Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 within doors

    within doors
    = link=in%20doors in doors.
    within doors
    dentro de casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > within doors

  • 2 French doors

    French doors
    [frentʃ d'ɔ:z] n pl = link=%20French%20window French window.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > French doors

  • 3 behind closed doors

    behind closed doors
    a portas fechadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > behind closed doors

  • 4 folding doors

    fold.ing doors
    [fouldiŋ d'ɔ:] n pl porta de duas folhas, porta dobradiça.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > folding doors

  • 5 in doors

    in doors
    em casa, dentro da casa, para dentro da casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in doors

  • 6 out-of-doors

    [aut əv d'ɔ:z] adj fora, ao ar livre.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out-of-doors

  • 7 out of doors

    (outside: We like to eat out of doors in summer.) ao ar livre

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out of doors

  • 8 out of doors

    (outside: We like to eat out of doors in summer.) ao ar livre

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > out of doors

  • 9 door

    1) (the usually hinged barrier, usually of wood, which closes the entrance of a room, house etc: He knocked loudly on the door.) porta
    2) (a means of achieving something: the door to success.) caminho
    - doorman
    - doormat
    - doorstep
    - doorway
    - on one's doorstep
    * * *
    [dɔ:] n 1 porta, entrada, saída, acesso. 2 fig casa, aposento, edifício. 3 fig começo. 4 fig pistolão, meio de obter algo. accordion door porta sanfonada. back door porta traseira. behind closed doors a portas fechadas. entrance door porta de frente. folding door porta de dois batentes. from door to door de porta em porta. front door porta da frente. he laid it at my door ele deitou a culpa em mim. in doors em casa, dentro da casa, para dentro da casa. next door a casa ao lado, a porta do lado. next door to perto de, adjacente, pertinho. out of doors, outdoors 1 fora de casa, ao ar livre. 2 fig abolido, suprimido, posto de lado. revolviny door porta giratória. sliding door porta corrediça, porta de correr. the blame lies at your door a culpa é sua. to get in by the back door conseguir algo por meios ilícitos, entrar por baixo do pano. to leave the door open deixar uma porta aberta, permitir uma possibilidade. to show someone to the door acompanhar polidamente até à porta. to show the door, to turn a person out of doors pôr alguém na rua. to shut/ close the door to/on impedir o entendimento, tornar imposssível. to shut/slam the door in someone’s face bater com a porta na cara, não prestar ajuda, não socorrer, não atender a pedido. to turn from the door não permitir a entrada, mandar embora um mendigo, um pedinte. within doors = link=in%20doors in doors.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > door

  • 10 cabinet

    1) (a piece of furniture with shelves and doors or drawers: a filing cabinet.) escrivaninha
    2) (in Britain and some other countries the group of chief ministers who govern a country: The Prime Minister has chosen a new Cabinet.) gabinete
    * * *
    [k'æbinət] n 1 gabinete, escritório. 2 sala privada. 3 gabinete governamental, ministério, governo. 4 armário com prateleiras ou gavetas. • adj 1 relativo a ou próprio de um gabinete. 2 particular, secreto, privado. 3 muito valioso ou bonito. Cabinet Council conselho de ministros.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cabinet

  • 11 double

    1. adjective
    1) (of twice the (usual) weight, size etc: A double whisky, please.) duplo
    2) (two of a sort together or occurring in pairs: double doors.) duplo
    3) (consisting of two parts or layers: a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.) duplo
    4) (for two people: a double bed.) de casal
    2. adverb
    1) (twice: I gave her double the usual quantity.) duas vezes
    2) (in two: The coat had been folded double.) em dois
    3. noun
    1) (a double quantity: Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.) dobro
    2) (someone who is exactly like another: He is my father's double.) sósia
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous: He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.) duplicar
    2) (to have two jobs or uses: This sofa doubles as a bed.) desdobrar-se
    - double agent
    - double bass
    - double-bedded
    - double-check
    - double-cross
    - double-dealing
    5. adjective
    (cheating: You double-dealing liar!) traidor
    6. adjective
    a double-decker bus.) de dois andares
    - double figures
    - double-quick
    - at the double
    - double back
    - double up
    - see double
    * * *
    [d'∧bəl] n 1 dobro, duplo. 2 cópia duplicada, duplicata. 3 sósia, retrato, imagem, outro eu. 4 dobra, prega. 5 Theat, Cin ator ou atriz substituta. 6 volta, curva, meandro dos rios, rodeio. 7 astúcia, artifício. 8 Mil marcha acelerada, quase a correr. 9 Ten partida de duplas (também pl doubles). 10 Typogr a mesma palavra repetida por descuido. 11 ato de dobrar a parada no jogo de cartas. • vt+vi 1 dobrar, duplicar, multiplicar por dois, acrescentar outro tanto a. 2 fazer dobras em. 3 repetir. 4 dobrar o papel, a roupa, o pano, etc. 5 curvar(-se), vergar-se, dobrar-se. 6 voltar atrás, fazer voltas súbitas. 7 Naut dobrar um cabo, navegar ao redor. 8 Theat, Cin desempenhar dois papéis na mesma peça, ser o substituto, substituir um ator ou atriz por outro. 9 Mil marchar a passo acelerado, dobrar o passo, quase correr. 10 dobrar a parada no jogo de cartas. 11 fig enganar, fingir, embair, pregar uma peça a alguém. 12 trançar as pernas. 13 cerrar (o punho). • adj 1 dobro, dobrado, duplo, duplicado, de duas sortes, maneiras, aspectos ou sentidos. 2 ambíguo, equívoco. 3 fig dobrado, fingido, falso, enganador, hipócrita, traiçoeiro. 4 para dois, em pares, de casal. 5 Mus uma oitava abaixo. • adv dobradamente, duplicadamente, por dois modos, em pares, dois a dois. at the double muito rapidamente. double or quits o dobro ou nada. on the double 1 rapidamente. 2 Mil a passo dobrado. to bend double dobrar-se ao meio. to double a part representar, além do seu, o papel de outrem. to double back voltar. to double cape Horn estar sendo corneado. to double down fazer uma dobra (na falha de um livro). to double one’s legs cruzar as pernas. to double the fist cerrar o punho. to double up/ over 1 dobrar-se, curvar-se. 2 cerrar (o punho). 3 tornar enrugado, amassado (falando de papel, etc.). 4 cair em colapso. 5 usar de truques. 6 enfileirar-se de dois em dois. 7 dobrar-se de rir. 8 coll partilhar acomodações com alguém. to double upon 1 Mil dobrar (as fileiras de um batalhão, etc.). 2 fazer voltas súbitas ou curvas para escapar a uma perseguição. 3 usar de subterfúgios para com alguém. to play double enganar, dobrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > double

  • 12 gala

    1) (an occasion of entertainment and enjoyment out of doors: a children's gala.) gala
    2) (a meeting for certain sports: a swimming gala.) festival
    * * *
    [g'a:lə; g'eilə] n gala, festividade, pompa, festa. • adj de gala, de festa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gala

  • 13 hat

    (a covering for the head, usually worn out of doors: He raised his hat as the lady approached.) chapéu
    - hat trick
    - keep something under one's hat
    - keep under one's hat
    - pass/send round the hat
    - take one's hat off to
    - talk through one's hat
    * * *
    [hæt] n chapéu. • vt prover ou cobrir com chapéu ou capelo. felt-hat chapéu de feltro. hat in hand respeitosamente. I’ll eat my hat if... macacos me mordam se... red hat capelo de cardeal, cardinalato. to pass the hat passar o chapéu, solicitar contribuição. to raise the hat to tirar o chapéu a ou diante de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hat

  • 14 indoors

    adverb (in or into a building: Stay indoors till you've finished your homework; He went indoors when the rain started.) portas adentro
    * * *
    ['indɔ:z] adv dentro de casa, em casa, ao abrigo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > indoors

  • 15 joiner

    (a skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings.) carpinteiro
    * * *
    [dʒ'ɔinə] n 1 marceneiro. 2 pessoa sociável que pertence a várias organizações.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > joiner

  • 16 kiosk

    1) (a small roofed stall, either out of doors or in a public building etc, for the sale of newspapers, confectionery etc: I bought a magazine at the kiosk at the station.) quiosque
    2) (a public telephone box: She phoned from the kiosk outside the post-office; a telephone-kiosk.) cabina telefónica
    * * *
    [ki'ɔsk] n 1 quiosque. 2 coreto. telephone kiosk cabine de telefone público.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > kiosk

  • 17 lick

    [lik] 1. verb
    (to pass the tongue over: The dog licked her hand.) lamber
    2. noun
    1) (an act of licking: The child gave the ice-cream a lick.) lambedela
    2) (a hasty application (of paint): These doors could do with a lick of paint.) pintadela
    * * *
    [lik] n 1 lambidela, lambida. 2 pancada, golpe. 3 oportunidade, vez. 4 saleiro: local onde se deposita sal para o gado. 5 pequena quantidade. 6 coll velocidade. 7 figura musical intercalada. • vt+vi 1 lamber. 2 bater, surrar. 3 vencer, derrotar, superar. 4 confundir, ser incompreensível. it licks me / não consigo entender. 5 sl fumar crack. to give a lick and a promise fazer de qualquer jeito, sem capricho. to lick into shape a) moldar. b) tornar apresentável, pôr em condições. to lick one’s shoes mostrar-se servil. to lick one’s wounds recuperar-se de derrota ou decepção. to lick the dust morder o pó, ser derrotado, cair morto. to lick up consumir, devorar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lick

  • 18 lock

    I 1. [lok] noun
    1) (a mechanism for fastening doors etc: He put the key in the lock.) fechadura
    2) (a closed part of a canal for raising or lowering boats to a higher or lower part of the canal.) comporta
    3) (the part of a gun by which it is fired.) fecharia
    4) (a tight hold (in wrestling etc).) chave
    2. verb
    (to fasten or become fastened with a lock: She locked the drawer; This door doesn't lock.) fechar à chave
    - locket
    - locksmith
    - lock in
    - lock out
    - lock up
    II [lok] noun
    1) (a piece of hair: She cut off a lock of his hair.) madeixa
    2) ((in plural) hair: curly brown locks.) caracóis
    * * *
    [lɔk] n 1 fechadura. 2 fecho. 3 cadeado. 4 fecho de arma de fogo. 5 comporta, dique, eclusa. 6 obstrução, bloqueio. • vt+vi 1 fechar à chave. 2 trancar, travar. 3 prover de comportas ou diques. 4 abraçar, apertar nos braços. 5 trançar, entrelaçar. 6 obstruir, bloquear. 7 investir (dinheiro) a longo prazo. dead lock paralisação completa. lock stock and barrel o lote inteiro. to lock in prender. to lock out a) deixar na rua, não deixar entrar. b) fazer greve patronal. to lock up a) guardar em lugar seguro (à chave). b) investir dinheiro a longo prazo. c) prender, encarcerar. under lock and key a) preso a sete chaves. b) guardado a sete chaves, seguro.
    [lɔk] n 1 tufo ou mecha de cabelos, madeixa, cacho. 2 cabeleira. 3 floco de lã, etc.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lock

  • 19 next door to

    next door to
    perto de, adjacente, pertinho. out of doors, outdoors 1 fora de casa, ao ar livre. 2 fig abolido, suprimido, posto de lado.
    next door to
    vizinho, contíguo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > next door to

  • 20 outdoors

    adverb (outside; not in a building etc: We spend a lot of time outdoors.) ao ar livre
    * * *
    ['autdɔ:z] n o ar livre, mundo exterior, campo. • adv ao ar livre, fora de casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outdoors

См. также в других словарях:

  • DOORS — (Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System) ist eine Software für das Anforderungsmanagement und wurde von Telelogic entwickelt. Es ermöglicht strukturierte Aufzeichnung und Verwaltung von Anforderungen (Objekten), die mit Attributen versehen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • doors — doors; doors·man; in·doors; out·doors·man; …   English syllables

  • Doors — Dieser Artikel behandelt die Rockband The Doors; zum gleichnamigen Album siehe The Doors (Album); zum gleichnamigen Film siehe The Doors (Film). Für die Anforderungsmanagement Software DOORS, siehe Telelogic. The Doors Gründung 1965 Auflösung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Doors — The Doors (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. The Doors, groupe de rock. The Doors, premier album du groupe éponyme. The Doors, film d Oliver Stone, paru en 1991. Voir aussi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Doors — a US rock group formed in 1965. The singer was Jim Morrison. He and the band were regularly in trouble for bad behaviour, and their songs were criticized for emphasizing drugs and sex. These included Light My Fire (1967) and Touch Me (1969).… …   Universalium

  • Doors —    Moved on pivots of wood fastened in sockets above and below (Prov. 26:14). They were fastened by a lock (Judg. 3:23, 25; Cant. 5:5) or by a bar (Judg. 16:3; Job 38:10). In the interior of Oriental houses, curtains were frequently used instead… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Doors — n. The Doors, famous American rock and roll band …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Doors Open Canada — is a national program by Heritage Canada, based on the Doors Open Days concept. It aims to expose architecture and heritage through the exploration of hidden historical, architectural and cultural gems. Buildings that are normally closed to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Doors Open Days — provides free access to buildings not normally open to the public. The first Doors Open Day took place in France in 1984, and the concept has spread to other places in Europe (see European Heritage Days), North America,[1] and elsewhere. Doors… …   Wikipedia

  • Doors Open Toronto — logo. Doors Open Toronto, now in its 12th year, has evolved into a weekend festival that is recognized as one of Toronto s greatest cultural events. During one weekend a year, approximately 150 buildings of architectural, historic, cultural and… …   Wikipedia

  • Doors of Chaos — The first English volume of Doors of Chaos, published by Tokyopop on February 12, 2008 グレンツェン・テューア (Grenzen Tur) …   Wikipedia

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