1 investment
أَسْهُم في شَرِكة \ investment: shares in a business. \ تَوْظيف أَمْوَال \ investment: putting money into a business so that one may gain more money in return. \ شَيْءٌ يُشْتَرَى للاستثمار \ investment: sth. expensive that seems worth it: I bought this picture as an investment (I hope to sell it at a higher price later). -
2 investment
اِسْتِثْمَار \ exploitation: developing or using; making unfair use of another person. investment: putting money into a business so that one may gain more money in return. utilization. -
3 investment
noun1) the act of investing.إسْتِثْمار، تَوظيف مال2) a sum of money invested.إسْتِثْمار، مالٌ مُسْتَثْمَر -
4 حلقة الكسوة
investment ring -
5 قالب التكسية
investment cast -
6 مزيج للكساء
investment mixture -
7 شيء
شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things. \ أَشْياء متعاقِبَة أو متتالِيَة \ succession: a number of things that follow each other: a succession of accidents. \ أَشْياء مُسْتَنْقَذَة \ salvage: things that are salvaged; waste material (such as paper and iron) that can be collected, treated and reused. \ أَشْياء نفيسة جدًّا \ treasure: sth. very valuable and rare: art treasures. \ شَيْءٌ آخَر \ other: (in comparisons) a different one: Some smoke; others do not. He likes French cigarettes and won’t smoke any others. This side is dry; the other is wet. \ الشَّيْءُ الأَقَلّ \ least: one that is smallest: That is the least of my troubles! Helping him was the least we could do. \ شَيْءٌ تافه \ trifle: a small unimportant matter: Don’t quarrel over trifles. \ شَيْءٌ ثَمين \ asset: a valuable quality or possession: A fast runner is an asset to his team. \ See Also قيم (قَيِّم)، مكسب (مَكْسَب) \ شَيْءٌ جَذّاب \ attraction: power of attracting; sth. that attracts. \ See Also جذب (جَذْب) \ شَيْءٌ حَرِيّ بالنَّظَر \ sight: sth. that is seen, or is worth seeing: The spring flowers in the public gardens are a wonderful sight. We are going to Rome to see the sights. \ شَيْءٌ شبيه بِـ \ something like: rather like: A rat looks something like a mouse, but it’s bigger. \ See Also مثل (مِثْل) \ شَيْءٌ عَجيب \ wonder: sth. that causes surprise or admiration: Read about the wonders of modern science. Clever men can work wonders (produce surprising results). \ شَيْءٌ عديم القيمة \ dud: sth. useless because it is badly or dishonestly made; sth. that doesn’t work: We bought a dud washing-machine. This coin is a dud. \ شَيْءٌ غَرِيب \ curiosity: a strange object. \ الشَّيْءُ القليل \ little: hardly anything; less than a reasonable amount: He did little to help her. \ شَيْءٌ مؤسِف \ shame: (with a) an unfortunate thing: It’s a shame that you can’t go with us to the park. \ See Also محزن (مُحْزِن) \ شَيْءٌ مَا \ anything: pron. a thing of any kind: Will you have anything to eat?. something: some thing (but usu. anything in questions or negative sentences): Give him something to eat. \ شَيْءٌ مُخْجِل \ shame: a dishonourable thing: It’s a shame to play tricks on a blind man. \ See Also مخز (مُخْزٍ) \ شَيْءٌ مُخَيِّب للأَمَل \ disappointment: (a cause for) being disappointed. \ شَيْءٌ معروض \ exhibit: sth. that is put on show. \ شَيْءٌ مِنْ \ any: pron. in questions; after if or whether: Have you any money? Have you any books on art? I wonder if / whether she has any milk / any bottles of beer?, after not and without: I haven’t got any money / books. He did it without any difficulty. some: (with nouns) an amount of: I need some money. Can you lend me some?. \ See Also أي (أيّ) \ شَيْءٌ مُنْتَج \ production: producing; the quantity of things produced; an act of producing (a play or film): We must increase car production. They saw a new production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. \ See Also إنتاج (إنْتَاج) \ شَيْءٌ نادر الحصول \ freak: sth. that is rare and peculiar; a living creature of unnatural form: By some strange freak, a little snow fell in Egypt. This animal is a freak; it has two tails. \ شَيْءٌ هائِل الحَجْم \ monster: an unusually large (and often strangely shaped) person or thing; a