Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) guardar
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) guardar
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) manter
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) continuar a
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) guardar
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) cuidar
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) conservar
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) fazer
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) atrasar
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) sustentar
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) manter
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) celebrar
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) sustento
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch
    * * *
    [ki:p] n 1 sustento, manutenção, alimentação e moradia. 2 pasto, prado. 3 calabouço, prisão, masmorra, torre de menagem. • vt+vi (ps, pp kept) 1 ter, possuir, guardar. she keeps a thing close / ela sabe guardar um segredo. she keeps lodgers / ela tem inquilinos. 2 conservar, reter, deter. 3 reservar, guardar, ocultar. 4 cuidar, tomar conta, proteger, favorecer, resguardar, defender. she keeps guard over the treasure / ela vela o tesouro. they keep hold of their property / eles sabem guardar (ou defender) sua propriedade. 5 lembrar, ter em mente. 6 empregar, aproveitar. 7 impedir, deter, prevenir. 8 refrear, reprimir, abster-se. 9 manter, manter em condições, preservar, durar. keep your balance / não perca o seu equilíbrio. he keeps his countenance / ele mantém a calma. she keeps peace / ela mantém a paz. the meat will keep till tomorrow / a carne conservar-se-á até amanhã. 10 cultivar. 11 continuar, permanecer, prolongar. 12 celebrar, observar. 13 cumprir, executar, ser fiel à palavra. 14 alimentar, sustentar. I keep him on milk / alimento-o com leite. 15 armazenar, ter em estoque ou à venda. l6 manter(-se). he keeps his ground / ele mantém-se firme. 17 criar. 18 gerir, dirigir, ter um negócio. they keep a shop / eles têm uma loja. for keeps 1 para ficar com alguma coisa (não para devolver). 2 permanentemente, para sempre. he keeps pace with his friend ela anda ao mesmo passo que o seu amigo, fig iguala-o. he keeps the bed ele está acamado, doente. how are you keeping? como vai?, como tem passado? keep going! continua!, continua andando! keep the ball rolling! não ceda!, continue esforçando-se! keep your distance mantenha a distância (também fig). keep your hair on! sangue frio!, calma! keep your head! não perca a cabeça! to keep aloof manter-se afastado. to keep a low profile sl passar despercebido, tentar não chamar a atenção. to keep an eye on coll vigiar, tomar conta. to keep a straight face ficar sério. to keep asunder manter separado, estar desunido. to keep at it persistir numa coisa, manter-se firme, insistir em alguma coisa, empenhar-se. to keep away a) conservar-se afastado. b) abster-se. c) afastar(-se). to keep back a) retardar, reter o progresso. b) reservar uma parte, guardar um pouco. c) não contar, silenciar. d) conter, conservar baixo. e) segurar, parar no estômago. to keep body and soul together manter-se vivo. to keep books escriturar (contas). to keep clear of manter-se afastado de alguém ou de alguma coisa. to keep company a) ficar junto, estar em companhia. b) fig namorar. to keep down a) abaixar-se. b) oprimir, humilhar. c) reprimir. to keep fit conservar a forma. to keep from a) guardar, conservar. b) preservar. c) impedir, impossibilitar. d) sonegar. e) abster-se. to keep house ter casa. to keep in a) deter, reter. b) comprimir. c) não sair de casa, ficar em casa. d) ficar na parte de dentro. to keep in custody guardar, custodiar. to keep in mind ter em mente, lembrar-se. to keep in with someone estar às boas com alguém, estar bem com. to keep off a) reter, impedir, barrar. keep off! / mantenha distância!, cuidado!, cautela! b) afastar(-se), ficar longe de. c) repelir, rejeitar. d) evitar. to keep on a) continuar, prosseguir. for how long is this to keep on? / quanto tempo isto deve durar? b) avançar, seguir. c) ficar (com o chapéu na cabeça). d) ficar vestido. e) conservar, guardar, manter. to keep on at someone amolar, importunar. to keep one’s end up continuar, prosseguir, não desistir. to keep one’s hand in praticar, conservar aptidão através da prática, continuar em forma. to keep one’s head down evitar chamar atenção sobre si mesmo, passar despercebido. to keep one’s shirt/ pants on coll ficar calmo, ficar frio. to keep out a) impedir a entrada. keep out! / entrada proibida! b) excluir, afastar. to keep quiet ficar quieto. to keep silence ficar calado. to keep smiling não desanimar, sorrir sempre. to keep someone at it obrigar alguém a trabalhar. to keep someone in clothes prover alguém de roupas. to keep someone out of excluir alguém de algo, deixar fora de. to keep someone waiting fazer alguém esperar. to keep something to oneself guardar segredo, ocultar algo. to keep still não se mexer. to keep tab(s) on Amer a) registrar, anotar. b) coll controlar, vigiar. to keep time a) Mus manter o compasso. b) estar certo ou andar bem, ser pontual. to keep to a) seguir, obedecer, aderir. keep to the left! / seguir à esquerda! b) limitar-se a. c) permanecer. to keep to oneself isolar-se dos outros espontaneamente. to keep track of a) ficar informado. b) observar atentamente. to keep under a) conter, reprimir, refrear, tirar a liberdade. b) deixar inconsciente, manter dopado. to keep up a) manter, conservar. b) sustentar, prover. c) continuar, prosseguir, manter-se, não desanimar. the rain keeps up / continua chovendo. d) atualizar-se, ajustar-se. to keep up appearances manter as aparências. to keep up with não ficar atrás, adaptar-se, imitar, copiar. to play for keeps jogar por dinheiro. where do you keep? onde é que você mora?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep

