Перевод: со всех языков на английский

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  • 1 информационная перфокарта задания

    Information technology: job information card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > информационная перфокарта задания

  • 2 информационная карта задания

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > информационная карта задания

  • 3 карта описания задания

    Information technology: job description card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > карта описания задания

  • 4 перфокарта управления заданием

    Information technology: job control card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > перфокарта управления заданием

  • 5 управляющая перфокарта задания

    Information technology: job control card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > управляющая перфокарта задания

  • 6 centro

    1 center.
    centro de atracción center of attraction
    centro de gravedad center of gravity
    centro de interés center of interest
    centro de mesa centerpiece
    centro nervioso nerve center
    centro óptico optic center
    centro de cálculo computer center
    centro cívico community center
    centro docente o de enseñanza educational institution
    centro recreativo leisure center
    3 city/town center.
    me voy al centro I'm going to town
    centro ciudad o urbano city/town center (en letrero)
    4 center of the city, downtown, city centre.
    5 Centro.
    6 centrum.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: centrar.
    * * *
    1 centre (US center), middle
    2 (de ciudad) town centre, city centre, US downtown area
    me voy al centro I'm going into town, US I'm going downtown
    3 (asociación) centre (US center), association, institution
    4 DEPORTE cross, centre (US center)
    5 PLÍTICA centre (US center)
    centro benéfico charitable organization
    centro ciudad city centre, US downtown area
    centro comercial shopping centre, US mall
    centro cultural cultural centre (US center)
    centro de atracción centre (US center) of attraction
    centro de enseñanza educational institution
    centro de gravedad centre of gravity
    centro de interés centre (US center) of interest
    centro de mesa centrepiece (US centerpiece)
    centro docente educational institution
    centro sanitario hospital, clinic
    medio centro DEPORTE centre (US center) half
    partido de centro PLÍTICA centre (US center) party
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=medio) centre, center (EEUU)

    las regiones del centro del país — the central areas of the country, the areas in the centre of the country

    2) [de ciudad] centre, center (EEUU)

    no se puede aparcar en el centro — you can't park in the centre (of town), you can't park downtown (EEUU)

    un edificio del centro de Madrida building in the centre of Madrid o in Madrid town centre o (EEUU) in downtown Madrid

    centro ciudad — city centre, town centre

    ir al centro — to go into town, go downtown (EEUU)

    3) (Pol) centre, center (EEUU)

    ser de centro[persona] to be a moderate; [partido] to be in the centre

    los partidos de centro izquierda — the parties of the centre left, the centre-left parties

    4) (=foco) [de huracán] centre, center (EEUU); [de incendio] seat

    ser el centro de atención o atracción o interésto be the focus o centre of attention

    Zaire fue el centro del interés internacionalZaire was the focus of o was at the centre of international attention

    ser un centro de intrigasto be a hotbed of intrigue

    ser el centro de las miradas, Roma es estos días el centro de todas las miradas — all eyes are on Rome at the moment

    5) (=establecimiento) centre, center (EEUU)

    centro comercial — shopping centre, shopping mall

    centro cultural[en un barrio, institución] (local) arts centre; [de otro país] cultural centre

    centro de acogida, centro de acogida de menores — children's home

    centro de coordinación[de la policía] operations room

    centro de enseñanza[gen] educational institution; (=colegio) school

    centro de enseñanza media, centro de enseñanza secundaria — secondary school

    centro de jardinería — garden centre, garden center (EEUU)

    centro de rastreo — (Astron) tracking centre

    centro médico[gen] medical establishment; (=hospital) hospital

    centro penitenciario — prison, penitentiary (EEUU)

    centro recreacional Cuba, Ven sports centre, leisure centre

    centro sanitario= centro médico

    centro universitario(=facultad) faculty; (=universidad) university

    6) (=población)

    centro turístico(=lugar muy visitado) tourist centre; [diseñado para turistas] tourist resort

    centro urbano — urban area, city

    7) (=ropa) CAm (=juego) trousers and waistcoat, pants and vest (EEUU); And, Caribe (=enaguas) underskirt; And (=falda) thick flannel skirt
    SMF (Ftbl) centre

    delantero centro — centre-forward

    medio centro — centre-half

    * * *
    a) (Mat) center*
    b) ( área central) center*

    ir al centro de la ciudadto go downtown (AmE), to go into town o into the town centre (BrE)

    centro ciudad/urbano — downtown (AmE), city/town centre (BrE)

    2) ( foco)
    a) ( de atención) center*
    b) (de actividades, servicios) center*

    un gran centro cultural/industrial — a major cultural/industrial center

    3) (establecimiento, institución) center*
    4) (Pol) center*
    5) ( en fútbol) cross, center*
    a) (Mat) center*
    b) ( área central) center*

    ir al centro de la ciudadto go downtown (AmE), to go into town o into the town centre (BrE)

    centro ciudad/urbano — downtown (AmE), city/town centre (BrE)

    2) ( foco)
    a) ( de atención) center*
    b) (de actividades, servicios) center*

    un gran centro cultural/industrial — a major cultural/industrial center

    3) (establecimiento, institución) center*
    4) (Pol) center*
    5) ( en fútbol) cross, center*
    6) centro masculino y femenino ( jugador) center*
    * * *
    = centre [center, -USA], core, hub, office, locus [loci, -pl.], focal point, operation, centrepoint [centerpoint, -USA], pivot.
    Ex. Over 3,000 such centres were set up, but most had closed by 1949.
    Ex. The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex. And since the main entry is the hub and most exacting aspect of our cataloging process, its replacement by a title-unit entry would greatly simplify the problem and expedite the operation of cataloging.
    Ex. The principal sprang up from her chair and began to perambulate with swift, precise movements about her spacious office.
    Ex. The locus of government policy making has been shifted to the Ministry of Research and Technology.
    Ex. The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
    Ex. When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex. In our capacity as centerpoints for local activities, we may be equipped with card production equipment for producing catalog cards through the state division of OCLC.
    Ex. The use of decimal notation is seen as the pivot of Dewey's scheme and notational systems are analysed generally and compared with Dewey's.
    * barrios pobres del centro de la ciudad = inner city.
    * biblioteca de centro penitenciario = prison library.
    * centro accesible mediante Telnet = Telnet-accesible site.
    * centro administrativo = administrative centre.
    * centro artístico = art(s) centre.
    * Centro Bibliotecario en Línea (OCLC) = OCLC (Online Computer Library Center).
    * centro cívico = civic centre.
    * centro comercial = shopping centre, shopping precinct, mall of shops, shopping mall, mall, outlet mall, plaza.
    * centro comunitario = village hall.
    * centro coordinador = focal point, switching point, coordinating centre, hub.
    * centro coordinador de información = clearinghouse [clearing house].
    * centro cultural = cultural centre, cultural institution, cultural venue.
    * centro de acogida = runaway shelter, refuge, shelter, homeless shelter, shelter home.
    * centro de acogida de animales = animal shelter.
    * centro de acogida de mujeres = women's shelter.
    * centro de actividad = focal point.
    * centro de adquisiciones = acquisition centre.
    * centro de análisis de la información = information analysis centre.
    * centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material center.
    * centro de asesoramiento = counselling centre.
    * centro de asistencia social = welfare facility.
    * centro de atención = centre of attention, limelight, centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], centre stage, focus of concern, focus of interest, focus of attention, focus.
    * centro de atención al ciudadano = advice centre.
    * centro de audio = audio centre.
    * centro de ayuda al empleo = job-help centre.
    * centro de barrio = neighbourhood centre.
    * centro de belleza = beauty centre.
    * centro de cálculo = computer centre, computing centre, central computing facility.
    * centro de catalogación = cataloguing department.
    * centro de computación = computing centre.
    * centro de comunicaciones = communications hub.
    * centro de congresos = conference centre, convention centre.
    * centro de control = locus of control, mission control.
    * centro de coordinación = re-routing centre.
    * centro de datos = data centre.
    * centro de deportes = sports centre.
    * centro de detención = detention centre.
    * centro de día = day care centre, day centre.
    * centro de día para mayores = day centre for the elderly.
    * centro de distribución = distribution centre.
    * Centro de Distribución de Documentos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLDSC) = British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC).
    * centro de documentación = clearinghouse [clearing house], documentation centre, information centre, information unit, research centre.
    * centro de educación de adultos = adult learning centre, adult learner centre.
    * centro de educación infantil = early education centre.
    * centro de educación sanitaria = consumer health centre, consumer health information centre.
    * centro de, el = centre of, the.
    * centro de enseñanza = education centre.
    * centro de esquí artificial = dry ski centre.
    * centro de estudios = study centre.
    * Centro de Europa = Mitteleurope.
    * centro de gravedad = centre of gravity.
    * centro de información = information agency, information centre.
    * Centro de Información al Ciudadano = Public Information Center (PIC).
    * centro de información ciudadana = community information centre, neighbourhood information centre (NIC).
    * centro de información laboral = job information centre.
    * centro de información sectorial = sectoral information centre.
    * Centro de Información sobre el Ayuntamiento = Kommune Information Centre.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * centro de jardinería = garden centre.
    * centro de la ciudad = central city, downtown, city centre.
    * centro de las ciencias = science centre.
    * centro del campo = halfway line.
    * centro de Londres = Inner London.
    * centro del pueblo = town centre.
    * centro del visitante = visitor's centre.
    * centro de material didáctico escolar = school resource centre.
    * centro de menores = young offender institution.
    * centro de mesa = epergne.
    * centro de ocio = recreation centre, recreational centre.
    * centro de orientación = referral centre.
    * centro de planificación familiar = family planning clinic, planned parenthood centre.
    * centro deportivo = sports centre.
    * centro de proceso de información = clearinghouse [clearing house].
    * centro de recepción de ovejas = sheep station.
    * centro de recepción y envío = shipping point.
    * centro de reciclado = recycling centre.
    * centro de recursos = resource centre.
    * centro de recursos multimedia = media resource centre.
    * centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA) = learning hub, learning resource centre (LRC).
    * centro de referencia = reference centre.
    * centro de rehabilitación = rehabilitation clinic, rehabilitation centre.
    * centro de reinserción social = half-way house.
    * centro de salud = health centre.
    * centro de trabajo = workplace.
    * centro de vacaciones = resort, tourist resort.
    * centro de vacaciones costero = coastal resort, seaside resort, seaside tourist resort.
    * centro de veraneo = summer resort.
    * centro de veraneo costero = seaside resort, coastal resort.
    * centro educativo = educational centre.
    * centro electoral = polling district.
    * centro financiero = financial centre.
    * centro industrial = manufacturing centre.
    * centro informático = computing centre.
    * Centro Internacional para la Descripción Bibliográfica del UNISIST = UNIBID.
    * centro litúrgico = church centre.
    * centro multimedia = library media centre, media centre.
    * centro multimedia escolar = school media centre, school library media centre.
    * centro municipal de información = local authority information outlet.
    * Centro Nacional de Préstamos = National Lending Centre.
    * centro neurálgico = powerhouse, power engine.
    * centro neurálgico, el = nerve centre, the.
    * centro penitenciario = penitentiary.
    * centro piloto = pilot centre.
    * centro recreativo = recreation centre, recreational centre.
    * centro regional = regional centre.
    * centro religioso = church centre.
    * centro social = community centre, village hall, social centre, drop-in centre, community hall.
    * centro social para veteranos de guerra = Veterans' centre.
    * centro turístico = tourist resort, resort, summer resort.
    * centro turístico costero = beachside resort, seaside resort, coastal resort, seaside tourist resort.
    * centro tutelar de menores = juvenile detention centre.
    * centro urbano = downtown, city centre, town centre.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * del centro = middle.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * hacia el centro de la ciudad = townward.
    * ir al centro = go + downtown.
    * justo en en centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * material del centro de recursos = resource centre material.
    * mesa de centro = coffee table.
    * mesita de centro = coffee table.
    * no tomándose a uno como el centro de referencia = ex-centric [excentric].
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus.
    * período de prácticas en centros = practicum.
    * personal de un centro multimedia escolar = school media staff.
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * tomándose a uno como centro de referencia = centric.
    * un centro único = one stop shop.
    * visita a centros profesionales = study tour.
    * zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.
    * * *
    a) (Mat) center*
    b) ( área central) center*

    ir al centro de la ciudadto go downtown (AmE), to go into town o into the town centre (BrE)

    centro ciudad/urbano — downtown (AmE), city/town centre (BrE)

    2) ( foco)
    a) ( de atención) center*
    b) (de actividades, servicios) center*

    un gran centro cultural/industrial — a major cultural/industrial center

    3) (establecimiento, institución) center*
    4) (Pol) center*
    5) ( en fútbol) cross, center*
    a) (Mat) center*
    b) ( área central) center*

    ir al centro de la ciudadto go downtown (AmE), to go into town o into the town centre (BrE)

    centro ciudad/urbano — downtown (AmE), city/town centre (BrE)

    2) ( foco)
    a) ( de atención) center*
    b) (de actividades, servicios) center*

    un gran centro cultural/industrial — a major cultural/industrial center

    3) (establecimiento, institución) center*
    4) (Pol) center*
    5) ( en fútbol) cross, center*
    6) centro masculino y femenino ( jugador) center*
    * * *
    = centre [center, -USA], core, hub, office, locus [loci, -pl.], focal point, operation, centrepoint [centerpoint, -USA], pivot.

    Ex: Over 3,000 such centres were set up, but most had closed by 1949.

    Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex: And since the main entry is the hub and most exacting aspect of our cataloging process, its replacement by a title-unit entry would greatly simplify the problem and expedite the operation of cataloging.
    Ex: The principal sprang up from her chair and began to perambulate with swift, precise movements about her spacious office.
    Ex: The locus of government policy making has been shifted to the Ministry of Research and Technology.
    Ex: The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
    Ex: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex: In our capacity as centerpoints for local activities, we may be equipped with card production equipment for producing catalog cards through the state division of OCLC.
    Ex: The use of decimal notation is seen as the pivot of Dewey's scheme and notational systems are analysed generally and compared with Dewey's.
    * barrios pobres del centro de la ciudad = inner city.
    * biblioteca de centro penitenciario = prison library.
    * centro accesible mediante Telnet = Telnet-accesible site.
    * centro administrativo = administrative centre.
    * centro artístico = art(s) centre.
    * Centro Bibliotecario en Línea (OCLC) = OCLC (Online Computer Library Center).
    * centro cívico = civic centre.
    * centro comercial = shopping centre, shopping precinct, mall of shops, shopping mall, mall, outlet mall, plaza.
    * centro comunitario = village hall.
    * centro coordinador = focal point, switching point, coordinating centre, hub.
    * centro coordinador de información = clearinghouse [clearing house].
    * centro cultural = cultural centre, cultural institution, cultural venue.
    * centro de acogida = runaway shelter, refuge, shelter, homeless shelter, shelter home.
    * centro de acogida de animales = animal shelter.
    * centro de acogida de mujeres = women's shelter.
    * centro de actividad = focal point.
    * centro de adquisiciones = acquisition centre.
    * centro de análisis de la información = information analysis centre.
    * centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material center.
    * centro de asesoramiento = counselling centre.
    * centro de asistencia social = welfare facility.
    * centro de atención = centre of attention, limelight, centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], centre stage, focus of concern, focus of interest, focus of attention, focus.
    * centro de atención al ciudadano = advice centre.
    * centro de audio = audio centre.
    * centro de ayuda al empleo = job-help centre.
    * centro de barrio = neighbourhood centre.
    * centro de belleza = beauty centre.
    * centro de cálculo = computer centre, computing centre, central computing facility.
    * centro de catalogación = cataloguing department.
    * centro de computación = computing centre.
    * centro de comunicaciones = communications hub.
    * centro de congresos = conference centre, convention centre.
    * centro de control = locus of control, mission control.
    * centro de coordinación = re-routing centre.
    * centro de datos = data centre.
    * centro de deportes = sports centre.
    * centro de detención = detention centre.
    * centro de día = day care centre, day centre.
    * centro de día para mayores = day centre for the elderly.
    * centro de distribución = distribution centre.
    * Centro de Distribución de Documentos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLDSC) = British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC).
    * centro de documentación = clearinghouse [clearing house], documentation centre, information centre, information unit, research centre.
    * centro de educación de adultos = adult learning centre, adult learner centre.
    * centro de educación infantil = early education centre.
    * centro de educación sanitaria = consumer health centre, consumer health information centre.
    * centro de, el = centre of, the.
    * centro de enseñanza = education centre.
    * centro de esquí artificial = dry ski centre.
    * centro de estudios = study centre.
    * Centro de Europa = Mitteleurope.
    * centro de gravedad = centre of gravity.
    * centro de información = information agency, information centre.
    * Centro de Información al Ciudadano = Public Information Center (PIC).
    * centro de información ciudadana = community information centre, neighbourhood information centre (NIC).
    * centro de información laboral = job information centre.
    * centro de información sectorial = sectoral information centre.
    * Centro de Información sobre el Ayuntamiento = Kommune Information Centre.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * centro de jardinería = garden centre.
    * centro de la ciudad = central city, downtown, city centre.
    * centro de las ciencias = science centre.
    * centro del campo = halfway line.
    * centro de Londres = Inner London.
    * centro del pueblo = town centre.
    * centro del visitante = visitor's centre.
    * centro de material didáctico escolar = school resource centre.
    * centro de menores = young offender institution.
    * centro de mesa = epergne.
    * centro de ocio = recreation centre, recreational centre.
    * centro de orientación = referral centre.
    * centro de planificación familiar = family planning clinic, planned parenthood centre.
    * centro deportivo = sports centre.
    * centro de proceso de información = clearinghouse [clearing house].
    * centro de recepción de ovejas = sheep station.
    * centro de recepción y envío = shipping point.
    * centro de reciclado = recycling centre.
    * centro de recursos = resource centre.
    * centro de recursos multimedia = media resource centre.
    * centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA) = learning hub, learning resource centre (LRC).
    * centro de referencia = reference centre.
    * centro de rehabilitación = rehabilitation clinic, rehabilitation centre.
    * centro de reinserción social = half-way house.
    * centro de salud = health centre.
    * centro de trabajo = workplace.
    * centro de vacaciones = resort, tourist resort.
    * centro de vacaciones costero = coastal resort, seaside resort, seaside tourist resort.
    * centro de veraneo = summer resort.
    * centro de veraneo costero = seaside resort, coastal resort.
    * centro educativo = educational centre.
    * centro electoral = polling district.
    * centro financiero = financial centre.
    * centro industrial = manufacturing centre.
    * centro informático = computing centre.
    * Centro Internacional para la Descripción Bibliográfica del UNISIST = UNIBID.
    * centro litúrgico = church centre.
    * centro multimedia = library media centre, media centre.
    * centro multimedia escolar = school media centre, school library media centre.
    * centro municipal de información = local authority information outlet.
    * Centro Nacional de Préstamos = National Lending Centre.
    * centro neurálgico = powerhouse, power engine.
    * centro neurálgico, el = nerve centre, the.
    * centro penitenciario = penitentiary.
    * centro piloto = pilot centre.
    * centro recreativo = recreation centre, recreational centre.
    * centro regional = regional centre.
    * centro religioso = church centre.
    * centro social = community centre, village hall, social centre, drop-in centre, community hall.
    * centro social para veteranos de guerra = Veterans' centre.
    * centro turístico = tourist resort, resort, summer resort.
    * centro turístico costero = beachside resort, seaside resort, coastal resort, seaside tourist resort.
    * centro tutelar de menores = juvenile detention centre.
    * centro urbano = downtown, city centre, town centre.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * del centro = middle.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * hacia el centro de la ciudad = townward.
    * ir al centro = go + downtown.
    * justo en en centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * material del centro de recursos = resource centre material.
    * mesa de centro = coffee table.
    * mesita de centro = coffee table.
    * no tomándose a uno como el centro de referencia = ex-centric [excentric].
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus.
    * período de prácticas en centros = practicum.
    * personal de un centro multimedia escolar = school media staff.
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * tomándose a uno como centro de referencia = centric.
    * un centro único = one stop shop.
    * visita a centros profesionales = study tour.
    * zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.

    * * *
    1 ( Mat) center*
    2 (área central) center*
    en el centro de la habitación in the middle o center of the room
    el terremoto afectó al centro del país the earthquake affected the central region o the center of the country
    los países del centro de Europa the countries of Central Europe
    vive en pleno centro de la ciudad she lives right in the center of the town/city
    tengo que ir al centro a hacer unas compras I have to go downtown to do some shopping ( AmE), I have to go into town o into the town centre to do some shopping ( BrE)
    [ S ] centro ciudad downtown ( AmE), city/town centre ( BrE)
    delantero3 (↑ delantero (3))
    center* of gravity
    nerve center*
    center* of power
    1 (de atención) center*
    ha sido el centro de todos los comentarios it has been the main talking point
    se ha convertido estos días en el centro de interés it has become the focus of attention recently
    fue el centro de atracción durante la fiesta she was the center of attention at the party
    ha hecho de su marido el centro de su existencia she has centered her life around her husband
    2 (de actividades, servicios) center*
    centro administrativo administrative center
    un gran centro cultural/industrial a major cultural/industrial center
    center* of interest to tourists
    centro de llamadas or ( AmL tb) llamados
    call center*
    operations center*, operations room ( BrE)
    urban center*, population center*
    holiday center*
    ( AmL) leisure center*
    tourist resort o center*
    C (establecimiento, institución) center*
    el centro anglo-peruano the Anglo-Peruvian center
    civic center*
    shopping mall ( AmE), shopping centre ( BrE)
    (en Esp) private school o college ( which receives a state subsidy)
    ( Méx) market
    centro de acogida de refugiados reception center* for refugees
    support center*
    primary care center*
    call center*
    user support center*
    help center*
    computer center*
    control center*
    conference center*
    coordination center*
    centro de costos or ( Esp) costes
    cost center*
    cultural center*
    detention center*
    spy headquarters
    private school, academy
    management center*
    information center*
    detention center*
    research center*, research establishment
    speech therapy clinic
    ( Esp) high-tech leisure center*
    family planning clinic
    sports center*
    detention center*
    health center*
    service center*
    telecommunications center*
    ( frml); workplace ( frml)
    ( frml); educational establishment o institution ( frml)
    space center*
    ( frml); hospital
    medical center*
    ( frml); prison, penitentiary ( AmE)
    ( AmL) leisure center*
    leisure center*
    ( frml); hospital
    D ( Pol) center*
    centro chut cross, center*
    * * *


    Del verbo centrar: ( conjugate centrar)

    centro es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    centró es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    centrar ( conjugate centrar) verbo transitivo
    a) imagen› to center( conjugate center)

    b) (Dep) to center( conjugate center)

    c)atención/investigación/esfuerzos› centro algo en algo to focus sth on sth

    verbo intransitivo (Dep) to center( conjugate center), cross
    centrarse verbo pronominal centrose en algo [investigación/atención/esfuerzos] to focus o center( conjugate center) on sth
    centro sustantivo masculino
    a) ( en general) center( conjugate center);

    centro ciudad/urbano downtown (AmE), city/town centre (BrE);

    ser el centro de atención to be the center of attention;
    se convirtió en el centro de interés it became the focus of attention;
    centro turístico tourist resort o center;
    centro comercial shopping mall (AmE), shopping centre (BrE);
    centro de llamadas call center (AmE) o centre (BrE);
    centro de planificación familiar family planning clinic

    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino ( jugador) center( conjugate center);
    centro delantero center( conjugate center) forward

    centrar verbo transitivo
    1 to centre, US center
    2 (los esfuerzos, la atención) to concentrate, centre, US center
    centro sustantivo masculino
    1 middle, centre, US center
    2 (de una ciudad) town centre
    3 (institución) institution, centre, US center
    4 Pol centre party
    5 centro comercial, shopping centre

    ' centro' also found in these entries:
    - Cesid
    - CIS
    - ciudad
    - consejo
    - delantera
    - delantero
    - docente
    - foco
    - gravedad
    - media
    - medio
    - mitad
    - neurálgica
    - neurálgico
    - ombligo
    - retención
    - almendra
    - base
    - blanco
    - comercial
    - deportivo
    - diana
    - hacia
    - hípico
    - lejos
    - mesa
    - mismo
    - para
    - polo
    - posta
    - preescolar
    - rematar
    - retirado
    - señalización
    - señalizar
    - trámite
    - barrage
    - central
    - centre
    - centre forward
    - city
    - community centre
    - core
    - delay
    - downtown
    - garden centre
    - heart
    - hub
    - inner city
    - institute
    - leisure centre
    - mall
    - middle
    - out
    - revolve
    - ROTC
    - run across
    - shopping centre
    - slap
    - space-centre
    - spotlight
    - teaching centre
    - town
    - village hall
    - walk about
    - welfare centre
    - call
    - center
    - clinic
    - coffee
    - community
    - conference
    - control
    - facility
    - focal
    - focus
    - garden
    - health
    - holiday
    - home
    - inner
    - leisure
    - midtown
    - plaza
    - polling
    * * *
    centro nm
    1. [área, punto central] centre;
    en el centro de la vía in the middle of the track;
    estaba en el centro de la muchedumbre she was in the middle of the crowd;
    las lluvias afectarán al centro del país the rain will affect the central region o centre of the country;
    la jardinería es el centro de su existencia her life revolves around gardening
    centro de atención centre of attention;
    centro de atracción centre of attraction;
    las playas son el centro de atracción para el turismo beaches are the main tourist attraction;
    centro de gravedad centre of gravity;
    centro de interés centre of interest;
    Fís centro de masa centre of mass;
    centro de mesa centrepiece;
    centro nervioso nerve centre;
    también Fig centro neurálgico nerve centre; Fís centro óptico optical centre
    2. [de ciudad] town centre;
    me voy al centro I'm going to town;
    tengo una casa en pleno centro I have a house right in the town centre;
    centro ciudad o [m5] urbano [en letrero] city/town centre
    centro histórico = old (part of) town
    3. [económico, administrativo] centre;
    un importante centro financiero/cultural an important financial/cultural centre
    centro turístico tourist resort
    4. [establecimiento, organismo] centre;
    [planta] plant, factory; [tienda] branch; [colegio] school Esp centro de acogida reception centre; Esp centro de acogida para mujeres maltratadas refuge for battered women;
    centro asistencial de día day care centre;
    centro de cálculo computer centre;
    centro cívico community centre;
    centro comercial shopping centre o US mall;
    Am centro comunal community centre; Am centro comunitario community centre;
    centro concertado state-subsidized (private) school;
    centro de control control centre;
    centro cultural cultural centre;
    centro demográfico centre of population;
    centro deportivo sports centre;
    centro de desintoxicación detoxification centre o clinic;
    centro de detención detention centre;
    centro docente educational institution;
    centro educativo educational institution;
    centro de enseñanza educational institution;
    centro espacial space centre;
    centro de estudios academy, school;
    centro excursionista hill-walking club;
    centro de información information centre;
    centro de investigación research institute;
    Esp Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas = government body responsible for conducting opinion polls, sociological surveys etc;
    centro de llamadas call centre;
    Mil centro de mando command centre;
    centro médico medical centre;
    centro meteorológico weather centre;
    centro de negocios business centre;
    centro penitenciario prison, US penitentiary;
    centro de planificación familiar family planning clinic;
    centro regional regional office;
    centro de rehabilitación rehabilitation centre;
    centro de salud clinic, Br health centre;
    centro sanitario clinic, Br health centre;
    centro social community centre;
    centro de trabajo workplace;
    Am centro de tratamiento intensivo intensive care unit
    5. [en política] centre;
    un partido de centro a centre party;
    ser de centro to be at the centre of the political spectrum
    6. Dep [posición]
    centro del campo midfield;
    juega en el centro del campo he plays in midfield
    7. Dep [pase] cross, centre;
    envió un centro al área contraria he crossed the ball into the opposition's penalty area;
    consiguió un espectacular gol con un centro chut he scored a spectacular goal with what was intended more as a cross than a shot
    8. Méx [traje] suit
    9. Hond [chaleco] Br waistcoat, US vest
    10. Cuba [enaguas] underskirt
    * * *
    1 center, Br
    2 DEP cross
    3 Méx ( traje) suit (and shirt and tie)
    * * *
    centro nmf
    : center (in sports)
    centro nm
    1) medio: center
    centro de atención: center of attention
    centro de gravedad: center of gravity
    2) : downtown
    centro de mesa : centerpiece
    * * *
    centro n centre

    Spanish-English dictionary > centro

  • 7 карта аккордной работы

    Information technology: gang job card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > карта аккордной работы

  • 8 карта групповой сдельной работы

    Information technology: gang job card

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > карта групповой сдельной работы

  • 9 facilitar

    1 to facilitate, to make easy.
    esta máquina nos facilita mucho la tarea this machine makes the job a lot easier (for us)
    El libro facilita la tarea The book makes the task easy.
    2 to provide.
    nos facilitaron toda la información que necesitábamos they provided us with all the information we needed
    La tienda facilita el transporte The store provides transportation.
    3 to make it easy to, to help to, to make it possible to.
    El libro facilita terminar pronto The book makes it easy to finish soon.
    * * *
    1 (simplificar) to make easy, make easier, facilitate
    2 (proporcionar) to provide with, supply with
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=hacer fácil) to make easier, facilitate

    la nueva autovía facilitará la entrada a la capital — the new motorway will give easier access to the capital, the new motorway will facilitate access to the capital

    2) (=proporcionar)

    facilitar algo a algn — to provide sb with sth, supply sb with sth

    "le agradecería me facilitara..." — "I would be grateful if you would provide o supply me with..."

    3) Cono Sur (=quitar importancia a)

    facilitar algo — to make sth out to be easier than it really is, play down the difficulty of sth

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( hacer más fácil) < tarea> to make... easier, facilitate (frml)
    2) (frml) ( proporcionar) <datos/información> to provide
    facilitarse v pron (Col)
    * * *
    = ease, expedite, facilitate, issue, make + it + easier, pave + the way (for/towards/to), smooth + the path of, make + easy, smooth, smooth + the way, pave + the path (for/towards/to), provide + grounds for, provide for, enable, pave + the road (for/towards/to).
    Ex. To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.
    Ex. And since the main entry is the hub and most exacting aspect of our cataloging process, its replacement by a title-unit entry would greatly simplify the problem and expedite the operation of cataloging.
    Ex. This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
    Ex. Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex. Bottom shelves which are tilted at an angle make it easier to see the books' spines.
    Ex. In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.
    Ex. These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.
    Ex. It became imperative that books be arranged to make it easy for the reader to find what he wanted.
    Ex. This activity leads to the unearthing of information that smooths daily working in the library itself.
    Ex. Continued communication regarding procedures and results smooths the way for long-term understanding and willingness to participate = La comunicación permanente con respecto a procedimientos y resultados facilita el entendimiento a largo plazo y el deseo de participar.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.
    Ex. On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.
    Ex. Each card has a grid covering most of the body of the card which provides for the coding of document numbers.
    Ex. Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.
    Ex. Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.
    * facilitar las cosas = make + things easier.
    * facilitarle Algo a Alguien = play into + the hands of.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( hacer más fácil) < tarea> to make... easier, facilitate (frml)
    2) (frml) ( proporcionar) <datos/información> to provide
    facilitarse v pron (Col)
    * * *
    = ease, expedite, facilitate, issue, make + it + easier, pave + the way (for/towards/to), smooth + the path of, make + easy, smooth, smooth + the way, pave + the path (for/towards/to), provide + grounds for, provide for, enable, pave + the road (for/towards/to).

    Ex: To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.

    Ex: And since the main entry is the hub and most exacting aspect of our cataloging process, its replacement by a title-unit entry would greatly simplify the problem and expedite the operation of cataloging.
    Ex: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
    Ex: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex: Bottom shelves which are tilted at an angle make it easier to see the books' spines.
    Ex: In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.
    Ex: These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.
    Ex: It became imperative that books be arranged to make it easy for the reader to find what he wanted.
    Ex: This activity leads to the unearthing of information that smooths daily working in the library itself.
    Ex: Continued communication regarding procedures and results smooths the way for long-term understanding and willingness to participate = La comunicación permanente con respecto a procedimientos y resultados facilita el entendimiento a largo plazo y el deseo de participar.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.
    Ex: On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.
    Ex: Each card has a grid covering most of the body of the card which provides for the coding of document numbers.
    Ex: Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.
    Ex: Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.
    * facilitar las cosas = make + things easier.
    * facilitarle Algo a Alguien = play into + the hands of.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.

    * * *
    facilitar [A1 ]
    A (hacer más fácil) ‹tarea› to make … easier, facilitate ( frml)
    tu actitud no facilita nada las cosas your attitude does not make things any easier
    el satélite facilitará las comunicaciones the satellite will facilitate communications
    B ( frml) (proporcionar, suministrar) ‹datos/información› to provide
    le facilitarán la información necesaria they will supply o provide you with the necessary information
    el parte médico facilitado por el hospital the medical report provided by the hospital
    no ha sido facilitada su identidad his identity has not been disclosed
    nos acaban de facilitar una noticia de última hora we have just received some last-minute news
    ( Col): se le facilita la física he's good at physics
    * * *


    facilitar ( conjugate facilitar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( hacer más fácil) ‹ tareato make … easier, facilitate (frml)

    b) (frml) ( proporcionar) ‹datos/información to provide

    facilitar verbo transitivo
    1 (dar, proveer) to provide: me facilitó todo lo necesario para el viaje, he gave me everything I needed for the trip
    2 (hacer más fácil) to make easy, facilitate: tus consejos facilitaron el trabajo, your advice made our workload lighter
    ' facilitar' also found in these entries:
    - furnish
    - specifically
    - supply
    - ease
    - fire
    * * *
    1. [simplificar] to facilitate, to make easy;
    [posibilitar] to make possible;
    esta máquina nos facilita mucho la tarea this machine makes the job a lot easier (for us);
    la cooperación internacional facilitó el rescate the rescue was made possible thanks to international cooperation;
    su radicalismo no facilitó las negociaciones her inflexibility did not make the negotiations any easier
    2. [proporcionar] to provide;
    nos facilitaron toda la información que necesitábamos they provided us with all the information we needed;
    la nota de prensa facilitada por el portavoz del gobierno the press release made available by the government spokesman
    * * *
    1 facilitate, make easier
    2 ( hacer factible) make possible
    3 medios, dinero etc provide
    * * *
    1) : to facilitate
    2) : to provide, to supply
    * * *
    1. (hacer más fácil) to make easier
    2. (proporcionar) to provide with / to give [pt. gave; pp. given]

    Spanish-English dictionary > facilitar

  • 10 entender

    understanding, grasp.
    Su entender era limitado Her understanding was limited.
    1 to understand.
    ahora entiendo lo que quieres decir now I understand o know what you mean
    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don't understand you, could you speak more slowly?
    no entiendo cómo puede gustarte Arturo I don't know what you see in Arturo
    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can't understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now
    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you're impossible!
    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?
    dar a entender que… to imply (that)…
    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can't start until she gets here, all right?
    Ella entiende la lección She understands the lesson.
    Elsa entendió al fin Elsa understood at last.
    2 to think.
    yo no lo entiendo así I don't see it that way
    3 to figure out, to digest, to get clear, to get to know.
    Elsa entendió el motivo Elsa figured out the motive.
    * * *
    (e changes to ie in stressed syllables)
    Present Indicative
    entiendo, entiendes, entiende, entendemos, entendéis, entienden.
    Present Subjunctive
    entienda, entiendas, entienda, entendamos, entendáis, entiendan.
    entiende (tú), entienda (él/Vd.), entendamos (nos.), entended (vos.), entiendan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) think, believe
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=comprender) to understand

    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! — you're impossible to understand!

    que no te vuelva a ver fumando ¿me has entendido? — don't let me catch you smoking again, do you understand?

    ¿entiendes lo que te quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?, do you know what I'm trying to say?

    es un poco rarito, tú ya me entiendes — he's a bit odd, if you know what I mean

    dar algo a entender — to imply sth

    nos dieron a entender que querían marcharsethey gave us to understand o led us to believe that they wanted to leave

    según él me dio a entender, no está contento en su trabajo — from what he said to me, he is not happy in his job, he gave me to understand that he is not happy in his job

    hacer entender algo a algn — to make sb understand sth

    hacerse entender — to make o.s. understood

    entender malto misunderstand

    si no he entendido mal, esto es lo que queréis decir — unless I've misunderstood what you're saying, this is what you mean

    no entendió ni una palabrahe didn't understand a word of it

    no entender ni jota o ni patata *

    no entendí ni jota o ni una patata de lo que decían — I didn't have a clue what they were on about

    no entiendo ni jota de alemán* I don't understand a single word of German

    2) (=opinar) to think, believe

    entiendo que sería mejor decírseloI think o believe it would be better to tell him

    yo entiendo que no es correcto hacerlo asíI don't think o believe that that's the right way to do it

    3) (=interpretar) to understand

    ¿tú qué entiendes por libertad? — what do you understand by freedom?

    ¿debo entender que lo niegas? — am I to understand that you deny it?

    me ha parecido entender que estaban en contra — I understood that they were against it, as I understand it they were against it

    cada uno entiende el amor a su manera — everyone sees love differently, everyone understands something different by love

    4) * (=saber manejar) to know how to use, know how to work

    ¿tú entiendes esta lavadora? — do you know how this washing machine works?, do you know how to use this washing machine?

    5) (=oír) to hear
    2. VI
    1) (=comprender) to understand

    ¡ya entiendo! — now I understand!, now I get it!

    la vida es así ¿entiendes? — that's life, you know

    entender de algo — to know about sth

    no entender de barcos —

    si le preguntas cualquier cosa, él no entiende de barcos — if you ask him something, he makes out he doesn't know anything about anything

    2) (Jur) (=tener competencia)
    3) [perro, gato]
    4) ** (=ser homosexual) to be one of them *
    * * *
    I 1.
    verbo transitivo
    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    b) < persona> to understand

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)
    a) (concebir, opinar)

    yo entiendo que deberíamos esperarin my view o as I see it, we should wait

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you're leaving?

    me dio a entender que... — she gave me to understand that...

    1) ( comprender) to understand

    (ya) entiendo — I understand, I see

    2) ( saber)

    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)
    entenderse v pron

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let's get this straight, who hit you?

    entenderse con alguiento get along o on with somebody

    c) ( tratar)

    allá se las entienda — (fam) that's his/her problem

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I'm doing


    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *
    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.
    Ex. Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.
    Ex. Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library's administration.
    Ex. She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.
    Ex. It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.
    Ex. The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.
    Ex. They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.
    Ex. The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.
    Ex. This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.
    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.
    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.
    Ex. The article ' Getting a grip on change' argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.
    Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.
    Ex. Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.
    Ex. 'Nah,' Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said 'I would've just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!'.
    Ex. 'I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,' he said.
    Ex. As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.
    Ex. You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.
    Ex. Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can't possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.
    Ex. Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * difícil de entender = cryptic.
    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.
    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.
    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.
    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.
    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.
    * fácil de entender = easy to understand.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.
    * hacer entender = get across.
    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.
    * malentender = misconstrue.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * según nuestro entender = as far as we know.
    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.
    * * *
    I 1.
    verbo transitivo
    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    b) < persona> to understand

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)
    a) (concebir, opinar)

    yo entiendo que deberíamos esperarin my view o as I see it, we should wait

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you're leaving?

    me dio a entender que... — she gave me to understand that...

    1) ( comprender) to understand

    (ya) entiendo — I understand, I see

    2) ( saber)

    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)
    entenderse v pron

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let's get this straight, who hit you?

    entenderse con alguiento get along o on with somebody

    c) ( tratar)

    allá se las entienda — (fam) that's his/her problem

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I'm doing


    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *
    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.

    Ex: Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.

    Ex: Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library's administration.
    Ex: She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.
    Ex: It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.
    Ex: The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.
    Ex: They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.
    Ex: The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.
    Ex: This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.
    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.
    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.
    Ex: The article ' Getting a grip on change' argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.
    Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.
    Ex: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.
    Ex: 'Nah,' Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said 'I would've just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!'.
    Ex: 'I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,' he said.
    Ex: As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.
    Ex: You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.
    Ex: Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can't possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.
    Ex: Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * difícil de entender = cryptic.
    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.
    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.
    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.
    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.
    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.
    * fácil de entender = easy to understand.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.
    * hacer entender = get across.
    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.
    * malentender = misconstrue.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * según nuestro entender = as far as we know.
    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.

    * * *
    entender1 [E8 ]
    1 ‹explicación/libro/idioma› to understand; ‹actitud/motivos› to understand
    yo no te entiendo la letra I can't read your writing
    no se le entiende nada you can't understand anything she says
    lo has entendido todo al revés you've got(ten) it all completely wrong, you've got the wrong end of the stick ( BrE colloq)
    no hablo el alemán, pero lo entiendo I don't speak German, but I can understand it
    yo todavía no he entendido el chiste I still haven't got(ten) the joke
    y que no se vuelva a repetir ¿lo has entendido bien? and don't let it happen again, (do you) understand? o have you got that?
    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? do you know what I mean?
    esto no hay quien lo entienda I just don't understand this o this is impossible to understand
    se entiende que prefiera estar a solas it is understandable that she should want to be alone
    ¿tú qué entiendes por `versátil'? what do you understand by `versatile'?
    2 ‹persona› to understand
    trata de entenderme try to understand me
    ten cuidado con ellos, tú ya me entiendes be careful with them, you know what I mean
    me has entendido mal you've misunderstood me
    su inglés no es perfecto pero se hace entender or ( AmL) se da a entender his English isn't perfect but he makes himself understood
    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! you're impossible!
    te entiendo perfectamente I know exactly what you mean
    estoy segura de que él te entenderá I am sure that he will understand
    B ( frml)
    (concebir, opinar): yo entiendo que deberíamos esperar un poco más in my view o as I see it, we should wait a little longer
    no es así como yo entiendo la amistad that is not how I see o understand friendship, that is not my idea of friendship
    (interpretar, deducir): ¿debo entender que desean prescindir de mis servicios? am I to understand o infer that you wish to dispense with my services?
    me dio a entender que ya lo sabía she gave me to understand that she already knew
    no lo dijo claramente, pero lo dio a entender she did not say so in so many words, but she implied it
    ■ entender
    A (comprender) to understand
    (ya) entiendo I understand, I see
    es que él es así ¿entiendes? it's just that he's like that, you see
    B (saber) entender DE algo to know ABOUT sth
    no entiendo nada de economía I don't know a thing about economics
    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? do you know anything about these things?
    C ( Der):
    entender en un caso to hear a case
    1 (comunicarse) entenderse CON algn to communicate WITH sb
    se entienden por señas they communicate (with each other) through signs, they use sign language to communicate with each other
    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién le pegó a quién? let's get this straight, who hit whom?
    2 (llevarse bien) entenderse CON algn to get along o on WITH sb
    tú te entiendes mejor con él you get along o on better with him than I do
    creo que nos vamos a entender I think we're going to get on o get along fine
    es mejor entenderse directamente con el jefe you are advised to deal directly with the boss
    allá se las entienda ( fam); that's his/her problem
    entendérselas con algn to fix sth up with sb
    4 ( fam) (tener un lío amoroso) entenderse CON algn to have an affair WITH sb
    B ( refl):
    ni él mismo se entiende he doesn't know what he's doing himself
    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I'm doing
    a mi/tu/su entender in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    entender algo
    entender ( conjugate entender) verbo transitivo
    to understand;
    chiste to understand, get (colloq);

    no entendí su nombre I didn't get his name;
    lo entendió todo al revés he got it all completely wrong;
    tú ya me entiendes you know what I mean;
    me has entendido mal you've misunderstood me;
    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender he makes himself understood;
    me dio a entender que … she gave me to understand that …;
    dar algo a entender to imply sth
    verbo intransitivo

    b) ( saber) entender de algo to know about sth

    entenderse verbo pronominal

    entenderse con algn to communicate with sb;
    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? let's get this straight, who hit you?

    entenderse con algn to get along o on with sb
    2 ( refl):
    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I'm doing

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (comprender) to understand: a mi entender, está equivocado, in my opinion he's wrong
    no entendí ni papa/pío/jota de este libro, I didn't understand a word of this book
    no entiendo lo que quieres decir, I don't know what you mean
    no me entiendas mal, don't get me wrong
    nos dio a entender que no aceptaría el trabajo, he gave us to understand that he wouldn't accept the job
    2 (creer) to think: entendemos que no debiste hacerlo, we think you shouldn't have done that
    II verbo intransitivo entender de, (saber) to know about: entiende de música, he has an ear for music ➣ Ver nota en understand
    ' entender' also found in these entries:
    - cazar
    - coger
    - comprender
    - dar
    - interpretar
    - mercenaria
    - mercenario
    - papa
    - revés
    - significativa
    - significativo
    - ver
    - aclarar
    - agarrar
    - caer
    - concebir
    - difícil
    - dificultad
    - entendimiento
    - enterarse
    - entienda
    - fácil
    - sin
    - catch
    - depth
    - follow
    - get
    - gist
    - intimate
    - make out
    - misunderstand
    - parrot-fashion
    - point
    - purport
    - see
    - sense
    - thoroughly
    - trouble
    - understand
    - wise
    - work out
    - beyond
    - fathom
    - figure
    - grip
    - head
    - hint
    - home
    - imply
    - knowing
    - latch
    - lead
    - make
    - message
    - mishear
    - ram
    - still
    - sympathize
    - work
    * * *
    1. [comprender] to understand;
    ahora entiendo lo que quieres decir now I understand o know what you mean;
    entiendo perfectamente tu reacción I completely understand your reaction;
    ¿es que no lo entiendes? don't you understand?;
    entiéndelo, lo hago por tu bien try to understand, it's for your own good;
    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don't understand you, could you speak more slowly?;
    no entiendo los aparatos modernos I don't understand modern technology;
    no entiendo el chiste I don't get the joke;
    no entendí nada de lo que dijo I didn't understand a word of what he said;
    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can't understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now;
    no entiendo la letra de mi médico I can't read my doctor's handwriting;
    entender mal algo to misunderstand sth;
    no entiendo cómo puede gustarte Arturo I don't know what you see in Arturo;
    no hay quien entienda a tu novio no one knows what to make of your boyfriend;
    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you're impossible!;
    sabe entender a las personas mayores she understands older people;
    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?;
    ¿debo entender que no estás de acuerdo? am I to understand that you disagree?;
    ¿cómo le puedo hacer entender que eso no se hace? how can I make her understand o get it through to her that that sort of behaviour is out?;
    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can't start until she gets here, all right?;
    ¿entiendes?, si no se lo decimos se va a enfadar look, if we don't tell him, he's going to get angry;
    podríamos hacernos los despistados, ya me entiendes we could make out we didn't really realize what was going on, you know what I mean;
    dar a entender algo (a alguien): dio a entender que no le interesaba she implied (that) she wasn't interested;
    nos dio a entender que no estaba de acuerdo she gave us to understand that she disagreed;
    hacerse entender to make oneself understood;
    se hizo entender a base de signos he made himself understood by using sign language;
    no entiendo ni jota o RP [m5] un pito I can't understand a word (of it)
    2. [juzgar, opinar] to think;
    yo no lo entiendo así I don't see it that way;
    entiendo que sería mejor no decir nada I think it would be better not to say anything;
    entendemos que deberías disculparte we feel you ought to apologize
    1. [saber]
    entender de algo to know about sth;
    entender poco/algo de to know very little/a little about;
    entiende un montón de jardinería she knows loads about gardening;
    no entiendo nada de informática I don't know anything about computing;
    tú que entiendes de estas cosas, ¿qué es el “rafting”? you know about these things, what is “rafting”?
    2. [ocuparse]
    entender de o [m5]en [en general] to deal with;
    [sujeto: juez] to be in charge of;
    el magistrado que entiende de casos de terrorismo the magistrate responsible for o in charge of cases involving terrorism
    3. Fam [ser homosexual] to be gay;
    ¿entiendes? are you gay? [as a discreet enquiry]
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 understand;
    entender mal algo misunderstand sth;
    hacerse entender make o.s. understood;
    ya me entiendes do you catch my drift?, do you know what I mean?;
    dar a entender a alguien give s.o. to understand
    2 ( creer)
    entendemos que sería mejor … we believe it would be better …
    II v/i
    1 understand;
    si entiendo bien if I understand correctly
    entender de algo know about sth
    III m
    a mi entender in my opinion, to my mind
    * * *
    entender {56} vt
    1) comprender: to understand
    2) opinar: to think, to believe
    3) querer: to mean, to intend
    4) deducir: to infer, to deduce
    1) : to understand
    ¡ya entiendo!: now I understand!
    entender de : to know about, to be good at
    entender en : to be in charge of
    * * *
    1. (en general) to understand [pt. & pp. understood]
    ¿entiendes las instrucciones? do you understand the instructions?
    2. (tener conocimientos) to know [pt. knew; pp. known]
    entender mal to misunderstand [pt. & pp. misunderstood]

    Spanish-English dictionary > entender

  • 11 buscar

    1 to look.
    2 to look for.
    estoy buscando trabajo I'm looking for work
    se fue a buscar fortuna a América he went to seek his fortune in America
    María busca su bolso Mary looks for her purse.
    3 to look up.
    Busca esa palabra en el diccionario Look up that word in the dictionary.
    4 to search for (computing).
    El detective buscó incansablemente The detective searched tirelessly.
    5 to push, to try the patience of (informal) (provocar).
    buscar bronca/camorra to look for trouble
    6 to pick up.
    voy a buscar el periódico I'm going for the paper o to get the paper
    ir a buscar a alguien to pick somebody up
    pasará a buscarnos a las nueve she'll pick us up at nine
    7 to seek to, to attempt to, to try to, to try how to.
    Ese plan busca destruirnos That plan seeks to destroy us.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (gen) to look for, search for
    2 (en lista, índice etc) to look up
    3 (ir a coger) to go and get, fetch
    busca un médico, ¡rápido! fetch a doctor, quick!
    4 (recoger) to pick up
    iré a buscarte a la estación I'll pick you up at the station, I'll meet you at the station
    5 (intentar conseguir) to try to achieve
    1 (mirar) to look
    buscársela familiar to be looking for trouble
    buscarse la vida familiar to try and earn one's living
    'Se busca...' "... wanted"
    * * *
    1) to look for, seek
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=tratar de encontrar)
    a) [+ persona, objeto perdido, trabajo] to look for

    llevo meses buscando trabajo — I've been job-hunting for months, I've been looking for a job for months

    el ejército busca a un comando enemigothe army is searching for o looking for an enemy commando unit

    "se busca piso" — "flat wanted"

    "chico busca chica" — "boy seeks girl"

    b) [en diccionario, enciclopedia] to look up
    c) [con la vista] to try to spot, look for

    lo busqué entre el público pero no lo viI tried to spot him o looked for him in the crowd but I didn't see him

    2) (=tratar de conseguir) [+ solución] to try to find

    buscar excusasto make excuses

    buscar hacer algo — to seek to do sth, try to do sth

    siempre buscaba hacerlo lo mejor posibleshe always sought o tried to do the best possible thing

    ir a buscar algo/a algn, ha ido a buscar una servilleta — she's gone to fetch o get a napkin

    ve a buscar a tu madrego and fetch o get your mother

    vino buscando peleahe was looking for trouble o a fight, he was spoiling for a fight *

    3) (=recoger) to pick up, fetch

    ¿vais a ir a buscarme a la estación? — are you going to pick me up o fetch me from the station?

    4) (Inform) to search
    5) (=preguntar por) to ask for

    ¿quién me busca? — who is asking for me?


    ya puedes dejar de buscar, aquí tienes las llaves — you can stop looking, here are the keys

    ¿has buscado bien? — have you looked properly?

    ¡busca! — [al perro] fetch!

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/objeto> to look for; <fama/fortuna> to seek; <trabajo/apartamento/solución> to look for, try to find

    la policía lo está buscando — the police are looking for him, he's wanted by the police

    b) (en libro, lista) to look up
    a) ( recoger) to collect, pick up
    b) ( conseguir y traer) to get

    fue a buscar un médico/un taxi — he went to get a doctor/a taxi


    ¿qué buscas con eso? — what are you trying to achieve by that?

    buscar + inf — to try to + inf, set out to + inf

    el libro busca destruir ese mitothe book sets out o tries o attempts to explode that myth

    b) ( provocar) <bronca/camorra> to look for
    buscar vi to look

    busca en el cajónlook o have a look in the drawer

    ¿has buscado bien? — have you looked properly?

    el que busca encuentra or busca y encontrarás — seek and ye shall find

    buscarse v pron
    1) ( intentar encontrar) to look for
    2) < problemas>

    no quiero buscarme complicaciones/problemas — I don't want any trouble

    tú te lo has buscado — you've brought it on yourself, it serves you right

    buscársela(s) — (fam)

    te la estás buscando — you're asking for trouble, you're asking for it (colloq)

    * * *
    = chase, dig out, dig up, find, hunt, investigate, locate, look for, look out, look under, look up, probe for, prowl through, search (for), seek (after), seek out, trace, track, trawl, burrow through, woo, root out, look out for, go for, look (a)round, fish (for), track down, jockey for, search out, line up, check for, forage, perform + search.
    Ex. Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.
    Ex. I would also have dug out information references to which readers can be directed who want to know more about the setting.
    Ex. The list of changed headings is almost literally endless if you have the patience to dig them all up.
    Ex. The command function ' FIND' is used to input a search term.
    Ex. Nonetheless, we would still not wish to hunt through the file in order to change all subdivisions of that heading.
    Ex. Kaiser also investigated the effect of grouping subheadings of a subject.
    Ex. This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.
    Ex. A user might start by looking for a map of London, when he really wants a map of Camden.
    Ex. Discovering these tales, looking out printed versions and comparing them with the oral tradition would have introduced us step by step into the rich lode of folklore.
    Ex. In a printed catalogue or index a user is constrained to look under the headings in the catalogue.
    Ex. If so, the call number of the document is looked up and displayed.
    Ex. No one complained about Duff to her, and she decided not to probe for discontents.
    Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex. This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex. A popular book will always be sought after by public librarians.
    Ex. Her article urges librarians not to buy inferior biographies simply to fill gaps in their collections but to seek out the best of the genre.
    Ex. The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
    Ex. The index fields are used for tracking annual indexes.
    Ex. The Internet search engines, such as AltaVista and Excite, send out robots or Web crawlers to trawl the Internet and automatically index the files that they find.
    Ex. This article explains how to use gophers to burrow through the Internet.
    Ex. Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc.
    Ex. The article has the title ' Rooting out journals on the Net'.
    Ex. Panellists presented the criteria they adopted and features they looked out for when selecting a library automation system.
    Ex. In an exclusive conversation Gates reveals where he goes for information knowledge, insights and ideas.
    Ex. One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.
    Ex. The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.
    Ex. In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex. Librarians are not yet very successful in jockeying for position and power in the political world.
    Ex. On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.
    Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex. This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.
    Ex. We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
    Ex. When viewing a record, you can also display its references and perform citation searches directly from the reference display.
    * buscando = in search of.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * buscar amparo = seek + shelter.
    * buscar apoyo = line up + support.
    * buscar a tientas = grope (for/toward).
    * buscar a través de los índices = browse.
    * buscar ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.
    * buscar cobijo = seek + shelter.
    * buscar con ahínco = look + hard.
    * buscar detenidamente = look + hard.
    * buscar el apoyo de = woo.
    * buscar el camino = wind + Posesivo + way.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * buscar el origen de = trace + the origin of.
    * buscar el origen de la relación entre = trace + the relationship between.
    * buscar el peligro = court + danger, flirt with + danger.
    * buscar empleo = seek + employment.
    * buscar en = sift through, search through.
    * buscar en Google = google.
    * buscar en las posas entre las rocas de la orilla = rock-pool.
    * buscar en otro sitio = go + elsewhere.
    * buscar entre la basura = scavenge.
    * buscar en varios + Nombre + a la vez = search across + Nombre.
    * buscar información = mine + information, seek + information.
    * buscar interiormente = probe + Reflexivo + for.
    * buscar la controversia = court + controversy.
    * buscar la fama = grab at + a headline.
    * buscar la forma de = look for + ways to.
    * buscar la forma de + Infinitivo = develop + way of + Gerundio.
    * buscar la identidad de uno = trace + Posesivo + identity.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * buscar la noticia = grab at + a headline.
    * buscar la oportunidad = make + an opportunity.
    * buscar la protección de = burrow back into.
    * buscarle cinco pies al gato = split + hairs.
    * buscarle los tres pies al gato = nitpick.
    * buscarle tres pies al gato = split + hairs.
    * buscar los servicios de = engage.
    * buscar material = pursue + material.
    * buscar oro = pan for + gold.
    * buscar placer = seek + pleasure.
    * buscar por autor y título = search by + name-title key.
    * buscar por título = search by + title key.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * buscar por todo + Nombre = search across + Nombre.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * buscar razones que expliquen Algo = ascribe + reasons to.
    * buscar refugio = seek + shelter.
    * buscar satisfacción = seek + satisfaction.
    * buscárselo = have it + coming.
    * buscar simultáneamente en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * buscar solución = seek + solution.
    * buscar trabajo = seek + employment.
    * buscar trabajo en la calle = work + the streets.
    * buscar una forma de hacer Algo = develop + way + to make + Nombre, develop + way + to make + Nombre.
    * buscar una oportunidad = look for + an opportunity.
    * buscar una respuesta = pursue + answer.
    * buscar una solución = contrive + solution.
    * buscar y encontrar = match.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * encargado de buscar a los alumnos que hacen novillos = truant officer.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * hallar lo buscado = achieve + match.
    * mandar a buscar = send for.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * peinar en busca de = scour + Nombre + for.
    * que busca el beneficio propio = self-serving.
    * que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * respuesta + buscar = answer + lie.
    * saber buscar con inteligencia = be search-savvy.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/objeto> to look for; <fama/fortuna> to seek; <trabajo/apartamento/solución> to look for, try to find

    la policía lo está buscando — the police are looking for him, he's wanted by the police

    b) (en libro, lista) to look up
    a) ( recoger) to collect, pick up
    b) ( conseguir y traer) to get

    fue a buscar un médico/un taxi — he went to get a doctor/a taxi


    ¿qué buscas con eso? — what are you trying to achieve by that?

    buscar + inf — to try to + inf, set out to + inf

    el libro busca destruir ese mitothe book sets out o tries o attempts to explode that myth

    b) ( provocar) <bronca/camorra> to look for
    buscar vi to look

    busca en el cajónlook o have a look in the drawer

    ¿has buscado bien? — have you looked properly?

    el que busca encuentra or busca y encontrarás — seek and ye shall find

    buscarse v pron
    1) ( intentar encontrar) to look for
    2) < problemas>

    no quiero buscarme complicaciones/problemas — I don't want any trouble

    tú te lo has buscado — you've brought it on yourself, it serves you right

    buscársela(s) — (fam)

    te la estás buscando — you're asking for trouble, you're asking for it (colloq)

    * * *
    = chase, dig out, dig up, find, hunt, investigate, locate, look for, look out, look under, look up, probe for, prowl through, search (for), seek (after), seek out, trace, track, trawl, burrow through, woo, root out, look out for, go for, look (a)round, fish (for), track down, jockey for, search out, line up, check for, forage, perform + search.

    Ex: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.

