1 further
further ['fɜ:ðə(r)]plus loin ⇒ 1 (a) plus ⇒ 1 (b) de plus ⇒ 1 (d) plus éloigné ⇒ 2 (a) additionnel ⇒ 2 (b) avancer ⇒ 3 suite à ⇒ 4(a) (at a greater distance in space, time) plus loin;∎ I walked further than I intended to je suis allé plus loin que je n'en avais l'intention;∎ further to the south plus au sud;∎ she's never been further north than Leicester elle n'est jamais allée plus au nord que Leicester;∎ further along the beach plus loin sur la plage;∎ how much further is it? c'est encore loin?;∎ have you much further to go? vous allez encore loin?;∎ he got further and further away from the shore il a continué à s'éloigner de la rive;∎ to move further away s'éloigner;∎ she moved further back elle a reculé encore plus;∎ further back than 1960 avant 1960;∎ further forward, further on plus en avant, plus loin;∎ figurative she's further on than the rest of the students elle est en avance sur les autres étudiants;∎ I've got no further with finding a nanny mes recherches pour trouver une nourrice n'ont pas beaucoup avancé;∎ that doesn't get us much further cela ne nous avance pas beaucoup;∎ nothing could be further from the truth rien n'est moins vrai;∎ nothing could be further from my mind j'étais bien loin de penser à ça∎ I have nothing further to say je n'ai rien à ajouter, je n'ai rien d'autre ou rien de plus à dire;∎ don't try my patience any further ne pousse pas ma patience à bout, n'abuse pas de ma patience;∎ the police want to question him further la police veut encore l'interroger;∎ she heard nothing further from her sister elle n'a pas eu d'autres nouvelles de sa sœur;∎ I want nothing further to do with him je ne veux plus avoir affaire à lui;∎ add water to the wine to make it go further allongez le vin d'eau;∎ until you hear further jusqu'à nouvel avis;∎ unless you hear further sauf avis contraire∎ her arrival only complicated things further son arrivée n'a fait que compliquer les choses;∎ play was further interrupted by rain le jeu fut à nouveau interrompu par la pluie∎ and further I think it best we don't see each other again et de plus ou et en outre je crois qu'il vaut mieux que nous ne nous voyions plus∎ I would go even further and say he's a genius j'irais même jusqu'à dire que c'est un génie;∎ we need to go further into the matter il faut approfondir davantage la question;∎ this information must go no further cette information doit rester entre nous ou ne doit pas être divulguée(a) (more distant) plus éloigné, plus lointain;∎ she walked to the further end of the room elle est allée à l'autre bout de la pièce(b) (additional → comments, negotiations) additionnel, autre; (→ information, news) supplémentaire, complémentaire;∎ do you have any further questions? avez-vous d'autres questions à poser?;∎ I need a further £900 j'ai encore besoin de neuf cents livres;∎ upon further consideration à la réflexion, après plus ample réflexion;∎ I have no further use for it je ne m'en sers plus, je n'en ai plus besoin ou l'usage;∎ she needs one or two further details elle a besoin d'un ou deux autres petits renseignements;∎ I would like further details of the programme j'aimerais avoir quelques précisions ou indications supplémentaires sur le programme;∎ for further information, phone this number pour tout renseignement complémentaire, appelez ce numéro;∎ please send me further information concerning the project veuillez m'envoyer de plus amples renseignements sur ou concernant le projet;∎ esp Military to await further orders attendre les ordres;∎ without further delay sans autre délai, sans plus attendre;∎ until further notice jusqu'à nouvel ordre;∎ without further ado sans plus de cérémonie;∎ without further warning sans plus d'avertissement(cause, one's interests) avancer, servir, favoriser; (career) servir, favoriser; (chances) augmenterformal suite à;∎ further to your letter of 12 July suite à votre lettre du 12 juillet;∎ further to our discussion/conversation suite à notre discussion/conversation►► British further education1 nounenseignement m postscolaire(class) d'éducation permanente;further education college centre m de formation continue -
2 further