  • 2 to keep a straight face

    to keep a straight face
    abster-se de sorrir. I tried to keep a straight face / procurei ficar sério, impassível.
    to keep a straight face
    ficar sério.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to keep a straight face

  • 3 straight

    [streit] 1. adjective
    1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) direito
    2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) directo
    3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) direito
    4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) em ordem
    5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) simples
    6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) sério
    7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) sério
    2. adverb
    1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) em linha recta
    2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) directamente
    3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) honestamente
    3. noun
    (the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) recta
    - straightness
    - straightforward
    - straightforwardly
    - straightforwardness
    - straight talking
    - go straight
    - straight away
    - straighten out/up
    - a straight fight
    - straight off
    * * *
    [streit] n 1 reta, linha, posição, formas retas. 2 seqüência (de pôquer). 3 pessoa heterossexual. 4 pessoa que não usa drogas. • adj 1 reto, plano. 2 direto. 3 ereto, direito. 4 franco, honesto, honrado. 5 correto, justo, em ordem, direito. 6 contínuo, seguido. 7 Amer declarado, manifestado. 8 Amer puro, não falsificado, não diluído (bebida). 9 coll seguro, de confiança. 10 game seguido ( pôquer). 11 Amer sl líquido, sem desconto. 12 oficial (informação). 13 metódico, preciso, meticuloso, convencional. 14 liso (cabelo). 15 sl não viciado (em drogas). 16 sl heterossexual. • adv 1 em linha reta. 2 de modo ou de forma ereta, em posição direita. 3 logo, imediatamente, diretamente. 4 francamente, honestamente, de modo direito. I gave it to him straight / eu lho disse na cara. 5 continuamente. 6 sem restrição. 7 sl corretamente, bem. I didn’t get you straight / Amer sl não o compreendi bem. 5 cents straight Amer coll cinco cents líquido. it is as straight as you can go bem em frente. out of the straight ilegal, fora da lei. straight! coll de fato! straight ahead bem em frente, avante, sempre em frente. straight as an arrow (ou a dart) bem reto, correto. straight aviation gasoline gasolina pura de aviação. straight away imediatamente, prontamente. straight from the shoulder honestamente, diretamente. straight to the point diretamente ao que interessa. straight up? de verdade? to go straight a) corrigir-se, desistir de atividades criminosas. b) ir, caminhar reto, direto. to keep a straight bat comportar-se honrosamente, bem. to keep a straight face abster-se de sorrir. I tried to keep a straight face / procurei ficar sério, impassível. to put the record straight tirar a limpo, pôr em pratos limpos. to sell someone straight falar direta e corajosamente. to set someone straight corrigir alguém, esclarecer alguém. to think straight pensar logicamente. to vote a straight ticket votar em candidato de partido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > straight

  • 4 straight

    [streit] 1. adjective
    1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) reto
    2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) direto
    3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) direito
    4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) correto, em ordem
    5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) puro
    6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) sério
    7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) sério
    2. adverb
    1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) em linha reta
    2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) diretamente
    3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) honestamente
    3. noun
    (the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) reta
    - straightness - straightforward - straightforwardly - straightforwardness - straight talking - go straight - straight away - straighten out/up - a straight fight - straight off