    Ex: I would also have dug out information references to which readers can be directed who want to know more about the setting.
    Ex: The list of changed headings is almost literally endless if you have the patience to dig them all up.
    Ex: The command function ' FIND' is used to input a search term.
    Ex: Nonetheless, we would still not wish to hunt through the file in order to change all subdivisions of that heading.
    Ex: Kaiser also investigated the effect of grouping subheadings of a subject.
    Ex: This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.
    Ex: A user might start by looking for a map of London, when he really wants a map of Camden.
    Ex: Discovering these tales, looking out printed versions and comparing them with the oral tradition would have introduced us step by step into the rich lode of folklore.
    Ex: In a printed catalogue or index a user is constrained to look under the headings in the catalogue.
    Ex: If so, the call number of the document is looked up and displayed.
    Ex: No one complained about Duff to her, and she decided not to probe for discontents.
    Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex: A popular book will always be sought after by public librarians.
    Ex: Her article urges librarians not to buy inferior biographies simply to fill gaps in their collections but to seek out the best of the genre.
    Ex: The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
    Ex: The index fields are used for tracking annual indexes.
    Ex: The Internet search engines, such as AltaVista and Excite, send out robots or Web crawlers to trawl the Internet and automatically index the files that they find.
    Ex: This article explains how to use gophers to burrow through the Internet.
    Ex: Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc.
    Ex: The article has the title ' Rooting out journals on the Net'.
    Ex: Panellists presented the criteria they adopted and features they looked out for when selecting a library automation system.
    Ex: In an exclusive conversation Gates reveals where he goes for information knowledge, insights and ideas.
    Ex: One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.
    Ex: The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.
    Ex: In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex: Librarians are not yet very successful in jockeying for position and power in the political world.
    Ex: On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.
    Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex: This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.
    Ex: We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
    Ex: When viewing a record, you can also display its references and perform citation searches directly from the reference display.
    * buscando = in search of.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * buscar amparo = seek + shelter.
    * buscar apoyo = line up + support.
    * buscar a tientas = grope (for/toward).
    * buscar a través de los índices = browse.
    * buscar ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.
    * buscar cobijo = seek + shelter.
    * buscar con ahínco = look + hard.
    * buscar detenidamente = look + hard.
    * buscar el apoyo de = woo.
    * buscar el camino = wind + Posesivo + way.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * buscar el origen de = trace + the origin of.
    * buscar el origen de la relación entre = trace + the relationship between.
    * buscar el peligro = court + danger, flirt with + danger.
    * buscar empleo = seek + employment.
    * buscar en = sift through, search through.
    * buscar en Google = google.
    * buscar en las posas entre las rocas de la orilla = rock-pool.
    * buscar en otro sitio = go + elsewhere.
    * buscar entre la basura = scavenge.
    * buscar en varios + Nombre + a la vez = search across + Nombre.
    * buscar información = mine + information, seek + information.
    * buscar interiormente = probe + Reflexivo + for.
    * buscar la controversia = court + controversy.
    * buscar la fama = grab at + a headline.
    * buscar la forma de = look for + ways to.
    * buscar la forma de + Infinitivo = develop + way of + Gerundio.
    * buscar la identidad de uno = trace + Posesivo + identity.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * buscar la noticia = grab at + a headline.
    * buscar la oportunidad = make + an opportunity.
    * buscar la protección de = burrow back into.
    * buscarle cinco pies al gato = split + hairs.
    * buscarle los tres pies al gato = nitpick.
    * buscarle tres pies al gato = split + hairs.
    * buscar los servicios de = engage.
    * buscar material = pursue + material.
    * buscar oro = pan for + gold.
    * buscar placer = seek + pleasure.
    * buscar por autor y título = search by + name-title key.
    * buscar por título = search by + title key.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * buscar por todo + Nombre = search across + Nombre.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * buscar razones que expliquen Algo = ascribe + reasons to.
    * buscar refugio = seek + shelter.
    * buscar satisfacción = seek + satisfaction.
    * buscárselo = have it + coming.
    * buscar simultáneamente en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * buscar solución = seek + solution.
    * buscar trabajo = seek + employment.
    * buscar trabajo en la calle = work + the streets.
    * buscar una forma de hacer Algo = develop + way + to make + Nombre, develop + way + to make + Nombre.
    * buscar una oportunidad = look for + an opportunity.
    * buscar una respuesta = pursue + answer.
    * buscar una solución = contrive + solution.
    * buscar y encontrar = match.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * encargado de buscar a los alumnos que hacen novillos = truant officer.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * hallar lo buscado = achieve + match.
    * mandar a buscar = send for.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * peinar en busca de = scour + Nombre + for.
    * que busca el beneficio propio = self-serving.
    * que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * respuesta + buscar = answer + lie.
    * saber buscar con inteligencia = be search-savvy.

    * * *
    buscar [A2 ]
    1 ‹persona/objeto› to look for; ‹fama/fortuna› to seek; ‹trabajo/apartamento› to look for, try to find; ‹solución› to look for, try to find
    lo he buscado en or por todas partes I've looked o searched for it everywhere
    no trates de buscar excusas don't try to make excuses
    la policía lo está buscando the police are looking for him, he's wanted by the police
    [ S ] se busca wanted
    los hombres como él sólo buscan una cosa men like him are only after one thing ( colloq)
    te buscan en la portería someone is asking for you at reception
    las flores buscan la luz flowers grow towards the light
    la buscaba con la mirada or los ojos he was trying to spot her
    está buscando la oportunidad de vengarse he's looking for a chance to get his own back ( colloq)
    busca una manera más fácil de hacerlo try and find an easier way of doing it
    2 (en un libro, una lista) to look up
    busca el número en la guía look up the number in the directory
    1 (recoger) to collect, pick up
    fuimos a buscarlo al aeropuerto we went to pick him up from o fetch him from o collect him from o meet him at the airport
    vengo a buscar mis cosas I've come to collect o pick up my things
    fue a buscar un médico he went to get a doctor, he fetched a doctor
    salió a buscar un taxi/el pan he went to get a taxi/the bread
    sube a buscarme las tijeras go up and get me o bring me o fetch me the scissors
    (intentar conseguir): una ley que busca la igualdad de (los) sexos a law which aims to achieve sexual equality o equality between the sexes
    ¿qué buscas con eso? what are you trying to achieve by that?
    tiene cuatro hijas y busca el varón ( fam); she has four girls and she's trying for a boy
    buscar + INF to try to + INF, set out to + INF
    el libro busca destruir ese mito the book sets out o tries o attempts to explode that myth
    2 (provocar) ‹bronca/camorra› to look for
    siempre están buscando pelea they're always looking o spoiling for a fight
    me está buscando y me va a encontrar he's looking for trouble and he's going to get it
    ■ buscar
    to look
    busca en el cajón look o have a look in the drawer
    ¿has buscado bien? have you looked properly?, have you had a proper look?
    ¡busca! ¡busca! (a un perro) fetch!
    A (intentar encontrar) to look for
    debería buscarse a alguien que le cuidara los niños she should look for o find somebody to look after the children
    B ‹complicaciones/problemas›
    no quiero buscarme complicaciones I don't want any trouble
    tú te lo has buscado you've brought it on yourself, it serves you right
    se está buscando problemas she's asking for trouble
    buscársela(s) ( fam): te la estás buscando you're asking for trouble, you're asking for it ( colloq)
    no te quejes, la verdad es que te la buscaste don't complain, the truth is you had it coming to you o you brought it on yourself ( colloq)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    buscar algo
    buscar ( conjugate buscar) verbo transitivo

    fama/fortuna to seek;

    b) (en libro, lista) to look up;


    (— en tren, a pie) I went to meet him at the airport;
    vengo a buscar mis cosas I've come to collect o pick up my things

    fue a buscar un médico/un taxi he went to get a doctor/a taxi;
    ¿qué buscas con eso? what are you trying to achieve by that?
    verbo intransitivo
    to look;
    busca en el cajón look o have a look in the drawer

    buscarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( intentar encontrar) to look for
    2 problemas to ask for;
    no quiero buscarme complicaciones/problemas I don't want any trouble;

    tú te lo has buscado you've brought it on yourself, it serves you right;
    buscársela(s) (fam): te la estás buscando you're asking for trouble, you're asking for it (colloq)
    buscar verbo transitivo
    1 to look for
    2 (en la enciclopedia, en el diccionario) to look up
    3 (conseguir, traer) to fetch: ve a buscar un poco de agua, go and fetch some water
    4 (recoger cosas) to collect
    (recoger personas) to pick up: fue a buscarme al trabajo, she picked me up from work
    ' buscar' also found in these entries:
    - condicionamiento
    - ir
    - mirar
    - sistema
    - tienta
    - aguja
    - andar
    - bronca
    - camorra
    - colocación
    - pelea
    - perro
    - recoger
    - refugio
    - trabajo
    - venir
    - collect
    - dig around
    - down-market
    - expressly
    - fetch
    - fish
    - forage
    - fumble
    - get
    - go for
    - hunt
    - instrumental
    - kerb-crawl
    - look
    - look for
    - look out for
    - look up
    - meet
    - needle
    - pick
    - pick up
    - prospect
    - pursue
    - scout around
    - search
    - search for
    - seek
    - seek after
    - spoil for
    - want
    - afield
    - call
    - collection
    - court
    - dig
    - feel
    - ferry
    - go
    - grope
    - house
    - job
    - nook
    - scout
    - send
    - trouble
    - woo
    * * *
    1. [para encontrar] to look for, to search for;
    [provecho, beneficio propio, fortuna] to seek;
    busco apartamento en esta zona I am looking for Br a flat o US an apartment in this area;
    estoy buscando trabajo I'm looking for work;
    la policía busca a los terroristas the police are searching o hunting for the terrorists;
    lo busqué, pero no lo encontré I looked o hunted for it, but I couldn't find it;
    ¿me ayudas a buscar las llaves? can you help me to look for the keys?;
    se fue a buscar fortuna a América he went to seek his fortune in America;
    fui a buscar ayuda I went in search of help;
    ¡ve a buscar ayuda, rápido! quick, go for help o go and find help!;
    es como buscar una aguja en un pajar it's like looking for a needle in a haystack;
    CSur Fam
    buscar la vuelta a algo to (try to) find a way of doing sth
    2. [recoger] to pick up;
    vino a buscar sus libros he came to pick up his books;
    voy a buscar el periódico I'm going for the paper o to get the paper;
    ir a buscar a alguien to pick sb up;
    ya iré yo a buscar a los niños al colegio I'll go and pick the children up from school;
    pasará a buscarnos a las nueve she'll pick us up at nine
    3. [en diccionario, índice, horario] to look up;
    buscaré la dirección en mi agenda I'll look up the address in my address book
    4. [intentar conseguir]
    siempre busca quedar bien con todos she always tries to please everybody;
    no sé qué está buscando con esa actitud I don't know what he is hoping to achieve with that attitude;
    con estas medidas buscan reducir la inflación these measures are intended to reduce inflation, with these measures they are seeking to reduce inflation;
    ése sólo busca ligar he's only after one thing
    5. Informát to search for
    6. Fam [provocar] to push, to try the patience of;
    no me busques, que me voy a enfadar don't push me o it, I'm about to lose my temper;
    buscar bronca o [m5] camorra to look for trouble
    to look;
    busqué bien pero no encontré nada I had a thorough search, but didn't find anything;
    buscamos por toda la casa we looked o searched throughout the house, we searched the house from top to bottom
    * * *
    v/t search for, look for;
    ir/venir a buscar fetch;
    se la estaba buscando he was asking for trouble o for it
    * * *
    buscar {72} vt
    1) : to look for, to seek
    2) : to pick up, to collect
    3) : to provoke
    buscar vi
    : to look, to search
    buscó en los bolsillos: he searched through his pockets
    * * *
    buscar vb
    1. (tratar de encontrar) to look for
    2. (consultar) to look up
    3. (recoger) to pick up / to meet [pt. & pp. met]
    4. (traer) to fetch / to get
    "Se busca" "Wanted"

    Spanish-English dictionary > buscar

  • 12 adecuado

    adequate, appropriate, becoming, apt.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: adecuar.
    * * *
    1→ link=adecuar adecuar
    1 adequate, suitable, appropriate
    * * *
    (f. - adecuada)
    * * *
    1) (=apropiado) [actitud, respuesta, ropa, tratamiento] appropriate; [documento, requisito] appropriate, relevant

    lo más adecuado sería... — the best thing o the most appropriate thing would be to...

    2) (=acorde)

    adecuado a algo: un precio adecuado a mis posibilidades — a price within my budget o reach

    3) (=suficiente) [dinero, tiempo] sufficient
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) ( apropiado)
    b) ( aceptable) adequate
    * * *
    = adequate, appropriate, apt, desirable, suitable, competent, convenient, correct, eligible, felicitous, fine [finer -comp., finest -sup.], fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], proper, successful, timely, fitting, commensurate, accommodating, timely, fit for purpose, beffiting.
    Ex. There must be provision for changes necessary to keep the coverage of subjects adequate for new literature.
    Ex. Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work.
    Ex. By building upon a more apt conceptual framework the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.
    Ex. It is desirable that they be treated as parts of a single serials record, since this will provide a 'one-stop' file containing all the relevant data, and will produce a file with a number of funtions.
    Ex. The approach which is suitable in specialised indexing tools for medical research will need to be very specific in order to differentiate between two closely related subjects.
    Ex. Those responsible in libraries must ensure that the users are given competent advice.
    Ex. The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex. If an entry with cross-references or notes must be corrected, add the correct form and then delete the incorrect form.
    Ex. And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.
    Ex. This is hardly a felicitous solution to be followed in other similar cases.
    Ex. The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.
    Ex. That was considered to be a fit matter to be relegated to the machines.
    Ex. With proper authorization, you may request information about the status of the copies displayed.
    Ex. Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.
    Ex. I believe that the issues brought forth and debated in the following papers and discussions are as timely today as they were when the institutes were first held.
    Ex. Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.
    Ex. For their indifference, they were rewarded with personnel evaluations which reflected an imaginatively fabricated version of the truth, but which did afford the requisite ego boost and commensurate pay increase.
    Ex. Monitors tuned to television news may have to be located in areas that are less than accommodating to the large numbers of users who want to know the fast-breaking events which affect us all.
    Ex. I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
    Ex. Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex. Since I write in English I should really refer to the city as Florence, but Firenze is such a phonically beautiful sounding word, far more befitting of the beautiful Italian city.
    * adecuado para = accommodative to, well suited to/for.
    * considerar adecuado = judge + suitable, consider + appropriate.
    * creer adecuado = see + fit, think + fit.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * prácticas más adecuadas = lessons learned [lessons learnt], best practices.
    * proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el m = provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * resultar adecuado = prove + suitable.
    * ser adecuado = be right, stand up.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) ( apropiado)
    b) ( aceptable) adequate
    * * *
    = adequate, appropriate, apt, desirable, suitable, competent, convenient, correct, eligible, felicitous, fine [finer -comp., finest -sup.], fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], proper, successful, timely, fitting, commensurate, accommodating, timely, fit for purpose, beffiting.

    Ex: There must be provision for changes necessary to keep the coverage of subjects adequate for new literature.

    Ex: Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work.
    Ex: By building upon a more apt conceptual framework the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.
    Ex: It is desirable that they be treated as parts of a single serials record, since this will provide a 'one-stop' file containing all the relevant data, and will produce a file with a number of funtions.
    Ex: The approach which is suitable in specialised indexing tools for medical research will need to be very specific in order to differentiate between two closely related subjects.
    Ex: Those responsible in libraries must ensure that the users are given competent advice.
    Ex: The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex: If an entry with cross-references or notes must be corrected, add the correct form and then delete the incorrect form.
    Ex: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.
    Ex: This is hardly a felicitous solution to be followed in other similar cases.
    Ex: The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.
    Ex: That was considered to be a fit matter to be relegated to the machines.
    Ex: With proper authorization, you may request information about the status of the copies displayed.
    Ex: Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.
    Ex: I believe that the issues brought forth and debated in the following papers and discussions are as timely today as they were when the institutes were first held.
    Ex: Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.
    Ex: For their indifference, they were rewarded with personnel evaluations which reflected an imaginatively fabricated version of the truth, but which did afford the requisite ego boost and commensurate pay increase.
    Ex: Monitors tuned to television news may have to be located in areas that are less than accommodating to the large numbers of users who want to know the fast-breaking events which affect us all.
    Ex: I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
    Ex: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex: Since I write in English I should really refer to the city as Florence, but Firenze is such a phonically beautiful sounding word, far more befitting of the beautiful Italian city.
    * adecuado para = accommodative to, well suited to/for.
    * considerar adecuado = judge + suitable, consider + appropriate.
    * creer adecuado = see + fit, think + fit.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * prácticas más adecuadas = lessons learned [lessons learnt], best practices.
    * proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el m = provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * resultar adecuado = prove + suitable.
    * ser adecuado = be right, stand up.

    * * *
    (apropiado): me parece poco adecuado para una ocasión así I don't think it is very suitable for such an occasion
    es la persona más adecuada para este trabajo she is the best person o the most suitable person for the job o to do the job
    éste no es el momento adecuado this is not the right moment
    no disponemos de los medios adecuados para realizar el trabajo we do not have adequate o the necessary resources to carry out the work
    2 (aceptable) adequate
    * * *


    Del verbo adecuar: ( conjugate adecuar)

    adecuado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    a) ( apropiado) ‹vestido/regalo suitable;

    momento right;
    medios adequate;

    adecuar ( conjugate adecuar) verbo transitivo adecuado algo a algo to adapt sth to sth
    adecuado,-a adjetivo appropriate, suitable
    adecuar verbo transitivo to adapt
    ' adecuado' also found in these entries:
    - aparente
    - apta
    - apto
    - corresponder
    - distribuir
    - encontrar
    - justa
    - justo
    - microclima
    - momento
    - pertinente
    - propia
    - propio
    - bien
    - indicado
    - planteamiento
    - appropriate
    - beginner
    - due
    - fit
    - fitting
    - proper
    - suitable
    - undue
    - unsuitable
    - right
    - suited
    * * *
    adecuado, -a adj
    appropriate, suitable;
    muchos niños no reciben una alimentación adecuada many children do not have a proper diet;
    ponte un traje adecuado para la ceremonia wear something suitable for the ceremony;
    no es un hombre adecuado para ella he's not the right sort of man for her;
    el sistema actual no es el adecuado the current system isn't the right one;
    no creo que este sea el lugar más adecuado para discutir del tema I don't think this is the best o right place to discuss the matter;
    repartieron los fondos de forma adecuada they shared out the funds appropriately
    * * *
    adj suitable, appropriate
    * * *
    adecuado, -da adj
    1) idóneo: suitable, appropriate
    2) : adequate
    * * *
    adecuado adj right / suitable

    Spanish-English dictionary > adecuado

  • 13 trabajo1

    1 = employment, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], job, labour [labor, -USA], leg work, occupation, task, work, working environment, workload [work load], pursuit, workmanship, footwork, handwork, professional position, working practice, pursuit in life, handiwork, lifework, line of business, toil, industry.
    Ex. Under WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT, for instance, are listed works on the health and safety hazards of employment, the wages of employment, the problems of mothers, married and/or single women and employment, and so on.
    Ex. Eventually, it came to be recognized that the Classification Research Group's endeavours might be pertinent to the problem of alphabetical indexing.
    Ex. To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.
    Ex. An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to the preparation of the item for the manufacturer.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter, the catalog card, and much leg work, but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.
    Ex. Headings such as SALESMEN AND SALESMANSHIP and FIREMEN, since they are assigned to works covering the activities of both men and women in these occupations, are not specific.
    Ex. Further, menu screens will be necessary until the user has specified the task that he wishes executed or the information that he wishes to retrieve sufficiently for execution or retrieval to be effected.
    Ex. The Classification Research Group (CRG) has been a major force in the development of classification theory, and has made a major contribution towards work on a new general classification scheme.
    Ex. This article examines the various features now available on copiers and comments on the usefulness in a working environment.
    Ex. Each of these changes, if we were to deal with them in an adequate manner, create severe workload problems for the cataloging department.
    Ex. What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.
    Ex. William R Lethaby, the architect who had Westminster Abbey in his charge for over twenty years, once said 'Art is thoughtful workmanship'.
    Ex. If we decide to take on making up a subject file there'd be a lot of footwork even if we use that list as a basis = Si decidimos aceptar crear un fichero ordenado por materias habría mucho trabajo incluso si usamos esta lista como base.
    Ex. The newspaper's suppression after the first issue was not, as some historians have declared, the handwork of Massachusetts' Puritan clergy = La supresión del periódico después de su primer número no fue, como algunos historiadores han declarado, por la intervención del clero puritano de Massachussetts.
    Ex. In virtually all of her professional positions she has been involved with the handling of documents.
    Ex. While many believe that print on paper will never die, new formats are already changing working practice in many spheres.
    Ex. People who are blind, regardless of their pursuit in life, will not have access to current information, books, learning, or education opportunities unless all libraries and blindness organizations agree to work together.
    Ex. Rather than bringing in butchers to do the handiwork of his dissections, Vesalius himself worked on the human cadavers and said that students of medicine should do the same.
    Ex. This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.
    Ex. The computer people are muscling in on our line of business and we can't stop them.
    Ex. Furthermore, the computer can be used, and is already being used, to eliminate drudgery, busywork, and useless toil in library systems.
    Ex. In fact, the terms of the contrast are highly ambivalent: order vs. anarchy, liberty vs. despotism, or industry vs. sloth, and also dissimulation vs. honesty.
    * acoso en el trabajo = workplace mobbing.
    * agenda de trabajo = work agenda.
    * agobiado de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * ahorrar el trabajo de = save + effort in.
    * almuerzo de trabajo = work luncheon.
    * ámbito de trabajo = field of endeavour.
    * amor al trabajo = love of work.
    * ansiedad en el trabajo = job anxiety, work anxiety.
    * anterior al trabajo = pre-service.
    * anuncio de trabajo = help wanted ad, help wanted notice.
    * anuncios de trabajo = help-wanted advertising.
    * año de trabajo = man year.
    * ascender en el trabajo = step up + the career ladder.
    * ascenso en el trabajo = job promotion.
    * aspirar a un puesto de trabajo = aspire to + position.
    * asunto relacionado con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * avanzar en + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work, advance + Posesivo + work.
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * bibliografía de trabajo = working bibliography.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en el trabajo de referencia = reference librarianship.
    * bolsa de trabajo = labour exchange, job opportunities, employment bureau, employment centre, employment opportunity, job centre, job pool.
    * borrador de trabajo = working paper.
    * buscador de trabajo = job applicant, job seeker.
    * buscar trabajo = seek + employment.
    * buscar trabajo en la calle = work + the streets.
    * campo de trabajo = field of endeavour.
    * campo de trabajos forzados = labour camp, forced labour camp.
    * cantidad de trabajo = workload [work load].
    * carga de trabajo = workload [work load].
    * centro de trabajo = workplace.
    * cobrar en un trabajo = job + pay.
    * comenzar el turno de trabajo = go on + duty.
    * comida de trabajo = business meal, professional meal.
    * compañero de trabajo = co-worker [coworker], male colleague, work colleague, fellow worker.
    * complementos del trabajo = fringe benefits, fringes.
    * conciliación del trabajo y la familia = reconciliation of work and family.
    * con demasiado trabajo = overworked.
    * condiciones del contrato de trabajo = terms of employment.
    * condiciones de trabajo = working conditions.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.
    * con trabajo = in post.
    * contratar al primero que solicita el trabajo = hire on a first-come, first-take basis.
    * contrato de trabajo = contract position.
    * conversación de trabajo = shop talk.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * costar trabajo = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * cualquier trabajo temporal = casual job.
    * cubrir un puesto de trabajo = fill + position.
    * cuestión relacionada con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dedicar trabajo = expend + effort.
    * definición de trabajo = working definition.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * denominación del puesto de trabajo = job title, occupational title.
    * dentro del mismo trabajo = intraoccupational.
    * derecho del trabajo = employment law.
    * desarrollar + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work.
    * desarrollar un plan de trabajo = develop + agenda.
    * descripción del puesto de trabajo = job description, position description, job profile.
    * desempeñar un trabajo = exercise + work.
    * despedir del trabajo = make + redundant.
    * después del horario de trabajo = after hours [after-hours].
    * de trabajo = working.
    * día del trabajo = Labour Day.
    * día de trabajo = working day.
    * día internacional del trabajo = Labour Day.
    * diario automático de trabajo = time log.
    * dignidad del trabajo = dignity of work.
    * dinámica de trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * distribución del trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * distribuir el trabajo = spread + the load.
    * división del trabajo = division of labour.
    * documento de trabajo = working document, working draft.
    * eficacia en el trabajo = quality of service.
    * elaborar un plan de trabajo = develop + agenda.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * encomendar un trabajo a Alguien = assign + job.
    * encontrar trabajo = find + a job.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * enseñanza antes de empezar el trabajo = pre-service education.
    * enseñanza en el trabajo = in-service education.
    * entorno de trabajo = working environment, work environment.
    * entrevista de trabajo = job interview.
    * equipo de trabajo = study team, project team, work team.
    * esclavo del trabajo = workaholic.
    * escribir un trabajo = write + essay.
    * espacio de trabajo = workspace.
    * específico de un trabajo concreto = job-specific.
    * estación de trabajo = workstation [work station], desktop workstation.
    * estación de trabajo remota = outstation.
    * estadía de trabajo = work visit.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estrategia que ahorra trabajo = labour saver.
    * estrés en el trabajo = job stress.
    * evaluar el rendimiento en el trabajo = evaluate + work performance.
    * excedencia en el trabajo = leave of absence.
    * ficha de trabajo = worksheet, project worksheet.
    * formación continua en el trabajo = workplace training, workplace learning.
    * formación en el trabajo = in-service training, in-service education, in-service, on-the-job training, in-service support.
    * funciones del puesto de trabajo = position + entail + duty.
    * grupo de trabajo = study group, study team, task force, working party, task group, research group, working group, project team.
    * grupo de trabajo por tema de interés = breakout group.
    * guía de trabajo = working guide.
    * hábito de trabajo = work habit, working habit.
    * hablar del trabajo = talk + shop.
    * hacer + Posesivo + trabajo = get on with + Posesivo + work.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.
    * hacer un trabajo = do + work, do + job.
    * hacer un trabajo sobre = do + a project about.
    * hasta aquí de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * hasta el cuello de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * herramienta de trabajo = tool, tool.
    * hora de trabajo = man-hour.
    * horario de trabajo = hours of operation, working hours, work hours.
    * horario intenso de trabajo = long hours, the.
    * horarios de trabajo demasiado cargados = over-long hours.
    * igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo = equal employment opportunity.
    * igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de valor comparable = equal pay for comparable work.
    * igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de igual valor = equal pay for equal work.
    * incentivo en el trabajo = work incentive, labour incentive.
    * indicador del trabajo realizado = workload indicator.
    * intercambio de puestos de trabajo = job exchange.
    * jornada de trabajo = workshop.
    * liberar del exceso de trabajo = relieve + overload.
    * liberar de trabajo = relieve + pressure.
    * línea de trabajo = line of work.
    * llamar al trabajo para excusarse por enfermedad = call in + sick.
    * llegar tarde al trabajo = be late for work.
    * lugar de trabajo = affiliation, institutional affiliation, working environment, workplace, place of work, worksite [work site], home institution.
    * lugar de trabajo del autor = author affiliation.
    * magistratura del trabajo = industrial tribunal.
    * marco de trabajo = framework.
    * medida de seguridad e higiene en el trabajo = health and safety standard.
    * memoria de trabajo = working memory.
    * mercado de trabajo = labour market, job market.
    * mercado de trabajo, el = employment market, the.
    * mesa de trabajo = desk, study table.
    * método de trabajo = working method.
    * Ministerio de Trabajo = Department of Labor.
    * modelo de trabajo = working model, business model.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * negligente en el trabajo = malpractitioner.
    * neurosis producida por el trabajo = occupational neurosis.
    * NISTF (Grupo de Trabajo sobre los Sistemas Nacionales de Información de la A = NISTF (Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force).
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * norma de trabajo = working rule.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * obtener un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * ocupar un puesto de trabajo = assume + position, take up + post, hold + post.
    * oferta de trabajo = job advertisement, job offer, help wanted ad, help wanted notice.
    * ofertas de trabajo = help-wanted advertising.
    * oportunidad de trabajo = career opportunity.
    * organización del trabajo = workflow [work flow], working arrangement.
    * paquete de trabajo = workpackage.
    * para trabajos pesados = heavy-duty.
    * pérdida de puestos de trabajo = squeeze on jobs.
    * permiso de trabajo = work permit.
    * permuta de trabajo = job exchange.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * plan de trabajo = research agenda, work plan, working plan, work schedule.
    * política de trabajo = policy.
    * postura exigida por el trabajo = work posture.
    * proceso de trabajo = work process.
    * programa de formación en el trabajo = in-service training program(me).
    * programa de trabajo = work schedule.
    * programa de trabajo como interno residente = residency.
    * promoción en el trabajo = job promotion.
    * propuesta de trabajo = project proposal.
    * proyecto de trabajo = work project.
    * puente de trabajo = catwalk.
    * puesto de trabajo = appointment, position, post, opening, career path, professional position, position held.
    * puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.
    * puesto de trabajo ocupado = position held.
    * puestos de trabajo ocupados = positions held.
    * quitar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * realizar el trabajo = get + Posesivo + work done.
    * realizar + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work.
    * realizar un trabajo = perform + work, undertake + work.
    * realizar un trabajo monótono = have + Posesivo + nose to the grindstone.
    * red de trabajo = peer-to-peer network.
    * relacionado con el trabajo = job-related, work-related.
    * relación de trabajo = working relation, working relationship, work relationship, work relation.
    * relativo al trabajo = occupational.
    * rendimiento en el trabajo = work performance.
    * reunión de trabajo = business meeting, business session.
    * ropa de trabajo = work clothes.
    * rutina de trabajo = work process.
    * sala de trabajo = workroom.
    * salir del trabajo = clock off + work.
    * salud en el trabajo = occupational health.
    * satisfacción en el trabajo = job satisfaction, work satisfaction.
    * segregación en el trabajo = job segregation, employment segregation.
    * seguridad en el trabajo = safety at work, occupational safety.
    * sesión de trabajo = work session, working session.
    * sicología del trabajo = occupational psychology.
    * sin trabajo = jobless.
    * sobrecargado de trabajo = overworked.
    * sociología del trabajo = sociology of work.
    * soliciante de trabajo = job applicant.
    * solicitud de trabajo = job application.
    * superficie de trabajo = working surface, work surface.
    * taller de trabajo = workshop, study school.
    * taller de trabajo esclavo = sweatshop.
    * taller de trabajo sobre composición = writing workshop.
    * tener trabajo para rato = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * tener un segundo trabajo = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * tener un trabajo = hold down + job.
    * tener un trabajo remunerado = be gainfully employed.
    * tener un trabajo retribuido = be gainfully employed.
    * tensión en el trabajo = job stress.
    * tensión producida por el trabajo = occupational stress.
    * terminar turno de trabajo = come off + duty.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * tomarse excedencia en el trabajo = take + leave from + employment.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de permiso en el trabajo = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off, take + time out.
    * trabajo académico = academic work.
    * trabajo a destajo = piecework.
    * trabajo a distancia = telecommuting, teleworking, telework.
    * trabajo administrativo de apoyo = clerical work.
    * trabajo a medias = job share.
    * trabajo artesanal = craftsmanship.
    * trabajo a tiempo parcial = part-time work, part-time employment, part-time job.
    * trabajo atípico = atypical work.
    * trabajo autónomo = self-employment.
    * trabajo bibliográfico = bibliographic work.
    * trabajo bibliotecario = library work.
    * trabajo burocrático = paper-keeping.
    * trabajo científico = scientific work, scholarly work.
    * trabajo compartido = job sharing.
    * trabajo complicado = major exercise.
    * trabajo con documentación automatizada = computer-based information work.
    * trabajo conjunto = interworking.
    * trabajo con ordenador = computer work.
    * trabajo cotidiano = daily work.
    * trabajo creativo = creative work.
    * trabajo de alfabetización = literacy work.
    * trabajo de apoyo = escort work.
    * trabajo de calidad = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * trabajo de campo = fieldwork [field work].
    * trabajo de catalogación = cataloguing work.
    * trabajo de chinos = fiddly [fiddlier -comp., fiddliest -sup.].
    * trabajo de clase = term paper, coursework [course work], term project, homework.
    * trabajo de detective = sleuthing.
    * trabajo de escolta = escort work.
    * trabajo de impresión = bookwork.
    * trabajo de impresión de material efímero = ephemeral jobbing.
    * trabajo de información y de las bibliotecas = library and information work.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * trabajo de la casa = housework.
    * trabajo de menores = child labour.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * trabajo de préstamo de servicios = service job.
    * trabajo de referencia = reference work.
    * trabajo desinteresado = labour of love.
    * trabajo detectivesco = sleuthing.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * trabajo diario = day's work, daily work.
    * trabajo doméstico = domestic duty, domestic work, domestic task.
    * trabajo duro = hard labour, thirsty work, hard work.
    * trabajo duro, mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * trabajo editorial = editorship.
    * trabajo en archivística = archives work.
    * trabajo en colaboración = interworking.
    * trabajo en común = interworking.
    * trabajo en curso = work in progress.
    * trabajo en equipo = teamwork, collaborative teamwork, team management.
    * trabajo en red = networking.
    * trabajo en sucio = rough work.
    * trabajo entre manos, el = work at hand, the.
    * trabajo eventual = jobbing.
    * trabajo físico = physical work.
    * trabajo improductivo = busywork.
    * trabajo individual = independent study, self-study.
    * trabajo infantil = child labour, child work.
    * trabajo ininterrumpido = continuous work.
    * trabajo manual = craft, craft activity, handiwork, manual labour.
    * trabajo monótono = drudge work, drudgery.
    * trabajo + no faltar = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * trabajo no remunerado = unpaid work, unremunerated work.
    * trabajo pesado = grind, grinding, donkey work.
    * trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.
    * trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].
    * trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].
    * trabajo por turnos = shift work.
    * trabajo práctico = fieldwork [field work], practical work.
    * trabajo preliminar = groundwork, legwork, spadework [spade work].
    * trabajo previo = groundwork, spadework [spade work].
    * trabajo remunerado = work-for-hire, paid work, paid labour.
    * trabajo rutinario = chore, routine work, mundane task.
    * trabajos = life's work.
    * trabajos de impresión de material efímero = jobbing work.
    * trabajos de rescate = rescue work.
    * trabajos forzados = forced labour, hard labour.
    * trabajo social = social work.
    * trabajo sucio = dirty work.
    * trabajo sumergido = informal work.
    * trabajo temporal = temporary job, casual job.
    * trabajo urgente = hurried work, rush job.
    * trabajo y esfuerzo = toil and trouble.
    * turno de trabajo de atención al usuario = desk duty.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.
    * uso compartido de mesas de trabajo = hot desking.
    * útil de trabajo = tool.
    * vida en el trabajo = job life.
    * visita de trabajo = field trip.