nasty cruel person: They found the bones of some ancient monster. An aircraft with 500 seats is a real monster. \ شَيْءٌ يُشْتَرَى للاستثمار \ investment: sth. expensive that seems worth it: I bought this picture as an investment (I hope to sell it at a higher price later). \ شَيْءٌ يُشْعَل به (وَلْعَة) \ light: the use of a match or lighter for a cigarette: Can you give me a light?. \ شَيْءٌ يُلهي \ distraction: sth. that takes one’s mind off one’s work. \ See Also يُشْغِل \ والشَّيءُ بالشّيءِ يُذكَر (عِلى فِكْرَة) \ by the way: (used when adding a new idea to what one has said): By the way, did you know his wife was ill?. -
8 استثمار
1) investing 2) investment -
9 تركيز انفعالي
emotional investment -
10 كساء
1) garment 2) investment -
11 كساء ليفي
fibrous investment -
12 كساء مسترطب
hygroscopic investment -
13 كساء مياليني
myelin investment -
14 مسحوق خشن للكساء
coarse investment powder -
15 مسحوق للكساء صامد
refractory investment -
16 مسحوق ناعم للكساء
fine investment powder -
17 استثمار
n. investment, exploitation, placing, placement, development, operation -
18 تقليد
n. convention, customs, tradition, appointment, imitation, copying, reproduction, mimicry, investment, installation, induction, inauguration -
19 تمويل
n. finance, investment -
20 توظيف
n. employment, appointment, placement, investment
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Investment — or investing [British and American English, respectively.] is a term with several closely related meanings in business management, finance and economics, related to saving or deferring consumption.Investment is the choice by the individual to… … Wikipedia
investment — in·vest·ment 1 n: investiture (1) investment 2 n 1: the outlay of money usu. for income or profit: capital outlay; also: the sum invested or the property purchased 2: the commitment of funds with a view to minimizing risk and safeguarding capital … Law dictionary
investment — invèstment (izg. invȅstment) m DEFINICIJA ekon. ulaganje, ob. u proizvodnju, ali i u kadrove, projekte i sl.; investicija [trgovina se pokazala kao dobar investment] SINTAGMA investment trust (izg. investment trȁst) poduzeće koje se bavi… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Investment — In*vest ment, n. 1. The act of investing, or the state of being invested. [1913 Webster] 2. That with which anyone is invested; a vestment. [1913 Webster] Whose white investments figure innocence. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. (Mil.) The act of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Investment — Investment. См. Формовочная смесь. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Investment — Investment,das:⇨Investition … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
investment — (n.) 1590s, act of putting on vestments (a sense now found in INVESTITURE (Cf. investiture)); later act of being invested with an office, right, endowment, etc. (1640s); and surrounding and besieging of a military target (1811); see INVEST (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
investment — [n] something given, lent for a return advance, ante, asset, backing, bail, contribution, endowment, expenditure, expense, finance, financing, flutter, grant, hunch, inside, interests, investing, loan, money, piece, plunge, property, purchase,… … New thesaurus
investment — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of investing. 2) a thing worth buying because it may be profitable or useful in the future … English terms dictionary
investment — [in vest′mənt] n. 1. an investing or being invested 2. an outer covering 3. INVESTITURE (sense 1) 4. a) the investing of money b) the amount invested c) … English World dictionary
investment — money used to purchase any capital items for the business and expected to yield an income. Glossary of Business Terms The creation of more money through the use of capital. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary This has a special regulatory meaning… … Financial and business terms