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > straight

  • 5 save

    I 1. [seiv] verb
    1) (to rescue or bring out of danger: He saved his friend from drowning; The house was burnt but he saved the pictures.) salvar
    2) (to keep (money etc) for future use: He's saving (his money) to buy a bicycle; They're saving for a house.) fazer economias
    3) (to prevent the using or wasting of (money, time, energy etc): Frozen foods save a lot of trouble; I'll telephone and that will save me writing a letter.) poupar
    4) (in football etc, to prevent the opposing team from scoring a goal: The goalkeeper saved six goals.) defender
    5) (to free from the power of sin and evil.) salvar
    6) (to keep data in the computer.)
    2. noun
    ((in football etc) an act of preventing the opposing team from scoring a goal.) defesa
    - saving
    - savings
    - saviour
    - saving grace
    - savings account
    - savings bank
    - save up
    II [seiv] preposition, conjunction
    (except: All save him had gone; We have no news save that the ship reached port safely.) salvo
    * * *
    [seiv] n o que foi salvo, economia. • vt+vi 1 salvar. he saved my life / ele salvou minha vida. 2 guardar, preservar, resguardar, proteger, abrigar. God save the King! / Deus guarde o rei! 3 colher, recolher, armazenar, juntar, guardar. 4 economizar, poupar. he saved a lot of money / ele economizou muito dinheiro. 5 fazer economias, juntar dinheiro. he’s saving money / ele está economizando dinheiro. 6 prevenir, evitar. 7 Theol salvar, livrar (dos pecados). 8 cuidar, conservar. to save appearances salvar as aparências. to save one’s face escapar de uma humilhação.
    [seiv] prep exceto, salvo. • conj a não ser que, exceto. he invited all save my friend / ele convidou todos exceto meu amigo. save for com exceção de, salvo. save that a menos que, só que, a não ser que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > save

  • 6 Jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete
    * * *
    [dʒæk] n apelido derivado do nome John: Joãozinho. before you could say Jack Robinson num abrir e fechar de olhos, num upa. Jack Frost fig geada (General Inverno). Jack Ketch carrasco, verdugo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Jack

  • 7 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) dorso
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) traseiras
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) traseiro
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) recuar
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) obliquamente
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat
    * * *
    [bæk] n 1 dorso, costas. I have the care for his children on my back / tenho em meus ombros a preocupação de cuidar de suas crianças. she turned her back on him / ela virou as costas para ele. 2 qualquer parte de vestuário que cubra as costas. 3 lombo, dorso (de animais). 4 espinha dorsal. 5 parte traseira, lado ou face posterior, verso. 6 espaldar, encosto de cadeira ou poltrona. 7 parte menos usada, costas da mão. 8 Ftb zagueiro. 9 quilha de navio. 10 suporte, apoio. 11 lombada (de livro). 12 avesso (de tecido). • vt 1 (geralmente back up) suportar, ajudar, auxiliar, emprestar apoio moral. 2 mover(-se) para trás. 3 endossar, apoiar. he backed a cheque / ele endossou um cheque. 4 apostar em. 5 montar, subir às costas. 6 prover de encosto, servir de dorso. 7 impelir ou forçar para trás. 8 prosseguir escrevendo no verso. 9 mover-se à esquerda (em relação à bússola). 10 formar um fundo para. 11 servir de fundo a. 12 coll carregar às costas. • vi recuar, retroceder, refluir. • adj 1 posterior, de trás, traseiro. 2 remoto, retirado. 3 passado, atrasado. 4 vencido. 5 Amer em região distante ou fronteiriça. 6 Phon gutural, velar. • adv 1 para trás, atrás. he sat back in his chair / ele reclinou-se na sua cadeira. 2 no passado. I can look back fifty years / posso olhar para trás cinqüenta anos. 3 de volta. I shall be back soon / estarei de volta logo. 4 em retorno ou devolução. 5 para o lugar de origem. 6 em reserva. 7 anteriormente. at the back of the house, Amer back of the house atrás da casa. back and belly coll vestuário e alimentação. back and forth para a frente e para trás. back her! Naut para trás! back of Amer coll atrás de, em auxílio de, em suporte de. back of a knife costas de uma faca. back of the hand costas da mão. back to back costas com costas. behind my back nas minhas costas. come back! volte!, Amer venha para trás! do not answer back! não responda! for years back Amer desde anos, há anos. go there and come back vá até lá e volte. half-back Ftb médio, sl alfo. he lay on his back for three years ele ficou de cama durante três anos. he was at my back ele estava atrás de mim, ele me defendeu, ele me apoiou. he went back from his promise ele fugiu à sua promessa. I broke my back to get what I have passei pelo pior para conseguiur o que eu tenho. I got, put his back up provoquei-o. on one’s back sl deitado de costas, indefeso, impotente, sem dinheiro, pronto. on the back of that além disso. the Backs (Cambridge) fundos, lugar de estacionamento na universidade. to back away Amer ceder. to back down abandonar, desistir, retirar-se. to back on to dar para (quartos, janelas). to back out retirar-se, desistir de um empreendimento, quebrar uma promessa. to back sails pôr sobre (as velas). to back up mover-se para trás, dar marcha-à-ré, suportar, auxiliar. to be cast on one’s back fig sofrer derrota. to cast behind the back esquecer, perdoar. to pay back devolver, repor, pagar de volta. to see the back of desembaraçar-se de, livrar-se de, ver pelas costas.
    [bæk] n cuba, tina, alguidar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > back

