1 diurnal motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > diurnal motion
2 diurnal motion
3 diurnal motion
1) Космонавтика: суточное движение2) Метрология: суточное движение (Земли) -
4 diurnal motion
5 diurnal motion
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > diurnal motion
6 diurnal motion
суточное движениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > diurnal motion
7 diurnal motion
8 diurnal motion
9 diurnal
1) внутрисуточный
2) дневной
– diurnal aberration
– diurnal arc
– diurnal cycle
– diurnal motion
– diurnal rotation
– diurnal variation
– diurnal variations
greatest diurnal range — <geogr.> амплитуда максимальная средняя суточная
small diurnal range — <geogr.> амплитуда малая средняя суточная
10 motion
1) движение
2) телодвижение
3) ход
4) перемещение
– apparent motion
– apsidal motion
– be in accelerated motion
– be in decelerated motion
– be in motion
– center of motion
– center-of-gravity motion
– circular motion
– clockwise motion
– component motion
– compound motion
– constrained motion
– continuous motion
– convective motion
– correlated motion
– crowding motion
– curvilinear motion
– cutting motion
– cycle of motion
– damped motion
– decelerated motion
– direct motion
– diurnal motion
– downward motion
– Earth's motion
– equation of motion
– forced motion
– forward motion
– free motion
– general motion
– harmonic motion
– helical motion
– horizontal motion
– inertial motion
– instantaneous motion
– intermittent motion
– intramolecular motion
– inverse motion
– irregular motion
– jogging motion
– lateral motion
– lever motion
– linear motion
– liquid in motion
– longitudinal motion
– micrometer motion
– Moon's motion
– motion analyser
– motion ceases
– motion correction
– motion of continuum
– opposing motion
– ordered motion
– oscillatory motion
– path of motion
– peculiar motion
– pendular motion
– perpetual motion
– perturbed motion
– phase motion
– pitching motion
– plane of motion
– plane-parallel motion
– planetary motion
– polar motion
– positive motion
– potential motion
– proper motion
– random motion
– reciprocating motion
– rectilinear motion
– reverse motion
– rolling motion
– rotary motion
– seesaw motion
– set in motion
– shedding motion
– simple motion
– smooth motion
– spatial motion
– spiral motion
– steady motion
– stellar motion
– stick-slip motion
– stop motion
– straight-line motion
– stream-line motion
– sweep motion
– tangential motion
– thermal motion
– transient motion
– translational motion
– transportation motion
– transverse motion
– uniform motion
– unrestricted motion
– unstable motion
– variable motion
– vertical motion
– vortex motion
– wobbling motion
– yawing motion
Newton's first law of motion — <phys.> закон инерции
Newton's second law of motion — <phys.> закон об ускорении и силе
Newton's third law of motion — <phys.> закон действия и противодействия
11 motion
12 motion
движение, перемещение@motion of perihelion{ (point)движение перигелия@absolute proper motionабсолютное собственное движение@annual motionгодичное движение@annual proper motionгодичное собственное движение@aperiodic motionапериодическое движение@apparent motionвидимое движение@apsidal motionдвижение линии апсид@celestial motionдвижение небесных тел@centennial proper motionстолетнее собственное движение@common proper motionобщее собственное движение (звезд в скоплении)@conical motionпрецессия@daily motionсуточное движение@declination motionдвижение (телескопа) по склонению@direct motionпрямое движение@diurnal motionсуточное движение@diverging motion in spot groupрасходящееся движение (солнечных) пятен в группе@Earth's motionдвижение Земли@eastward motionпрямое (с запада на восток по небесной сфере) движение@elliptical motionэллиптическое движение@fast motionбыстрое [грубое] движение (телескопа)@fundamental proper motionsзва. фундаментальные собственные движения (звезд)@guiding motionsгидировочные движения@hour-angle motionдвижение по часовому углу@image motion1.перемещение изображения 2.дрожание изображения@internal motions of sun spotsвнутренние движения в солнечных пятнах@inward motionнисходящее движение@large-scale motionsкрупномасштабные движения@large-scale galactic motionsкрупномасштабные движения в Галактике@line-of-sight motionдвижение по лучу зрения@longitudinal motion of sun spotsдвижение солнечных пятен по долготе@mean motion relative to the Sunсреднее движение относительно Солнца@mean angular motionсреднее (суточное) угловое движение@Moon's motionдвижение Луны@neutral hydrogen motionдвижение нейтрального водорода@observed motionнаблюдаемое движение@orbital motionнмх. орбитальное движение@outward motionвосходящее движение@parallactic motionпараллактическое движение@pecular motionпекулярное (неправильное, особенное) движение@periodic motionпериодическое движение@photographic proper motionзва. собственное