Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 hit out

    ( often with against or at) (to attempt to hit: The injured man hit out blindly at his attackers.) bater às cegas

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hit out

  • 2 hit out

    ( often with against or at) (to attempt to hit: The injured man hit out blindly at his attackers.) debater-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hit out

  • 3 make a hit with

    (to make oneself liked or approved of by: That young man has made a hit with your daughter.) ter sucesso com

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make a hit with

  • 4 make a hit with

    (to make oneself liked or approved of by: That young man has made a hit with your daughter.) ter sucesso com

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make a hit with

  • 5 hard

    1. adjective
    1) (firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc: The ground is too hard to dig.) duro
    2) (not easy to do, learn, solve etc: Is English a hard language to learn?; He is a hard man to please.) difícil
    3) (not feeling or showing kindness: a hard master.) duro
    4) ((of weather) severe: a hard winter.) violento
    5) (having or causing suffering: a hard life; hard times.) duro
    6) ((of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added: The water is hard in this part of the country.) pesada
    2. adverb
    1) (with great effort: He works very hard; Think hard.) esforçadamente
    2) (with great force; heavily: Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard.) violentamente
    3) (with great attention: He stared hard at the man.) fixamente
    4) (to the full extent; completely: The car turned hard right.) totalmente
    - hardness
    - hardship
    - hard-and-fast
    - hard-back
    - hard-boiled
    - harddisk
    - hard-earned
    - hard-headed
    - hard-hearted
    - hardware
    - hard-wearing
    - be hard on
    - hard at it
    - hard done by
    - hard lines/luck
    - hard of hearing
    - a hard time of it
    - a hard time
    - hard up
    * * *
    [ha:d] adj 1 duro, sólido, firme, rígido, compacto. 2 difícil, dificultoso. hard lessons / lições, tarefas difíceis. 3 severo, áspero, opressivo, inflexível. 4 desagradável. 5 fatigante, trabalhoso. 6 intricado. 7 insuportável, injusto. 8 sl mau, desonroso. 9 que contém sais minerais (água). 10 que contém muito álcool. • adv 1 ao lado, junto. 2 duramente, asperamente, severamente, fortemente. 3 com empenho. a hard case um caso difícil ou perdido. a hard death uma morte penosa. a hard ride marcha acelerada (a cavalo). a hard worker um trabalhador eficiente. for hard wear durável. hard after logo atrás. hard at hand perto, disponível. hard at work trabalhando diligentemente. hard by perto, ao lado. hard of hearing que ouve mal, surdo. hard to digest indigesto. he is hard to deal with é difícil aturá-lo. he is hard to please é difícil contentá-lo. he is hard upon the man ele trata o homem com dureza ou injustamente. in a hard condition em boa forma física. it is hard lines for him ele está com azar. it is hard upon seven são quase sete horas. it rains hard chove a cântaros. it will go hard with me, but I... será difícil que eu não... I was hard pressed estive em grande aperto. the wind blew hard o vento soprou fortemente. to bear hard upon oprimir. to die hard vender caro sua vida. to drink hard beber muito. to drive a hard bargain regatear por centavos. to press hard for insistir energicamente.
    [ha:d] n 1 solo duro, margem firme (não pantanosa). 2 dificuldade. 3 sl trabalhos forçados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hard

  • 6 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) dorso
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) traseiras
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) traseiro
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) recuar
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) obliquamente
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat
    * * *
    [bæk] n 1 dorso, costas. I have the care for his children on my back / tenho em meus ombros a preocupação de cuidar de suas crianças. she turned her back on him / ela virou as costas para ele. 2 qualquer parte de vestuário que cubra as costas. 3 lombo, dorso (de animais). 4 espinha dorsal. 5 parte traseira, lado ou face posterior, verso. 6 espaldar, encosto de cadeira ou poltrona. 7 parte menos usada, costas da mão. 8 Ftb zagueiro. 9 quilha de navio. 10 suporte, apoio. 11 lombada (de livro). 12 avesso (de tecido). • vt 1 (geralmente back up) suportar, ajudar, auxiliar, emprestar apoio moral. 2 mover(-se) para trás. 3 endossar, apoiar. he backed a cheque / ele endossou um cheque. 4 apostar em. 5 montar, subir às costas. 6 prover de encosto, servir de dorso. 7 impelir ou forçar para trás. 8 prosseguir escrevendo no verso. 9 mover-se à esquerda (em relação à bússola). 10 formar um fundo para. 11 servir de fundo a. 12 coll carregar às costas. • vi recuar, retroceder, refluir. • adj 1 posterior, de trás, traseiro. 2 remoto, retirado. 3 passado, atrasado. 4 vencido. 5 Amer em região distante ou fronteiriça. 6 Phon gutural, velar. • adv 1 para trás, atrás. he sat back in his chair / ele reclinou-se na sua cadeira. 2 no passado. I can look back fifty years / posso olhar para trás cinqüenta anos. 3 de volta. I shall be back soon / estarei de volta logo. 4 em retorno ou devolução. 5 para o lugar de origem. 6 em reserva. 7 anteriormente. at the back of the house, Amer back of the house atrás da casa. back and belly coll vestuário e alimentação. back and forth para a frente e para trás. back her! Naut para trás! back of Amer coll atrás de, em auxílio de, em suporte de. back of a knife costas de uma faca. back of the hand costas da mão. back to back costas com costas. behind my back nas minhas costas. come back! volte!, Amer venha para trás! do not answer back! não responda! for years back Amer desde anos, há anos. go there and come back vá até lá e volte. half-back Ftb médio, sl alfo. he lay on his back for three years ele ficou de cama durante três anos. he was at my back ele estava atrás de mim, ele me defendeu, ele me apoiou. he went back from his promise ele fugiu à sua promessa. I broke my back to get what I have passei pelo pior para conseguiur o que eu tenho. I got, put his back up provoquei-o. on one’s back sl deitado de costas, indefeso, impotente, sem dinheiro, pronto. on the back of that além disso. the Backs (Cambridge) fundos, lugar de estacionamento na universidade. to back away Amer ceder. to back down abandonar, desistir, retirar-se. to back on to dar para (quartos, janelas). to back out retirar-se, desistir de um empreendimento, quebrar uma promessa. to back sails pôr sobre (as velas). to back up mover-se para trás, dar marcha-à-ré, suportar, auxiliar. to be cast on one’s back fig sofrer derrota. to cast behind the back esquecer, perdoar. to pay back devolver, repor, pagar de volta. to see the back of desembaraçar-se de, livrar-se de, ver pelas costas.
    [bæk] n cuba, tina, alguidar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > back

  • 7 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) lombo
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) fundos
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) dos fundos
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) dar marcha à ré
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar em
    - backbite - backbiting - backbone - backbreaking - backdate - backfire - background - backhand 5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) de revés
    - back-number - backpack - backpacking: go backpacking - backpacker - backside - backslash - backstroke - backup - backwash - backwater - backyard - back down - back of - back on to - back out - back up - have one's back to the wall - put someone's back up - take a back seat

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > back

  • 8 hard

    1. adjective
    1) (firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc: The ground is too hard to dig.) duro
    2) (not easy to do, learn, solve etc: Is English a hard language to learn?; He is a hard man to please.) difícil
    3) (not feeling or showing kindness: a hard master.) severo
    4) ((of weather) severe: a hard winter.) rigoroso
    5) (having or causing suffering: a hard life; hard times.) difícil
    6) ((of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added: The water is hard in this part of the country.) pesado
    2. adverb
    1) (with great effort: He works very hard; Think hard.) intensamente
    2) (with great force; heavily: Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard.) forte
    3) (with great attention: He stared hard at the man.) firmemente
    4) (to the full extent; completely: The car turned hard right.) totalmente
    - hardness - hardship - hard-and-fast - hard-back - hard-boiled - harddisk - hard-earned - hard-headed - hard-hearted - hardware - hard-wearing - be hard on - hard at it - hard done by - hard lines/luck - hard of hearing - a hard time of it - a hard time - hard up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hard

  • 9 aim

    [eim] 1. verb
    1) ((usually with at, for) to point or direct something at; to try to hit or reach etc: He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target.) apontar
    2) ((with to, at) to plan, intend or to have as one's purpose: He aims at finishing tomorrow; We aim to please our customers.) tencionar
    2. noun
    1) (the act of or skill at aiming: His aim is excellent.) pontaria
    2) (what a person intends to do: My aim is to become prime minister.) intenção
    - aimlessly
    - aimlessness
    - take aim
    * * *
    ['eim] n 1 pontaria, mira, ato de visar (arma). 2 linha de mira, campo de visão. 3 alvo, objetivo. 4 intenção, propósito, desígnio. • vt+vi 1 apontar, visar, fazer pontaria. the man aimed at his enemy / o homem visou o seu inimigo. 2 concentrar os esforços para, almejar, ansiar. he aimed at a rich marriage / ele almejava um casamento rico. 3 Amer intencionar, planejar, objetivar. 4 Amer intentar. to take aim at visar alguém ou alguma coisa (também fig).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > aim

  • 10 mark

    1. noun
    1) ((also Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.)
    2) (a point given as a reward for good work etc: She got good marks in the exam.)
    3) (a stain: That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.)
    4) (a sign used as a guide to position etc: There's a mark on the map showing where the church is.)
    5) (a cross or other sign used instead of a signature: He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.)
    6) (an indication or sign of a particular thing: a mark of respect.)
    2. verb
    1) (to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained: Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily.)
    2) (to give marks to (a piece of work): I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight.)
    3) (to show; to be a sign of: X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.)
    4) (to note: Mark it down in your notebook.)
    5) ((in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball: Your job is to mark the centre-forward.)
    - markedly
    - marker
    - marksman
    - marksmanship
    - leave/make one's mark
    - mark out
    - mark time
    * * *
    [ma:k] n 1 marca, sinal. 2 símbolo. 3 alvo, mira. 4 escopo, fim, meta. 5 signo. 6 nota escolar. 7 cruz (valendo como assinatura). 8 sintomas. 9 fronteira, limite. 10 rótulo (que indica qualidade ou preço). 11 lugar de saída, partida de uma competição esportiva. • vt+vi 1 marcar, assinalar. 2 distinguir. 3 indicar, designar. 4 selecionar, escolher. 5 prestar atenção, observar, notar. 6 caracterizar, representar. 7 anotar (pontos em jogos como futebol, etc.). 8 tomar nota. 9 observar criticamente. below the mark, not up to the mark abaixo de um dado índice. beside/ wide of the mark alheio ao assunto. man of mark homem ilustre ou famoso. mark my words! ouça o que lhe digo! to feel up to the mark estar em forma. to hit the mark acertar o alvo. to mark out estacar (para construções). to mark with a hot iron a) marcar com ferro em brasa. b) fig estigmatizar, condenar. to toe the mark cumprir o dever.
    [ma:k] n marco: unidade monetária da Alemanha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mark

  • 11 repress

    (to keep (an impulse, a desire to do something etc) under control: He repressed a desire to hit the man.) reprimir
    - repressive
    - repressiveness
    * * *
    [ripr'es] vt 1 reprimir, conter. 2 suprimir, sufocar, subjugar. 3 conter-se, refrear-se. 4 Psych recalcar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repress

  • 12 wrong

    [roŋ] 1. adjective
    1) (having an error or mistake(s); incorrect: The child gave the wrong answer; We went in the wrong direction.) errado
    2) (incorrect in one's answer(s), opinion(s) etc; mistaken: I thought Singapore was south of the Equator, but I was quite wrong.) errado
    3) (not good, not morally correct etc: It is wrong to steal.) errado
    4) (not suitable: He's the wrong man for the job.) errado
    5) (not right; not normal: There's something wrong with this engine; What's wrong with that child - why is she crying?) errado
    2. adverb
    (incorrectly: I think I may have spelt her name wrong.) erradamente
    3. noun
    (that which is not morally correct: He does not know right from wrong.) mal
    4. verb
    (to insult or hurt unjustly: You wrong me by suggesting that I'm lying.) ofender
    - wrongfully
    - wrongfulness
    - wrongly
    - wrongdoer
    - wrongdoing
    - do someone wrong
    - do wrong
    - do wrong
    - go wrong
    - in the wrong
    * * *
    [rɔŋ] n 1 injustiça. 2 pecado, iniqüidade. 3 ofensa, injúria, agravo. 4 dano. 5 mal. 6 crime, delito, erro, transgressão de um preceito legal. • vt 1 ser injusto para com. 2 tratar injustamente. 3 proceder mal, fazer mal a. 4 causar dano ou prejuízo a, prejudicar. 5 enganar, defraudar (of por). 6 ofender, injuriar. 7 violar. 8 desonrar (uma mulher). • adj 1 errado, incorreto, errôneo, falso. you are wrong / você está errado. you hit upon the wrong person / você topou com a pessoa errada. 2 que induz em erro, desacertado. 3 impróprio, inconveniente, inoportuno. 4 injusto. 5 mau, iníquo. 6 indevido. 7 ilegal, em desacordo com a lei. 8 em mau estado ou condição, que não funciona (bem), fora de ordem. 9 insatisfatório. • adv (também wrongly) 1 mal, erradamente, ao contrário, erroneamente, incorretamente, desacertadamente, sem razão. I guessed wrong / não acertei em minha suposição, errei em meu palpite. 2 impropriamente. 3 injustamente. 4 indevidamente. 5 iniquamente. 6 ilegalmente. 7 insatisfatoriamente. a wrong guess uma suposição errônea ou um palpite errado. a wrong letter/ font Typogr erro de composição. don’t put him in the wrong não lhe faça injustiça. don’t put him in the wrong with her não o ponha em desarmonia ou evite que se desentenda com ela ou a hostilize. he got him wrong with Mr. A ele o pôs em descrédito com o Sr. A. he got me in wrong ele me desacreditou, minou meu bom conceito. he is in the wrong box ele está numa maçada, num aperto, em dificuldades. he is the wrong side out ele está mal-humorado. I am wronged sou vítima de uma injustiça. in the wrong a) ter uma visão errônea. b) ter uma posição injusta. it was wrong of him foi um erro dele, ele errou (em agir assim). my watch is/ goes wrong meu relógio está errado, não anda bem. now he laughs at the wrong side of his mouth ele perdeu a vontade de rir. on the wrong side of fifty acima dos cinqüenta. rightly or wrongly justa ou injustamente, com ou sem razão. she took it the wrong way ela levou a mal. she was born on the wrong side of the blanket sl ela é filha ilegítima. she was born on the wrong side of the tracks ela nasceu na parte pobre da cidade. something is wrong with this barometer (algo em) este barômetro não está em ordem. the wrong side a) o avesso (pano, tecido). b) o reverso (da medalha). the wrong side out ao avesso. the wrong thing o errado, a coisa errada. they can prove you wrong eles lhe podem provar que você está errado. they told him wrong eles lhe deram informação errada. to be barking up the wrong tree dar murro em ponta de faca, tentar fazer algo sem nenhuma chance de sucesso. to be caught on the wrong foot ter de agir quando não se está preparado. to do wrong agir ilegalmente, imoralmente. to do wrong to someone, to do someone wrong cometer uma injustiça com, ser injusto com. he did me wrong / ele cometeu uma injustiça para comigo, foi injusto. to get hold of the wrong end of the stick entender errado completamente. we got hold of the wrong end of the stick / fig nós pegamos o bonde errado, demos um pulo errado. to get in wrong with, to get on the wrong side of causar antagonismo em, causar má impressão em. we got in wrong with them / nós lhes causamos má impressão. to get out of bed on the wrong side levantar com o pé esquerdo (estar de mau humor). he has got out of bed on the wrong side / ele se levantou com o pé esquerdo (está de mau humor). to get wrong entender mal, não entender, interpretar mal. don’t get me wrong / não me entenda mal. to go wrong a) sair errado, acabar mal. b) errar. c) tomar um mau caminho, desencaminhar. d) funcionar mal. his lungs went wrong / ele começou a sofrer dos pulmões, ficou tuberculoso. to right a wrong corrigir uma injustiça, fazer justiça. to start/ get off on the wrong foot começar mal. two wrongs don’t make a right um erro não justifica o outro. we were in the wrong nós estávamos sem a razão, estávamos errados. we wrong him in thinking that... somos injustos com ele pensando que... what’s wrong? o que há de errado? o que aconteceu? what’s wrong with a cigarette? que tal um cigarro? what’s wrong with N.? o que há com N.? you got it wrong você o entendeu, calculou ou interpretou mal, você se enganou.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wrong

  • 13 repress

    (to keep (an impulse, a desire to do something etc) under control: He repressed a desire to hit the man.) reprimir
    - repressive - repressiveness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > repress

См. также в других словарях:

  • hit man — n. 1. A professional murderer, esp. one working for a criminal organization; also called {torpedo}. [Colloq.] [PJC] 2. A slanderer working for political purposes to damage the reputation of an opponent; a {hatchet man}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hit man — hit′ man or hit′man n. 1) cvb sts a hired killer, esp. a professional killer from the underworld 2) cvb sts hatchet man 3) • Etymology: 1965–70, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • hit man — ☆ hit man n. [< underworld slang hit, murder] Informal a man paid to kill someone; hired murderer …   English World dictionary

  • hit man — hit ,man (plural hit ,men) noun count someone who is paid to kill people …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hit man — [n] professional killer assassin, contract killer, executioner, gunman, hatchet man, hired gun*, hired killer, murderer, triggerman; concept 412 …   New thesaurus

  • hit man — n a criminal who is employed to kill someone …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hit man — ► NOUN informal ▪ a hired assassin …   English terms dictionary

  • hit man — noun a professional killer who uses a gun • Syn: ↑gunman, ↑gunslinger, ↑hired gun, ↑gun, ↑gun for hire, ↑triggerman, ↑hitman, ↑torpedo, ↑shooter …   Useful english dictionary

  • hit man — 1. n. a hired killer. (Underworld.) □ Sam was the perfect hit man. Hardly any brains or conscience. □ To look at Rocko, you’d never believe he was a hit man. 2. n. a man hired by a helpless addict to inject drugs. (Drugs. See also pinch hitter.)… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • hit man — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms hit man : singular hit man plural hit men someone who is paid to kill people …   English dictionary

  • hit man — /ˈhɪt mæn / (say hit man) noun Colloquial a man hired as an assassin …  

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