processes, Modified American Plan (hospitality industry), Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Modular Architecture Platform, Modular Avionics Package, Moisture, Ash and Protein, Mold Array Package, Monitored Asynchronous Protocol, Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey), Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA), Monoammonium Phosphate (agrochemistry), Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology), Montana Advocacy Program, Montreal Action Plan, Morbidity and Performance Assessment, Morning After Pill, Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM), Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material), Morton Area Players, Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University), Motorist Assistance Patrol, Motorist Assurance Program, Mouse Antibody Production, Mouse Atlas Project, Move Assistance Program, Movement And Position (tracking system), Multi Access Portal, Multi Agent Planning, Multi-Agency Profiler, Multi-Agency Project, Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank), Multicultural Achievers Program, Multidimensional Assignment Problem, Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape), Multiple Access Protocol, Multiple Aim Point System, Multiplexed Access Point, Multiplexer Access Point, Multiservice Access Platform, Municipal Airport, Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project), Mutualized Access Point, Mutually Agreed Positions, Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis, missed approach procedure (US DoD)14) Вычислительная техника: Manageability, Availability, Performance, Microprocessor Analysis Package, Mobile Application Part, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors), Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM), Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модульный акустический процессор15) Нефть: maximum allowable pressure16) Генетика: microtubule-associated proteins17) Космонавтика: Mediterranean Action Plan, Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)18) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Audible Pressure19) Упаковка: (modified atmosphere packaging) упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (МГС)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Approvals Plan22) Сетевые технологии: мэйнфрейм, протокол автоматизации производства, центральная ЭВМ23) Полимеры: manifold air pressure24) Авиационная медицина: mean arterial pressure25) Расширение файла: Manufacturing Automation Protocol, Message Acceptance Pulse, Map file (usually created by compilers)26) Логистика: ПДЧ (Membership Action Plan - NATO)27) Карачаганак: Management Action Plan (План управленческих мероприятий) (отчёт по аудиту, мероприятия которые нужно провести по его результатам) -
20 pep
1) Биология: phosphoenole pyruvate2) Медицина: phosphoenolpyruvate, preejection period (период изоволюмического сокращения), Public Education Program, постконтактная (химио)профилактика (post-exposure (chemo)prophylaxis)3) Американизм: Peace, Economy, Prosperity4) Военный термин: Photographic Exploitation Products, Post Event Plan, Power Entry Panel, Production Engineering and Planning, Productivity Enhancement Program, performance evaluation and prediction, performance evaluation program, personnel exchange program, physical education program, plant equipment package, platform electronic package, platform evaluation program, point expanding projectile, power evaluation program, power extension plant, proficiency examination program, program element plan, program evaluation procedure, program evaluation process, promotion evaluation pattern5) Техника: pentaethylphenol, performance enhancement program, peripheral entry panel, positron, electron, proton, power extension package, producibility engineering planning, productivity enhancement package, programmable entry panel, prosphoenole pyruvate, proton-electron-positron storage ring, prototyping, evaluation and programming system6) Сельское хозяйство: Poultry & Egg Promotion, Poultry Expansion Program7) Шутливое выражение: Python Enhancement Proposal8) Химия: Physical Equivalent Practice9) Строительство: Promotion of European Passive Houses10) Бухгалтерия: Productivity Efficiency And Profits11) Финансы: модель привязки валютных курсов стран-экспортеров к стоимости экспортируемого товара (Peg the Exprot Price, предложена в начале 2000-х годов Джеффри Франкелем (http://ksghome.harvard.edu/\PEPjfrankel/PEP%20Index-JPM.pdf)), политически значимое лицо (politically exposed person)12) Телекоммуникации: Partitioned Emulation Program, Policy Enforcement Point13) Сокращение: Peak Envelope Power, Political and Economic Planning, Post Exposure Prophylaxis (antibiotic treatment after exposure to biohazard), Productivity Enhancement Program (USA), Productivity Enhancement Project, productibility, engineering, planning, planar epitaxial passivated (transistor), Paternalistic, Economic, Participative (The three main