Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


  • 81 out of the way

    1. adj phr
    1) не по пути, в стороне; отдалённый, расположенный далеко от центра; непосещаемый, уединённый, заброшенный (тж. out-of-the-way)

    I have seen some fine acting in some small, out of the way theatres... (N. Coward, ‘Play Parade’, ‘Introduction’) — Мне приходилось видеть великолепную игру в некоторых маленьких провинциальных театрах...

    2) не мешающий, не стоящий поперёк дороги; законченный, решённый

    Soames looked out of the window. The spring was late! ‘She oughtn't to be, with that case out of the way.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Silver Spoon’, part III, ch. XI) — Сомс посмотрел в окно. Весна запаздывает! А не следовало бы ей запаздывать, раз процесс выигран.

    You're afraid - maybe not of me as an individual, because I'm not such great shakes, but of what stood behind me once, and what may stand behind me again. That's why you want me out of the way. (S. Heym, ‘Goldsborough’, ch. 2) — Вы боитесь, может быть, не меня лично - что я такое в конце концов, - нет, вы боитесь тех, кто стоял за меня когда-то и, возможно, будет стоять теперь. Вот почему вам надо убрать меня с дороги.

    It looked as though Mrs. Danvers entertained her visitors in the morning-room when Maxim and I were out of the way. (D. du Maurier, ‘Rebecca’, ch. 13) — Наверное, как только я и Максим уходили и не мешали миссис Денверс, она устраивала в своей гостиной приемы.

    I feel better, now that problem is out of the way. (RHD) — У меня улучшилось настроение, когда этот вопрос был наконец решен.

    3) необычный, исключительный, из ряда вон выходящий; необыкновенный, незаурядный, оригинальный (тж. out-of-the-way)

    ...nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!’ (L. Carroll, ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’, ch. I) —...услыхав, как кролик сказал самому себе: "Вот так так! Вот так так! Я же опоздаю", Алиса ничуть не удивилась.

    She did not see anything out of the way in his work. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 43) — Миссис Оттер не находила в работе Клаттона ничего примечательного.

    Keld: "...How are you, darling?" Sheila: "Much the same as usual; nothing out of the way has happened." (N. Coward, ‘The Rat Trap’, act III) — Келд: "...Ну, как дела, дорогая?" Шейла: "Все по-прежнему. Ничего особенного не произошло."

    4) неуместный, ошибочный; странный, подозрительный

    ‘Who is that girl you've got in your office, Silas Lapham?’ she demanded, when her husband entered. ‘...Did you ever know me to do anything out of the way?’ ‘That isn't what I asked you.’ (W. Howells, ‘The Rise of Silas Lapham’, ch. XXVI) — - Что это за девушка у тебя в конторе, Сайлас Лапхем? - спросила жена, когда Сайлас пришел домой. -...Вспомни, совершил ли я когда-нибудь хоть один неблаговидный поступок? - Я тебя не об этом спрашиваю.

    The night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of the way. (DAI) — Ночной сторож обошел дом, но не увидел ничего подозрительного.

    I'm sorry if I said something out of the way. (DAI) — Прошу прощения, если сказал что-то не то.

    2. int phr

    ‘Out of the way there!’ shouted the captain. ‘In the name of His Holiness!’ (E. L. Voynich, ‘The Gadfly’, part III, ch. 2) — "Прочь с дороги! - крикнул капитан. - Именем его святейшества приказываю вам расступиться!"

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > out of the way

  • 82 let the grass grow under one's feet

    быть бездеятельным, безынициативным, терять время попусту; ≈ сидеть сложа руки; ждать у моря погоды (ср. обрасти мхом); см. тж. grass does not grow under one's feet

    He would, however, let Timothy have a bit of his mind, and see if he would go on dropping hints! And he would not let the grass grow under his feet either, he would go there at once, and take very good care that he didn't have to go again on the same errand. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Man of Property’, part II, ch. VII) — Он не станет церемониться с Тимоти, тогда посмотрим, прекратятся эти намеки или нет! И нечего откладывать в долгий ящик, надо ехать сейчас же и действовать решительно, чтобы не пришлось ездить второй раз за тем же самым.

    I see you don't let the grass grow under your feet, Mr. Poirot. It will be a pleasure to work with you, I'm sure. (A. Christie, ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’, ch. VII) — я вижу, вы даром времени не теряете, мистер Пуаро. С вами, я уверен, будет очень приятно работать.

