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  • 1 searching

    prüfend, forschend [Blick]; bohrend [Frage]; (thorough) eingehend [Untersuchung]
    * * *
    adjective (trying to find out the truth by careful examination: He gave me a searching look.) forschend
    * * *
    [ˈsɜ:tʃɪŋ, AM ˈsɜ:rtʃɪŋ]
    adj gaze, look forschend, prüfend, durchdringend; inquiry eingehend, gründlich; question tiefschürfend, tiefgehend
    * * *
    ['sɜːtʃɪŋ] look prüfend, forschend; question durchdringend, bohrend; examination, test gründlich

    his questions became more searchinger stellte tiefer gehende Fragen

    * * *
    searching adj (adv searchingly)
    1. gründlich, eingehend
    2. forschend (Blick), bohrend (Frage)
    3. durchdringend (Wind etc)
    * * *
    prüfend, forschend [Blick]; bohrend [Frage]; (thorough) eingehend [Untersuchung]
    * * *
    absuchend adj.
    durchsuchend adj.
    suchend adj.

    English-german dictionary > searching

  • 2 simple

    2 simple (sencillo, tonto).
    3 simple, easy.
    es muy simple, metes la moneda y ya está it's quite simple, all you have to do is insert the coin
    4 mere (mero).
    por simple estupidez through sheer stupidity
    nos basta con su simple palabra his word is enough for us by itself
    no le pedí más que un simple favor all I asked him for was a favor
    5 prime (Mat).
    f. & m.
    simpleton (person).
    * * *
    1 (gen) simple
    2 (único) single, just one
    3 (mero) mere
    4 (persona) simple, simple-minded
    1 simpleton
    1 (tenis) singles plural
    por simple descuido through sheer carelessness
    * * *
    1) mere
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=sin adornos) [peinado, objeto] simple; [vestido, decoración] plain
    2) [método] simple, easy, straightforward
    3) [antes de sustantivo] (=mero) mere
    4) [antes de sustantivo] (=corriente) ordinary

    es un simple abogadohe's only o just a solicitor

    5) [persona] (=sin complicaciones) simple; (=crédulo) gullible; pey (=de pocas luces) simple-minded
    6) (Ling, Quím) simple
    7) (Bot) single
    SMF (=persona) simpleton
    SMPL pl simples (Tenis) singles; (Bot) simples
    * * *
    a) (sencillo, fácil) <sistema/procedimiento> simple
    b) (Quím) < sustancia> simple
    c) (Ling) < tiempo> simple
    2) (delante del n) ( mero) simple
    3) ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    masculino y femenino simpleton
    * * *
    = mere, non-intellectual, pure [pure -comp., purest -sup.], sheer [sheerer -comp., sheerest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], single, straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, low-key [low key], schematic, simple-minded, uncluttered, unsophisticated, naked, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, hassle-free, no-brainer.
    Ex. Contextual logic or proximity operators: these are a useful means of searching for more than the mere occurrence of a term; they also permit the searcher to specify the context in which the term should appear in some sense or other.
    Ex. The picture of the self-improvement-oriented readers contrasts sharply with the typical adult user who asks quite non-intellectual questions at the reference desk.
    Ex. The notation used in DC is pure, and numbers.
    Ex. The sheer bulk of the headings and the complexity of references structures is sufficient to confirm that a more systematic approach might prove fruitful.
    Ex. Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex. Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex. Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex. Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex. None of this is ever as schematic and neatly arranged, step-by-step, as my discussion of it here makes it seem = Nunca nada de esto es tan simple, bien ordenado y secuencial como lo hago parecer.
    Ex. Granted the seemingly simple-minded examples that have been used, such as changing NEGROES to AFRO-AMERICANS and BLACKS, appear fairly straightforward.
    Ex. Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex. Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex. Everything in this book is set down without reference to context, or author's intention, or the naked facts and figures, or the difference between one kind of writing and reading and another.
    Ex. Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex. It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex. Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex. Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex. Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    Ex. Recycling is a no-brainer since it conserves our natural resources and reduces air pollution.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * interés simple = simple interest.
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * simple ciudadano, el = man-on-the-street, man in the street, the.
    * simple mortal = lesser mortal.
    * simple y llanamente = just plain, plainly and simply.
    * tan simple como = with as little ado as.
    * unidad simple = singleton.
    * * *
    a) (sencillo, fácil) <sistema/procedimiento> simple
    b) (Quím) < sustancia> simple
    c) (Ling) < tiempo> simple
    2) (delante del n) ( mero) simple
    3) ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    masculino y femenino simpleton
    * * *
    = mere, non-intellectual, pure [pure -comp., purest -sup.], sheer [sheerer -comp., sheerest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], single, straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, low-key [low key], schematic, simple-minded, uncluttered, unsophisticated, naked, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, hassle-free, no-brainer.

