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См. также в других словарях:

  • tiptoe — /tip toh /, n., v., tiptoed, tiptoeing, adj., adv. n. 1. the tip or end of a toe. 2. on tiptoe, a. on the tips of one s toes. b. expectant; eager: With Christmas coming, the children were on tiptoe. c. stealthily; cautiously: The concert had… …   Universalium

  • Quebec sovereignty movement — The Quebec sovereignty movement ( fr. Mouvement souverainiste du Québec) is a political movement aimed at either attaining independent statehood (sovereignty) or some degree of greater political autonomy [… …   Wikipedia

  • Victoria — /vik tawr ee euh, tohr /; for 3 also Sp. /beek taw rddyah/, n. 1. the ancient Roman goddess of victory, identified with the Greek goddess Nike. 2. 1819 1901, queen of Great Britain 1837 1901; empress of India 1876 1901. 3. Guadalupe /gwahd l oohp …   Universalium

  • My Immortal — My Immortal …   Wikipedia

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