1 negotiations
2 negotiations
n plto activate the process of negotiations — активизировать процесс / ход переговоров
to break off negotiations — прерывать / приостанавливать переговоры
to conclude negotiations on smth — договариваться о чем-л.; проводить переговоры по какому-л. вопросу
to determine smth by negotiations — решать что-л. путем переговоров
to facilitate negotiations for a political settlement — облегчать переговоры в целях политического урегулирования
to give grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiations — давать основания для задержки или отсрочки переговоров
to give new impetus to the negotiations — давать новый импульс / толчок переговорам
to have a vital stake in the outcome of the negotiations — быть кровно заинтересованным в исходе переговоров
to hold negotiations — вести / проводить переговоры
to impede negotiations — затруднять / осложнять переговоры
to improve one's bargaining position at negotiations — укреплять свои позиции на переговорах
to initiate negotiations — начинать переговоры; приступать к переговорам
to launch negotiations — начинать переговоры; приступать к переговорам
to leak the date of negotiations to the media — разглашать дату переговоров средствам массовой информации
to leave the prime minister politically naked in the negotiations — оставлять премьер-министра политически безоружным на переговорах
to oversee negotiations — контролировать ход переговоров; следить за ходом переговоров
to prolong negotiations — 1) продолжать переговоры 2) отсрочить / отложить переговоры
to renew / to reopen / to restart / to resume negotiations — возобновлять переговоры
to seek a solution by negotiations — стараться решить что-л. путем переговоров
to side-track the negotiations — уводить переговоры в сторону; избегать переговоров; откладывать переговоры
- active negotiationsto undermine the negotiations — подрывать / срывать переговоры
- armistice negotiations
- arms buying negotiations
- arms control negotiations
- arms negotiations
- arms-reduction negotiations
- back stage negotiations
- basis for negotiations
- behind-the-scene negotiations
- beyond negotiations
- bilateral negotiations
- break-down in negotiations
- bruising negotiations
- business negotiations
- by negotiations
- closing stage of negotiations
- collapse in negotiations
- collapse of negotiations
- complex negotiations
- comprehensive negotiations - constructive negotiations
- control negotiations
- conventional force negotiations
- cordial negotiations
- course of negotiations
- crucial negotiations
- culmination of negotiations
- current negotiations
- deadlocked negotiations
- delicate negotiations
- detailed negotiations
- difficult negotiations
- diplomatic negotiations
- direct negotiations
- disarmament negotiations
- discreet negotiations
- dragged-out negotiations
- drawn out negotiations
- earnest negotiations
- endless negotiations
- extensive negotiations
- face-to-face negotiations
- failure of negotiations
- feverish negotiations
- final stage of negotiations
- flurry of negotiations
- follow-on negotiations
- for the duration of negotiations
- forthcoming negotiations
- fresh negotiations
- friendly negotiations
- fruitful negotiations
- full-size negotiations
- global negotiations
- grinding negotiations
- hard negotiations
- hectic negotiations
- hitch in negotiations
- in the course of negotiations
- inconclusive negotiations
- indirect negotiations
- intense negotiations
- intensive negotiations
- it will be a matter of negotiations
- joint negotiations
- laborious negotiations
- last-minute negotiations
- lengthy negotiations
- limited negotiations
- machinery and methods of negotiations
- meaningful negotiations
- membership negotiations
- merger negotiations
- military negotiations
- ministerial negotiations
- multilateral negotiations
- negotiations among equals
- negotiations are at a delicate stage
- negotiations are at an end
- negotiations are back on track
- negotiations are deadlocked
- negotiations are going above smb's head
- negotiations are underway
- negotiations behind closed doors
- negotiations behind the scenes
- negotiations broke down
- negotiations center on smth
- negotiations from strength
- negotiations have become bogged down
- negotiations have been stalled over an issue
- negotiations have collapsed
- negotiations have finished
- negotiations have reached deadlock
- negotiations have resumed
- negotiations on disarmament
- negotiations reach an impasse
- negotiations through the medium of smb
- negotiations will bear fruit
- negotiations without any prior conditions
- not open for negotiations
- not open to negotiations
- ongoing negotiations
- open for negotiations
- open to negotiations - painful negotiations
- painstaking negotiations
- patient negotiations
- peace negotiations
- peaceful negotiations
- pending these negotiations
- political negotiations
- preliminary negotiations
- preparatory negotiations
- private negotiations
- progress of negotiations
- prolonged negotiations
- protracted negotiations
- renewal of negotiations
- results of negotiations
- resumption of negotiations - secret negotiations
- separate negotiations
- session of negotiations
