1 farewell
farewell [‚feə'wel]1 nounadieu m;∎ to bid sb farewell dire adieu à qn;∎ to say or make one's farewells faire ses adieux;∎ you can say farewell to your chances of winning! tu peux dire adieu à tes chances de victoire!, tu n'as plus aucune chance de gagner!adieu!(dinner, party) d'adieu -
2 farewell
farewell [ˏfeəˊwel]1. n проща́ние;to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells проща́ться
2. a проща́льный3. int до свида́ния!, до́брый путь!;farewell to school! проща́й, шко́ла!
3 farewell
farewell [fεəˈwel]adieu m• you can say farewell to your chances of promotion! tu peux dire adieu à tes chances de promotion !* * *[ˌfeə'wel] 1.noun, exclamation adieu m2. -
4 farewell
5 farewell
6 farewell
1. interjectionleb[e] wohl (veralt.)2. noun1)2) attrib.farewell speech/gift — Abschiedsrede, die/-geschenk, das
* * *[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) das Lebewohl, Abschieds-...2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) Lebe(n Sie) wohl!* * *fare·well[ˌfeəˈwel, AM ˌferˈ-]\farewell, until we meet again leb wohl, bis baldto bid sb a fond \farewell sich akk herzlich von jdm verabschiedento bid sb a last \farewell von jdm Abschied nehmen\farewell hug Umarmung f zum Abschieda \farewell party eine Abschiedsparty* * *[fɛə'wel]1. nAbschied mto say or make one's farewells — sich verabschieden; (before a longer absence) Abschied nehmen
to bid sb farewell — jdm Auf Wiedersehen or Lebewohl (old) sagen
2. interj (old)lebt wohl (old); (to friend, sweetheart) leb(e) wohl (old)* * *farewell [ˌfeə(r)ˈwel]A int lebe(n Sie) wohl!, lebt wohl!B s1. Lebewohl n, Abschiedsgruß m:bid sb farewell jemandem Lebewohl sagen;2. Abschied m:take one’s farewell of Abschied nehmen von (a. fig);farewell to …! fig genug von …!, nie wieder …!C adj Abschieds…:* * *1. interjectionleb[e] wohl (veralt.)2. noun1)2) attrib.farewell speech/gift — Abschiedsrede, die/-geschenk, das
* * *n.Lebewohl -e n.Verabschiedung f. -
7 farewell
1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; (also adjective) a farewell dinner.) despedida
2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) ¡adiós!tr[feə'wel]1 ¡adiós!1 despedidafarewell [fær'wɛl] adj: de despedidafarewell n: despedida fadj.• de despedida adj.interj.• adiós interj.n.• adiós s.m.• despedida s.f.• despedido s.m.
I 'fer'wel, ˌfeə'welnoun despedida fto say farewell to somebody/something — despedirse* de alguien/algo, decirle* adiós a alguien/algo; (before n) <dinner, party> de despedida
interjection (liter) adiós[fɛǝ'wel]1.N adiós m ; (=ceremony) despedida fyou can say farewell to your wallet — (fig) te puedes ir despidiendo de tu cartera
2.EXCL liter ¡adiós!3.CPDfarewell dinner N — cena f de despedida
farewell party N — fiesta f de despedida
* * *
I ['fer'wel, ˌfeə'wel]noun despedida fto say farewell to somebody/something — despedirse* de alguien/algo, decirle* adiós a alguien/algo; (before n) <dinner, party> de despedida
interjection (liter) adiós -
8 farewell
1. сущ. прощание (to) to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells ≈ прощаться a fond farewell ≈ сердечное прощание a sad farewell ≈ грустное прощание Syn: parting, leave-taking, valedictory
2. прил. прощальный Syn: parting
3. межд. до свидания!, добрый путь! farewell to school! ≈ прощай, школа! прощание - to bid one's *, to take * of, to make one's *s прощаться прощальный прием гостей (перед отъездом и т. п.) ;
"отвальная" (тж. * party) прощальный - * smile прощальная улыбка прощаться прощай! - * to the holidays! прощайте, праздники! ~ прощание;
to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощаться farewell int до свидания!, добрый путь!;
farewell to school! прощай, школа! ~ прощальный ~ прощание;
to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощаться farewell int до свидания!, добрый путь!;
farewell to school! прощай, школа! ~ прощание;
to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощатьсяБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > farewell
9 farewell
[ˈfɛəˈwel]farewell прощание; to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощаться farewell int до свидания!, добрый путь!; farewell to school! прощай, школа! farewell прощальный farewell прощание; to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощаться farewell int до свидания!, добрый путь!; farewell to school! прощай, школа! farewell прощание; to bid one's farewell, to make one's farewells прощаться -
10 farewell
1. n прощаниеsaying farewell to — прощающийся с; прощание с
2. n прощальный приём гостей; «отвальная»3. a прощальный4. v прощатьсяbid farewell — попрощаться; прощаться; проститься
5. int прощай!farewell to the holidays! — прощайте, праздники!