движение, определенное фотографическим методом@planetary motionдвижение планет@polar motionдвижение полюсов (Земли), см. Chandler wobble@prograde motionпрямое движение (планет)@proper motionсобственное движение (звезд)@radial motionрадиальное движение@random motionsбеспорядочные движения@relative proper motionsотносительные собственные движения@retrograde motion @satellite's motionдвижение спутника@scanning motionсканирующее движение@short-period erratic motionsбыстропериодические дрожания@sidereal mean daily motionсидерическое среднее суточное движение@slewing motionбыстрое [грубое] движение (телескопа)@slow motionмедленное [тонкое] движение (телескопа)@small-scale motionsмелкомасштабные движения@solar motionдвижение Солнца@stellar motionsдвижения звезд@systematic motionсистематическое движение@total angular proper motionобщее собственное движение@tracking motionследящее движение@true motionистинное движение (звезды)@uniform motionравномерное движение@variable motionпеременное движение (телескопа)@westward motionобратное движение@ -
13 суточное движение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > суточное движение
14 variation
1) вариация; изменение2) колебание3) отклонение5) разброс (параметров, характеристик)6) вариант; разновидность•variation in alternators — угловое отклонение в синхронных генераторах-
absolute speed variation
automatic threshold variation
camber variation
center distance variation
combined voltage variation
constant flux voltage variation
cyclic variations
diurnal variations
ecological variation
environmental variation
eustatic variations
face motion variation
frequency variation
linear thickness variation
linear variation
lot-to-lot variations
magnetic variation
nonlinear thickness variation
ozone variations
power-supply variation
process variation
radial motion variation
reading variation
smooth variation
stepped variation
temperature-induced variations
tidal variations
total thickness variation
transient variation
variation of constants
variation of field shape
variation of function
variations of sea level
voltage variation -
15 inequality
@inequalities of motionнеравенства движения@inequalities of motion of the Moonлунные неравенства@inequalities of pivotsинстр. неправильности цапф (инструмента)@daily inequalityсуточная вариация@diurnal inequalityсуточная вариация@long-period inequalityдолгопериодическая вариация@parallactic inequalityпараллактическое неравенство@secular inequalitiesамт. вековые неравенства@ -
16 range
2) зона; область3) амплитуда, размах ( колебаний) || колебаться в пределах4) вчт. семейство; множество значений; область значений6) дальность [радиус\] действия7) геофиз. дистанция9) ряд || располагать в ряд10) строит. ряд кладки12) мор. створ13) класс || классифицировать; систематизировать15) полигон16) направление17) (кухонная) плита18) экол. ареал, область обитания19) геод. провешивать линию20) простираться; иметь указанную дальность действия•to adjust over a limited range — регулировать в ограниченных пределах;to extend flight range — увеличивать дальность полёта;to extend the measurement range — расширять диапазон [пределы\] измерений-
normal oreing range
adhesive tack range
adjustment range
aileron range
aircraft capacity range
aircraft operational range
aircraft range
altitude range
angle-of-attack range
angular range
annealing range
annual range
antenna range
aperture range
austenitic range
ball center range
blind range
blue brittle temperature range
blue brittle range
boiling range
boring range
built-in range
calibration range
capacitance range
capacity range
capture range
carrier-frequency range
category temperature range
center of gravity range
centralized traffic control range
close-to-critical range
comfort range
compressive shrinking range
contrast range
control range
cooling range
correction range
counter range
coupling range
cruising range
day visibility range
delivery range
detection range
devitrification range
diaphragm range
direct-reading range
discrete range
distillation range
diurnal range
dynamic range
ecological range
effective range
elastic range of stress
elastic unloading range
electrical range
electronic tuning range
enlargement range
entrance range
environmental range
error range
excursion range
expanded range
exposure range
extended range
extreme range
ferritic range
ferry range
film dynamic range
firing range
flight service range
flight visual range
flow temperature range
flying range
focal length variation range
focusing range
forecast range
freak range
free spectral range
freezing range
frequency range
frequency tuning range
fuel explosive range
fuel range
fusion range
gasoline range
glass-forming range
glass-transition range
gripping range
ground range
hardening range
head range
hold-in range
holding range
horizontal range
hydraulic fluid temperature range
ignition range
indication range