    It's no use talking to me about solicitors. I've already provided myself with one. A fine solicitor he is. Not the man to let the grass grow under his feet (C. P. Snow, ‘The Affair’, ch. 22) — Разговоры об адвокатах совершенно излишни. я уже обзавелся одним. Прекрасный адвокат. Не из тех, кто теряет время попусту.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > let the grass grow under one's feet

  • 83 out of the top drawer

    принадлежащий к верхушке общества, к привилегированному сословию; хорошо воспитанный

    That's a real nice gentleman. Straight out o'the top drawer... Well eddicated [= educated] too. (D. L. Sayers, ‘Busman's Honeymoon’, ch. VIII) — Это настоящий джентльмен. Такой воспитанный... и образованный.

    His tone was different from that of his friends. I could not place his accent. But it was nothing like that of Eton and the Brigade; any of the others would have known, and Mrs. Henneker might have said, that he did not come "out of the top drawer". (C. P. Snow, ‘Corridors of Power’, ch. I) — Роджер говорил не так, как его приятели. Но что это за произношение, я определить не мог. Воспитанники Итона и гвардейские офицеры говорят совсем по-другому. Прислушавшись, каждый заметил бы, и в первую очередь миссис Хеннекер, что к "сливкам" общества он не принадлежит.

    Always from call-boxes, nothing to identify it. ‘The same voice? Yes. What sort? Not quite out of the top drawer,’ said Ellen... (C. P. Snow, ‘Corridors of Power’, ch. XXIII) — Звонили всякий раз из автомата, так что установить личность звонившего невозможно. - Голос всегда один и тот же. Да, не совсем нашего круга, - сказала Элен...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > out of the top drawer

  • 84 question-in-the-narrative

    is asked and answered by one and the same person, usually the author

    'For what is left the poet here? // For Greeks a blush - for Greece a tear. (Byron - Don Juan)

    - does not contain statement unlike a rhetorical question;
    - assume a semi-exclamatory nature;
    - is very often used in oratory;
    - sometimes gives the impression of an intimate talk between the writer and the reader;

    Scrooge knew he was dead? Of course he did. How could it be otherwise? Scrooge and he were partners for I don't know how many years. (Ch.Dickens)

    - may also remain unanswered (there are only hints of the possible answers)

    How long must it go on? Now long must we suffer? Where is the end? What is the end? (Norris)

    - [presumes that the questioner does not know the answer]
    Source: I.R.G.
    See: rhetorical question, syntactical SDs

    English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > question-in-the-narrative

  • 85 pull the devil by the tail

    бедствовать, сидеть без гроша, быть в стеснённых обстоятельствах; ≈ биться как рыба об лёд [этим. фр. tirer le diable par la queue]

    Ellie: "He always used to say he could succeed if he only had some capital. He fought his way along, to keep a roof over our heads and bring us up well, but it was always a struggle: always the same difficulty of not having capital enough, I don't know how to describe it to you." Mrs. Hushabye: "Poor Ellie! I know. Pulling the devil by the tail." Ellie (hurt): "Oh no. Not like that. It was at least dignified." Mrs. Hushabye: "That made it all the harder, didn't it? I shouldn't have pulled the devil by the tail with dignity. I should have pulled hard." (B. Shaw, ‘Heartbreak House’, act I) — Элли: "Он всегда говорил, что добился бы успеха, если бы у него были деньги. А ему всю жизнь приходилось с трудом сводить концы с концами, только чтобы не оставить нас без крова и чтобы дать нам хорошее воспитание. И вся его жизнь - это непрерывная борьба. Вечно одно и то же препятствие - нет денег. Я просто не знаю, как вам это рассказать." Миссис Хашебай: "Бедняжка Элли! Я понимаю. Вечно изворачиваться." Элли ( уязвленная): "Нет, нет, совсем не то. Он, во всяком случае, никогда не терял достоинства." Миссис Хашебай: "А это еще трудней. Я бы не могла изворачиваться и при этом сохранять достоинство. Я бы изворачивалась до потери достоинства."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > pull the devil by the tail

  • 86 Bush the Younger

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Bush the Younger

  • 87 Commander Guy, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Commander Guy, The

  • 88 Decider-In-Chief, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Decider-In-Chief, The

  • 89 Decider, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Decider, The

  • 90 Leaker-in-Chief, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Leaker-in-Chief, The

  • 91 Velcro President, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Velcro President, The