Синонимический ряд:1. goodbye (adj.) departing; goodbye; good-bye; parting; so long; valedictory2. adieu (noun) adieu; adios; conge; departure; goodbye; good-bye; leave-taking; parting; valedictionАнтонимический ряд: -
11 farewell
I. int прощавай, сбогом, на добър час/път
FAREWELL to сбогом/край на, прощаване с, няма вече, свърши се с
II. 1. сбогуване, прощаване
to make one's FAREWELLs сбогувам се
2. attr прощален* * *{'fЁъwel} int прощавай, сбогом, на добър час/път; farewell to сбого(2) {'fЁъwel} n 1. сбогуване, прощаване; to make o.'s farewells сбо* * *сбогом; прощален; прощаване; прощавай;* * *1. attr прощален 2. farewell to сбогом/край на, прощаване с, няма вече, свърши се с 3. i. int прощавай, сбогом, на добър час/път 4. ii. сбогуване, прощаване 5. to make one's farewells сбогувам се* * * -
12 farewell
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] farewell[Swahili Word] alamsiki[Part of Speech] interjection------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] farewell[Swahili Word] agano[Swahili Plural] maagano[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] farewell[English Plural] farewells[Swahili Word] kiago[Swahili Plural] viago[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -aga[Note] rare------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] farewell[Swahili Word] kuaga[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 15[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -aga------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] farewell (only before a journey of some length)[English Plural] farewells[Swahili Word] buriani[Swahili Plural] buriani[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[English Example] say farewell[Swahili Example] peana buriani------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] words of farewell (before leaving on a journey)[Swahili Word] tasihili[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------ -
13 farewell
[ˌfeə'wel] 1.nome addio m.2.to say one's farewells — dire o dirsi addio
interiezione addio3.modificatore [party, speech] di addio* * *[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) addio; di addio2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) addio* * *farewell /fɛəˈwɛl/A inter.B n.[cu] addio; congedo; commiato: a fond farewell, un addio affettuoso; a farewell bow, un inchino di commiato● farewell party, festa d'addio □ to say one's farewells, dire addio; accomiatarsi NOTA D'USO: - goodbye-.* * *[ˌfeə'wel] 1.nome addio m.2.to say one's farewells — dire o dirsi addio
interiezione addio3.modificatore [party, speech] di addio -
14 farewell
\farewell, until we meet again leb wohl, bis bald;to bid [or say] \farewell to sb/ sth sich akk von jdm/etw verabschieden n Lebwohlsagen nt kein pl veraltet ( geh), Verabschieden nt kein pl;to bid sb a fond \farewell sich akk herzlich von jdm verabschieden;to bid sb a last \farewell von jdm Abschied nehmen nmodifier (dinner, gift, kiss) Abschied[s]-;\farewell hug Umarmung f zum Abschied;a \farewell party eine Abschiedsparty -
15 Farewell
interj.P. and V. χαῖρε.Bid farewell to: P. and V. χαίρειν ἐᾶν (acc.) (Eur., El. 400), χαίρειν λέγειν (acc.), Ar. and P. χαίρειν κελεύειν (acc.), V. χαίρειν καταξιοῦν (dat.).Having taken a last farewell of their friends: P. τὰ ὕστατα ἀσπασάμενοι τοὺς αὑτῶν (Lys. I33).Farewell, my former resolves: V. χαιρέτω βουλεύματα τὰ πρόσθεν (Eur., Med. 1044).Take a long farewell of: P. πολλὰ εἰπεῖν χαίρειν (dat.) (Plat., Phaedr. 272E).Taking a long farewell of the wise Sophocles: P. ἐρρῶσθαι πολλὰ φράσας τῷ σοφῷ Σοφοκλεῖ (Dem. 419).Take a friendly farewell of: V. φίλως εἰπεῖν (acc.) (Soph., O.C. 758).Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Farewell
16 farewell
1. [feəʹwel] n1) прощаниеto bid one's farewell, to take farewell of, to make one's farewells - прощаться
2) прощальный приём гостей (перед отъездом и т. п.); «отвальная» (тж. farewell party)2. [feəʹwel] aпрощальный3. [feəʹwel] v 4. [feəʹwel] intfarewell smile [speech, look] - прощальная улыбка [речь, -ый взгляд]
прощай!farewell to the holidays! - прощайте, праздники!