    Spanish-English dictionary > trabajo1

  • 14 trabajo

    1 work.
    una casa tan grande da mucho trabajo a big house like that is a lot of work
    hacer un buen trabajo to do a good job
    trabajo de campo field work
    trabajo en o de equipo teamwork
    trabajo físico physical effort
    trabajo intelectual mental effort
    trabajo manual manual labor
    trabajos forzados o forzosos hard labor
    trabajo de oficina office work
    trabajo social social work
    trabajo sucio dirty work
    trabajo temporal temporary work
    2 job (empleo).
    buscar/encontrar trabajo to look for/find work o a job
    no tener trabajo to be out of work
    3 work (place).
    en el trabajo at work
    ir al trabajo to go to work
    5 labor (economics & politics).
    6 effort (esfuerzo).
    costar mucho trabajo to take a lot of effort
    tomarse el trabajo de hacer algo to go to o take the trouble of doing something
    7 work place, job, workplace.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: trabajar.
    * * *
    2 (tarea) task, job
    3 (empleo) job, employment
    4 (esfuerzo) effort
    5 EDUCACIÓN report, paper
    ahorrarse el trabajo to save oneself the trouble
    con gran trabajo / con mucho trabajo with great effort
    cuesta trabajo... it's hard to...
    estar sin trabajo to be out of work
    ir al trabajo to go to work
    tomarse el trabajo de to take the trouble to
    trabajo de chinos familiar very intricate work, time-consuming work
    trabajo eventual casual labour (US labor)
    trabajo por turno / trabajo por turnos shiftwork
    trabajos forzados / trabajos forzosos hard labour (US labor) sing
    trabajos manuales arts and crafts, handicrafts
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) work, job
    * * *
    1) (=labor) work

    ¡buen trabajo! — good work!

    el trabajo de la casathe housework

    ropa de trabajo — work clothes

    estar sin trabajo — to be unemployed

    quedarse sin trabajo — to find o.s. out of work, lose one's job

    trabajo de campo, trabajo en el terreno — fieldwork

    trabajo manual — manual labour, manual labor (EEUU)

    trabajos forzadoshard labour sing, hard labor (EEUU) sing

    trabajos manuales — (Escol) handicrafts

    2) (tb: puesto de trabajo) job
    3) (tb: lugar de trabajo) work
    4) (=esfuerzo)

    ahorrarse el trabajo — to save o.s. the trouble

    costar trabajo, le cuesta trabajo hacerlo — he finds it hard to do

    dar trabajo, reparar la casa nos ha dado mucho trabajo — it was hard work o a real job repairing the house

    tomarse el trabajo de hacer algo — to take the trouble to do sth

    5) (=obra) (Arte, Literat) work; (Educ) essay; [de investigación] study
    6) (Econ)
    a) (=mano de obra) labour, labor (EEUU)
    b) (tb: Ministerio de Trabajo) Department of Employment, Department of Labor (EEUU)
    * * *
    a) ( empleo) job

    conseguir trabajoto get o find work, to get o find a job

    un trabajo de media jornada or (AmL) de medio tiempo or (Esp) a tiempo parcial — a part-time job

    trabajo de jornada completa or de or a tiempo completo — full-time work o job

    b) ( lugar) work
    2) (actividad, labor) work
    a) ( tarea) job
    b) ( obra escrita) piece of work
    4) ( esfuerzo)

    se tomó/dio el trabajo de venir — she took the trouble to come

    5) (Econ) labor*
    * * *
    a) ( empleo) job

    conseguir trabajoto get o find work, to get o find a job

    un trabajo de media jornada or (AmL) de medio tiempo or (Esp) a tiempo parcial — a part-time job

    trabajo de jornada completa or de or a tiempo completo — full-time work o job

    b) ( lugar) work
    2) (actividad, labor) work
    a) ( tarea) job
    b) ( obra escrita) piece of work
    4) ( esfuerzo)

    se tomó/dio el trabajo de venir — she took the trouble to come

    5) (Econ) labor*
    * * *
    1 = employment, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], job, labour [labor, -USA], leg work, occupation, task, work, working environment, workload [work load], pursuit, workmanship, footwork, handwork, professional position, working practice, pursuit in life, handiwork, lifework, line of business, toil, industry.

    Ex: Under WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT, for instance, are listed works on the health and safety hazards of employment, the wages of employment, the problems of mothers, married and/or single women and employment, and so on.

    Ex: Eventually, it came to be recognized that the Classification Research Group's endeavours might be pertinent to the problem of alphabetical indexing.
    Ex: To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.
    Ex: An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to the preparation of the item for the manufacturer.
    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter, the catalog card, and much leg work, but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.
    Ex: Headings such as SALESMEN AND SALESMANSHIP and FIREMEN, since they are assigned to works covering the activities of both men and women in these occupations, are not specific.
    Ex: Further, menu screens will be necessary until the user has specified the task that he wishes executed or the information that he wishes to retrieve sufficiently for execution or retrieval to be effected.
    Ex: The Classification Research Group (CRG) has been a major force in the development of classification theory, and has made a major contribution towards work on a new general classification scheme.
    Ex: This article examines the various features now available on copiers and comments on the usefulness in a working environment.
    Ex: Each of these changes, if we were to deal with them in an adequate manner, create severe workload problems for the cataloging department.
    Ex: What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.
    Ex: William R Lethaby, the architect who had Westminster Abbey in his charge for over twenty years, once said 'Art is thoughtful workmanship'.
    Ex: If we decide to take on making up a subject file there'd be a lot of footwork even if we use that list as a basis = Si decidimos aceptar crear un fichero ordenado por materias habría mucho trabajo incluso si usamos esta lista como base.
    Ex: The newspaper's suppression after the first issue was not, as some historians have declared, the handwork of Massachusetts' Puritan clergy = La supresión del periódico después de su primer número no fue, como algunos historiadores han declarado, por la intervención del clero puritano de Massachussetts.
    Ex: In virtually all of her professional positions she has been involved with the handling of documents.
    Ex: While many believe that print on paper will never die, new formats are already changing working practice in many spheres.
    Ex: People who are blind, regardless of their pursuit in life, will not have access to current information, books, learning, or education opportunities unless all libraries and blindness organizations agree to work together.
    Ex: Rather than bringing in butchers to do the handiwork of his dissections, Vesalius himself worked on the human cadavers and said that students of medicine should do the same.
    Ex: This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.
    Ex: The computer people are muscling in on our line of business and we can't stop them.
    Ex: Furthermore, the computer can be used, and is already being used, to eliminate drudgery, busywork, and useless toil in library systems.
    Ex: In fact, the terms of the contrast are highly ambivalent: order vs. anarchy, liberty vs. despotism, or industry vs. sloth, and also dissimulation vs. honesty.
    * acoso en el trabajo = workplace mobbing.
    * agenda de trabajo = work agenda.
    * agobiado de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * ahorrar el trabajo de = save + effort in.
    * almuerzo de trabajo = work luncheon.
    * ámbito de trabajo = field of endeavour.
    * amor al trabajo = love of work.
    * ansiedad en el trabajo = job anxiety, work anxiety.
    * anterior al trabajo = pre-service.
    * anuncio de trabajo = help wanted ad, help wanted notice.
    * anuncios de trabajo = help-wanted advertising.
    * año de trabajo = man year.
    * ascender en el trabajo = step up + the career ladder.
    * ascenso en el trabajo = job promotion.
    * aspirar a un puesto de trabajo = aspire to + position.
    * asunto relacionado con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * avanzar en + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work, advance + Posesivo + work.
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * bibliografía de trabajo = working bibliography.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en el trabajo de referencia = reference librarianship.
    * bolsa de trabajo = labour exchange, job opportunities, employment bureau, employment centre, employment opportunity, job centre, job pool.
    * borrador de trabajo = working paper.
    * buscador de trabajo = job applicant, job seeker.
    * buscar trabajo = seek + employment.
    * buscar trabajo en la calle = work + the streets.
    * campo de trabajo = field of endeavour.
    * campo de trabajos forzados = labour camp, forced labour camp.
    * cantidad de trabajo = workload [work load].
    * carga de trabajo = workload [work load].
    * centro de trabajo = workplace.
    * cobrar en un trabajo = job + pay.
    * comenzar el turno de trabajo = go on + duty.
    * comida de trabajo = business meal, professional meal.
    * compañero de trabajo = co-worker [coworker], male colleague, work colleague, fellow worker.
    * complementos del trabajo = fringe benefits, fringes.
    * conciliación del trabajo y la familia = reconciliation of work and family.
    * con demasiado trabajo = overworked.
    * condiciones del contrato de trabajo = terms of employment.
    * condiciones de trabajo = working conditions.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.
    * con trabajo = in post.
    * contratar al primero que solicita el trabajo = hire on a first-come, first-take basis.
    * contrato de trabajo = contract position.
    * conversación de trabajo = shop talk.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * costar trabajo = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * cualquier trabajo temporal = casual job.
    * cubrir un puesto de trabajo = fill + position.
    * cuestión relacionada con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dedicar trabajo = expend + effort.
    * definición de trabajo = working definition.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * denominación del puesto de trabajo = job title, occupational title.
    * dentro del mismo trabajo = intraoccupational.
    * derecho del trabajo = employment law.
    * desarrollar + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work.
    * desarrollar un plan de trabajo = develop + agenda.
    * descripción del puesto de trabajo = job description, position description, job profile.
    * desempeñar un trabajo = exercise + work.
    * despedir del trabajo = make + redundant.
    * después del horario de trabajo = after hours [after-hours].
    * de trabajo = working.
    * día del trabajo = Labour Day.
    * día de trabajo = working day.
    * día internacional del trabajo = Labour Day.
    * diario automático de trabajo = time log.
    * dignidad del trabajo = dignity of work.
    * dinámica de trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * distribución del trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * distribuir el trabajo = spread + the load.
    * división del trabajo = division of labour.
    * documento de trabajo = working document, working draft.
    * eficacia en el trabajo = quality of service.
    * elaborar un plan de trabajo = develop + agenda.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * encomendar un trabajo a Alguien = assign + job.
    * encontrar trabajo = find + a job.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * enseñanza antes de empezar el trabajo = pre-service education.
    * enseñanza en el trabajo = in-service education.
    * entorno de trabajo = working environment, work environment.
    * entrevista de trabajo = job interview.
    * equipo de trabajo = study team, project team, work team.
    * esclavo del trabajo = workaholic.
    * escribir un trabajo = write + essay.
    * espacio de trabajo = workspace.
    * específico de un trabajo concreto = job-specific.
    * estación de trabajo = workstation [work station], desktop workstation.
    * estación de trabajo remota = outstation.
    * estadía de trabajo = work visit.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estrategia que ahorra trabajo = labour saver.
    * estrés en el trabajo = job stress.
    * evaluar el rendimiento en el trabajo = evaluate + work performance.
    * excedencia en el trabajo = leave of absence.
    * ficha de trabajo = worksheet, project worksheet.
    * formación continua en el trabajo = workplace training, workplace learning.
    * formación en el trabajo = in-service training, in-service education, in-service, on-the-job training, in-service support.
    * funciones del puesto de trabajo = position + entail + duty.
    * grupo de trabajo = study group, study team, task force, working party, task group, research group, working group, project team.
    * grupo de trabajo por tema de interés = breakout group.
    * guía de trabajo = working guide.
    * hábito de trabajo = work habit, working habit.
    * hablar del trabajo = talk + shop.
    * hacer + Posesivo + trabajo = get on with + Posesivo + work.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.
    * hacer un trabajo = do + work, do + job.
    * hacer un trabajo sobre = do + a project about.
    * hasta aquí de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * hasta el cuello de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.
    * herramienta de trabajo = tool, tool.
    * hora de trabajo = man-hour.
    * horario de trabajo = hours of operation, working hours, work hours.
    * horario intenso de trabajo = long hours, the.
    * horarios de trabajo demasiado cargados = over-long hours.
    * igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo = equal employment opportunity.
    * igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de valor comparable = equal pay for comparable work.
    * igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de igual valor = equal pay for equal work.
    * incentivo en el trabajo = work incentive, labour incentive.
    * indicador del trabajo realizado = workload indicator.
    * intercambio de puestos de trabajo = job exchange.
    * jornada de trabajo = workshop.
    * liberar del exceso de trabajo = relieve + overload.
    * liberar de trabajo = relieve + pressure.
    * línea de trabajo = line of work.
    * llamar al trabajo para excusarse por enfermedad = call in + sick.
    * llegar tarde al trabajo = be late for work.
    * lugar de trabajo = affiliation, institutional affiliation, working environment, workplace, place of work, worksite [work site], home institution.
    * lugar de trabajo del autor = author affiliation.
    * magistratura del trabajo = industrial tribunal.
    * marco de trabajo = framework.
    * medida de seguridad e higiene en el trabajo = health and safety standard.
    * memoria de trabajo = working memory.
    * mercado de trabajo = labour market, job market.
    * mercado de trabajo, el = employment market, the.
    * mesa de trabajo = desk, study table.
    * método de trabajo = working method.
    * Ministerio de Trabajo = Department of Labor.
    * modelo de trabajo = working model, business model.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * negligente en el trabajo = malpractitioner.
    * neurosis producida por el trabajo = occupational neurosis.
    * NISTF (Grupo de Trabajo sobre los Sistemas Nacionales de Información de la A = NISTF (Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force).
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * norma de trabajo = working rule.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * obtener un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * ocupar un puesto de trabajo = assume + position, take up + post, hold + post.
    * oferta de trabajo = job advertisement, job offer, help wanted ad, help wanted notice.
    * ofertas de trabajo = help-wanted advertising.
    * oportunidad de trabajo = career opportunity.
    * organización del trabajo = workflow [work flow], working arrangement.
    * paquete de trabajo = workpackage.
    * para trabajos pesados = heavy-duty.
    * pérdida de puestos de trabajo = squeeze on jobs.
    * permiso de trabajo = work permit.
    * permuta de trabajo = job exchange.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * plan de trabajo = research agenda, work plan, working plan, work schedule.
    * política de trabajo = policy.
    * postura exigida por el trabajo = work posture.
    * proceso de trabajo = work process.
    * programa de formación en el trabajo = in-service training program(me).
    * programa de trabajo = work schedule.
    * programa de trabajo como interno residente = residency.
    * promoción en el trabajo = job promotion.
    * propuesta de trabajo = project proposal.
    * proyecto de trabajo = work project.
    * puente de trabajo = catwalk.
    * puesto de trabajo = appointment, position, post, opening, career path, professional position, position held.
    * puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.
    * puesto de trabajo ocupado = position held.
    * puestos de trabajo ocupados = positions held.
    * quitar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * realizar el trabajo = get + Posesivo + work done.
    * realizar + Posesivo + trabajo = advance + Posesivo + work.
    * realizar un trabajo = perform + work, undertake + work.
    * realizar un trabajo monótono = have + Posesivo + nose to the grindstone.
    * red de trabajo = peer-to-peer network.
    * relacionado con el trabajo = job-related, work-related.
    * relación de trabajo = working relation, working relationship, work relationship, work relation.
    * relativo al trabajo = occupational.
    * rendimiento en el trabajo = work performance.
    * reunión de trabajo = business meeting, business session.
    * ropa de trabajo = work clothes.
    * rutina de trabajo = work process.
    * sala de trabajo = workroom.
    * salir del trabajo = clock off + work.
    * salud en el trabajo = occupational health.
    * satisfacción en el trabajo = job satisfaction, work satisfaction.
    * segregación en el trabajo = job segregation, employment segregation.
    * seguridad en el trabajo = safety at work, occupational safety.
    * sesión de trabajo = work session, working session.
    * sicología del trabajo = occupational psychology.
    * sin trabajo = jobless.
    * sobrecargado de trabajo = overworked.
    * sociología del trabajo = sociology of work.
    * soliciante de trabajo = job applicant.
    * solicitud de trabajo = job application.
    * superficie de trabajo = working surface, work surface.
    * taller de trabajo = workshop, study school.
    * taller de trabajo esclavo = sweatshop.
    * taller de trabajo sobre composición = writing workshop.
    * tener trabajo para rato = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * tener un segundo trabajo = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * tener un trabajo = hold down + job.
    * tener un trabajo remunerado = be gainfully employed.
    * tener un trabajo retribuido = be gainfully employed.
    * tensión en el trabajo = job stress.
    * tensión producida por el trabajo = occupational stress.
    * terminar turno de trabajo = come off + duty.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * tomarse excedencia en el trabajo = take + leave from + employment.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de permiso en el trabajo = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off, take + time out.
    * trabajo académico = academic work.
    * trabajo a destajo = piecework.
    * trabajo a distancia = telecommuting, teleworking, telework.
    * trabajo administrativo de apoyo = clerical work.
    * trabajo a medias = job share.
    * trabajo artesanal = craftsmanship.
    * trabajo a tiempo parcial = part-time work, part-time employment, part-time job.
    * trabajo atípico = atypical work.
    * trabajo autónomo = self-employment.
    * trabajo bibliográfico = bibliographic work.
    * trabajo bibliotecario = library work.
    * trabajo burocrático = paper-keeping.
    * trabajo científico = scientific work, scholarly work.
    * trabajo compartido = job sharing.
    * trabajo complicado = major exercise.
    * trabajo con documentación automatizada = computer-based information work.
    * trabajo conjunto = interworking.
    * trabajo con ordenador = computer work.
    * trabajo cotidiano = daily work.
    * trabajo creativo = creative work.
    * trabajo de alfabetización = literacy work.
    * trabajo de apoyo = escort work.
    * trabajo de calidad = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * trabajo de campo = fieldwork [field work].
    * trabajo de catalogación = cataloguing work.
    * trabajo de chinos = fiddly [fiddlier -comp., fiddliest -sup.].
    * trabajo de clase = term paper, coursework [course work], term project, homework.
    * trabajo de detective = sleuthing.
    * trabajo de escolta = escort work.
    * trabajo de impresión = bookwork.
    * trabajo de impresión de material efímero = ephemeral jobbing.
    * trabajo de información y de las bibliotecas = library and information work.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * trabajo de la casa = housework.
    * trabajo de menores = child labour.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * trabajo de préstamo de servicios = service job.
    * trabajo de referencia = reference work.
    * trabajo desinteresado = labour of love.
    * trabajo detectivesco = sleuthing.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * trabajo diario = day's work, daily work.
    * trabajo doméstico = domestic duty, domestic work, domestic task.
    * trabajo duro = hard labour, thirsty work, hard work.
    * trabajo duro, mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * trabajo editorial = editorship.
    * trabajo en archivística = archives work.
    * trabajo en colaboración = interworking.
    * trabajo en común = interworking.
    * trabajo en curso = work in progress.
    * trabajo en equipo = teamwork, collaborative teamwork, team management.
    * trabajo en red = networking.
    * trabajo en sucio = rough work.
    * trabajo entre manos, el = work at hand, the.
    * trabajo eventual = jobbing.
    * trabajo físico = physical work.
    * trabajo improductivo = busywork.
    * trabajo individual = independent study, self-study.
    * trabajo infantil = child labour, child work.
    * trabajo ininterrumpido = continuous work.
    * trabajo manual = craft, craft activity, handiwork, manual labour.
    * trabajo monótono = drudge work, drudgery.
    * trabajo + no faltar = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.
    * trabajo no remunerado = unpaid work, unremunerated work.
    * trabajo pesado = grind, grinding, donkey work.
    * trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.
    * trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].
    * trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].
    * trabajo por turnos = shift work.
    * trabajo práctico = fieldwork [field work], practical work.
    * trabajo preliminar = groundwork, legwork, spadework [spade work].
    * trabajo previo = groundwork, spadework [spade work].
    * trabajo remunerado = work-for-hire, paid work, paid labour.
    * trabajo rutinario = chore, routine work, mundane task.
    * trabajos = life's work.
    * trabajos de impresión de material efímero = jobbing work.
    * trabajos de rescate = rescue work.
    * trabajos forzados = forced labour, hard labour.
    * trabajo social = social work.
    * trabajo sucio = dirty work.
    * trabajo sumergido = informal work.
    * trabajo temporal = temporary job, casual job.
    * trabajo urgente = hurried work, rush job.
    * trabajo y esfuerzo = toil and trouble.
    * turno de trabajo de atención al usuario = desk duty.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.
    * uso compartido de mesas de trabajo = hot desking.
    * útil de trabajo = tool.
    * vida en el trabajo = job life.
    * visita de trabajo = field trip.

    2 = assignment, student paper, work, project work, term project.

    Ex: The problems and assignments presented are real problems and assignments, and the people involved are real people, all suitably disguised to protect their identity.

    Ex: 5 data collection instruments were used: printouts of data base searches executed by students; a questionnaire; bibliographies from student papers; serial holdings of the university library; and interviews with instructors.
    Ex: An authority entry is an entry for which the initial element is the uniform heading for a person, corporate body, or work, as established by the cataloguing agency responsible.
    Ex: For instance, if children are doing a project work on dogs, they will hunt out anything and everything that so much as mentions them and the bits thus mined are assiduously transcribed into project folders.
    Ex: In 1994, 21 students on an introductory course on communication processes completed analyses of 14 different electronic lists or newsgroups as their term projects.
    * impresor de pequeños trabajos = jobbing house, jobbing office, jobbing printer.
    * mesa de trabajo = writing desk, work desk.
    * preparar un trabajo de clase = research + paper.
    * trabajo de clase = essay assignment, class assignment, course assignment, student assignment, written assignment.
    * trabajo de lectura obligatoria = a must-read.
    * trabajo de restauración = restoration work.
    * trabajo editado = published work.
    * trabajo escolar = school work [schoolwork].
    * trabajo impreso = printed work.
    * trabajo publicado = published work.
    * trabajos de clase = classroom asignment.
    * un trabajo cuqlquiera = casual job.

    * * *
    (empleo): conseguir trabajo to get o find work
    consiguió un trabajo muy bien pagado he got himself a very well-paid job
    hay dos trabajos interesantes en el periódico de hoy there are two interesting vacancies o jobs in today's paper
    se fue a la capital a buscar trabajo he went to the capital to look for work o for a job
    se quedó sin trabajo she lost her job, she was made redundant, she was let go ( AmE)
    no tiene trabajo fijo he doesn't have a steady job
    buscaba trabajo de jornada completa or a tiempo completo or de tiempo completo I was looking for full-time work o for a full-time job
    2 (lugar) work
    está en el trabajo she's at work
    ir al trabajo to go to work
    llámame al trabajo give me a call at work
    la estación queda cerca de mi trabajo the station's close to where I work
    B (actividad, labor) work
    trabajo intelectual intellectual work o brainwork
    su capacidad de trabajo es enorme he has an enormous capacity for work
    la máquina hace el trabajo de cinco personas the machine does the work of five people
    requiere años de trabajo it takes years of work
    todo nuestro trabajo ha sido en vano all our work has been in vain
    es un trabajo especializado/de precisión it's specialized/precision work
    me tocó a mí hacer todo el trabajo I ended up doing all the work, I got stuck o ( BrE) landed with all the work ( colloq)
    hoy no puedo, tengo mucho trabajo I can't today, I have o I've got a lot of work to do
    tengo mucho trabajo acumulado I have a huge backlog of work to do
    este bordado tiene mucho trabajo a lot of work has gone into this embroidery
    ¡buen trabajo! te felicito nice work! well done
    fue premiado por su trabajo en esa película he was given an award for his performance in that movie
    hacer un trabajo de zapa to work o scheme behind the scenes
    le he estado haciendo un trabajo de trabajo y ya lo tengo en el bote I've been quietly working on him o softening him up and now I've got him right where I want him
    piece work
    agricultural work
    (CS) work to rule
    fiddly o laborious job
    work experience
    assembly-line work
    mpl hard labor*
    mpl handicrafts (pl)
    social work
    voluntary o ( AmE) volunteer work
    1 (tarea, obra) job
    es un trabajo que no lo puede hacer cualquiera it's not a job that just anyone can do
    limpiar el horno es un trabajo que odio cleaning the oven is a job o chore I hate
    la satisfacción de un trabajo bien hecho the satisfaction of a job well done
    me cobró un dineral por un par de trabajos he charged me a fortune for doing a couple of little jobs o tasks
    2 (obra escrita) piece of work
    un trabajo bien documentado a well-documented piece of work
    estoy haciendo un trabajo sobre Lorca I'm doing a paper/an essay on Lorca
    (esfuerzo): con mucho trabajo consiguió levantarse with great effort she managed to get up
    nos dio mucho trabajo pintarlo painting it was hard work o took a lot of work
    los niños dan mucho trabajo children are hard work o a lot of work
    me cuesta trabajo creerlo I find it hard to believe
    nos costó trabajo convencerla de que viniera we had a hard time persuading her to come
    se tomó/dio el trabajo de venir a buscarme she took the trouble to come and pick me up
    puedes ahorrarte el trabajo de ir hasta allá you can save yourself the trouble o bother of going all the way over there
    E ( Econ) labor*
    el capital y el trabajo capital and labor
    F ( Fís) work
    * * *


    Del verbo trabajar: ( conjugate trabajar)

    trabajo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    trabajó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    trabajar ( conjugate trabajar) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( en general) to work;

    trabajo jornada completa or a tiempo completo to work full-time;
    trabajo media jornada to work part-time;
    trabajo mucho to work hard;
    ¿en qué trabajas? what do you do (for a living)?;
    estoy trabajando en una novela I'm working on a novel;
    trabajo DE or COMO algo to work as sth
    2 ( actuar) to act, perform;
    ¿quién trabaja en la película who's in the movie?

    verbo transitivo
    a)campo/tierra/madera to work

    2 (perfeccionar, pulir) to work on
    trabajo sustantivo masculino
    a) ( empleo) job;

    buscar trabajo to look for work o for a job;

    quedarse sin trabajo to lose one's job;
    un trabajo fijo a steady job;
    un trabajo de media jornada a part-time job;
    un trabajo de jornada completa or a tiempo completo a full-time job
    b) ( lugar) work;

    ir al trabajo to go to work
    2 (actividad, labor) work;

    el trabajo de la casa housework;
    los niños dan mucho trabajo children are hard work;
    ¡buen trabajo! well done!;
    trabajo de campo fieldwork;
    trabajos forzados hard labor( conjugate labor);
    trabajos manuales handicrafts (pl);
    trabajo voluntario voluntary o (AmE) volunteer work
    a) ( tarea) job;

