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  • 41 nasty

    § ცუდი, საძაგელი
    1 არასასიამოვნო, საზიზღარი, საძაგელი
    a nasty smell / taste საზიზღარი სუნი / გემო
    nasty weather / temper საძაგელი ამინდი / ხასიათი
    2 ბინძური
    a nasty anecdote / mind ბინძური ანეკდოტი / სული
    nasty language მყრალი ენა, ლანძღვა-გინება, უწმაწური სიტყვები
    3 ავი, ბოროტი, გესლიანი
    a nasty look / remark ბოროტი გამოხედვა // გესლიანი შენიშვნა
    4 საშიში
    a nasty illness საშიში / სერიოზული სენი
    ●●the sea is nasty ზღვა ღელავს

    English-Georgian dictionary > nasty

  • 42 nasty

    /'nɑ:sti/ * tính từ - bẩn thỉu; dơ dáy; kinh tởm, làm buồn nôn =a nasty smell+ mùi kinh tởm =a nasty taste+ vị buồn nôn - tục tĩu, thô tục; xấu xa, ô trọc; dâm ô =a nasty bôk+ sách khiêu dâm =nasty stories+ chuyện dâm ô - xấu, khó chịu, làm bực mình =nasty weather+ thời tiết khó chịu =a nasty bit of road+ một quâng đường xấu - cáu kỉnh, giận dữ; ác; hiểm =a nasty temper+ tính tình cáu kỉnh =a nasty remark+ một lời nhận xét ác =to play a nasty trick+ chơi một vố ác =a nasty look+ cái nhìn ác hiểm =a nasty sea+ biển hung dữ, biển động mạnh =nasty illness+ bệnh nặng, bệnh hiểm nghèo !a masty one - điều khó chịu; điều làm bực mình; vố ác, vố điếng người

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > nasty

  • 43 nasty

    adj. akelig; smerig; naar, lelijk; ernstig; gevaarlijk
    [ na:stie] nastiness
    smerigvuil, vies
    schunnigschuin, obsceen
    lastighinderlijk, vervelend
    gemeenvals, hatelijk
    ernstighevig, ingrijpend
    2   he has a nasty mind hij denkt altijd aan viezigheid
    5   informeela nasty bit/piece of work een stuk ongeluk, een ellendeling
         a nasty look een boze/dreigende blik
         he turned nasty when I refused to leave hij werd giftig/onbeschoft toen ik niet wilde weggaan
         was he nasty to you? deed hij onaardig tegen je?
    6   a nasty accident een ernstig ongeluk
         a nasty blow een fe/harde klap; een tegenvaller
         a nasty cold een zware verkoudheid
    7   nasty weather! wat een vies weertje!

    English-Dutch dictionary > nasty

  • 44 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) ækel; modbydelig
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) gemen
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) grim
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) ubehagelig
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) alvorlig
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) ubehagelig; vanskelig
    - nastiness
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) ækel; modbydelig
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) gemen
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) grim
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) ubehagelig
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) alvorlig
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) ubehagelig; vanskelig
    - nastiness

    English-Danish dictionary > nasty

  • 45 nasty

    [΄na:sti] a զզվելի, գարշելի, նողկալի. ահա վոր. a nasty smell/taste գարշելի հոտ, զզվելի համ. What nasty weather! Ի՛նչ զզվելի եղա նակ է. have a nasty temper սոսկալի բնա վորություն ունենալ. a nasty trick անվայել արարք. It’s a nasty business Ահավոր է. give a nasty look չար հայացքով նայել. be nasty to smn մեկի հետ շատ վատ վարվել. He’s a nasty piece of work խսկց. Նա կեղտոտ տիպ է. Don’t be nasty խսկց. Անհամություն մի անի, Համը մի հանի. turn nasty սաստիկ բարկանալ/չարանալ/զայրանալ

    English-Armenian dictionary > nasty

  • 46 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) neprijeten
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) zoprn
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) grd
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) zoprn
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) grd
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) neprijeten
    - nastiness
    * * *
    adjective ( nastiliy adverb)
    umazan, gnusen, oduren; opolzek, nespodoben, grd (značaj); zloben (to do); grozeč, nevaren (morje), viharen (vreme), težek, hud (nesreča); neprijeten
    in a nasty fix — v hudih škripcih, v kaši
    a nasty one — zelo neprijeten (udarec, graja, zavrnitev itd.)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > nasty

  • 47 nasty nas·ty adj

    - ier comp - iest superl (smell, taste) cattivo (-a), sgradevole, (moment, experience, situation) brutto (-a), spiacevole, (accident, wound, corner, trick) brutto (-a), (person) antipatico (-a), villano (-a), (spiteful: also: remark, mind) maligno (-a), cattivo (-a), (temper, nature) brutto (-a), (weather) brutto (-a), cattivo (-a), (book, film etc) di cattivo gusto, (violent) violento (-a)

    to smell nasty — avere un cattivo odore, non avere un buon odore

    to turn nasty (situation) mettersi male, (weather) guastarsi, (person) incattivirsi

    it's a nasty business — è una brutta faccenda, è un brutto affare

    English-Italian dictionary > nasty nas·ty adj

  • 48 nasty

    remark złośliwy; person złośliwy, niemiły; taste, smell nieprzyjemny; wound, accident, weather paskudny; shock niemiły, przykry; problem trudny; question podstępny, podchwytliwy
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) przykry
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) nieprzyjemny
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) złośliwy
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) wstrętny
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) paskudny
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) nieprzyjemny
    - nastiness

    English-Polish dictionary > nasty

  • 49 nasty

    كَرِيه \ abominable: hateful; very bad. disagreeable: unpleasant. horrid: unpleasant or unkind; nasty: She was horrid to me when I accidentally broke her teapot. loathsome: nasty: a loathsome smell of decayed fish. nasty: unpleasant: a nasty person; a nasty taste. offensive: rude; causing annoyance or discomfort: Offensive language; an offensive smell. repulsive: very ugly or very unpleasant (person, act, idea, etc.), and causing strong dislike. revolting: very nasty: a revolting smell. ugly: unpleasant to look at; not pretty. unpleasant: not pleasing or enjoyable; (of people) wanting to quarrel; unkind: What an unpleasant smell! The heat of summer can be very unpleasant. That man was rather unpleasant to me. vile: very nasty; shameful: a vile smell; vile cruelty. \ See Also بغيض (بَغيض)، منفر (مُنَفِّر)، قذر (قَذِر)، قبيح (قَبِيح)، مؤذ (مُؤْذٍ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > nasty

  • 50 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) desagradável
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) desagradável
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) mau
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) desagradável
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) feio
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) difícil
    - nastiness
    * * *
    [n'a:sti, n'æsti] adj 1 sórdido, torpe, vil. 2 desagradável, horrível. 3 indecente, repelente. 4 vexatório, odioso. don’t be nasty não seja malcriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nasty

  • 51 nasty

    1) огидний; бридкий; мерзенний; нудотний

    nasty smell — огидний запах, сморід

    2) брудний, непристойний
    3) неприємний, паскудний; кепський, поганий
    4) злобний; недоброзичливий; роздратований
    5) небезпечний, загрозливий; невдалий
    * * *
    1) огидний, нудотний; противний, мерзенний
    2) брудний, непристойний
    3) неприємний, кепський; важкий, прикрий; який викликає потрясіння, шок
    4) злобний; недоброзичливий; роздратований
    5) загрозливий, погрозливий, небезпечний; неприємний, невдалий

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > nasty

  • 52 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) andstyggilegur
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) andstyggilegur
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) illgjarn
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) slæmur, andstyggilegur
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) alvarlegur, slæmur
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) örðugur, alvarlegur
    - nastiness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > nasty

  • 53 nasty

    csúnya, komisz
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) kellemetlen
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) undok
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) komisz
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) csúnya (időjárás)
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) komoly
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) kellemetlen
    - nastiness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > nasty

  • 54 nasty

    adj. iğrenç, çirkin, kötü, pis, edepsiz, fırtınalı, ayıp, müstehcen
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) pis, kötü, berbat
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) kaba, terbiyesiz
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) kötü, kırıcı, edepsiz
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) kötü, berbat
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) kötü, tehlikeli
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) berbat, edepsizce
    - nastiness

    English-Turkish dictionary > nasty

  • 55 nasty

    • paha
    • pahoin
    • pahasti
    • ruma
    • ruokoton
    • rumannäköinen
    • ikävä
    • häijy
    • ilkeä
    • inhottava
    • inhottava (iljet.)
    • vastenmielinen
    • epämiellyttävä
    • epäystävällinen
    • siivoton
    • katala
    • kelvoton
    • kelju
    • likainen
    • halpamainen
    • kurja
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) epämiellyttävä
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) töykeä
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) ilkeä
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) kurja
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) pahanlaatuinen
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) hankala
    - nastiness

    English-Finnish dictionary > nasty

  • 56 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) riebīgs; nejauks
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) nejauks; ļauns
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) slikts; ļauns
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) slikts; riebīgs
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) bīstams
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) slikts; draudīgs
    - nastiness
    * * *
    nejauks, nelāgs; šķebinošs, riebīgs, pretīgs; neķītrs, piedauzīgs; dzēlīgs, ļauns; bīstams, draudīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > nasty

  • 57 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) bjaurus, šlykštus
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) nemalonus
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) piktas, nuožmus
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) bjaurus, žvarbus
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) baisus, pavojingas
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) baisus, siaubingas
    - nastiness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > nasty

  • 58 nasty

    adj. illaluktande; elak; allvarlig; äcklig; farlig; obehaglig
    * * *
    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) otäck, äcklig
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) otrevlig, obehaglig
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) elak, stygg
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) ruskig
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) elakartad
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) besvärlig
    - nastiness

    English-Swedish dictionary > nasty

  • 59 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) odporný, ohavný
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) sprostý
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) protivný, zlý
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) mizerný, šeredný
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) nebezpečný
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) nepříjemný, obtížný
    - nastiness
    * * *
    • sprostý
    • ošklivý
    • hnusný
    • nepěkný
    • nepříjemný
    • nechutný

    English-Czech dictionary > nasty

  • 60 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) odporný
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) zlý
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) protivný, nepríjemný
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) mizerný
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) nebezpečný
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) ťažký, nepríjemný
    - nastiness
    * * *
    • velmi nepríjemný
    • zlý
    • špinavý
    • sprostý
    • tažký
    • hanebný
    • hrozivý
    • hnusný
    • protivný
    • riskantný
    • podlý
    • ošklivý
    • nemravný
    • nechutný
    • nepríjemný
    • nebezpecný
    • nedovolený
    • nepoctivý
    • neslušný
    • odporný chlap
    • odporná záležitost
    • odporný
    • ohavnost
    • ohava

    English-Slovak dictionary > nasty

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Nasty (song) — Nasty U.S. and European cover Single by Janet Jackson from the album Control …   Wikipedia

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  • Nasty — Single par Janet Jackson extrait de l’album Control Face B You ll Never Find (A Love Like Mine) Sortie 15 Avril 1986 Enregistrement septembre 1985 Flyte …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nasty — may refer to: Nasty (song), by Janet Jackson Nasty (album), by Cameo Nasty (The Young Ones), an episode of The Young Ones Nasty , a song by The Damned, created for the Young Ones episode, released as a B side of the single Thanks for the Night… …   Wikipedia

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