  • 8 chin

    [ in]
    (the part of the face below the mouth: His beard completely covers his chin.) queixo
    * * *
    [tʃin] n 1 queixo. 2 Amer sl conversa, lábia, prosa. • vi Amer sl palrar, prosear, Brit bater papo. a man behind a chin fig homem enérgico. keep your chin up não desanime!, coragem! to thrust the chin into the neck empertigar-se, entonar-se. up to the chin fig até às orelhas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chin

  • 9 fan

    I 1. [fæn] noun
    1) (a flat instrument held in the hand and waved to direct a current of air across the face in hot weather: Ladies used to carry fans to keep themselves cool.) leque
    2) (a mechanical instrument causing a current of air: He has had a fan fitted in the kitchen for extracting smells.) ventilador
    2. verb
    1) (to cool (as if) with a fan: She sat in the corner, fanning herself.) abanar
    2) (to increase or strengthen (a fire) by directing air towards it with a fan etc: They fanned the fire until it burst into flames.) ventilar/atiçar
    II [fæn] noun
    (an enthusiastic admirer of a sport, hobby or well-known person: I'm a great fan of his; football fans; ( also adjective) fan mail/letters (= letters etc sent by admirers).) admirador/aficionado
    * * *
    [fæn] n 1 leque, abanico. 2 arch joeira, peneira. 3 ventarola, ventoinha, ventilador, abano. 4 Naut pá da hélice. 5 asa, cauda das aves em forma de leque. • vt+vi 1 abanar, agitar o ar com o leque, refrescar, movendo abano ou leque. 2 ventilar, aventar, arejar. 3 joeirar, padejar. 4 soprar, atear (o fogo). fig atiçar, excitar, inflamar. 5 bafejar, soprar brandamente. 6 soprar, fazer voar, abrir(-se) ou desdobrar em leque ou em forma de leque. the shit hit the fan vulg caiu (jogaram) merda no ventilador. to fan out espalhar-se (diz-se de grupo de pessoas que tomam direções diversas). to fan the flames tornar uma situação mais intensa ou extrema.
    [fæn] n (abbr fanatic) coll fã, admirador, entusiasta, aficionado. football fan / torcedor de futebol.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fan