inflammability range
input range
input voltage range
instrument range
interlocking range
intermediate range
intrinsic range
legitimate range
linear range
line-of-sight range
lock-in range
locking range
lock-on range
lug speed range
luminance range
machining range
magnification range
mapping range
martensite decomposition range
mass range
measurement range
mechanical tuning range
melting range
meteorological optical range
meter range
movement range
multitrack range
nighttime visual range
night visual range
number range
oblique visual range
omnidirectional range
on-scale range
operating free-air temperature range
operating pressure range
operating range
operating temperature range
operating voltage range
operative range
optical range
overlapping ranges
penetration range
pipe range
plastic range of stress
point size range
power range
projected range
pull-in range
radar range
radio range
range of application
range of audibility
range of definition
range of motion
range of products
range of sea level
range of sensitivity
range of stability
range of stress
range of warp knitting machine
rated frequency range
reception range
recording range
red range of temperature gage
reduction range
reference range
refrigeration range
regulating range
resistance range
rolled-products range
runway visual range
saturation range
scale range
screen range
seam-height range
setting range
shooting range
shore range
single-phase preboiling range
sintering range
slant range
slant visual range
source range
spectral range
spectral sensitivity range
speed range
stability range
steaming range
still-air flight range
strain-hardening range
stress range
suppressed-zero range
surface range
synchronization range
tapping range
target range
temperature range
thermocline range
tidal range
tolerance range
tonal range
tool offset range
torque conversion range
total range
tracking range
traffic range
transfer gears range
transmission range
travel range
trial range
tuning range
turn-off range
type size range
unambiguous range
variable range
vat pigment pad stream range
visibility range
visual range
vitrification range
volatility range
voltage range
volume range
wool scouring range
work-hardening range
working range
zoom range -
17 cycle
1) цикл
2) работать циклами
3) цикличный
4) период
5) такт
6) колебаться
7) цикловый
8) кольцо
– accumulation cycle
– boundary cycle
– Brayton cycle
– carbon cycle
– compound cycle
– cooking cycle
– cycle air
– cycle annealing
– cycle composition
– cycle curve
– cycle loop
– cycle of magnetization
– cycle of motion
– cycle per second
– cycle schedule
– cycle service
– cycle time
– Diesel cycle
– diurnal cycle
– duration of cycle
– engine cycle
– erase cycle
– essential cycle
– execution cycle
– four-stroke cycle
– heating cycle
– hydrogen-helium cycle
– instruction cycle
– iteration cycle
– knotting cycle
– limiting cycle
– magnetic cycle
– micro cycle
– minor cycle
– motor cycle
– open cycle
– pulse-repetition cycle
– Rankine cycle
– read cycle
– read-write cycle
– refrigeration cycle
– reheat cycle
– reset cycle
– scanning cycle
– sinking cycle
– timing cycle
– topping cycle
– Vietoris cycle
– wall cycle
– working cycle
– write cycle
complete regenerative cycle — предельный регенеративный цикл
cycle matching system — <aeron.> навигация воздушная импульсная, система навигационная импульсная
dissimilarity cycle basis — базис циклов относительно подобия
См. также в других словарях:
Diurnal motion — is an astronomical term referring to the apparent daily motion of stars around the Earth, or more precisely around the two celestial poles. It is caused by the Earth s rotation on its axis, so every star apparently moves on a circle, that is… … Wikipedia
diurnal motion — noun : the apparent westward motion of the celestial sphere and celestial bodies resulting from the rotation of the earth; also : the earth s rotation * * * Astron. the apparent daily motion, caused by the earth s rotation, of celestial bodies… … Useful english dictionary
Diurnal motion of a heavenly body — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal motion of the earth — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diurnal motion — Astron. the apparent daily motion, caused by the earth s rotation, of celestial bodies across the sky. * * * ▪ astronomy apparent daily motion of the heavens from east to west in which celestial objects seem to rise and set, a phenomenon… … Universalium
Diurnal Motion — The motion that occurs during one day … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Diurnal — Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal aberration — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal arc — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal circle — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal parallax — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English