  • 92 out of the way

      I. adj phr
       1) нe пo пути, в cтopoнe; oтдaлённый, pacпoлoжeнный дaлeкo oт цeнтpa; нeпoceщaeмый, уeдинённый
        I have seen some fine acting in some small, out of the way theatres (N. Coward)
       2) нe мeшaющий, нe cтoящий пoпepёк дopoги; зaкoнчeнный, peшённый
        It looked as though Mrs. Danvers entertained her visitors in the morning-room when Maxim and I were out of the way CD. du Maurier). I feel better, now that problem is out of the way
       3) нeoбычный, иcключитeльный, из pядa вoн выxoдящий; нeoбыкнoвeнный, нeзaуpядный, opигинaльный
        Nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!' (L. Carrolt). She did not see anything out of the way in his work (W. S. Maugham). Keld....How are you, darling? Sheila. Much the same as usual: nothing out of the way has happened (N. Coward)
       4) нeумecтный, oшибoчный; cтpaнный, пoдoзpитeльный
        'Who is that girl you've got in your office, Silas Lapham?' she demanded, when her husband entered. '...Did you ever know me to do anything out of the way?' 'That isn't what I asked you' (W. Howells). The night watchman looked around the building but he saw nothing out of the way
      II. int phr
       пpoчь c дopoги!
        'Out of the way there!' shouted the captain. 'In the name of His Holiness!' (E. L. Voynich)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > out of the way

  • 93 whose name is subscribed to the certificate of proof, acknowledgment or affidavit of ...

    амер. юр. фраз. … whose name is subscribed to the certificate of proof, acknowledgment or affidavit of the annexed instrument, and thereon written, was at the time of taking such proof, acknowledgment or affidavit, a notary public within and for said County, duly appointed, commissioned and sworn, and authorized by the laws of said State to administer oaths, and to take such acknowledgments and proofs, in said State, and other instruments to be recorded therein and to certify the same; that full faith and credit are and ought to be given to his official acts; and I further certify that I have compared the signature to the original certificate with that deposited in this office by such person and verily believe that the signature to the attached certificate is his genuine signature and said certificate is required to be under seal, but the person signing such certificate is not required by law to file in this office an impression of his official seal — … чье имя и подпись стоят под удостоверением подлинности, подтверждением или аффидевитом прилагаемого документа, во время подписания указанного удостоверения, подтверждения или аффидевита являлся нотариусом указанного округа, должным образом назначенным, правомочным и присягнувшим, а также уполномоченным по законам указанного штата принимать присяги и составлять подобные удостоверения и подтверждения в указанном штате, а также регистрировать другие юридические документы и удостоверять их; что все его официальные действия обладают всей полнотой достоверности; и далее я настоящим удостоверяю, что я сравнил подпись под оригиналом свидетельства с подписью, сданной этим лицом на хранение в данную канцелярию, и я истинно полагаю, что подпись под прилагаемым свидетельством является его истинной подписью, и указанное свидетельство должно иметь на себе печать, но лицо, подписывающее подобное свидетельство, по закону не обязано сдавать в данную канцелярию образец оттиска своей официальной печати

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > whose name is subscribed to the certificate of proof, acknowledgment or affidavit of ...

  • 94 in the offing

    1) поблизости, невдалеке [этим. мор. вдали от берега (но в виду его)]

    Here, then, was the guest. Unlimited energy in the offing - right in the sea. As might be expected, a rash of pie-in-the-sky prediction broke out. (R. E. Lapp, ‘Atoms and People’, ch. XIV) — Так вот где заветная цель! Неиссякаемые запасы энергии у нас под самым носом - в морской воде. Как и следовало ожидать, хлынул поток самых фантастических предсказаний.

    Here was Aileen talking bravely of the necessity of her Frank finding a woman suitable to his needs, tastes, abilities, but now that the possibility of another woman equally or possibly better suited to him was looking in the offing, she could not reason in the same way. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Titan’, ch. XVII) — В ту пору Эйлин смело говорила о том, что "ее Фрэнку" нужна женщина, которая подходила бы ему по развитию, склонностям, вкусам; теперь же, когда вполне реальной стала возможность, что Фрэнк найдет себе возлюбленную, еще более отвечающую его запросам, она стала рассуждать совсем по-другому.

    I was as certain as I've ever been of anything that all sorts of rotten things were in the offing. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Carry on, Jeeves’, ch. I) — У меня не было никакого сомнения, что эти люди замышляют всевозможные подлости.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in the offing

  • 95 sweep smth. under the carpet

    (sweep smth. under the carpet (или rug))
    не дать хода чему-л., замять дело; замалчивать, скрывать что-л. (особ. неприятное)

    ‘I'd much rather not talk about her if you don't mind.’ ‘Very well. Sweep it under the rug.’ ‘That's exactly what I will do, and I must ask you to do the same...’ (J. O'Hara, ‘The Instrument’, ch. II) — - Если ты не возражаешь, я предпочитаю не говорить о поведении Шейлы. - Очень хорошо. Стараешься замять неприятную тему. - Вот именно. И тебя прошу поступить так же...