  • 10 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cabeça
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) cabeça
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) cabeça
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) chefe
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) cabeça
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) nascente
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) topo
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) frente
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) cabeça
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) director
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) por cabeça
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontório
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) colar
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) encabeçar
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) dirigir
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) dirigir-se
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) encabeçar
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) cabecear
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head
    * * *
    [hed] n 1 cabeça. 2 cabeça de prego, de alfinete, de martelo, etc. 3 o que, pela sua forma, dá idéia de cabeça (p ex: cabeça de alho). 4 parte superior ou mais importante, ponta, topo, alto. 5 parte frontal, proa de um navio, vanguarda de tropas. 6 promontório, cabo. 7 face de uma medalha ou moeda. 8 lugar de honra ou de comando. 9 pessoa principal, chefe, diretor. 10 pessoa, indivíduo. 11 unidade (de gado), cabeça. 12 vida. 13 cabeçalho. 14 tópico, assunto. 15 categoria, divisão. 16 culminação, crise. 17 parte amadurecida de uma úlcera. 18 espuma de cerveja (colarinho). 19 pressão de água com vapor (para fins industriais). 20 isenção às restrições, liberdade de ação. 21 raciocínio, inteligência. 22 Mus couro do tambor. 23 parte superior ou inferior de um barril. 24 aumento gradual de força, impulso. 25 fonte, nascente (de um rio). 26 cabeceira (cama). • vt+vi 1 encabeçar, liderar, chefiar, dirigir. 2 ser ou formar cabeça. 3 prover de cabeça. 4 ser ou pôr cabeçalho. 5 ir na dianteira. 6 podar (árvores). 7 opor, enfrentar, deter, interceptar. 8 Ftb cabecear. • adj 1 na cabeceira, vanguarda ou ponta. 2 que vem da frente. 3 principal, dirigente, comandante. from head to foot dos pés à cabeça. head and ears totalmente. head and shoulders above muito superior ou muito acima de. head over heels a) de pernas para o ar. b) precipitadamente. he is off his head ele perdeu a cabeça. I make neither head nor tail of it não sei o que pensar a respeito. out of one’s own head a) de invenção própria. b) de livre vontade. over one’s head a) além da compreensão. b) superior em autoridade. peanut head sl cabeça-de-bagre. the ship could not make head against the wind o navio não conseguiu progredir contra o vento. the wind heads us temos vento desfavorável. to come to a head a) maturar, amadurecer. b) atingir o ponto culminante. c) formar pus. to give one his head dar liberdade ou licença a alguém. to go to one’s head subir à cabeça, envaidecer, deixar tonto. to head for mover-se em direção a, ir para, rumar, seguir. to lose one’s head perder a cabeça, o controle. to turn one’s head a) afetar. b) deixar tonto. c) deixar convencido, orgulhoso.
    [hed] n sl 1 viciado em drogas pesadas. 2 ressaca. 3 a cabeça do pênis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > head

  • 11 jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete
    * * *
    [dʒæk] n 1 homem do povo, camarada, operário braçal para serviços avulsos. 2 marujo. 3 Tech macaco, guindaste, guincho. 4 Tech alavanca e várias outras peças de máquinas. 5 valete: carta de baralho. 6 pedrinha usada em jogo infantil. 7 Naut bandeira de cruzeiro. 8 Naut barra de ferro horizontal no topo do mastro principal dos veleiros. 9 Amer jumento, burro. 10 Amer coelho macho. 11 Electr tomada. 12 dispositivo para virar o espeto. 13 Ichth lúcio novo e pequeno: peixe esocídeo de água doce. 14 cavalete para serrador. 15 sl dinheiro, arame, gaita. 16. Hist cota de armas de couro. 17 Brit sl policial. • vt 1 içar, guindar, levantar. 2 coll majorar, aumentar (preços). • adj 1 macho (de alguns animais). 2 cansado, exausto. every man jack coll todos sem exceção, em geral. to jack in Brit coll interromper, abandonar. to jack off sl masturbar-se, Braz vulg bater punheta. to jack up coll a) aumentar (preços, salários, etc.). b) levantar, guindar. c) sl injetar drogas, narcóticos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jack

  • 12 profile

    (the view of a face, head etc from the side; a side view: She has a beautiful profile.) perfil
    * * *
    [pr'oufəil] n 1 perfil. 2 contorno. 3 seção vertical. 4 corte, seção. 5 esboço biográfico. • vt 1 perfilar: a) traçar o perfil de. b) dar um perfil a. c) moldar, modelar. d) contornar. 2 retratar em esboço biográfico. to keep a low profile evitar chamar a atenção sobre si próprio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > profile

  • 13 headband

    noun (a strip of material worn round the head to keep one's hair off one's face.) faixa

    English-Portuguese dictionary > headband

  • 14 fan

    I 1. [fæn] noun
    1) (a flat instrument held in the hand and waved to direct a current of air across the face in hot weather: Ladies used to carry fans to keep themselves cool.) leque
    2) (a mechanical instrument causing a current of air: He has had a fan fitted in the kitchen for extracting smells.) ventilador
    2. verb
    1) (to cool (as if) with a fan: She sat in the corner, fanning herself.) abanar
    2) (to increase or strengthen (a fire) by directing air towards it with a fan etc: They fanned the fire until it burst into flames.) abanar
    II [fæn] noun
    (an enthusiastic admirer of a sport, hobby or well-known person: I'm a great fan of his; football fans; ( also adjective) fan mail/letters (= letters etc sent by admirers).)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fan

  • 15 headband

    noun (a strip of material worn round the head to keep one's hair off one's face.) faixa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > headband

  • 16 jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > jack

См. также в других словарях:

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