    (en universidad, escuela) essay
    4 ( esfuerzo):

    me cuesta trabajo creerlo I find it hard to believe
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 to work: trabaja de secretaria, she works as a secretary
    trabaja en los astilleros, she works in the shipyard
    trabaja bien, he's a good worker
    2 Cine (actuar) to act: en esta película trabaja mi actriz favorita, my favourite actress is in this movie
    II verbo transitivo
    1 (pulir, ejercitar, estudiar) to work on: tienes que trabajar más el estilo, you have to work on your style
    2 (la madera) to work
    (un metal) to work
    (la tierra) to work, till
    (cuero) to emboss
    2 (comerciar) to trade, sell: nosotros no trabajamos ese artículo, we don't stock that item
    trabajo sustantivo masculino
    1 work: hoy tengo poco trabajo, I have little work today
    2 (empleo) job: no tiene trabajo, he is unemployed
    3 (esfuerzo) work, effort: nos costó mucho trabajo hacerlo, it was hard to do it
    4 Educ (sobre un tema) paper
    (de manualidades) craft work
    5 (tarea) task
    un trabajo de chinos, a laborious job
    ' trabajo' also found in these entries:
    - abundancia
    - actual
    - adicta
    - adicto
    - afanosa
    - afanoso
    - agencia
    - agobiada
    - agobiado
    - agobiante
    - antigüedad
    - ascender
    - asquerosidad
    - aterrizar
    - balde
    - bestialidad
    - bicoca
    - bolsa
    - bordar
    - buscar
    - cadena
    - calendario
    - calle
    - cambiar
    - campo
    - capear
    - cara
    - cargada
    - cargado
    - caterva
    - chapucera
    - chapucero
    - chapuza
    - chollo
    - colocarse
    - como
    - condición
    - condicionamiento
    - construcción
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - cubierta
    - cubierto
    - dar
    - dejar
    - desbandada
    - descansada
    - descansado
    - descargar
    - acclaim
    - actual
    - allocation
    - ambivalent
    - anxiety
    - apathetic
    - application
    - apply
    - apply for
    - apprentice
    - arm-twisting
    - artwork
    - assignment
    - at
    - attack
    - backlog
    - backup
    - barrel
    - be-all and end-all
    - begrudge
    - better
    - blouse
    - blue
    - board
    - bog down
    - boiler suit
    - book
    - botch
    - bother
    - bread-and-butter
    - bulk
    - burn out
    - bury
    - busywork
    - by
    - capacity
    - careless
    - carry over
    - casual
    - catch up
    - chapter
    - choose
    - chuck in
    - clerical
    - collaboration
    - colleague
    - comedown
    - commute
    - commuter
    * * *
    1. [tarea, actividad, práctica] work;
    tengo mucho trabajo que hacer I've got a lot of work to do;
    una casa tan grande da mucho trabajo a big house like that is a lot of work;
    uno de los últimos trabajos de Diego Rivera one of Diego Rivera's last works;
    recibió un Óscar por su trabajo en “Cabaret” she received an Oscar for (her performance in) “Cabaret”;
    ¡buen trabajo! good work!;
    hacer un buen trabajo to do a good job;
    ser un trabajo de chinos [minucioso] to be a fiddly o finicky job;
    [pesado] to be hard work trabajo de campo fieldwork;
    trabajo de o en equipo teamwork;
    trabajo físico physical work, manual labour;
    trabajos forzados o forzosos hard labour;
    trabajo intelectual intellectual work;
    trabajo manual manual labour;
    trabajos manuales [en el colegio] arts and crafts;
    trabajo de oficina office job;
    trabajo remunerado paid work;
    trabajo social social work;
    trabajo sucio dirty work;
    trabajo temporal temporary work;
    trabajo por turnos shiftwork;
    trabajo voluntario voluntary work
    2. [empleo] job;
    buscar/encontrar trabajo to look for/find work o a job;
    no tener trabajo, estar sin trabajo to be out of work;
    me he quedado sin trabajo I've been left without a job, I'm out of work;
    tener un trabajo fijo to have a permanent job
    3. [lugar] work;
    en el trabajo at work;
    ir al trabajo to go to work;
    ¿quieres que pase a recogerte al trabajo? do you want me to pick you up from work?
    4. [escrito] [por estudiante] essay, paper;
    hacer un trabajo sobre algo/alguien to write an essay on sth/sb
    5. [esfuerzo] effort;
    lograron sacar el armario con mucho trabajo they managed to remove the wardrobe, but not without a lot of effort o but it was no easy task;
    costar mucho trabajo (a alguien) to take (sb) a lot of effort;
    me cuesta mucho trabajo levantarme por las mañanas I find it a real struggle getting up in the morning;
    cuesta trabajo admitir que uno se ha equivocado it's not easy to admit that you're wrong;
    tomarse el trabajo de hacer algo to go to o take the trouble of doing sth
    6. Econ & Pol labour
    7. Fís work
    8. Literario
    trabajos [apuros] hardships;
    pasar trabajos to suffer hardships
    * * *
    m work; ( tarea, puesto) job;
    buscar trabajo be looking for work, be looking for a job;
    tengo un buen trabajo I have a good job;
    costar trabajo be hard o difficult;
    tomarse el trabajo de take the trouble to
    * * *
    1) : work, job
    2) labor: labor, work
    tengo mucho trabajo: I have a lot of work to do
    3) tarea: task
    4) esfuerza: effort
    costar trabajo : to be difficult
    tomarse el trabajo : to take the trouble
    trabajo en equipo : teamwork
    8) trabajos nmpl
    : hardships, difficulties
    * * *
    1. (actividad, esfuerzo) work
    2. (empleo, tarea) job
    3. (lugar) work
    4. (redacción) essay / project

    Spanish-English dictionary > trabajo

  • 15 grande

    1 big, large.
    un gran artista a great artist
    el gran favorito the firm favorite
    una gran figura a big name
    una gran parte de mi trabajo implica… a large part of my job involves…
    una gran responsabilidad a heavy responsibility
    a lo grande in a big way, in style
    grandes almacenes department store
    Gran Bretaña Great Britain
    el Gran Cañón the Grand Canyon
    gran danés great Dane
    gran éxito smash (hit) (disco, libro)
    los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes
    la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China)
    el gran público the general public
    2 old (de edad). (Mexican Spanish, River Plate)
    3 fantastic(informal). ( River Plate)
    4 magnus, Mag, magnum.
    5 grand, formidable, majestical, stately.
    grandee (noble).
    * * *
    1 (tamaño) large, big
    2 (fuerte, intenso) great
    3 (mayor) grown-up, old, big
    a lo grande on a grand scale, in a big way
    estar grande una cosa a alguien to be too big on somebody
    pasarlo en grande familiar to have a great time
    vivir a lo grande figurado to live in style
    Grande de España grandee Table 1 NOTA See also gran/Table 1
    * * *
    1) big
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    ( antes de sm sing gran)
    1) [de tamaño] big, large; [de estatura] big, tall; [número, velocidad] high, great

    ¿cómo es de grande? — how big o large is it?, what size is it?

    en cantidades más grandesin larger o greater quantities

    grandísimo — enormous, huge

    un esfuerzo grandísimo — an enormous effort, a huge effort

    ¡grandísimo tunante! — you old rogue!

    hacer algo a lo grande — to do sth in style, make a splash doing sth *

    2) (=importante) [artista, hazaña] great; [empresa] big
    3) (=mucho, muy) great

    se estrenó con gran éxito — it was a great success, it went off very well

    4) [en edad]

    ya eres grande, Raúl — you are a big boy now, Raúl

    ¿qué piensas hacer cuando seas grande? — what do you want to do when you grow up?


    ¡qué grande! — Arg * how funny!

    2. SMF
    1) (=personaje importante)
    2) LAm (=adulto) adult
    3. SF
    1) Arg [de lotería] first prize, big prize
    2) And ** (=cárcel) clink **, jail
    * * *
    adjetivo [ gran is used before singular nouns]
    a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> big
    b) ( en demasía) too big

    me queda or me está grande — it's too big for me

    quedarle grande a alguienpuesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody

    2) ( alto) tall
    3) (Geog)
    4) ( en edad)

    los más grandes pueden ir solosthe older o bigger ones can go on their own

    a) (notable, excelente) great

    un gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine

    b) ( poderoso) big
    a) (en intensidad, grado) great

    me llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!

    una temporada de gran éxitoa very o a highly successful season

    a) ( en número) < familia> large, big; < clase> big

    la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters

    b) ( elevado)

    a gran velocidadat high o great speed

    en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)

    masculino, femenino
    1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name
    a) ( mayor)

    quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls

    b) ( adulto)
    * * *
    = vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.
    Ex. If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
    Ex. Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.
    Ex. Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.
    Ex. The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
    Ex. The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
    Ex. The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.
    Ex. Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.
    Ex. In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
    Ex. Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
    Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex. It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
    Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.
    Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex. However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.
    Ex. The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.
    Ex. Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.
    Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex. I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.
    * avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.
    * bastante grande = largish.
    * calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.
    * causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.
    * celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.
    * con gran capacidad = capacious.
    * con gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * con gran densidad de población = densely populated.
    * con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.
    * con gran esplendor = grandly.
    * con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.
    * con gran motivación = highly-motivated.
    * con gran sentimiento = earnestly.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.
    * con una gran cultura = well-read.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * con una gran tradición = long-standing.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * demasiado grande = oversized.
    * describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.
    * desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.
    * en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.
    * en un gran apuro = in dire straits.
    * esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.
    * extra grande = extra-large.
    * gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.
    * gran altura = high altitude.
    * gran aumento = heavy increase.
    * gran bebedor = heavy drinker.
    * gran belleza = scenic beauty.
    * Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.
    * gran calidad = high standard.
    * gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.
    * gran categoría = high standard.
    * gran cosa = big deal.
    * gran danés = Great Dane.
    * Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.
    * grandes almacenes = department store.
    * grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.
    * grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.
    * grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.
    * grandes y pequeños = great and small.
    * grande y tenebroso = cavernous.
    * gran ducado = grand-duchy.
    * gran espectáculo = extravaganza.
    * gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.
    * gran grupo = constellation.
    * gran mentira = big fat lie.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * gran número de = great numbers of.
    * gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.
    * gran parte = much.
    * gran parte de = much of.
    * gran peso = heavy weight.
    * gran placer = great pleasure.
    * gran potencia = great power.
    * gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.
    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * gran titular = headline banner.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.
    * IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).
    * influir en gran medida = become + a force.
    * jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.
    * jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * más grande = greater.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.
    * pensar a lo grande = think + big.
    * Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.
    * ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran avance = be half the battle.
    * ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.
    * taza grande = mug.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.
    * tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).
    * * *
    adjetivo [ gran is used before singular nouns]
    a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> big
    b) ( en demasía) too big

    me queda or me está grande — it's too big for me

    quedarle grande a alguienpuesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody

    2) ( alto) tall
    3) (Geog)
    4) ( en edad)

    los más grandes pueden ir solosthe older o bigger ones can go on their own

    a) (notable, excelente) great

    un gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine

    b) ( poderoso) big
    a) (en intensidad, grado) great

    me llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!

    una temporada de gran éxitoa very o a highly successful season

    a) ( en número) < familia> large, big; < clase> big

    la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters

    b) ( elevado)

    a gran velocidadat high o great speed

    en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)

    masculino, femenino
    1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name
    a) ( mayor)

    quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls

    b) ( adulto)
    * * *
    = vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.

    Ex: If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.

    Ex: Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.
    Ex: Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.
    Ex: The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
    Ex: The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
    Ex: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.
    Ex: Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.
    Ex: In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
    Ex: Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
    Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex: It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
    Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.
    Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex: However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.
    Ex: The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.
    Ex: Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.
    Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex: I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.
    * avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.
    * bastante grande = largish.
    * calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.
    * causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.
    * celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.
    * con gran capacidad = capacious.
    * con gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * con gran densidad de población = densely populated.
    * con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.
    * con gran esplendor = grandly.
    * con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.
    * con gran motivación = highly-motivated.
    * con gran sentimiento = earnestly.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.
    * con una gran cultura = well-read.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * con una gran tradición = long-standing.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * demasiado grande = oversized.
    * describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.
    * desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.
    * en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.
    * en un gran apuro = in dire straits.
    * esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.
    * extra grande = extra-large.
    * gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.
    * gran altura = high altitude.
    * gran aumento = heavy increase.
    * gran bebedor = heavy drinker.
    * gran belleza = scenic beauty.
    * Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.
    * gran calidad = high standard.
    * gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.
    * gran categoría = high standard.
    * gran cosa = big deal.
    * gran danés = Great Dane.
    * Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.
    * grandes almacenes = department store.
    * grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.
    * grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.
    * grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.
    * grandes y pequeños = great and small.
    * grande y tenebroso = cavernous.
    * gran ducado = grand-duchy.
    * gran espectáculo = extravaganza.
    * gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.
    * gran grupo = constellation.
    * gran mentira = big fat lie.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * gran número de = great numbers of.
    * gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.
    * gran parte = much.
    * gran parte de = much of.
    * gran peso = heavy weight.
    * gran placer = great pleasure.
    * gran potencia = great power.
    * gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.
    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * gran titular = headline banner.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.
    * IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).
    * influir en gran medida = become + a force.
    * jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.
    * jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * más grande = greater.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.
    * pensar a lo grande = think + big.
    * Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.
    * ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran avance = be half the battle.
    * ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.
    * taza grande = mug.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.
    * tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).

    * * *
    1 (en dimensiones) large, big
    se mudaron a una casa más grande they moved to a larger o bigger house
    sus grandes ojos negros her big dark eyes
    un tipo grande, ancho de hombros a big, broad-shouldered guy
    una chica grandota, fortachona ( fam); a big, strong girl, a strapping lass ( BrE colloq)
    tiene la boca/nariz grande she has a big mouth/nose
    2 (en demasía) too big
    ¿esto será grande para Daniel? do you think this is too big for Daniel?
    estos zapatos me quedan or me están grandes these shoes are too big for me
    quedarle or ( Esp) venirle grande a algn «puesto/responsabilidad» to be too much for sb
    B (alto) tall
    ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!, hasn't Andrés gotten* tall!
    C ( Geog):
    el Gran Buenos Aires/Bilbao Greater Buenos Aires/Bilbao
    ( esp AmL) ‹niño/chico› (en edad): los más grandes pueden ir solos the older o bigger ones can go on their own
    ya eres grande y puedes comer solito you're a big boy now and you can feed yourself
    cuando sea grande quiero ser bailarina when I grow up I want to be a ballet dancer
    mis hijos ya son grandes my children are all grown up now
    ( Arg) (maduro, mayor): es una mujer grande she isn't a young woman o she's a mature woman
    está saliendo con un tipo grande she's going out with an older guy
    1 (notable, excelente) great
    un gran hombre/artista/vino a great man/artist/wine
    la gran dama del teatro the grande dame of the theater
    los grandes bancos/industriales the big banks/industrialists
    los grandes señores feudales the great feudal lords
    a lo grande in style
    (en importancia): son grandes amigos they're great friends
    grandes fumadores heavy smokers
    F ( fam)
    (increíble): ¡qué cosa más grande! ¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo sé! this is unbelievable! I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!
    ¿no es grande que ahora me echen la culpa a mí? ( iró); and now they blame me; great, isn't it? ( iro)
    1 (en intensidad, grado) great
    me causó una gran pena it caused me great sadness
    me has dado una gran alegría you have made me very happy
    comió con gran apetito she ate hungrily o heartily
    un día de gran calor a very hot day
    los grandes fríos del 47 the great o big freeze of '47
    me llevé un susto más grande … I got such a fright
    para mi gran vergüenza to my great embarrassment
    se produjo una gran explosión there was a powerful explosion
    es un gran honor para mí it is a great honor* for me
    ha sido una temporada de gran éxito it has been a very o a highly successful season
    no corre gran prisa it is not very urgent
    las paredes tienen gran necesidad de una mano de pintura the walls are very much in need of a coat of paint
    (uso enfático): eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely o very true
    ésa es la mentira más grande que he oído that's the biggest lie I've ever heard
    ¡qué gran novedad! ( iró); you don't say! o what a surprise! ( iro)
    1 (en número) ‹familia› large, big; ‹clase› big
    la gran mayoría de los votantes the great o vast majority of the voters
    dedican gran parte de su tiempo a la investigación they devote much of o a great deal of their time to research
    esto se debe en gran parte a que … this is largely due to the fact that …
    (elevado): a gran velocidad at high o great speed
    volar a gran altura to fly at a great height
    un edificio de gran altura a very tall building
    un gran número de personas a large number of people
    objetos de gran valor objects of great value
    en grande: lo pasamos or nos divertimos en grande we had a great time ( colloq)
    masculine wide-angle lens
    el gran capital big business
    masculine Great Dane
    la Gran Depresión the Great Depression
    ( Astron): la gran explosión the Big Bang
    la Gran Guerra the Great War
    masculine Big Brother
    el gran hermano te observa or te vigila Big Brother is watching you
    masculine Grand Master
    masculine grand master
    masculine international grand master
    feminine grand opera
    masculine Grand Prix
    el gran público the general public
    el gran simpático the sympathetic nervous system
    feminine ( Esp) large supermarket, hypermarket ( BrE)
    mpl department store
    masculine, feminine
    A (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name, leading player
    uno de los tres grandes de la industria automovilística one of the big three names o one of the big three in the car industry
    B ( esp AmL)
    (mayor): quiero ir con los grandes I want to go with the big boys/girls
    la grande ya está casada their eldest (daughter) is already married
    2 (adulto) grown-up
    (Spanish) grandee o nobleman
    ( RPl)
    la grande the big prize, the jackpot
    sacarse la grande (literal) to win the big prize o the jackpot
    se sacó la grande con ese marido she hit the jackpot with that husband
    * * *


    grande adjetivo
    gran is used before singular nouns

    a) ( en dimensiones) ‹casa/área/nariz big, large;

    unos grande almacenes a department store

    c) ( en número) ‹ familia large, big;

    clase big;
    la gran parte or mayoría the great majority
    a) ( alto) tall;

    ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!

    b) ( en edad):

    ya son grandes they are all grown up now
    3 (Geog):

    4 ( delante del n)
    a) (notable, excelente) great;

    b) ( poderoso) big;

    a lo grande in style
    a) (en intensidad, grado) ‹pena/honor/ventaja great;

    explosión powerful;
    ¡me llevé un susto más grande … ! I got such a fright!;

    una temporada de gran éxito a very o a highly successful season;
    son grandes amigos they're great friends;
    eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely true;
    ¡qué mentira más grande! that's a complete lie!
    b) ( elevado):

    a gran velocidad at high o great speed;

    volar a gran altura to fly at a great height;
    un gran número de personas a large number of people;
    objetos de gran valor objects of great value;
    en grande: lo pasamos en grande we had a great time (colloq)
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    a) ( mayor):

    b) ( adulto):

    grande adjetivo
    1 (tamaño) big, large
    grandes almacenes, department stores
    2 (cantidad) large
    3 fig (fuerte, intenso) great: es un gran músico, he is a great musician
    ♦ Locuciones: a lo grande, in style
    figurado pasarlo en grande, to have a great time
    ' grande' also found in these entries:
    - alfombra
    - ampliar
    - ampliación
    - armatoste
    - así
    - bastante
    - bestial
    - bloque
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabezón
    - cabezona
    - cabezudo
    - cajón
    - calabacín
    - campeonato
    - cantidad
    - canto
    - ciudad
    - colosal
    - consideración
    - fenomenal
    - formidable
    - gran
    - hermosa
    - hermoso
    - incalculable
    - ingeniosa
    - ingenioso
    - mía
    - mío
    - monstruosa
    - monstruoso
    - monumental
    - nuestra
    - nuestro
    - pila
    - puerta
    - quedar
    - señor
    - suficientemente
    - suma
    - sumo
    - terraza
    - tirada
    - tremenda
    - tremendo
    - venir
    - bailar
    - above
    - ample
    - army
    - awful
    - bag
    - baggy
    - bay
    - big
    - boat
    - border
    - box
    - breaker
    - brush
    - bulk
    - carve
    - cauldron
    - cushion
    - deposit
    - enough
    - extend
    - grand
    - great
    - grow
    - hers
    - in
    - integrate
    - large
    - lion
    - manufacturer
    - marrow
    - mighty
    - mine
    - outrank
    - overgrown
    - paving stone
    - place
    - roller
    - set on
    - set upon
    - slight
    - spanking
    - style
    - tablespoonful
    - tea urn
    - temptation
    - terrific
    - time
    - to
    - tub
    * * *
    grande gran is used instead of grande before singular nouns (e.g. gran hombre great man).
    1. [de tamaño] big, large;
    este traje me está o [m5] me queda grande this suit is too big for me;
    el gran Buenos Aires/Santiago greater Buenos Aires/Santiago, the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires/Santiago;
    el cargo le viene grande he's not up to the job;
    pagó con un billete de los grandes he paid with a large note
    grandes almacenes department store; Fot gran angular wide-angle lens;
    la Gran Barrera de Coral the Great Barrier Reef;
    Gran Bretaña Great Britain;
    gran danés Great Dane;
    Hist la Gran Depresión the Great Depression;
    gran ducado grand duchy;
    la Gran Explosión the Big Bang;
    la Gran Guerra the Great War;
    los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes;
    gran maestro [en ajedrez] grand master;
    Hist Gran Mogol Mogul;
    la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China);
    Dep Gran Premio Grand Prix; Hist el Gran Salto Adelante the Great Leap Forward;
    gran slam [en tenis] grand slam;
    Esp Com gran superficie hypermarket
    2. [de altura] tall;
    ¡qué grande está tu hermano! your brother's really grown!
    3. [en importancia] great;
    una gran mujer a great woman;
    los grandes bancos the major banks;
    la gran mayoría está a favor del proyecto the great o overwhelming majority are in favour of the project;
    el éxito se debe en gran parte a su esfuerzo the success is largely due to her efforts, the success is in no small measure due to her efforts
    4. [en intensidad] great;
    es un gran mentiroso he's a real liar;
    ¡qué alegría más grande! what joy!
    5. Fam [adulto]
    cuando sea grande quiere ser doctora she wants to be a doctor when she grows up;
    me dijeron que todavía no soy grande como para salir solo they told me I'm not big enough to go out on my own yet
    6. Méx, RP [de edad]
    cuando se casó ya era grande she was already quite old when she got married;
    siempre se llevó bien con gente más grande he always got on well with older people
    7. RP Fam [fantástico] fantastic, Br brilliant
    8. RP Irónico [genial] great;
    ayer le hice un favor y hoy me vuelve la espalda, ¡grande! great! I did him a favour and now he doesn't want to know!
    9. Comp
    hacer algo a lo grande to do sth in a big way o in style;
    vivir a lo grande to live in style;
    pasarlo en grande to have a great time
    1. [noble] grandee
    Grande de España = one of highest-ranking members of Spanish nobility
    2. [persona, entidad importante]
    uno de los grandes del sector one of the major players in the sector;
    los tres grandes de la liga the big three in the league;
    uno de los grandes de la literatura mexicana one of the big names in Mexican literature
    3. Fam
    grandes [adultos] grown-ups
    RP [en lotería] first prize, jackpot;
    sacarse la grande [en lotería] to win first prize o the jackpot;
    se sacó la grande con ese trabajo [tuvo buena suerte] she hit the jackpot with that job;
    con esa nuera que tiene le tocó la grande [tuvo mala suerte] you've got to feel sorry for her having a daughter-in-law like that
    RP Fam [fantástico] great!
    * * *
    I adj
    1 big, large;
    me viene grande the jacket is too big for me;
    el cargo le viene grande the job is too much for him
    a lo grande in style;
    pasarlo en grande have a great time
    II m/f
    1 L.Am. ( adulto) grown-up, adult;
    grandes y pequeños young and old
    2 ( mayor) eldest
    * * *
    1) : large, big
    un libro grande: a big book
    2) alto: tall
    3) notable: great
    un gran autor: a great writer
    con gran placer: with great pleasure
    5) : old, grown-up
    hijos grandes: grown children
    * * *
    grande adj
    1. (tamaño) big [comp. bigger; superl. biggest]
    ¿es muy grande el jardín? is the garden very big?
    2. (número, cantidad) large
    3. (importante) great

    Spanish-English dictionary > grande

  • 16 solicitud

    1 request (petición) (de información, permiso).
    2 application form (document).
    3 attentiveness.
    4 sales call.
    * * *
    1 (petición) request; (de trabajo) application; (- impreso) application form
    2 (instancia) petition
    3 (diligencia) solicitude, care
    solicitud de empleo job application
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=petición) [gen] request; [para puesto, beca, permiso] application

    presenté o entregué la solicitud para el trabajo — I submitted the application for the job

    denegar o rechazar una solicitud — to reject an application

    a solicitudfrm on request

    solicitud de extradiciónrequest o application for extradition

    solicitud de pago — (Com) demand note

    2) (=impreso) application form
    3) frm (=atención)
    * * *
    a) ( para trabajo) application; ( para licencia) application, request; (para información, ayuda) request

    presentar una solicitud — to submit an application/a request

    denegar una solicitud — (frml) to reject an application/a request

    b) ( formulario) application form
    2) ( preocupación) concern, solicitude (frml); ( amabilidad) kindness, thoughtfulness
    * * *
    = appeal, application, request, application form, proposal form, solicitation, expression of interest.
    Ex. Special prominence has been given to the appeals to implement this task, in which libraries have to play an influential part.
    Ex. Applications from newly graduated librarians continue to stream in for most well-advertised jobs in public and academic libraries.
    Ex. Because the co-ordination of index terms in the index description is decided before any particular request is made, the index is termed a pre-co-ordinate index.
    Ex. The file will start with the job description and personnel description, and will contain copies of the advertisement, the completed application form, references taken up, comments made during interview and the letter of appointment.
    Ex. Proposal forms for projects seeking financial assistance must be sent to UNESCO.
    Ex. Individual solicitation enabled 480 reciprocal agreements to be put in place.
    Ex. IFLA has received five expressions of interest to host the World Library and Information Congress in 2008.
    * convocatoria de presentación de solicitudes = call for expressions of interest.
    * impreso de solicitud = application form.
    * impreso de solicitud de seguro = insurance form.
    * número de solicitudes denegadas = failure rate.
    * papeleta de solicitud de préstamo = call slip.
    * presentar una solicitud = submit + application.
    * solicitud de donaciones = solicitation.
    * solicitud de empleo = job application.
    * solicitud de financiación = funding bid.
    * solicitud de inscripción = registration card.
    * solicitud de reserva = reservation form.
    * solicitud de subvención = grant proposal.
    * solicitud de subvenciones = grant writing.
    * solicitud de trabajo = job application.
    * solicitud por escrito = written application.
    * * *
    a) ( para trabajo) application; ( para licencia) application, request; (para información, ayuda) request

    presentar una solicitud — to submit an application/a request

    denegar una solicitud — (frml) to reject an application/a request

    b) ( formulario) application form
    2) ( preocupación) concern, solicitude (frml); ( amabilidad) kindness, thoughtfulness
    * * *
    = appeal, application, request, application form, proposal form, solicitation, expression of interest.

    Ex: Special prominence has been given to the appeals to implement this task, in which libraries have to play an influential part.

    Ex: Applications from newly graduated librarians continue to stream in for most well-advertised jobs in public and academic libraries.
    Ex: Because the co-ordination of index terms in the index description is decided before any particular request is made, the index is termed a pre-co-ordinate index.
    Ex: The file will start with the job description and personnel description, and will contain copies of the advertisement, the completed application form, references taken up, comments made during interview and the letter of appointment.
    Ex: Proposal forms for projects seeking financial assistance must be sent to UNESCO.
    Ex: Individual solicitation enabled 480 reciprocal agreements to be put in place.
    Ex: IFLA has received five expressions of interest to host the World Library and Information Congress in 2008.
    * convocatoria de presentación de solicitudes = call for expressions of interest.
    * impreso de solicitud = application form.
    * impreso de solicitud de seguro = insurance form.
    * número de solicitudes denegadas = failure rate.
    * papeleta de solicitud de préstamo = call slip.
    * presentar una solicitud = submit + application.
    * solicitud de donaciones = solicitation.
    * solicitud de empleo = job application.
    * solicitud de financiación = funding bid.
    * solicitud de inscripción = registration card.
    * solicitud de reserva = reservation form.
    * solicitud de subvención = grant proposal.
    * solicitud de subvenciones = grant writing.
    * solicitud de trabajo = job application.
    * solicitud por escrito = written application.

    * * *
    1 (para un trabajo) application; (para una licencia) application, request; (para información, ayuda) request
    presentar una solicitud to submit an application/a request
    denegar una solicitud ( frml); to reject an application/a request
    rechazaron mi solicitud they turned down my application/request
    recurrieron a la ONU en solicitud de ayuda they turned to the UN for help
    2 (formulario) application form
    B (preocupación) concern, solicitude ( frml); (amabilidad) kindness, thoughtfulness
    * * *


    solicitud sustantivo femenino

    ( para licencia) application, request;
    (para información, ayuda) request

    solicitud sustantivo femenino
    1 (formulario) application
    2 (diligencia, interés y rapidez) diligence
    ' solicitud' also found in these entries:
    - demanda
    - petición
    - requerimiento
    - aplicación
    - documentar
    - entregar
    - fecha
    - formato
    - impreso
    - pedido
    - presentar
    - procesar
    - appeal
    - application
    - canvassing
    - comply
    - demand
    - denial
    - diligence
    - fill out
    - hand in
    - name
    - reapply
    - refusal
    - request
    - send in
    - approach
    - claim
    * * *
    1. [petición] [de información, permiso] request;
    [de puesto, préstamo, beca] application;
    a solicitud de at the request of;
    en estos momentos no podemos atender su solicitud we are unable to respond to your request at this time
    2. [documento] application form
    3. [atención] attentiveness;
    con solicitud attentively
    * * *
    f application, request
    * * *
    1) : solicitude, concern
    2) : request
    3) : application
    * * *
    1. (en general) request
    2. (para empleo, beca) application
    ¿has hecho la solicitud? have you made the application?
    3. (impreso) application form

    Spanish-English dictionary > solicitud

  • 17 relevante

    1 outstanding, important.
    2 relevant, pertinent.
    * * *
    1 (significativo) relevant
    2 (importante) excellent, outstanding
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=destacado) outstanding
    2) (=pertinente) relevant
    * * *
    adjetivo notable, outstanding
    * * *
    = convenient, leading, pertinent, relevant, fit for purpose, selected, outstanding, important.
    Ex. The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. An organisation engaged in the preparation of abstracts for some information tool cannot realistically hope to compile an abstract for every document that is pertinent to the topic that aims to cover.
    Ex. Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.
    Ex. Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex. This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex. The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser relevante = commend + Reflexivo + for + situation, be to the point.
    * ser relevante para = have + bearing on.
    * * *
    adjetivo notable, outstanding
    * * *
    = convenient, leading, pertinent, relevant, fit for purpose, selected, outstanding, important.

    Ex: The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: An organisation engaged in the preparation of abstracts for some information tool cannot realistically hope to compile an abstract for every document that is pertinent to the topic that aims to cover.
    Ex: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.
    Ex: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.
    Ex: This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex: The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * seleccionar como relevante = hit.
    * ser relevante = commend + Reflexivo + for + situation, be to the point.
    * ser relevante para = have + bearing on.