    It is unlikely then that there will be any way to sweep the topic under the rug. (‘The Nation’) — Поэтому вряд ли удастся прекратить обсуждение этого вопроса.

    A White Paper has been issued which puts only one side of the case. All the economic problems posed by our entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) are swept under the carpet, and the future in Europe is portrayed in glowing and rosy terms. (‘Labour Monthly’) — В Белой книге освещается только одна сторона вопроса. Все экономические проблемы, связанные с нашим вступлением в Европейское экономическое сообщество, не затрагиваются совсем, и будущее Европы описывается в самых радужных тонах.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > sweep smth. under the carpet

  • 96 indicated by the figures

    фраз. прил.
    а) указанный на рисунках
    б) отображенный в цифрах

    || The pressure at high pressure side keeps the same or only increases a little (compared with that when engine stops), and the pressure at the low pressure side is within or lower than the range indicated by the figures, while the cooling effect of air conditioner is not enough.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > indicated by the figures

  • 97 sweep smth. under the carpet (or rug)

       "зacунуть пoд кoвёp", нe дaть xoдa чeму-л., зaмять дeлo; зaмaлчи-вaть, cкpывaть чтo-л. (ocoб. нeпpиятнoe)
        It is unlikely then that there will be any way to sweep the topic under the rug (The Nation). 'I'd much rather not talk about her if you don't mind.' 'Very well. Sweep it under the rug.' 'That's exactly what I will do and I must ask you to do the same' (J. O'Hara)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > sweep smth. under the carpet (or rug)

  • 98 give smb. the pip

    раздражать кого-л.; нагонять тоску на кого-л.

    Besides, this place gives me the pip. It's half dead - and I'm not going to die with it, thank you. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Wonder Hero’, ch. VI) — Кроме того, Слейкби наводит на меня тоску. Это умирающая усадьба. Не погибать же мне вместе с ней. Благодарю покорно.

    It gives me the pip to 'ear 'im, the same old thing over and over again. (R. Tressell, ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’, ch. 21) — Тоска зеленая слушать, как он все время повторяет одно и то же.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give smb. the pip

  • 99 work the oracle

       нaжимaть нa тaйныe пpужины, дeйcтвoвaть путём зaкулиcныx интpиг; иcпoльзoвaть cвoё влияниe
        Jolyon's original view that to put your nose in where you aren't wanted and then work the oracle till you get on top is not being quite the clean potato, had whether founded in fact or no, a certain attraction for his son, who thought a deal about gentility CJ. Galsworthy). They are all the same: working the oracle for their own benefit CR. Tresseft

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > work the oracle

  • 100 тот

    жен. та, ср. то, мн. те
    1) that, мн. those не тотdifferent, not the same( не такой, другой) ;
    not right, (all) wrong (неправильный, неподходящий) тот или другой ≈ either, one or another не тот, так другой ≈ if not one, then the other с того времени, с тех порsince that time, since then (один и) тот же ≈ the (very) same где те книги?where are those books? он теперь не тот ≈ he is a different man now, he is not the same man и тот и другой ≈ both ни тот ни другойneither в ту же минуту ≈ at that very moment
    2) (другой, не этот) the other он оставил это на той квартире ≈ he left it at the other flat на той стороне
    3) (такой, какой нужен) the right это такой карандаш? ≈ is that the right pencil?
    4) (в сочетании с относит. местоимением) the это употребляется в том случае, который был описан выше ≈ it is used in the case described above пример дан в тех предложениях, которые мы видели на предыдущей странице ≈ the example is given in the sentences which we saw on the preceding page
    prn.(f. TA, n. TO, pl. TE)
    1. that

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > тот

См. также в других словарях:

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  • All the same — All All, adv. 1. Wholly; completely; altogether; entirely; quite; very; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement. And cheeks all pale. Byron. [1913 Webster] Note: In the ancient phrases, all too dear, all too much, all so long, etc., this… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • lightning never strikes twice in the same place — The same accident does not happen twice; the same person does not have the same luck again. A proverb. * /Billy won a pony in the contest last year, but lightning never strikes twice in the same place./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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