further [ˈfɜ:ðər]1. adverba. = fartherb. ( = more) plus• to study/examine an issue further approfondir l'étude/l'examen d'une question2. adjective• please send me further details of... (in letter) veuillez m'envoyer de plus amples renseignements concernant...[+ one's interests, a cause] servir4. compounds* * *['fɜːðə(r)] 1.1) ( a greater distance) (also farther) lit, fig plus loinfurther back/forward — plus en arrière/en avant
further away ou off — plus loin
3) ( to a greater extent)4) ( furthermore) de plus, en outre2.1) ( additional)further details can be obtained by writing to the manager — pour plus de renseignements, adressez-vous à la direction
2) ( more distant) (also farther) autre3.transitive verb augmenter [chances]; faire avancer [career, plan]; servir [cause]4.further to prepositional phrase sout suite à -
3 further
1 ( to or at a greater physical distance) ( also farther) plus loin ; I can't go any further je ne peux pas aller plus loin ; John walked further than me John a marché plus loin que moi ; how much further is it? c'est encore loin? ; how much further have they got to go? est-ce qu'ils vont encore loin? ; to get further and further away s'éloigner de plus en plus ; further north plus (loin) au nord ; further back/forward plus en arrière/en avant ; further away ou off plus loin, plus éloigné ; further on encore plus loin ; to move further back reculer encore ;2 fig ( at or to a more advanced point) ( also farther) I'll go so far but no further j'irai jusque là mais pas plus loin ; the government went even further le gouvernement est allé encore plus loin ; she didn't get any further with him than I did elle n'est arrivée à rien de plus avec lui que moi ; we're further forward than we thought on est plus avancé qu'on ne le pensait ; all that work and we're no further forward tout ce travail ne nous a pas avancés du tout ; nothing could be further from the truth/from my mind rien n'est plus loin or éloigné de la vérité/de mes pensées ;3 ( to or at a greater distance in time) ( also farther) further back than 1964 avant 1964 ; a year further on un an plus tard ; we must look further ahead nous devons regarder plus vers l'avenir ; I haven't read further than page twenty je n'ai pas lu au-delà de la page vingt ;4 (to a greater extent, even more) prices fell/increased (even) further les prix ont baissé/ont augmenté encore plus ; his refusal to co-operate angered them further son refus de coopérer les a agacés encore plus ; we will enquire further into the matter nous nous renseignerons davantage sur la question ; I won't delay you any further je ne vous retarderai pas davantage ; they didn't question him any further ils ne l'ont pas questionné davantage or plus avant ;5 (in addition, furthermore) de plus, en outre ; the company further agrees to… en outre, l'entreprise accepte de… ; she further argued that de plus, elle a affirmé que ; further, I must say that de plus or en outre, je dois dire que.1 ( additional) a further 10%/500 people encore 10%/500 personnes, 10%/500 personnes de plus ; further reforms/changes/increases/questions d'autres réformes/changements/augmentations/questions ; there have been further allegations that il y a eu de nouvelles allégations selon lesquelles ; further research des recherches plus approfondies ; further details can be obtained by writing to the manager pour plus de renseignements, adressez-vous à la direction ; to have no further use for sth ne plus avoir besoin de qch ; without further delay sans plus attendre ; there's nothing further to discuss il n'y a rien d'autre à discuter ; is there anything further? c'est tout? ; -
4 ♦ further
♦ further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r)/(compar. di far)A a.2 ulteriore; nuovo; aggiuntivo; supplementare: further evidence [instructions], ulteriori prove [istruzioni]; until further notice, fino a nuovo avviso; ( per estens.) indefinitamente; I have no further need of it, non ne ho più bisognoB avv.1 più lontano; oltre; più: We cannot go any further, non possiamo andare oltre; further away, (ancora) più lontano; further back, (ancora) più indietro; I haven't read further than the first chapter, non ho letto (o non sono andato) oltre il primo capitolo; Nothing could be further from the truth, nulla potrebbe essere più lontano dalla verità; Don't let it go any further, non dirlo a nessun altro; che rimanga fra noi2 in aggiunta; ulteriormente; oltre: to enquire further, fare ricerche più approfondite; fare ulteriori indagini; He didn't ask further, non fece altre domande3 inoltre; in aggiunta; per di più: Let me further remark that…, inoltre, permettetemi d'osservare che…● (GB) further education, istruzione postscolastica ( non universitaria); corsi per adulti □ (in GB) further education college, scuola di formazione professionale ( dopo la scuola dell'obbligo) □ (form.) further to, facendo seguito a ( una lettera, ecc.); a seguito di ( un accordo, ecc.).NOTA D'USO: - further o farther?