    * * *
    notable, outstanding
    es el rasgo más relevante de su personalidad it is the most notable o outstanding feature of her personality
    ocupa un cargo relevante en la empresa she has one of the top jobs o an important job in the company
    * * *


    relevante adjetivo
    notable, outstanding
    relevante adjetivo
    1 (una persona) prominent
    2 (un asunto, trabajo) important, outstanding: considera y valora únicamente los datos relevantes, only take the most important details into account
    no es un dato relevante para nuestra investigación, the resulting information is not important for our investigation
    ' relevante' also found in these entries:
    - señalada
    - señalado
    come into
    - scan
    - relevant
    * * *
    outstanding, important
    * * *
    adj relevant
    * * *
    : outstanding, important

    Spanish-English dictionary > relevante

  • 18 машина

    engine, frame текст., machine
    * * *
    маши́на ж.
    1. machine
    2. ( двигатель) engine
    3. ( автомобиль) car; truck; vehicle
    агломерацио́нная маши́на — sintering machine
    агломерацио́нная маши́на для пе́рвой ста́дии о́бжига — first-pass sintering machine
    агломерацио́нная маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — continuous sinter machine
    агрега́тная маши́на — integrated machine
    адресова́льная маши́на полигр.addressing machine
    алфави́тная маши́на полигр.alphabet cutting and printing machine
    аппретиро́вочная маши́на кож. — finishing [seasoning, sizing] machine
    аппретиро́вочная, щё́точная маши́на кож.brushing machine
    аппрету́рная маши́на текст.finishing machine
    армату́рно-намо́точная маши́на — wire-winding machine
    ба́герно-элева́торная маши́на — dredging-and-hoisting machine
    балансиро́вочная маши́на — balancing machine
    балластиро́вочная маши́на — ballasting machine, ballast router
    банда́жно-ги́бочная маши́на — tyre-bending machine
    бандеро́льная маши́на — banderoling machine
    банкоукла́дочная маши́на — can packing machine
    бё́рдочная маши́на текст.reed-making machine
    бетони́рующая маши́на — concreting machine
    бетоноотде́лочная маши́на — concrete-finishing machine
    бетонораспредели́тельная маши́на — concrete-distributing [concrete-spreading] machine
    бетоноукла́дочная маши́на — concrete-placing machine
    бетоноукла́дочная маши́на с уплотня́ющим вибробру́сом — concrete vibratory machine, vibratory concrete placer
    бигова́льная маши́на полигр.bending machine
    билетопеча́тающая маши́на — ticket printing machine
    бинторе́зальная маши́на текст.cloth-slitting machine
    бланширо́вочная маши́на — blanching machine, blancher
    бланширо́вочно-очисти́тельная маши́на — peeling scalder, scalder-peeler
    бобине́товая маши́на текст.curtain-lace machine
    бобине́товая, двухря́дная маши́на текст.double-tier net machine
    бобиноре́зальная маши́на и перемо́точная маши́на полигр.slitting-and-rewinding machine
    борторе́зательная маши́на рез. — bead cutter, debeading machine
    ботвоубо́рочная маши́на — haulm gatherer, top-gathering machine
    ботвоудаля́ющая маши́на — haulm removing machine
    бочкоразли́вочная маши́на — cask racking machine, cask racker
    бракера́жная маши́на ( для бутылок) — quality-control machine
    брако́вочно-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth rolling-and-inspection machine
    брикетиро́вочная маши́на с.-х. — tableting machine; ( для сена) wafering machine, hay cuber
    бронзирова́льная маши́на полигр.bronzing machine
    брошюро́вочная маши́на — bookbinding machine
    буквонабо́рная маши́на — typesetter
    буквофотографи́рующая маши́на — photocomposing machine, photosetter
    бумагоде́лательная маши́на — paper-making machine
    бумагообмо́точная маши́на — paper-lapping machine
    бумагоре́зальная маши́на — paper-curting machine, (paper) cutter
    бунтовяза́льная маши́на прок.wiring machine
    бури́льная маши́на
    1. rock drill, drilling machine, stoper, drifter
    бури́льная, враща́тельная маши́на — rotative drill, rotative drilling machine
    бури́льная, коло́нковая маши́на — air-leg rock drill, air drifter
    бури́льная, молотко́вая маши́на — hammer drill, hammer drilling machine
    бури́льная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — compressed-air drill, compressed-air drilling machine
    бури́льная, ручна́я маши́на — hand-held [jack hammer] drill, hand-held drilling machine
    бури́льная, телескопи́ческая маши́на — air-feed [telescopic] drill, air-feed stoper, telescope drilling machine
    бури́льная, уда́рно-враща́тельная маши́на — rotative-percussive drill, rotative-percussive drilling machine
    бури́льная, уда́рно-поворо́тная маши́на — percussive drill, percussive drilling machine
    бури́льная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric drill, electric drilling machine
    буросбо́ечная маши́на — hole drilling machine
    бутылкомо́ечная маши́на — bottle washing machine
    бухга́лтерская маши́на — accounting machine
    ва́куум-зака́точная маши́на — vacuum seaming machine
    ва́куум-меси́льная маши́на — vacuum kneading machine
    ва́куум-разли́вочная маши́на — vacuum filling machine, vacuum filler
    ва́куум-укупо́рочная маши́на — vacuum capping [vacuum closing] machine
    ва́куум-упако́вочная маши́на — vacuum packing machine, vacuum packer
    ва́куум-формо́вочная маши́на — vacuum-forming machine
    ва́личная маши́на кож.striking-out machine
    ва́личная, разводна́я маши́на кож.scouring roller
    ва́лочная маши́на лес.felling machine
    валя́льная маши́на — planking machine
    валя́льная, цилиндри́ческая маши́на — rotary milling machine
    валя́льно-во́йлочная маши́на — bumping machine
    ва́фельная маши́на — wafer machine
    ве́ечная маши́на — winnowing machine, winnower
    вероя́тностная маши́на киб.probabilistic machine
    вертика́льно-ко́вочная маши́на — vertical forging machine
    взбива́льная маши́на пищ. — beater, beating [wrip(ping), whisk(ing) ] machine
    вибрацио́нная маши́на — vibration machine
    вибрацио́нная, безуда́рная маши́на — shock-free vibration machine
    вибрацио́нная, резона́нсная маши́на — resonant vibration machine
    виброукла́дочная маши́на пищ.vibropacker
    воздуходу́вная маши́на — air blower
    волокноотдели́тельная маши́на — fibre-extracting machine
    волососго́нная маши́на — unhairing machine
    волочи́льная маши́на — drawing machine
    ворсова́льная маши́на — carding [raising, nepping] machine
    ворсова́льная маши́на двойно́го де́йствия — double-acting raising machine
    ворсова́льная, ши́шечная маши́на — gig(ging) [raising (teasel)] machine
    ворсова́льная, щё́точная маши́на — brushing machine
    ворсоре́зная ди́сковая маши́на — circular knife fustian machine
    вру́бовая маши́на — coal cutter
    вру́бовая, ба́шенная маши́на — turret coal cutter
    вру́бовая, ди́сковая маши́на — disk coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для ве́рхней подру́бки — overcut coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для дугово́го вру́ба — arcwaller, arcwall cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для ни́жней зару́бки — undercut coal cutter
    вру́бовая, короткозабо́йная цепна́я маши́на — chain breast coal cutter
    вру́бовая, многоба́ровая маши́на — multijib coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на на гу́сеничном ходу́ — crawler-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на на ре́льсовом ходу́ — track-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая, уда́рная маши́на — percussive coal cutter
    вру́бовая, универса́льная маши́на
    1. long wall — short wall coal cutter
    2. universal coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на, устано́вленная на конве́йере — conveyer-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая, электри́ческая маши́на — electric coal cutter
    вру́бо(во)-нава́лочная маши́на — cutting-loading machine
    вру́бо(во)-отбо́йная маши́на — cutting-winning machine
    вста́вочная маши́на полигр.inserter
    вста́вочно-шве́йная маши́на полигр.inserter-stitcher
    встря́хивающая маши́на литейн.jarring machine
    выбивна́я маши́на — shake-out machine
    вы́бойная маши́на пищ. — (flour) packing machine, (flour) packer
    вы́мольная маши́на — bran finisher
    высадкопоса́дочная маши́на — planter
    вы́садочная маши́на метал. — upsetting [beading] machine
    высека́льная маши́на полигр.die-cutting machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на [ВМ] — computing machine, computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на рабо́тает в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — a computer operates in real time
    настра́ивать вычисли́тельную маши́ну на реше́ние зада́чи — set up a computer for a (given) problem
    осуществля́ть обще́ние (челове́ка) с вычисли́тельной маши́ной — interact with a computer, carry out a dialogue with a computer
    применя́ть вычисли́тельную маши́ну для автоматиза́ции прое́ктных рабо́т — use a computer as a design tool [as an aid to design]
    рабо́тать на вычисли́тельной маши́не — run a computer
    вычисли́тельная, автокорреляцио́нная маши́на — autocorrelation computer
    вычисли́тельная, ана́логовая маши́на [АВМ] — analog computer
    ана́логовая вычисли́тельная маши́на не произво́дит дискре́тного счё́та — an analog computer does not operate on digital numbers
    вычисли́тельная, ана́логовая пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic analog computer
    вычисли́тельная, ана́лого-цифрова́я маши́на — analog-digital [hybrid] computer
    вычисли́тельная, асинхро́нная маши́на — asynchronous computer
    вычисли́тельная, беза́дресная маши́на — no-address [zero-address] computer
    вычисли́тельная, биони́ческая маши́на — bionic computer
    вычисли́тельная, быстроде́йствующая маши́на — high-speed computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на второ́го поколе́ния — second-generation computer
    вычисли́тельная, гибри́дная маши́на — hybrid [analog-digital] computer
    вычисли́тельная, двои́чная маши́на — binary [radix two] computer
    вычисли́тельная, двуха́дресная маши́на — two-address computer
    вычисли́тельная, десяти́чная маши́на — decimal computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для автомати́ческого [маши́нного] перево́да — translation machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для аэрокосми́ческих иссле́дований — aerospace computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для комме́рческих расчё́тов — business computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для нау́чных расчё́тов — scientific computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для обрабо́тки да́нных — data-processing computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для обрабо́тки результа́тов пе́реписи — census computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для регистра́ции предвари́тельных зака́зов на биле́ты — reservation computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для реше́ния экономи́ческих или комме́рческих зада́ч — business computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для управле́ния произво́дственными проце́ссами — process control computer
    вычисли́тельная, игрова́я маши́на — game(-playing) machine
    вычисли́тельная, информацио́нно-логи́ческая маши́на — information-logical machine
    вычисли́тельная, информацио́нно-статисти́ческая маши́на — fife computer
    вычисли́тельная, кла́вишная маши́на — keyboard computer
    вычисли́тельная, координа́тная маши́на — point-to-point computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на косми́ческого корабля́ — spaceborne computer
    вычисли́тельная, ла́мповая маши́на — electron(ic) tube computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на ма́лого быстроде́йствия — low-speed computer
    вычисли́тельная, многоа́дресная маши́на — multiaddress computer
    вычисли́тельная, навигацио́нная маши́на — navigation computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на микроминиатю́рных бло́ках — microcircuit computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на мо́дулях — modular(ized) computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на перфока́ртах — punch(ed)-card computer
    вычисли́тельная, насто́льная маши́на — desk(-top) computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на стру́йных элеме́нтах — fluid [fluidics] computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на твё́рдых элеме́нтах — solid-state computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на транзи́сторах — transistor(ized) computer
    вычисли́тельная, обуча́ющая маши́на — teaching machine
    вычисли́тельная, одноа́дресная маши́на — single-address computer
    вычисли́тельная, опти́ческая маши́на — optical computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на паралле́льного де́йствия — parallel computer
    вычисли́тельная, перифери́ческая маши́на — peripheral computer
    вычисли́тельная, перфорацио́нная маши́на — ( на картах) punched-card computer; ( на лентах) punched-tape computer
    вычисли́тельная, полупроводнико́вая маши́на — solid-state [transistor] computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на последова́тельного де́йствия — serial computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на потенциа́льного ти́па — direct-current computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на, рабо́тающая в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — real-time computer
    вычисли́тельная, реле́йная маши́на — relay computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с автомати́ческой после́довательностью опера́ций — automatic sequence computer
    вычисли́тельная, самоорганизу́ющаяся маши́на — self-organizing computer
    вычисли́тельная, самопрограмми́рующая маши́на — self-programming computer
    вычисли́тельная, сверхма́лая маши́на — minicomputer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с вне́шним программи́рованием — externally program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с жё́сткой програ́ммой — fixed-program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с запомина́емой програ́ммой — stored-program computer
    вычисли́тельная, синхро́нная маши́на — synchronous computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с набо́рной програ́ммой — wired program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с набо́рными ди́сками — dialing set computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с переме́нной длино́й сло́ва — variable word length computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с периодиза́цией реше́ния — repetitive computer
    вычисли́тельная, специализи́рованная маши́на — special purpose computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с пла́вающей запято́й — floating-point computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с програ́ммным управле́нием — program-controlled computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с програ́ммным управле́нием от перфока́рт — card-programmed computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с совмеще́нием опера́ций — simultaneous computer
    вычисли́тельная, статисти́ческая маши́на — statistical machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с фикси́рованной запято́й — fixed-point computer
    вычисли́тельная, универса́льная маши́на — general-purpose [universal, all-purpose] computer
    вычисли́тельная, управля́ющая маши́на — control computer
    вычисли́тельная, центра́льная маши́на — central computer
    вычисли́тельная, цифрова́я маши́на [ЦВМ] — digital computer
    вычисли́тельная, цифрова́я интегри́рующая маши́на — incremental computer
    вычисли́тельная, электромехани́ческая маши́на — electromechanical machine
    вычисли́тельная, электро́нная маши́на — electronic computer
    вышива́льная маши́на — embroidery machine
    вяза́льная маши́на
    1. текст. knitting machine
    2. с.-х. tying [bale tie] machine
    вяза́льная маши́на ворсово́го переплете́ния — burl-knitting machine
    вяза́льная, ла́стичная пло́ская маши́на — flat rib knitting machine
    вяза́льная маши́на ни́зкого кла́сса — coarse-gauge machine
    вяза́льная, ова́льная маши́на — oval knitting machine
    вяза́льная, шту́чная маши́на — body-length machine
    газоопа́ливающая маши́на текст. — gassing [gas-singeing] machine
    газоре́зательная маши́на — gas-cutting [flame-cutting] machine
    газоре́зательная, ацетиле́но-кислоро́дная маши́на — oxyacetylene-cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, двухконсо́льная маши́на — double-cantilever cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, копирова́льная маши́на — flame-profiling machine
    газоре́зательная, многопла́менная маши́на — multiple-blowpipe [multiple-burner] machine
    газоре́зательная, поля́рно-координа́тная маши́на — radial articulated-arm cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, порта́льная маши́на — gantry cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, порта́льная маши́на для ре́зки двух листо́в — double portal cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, прямоуго́льно-координа́тная маши́на — cross carriage cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, тру́бная маши́на — pipe cutting machine
    газосва́рочная маши́на — gas welding machine, gas welder
    галто́вочная маши́на — tumbling machine
    гарди́нно-тю́левая маши́на — bobbinnet machine
    гвоздезабивна́я маши́на — nailing machine, nailer
    гвозди́льная маши́на — wire-nail machine
    ги́бочная маши́на — bending [forming] machine, bender
    ги́бочная, валко́вая маши́на — roller-bending machine
    ги́бочная, полосова́я маши́на — bar-bending machine
    гидравли́ческая маши́на — hydraulic machine
    гилпавли́ческая, диагона́льная маши́на — mixed-flow machine
    гидравли́ческая, клепа́льная маши́на — hydraulic rivet(t)ing machine
    гидравли́ческая, лопа́точная маши́на — impeller machine
    гидравли́ческая, объё́мная маши́на — positive-displacement machine
    гидравли́ческая, одноколё́сная маши́на — single-impeller machine
    гидравли́ческая, осева́я маши́на — axial-flow machine
    гидроочистна́я маши́на — hydroblasting machine
    глади́льная маши́на — ironing machine, ironer
    глазиро́вочная маши́на — glazing [coating, covering, icing] machine, enrober
    глянцева́льная маши́на кфт.glazing machine
    го́рная маши́на — mining machine
    горячевы́садочная маши́на — hot upsetting machine
    маши́на горя́чей полиро́вки кож.burnishing machine
    гофриро́вочная маши́на
    1. текст. crimping [pleating] machine
    2. метал. corrugator
    гравирова́льная маши́на полигр. — engraving machine, engraver
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на — comb(er), combing machine, nip comb(er)
    гребнечеса́льная, двупо́льная маши́на — double-action comber
    гребнечеса́льная, двусторо́нняя маши́на — two-sided rectilinear comber
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — square motion comber
    гребнечеса́льная, одина́рная маши́на — single-nip comber
    гребнечеса́льная, односторо́нняя маши́на — one-sided rectilinear comber
    гребнечеса́льная, прямолине́йная маши́на — continental comber
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на с кру́глыми гре́бнями — circular [round] comber
    грузова́я маши́на см. грузовой автомобиль
    грузоподъё́мные маши́ны ( собирательный термин) — hoisting apparatus, hoisting machinery
    грунтова́льная маши́на текст.coating machine
    грунтосмеси́тельная маши́на — soil-mixing machine, soil [ground] mixer
    гузоубо́рочная маши́на с.-х.cotton stalk cutter
    двои́льная маши́на кож. — splitting machine, (band-knife) splitter
    деаэрацио́нная маши́на — deairing machine
    декортикацио́нная маши́на — decorticator, stripping machine
    делинтеро́вочная маши́на с.-х.delinting machine
    дели́тельная маши́на
    1. опт. ruling machine
    2. метал. dividing machine
    детермини́рованная маши́на киб.determinate machine
    диагона́льно-закро́йная маши́на — bias-cutting machine
    маши́на для бесшве́йного скрепле́ния бло́ков полигр.perfect binder
    маши́на для брикети́рования кормо́в — foragizer, forage cuber, forage waferer
    маши́на для буре́ния кро́вли — roof drilling machine
    маши́на для внесе́ния аммиака́тов — ammonia solution applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния гербици́дов — herbicide applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния минера́льных удобре́ний и ядохимика́тов — chemical applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния удобре́ний — fertilizer placer
    маши́на для возведе́ния кре́пи — support-setting machine
    маши́на для волокна́-сырца́, отбе́ливающая — raw stock bleaching machine
    маши́на для вскры́тия лё́тки — tapping drill
    маши́на для встря́хивания консе́рвных ба́нок — can shaker
    маши́на для выкола́чивания мешко́в — sack beating [sack cleaning] machine, sack cleaner
    маши́на для выра́внивания дета́лей о́буви — leveller
    маши́на для вы́резки образцо́в текст.cloth-pinking machine
    маши́на для выстила́ния та́ры — lining machine
    маши́на для гидропескостру́йной очи́стки — sand-water cleaner
    маши́на для горя́чей штампо́вки — rot die-forging machine
    маши́на для драже́, глянцо́вочная — dragee polishing machine
    маши́на для жакка́рдовых карт, копирова́льная — card-repeating machine
    маши́на для зака́тки борто́в метал.closing machine
    маши́на для зачи́стки метал.deseamer
    маши́на для земляны́х рабо́т — earth-moving machine
    маши́на для караме́льной ма́ссы, промина́льная — sugar mass kneading machine, sugar mass kneader
    маши́на для кислоро́дной ре́зки — oxygencutting machine
    маши́на для литья́ под давле́нием, литьева́я пласт.injection moulding machine
    маши́на для мерсериза́ции пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-mercerizing machine
    маши́на для мо́крой декатиро́вки, декатиро́вочная — wet decatizing machine
    маши́на для мы́ла, пили́рная — soap milling machine
    маши́на для намо́тки кишо́к — casing skeming machine
    маши́на для наре́зки маре́н — embossing [pebbling, printing] machine
    маши́на для наре́зки ниш горн.stable hole machine
    маши́на для объё́мной штампо́вки — die-forging machine
    маши́на для овоще́й, пучковяза́льная — vegetable tier, vegetable buncher
    маши́на для очи́стки отли́вок — casting cleaning machine
    маши́на для паке́тов, ва́куум-заде́лочная — vacuum bag closing [vacuum bag sealing] machine
    маши́на для перемо́тки с мотко́в на ко́нусные боби́ны, бобина́жная — cone winding [coning] machine
    маши́на для пода́чи карто́нной та́ры — carton feeding machine
    маши́на для подмета́ния у́лиц — streetsweeper
    маши́на для подпо́чвенного внесе́ния удобре́ний — subsurface applicator
    маши́на для подре́зки живо́й и́згороди — ledgecutter
    маши́на для подры́вки кро́вли горн.roof ripping machine
    маши́на для подры́вки по́чвы горн.floor ripping machine
    маши́на для поли́вочного кра́шения кож.curtain coating machine
    маши́на для прове́рки гермети́чности консе́рвных ба́нок — can testing machine, can tester
    маши́на для разли́вки мета́лла, карусе́льная — casting wheel
    маши́на для разли́вки мета́лла, ле́нточная — straight-line casting machine
    маши́на для раска́тки труб — expanding [reeling] machine
    маши́на для расшлихто́вки текст.desizing machine
    маши́на для ре́зки армату́рных сте́ржней — bar cutter, bar cropper
    маши́на для ре́зки корнепло́дов — root vegetable cutter
    маши́на для ре́зки труб — tube-cutting machine
    маши́на для ре́зки черенко́в — graft cutter
    маши́на для ро́злива в буты́лки — bottle filler
    маши́на для ро́злива молока́ во фля́ги — churn filling machine
    маши́на для ро́спуска руло́нов полигр.roll slitting machine
    маши́на для ры́бы, головоотсека́ющая — fish beheading machine
    маши́на для сбо́рки карто́нной та́ры — carton erecting machine
    маши́на для сня́тия заусе́нцев — (de)burring machine
    маши́на для спека́ния руд — ore sintering machine
    маши́на для стекле́ния кож.grater
    маши́на для стри́жки кру́пного рога́того скота́ — cattle clipper
    маши́на для сухо́го протра́вливания семя́н — seed-dusting machine
    маши́на для сухо́й очи́стки яи́ц — egg buffer
    маши́на для сшива́ния кишо́к — casing sewing machine
    маши́на для твё́рдой па́йки — brazing machine
    маши́на для тендериза́ции мя́са — meat renderizing machine, meat tenderizer
    маши́на для термофикса́ции тка́ни — fabric-baking machine
    маши́на для тка́ни, контро́льно-упако́вочная — cloth-inspection [cloth-looking, examining] machine
    маши́на для удале́ния метё́лок кукуру́зы — detasseling machine
    маши́на для удале́ния сердцеви́ны плодо́в — coring machine, corer
    маши́на для удале́ния щети́ны со свины́х туш — hog dehairing machine
    маши́на для упако́вки в бо́чки — barrel packing machine
    маши́на для упако́вки в карто́нную та́ру — carton packing machine, carton packer
    маши́на для упако́вки в я́щики — casing [case packing] machine, case packer
    маши́на для устано́вки столбо́в — pole setter
    маши́на для устано́вки шта́нговой кре́пи — roof bolting machine
    маши́на для чи́стки ламе́лей текст.drop-wire cleaning machine
    маши́на для чи́стки лица́ кож. — scudding [slating] machine
    маши́на для шитья́ внаки́дку полигр.saddle stitch machine
    маши́на для шитья́ вта́чку полигр.side stitch machine
    маши́на для штампо́вки ма́триц полигр.die-making machine
    маши́на для штенгелё́вки колб — bulb tubulating machine
    маши́на для электролити́ческого луже́ния — electrolytic tinning machine
    маши́на для электроэрозио́нной обрабо́тки — electrical discharge machine
    маши́на для эмульсио́нного травле́ния полигр.powderless etcher
    добы́чная маши́на горн. — winning [getting] machine
    дово́дочная маши́на — lapping machine
    дождева́льная маши́на — sprinkling machine, sprinkler
    дождева́льная, дальнестру́йная маши́на — long-range sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, консо́льная маши́на — boom(-type) sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, короткостру́йная маши́на — short-range sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, самохо́дная маши́на — self-propelled rainer
    дождева́льная, среднестру́йная маши́на — medium-range sprinkling machine
    дои́льная маши́на — milking machine, milker
    дои́льная маши́на с вё́драми — bucker milking machine
    доро́жно-строи́тельная маши́на — road-building machine
    древотё́рочная маши́на полигр.pulpwood log grinder
    дрена́жная маши́на — drainage machine
    дрена́жно-крото́вая маши́на — mole ditcher
    дреноукла́дочная маши́на — drain-installing machine, drainlayer
    дробестру́йная маши́на — shot blasting machine
    дробестру́йная маши́на для очи́стки прока́та от ока́лины — blast descaler
    дроби́льная маши́на лес.hogging machine
    дрожжеформо́вочная маши́на — yeast extruding machine
    дублиро́вочная маши́на — doubling machine, plying-up equipment
    жакка́рдовая маши́на — jacquard loom, jacquard machine
    жакка́рдовая, двухподъё́мная маши́на с полуоткры́тым зе́вом — open shed jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, двухпри́зменная маши́на — two-cylinder jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, одноподъё́мная маши́на — single-lift jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, одноподъё́мная однореми́зная маши́на — single-lift single-cylinder jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая маши́на с па́дающими крючка́ми — dropper jacquard loom
    жгутоотжи́мная маши́на текст.rope squeezer
    жгутопромы́вная маши́на текст. — dolly [rope-washing] machine
    жестепеча́тная маши́на полигр.tin printing press
    зава́лочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    зава́лочная маши́на для концентра́та — concentrate charging machine
    зава́лочная маши́на для ло́ма — scrap charger
    зава́лочная маши́на для сли́тков — ingot charger
    зава́лочная маши́на кра́нового ти́па — overhead(-type) charging machine
    зава́лочная, лотко́вая маши́на — Calderon scrap charger
    зава́лочная, напо́льная маши́на — low-ground (type) charging machine
    зава́лочная, передвижна́я маши́на — mobile box charger
    зава́лочная, поворо́тная маши́на — rotary charger
    зава́лочная, подвесна́я маши́на — overhead(-type) charging machine
    зава́рочная маши́на свз.sealing-in machine
    завё́рточная маши́на — wrapping machine, wrapper
    заги́бочная маши́на — collaring machine
    загру́зочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    зака́лочная маши́на — quenching [hardening] machine
    зака́точная маши́на
    1. метал. beading machine
    2. ( для консервных банок) (can-)sealing [seaming, edge-curling] machine, seamer
    зака́точная маши́на для сига́р — cigar rolling machine, cigar roller
    закла́дочная маши́на горн. — packing [stowing] machine, stower
    закла́дочная, мета́тельная маши́на — gob stower
    закла́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — blast stower
    закла́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на ни́зкого давле́ния — low pressure air stower
    закле́ивающая маши́на пищ. — glu(e)ing [gumming] machine
    заклё́почно-обка́тная маши́на — rivet spinner
    закре́почная маши́на кож.bar tacking machine
    закро́йная маши́на — cloth-cutting machine
    зама́сливающая маши́на текст.oil padding machine
    запа́ечная маши́на ( для запайки концов жестяных консервных банок) — end soldering machine
    запра́вочная маши́на метал.fettling machine
    затяжна́я маши́на кож. — lasting machine, laster
    зацентро́вочная маши́на ( для трубных заготовок) — centring machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для огнево́й зачи́стки кислоро́дно-ацетиле́новым пла́менем — oxy-acetylene scarfing machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для сли́тков — pecling machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для шпал — tie spot machine
    зачи́стная, фре́зерная маши́на — milling machine
    заши́вочная маши́на ( для мешкотары) — (bag-)closing machine
    землеро́йная маши́на — earth-moving machine
    землеро́йно-фре́зерная маши́на — excavating milling machine
    зерни́льная маши́на полигр. — grainer, graining machine
    зерноочисти́тельная маши́на — grain-cleaning machine, grain cleaner
    зерноочисти́тельная, ветрорешё́тная маши́на — air-and-screen cleaner
    зерносортиро́вочная маши́на — grain grader
    золотопромы́вочная маши́на — gold washer
    зубозака́лочная маши́на — tooth-quenching machine
    известегаси́льная маши́на — lime-slaking machine
    измельчи́тельная маши́на пищ. — mincer, mincing [reducing] machine, shredder
    измери́тельная маши́на кож.leather-measuring machine
    инерцио́нно-уда́рная маши́на — impact power tool
    информацио́нная маши́на — data-processing [information] machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на — testing machine, tester
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на абрази́вное изна́шивание — abrasive tester
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на растяже́ние — сжа́тие — direct stress machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на скру́чивание — torsion testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на твё́рдость — hardness testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на уста́лость — fatigue [endurance] testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на уста́лость при изги́бе — rotating beam-type machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния при знакопереме́нной динами́ческой нагру́зке — alternating impact machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для материа́лов — (materials) testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для рессо́р — spring testing machine, spring testing rig
    испыта́тельная маши́на для труб — pipe-testing machine
    испыта́тельная, разры́вная маши́на — tensile-testing machine
    кабелеразмо́точная маши́на — paying-out machine
    калибро́вочная маши́на
    1. прок. gauging machine
    2. пищ. size-grading [sizing] machine, size grader, sizer
    камнебури́льная маши́на — rock-boring [rock-drilling] machine
    камнеотбо́рочная маши́на пищ. — stoning machine, stoner
    камнере́зная маши́на — rock-cutting [stone-cutting] machine
    камнеубо́рочная маши́на — stone-picking machine, stone [rock] picker
    канатокрути́льная маши́на — rope-twisting machine
    канто́вочная маши́на полигр.flat-and-back stripping machine
    капта́льно-окле́ечная маши́на полигр.head-banding machine
    карбонизацио́нная маши́на текст.carbonizing machine
    кардовяза́льная маши́на — card-binding [card-lacing] machine
    кардочеса́льная маши́на — card, carder, carding machine
    картоноде́лательная маши́на — cardboard machine
    картонораскро́йная маши́на — case making machine
    картоноре́зальная маши́на — cardboard cutter
    картоносека́тельная маши́на текст. — card-cutting [card-punching, card-stamping] machine
    кетлё́вочная маши́на — binding-off [looping, linking] machine
    ке́ттельная маши́на — binding-off [looping, linking] machine
    клеема́зальная маши́на полигр.gluer
    клеема́зальная и окле́ечная маши́на полигр.back glueing-and-stripping machine
    клеенама́зывающая маши́на пищ. — glu(e)ing [gumming] machine
    клеепрома́зочная маши́на пласт., кож.spreader
    клейми́льная маши́на кож. — stamping machine, marker
    клеймо́вочная маши́на маш. — stamping [marking] machine
    клепа́льная маши́на — rivet(t)ing machine, rivet(t)er
    клепа́льная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic riveting machine
    клепа́льная, уда́рная маши́на — percussion riveting machine
    книговста́вочная маши́на полигр.casing-in machine
    ко́вочная маши́на — forging machine; ( в производстве ковкого вольфрама) swager
    ко́вочная, горизонта́льная маши́на — horizontal forging machine
    ко́вочная, оса́дочная маши́на — upsetting machine
    ко́вочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — swaging machine
    ко́кильная маши́на — chill casting machine
    коконокалибро́вочная маши́на — cocoonriddling machine
    кокономота́льная маши́на — cocoon winding machine
    коконорастря́сочная маши́на — coccoon beating [beetling] machine
    колле́кторная маши́на эл.commutator machine
    колоти́льная маши́на кож.beetle
    кондиро́вочная маши́на — syrup crystallizing machine
    конфетоотса́дочная маши́на — candy deposing machine
    концерва́льная маши́на текст.pulling machine
    координа́тно-измери́тельная маши́на астр.plate-measuring engine
    копирова́льно-мно́жительная маши́на полигр.step-and-repeat (printing down) machine
    кормоприготови́тельная маши́на — food preparing machine
    корморазда́точная маши́на — feed distributor
    корнова́льная маши́на полигр. — grainer, graining machine
    корпусообразу́ющая маши́на ( для консервных банок) — body-making machine
    корпусоотли́вочная маши́на ( для драже) — core depositing machine, core depositor
    корчева́льная маши́на — root extractor, brush plough; stamper
    косточковыбивна́я маши́на — pitting [stoning] machine, pitter
    краси́льная маши́на — dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на для пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на для пря́жи на пако́вках — cop-dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на конве́йерного ти́па — conveyer piece dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle dyeing machine
    краси́льная, рециркуляцио́нная маши́на — circulating dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — jig dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на с вибра́тором — pulsator dyeing machine
    кремовзбива́льная маши́на — cream beating machine, creamer
    кромкозаги́бочная маши́на
    1. edging machine
    кругли́льно-каширова́льная маши́на полигр.rounder-and-backer
    кругловяза́льная маши́на — circular knitter, circular knitting machine, round knitting frame
    кругловяза́льная маши́на ворсово́го переплете́ния — circular fleece knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, корса́жная маши́на — circular bodice machine
    кругловяза́льная, однофонту́рная маши́на — circular knitting machine with one set of needle
    кругловяза́льная маши́на с крючко́выми и́глами — circular beard-needle [spring-needle] knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная маши́на с язычко́выми и́глами — circular latch-needle knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, уто́чная маши́на — circular weft-knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, шту́чная маши́на — body-size circular knitting machine
    круглочуло́чная маши́на — circular footwear machine, circular hose knitter
    крупосорти́ровочная маши́на — groats grader
    крупошлифова́льная маши́на — pearl mill, pearler
    крути́льная маши́на текст.twisting frame
    крути́льная маши́на двойно́го круче́ния — double-twist twisting machine
    крути́льная, двухъя́русная маши́на — two-decker machine
    крути́льная, реверси́вная маши́на мех.reversed torsion machine
    кры́твенная маши́на полигр.covering machine
    крышкоде́лательная маши́на полигр. — case-making machine, case maker
    крышкосбо́рочная маши́на полигр.case assembling machine
    куделеприготови́тельная маши́на — flax tow preparing machine, tow cleaner, tow scutcher
    куколеотбо́рочная маши́на — cockle separator, cockler
    кули́рная маши́на — loop-forming sinker web machine
    куракоубо́рочная маши́на — cotton-scraping machine
    лакирова́льная маши́на полигр.varnishing machine
    ламе́льно-пробо́рная маши́на текст.dropper pinning machine
    ла́стичная маши́на текст.cotton rib top frame
    легкова́я маши́на см. легковой автомобиль
    лентоотли́вочная маши́на — sheet-forming machine
    лентосва́рочная маши́на — strip-welding machine
    лентосоедини́тельная маши́на текст.sliver lap machine
    ле́нточная маши́на текст.drawing frame
    лесова́лочная маши́на — tree breaker, tree dozer
    лесопогру́зочная маши́на — timber loader
    лесопоса́дочная маши́на — tree planting machine, tree planter
    линова́льная ди́сковая маши́на полигр.disc ruling machine
    ли́нтерная маши́на — delinter
    листоги́бочная маши́на — plate-bending [sheet-bending] machine, sheet bender
    листоги́бочная, валко́вая маши́на — roller sheet-metal bending machine
    листообразу́ющая маши́на пласт.sheet-forming machine
    листоподбо́рочная маши́на полигр. — collating(-and-gathering) machine, collator
    листоправи́льная маши́на — sheet-straightening [plate-levelling] machine, sheet straightener, sheet leveller
    листоправи́льная маши́на без регули́рования проги́ба валко́в — non-pressure regulating roller leveller
    листоправи́льная, многовалко́вая маши́на — backed-up roller leveller
    листоре́зальная маши́на полигр.sheeting machine
    листосва́рочная (стыкова́я) маши́на — straight-line seam welder
    листосортиро́вочная маши́на — sheet classifier
    лите́йная маши́на — casting [foundry] machine
    лите́йная маши́на для литья́ в постоя́нные фо́рмы — permanent-mould casting machine
    лите́йная маши́на для литья́ под давле́нием — die casting machine
    лите́йная маши́на для центробе́жного литья́ — centrifugal casting machine
    литеронабо́рная маши́на — letter-setting machine
    литогра́фская маши́на — lithographic press
    логи́ческая маши́на — logic(al) machine
    ломтере́зальная маши́на — slicing machine, slicer
    лощи́льная маши́на кож.glazing machine
    луди́льная маши́на — tinning machine
    лущи́льная маши́на — hulling machine, huller
    льнорассти́лочная маши́на — flax spreading machine
    льнотрепа́льная маши́на — flax scutching machine, flax scutcher
    магнитоэлектри́ческая маши́на — permanent-magnet machine
    малоформа́тная вкла́дочная маши́на полигр.stuffer
    маркирова́льная маши́на ( для почты) — franker
    маркиро́вочная маши́на — labelling [marking] machine
    маркиро́вочная, краскопеча́тная маши́на — ink marker
    математи́ческая маши́на — mathematical machine
    ма́трично-гравирова́льная маши́на — matrix-engraving machine
    мездри́льная маши́на кож.pelt fleshing machine
    мере́йная маши́на кож.boarding machine
    мери́льная маши́на текст.measuring machine
    мери́льно-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth winding-and-measuring machine
    мери́льно-склада́льная маши́на текст.cloth measuring-and-lapping machine
    мерсеризацио́нная маши́на — mercerizing machine
    меси́льная маши́на (напр. тестомесительная машина) — kneading machine, kneader (e. g., dough-kneader machine, dough-kneader)
    мно́жительная маши́на — duplicating machine, duplicator
    мно́жительная, офсе́тная маши́на — offset duplicator
    мо́ечная маши́на — washing machine, washer
    мо́ечная, бараба́нная маши́на — drum-type washer
    мо́ечная, бесщё́точная маши́на — brushless washer
    мо́ечная, вентиля́торная маши́на — ventilator washer
    мо́ечная, вибрацио́нная маши́на — shaker washer
    мо́ечная, карусе́льная маши́на — wheel washer
    мо́ечная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle-type [flapper] washer
    мо́ечная, противото́чная маши́на — counter-current washer
    мо́ечная, прямото́чная маши́на — straight-through [straightway(-type) ] washer
    мо́ечная, ро́торно-элева́торная маши́на — squirrel cage washer
    мо́ечная, тунне́льная маши́на — tunnel washer
    мо́ечная, цепна́я маши́на — chain-type washer
    мо́ечная, шне́ковая маши́на — screw-type washing machine
    мо́ечная, шпри́цевая маши́на — spray washer
    мо́ечная, щё́точная маши́на — brush washer
    мо́ечная, элева́торная маши́на — elevator washing machine, elevator washer
    маши́на мо́крого шлифова́ния кож.wet-buffing machine
    монпансе́йная маши́на — drop roller machine
    мота́льная маши́на текст. — winding machine, winder
    мота́льная, веретё́нная маши́на — spindle winding machine
    мота́льная, горизонта́льная маши́на — drum winding machine, winding frame with horizontal spindles
    мота́льная, двусторо́нняя маши́на — double-faced [double-sided] winding machine
    мота́льная, клубо́чная маши́на — balling [ball-winding] machine
    мота́льная, паралле́льная маши́на — cheese-winding machine
    мота́льная, перего́нная маши́на — redrawing [rewinding] machine
    мота́льная, поча́точная маши́на — cop-winding machine
    мота́льная маши́на с кана́вчатыми бараба́нчиками — drum winding machine, split drum winder
    мота́льная маши́на с разрезны́ми бараба́нчиками — slit-drum winding machine
    мягчи́льная маши́на текст.cloth mellowing machine
    мя́льная маши́на текст.breaking machine
    мя́льно-трепа́льная маши́на — scutching-and-braking machine, breaker and scutcher
    набивна́я маши́на пищ. — stuffing machine, stuffer
    набивна́я, поршнева́я маши́на — piston-type stuffer
    набо́рная маши́на — typesetting [composing] machine, typesetter
    набо́рная, буквоотливна́я маши́на — typecasting machine
    набо́рная, буквоотливна́я крупноке́гельная маши́на — display type-casting machine
    набо́рная маши́на для отли́вки стереоти́пов — stereotype plate casting machine
    набо́рная, пробе́льно-лине́ечная маши́на — material maker
    набо́рная, строкоотливна́я маши́на — slug-casting machine
    набо́рная, строкоотливна́я крупноке́гельная маши́на — display type linecaster
    набо́рная, строкопеча́тающая маши́на — composition-by-typing system
    набо́рная, строкопроеци́рующая маши́на — photographic type composition machine
    набо́рно-пи́шущая маши́на — typewriter
    набо́рно-фотографи́рующая маши́на — phototypesetting machine
    маши́на на железнодоро́жном ходу́, бурова́я — rail-riding drilling machine
    нака́тная маши́на
    1. метал. knurling machine
    2. текст. rolling(-up) [batching] machine
    намо́точная маши́на — winding machine
    наполни́тельная маши́на пищ. — filler, filling machine
    наполни́тельная и заде́лочная маши́на ( для тары) — filling-and-sealing machine
    наполни́тельная, многопатро́нная маши́на — multihead filler
    насти́лочная маши́на текст.cloth-laying machine
    маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — continuous(-type) machine
    маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия, отва́рочная — continuous boil-off machine
    маши́на непреры́вной разли́вки — continuous casting machine
    ниткошве́йная маши́на полигр. — book sewing machine, book sewer
    носо́чная маши́на — half-hose machine
    нумерацио́нная маши́на кфт.numbering machine
    обва́лочная маши́на — boning machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на — banding machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на для руло́нов прок.coil banding machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на для таба́чных ли́стьев — tobacco looper
    обди́рочная маши́на — shucking machine, shucker; stripping machine
    обезрепе́ивающая маши́на — burring machine
    обё́рточная маши́на — covering [overwrapping] machine, wrapper
    обё́рточная маши́на для карто́нной та́ры — carton wrapping machine, carton wrapper
    обё́рточная маши́на для плё́нки — film overwrapping machine, film wrapper
    обжа́рочная маши́на — roasting machine, roaster
    обо́ечная маши́на — hulling machine, huller; scouring machine, scourer
    обо́ечная, нажда́чная маши́на — emery scouring machine, emery scourer
    обо́ечно-шелуши́льная маши́на — scouring-and-peeling machine
    обрезна́я маши́на — corner-cutting machine
    обрезна́я маши́на для кни́жных бло́ков — book trimming machine
    обручеоса́дочная маши́на — claw trussing machine
    обтяжна́я маши́на кож.pulling-over machine
    обуча́ющая маши́на — teaching machine
    овсюгоотбо́рочная маши́на — oat separator
    маши́на огнево́й зачи́стки метал. — scarfing machine, (flame) scarfer
    маши́на огнево́й фасо́нной ре́зки — flame-shape cutting machine
    оканто́вочная маши́на полигр.flat-and-back stripping machine
    окле́ечно-капта́льная маши́на полигр. — back-lining [lining-and-head-banding] machine, backliner
    око́рочная маши́на — barking machine
    опа́ливающая, пли́тная маши́на — plate singeing machine
    опа́ливающая, цилиндри́ческая маши́на — cylinder [rotary] singeing machine
    опа́лочная маши́на ( для свиных туш) — singeing machine
    оплё́точная маши́на текст.braiding machine
    опола́скивающая маши́на — rinsing machine, rinser
    опры́скивающая маши́на — spraying machine, sprayer
    маши́на опти́ческой печа́ти — optical printing machine, optical printer
    осмо́лочная маши́на — pitching machine
    основовяза́льная маши́на — warp-knitting machine, warp loom
    основовяза́льная, двойна́я маши́на — double-tricot machine
    основовяза́льная, двухфонту́рная маши́на — double-warp machine
    основовяза́льная, кру́глая маши́на — circular warp-knitting machine
    основовяза́льная, трикота́жная маши́на — raschel machine
    основовяза́льная, филе́йная маши́на — fillet machine
    остри́льная маши́на метал.bar pointer
    остри́льная, ручна́я маши́на — hand pointer
    остри́льная маши́на с электропри́водом — electric-power pointer
    отбрако́вочная маши́на — quality-control machine
    отбрако́вочная маши́на для консе́рвных ба́нок — can rejecting machine
    отде́лочная маши́на — finishing machine, finisher
    отде́лочная маши́на для листово́го мета́лла — plate-working machine
    отде́лочная, нажда́чная маши́на текст.emerizing machine
    отде́лочная, противоуса́дочная маши́на текст.compressive shrinking machine
    отжи́мная маши́на
    1. кож. wringing machine, leather wringer, samming machine
    2. текст. extracting machine
    отжи́мно-обезжи́ривающая маши́на ( для черёв) — casing stripping-and-fatting machine
    отса́дочная маши́на ( в процессе обогащения) метал. — jigging machine, jig(ger)
    отса́дочная, беспоршнева́я маши́на — air-driven pulsating jig
    отса́дочная, быстрохо́дная маши́на — fast jig washer
    отса́дочная, вибрацио́нная маши́на — pulsator jig
    отса́дочная, вибрацио́нно-поршнева́я маши́на — vibro-piston [vibro-pneumatic] jig
    отса́дочная, диафра́гмовая маши́на — diaphragm jig
    отса́дочная, дово́дочная маши́на — finishing jig
    отса́дочная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle jig
    отса́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — air-pulsated [pneumatic] jig
    отса́дочная, поршнева́я маши́на — piston [plunger] jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с механи́ческой отмы́вкой — vanning jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с неподви́жным решето́м — fixed-sieve jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с подви́жным решето́м — buddle [movable sieve] jig
    отса́дочно-формо́вочная маши́на пищ.depositing machine
    оцинко́вочная маши́на — galvanizing machine
    очисти́тельная маши́на
    1. cleaning machine, cleaner
    очисти́тельная, абрази́вная маши́на — abrasive peeler
    очисти́тельная, возду́шно-решё́тная маши́на — air-and-screen cleaner
    очисти́тельная маши́на для дрена́жных труб — drain cleaner
    очисти́тельная маши́на для форм — mould cleaning machine
    очисти́тельная, решё́тная маши́на — screen cleaner
    очисти́тельная, щё́точная маши́на — brush cleaner, brusher
    очи́стная, галто́вочная маши́на — cleaning tumbler, tumbling machine
    очи́стная маши́на для труб — pipe-swabbing machine
    очи́стная, дробемё́тная маши́на — shot-throwing machine
    очи́стная, дробестру́йная маши́на — shot-blasting machine
    па́голечная котто́нная маши́на — cotton legging machine
    па́ечная маши́на — soldering machine
    па́ечная маши́на для жестяны́х консе́рвных ба́нок — can soldering machine
    пакетиро́вочная маши́на ( для бунтов) — capstan
    пакетиро́вочная, шестишта́нговая маши́на ( для бунтов) — six pronged capstan
    пакетоде́лательная маши́на — bag making machine, bag maker
    пакетоформиру́ющая маши́на — bag forming machine, bag former
    пакова́льная маши́на полигр.bundling machine
    паниро́вочная маши́на — breading machine, breader
    паркетоотде́лочная маши́на — floor-polisher machine
    паркетостро́гальная маши́на — floor dresser
    парова́я маши́на — steam engine
    парова́я маши́на компа́унд — compound steam engine
    парова́я, прямото́чная маши́на — uniflow steam engine
    парова́я маши́на с противодавле́нием — back-pressure steam engine
    парова́я маши́на танде́м — tandem steam engine
    пемзова́льная маши́на кож.rasping machine
    пемзова́льная маши́на для отде́лки тка́ни под за́мшу — cloth pumicing machine
    пензело́вочная маши́на пищ.casing farting machine
    пенькотрепа́льная маши́на — hemp-scutching machine
    перего́нная маши́на текст. — taping [warp rebeaming] machine
    переплё́тная маши́на — bookbinding machine
    маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия — batch(-type) machine
    пероощи́пывающая маши́на — defeathering [plucking] machine, plucker
    пескостру́йная маши́на — sandblast machine
    петлеобмё́точная маши́на — button-hole machine
    печа́тная маши́на — printing machine, (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на балко́нного ти́па — balcony-type (printing) press
    печа́тная, ва́личная маши́на текст.roller printing machine
    печа́тная маши́на высо́кой печа́ти — letter (printing) press, relief printing press
    печа́тная маши́на глубо́кой печа́ти — intaglio (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухкра́сочная маши́на — two-color (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухоборо́тная маши́на — two-revolution (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухсекцио́нная маши́на — two-unit (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухъя́русная маши́на — two-decker (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для акциде́нтной проду́кции — job press, jobber
    печа́тная маши́на для двусторо́нней печа́ти — perfecting machine, perfecting press, perfector
    печа́тная маши́на для печа́ти с ги́бких форм — wrap-around (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для печа́ти спо́собом сухо́го офсе́та — dry offset press
    печа́тная маши́на для термографи́ческой печа́ти — thermographic machine
    печа́тная маши́на для трафаре́тной печа́ти — screen (process printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для шёлкотрафаре́тной печа́ти — silk-screen press
    печа́тная, листова́я маши́на — sheet-fed machine, sheet-fed (printing) press
    печа́тная, одноя́русная маши́на — floor level (printing) press
    печа́тная, одноя́русная многосекцио́нная маши́на — tandem-type press
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на — offset press
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на для двусторо́нней печа́ти — offset perfector
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на для пло́ской печа́ти — flat-bed offset press
    печа́тная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary press
    печа́тная, руло́нная маши́на — web(-fed) press
    печа́тная маши́на с набо́рными шабло́нами текст.block printing machine
    печа́тная, стоп-цили́ндровая маши́на — stopcylinder (printing) press
    печа́тная, термографи́ческая маши́на — thermographic (printing) machine
    печа́тная, ти́гельная маши́на — platen (printing) press
    печа́тная, трёхсекцио́нная маши́на двойно́й ширины́ — sextuple (printing) press
    печа́тная, универса́льная маши́на — multipurpose press
    печа́тная, фототи́пная маши́на — phototype (printing) press
    печа́тная, цилиндри́ческая маши́на текст.cylinder printing machine
    печа́тно-высека́льная маши́на — printing and die-cutting machine
    письмосортиро́вочная маши́на — letter-sorting machine
    пластифици́рующая маши́на ( для масла) — plasticizing machine
    плиссиро́вочная маши́на — pleating machine
    плосковяза́льная маши́на — flat knitting machine
    плоскопеча́тная маши́на
    1. полигр. flat-bed printing machine
    2. текст. copper-plate printing machine
    плющи́льная маши́на — upsetting machine, upsetter
    подбо́рочно-скле́ечная маши́на — glueing collector
    подбо́рочно-шве́йная маши́на — gatherer-stitcher
    подъё́мная маши́на — hoist engine
    подъё́мная маши́на на копре́ — tower winder, tower hoist
    подъё́мная маши́на слепо́го ствола́ горн.aple-shaft hoist
    подъё́мная, ша́хтная маши́на — mine winder, mine hoist
    подъё́мная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric winder, electric hoist
    пожа́рная маши́на — fire engine
    поливна́я маши́на — irrigating machine
    полиро́вочная маши́на — polishing machine
    помадовзбива́льная маши́на — fondant boiling and creaming [fondant cream beating] machine
    попере́чно-ре́зальная маши́на полигр.rotary cross cutter
    попере́чно-стрига́льная маши́на текст. — cross-cutting [cross-shearing] machine
    породопогру́зочная маши́на — rock loader, mucker
    породоубо́рочная маши́на — mucker
    породоубо́рочная, стволова́я маши́на — shaft mucker
    породоубо́рочная, стволова́я гре́йферная маши́на — grab-bucket shaft mucker
    поса́дочная маши́на — planting machine, plant setter, transplanted, mechanical planter
    посудомо́ечная маши́на — dish washing machine
    почвообраба́тывающая маши́на — tilling [cultivating] machine
    почвообраба́тывающая, фре́зерная маши́на — rotary cultivator, rotary tiller
    прави́льная маши́на — straightening [gag-straightening, flattening] machine, leveller
    прави́льная маши́на для ба́лок — beam straightener
    прави́льная маши́на для кру́глой ста́ли — round straigntener
    прави́льная маши́на для то́лстых листо́в — plate-levelling [plate-straightening] machine
    прави́льная маши́на для труб и кру́глых штанг — bar-and-tube straightening machine
    прави́льная маши́на для угловы́х про́филей — angle straightening machine
    прави́льная, многовалко́вая маши́на — multiroll straightener
    прави́льная, многоро́ликовая маши́на — multiroll straightening machine
    прави́льная маши́на плу́нжерного ти́па — plunger-type leveling machine
    прави́льная, прецизио́нная маши́на — precision leveller
    прави́льная, прутко́во-тру́бная маши́на — bar-and-tube straightening machine
    прави́льная, растя́жная маши́на — stretching machine, stretcher leveller
    прави́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — roller-type straightening machine, roll straightener
    прави́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на с косы́ми ро́ликами — cross-roll straightener
    прави́льная маши́на с геликоида́льными ро́ликами — concave roll straightener
    прави́льная маши́на с двумя́ ряда́ми ро́ликов — two-high roller leveller
    прави́льная маши́на с опо́рными ро́ликами — backed-up type roller leveller
    прави́льная маши́на с регули́рованием проги́ба валко́в — pressure regulating
    прави́льная маши́на с четырёхря́дным расположе́нием ро́ликов — four-high roller leveller
    прави́льно-растяжна́я, гидравли́ческая маши́на — hydraulic stretcher
    прессовыдувна́я маши́на — press-and-blow machine
    приви́вочная маши́на — grafting machine
    припра́вочная маши́на полигр.make-ready machine
    пробкоукупо́рочная маши́на — corking machine, corker
    проволокообвя́зывающая маши́на — wire-tying [wiring] machine
    проволокошве́йная маши́на полигр. — wire stitcher, stapler
    проволокошве́йная, коро́бочная маши́на — wire-stitching box-making machine
    проволокошве́йная, одноаппара́тная маши́на — single-bead wire stitcher
    проволокосшивна́я маши́на пищ. — wire stitching machine, wire stitcher
    прома́зочная маши́на пласт. — spreading [coating] machine
    прома́сливающая маши́на — oiling machine
    прома́сливающая, ро́ликовая маши́на — oil roll machine
    промывна́я маши́на текст. — scouring machine, scourer
    промывна́я маши́на для кусково́го това́ра — piece-scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на для пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на для тка́ни враспра́вку — broad-washing [full-width scouring] machine
    промывна́я, многоба́рочная маши́на — multitube scouring machine
    промывна́я, одноба́рочная маши́на — onetube scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на с отжимны́ми вала́ми — roller washing [rollex] machine
    промывна́я маши́на с эллипти́ческими бараба́нчиками — elliptical wince washing machine
    пропи́точная маши́на — impregnating machine
    пропи́точная, краси́льная маши́на — penetrating-type dyeing machine
    просе́ивающая маши́на — sifting [screening, bolting] machine, bolter, bolting mill
    просе́ивающая, щё́точная маши́на — brush sifting machine, brush sifter
    проти́рочная маши́на
    1. пищ. pulping machine, pulper
    2. с.-х. triturator
    проти́рочная, центробе́жная маши́на — centrifugal pulping machine
    профилеги́бочная маши́на — profile-iron bending machine
    прохо́дческая маши́на — beading [bead-road, tunneling] machine, head-roader
    прохо́дческая, погру́зочная маши́на — tunneling loading machine; headroad loader
    прошивна́я маши́на кож. — Blake [sewing] machine
    проя́вочная маши́на — processing [developing] machine
    проя́вочная, стру́йная маши́на — spray developing machine
    пряди́льная маши́на — spinning frame
    пряди́льная, боби́нная маши́на — bobbin spinning machine
    пряди́льная, камво́льная маши́на — worsted spinning machine
    пряди́льная, односторо́нняя маши́на — single-sided spinning machine
    пряди́льная маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия — mule
    пряди́льная, центрифуга́льная маши́на — centrifugal spinning machine
    пу́говичная маши́на — button machine
    пульпоотделя́ющая маши́на — depulping machine
    путеочисти́тельная маши́на ( для откаточных путей) — haulageway cleaner
    путерихто́вочная маши́на ж.-д. — track-lining machine, track liner
    пятновыводна́я маши́на — cleansing-and-spotting machine
    рабо́чие маши́ны — (собирательный термин: технологические) material-working machinery; ( транспортные) materials-handling machinery
    разби́вочная маши́на кож.staker
    разводна́я маши́на кож. — putting-out [setting-out] machine
    разгру́зочная маши́на — discharging machine
    разли́вочная маши́на
    1. метал. casting machine
    2. пищ. (liquid) filling machine, filler
    разли́вочная, гравитацио́нная маши́на — gravity filling machine
    разли́вочная маши́на для буты́лок — bottle filling machine, bottle filler
    разли́вочная, изобари́ческая маши́на — pressure-type filling machine
    разли́вочная, поршнева́я маши́на — piston filling machine
    разли́вочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary filling machine, rotary filler
    разли́вочная маши́на с противодавле́нием — counter-pressure racker
    разли́вочно-укупо́рочная маши́на — filling-and-capping machine
    разме́точная маши́на прок.measuring machine
    размоле́вочная маши́на ( устройство для роспуска пучков брёвен) — unbundling machine
    размо́льная маши́на — milling [grinding] machine
    разрывна́я маши́на полигр.tearing machine
    рантовшивна́я маши́на — welt-sewing machine
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на ( для перфокарт) вчт.collator
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на выполня́ет объедине́ние двух масси́вов перфока́рт, располо́женных в поря́дке возраста́ния или убыва́ния при́знаков, в оди́н масси́в с таки́м же поря́дком при́знаков — a collator merges two decks of cards in a ascending or descending order into a single deck of the same order
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на осуществля́ет отбо́р карт с па́рными при́знаками в двух масси́вах карт — a collator selects pairs of cards having exactly matching keys from two decks
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на отбира́ет и объединя́ет масси́вы карт — a collator carries out a match-merge operations
    распако́вочная маши́на — unpacking machine, unpacker
    распило́вочная маши́на кож.splitting machine
    распыли́тельная маши́на — pulverizing machine, pulverizer
    рассадопоса́дочная маши́на — seedling [vegetable] planter, planting machine
    растяжна́я маши́на — stretching machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-packing machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на в карто́нную та́ру — carton-filling-and-sealing machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на в паке́ты или мешки́ — bag-filling-and-closing machine
    ре́зальная маши́на — cutting machine, cutter
    ре́зальная маши́на гильоти́нного ти́па — guillotine-type cutting machine, guillotine-type cutter
    ре́зальная, двухножева́я маши́на полигр. — double-knife cutting machine, duple cutter
    ре́зальная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary cutting machine, rotary cutter
    ре́зальная маши́на с враща́ющимися лопастя́ми — rotary blade cutting machine, rotary blade cutter
    ре́зально-упако́вочная маши́на — cut-wrap machine
    ре́зательная маши́на кфт.film-slitting machine
    ре́зательная маши́на для про́фильной ре́зки метал.profile cutting machine
    рельсоги́бочная маши́на — rail-cambering machine
    рельсоправи́льная маши́на — rail straightener
    рельсосверли́льная маши́на — rail drilling machine, bonding drill
    ремизолачи́льная маши́на — varnishing machine
    рилева́льная маши́на полигр.creasing machine
    рисообди́рочная маши́на — rice-milling machine, rice scourer, rice mill
    рихтова́льная маши́на — flattener
    ро́вничная маши́на текст.roving frame
    ро́вничная, перего́нная маши́на — intermediate roving frame
    ро́вничная, та́зовая маши́на — slubbing frame
    ро́ликовая, зака́лочно-рихто́вочная маши́на — rolling-quench machine
    ро́ликовая, листоги́бочная маши́на — roll-bending [roll-forming] machine
    роликоги́бочная, непреры́вная маши́на — continuous roll-forming machine
    росткоотбо́йная маши́на — germ separating machine, germ separator, degerminating machine, degerminator
    ротацио́нно-обжи́мная маши́на — rotary-swaging machine
    руби́льная маши́на — chipping machine, wood cripper
    рулева́я маши́на — steering engine
    рулева́я, ло́пастная маши́на — vane-type steering engine
    рыборазде́лочная маши́на — fish dressing machine, fish dresser
    рыборе́зальная маши́на — fish cutting machine, fish cutter
    рыборе́зальная, ди́сковая маши́на — disk fish cutting machine
    рыбоупако́вочная маши́на — fish packing machine
    са́дочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    сажа́льная маши́на — plant setter, planter
    самообуча́ющаяся маши́на — learning machine
    сба́вочная маши́на текст.narrowing knitter
    маши́на с безреду́кторным при́водом — direct-driven machine
    сваебо́йная маши́на — ram, pile driver
    сва́рочная маши́на — welding machine, welder
    сва́рочная маши́на для металли́ческих се́ток — wire-mesh welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для релье́фной сва́рки — projection welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки — seam-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки встык — butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки с ле́нточными накла́дками — foil butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й конта́ктной сва́рки — resistance [upset] butt-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й сва́рки — butt welding machine, butt welder
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й сва́рки оплавле́нием — flash butt welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для то́чечной сва́рки — spot-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для уда́рной сва́рки — percussion-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для шо́вно-стыково́й сва́рки — butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная, и́мпульсная маши́на — shot welding machine
    сва́рочная, конденса́торная маши́на — storage-battery welding machine, electrostatic welder
    сва́рочная, конта́ктная маши́на — spot-welding [resistance welding] machine
    сва́рочная, лине́йно-ро́ликовая маши́на — seam-welding machine
    сва́рочная, многодугова́я маши́на — multiple-arc welding machine
    сва́рочная, многото́чечная маши́на — multiple-spot welding machine
    сва́рочная, однопостова́я маши́на — single-operator welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на с педа́льным при́водом — foot-operated welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на с ручны́м при́водом — hand-operated welding machine
    сва́рочная, стыкова́я маши́на — butt welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная маши́на — spot-welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная двусторо́нняя маши́на — duplex spot welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная односторо́нняя маши́на — single-spot welder
    сва́рочная, то́чечно-ро́ликовая маши́на — stitch welding machine
    сва́рочная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric welding machine
    свеклоре́зальная маши́на — beet slicing machine, beet slicer
    светокопирова́льная маши́на — blueprinting machine
    свива́льная маши́на текст.closing machine
    сдва́ивающе-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth winder-and-doubler machine
    семеочисти́тельная маши́на — seed separator, seed dresser, seed-cleaning machine, seed cleaner, seed sorter
    семепротра́вочная маши́на — seed-treating machine
    сеноубо́рочная маши́на — hay-making machine, grass harvester
    сигаре́тная маши́на — cigarette making machine
    сигаретоупако́вочная маши́на — cigarette packing machine
    сироподозиро́вочная маши́на — syruper(-filler)
    сиропоразли́вочная маши́на — syrup filling [syruping] machine
    ситове́ечная маши́на — sieve purifier
    ситцепеча́тная маши́на — cotton printing machine
    склада́льная маши́на текст. — fabric-packaging machine; cloth-piling machine
    следова́я чуло́чно-носо́чная маши́на — footer
    сливковзбива́льная маши́на — creaming [cream beating] machine, creamer
    смесова́я маши́на текст.blending machine
    сме́шивающая маши́на — blending [mixing] machine, blender, mixer
    снегова́льная маши́на — snow making machine
    снегоубо́рочная маши́на — snow removal machine
    снова́льная маши́на — beaming [chain beaming, warping] machine, warping mill
    снова́льная маши́на для жгу́товой осно́вы — warp-linking machine
    снова́льная, ле́нточная маши́на — cylinder [direct] warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на — beam [ordinary] warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с кату́шек — cheese-warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с ко́нусных боби́н — cone warping machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на — section(al) warping machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с клубко́в — ball warp beaming machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на с перего́нным механи́змом — sectional warping-and-beaming machine
    снова́льная маши́на с ко́нусным бараба́ном — cone warping machine
    сокоотжи́мная маши́на — juicing machine
    сортирова́льная маши́на
    1. ( для перфокарт) (card) sorter
    сортирова́льная маши́на группиру́ет перфока́рты по при́знаковым проби́вкам — a (card) sorter arranges (a deck of input) cards in sequence by a common key, a (card) sorter arranges [separates] (punched) cards according to a common key [a set of keys]
    2. с.-х. sizer, sorting machine, sorter, grading machine, grader
    сортирова́льная, ремё́нная маши́на с.-х.belt sorter
    сортирова́льная, решё́тная маши́на с.-х. — screen grader, screen sizer
    сортирова́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на с.-х.roller sizer
    сортирова́льно-подбо́рочная маши́на вчт.collator
    сортиро́вочная маши́на
    1. пищ. sorting machine, sorter, grading machine, grader
    2. прок. classifier
    сортиро́вочная, листова́я маши́на — sheet classifier
    сортоправи́льная маши́на прок. — section [shape, bar] straightener
    сортоправи́льная, многоро́ликовая маши́на — multiroll bar-straightening machine
    сортоправи́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — roller section-straightening [roller shape-straightening] machine
    маши́на с отпа́ривающим столо́м, щё́точная — brushing-and-steaming machine
    спека́тельная маши́на метал.sintering machine
    спло́точная маши́на ( для сплотки лесоматериалов) — bundling machine
    маши́на с поворо́тным рабо́чим о́рганом горн.ranging arm machine
    маши́на с ремё́нным при́водом — belt-driven machine
    ста́лкивательная маши́на полигр.paper sheet jogger
    стеклоду́вная маши́на ( в производстве ламп) — bulb-blowing machine
    стеклоформу́ющая маши́на — glass-forming machine
    стержнева́я маши́на литейн.core(-making) machine
    стержнева́я, поворо́тная маши́на литейн.core roll-over machine
    стира́льная маши́на — washing machine, washer
    стрига́льная маши́на — shearing machine, shearer, blade-shearing machine
    стрига́льная, бараба́нная маши́на — cylinder shearing machine
    стрига́льная, двухцили́ндровая маши́на — double-cutter shearing machine
    стрига́льная маши́на с ва́куумным при́водом — vacuum-operated clipper
    стри́пперная маши́на метал. — stripping [stripper] machine
    стро́гальная маши́на
    1. пищ. chipping machine, chipper
    2. кож. shaving machine, shaver
    струноре́зальная маши́на пищ.wire cut machine
    стыкова́я листосва́рочная маши́на — straight line seam welder
    сучкоре́зная маши́на лес. — lopping [pruning] machine
    маши́на с цепны́м стежко́м, вымё́тывающая текст.chain-stitch basting machine
    счё́тная маши́на — calculating [adding] machine, calculator
    счё́тная, автомати́ческая маши́на — automatic calculator
    счё́тная, насто́льная маши́на — desk calculator
    счё́тная, портати́вная маши́на — hand-held calculator
    счё́тная, ручна́я маши́на — manual calculator
    счё́тная маши́на с вы́бором после́довательности де́йствий — selective-sequence calculator
    счё́тная, сдво́енная маши́на — duplex calculating machine
    счё́тная, электро́нная маши́на — electronic calculator
    счё́тно-аналити́ческая маши́на — punched-card installation, punched-card machine
    счё́тно-перфорацио́нная маши́на — punched-card installation, punched-card machine
    счё́тно-сортиро́вочная маши́на — counting-and-sorting machine
    сшивна́я маши́на прок.stitcher
    табакоувлажни́тельная маши́на — tobacco humidifying machine
    таблетиро́вочная маши́на — tablet compressing [powder tabletting] machine
    таблетиро́вочная, одношта́мповая маши́на — single-punch tablet machine
    теленабо́рная маши́на — teletypesetter
    темпери́рующая маши́на — tempering machine
    теплова́я маши́на — heat engine
    тё́рочная маши́на — grating [rubbing] machine, grater
    тестовальцо́вочная маши́на — dough rolling machine, dough sheeter dough sheeting roller
    тестодели́тельная маши́на — dough dividing machine, dough divider
    тестозака́точная маши́на — dough forming machine
    тестомеси́льная маши́на — doughing [dough-making, dough kneading, dough mixing] machine, dough mixer, dough kneader
    тестомеси́льная, ви́лочная маши́на — fork-type blade dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на с враща́ющимся меси́тельным о́рганом — revolving arm dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на с двумя́ меси́льными о́рганами Z-обра́зной фо́рмы — double-Z-arm dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная, скоростна́я автомати́ческая маши́на — automatic high-speed dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на со стациона́рной дежо́й — stationary bowl dough mixer
    тестоокругли́тельная маши́на — dough rounding machine, dough rounder, dough baller
    тестоотса́дочная маши́на — dough depositing machine, dough depositor
    тесторазде́лочная маши́на — dough make-up unit
    тестоформо́вочная маши́на — dough moulding [dough forming] machine, dough shaper
    трави́льная маши́на
    1. полигр. etching machine, etcher
    2. метал. pickling machine
    трави́льная, вертика́льная маши́на полигр.vertical spray etcher
    трави́льная, однопроце́ссная маши́на полигр.powderless etcher
    трави́льная маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия метал.rocker-type pickling machine
    трави́льная маши́на с коромы́слом метал.arm pickling machine
    трамбо́вочная маши́на ( коксовой батареи) — ramming machine
    трелё́вочная маши́на — skidding machine
    трепа́льная маши́на — spreading machine, scutcher
    трепа́льная, бараба́нная маши́на — turbine scutcher
    трепа́льная, ва́тная маши́на — batting machine
    трепа́льная маши́на для табака́ — tobacco ripping machine
    трепа́льная, одноби́льная маши́на — single-scutcher [swingling] machine
    трепа́льная, отде́лочная маши́на — finisher scutcher
    трости́льная маши́на текст.slubbing frame
    трубоги́бочная маши́на — pipe-bending [tube-bending] machine
    трубонаполни́тельная и уку́порочная маши́на — tube filling-and-closing machine
    трубоправи́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary tube straightener
    труборе́зательная маши́на — pipe-cutting [tube-cutting] machine
    трубосва́рочная маши́на — pipe-welding [tube-welding] machine, pipe welder
    трубоформо́вочная маши́на — pipe-moulding machine
    маши́на трю́ковой опти́ческой печа́ти кфт.special-effects optical printer
    маши́на Тью́ринга киб.Turing('s) machine
    тяну́льная маши́на кож. — staking machine, staker
    тяну́льная маши́на для караме́льной ма́ссы — candy pulling machine
    убо́рочная маши́на с.-х. — harvester; ( для корнеплодов) digger; ( для плодов кустовых культур) picker
    убо́рочная, бу́нкерная маши́на — tanker harvester
    убо́рочная, ва́куумная маши́на — vacuum harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для вы́борочной убо́рки — selective harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для двухфа́зной убо́рки — indirect [two-phase] harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для са́харного тростника́ — cane cutter
    убо́рочная, навесна́я маши́на — linkage-mounted harvester
    убо́рочная, одноря́дная маши́на — single-row harvester
    убо́рочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — suction harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с боковы́м выгрузны́м элева́тором — side-elevator harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с измельча́ющим аппара́том — chopper harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с рассти́лочным аппара́том — mat harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с цеповы́м измельча́ющим аппара́том — flail-type harvester
    убо́рочная, узкозахва́тная маши́на — narrow-cut harvester
    увлажни́тельная маши́на
    1. пищ. humidifying machine, humidifier
    2. текст. damping [dewing] machine
    угароочища́ющая маши́на — waste cleaning machine, waste cleaner
    углепогру́зочная маши́на — coal loader
    уда́рно-вибрацио́нная маши́на — shock-and-vibration machine
    узловяза́льная маши́на — knotting machine
    уку́порочная маши́на — capping machine, capper; ( для укупорки корковой пробкой) corking machine
    уку́порочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary capping machine, rotary capper
    упако́вочная маши́на — packing machine, packer
    упако́вочная, универса́льная маши́на — multipacking machine
    упако́вочно-вяза́льная маши́на полигр. — package-tying [bundle-tying] machine
    уплотня́ющая вибрацио́нная маши́на — vibrotampering machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная маши́на — cop(-winding) [weft-winding] machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная, ди́сковая, универса́льная маши́на — universal winding-and-quilling machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная маши́на с воро́нками — cop-winding machine with guiding cones
    уто́чно-насти́лочная маши́на — cop(-winding) [weft-winding] machine
    факту́рная маши́на — accounting machine
    фальцева́льная маши́на полигр. — folding machine, folder
    фальцева́льная маши́на для бума́жных листо́в полигр.paper-folding machine
    фальцева́льная, кассе́тная маши́на полигр.buckle section folder
    фальцева́льная, многосекцио́нная маши́на полигр.section folding machine
    фальцева́льная, ножева́я маши́на полигр. — blade [knife-type] folding machine, knife folder
    фальцева́льная, ножева́я, двухтетра́дная маши́на полигр.duplex folder
    фальцева́льно-шве́йная маши́на полигр.section folding-and-stitching machine
    фальцо́вочная маши́на
    1. дер.-об. rabbeting machine
    2. метал. seaming machine
    фасо́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-filling machine
    фасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-packing machine
    филетиро́вочная маши́на — (fish) filleting machine
    фланжиро́вочная маши́на — flanger
    флотацио́нная маши́на — floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, комбини́рованная маши́на — composite floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, механи́ческая маши́на — mechanical floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, многока́мерная маши́на — multicompartment floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, пе́нная маши́на с переме́шиванием — agitation-froth machine
    флотацио́нная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic floatation machine
    флотацио́нная маши́на с меша́лкой — agitator machine
    фольгозавё́рточная маши́на — foiling machine
    фольгозавё́рточная и этикетиро́вочная маши́на — foiling-and-banding machine
    форзацприкле́ечная маши́на — end-and-front sheet pasting machine
    формиру́ющая маши́на дер.-об.forming machine
    формо́вочная маши́на
    1. метал. moulding machine, moulder
    2. пищ. moulding [forming] machine, moulder
    3. кож. squeezer
    формо́вочная, встря́хивающая маши́на — jolt moulding machine
    формо́вочная маши́на для по́чвенных горшо́чков — soil-block machine
    формо́вочная маши́на для торфоперегно́йных горшо́чков — peat-soil block press, peat-soil block machine
    формо́вочная, пескоду́вная маши́на — mould blower
    формо́вочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic moulding machine
    формо́вочная, пре́ссовая маши́на — squeeze moulding machine
    формо́вочная маши́на с поворо́тным столо́м пищ.rotary table moulding machine
    фотокопирова́льная маши́на — photocopying machine
    фотонабо́рная маши́на — photocomposing machine, photosetter
    фотосбо́рочная маши́на — step-and-repeat machine
    франкирова́льная маши́на — franker
    хлопкоубо́рочная маши́на — cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, бараба́нная шпи́ндельная маши́на — drum-type spindle picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, двухря́дная маши́на — two-row cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, цепна́я маши́на — chain (belt) cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, шпи́ндельная маши́на — spindle cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, щё́точная маши́на — brush-type cotton harvester
    хмелеубо́рочная маши́на — hop picker
    холоди́льная маши́на — refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нная маши́на — absorption refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нная водоаммиа́чная маши́на — ammonia-water absorption refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нно-компрессио́нная маши́на — absorption-compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, агрегати́рованная маши́на — packaged refrigerating unit
    холоди́льная, аммиа́чная маши́на — ammonia refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, аммиа́чно-компрессио́нная маши́на — ammonia-compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, ва́куумная маши́на — vacuum refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, возду́шная маши́на — (cold-)air refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, компрессио́нная маши́на — compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, низкотемперату́рная маши́на — low-temperature refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, парова́я маши́на — vapour refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, пароводяна́я маши́на — water vapour refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, парокомпрессио́нная маши́на — vapour compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, пароэже́кторная маши́на — steam-jet ejector refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, фрео́новая маши́на — freon refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, центробе́жная маши́на — centrifugal refrigerating machine
    холодновы́садочная маши́на — cold-upsetting machine
    холстовытяжна́я маши́на — ribbon lap(ping) machine
    цветодели́тельная маши́на — colour scanner
    цементоупако́вочная маши́на — cement bag packer
    циклё́вочная маши́на — floor grinder
    чаеглазиро́вочная маши́на — tea glazing machine, tea glazer
    чаезавя́лочная маши́на — tea leaf withering machine
    чаеподре́зочная маши́на — tea pruner
    чаеполирова́льная маши́на — tea polishing machine, tea polisher
    чаесбо́рочная маши́на го́рного ти́па — hill-side tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, гребе́нчатая маши́на — comb-type tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, мотови́льная маши́на — reel-type tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная маши́на равни́нного ти́па — level-land tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, самохо́дная маши́на — self-propelled tea-leaf harvester
    чаескру́чивающая маши́на — tea-leaf roller
    чаесортирова́льная маши́на — tea-leaf sorter
    чаесуши́льная маши́на — tea firing machine
    чаеупако́вочная маши́на — tea packing machine, tea packer, tea packet forming-and-filling machine
    чаеутру́сочная маши́на — tea shaker, tea packer
    чаеформо́вочная маши́на — tea moulding machine
    чертё́жная маши́на — drawing machine
    чеса́льная маши́на
    1. с.-х. hackle
    2. текст. card(er), carding machine
    чеса́льная, ва́личная маши́на — roller card
    чеса́льная, ва́лично-шля́почная маши́на — roller top [mixed, union] card
    чеса́льная, ва́тная маши́на — wadding card
    чеса́льная, во́йлочная маши́на — felt card
    чеса́льная, иго́льчатая маши́на — wire card
    чеса́льная, камво́льная маши́на — worsted card
    чеса́льная, приготови́тельная маши́на — breaker card
    чеса́льная, приготови́тельная однобараба́нная маши́на — single-cylinder breaker card
    чеса́льная маши́на с двумя́ съё́мными бараба́нами — double-doffer card
    чеса́льная, ро́вничная маши́на с ремешко́вым дели́телем — condenser card (with tape divider)
    чеса́льная, то́нкая маши́на — finisher card
    чи́стильная маши́на
    1. кфт. film-cleaning machine
    2. ( для жести) branning machine
    чи́стильная, щё́точная маши́на текст. — cloth brushing machine; brushing machine
    чи́стильно-мо́ечная маши́на прок.scrubbing machine
    чи́стильно-реставрацио́нная маши́на кфт.film-renovating machine
    чулочновяза́льная маши́на — hosiery [stocking] knitter
    чулочнокраси́льная маши́на — hosiery dyeing machine
    шве́йная маши́на
    1. stitch(ing) machine, stitcher
    2. кож. seamer
    шве́йная маши́на с цепны́м стежко́м — chain-stitch machine
    шелуши́льная маши́на — hulling machine, huller, dehuller, scouring machine, scourer, sheller, shucker
    шерстомо́йная маши́на — wool-scouring [wool-washing, fleece-washing, desuinting] machine
    шерстомо́йная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle wool-washing machine
    шерстосго́нная маши́на — unhairing machine
    шинкова́льная маши́на — chopping machine
    шинкова́льная маши́на для капу́сты — cabbage shredder
    шкуросъё́мная маши́на
    1. skinning machine, skinner
    2. hide pulling machine, dehider
    шле́ечная маши́на текст. — thread extractor, thread picker
    шлифова́льная маши́на
    1. пищ. polishing machine, polisher, glazing machine, glazer
    2. кож. buffing machine
    шлифова́льная, проходна́я маши́на кож.through-out buffing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на текст.sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная, бараба́нная маши́на текст.cylinder sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на для пря́жи текст.yarn sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная, жгу́товая маши́на текст. — tape [ball] sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на с возду́шной суши́лкой — hot air sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на со щё́точным прибо́ром — dressing machine
    шлямо́вочная маши́на пищ.sliming machine
    шлямодроби́льная маши́на пищ. — slime crushing machine, slime crusher
    шнекобурова́я маши́на — augering machine, auger
    шнурова́льная маши́на для загото́вок ве́рха кож.upper-lacing machine
    шнурова́льная маши́на для табака́ — tobacco stringing machine, tobacco stringer
    шнуро́чная маши́на — banding machine
    шпулеочисти́тельная маши́на — bobbin-stripping machine
    шпунто́вочная маши́на дер.-об.grooving machine
    шрифтолите́йная маши́на — typecasting machine
    штабелеразбо́рочная маши́на ( для разгрузки с поддонов) — depalletizing machine, depalletizer
    штампо́вочно-ко́вочная маши́на — forging-and-stamping machine
    штамповысека́льная маши́на полигр.die-cutting machine
    штанцева́льная маши́на полигр.punching machine
    штемпелева́льная маши́на ( для писем) — stamping machine
    щетиноскру́чивающая маши́на — hair curling machine
    щипа́льная маши́на текст.willowing machine
    электри́ческая маши́на см. соответствующие термины под рубриками электри́ческий генера́тор и электродви́гатель
    электри́ческая, вольтодоба́вочная маши́на — positive booster
    электри́ческая, вольтопонижа́ющая маши́на — negative booster
    электрографи́ческая маши́на полигр.electrographic machine
    электрографи́ческая, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary electrographic [rotary electrographic copy-making] machine
    электро́нно-вычисли́тельная маши́на — electronic computer (см. тж. ЭВМ)
    электросва́рочная маши́на — electric welding machine, electric welder
    электрострига́льная маши́на — electric clipper
    электрофо́рная маши́на — electrostatic [induction] machine
    эмульсио́нная маши́на — emulsifying machine
    энергети́ческие маши́ны (собирательный термин, общетеоретическое понятие) — energy-converting machinery
    эпилиро́вочная маши́на — fur-cutting machine
    этикетиро́вочная маши́на — labelling machine, labeller