motivational styles found in organizations and management.), Politically Exposed Person14) Университет: Personal Elective Project, Personalized Education Plan, Pharmacology Education Partnership, Pre Engineering Program, Professional Experience Program, Project Exploration Program, Publications, Education, And Presentations15) Физика: Pauli Exclusion Principle16) Физиология: Positive Expiratory Pressure, Post Exposure Prophylaxis17) Электроника: Parent And Educator Partnership, Providing For Exceptional Potential18) Вычислительная техника: Polymer Electronic Printing, методика оценки программ, Personal Employee Portal (IBM), Personal Exam Prep (MS, ATEC), Python Enhancement Proposal (Python), Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit)19) Биохимия: Primate Equilibrium Platform20) Банковское дело: программа льготной продажи акций служащим компании (personal equity plan)21) Воздухоплавание: Propulsion and Energetics Panel22) Фирменный знак: Precision Engine Parts, Professional Event Photography23) Экология: Precipitation Enhancement Project, phosphorus elimination plant25) Деловая лексика: Profit Enhancement Process, программа продажи акций служащим компании (personal equity plan)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Performance Enhancement Plan27) Образование: Parent Educator Partnership, Parents Educating Parents, Parents Educators And Publishers, Personal Education Plan, Personal Enrichment Program, Potentially English Proficient, Primary Enrichment Program, Public Education Partnership, Pupil Esteem Program28) Инвестиции: personal equity plan29) Сетевые технологии: Packet Encoding Protocol, протокол пакетного кодирования30) ЕБРР: private equity plan31) Автоматика: Precision Engineering Program32) Контроль качества: product excellence program33) Сахалин Р: Project Execution Plan34) Расширение файла: Packet Exchange Protocol, Programme Evaluation Procedure35) Эволюция: ПЭП, популярная эволюционная психология, popular evolutionary psychology36) Электротехника: pulse effective power37) Высокочастотная электроника: primary entry point38) Должность: Personal Education Partner, Personal Efficiency Program, Positive Enhanced Performance, Professional Employer Panel39) Чат: People Enjoying People, Pester Every Person40) NYSE. Pepsico, Inc.41) НАСА: Propellant Equilibrium Program42) Клинические исследования: primary endpoint (основная конечная точка)
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Precipitation (meteorology) — Long term mean precipitation by month In meteorology, precipitation (also known as one of the classes of hydrometeors, which are atmospheric water phenomena is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under… … Wikipedia
Precipitation — Précipitation Pour l’article homonyme, voir Précipitation (homonymie). Répartition mensuelle des précipitations sur Terre En météorologie, le terme précipitation désigne des cristaux de glace ou des gouttelettes … Wikipédia en Français
Précipitation — Pour l’article homonyme, voir Précipitation (homonymie). Répartition mensuelle des précipitations sur Terre En météorologie, le terme précipitation désigne des cristaux de glace ou des … Wikipédia en Français
Madden-Julian oscillation — The Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) is an equatorial traveling pattern of anomalous rainfall that is planetary in scale. The mechanism and cause of the MJO is as yet not well understood and is a subject of ongoing study.The MJO is characterized… … Wikipedia
japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… … Universalium
Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… … Universalium
lake — lake1 /layk/, n. 1. a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. 2. any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil. 3. (go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience.) [bef. 1000; ME lak(e) … Universalium
Lake — /layk/, n. Simon, 1866 1945, U.S. engineer and naval architect. * * * I Relatively large body of slow moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin. Lakes are most abundant in high northern latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly … Universalium
Thunderstorm — Electrical storm redirects here. For other uses, see Electrical storm (disambiguation). A typical thunderstorm A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm, a lightning storm, thundershower or simply a storm is a form of weather… … Wikipedia
Jet stream — Jet streams are fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found at the tropopause, the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with height) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with height), [United States… … Wikipedia
Surface weather analysis — A surface weather analysis is a special type of weather map that provides a view of weather elements over a geographical area at a specified time based on information from ground based weather stations. [ Air Apparent: How Meteorologists Learned… … Wikipedia