- (to) further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r)/v. t.agevolare; appoggiare; favorire; avvantaggiare; incoraggiare; promuovere: to further sb. 's plans, favorire i piani di q.; to further one's own career, agire a vantaggio della (o avvantaggiarsi nella) propria carriera; far carriera. -
5 further
further [ˊfɜ:ðə]1. a2) бо́лее отдалённый3) дальне́йший; доба́вочный;further education дальне́йшее образова́ние ( исключая университетское)
;to obtain further information получи́ть дополни́тельные све́дения
;till further notice впредь до дальне́йшего уведомле́ния
2. adv2) да́льше; да́лее3) зате́м; кро́ме того́; бо́лее того́;to inquire further расспроси́ть подро́бнее
;let me further tell you разреши́те мне доба́вить
3. v продвига́ть; соде́йствовать, спосо́бствовать;to further hopes подде́рживать наде́жды
6 further to
con referencia a, referente a -
7 further to
further to GEN in Bezug auf, im Anschluss an -
8 further
9 further on
10 further to
11 further
1. adverb((sometimes farther) at or to a great distance or degree: I cannot go any further.) más lejos, más allá
2. adverb, adjective(more; in addition: I cannot explain further; There is no further news.) más; además
3. verb(to help (something) to proceed or go forward quickly: He furthered our plans.) adelantar, aligerar, avanzar; fomentar, promover, apoyar, favorecer- furthest
further1 adj1. más lejos2. másfurther2 adv1. más lejos2. mástr['fɜːðəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (farther) más lejos2 (more, additional) más, adicional; (new) nuevo,-a■ this office will remain closed until further notice esta oficina permanecerá cerrada hasta nuevo aviso■ for further information, please contact... para más información, póngase en contacto con...1 (farther) más lejos■ is it much further? ¿queda mucho más?2 (more, to a greater degree) más■ the situation is still further complicated than we thought la situación es aún más complicada de lo que pensábamos3 formal use (besides) además■ further, I'd like to complain about the lack of parking spaces además, quisiera quejarme de la falta de aparcamientos1 (advance, promote) fomentar, promover■ he would have gone to any lengths to further his career hubiera hecho cualquier cosa para promover su propia carrera\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLthis must not go any further esto tiene que quedar entre nosotros, esto no tiene que salir de aquífurther to con referencia a, referente afurther education estudios nombre masculino plural superiores Table 1SMALLNOTA/SMALL See also far/Table 1further ['fərðər] vt: promover, fomentarfurther adv1) farther: más lejos, más adelante2) moreover: además3) more: másI'll consider it further in the morning: lo consideraré más en la mañanafurther adj1) farther: más lejano2) additional: adicional, másadj.• adicional adj.• más lejano adj.adv.• además adv.• más allá adv.• más lejos adv.• siguiente adv.v.• adelantar v.• fomentar v.• promover v.
I 'fɜːrðər, 'fɜːðə(r)a) ( in distance)how much further is it? — ¿cuánto camino nos queda por hacer?
further on, there's another set of traffic lights — más adelante, hay otro semáforo
b) ( in progress)have you got any further with that essay? — ¿has adelantado ese trabajo?
c) ( in time)this vase dates back even further — este jarrón es aún más antiguo or data de una época aún anterior
d) (in extent, degree)the situation is further complicated by her absence — el hecho de que ella no esté complica aún más la situación
2)further to — ( Corresp) (as prep)
further to your letter of June 6,... — con relación a or en relación con su carta del 6 de junio,...