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > машина

  • 19 profesional

    f. & m.
    1 professional, career man, pro.
    2 career woman.
    * * *
    1 (gen) professional
    1 professional
    trabaja el cuero de maravilla, es todo un profesional he does wonders with leather, he's a real professional
    * * *
    noun mf. adj.
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo <fotógrafo/deportista> professional

    su vida profesional — her work, her professional life

    masculino y femenino
    a) ( no aficionado) professional
    b) ( de las profesiones liberales) professional
    * * *
    adjetivo <fotógrafo/deportista> professional

    su vida profesional — her work, her professional life

    masculino y femenino
    a) ( no aficionado) professional
    b) ( de las profesiones liberales) professional
    * * *
    1 = practitioner, professional, pro.
    Nota: Abreviatura de professional.

    Ex: The expansion of knowledge presents an even more serious problem for other practitioners, such as managers and teachers who need to keep abreast of a relatively wide field in a general way.

    Ex: Hernandez preferred to show his gratitude and loyalty to Crane by staying on as a professional at CPFPL after he had earned his MLS.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Installing a low-cost LAN: fool-proof tips from a pro'.
    * edición especializada para profesionales = professional publishing.
    * herramienta para profesionales = specialist tool, professional tool.
    * para uso del profesional = professional-use.
    * producto para profesionales = specialist product.
    * profesional bibliotecario = library professional.
    * profesional dedicado al servicio = service professional.
    * profesional dedicado a prestar un servicio a la población = service professional.
    * profesional de la biblioteca = library professional.
    * profesional de la educación = educational professional.
    * profesional de la enseñanza = educational professional.
    * profesional de la gestión documental = information management professional.
    * profesional de la información = information officer, information professional, information worker, info pro.
    * profesional de la salud = health professional.
    * profesional de las bibliotecas y la información = library and information professional.
    * profesional de la tecnología de la información = informatics professional.
    * profesional encargado de la gestión de documentos = records professional.
    * profesionales de la información, los = information community, the.
    * profesionales de la salud = healing professions.
    * profesionales de las bibliotecas y la información, los = library and information profession, the.
    * profesionales sanitarios = healing professions.
    * profesional informático = computer professional.
    * profesional sanitario = health-care worker, health worker, health professional, health care professional.

    2 = occupational, professional, vocational, workmanlike.

    Ex: The United States Labor Department has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law and executive directives.

    Ex: Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
    Ex: Large numbers of students are choosing short vocational courses today.
    Ex: If the book fulfils a useful function for the students of this subject at the appropriate level then the author should congratulate himself on having done a useful workmanlike job.
    * afiliación profesional = professional membership, professional affiliation.
    * asesoramiento profesional = career(s) advice.
    * asesor de salidas profesionales = career(s) adviser.
    * asociación profesional = guild [gild].
    * carrera profesional = professional career.
    * código de ética profesional = professional code of ethics.
    * compartir la experiencia profesional = pool + expertise.
    * con experiencia profesional = professionally-qualified.
    * consejero sobre salidas profesionales = career counsellor.
    * contactos profesionales = networking, professional networking.
    * con titulación profesional = professionally educated.
    * con una orientación profesional = career-focused.
    * crear un fondo común de experiencias profesionales = pool + expertise.
    * cultura profesional = professional culture.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * ejército profesional = professional army.
    * ejército profesional, el = regular army, the.
    * enfermedad profesional = occupational disease.
    * establecer contactos profesionales = networking.
    * experiencia profesional = career experience, expertise, staff expertise, professional skills, professional experience.
    * experiencia profesional común = pool of expertise.
    * falta de ética científica profesional = scientific misconduct.
    * falta de ética profesional = unethical behaviour, unethical conduct, malpractice.
    * falta de ética profesional de género = sexual misconduct.
    * falta de ética profesional sexual = sexual misconduct.
    * formación profesional = vocational training, further education.
    * futuro profesional = professional future.
    * herramienta profesional = specialist tool, professional tool.
    * Junta Profesional de la IFLA = IFLA's Professional Board.
    * negligencia profesional = malpractice.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * pérdida de las técnicas profesionales = de-skilling.
    * perfil profesional = career profile.
    * poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
    * producto profesional = specialist product.
    * promoción profesional = career movement.
    * salidas profesionales = employability, job opportunities.
    * satisfacción profesional = professional satisfaction, job satisfaction, work satisfaction.
    * solidaridad profesional = professional solidarity.
    * titulación profesional = professional qualification.
    * título profesional = professional qualification.
    * trayectoria profesional como bibliotecario = library career.
    * vida profesional = professional life.
    * visita a centros profesionales = study tour.

    * * *
    ‹fotógrafo/jugador› professional
    influye en su vida profesional it is affecting her work o her professional life
    1 (no amateur) professional
    un gran profesional a true professional
    un profesional del crimen a professional criminal
    * * *


    profesional adjetivo ‹fotógrafo/deportista professional ( before n)
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino
    profesional adjetivo & mf professional
    ' profesional' also found in these entries:
    - aficionado
    - argot
    - asesorar
    - bata
    - colegio
    - deformación
    - estamento
    - formación
    - FP
    - jerga
    - negligencia
    - rango
    - secreta
    - secreto
    - truncar
    - verdadera
    - verdadero
    - calificado
    - cita
    - colegiado
    - consagrar
    - destacado
    - gremial
    - orientación
    - preparado
    - reconversión
    - reconvertir
    - retirada
    - trayectoria
    - advise
    - adviser
    - bar
    - business card
    - dancer
    - diver
    - high
    - job satisfaction
    - malpractice
    - manner
    - occupational
    - on-the-job
    - practicing
    - practising
    - practitioner
    - prizefighter
    - pro
    - professional
    - qualified
    - rise
    - trade
    - trade secret
    - train
    - training
    - unbusinesslike
    - unprofessional
    - untrained
    - vocational
    - disqualify
    - move
    - paramedic
    - technical
    - work
    - workmanlike
    * * *
    1. [de la profesión] professional
    2. [eficaz] professional;
    es un albañil muy profesional he's a very professional bricklayer
    3. [deportista] professional
    1. [trabajador liberal] professional
    2. [deportista] professional
    3. [practicante de actividad] professional;
    un profesional del crimen a professional criminal;
    un profesional del pesimismo a professional pessimist
    * * *
    I adj professional
    II m/f professional
    * * *
    profesional adj & nmf
    : professional
    * * *
    profesional adj n professional

    Spanish-English dictionary > profesional

  • 20 apropiado

    1 appropriate, convenient, apt, fit.
    2 appropriate, correct.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: apropiar.
    * * *
    1→ link=apropiar apropiar
    1 suitable, fitting, appropriate
    * * *
    (f. - apropiada)
    appropriate, suitable
    * * *
    suitable ( para for)
    * * *
    - da adjetivo suitable
    * * *
    = apposite, appropriate, apt, convenient, felicitous, fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], proper, right, fitting, fertile, commensurate, rightful, seemly, accommodating, timely, beffiting.
    Ex. All terms may be included, and placed in the most apposite position in the hierarchy of the subject = Pueden incluirse todos los términos y colocarse en la posición más apropiada en la jerarquía de la materia.
    Ex. Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work.
    Ex. By building upon a more apt conceptual framework the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.
    Ex. The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex. This is hardly a felicitous solution to be followed in other similar cases.
    Ex. That was considered to be a fit matter to be relegated to the machines.
    Ex. With proper authorization, you may request information about the status of the copies displayed.
    Ex. The last figure I saw was 828, but you're in the right realm.
    Ex. Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.
    Ex. There is no doubt that these reforms have produced a fertile climate for the development of better information for patients.
    Ex. For their indifference, they were rewarded with personnel evaluations which reflected an imaginatively fabricated version of the truth, but which did afford the requisite ego boost and commensurate pay increase.
    Ex. Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.
    Ex. They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.
    Ex. Monitors tuned to television news may have to be located in areas that are less than accommodating to the large numbers of users who want to know the fast-breaking events which affect us all.
    Ex. I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
    Ex. Since I write in English I should really refer to the city as Florence, but Firenze is such a phonically beautiful sounding word, far more befitting of the beautiful Italian city.
    * apropiado para = well suited to/for.
    * considerar apropiado = consider + appropriate.
    * de forma apropiada = fitly, appropriately.
    * de modo apropiado = appropriately.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * momento apropiado para el aprendizaje, el = teachable moment, the.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * ser apropiado = be right.
    * vestimenta apropiada para la lluvia = raingear.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo suitable
    * * *
    = apposite, appropriate, apt, convenient, felicitous, fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], proper, right, fitting, fertile, commensurate, rightful, seemly, accommodating, timely, beffiting.

    Ex: All terms may be included, and placed in the most apposite position in the hierarchy of the subject = Pueden incluirse todos los términos y colocarse en la posición más apropiada en la jerarquía de la materia.

    Ex: Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work.
    Ex: By building upon a more apt conceptual framework the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.
    Ex: The most convenient manual format for recording terms is to write each term on a card.
    Ex: This is hardly a felicitous solution to be followed in other similar cases.
    Ex: That was considered to be a fit matter to be relegated to the machines.
    Ex: With proper authorization, you may request information about the status of the copies displayed.
    Ex: The last figure I saw was 828, but you're in the right realm.
    Ex: Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.
    Ex: There is no doubt that these reforms have produced a fertile climate for the development of better information for patients.
    Ex: For their indifference, they were rewarded with personnel evaluations which reflected an imaginatively fabricated version of the truth, but which did afford the requisite ego boost and commensurate pay increase.
    Ex: Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.
    Ex: They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.
    Ex: Monitors tuned to television news may have to be located in areas that are less than accommodating to the large numbers of users who want to know the fast-breaking events which affect us all.
    Ex: I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
    Ex: Since I write in English I should really refer to the city as Florence, but Firenze is such a phonically beautiful sounding word, far more befitting of the beautiful Italian city.
    * apropiado para = well suited to/for.
    * considerar apropiado = consider + appropriate.
    * de forma apropiada = fitly, appropriately.
    * de modo apropiado = appropriately.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * momento apropiado para el aprendizaje, el = teachable moment, the.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * ser apropiado = be right.
    * vestimenta apropiada para la lluvia = raingear.

    * * *
    llevaba un vestido muy poco apropiado para una boda the dress she was wearing was very inappropriate o unsuitable for a wedding
    el discurso fue muy apropiado a la ocasión the speech was very fitting for the occasion
    la persona apropiada para el cargo the right person o a suitable person for the job
    este libro no es apropiado para tu edad this book is unsuitable for someone of your age
    ¡podrías haber elegido un momento más apropiado! you could have chosen a better o ( frml) more appropriate time
    * * *


    Del verbo apropiar: ( conjugate apropiar)

    apropiado es:

    el participio

    ◊ -da adjetivo

    el discurso fue muy apropiado a la ocasión the speech was very fitting for the occasion;
    no era el momento apropiado it wasn't the right moment
    apropiado,-a adjetivo suitable, appropriate

    ' apropiado' also found in these entries:
    - digna
    - digno
    - vestir
    - adecuado
    - debido
    - recomendado
    - apt
    - becoming
    - dishwasherproof
    - fitting
    - happy
    - inappropriate
    - right
    - suit
    - suitability
    - suitable
    - suited
    - become
    - proper
    - unsuitable
    - where
    * * *
    apropiado, -a adj
    suitable, appropriate;
    su comportamiento no fue muy apropiado his behaviour was rather inappropriate;
    estos zapatos no son apropiados para la playa these shoes aren't very suitable for the beach;
    no es la persona apropiada para el puesto he's not the right person for the job
    * * *
    adj appropriate, suitable
    * * *
    apropiado, -da adj
    : appropriate, proper, suitable
    * * *
    apropiado adj appropriate / suitable

    Spanish-English dictionary > apropiado

См. также в других словарях:

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  • card — card1 [ kard ] noun *** ▸ 1 for paying/getting money ▸ 2 with information ▸ 3 for sending greetings ▸ 4 for playing games ▸ 5 something giving an advantage ▸ 6 in a computer ▸ 7 someone who makes you laugh ▸ 8 thick stiff paper ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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