    Ex: Contextual logic or proximity operators: these are a useful means of searching for more than the mere occurrence of a term; they also permit the searcher to specify the context in which the term should appear in some sense or other.

    Ex: The picture of the self-improvement-oriented readers contrasts sharply with the typical adult user who asks quite non-intellectual questions at the reference desk.
    Ex: The notation used in DC is pure, and numbers.
    Ex: The sheer bulk of the headings and the complexity of references structures is sufficient to confirm that a more systematic approach might prove fruitful.
    Ex: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex: Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex: Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex: Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex: None of this is ever as schematic and neatly arranged, step-by-step, as my discussion of it here makes it seem = Nunca nada de esto es tan simple, bien ordenado y secuencial como lo hago parecer.
    Ex: Granted the seemingly simple-minded examples that have been used, such as changing NEGROES to AFRO-AMERICANS and BLACKS, appear fairly straightforward.
    Ex: Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex: Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex: Everything in this book is set down without reference to context, or author's intention, or the naked facts and figures, or the difference between one kind of writing and reading and another.
    Ex: Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex: It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex: Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex: Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    Ex: Recycling is a no-brainer since it conserves our natural resources and reduces air pollution.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * interés simple = simple interest.
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * simple ciudadano, el = man-on-the-street, man in the street, the.
    * simple mortal = lesser mortal.
    * simple y llanamente = just plain, plainly and simply.
    * tan simple como = with as little ado as.
    * unidad simple = singleton.

    * * *
    1 (sencillo, fácil) ‹sistema/procedimiento› simple
    el mecanismo no puede ser más simple the mechanism couldn't be (any) simpler o more straightforward
    la solución es muy simple the solution is very simple
    es una dieta simple pero completa it's a simple but complete diet
    2 ( Quím) ‹sustancia› simple
    3 ( Ling) ‹tiempo› simple
    B ( delante del n) (mero) simple
    un simple error puede causar un accidente a simple mistake can cause an accident
    no es más que un simple resfriado it's just a common cold
    era un simple soldado he was an ordinary soldier
    vista2 (↑ vista (2))
    C (tonto, bobo) simple, simple-minded
    es muy simple, pero buena persona he's rather simple o simple-minded, but he's a nice person
    no seas simple ¿no ves que así no haces nada? don't be silly o ( BrE colloq) daft, can't you see you won't get anywhere like that?
    * * *


    simple adjetivo
    1 (sencillo, fácil) simple;
    See also→ llanamente
    2 ( delante del n) ( mero) simple;
    el simple hecho de … the simple fact of …;