3) ( furthermore) (as linker) además
adjective máshave you any further questions? — ¿tienen más preguntas or alguna otra pregunta?
transitive verb \<\<cause/aims\>\> promover*, fomentar; \<\<career/interests\>\> favorecer*['fɜːðǝ(r)]1. ADV(compar) of farhow much further is it? — ¿cuánto camino nos queda?
have you much further to go? — ¿le queda mucho camino por hacer?
let's go further north/south — vayamos más al norte/sur
his car was parked further along — su coche estaba aparcado un poco más arriba/abajoa crowd was gathering further along the street — se estaba congregando una multitud de gente calle arriba/abajo
we were too tired to go any further that day — estábamos demasiado cansados para continuar ese día•
we live further away from the city centre — vivimos más lejos del centro de la ciudad•
I think it's further down the road — creo que está bajando un poco más la calleI was visiting a friend further down the street — estaba visitando a un amigo que vive bajando un poco la calle
I don't think we want to go any further down that road — (fig) no creo que sea prudente seguir por ese camino (fig)
nothing was further from my thoughts — nada más lejos de mi intención•
I sank even further in — me hundí aún más•
further on — más adelante•
the boat drifted further out to sea — la barca iba siendo arrastrada mar adentro•
further to the south — más al sur•
we decided to go further up the track — decidimos seguir avanzando por el camino2) (in time)I never plan anything further than a week ahead — nunca planeo nada con más de una semana de antelación
there is evidence of this even further back in history — incluso más antiguamente se ven evidencias de esto3) (=in progress)•
you'll get further with her if you're polite — conseguirás más si se lo pides educadamenteI got no further with him — (in questioning) no pude sacarle nada más
we need to go further and address the issues — tenemos que ir más allá y proponer soluciones a los problemashe went further, claiming the man had attacked him — no se quedó ahí, sino que aseguró que el hombre lo había atacado
this mustn't go any further — [confidential matter] esto que no pase de aquí
further on in this chapter — más adelante en este capítulo•
I think we should take this matter further — creo que deberíamos proseguir con este asunto4) (=more) más5) (=in addition) ademásand I further believe that... — y creo además que...
6) (Comm) (in correspondence)further to your letter of the 7th — con or en relación a su carta del 7
2.ADJ (compar)of far; (=additional) más•
I have no further comment to make — no tengo nada más que añadir•
please send me further details of your products — le ruego me envíen más información con respecto a sus productos•
we have no further need of your services — ya no necesitamos sus servicios3.VT (=promote) [+ cause, aim, understanding, career] promover, fomentarshe was accused of furthering her own interests — la acusaron de actuar en beneficio de sus propios intereses
4.CPDfurther education N — (Brit) (vocational, non-academic etc) formación f continua, educación f postescolar
further education college (Brit) N — ≈ centro m de formación continua
* * *
I ['fɜːrðər, 'fɜːðə(r)]a) ( in distance)how much further is it? — ¿cuánto camino nos queda por hacer?
further on, there's another set of traffic lights — más adelante, hay otro semáforo
b) ( in progress)have you got any further with that essay? — ¿has adelantado ese trabajo?
c) ( in time)this vase dates back even further — este jarrón es aún más antiguo or data de una época aún anterior
d) (in extent, degree)the situation is further complicated by her absence — el hecho de que ella no esté complica aún más la situación
2)further to — ( Corresp) (as prep)
further to your letter of June 6,... — con relación a or en relación con su carta del 6 de junio,...
3) ( furthermore) (as linker) además
adjective máshave you any further questions? — ¿tienen más preguntas or alguna otra pregunta?
transitive verb \<\<cause/aims\>\> promover*, fomentar; \<\<career/interests\>\> favorecer* -
12 further
1. adjective compar. ofacademic.ru/26446/far">faron the further bank of the river/side of town — am anderen Ufer/Ende der Stadt
2) (additional) weiter...till further notice/orders — bis auf weiteres
will there be anything further? — darf es noch etwas sein?; haben Sie sonst noch einen Wunsch?
2. adverbfurther details or particulars — weitere od. nähere Einzelheiten
compar. of far1) weiternot let it go any further — (keep it secret) es nicht weitersagen
until you hear further from us — bis Sie wieder von uns hören
nothing was further from his thoughts — nichts lag ihm ferner
2) (moreover) außerdem3. transitive verb* * *['fə:ðə] 1. adverb 2. adverb, adjective 3. verb- furthermore- furthest* * *fur·ther[ˈfɜ:ðəʳ, AM ˈfɜ:rðɚ]1. (more distant) weiter [entfernt], fernerat the \further end of the room am anderen Ende des Raums2. (additional) weiter\further problems noch mehr Probleme\further use weitere VerwendungI've no \further use for it ich kann es nicht mehr gebrauchenuntil \further notice bis auf Weiteres1. (more distant) weiterwe didn't get much \further wir sind nicht viel weiter gekommennothing could be \further from my mind nichts liegt mir ferner\further on weitera bit \further on [noch] etwas weiter2. (to a greater degree) weiter, außerdemhe's a nice person, but I wouldn't go any \further than that er ist sehr nett, aber mehr möchte ich nicht sagen [o weiter möchte ich nicht gehen]this mustn't go any \further sag es nicht weiter\further and \further [immer] weiter, mehr und mehr3. (more) [noch] weiterI have nothing \further to say in this matter ich habe zu dieser Sache nichts mehr zu sagen [o hinzuzufügen]to not go any \further nicht weitergehenwe kissed, but we didn't go any \further wir haben uns geküsst, aber dabei blieb es auchto make sth go \further food etw strecken▪ to \further sth etw fördernto \further a cause eine Sache voranbringento \further sb's interests jds Interessen förderlich sein* * *['fɜːðə(r)]1. adv comp of far1) (in place, time fig) weiterfurther on — weiter, weiter entfernt
further back (in place, time) — weiter zurück
nothing is further from my thoughts —
he has decided not to take the matter any further — er hat beschlossen, die Angelegenheit auf sich beruhen zu lassen
in order to make the soup go further — um die Suppe zu strecken
2)(= more)
he didn't question me further —and further... — und darüber hinaus...
further, I would like to say that... — darüber hinaus möchte ich sagen, dass...
2. adj1)See:= farther2) (= additional) weiterto remand a case for further inquiry (Jur) — einen Fall zurückstellen, bis weitere Nachforschungen angestellt sind
3. vtone's interests, a cause fördern; process voranbringen* * *A adv2. fig mehr, weiter:there was nothing further we could do wir konnten nichts weiter tun3. fig ferner, weiterhin, überdies, außerdem:further to our letter of im Nachgang zu unserem Schreiben vonwish sb further umg jemanden sonst wohin wünschenB adj1. fig weiter(er, e, es) zusätzlich(er, e, es):a further two days weitere zwei Tage;further particulars Näheres, nähere Einzelheiten;have no further use for sth etwas nicht mehr brauchen können;C v/t fördern, unterstützen:further one’s education sich weiterbilden* * *1. adjective compar. of1) (of two) ander...; (in space) weiter entfernton the further bank of the river/side of town — am anderen Ufer/Ende der Stadt
2) (additional) weiter...till further notice/orders — bis auf weiteres
will there be anything further? — darf es noch etwas sein?; haben Sie sonst noch einen Wunsch?
2. adverbfurther details or particulars — weitere od. nähere Einzelheiten
compar. of far1) weiternot let it go any further — (keep it secret) es nicht weitersagen
2) (moreover) außerdem3. transitive verb* * *adj.mehr adj. adv.weiter adv. conj.ferner konj.überdies konj. v.fördern v. -
13 further
I 1. ['fɜːðə(r)]1) (to or at a greater distance) (anche farther) più lontanoI can't go any further — non posso più andare avanti, oltre
further back, forward — più indietro, avanti
further away o off più lontano, più in là; further on ancora più lontano, in là; I'll go so far but no further fig. più in là di così non vado; we're further forward than we thought fig. siamo più avanti di quanto pensassimo; nothing could be further from the truth — niente potrebbe essere più lontano dalla verità
2) (in time)3) (to a greater extent) ulteriormente4) (furthermore) inoltre, in più5) further to form. facendo seguito a2.1) (additional)a further 10%, 50 people — un altro 10%, altre 50 persone
to have no further use for sth. — non avere più bisogno di qcs.