17 farewell
feə'wel 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) avskjed2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) adjø, farvelavskjed--------deling--------farvelIsubst. \/ˌfeəˈwel\/, foranstilt: \/ˈfeəwel\/1) farvel, avskjed2) ( foranstilt) avskjeds-bid farewell eller make one's farewells ta farvel, si farvel, si adjø, ta avskjedfarewells avskjedsforestillinger, avskjedskonserterIIinterj. \/ˌfeəˈwel\/, foranstilt: \/ˈfeəwel\/farvel, adjø, lev vel• farewell all hope! -
18 farewell
[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) despedida2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) adeus* * *fare.well[fɛəw'el] n adeus, despedida. • adj de despedida. farewell letter / carta de despedida. farewell speech / discurso de despedida, final. • interj adeus! felicidades! to bid farewell dizer adeus, despedir-se. -
19 farewell
[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) slovo2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) zbogom* * *I [fʌ/əwél]interjectionzbogomfarewell to — dovolj je bilo, nič večII [fʌ/əwél]nounslovoto bid farewell, to make one's farewells — posloviti se -
20 farewell
[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) afsked; farvel; farvel-2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) farvel* * *[feə'wel] 1. noun(an act of saying goodbye: They said their farewells at the station; ( also adjective) a farewell dinner.) afsked; farvel; farvel-2. interjection(goodbye: `Farewell for ever!' she cried.) farvel
См. также в других словарях:
Farewell — is a wish of happiness or welfare at parting, especially a permanent departure, and it may also refer to:In music: * Farewell (Diana Ross the Supremes album) * Farewell (Toshiko Akiyoshi Lew Tabackin Big Band), an album * Farewell (Oingo Boingo… … Wikipedia
FAREWELL — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda FAREWELL Álbum de Tomiko Van Publicación 29 de marzo de 2006 Grabación 2005, 2006 … Wikipedia Español
Farewell — Студийный альб … Википедия
Farewell — Fare well , interj. [Fare (thou, you) + well.] Go well; good by; adieu; originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Farewell — Fare well , a. Parting; valedictory; final; as, a farewell discourse; his farewell bow. [1913 Webster] Leans in his spear to take his farewell view. Tickell. [1913 Webster] {Farewell rock} (Mining), the Millstone grit; so called because no coal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Farewell — Farewell, my pet Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Farewell, my pet Episodio de Gilmore Girls Episodio nº Temporada 7 Episodio 14 Escrito por Jennie Snyder Dirigido por Jamie Babbit … Wikipedia Español
Farewell — Fare well , n. 1. A wish of happiness or welfare at parting; the parting compliment; a good by; adieu. [1913 Webster] 2. Act of departure; leave taking; a last look at, or reference to something. [1913 Webster] And takes her farewell of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
farewell — [fer wel′; ] for adj. [ fer′wel′] interj. [ FARE (imper.) + WELL2] used in parting with another or others, usually to express good wishes n. 1. words spoken at parting, usually of good wishes 2. a leaving or going away adj. parting; last; final … English World dictionary
Farewell [1] — Farewell (engl., spr. Fehrnell), fahre wohl! reise glücklich! … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Farewell [2] — Farewell (spr. Fehrnell), 1) Vorgebirg an der Südspitze von Grönland; 2) Vorgebirg an der Nordspitze der Neuseelandinsel, an der Cooksstraße … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Farewell [1] — Farewell (engl., spr. fǟr ŭéll), lebe wohl; auch als Hauptwort: das Lebewohl, der Abschied … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon