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  • Feeble — Fee ble (f[=e] b l), a. [Compar. {Feebler} ( bl[ e]r); superl. {Feeblest} ( bl[e^]st).] [OE. feble, OF. feble, flebe, floibe, floible, foible, F. faible, L. flebilis to be wept over, lamentable, wretched, fr. flere to weep. Cf. {Foible}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • feeble — [fē′bəl] adj. feebler, feeblest [ME feble < OFr faible, feble < L flebilis, to be wept over < flere, to weep < IE base * bhlē , to howl > BLEAT, BLARE] weak; not strong; specif., a) infirm [a feeble old man] b) without force or… …   English World dictionary

  • Feeble — may refer to: *Feeble, one of the imaginary anthropomorphic characters of the 1989 film Meet the Feebles *Feeble, is the name of Travis Barker s first band *Feeble grind, a type of skateboarding trick …   Wikipedia

  • feeble — (adj.) late 12c., from O.Fr. feble (12c., Mod.Fr. faible) weak, feeble, from L. flebilis lamentable, lit. that is to be wept over, from flere weep, cry, shed tears, lament, from PIE *bhle to howl (Cf. BLEAT (Cf. bleat)). The first l was dropped… …   Etymology dictionary

  • feeble — ► ADJECTIVE (feebler, feeblest) 1) lacking physical or mental strength. 2) failing to convince or impress: a feeble excuse. DERIVATIVES feebleness noun feebly adverb. ORIGIN Old French fieble, from Latin flebil …   English terms dictionary

  • Feeble — Fee ble, v. t. To make feble; to enfeeble. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Shall that victorious hand be feebled here? Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • feeble — index decadent, helpless (powerless), imperfect, inadept, inadequate, incapable, inconspicuous, ineff …   Law dictionary

  • feeble — *weak, infirm, decrepit, frail, fragile Analogous words: unnerved, enervated, emasculated, unmanned (see UNNERVE): debilitated, weakened, enfeebled, disabled, crippled (see WEAKEN): *powerless, impotent Antonyms: robust Contrasted words: *strong …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • feeble — [adj] not strong; ineffective aged, ailing, chicken*, debilitated, decrepit, delicate, doddering, dopey*, effete, emasculated, enervated, enfeebled, etiolated, exhausted, failing, faint, flabby*, flat, fragile, frail, gentle, helpless, impotent,… …   New thesaurus

  • feeble — [[t]fi͟ːb(ə)l[/t]] feebler, feeblest 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe someone or something as feeble, you mean that they are weak. He told them he was old and feeble and was not able to walk so far... The feeble light of a tin lamp. Derived words:… …   English dictionary

  • feeble — UK [ˈfiːb(ə)l] / US [ˈfɪb(ə)l] adjective Word forms feeble : adjective feeble comparative feebler superlative feeblest 1) physically weak, especially because you are old or ill 2) not strong enough to be seen or heard clearly a feeble light/voice …   English dictionary

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