without further delay — senza ulteriori ritardi, senza indugio
2) (more distant) (anche farther)II ['fɜːðə(r)]* * *['fə:ðə] 1. adverb((sometimes farther) at or to a great distance or degree: I cannot go any further.) più lontano, oltre2. adverb, adjective(more; in addition: I cannot explain further; There is no further news.) oltre, ulteriore3. verb(to help (something) to proceed or go forward quickly: He furthered our plans.) agevolare, favorire- furthest* * *I 1. ['fɜːðə(r)]1) (to or at a greater distance) (anche farther) più lontanoI can't go any further — non posso più andare avanti, oltre
further back, forward — più indietro, avanti
further away o off più lontano, più in là; further on ancora più lontano, in là; I'll go so far but no further fig. più in là di così non vado; we're further forward than we thought fig. siamo più avanti di quanto pensassimo; nothing could be further from the truth — niente potrebbe essere più lontano dalla verità
2) (in time)3) (to a greater extent) ulteriormente4) (furthermore) inoltre, in più5) further to form. facendo seguito a2.1) (additional)a further 10%, 50 people — un altro 10%, altre 50 persone
to have no further use for sth. — non avere più bisogno di qcs.
without further delay — senza ulteriori ritardi, senza indugio
2) (more distant) (anche farther)II ['fɜːðə(r)] -
14 further
I. 1. по-нататък, по-далеч
FURTHER back по-назад, още по-отдавна/по-преди
to go FURTHER and fare worse попадам от трън, та на глог
to wish someone FURTHER пращам някого по дяволите
2. допълнително, още, в допълнение, освен това, независимо от това, също така, после
until you hear FURTHER до второ нареждане
I'll see you FURTHER first върви по дяволите, дума да не става, отказвам категорично
II. 1. по-нататъшен, по-далечен
FURTHER education специално образование за лица над училищна възраст
until FURTHER notice до второ нареждане
2. допълнителен, добавъчен
have you anything FURTHER to say? има те ли да добавите нещо? to make no FURTHER objections/remarks нямам никакви други възражения/забележки
without FURTHER delay без да се отлага повече, без по-нататъшно отлагане, веднага, незабавно
III. v придвижвам, подпомагам, подкрепям, съдействувам на, способствувам за
to FURTHER his ends, he... за да улесни постигането на целите си, той.* * *{fъ:ъ} adv 1. по-нататък, по-далеч; further back по-назад; още по-(2) {fъ:ъ} а 1. по-нататъшен, по-далечен; further education специа{3} {fъ:ъ} v придвижвам; подпомагам, подкрепям, съдействувам* * *добавъчен; допълнително; допълнителен;* * *1. further back по-назад, още по-отдавна/по-преди 2. further education специално образование за лица над училищна възраст 3. have you anything further to say? има те ли да добавите нещо? to make no further objections/remarks нямам никакви други възражения/забележки 4. i'll see you further first върви по дяволите, дума да не става, отказвам категорично 5. i. по-нататък, по-далеч 6. ii. по-нататъшен, по-далечен 7. iii. v придвижвам, подпомагам, подкрепям, съдействувам на, способствувам за 8. to further his ends, he... за да улесни постигането на целите си, той 9. to go further and fare worse попадам от трън, та на глог 10. to wish someone further пращам някого по дяволите 11. until further notice до второ нареждане 12. until you hear further до второ нареждане 13. without further delay без да се отлага повече, без по-нататъшно отлагане, веднага, незабавно 14. допълнителен, добавъчен 15. допълнително, още, в допълнение, освен това, независимо от това, също така, после* * *further[´fə:ðə] I. adv 1. по-нататък, по-далеч; \further ahead още по-напред, още по-далеч в бъдещето; to go \further and fare worse попадам на по-лошо; 2. допълнително, още повече, в допълнение, освен това, също така, после; inflation is 5 % and set to fall \further инфлацията е 5 % и продължава да пада; until you hear \further до второ нареждане; II. adj 1. по-нататъшен, по-далечен, оттатъшен, отсрещен; 2. допълнителен, добавъчен; \further evidence нови доказателства; without \further ado без повече церемонии; III. v придвижвам, подпомагам, подкрепям, съдействам на, способствам за; to \further s.o.'s cause подкрепям (подпомагам) нечия кауза; IV.: \further to prep относно, във връзка с. -
15 further
'fə:ðə 1. adverb((sometimes farther) at or to a great distance or degree: I cannot go any further.) lenger2. adverb, adjective(more; in addition: I cannot explain further; There is no further news.) mer, ytterligere, videre3. verb(to help (something) to proceed or go forward quickly: He furthered our plans.) fremme, befordre, hjelpe fram- furthestfremme--------lengerIverb \/ˈfɜːħə\/1) fremme, begunstige, støtte2) hjelpe (frem)3) befordreIIadj. \/ˈfɜːħə\/ eller farther1) fjernere, fjernest, bortre, borteste, mer fjerntliggende, (beliggende) lenger bort2) videre, ytterligere, fortsatt, mer• have you any further need of me?IIIadv. \/ˈfɜːħə\/ eller farther1) lenger, lenger bort(e), mer fjerntliggende2) videre, ytterligere, mer3) dessutenfurther back eller further off lenger tilbake, lenger bort (i rom eller tid)be further from være fjernere fra, være fjernere forfurther on lenger fremfurther to your letter med henvisning til Deres brevgo further ( overført) strekke seg lenger, rekke lenger• it will go further if...det rekker lenger dersom...I'll see you further first ( hverdagslig) aldri i livet, det kommer ikke på taleinquire further into the matter eller go further into the matter gå nærmere inn på saken, undersøke saken nærmereuntil further notice inntil viderewish somebody further ( hverdagslig) ønske noen dit pepperen gror -
16 further
1) ( more distant) weiter [entfernt], ferner;at the \further end of the room am anderen Ende des Raums2) ( additional) weiter;\further problems noch mehr Probleme;\further use weitere Verwendung;I've no \further use for it ich kann es nicht mehr gebrauchen;1) ( more distant) weiter;we didn't get much \further wir sind nicht viel weiter gekommen;nothing could be \further from my mind nichts liegt mir ferner;\further back ( in place) weiter zurück;( in time) früher;\further on weiter;a bit \further on [noch] etwas weiter2) ( to a greater degree) weiter, außerdem;he's a nice person, but I wouldn't go any \further than that er ist sehr nett, aber mehr möchte ich nicht sagen [o weiter möchte ich nicht gehen];this mustn't go any \further sag es nicht weiter;\further and \further [immer] weiter, mehr und mehr;to go \further with sth mit etw dat weitermachen;to take sth \further mit etw dat weitermachen;3) ( more) [noch] weiter;I have nothing \further to say in this matter ich habe zu dieser Sache nichts mehr zu sagen [o hinzuzufügen];to not go any \further nicht weitergehen;we kissed, but we didn't go any \further wir haben uns geküsst, aber dabei blieb es auch;to \further sth etw fördern;to \further a cause eine Sache voranbringen;to \further sb's interests jds Interessen förderlich sein -
17 further
1. a от I2. a более отдалённый, дальнийany further — дальше; дальнейший
3. a дальнейший, позднейший4. a дополнительный, добавочный5. adv от 16. adv дальше, далее7. adv кроме того; затем8. v продвигать; содействовать; способствоватьСинонимический ряд:1. additional (adj.) added; additional; another; else; extra; fresh; in addition; more; new; other; subsequent; supplementary; ulterior2. at a greater distance (adj.) at a greater distance; beyond; distant; farther; longer; to a greater distance3. advance (verb) advance; aid; assist; encourage; forward; foster; help; promote; serve4. also (other) additionally; again; also; as well; besides; furthermore; in addition; into the bargain; likewise; moreover; still; then; to boot; too; yet5. beyond (other) beyond; farther; yonderАнтонимический ряд: -
18 further
1. [ʹfɜ:ðə] a1. compar от far I2. более отдалённый, дальнийon the further side of the river - на другой /на той/ стороне реки
3. дальнейший, позднейшийfurther education - дальнейшее образование (на курсах повышения квалификации и т. п.; дневное и вечернее)
4. дополнительный, добавочныйfurther evidence - юр. новые доказательства
2. [ʹfɜ:ðə] advlet's have no further talk and delay - давайте покончим с излишними разговорами и задержками
1. compar от far II 12. дальше, далее3. кроме того; затем♢
further to - канц. в дополнениеfurther our letter of February 5 - в дополнение к нашему письму от 5 февраля
3. [ʹfɜ:ðə] vI'll see you further first! - ≅ как бы не так!; ещё чего захотел!; и не подумаю (этого сделать)!