    es un simple resfriado it's just a common cold;
    un simple soldado an ordinary soldier
    3 ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino
    I adjetivo
    1 (sencillo) simple: estos ejercicios son muy simples, these exercises are very easy
    una cámara de simple manejo, an easy-to-use camera
    2 Ling Quím (no complejo, no compuesto) simple
    oración simple, simple sentence
    3 (mero, tan solo) mere, pure: somos simples espectadores, we are mere observers
    fue simple casualidad, it was pure coincidence
    pey es un simple secretario, he's just a secretary
    4 (cándido, sin malicia) naive, innocent
    pey (tonto) simple-minded, half-witted, foolish
    II m (ingenuo, inocente) innocent, naive person
    pey (simplón, tonto) simpleton, half-wit
    ' simple' also found in these entries:
    - baboso
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - boba
    - bobalicón
    - bobalicona
    - bobo
    - borrica
    - borrico
    - clavar
    - compuesta
    - compuesto
    - hincapié
    - idea
    - lila
    - llaneza
    - mayoría
    - pánfila
    - pánfilo
    - pardilla
    - pardillo
    - preferir
    - sencilla
    - sencillo
    - simpleza
    - triste
    - vista
    - hechura
    - llanamente
    - mero
    - pretérito
    - puro
    - ya
    - arithmetic
    - dowdy
    - gravestone
    - mere
    - naked
    - plain
    - simple
    - simple interest
    - simple-minded
    - simple-mindedness
    - single-spacing
    - basic
    - simply
    - unsophisticated
    * * *
    1. [sencillo, tonto] simple
    2. [fácil] easy, simple;
    es muy simple, metes la moneda y ya está it's quite simple, all you have to do is insert the coin
    3. [sin complicación] simple;
    una decoración simple a simple decoration
    4. [único, sin componentes] single;
    dame una simple razón give me one single reason
    5. [mero]
    es un simple trabajador he's a simple o an ordinary worker;
    no le pedí más que un simple favor I merely asked her a favour;
    nos basta con su simple palabra his word is enough for us by itself;
    por simple estupidez through sheer stupidity
    6. Mat prime
    7. Quím simple
    8. Ling [verbo] simple
    [persona] simpleton
    * * *
    I adj
    1 ( fácil) simple
    2 ( mero) ordinary
    II m/f simpleton
    * * *
    simple adj
    1) sencillo: plain, simple, easy
    2) : pure, mere
    por simple vanidad: out of pure vanity
    3) : simpleminded, foolish
    : fool, simpleton
    * * *
    simple adj
    1. (sencillo) simple
    2. (solamente) just

    Spanish-English dictionary > simple

  • 3 Leonardo da Vinci

    b. 15 April 1452 Vinci, near Florence, Italy,
    d. 2 May 1519 St Cloux, near Amboise, France.
    Italian scientist, engineer, inventor and artist.
    Leonardo was the illegitimate son of a Florentine lawyer. His first sixteen years were spent with the lawyer's family in the rural surroundings of Vinci, which aroused in him a lifelong love of nature and an insatiable curiosity in it. He received little formal education but extended his knowledge through private reading. That gave him only a smattering of Latin, a deficiency that was to be a hindrance throughout his active life. At sixteen he was apprenticed in the studio of Andrea del Verrochio in Florence, where he received a training not only in art but in a wide variety of crafts and technical arts.
    In 1482 Leonardo went to Milan, where he sought and obtained employment with Ludovico Sforza, later Duke of Milan, partly to sculpt a massive equestrian statue of Ludovico but the work never progressed beyond the full-scale model stage. He did, however, complete the painting which became known as the Virgin of the Rocks and in 1497 his greatest artistic achievement, The Last Supper, commissioned jointly by Ludovico and the friars of Santa Maria della Grazie and painted on the wall of the monastery's refectory. Leonardo was responsible for the court pageants and also devised a system of irrigation to supply water to the plains of Lombardy. In 1499 the French army entered Milan and deposed Leonardo's employer. Leonardo departed and, after a brief visit to Mantua, returned to Florence, where for a time he was employed as architect and engineer to Cesare Borgia, Duke of Romagna. Around 1504 he completed another celebrated work, the Mona Lisa.
    In 1506 Leonardo began his second sojourn in Milan, this time in the service of King Louis XII of France, who appointed him "painter and engineer". In 1513 Leonardo left for Rome in the company of his pupil Francesco Melzi, but his time there was unproductive and he found himself out of touch with the younger artists active there, Michelangelo above all. In 1516 he accepted with relief an invitation from King François I of France to reside at the small château of St Cloux in the royal domain of Amboise. With the pension granted by François, Leonardo lived out his remaining years in tranquility at St Cloux.
    Leonardo's career can hardly be regarded as a success or worthy of such a towering genius. For centuries he was known only for the handful of artistic works that he managed to complete and have survived more or less intact. His main activity remained hidden until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, during which the contents of his notebooks were gradually revealed. It became evident that Leonardo was one of the greatest scientific investigators and inventors in the history of civilization. Throughout his working life he extended a searching curiosity over an extraordinarily wide range of subjects. The notes show careful investigation of questions of mechanical and civil engineering, such as power transmission by means of pulleys and also a form of chain belting. The notebooks record many devices, such as machines for grinding and polishing lenses, a lathe operated by treadle-crank, a rolling mill with conical rollers and a spinning machine with pinion and yard divider. Leonardo made an exhaustive study of the flight of birds, with a view to designing a flying machine, which obsessed him for many years.
    Leonardo recorded his observations and conclusions, together with many ingenious inventions, on thousands of pages of manuscript notes, sketches and drawings. There are occasional indications that he had in mind the publication of portions of the notes in a coherent form, but he never diverted his energy into putting them in order; instead, he went on making notes. As a result, Leonardo's impact on the development of science and technology was virtually nil. Even if his notebooks had been copied and circulated, there were daunting impediments to their understanding. Leonardo was left-handed and wrote in mirror-writing: that is, in reverse from right to left. He also used his own abbreviations and no punctuation.
    At his death Leonardo bequeathed his entire output of notes to his friend and companion Francesco Melzi, who kept them safe until his own death in 1570. Melzi left the collection in turn to his son Orazio, whose lack of interest in the arts and sciences resulted in a sad period of dispersal which endangered their survival, but in 1636 the bulk of them, in thirteen volumes, were assembled and donated to the Ambrosian Library in Milan. These include a large volume of notes and drawings compiled from the various portions of the notebooks and is now known as the Codex Atlanticus. There they stayed, forgotten and ignored, until 1796, when Napoleon's marauding army overran Italy and art and literary works, including the thirteen volumes of Leonardo's notebooks, were pillaged and taken to Paris. After the war in 1815, the French government agreed to return them but only the Codex Atlanticus found its way back to Milan; the rest remained in Paris. The appendix to one notebook, dealing with the flight of birds, was later regarded as of sufficient importance to stand on its own. Four small collections reached Britain at various times during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; of these, the volume in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle is notable for its magnificent series of anatomical drawings. Other collections include the Codex Leicester and Codex Arundel in the British Museum in London, and the Madrid Codices in Spain.
    Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Leonardo's true stature as scientist, engineer and inventor began to emerge, particularly with the publication of transcriptions and translations of his notebooks. The volumes in Paris appeared in 1881–97 and the Codex Atlanticus was published in Milan between 1894 and 1904.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    "Premier peintre, architecte et mécanicien du Roi" to King François I of France, 1516.
    Further Reading
    E.MacCurdy, 1939, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, 2 vols, London; 2nd edn, 1956, London (the most extensive selection of the notes, with an English translation).
    G.Vasari (trans. G.Bull), 1965, Lives of the Artists, London: Penguin, pp. 255–271.
    C.Gibbs-Smith, 1978, The Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci, Oxford: Phaidon. L.H.Heydenreich, Dibner and L. Reti, 1981, Leonardo the Inventor, London: Hutchinson.
    I.B.Hart, 1961, The World of Leonardo da Vinci, London: Macdonald.
    LRD / IMcN

    Biographical history of technology > Leonardo da Vinci

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