- settlement by negotiations
- settlement through negotiations
- social negotiations
- stalemated negotiations
- sticking point in the negotiations
- stiff negotiations - substantive negotiations
- successful negotiations
- summit negotiations
- sustained negotiations
- through negotiations
- top-level negotiations
- tortuous negotiations
- torturous negotiations
- tough negotiations
- trade negotiations
- trilateral negotiations
- tripartite negotiations
- truce negotiations
- US-mediated negotiations
- wage negotiations
- walkout from negotiations
- well prepared negotiations
- within the framework of negotiations -
3 negotiations
accession negotiations переговоры о присоединении к договору bilateral negotiations двусторонние переговоры end negotiations заканчивать переговоры follow-up negotiations последующие переговоры four-party negotiations четырехсторонние переговоры government negotiations правительственные переговоры negotiations переговоры negotiations for reconciliation переговоры с целью примирения negotiations for reconciliation переговоры с целью согласования open negotiations начинать переговоры peace negotiations мирные переговоры sales negotiations переговоры о продаже товара social negotiations общественные переговоры terminate negotiations прерывать переговоры trade negotiations торговые переговоры wage negotiations переговоры о заработной плате -
4 negotiations
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переговоры; ведение переговоров -
7 negotiations
переговоры Переговоры accession ~ переговоры о присоединении к договору bilateral ~ двусторонние переговоры end ~ заканчивать переговоры follow-up ~ последующие переговоры four-party ~ четырехсторонние переговоры government ~ правительственные переговоры negotiations переговоры ~ for reconciliation переговоры с целью примирения ~ for reconciliation переговоры с целью согласования open ~ начинать переговоры peace ~ мирные переговоры sales ~ переговоры о продаже товара social ~ общественные переговоры terminate ~ прерывать переговоры trade ~ торговые переговоры wage ~ переговоры о заработной платеБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negotiations
8 negotiations
9 negotiations
1) Общая лексика: обсуждение, переговоры2) Юридический термин: обсуждение условий3) юр.Н.П. переговоры (treaty making and peaceful settlement of international disputes) -
10 negotiations
<02> переговоры, обсуждение условий -
11 negotiations
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > negotiations
12 negotiations
переговоры; обсуждение условийEnglish-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > negotiations
13 negotiations
14 negotiations
15 negotiations
переговорыEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > negotiations
16 negotiations
переговоры имя существительное: -
17 negotiations
переговорипереговоры -
18 negotiations
переговоры; ведение переговоров -
19 negotiations
20 negotiations
n.prěgovory · преговоры m.pl.
См. также в других словарях:
negotiations — index conference Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
negotiations — n. 1) to conduct; enter into negotiations 2) to break off negotiations 3) delicate; direct; fruitless, unsuccessful; high level; marathon, round the clock; successful; top level negotiations 4) diplomatic; peace negotiations 5) negotiations… … Combinatory dictionary
Negotiations (album) — Negotiations Studio album by Free Agents Released September 10, 2002 … Wikipedia
Negotiations and Love Songs — Greatest hits album by Paul Simon Released October 18, 1988 … Wikipedia
Negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa — Apartheid in South Africa Events and projects Sharpeville massacre Soweto uprising Treason Trial · Rivonia Trial Church … Wikipedia
Negotiations of Bulgaria with the Central Powers and the Entente — The Negotiations of Bulgaria with the Central Powers and the Entente were attempts of the two belligerents in World War I, the Central Powers and the Entente to involve Bulgaria in the war on their side. They are also called The Bulgarian summer… … Wikipedia
negotiations — A discussion between authorities and a barricaded offender or terrorist to effect hostage release and terrorist surrender. See also antiterrorism … Military dictionary
negotiations — ne·go·ti·a·tion || nɪ‚gəʊʃɪ eɪʃn n. debate between two parties for the purpose of reaching an agreement; haggling, bargaining; act of passing an obstacle; method for connecting two computers or arranging data transfer between them… … English contemporary dictionary
NEGOTIATIONS — … Useful english dictionary
2008 Zimbabwean political negotiations — The 2008 Zimbabwean political negotiations between the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (led by Morgan Tsvangirai), its small splinter group, the Movement for Democratic Change Mutambara (led by Arthur Mutambara), and the ruling Zimbabwe … Wikipedia
Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians (2010-2011) — Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, George J. Mitchell and Hillary Clinton at the start of direct talks on September 2, 2010. Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority have been taking place since September 2010,… … Wikipedia