продвигать; содействовать; способствовать -
19 further
1) лишний разfurther upholding что лишний раз подтверждает;further demonstrating the greater influence of the wall temperature on A что лишний раз свидетельствует о большем влиянии температуры стенки на A;...in that it provides further justification for our use of А в том смысле, что это лишний раз подтверждает правомерность / обоснованность использования нами А2) в развитие; в дополнение кIn this work, the method is further developed to А В настоящей статье, в развитие А, приводится метод...;Further to my memo of Jan. 19, 2006,... В развитие моей служебной записки от 19 января 2006 г....;Further to our discussion on Feb. 18 В дополнение к нашему совещанию 18 февраля3) кроме того; мало тогоFurther, the production is also affected during dressing Мало того, правка [ шлифовального круга] отрицательно сказывается и на процессе производства4) новыйThere is a critical need for further research Настоятельно необходимо проведение новых исследований5) последующийAny further correspondence on site alarms will be coordinated by Mr. N Вся последующая переписка по поводу аварийной ситуации на объекте будет координироваться г-номN6) дальнейшийwait for further instructions ждать дальнейших указаний7) дополнительныйfurther clarifications дополнительные разъяснения8) в свою очередьA can be further divided into В А можно в свою очередь подразделить на В9) еще один10) There is a need to perform further tests on... Необходимо продолжать исследования...11) further detail конкретизировать;further develop доработать;further insight into А более глубокое проникновение в [ суть] АEnglish-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > further
20 further
См. также в других словарях:
further to — Following on from • • • Main Entry: ↑further * * * further to british formal phrase used especially in letters to show that you are referring to a previous letter or conversation Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to… … Useful english dictionary
Further — Further … Википедия
further — used as comparative of FAR(Cf. ↑far). ► ADVERB (also farther) 1) at, to, or by a greater distance. 2) over a greater expanse of space or time. 3) beyond the point already reached. 4) at or to a more advanced or desirable stage. 5) in additio … English terms dictionary
Further — Fur ther, a. compar. [Positive wanting; superl. {Furthest}.] 1. More remote; at a greater distance; more in advance; farther; as, the further end of the field. See {Farther}. [1913 Webster] 2. Beyond; additional; as, a further reason for this… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
further — I adverb additionally, besides, beyond, else, extra, furthermore, in addition, plus associated concepts: further conveyance, further notice, further proceeding, further security, further waste, furtherance II verb advance, contribute to,… … Law dictionary
Further — Fur ther, adv. [A comparative of forth; OE. further, forther, AS. fur?or, far?ur; akin to G. f[ u]rder. See {Forth}, adv.] To a greater distance; in addition; moreover. See {Farther}. [1913 Webster] Carries us, I know not how much further, into… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
further to — ˈfurther to adverb used in letters to mention a previous letter, conversation etc about the same matter: • Further to your letter of February 5th, we can confirm your order. * * * further to UK US adverb FORMAL ► COMMUNICATIONS used in business… … Financial and business terms
Further — Fur ther , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Furthered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Furthering}.] [OE. furthren, forthren, AS. fyr[eth]ran, fyr[eth]rian. See {Further}, adv.] To help forward; to promote; to advance; to forward; to help or assist. [1913 Webster] This… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Further — may relate to: *Further (band), a 1990s United States indie rock band *Further (album), an album by the band Solace *Further (Geneva album), the debut album by Scottish indie band Geneva … Wikipedia
Further — álbum de The Chemical Brothers Publicación 11 de junio de 2010 Género(s) House, Electro, Big Beat Duración 51:58 … Wikipedia Español
Further — Album par The Chemical Brothers Sortie 14 juin 2010 21 juin 2010 … Wikipédia en Français